Insane Minecraft Tutorial: Build Kevin’s ‘Home Alone’ House!

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make the home alone house aka kevin mcallister’s house aka the mcallister family home or as i’ve been calling it this giant mansion this thing is absolutely huge i never even realized how massive this thing was but this was

An absolute blast to design to make i really really love the movie and i think that i have done a pretty good job hopefully you recognize a lot of stuff from the movie there are a couple of easter eggs hidden here there and everywhere and hopefully you will have

Spotted a few of them from this little preview if you enjoyed this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button it would help me out so so so much it would be the best christmas present that you could give me i would love that and try and watch this video

All the way to the end a day also this is a little niche but a gold star for anybody that can tell me the name of this van in the comment section here is the amount of space required to make the house a 55 by 69 block area as

Represented by this red concrete grid on the ground it’s absolutely massive so if you do plan on building this anywhere near anything else i would highly recommend making the grid here are all of the materials that we will need to make our house please do make

Sure that you have access to all of those materials and enough of them as well step one ladies and gentlemen come all the way over to the front left hand corner of your grid if you’ve made it count to the right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 and then inwards one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 we’re gonna start off by placing two terracotta on top of each other one two and then ten brick blocks

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten then extend that tenth block to the right by eight one two three four five six seven eight extend towards us by two one two extend right by 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 then extend inwards again by two one two and then extend right by eight one two three four five six seven eight we now want to start extending backwards first of all we’re going to extend back by 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. i would like it if we could just mark this area out like if you extend this row all the way down to the ground eventually making it so that the bottom two blocks are terracotta so something

Like this because this is actually a crucial point in the house that we’ll be coming back to however once you have done that we’re going to come back up to this 13th block and we’re gonna extend it across the back of the bill by eight so one two

Three four five six seven eight then we’re going to extend towards us by two one two and then right by eleven one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and then inwards by two one two and then right by 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and if that 26th block lines up with the front of the build then we have done everything correctly we can then extend the back corner of

The build all the way down to the ground light this once again making sure to make the bottom two blocks terracotta so this is the kind of floor plan that we should have so far now this isn’t exactly how the house is laid out

But it is pretty close so what i want to do now is come back towards the back right hand corner of the build you can remember when we kind of like march this down to the ground because i i said that it was important well now we’re actually

Going to do something about it i want you to extend each one of these terracottas out the back of the build by six one two three four five six and the same with the upper row then on top of the row sir i want you to place from the left

Four upside down quartz stairs one two three four and then stick two brick blocks on the end one two place four rows of brick on top one two three four and then extends to the left you can then fill this little area in here using white stained glass pane or

Regular glass i’d use one of the two and honestly whilst we are here we might as well fill in this front part too so not only are we going to extend across the back but just whilst we’re here i want you to extend the terracottas forwards so just like this so both terracottas

The point is that these want to line up with the front of the house just as we want all of the terracottas to do eventually and you can even connect them up like you can take this end row here and join them up if you like just to

Make sure that everything does go together and then going to add the next row of brick inside the left inside the right side of this giant empty space then i want to on both sides have two rows of four upside down smooth quartz stairs one two three four and one two three four

Two bricks in between them and then we’re going to extend the two bricks upwards so this is just going to split everything in half just like this three rows of glass on top of the white window sills which are the quartz stairs then two rows of just regular facing

Bricks on top of these so we don’t alternate them we don’t like place upside down ones or anything on top because i quite like this effect right here and then just to finish this off we are going to place white stained glass pane once again inside these empty spaces so

This is going to create a set of windows so here and here and here perfect so we just want to have something which should look like that that is perfect so next up we’re going to come to the back of the house and we’re going to start

Extending the back of the house across a little bit so i want you to take the terracottas that we have here and we are going to it might actually be better first of all actually just putting the brakes on this a little second it’d be better if we took the brick framework here

And extending it extended it all the way down to the ground so from this position here you can see this like sticking out part of brick so from like here all the way to the left here if we can just take all of these bricks and extend them down

To the ground there’s not really too many details on the back of the house other than a chimney and the house is actually like an interesting shape on the back but it’s basically just a chimney and windows so there’s there’s not really too much to account for

There’s a couple of mini roofs as well um there is the i’m sure that if you guys have watched home alone i’d i’m guessing most of you have if you’re watching this video then we have kind of like the basement entrance back here as well there also happens to be a back door

With a cat flap in it unfortunately we don’t have the cat flap but we want to also i’m just going to continue extending all of this down to the ground um this is kind of like the kitchen uh i’m sure you might remember kevin with a bb gun

Or a pellet rifle and i guess it’s probably a pellet rifle i i if there is a difference i think that they’re probably the same thing really um when i think it’s ma like shoves his head through a cat flap here and he gets shot right in the

Forehead um so this is like where the back door would be and then this is like the basement entrance and then not much is really seen other than that of the back although you do get like a nice decent wide shot of the rest of the back of the

House but it’s it’s very fleeting but basically it just displays that there’s like a chimney over over here on the right side and it’s just windows like there’s there’s not really too much more than that but as i do keep mentioning the house is an interesting shape though

So this is what i wanted to do so far so this is what i wanted to do like extend all of this down because i feel as though this just gives us a better idea of what we’re doing next because i want to take these two outward rows of

Terracottas and i want to extend them to the right i’m going to extend them to the right by one two three four five six seven eight like this so both of them and then i’m going to extend them back and join them to the build just like this

I’m then going to i’m just going to brick this up actually and then we can add the details we’ll like carve the details into the brick so to speak i just think it will be a little bit easier we don’t have all of the materials that we actually need either

Unfortunately we don’t have uh the door but i get we might be able to grab it on the back of the build we actually have like halfway up the house we are going to place some snow and we’re actually going to like jump up a level so

The back door is going to look like it’s suspended off the ground but it’s it’s actually not really i want you to take the right side of the upper row of terracotta and i want you to go left by one two stick an end in sight stair here

Destroy three rows above one two three and actually add a fourth there we go perfect so i’m going to stick a brick stair here white glass pane below and this is where the door level will be like i said i wish there was a cat flap also

To the left of here we’re going to leave a gap of one between the window and then we’re going to have we’re going to destroy two blocks and then a row underneath and a row above we’re gonna have brick stairs at the top of the window with glass pane below it

And where this window is is actually where the basement entrance is as well so like left of this and inside door here i’m gonna stick a brick and extend it towards me by four one two three four leave a gap of two in the wall and then

Do the same thing so just like this will grab all of the necessary stuff later like we’ll add the details as we go on but what we can do is we can kind of like extend these bricks into the ground like so just like this

And then if you want you can stick like polished and inside stairs on the end just like this and then i suppose no they’ll they they would be there and then we can like destroy another row below and then you can kind of get the idea that the basement entrance is going

To be about here um we might even drop it like another row lower so like here and then we’ve got like a solid two rows and then the door would be here and we could even add a little bit of glass above the door but you guys get the idea

We’re just kind of like setting the scene and we actually have everything that we need for this little mini roof there’s a a little mini roof that surrounds this if if you place upside down smooth quartz stairs all the way around the top of this like little kitchen extension area like this

And then if we place polished and inside stairs going around the top of the brick so just like so and we want to i mean what can we do here so we we’ve got to play some guiding blocks so that we are able to continue this process but um

I think that about three rows of and inside should do maybe even two rows you see across the top of here is going to be upside down quartz stairs and i might just leave that as is or maybe add some and inside slabs on top of here

There wants to be a small window in this particular part of the uh in this particular part as well so this small window kind of wants to be centered where these middle free and inside stairs are so this is the middle and inside stair if you kind of like take a

Look it’s got like four to the left of it four to the right so the window wants to line up and it’s just going to be like a little row of free and we’re just going to have some white stained glass pane there so this

Is kind of like what we want to have going on so not only do we want to do that but we are also going to extend down yeah i i think that we will actually extend all of the bricks down and then we’ll just carve into the wall i i think

That that’s the easiest thing to do because there’s another part on the back of this house where so by the way i mean just in case in case i didn’t lay that out properly we’re going to extend down the rest of the back wall of the house um because

The the back of the house is kind of like a peculiar shape like you you’ve got some like uh some one-story part the houses are joined to two-story parts of the houses like parts stick out like in an unnatural manner it’s a very interesting shaped house so

That’s why i think we’ll just do this entire wall obviously if you plan on doing the interior you’re gonna have to do a little bit of excavating but other than that everything should look good on the outside so this entire back wall here wants to look like this

