Insane Mob Madness in CorvieBat’s Minecraft Adventure!

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Okay all right we’re all good everything for that matter all right all right all right all right all right turn this up a little bit maybe too much I’m going to need to change my noise game I think might be a little going to going to try actually f that is

40 45 and 60 that might be better I think I don’t know I feel like I talk like a little too quiet let’s turn that down a little bit there we go all right anyways anyways I think we’re all set and everything um yes okay any please play some Minecraft shall we well

Pixelmon Minecraft all right is there any W shall we let’s do normal survival world I have not played this I don’t even remember Pixelmon I’ve played Pixelmon before but it’s been a while is the thing pixelon uh GL cheats I’ll keep them on for now but I’m not going to really probably use

Them default rules all right let’s go this is going to be interesting oh goodness I’ve not played all right a fan model train copyright Pokemon their own by game for okay who we starting off with it’s a good question we got water types fire types and grass types I don’t know every

Single Pokemon in the game so don’t do me wrong uh let’s do excuse me Charmander Charmander oh Cher oh we spawned in a village kind of already spoke shopsk keeper all right oh hi you’re not going to hurt me are you it’s a lot of uh let’s V volume’s a little too low

For my liking let’s turn down the music though probably weather will turn down to 35 there we go um those are like AI I think all right oh I have Auto jump on disgusting disgusting Hello the music just sounds too loud for me I don’t know why is that okay now we’re good oh thank you for following this guy I didn’t realize found a it just randomly gave me a bed okay just random bed just okay hello just let me

He oh that heals Pokemon okay I have not play this mod at all so this going be what is that what what is that I can’t zoom okay um I probably should get food but I don’t know it’s going wood makes sense I’m just playing a mod pack

Um what is this I have no idea oh got a bench I’m just playing this mod cat for the first ever time so that’s basically what I’m doing oh I just realized my field of view is terrible there we go that so much better keep every time you play a new

Version it’s always like that thank you for joining me anyways CU I do appreciate it see it’s definitely interesting tree because the tree forms definitely a lot different in this mod pack L wood though but I don’t feel like I need all this wood just a little baby tree basically all right Who Hello it’s definitely interesting to say the least you know you’re you know it’s saying don’t stare at the sun well same goes for Lighthouse lights figures my phone just went off Xbox stuff apparently I just need a fight Pokemon I guess I don’t know oops Oops food probably Need this is very interesting to say to least oh daycare is it like I have not played a Pokémon game in forever so I may not even remember thing is the problem yes it’s Minecraft it’s Pokemon on in Minecraft Basically my pokman how oh that’s charmer Charmander oh that’s oh that’s some this like growl scratch Ember makes sense uh scratch am I going to be dead all right I have no idea what is happening and terad yay I have no idea what I’m doing so I need to find Pokemon Pokemon thank you

So I guess I need to find like a Pokemon that I can like fight that is okay not a level 10 is there like quests I can go on or something probably poked dollars nothing oh I [ __ ] no excuse me uh what am I [ __ ] I don’t know what I’m

Doing I really don’t a lot carrots though oh I don’t have any money I don’t have no mens on the so I’m just going to have to go roaming around trying to find like Pokemon I can fight I guess uh can I like what makes pet part water anyway

Like what part of the shorter of space says water type I don’t know you tell me it’s like everything level 10 I just need to venture out a little bit oh level four yes uh Scratch Ember oh that was there we go take sweet hey I won we don’t always yell what we say why would you say such a thing oops sorry I need to remember to use my inside voice bro and so we’re in the village oh [ __ ] what is that oh it’s a

Pokéball count of one full health oh that’s nice okay let’s go adventuring what if I throw what is no strange I have no idea what I’m doing just keep going I guess it’s bound to be some Pokemon we can fight we don’t know if if I can wait ready wait medic you probably

Want to heal up your party and should head to the Poke Center and do use a Healer po uh good to know that I have that to heal use a Healer is that what it wanted me to do use and you should head to a Pokemon Center did I just

Did SW the Wilderness can what am I stupid probably oh that’s that oh that’s like trading where’s there blaze powder it’s just random [ __ ] and it’s getting night time of course it is what oh I’m getting fought [ __ ] oh that did a lot of Health oh I did not mean to do that see you my Charmander is level 1,000 10,000 hey you going G some [ __ ] take not sleep okay Harvest of red aprea okay oh [ __ ] not really Effective this is it’s almost dead it’s 5% it’s 5% you’re dead got you [ __ ] leather take that I like sell stuff I’m guessing I don’t know maybe there’s things I can sell magma thinks they stand a chance against us the world the world is more Ocean than land plus we have the type

