Insane Minecraft Upgrade: Unbelievable Improvements!

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Chat yes we are going to be I mean technically we’ve been upgrading the base for the past couple streams um just editing the description the way that I did is funny so all everyone can we get an F in the chat for the vibe music we’re about to

Transition to Minecraft it’s just going to just cut it off so can we get an F in the chat for the viby music guys everyone put an F in the chat for viby music cuz it’s about to go ripo bye-bye uh which is going to be very big sad uh

Broke out the elevator music Vibes yes sir that was kind of the idea honestly with like the music that I use oh we got FS big FS excuse me big cough all right rip rip RI riy okay we’re at at the base we at the base guys all right

So the farm we built last stream oh it’s working like a charm o I can go left I can go right the baby zombie apparently can get free apparently I don’t know how that Happened oh oh oh we’re dodging and weaving Papa John’s yes sir I don’t know I thought the title would be funny uh I can finally watch a whole stream yes sir I don’t know I I thought the title would be funny cuz the mod pack is called better

Minecraft I I don’t know I had the idea a few days ago I’m like aha better Minecraft better ingredients better Minecraft better pizza or Papa John’s yeah yeah cuz Papa John’s slogan is uh better ingredients better Pizza Papa John’s yeah I don’t know I thought it

Would be funny is it funny guys uh 1 out of 10 rate the rate the funniness of it uh you lowkey sound sick I might be lowkey honestly honestly just lowkey a little bit I’m not going to be like I’m not sure but um I have not been feeling like super fantastic so

Far today but it’s okay it’s okay I I’ll I’ll live most likely it it it could be close but we’ll we’ll we’ll figure it out as we go uh I just switched to better Minecraft Forge and it’s so much better yo yo what what did I say what did I say

Bro I’ve been I’ve been on to this for a minute my guy all right all right let’s let’s go ahead and grab some bones guys let’s go ah and grab my bone and let’s get this Farm going 11 out of 10 fire uh double voice Lord let’s go hey yo hold

Up yo guys are are we having double voice are we sounding goofy are we sounding goofy we tyo why is the Farmland shiny very good question it looks like plastic uh you always have like 10 viewers and only three talk oh people getting called out do do we

Have double Voice tonight guys is this double voice night yo do we got double voice night today guys I that’ll probably fix it I guess I don’t think that’s how it goes I just noticed double voice dang I got Bamboozled with the double voice guys how could

I how could I did did I fix it that’s the question I didn’t have a double voice to him what I accidentally switched I acally switched scenes oh no um if I did have a double voice you’d be able to know now uh well now now I can’t hear my game hold

Up uh less delay this stream yo less delay or am I paying more attention now I can’t hear the stream Hold Up Guys was there actually double Voice or did I just break something am I getting Bamboozled guys am I getting trolled I I I doubt it’s a troll

But um yo penguin penguin my guy okay I I can’t actually hear the game hold up can you guys hear the game yo I’m confused chat we can hear game why can I not hear game yo who voted armadillo today guys who voted armadillos s off in chat no

Double voice fire uh there was double before it’s not double anymore H H uh it’s so weird um why can I not hear the game yes we can hear the game uh we can hear well I can me me yo armadillo POG I voted armadillo that’s epic

POG um that’s weird I can’t hear the game and like low key I need to hear the game I’m not going to lie uh cuz like I I legit cannot hear this game at all which is could be very dangerous so we’re going to apparently be troubleshooting my audio for some

Reason today why is this a thing guys like we’ve been doing like we’ve been big chilling send you proof oh let’s go legend legend imagine V voting penguin guys like just try and imagine and then like try not to just throw up immediately that’s what I would do if I

Voted penguin I would I would uh do bad things I don’t know how to live with myself restart real quick and see if it helps yeah that’s what I was thinking I’ll restart in just a sec all Right um yeah cuz my my sounds are there but the farm let’s go all right let me pop up here where it’s probably safe and yeah imagine voting penguin that would be so cringe uh I could go for beinging chilling honestly me uh no it’s the worst that could

Happen uh you don’t have games on it is it is pick and wus chat all right let’s pop up with this here really quick though I don’t be hearing the stream beats either can you guys hear the music can you guys hear anything on the stream yo bro voted armadillo POG all

Right can you guys hear anything on the stream cuz I can’t I cannot uh yes we hear the sound effect fine boom yes good we hear everything everything okay then is there double music you should rename your channel to W Bud because you don’t take else honestly honestly I

Should do we have double music music done guys do we have double music don’t make sense I’m confused uh check the windows is output into your headphones it is it is is except for some reason I can’t hear it I know that it is I see that it is oh no double

Mic oh no no double music check the windows as outputting uh never mind I get it okay uh we actually actually actually upgrade the basis time he says potentially if I can get sound into my ears um CU without sound that would be kind of silly am I right

Guys uh headphones maybe lost battery power um no my headphones just plugged right in so they don’t run off of a battery unless we just have a bigger problem all Together w Minecraft skin POG thank you Uh hold up I’m sorry guys this is embarrassing uh is Windows user myself I absolutely hate Windows honestly I feel that okay we’re loading up Minecraft invalid player data what what is this what do you mean inv valid player data yo guys I’m hacking testy uh

Uh don’t don’t worry about that oh wrong screen don’t don’t worry about that Windows used to be better in the past maybe I honestly I need to switch to Windows 11 I I like it so much better um I have it on my laptop and I know maybe that’s controversial to say

But honestly Windows 11 is a w uh Windows 11’s a Big W um Windows 7 was the best I mean I feel like Windows 7 like if you don’t look at it through the nostalgic glasses is you’ll realize that like Windows 10 was a massive upgrade that

Said Windows 7 was pretty good it was pretty pretty fantastic I don’t know why I can’t hear anything out of my headphones so I’m just going to restart my like audio program thing so you guys might get some audio cut out for a minute too bad Windows 7 is older than

Jesus first ancestor honestly all right can you guys hear me can you guys hear me if you can hear me put an e in the chat brb no no br be also bro the entire chat just left the entire chat just left what is this yes I can hear okay I still can’t Um I don’t know why audio just is not being sent to my headphones right now it says that it is I just still can’t hear anything which is crazy like it shows that it is 100 billion per. and I trust that it is le e amazing It’s weird cuz like I I really feel like I had audio like in my headphones at the beginning of the stream what did I do to mess it up what did I do Chad uh do you have backup headphones to check honestly I don’t think so I’ve had these

Headphones for so many years yo plush bros is back no I’ve had these headphones for so long I don’t think I have another pair I really hope that my headphones and it just take a big stinky poo poo cuz that would kind of suck cuz headphones cost

Money and I don’t like spending money spending money is like my least favorite uh currently replay Minecraft story mode POG I need to play it um oh yeah no no worries about about the about the Discord ping don’t worry about that um no worries about that at all um spending money F

Honestly spending money is a big L for nerds only Um should play Minecraft story mode on stream I don’t even know how to get Minecraft story mode cuz uh like can you even buy it anymore I don’t think you can also I think my headphones could be broken to be honest which isn’t good uh I would watch it even though I’m

Almost done with it epic I want to play it I’m not going to lie I just don’t know how that’s something I’ll have to figure out a different day uh so how do you fix the double vo thing because I think it’s stopped one I think yeah see that’s what I was

Thinking too but I I don’t know basically my audio setup is like not necessarily complicated but I don’t know how to explain it without being able to like show you guys and I don’t know how much I can like uh I mean I guess I could just like

Share my screen I don’t think there’s anything like on there that’s like bad but does Lord gigabyte have backup headphones I mean I could just go like steal his from his computer downstairs uh I’m sure he probably wouldn’t mind I would I would obviously ask him

First um I remember Netflix used to have minecra a Minecraft game on it um yeah I don’t know if that was any good let me let me see something this is weird um actually I think I have a plan I’ll be right back guys I’ll be right back guys

Yo spare set of headphones POG uh technical difficulties please yeah I I need a tech a technical difficulty screen I think I think I got it fixed so but this is good cuz say I can hear but bad cuz it means my headphones uh may have taken a crap uh

No other police respected methods dang uh I’m doing good watching Lord Bud stream POG POG all right we should what what wrong screen what what wrong screen hold up all right Minecraft yo Minecraft time okay we’ve just been chilling here whoa I don’t know how’s the okay so I think when they’re getting

Like so much like this I think they just kind of squeeze the baby zombie out Uh Frick I didn’t go up the elevator I’m so mad double voice again oh my gosh guys nothing fixes okay that should fix double voice probably I basically have like two audio input on audio inputs on OBS that both have my uh have my mic for some reason by

