Insane Modded Minecraft Survival

Video Information

Welcome aboard Captain all systems online Sammy hello Sammy hey Roger hey Terry welcome in everybody how am I doing I’m doing great I am doing great excited to play this uh new mod pack excited to show it off all right let me put this up here Let me make sure this is up okay I think it’s good howdy Roger welcome in welcome in switch over hello I where’s like where’s my camera welcome in everybody how’s everybody doing happy Tuesday hope your week’s going well uh just kick it off thanks everybody that came out yesterday for uh

Movie night that was super fun make sure if you’re in the Discord if you’re not join the Discord but if you’re in the Discord and you have the mov your Watcher Ro make sure to vote in the next uh set of movies I can’t wait for the autoc

Crafter I mean modded has had the autoc crafter for a while U but it’s exciting to see it in uh vanilla um there are so many ways you can like AutoCraft things I mean you can AutoCraft an autoc crafter to spit out autoc crafted autocrafters and then it’s just like perpetually makes infinite

Autocrafters I think that’s kind of funny um okay so let me explain what uh this new mod pack is this is uh the same person that did um my Survival series mod pack uh chosen architect um but essentially it’s ex all the same mods but in essentially a Sky

Block map okay um but not necessarily A Sky Block it you have a single chunk and that’s all you get that’s all you start out with um so whatever you get on that chunk is all the way down is all you have um you can progress through the map and

Unlock other chunks along the way but you only start out with the one chunk so I think to like get lava you have to potentially like dig down to get lava um so whatever you start off with whatever the chunk whatever’s on that chunk is all you get so you just kind of

Luck at the draw um and I love Sky Block Maps so I think that this will be I think this will be super fun to uh to test out um I went in and made like a creative copy just to take a picture of the um take a picture for the screenshot

Thumbnail um but I want to make a brand new world so I’ll just delete that one I don’t need to I don’t need to keep that one uh let’s do Um modded survival survival um yeah we’ll just survival normal let’s do hard difficulty allow cheats off no um I guess we’ll just keep it default uh we’ll just pick a random seed cuz that’s fine and then uh let’s just create so whatever we get is what we

Get hey Roger welcome in on the both Rogers I got two Rogers on both sites I’m just joking I have one Roger on both sides okay water can quickly break grass okay piglins really love gold yeah that’s we know that so I think the the chunk tries to

Generate so like if it’s if it spawns in the middle of a a a village it’ll generate you know half of a v half a building or whatever the case may be so whatever yeah oh God I am in a jungle I’m in a jungle and it looks like

It tried to create some type of Village I think maybe but we got bamboo already let’s go that’s that’s good um we have a sack is there anything in the sack though nothing okay nothing in the sack we got bread that’s good um is this

Just a quest book yeah so let’s go ahead and join the world get what we need uh shaders yeah shaders are already on let’s just get all this stuff we’ll get a yeah we’ll get all that stuff hey Agro sorry I’m late we I just started you’re not late okay I don’t

Need these all I don’t need all of this just yet let’s go ahead and keep all of this cuz we’re going to need um seed um let’s go ahead and break all this here we go is this the village oh yeah the guy’s right behind here just don’t walk off the edge buddy

Stay right there let’s grab that this is definitely going to be enough for food and everything how you doing Arro um let me adjust something here real quick guys let me take this and like throw it up over here yeah but like right there that’s fine doing all right hopefully you got

Enough sleep in everything today um okay grab all that um I want to grab him cuz I don’t want him to like potentially fall out so let’s grab him and let’s put him in our sack keep him safe um let’s make a crafting table real

Quick uh can we make a crafter on a stick that’s the question we can okay we can make a crafting table on a stick and we can add that to our crafter on a stick pocket there we go so now I could just craft whenever I want to perfect what is

Sleep um it’s what cures your fatigue at the end of the day that is sleep let’s start clearing off some of this uh chunk here to make it more um I know presentable I guess oh we got demon seed too nice let’s go um yeah so let’s stand on this side

When we break this actually let’s just break it and then just keep the bottom one okay we’re going to need to make a storage here soon too at this rate um yeah let’s just clear out all these trees actually we clear out all the trees um eventually probably going to make like

Um lower half slab Bridge like 25 blocks away so we can start getting uh mobs to spawn I guess we’re going to be is this a jungle yeah obviously it’s a jungle so that’s good hi Kack welcome um let’s just break this okay so my um all my stone and everything is

Going to be below me so I don’t really necessarily need a cobblestone generator at the moment cuz I can get all the um Stone I need below me cuz I have a full chunk to play with um was there a bed in here is that what I saw

Oh yes okay cool so I already have a bed I don’t need to worry about uh like going to sleep or whatever um so let’s go and like put the bed here and set the spawn point uh just leave all this here I don’t think there’s anything in here that we would potentially

Need okay stack how are you oh another bed okay we just leave all that that’s fine that’s fine okay so let’s Craft um let me set my controls keybinds uh let’s do craft open crafting on a stick is V now let’s make that uh contr e

Done there we go so contr e Let’s uh let’s turn some of these planks into uh there up our table okay okay bread got done eating dinner nice I I was just got done eating dinner too uh we want to make a uh pickaxe um let’s

Do man I don’t want to break a full okay so a little trick here is um with FTB you can actually set um FTB Uline you can actually set the shape that you want your uh blocks to be ultim minded um by holding control uh shift and then scrolling so

Let’s say we want a mining tunnel um but let’s say we want um so if we wanted a 3X3 mining tunnel let’s do it this way so we can so I can kind of show you so right here it’ll do a 3X3 mining tunnel but it only did enough to break

You are the best Planet I’m who did it why is it not showing me I need to it needs to be able to show me well I appreciate that thank you okay um [Applause] oh take a drink thank you random hydr all systems online who’s doing

That all right thank you thank you for the hydrate Terry um okay so now if I do this with um a pickaxe I could actually do here let’s do here but let’s do uh this I will look for you I will find you then let’s go down and I will kill

You why did it go all the way down it should have made a uh a thing who did that stop it you’re not going to find me okay so clearly I had the uh Ot Ot thank you whoever is spamming oh my gosh all right where is my oh it’s Craig hey

Craig okay I need to like split my screen here let me split my screen real quick so this one and uh twitch there we go so now I can see both of you guys uh now that we have a bunch of stone we can make a bunch of

Pickaxes um I don’t want to like go straight down though so let’s uh um let’s break these oh it’s a yeah supposed set like that here we go so that way we can get up um so I want to do shift um I don’t want to do a square I don’t

Want do a large tunnel mining tunnel that’s what I want so is this here no oh see that just goes straight through there’s there’s a way to do it straight um like diagonally imagine not catching a whe stream that would be terrible um okay so we want not Escape there we