ADV Vantage where we’re the better team oh these are like the different teams oh I forgot there’s like multiple teams teams teams I guess what happens if I can I sell anything oh sell sure take that buy anything I can Pokeball I don’t know if I should try to

Get worry about getting other Pokemon right now but so I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing at all fresh water soda pop lemonade chocolate milk this is like I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time boss unknown okay don’t want to fight that California poppy why

California spe specifically why why does is it my God why why I love how it’s like California every state I say that ironically because that’s the state I look very funny um I’m like going far away what is that just more weird what is that what is that what is what is

This I don’t know if I want to fight if that’s like a boss I don’t know if I want to fight that I’ve like no idea what I’m doing half the time what is that it’s like I’m roaming around just clear basically clueless what is that apricorn yellow apricorn I need a red

One the yellow one doesn’t hurt apricorn apricorn uh yeah apricorn apricorn that is basically it these are like blue blue Castleberry where is the red trash Berry tomato tomato Berry I don’t know PR a portable daycare is for you to choose from for a price white what is

This you ever used a daycare before Deary once you have one you can just right click it to see a menu pop two of your Pokemon into the slots and then press the green tick if your Pokemon have alternate forms like glor orola I don’t know how you say these use the

Yellow arrows select them you can have up to three ranches in operation at a time you can check on them from tab from the tab on the top of your inventory oh I see I yes uh it’s good to see have you gotten a chance to use the daycare

Blocks yet you have noticed that your Pokemon May occasionally request items when it in a daycare in order for them to feel more comfortable I recommend Gathering the items to fulfill these requests once you have them in your inventory just press the green tick if you get all them you may eventually get

Yourself an egg the stuff I’m probably not going to use right now I don’t know to I want a red apricorn cuz that’s what I need so that’s one thing oh that’s a snake Snake me make planks out of them oh [ __ ] just killed my Pokemon man just killed my Pokemon just killed my Charmander and like what the [ __ ] I have no idea what I’m doing I really don’t I’m just playing this just to see what it is I probably should have done a mod pack that I knew about but know one can

Learn basically that is something no how do I run it’s like I’m just C in here bro running running running running running okay I can’t eat those like I’m trying to figure out where to go like an NPC down there don’t know don’t know don’t know don’t know I don’t

Know I don’t know I just don’t know why I’m like so confused oh it’s just my character and it’s night time again see like what is that like I don’t know what is happening because I don’t play Pokemon games at all that’s one thing literally night time it’s like literally Night Time come

On really come on now oh that is trippy can you like just thank you thank God is this like this is pink aprea L it is an aprea tree these are red most certainly there you go I just harvested that to be Traing I just grabbed one what am I supposed to do fail miserably I’m failing miserably should I just try another let’s do something else I have no idea what I’m doing let’s try another should I do another mod pack or should I just go back to normal Minecraft

Uh let’s just go normal Minecraft I guess when I get this set up all right let’s do latest release it’s like okay just go back in here it’s not detecting now we’re good no we’re not good okay now we’re good all right this is like my world that I’ve been working

On so we’re back at doing this right now okay so we’re just going to continue working on this world because I don’t know what else to do cuz I just felt like I was sucking it up on that mod pack and it’s like well I don’t know what I’m doing cuz I

Don’t really don’t let’s get the rest of this iron I guess so I’m trying to get some diamond now so yep it’s kind of the thing you can say oh my God oh my God my foot [ __ ] okay I’m good ow oh I do have diamonds I’m trying to find

More diamonds basically so I can make a full diamond set um smooth Stone which I don’t need I need more of like these blocks so let’s go find more he what’s my difficulty easy okay like the kind I need is not okay this is what I need

There we go all right just like so many mobs starting to kill me right now oh because I mind the block that was on that’s why okay fur get up on here easy enough [ __ ] I don’t even have Cobblestone do I it’s cob deep slate okay it works for now

Just going to fill this in for now [ __ ] all right trying to build up my stuff real quick more iron okay I ran out for my uh pickaxe I need four more one two three four there we go there we go all right it’s only like a basic thing it’s not really that