Mistake okay so that’s something we need to fix cuz I was almost to 30 levels and now I’m like really ticked off all right no more double voice yeah I figured as much all right so I need to figure out how the baby zombies keep escaping I

Think what I’m probably going to have to do is unfortunately oh my gosh are you kiding okay of course I’m going to have to like clear the farm out I think they’re able to squeeze out between like this little Gap which means unfortunately this has got to look a lot less cool

So that’s that’s kind of annoying I guess I can maybe use these walls like on the corners so that way it still looks good cuz I like the way that it looked now it honestly actually looks more like a tube than it did before more circular maybe it’s cuz you’re using

Walls yeah it’s cuz I was using walls unfortunately but I should be fine now yeah that child can’t do anything to me I’m upset cuz I was almost a level 32 I was almost a level 32 so that’s that’s like kind of upsetting honestly it’s like kind of upsetting to be

Honest uh good idea uh upside down stairs for the bottom layer um I could but then I feel like these wouldn’t connect properly and that would look kind of weird I I think I I think this will probably work fine I wish I could drop them from

Farther but then the farm like isn’t loaded and I don’t really feel like making an elevator all right let’s make some wheat yeah yeah yeah yeah all right anyway I just crafted away all the wheat darn I wanted to get some animals this stream I like how the Wheats are different

Heights so like some Wheats are really [Applause] tall I want to get some animals this stream guys we might have to go on a bit of Adventure to find cows which is what I really want uh uh obviously I don’t want those we’re going to need to make a proper storage area eventually

Uh what happened to my gloves did they break they might have I discovered the cursed fences cursed fences I think they’re amazing face reveal at 70k oh uh for for you so I’m not face revealing at 70k myself absolutely not maybe at like 1 mil for me personally

Why do these have like NBT tags it’s so weird I think it was probably like picked up by a zombie at some point all right let’s go find some aminals some amals no no no these aren’t cursed these are fantastic these are like the greatest things I’ve ever seen in my

Life fences are cursed but cool and useful I think they look amazing I think they look just fantastic I sound a bit under the weather I am a bit under the weather thank you for noticing I guess I don’t know at first this morning I thought maybe it just like my

Allergies but now I’m almost thinking it feels a little bit more like maybe I have like cold or something but I don’t really know how I would have gotten one of those but yeah know I’m not feeling like super fantastic tonight um but you know I might as well

Play some Minecraft how long stream today uh I don’t know at least till we find some cows and get them back home oh we’ll we’ll see what time it is then and see how I’m doing or how how how tired I am basically never trying to gain people of

Sympathy while also exploiting them together uh they aren’t cursed for me because um I I use them but other people think so well anyone that thinks they’re cursed is just wrong I personally think that they’re fantastic and work the way you would expect them to work

So I like him I like him a lot aren’t crows like a bad alen like isn’t that like an omen of like death or something there’s sheep over here but I want cows also I think it’s becoming like fall or something in this uh Minecraft world is kind of cool cuz it’s becoming

Fall in real life too uh I like him too yeah I I love them I think they’re great oh I did not apparently press the space bar so that’s funny hello Cal I’m going to hope that’s how that is oh I found a structure how are you doing welcome to the

Stream oh wheat amazing more wheat okay oh even more wheat we just found the wheat house guys I was over here building a wheat farm why did I do a silly thing like that Lord bud sorry I’m late but will but you’ll make an armadillo

Stue um I I will at some point I want to cuz armadil are epic y guys imagine not voting for the armadillo that’d be a mistake o power two that’s like really terrible and not helpful to me but this is a need structure I’m good how about you I’m

Doing great um well I mean I I I might have like a cold or something but other than that I feel like I’m doing pretty good um did I pronounce your name correctly just curious also you sound very high that would be a better alternative I think I just have a bit of

A coal um I don’t really do drugs well I don’t I I don’t do drugs at all but I should gather these pumpkins someone went through the effort of apparently not planting the seeds for them which is confusing also I should grab some of this Moss I could use that for like detailing

The base yeah actually nice amazing amazing yo guys did everyone have fun voting for the armadillo earlier today just curious I did did did anyone have fun um what my bad I didn’t mean to type that no you good you good did everyone have fun uh voting for the armadillo earlier today I

Did personally it was the best experience of my life I hope everyone else did as well that would be epic that’d be the most gamer thing you could do amazing forgot I’m not wearing my good armor so I’m not going to fight the armadillo yo I should actually try and

Take this guy back to my house I forget how to how to pick him up oh wait I have to get the shield away uh Lord what do you think of 500k people boycotting the mob vote um I mean I signed the petition too I don’t think they should cancel this

Here’s and also there’s a lot of misunderstanding they’re not trying to cancel this year’s they just don’t want to do mob votes in the future because they don’t like getting like teased with features that are basically never going to get put in everyone talks about like well they put in the mangroo

Swamp like blah blah blah blah but the swamp was a loser from a vote like literally in like 2018 or something or like 2019 which is horrifically long away and like it I don’t know man like I don’t think I don’t think that’s a good argument at at this point Justin Booth

Hello welcome to the stream how you doing how you doing today um I couldn’t do it in game because of how great batt Rock Edition is oh yes amazing I didn’t do it in game excuse me I didn’t do it in game but I imagine that I imagine that uh it

Probably was terrible because that’s just how it be I don’t like like okay I get it was like a little bit messy doing it like on Twitter before but I kind of like that you could like you know vote on the poll and then see like kind of how the standings

Were uh by the way do you think Mojang is lazy or not H I’m not necessarily going to say Mojang is lazy or not but also I think it’s kind of weird that like an individual person can add the entire mob vote in like basically less than a day and

Mojing apparently doesn’t have the resources for it so I don’t know I’m not saying that they’re lazy I do understand a lot of the process is coming up with the ideas but also Mo moing isn’t lazy they just uh they’re just encoding in the worst possible that is

True Java isn’t really meant for like making games so that’s honestly an L but they don’t really have the um the you know it’s not really necessarily their problem or not a not a problem they caused what is this o a m shaft I doubt there’s going to be any

Cows down here oh that’s a big drop sadly I’m going to have to remember this for later uh where am I all right we’re going to have to just remember that one for later um also another thing you got to think everything that like if you know maybe

They can code it in Java super easily but then they also to make the same thing for better aition which honestly it’s coded in C++ which is a better language to be honest uh do my developers use a different language no they they don’t they use Java so that

Argument kind of Falls but the thing is they’re not thinking about um optimization though sometimes it feels like Mojang isn’t either um but they also have to make sure Mojang also has to worry about well can this run on Bedrock Edition 2 so there’s like that

Which it’s C++ so it’s actually kind of easier also both the languages are pretty similar as far as writing them so I I know because I’ve written in both of them before um and I’m fairly fluent in C which is basically the same thing as C++ um also modders who add the vote

Don’t really have to care about fixing yeah um unless it’s long-term mod that is true that is true um and I mean there’s a few different like factors to it but at the same time I don’t know it’s also really hard to pretend that they’re not like a little bit

Lazy I don’t know if lazy is the right word but I feel like they could definitely do more um at the very least like if their developers Aren’t Enough oh they have they definitely have the budget to hire more developers um or if the devs really care about what they’re doing like they

Definitely have the budget to pay them to work more hours so they’re probably on salary and there’s basically a whole another like conversational topic um like our little continent is kind of cool it kind of really inspires the way that I want to build in this

Continent I just have to actually do it um instead of just running around every episode we we’ll we’ll eventually build like an entire kingdom here maybe but I need cows for the steak pigs are cool but I really want cows but I will I will I’ll take the

Meat I know I’ve seen yes I was about to say I know I’ve seen cows before I knew I saw cows Before all right where where are your friends where are your Friends uh Lord but if you find any Village you start a dictatorship potentially uh they can’t just add anything because one person said yeah let’s add polar barriers uh so now they they have to have it go through like a whole company that is another thing they

Have like an entire company worth of like people that like ideas and stuff have to go through um so I I don’t know but anyway that’s a different conversational topic for a different video and or stream but not this one it’s not one for this one

Uh so we’ll we’ll think about that one at a later date but right now we’re looking for cows uh we’re looking for cows I found one it kind of is unreasonable to say there’s not another cow around here uh quick question feel free to say but I was wondering if youve got a

Girlfriend or not um I don’t um it’s just Notch and 10 other people Notch is not there anymore Notch doesn’t Notch hasn’t worked for moyang in like 10 years um Notch stopped working for the company when Microsoft bought it in 2014 so no Notch is not

