Insane Minecraft World – Orange Paths in 3225+ Hour Hardcore

Video Information

It’s the colonal what’s up everybody how how how how we Doing James uncore t321 redeem first Ro funders score 123 is Here duster Jordan 96 is here they underscore a 112 is here now I’m placing the Sher box look at that box it has eight Corners Massive Massive Colonel car Rec colel heart Pi zero chip cookie is here graci C 570 is here massive 5 months already colel Mar colel Side that sounded good to me I like destruction destruction is the best massive it’s not about the build it’s about the destruction just delete hyp train get those em here delet there’s new ones oh this is looking Good delet destruction destruction is the Best I can hold this mouse better than anyone who could hold this mouse mainly because I wouldn’t allow them into my house to hold this mouse but nonetheless destruction Delet delet yeah I make great background music wait I’m music what’s up everybody how you doing one is here what is up my dudes sorry I had to cancel stream yesterday hair is bothering me under these headphones today uh what is up oh oh Tik Tok is having problems uh that seems

Normal honestly uh we still got some lights out it happens um but what is up let’s get the music going because of course that didn’t start on its own uh what are we looking at oh so many alerts today I really appreciate everyone showing up uh James GG redeem in first

What’s up Dusty uh Ox Ox uh I’ll call you I’ll call you ax uh they Ray um thick with the uh with the six Monon resub uh what’s up Gracie and James with the femon resub and Dusty with the seven Monon resub starting a hype train Chad

If you didn’t see the things earlier this week there is new hype train emotes so get yourself in them I want them I I’m going to be part participate in some hype trains I don’t know if I don’t know if the um if they’re here forever or how

Limited time they are right like when back when they used to update hype train emotes very regularly you would have a few months to get them then they would then they would they would be gone never available again uh so like I’m going to be making sure I get them I I’m

Participating in in a bunch of hype trains when I can do you guys see there’s been like three new world records for biggest hype trains ever this week because of the new emotes and this is the first time they’ve added new emotes since they previously made you

Able to go over a level five there’s been like woo GI with 200 Bitties uh thank you so much uh there’s been it’s been one guy I think maybe it’s only two times he set uh uh a world record for the largest hype train it was like level

555 100% or something like dude made bank I think we got I think we can get him I think we uh level 55 hype train is the highest one there is and he got to 500% of that which is the highest that has ever happened right so it doesn’t

Count to 56 like when you hit 100% of 55 it doesn’t count to 56 anymore it just means you’ve gone over 100% And he yeah he was insane insane I think he was like 1.3 million bits like and that’s like by itself is like insane he set for like [Laughter]

Years uh but welcome in everybody if you missed the Discord message about why there was no stream yesterday um magic was sick I was taking care of the girls all day and I was just exhausted and I didn’t feel like like it uh cuz magic had been sick then for more than just

That day uh and I just couldn’t uh she’s doing better today yeah yeah um it was it must have been like a just like a a 24-hour bug or something I don’t know um hype train complete there we go oh I got an emote I got an emote

First emote with the new with the new emotes in I want to see them in chat look at it’s a little Game Boy hype cute it’s a Christmas game boy see they’re Christmas themed I feel like I feel like you got to get them all this month or

Something I don’t know I don’t know um is is Tik Tok still disconnected it looks like it’s fine now uh oh what’s up what’s up guys on Tik Tok I need to refresh my chat um yeah it disconnected and I lot and I lost my connection to

Chat and probably alerts Let me refresh both of those un momento ticktock ofor I don’t think that’s how that statement works but I’ve said it anyway um there we are who was it over there Joker and Darcy there you go oh I did see Darcy’s message no I didn’t oh

Well all right uh let’s get into Hardcore Minecraft um colormatic it knows look at that it’s got the blue biome it’s got the pink biome um what else we got here the white biome this is the uh I don’t I don’t see a purple biome they got a green

Biome I don’t see a black biome in here wow I guess dark gray whatever uh what multiplayer oh we still haven’t updated the S SMP um did I ever give gr I said gron could do it when the when the thing came out but I don’t think I ever

Reminded him it’s no big deal um all the days blend together me too dude me to light goal on the Tik toks yes let’s go with the classic 6.9k likes if you’re enjoying the stream tap on the screen let the algorithm know that you are an absolute Chad and uh more homies should

Be sent over this way um so so yes I remember we were working on the orange path in the black biome um so we had gotten a Sher box of magma blocks a Sher blocks of red glass and then we’re like ah shoot we need a shulker box of red of smooth red

Sandstone stairs and a shulker box of smooth red Sandstone slabs so we had calom cated to get a shulker of each of those we’re going to need probably 98 is here eight shulker boxes of red sand so we’re going to go get eight shulker boxes of red sand and additionally

We need Mangrove slabs but this is every single piece of Mangrove wood we have this is the most we could have gotten in slabs and I want to top off this box for good measure so that means we have to go out to get more Mangrove wood and

Anytime I hit zero on a log I always go get a full shulker box of that log so today’s goal eight shulker boxes of red sand and a shulker box of Mangrove logs um if we have any mods in that want to pin a message saying that that’s what

We’re doing today um that’s that’s what we’re going to do today uh we got plenty of shulker boxes here in the inventory we got plenty of wings and Rockets uh let me just top off what’s in my inventory um okay uh you guys want to see me get the

Red sand first or do you want to see me get the mangrove wood On’s in the chat for red sand two’s in the chat for Mangrove wood but any chat you’re on one in the chat for red sand two for Mangrove Wood all right all right uh I I think I’m seeing slightly more ones I think I’m seeing slightly more ones between all the platforms all right so that means we’re going to go get eight shery boxes of red sand luckily for us that’s pretty close it’s not too

Far this is where it’s going by the way inside the black biome we’re using an orange path it’s going to look sick dude let’s just get up to cruising altitude I don’t know what like 500 nah it doesn’t even need to be 500 blocks oh three Tinsley you want me to

You want me to mine red sand in a mangrove swamp wow wow can’t believe you would give me that challenge I have to find uh a a mangrove swamp that borders a mesa for the for the sand um right so this stuff isn’t easy this stuff isn’t easy to get a lot

Of because uh well it’s only one block thick let me show you also I hope I can instant mine I can okay yeah it’s only one block thick and we need eight shulker boxes of it so uh let’s set up a little base going to need I need to get out nine shulker

Boxes right now one for like sticks and random junk that we get and then yeah uh eight of them for uh the other stuff we need there we are uh all right that is that is how much we need to fill let’s sit down and do

It get the big Sidetrack done big Sid track this is uh this is just part of uh this isn’t a big sidet trck right this is this is a small little resource Gathering session no idea I was that close to a Mesa yeah dude I actually I actually built this

Mesa just so I could come and gather resources here real easily best idea of my life I wish I had speed actually over there I set up a singular speed Beacon so I could go faster [Applause] I don’t know if it’d be worth setting up a speed Beacon I mean we’re going fast enough right [Applause] [Applause] chat you’re so far away from the Mesa World well have you considered moving closer to the Mesa you know what this bunny is getting on my nerves all right my nerves had

Been gotten on oh my God this is this is going to take like ages to get eight stacks of this stuff is that Phantoms it okay hey guys going have to ask me to die all right that means it’s time to sleep if there’s Phantoms why am I such a bad Shot all right time to sleep now oh God wait mobs also spawn here right this isn’t my base I need to sleep every night while I’m here that’s lame gosh imagine having to actually survive the night bro you think this is like hardcore or something I’m not on my custom made

Fully spawn prooof Islands I’m not playing easy mode what is this Dude what is this hardcore I have to fight mobs gosh just like someone changed the game mode to Peaceful real quick exclamation mark peaceful in the chat come on come on chat we’ll see if it works if enough of you do it is here welcome in guess how you

Doing time to spawn proof the Mesa yeah [Applause] [Applause] yeah my goodness [Applause] chat oh full inventory ow all right we’re getting clo there’s a village there I did not realize there was a village there like eight like what oh okay apparently I flew right over this hey guys uh Hey I just I’m actually

Going to steal your hay bales cuz I like don’t have a lot of that I hope you’re okay with it cuz I’m okay with it like I’m a okay with you guys not having hay bales so I hope you’re okay with that you are living in my world after all so

It’s in your best interest that I survive with your hay bales All right yeah nothing else here worth looting Okay well I’m glad you can’t lie cuz I always worry about people lying to me about their hay bales so so thank you all right there’s a whole bunch on the ground over here let’s go pick this up Why is this not three blocks thick though like genuinely why don’t they spawn in three block thick like normal sand I would have eight shulker boxes in like 7 2 m nanom [Applause] [Applause] seconds why isn’t it red Sandstone underneath as well yeah yeah I feel like red sand

Biome should be separated out from the Mesa what biome is this technically actually bad lands is what they call it yeah yeah they’re they’re pretty bad they don’t have uh the material I need oh I need this I need to eat first world no no no actually I it’s

Actually impossible for me to have first world problems as this is season 2 of Hardcore um thank you very much I have the rare second world problems [Applause] get it right God toxic I love [Applause] it [Applause] okay let’s go pick up all the stuff yeah out the inventory

Too eight Shockers at this pace is going to take like a minute I’m going to say it’s going to take at least a minute dude um though we did find a fairly large patch pumpkin patch this is a lot like a pumpkin patch it’s it’s a patch that’s the color of

Pumpkins I don’t think that’s how pumpkin patches work though ah wait was that a real spider Oh I thought that was bits that’s a real spider there might be a cave spider spawner right below us or something like that with the amount of them I’m hearing maybe just a normal spider

Spawner I don’t [Applause] know [Applause] here welcome and diry how you doing your name has such unique [Applause] pronunciations all right let’s go pick up Everything oh all [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] right oh boy all right we’ve opened this up to another larger larger section I like that we got to go back I kind of I think just going one layer at a time is going to be it’s going to be the move honestly

Welcome in Becca how you doing brings back memories oh the Christmas album yeah dude yeah we went back to the same Christmas album as last year cuz uh um there was a new Christmas album that they released this year um but chat

Wasn’t too big of a fan of it so I uh we ended up going back to this one fits The Vibes pretty good [Applause] oh that’s my shovel all right you know I really didn’t think about the durability impact on shovels but I’m going to probably use a few shovels

Up I don’t want to leave that box out because creepers exist and actually speaking of creepers it’s about to be night time she is she is netherite blocks huh yeah oh me over here uh thinking like for cheaper options like ancient debris and stuff you’re right I think I think you’re right Um [Applause] my goodness I am like a shovel wielding shoveler you heard it here first chat I can use a shovel if there was any doubt in your mind about my shoveling [Applause] abilities let it be known throughout the lands uh I don’t uh that sh the colonel holds a