And we are missing out on something like i said so let’s add the windows in to the right side so i want you to come to the bottom right hand corner of where we have these bricks we’re gonna leave a gap of two one two and then we’re gonna start destroying

First a row of four one two three four and we’re gonna stick upside down quartz stairs in here then a gap of two so that’s just gonna be like one two and then we’re gonna have two quart stairs a gap of one and then destroy two one

Two and then upside down quartz stairs and then we’re going to have this is where the chimney comes in we’re actually going to leave a gap of two again so like one and two then we’re going to mark out a brick here the brick is going to extend all the way

Up to the top of the house and it’s going to sit on top of the frame and i want you to extend the bricks up we’re going to have to alter this but so that they are relatively they’re quite high on the house um the bricks are going to be three rows

Wide as well so i’ve already got one row two row three row like this and we want these to be high and proud just like this so sticks all the way up like theoretically we would really want to be able to see these from the front of the house and

We’ll we’ll adjust it as we do the roof so now that we have the one row what we want to do now is we want to create like another little extension so what this what basically this means is on the left hand side here where these bricks stick

Out even further you extend this brick all the way to the right and it kind of like joins to the corner of the chimney we don’t want to take out any of the chimney and then we want to raise up the brick area i do believe it’s four rows i

Want to say four so one two three four it wants to be the same as the left side i do believe that this is correct because this is also going to have its own little mini roof yeah there we go that that will be perfect so

Then we’re just going to extend all of these bricks up we’ll add its own little tiny mini roof just here um we’ll have the upside down quartz stairs and they’ll curve around they’ll hit the chimney they’ll hang off the side here um we want to have just two

Rows of and inside stairs so here and then here we’ll make that one go sideways in a second so like we’ll turn this one to the side just like so and that’s perfect just like this and then if you want to like you can then join this down using terra cotta and

You might be wondering to yourself like why why have we waited to add that and then the chimney and all of that like why couldn’t we have built that in the in the structure is it’s just because it’s like two different levels you can see all the depth that’s going on like

It’s it’s a peculiar part of the house so all the way over over here on the left we want to have some windows as well um the windows don’t really have like a frame they’re kind of just hanging out they’re just kind of like chilling on

The side of the house so um they’re pretty much at the same altitude as the other window so so if you start here on the left and just start with the bricks and move to the right like one two three four and then move up one destroy that block destroy to the right

Above and then another and then leave a gap of two so one two and then we want to place one two three like this and then destroy and it it’s just like two random windows in the middle of the wall there’s there’s not even any framing there’s nothing in

Between them like the other windows it’s just kind of like a smooth wall apart from uh windows like this so that’s perfect we can just fill them in perfect over here on the right is a different story these follow kind of like the window formula which is three

Rows of windows above the upside down stairs one two three one two three one two three one two three you guys get the idea one two three and we want to fill these in using glass pane just like this that that all here perfect and then we destroy two

Rows above these because we also have some second story windows as well here and here and we’re just going to have brick stairs just two rows of them above the window none upside down or anything like that we then want to have three more rows of window above

So above each one of these windows just three rows of glass just like so and then this is going to be it although we are going to connect one of these windows to the tree house which is going to be pretty cool or we will make a not that you ever see it

By the way but we might make like a little attic window that connects to the tree house um or something like that but so far we’re not quite done but we we will finish later like when we start adding final details because there’s a lot of materials to go through this is

Kind of like the back of the house so far i think that we’ve done a pretty good job thus far really like how this is turning out oh and if you want to jump the gun a little bit you can place just like upside down quartz stairs all the way

Along the top of the back of the outside so just all the way along the top in amongst the chimney and even like extending towards the front of the house as well just kind of like this right and that will be perfect so next up we’re going to tackle the

Left side of the house we’re going to start off by placing terracotta in between the front and the back of the house again so just where we have the two base rows of terracotta like this then add a row of bricks on the left and right side extending up from the bottom

To the top then if we place two rows of four upside down stairs extending from the back to the front and front to the back one two three four and one two three four stick some bricks in between them and then extend them all the way up just like this

And then three rows of glass on top of the quartz so that would be one and then two and three just like this two rows of brick stairs on top of the glass so this would be i mean i’m having a hard time here that would be one and then

This would be two and then all we have to do is just top up the rest of the empty space with glass and then that is pretty much this left hand side taken care of the right hand side is pretty much done as is most of the back so we’re making really

Good progress here the next thing that we have to do of course is we have to tackle the from this looks a little bit ominous because of how big the front is but i promise you it’s not that difficult let’s tackle the left and right sides first of all and honestly once again

We might find it easier to simply carve the windows in but let’s try doing it without doing that actually so but what doesn’t change is that we should probably connect the right side of this down and then add two rows of terra cotta just like so

And then when it comes to these windows i’m simply gonna once again add a row of bricks on the left and right sides of this just extending upwards vertically and we’re gonna have just four upside down stairs so starting over here on the left as a matter of fact on the right

Side we add two rows of bricks the reason being is because if you can see if we were to extend these terracottas forwards and if we extend these two rows of bricks forwards to kind of like make the corner part of the house here then if we wouldn’t have had this extra brick

Then we’d only have one row and that would look a little bit odd so we’re going to place upside down quartz stairs here in between the bottom row and then of course three layers of glass and i think you guys know what might be coming next we then place two rows of

Bricks on top the glass like this and then two or well not two rows of glass three rows of glass extending all the way up to the top just like this and perfect so that’s what the left side of the house looks like and the right side of the house is

Actually identical so we may as well go and do it now so on the right hand side we want to just extend this brick area down that’s probably the mistake that we that we made over there is we probably should have extended like this down to

The ground first oh and then we on the terracotta part just here and then we can extend the terracotta across and then we can get to work so that’ll be two rows of bricks here on this left side um because we have the corner just an extra row here on the right

Perfect and then once again upside down quartz stairs that’s what kicks everything off three rows of glass two rows of brick stairs three rows of glass doesn’t get any simpler than that and then we can start working our way in towards the center i guess that’s kind of what we’re doing we’re

Slowly working our way to the front door so here and here so let’s take a good look at this now this is what we have and suddenly this space has shrank a little bit hasn’t it it doesn’t look as intimidating but what we can do is we

Can actually connect the left and right sides together using terracotta blocks so all the way down here at the bottom just two rows of terra cotta um they do span all the way from like left to right there’s no parts that like stick out so just like this

Here and here and then we’ll probably do like the left and right side evenly so what we’re gonna do shall we start at the bottom we’ll start from the bottom work our way across we’ll place over here on the left a brick block two upside down quartz stairs so one two

And then three bricks one two three two upside down quartz stairs one two we then want to place five bricks one two three four five we then want to place two black concrete one two then we can keep going actually so five brick blocks one two three four five

Two upside down stairs one two then three brick blocks one two three two upside down stairs one two and then a brick block so perfect i mean that’s all we’ve got to do and then what we can essentially do is we can raise up all of the bricks i

Don’t think that we’re going to have any trouble doing that nope we can raise up every single one of the brick blocks all the way up to the uh to the roof area just like this and here and once we have hit the roof we can start adding little individual

Details we’ll probably do all of the windows first and then we’ll move on to the door and the surrounding area because once we start tackling the door we’ve actually got a lot to add so it’s not just the door there’s like a whole set of stairs you guys might remember the stairs scene

Where kevin covers the front stairs in ice and uh well i mean you guys know know what happens a certain particular individual falls off those stairs more times than i can count and uh this is what we want to have so far so what we then want to do

Is on top of all of these sets of uh upside down quartz stairs of course we want to place three rows of glass one two three we then want to place two rows of bricks or brick stairs and then three more glass one two three you guys get

The idea so that’s what we wanna do free glass two bricks brick stairs specifically free glass and we want to do this for every single window area and uh just whilst i’m in this particular plane of the house and just wants to have the material out kind of just

Adding all of the brick stairs in now what’s unique about the front windows specifically these light middle windows on the front is they have shutters so it was actually harder than i i like to admit trying to figure out exactly what color they are like all i could identify

Is they’re a really dark color they’re like either they’re either black or they’re very very very dark uh dark brown i mean i’m i’m genuinely not sure which is so as we only do have dark oak trap doors i’ve decided to opt for those but an alternative would be

Say you don’t you don’t want to use those you you can like dig left and right the windows like this and you can place black concrete or whatever color you think it might be next to the windows instead of what we’re about to do which is clad the left and right side