Go so it made a diagonal mining tunnel so if I do the same now I have a tunnel going down hello uh let’s just take all this uh we need to change it to shapeless probably need to go to sleep don’t want to get too far away from the surface

Because mobs will start spawning up here now that we have coal though we can start making torches and light it all up okay so let’s start making torches um F7 should turn on our our chunks here our unlit chunks okay should should be safe now good to go

Um oh and I already got a a dream catcher let’s go so green dream catcher is a uh item that you can put in your pocket and it’ll give you Buffs like in this case I get one random effect for 294 seconds I don’t know if the effects are always

Positive but um they might be um okay so I think the objective is going to to try and find um we’re going to find iron question is though is there any water that we can see on either side cuz like we could potentially drop down and like go into the water Source no

No howy James nope wow we have no water sources at all o uh looks like we do it’s like all the way at the bottom of the world though so I think I think the best approach would be actually I need to bring some wood with me jeez

Um bring bring some sticks and some um bring some sticks with with me because I’m going to make zigzagging um stairs to get uh down to the bottom but to do that I want to make like a like I obviously I don’t want to make it to where I fall through the

World um so let’s see let’s go back to um mining tunnel and we want to do one here is it why did it do that did I do it wrong let’s see yeah is it not mining tunnel is that not how I did it before there we

Go and then if I do this one yep so now I have two and look at that we got iron already let’s go okay uh this is definitely going to break that though oh no I need to switch to shapeless of course it breaks James how you doing welcome in welcome in

Everybody uh control e and then I can make a another pickaxe okay and then now we can make uh a furnace and start cooking some of this iron um or I could put the furnace on a stick right nope okay I can’t I didn’t

Know if that was a thing I mean I have a crafter on a stick I figured maybe there’s a furnace on a stick okay not bad here how’s everyone I think I don’t know how is everybody um Let me throw this up there just in case so I don’t know cuz I haven’t

Played this mod pack um so I don’t know like what is next we got wood so let’s grab an axe um we got Stone so let’s grab our pickaxe let’s grab iron we got diamond we got diamonds heck yeah I got a diamond a diamond that’s not bad this

Looks interesting it’s pretty fun so it’s like you get a single chunk and that’s all you get but uh James I don’t know if you’ve seen any of my uh latest Survival series um with like all the magic and everything in it but essentially it’s

The same mod pack it’s just in a Sky Block version so everything I have on there I have in here I just have it in a single chunk chosen howdy friend how are you sir I’m loving this uh pack by the way thank you so much for uh spending probably countless hours developing

It how are you chosen nine people three likes yeah give a little love to that like button yeah this is a chosen pack everybody so if you uh haven’t checked out chosen definitely check him out he just had a video come out today actually that new one is so far ahead of

Me though in my series okay so let’s do uh let’s do shift and what I always forget is a mining Tunnel right yeah mining tunnel there we go and then oh I got a perfectly shaped Rock Let’s go yeah I’m definitely going to swap that out for my dream

Catcher only a few hours only a few um okay where are we at 32 I didn’t even see the dimensions of the chunk like what was my Edge so I guess this is what 60 so that’s 95 probably the what I can go all the way to 80 I can’t math um

Okay oh yeah there we go perfect oh wait did it stop because of the gravel oh that was weird uh we’re at what 23 so we can go all the way down to negative 64 I believe right yeah we still got a ton of ways to go too many bugs

Uhoh well bugs give it character doesn’t it oh I keep forgetting to oh keep forgetting to change my um to do that to shapeless okay oh what if we run into a uh spawner that’d be interesting oh and I got a recycling piece oh that’s pretty

Good um um lucky rock or tool scraps oo lucky rock or tool scraps H tool scraps basically is like gives you a little bit of Unbreaking I guess um lucky Rock essentially gives you a better chance of getting um like extra loot when mining yeah this is uh this is chosen pack

Yeah this is uh that’s what that’s what the the CMA at the beginning stands for chosen modded Adventure um let’s see shift mining I got bone out of that okay I’ll take it so I think that’s the loot that it’s referring to oh my gosh uh yeah no wait this isn’t the ore

That explodes trying to remember um chosen just did a video over some of this ore and I think it’s stellarite this isn’t stellarite this is a ex petrified ore oh we’re hitting uh deep sleep though now okay oh and um the more you use um the ultim mind the more it takes your

Hunger away okay I haven’t tested this on what it’ll do um like if it’ll mine less uh well no I guess the durability wouldn’t really change would it is this one of the bugs he’s talking about it’s raining inside that that was weird gotcha Here we go where am I at neg five oh I can still go down oh oh I’m a dummy I’m too far from the surface so that means a ton of mobs are probably going to be spawning up there that’s not good oh uh what what is that uh what is it Stone

Maddox a stone mic how do you make this compress Cobblestone and does it have to be specific type of wood or it can be any wood durability 1,000 wait how do we make compressed Cobblestone oh what the heck wait why am I just now hearing

About this uh let’s see can I make this I need to make it in my crafting grid uh bump bum um uh disperse it let’s make a bunch of that oh I need to go back up for wood anyway cuz it needs I think it needs logs mine’s in a

3X3 I was just afraid to mine like too much at once and then just like fall into the void I’m worried I’m worried that there’s a bunch of stuff up top though unless there’s some type of like protection that prevents mobs from spawning in the spawn chunk might be yeah look like

I’m I’m underneath stuff but it’s raining on me it’s weird oh wait I’m I spawn proofed everything never mind I’m a dummy oh gosh uh man these these dream catchers come almost every time huh in my uh survival world I know I’ve got a ton of

Those I almost had too much like I think I could sell them to the wandering Trader though oh wait what am I doing I need the the log the log oo it’s so pretty okay so any log yeah is it or is it only biomes or plenty does it have to be specific

Logs uh oh it is okay cool yeah yeah yeah Stone mic so it it mines automatically a 3X3 holy smokes I don’t even have to uh ultim mine that holy smokes and it’s almost is that as good as Diamond a th000 whatever Forge and logs

Okay um do I want to go all the way down though I want to go down essentially to get the um to get the water at least so we can like potentially start uh CR growing crops in at least you know and I don’t remember where was that

Water at well we’ll get down there eventually little Stone mining level what oh it doesn’t work over here oh yeah it does works on all Stone I guess okay uh no it’s still a stone mining level oh it is but durability oh is the durability just High because of it’s got

So much compressed Stone so it’s essentially all of the durability of the stones just added together yeah probably 131 for three and then you get yeah that’s that’s a lot of that’s too much math for me you got to be careful though cuz I might like break too

Much oh man well wait does it still do Tim mine or will it Tim mine holy smokes did it wait did it work that was weird why does this only work sometimes that’s so weird oh let’s go Arcane crystals and silver oh this sounds are creepy are these