Shovel in his off hand right I’ll swap him [Laughter] back I don’t ABB enough goodness this really does go on oh my goodness chat dude welcome in [Applause] Omie all right I think I’m going to do a little bit of backtracking here to see make sure I pick it all up before it

Despawns so confused same same I don’t know what we’re confused about ACAA no so we voted for a path type and then we looked at what we voted for and everybody unanimously hated it so we ended up just ignoring what the vote was selected and we just rebuilt it but actually

Good so chat voted for for what they thought would be best and then we actually put it together and it looked horrible it just didn’t fit the black biomes Vibe it was way too dark to be a path for the black biome it was too dark well yeah that’s

Exact it needs to be contrasty is exactly the problem that it had is it did it had no contrast like it obviously would have been visible but like not not not with the same visibility that the um Crimson on paint concrete has or obsidian on Blue right putting putting black glass

On black concrete is very not visible wow we’re really Gathering lots of sticks in the junk I didn’t realize just how big of an area we had decided to uh to dig out that’s great going to get this whole little like floaty Island [Applause] bit all right Tinsley we definitely need a uh

Message pinned if you want to write one um and pin it or chat did anybody here who’s here for the beginning where we talked about what we’re doing today want to write a message and then tuny can pin it all right um okay that’ll work [Applause] [Applause] a nice big area of land and to to shovel out chat love to see it time to fill up my inventory in a jiffy this is almost the color of peanut butter Jiffy a path oh inventory is full that was quick oh I see there’s actually a whole bunch that I need to go walk and pick up all right where did I start somewhere around here yeah I see it on the ground and just walk back back the path get all my

Blocks so slow Dude all right why does it feel so slow to not have a speed Beacon dude [Applause] like actually I feel like I’m just like I feel like I’m crawling around dude I’m holding down control we were sprinting that whole [Applause] time [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right Jesus so many blocks is it

Going to fill my inventory I don’t know oh actually there’s more on this layer let’s get them all oh boy it just keeps going still so small can’t even like Sprint jump when I’m trying to collect them up just got to stick with the slow pace [Applause]

I need to Sprint I need to eat and sleep so many sticks yeah yeah yeah we’ll be able to uh craft uh some stick related items for quite a while I mean honestly not really all it takes is like oh man yeah we need like we we need a little bit of

Uh of um armor stands and that’s like five stacks of sticks and you’re like oh it’s all Gone [Applause] okay inventory is full Brown is red no Brown is dark orange if you want to classify it that way but uh yeah yeah blue and green isn’t like that how Greek does it blue and Greek or like blue blue and Greek blue and green are the same thing

Mhm language do be languag in if you like the color brown there’s a there’s a video by uh technology connections about the color brown recommend watching it watching it all right uh what is next there’s a right here is a rather it’s not that large of an area but it’s

Just in the middle and it’s big and flat so we’ll take it my favorite color Greek yeah yeah yeah when when when someone says we’re going to a Greek restaurant they’re just talking about the color of the [Laughter] building God dressing Yeah yeah ancient Greek yeah okay you’re right ancient Greek I know for a fact I know for a fact what I was talking about was ancient Greek um they called their oceans the equivalent of green Um kind of wine were they drinking if it looked the same color as the ocean or should I be concerned about what color were the oceans [Laughter] dude uh learning a lot in today’s chat well let’s change that uh oh that fell into a cave [Applause]

For the sky yeah yeah cuz it was blue who filled my inventory chat was it you did you fill my inventory we’re halfway there whoa sorry I can’t sing anymore now what chat okay dude that was just uncalled for the ground stole my sand onal Bo [Applause] oh gosh [Applause] [Applause] d what the heck dude these caves just keep eating my red sand bro like I paid for that it was mine fa and square dude top tier for Gathering red sand dig where the Red Sand is oh my God I would have never thought of that um I think honestly

We’re okay I guess there’s still a bit of red sand in the this area but we’ve taken the majority of like what’s on flat ground around here uh um let’s head uh well let’s just get this chunk I [Applause] guess at least in America TMG learning languages in school is like a joke

You’re not expected to actually like be good at it by the end of the class you’re definitely not expected to be fluent by the end of the [Applause] class like taking the most advanced Spanish class in your high school your senior year you’re not expected to be fluent by the end of

It it’s just like actually a joke um it was a do-it-yourself book for French no dude um I took uh yeah I well in grade school I we had like some sort of Spanish but like I it was it was not it wasn’t it wasn’t good it was mostly just

Learning to sing songs in Spanish um and then in high school I took Spanish for 2 years I believe um and then I ended up going to Spain right after I graduated and uh you know I I got around using Google Translate and that that was and then we went to C

Yeah we went to Mexico um and I got around using Google [Laughter] [Applause] Translate We learned Mexican Spanish in the US yes um but at the same time yeah I wasn’t expecting to know how to speak any of the languages when I went there like I knew that my education on the language was trash and I wasn’t going there because of the language I

Was going there because I had a free ticket so I went [Applause] my sister on the other hand was pretty bummed out that she that like she was pretty decent at Spanish in school and she was pretty bummed out that she couldn’t like talk fluently to people there

But she she just wasn’t up to the fluent speaking fluent in Spanish and you know it is what it is also the school’s fault um all right I think I’ve gotten everything I can out of this part or this like section of it which is honestly almost like 2/3 of what we

Needed anyway so that was really good U let me pick up these five full boxes bring the rest with me we got to fill those three up with the orange stuff and then we got our junk box let’s go find another big flat spot I guess we could do this little

Island or we could head to something actually sizable like that area yeah let’s head over here yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure dude uh Latin American Spanish and Germany oh boy yeah where you can actually just without you could just drive there without as much as showing a passport like you probably probably

Should have it on you but like [Applause] it all depends on the teacher honestly yeah it’s not like Spain is a popular holiday destination definitely not [Applause] If I could go on an all expenses paid vacation where would I pick uh I don’t know I genuinely don’t know because I know like the go-to answer for like a ton of people is like Hawaii or Fiji or something like that right but like I actually have no interest in going on a beach vacation um and I have I haven’t explored a lot of Europe but I’ve been

To Europe a lot of times and I’ve explored several of the countries there um and to to Magic’s Delight absolute Delight I always just keep wanting to go back to Europe uh she likes Beach vacations I like going and like seeing old stuff like my grandparents and whatnot the building’s cool um

But I don’t know train this spit a trip to Spain would you but wound up being Medevac from Germany instead what yeah we were uh in Spain we went to I think we stayed a week in Barcelona and then we went to the island of Madrid I don’t know it’s been so many

Years right off the coast of Barcelona we were there for like a few nights and then we went back to Barcelona for the rest of the week and then that was our trip is it not Madrid what is is it starts with an m Island right off of Barcelona mayorca that’s it that’s it [Applause] yeah never been out of the US um I recommend leaving the US on a regular basis specifically spend some time in European cities and uh come home and on the drive from the airport you will instantly realize why American Transportation Systems

Suck you’ll be driving home from the airport and be like damn I could have just taken a train could even be a bad city in Europe with Transportation issues it’ll still make America look horrible they won’t let you back in God I would love for that to happen not for you for

Me I’ll be like oh well magic looks like we do got to move to Europe yeah they’re putting us back on the plane so [Applause] oh inventory is full where my boxes oh they were right in front of me used to have a European driver’s license I’ve driven on the Autobon

Without a European license don’t know if I should have now you can rent a car with an American driver’s license I didn’t rent a car but yeah places good with trans uh yeah I mean even bro even my grandma’s like small town in Germany like there’s a train station

With very very regular roots in and out um and there’s buses and like my grandma has been able to survive without ever having a a driver’s license in her entire life uh and she she’s not like limited to being stuck inside of a singular retirement home and never move right

Like any interest in mountains yeah I love mountains I actually proposed to Magic on top of uh one of the mountains in the Alps Swiss Alps Yeah dude an Amtrak yeah I actually saw that the amra got some uh some funding for once in their dang lives it’s still going to be absolutely horrible compared to anything in Europe but it is actually better than nothing [Laughter] Right I haven’t taken a detailed look at it uh um at the at the at the list uh but I don’t believe it’s actually going to like be anywhere that I that would be useful for me unless maybe it would if I did if I wanted I don’t know if it’s

Going to go I know there was like a lot of them across the country I I I have no idea if there is any going to any of the cities that might be within driving distance of me I don’t know o yeah yeah we um yeah we took a a a

Trip Germany to to France to Switzerland and did a lot a lot of uh Mountain seeing along the way God should I should I bother trying to pronounce it z spiter uh I don’t know wasn’t angry enough hold on hold on uh No camping I used to do a ton of camping I was uh an eagle scout and stuff but never like out of the country or anything now Magic’s wanted me to take her camping the entire time we’ve been together but it’s never it’s never happened mostly because of the idea this

Of that I have of camping that from Boy Scouts is not probably the kind of camping that she would want right throw a backpack on with your tent in it and go hike for 10 miles and sit make up camp you know with what’s on back versus

Probably just want an RV park you know you [Laughter] know uh yeah well not if we got an RV like just glamping right right I don’t think every use of an RV is glamping but like if you’re taking an RV to a a place where you can park an RV around other

RVs I don’t really think that’s camping anymore might not be glamping but I don’t think it’s camping D yeah the the metal Christmas music is topped here dude get a Grill and Barbecue for family tamping true I my Blackstone is actually one of the portable ones it folds

Up we could uh we could take that all right where there’s another big section I can head to I don’t I’m not really a fan of like working my way up to like up the sides of these little Hills um I mean we could head over here

Next we don’t even need to move the boxes we should be pretty close actually oh yeah this is our last box dude we just need we just need like nine more Stacks okay I can work with [Applause] that yeah that doesn’t seem fun to me you know I’ve seen enough like uh movies

Like We’re the Millers and uh God there was one other one where they had like a I can’t even remember there’s there’s several movies about just people having absolutely horrible vacations in an RV I wouldn’t be against doing that one year but like it would have to be

I don’t know I don’t being in America no nowhere in America feels like I’m on vacation I don’t know what uh uh let’s try and keep it English only I can’t uh moderate other languages um I don’t know vacations are leaving America in my brain there’s no and ifs or but

It they wouldn’t they didn’t plan on camping and We’re the Millers no but they sure they sure did thank you for the gifts Christian absolutely massive of you well well see they weren’t camping in where The Millers but they did spend a lot of time in RV parks and had fiascos related to

RVS um I’d say that’s that’s for some reason that’s the only one that can come to my mind right now all right that’s enough or should be at least massive fight me fight you 42 months Bob holy dude never leave the US bro that’s that’s L right there you got to get

Traveled you got to experience the the rest of the world ah hey uh guys let’s keep it English if we Can oh right we should have enough stuff we just got to see about crafting it up um um right we got to get the the I don’t want I don’t think we need to craft like every single piece of red sand into red Sandstone um but like might just be easier if I