Of these windows in uh dark oak trap doors so it this is pretty much the entire side of the window so where we have the glass where we have the stairs that’s that’s what we want to what we want to do and when it comes to above as

Well um just one row below the window is fine and just to the top of the glass area is fine as well so just like this right i mean i’m placing them a bit poorly but you guys get the idea so yeah perfect and that looks uh that looks

Really cool i think so um i have a i don’t know why i’m having trouble placing trout doors actually that that that looks a little bit better and i i don’t know whether i’ve said this before but i also i like the dark oak trap doors because it

Reminds me of chocolate it kind of looks like a nice big bar of like dairy milk or something so here and here that’s perfect and then we can just whip over to this opposite side uh it has just struck me as well that there is another window that we’ve got to make

I actually there’s a there’s actually a few windows come to think of it because i i’ve just thought that there’s also the attic windows on the front of the house i actually didn’t add any attic windows on the back of the house although this there should be some technically some

Attic windows on the back of the house because i’m pretty sure that’s where the zip line is from the attic but um we’ll we’ll see when we get there we we might have to add one um even though it’s not in the original design because i’m pretty sure that he flees

From from the attic window it’s not actually from um like a bedroom window although my memory might be uh my memory might be a little bit off but i’m sure that you guys all know in the comments or at least one of you well i’m pretty sure but anyway so here

Here perfect so that’s yes there we go so that’s looking pretty good now where is the last window the last window is is actually perfect because we’ve already got the hole here so where we have this like two two gap hole i simply want you to place one two three rows

Of maybe three rows hmm actually you know what i think we’re even going to alter the windows as well yeah we’re going to have three rows of glass right so here and then i’m just going to place underneath this row of bricks and i’m going to then place dark coat

Trapdoors left and right the window i think that we’re going to alter the windows um because i just realized that we made a slight boo-boo so completely my fault by the way so when it comes to the upper set of windows i’m going to remove the dark oak trap doors

And the the lower set of dark trap doors i’m going to destroy the brick blocks behind them and then below them and then i’m just going to replace all of that area using brick stairs so my bad that that is completely my bad but there we go you’ll

Find that well or at least i find that looks way better and it’s it’s a little bit more accurate as well so um very sorry about that slight little mess up there i guess i was because i keep thinking about what we’re going to be doing next and i should

Probably focus on what we’re actually doing at the moment but you can have it either way to be quite honest it’s completely up to you but then the middle window will look a little bit funky so this is what we want to have so far pretty happy with this we have two black

Concretes here marked out for the entrance i want you to add two more rows of black concrete on top finalized with a row of white stained glass pane on top of those brick blocks above and then we have to make a door frame it’s quite easy on the left and right

Side the door frame one two three rows of uh quartz block one two three rows of quartz block sideways facing smooth quartz stairs on top of these and then here’s where we have to grab more materials luckily i don’t think we ever use the dark oak trapdoors again so

We can get rid of those and um probably the the terracotta as well i don’t want to get rid of too many things so buttons and we are going to also grab quartz slabs as well so buttons and quartz slabs i’m going to place a door handle in the form of a button

Middle right of the door then i’m going to connect the top of the door together using smooth quartz slabs leave half a rows gap more smooth quartz slabs just like this so what we then want to do is underneath the door place brick blocks and extend the brick blocks left two

And right two place two entire rows in front one two just like this and then we can take the outer corners and we can place quartz blocks on top of these specifically four one two three four and one two three four just like this so i’m going to stick quartz slabs on

The side of this extend them to the house like so perfect and then sideways smooth quartz stairs on top of this and i’m going to extend these to the house also just like this then we just want to connect these sides together pretty much so just just like

This we just want to connect these sides together now i don’t know whether we will add or cannot uh oh it might be really that maybe maybe we don’t connect this together maybe this goes like one row higher maybe actually maybe we’ll just play some bricks there maybe actually we place

Like upside down quartz stairs inside of this my bad i’m making some mistakes i’m sorry guys and then smooth quartz slabs across the top of that i do apologize so there we go that that is that is actually way better and then later on we will have add and hang lanterns below

So the next thing that we’re going to do is we are going to just extend the brick blocks underneath the pillars towards us each by one brick stairs in between and then i’m gonna extend the brick stairs down and then forwards by three rows one two three

One two three just like this i’m gonna add two whole rows of bricks inside of this just like this and then i’m going to place brick stairs in between the bricks just like that and then i’m gonna add two rows of bricks in front of this kind of like staircase here so

Um this is just going to be just completely in front and i’m going to fill this in perfect and honestly it is getting to the point where we’re going to have to stop being a little bit stingy with with these materials so For instance let’s let’s just grab everything that i think that we need so far so let’s let’s just do a little wipe and let’s grab um iron bars let’s grab lanterns let’s grab upside down quartz stairs flower parts and spruce saplings let’s also grab for the entrance to the house

Which i’m frantically trying to find in my plans let’s grab brick blocks again item for oh my bad brick blocks item frames block of redstone don’t know how lanterns got back in there and also we need the beehive okay so iron bars are going to be placed along

The sides of this area here so the iron bars are pretty much just along the sides of the staircase here on the left and the side of the staircase here on the right just like this and i’m also just going to connect them back to the house as well just like so

Then i’m going to place upside down quartz stairs outwards diagonally from the edge of the brick staircase like this with flower pots and spruce saplings on top slash in the pots just like so the lanterns are to hang above the door so literally like just like above the

Door in uh just like two of them there’s actually only one but my door is too rosy instead of one so you know it is so that is what we want to have so far and then there’s another part important part of the build i should say so the

Important part of the build and this is going to require what what do we need uh flower parts and i’m going to grab oh i i don’t have it actually i’m going to grab it anyway because it is kind of like an important material it will of

Course be in the item list but we don’t have it with us grey concrete four rows of gray concrete want to be placed in front of the brick area so there’s two rows of bricks we want to have four rows of gray concrete it it’s pretty much part of the driveway

It’s quite a large driveway and it curves round in a particular fashion as well there’s actually two halves to the drive like the left and right side and then one that uh part of the drive extends to the garage which is at the uh back left part of the house over there

So we want to have four rows of gray concrete then we’re going to take this left side of grey concrete here and we’re going to leave a gap of two so one two and on this third row here we’re going to place a brick left and then up on top of the original

Same thing on this right side so it’d be here to the right and then on top of the original sideways smooth quartz stairs in the corners and then i i hope this works on bedrock it works on java um we want an iron bar lantern on top

Of course it doesn’t of of course it of course it doesn’t work in java okay so we have to substitute the iron bar unfortunately we already have something which is semi iron bar like which is a wall we’ll use dark right wool instead but the iron bar would be preferable so diorite wall

Like this lantern on top item frame in front of the wall block a redstone in there perfect so now that we have done that i’m actually very very happy i’m going to place upside down quartz stairs all the way along the top of the house now so

All the way along the top of the house just hanging off the very top row of the bricks just like this and it’s just going to connect all the way to the right oh we didn’t place it here oh we still oh there we go we started placing it there i wondered when

We started doing that that was kind of that was kind of weird so this is what we have so far ladies and gentlemen all this honestly very very happy with this i mean at this at this point in time it’s pretty much we’re just wrapping up the details of the house now so

The main bulk of this is made i think it’s important for us to first of all do the two attic windows that are on the front of the house so let’s chuck all this away for a sec again and let’s grab polish down inside stairs smooth quartz glass pane

We’re going to grab some polished and insight as well and that’s all we’ll have at the moment so polished and inside stairs are going to be placed all the way along the top of the house like this i’m going to grab smooth quartz blocks and we want to have two windows that are

The same width as these like inner windows here on the front of the house so they will be like here and here but made out of quartz and then we’re gonna have the left and right side extend up by two so one two one two glass in between like this

And then smooth quartz on top of the glass like so and then polished and inside stairs extending from the left side all the way up to the top and the right side all the way up to the top we want to have these stairs overhang a row just like this

And then upside down stairs underneath so we just want to have something which should look like that and that stems from that window in particular and we want one here on the opposite side also so once again row four quarts we extend the left and right side up we place

White stained glass pane in between so just like this and then quartz on top and inside left and right and then all the way up to the top as well then we want it to overhang just like this and then upside down underneath so just like that so what we will have

Is this so pretty happy with that i think that that is looking pretty cool i am highly considering also adding a window here on the back so like where we have this window here this is kind of like a good candidate so i i think i’m also going to add not that