Are these vanilla sounds or are these added these are creepy oh when it hits an ore it stops interesting yeah so I must have HD an ore somewhere so weird I didn’t know it did that okay um let’s just pick up all of this where are we at -20 so we don’t

Have that much left to go like 40 blocks Maybe oh I did oh God I was not thinking I just did shapeless God I’m glad I wasn’t near this like the bottom fall through um uh let’s see what am I doing what am I doing here definitely want to still make

It traversable so I can get up yeah but we can just start here uh uh can you set a hotkey to the specific shape of the ultam mine or no I wonder if there’s an a way to hotkey the shape of the Tim mine that I want you know what I

Mean Believe It or Not uh that’s vanilla cave sounds wow this is creepy like this is a kids game they said yeah this this is this is terrifying um okay so I want mining tunnel this is this is a little unnerving this this sound oh my gosh right

40 yeah I don’t think you could um let’s see what would that be called uh Ulta um you can only set yeah you can only set the um like the use of it not the shape of it well that’s a bummer it’s okay cuz like if I could do like to

Bounce back and forth quickly you know oh I’m full um let’s just make some um if I may compressed Cobblestone can I un uncompress it oh I can perfect yeah let’s just compress uh compress all this stuff okay yeah let’s go offload do you guys hear this that’s so

Creepy oh that that’s a spawnable spot right definitely don’t want to come down here and run into a creeper or something oh what am I doing oh wait how is that missing so red means spawnable blue means and yellow yellow means light lit up I don’t know what blue means then

Blue means in the dark but not spawnable cuz I’m used to uh like mini HUD where it has the numbers and stuff um I’m not familiar with the uh the X’s really just got to learn what they mean you digging the sounds get it digging it sounds

Okay I got pretty lucky uh chosen I had uh I only had one villager but I had two little houses that I went ahead and got uh beds for so that was that was lucky on me let’s offload all this stuff um Let’s do let’s do a bucket for whenever we find that

Water and then I guess once we uh once we get down to the bottom we can start like potentially we can make a mob grinder or whatever we want really all the way down there um maybe see if we can get an interman to pick up some grass and then carry grass down

There where wait where was that water dang it I didn’t see where that water was like I don’t remember what side it was on okay so it’s got to be it’s got to be this way um no not shapeless I got to be careful I’m going to like mine into

A uh mine into the in the void yeah the quest book that was the first thing I got I got uh I got a bunch of stuff oh wait I could choose uh o blaze powder might be the ender pearls I can come by blaze

Powder I can’t until I get to the so I think blaze powder might be best I can get bones I get bone meal string yeah I think blaze powder is probably going to be the best option uh crafting Essentials I don’t have any of that stuff yet let’s

Go uh I haven’t killed anything yet haven’t seen a Wandering Traer let’s see um oh what am I missing here oh experience there we go yeah I don’t think we’ve unlocked anything just yet oh does that it says random but do I just wait for it will it give me whatever is

Like it it fluctuates like if I click on diamonds it will give me diamonds or is it is it purely Random oh at the bottom I get one that has a world Forge got it okay cuz so far every time I click on it it gives me whatever is at whatever is on screen at the moment now I don’t know if that’s just luck of the draw it’s just weird

Chance I guess I don’t know oh hello okay oh here it is oh gosh is pretty far down is it um what is what what side are we facing south so we once we get down back into the deep slate layers let’s uh let’s look South see how far it

Is oh it is random okay it’s just weird cuz like every time I click on it whatever just happens to be on screen when I click it is what I usually were was getting um South okay so let’s shift it again mining tunnel these sounds man oh

Hello oh it was higher up than I thought there you go how much water is this where is this at oh hello oh God uh oh are they shooting at me oh God they’re coming down yeah just keep going you’re fine I don’t want to deal with you right

Now um okay so let’s do let’s do that so we got stairs now oh my gosh man oh yeah those sounds now that I hear them are not vanilla oh really okay I thought they were for a second I was like these sounds are terrifying gosh I what is up

Here oh is that a slime oh God I looked at him get wrecked nerd where’d he go oh he’s gone oh no no no he’s not gone hey give me your pearls oh no oh well he’s fine he’s dead oh the Ambient sound mod interesting oh God I thought he was

G okay yeah that’s fine that’s goodbye good riddens all right there we go finally got water wait so do I need to try and find lava what if I’m just is it is it luck of the draw for lava too want luck of the draw for lava as well

Redstone let’s go I’ll take it oh I need a magnet so used to having a magnet um I wonder if we just dig straight we will run into the our tunnel right logic would dictate is this it let’s go okay oh I’ll need to unlock more chunks

I guess I need to figure out how to do that I really don’t know how to do that is there is that in the book let’s see welcome quality of life uh getting started H I don’t know how to unlock more chunks are they like already loaded

Somewhere or do I have to complete like certain things or craft certain things to oh man I love that mod chosen is is it the Sound Mod in uh the the uh Original Adventure like vanilla Adventure I don’t know what you’d call it the non- chunk by chunk

Adventure yeah I need to figure out how to unlock more chunks also now that we got water we can uh we can make a water source an infinite water source we can make infinite water but will how do you make infinite water with a single Source oh let me show you my

Friends oh you know what we should have killed that um oh we have bone meal perfect yep so now we can make infinite water dig down a couple here grab some bone meal of course it’s going to rain this uh bone meal this and now we have infinite water cool

That’s how you make infinite water from a source guys um is there a way to ultim mine a single shape like what if I want to just do a a horizontal like this layer here is there a way to do that let’s see Square oh will it just do the square oh okay

Okay um you said yep does that mean they’re already loaded so they’re out there somewhere what is this a single a single chunk that was loaded in well they’re somewhere just got to find them that was a GG move thank you yeah I do a lot of Sky Block so all

The little like Sky blocky tricks I’m I’m pretty familiar with I had a whole series on Sky Block and now that they uh like my current series that I’m playing is using your uh Adventure Pack um but I really like Sky Block so I don’t know I I I still obviously want to

Play this survive that’s that’s fine I kind of just wanted to um get enough wait what is this one two three um one two one two three four five one two three four five oh no that’s not going to work trying to make like a space where I

Could um and at this rate I want to make Farmland so let’s grab some stone at least we can get a little bit of Farmland going um how much food does this the demon seed give me I don’t know bamboo what is that cocoa let say where was all the seeds at

Cool oh in the getting starting section um okay let’s see H yo AI how you doing um world Forge with the ability to crystallize Stone and dirt blocks into World crystals and eventually transform them into World qu these are essential for crafting chunk spawners chunk spawners what the deuce you stumble upon an

Initial Forge tucked away in a hidden chest at the bottom of the very first chunk oh are you kidding me we have to go all the way down okay let’s uh let’s just offload what we don’t need and let’s go find this world Forge cuz I feel like that’s probably going to