There uh you can use the mini map oh wait yeah you’re right ain’t no way there’s actually oh there’s cows over here also what is this oh is this that place where I found the pumpkins nah yo this mini map’s actually fire maybe there’s more places I should have been exploring yo verom

Welcome um welcome to the stream how you doing what what that looked like a hold up what is that cuz that looked like a cow I’m not going to lie I I’ll come back for that dude I know I just kind of ditched him but uh

Lord Bud uh who is better viewer plush bros or storm dog all my viewers all my viewers are great yo netherite um Pizza Hut Zimbabwe has entered the chat hey yo hey shinger welcome to the stream AKA Pizza Hut Zimbabwe you love to see

It um yo yo okay you guys can fight over who’s my favorite later but I just found apparently a crap ton of netherite in the Overworld for some reason just found a pair of L five ancient debris in the Overworld apparently I’ll just go ahead and mine

Up this whole cluster in case there’s any more I found another one of these a little while back I feel like it did not have nearly that much in it so maybe this one was just luckier or maybe I didn’t mine enough in the other one do

They have Pizza Hut in Z babwe I don’t see why not I feel like they probably have Pizza Hut in every country at this point um this is the third stream of yours that I’ve seen so far epic we love it when you show up to multiple

Streams it’s the best okay so that was supposedly just Blackstone but I mean heck blackstone’s cool block 42 of it not bad I don’t I don’t want those all right where did my cow go I just picked those directly back up I’m a goober uh yes competition is just a little more

Lethal fair enough yo what is this yo who is this dude hey bro get back here a Terrain yes okay I’ve stolen this all right this is mine now I’m going to go put it in my base this is a Sidetrack this is the base upgrades that we really needed guys

This is the base upgrades we really needed guys um I played better Minecraft yesterday and I have to say it is quite fun yeah know better Minecraft is pretty awesome yes little turtle found a little turtle man kill it no yo Fox had to leave I didn’t even see your message bye

Fox see you around oh no what what we dodg in weave what what oh you can’t even get me oh get good get good bro what okay turtle mascot honestly n the the Chanel the channel mascots the armadillo anyway anyway I hope everyone was voting for the armadillo

Today I did I voted for the armadillo I voted for the armadillo and it was a euphoric experience I Feel Complete as a human now honestly my life’s just just so much better yo Fox is back Fox is back epic Fox moment amazing they can be friends you absolutely love to see it

Guys um MOJ isn’t that lazy they just also have to take it account Pocket Edition and Xbox um they they both armored for for real honestly that’s not even that much of an excuse because Pocket Edition and Xbox console are bedrock and the thing is Xbox and cons

Like a console is basically just as powerful as any PC nowadays and um while yes the mobile version of bck has to support like some pretty old phones they’re constantly dropping support for devices all the time so that way they can actually continue developing the game so honestly

That’s not a good excuse but again we’ll we’ll we’ll talk about whether or not Mojang is lazy and whether or not Mojang needs to do whatever in a different in a different stream or not a stream but probably in a video sometime I honestly do want to

Make a video on the topic uh kidding I got to go for this time uh switch to watch only mode yo no hey but if you watch I get the watch time though if you mute it then I uh won’t actually get any of it

So what you want to do is just mute the tab instead don’t actually mute the don’t mute the YouTube Just mute the tab yo who built this tree that tree dummy thick uh me running Pocket Edition on my BlackBerry honestly how did I not even see that guy

I swear my sounds are on again this time like they’re they’re on now promise that could have been lethal I would have cried if I died yo are blackberries even still a thing being fun watching every stream so far even this stream that’s amazing I’m happy for you Loki no I

Swear you got to be kidding bro you’re making a joke to me build a zoo low key I kind of want to that’s what I’m doing fill them holes I might um again not really a good excuse for them they can add offhand on Pocket Edition they’re actually working on it right now

And I don’t know if I necessarily say console doesn’t have enough buttons because like at the end of the day how many buttons do we actually use not really that many and they’re not going to be adding things that use like entirely new buttons every update so I I

Don’t necessarily know about that now I’m being for real my guy the penguin does absolutely nothing it’s a waste go change your vote my guy it’s literally a waste we could have dog armor my guy all right uh you should build a haunted house potentially I got to get cows back at

The base first and foremost cows are the main objective right now Ks are the the main objective yo diagonal oh diagonal speed briding di diagonal speed Bri is hard uh Lord Bud build a huge pumpkin with light inside I did that once I already did that

Before um all all this bird does uh isn’t fly honestly real PVP real pvpers use all the buttons yes I’m literally just like pushing back button screen crafting use mouse cursor or tab button to select element game menu uh no use options no use mouse cursor or tab button accessibility settings narrator narrator

Narrator off I I just I was going to say I was going to make a joke like my P PVP I use nine Keys then you’re just not a real pvper then I voted crab my guy okay crab’s a solid Second Chance a solid a

Second option I was going to make a joke about how like real pvpers use every key and then I literally push down every single key on my keyboard at once just like two full hands smacked down on this bad boy and uh yeah apparently I turned on narrator and opened another tab over

On my browser on the second screen so I know Penguins can’t fly IRL uh by the way I’m not DB I I I kind of figured that is pretty common knowledge I don’t think the penguin is a good choice and you’re actually dead to me now

So I’m kidding but also maybe I’m not kidding I have an agenda I’m trying I’m trying to pull guys though if if armadillo wins I’m definitely making a video claiming that I rigged the vote I’ve ACD turned narrator on before yeah me uh basically

If you want to turn them off just go to accessibility settings like a cave of zombies o hello come here uh let’s see they don’t use every key false information I don’t know man I use every key and that’s why I’m the goat see did you see just see that PVP

There come on thank you come on yo my guy wait actually oh well I guess then I can only carry one at a time it’s probably not that good of an idea my mom voted armadillo W mom honestly your mom just had a w guys your mom just had a w

Amazing uh if you vote penguin you sadly can’t watch watch streams honestly it’s it’s the facts I don’t make the rules maybe I do maybe I do she use fresh animations oh yeah is that actually a resource pack or is that a mod I feel like it could be both but

I’ve seen it and like it looks really good for a resource pack like I feel like they’d have to use a like have it as a mod to do all of that come on you stupid you dumb fool you know what you know what get out of here Goofus bofus

Uh let me name some good pvpers real quick clown Pierce don’t use all Etc how do you know clown Pierce doesn’t use every key I think clown Pierce uses every key and then some he also has a stream deck attached it pushes all those keys too I mean have have you seen the

Man bro bro knows the game resource pack okay gotcha I we’re we’re I’m I’m clearly trolling obviously you can’t be using every key half the keys don’t do anything um let see fresh animations is so good for honestly actually I could add it right now I could add it right now I

Think I love how my Vine boom is broken and just is built different uh uh by Lord vot vote penguin no stay in the Stream please penguin is probably uh the most useless of the three it is in fact the most useless of the three of the three Jinx uh

Oh jeez actually some of these mobs won’t have all the uh animations so uh here I’ll I’ll just add a couple of these I’ll just add a couple of these and see how it goes uh the broken V Mo makes it better honestly I’m supposed to

Be able to turn on with a key but it doesn’t work that way way fresh was Stone textures resource pack that will improve textures from was Stone Mod oh okay I’ll add that uh okay uh eating animations I’m pretty sure that one’s probably already in here enter mod

Compatibility for okay sure we’ll add it I don’t care I’m just adding a ton of crap to this really quick nice BRB screen thank you thank you guys I like it it uh I think it’s I think it’s good epic fight animations custom animation package for I don’t need that

Okay all right let’s load into the game hope it doesn’t just break I’m going to go take a nap real quick see later no all right let’s load the game hope it doesn’t just straight up break and then it should look totally different in the world’s coolest of ways eating

Animations isn’t in better Minecraft I feel like it is but that one was like a resource pack so I don’t know uh so apparently this discussion about why mojing is long to produce updates is not new I’m missing videos from 2018 it is true it is not new

They’ve basically been like this ever since Microsoft bought them uh the dipping stick just broke no fun dip L all right these cows should look super goofy now I in the chat for the vi music he gone all right but and I don’t think it worked oh wait I have to resource

Packs oh my gosh um do I need to add any of these I just realized there’s a bunch here I don’t know what El is necessary mix leaves look identical to optify Smart leaves Oh e I don’t want that Uh oh I don’t know what all these are supposed to be I think I’m good without without half of these uh I’ve been in VC your Discord server for a long time hey yo I noticed that I don’t know if we’re doing I don’t know if we’re doing VC

Chat today though vom stop making me hungry honestly um it’s not the mod it’s not in this mod pack I’m pretty sure it is oh I can see the cows I’m pretty sure it is yo look at the like bro these cows on the Zaza or something look at that oh that’s