I’ve seen it in the movie but it must be here i don’t think it’s from the second story i’m i might be wrong i don’t want to add this and then it not not really exist but it theoretically i i think that it’d be it would make more sense if

There was like rough polished and inside like along the top here and then quartz stairs just like left and right just like above this window and then the same design window so you know just extend up two rows of quartz with glass in between and then quartz

And then out and inside just on the left and right sides just like this and then if we extend the ah this one annoying position this is uh i wish i didn’t make the chimney so here no well that one does have to be there too but here perfect and then here here

Here and here destroy that upside down just like this and then it would make sense that there would be a little zip line here here because i’m sure it’s not from the from a bedroom window from there to that i’m gonna have to check but uh there we go perfect so

That that’s what we want to have there um we can use this polished and insight by the way to just fill in this little back roof so that we made earlier and we can also fill not only fill that in there we can flip over here

And we can add a little bit of an insight into the basement entrance we can add some brick to the left and right side of the basement entrance as well so just to so that it’s not dirt so it’s nice and clean we can have all of the bricks like this

One a double iron door like so and then i i don’t think there’s actually any windows surrounding it so we’ll just have bricks um we want to have a door here for the back as well and then you can even have like a path you can have like a polished and

Sight path leading from the back entrance if you like then i’m going to grab some spruce leaves and some iron bars and we’re going to have two rows of spruce leaves on the left and right side where we have these bricks and then iron bars on top

Of the bricks as well just like this and basically from here i mean just to give you a visual representation because i you might be confused as to why everything’s still floating we’re gonna have we’re going to have to build up a lot of snow on the back of

The house right so like left and right at the center so that this makes more sense right hopefully um we’re going to have to build up a lot of snow because unless you want it to be grass but i mean you know home alone at christmas i

Mean it makes more sense it’d be snow um we’re gonna build up an entire layer of snow pretty much like inside the boundary on the back garden here we’ll be adding some leaves so some hedgers so like around the back here as well we’ll probably do the

Snow adding off camera because it will be very time consuming but um the snow is actually going to start building up if you actually want to place it now the snow is going to build up as soon as where this middle window here on the right side of the house begins so this

Is the snow line so the snow is going to start here and you can make it a bit more gradual than that like right if you if you want to like curve up a bit because it is more of a slope there is a definite like uh difference in altitude um

Between the like the front and the back of the house so just like this if you want to build it up a bit but the the end result should be that um that basically like this here this is this is like just like there’s going to be

What about on let me make sure yeah the the reason that you don’t see this is because it’s like hedging everywhere so like on this entire right side there’s like two rows of hedge built up here and then it extends all the way to the back just like this so that’s why

You never see the terracotta um but it’s kind of cool because it provides a little bit of a contrast you can still see it but yeah hopefully that makes a bit more sense now i mean i i just went on like a weird little a weird little tangent i suppose but um

Basically yeah this is so this is going to be like the ground level on the back that’s that’s all i wanted to display to you so that that looks a lot less weird now right um there’s going to be a wall as well so there’ll be a wall leading

From the back right corner of the grid all the way to almost the front of the credit it’s going to come and it’s going to line up this wall here with that you see that from brick waters actually here right it with that wall over there that’s where this lines up

This wall here also starts getting another row thicker when the side of the house begins so you can add another row of bricks extending to here if you want to add yet another row i would recommend where the house begins to like where the house ends so

Here uh feel free to add another row of bricks so does that make sense there we go and this row of bricks i mean it we’re not going to extend it across just yet but i’m i’m looking for little details that we may have missed on the back

We’ve actually not missed anything as of yet nor have we on the side but it’s also worth mentioning on the side of course where the snow starts on that side the snow starts on this side as well so um let me just make sure it should be

It should be uh it’s yeah so it it’s here so if we just follow this it’s it’s where the window starts just wanted to make sure because it is slightly differently laid out but there’s this is where the there we go this is where the snow starts to extend upwards um this is

Actually going to be a wall so from like here to the same position that we have on the opposite side as well just to lay things out so this is also going to be a wall you can build up the snow as well if you like um in in just kind of like

Patches just like this um this is also going to be like double leaved double hedged if you will so this will all have um two rows of birch hedge kind of just going all the way around the front of the house has kind of like a little

Might you call it a rock garden i’m not quite sure but um hedge all the way around you maybe you want to skip out for the chimney area just to kind of like accentuate it a little bit you can just kind of like leave it off there but

That’s that what that’s what needs to happen pretty much there um what else can we do so i’m thinking maybe we kind of like do the front garden and then maybe the roof and then we can kind of like move on to uh the next part so when it comes to the rock

Garden that i that i’ve spoke about we need to we still need the leaves um we need oak fence we need um we need the snow as well some ferns and that might pretty much be it but uh top snow is also always good to have as well

So on the front here i’m going to start by extending this hedge that we’ve placed on the left and right side of the house inward so in a double row i’m going to extend it inwards and join to here i want to have a single hedge that

Starts behind these these are kind of like podiums for plant parts so behind here like leaves and extend these to the right just like this and join to the hedge that we have so just like that perfect and then we also want to have another sort of like hedgy area

And it’s going to start here so like where the step starts to drop down we’re going to have the leaves and we’re going to extend all the way to the right and i think that we’ll have it join like this so you can see that we create kind of like a tier system

And we can just fill these individual tiers in with snow just like this and it’s just to create like a little bit of a depth effect that’s that’s pretty much all we’re doing so here here and here there wants to be a little bit of a buildup of hedging in a couple of

Different areas i like here next to this window kind of like a we we want to have like a little double hedge here um next to this window as well just like a little bit more hedge um in between the windows here leaving a

Gap of one we want to place an oak fence spruce leaves oak fence spruce leaves there’s some like fancy there’s some fancy plants hey look mr fancy plant’s over here and then we want to place ferns uh we can’t actually in the snow um i have to grab grass um so ferns just

Kind of like on the corners ish doesn’t have to be perfect exactly just like that um and then that’s pretty much it i mean that’s that’s pretty much what it looks like i mean it’s mostly snow honestly so if you want like where this where the detail really does

Come into fruition is building up the snow as well like around it like the snow in itself is like a pretty cool detail and you can be very haphazard with the snow meaning like you don’t have to be very careful at all like if you like what i’m

Doing right now is i’m holding my finger on the like the placing trigger and oh but you can build the ferns into the snow that’s very cool and i’m kind of just like swooping in and about the hedge and garden area and just building up like that and that looks perfectly natural

And perfectly fine like if you want to refine that feel free but that’s the sort of look that we’re going for so why don’t we hop over here and do the exact same thing so like extend this double hedge here all the way around placing stuff on snow is so much fun

Likewise do all the work here so like extend this double hedge uh here like this um leaves behind this upside down quartz stair and then extend the leaves across to the left and then join it to the front just like this so this like overextending corner

And then we also want to have leaves like to the left of this step extending all the way over to the left like this and then backwards and then we have snow and we will also have to substitute a bit of grass in here but just build up these snow just like this

And here as well perfect and then we’re going to build up the fancy plant which is in between these windows so it’s fence leaves fence leaf just like this and then again like we we want to build up like a like a bit of a hedge like it is

Semi-symmetrical but it’s not so symmetrical that you can’t just kind of like wing it a little bit so like i had a phone here um what did we do on the other side i can’t even remember so add like a phone here if you wanted to like th this would

Actually add loads loads more detail because um like you can alternate it with the depths of these snow so if you wanted like you could add a load of ferns in amongst the place and using top snow we can control how much of them you see

So that would actually be pretty cool so like this one leave almost entirely exposed this one we will leave exposed this one you can barely see you know like you could you can just control it and that that’s like a really cool level of detail so all the same plant of

Course but they all look a little bit different and um it just i don’t know it just looks a little bit more interesting to me anyway so all the way around here we’ll just build up snow i mean i’m not going to go too crazy at this moment in

Time i mean you can even if you want like obviously use snow blocks as well to expediate the process um but something like this looks fine you can even add some ice especially along here you could add some ice actually that might be a fun little what would be

The word easter egg to add a little bit of like eyes and packed ice and stuff um it’d be kind of funny like just to add like a little bit of ice and packed ice because obviously this is where I really can’t remember uh remember both of their names but i’m pretty sure marv is the like the tall goofy one and i cannot remember the guy that al pacino plays but you know the the like boss of the wet bandits i suppose is um like this is where he gets pretty much

