Insane Minecraft Twist: PARKOUR PRISON Nightmare

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Hey wake up you want a chance to eat today or what all right let’s get this over with let’s go hurry up and do the parkour Noob down here in parkour prison even the cells have one block jumps if you miss a single jump or if a parkour

Pro catches you not jumping for 30 seconds you’ll be thrown into the lava all right I got to ask do you want to do a diagonal jump to reduce your prison sentence time most parkour noobs would never take this deal diagonal jumps are just not worth the risk but I wasn’t

Just going to sit in parkour prison my ENT ire life if there was any chance I could get out sooner I was going to take it that was unexpected congrats you’ve earned one day off your prison time that means you go from 49 years in 320 days

To 49 years in 319 days left and this is how my life is going to be for the next 49 years in parkour prison that is unless I find a way to get to that portal and make my way back to parkour civilization parkour prison is located directly under the bottom layer of

Parkour civilization if a parkour Noob misses any jump they fall into the void and end up here and the only way back to civilization is to spend 50 years here without failing a jump before I was sent here I never knew this place existed and

I was so close to becoming a parkour Pro my entire life I’ve been training for one goal and that’s to go to the Temple of parkour and complete the impossible course to rank up to become a parkour Pro I had everything I earned the ticket to get inside the temple and I had

Enough food to make the journey but when the time came I fa the first jump and now I’m dead what the where am I welcome to parkour prison or as most noobs call it their worst nightmare if you’ll just follow me I’ll take you right to your

Cell parkour prison what is this place I don’t get it how am I still alive hey and uh just make sure you don’t miss any of these one block jumps cuz if you fall in the lava you will die for real this time oh yeah not a problem I’ve never

Missed a one block jump in my life what I didn’t get is why parkour prison existed instead of letting the parkour noobs just fall into the void somehow this massive structure was made under the void to catch us but why all right Noob this is your cell go on in all of

The cells in parkour prison were separated by a three block Gap meaning once I went inside this cell I would never be able to escape but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying make sure you’re doing at least one jump in your cell every 30 seconds if one of us

Catches you not jumping you’re not making it out of here just minutes before this I was about to R up to be a parkour Pro and now I’m in the most dangerous place in parkour civilization as far as I’m concerned I’m the only Noob right now in parkour prison my

Guess is most of them by now fell in the lava wait there’s actually someone here let’s go I’m not alone down here wait why does this guy look familiar he’s been my neighbor for 5 years no why did he try going for the beef no way it is

My neighbor wow I’m so glad I’m not alone down here I no dude what is wrong with this guy all right he has to be doing it on purpose at this point point the only thing that’s better about parkour prison is they feed us fish instead of raw chicken hey Noob let’s go

You’ve been selected for parkour testing be down there in 30 seconds and this is one of the not so good parts about prison the random parkour testing bro wait you didn’t even fill in this Gap ah man now I got to do another one block jump if you’re a prisoner here the only

Thing you hope for is that you don’t get selected for random parkour testing every few days the pros will pick a noob at random to test out a new course they’ve built this time the course I was selecting for had fence parkour if I failed to make this one block fence jump

I wouldn’t be coming back let’s go we don’t have all day get on the course yes sir I’m going right now the worst part about these random courses is that they intentionally use harder blocks for the jumps the pros know that the noobs have almost no experience with fence jumps

But they build them anyways all right testing complete back to your cell in 30 seconds by some miracle I was able to get past this week’s random testing course but what about the next week or the week after that there’s going to be some day when they build a jump that I

Can’t do and I need to get out of here before that happens luckily I’ve been thinking of a plan to make my Escape back in parkour civilization I used parkour to bribe one of the pros and now I was going to do it again hey guard

What do you want Noob I got something to show you can you come over here this better be worth my time or I’m not feeding you tomorrow okay what oh nothing really I just wanted to ask you if I could pay you in uh three diagonal

Jumps in a row for 5 minutes of free time three in a row yep three in a row what do you think you’re definitely not making that but it’s not like I care anyways sure like always parkour can be used to get out of any situation but now

I had one chance to make three diagonal jumps in a row or else I was dead come on 1 2 3 no way I actually did okay 5 minutes of free time but you better be back in your cell by the time I get back

The bribe worked now I had 5 minutes to roam around parkour prison to see if I could find a way to escape I had no clue what was going to happen to me after I escaped but I didn’t have time to think about that right now when I jumped

Around the prison I noticed someone doing the random testing course wait is that who I think it is no you don’t need to be nervous I’m sure you’re fine oh no way it is the guy who failed the ticket event in front of me that guy was nice I

Hope he clutches up these glass jumps and makes it back to civilization oh something was strange about this testing course why were they using glass for parkour glass jumps aren’t even a thing at the parkour Noob level if noobs have never done glass jumps why would they

Use them to test the jump I just got to get out of I bet you’re trying to think of a plan to Escape right what Escape what are you talking about I would never try to escape you’re not I was going to take you to the portal but if you don’t

Want to this obviously seems like you’re trying to set me up it’s not a setup no one says you have to stay here you can leave at any time just follow me and I’ll take you there I’m 99% sure I’m being led into a trap but it doesn’t

Matter if he gets me close to the portal I’ll try to improvise if this guard was leading me into a trap I couldn’t see knew what it was he was already getting me so close to the portal at this point I was just going to have to take a

Chance and hope that he was telling me the truth I was now five blocks away from going back to parkour civilization you can leave now if you accept the terms that you can never earn a ticket to rank up to become a parkour Pro for the rest of your life wait you’re saying

If I go back to parkour Civilization now I can never be a parkour Pro that’s correct or you can wait out the remainder of your 49 years here in prison so this was the catch I could leave parkour prison right now but in return I could never become a parkour