Do what do you guys think should I actually math it up and and craft the like exact amount I need or should we just like say screw it and uh uh and just craft it all point of the paths to connect the builds together that’s what paths do

Um right so one shulker box of red of of red of smooth red Sandstone stairs is going to take exactly one shulker box of red sand Stone um and then one Shuler box of smooth red Sandstone slabs is going to take exactly half a shulker box

Which which we can round down cuz we already have some so 9 10 11 12 we 10 11 12 13 so full shocker box plus 13 red Sandstone is what I’m going to do don’t you dare craft cut red Sandstone Um all right keep it crafting chat I almost crafted the wrong one there but I caught myself the heck why do we have a weird number one of those Stacks must not have been a full stack I guess okay now that is a full stack and we yeah we just need to get one more

Shulker box crafted up should honestly be enough might not even need to do the full full shulker box even I don’t know oh man we need we need like literally one more stack okay this might be enough yeah that’s enough okay then we can take that five back throw it in here

Take these three to the unloader cuz they were not going to need to craft them up right at this moment doesn’t mean we won’t need to uh but now we need to take these two boxes and throw them into the smelter outside that we we threw together and uh

Yeah does he get banned yes he does why is he not banned yet jeez jeez all right so this is Six Double chests um I could probably take how do I evenly split it is the question so one two three four five six and then we have four

Extra Stacks left over so I’m then divide these into six even stacks all right so then each chest is going to get one of these and some of that one of these and that many for even smelter one of these and this many one of those and that

Many one of thems and that many one of those and this many evenly split my dudes all right and then we’ll just keep these Sher boxes here to CH 69 bring it back with didn’t I put some in there already oh yeah I did oops well we’ve

Made more than we need and there is going to also be a leftover of the sand that we didn’t craft so good I will take it I’m going to just let that smelt um and we’re going to go get the next material that we need so if

You missed it earlier I’m going to take these boxes put them back in here if if you missed the rundown earlier um after these two boxes the other thing we need is more Mangrove we took every single log every single plank crafted them into slabs uh and we still came up a bit

Short uh so we need to go get Mangrove wood but we’re not just going to go out and get four uh stacks of planks right anytime we run out of a log of any kind we hit up whatever biome they spawn in and get ourselves an entire shulker box

Of the logs so now we’re going to get oursel an entire shulker box of Mangrove logs we’ll be able to use like one stack of that to top this off and then we’ll have plenty spare left over for um the next project that requires Mangrove right is my axes good all three

Of them are full I don’t know how many I’m going to need for a shulker box of Mangrove uh I do know we basically just need to fly south yeah we it anytime we we run out of a wood and we have to go out and get

It we we we really go out and get it um let’s see so the closest Mangrove that we have actually that’s dark oak I was like maybe it’s in the 1.20 chunks I don’t even know um yeah right here is a mangrove swamp I don’t know if that’s closer than

The one down below but oh wait here’s another one this one’s definitely oh this is dark oak never mind um this is a swamp with dark oak up against it uh I’m trying to find the actual closest one so I don’t have to fly for 15 minutes just to get there

Um I feel like the one we saw might have been actually the closest one this one here who we’ve actually been way out to here too so yeah um unless it’s over here maybe no I’m I’m going to save this one so literally straight East um we’re

Going all the way out to – 21,000 by 3300 or 3,000 yeah negative – 21,000 by 3,000 is our closest one uh let’s go get if we’re going 21,000 blocks we’re going to need going to need to basically be 2,000 blocks in the air and we’ll just beine

It oh crap I’m out of rockets I guess we’re going to get as high as we can and go as far as we can until we have to land I didn’t really think that through the Rockets oh I really used my last rocket to uh here we go here we go pre that

Shil I’m heading a little further south than I want to I want to be trying to go almost directly west we’re going to be generating more chunks chat cuz that Mangrove biome was like not fully generated um so H going to make my world even bigger ah [Laughter] ah

Uh words oh we we’ve been playing gartic we played gartic last stream and we’re going to have that on again um until you guys are bored of it I think the other one was 20,000 blocks away just south so like I don’t think we’re saving any time here though

We do have the possibility to like Dart through this ungenerated area and just see if we can find one that’s like you know find out that it’s closer uh yes tonight will be marbles fight night indeed uh good call good uh good shout there um yeah oh

Man so in 1.21 when it comes out what reasons am I going to have to explore just the uh trial Chambers am I getting a marble drop is there one no I can go open it right now uh my number one if you guys didn’t

See in the Discord my number one uh um most watched channel uh for 2022 or 2023 was the Tony blacks from getting marbl drops I didn’t actually watch a lot of streams oh that’s a that’s a swamp there but it’s it’s not a mangrove swamp so I don’t know why I bothered doing

That I knew it wasn’t going to be plus it wouldn’t have been big enough to to have what I needed anyway um 82% towards it yeah oh copper vein well we don’t need to generate new chunks to go find a copper vein right we can go out into chunks we generated in

One20 or 1 19 or 1 18 and and mine underground there and not have to go out and generate 1.21 chunks right um I’m just going to land here and get Rockets when we get to this hill um if we need copper for any reason

Which I I assume we will uh but at the same time copper is going to become way more common oh what am I copper is going to become way more common if we go to trial Chambers and stuff and I definitely see myself doing a few trial Chambers

Though I assume we’re going to see more changes come to trial Chambers because um all right I need to get like I need to get like 1300 blocks in the air right now other than going to get a um a breeze and bring it home well we don’t know what the key is

Going to do yet so other than we have to we have to go to a trial Chambers we have to get a breeze and bring it home for the uh Mob Zoo and then we’re going to have to get a stack of keys to put in the storage

System um which that could take quite a while but you you only really need to find one trial chamber to get a stack of keys you just keep doing it over and over and over again right um but there’s no like loot that is specific for a trial chamber yet other than the

Key so we don’t know what the key is going to give us but if the key just gets us like a lot of other loot like diamonds or something it’s not going to I mean I’ll collect the stuff cuz I need a stack of keys anyway like I always whenever a new item

Gets added I try to get a stack of them if I’m putting it in my storage room I try to get a stack of them so that way I can have you know one for the item frame I can have 41 in the filter and then I

Can have you know it’ll be I think it’d be like 22 or whatever of them sitting in the chest that’s like my default new item has been added uh state of my storage system uh so like getting a stack is like a good mil a good Mark um

Feel like they might add another armor Trim in there I definite now that you’ve said it I hadn’t thought about it but 100% they need to add a new trim every update now just like they’ve been doing with the music discs every update um heart of the sea well heart of the

Sea is a bit different because yeah oh we’re generating new chunks already chat is any of this swamp no yeah we’re just going to keep going in this straight line I don’t really want to generate a ton of new chunks but but I really eh it’s it is what it

Is the aradillas and dude there’s been so much controversy about those uh like japa chimed up on Twitter and was like uh had to defend the reasoning that the team went with the eyes on the fit on the front and stuff like that and it’s just like you’re getting a lot of good

Feedback just readdressing oh also people didn’t like the fact that his little head pokes out uh and he had they addressed that too and it’s just like I don’t know guys like I the armadillo is cute enough I don’t I’m not really a fan of what the

Dog armor looks like uh especially cuz it’s not dyable yet if they were even going to do that um it just looks like leather armor and the fact that you can’t dye it kind of eh makes my world bigger my backups are my backups my compressed

Backups that at that I make at the end of every stream in case my world gets corrupted are over 30 [Laughter] gigs I I think the armadillo is cute enough like I If they move the eyes to the side of the head they would have probably appeased like 90% of people who

Are complaining about the armadillo and otherwise like yeah I think it’s I think it’s good enough um I think I have seen like some fan-made ones uh that were like different shades you know or whatever um that you know it might have looked good I also saw some fan-made

Ones that like weren’t just a a square with a head and feet you know like like giving like the shell like is like a little bit smaller in the back you know kind of deal uh and that could kind of help it too but Mojang doesn’t really want to add a lot

Of like uh a lot of squares to it right they want to use as few shapes as possible to make the mob you know feel as blocky as possible right cuz if you start putting in like a lot of different shapes onto it and stuff it can get laggy um they want to

Keep it basic you think using the brush is weird so one thing I’ve seen a lot of people Miss is they’re playing in creative mode if you use a a a brush that isn’t Enchanted and you’re in survival mode that brush will only get you like three

Scoots before it breaks and it’s like a way of balancing it like you can get infinite you can get infinite scoots from it using the brush but each brush is only going to get you a couple before it breaks I feel like that’s a a a unique enough mechanic meic to justify

It being different I think that’s fine um I don’t have a problem with that mechanic at all five you can get five it sounds like um oh five to make one dog armor so yeah you would need probably two unenchanted brushes to get a single dog armor um so like everybody I’ve seen

Test it has been in Creative where they just hold right click and spam get get infinite right but in survival you’re not actually going to get infinite like that because well survival your brush has durability um all right there might have been I was I I was more worried about you know just

Getting here I wasn’t not really paying attention to the surroundings like that I uh you know I always always I always uh think Mojang’s going to end up making the right decision in the end um and when Mojang gets this kind of overwhelming feedback you know I’m just

I’m just hoping they’re listening and they they know they need to make adjustments they obviously have their vision and the community uh doesn’t like the first version um and I hope they are taking that feedback and they’re going to use it to make something even better that that you know that’s that’s the

Mentality I I have towards Mojang it’s like they they’ll you know if there’s overwhelming feedback they almost always listen to it and end up making making it better for it right massive yay n months 9 months Texas mama big precies all right oh my God this is

Going to take so long chat uh we’re just going to fly from tree to tree just doing that so yeah yeah yeah 9 month resub at twitch baby indeed yeah yeah I don’t do those kind of mods though but yeah I I agree uh falling tree mod would be really helpful

Here yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t do those kind of gameplay changing mods in my hardcore world but uh when when magic and I play a mod plaque pack and it has it oh my God they are very nice to have now if Mojang ever imp

Vanilla that you know that kind of function that would be sick but I know that their like strategy is one block at a time they’ll never have something that chops a whole tree down for you though we have said that about autocrafters but those still function by their principle

Of one block at a time right I don’t think we’ll ever see anything that breaks multiple blocks at once because that goes against one of their core their core uh development strategies TNT okay okay um that is a I guess that is an exception it’s kind of a a weird

Exception and I don’t think it really applies here but grandfather claws yeah spiders wait did they would they not want uh what what core rule does spiders break cuz uh what is it Yen has had a talk or maybe several talks about you know what their development strategy is

For making a feature feel vanilla and the one that I always kept from those interviews or whatever is always one block at a time is very important right oh Hostile Mobs that are real animals true silverfish yep that’s why they won’t add sharks oh my God getting a a shulker box of

These logs is going to take ages this is actually why we’re getting a full shulker box of it cuz it takes ages we might as well if we’re going to if we’re going to come out here you know to get to this place we might as well get a