Actually beautiful okay look at those cows those animations to be fresh fresh animation be looking good now I’m just AFK felt yes all right so hopefully hopefully this works for like everything or at least most things I feel like some of the modded animals aren’t going to have the fresh

Animations but these dudes look good these dudes look great you absolutely love to see it oh my cat hi hello what are you up to silly boy my cat IRL just like popped up onto my like chair what’s wrong dude I’m addicted to Fresh animations I can’t play without

It honestly it is good they do be good be be take a nap all right have a good nap don’t nap through the whole stream yo we’re almost back at the base we’re almost back at the base I fell in a hole no don’t fall in the

Hole what’s your cat’s name uh this cat that’s bothering my bothering me right now his name is Vlad and he is just a silly little guy oh I thought that was hay for a second I was confused yeah yeah watch look see e the eating animations is in

This let me just impress the cows with my speed briding oh okay I fell just don’t just don’t think about that uh it’s Vlad The Destroyer I think the original reference was something about Vladimir Putin not in like a weird way I don’t know if there’s a non weird way to do that

But uh there’s three cats here amazing I also have more than one all right well screw it I’m sure those cows are plenty impressed already I don’t need to impress them further all right everyone where you at where did that other dude go where is bro here he

Is thought you were talking about one where the food gets visibly eaten I don’t like that one at all I think that’s gross um yeah like the texture I’ve seen that I don’t like that that kind of breaks my brain it’s just not good for

My like my hi hey hey hey hi thank you come this way you guys are going to have a great and wonderful life don’t worry about it guys it’s going to be great me too yeah it’s pretty it’s pretty weird it’s bizarre come on you cows just don’t worry about like your

Brother that I threw on the ground over there these cows were following me like from the ends of the Earth earlier and now they get distracted every like 2 Ft uh two males are Nam pirate and Toshi the female name is ailia um oh poina or PO for sure oh gotcha all right for now you guys are going to live in here don’t worry guys I’ll give you a much more in a much more inhumane house later

Don’t worry about it my dudes I thought that was a spider I freaked out I almost just started stabbing uh watching mobs run away from the withers storm with fresh animations is lit that that probably would be pretty good not going to lie that does sound funny yo is this thing

Sneezing yo where the little Turtle dude go please don’t tell me like this dude had his way with him I’m pretty sure I hope they didn’t kill each other maybe he’s under here no little turtl man the little turtl man is gone guys I’m so sad yeah they’re not just like colliding

Um I had I had the reference wrong myself it’s flad the Impaler not Destroyer uh also some might know him as yeah as Dracula yeah yeah uh they actually have fear that’s true that’s true they would be very fearful king um I don’t think this dude got a fresh

Animations upgrade oh hold up I don’t want to shove you off I think the little turtl man is gone that is so depressing I love that little turtle man like he was my brother all right time to set up most incredible the most incredible Minecraft farm I’m sorry for what you guys are

About a witness the horrors the trauma actually I’m not sorry it will in fact be funny so not really that worried hey I know I misplaced this dude hey come here uh rip Turtle new Cannon spelling oh turtle no I love you okay and I need to go up again grab some

Iron and we’ll just grab some wood I only need like half this stuff the one piece I love Turtle too yo just linky welcome back to the stream the one piece is real uh no man I think the one piece is just the friends we’ve made along the

Way the one piece is just the Friends who made along the way it’s my block piled answer I don’t think the one piece is real it’s just the Friends of made along the way they said I’ve not seen the show so can’t really talk I don’t have that kind of time to

Dedicate unfortunately or else I would love to watch it but I don’t have that type of time uh no bro I imagine the one piece is just a scrap of paper honestly it’ be wild I bet it is I I I bet it is I bet that’s all it is it’s all just an elaborate prank all just an elabor prank the real treasure was a friends who made along the way yeah um like n Turtle super Edition no yo exclusive is back pog um it would end

The craters the out honestly I don’t even watch the show and I’d be ticked uh Uh just a second I’ll I’ll reat in a moment I’m trying to get this cow in yep yep all right Amazing amazing um I Heard a theory that somehow Luffy went back in time and left a message I’m the pirate king not you Roger interesting uh diagonal fence so cursed yeah but diagonal fence is just Superior I’m diagonal fence King what can I say it’s just better I can’t believe I’m like one

Short that is incredibly sad diagonal fence gang is better join diagonal fence gang uh let’s see the real piece uh the real one piece where ones we pieced the real one piece was the ones we pieced along the way honestly uh who are you deep down me deep

Down um I’m just I’m just me I’m just regular guy I don’t know what kind of question that is what’s my real name I I don’t know my real name my real name is Lord Buton that’s my parents named me that’s why I named it that’s what that’s why I named that my

Channel so if you look it up you’ll find me so that’s how you know it’s true yo cute plush bros message redacted which one did we redact he redacted the the funny it’s a funny silly goofy one piece meme no uh I should grab some sheep so that’s

What the pen is for actually it was for the sheeps I’ll give you a hand starts with a B Brandon I don’t know Bethany I don’t know uh we don’t really need to like dox ourselves on the stream today guys no docon is necessarily required so Barry Benson whoa Barry

Benson be movie POG honestly look at that freshly animated sheep oh apparently that’s a berry hello a berry Benson oh my gosh okay so getting animals tonight was like easier than I thought it’s easier hell my sister hey yo that sounds that’s sus bro that’s

Sus oh the B Movie is traumatic for me honestly I feel like the be movie is a masterpiece and in fact a work of art and anyone who thinks otherwise has the ability of being incorrect which is a skill I don’t possess myself I’ve basically never been wrong cuz I’m

Me uh you just got a dirty bind U my name is at the end of the video is my animation Channel only when only then will you know my real name by the way I like to make animations oh that’s so cool animations are epic was that all just a Shameless plug

Inside of my chat my guy bro was plugging no come on sheeps into your brand new home nerds get good at the Game yo there’s a joke I can make there but we’re not going to let’s make this place nice and safe the plug this unintentional you you you you good you good I I I I figured uh what were you doing to the Sheep yeah I was giving you some motivation to

Move feel like the creepers just look like the creepers from Minecraft dungeons when they do that I don’t know why here he is all right all right oh no oh no okay that was unintentional um amazing really thought the creeper is going to explode honestly me me too um

Heyo what do you mean AO uh the creepers have uh their mod textures uh if there Minecraft textures with with fresh animations I kind of figured the texture did look different the poor sheep I don’t know if I’d say poor sheep I think you liked it bi. River Redux dogra iaz

Amazing apparently that river is from a Mod aming some people can’t their sheep I just pick them up and do a like 20 km Dash uh the water bucket clutch was epic thank you that was the greatest water bucket clutch you’ve ever seen in your life uh yo mobs no okay it’s cuz they it’s

Cuz they heard I wanted XP I’m just never getting to level 30 guys like the ddes creeper texture more than the vanilla to be honest um I don’t know if I necess have a preference of the two uh let’s see SE on the eyes maybe I’m not I’m not

Sure particularly if I feel like my eyes feel easier but if it but if it does good for you then that’s pretty great what the heck guys why am I getting ambushed am I secretly bad at this game that’s that’s not true I’m great I’m the best [Applause] uh people fight

Over uh let’s see you’re not going to watch One Piece all right well good luck best of luck hopefully you find the one piece it’s the Friendzy midd along the way just watch uh some mobs if you click on full your own CLS with empty hand it will harvest andry

Seeds um I will have to try that out here once some of the crops grow up well that was useless oh the creeper was trying to get an autograph he was so excited I bet that was the case I bet that was it I’ll make a netherite hill one day guys I’ll do

It you don’t think I will but I will Zoomer MC yo welcome to the stream bro got some kind of special name he’s got to check or something nice verified user oh is is that like cool or is this like Twitter oh I can’t do it on

Here uh Sheldon J planton or Mr Crabs I don’t know I’ve not seen I didn’t watch SpongeBob I I I I don’t know I’ve never seen it but uh yo zomer MC welcome to the stream how are you doing today dude welcome to the Stream how are you

Doing uh so I think they have a term for this I think it’s called like a chest monster nah nah it’s just called being really good at the game uh over 100k Subs is a check mark epic that’s Epic amazing I’m glad that famous people are watching my stream

Tonight uh you must have seen Minecraft 109k yo that’s Epic um I have seen Minecraft a couple times a couple times a couple times all right so what kind of things do I need to build here at the base great question glad you asked glad you asked amazing question amazing you should build vom Tower I don’t know