Progress as uh a good deal um let’s just bring extra wood and stuff okay bring an extra bed just just in case I guess pretty good chunky this is It’s a chunk by chunk very chunky put them okay oh like so we need to get to like

Negative I wonder if we just like is it like at the bottom of the chunks like the bottom bottom like or is it just like tucked in the center of the of the chunk somewhere I don’t know if I feel confident in like scaling down to like look for it

So let’s at least get a little bit a lot lower um let’s see see how deep did we go in the 40s right oh yeah that’s as far as we went okay 60s where the chest is always spawn in the middle of the chunk oh middle of the chunk interesting okay

Okay um let’s see mining tunnel oh hello what’s this is this the dark stone yeah dark stone oh did it not break through the dark stone H figured it would have broke through the darkstone oh I guess it did it oh and I’m hitting yep I don’t think that’s the real chosen

Architect is it no it’s probably a fake I’m just kidding I’m pretty sure that’s chosen looks like it oh my God that’s terrifying F let’s look for this oh God okay so it never breaks the blocks below me that’s good that was something I was afraid like it was going

To break a block below me and I was just going to fall into the void okay so middle of the chunk so this way definitely the fake one okay that’s what I figured um okay I was hanging out in the uh in the Discord uh

Yesterday oh look at that we found it oh let’s go yeah I was hanging out in the uh General mod chat or general uh voice chat um okay let’s see what we got here World Forge let’s go for Forge a world Forge wait what is this just a world Forge component

As long as you have a full health bar okay so it’s completely random okay yeah as long as you have a full health bar that’s interesting um okay wait so what do we do now what do how do we all right let’s see you stumble upon the initial Forge tucked away in a

Chest with the ability to crystallize Stone and dirt blocks redeem hydrate yes and dirt blocks into World crystals World chunk spawners interesting does it need any type of stone oh gosh oh they’re fragments how many oh gosh wait oh interesting I wonder how many chunk how many like do the shards eventually create

Um let’s see World cores um let’s see now that we have the world Forge shards shards into crystals crystals into World core well how do we make a world core four into okay so I need four of these oh my gosh okay let’s go back upstairs because

Uh we’re going to need like quite a few um Stacks I’m sure is this a mod pack yes it is chosen Architects mod pack and this is um this is his uh chosen modded Adventure but it’s essentially in like a sky block form where you only get a single

Chunk um and you have to use the world Forge to create more chunks okay how did we is it here yeah okay oh okay cool I didn’t know if I had to craft them so I could just uh drop a whole bunch of stacks into this it looked like what maybe two

Stacks make a make a uh core so I’m going to need what 2 4 6 like eight Stacks is it available for the public jump off the edge trust really like let me empty my inventory I’m like scared oh wait um yeah I I didn’t I forgot to post

The link to um I just got it off of cursed Forge um I’m not sure if uh chosen has like a GitHub or whatever um I just I usually do with the cursed Forge uh a walki a wacky ay oh Okay oh my God ah what happened ah oh god oh it’s an infinite Loop oh uh let’s see if we can uh MLG this nope why did that not trigger dang it was I on a maybe it was on this maybe I didn’t oh well I like that so it just teleports

You back up and then you’re at a high enough spot where where you won’t get all your hearts lost interesting that’s pretty cool what in the world yeah uh aggro chosen added I guess if you fall off you just spawn back up and then uh you can eventually just land

Back here I’m wondering if you could build yourself a platform so when you fall off you’ll just land on the platform then there’s no need to lose hearts at all if you have full health you end up with one heart interesting that’s pretty fun okay so World core oh does it take

Gravel oh let’s go oh it takes it takes them like twice as fast it looks like um that’s fine let’s just what if I put compressed cobblestone in there does it does it work twice as like you will use it a lot easy way to get to

Oh yeah just jump off the edge that makes sense oh I hope I have enough Stone I might have to go collect more Stone oh do I have to take it out though oh yeah it does oh but it stores it oh that’s cool yeah so it builds them up

Regardless I like that I like that feature okay so once we have here let’s let’s open our book real quick okay so what do we do once we go once we have the uh chunk the world core chunk what do we do with it a world

Spawner World minder so we need to make a compass we have Redstone and iron so we can do that I wonder if there’s a stone that works best and I don’t know what happens when we use compressed Stone um let’s see oh we can’t use compressed Stone interesting okay oh no oh the

Heck oh wait Cobblestone the slowest oh wait why is it slow now oh I I have an Infinity glitch I I guess I have infinite gravel let’s go infinite gravel next Quest you need to read oh okay oh there it went oh wait does it stack wait that was

Weird I don’t know maybe that was one of the bugs um okay quests quests get started World core experiment took an ex disasterous turn the world has vanished either sealed away or lost to the void miraculously you you’ve activated a last ditch say fail safe in the nick of time

Preserving only a tiny fragment of our world however a glimmer of hope remains perhaps with effort the world can be restored piece by piece interesting okay I have a world core score core oh clever okay so now we have two cores but what does that mean chunk spawner

Um well how do we do a chunk spawner again unstable chunk what the heck is that a block of copper oh gosh um how much copper do we have no we don’t oh wait we might have enough for um we might have enough so let’s Do I’m not good at math what’s uh 9 Time 4 is something do we need more copper connected Branch let’s see huh 36 yeah I have enough scan for the goods Cobble Jone okay we’ll have to get uh lava for that biome chunk spawner biome themed chunk spawners a

Diverse array of the exist they generate new chunks but each one is uniquely adapted to fit a particular theme um ocean regions still be submerged in water interesting a world minder holy smokes what the heck that’s kind of cool world men this remarkable device automatically spawns chunks outward from its location

Utilizing cores by themsel or chunk spawners provided to it oh interesting so you can like kind of automate the process okay um so we’re going to need yeah we’re going to need like definitely a stone generator um and then you can probably feed the stone generator to the

Forge so it’s constantly making out World whatever um world cores oh take it’s going to take a while so I think once we get the uh um chunk chunk spawner fulfilling its purpose it spawns a new chunk just as the world was meant to be does it spawn

A chunk randomly though or do it spawn like a chunk right next to ours wonder if it’s random it’s probably random um have to make a diamond pickaxe but oh what was what was it it was a um let’s see forgot how do you make a compass oh four pieces that wasn’t

Cool part of the seed okay gotcha we need more iron thought I had more iron in here oh I only got six pieces that’s [Applause] right I’m just collecting a bunch of stone at this point oh it spawns to the adjacent chunk gotcha oh my gosh this is so

Awesome are these things in the original pack I might have to make me one if if they’re in the original pack I still need uh more iron though there we go two pieces that’s fine I wonder what the chance of a lucky Rock dropping oh this one’s better