Decent amount right that’s that’s the logic behind why I go get a shulker box is if we’re going through the for to coming out here might as well get our money’s Worth and what’s fresh or what’s what’s good about this is we came to a fresh biome not the same one that we’ve been picking off for ages so like we have big tall trees we can uh exploit uh vanilla with just performance stuff like that can check out the colonel pack and

The link in the bio to see everything I’m running come on what theck why can’t hand fly mode there we go had to try a few times to get into fly mode there what happened I’m going to sit back down Oh mhm I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about how Minecraft’s uh probably entering into like a new big dip in uh like popularity and I’m just I’m just over here like yeah I play Minecraft cuz it’s fun not cuz it’s [Laughter] popular uh and my channels are still growing so I’m

Good all I know is to expect some of the big Minecraft channels to Pivot away from like fully Minecraft stuff soon probably just like what happened last time right less competition true you guys see uh season 9 of hermitcraft over now or ending really soon I don’t know which it

Is that season went on for quite a while don’t you think it’s a sign hey zombie you guys think I should bother sleeping or uh I don’t really need to Minecraft is the game indeed it’ll it’ll go through ups and downs I think I think if Mojang is uh is really

Smart and if Minecraft is if 1.21 keeps uh you know comes out and and Minecraft is still on the downward trends of popularity Mojang if they want to be really smart can act like they knew it was coming and say this is why we delayed the end update and and then

Come out with an end update that Rivals the the nether update in like complexity and like features and stuff like that and and really give the end the treatment that the nether got um and then you’d be able to you know they’d be able to say they were playing 40 chest

The whole time we were just we were just waiting for the for the for for the dip to happen again and now we’re now we’re you know whatever like they could if they could pull it off I think um I really hope I really hope like I

Know that like everybody wants an end update and everybody wants an end update that is as good as the nether update and I think waiting to give that big of an update until the the like the Boost and popularity from the nether update Fades right cuz now we’ve had

Quite a few updates that have you know not gone great and waiting for for it to die down and then coming up with something that’s actually just as good for the end as the 116 was for the nether could be like their rending upwards Arc you know that

They just need did not fumble the bag on 1.23 and they can keep it right uh if you know if they get 1.22 to be the end update to save them from the the dip that’s coming uh and then you know as long as 1.22 doesn’t get end up split into two

Parts they’ll be fine Uh I mean I could sleep I also don’t care to whoa whoa Skelly horse on top of tree I didn’t think any I guess those mobs might override the mob spawning algorithm and spawn on top of a tree you do know when I walk up to him

It’s going to get struck by lightning and turn into four right so if I just don’t do that I’m playing 5G chest over here end links to and from the ancient cities no I no the ancient cities have to I I don’t think it’s a good idea to

If there is a portal in the ancient cities and they do end up adding that in a future update it definitely needs to go to its own Dimension not just tie back into the end because I feel like that’s a cop out I feel like Mojang knows how bad everybody wants a new

Dimension but they’ve said they have said publicly that they’re not adding a new dimension until the current dimensions are fully flushed out right so I think a part of the reason a lot of people myself included want an end update isn’t necessarily for end content I mean obviously it is because we do

Want the end to to be good but I think it’s also just as much so that ojang can then go on and say all right we’ve overhauled the entire Nether and 116 we did the caves and cliffs which overhauled the entire Overworld generation and then we did the end

Update uh and now we feel confident we can add in a new dimension and give it all the detail it needs right and then that’s when we get um the deep dark dimension or whatever the end whatever the ancient city uh portal might lead to I really think if they are planning it

Out as methodically as I hope they are they’ve got a really good plan if they’re actually just winging it God somebody if they actually don’t have a road map to complete what I just explained that’s a huge problem I also so I also I agree with that dizzy the end is

Supposed to feel big and empty right um but I don’t feel like um to I I feel like there is still room for improvement because I all at the same time as I think like the the end supposed to feel big and empty is like you know a a

Design choice I also think it is a copout at like with the level of detail everything else has in mode in in Minecraft not updating it to give that same level of detail even if it is does feel big and empty it needs to have more detail to it

Right like there needs to be Shrubbery there needs to be variations of mobs there needs to be um variations of biomes so that the Shrubbery looks different you know multiple kinds of end cities but still very spread out right uh maybe give the islands 3D effects for Generation so the

Islands aren’t just all on the same y level some of them can be like 200 blocks in the air some of them can be down at build limit right give them give it enhance it but don’t change the concept right it can be big and empty with different feeling of different feelings of

Emptiness I don’t know Mojang take notes they better Be sorry I’ve only played this game for well over a decade and feel like I I know what it would what it could use Mojang staff sitting here like who is this guy and why does he why does he think he knows everything how’d he get our [Laughter] handbook

Ah all the shrub by Shrubbery I Mean chorus okay chorus chorus plants chorus flowers chorus fruit different variations different heights different colors maybe if they if they want to if they want to give it the full 116 treatment where they introduced green to the nether with warped right introduced magenta to the to the end

With a different kind of you know thought it meant like tree well exactly the chorus are the trees of the end right chorus chorus fruit are the trees of the end we need multiple variations of that we need we do need kinds of stuff that might just look like bushes

On the ground and stuff too um cuz having bushes on the ground does not stop it from being big and vast it’s just a different way of being big and vast right if you have a biome With No Chorus fruit but there’s an absolute boatload of chorus plants on the ground or whatever

Blue chorus oo yeah yeah yeah I threw out magenta even though that’s like already basically purple um because especially if they do want to go their own way with uh ancient cities having their own portal to their own dimension well they can’t really add green to the end because um green is

Kind of like the skull blocks have like that green Hue to them um so they do obviously need to plan for like whatever that future biome is going to be they have to know already like they like I know how Corporate America Works cuz I work in Corporate

America and if they’re anything like if they run anything like the businesses I’ve worked for yeah now if they were Mojang Minecraft would have been dead 8 years ago if if they have to be run better than the corporate America that I’ve worked for um oh that’s the problem they’re run by

Corporate Sweden and I’m not I’m not familiar with how they’re how Corporate Sweden works so it’s got to obviously be the catch here like I said they need to update the generation it can feel big and empty but it it should definitely have 3D Land generation to where Islands can spawn at

Different heights and Islands can have um different thicknesses and different shapes and uh different may may yeah different kinds of structures on it uh different kinds of mobs spawning on it um you know the full the full 116 nether treatment to the end and then sometime after that they can add

In stuff to the uh for a new new biome all right that’s a full inventory all right so first just the logs all right we’re a third of the way there we’ve also gotten a ton of leaves you know honestly a third of the way there not bad not bad

Oh uh repetitiveness is what makes it feel vast if there were landmarks it might not feels so endless I don’t think so um I don’t think it needs to stay boring to stay what it is netherite stairs what what is what are netherite stairs bro what are netherite stairs my bro I have

Never of all the blocks that need a stair variant I would put NE the right pretty low on that list Thanks James you could get them in the old netherite you can’t even get those in creative mode there’s absolutely no way netherite stairs were in the infinity snapshots I think okay so another

Another uh hot take of mine is every single full solid Block in the game should have a at minimum stair slab and fence SL wall ability to craft at minimum every single block in the game that is a full block and a solid full block should be able to craft a stair a

Slab and a wall and or a fence right every single one of them and then obviously a lot of them it’d be nice to see like doors and pressure plates and all the other kinds of stuff right but at a minimum stairs and SL I think the wall

Is important for we don’t have vertical slabs right so the wall is the closest we get to that bit of vertical detail right so I think it’s important um I would I would open with open arms I would Embrace that um yeah so like think about right right

Now Mangrove has slabs and stairs but it’s made out of planks I want slabs and stairs of the log I want slabs and stairs of the stripped wood I want slabs and stairs of the of the of this wood block here right um and of the of the

Wood version of the of the stripped you know like every single full solid block should have should have stairs slabs and a fence Gold Blocks exactly dude um right copper is a very very good example of what Mojang could be giving us when they add a new type of copper

They give us the copper block itself they give us the stair the slab the the cut version the cut stare the cut slab and then they give us four different ages of all of that MOJ has displayed that they can and will give you too many

Blocks of the same type right why can’t they go give us a few of everything uh my storage room might have to double in size if they did that to keep the same level of empty space that I have hanuk underscore is here it also depends how extreme they took it if they

Actually take it to every single one right like like if they do netherite if they do also like I I say full solid blocks that omits all the glass right but maybe you know I would also love glass stairs but the reason I say full solid blocks is because something like oatmeal Soul

Sand might be not great cuz Soul Sand is like technically like a pixel lower um or um path blocks are technically like a pixel lower right Frog Light stairs right those are are those solid blocks I don’t know but also yes stairs that emit light why not slabs that emit light why not

Glowstone is transparent technically like glass um actually shroom lights I don’t know about frog lights but shroom lights were the first solid block light source added to the game so all like Redstone lamps glowstone those are transparent like glass how did I get oatmeal well I mean

Okay make a bowl of oatmeal and then don’t eat it and leave it sit on the counter for all day and then look at it it’s it’s going to be it’s going to look a lot like soulan uh thank you for the gifts I hear coming in absolutely

Massive of you I appreciate you um am I hungry you know I have never in the history of ever said no to that question uh as you can tell by my appearance um so I’m going to say yes is probably uh the cause um for the oatmeal slip that is

Foul add a little water reheat it you’ll be fine uh you think you think block oh right also gravity blocks I don’t think I don’t think gravity blocks would be fun to implement stairs for um that’s why I say full solid blocks I’m omitting transparent blocks I’m omitting gravity

Blocks um but you know honestly if they wanted to tackle gravity stairs I’m fine with that but my ask from Mojang doesn’t include it because I’ll ask you for that in the next update that made you gag you’re welcome I need to run to the restroom maybe I’ll make some oatmeal

While I’m up there too who knows uh I’m going to take a quick break and just stand here with the game paused uh let’s throw on gartic on stream the slabs honestly the miscellaneous blocks update that’s what I want I want Mojang to go back and revisit every

Block in the game and figure out what variants are missing and add them all in just just the miscellaneous blocks update that’s that would that would be that would be just as game changing as like 116 in my mind at least for Builder it would be the best update to ever come

Out and I do consider myself a bit of a builder now um I’m trying to get gartic up lpis stairs exactly dude do you know what I could build with lpis stairs me neither because I can’t do it so why would I bother thinking about it um all right I’ll be right

Back Chad make sure you drop a follow on whatever platform you’re on and if you want to play gck with us you got to be in the twitch chat links to where you expect them E All right I’m back chat uh it looks like it didn’t work today h of course so gartic isn’t working so I have to switch back to words next time oh here we go all right so next break I need to put words up that’s just how that works