About that my cat is cute but Annoying mine too mine too um yo I should build something proper for this camel should build something proper for this camel uh you should put slabs on the farm water before winter comes just to prepare oh jeez I didn’t know that was a

Thing I have a plan do Moss carpets work cuz I kind of want to put Moss carpets over it oh camels can walk over one fence oh Amon I knew that I know a lot about this game I kind of study every single mechanic because it’s like my intended career path I guess

Campell pyramid maybe I don’t know how big of a structure I’ll build for him because big structures require space and I don’t need to build them something like bigger than my base so I’m kind of thinking wait so what happens to the water when winter comes does it just turn to ice

I don’t know if I like that that sounds really lame uh maybe your camel can just have a room of his own yeah that’s that’s what I was going to do was just like build him a little still like a little shelter nothing too fancy just enough to where he’s not like

In a hole in the ground um there’s snow uh there’s snow everywhere o amazing um BRB all right we’ll see you around won’t prevent freezing oh oh well I don’t really care it looks cool it looks cool so I don’t really care that much use it [Applause] here

Actually crops don’t grow in the winter anyway oh makes sense I didn’t really expect them [Applause] to only sugar canane well luckily there’s sugarcane right there amazing oh it all just vanished ouch oh jeez taking away the leaves like forgets it’s a tree oh no I don’t really

Care I get chopped out an entire tree I can do that I think I’ll live but now oo fancy look at how fancy all right amazing oh wait that leads down into the mob farm amazing you should try chopping a tree with silk touch to see if it drops leaves

Um oh actually I guess that would make sense it might I’ll have to try it amazing I think that looks pretty good now it’s time to basically terraform up this land a little bit I think uh yo my guy bro in here Rick Rolling the chat how dare you how dare you

Broh yo exclusive is back legend legend all right time to basically just level up these Aesthetics like they’ve never been leveled up before amazing fantastic you love to see it you love to see it uh okay so I have to right click it with the hoe

Basically oh that makes my life so much easier I also don’t have to know which ones actually are are Harvestable Yo I got two crafting tables what is this serious thoughts on Among Us I don’t I don’t think it was ever a good game or if it’s still good Among Us is actually really fun if you um are playing it with like friends if you’re just like queuing with randoms then it’s

Just going to be obnoxious cuz you’re going to be with like a bunch of children but Among Us can actually be pretty fun it get surprisingly tense as well honestly I would give Among Us like a solid like eight out uh like a solid like seven out of 10 might need more storage

To I don’t know I I have no hate for among us to be honest and also the memes are 10 out of 10 this is probably not healthy for my sword I should probably get a separate sword for this or maybe I could just have him fall onto a

Dripstone they suck um I hate the randoms that basically just dip out of every lobby at the moment they’re not imposter it’s not going to like let all the children through is it um I own too many pieces of Among Us merchandise that is funny um just a Keene and a

Figurine honestly like like I’m saying guys Among Us isn’t even that bad oh wait hold up what that might defeat the purpose I don’t think drione causes continuous damage only one time I might be wrong no it it only does it one time but that’s all I want I just want to

Increase the damage that they’re taking I don’t want continuous damage cuz I want to take them out and get the XP yeah cuz see now he’s a one hit see now now he’s a one hit I just need to make sure that the children aren’t going to be escaping

There no no one should be getting out of that hole and if they do well that’s just bad on me um no that skeleton for some reason was like taking an upwards knockback I don’t think that’s all that common yo vlom let’s go Among Us is a good game if if you

Play it right honestly I think Among Us can be really fun if you play it with your friends yeah there we go that’s a lot better that’s a lot better right there uh what do you think of string is string cheese is epic I love string cheese string cheese is the

Best uh oh maybe we could plant some pumpkins that could be good uh what do you think of candy corn I think candy Corn’s a a solid candy it’s pretty good I don’t understand people who like who don’t like candy corn honestly that’s got to be some kind of crime right like

Candy Corn’s just good I don’t understand how you could not like it um okay now I have seeds so I could definitely be making um some more pumpkins oh just don’t know where yo oven Tunes welcome to the stream POG epic oven Tunes Moment nice all right we make some nice pumpkin decorations I guess amazing that’s way too many actually I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this so much all right I just like instantaneously bro I need your help with what DM

Me DM me oven I I’ll I’ll help you I got you uh like the pumpkins by the way thank you meeting candy corn as we speak amazing This is Halloween all right I can’t do too much more I’ll get copyrighted I don’t want to do too many

Pumpkins maybe I’ll just put like a pumpkin here and like maybe that’ll be it for now but what I really should do is build an entire pumpkin patch uh um does better Minecraft have other ways for fully automatic uh wheat harvesting than just with villagers like you can do the auto Farms

With with villagers and vanilla does better Minecraft have um a better way of doing that I I mean I mean this is already super convenient the way I can do it now but imagine if it was better Surprised I don’t have any more Brown sheep yeah uh there’s a pumpkin patch by him oh that sounds Cool that sounds cool I think I saw one of those I think I saw one of those at one point I’ll I’ll I’ll watch that in a bit ofen if that’s okay I’ll watch that in a bit I need a different shovel BRB again no okay

Um cuz I would like to just yeah I need a different shovel let’s just make an iron shovel uh do you ha fortnite or it’s Community honestly fortnite’s kind of fun I think it’s mostly just the people that play it that are like kids so and I don’t even necessarily have any

Problem with them I just I’m not a kid so why would I like I don’t really play with kids cuz I’m not one so a I just crafted buttons I’m so angry that was not on purpose uh Community felt I had to edit a vid on back though epic welcome

Back epic being back moment uh let me see if I can get a little bit of efficiency on this shovel that was useless that was a waste of my life um I like the I like that Dragon Ball was in the game uh do you play bed for chance I do

Play bed on occasion yeah but I like Java better but I I actually have quite a few uh videos where I play Bedrock entire actually SMP series which may maybe we’ll uh have some more episodes of that coming out soon maybe not who knows who knows not

Me definitely I wouldn’t know and I’m not just saying ambiguous things to troll you guys I would never I don’t know I like Java especially since I’m playing better Minecraft right now which is a Java mod pack I feel like Java content’s a little bit more relevant too it gets watched

By everyone bck players included unlike bck content which basically only gets watched by bck players most Java players don’t really care that much or they just have something against Bedrock even though they’ve never really played it like I agree Java is better but Bedrock gets a lot of undeserved

Hate play Bedrock uh with with my brother and cousins honestly that’s that’s kind of how mine is I have some friends that like they don’t play Java cuz they have like an Xbox or something and so that’s basically the reason why I play it also I got it for free so why [Applause]

Not bed deserves more love um I don’t know if it necessarily deserves more love I just think it deserves less hate I’ll I’ll put it that way I think it just deserves less hate it it it doesn’t get enough credit cuz honestly it’s not that much different and it is

Pretty fun I mean it’s Minecraft at the end of the day it is pretty [Applause] fun I need a really fast shovel I’ll have one soon one [Applause] day uh good cuz I fit in the car SMP potentially I don’t know I can’t say I would spend too much time on it or making videos on it I can’t can’t I can’t promise anything so can’t promise anything I want to do ANP honestly smps can be really fun there’s another S&P I’m actually trying to get into right

Now but I have to make like an application which is e so I’m like partway through making it but they the people that are like doing it they really like replay mod so I basically you basically have to use it in the application in order to get accepted which is kind of

Dumb but I’m I’m working on it I don’t have anything against it but uh are you a better Java player I’m personally a Java player I just kind of have both and have enjoyed both I’m the rare Java player who has absolutely nothing against Bedrock I think it’s perfectly

Fine I enjoy its quirks to be honest uh need an application to play a block game yeah I agree it’s just stupid well they’re they’re it’s like a server that’s like kind of like serious um and basically it prevents a bunch of like gross 9-year-olds from getting on their server also it’s it’s

Like an SMP for like making content it’s not just like screwing around it’s like actually like for making videos so it keeps a bunch of like really immature children off the server and it kind of gives them an idea if what like of what your videos

Are and if it’s what they want their uh you know server represented as and it also helps them determine if your personalities can be compatible with the rest of the players it’s not actually that big of a deal I’m just struggling to come up with it since

I’ve not had to do that before but I I don’t think it’s bad I think it’s actually good idea um I think like obviously like every content SMP requires that really every content SMP requires that so I I don’t have any problem with the fact that they want me to do that I

Just I’m being lazy I guess all right so the baby can get stuck down there but he can’t get free that’s fine that’s nice though I I get them to a one hit um it would be called peaceful SCP can you guess what it’s about that’s right only peaceful mode um something a