Special so let’s go exploring more shall we there’s my sword um go up I’m G to do is just take a screenshot of that just in case oh excuse me it’s raining of course it’s raining so I’ve been over here a lot of stuff I’ve cleared out there’s a lot of spiders over

Here too close for comfort cuz there’s like dark patches right here that they can still spawn in so okay got that going for us squids I hope not I’m like playing too close for comfort right now not really doing much now we’re at levels that we’re definitely going to start going down to

There we go my crits there’s no food no water I’m suffering I have no idea where I’m going honestly it’s probably not going to even lead to anywhere probably just going to be a dead end isn’t it or not is it I heard okay I hear oh holy oh

[ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh there’s a mob spawner um we’re in some dangerous territories right now and I don’t like it Golden Apple Infinity mode uh chanted book that’s pretty good okay yeah now I’m concerned because this isn’t territory I want to be in right now okay

I know I can get XP for this so that’s nice actually I am so terrified right now like I really do not want to be here right now really don’t hold on just yeah I don’t know about that this one Chief oh brother CU there’s no like detectors

Right around right now so I can destroy a lot of these blocks no I do not want to be here right now so skeptical more territory we’re in Diamond level right now oh my goodness this is like terrifying oh oh shoot I didn’t even realize there was one right there ran out torches

[ __ ] oh we got a massive thing over here I explored this area apparently didn’t realize so I can see my torches interesting say the least interesting very interesting yeah cuz these are a lot of my torches like I haven’t been on this world in a while so that’s one thing um there we

Go it’s like one thing’s for sure that’s for sure come on peeps just need more Diamond I guess I don’t know oh brother motion okay back to [ __ ] um find coal we get up there though somehow like I have but don’t know how I did I torches anymore easy

You can probably Tower up but I need blocks okay okay go in this m shaft we got poison spiders [ __ ] spers oh wait they don’t poison anymore all right and Dead End okay is that a challenge I don’t know what to do what is oh my arm hello this is

Interesting to say the least end I need more coal but I don’t think I’m in an area where I can find coal right now clay red stone I just need to find coal practically there we are but I need to get more wood that’s kind of the problem um um um trying to

Think strange very strange [ __ ] fall back massive this area is but there’s a lot of zombies I have any wood or any uh I don’t have any wood so this might be a problem that’s a zombie I saw more diamonds thought so I saw some diamonds but there’s some down

There how am I going to get down there like I need to get let me go back up because because I really need to get some wood and we can’t make torches without sticks so cuz I don’t think any of these things I can get think I want my

Sticks sticks and stones don’t break my bones what’s my phone going off for back this way um that that’s problem problem problem problem is hello diamonds no idea where I am at right now that’s the problem that’s just kind of the thing more diamonds yes more diamonds hog got to get

More God what is oh that’s an H city is what those called sheez there a lot of loot there’s some decent loot in these but I do not want to take that risk right now going so much more farther away than I want to go oh hello

Know what that is I just ran over cave is so massive I always come back but I went this way maybe I went to the left might another way I went there’s no way in hell I went that way there another way I went don’t know this is what I’m trying to figure

Out um I’m trying to figure out just trying to figure out okay did I go maybe I went this there’s a m shaft down here which actually could be useful to me ironically oh this is where I came back from okay there’s a lot of wood which is what I need [ __ ] you

Piece of [ __ ] okay now we can do this now we can make some torches think go that’s going to help always can find more coal eventually loading stop you boys get rid of that get rid of that that that lava I don’t need slime balls right now oh my

God I just want to Just just want the [ __ ] to go where I want to go to [ __ ] block block [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you your stupid [ __ ] I don’t know I feel so sad and depressed and all this [ __ ] [ __ ] just just one why am I just groaning some reason I have no Idea all right I have iron on me I can smell some [ __ ] can I make Rous with this yes I can go oh I had like a ton of iron but whatever Matata Matata that’s really my best bet I guess I don’t know oh that’s there can not

Really oh I can’t even see it now it’s gone hello there fidget there we go why another zombie what are you doing here there we go give me some gold got to give me some gold of course now we got light now I got torches we go back to the same area oh

God not die that was too close hey now here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go ow just trying to do now someone tired is that what I’m hearing another tired bat lapis I guess we get some lais yeah that’s fine it makes sense here we

Go crits give me some of those crits and there goes one sword look at all those mobs like seriously there’s so many mobs like holy crap so many mobs here we go light this path a little bit so I can get see crying out loud so I can’t see