So obviously the better ones we the more the more we mine the more better rocks we get or lucky rocks sorry oh the there is Obsidian antimatter no that’s something else is it just a three netherite obsidian quartz 9,000 what the heck and a netherite is

901 what’s the point in that might as well make an obsidian one if that’s the case that’s funny what is this anti matter oh fluid right click to evaporate liquid oh so it’s like a a water Miner [Applause] interesting um we want shapeless for the

Ls is that just like the uh the dirt chest 9,000 for the ls silic has a lot of cool stuff okay let’s make that stuff Um let’s make these make a world spawner chunk spawner every Chunk in its place okay now that we have the chunk spawner it gave us copper of course it did Um what do I do with this how do I let’s see I just put it down and does start randomly spawning that’s pretty cool that’s a cool looking block okay okay how does the what do it what do we what what what what world spawner okay look before you spawn okay

Look before you spawn World spawner equipped with the ability to map unspawnable holy smokes did I just break it I just broke it why would they why would they be breakable so now I need now I need to make more okay that’s a bummer okay got to start

Over I didn’t realize they break when you mine them oh I didn’t even notice that so if I want to put it like over here oh and I need crystals h oh is it creating it for us oh it’s like mapping it out I would just cheat one on in I don’t

Know if I created I don’t think I turned on cheats uh did I creates yeah I didn’t turn on cheats oh no what’s up bud sun’s coming in here checking me out I think I need to be more descriptive in the Quest for this I’m glad I could help change your book yeah

Uh I didn’t realize we couldn’t break it I didn’t even see it that it was Unbreakable by uh bi a block bless you bud what’s up bud okay I need more Stone oh gotcha the yeah okay okay so we need to create a uh we need to do a chunk spawner one more

Time um glad we got a oh wait do we have a second world core or did we already use it thought we had a second one oh one made this and one made that okay never mind no this we found where did my other one go oh I broke it

Okay never mind it’s like wait a minute am I missing something here open delay and turn them on oh yeah um loud sheets on okay give me um chunk chunks bad lands chunk uh I just want a normal chunk spawner chunk spawner hey look at that I think I got

One okay so if we just go to one of the chunks oh no I’m gonna lose all my hearts can I actually MLG this MLG why is it not MLG it’s a half heart that time oh so it did all this big chunk oh no no quit walking on the

Fire yeah dummies come here come here come here got to protect you guys from yourselves put all the villagers in the S there you go from the smallest seed what is this obtain a world fragment the smallest seed of crystallite world Essence oh I pulled it out before it was

Done can I put it back in oh it just feeds it into itself interesting oh can I put a lucky Rock in here that be funny if you could do a lucky Rock okay I got another world core so I could do another uh another spawner right

Was that right did I do that right yeah okay uh let’s check out can we just do like out this way oh let’s go oh man and we got a cat hey bud come here oh let’s go oh let’s go oh and we got food x marks the spot open your first okay

Yeah hey iron D you place it on the edge gotcha yeah oh and we can start cooking our food too um see oh this is so cool oh let’s just break all these um we want shapeless that’s so weird that like it’s just going to be weirdly shaped as we

Unlock more chunks it’s just going to be whatever shape we want it to be in I guess that’s funny got Food well I’m off but glad to see you get the main mechanics of the pack thanks chosen have a good night appreciate it yes thank you so much um okay is that a creeper Oh I thought I saw a creeper um turn down the and sound settings oh the

Stu yeah it’s getting pretty loud oh no it’s a bamboo creeper do they blow up I don’t think I’ve ran into a bamboo creeper do you do you blow up bamboo creeper oh maybe he’s a good maybe he’s a good guy yeah he’s a good guy hello okay they’re good bamboo creepers are

Good wasn’t sure how bamboo creepers worked oh this is so cool yeah so as you progress you just get more and more you just unlock more and more chunks oh yeah you could twerk too to grow stuff I forgot you could twerk to grow stuff oh we could go over to our crops

And and twerk on them yeah we got a yeah there we [Applause] go that’s way to um essentially bone meal your crops you can twerk on [Applause] them you don’t know what to want to know where the bone meal is coming from okay I’ll just keep that to myself then um

Oh and dragon fruit or demon fruit sorry it’s all messed up okay let’s uh we’re going to need some animals in here eventually hey bamboo creeper okay oops on the crops to make them grow yeah essentially uh those are the only we don’t have any other crop seeds as of

Yet we’ll have to unlock more chunks or maybe make a um a mob grinder to uh get like potatoes and carrots excuse me sir God it’s so crazy how the uh the chunks generate oh there’s like stuff up there okay so essentially we need we need a cobblestone generator

Which means we need to get down back to the um bottom and look for um look for lava if we put um we’re just going to need more stone at this point yeah just need to create more Stone we don’t want to know what are you talking about I didn’t say anything Um so we need compressed Stone so I I can’t go too far so I got to stay in this area to get stone got a diamond out of that one um wait how how how did we make that I don’t remember how we made it was it

Medic oh logs we need logs I’ll have to go back up and get logs might as well use this one all the way through there we go oh we got bone out that one let’s go oh can I make a magnet now I might be able to make a magnet

Now I’m tired of having to pick all this stuff up hey edem hydrate That’s so cool that chosen showed up he literally made this pack hey Mr creeper um let’s see if we can make a magnet mag oops uh you know what I don’t think I have oh I do have an ender pearl but I don’t think I have enough

Iron yeah I need to get more iron Stone Medic so I say we like get down um we get down to like the towards the bottom and then we start mining uh into the adjacent chunks to see if we can find lava then we can make a cobblestone generator and then we can start potentially automating some processes

Processes I’m just banging my head on all these stones um what what what’s um level does lava format 50 uh 56 right or 50 5 I don’t know bedrocks right here I just forgot which uh this way oh let’s go yeah we can easily make a magnet at this point let’s

Go oh it’s Stone um what if I break the one beside it so it only works on blocks that can be broken with whatever it is okay interesting um I don’t have my iron pick iron pick isn’t it iron pick um okay let’s uh let’s let that cook wait so

Smoky you want to mine 54 gotcha yeah I just want to be able to mine uh um so if I do mine into lava I don’t obviously fall into it 54 I want to make a I want to make this magnet I’m tired of just having to run around and pick everything

Up quality of life you know make it easy why work harder when I can work smarter plus I guess I could make a diamond pick at this point but those Stone madx oh my gosh but I mean if you got Tim mine you could you know just Tim mine everything I

Guess I need to add stairs I should add stairs on the outside just circling around the chunks uh I don’t have don’t have everything lit up and I do have an ender pearl um who did that I told you I don’t have everything lit up I was afraid it something came up on

Me not cool Terry not cool um here’s my iron pick isn’t it iron pick that feed through yeah I really thought there was like creepers uh on the island I guess this is an island right island in the sky in the chunks I got to be careful not like walk