Gimmick besides more recipes and stuff that are obtainable in peaceful uh that that would be fun that’d be an interesting thing at the very least I feel like you would have to have pretty dedicated players though or else it just wouldn’t work they would get bored since you basically have to

Um like like a lot of stuff is harder to come by so you kind of have to make like farms and things in order to have bigger quantities of a couple different resources so um let’s see okay let’s there we go all right um actually what’s the the most

Efficient way o i don’t get those back always okay I think probably something like this and then pumpkin be here pumpkin would be here and then I could do that I guess technically I don’t really need water for these either um who’s your favorite non-minecraft YouTuber to be honest I don’t really

Watch a whole ton of like non Minecraft YouTube probably uh Danny the like Game Dev guy probably Him sounds like thunder we’ll Sleep oh rainbow oh that’s so pretty not me getting hyped over a rainbow don’t worry about it guys I’ve been thinking of getting Java Edition I don’t know if my PC is strong enough I think your PC is strong enough a lot of people worry about if their PC is strong

Enough I I think everyone’s PC can run it especially since OptiFine is a thing Rainbows are a perfect circle that is true that is true definitely if you’re thinking about getting Java you should it’s great it’s a good experience yeah no problem yeah no problem and if if you start to struggle

To run it just download OptiFine it’s a pretty good optimization mod that basically everyone uses well I guess I harvested all my crops and apparently all my Moss carpets too no that’s really Sad it was uh all part of the plan don’t worry about it [Applause] guys yeah yeah sometimes they just like jump on the dripstone and take themselves out which is pretty annoying oh well I don’t really care nice plan better than mine no problem no problem oh these look way different

What I can do is I’m pretty sure actually these might have to have dirt to place on I don’t know I’s going say I could just put like slabs trying to think about irrigating these how long did I make it 1 2 three four five six seven8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Jeez I made it long all right well I’ll I’ll figure out a plan I have a plan don’t worry about it it involves taking out these and putting my irrigation right here basically um there’s one resource pack I forgot to add my wither store mod pack it’s called sit story mode tools what’s

That one do does it just like make it look more like story mode that should be nice and irated we can start getting some pumpkins that I’ll do nothing with ever don’t worry about it you have a surprise yo vom’s back heck yeah let’s go what’s the surprise we’re all

Dying we’re all dying to know now uh add ultimate diamond tools from Minecraft uh story mode nice a texture pack amazing sometimes Minecraft looks more realistic than real life I agree wait I bet I can just what if I what if [Applause] I just put the water here and then just oh okay

Well check Discord later I got you I got you yo guys I figured it out figured it out guys this is amazing amazing that was great that honestly was super hype 48 Moss layers 51 actually hold up is there any more that I’m missing I don’t think

So uh yo who almost had an acci there and now I can amazing yo what’s good not uh basically everything’s good we’re doing great right now we’re building a pumpkin farm get all irrigated and going which is the best oh oh my gosh and I just Del my water I think I’m

A little bit off my game today guys I’m I’m a little bit under the weather I think so uh technically I didn’t have to put that this far over I could have put it one one more block oh well I don’t really care I don’t really

Care that looks cool now we got a pumpkin patch going amazing you love to see it excuse me but anyway how’s everyone doing a night how’s everyone doing I swear that I guess those aren’t quite ready oh two hours Let’s Go we’ been streaming for two hours Let’s Go

Amazing and now we got pumpkins fantastic all right the base is starting to come oh the base is starting to come together uh good tip for vanilla use mod for your auto tracking Farm oh yeah that’s true because uh The Hoppers can pick up through it that is

True that is true good tip thank you I want to get to level 30 tonight I should probably just like I need to be more like active at the farm or around it I think I was a little out of range doing the Pumpkins ah yes we can basically build with wool at this point if we wanted which is perfect for the next Project uh how many cows are there I don’t quite know yet not nearly enough the idea with the cows is um on Java we have entity cramming where basically there’s 24 like uh entities in one block it starts to kill them off so that so that’s what that is it

Just kind of Auto kills them for me as well these sheeps I want to get wool from them so I don’t really want them to die cuz I need to get wool from them ultimate Diamond Tool is cool are those in this does this have ultimate diamond tools I guess

Not uh wait there’s no entity cring yeah I know Bedrock doesn’t have entity cring which is Big sad Bedrock needs entity cramming but uh entity cramming is more or less a Java limitation what’s your favorite Minecraft SMP um good Question good question I don’t know I haven’t really thought about that myself what’s your favorite Minecraft S&P what’s your favorite Minecraft S&P haha now the tables have turned oh what’s from Minecraft story mode The Entity cramming I don’t think it’s from I don’t think entity criming

Is from Minecraft story mode just got a devious idea what’s the idea how devious and I’m still all right I keep trying to go down all the crafting tables sounds sus actually hold up Uh the car SMP is your favorite Amazing amazing uh why don’t you wear your good armor because my good armor is going to die it’s B it’s very low on durability and I don’t want it to go bye-bye uh hold up actually I need to but I’m trying to enchant it that’s why I was making the XP

Farm uh Minecraft and Lego are exactly the same not necessarily but valid opinion they’re similar enough I would Say yeah but soon we’ll have the enchant the enchanting setup going and I’ll be able to wear the good armor again which will be amazing uh they’re going to Nerf yeah I kind of like the Villager changes though um I think it’s good also it’s

Kind of cool that like you have to go find like swamp villagers now but it’s also not good for like the average player it’s actually really bad for the average player the average player who might make a uh villager thing specifically just for mending and that’s it because it is very

Good um but it’s very hard to come by Naturally ah but no it’s bad for the average player they should collab I mean there’s a a texture pack that makes it look like Legos I mean it doesn’t really count but also they uh they they did you can buy Minecraft Legos all my diamond tools with the command blocks are called oh

Gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha oh I just picked up my crafting table by accident that mechanic be becomes a ton uh less useful when it comes to blocks or actually hold up okay I can’t use it to grab spawners so never mind it is pretty useless camel is yes I agree camel is Yes 4K what do you mean what do you mean this is not in 4k we’re only in like 1080 this is only 1080p just regular HD I wish I could play in 4k technically I can um like I I have the PC for it I just don’t have the I don’t have 4K monitors

S SP 129 I don’t know what that means you broke Minecraft yo we made a camel uh we made a tent for the camel let’s go how did you break Minecraft yo hold up SB is the goat I don’t need to hear that are are you thinking of like SP

Sp737 cuz SP sp737 is the goat sp737 is an absolute Legend very inspiring content creator to be honest one of my favorites uh how do you feel about silence trim silence is the best it looks so cool oh a different SP okay okay I was

About to say no no SP hate on this channel but if it’s a different SP then you’re that you can hate on him it’s okay all right we’re close to level 30 so we’re going to chill down here for just like a hot second till we get to level

30 camel sounds angry camel always sounds angry C always sounds angry also what did we end up naming the camel the other day when we got him cuz I realized I have name tags now all right so what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Go uh get some water really quickly so I’m going to pop this onto the B Bank screen you guys can enjoy this VI music and the vine boom uh a Java S&P name idea epic put it in the chat uh we’ll see it um but I’m

Going to go get some water and let this grinder fill up so you guys chill here and I will be right back here in a few minutes Yo Morse code POG we’re back to Minecraft rip and piece viby music oh we’re so close to level 30 guys and we’re going to finally do some enchanting hype hype going be our beast and cool Legends for sure for sure we’ll be cool here High steak SMP oh that actually is

A good name I wonder if there’d be like is there anything special about it like y are the stakes High cuz I feel like every S&P nowadays you have to have like some type of like gimmick or something you know um but that but that is a cool

Name uh I translated it says EC amazing something tells me it’s not actually moris code uh and better Minecraft you can use name tags without anvils oh that’s cool does it still use XP amazing it was your cat sure that’s what they all say all right guys now what do we

Enchant first what do we enchant first I think I think we make a tool first it doesn’t use XP nice what was the name of the camel by the way guys I don’t remember what we named him what did we name the cam guys I can’t remember but we are now level 30

Finally finally that took way longer than I kind of thought it was going to maybe name the camel humps well I know I know the camel has a name already I just can’t remember what we made it um let’s see I think I want to do a tool I have five

Diamonds left control right button to name without an anvil oh okay ooh amazing okay all right let’s just grab some of the sticks and we’ll just make a pickaxe and we’ll pop it in we’ll grab some lapis and we’ll see what we get um okay that’s not terrible efficiency 3 efficiency 3 efficiency

3 sharpness three oh I probably could have I probably should have checked everything that was really inefficient um breaking three Thorns to nasty I hate Thorns Unbreaking three Unbreaking three all right and I don’t really you know I I guess we could uh check a bow