There’s so many mobs like holy like how many can there be oh my God it’s like so many spawning around it’s just ridiculous a path up oh God there we go light something up there we go goodness gracious goodness gracious it’s like let me have two P of

Coal I already blew all my torches already shoot shoot shoot I’m like in dangerous territories right now [ __ ] don’t want to be here don’t want to be here don’t want to be here don’t want to be here don’t want to be here right now there’s so many mobs holy

Crap no is there coal around like there’s so many it’s only easy is the problem fight please what all these mobs like seriously like how many can there be there’s so many goodness like I have not seen like a bunch paired up like that seriously like what the hell Get Some Coal on

Here I don’t see that like much being all spawned in it’s like did they change like the spawn rates or some [ __ ] like there’s there’s like more spawning in than usual like seriously like like it really just feels like get it it’s kind of annoying honestly it’s like there’s there’s no

Way in hell that many should be spawning in unless I’m completely missing something I might be missing something I don’t know great there so many mobs just stop spawning they don’t need to be spawning this frequently my God oh my God more diamonds oh I just need to go back to my base

Probably Mike no freak frck [ __ ] okay just just just just just just just just you’re fine everything’s will be fine I think it’s just I don’t know maybe I’m complaining probably it just it just feels like there’s a lot more spawning in than I’ve than I remember

Like is the mob spawn rates just increased and I just or it’s always been like that I don’t know maybe I’m just probably just over thinking it just wherewe I would look that up and say oh this has the spawn rates change it feels like it they they don’t there we

Go I’ve been through here more diamonds this is actually got four sweet that that’s kind of what it is I guess um maybe I might my guy excuse me guess we’re going back probably should go back to base oh I made that jump I think it was this way there I was

Supposed to go yeah it’s probably uh get myself in the spots I don’t want to be in don’t want to be in it don’t want to be in them don’t want to be in them let’s just go back to my [ __ ] base before I lose everything please

I think that’s what we probably should do now I can remember my way back is the problem hello Vixen oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this way uh makes sense I’m just been streaming Minecraft past half an hour an hour and a half stop just got to get my way back uh

I don’t like that just keep going just going to keep going slowly it’s really my best bet right now so I don’t want to die I went this way [ __ ] I went from there yeah for um let’s go back up here okay this cave is like so massive too it’s

Crazy it’s like so massive it is makes me look small it’s like jeez please three I knew you would say that I knew it it is not true is the thing God okay scre okay sweet throw everything in here I don’t care just throw everything in there even though it’s like unorganized I’ll

Organize it later eventually once I get like item sorder that’s the plan yes Minecraft I just I stopped playing that mod pack cuz I was getting so confused on it so I was like you know what I’m just not going to bother with it right now

So I’m like so confused on I’m going to have to probably look up a whole bunch of like a whole guide on like what am I supposed to do this thing much bread think we’re going to go uh got much more wood go back let’s go up I guess place that that water

Area place this here because it’s like um so I can get up and everything [ __ ] Um let’s see trying to think like what would be like a good thing to do right now I might look for another cave I don’t know that’s a thing look at how massive this place is so much to explore so much to do um probably should build make a buil

Built built a built I need to make a built boat God Dam it I cannot word right now is the problem I cannot English and I cannot word I can I cannot blish really why is this 401 unauthorized oh it does for me too hold up let me look this

Up why is it doing that one sec did not know that was broken I actually didn’t know that oh because it’s the wrong link that’s why because it’s it’s the wrong link let me fix it real quick submit now is it fixed now okay now it’s

Fixed I’m not silly I didn’t know like it’s it was because it was Cory the bat instead of Cory bat so you may have to refresh the page but it should be working now did not know it was I didn’t realize it was unan unauthorized was probably like the link

Because probably because I switched it is the thing so take that as you will all right well what’s the link like what’s the link it’s saying cuz I switched it yeah that’s the wrong link did you refresh the page AG I edit it well let me refresh my twitch try

Refreshing it might fix it okay I was about to say like L yeah you have to like refresh the page if I fix fix it cuz yeah cuz it’s it says Cory the bat when it’s supposed to be Cory bat ow I just hit my microphone so take that as you will I

Guess trying to get Coal more coal I’m not small shut up Dingus Dingus Dingus um exotic Butters all right F and now I’m lagging right stop stop stop is that the rain making me lag probably they’re like dropping frames like crazy right now I don’t like it stop dropping frames you stupid [ __ ] hold on off no