Pro or I could try to survive here for another 49 years it wasn’t worth it to stay I needed to get out of here okay I’ve made my decision I’m going to go back so you accept good luck this was it the work was done I escaped parkour

Prison but at what cost leaving now meant that I would be a noob for the rest of my life when I went through the portal I was brought back into parkour civilization the portal spawn me at the entrance of the Temple of Parkour this was probably the the last time I would

Ever step foot in this Temple I had my chance to rank up to become a pro and I failed now I can never earn a ticket ever again you know it’s not the worst thing in the world now I can just go back to my ordinary life in parkour

Civilization you know now that I think about it it’s not the worst situation in the world I mean at least I still have my Mansion wait who is this I still own this house right no you don’t this house no longer belongs to you this parkour Noob just purchased this new mansion so

You’ll have to leave now wait wait wait this guy just bought my house how can he do that well you fell and went to parkour prison so you lost the house when you were down there this parkour no bought it bro really wow so I really don’t own this house anymore well this

Guy can enjoy uh okay it’s for sale now let’s go so I can move back into my house after you buy it again sure wait really are you serious I have to buy it again I went back to the shop to go buy my Mansion again but while I was at

Parkour prison something bad happened the prices for houses in my neighborhood went way up now if I wanted to buy my Mansion I would have had to pay for it with a two block jump it was too risky I was going to have to find somewhere else

To live fortunately I found another shop that was selling wood houses a bit of a downgrade from the ston house but it was all I could afford I could either do a one block fence jump for a small house or a 1 and 1/2 block stair jump for a

Large house I figured if I’m going to be living on the noob level for my entire life I might as well buy the big house luckily escaping parkour prison gave me the confidence to make the jump easily now I got a mansion in a new neighborhood where not to my surprise

Everyone fell into the void so it’s just me living here the house is definitely a bit of a downgrade from my previous Mansion but it’s still a two-story house and it has a painting which is something you don’t really see that often in parkour civilization I just keep

Wondering what my life would have been like if I actually made it to the pro Civilization now I don’t think I’ll ever figure out what it looks like up there I just wish that whoo What was that when I went to sit in my chair I backed up

Against the wall and there was nothing behind me this painting was covering in something I walked through the painting and it revealed a secret door for some reason this house I bought had some hidden passage whoever made this was obviously trying to hide something but

What was it there was a ladder that led to the bottom floor and when I got down there I found a man somehow there was already someone living here by their leather boots I could tell it was a parkour Noob this was obviously some mistake I went to go leave but then wait

Don’t leave the man spoke to me he said he’s been watching me I watched you enter the temple of parkour I think you have what it takes to rank up I’m sorry man I think you’re confused I can never earn a ticket anymore I’m going to be a

Parkour Noob forever no there is still a way I can get you a ticket wait wait wait what are you talking about when I was younger I earned myself a ticket but I never used it instead I HD it far far away the old man said it wasn’t his

Destiny to rank up to be a pro but it was mine he brought out a compass and he threw it to me he told me that if I follow this Compass I’ll find the hidden ticket this was the second chance I was looking for I had no way of knowing

Whether the old man was telling the truth or not but at this point I had nothing to lose maybe this works maybe it doesn’t all I know is that I wasn’t done with parkour civilization just yet

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I get sent to PARKOUR PRISON’, was uploaded by Evbo on 2023-10-12 23:03:06. It has garnered 2264373 views and 21293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:13 or 613 seconds.

Minecraft but I get sent to PARKOUR PRISON…the INSANE 2nd part of the parkour civilization story…will I be able to escape parkour prison?…

Voice Actors: Evbo, Teddy, Grayson Actors: Evbo,@seawattgaming , Teddy, Grayson

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Music/FX: “Stay The Course” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 #minecraft

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    Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘who will won #music #edit #song #anime #animeedit #minecraftcommunity #minecraft’, was uploaded by Risk Playz on 2024-05-09 07:26:19. It has garnered 492 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #Minecraft #ReplayMod #PE #Gaming #Tutorial #UltimateGuide #MinecraftPE #Modding #Gameplay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftCommunity #GamerLife #VideoGames #MinecraftPlayers #GamingCommunity #MinecraftAddict #GamerWorld Generated using YouTools #ReplayMod #MinecraftPE #UltimateGuide #Gaming #Tutorial #YouTube #Gamers #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPlayers #MinecraftCommunity #VideoGames #MinecraftPocketEdition #CreativeMode #MinecraftBuilds #GamingCommunity #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftJava #MinecraftBedrock Generated using YouTools minecraft mods minecraft mod catnap poppy playtime minecraft but poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🀯 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🀯 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by TrendoPlayZ on 2024-06-09 13:14:52. It has garnered 10801 views and 656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorialSubscribe For More Videos Like This 😊πŸ”₯❀️ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR MINECRAFT ACCOUNT ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•šβ•£β•šβ•£β•”β•£β•”β•£β•‘β•šβ•£β•β•£ β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•β•‘β•‘β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•β•£ β•šβ•β•©β•β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•šβ•©β•β•©β•β• #minecraft #viral #trending #minecraftpvp #pvp #boxing #bestplayer @mine @iusehuzuni @Straaight @KZA_ #straight #kza #iusehuzuni Ignore Tags:- minecraft house,minecraft shorts,minecraft house design,minecraft short,minecraft builds,minecraft spider,minecrafter,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft tips,minecraft hack,minecraft meme,minecraft build,minecraft floor,minecraft funny,minecraft parody,minecraft tricks,minecraft design,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

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  • EnderElite

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  • The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server – smp

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