As well power three nah nah we don’t need power three okay um exactly I’m back yippy amazing welcome back welcome back all right um what I do want to do though is I don’t want to be just like killing my sword also that gets all that

Uh weird NBT data off of that dude so we’ll you be and this is our grinding sword since they’re low enough when they hit the dripstone that I don’t need the diamond sword and take them out fast all right uh my Nana’s house is very haunted yikes

That’s that’s weird I’m sorry about that I guess uh you should watch animation versus Minecraft if you haven’t seen it I have seen it I have seen it I watched most of those they’re okay they’re okay uh probably because she lives across from a cemetery spooky no stop it skeletons keep doing

That that’s so annoying that’s so annoying uh about the SMP name uh what do you think I think it sounds awesome um is does it have some type of like like gimmick or something to it cuz I know like like you know the S smps all have like their

Own their own like thing you know all right let’s oh that menu actually pauses the game I have to go maybe for now all right no problem no problem all right guys I have a plan let’s see uh hope you have a good night all right we’ll be seeing

Everyone not yet it’s just a name all right well you know everything’s got to start somewhere all right while we wait for these mobs which apparently like where are these mobs why are they not they not coming but I think while while we wait I can play mind

Sweeper all right gotta remember how mind sweeper works but see that basically the ones with the one next to them I think are bombs yeah okay I haven’t played this in in forever but uh it takes two wipes to realize you need one my final message whoa it’s true

Bro is speaking facts bro is speaking facts no the skeletons why do they keep doing that No that is very deep all right let’s just start in the corner so not that one but I can do what wait how’s this work I was so sure I was so sure excuse me that was gross I’m sorry we’ll start in the very middle I feel like I’m doing this wrong Skelly

Boy L honestly imagine taking LS wait how’s also I’m not surprised how does this game work I don’t know uh I think I know how it works how how does it work explain to me cuz I’m apparently doing it wrong I thought I knew how it worked too but apparently I’m

Wrong I think you should right click to Mark locations as mines oh yeah you’re right I can do that can’t I oh my game kind of froze all right so okay yeah yeah yeah oh I have 99 of the flags okay so start here and all the ones next to the ones

Are mines right or no uh hold up I think those are wrong uh the numbers tell you how far you need to go the numberers how many mines exist in adjacent eight tiles oh so basically adjacent eight tiles is like a bunch so these ones aren’t necessarily safe what the freak okay

So the ones I okay so two two two one two so this one is probably a bomb here right uh oopsie yeah I made an oopsie a little a little a little silly oopsie so that one I don’t know that one is means that’s like surrounded by bombs basically so is

That I think right adjacent eight tiles means left right up down and Corners oh duh so basically one of these oh gotcha okay so like that could be safe I see okay I see now I understand oh okay so basically all of these are mines essentially um or most of

Them so this isn’t necessarily it was dang it okay maybe mind sweeper isn’t the game to play maybe I’m just bad at it am I able to switch to super low latency mode I’m not dang it I was going to switch to ultra low latency and have you guys basically help me play

It we’re so close we’re so close all right okay so there’s a lot of bombs around here so the ones in theory are the safest um Is Your Name Lord Bud my name is Lord bud that’s what my parents named me when I was born um I’m not like accidentally like

Doxing myself by switching screens am I nah I don’t think so same amazing okay so these are probably dangerous this one is probably dangerous cuz basically one of these isn’t a mine but basically all of these are mines essentially bye all right see you oven got your IP now

No bye oven Tunes thanks for popping into the stream we’ll see you next time all right so basically these are all dangerous all dangerous and this is a bomb for sure actually both of these are basically confirmed as bombs because the two here um but that means if this is a bomb that

Means only one of these others is except this is a for sure a bomb because well actually no okay so this could be be a bomb because of this guy oh so I guess the type of process of elimination I’m doing right now I’m kind of just concluding that everything

Around the edge is a bomb I’m just going to live wildly okay so basically oh jeez a four holy cow I don’t want to click anymore around that okay so that means all of these are bombs well I guess that could be a bomb that most likely is a

Bomb uh when you have a one that means that you can only have one M adjacent to it um not more than one well yeah but if it’s got other ones next to it if it’s got other ones next to it I just realiz it records the like my

Time that’s like part of my score and mine is going to be so high um so you’re at one right now you have marked way too many times as suspect but what about these threes what about these threes right basically those threes confirm that this whole row is bombs

Ah wait how are they not where were I I feel like there’s something that I don’t understand correctly about this face reveal no no all right I feel like there’s something I don’t understand about this maybe we’ll try some different way to pass the time while I chill at the mob grinder

Hands reveal hands reveal has already been done go look at the Discord somewhere in memes there’s pictures of my hands uh so look at the top one you have three tiles adjacent to it um only one is a mine you marked three tiles as sus ah

Gotcha but what if I’m not sure which one is it and I just want to to be sure I don’t know then in that case by that logic all of them around the Border are sus never mind no I mean it’s good advice I I I I need to actually learn

How to properly play mind sweeper one day I used to be really good at it but I I’ve kind of Forgotten since then how it works apparently I I I really thought I was going to know how to do it like super well you jerked how dare you Minecraft reveal all right guys

What Minecraft reveal this is the m whoa what what I became invisible there’s the Minecraft reveal guys also do you guys actually think the title of this video is funny or is that just me my eyes hurt right now for some reason mine too but I mean I’ve been

Playing a video game for almost 3 hours so that’s probably why oh your right eye hurts I thought you just hit my eyes see that’s how bad I am at existing right now I think what we’re going to do is probably get up to 30 run another enchant and then we’re

Probably going to just end off the stream better Minecraft has got to have some really good ways of getting XP so maybe I’ll look some stuff up between streams but I I getting kind of tired must be the sugar did you put sugar in your eye the title made me

Hungry honestly same Papa John’s is really good um and their slogan is great for being a title of a video game or a title of a live stream that’s weird that it does all of them that’s weird um I did cross my eyes a lot today well that’s that’s not

A oh that’s not smart I just threw my sword somehow this I know this is the most entertaining thing you guys have seen ever but I need to find some way to make this Farm produce faster but I don’t know how I mean I think putting the dripstone did improve it a

Lot I don’t know I feel like we’re still in like the really early stages of this game and I kind of want to like actually start exploring them mod and like doing some things soon you you have Minecraft cups um I don’t act actually I might have like a Minecraft

Mug I don’t know I think I definitely do somewhere dang I tried to get that so okay I need to distract myself somehow so I don’t start thinking too much I have three amazing uh one more way to spawn more arms is to increase the ceiling height the spawner room oh yeah

I guess I could have it go up like one or two more but it’s at ground level so at this point it it’s kind of like sealed its fate they need to quit doing that how how do I stop them from doing that I don’t know watch SpongeBob that’ll keep you

Busy yeah but that would also get a copyright claim on my stream all right let’s try again whoa that was a big section all right so probably not any of these would be a good idea maybe I’ll start over here um I feel like this one is probably a mine it

Wasn’t wait there aren’t any mines around this like like this guy here there isn’t any mines at all in his area and this one there’s no mines at all and this one there aren’t any and this one there are not any how am I I’m doing this wrong I’m I’m doing this

Wrong oh Solitaire that’s good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hold up hold up I think I think Minecraft has the or not Minecraft there’s the Um the solitire collection that probably isn’t going to dox me to open up yeah cuz it just logs me with Xbox uh your guess was right if your guess was wrong it would have marked it with a red X oh gotcha okay I thought it marked it with the red

X when I did actually have it right or when I had it right so um yo guys let’s go I like uh I like Tri Peaks uh let’s do it on grandm because I am a grandm why is there an ad Hollywood says buy to

John um I don’t want the I’m not going to pay to not have an ad here I’ll just amazing now there’s no ad yeah we’ll do Grandmaster cuz clearly I am a grand master oh but now half the oh wait okay ad was only on that one

Page uh John Travolta oh he died oh rip rip honestly I didn’t know see Unbreaking three Thorns eel Unbreaking three eel Unbreaking three uh let’s see efficiency 3 Nast bad all right I guess we’re going to do Unbreaking three on the leggings and protection three dang that’s gross

Okay but but now but now I want to play my solit collection while I wait for mobs uh I’d love to be in a Minecraft SMP I don’t think he died oh maybe he didn’t die I I I I thought you were saying that he did I don’t

Know Enchanted yeah yes we got Enchanted all right so let’s see this is the king so I want see the only select oh bro I’m dumb wait this already oh wait I don’t worry about it guys don’t worry about it oh jeez Jesus that was