Um all right hope everybody else feels reju rejuvenated reenergized re configured um reanimated wait hold on Um re acclimated all the above if you don’t what’s wrong with you bro L game wow indeed very L of them how are we looking on the map did how much new chunks did we generate ah not that much honestly like obviously we generated out

A bit more of a straight line here in of the ocean but then like over here not too bad we’re not even in any of the part that was generated before we just went straight to to to brand new these are 1. these all would have been 1.20 these

Are 1.20 .2 chunks actually now now that I think about it so these are the first chunks we’ve generated 1.2.2 um but nothing’s different about how these chunks generate as far as I know or no wait isn’t there more uh higher chances of diamonds here or something like that

Rejuvenile what you go into juie [Laughter] man uh I don’t think I I don’t think adults go to juvie but uh oh my God all right more blocks please CH how’s your weekend been good that’s good we’ve been uh bad oh boy yeah we’ve had a we’ve had a a pretty rough weekend so far yesterday was worse I just feel really tired I don’t know if I got any kind of sickness from Magic

All I know is that I’ve been feeling like really tired so but I also just had like absolutely exhausting days taking care of the girls and Friday I was technically working as well but I got absolutely nothing done uh so who Knows had a two we vacation from work did you did you travel or was it a station or do you do like me where you take off time for work so you can stream like AKA work I take paid time off from my go Chad that was a creeper I landed directly on a creeper and I managed to get away before it exploded your attention please are there any po Express where where is he I don’t even know where I ended up someone clipped that dude verify it was actually a creeper

Like may maybe it was a zombie maybe it was a bush I don’t know but I I thought I was hearing it charge up I think I heard it charge up MH it was one of the green seeds was it really what the heck I’m holding on shift there we go yeah it could have been these are the right color I guess um this world has over 3,000 hours played in it uhuh all right halfway there chat oh

We’re standing on top of a tree we can just uh keep chopping I know dude we need a full Shuler box of them cuz whenever I run out of any wood type I always just go get myself a full shulker box so I so I can wait a while

Before I have to go out and do it again so here we are just grinding some of these and they are some of the worst dude cuz you got to dig so many blocks and to get through to them and the return rate is like you’re breaking

About 50% leaves 50% logs and it’s just like a give me a break dude it was a creeper oh my God that’s it’s amazing that I survived and it didn’t blow up it didn’t kill me or pop a totem Magic’s going to have a field day with that clip for the

Uh for the YouTube shorts there might be I’m not interested in in a sid trck for building a big farm right now though we got we got timelines we got to work with here uh we can’t uh Sidetrack for two weeks to build an insanely massive Tree Farm or

Something it’s very funny rewatching it who Okay golden helmet homie was right there can I get a frog head nope did know we’re on a deadline we are actually so I have stated that my entire biome project if if you didn’t know um actually this okay if there’s any mods

In that want to update the project Comm uh project command listen to my next rant and then make a project command out of it thank you very much okay so I want my um entire biome project that means the paths and all the detail Works to all

Six biomes completed before I hit 15,000 days and before 1.21 comes out whichever comes first I want the entire biome project done by then so we are not sidetracking for anything other than material Gathering right which this isn’t a Sidetrack this is just Gathering materials for the main project right

Um which is why I’ve said so many times I will not set up a red nether brick Farm or anything like that um what was the first one uh be done before 1.21 and done before my 15,000 day World Tour or before I hit 15,000 days so

Um write if you write up a really good one Tinsley with like emotes and stuff in it maybe we literally won’t change it for the next 6 months like if you have like a Pog face emote in it and stuff like that uh good punctuation all that you

Know we could literally H have this emote or have this exclamation mark project command set in stone for like six months no pressure I uh yeah I mean obviously like we can tweak it over time especially like if we feel like adding some POG emotes or whatever but uh

Um I kind of want to add I don’t know how I would do it but a a biome emote maybe an emote of like the map of my Island I don’t know the yeus deletus emote exists because of all the yeting we did for my Island so maybe putting that in

There but yeah we need to get the paths done we need to we need to come up with decoration pallets and then we need to actually execute proper good decoration to all the biom slim Doing that was a real Rick and Morty type just burp mid midw mid sentence Oh God uh bro thinks he’s Rick that was like a genuine like happening I’m definitely closest to a Jerry thank you very much I Jay’s cool in a few episodes but even I think of myself as

The butt of most jokes I make so sounds about right I saw something when in that was like uh most people think of thems as Rick when really they’re all Jerry’s and I kind of just owned it can I talk you through some of my ideas for each biome oh you betcha you

Flipping bet you I can um I want the biomes to like exist and I want them to have blocks in and on them uh uh I also think it’s important that they look good and that people think I am a good Builder because they exist uh yep yep yep that’s basically

That’s basically the whole premise uh currently working on the massive biome project the goal have the biomes fully decorated including Pathways before either 15,000 days or 1.21 releases whichever comes first perfect Tinsley perfect Tinsley just do the command edit and then pin it and then basically what we’ll do

Every stream is we will not update the project command unless for some reason my overall goal changes right um we’ll just write a message about what we’re doing that day and pin that message so today we wouldn’t you know today’s project command would be or pinned message would be getting resources

Together right exactly like it should be whereas the exclamation mark project gives you actually like relevant information for the long-term goals of the project what I do check it if it works yeah it’ll be good it’ll be good um please hold Chad I’m holding my mouse I don’t

Know what what I don’t know what I’m holding it for but I’m holding my mouse big backa one is here backa oh wait no I thought that I thought you I thought that said Becca big how you doing we’re just chopping some Mangrove dude it’s what you do when you need

Mangrove you know I would never would have thunked it but it’s just what you do you didn’t even mess it up GG let me see oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and it’s not too long either I I didn’t think it was going to be but you definitely

Uh yeah Colonel bot definitely is a stickler I appreciate you shile dang it Tinsley appreciate you too shil but I appreciate you for updating that Tinsley I just saw slime yell shile so that’s why my brain said chilly God dang it it’s a little dark in

Here oh okay got a little bit of a path right there I saw this one was going to be pretty uh simple to just get a big oh that’s a junk oh that’s on fire I better chop these trees down before they catch on fire huh definitely not putting myself In Harm’s

Way you do # saave the the trees or whatever but it’s because you want to cut them down before they get deforested by the forest fire not cuz you want to save the trees you just want to save the Wood okay oh yeah save the trees for me oh my God that’s perfect you guys can see what I’m doing just fine I got my brightness high enough to you can see at night just fine [Laughter] dude is anybody actually struggling to see what I can do disclaimer we do not

Actually promote deforestation true only in Minecraft where I do a lot of It what Grayson deforestation that’s what I’m good at oh oh wait I remember I I asked a question about hard to see okay got your ban yeah you get yourself something nice for Christmas gron I don’t know why I I put the emphasis on the wrong part of the word There I say Christmas too is your damn it I I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore I just stream here chat I’m losing my brain wrinkles no do you know how much I paid for those to be surgically added to my brain I I paid for surgically enhanced wrinkly

Brains it was like 7.99 a month for 69,000 months they were never there oh my God I also said oatmeal yeah all right but to be fair oatmeal and Soul Sand are basically the same thing oh okay well that one actually exploded oh there’s another guy in the background

There did you stop paying my subscription oh yeah chap I had to uh inflation took it from $7.99 to $8 a month I couldn’t I had to cancel Astros nomical is here what’s up homie how you doing can I uh here we go all your cams oh kernel coins you should uh spend

Them on things that are available for you to spend them on this is a really tall tree you never saw lucky Bears map art uh it was uh the one that we built that’s the one it was it was good um the heck was that noise just bet them all in a prediction

Yeah it’s either going to solve your problem or double it uh prepare for trouble and make it double blasting off at the speed of light something something fright I don’t know what’s up did I design your map art yet design it uh no when you redeem it we will

Gas isn’t there a clip there definitely is a clip it’s definitely in the Discord and it’s been put on the YouTube shorts I believe as well um and it’s used in like it’s in a couple of the builds it’s in The 500 Club in Lucky Bears room and it’s

Uh uh in the trophy room as well this is the most points you’ve ever had on the stream noce dude big flexes big flexes ah so close chat oh full box too do box for for junk all right so all we actually need is like five stacks and we’re nearly through this whole

Axe don’t worry we have more axes Again dude oh my God maybe I should be sleeping I don’t know if only Mojang could give me a sign on whether or not I should be sleeping every night you know maybe a sign that has to do with me constantly coming across creepers uh or something like that you

Know maybe that would be a good enough sign to tell me to sleep but you know that that obviously hasn’t happened yet so um oh my God band slime # bans slime Oh yeah so the TNT H you can see the rules for it in by clicking on the Redemption right it’ll uh it’ll tell you the description you know where you’re putting your next one in the middle of this mangrove forest wow it does just not the whole can’t instant explode wait

Really someone copy and paste what it says in the uh Channel Point Redemption for me for TNT location me to place TNT if I want it removed I have to blow it up huh oh Jesus um right let’s uh yeah that could be rephrased to put the rules in there

Um or we or if someone wants to write an exclamation mark TNT command then I can just add say exclamation mark TNT for rules um cuz I don’t know if I can go much longer than that on a channel Point Redemption description there’s another creeper

Right below me I want to kill that frog though I want the Frog head oh God I got one finally Chad I know you’re all devastated that I murderized a frog just now but think about all the uh armor stands that you could place with this frog head

I still never did the thing where I made mob heads 100% drops I really wanted to do that I finally convinced myself to do it and then I just haven’t done it oh hey look we were over here earlier and we took that chest did you do

It uh no I think you have to do command create other way around with those two words kot will respond to you if you did it I’ll tell you how good of a job you did add it’s not create it’s add so command add hey fishies there you go third times a charm

All I need me basically a stack more oh I fell running out of torches in my inventory I know I have plenty more but might be too mean with it uh uh I mean probably I I don’t know if you do want to ask questions probably like ask in the

Discord I don’t know Minecraft Channel or moderator support maybe if you want an official moderator approval on it if you didn’t want to ask in the twitch chat right now Oh one more tree one more tree oh that is pure evil is pure evil indeed but the rules of it doesn’t dictate you don’t dictate if it gets blown up right you dictate where it goes and if I ever wanted to get rid of it my only way

To do it is to blow it up going in gas’s 500 Club room oh God you know you know I never really thought about somebody putting that in someone else’s bill I don’t know how I feel about that all right we got our full box it’s time to head

Home that have to be blown up oh my god dude chat is so toxic all right time to fly home look at that just over half stream done um I’m going to get about 2100 blocks in the air and we should be able to Coast all the way home oh not

With these Wings though um I’ll get about a th000 blocks in the air uhuh they’ll tell us when they need replaced but they’re I don’t think they’re going to take us the whole way there man I kind of really hate whatever effect is unrendered that I wish the ground was