Off the edge while I’m reading chat that would be terrible well I mean I guess I have Full Hearts so I wouldn’t necessarily die I just get down to one half a heart so you said I want to be at 54 okay I’m going come down here and get my

Iron okay so we have lapis we have Redstone uh we should be able to now make a magnet so a magnet um you can put in your charm slot so now whenever I break stone it will automatically uh pick it up for me or at least it’s supposed to five blocks

Away but it doesn’t seem to be doing it chosen come back the magnet doesn’t seem to work like um like here let’s use this as an example so I should be able to pick that up cuz it’s I’m within five blocks of it I’m having to be right on top of it

So definitely still bugs it seems um cuz it should be picking that up but it’s not oh gosh he said 54 uh 8 7 six 5 4 I’ll have to jump in the Discord until it’s all chosen that redeem come back baby come back what up what up Bruce welcome in oh no

We’re looking for uh we’re looking for lava I got to make a stone generator at this rate I might have to just continue to unlock more chunks Titanic come back come back Jack come back I’ll never let go even though she did let go Rose says she wouldn’t let go but she actually

Did let’s just make a uh some storage down here oh did I get another lucky Rock no it’s not good not as good as the one I currently have [Applause] oh did I bring more no I didn’t bring more wood [Applause] [Applause] thought I brought more wood cuz I could

Just make another Stone mic oh I guess I forgot I was so close to the edge living on the [Applause] edge yall want to bet that I won’t run into lava I really don’t want to fall down I mean to be honest I could have spawn down

Here once I get like far enough away they can start spawning how much more uses do I have on this two more three more oh wait I only get nine each [Applause] right oh no I broke it oh was there a uh did I just see a

Um an amethyst oh it was a redstone amethyst yeah look it’s a redstone amethyst right there I’ve got a redstone amethyst I really need to try and land back on the island though now oh I’ve got a few aim at this it looks like go go go H water nope okay that’s

Fine baby come back oh okay baby come back let’s drop some of these trees down so we can get a bunch of Wood um let’s keep it in our Inventory and let’s I wonder if I could just like I don’t know what side of the um I don’t know what side I’m on instead of just going all the way down and just like put water on every side so as I dig out you know I’m just elevator my way up it’s

Genius I can go down and look at that amethyst too Baby Come Back maybe come back oh wanding Trader oh let’s go wandering Trader cuz I do have some um stuff I could potentially trade with him what do you have dude tube Coral no no no no

No um I could trade him a tool scrap for seven um I do have I think an extra tool scrap in here don’t I no I guess I threw it downstairs come here uh honestly I really don’t need anything from this guy um yeah maybe I can get the his wandering [Applause] Scraps why am must you do this it must be done I’m sorry couldn’t help it baby come back hey Bud oh I got a cave I got a goblin Trader oh this guy can get me iron and stuff uh sponge I don’t have any spare iron do what I didn’t see anything

Exactly just look away hey bud sorry I don’t have anything to trade with you nope yeah just make sure to double check that there we go oh was this the initial yeah and then this should lead straight to our yeah cool and this should lead straight down

Nice you know what’s really cool though about this mod is that there’s um I like how the light shining through the water makes that the blue haze um the create mod is in here too ours Novo I think everything is in here ours yep ours is in

Here um create yep create is in here so everything that’s in the main mod pack is also in this thought that was a rat for a second I was like oh but it’s just a just a bat not a rat um we need compressed though don’t we Stone medic there we go [Applause]

Yeah I’m going to have to unlo unload some more chunks I didn’t get lucky with these uh did this go through the other side nope okay can we Ed uh compress deep slight is that a thing no okay it has to be Cobblestone actually I could just do that hydrate okay

Diamonds that’s what I like about lucky Rock lucky Rock will get you you could get you know anything lapis Redstone iron diamond like all the different ores okay thank you thank you thank you so [Applause] good [Applause] trying to think of what um what other little bugs if I’ve seen

Any I know there was that weird visual bug um where it was like raining when I was like inside oh the um magnet magnet’s not working yeah that magnet should be picking stuff up yeah if you guys haven’t go check out uh uh chosen architect i’ I linked him

In my uh the description on YouTube um he is on Twitch I don’t think I tagged him on Twitch though in my twitch uh if whoever’s watching on Twitch but uh he’s really cool he has a great uh like modded series and he does a lot of stuff with like uh mod packs

And creating them and stuff definitely the inspiration uh and reason why I currently have the Modded Survival series that I have man I just got unlucky oh I forgot I’m not in like a a true Square more of like an L redeem first case stack up

First oh God it’s a Crim in Moon we got to go to sleep baby come back I just don’t want there to be mobs that spawn down here oh oh this cat’s crazy Sammy what was its name Buddha Bubba it’s so cute what kind of cat is it it’s

Just a gray cat I don’t know cat like like genus of cats oh God who did that K stack damn it that scared me I’ve been dealing with it so I’ve missed some stuff how goes it good Sammy uh chosen architect came in here I don’t know if you noticed that he’s the

Guy that made this pack or made the pack that uh I’m playing in my Survival series he came in and like was helping me oh it’s a SI interesting okay um let’s just offload um okay so we we need Let’s see we have enough I iron so let’s grab

The iron and start smelting it um oh I pulled it out before it was a full full thing oh it doesn’t take dark interesting okay maybe it doesn’t take modded I didn’t go yeah yeah he came in here and was like basically like talking me through how to do all this

Stuff that’s so cool uh okay let’s throw that in there I only need one more um because I want to do I want to do this baby come back can we I was going to say Where’s that bamboo creeper can we beat it is it working I think it’s

Working then we can just feed a whole bunch of it you know what I mean then we don’t we don’t have to Wait and just let it do its thing I can jump down to get to the top yeah yeah as long as I have a a full set of Hearts um I spawn back up at the top and then I’m close enough to the um I’m close enough to the top to where

I when I hit the ground I’ll take I’ll only have one half a heart so it doesn’t fully kill you if you have full health if that makes sense if you have anything less than full health then you you will die when you hit the ground so definitely have a full uh full

Health okay I can make another core um and I need to start smelting some copper cuz I need another copper block I thought I had more copper did I not have more copper gravel let’s make a diamond pit Pi Oh did I not have any torches I do okay yeah I just want to get enough compressed Stone um did I put all that stuff down in the bottom oh rad what he said gotcha oh yeah here it is oh this is so much better than having

To like um oh here saman let me show you I guess as long as I have full full health and I might be able to like make it to where I could fall into a thing of water but yeah as long as I have full

Health I’ll I’ll get all my he my hearts back cats and wiggled oh that’s so awesome sunshine sunshine was in here somewhere uh um okay we’ll let that uh let that cook while that’s cooking we can make some more blocks and we should have now enough blocks to make a another chunk