Come on BR bre come you didn’t have to do that you little [ __ ] thank you Kumba I appreciate it oh wait where did I leave my base off crap crappy crap crap crap crap crap crap crap I’m far away from it I it’s like in this area yeah there we

Go there it is can I make it in here from this spot probably making me take oh God probably probably need to reset up my like PayPal or something like that because apparently they say that you should have like a business one or whatever the hell is a better option but

It is what it is I’ll fix it later oh Kumba Kumba Kumba what are you doing to me does it actually switch oh yeah because it says now it’s Kumba for $10 that’s good I just wanted to make sure oh brother yeah what are you doing to me what are you

Doing I’m more Co cool you I don’t know what are you doing I don’t know anything it’s like everything going on okay I just need to just oh shoot iPad don’t do that to me now uh Um mutton I’m going to try Try like so unorganized that’s not even funny it’s not even funny how unorganized I am look at how unorganized this is this is so terrible um I do have a lot of iron probably should make some tools because you never know my or this is me but in Minecraft basically for my organization

Basically let’s go exploring shall we I have I should probably get a m uh boat with chest honestly because that might be useful there we go so then I can take the wood though and these cuz you know when I go traveling I can always

Um I can go traveling and have a boat of chest is it dark ow is it dark enough that I can actually go to sleep I why the rain just like makes me lag for some reason I don’t know why decrease let’s just leave it that I know

It’s like I have a good graphics card unless my RAM usage is like non-existent I have allocated a lot of memory to it Minecraft okay I can sleep okay let’s a go let’s a go what like why am I being like Mario not playing Mario I’m playing

Minecraft oh [ __ ] I keep doing this to myself I keep doing this to myself I need to that’s why I’m going to go try to explore a little bit I should prob a prop form of food but it’s fine but cuz I want to try a different cave because I feel like that

Cave is just going to get me nightmares let’s go my Cape is okay my cape’s like clipping through um CU there’s like so much so explore in this world okay so much look at all that jungle biome though it’s like kind of it’s all massive there’s so much going

On maybe there’s like like I don’t know what I’m doing wrong chunk Boulder fully blocking red just I don’t know man I don’t care worry about it later probably just self rendering in anyways so so that’s kind of another thing God I just hear my brother laughing in the freaking way from the

Other room it’s like that loud what the hell unless he has a door open which I don’t think he does there’s a ravine over Here ow ravine oh no oh no my wrist look at the flick of the wrist my guy okay got all the freaking coal too probably should mind more of it but yeah we’ll worry about that later uh let’s see how massive this place is like holy

Crap it’s like it go it’s like my gosh let’s go what the heck let go this way for now it’s pumpkins oh hello there’s a cave we go exploring shall we I think we should hopefully we don’t die more iron easy sorry end I mean where are you running away

From Pearl yes got an end Pearl just what I all the ender pearls That’s All I Ever Need easy so many skeletons brother scaly tons what is going on over here oh that’s like an Opening I’m being silly okay let’s see I know right there’s one song though that they that they added like a few few updates ago that if I’m being honest actually made me cry no joke oh there’s water down here fish is this going to keep wait no [ __ ]

Zombie there’s diamonds where is the diamond at that’s what I’m trying to got to listen to whichever one that was I have to find it [ __ ] I just realized my armor is all busted up even realize oh yes I’m going to get some iron while I’m at it Squid’s dead sucks for you

Squid squid but that was like when I first heard it but that was like months to about a year ago it’s been a while I have to look it up again but it’s you know it’s ironic is that they have new composers for the Minecraft M for for Minecraft and

Like it feels like sometimes it still sounds like C4 C418 ironically so that’s kind of the funny thing it’s not funny it’s just you know I wish some of the like the creative mode um songs that like were in survival because like that there’s one song I really like that’s only in creative

Mode I would really like to have in uh survival but it’s like lucky part is like I probably would have to change around like settings and whatnot and like just to get like the creative mode music which I don’t know if I want to go for the hassle of that right

Now because like I don’t play creative mode so I don’t ever get to hear those songs I used to but it’s been a while yeah it is it’s it is different yeah but that’s kind of the thing though it’s like that’s why I want to see if I could