Still there beneath me but just really small I need to figure out what mod is doing that and disable it like I know it’s there for performance reasons but like I’m not a fan I did we did just look at him I run the colonel pack exclamation mark

Pack Oh you mean the chunk not showing up when that never used to be a thing unless they changed it usually Mojang just has fog though they don’t make the chunks actually ungenerated by being too high everybody decides to place TNT in gas’s room oh my God Uh I don’t know now I kind of I kind of do want to have a rule that’s kind of just like uh in in like the law your rights end where somebody else’s rights begin you know uh you can’t place a build a up something in someone’s else’s room

Because it’s their room to build in yeah yeah you can’t build in someone else’s 500 Club room would be a would be a yeah you can do this you got this Tinsley we’re about right outside I’d say the hallway is a fair game I mean just as

Long as you’re not inside a room I’d also would say the the rooms that haven’t been claimed yet are not available you can’t put them in one of the empty rooms either because then I I would have to blow it up to build the next person’s room when they it belongs

And that would blow up somebody else’s room so so like existing room potentially should block the whole wall off you guys are going to make me if you guys put one you I’m you guys are going to make me do something like super dumb where like all

Right I have to encase the TNT in in obsidian before I can blow it up or else it would blow up like three people’s rooms just make the whole 500 Club Tower off limits honestly you have to have 500 hours to put your TNT in

There ah I I feel like honestly yeah the whole 500 Club might be should be off limits only in your own room you don’t need to redeem it to put it in your own room if you wanted to I guess I mean you could you’ll fix it you got this you got this

Sley what’s it say right now okay uh choose a location for me to place a single piece of TNT um it can’t be uh oh man put it somewhere where ruins some replay mod shots mhm okay okay all right I’m going to pick a tree here and land and swap Wings all right let’s get 1 th000 blocks in the air again uh what about the marble Monument oh can’t place it on the marble Monument yet either goodness yeah back when that was added all right all these other builds didn’t exist um goodness you have schematica who cares ah I guess

Yeah the point is to make me rebuild it if I want to blow it up but are you saying for The 500 Club or for the marble Monument or for both SP Tinsley good job what did you write um I don’t like the idea of ruining someone else’s room

Exactly especially because of the fact of like if they had my last mob head of a certain kind and it gets destroyed or something like that there’s already two in the villager trading Hall uh you can ban a word permanently uh no I okay I think yet just having uh The

500 Club uh so I did actually have a uh what I thought was a pretty funny idea recently um for for something to do in chat but uh nobody in the mods chat seem to like it so uh um do you guys want to hear what it

Was I had I had a really cool chat integration that uh um Grayson you you know what it was you said you didn’t like it uh I wanted to uh basically have make I don’t know if it you know maybe like a certain like bit amount cont trigger it or maybe a

Channel Point Redemption uh but to have colel bot play red light greenl with chat where kobot will say red uh and if you talk you get timed out until the game’s over and then you’ll say green and then you can talk and then you can you’ll say red

Again and he’ll time anyone out that talks during that time and you’re just like a 30 second little game yeah you hate it you know bro just something I think it’d be hilarious what’s the harm of a timeout it sounds fun to me oh Uh and there’d have to be some like goal or reward for it like uh it’d be it’ have to be like if you if you survived like I don’t know how many Reds or greens right if you survived typing a message successfully for every single green the there’d be some sort of like

Reward for playing right but then again like I don’t know what if someone raids during a red you know means they it means they’re here for the here for the fun that’d be hilarious when all the mods were timed out right the one wrench in the plan is

Mod obviously wouldn’t be able to be timed out um Colonel bot can’t time out mods right I can time out a mod but Colonel bot can’t uh cuz he is just a mod and uh VIPs that get timed out would lose their VIP badge and need it Reed so that’d be a

Pain all right I need to make slabs the boom that that was enough which is why yeah actually yeah we can give VIP a gas and you’ll just lose it the next day oh that’d be uh how many times has he been banned not enough someone hit him hit him with it

Uh oh man this didn’t get like much done at all did it cuz we weren’t here all right and uh well now we wait a minute heck you know what let’s go over to the tree farm and we’ll stand over here for the tree farm to run uh and the

Smelter can do that and uh I have to I have to go to the bathroom again so this is honestly good timing maybe VIPs can control the red light green light uh uh oh well all right chat I’m going to run to the restroom real quick uh let me

Throw on uh words instead of gartic I should uh this time and it should work now all right I’ll be right back BRB For All right I’m back all Righty you guys can keep going on manyi Words bub chat we got plenty of wood but you know it was it was all right to stand here we needed to get the the the smelter to run anyway Uh uh twitch is giv 10% bits when you send over 300 oh that’s why twitch has given me 100 bits right oh they actually show up on the leaderboard dude yeah yeah G has been the only person to actually give more than uh the threshold um and it

Happened to give exactly 10% bits it says it’ll give at least 10% of the bits uh in addition it uh apparently on Twitter I’ve seen people claiming that they’ve gotten up to 50% um so like sometimes it’ll give 10 20 30 40 sometimes even 50% super rarely isn’t it possible for twitch to

Be in first it it would be yeah it would indeed be possible if a bunch of different people who didn’t make the top three gave bits and twitch could potentially give the most yeah what is up with this dude do you see that shaking what the heck was

That we added 100 bits to gron range is Cheer bonus bits unlocked we added 50 more bits Yo rejected is 100 bits and then bonus bits okay well there gron thank you for the Bitties see you still get your thousand bits and then TW so it just it comes out of order though technically it’s [Applause] weird This is looking thank you for the Bitties my dude how long’s this got going oh my God we’re going to be here a while chat do you guys want to watch The Hoppers Drain how holiday season true true I I think it’s actually great um they call it like the bonus round or something hold on there’s also stuff going on with hype train new emotes let me pull up a page about it we can Talk GG on words by the way Um Mel copy address is the bonus round that’s what they’re calling this so uh uh yeah 25% discount on on subs and the gift Subs uh 10% bonus uh for all bits over 300 and new hype train emotes for level one to five that end January 2nd we need to Hype train every every day so we can all get the emotes Chad we need a hype train every day holy [ __ ] we got a hype train wait the hype train yeah rejected thank you for the B oh my God that gu summoned in dude I was like

We did I trade every day bam oh this is looking good hey oh that was look at that one that one gave 220 so it added 110 and then bonus added an additional 110 is hey look at that we’re making progress almost done eating this Island why do I feel Like wait G gave bit too wait Gia I missed that entirely holy crap Gia thank you I I so sorry I was like wait this isn’t the song rejected play oh my God okay gron with another 500 getting 50 bits cuz that’s just a straight 10% flipping and sick yeated this is the this is the most eous period of Minecraft we we are we are we are doing such a good job so right now we added 100 bits to Gig g cheia g

Bits unlocked we added 50 more bits yeah you did pre dude pre twitch I like this so wait how is Twitch moving up on the leaderboard destruction is the best twitch passed meiku now or no was yeah twitch pass meiku up fourth it’s not about the get in the top

To be on the sign that’d be sick I someone would be pissed who’s currently in top three now it’d be hilarious yes yeah rejected how you doing it’s been a minute Huh delet my good we’re literally watching paint dry here and we have a level three Hy train destruction is the Best family things no worries dude we do I no one’s got to be here other than me than anyone could hold this glad to see you here mainly because I wouldn’t allow them into my house to hold this mouse but nonetheless oh wait I’m trying to see if

I can look at the new emotes hold on um I’m trying to see if I can see what the new emotes look like Um I don’t think so they really should show you what all the look like wait I’m music yeah yeah I’m music we’ll go with that Ash 220 from twitch there yeah dude we added 110 bits to rejected Kane’s cheer bonus bits unlocked we added 110 more bits

Mass what was that oh gron gifted out a sub my dude I I totally missed that one because I saw the 500 Bitties thank you dude Chad who got that gifted s we added 50 bits to gron gr’s cheer heck yeah you did I love it

What oh oh so there was the sound that came with the 50 bits and then hey yo thank you for the 100 Bitties shly try to get some of these emotes hype TR complete right at time shil uh to get one of those what emote

Did I get I received a level two hype train emote hype chill look at that dude see these are all Christmas themed ones he’s got a little mistletoe or something on his head right that’s yeah that’s why I knew they were going to expire yeah they’re going to January 2nd you got to

Get them all by Janu anuary 2nd um uh with a chance for a special even larger bonus from time to time gotcha uh will enjoy newly themed hype train complete with brand new level 1 to five emotes uh um for oh for the duration of the event all channels will also be able

To will also enjoy newly themed pin shears yes so you can pin a message with your cheers or something like that as you’re posting it uh sick sick I I I like this kind of stuff when twitch does it oh nearly done we got half a stack left left to

Go wrong one oh my God what is that other one hype yummy I don’t have that one um I’ve gotten two of the hype train emotes uh from this new round both of them today one of them was the one you just saw and the other one was hype cute

Which looks like a little Game Boy with candy cane Game Boy uh yeah I’m going to I guess I’m going to need to pop into some uh some more of the homies channels and uh make sure to participate in hype trains cuz I cuz you know I got some

Bits in my in my uh in my wallet I can’t see how many I have because you can’t cheer in your own channel can’t even click the cheer button it just says you can’t you can’t cheer in your own channel so why on Earth would you want to buy bits while

You have your own tab open gosh so gon’s not that current hype train conductor badge now wow wow what badge is that replacing that he had on before bits leader 2 is what you had on before yeah now you have current hype train gotcha gotcha yeah you got the you got the hype

Train badge by your name now right and previously by your name you had the bits leader 2 by your name if I scroll up oh that’s because you were on the leaderboard now I understand now I under over understand what was that one who was

That Gia was 690 bits my dude we added 69 bits to Gig just cheia bonus bits unlocked bonus bit we 35 more bits woo thank you J and twitch uh have you added the colonel sound no I have not that was uh I forgot I forgot we even discussed

That should you record it for me uh sure go for it gron [Laughter] wait Colonel enabled emote only mode what does that mean why why are we in EM emote only mode I did that I definitely did not mean to uh how did I do that you just want to watch Twitch giveaway

Bits I love it right 69 bits do emote only wait does it really oh God I forgot about that wait is that that’s a thing yeah that did come in right with there oh shoot did I oh God 69 seconds mod only mode I’m oops Yeah that’s what I get for reading

My own chat all right there you go I turned it back on bro I’m like the worst streamer in the history of the world okay dude okay dude how am I supposed to remember all the things that I have happening in my own channel how do I even have that set up I

Don’t see uhoh it’s broken is it broken oh no it’s not I’m going to man I’m going I I think I think we missed the window for it to disable itself I’ll turn it back okay yeah so yeah yeah okay I think we’re good I think we’re good five more four more oh

No dude I for forgot we actually have a whole another stack to go man yeah dude I forgot that once it’s done with what’s in The Hoppers that still has a whole additional stack to go oh no rip rip rip rip all right let me just take all this