Taken out by the steps so it’d be kind of cool if if we just had a little bit of ice there and of course you that would it would also make sense to play some on the back as well but it’s kind of like a little uh a little bit of an

Easter egg i suppose but yeah that’s looking pretty cool what else yeah i mean that that looks that looks pretty awesome honestly like i’m i’m pretty happy with that um as a whole what else can we do well we’ve got to do the roof that that is that is for

Certain like the roof absolutely has to be done um so let’s yeah let’s do that next so the roof is it’s so easy it’s made out of polished inside stairs and polished and inside so what we essentially want to do is first of all we’ll start by extending an

Entire row of polished underside stairs around the top of of the brick area so just like this so this is how it’s going to start but this isn’t how it’s going to finish um so just going all the way around the top of this literally like where you can like it’s

It’s not meant to be like a rectangle um it’s meant to literally snake around um what we have so just like this here that’s perfect and then we want to add how many more rows at least two more we want to add two more rows of polished and the size

Stairs like this so um again going all the way around we we will make it to we’ll we’ll make a cap of two so that’ll be here as well so i’m just gonna mark that out so uh just to take a little mental note i i don’t want to accidentally like

Zone out and then before you know it this the the roof looks weird so that’s gonna go all the way in between all of these windows the windows will join into the roof no need to even worry about those whatsoever and the reason that i’m making a big

Deal out of like only two more rows of the roof like this is because we’re going to isolate the center part of the roof and we’re going to make it uh higher than the rest of the roof um probably by only a couple of rows probably yeah i

Don’t want to make it like double the size but just two rows will do um yeah we’ll we’ll take we’ll like make a rectangle so hang on oh why is this gotta be so tricky so we’ll play yeah if we just place a block here then there we go that’s easy and then

I don’t have to yes i do have to place a block there and be easier if i had something to place in front like this there we go and then perfect and then we can add the final row so yeah we’ll turn the center of the

House into a rectangle and then we will simply i mean it kind of it it’s not too far-fetched like it’s quite easy to do um so here and here because like the the big part of the house i mean the house separates into like little shapes anyway like the

Central part of the house i think it’s about 30 rows wide um we’ll just take that and we’ll extend it to the back we’ll make it all nice and smooth make it look good and then and then we’ll do it so here here i’m not actually sure of i don’t

Think i actually have to place these differently as the next row it’s very very tricky by the way you know like when it’s when it’s gone a peculiar shape like this it’s actually taking way longer than i thought it would to get all of these placed

I’m also thinking about the next set of details that we have to add so once the roof is complete we have to add in the garage like that’s that’s a huge huge part like we have to add in the garage there’s a large double garage at the uh

The back of the house which definitely needs adding um a little bit of movie trivia as well as you might remember like when when the the family like trying to figure out exactly like i think we’ll make this chimney a little a little thicker too when the family are trying to figure out

Like what what did we remember we no we possibly couldn’t have left any kids behind anything like that no oh we left the garage open that’s right that’s that’s what we’re forgetting like it’s uh so it’s it’s a pretty decent uh it’s it’s part of it so now we have

Three rows of and inside stairs like this and then we are going to turn the middle part and you might even be able to see which part we’re going to do we’re going to turn it into a rectangle so like on the foot like the front

Corner here i’m going to take like mark this out with a brick i’m going to place an underside stair here and then i’m going to run an and inside stair like right to the back so like here for example or maybe from here that might make a little bit more sense so

Like from this yeah from this window here to here and then if we extend is that what we should do and then hang on if we extend this window backwards let me make sure that this works out so and then extend this back it’s because that window shouldn’t be there is is the

Thing so um that’s that’s why it’s not we we might just have to disregard that window to be honest and we might just have to work with like this window so yeah starting from here so like we’ll take this rovand inside we’ll extend it around and then we’ll extend this to the

Back so we’ll just disregard that window and then we want to have we’ll take the opposite side this window will connect it to the other window that we have on the front of the build like this here and here and then we’ll take this side the window

And we’ll just like run it round to the side so here and then here and then we’ll extend this straight back so just to here right and yeah so we’ll extend it back to here and then it will just extend this acro well actually i mean we can just

It can follow the shape i mean it’s a different part of the house it’s as long as the middle part of the roof is extended upwards as long as the middle part of the roof is different it doesn’t necessarily matter what shape it is precisely but like here

And then it ca and then this actually connects to that part of the window so yeah i mean i don’t know maybe maybe what we have to do is kind of like go with the grain and kind of just like destroy this because you got obviously

You guys will have built this window now as well because i did but like that just again it doesn’t matter that much but you can see uh the edge of the lines here right so like this middle part of the house it wants to have a roof that

Is a little bit bigger than the side parts and we are going to just do two rows so we’ve actually done the first row and um this is going to be the second row and then all we’re gonna do is we’re going to fill the middle of the roofs in

With an insight so that’s why we have the polished and the sight block um i’m not going to make them any taller because the the roofs aren’t that tall anyway like on the left and right side already um i don’t want to turn it into kind of like a spire or something like

That uh so i don’t want to extend them too much but yeah this i’m finding this very tricky i know that i’ve already said that a million times already that shouldn’t be placed that way um but it’s uh it’s very very snaky this roof so here

And then this will connect and that is it’s kind of perfect as well because like the top of the windows connect um the the apex like where the top of the roof is like it it just all kind of like flows together nicely so there you go

Like this is an even better example that’s perfect i really like that and then we just fill the top this in without insight and then we’ll do the same on the left and right and then and then that’s the roof done um the chimney is higher than the roof um even though

We kind of just yellowed it um i’m pretty happy with that doesn’t have to be like extraordinarily tall um can we see it from the front of the house at a distance you can and i don’t want it i don’t want it to be like monstrously tall and make it look

Strange so i’m gonna be quite happy um what else can we do by the way you might be wondering to yourselves to the roof like is is this the only detail that we’re adding we’re just adding hand in sight well no of course we can add top

Snow um we can add snow to everything um yeah i mean it’s um it’s a process that takes a lot of time so i mean it doesn’t have to have every block either like um it actually makes sense that a roof wouldn’t have necessarily like snow everywhere as heat riser so if you’ve

Got your heating on in your house it’s very possible that if you have like poor insulation that the heat will escape through the roof and thus melt the snow um and it’ll look a little something like that again feel free to take more time

On it as you as you like i mean you might want it to be visible and you can see it from the side of the house um you might want it to be a bit more visible than that it’s up to you but let’s add these wings on the left side and right

Side the house will also add some top snow to those as well not going to go over the top though yeah we’re not going to go over the top and we will add all of the like we will prune it later so you know we’ll make it

Absolutely perfect later on as uh as it goes so here here and again yeah we not every block has to be inhabited by snow so over here as well um i just want to i basically just want to be able to see it more than anything like as long as there’s the

Appearance that snow is up here um that’s actually good enough for me so destroy those here here and here we can add in all of this top snow and what will we be doing next so the garage i think we do next we’re gonna do the garage we’re going to do some

Uh some terraforming and then i think that we’re going to do the tree house or we might do the tree house before the terraforming because the the terraform is going to be quite time consuming i’m not sure what order we’re going to do it in but this this is

Looking quite impressive i think isn’t it like i’m i’m pretty happy with how this is looking so far this is a pretty large build and yeah this yeah very very happy perfect so that’s that’s what we’ve got so far the next thing that we are going to do is tackle the garage

Okay so for the garage we are going to need i might even clear yeah i’m just going to clean my inventory it’s getting too full i’m going to grab brick blocks we will need iron doors we’ll need some white sunglass paint spruce wood stairs quartz stairs we will need maybe buttons

As well and i don’t think we really need too much else we will be needing grey concrete as we progress though we will be needing that snow back unfortunately um but anyway for now this will in the back left hand corner of the grid so literally right here the back left

Hand corner we’re going to move one row forward and place five bricks one two three four five extending up from the ground extend forwards by nine one two three four five six seven eight nine and then we’re going to extend that ninth block across to the right by twelve

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and then we’re going to extend it down to the ground as well we’re then going to extend back and join all the way over to where we very first started then we can join this down to the corner

As well join the corner down to the ground and then we’re simply going to seal up the left right and back sides of the garage and then we’re going to add two doors there’s specifically a double door of the garage very fancy very large no surprise i mean by the way

Upon re-watching home alone i didn’t realize how big the house is this thing is a mansion it’s huge it’s not just like a regular suburban house like in my head i thought it was is is absolutely massive the mcallisters are loaded so on the left right and back sides of the house