Try to find a way that if I can listen to the uh creative mode music in survival because I don’t want to just go into Crea a mode just to see it but that would only be time if I was like building stuff for the hell of it my get more iron

Here I don’t there’s no option in um sleepy there’s no option for and there goes my pickaxe okay anyways sorry my dad came in room um like I don’t think there’s an option for it see there’s like no option for it sadly get some over here my guy feel cold for some

Reason don’t know why I feel cold cuz that’s cold I don’t know looking at [ __ ] just Wai for smelting happened my God I keep yawning for some only 9 o’ though like for me at least like ug I don’t go to sleep yet probably should make armor for all three of these honestly

Oh brother it’s like keep [ __ ] up you can’t see anything I mean rip it’s like it’s whatever device they’re using yes probably should have gotten a blastness honestly stop yawning stop stop stop no yawning that is illegal for many cases it is illegal oh uh oh my

Goodness why is my brother just laughing so hard I don’t know why ow D it’s that’s kind of the thing is like how my brother is so loud like his laugh is so loud I could literally could hear it it’s kind of funny like I don’t know how loud can he

Be like how any more louder can he be but it’s kind of funny it’s like what’s why does my okay it’s like how loud can you be I’m I’m gonna give me one sec I’m gonna go check my brother real quick that drop my phone it’s like my brother apparently

Was just giggling about like giggling about I don’t know okay it’s like laughing so hard for some reason yeah okay anyways let’s get going is there like more to explore I think I think we explored everything and it’s night time I didn’t make a bed I didn’t bring my bed I had two

Beds look how much iron I’m getting it’s like I don’t need all this iron but I kind of probably need it when I make uh item sorder because when I do it I’m going to need a lot of Hoppers a lot of iron get more coal I’m it foul so [ __ ] foul

Oh my God it’s like why does my brother have to be so loud is the problem like like look at this it’s like why is my frame rate it’s like that area there is there like something on task manager that’s like what is a running that is like so [ __ ] eating

Up so much [ __ ] my memory usage is pretty fine though I’m probably fine why do I have it why do I have it at 29 just realized why do I have it at 29 I I don’t know why I have it at [ __ ] 20 n there we go now it’s running

Smoother so now now I’m getting like over 200 FPS now if I had like an RTX 490 I would be like yeah let me crank that [ __ ] and now everything’s running a lot smoother there we go if I was on Bedrock addiction I would probably could crank

It but I’m not I’m on Java so oh well because it runs a lot slower on Java is the problem um wait this is back to base because let us see oh God ow Okay kill the Enderman give me your ender pearl please I just dropped a grass block yeah now I’m running a lot smoother there we go I don’t know why I had my game at freaking 29 render distance I don’t know why if I ever set

It as that or it just got CH it got set it it set it automatically I have no idea I probably set it on set it to that for some reason as Usual I can get some wall so I can make a bed that’s probably what I did I’m going to turn it up one more 14 I think I can oh God probably can handle 14 now I got a bed okay I am the light the sun lava you can [ __ ] right

Off there oh is that hey is that more p no that’s more pumpkins where’s a village I haven’t even seen I’ve I’ve never came I haven’t come across one Village in this world I don’t even think I have it’s like where are The Villages seriously where are the [ __ ] The Villages

I want a village it’s like God damn I’m I going so far I took a screenshot of my cords from my base but also I think I have it written down on my phone anyways on my notes lety turno I might I might actually have it I don’t know stream

Solo temp base is this I don’t know if that’s like I have it screenshotted anyway so I should be fine um yeah it’s like um um where where is the village seriously where is the village I need you to trade my [ __ ] Wares Wares to

Trade even though I got rid of all my rotten flesh but it’s all right see there’s like no Village anywhere it’s concerning me actually I’m heavily concerned I’m going so far is it really starting to rain it’s not ring in here rain rain go away yeah same but it’s like in this

Game it’s just like in game sometimes it can make it a little laggy so that’s kind of why I don’t it also I didn’t [ __ ] render distance was the reason for that [ __ ] now I’m running good pretty much see this like where’s the villages seriously I haven’t come across one

Village I want to find one Village just one okay God oh my God that’s just now that sounds depressing wow my God I have to find one Village at least at least one now we’re just now we’re just getting to a lot of oceans should okay I’ll go about two and a half

Hours I’ll give myself 20 minutes and I have to find one Village I can’t find one we going to end the stream but if I do find one before that I’ll end the stream early for myself just for the second watch I find a wood Woodland mansion that funny Pap rup Pap r