Out chat and we can we can go see what we can craft up audacity is hilarious we’re pretty close to the number we actually need but uh not quite there I don’t think we’ll see Though do you only get the emotes if you send bits you only get the emotes if you participate in the hype train so that’s either gifting subs or sending bits um you have to participate in the hype train with it has to be at least 100 bits or at least one gift

Sub um and you’ll get one of the emotes yeah yeah you have to gift it at least 300 bits for twitch to match and give some bonus ones to the streamer but 100 bits or one gift sub for um for the hype train OTE actually I

Don’t know if um like doing your own sub accounts I not sure about that I need four Stacks more who knows it does okay all right so the rest we need slabs now yeah close we’re so close on having the materials we need dude so close and I I feel like we’re actually

CH I’m pretty sure we’re actually going to need like considerably more um because especially for these ones um yeah I feel like we’re going to need considerably more than a single Sher box of these slabs but uh I think the stairs will be fine I think this Mangrove slabs will be

Fine um the red stained glass and the mangrove block magma blocks I feel like we’re going to need more of and we’re going to need more of those it is what it is uh-huh 47 in each furnace now we’re getting close lost power oh rip dude that ah my

Old house we used to lose power so much like we were on the very very end of the power line like the pole like terminated into the ground on on our uh in like in our um with you know at our house um for the power line pole so that meant that

Anywhere along the entire chain for uh for the power coming to us um could get interrupted and we would take power we would have power loss and uh it happened just so so often um that was one of the the big pain points um what there especially

With like I had to have a generator for a sump pump and you know if the power went out I didn’t [Laughter] sleep uh it was yeah that was one of the I was I was seriously considering if we were going to stay there I was seriously

Considering solar and if solar was going to be too expensive spoiler it would have been uh um I was going to uh get a natural gas whole home generator um yeah has anybody done the math chat with how expensive electricity is nowadays on just running a whole home on generator on natural gas

24/7 is it cheaper to burn your own natural [Laughter] gas um I still have that generator but oh God it’s got gas in it from over two winners two years ago uh it probably still start it would probably still Start yeah that would yeah Texas Gracie everybody everybody knows that happened yeah uh I would not want to live in Texas might need to get it serviced it’s just the generator I have is like a portable like generator right I don’t have a whole home generator we

Just have much better power uh service here um pour my lawn mower gas into it I have an electric lawn mower um No in Maine oh dang yeah I’m still H our power build this summer was ridiculous like horribly horribly expensively you have one that’s a 3tx 3T Cube so it’s a little bit bit like do you have a whole home generator is that what you’re talking about like a natural gas whole home

Generator uh cuz I really want one of those but they’re like five grand plus installation and that’s only for the generator not for like the the pipes to get the natural gas to it and not for like the the the getting the service to your box to allow for the

Switch over automatically and stuff like that um DM me the sound all right I’ll add it into stream on Monday um ah okay okay yeah ours is portable it’s got like wheels on it and uh I think like I’ll gladly just tip it over dump out the gas problem is is like

I just don’t know what I do with the gas afterwards my money is it has a full tank of gas too because at the old house I always topped up the tank after the power after a power outage because you know there was there was

Power outages where I had to run it for 12 hours straight right it uh cuz what I would do is it had like four plus on it and I had three basically I had three extension cables in my house that were dedicated solely for when the power went out uh we had

The generator set in one spot outside covered um and then I would just take the cover off throw the three cables out the window plug it in run one to the sump pump one to the fridge one to the uh to the to my to my server rack um

Where it had like our internet and you know the this uh all that sort of stuff the server of of course uh and just uh you know let it uh the server rack had its own battery so this was just charging the battery for for the server rack uh but yeah it

Was old gas is bad gas but what do I how do I dispose the bad gas exactly like I I don’t know where I would take it um I need to figure out that answer because I have a lot of old gas now that I’ve taken things to like I think I have

Like two uh gas tanks that have like um mixtures for like my weed whacker which I have an electric weed whacker now I’ve got like one like five gallon gas tank that was for my lawn mower and for the generator which used to be used up but I have an electric I

Have an electric thing now and I have haven’t had to run the generator since we moved uh so the yeah well wow right as it a about to finish okay I got three of them in one go got him bonfires is what you used to do with it I don’t have

A a safe place to have a bonfire of that of that size maybe maybe magic and I need to go on that camping trip just just so we could take our old gas to like campfires with commit some arson oh my God feels like that’s dangerous no you

Don’t put it on the fire once the fire’s lit you start a fire with it right you put your wood down and you pour a bunch of gas on it and you don’t wait too long because because it’s the fumes Rising could make a big Fireball so you pour

The gas down and then just Chuck a match on it not fire advice but that’s the safe way to light a fire with gas burning tires all right that’s a that’s a bit too bad for the environment for me to take to take part in God you know what’s crazy is I’ve I’ve

Taught Boy Scout fire safety courses before to get your fire chit or whatever it’s called Uh and here I am talking about lighting fires with gasoline actually no we would we would very regularly talk about lighting fires with gasoline we just wouldn’t do it cuz we weren’t allowed

To but we would talk about it in Boy Scouts um all right that’s all done you’re not supposed to use it up all at once that too yeah yeah you’re supposed to just put put a put enough to douse it yes you should put a five gallon oh

My god dude you’re dead you’re dead don’t do that don’t do that chat I think that’ll be enough oh wait no I was off I need 1 2 3 4 5 six and a bit six and a bit Stacks oh that should be enough then no it wasn’t all right still need to

Run I can get two stacks perfect though put that in the unloader and we’re done so we have a little bit extra of the uh red Sandstone already smelted um good your dad yeah yeah yeah yeah dude my stepdad would always burn all sorts of crazy stuff when I was a kid I

Haven’t really at my last house I had a fire where I burnt uh some leaves away in the fall and I had uh neighbor called the fire department on me for burning some leaves so I just didn’t have fires in my old place uh other than just like actual like

Campfires or roast marshmallows or something like that um so like I was like yep yep just not the neighborhood to to do anything like that with put it in a gas can and little by little dilute it with new gas so yes gron that is exactly the thing I would

Do if I still used ghast but I don’t right the only time I will ever use gas now is in either in my car I guess I could slowly dump like half gallon here in my car half gallon there right yes I forgot about that I forgot about my car um

Wouldn’t do a half gallon like a 16 gallon tank or whatever yeah it’d be fine um as long as it was oil you mean wasn’t oil right the kind for like your weed whacker definitely don’t put that in your car the kind where you have to put

The uh where you have to do the mix that just needs to be yeed not oiled yeah that would be very bad for your car yeah yeah so I guess I guess I should go get my 5 gallon thing of gas filled to have some fresh gas on

Hand for my generator and then once every like 6 months to a year just put that 5 gallons in the car and go get a new 5 gallons fresh if the generator is all I need to keep gas on hand for buy it when it’s low it wouldn’t be horrible just be

Smokey probably wouldn’t be great for your engine either but all right so now we got got the the making oh God wait we need to do a prediction chat uh it’s a it’s a prediction night cuz we didn’t do stream last night uh ones in the chat if you want to be in

The marble KN prediction On’s in the chat if you want to be in the marble prediction uh do one of the mods oh we I didn’t stream last night Grayson I canceled stream do one of the mods want to start a prediction with the ones that we’ve gotten in the chat right

There just those three yeah I canceled stream yesterday um yeah okay so now we o so now we actually have to figure out the path we have this like really nice weey path that I kind of want to keep but I don’t know how I’m going to do it oh Man could also use gas stabilizer and the gas you’re using to rotate every year that too right um I have heard of that kind of stuff you pour in there but I still would I still would want to rotate it every year I I have no idea how those gas like

Stabilizers and other additives work but I know like they exist all right chat prediction is up rejected Dusty and nah uh we’ll be doing marbles as soon as this prediction is over so today was literally just a material Gathering day um great that means tomorrow we start in

The orange biome and oh I don’t stream tomorrow tomorrow Sunday in the tomorrow we start the orange paths in the black biome and it’s going to it’s going to take a couple streams I assume uh the first thing we are going to do is just the big long path all the

Way up here I do really like the kind of like weaving and winding it does right now to get up to the up there and follow the shape of the biom so I want to figure out how that’s going to work right I want to figure out how how I can

Make it look consistently wide while taking this organic approach up the mount up the hill so that way we don’t we probably won’t rely on too much mini HUD because I want it to have like organic curves but I don’t know hazardous waste disposal center yeah someone’s mentioned something like

That before but I don’t know how to find him albeit I haven’t looked but I don’t know how to find him I think someone mentioned last time we talked about this that uh fire stations often take it a pure white build off the black biome what you mean Gracie

You could call the fire department and ask them how to dispose of it oh true none of the builds are white oh the mob zooo well you know what the Mob Zoo happened because of the opening in the ocean connecting it to the black biome was really an

Afterthought but yeah technically it is yeah it is connected to the black biome there it makes everything look so small it makes everything look so small it’s too large Chad if you haven’t seen the video of the mob zooo on the YouTube channel check that out um

Bigger the better right it does it from like let’s stand over here does it make the uh The 500 Club and the Mob Zoo when you get them both in frame how do what do they what do their scales look like cuz they both are basically build limit

Builds oh you can’t even see them both from this angle all right maybe up here will be better oh Well Tik Tok can’t see him in vertical uh I think we’re fairly we’re closer to the Mob Zoo right now and it’s way more stretched on the screen yeah the mob zuo is definitely bigger mobu is definitely just way way bigger because this box is like the same width as the

Tower except that’s a big wide box at the build limit level with like the point well yeah marbles is only a twitch thing all right let’s get over to uh to this place irresponsible Gambler oh my god dude how long did it take to build too

Long too flipping long dude um all right let’s go play marbles on stream if you’re new here uh this is the marble Monument it’s a massive build from Bedrock to build limit uh where every single block is a block placed by the winner of marbles

Um if you want to add to this Monument yourself come on over to the twitch chat no matter what platform you’re on links will be in the places you expect them to be let’s get marbles opened up my storage looks so small now it does indeed all right uh

Um Race Grand Prix six races we are sticking with standard Maps uh let’s start it here we go exclamation mark play of the twitch chat get yourself in the first race of the night my Dudes what ball kobot choose number seven okay thank you for pining that message Chil countdown is on less than 30 seconds until we Start here we go actually I’ll just keep the thing here until you guys find your way out to shoot at the bottom cuz you guys can be stuck there for quite some time sometimes oh some lotion on my hands are just so dang dry dude anyone else’s hands just get

Stupidly dried out in the winter all right yeah we have um a humidifier built into our HVAC here I’d hate to think about how bad my ass would be without it cra Knuckles dude my um this my my ring finger on my not uh on my right