Spawner okay um let’s do this chunk here to make it a full like a full chunk hey buddy come here come here can’t can’t be walking around what are you doing hey buddy don’t mind me I’m just stealing your villagers don’t mind me at all keeping them safe that’s all I’m doing

The hearts regen fast do they is it a is that faster than normal speaking of I need more food um I’ve only got two more steak that’s fine where did what block come from the block I made I don’t I’m not sure which which block you made all right let’s clear let’s clear

All this [Applause] up oh we got half a house a partial house another bed a bunch of hay nice okay or whatever wheat oh the one that made land appear so th a a chunk spawner that’s what spawns your chunks in um you have to create that using

Um a world core and the world core is created by the the world crystals which is created by World shards which is created by World fragments which is created by the world Forge and it requires stone or gravel or whatever yep so once you have a world or

A chunk spawner you put it on the edge of the chunk like this and then right click it and it generates that chunk so you could potentially continue opening up more and more chunks but like right now I’ve opened up what four chunks and I still don’t have iron or um uh lava

So oh I got some more water nice Um here we go let’s grab a couple of these Stone medics and then I kind of want to save my gravel or my Cobblestone um for stone madx until we get a um a generator excuse me sir how rude diamonds yeah um I I picked up a

Lucky rock and a lucky Rock gives me um a higher chance of getting loot when I mine so I could actually find diamonds without even actually finding diamonds okay four more we can unlock another chunk did somebody hydrate No what’s really cool about this pack Sammy is that everything that is in the normal pack that I’m playing is in this it’s just this is a Sky Block essentially you know what I mean or like a chunk chunk by chunk so like you know all the magic stuff all

The the create mod stuff like all those damn it all of those mods are in this one too I might want to try this oh yeah it’s fun um let’s go let’s go down here using this Ah where did I hear that oh here he is oh do we have a spawner no but hole just killed Me stop it stop it no oh man I’m in the corner oh did it despawn it despawned that’s fine I just want my stuff I asked for that one which one what are you talking about of course I asked for I’m playing um yeah I’m still there okay do I have

A is there a spawner here H interesting no come back that’s fine whatever so wait I’ve already been over here so it just generated these chunks here [Applause] yeah drink oh did I drink yeah no I did I asked for that drink because I drank and then I knew it was coming right

After [Applause] okay so that’s rly um where am I at 27 I need to go down more how did I oh here we go lava oh let’s go let’s go let’s go I got lava um let’s go in here ouch sh what’s the purple stuff what purple stuff uh what what purple

Stuff this it this wait slime chunk oh let’s go slime chunk get out of here uh are you talking about this stuff oh in my in the cave by my body it may have been riy unless it was talking about this dark stone diamond what did I unlock I unlocked uh uh this

Chunk there was lava over here [Applause] somewhere we got to make sure to light this place up yeah the magnet’s not working such a bummer magnet magnet’s so Health like instead of having to pick all this stuff up it just comes straight to me like where was that lava

At oh wait it was on the other side wait what the oh freaking forgot about those dudes I can get a Golem down here if I can get a pumpkin like a pretty decent slime farm get out of here okay so it’s what over here I died over here somewhere didn’t I

Or was it it was further up it was way further up oh it’s below uh will this mine down oh let’s go thank you okay so now we can make oh it’s our only piece of lava though for now and I don’t have drip Stone let me go let me

Try and find the um the block you were talking about uh Sammy where did I die up here somewhere oh I died over there I want to see what block Sammy was talking about real quick baby come back oh this one that’s Arcane crystals if that’s the one you’re talking about this one

Here deep slate Arcane Crystal ore Yep this stuff is what you use to do a whole bunch of the magic mod type stuff yep this stuff is really good you definitely need it for uh more advanced uh Magic um so we can just turn those deaths off they they never occurred

Okay nobody saw them nobody saw them at all I don’t think you can get a lucky Rock from oh we did get a slime head we are a slime head now oh we’re a slime head oh my gosh I just want to wear this all around

Going to get a picture of that for sure post that on the uh post that on uh on the X get some Rite it’s scary the slim head slim head scary okay I just don’t want things to spawn in here I mean now that we have a Golem it might be somewhat safer minus creepers but okay do we have enough for do we have enough for another chunk yet let’s grab some of the Cobblestone

Feed it in there yeah we should almost be done I missed the rainbow rainbows over here every morning after a rain oh I bet if we do over in this chunk it’ll spawn the rest of this house I say we should probably spawn in this side of

The chunk get the rest of this house um let’s see any more iron or so clearly copper oh wait wait wait wait we have yeah I think we should probably just make a um make a cobblestone generator so let’s do that Cobblestone Water um this is really cool guys so

This is a single block cobblestone generator let’s do stone oh gosh what’s the best way generate maybe just Cobblestone okay I don’t know how to spell clearly on your skin what oh you’re hat I missed the rainbow oh yeah yeah yeah the Hat sorry yeah now I know what you

Meant yeah I normally have a helmet on so I usually don’t even see my hat um so we need to figure out oh what did we just get a no soliciting alter so this will prevent the um the wandering trador from spawning oh that’s funny okay um let’s do chunk

Oh we don’t have enough copper okay um we need a generator Cobble Jin is that just what it’s called here we go oh we need a piece of glass I bet we could make a tier five at this point we just need oh do I even have sand

God am I sell me dripstone but he won’t sell me pointed dripstone oh look at the a bird is that a uh a passarin yeah it’s a passarin hey buddy I don’t think I have sand I don’t even know how to get sand in this place I’m going to have to unlock more

Chunks before I can even get sand unless I can find sand underground somewhere maybe I don’t think so I don’t think there’s a way to get sand um underground right God I need class what was that oh hydrate sand how can I get sand guys how can I make

Sand you could buy drip I think you can buy drip Stone but I don’t think you can buy pointed right okay I need a way to make sand can I generate sand I don’t have I don’t have Earth Essence that’s going to take way too

Much to get to an IM cuz I need oh my gosh I don’t even have the correct wood I need the correct wood to even make to even get to an imbuement chamber to even make fire Essence that’s way too that’s way too advanced just to make it

So at this point I won’t be able to make a generator until I generate a uh chunk and I can’t generate a chunk until I get more um yeah I just I need more uh CPP just mean more copper oh oh what was that oh dang it I should

Make like a a water a water drop see how slow it’s going right now Sammy I think it’s cuz I I’m not H like I’m not my food isn’t saturated or whatever I don’t have saturation there we go it looked like it was a um I couldn’t tell what kind of

Couldn’t tell what kind of oh U let’s see where what side was I on what side did I jump off of this one yeah here we go hey come back there we go Baby Come Back all right where was it at was it on this side I thought that was a uh an