Useless amazing ah o this is good 10 n 10 Jack Queen ah okay hey wasn’t bad though wasn’t bad two Ace Yo is this easy uh this opens up a card so it’s a little bit better than doing the ace could have played that a little better I know this is the Epic gameplay you guys all come here For oh oh it doesn’t let me reshuffle dang it okay well anyone that that questioned my grand master Ship oh wait no I I don’t want to use this solver for anyone that questioned my grand master ship that was pretty good I did Well I did I I didn’t do bad I didn’t do bad Tri Peaks is fun it’s it’s one of my favorite uh soliter collection games all right why do I feel like this is the same as it was last time it was wither or Ender Dragon like which

One’s harder the Ender Dragon’s way harder the Ender Dragon is insanely harder I mean the the the Wither boss is way harder than the Ender Dragon and even then the Wither boss is pretty easy if you know what you’re Doing ah there’s no six that’s so depressing I could have gone from the four to the three that’s what I should have done Eh s Queen Jack Ace two Three oh no wait wait go back go back go back is that is that cheating I don’t know 8 7 6 7 6 I’m 9 10 Hey welcome back exclusive we’re just kind of chilling grinding right now oh okay that that sucked that sucked we’re grinding some XP enchanting some gear and of course playing solitire Tri Peaks because that’d be amazing also CU apparently I’m bad at uh whatever the other game was I’m a go

By all right see you vom have a good night we’ll see you around in the next stream hopefully all right see seven see Queen Jack 10 see three four five four 3 2 ace King Ace I guess hello I’m the only one no I think I think there’s still some people here if you’re still here in the chat sound off guys sound off if you’re in the chat make your presence Known uh oh am I actually going to win this one low key Uh okay well maybe I won’t this isn’t Fair yo roma roma is here amazing I don’t know if I’m going to be able to pull this one off Guys no there just wasn’t even enough cards like I feel like sometimes it’s impossible long as chain nine amazing I’m so good at this I don’t know I’m playing it on grandmas where basically if you make one mistake you lose the whole game cuz I think on the other levels

You’re allowed to like reshuffle them into the deck like once or twice on the other difficulties all right so let’s see seven there isn’t anything even like off the bat so this Seven’s just wasted King see Queen Jack 10 see two three four five 4 3 two Ace King uh uh I’ll guess we’ll do the ace again yeah wasn’t bad that was solid see 9 10 9 10 Jack okay Fire may I should have probably done the five seen where that went oh Well easy dubs yes sir we got this we win these we win these oh we win these ain’t no way we lose now ain’t no way we lose Now ain’t no way we no why why is that a thing I feel like that was like the same as what we did last time I feel like that was the like the same like dck [Applause] no way that wasn’t the same layout as last

Time I so thought I was going to beat that I’m now to be fair I’m playing it on grandm mode so mistakes just are not allowed oh are you kidding okay well all right see protection 3 e protection 3 you protection three you efficiency 4 like I don’t hate that

Sweeping Edge three that could be good actually uh maybe we do efficiency 4 on the shovel question mark or actually let’s do it on the pickaxe um well actually that’s already got efficiency 4 which do I want efficiency 5 on the pickaxe or efficiency 4 on multiple tools I’m going

To go on the shovel because like to be honest the axe doesn’t really matter because of the like Timber Mod or whatever it’s called but having a quick shovel would be super helpful and I really don’t even need efficiency 5 on the shovel just efficiency 4 let’s see going for silk

Touch efficiency 4 Unbreaking three I can’t complain like that’s still pretty good like that’s not bad honestly at the very least like it takes care of basically all of my regular like terraforming needs all right this is literally the same deck every time I don’t know why it keeps giving me

The same one all right see 8 9 10 9 8 nine hey that’s not a bad way to start off three uh we’ll do four five three oh four 3 2 okay okay uh king queen Jack Queen Jack Queen all right all right this is this is easy dubs right here we’ll

Go uh five 6 7 all right oh wait I could six there we go I don’t know if that counts as cheating or not’s see seven Jack 7 8 n actually hold up ha there we go that makes me feel a little bit better about my life I could have done the king Also That was kind of dumb that was kind of dumb honestly five people only one talking y’all on Xbox or some may maybe maybe they are apparently we’re going to get just like a super loud big ad on my solitary game how could they how could they do me like

That how long is this ad oh it paused I move this to my other screen 13 seconds long what in the world guys I can’t believe it such a long ad all right here we go uh wow that was useless okay five 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 amazing three two three

Two see useless useless cards all right so Queen Jack Queen Jack Queen Ace or King Ace that’s where we end uh Jack 10 n 7 6 5 4 5 4 three amazing I’m actually the best 109 Ace King Ace yo are we actually GNA do it this time I’m The Grandmaster Pro come on I just need a seven or a five no where did I go wrong where did I go wrong what did I do I’m so sad oh that’s depressing all right that made me

Sad that made me sad how could how could they do me dirty like that guys how could they do me dirty like that all right so Queen ooh this is going to good okay queen king queen King uh okay four five 6 I think that’s a slightly better move C5 six see Ace King Jack 10 10 9 8 two three Two three four Five jack 10 Jack see three two Ace Two Dang it that that was not played that well to be honest uh you should try I’m a different game than Minecraft maybe um I don’t know I like Minecraft I think we’ll probably stick with Minecraft for now at least we’ll we’ll try some other games maybe another

Time I don’t know cuz if I start a new game like a different game then I have to like change the stream title and stuff and then like the VOD gets weird or whatever they call it on YouTube this I think is like a little loophole Here True Yeah it just makes everything Messy Oh Wait I’m surprised that the zombie spawner hasn’t spawned a zombie villager so far um if it has then I just haven’t noticed there’s a small chance that it has and that I just haven’t noticed I know this is just like the world’s most entertaining gameplay for you guys and the commentary is just

Immaculate right Now guess the zombie villagers would be able to tell cuz their feet would be different also when the bodies like fall through what it would be able to see also they they make different sounds too so I guess it hasn’t I probably would have noticed the sounds right away maybe we try

Uh pyramid question mark I I definitely know how to play pyramid don’t worry about it uh let’s see yeah I basically got to find a uh the Gold Pyramid the B tying cards add up oh add up the 13 oh okay so I got to do like the five and the

Eight and then like the three and the 10 four and I don’t think I do for anything uh let’s see oh wait I can also combine them up here too C A and B12 o fancy I’m finding the stream still enjoyable that’s good I’m glad to hear uh let’s see seven

And not seven and five if you I don’t want to find like seven and six uh this is so fun to watch 10 of 10 amazing oh 7 and six I guess technically I can do that as well cuz the jack is 11 the queen is 12 and the king is 13 um

Uh see uh no I don’t know what I was thinking seven and not seven and eight I want seven and like six uh 10 and three four and actually not fouring anything uh ah I lost okay that’s fine that’s fine we’ll uh we’ll just go back to playing

Minecraft I should be at my last should definitely get to level 30 all right what we’re going to do is go up do a level 30 enchant and that’s probably going to be the end of the stream I’ve been streaming for a little while

Now uh 3 hours and 14 minutes and I am getting tired see Pro 3 no definitely not no excuse me no no oh no maybe we get sharpness Smite uh okay so I guess uh oh punch one in flame okay that’s not bad uh thanks for the stream no problem no

Problem glad you guys liked it holy cow that’s so many levels so many levels oh well power five and we also get punch one in flame that’s cool what other enchants are we looking at Fortune 2 Fortune 2 all right well anyway thanks for watching the

Stream um next episode or next stream I think what we’ll do is focus on like getting strong um actually let me see what I can do really quick I have see Fortune One n respiration Marksman multi-shot sweeping Edge B stabing repairman Soul speed returning board fire

Aspect power oh I had a oh wait no it had curse feather falling for fortune 3 fing silk touch sharpness and Fortune respiration what we’ll do is we’ll go ahead and put fortune 3 on this pickaxe thank you bye all right Fortune pick okay so it’ll be the

Fortune pick we’ll go we we’ll go get some diamonds next episode and we will make we’ll we’ll get our gear pretty much complete next episode I think so in the meantime I’m going to do some research on maybe if there’s a better way to get XP in better

Minecraft um and yeah we will definitely spend the next video the next stream getting rich and getting powerful so thanks everyone for watching we’ll all see you next time and everyone have a very good night

This video, titled ‘Better ingredients, better Minecraft, papa johns!’, was uploaded by L0rdBud on 2023-10-14 18:03:44. It has garnered 101 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:31 or 11851 seconds.

okay we actually actually actually upgrading the base this time!

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    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道: discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: Twitch: Modpack download: Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More