Hand uh this knuckle has been messed up for so long because it got so cracked that like the grooves in my Knuckles ripped and um then my ring on my on my on my left hand when I would wash my hands and stuff would just scratch it and keep it from healing um

And so I’m not wearing my ring and I haven’t been for a couple weeks now trying to let it heal um it’s it’s redonkulous aloe vera hand gel right now I have some deep nourishing serum and almond oil hand gel or hand uh lotion and then uh it seems

To be doing all right previously I was trying to use uh uh just cuz these were like open wounds basically I was doing uh what’s the Vaseline uh rips yeah yeah that’s why I had to stop wearing my ring uh for the time being I put it on wild but like

H g GG on the D oh Gracie’s still in still waiting on Gracie oh jeez all right next race here we go chat I have to actually click the button I I like didn’t for some reason I’m an idiot exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in race number Two Okay you got a dupe for your marble drop oh jeez yeah I need to check my progress why don’t I see a marble drop okay I’m 58% Through dud the chances of me actually claiming it because like what it ends at like noon tomorrow I’m not going to remember ends on December 17th doesn’t say what Time yeah I have until noon tomorrow to claim it this is so that’s so stupid the chances that I’m actually going to get it so small Grayson in the lead whoa those things hit with some Force oh so chat Kung Fu Panda 4 those reminded me of the the spinny thing in

Kung Fu Panda right um Kung Fu Panda 4 has been announced more Jack Black we all know that I uh absolutely love all his movies I showed my daughter um Kung Fu Panda the original one uh yesterday uh and she liked it she liked

It I had to tell her it was about a panda and that way she thought we were going to be watching turning red but uh we ended up turning on Kung Fu Panda and then she really liked it so she asked to watch the second one

Today uh and then we just didn’t have time it was her nap time when she asked and then stuff happened um doesn’t show you your progress yeah the drops are scuffed dude I don’t know if it was a twitch change or a marbles change or a combination of both but they’re absolutely horrible

This season whoa Melissa just absolutely uh cheesing those stairs oh someone went in the air was that Nina it was yeed rip Gracie last place again dude you do know you’re supposed to like try and win a little bit oh that was 4 seconds to a local record

GG you’re late oh my God unacceptable exclamation mark play I almost said exclamation mark ban exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in the third race of the night dudes oh my gosh oh my gosh chilly look at that marble it’s our sleep paralysis snowman demon oh my god

Oh uh memory wise I have to have Minecraft set to 12 gigs of RAM if that’s what you’re talking about If you win you want a barbecue Wing uh yeah you can buy yourself a barbecue wing for any reason dude I prefer uh a good old like a good honey barbecue Wing those are good can’t go wrong with that uh a backup of my world like compressed is over 30

Gigs I don’t know what the actual World size is uncompressed well I did the optim my world thing when I updated to 1.2.2 earlier this week and uh it said we had what what what someone saw in uh I posted in Discord it had like 4.6 million chunks or something like

That uh it’s a lot of chunks predictions are already through all right GG Greg on that dub quite a few chunks you know it’s a good it’s good chunk chunks you know predictions happen before marble starts Indeed H oh I didn’t even notice it ended I was looking at something I just saw on my other screen uh GG Greg on that dub homie oh my wait oh is that a new local record it is Greg you’re faster than uh Aiden here by .2 seconds GG you’ll now

The official local record here not the not the world not the track record but the local record or else there would have been a popup but uh GG homie exclamation mark play to get yourself in the fourth race of the night I want to see what marble Colonel bot

CHS four okay I now have it to where Colonel bot types a random number after his origin after his first play so he’ll uh he’ll actually have a a skin on his marble um here we go thick in the lead ye it shil I just said their names instantly

Yeed dude they R the [Laughter] [Laughter] lead being in the lead I can’t that was too perfect so of the l i that one was going to happen regardless but I can’t gron in the lead stop killing I can’t oh my God God no I can’t oh that was amazing you can’t argue that

Was not an amazing turn of events Stevie in the lead he actually set a logo record GG [Laughter] homie oh you got launched up and landed right back straight down oh my God that’s oh I was losing it dude that I can’t it was too perfect uh problem is gron hadn’t didn’t

Get yeated so uh slow and steady rejected might be a little too slow here is the firewall H that was your last shot it’s gone uh rip yeah actually Stevie GG there look 150 versus the 151 so new that’s the second local record out of uh set today GG guys

Um one after another after another exclamation mark play in the twitch chck get yourself in race number five if you’re on any other platform you can come over to Twitch uh link is where you expect it to be oh my Gosh don’t say your name well don’t get in the lead oh I need heart rate finally slowed down I kind of wish I had the heart rate monitor on for that that would have been hilarious ious um okay hey yo gotina with the raid welcome in Raiders how was your stream what were

You doing make sure to follow ghost to your chat there’s a shout out absolutely massive of you guys coming in here my name’s Colonel if you’re new uh we’re like pink slimes and uh we’re playing marbles right now we’re actually coming up on the end of stream here in 15 minutes but

We’re playing marbles we got one more race and then we got to wrap up the Hardcore Minecraft stuff so make sure you guys stick around for marbles uh there’s one more race you guys can be in oh Terror in the lead down here let’s let’s go

Um emotes are cute what I what I miss uh oh yeah dude indeed um uh but welcome in everybody how was the stream what were you up to if you got a raid and run take care of yourself do whatever you got to do uh but thank you for stopping

In Aiden in the lead there he is wait Aiden didn’t you have the local record on one of the maps that just got beat were you here for that to see it uh I am I am I hope you had a great stream too what were you up

To yes well rip your local record homie oh my God we just had the funniest turn of events for a marbles race that I’ve think I’ve ever had I kept like saying uh so and so’s in the lead and then they would immediately be thrown off the map it was great it

Happened like four or five people in a row in less than a [Laughter] minute exclamation mark play get yourself in the sixth and final race of the night let’s do this welcome in Raiders playing with us it wasn’t great it was in a row in a row in

L you got it clip make sure it’s in the Discord homie make sure you put it in the Discord uh we fought the dragon today with no armor oh nice did you I did you win I assume you did um no armor did you use wings or just absolutely empty armor

Slots uh well GG W indeed W inde that sounds terrifying I wouldn’t do that in my hardcore world uh Wings only okay okay with wings on okay yeah with wings on I could see maybe trying that but no no no no oh man my throat is scratchy from laughing too hard

Chat and the coughing fit that ensued after that with fists only dude Oh that sounds it sounds like it’s going to take a while are you going to punch out the crystals with just your fists too you’re going to pop a totem every single time oh hell no okay okay Okay uh Well that sounds fun if you got to R and run or do whatever you got to do at the end of stream take care of yourself uh go ahead uh if not you know stick around for for uh for a bit we we’ll be uh we’ll be wrap it up here shortly but

We’ll make sure to send send the peeps all on their way to somewhere fancy to stay uh it started good oh man it was hilarious the whole time through true oh Gracie just sneaking in that dub another local record dude wow o uh ghosa has got some

Uh some some Custom Sounds on their Marvel too nice you know I haven’t really paid attention to reject did Dusty or Nina I haven’t seen if any of them have gotten like top five for points or anything like that all stream or all all the entire Grand Prix so like it’s it’s

Really up in the air any it’s anybody’s uh prediction oh Dusty got second I totally missed that Dusty has quite a bit I just completely forgotten about it well we’ll see Gracie GG on that dub look at that 156 beating to 201 another local record today no no track records

Which is to be expected on this late in the season on a on standard Maps but still flipping great check this out third place goes to Stevie second place Dusty holy shirt dude okay yeah he must have been doing good and in the lead

G GG G yeah I think it’s pretty clear uh who we’re paying this out to holy crap uh Dusty got second we added 100 bits to rejected K oh my God rejected being an absolute Chad given Bitties uh uh so we got Dusty uh rejected in 15 and Nina

Nina and 28 dude oh my God all right let me choose outcome who’s going to do better it’s dusty let’s get some numbers in the chat what’ you win what’ you lose there is the official payouts plus 8K rip 29k oh my god dude all right Gia is

Going to get on the marble Monument let need go update the sheet for That g you got a cherry log you’ve won three times so this makes it four your last win was 710 pretty recent honestly and today is 7:14 all right let’s get you up on that marble Monument all right I’ll scroll down so everybody can see how you did again in

Case you missed it free frame clip it whatever uh let’s get back to MC flipping right my Dude oh sleep Time Chat does the GG Dusty thank you for thank you for those Bitties again does the twitch giving bits count towards the three things you need to start a uh a hype train does that mean it would only take two actions to start a hype train I just I just thoughted of

That does that count as like rejected and twitch and now we just need somebody else to give a set of bits and it starts it uh-oh what happened here oh I know what this is oh god oh goodness uh what are we here for Cherry logs sweet Cherry logs b B the rejected logs of the pink biome true oh my goodness watch timers all right boom g g Gia was it Gia it was Gia right yeah GG Gia on that dub uh with your cherry log heck yeah um no Diamond to burn today but if

You’re not following make sure you do so on whichever platform you’re on uh this is if if you haven’t if you just came in with the raid or you’re just tuning in uh our current project is the paths above throughout all of our biomes uh we’re currently working on the black biome uh

We’re putting some orange pass in there and we spent all today resource gathering for it we had to get um we had to go out and manually collect eight shulker boxes of uh uh of red sand to to craft up into smooth red sand red Sandstone slabs and uh stuff

Like where do those boxes end up chat oh I put them down in the black biome right all right but that is but that is going to be it for the day and then we also had to go get Mangrove logs we got a full shulker of those too and those take

Forever so let’s make our backup like we always do and let’s see who’s live with some hardcore Vibes tonight to send over a raid to all right no one in my recommend is playing hardcore wow all right hey yo I haven’t seen oh he’s sleeping dang it all right

Um I was like oh I haven’t seen him uh available to raid for a while and then I uh and put they’re doing a sleeping stream right now oh my God there’s two people doing sabatons that I follow sleeping right now I have to hit the show more and see who

Else is live that might actually be playing hardcore right now all right here we go yep that’s that’s exactly who I just was looking at uh um all right all right we’re sending a raid over to Sir nippton uh here is a RAID message for you to copy and paste when

You get to his channel thank you guys so much for the awesome stream today uh thank you uh for uh for being the prediction thank you for the Bitties uh thank you for the follows uh the raids uh the subs the hype trains we had two

Hype trains we got two of those new hype train emotes today flipping insane on Tik Tok thank you for the gifts tickle in my throat after all that coughing uh the follows likes the shares on every platform and just thank you for being here I’ll be live again on Monday

Check for my schedule I post every Monday uh to see the rest of the week until then chat peace out

This video, titled ‘Orange Paths! | Massive Minecraft #714 | 3225+ Hour Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Colonal on 2023-12-17 06:20:52. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:24 or 14604 seconds.

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    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More