R I’m must see hold this big with my ex we my God emotional I can’t I can’t get that out of my head I swear to God it’s like yeah get it out of your freaking head dummy I need 50 more followers and then or 50 more followers I mean eight more

Followers and then I got 50 and I’ll be pug but here’s the problem how twitch does it is it read you’ll so you’ll have 50 followers but on your like achievements it’ll say you only have 49 because cuz they like registered as one less for some reason

So I miss your shot [ __ ] so it’s like on um TW I I don’t know why it does that I guess for uh there’s a witch I I didn’t for like seven years and then I finally beat it on Bedrock Edition I have not beaten it arm Java I

Probably will once I get another right I’ve always been one to like start many worlds and then just never beat them that’s kind of the problem with me I would just start so many worlds and I would just never beat them I would get to a point and I would just stop playing

It the only times I did beat the Ender Dragon we’re in creative mode but that that’s creative mode but I actually did beat it in survival my first time like a few years ago so now I’m going to try to beat it on Java because I’ve beaten it on Bedrock

Edition so I’m going to beat it on Java Edition now wait don’t I have a bed there’s so much stuff probably should get rid of some of the stuff in my inventory see burn [ __ ] burn burn bir uh you can take that you take that [ __ ] burn burn [ __ ] burn burn

[ __ ] burn burn [ __ ] burn burn burn all the B the burning of [ __ ] right sorry I’m like paying attention to like something else instead of like my God it’s like I got my guy okay sorry back to back to back to games uh back to Minecraft because I’m getting distracted I

Shouldn’t be distract myself but I am so I’m G to prevent from myself from doing that I am this is I get easily distracted it’s kind of stupid burn burn burn burn burn burn where is gu what it is Christmas no oh my God people don’t know smos they don’t know smos smoosh

Smos loose loose how have I not come across one freaking Village I swear on my life if I don’t find one Village just one that’s all I ask for that’s L I asked for is one Village okay it’s not that hard to give me one freaking Village my God good

Lord like it’s so easy just to give me one like seriously how do I not find one Village like I swear like I’m just continuously traveling I’m like so far away from my home it’s like not even funny I’ll probably get back home eventually I probably passed some

Villages but oh well I should get some El I now I have probably going to have to go defeat the Ender Dragon because I’m going to get elytra so make this [ __ ] so much easier to go m OHA a boogie boogie [ __ ] know this is promising oh God no no no no no no no oh [ __ ] yeah I’m probably going to do the same eventually so much snow no I’m getting Frozen okay I got 10 more minutes 10 more minutes and then I’m just going to call it because if I can’t find

PL oh what the I found new trees if I can get over this hill ow my pinky there we go look at that let look over here Cherry bossoms right it’s all the pink wait no my God am I just going to be here forever trying to find one freaking Village I don’t

Know oh God no God no God no God no God no God no ow I’m not going to find one Village aren’t I I’m like so far away from my [ __ ] base to like yeah It’s like more lava believe that it’s like I could build another portal if I was speedr running other reasons excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me rude me I just for this where is a village just want to find one Village man wa is that is that freaking freaking

Fuing hard to I don’t know freaking [ __ ] freaking [ __ ] freaking [ __ ] freaking [ __ ] freaking [ __ ] yeah I don’t know about this one Chief I think excuse me pardon me um I think I might just call it here honestly I don’t want to keep looking anymore I’m getting so unlucky and I’m

So sad about it like I’m like so far away from my base too and I don’t want to take all that time just to go back like I’m so look at how far I am bro so [ __ ] far sucks yeah I might just have to call it here

So wait wait a minute there’s there’s no shot there’s no there’s no [ __ ] shot right when I’m telling myself oh I’m going to leave I find one there’s no shot no I I doubt it that it yeah not yeah I figured it’s just that texture reform is definitely like different just

Go I knew it was too good to be true Frick man this sucks look like I can’t it sucks so yeah I’m just going to call it here because honestly it’s no point exploring anymore me not finding anything just nothing honestly so thank you all for

Tuning in I really appreciate it and I will catch you all in the next one adios some peeps

This video, titled ‘Way Too Many Mobs | Minecraft’, was uploaded by CorvieBat on 2024-01-03 20:05:06. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:39 or 8799 seconds.

There’s too many mobs!

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  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

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  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

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  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

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  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More