We just want to of the garage we want to have bricks on the left side here we’re going to have two extra rows of bricks and then we’re gonna we’re just gonna add a row of bricks along the bottom here because this is going to be elevated

On the right side we’ll have an iron door with a glass above and then we will have bricks to the left of this and then we’re gonna have a free row wide garage door so leave a gap for free add a center row of bricks kind of like separating this

And then we’re going to add two garage doors so i mean you can leave this open if you want although i’ve there’s nothing in the garage so i’ll probably leave those doors closed i mean we’re we’re a little bit less forgetful than mr mcallister but we’re going to

Add some smooth quartz stairs in here this is one row behind just to have garage doors two garage doors just like this perfect and then we just have to uh there’s a little bit of a window as well this is like above the central point here a row of free glass one two

Three then we take the center point and we extend it right and left just like this and then we’re going to build up brick blocks just like this on the left and right sides and we’re just going to turn it into a triangle which will culminate in

A point there we go perfect so same thing wants to be done on the back minus the window so just like this and then that’s pretty much gonna be garage done like we’re gonna add the roof of course but then there’s not really any other details to add so here

The side of the garage uh the roof side of the garage on the left and right is made out of quartz as is the edge of the roof but the inward part of the roof is made out of spruce stairs by the way just reminding myself we need to move

Quartz slabs so the outer edge of the roof just going all the way around just like a trim is quartz just like this and at the very top we’ll have quartz uh slab and then the inner part of the roof spruce stairs so we’ll have all of the quartz stairs here and here

Just like this perfect there we are nice with a quartz at the top upside down quartz stairs here and that will be perfect nice there we go just like that and then brick blocks across the top gotta do the back as well but that’s the exact same thing spruce wood stairs

Just remembered as well we have two very large trees to add at the front of the house that’s a big deal we will also have to add a driveway there’s a lot ladies and gentlemen this is not a simple house whatsoever i hope that you didn’t start this tutorial thinking like oh

This is going to be a really cool simple build no no there is so much more it’s actually not loads more we are coming towards the end but um just a bit of terraforming and some trees and stuff and the tree house more importantly

Which i think is a really cool um i mean it’s very simple it’s actually like really retro treehouse it’s it’s awesome it’s like when i think of a treehouse like it’s it’s this tree house that we’re gonna be building um not quite yet but probably before we

Terraform i do sort of want to add to the driveway and stuff though because we will have to terraform around the driveway so actually i keep using the word terraform as if like we’re doing something drastic it’s a bit of landscaping really better landscaping doing some gardening

But uh we’ll extend the spruce stairs finally just like this and then that will be the garage looking good so now that we’ve done this we’re going to raise up this wall that we have so we’re going to extend this wall here all the way to the garage or garage

And we will add another row onto the wall if you can remember what we did over there we added a second layer of brick starting where the house started and then where the house ended which is like here pretty much although a different point on the opposite side i think here

We add we bump up the number of bricks an extra level along the entire back of the house i’m just going to have a three row high level of bricks so pretty much just like this so here i mean i don’t know why it stops placing um at a random point in

Time but um just all the way across yeah i don’t know why that’s so weird almost as if almost as if i’m faster than than the brick placing that’s so strange have they done something to mike has there been an update that i’m unaware of where like we move ever so

Slightly faster than we used to i don’t know but can circumvent it by doing that um anyway that’s what the back of the i’m actually really happy with the back of the house so far i think we’ve got most of the cool details obviously the treehouse is probably one of the cooler

Ones but this is i think this is my favorite part of the house i don’t know why i really really like that it uh it’s very tied to the scene um so i keep talking about this drive don’t i it’s about time that we actually did something about it so

I’m gonna grab gray concrete and there’s going to be a row of gray concrete pretty much the width of the two garage doors thick there’s going to be a row of gray concrete extending towards the front of the house so it’s going to be this thick

And it’s going to be at this particular level like to where the snow is so like the the driveway wants to be one row higher at this point here and then it’s going to drop down a level of course and it’s going to go all the way

To the edge so all the way to here so pretty all the way you know what all the way to the front of the build like that’s how far the driveway is going to be i’m just going to do the outline of the driveway because i can fill it in by

Myself later it’s not really interesting so here and then it’s going to go all the way here never work with snow stuff really does make things a lot more difficult uh here and there we go perfect so you guys get a good snow more animals apparently polar bears

Surprised kevin didn’t manage to find a polar bear for the for the wet bandits so there we go so a really really long drive leading all the way from here all the way to there that’s perfect but this drive also wants to connect to the

Drive that we have at the front of the build so just in front of the entrance we’re going to join this together just like this um i’m going to make sure that i’m not missing anything either but i’m just going to connect this and i’m going to

Have to check my plans just to make sure that i’m definitely not doing something a little bit silly which would not surprise me whatsoever so here oh my bad so just like that that is perfect in the front of the house also there is actually some hedge as well so this

Actually stems from the brick area where we have the quartz stairs and it’s the hedge basically just goes all the way over to the left here and it cuts off like where we have the hedge over there just like for the side of the house there

And it’s going to do the same thing all the way here over here on the right side as well and then we’re going to loop the little driveway around it so here and here and then if we just leave like a gap of one and then we have like a row four dug

Into the ground like here grey concrete and then we want to also we’ll extend this here like so just like this and then we’ll ju we will make it like curve a little bit as well it won’t be so um it won’t be so boring like we’ll just

Add like an extra block here for example just to make it look as though the road curves a little bit so here so one two three four just like this there we go and then Take the corner out like that then we’ll add the rest of the gray concrete just like this here perfect so that is the end result of that so i mean if you want you can like curve it a little bit more like there’s there’s no reason that you can’t you

Can’t you can just take like a couple of i mean and and cover it in snow by all means as well like it doesn’t all have to be visible like it’d make more sense if if it wasn’t all visible quite honestly but we want to do that here and we

Like we can we can curve it here as well so like take some of that out and then we’ll just leave that actually i mean it makes sense that there’d be a curve here and then not one there and then that’s perfect and then this can lead to the outer boundary

So all the way to here one two three four and then we want to have a road out in front of the house and this is where we could even i am contemplating making a little van as well like it’s it’s only just occurred to me that i it’d be kind of

Cool if we add like the the wet bandits of van to the front of the house so that’s something that we might do um two three four um i’m sure that it i mean it can’t be that hard to uh to come up with a van rather quickly it’s not

It’s not really got i mean i can’t remember what the branding is like there’s a little pun on the side of the van but there’s no need to add that but like a plain white van might be might be kind of cool to add probably

Will do that i mean we we’ve went to this much effort so far we might as well go the little extra mile and add the van at the end but that will mean that i’ll have to go out and design it and stop the tutorial and stuff but i’m sure that

That’ll be that’ll be fine so yeah this is this is the road that’s just in front of the house this is just in front of the street this connects everything together so let’s say that you did just let’s say you wanted to plop this into your city or suburbs or

Wherever then this is this is how it would just connect to the road just like this i hope that i’m explaining these things well enough but more so the aerial view that i’m about to give you will probably explain it a little bit better there we go so you can see the outline

For all of the roads and the street now and um like this is a pavement out this is this would be like pavement and this will have this would be like this is going to have like built up snow around it you can even use say like podzol and stuff i

Think i think that we will because you know how slogan snow gets all slushy and such so um it makes sense if we had like i don’t know even soul soiler do like even some podzol so something like it just like a little bit just to show that the path is worn you

Know maybe maybe just like this just to show that the path is worn just just something like that will do so we’ve done all of the connecting roads so that’s that’s already we have to do the trees now the trees are very very easy to do basically spruce wood and if

You grab yourself some dark oak fence as well or yeah dark oak fence will do and there’s two very large trees on the front of the house so in this corner here somewhere in this corner of snow like where the driveway connects to each other a two by two square

Of uh of dark oak wood or spruce wood again it doesn’t really matter it doesn’t really want to go too much higher than the house but you can make it a little bit higher than the house so it’s going to be a nice square it doesn’t have to be all even at the

Top by all means um nor does it have to be all even like even going all the way up like it wants to look a little bit random maybe something like this will do um we’re going to add a branch or so and the branch is just going to kind of like

Extend out kind of like in this fashion and we’re going to add some dark oak fence around it i’m intentionally being random because it it just looks a little bit better you can even add a counter branch to the tree so something to just like balance the tree out a little bit

Just on this side with like fence and stuff as well if you want to so just something like that and that that’s all you have to do just like a really simple tree we want to have the same sort of thing over here on the right maybe vary

It a bit so this one will be a little bit more inwards we don’t want to cover up the house though either and i mean that’s pretty much it like it’s going to be a two by two sort of square is kind of like the trunk of a trunk of the tree

I wonder if that’s that that could be a tongue twister actually like if you said that loads of times fast trunk of the tree trunk of the tree trunk of the tree um and we want to raise all of this up just like so and perfect my tv is trying to turn off

That’s excellent and there we go i mean something like that is fine you know like very up a little bit and then maybe we can even add branches like a little bit lower but again we don’t really want to cover up the house either so like

This and then we can add fence around it just like so and then we can do the same thing no you know what we’ll just leave it like that we’ll we’ll vary up a bit and there we go perfect so we’ve got a couple of rows

Of couple of throws we’ve got a couple of trees out in the front of the house now we’ve got the the roads are ready to be done they’ve just got to be dug out and replaced with some gray concrete the roof is done the garage is done all

The details are done except for the tree house and also that van that we’re definitely going to be doing at the end okay treehouse we’re gonna actually have to dump a lot of materials and grab a load of new ones that we don’t have already they’ll all

Be in the item list of course but i don’t have them so let me dump them out and then let me grab everything that we need okay so this is everything that we’re going to be using for the tree house so we’re going to start off with spruce wood ladders oak planks oak

Stairs oak signs spruce fence dark oak fence spruce wood slabs and iron bars so the position of the tree house is supposed to be around here like where we have this window along the back wall here we’re kind of going to want to line it up so i’m thinking that we have the

Treehouse start where the left side of this window is so if we like trace along down the side this window we come all the way to the back we hit this back wall and we place nine one two three four five six seven eight nine might

Even make it a little bit tough no nine will do actually nine spruce wood extending from the ground hopefully you guys understand why i did that positioning i’m gonna stick an oak plank on top of this and then we’re going to extend that oak plank to the

First of all we’re going to extend it back one and then we’re going to extend it left by two no we’re going to extend it left one and then we’re gonna extend it right to one two and then we’re gonna turn this into a solid rectangle then we’re going to place four

Rows in front of this one two three four and then we’re going to place upside down oak wood stairs on these sides and we may even have to extend it an extra row forwards but upside down sideways facing oakwood stairs on the sides just like this

And what we’re then going to do as well is you can the point in which where was it was about here yeah the point in which do we we place the oak the spruce wood like the for the trunk i want you to extend it up just a a bit higher so

Just keep like it’s standing up like this um we also want to be able to get into the bottom of the treehouse so if you just make a hole and then we can add ladders to the trunk of the tree just like this you’re going to want to leave

It off the bottom because we’re going to be extending the floor up but we want to be able to get into the tree like so and then on the back corners well on the entire back of the tree house i’m going to add three rows of oak planks so one two three

And then we’re going to extend the left and right sides forwards by four rows one two three four and then one two three four just like this gonna extend the rows forwards like so and then on the right side here i’m going to take the bottom and extend inwards one two

And then up two one two and then right that’s perfect and then extend across to the top here and then extend down and that’s where the entrance to the tree house is gonna go or kind of exit like there’s nowhere for it to go like this it’s technically

The entrance because there’s gonna be a zip line but um we’re going to place upside down oakwood stairs all the way around the edge of this and then spruce fence around the edge of this there’s like a little bit of a of kind of like a barrier a railing around

The top of this we’re going to use oak signs because there’s not really windows or anything in the tree house it’s just kind of like holes so we’re going to use oak signs in these sorts of positions so like here like this just to kind of demonstrate

That the treehouse is and you know it seemed better days it seemed better days but like if you just chunk out some of the treehouse and you could even if you want you could even leave like a hole back here as kind of like a um as an

Easter egg again like when uh when kevin like puts his feet through the back of the tree house you might even want to leave like a hole like he zip lines and then his leg like fall out the end but um uh we can just like like like i keep

Saying like chunk out some of it make it look a little bit more rustic might be the word upside down oakwood stairs want to hang off the left and right sides of the top just like this so here and here and then we want to have spruce wood slabs

For the top for the roof of the treehouse and these slabs want to extend one row over just in front just like so and then the slabs are extended backwards like this here and here and then here like this perfect so there we go i mean that’s

Looking pretty good so far there’s also a tire swing so we’re just gonna hang this probably like with the body of the treehouse starts here like if we place a few iron bars just like this hanging down like so here here so almost to the ground we’ve got to be

Careful but almost to the ground we’ll hang the iron bars and i want to make sure that we don’t need anything else at the moment like all we need really is to like the the top of the tree house we just want to mess it up a bit using some like spruce

Spruce wood kind of like this and then add some like dark oak fence because it’s made in an actual tree and like the top of the tree is just kind of like a little bit there at the moment because of winter of course and that’s looking pretty good i’m actually pretty happy

With this so we can chuck this away uh for the tire swing we just need to finish it off using black concrete stone buttons we need a loom black banner banner pattern um specifically the school charge and then white dye and also some chains now for the tire swing we stick a black

Concrete underneath the iron bars the stone button in front loom on this back wall here gonna crack this open chuck a black banner the pattern and white dye in here and we basically just want to make skull and crossbones so that’s what we’re going to have um we’re going to hang this

On the edge like specifically the side of the edge of the roof here there’s just like a basically just like a skull and crossbones that’s i don’t know why i guess kevin’s a pirate so we want to just hang that off the side the reason for the chain is that the

Chain is going to attach up like up left diagonally of the door here and this is basically just the zip right wire rope just like this so this is going to attach ideally we’d be able to like extend it upwards and um but chain doesn’t really do that you

Know like we we can do this i mean there’s this isn’t a bad alternative but like it it just wants to join to the window area um and it just wants to look as though it’s connected together it doesn’t actually matter if it is and then we can just

Have so we can just have something that looks like that i mean as long as there’s like a visible sort of line i mean that’s that’s pretty i’m i’m pretty happy with that um yeah i i quite like that i mean if you wanted to take it one

Step further maybe we could use a sign or maybe even a fence like an oak fence or maybe a fence gate something like that and we can attach like this and that looks like the apparatus that you would use to actually like zip down if you wanted to

But anyway coming inside the tree house now there’s not that much detail inside the treehouse there’s not that much detail inside the treehouse to add but there’s a there’s like i think it’s a sleeping bag but i’m gonna use a light blue bed green carpet yellow carpet red carpet paintings and a

Lantern the lantern is going to hang from the top of the tree here light blue band is going to be like the sleeping bag gonna litter the floor because it’s just loads of light trash up here so just litter the floor with different varieties of carpet i’m gonna

Stick a painting here on the right because i’m pretty sure there’s like a poster on the wall or something but if not i’m sorry yeah that’s that’s the one that i want the white one specifically and this is pretty much kevin’s treehouse i mean there’s not too much

More to it to be quite honest and ladies and gentlemen we are rapidly getting to the point where we’re almost done with this build i know it’s very sad to say isn’t it because you know we’ve put so much time and effort into this but what we’re going to do first of

All i think before we make the van because i definitely want to add the van i think that’s going to be the final touch on the house is i want to landscape a little bit so what am i going to be doing that’s not going to be on recording because

A lot of this doesn’t have to be on recording i need to take snow actual snow i think that’s that’s not perfect i need to take snow and also some grey concrete snow and top snow are going to be used to fill in the

Back of the house here so i want to have the entire back of the house i need to bump it up a level with snow and then add some top snow around it so that it doesn’t look too flat i also have to add all of the gray

Concrete into the driveway and the actual like street as well so that’s what i’m going to have to do and i’m also going to be adding top snow where possible then we are going to finish up by adding the wet bandits van um probably in the driveway i might even add it here

Because it’s quite a big area like i’ll either i’ll either add it here or maybe like over here i’m not quite sure yet but probably on the drive so ladies and gentlemen that’s going to be a very very boring process i’m also going to add some uh black concrete behind the windows it’s

Going to be a very very boring process that you’re not going to want to watch me do because it’s going to take a long time and i’ll be back once i’ve done it and i’ll show you the end result and we’ll also make the van together at the

Very end back in a moment so ladies and gentlemen i have finished landscaping i’m pretty happy with it i’ve not went too overboard but as you’ll be able to see i’ve of course added in all of the roads and pavements and stuff but i have

Built snow up in areas that i think that snow would probably be built up in so like at the side the house where no one probably walks and like at the side of the walls and stuff like just being very very careful to build up snow in areas where it’d probably remain untouched

Like more so towards the back walls and i imagine that it’d be trampled down mainly like in the center of the back garden and stuff so you know trying to make it nice and natural not going to overboard but you you know you do you i

Mean this entire right side might be an example of where i probably used a little bit too much but i suppose it does depend on the style that you like and once you have done this for yourself and of course please do pause the video if necessary i don’t expect you to have

Immediately in a flash replicated what took me a little while to do for myself but now it’s time for us to tackle the van so this is the van it’s the okay plumbing business which is pretty funny considering that the wet bandits they flood people’s home and they’re just

Okay i mean it’s it’s pretty funny uh these are all the materials that we are going to be using for it so we’re going to start off with smooth stone light blue wool iron door glass pane string light blue carpet black concrete item frames and ladders unfortunately uh

There’s a terracotta that would be more suited to the colour but carpet’s the way to go here light blue terracotta would have been perfect for colour but unfortunately can’t do it so uh we’re gonna start the van off by placing and by the way i’m gonna have it in the driveway kind of

Like facing outwards like this i’m going to start off with a black concrete and i’m going to place a smooth stone slab in front of it extend to the right by two so like one two across the opposite side then black concrete behind three smooth stone slabs one two three

And behind the other one two one two three black concrete behind each smooth stone slabs behind each fill all the way in between it then at the front of the van we’re going to place light blue wall here across the front a row behind we’re then going to extend the rows

Backwards both of them across the back to create kind of like a sort of looks like a tooth huh anyway on the back of the van we’re gonna have an iron door because well you know fans have doors um we’re going to also have a a screen

Which is going to be glass pane across the horizontal part of the van like the second row in then light blue wall built up around the glass extending towards the back then a strip of smooth stone slab on the left and right sides of the van

Pretty much on top of the rose of the light blue extending forwards on top of the glass and then light blue carpet on top of the remaining glass couple of black concrete behind it leave a gap or maybe leave two gaps and then stick a black concrete

Smooth stone slabs in between or if you really are above it string with blue carpet like blue carpet like this then we’re going to have a ladder for the grille of the vehicle and by the way we’re also going to use light blue carpet for the bonnet

Item frames on the front two corners like this on the front and the the sides item frames on the back and then to finish this off we need white concrete orange red stone button strip wire hooks red concrete is for the back to break lights orange concrete for the indicators or

Blinkers or turn signals whatever white concrete for the headlights tripwire hooks for where the doors would be if we had doors and then stone buttons for the center of the wheels and unfortunately like i mean if you want to you can do this but it’s just not the

Same i mean we do have warped signs you can have like it’s literally like oh okay uh but the lettering is like red so it doesn’t work but you if you want to you can just put like okay there and have like a look again it’s it’s nice to have

A little a little couple of easter eggs hidden about the place like there’s a few of them in this building honestly ladies and gentlemen that like that is the last part of this tutorial that is absolutely it i i don’t think we’re gonna do any more we’re done so hopefully all being

Well ladies and gentlemen this is what your house should look like once it’s been 100 fully completed i do hope that you have enjoyed this tutorial if you have please do remember to hit that like button as it would really help me in the channel out very very much as you might imagine

I spent a lot of time on this video and i’m really happy with this i think this has turned out really well so please do hit that like and subscribe to the channel for more this is probably the last video that we will be seeing before

Christmas and maybe up to the new year we will have to see but i do hope that you have a good christmas i do hope that you have a very happy new year as well and i do hope that you want to check out all of my other content which you’ll be

Able to find in the card system the description below and the recommended videos to the right or underneath the video depending on what platform you’re using but thank you so much everybody for watching this i really do appreciate all of you i hope that you enjoyed this video you’re

Filthy animals and i’ll see you in the next one good bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make Kevins House From “Home Alone” Mccallister Family Home’, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2020-12-22 17:00:11. It has garnered 567749 views and 8498 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:11 or 6071 seconds.

In this tutorial i show you how to make Kevins House From “Home Alone” this is the mccallister family home which is massive. this also features kevins tree house and the wet bandits van!

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    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: Colin’s Playlist: Combined Playlist:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail! Minecraft Bedrock: Block Party B12 – A Gaming Adventure! Welcome, gamers! Dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock with Block Party B12! This gaming channel is a hub for exciting gameplay videos that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From Minecraft to Brawl Stars and beyond, get ready for a diverse range of gaming experiences that will leave you wanting more. Channel Rules and Etiquette At Block Party B12, respect is key. The channel’s most important rule is to maintain a respectful and positive atmosphere in the comments section. Whether you’re engaging with the content creator… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • 🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18

    🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 18 | 1.12.2 | Obtaining jurassic fossils’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2024-05-15 16:25:51. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:10 or 7570 seconds. Yay for the Prehistoric Nature mod! This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser Cango’s POV: helping with organism pronunciations. Mod list: Game: Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later. In case… Read More

  • Trapped by Scary New Monsters – Minecraft Maizen

    Trapped by Scary New Monsters - Minecraft MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 21:45:00. It has garnered 16586 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!

    INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft caps derlemesi part 1’, was uploaded by Minecraft capsleri on 2024-06-13 18:57:27. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft capsleri, Caps, Minecraft capsleri global, Minecraft capsleri resmi, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, cpvp, pvp crystal, 2b2t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, how to crystalpvp, crystalpvp crystal pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal,pvp,pvp crystal,2b2t crystal pvp,crystal pvp 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft end crystal pvp,2b2t pvp,2b2t pvp montage,2b2t crystal,2b2t – spawn pvp,2bpvp,2b2t 00 pvp,pvp montage,crystalpvp,0b0t pvp,,2b2t 32k pvp,anarchy pvp,2b2t pvpbot,2b2tpvp,,2b2tpvpbot,,pve,list,best,meta,minecraft anarchy,blast,salc1,2b2t how to get started,wurst +2,how… Read More

  • LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvP

    LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE PvP Compilation’, was uploaded by LHxNinja on 2024-01-13 16:07:17. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Totally random Video Was ABIT lazy on the editing but hopefully this one does good! I won’t be posting for a while Since I’ve got School But I will be active on Discord So be sure to drop by(check community post) Yes, there is a big spoiler in this really short video As My Best Friend And I are Working On The First Official Project TFNAFMP-… Read More

  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

    EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!Video Information This video, titled ‘INTO THE SPIDER PIT FOR THE LIGHT BLUE WOOL!!!: Isle Of Oblivion Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by Dahl Dantill on 2024-04-04 14:00:16. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:34 or 1774 seconds. Weclome to Isle Oblivion, A Minecraft CTM map in Minecraft version 1.20.1 I try to survive, gather resources and build epic things. #Minecraft #Hypermine #HypermineSMP Hope you enjoy it and if you do “SKELP” that like button Check it out here :- Minecraft is a sandbox construction game created by Mojang AB founder Markus… Read More

  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖

    Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖Video Information This video, titled ‘Twilight Forest Tree House! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 23 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-02-04 18:08:00. It has garnered 8466 views and 430 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:20 or 5840 seconds. 🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive chats, discounts on stickers, and more: hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survival

    EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft golem funny short #minecraft #gamerzfleet #survival #technogamerz #gamerzfleet #lilyville’, was uploaded by ProWinx425 on 2024-10-01 07:48:24. It has garnered 3886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft parkour gameplay, minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft cartoon, minecraft luna mod, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft parkour, minecraft song, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft animation tutorial, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft animation movie, minecraft automatic door, minecraft adventures, minecraft animation video, a minecraft video, a minecraft house, a minecraft server… Read More

  • Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣

    Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣’, was uploaded by ZdravoXGaming on 2024-05-02 03:30:08. It has garnered 99 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣 Discord_ minecraft shorts minecraft shorts viral youtube shorts skibidi toilet short comedy shortsfeed funny viral shorts memes shortfeed gaming trend trending shorts trending titan cameraman respect timing asmr entertainment monster school sand art news minecraft shortsfeed skibidi funny shorts games minecraft sand art mc flame minecraft animation reel reels skibidi… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

    Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts زلمة رايح زلمة جاي 😅’, was uploaded by SLAW on 2024-06-05 20:00:42. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. تابعوني بلييييز 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft story mode, 1 minecraft vida, 1 minecraft video, 2 minecraft, 2 minecraft account giveaway, 2 minecraft accounts one email, 2 minecraft girls, 2… Read More

  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More