Amethyst or not ameth a geod was it on a different side which side was it uh water there it is so this is a coal amethyst or a coal I’m sorry a coal Geo or so these um budding amethysts or whatever budding Geo ore will spawn um coal crystals like

This and if I collect it it gives me coal Geo shards at which point I could turn this into coal by smelting it so I have to smelt the coal to get the coal if that makes any sense um okay let’s just collect all of this stuff so we can

Start uh so we can start generating baby come back here we go it kind of defeats defeats the um but like it’s a way to get infinite amount of uh coal essentially you know what I mean oo don’t want to fall off actually what if I just made the whole

Island just one big water like spot so if I fall I fall right into the water you know what I mean I want to kind of show you what I mean so if I put these in here um oh wait how do you H I forgot how it works you have to run

It over fire is it a campfire Maybe I forgot I’ll have to look at it somehow it eventually turns it into coal somehow I just need to figure out how thanks for everybody watching on uh twitch by the way I appreciate you thanks for coming in hanging out

Okay this pack is so much fun though um what are we doing what are we doing here I need more I need more uh copper did I put water on this side let me put water on this side and I can jump down oh

Yeah if I want to get a whole bunch of flowers I can twerk the flowers I don’t think I did I come on this side H maybe not oh this is the Redstone oh dang it I just need more I just need blocks so this so every every ore

Essentially in the game has its own Geo so this is redstone geode and again you have to basically you have to process the shards to turn them into Redstone but it’s just a way to farm the ore you know what I mean There you go these should be able to start growing in we can start collecting oh that’s cool oh my gosh uh was it silver yep oops Yeah we don’t need that that never happened um was this passarin yeah I want to go too far um what am I at

27 did I not go down further thought I went down further uh do I have my lucky Rock in my pocket yes I do that’s really what gets me all the extra loot when see like that diamond like there wasn’t a diamond here it just

Gave it to me because I had a small chance of getting lucky as long as you have your the lucky Rock in your pocket you’ll get all the different ores you know So eventually I’ll get more copper or SL or whatever got lapis and then when I come to an edge

I’ll just kind of cover it up that way I don’t fall off the edge I do I like lucky rocks they’re it’s so helpful that’d be nice if they had something like that in vanilla that like maybe give you a little bit extra what is that runic deep slate that’s not what

You’re talking about is it runic deep slate I haven’t seen that one that one’s new oh no I broke it 34% that’s pretty good yeah that that looks cool I actually like that one um how going need to get a backpack eventually a rune I don’t know what a yeah a rune I

Don’t know what Rune does see all these block would be picked up with my magnet so definitely need to fix that I don’t need Oak saplings at the moment no no can I fall in water nope oh I just broke my Farmland see I need to like have this like just fall in the water oh my gosh okay meow to you too cat we’ll throw that in there so we can continue making more

Um I don’t think we had any more copper did we Got to make more chests I can start making um an upgrade actually you know what let’s make a let’s make a barrel um or a crate I’m sorry you guys will probably like this one um crate let’s make a jungle crate oh we need a a

Chest so if I have a chest on me I can then make a uh crate jungle CR oh I need slabs yes there we go so a crate has more than a double chest in a single block so this has you know 54 this actually has 60 so they can

Fit you know six more stacks of whatever you’re trying to find okay wait can you turn a Lapis block into can you return it into lapis lapis brick Oh once it becomes lapis brick you can’t un unbrick it h interesting it’s a pretty blocked though lapis brick how

Trying to think what else can be got from the well I mean this is a modded so I mean I don’t who knows what it can be get from um the wandering Trader where am I at 43 it’s not bad just start mining here [Applause] [Applause] like I need copper

Oh that’s right next to that okay um okay it’s one way to get quickly to the uh red stone or is that the last one no that was the last one okay there we [Applause] go oh God that scared me I was like oh God I’m going to fall [Applause] this is R

Light off the bed I keep my can’t keep my eyes open what time is it holy smokes it is late um yeah I’ll probably wrap it up here pretty soon I guess um I haven’t really eaten dinner yet to be honest um let’s block this off have a good night Sammy thanks for

Hanging out I’ll talk with you tomorrow I just kind of wanted to unlock at least one more chunk and I think we’re getting close to getting enough copper to be able to do that I have to go make another one look how fast I swim by the way holy smokes what the heck

Okay well while we collect this we just don’t want the this back up of course and we already have one core yeah it’s copper just coming up with all that copper and I still need a piece of glass like that’s really what I’m trying to

Get to once I can obtain one piece of glass I can make a cobble generator and that that’ll kind of open up a lot cuz then I can automate the stone making process which will then I could automate this whole Contraption um I would still need to

Figure out a way i’ need to figure out a way to make um copper accessible well we still don’t even have enough to make one more goly yeah this this it’s that early early uh emotional damage emotional damage who did that it’s that early like um Sky Block grind you know what I

Mean it’s like one of those once you um get to a point where you could just start automating everything it it picks up really quickly you know where are we at 48 good night Samuel I’m way late on that chat Agro yeah Sammy left about well she left about five minutes ago or

So I figured you’d be in bed sir unless you were up playing um or or modding maybe oh gosh uh didn’t realize what side I was on yeah let’s go let’s go this way kiddos to bed [Applause] gotcha looks like I got 17 votes on my poll and it looks like everybody vot

Ed yes good deal hey I’ll probably be wrapping it up here pretty soon I just I want to try and find enough um oh oops find enough copper to make one more chunk and just unlock one more chunk cuz I really just need sand once I get sand I can like automate

A large chunk of the of like um chunk generation is just finding just finding um the right stuff is copper normally spawn further down or up where does copper spawn clearly I’m not in the right spot for copper is it up maybe I need to go back

Up yeah this magnet we have to fix the magnet for sure All right I got two cores now yeah once once I get sand and I can make this generator this is going to like I’ll be able to start unlocking chunks pretty quickly I think K can I make copper is there a way to make copper in this uh let’s see copper nuggets I could use balance Stone yeah I think that’s probably the only way so maybe check above isn’t it at higher levels here we go oh yeah why didn’t I look higher I don’t know why I thought it was going to be lower oh yeah we got a lot now oh easily oh my gosh yeah we got

Tons now I got a slime Pearl too interesting okay okay we’re going to make this uh we’re going to make this next uh chunk and then I think I’m going to call it cuz I’m getting tired myself um so I got only need three more thanks everybody for hanging out I

Appreciate you everybody on Twitch as well and YouTube thank you so much okay here we go so we got a block core question is though what what side should I what side do you think would have a potential for sand to spawn it’s the luck of the draw really I kind

Of wanted to go do this side just to get the rest of this house in so let’s do that so let’s do here a get off the fire get off the campfire oh my gosh dude what are you trying to do kill yourself come here golly what the heck is

This look at this is anybody still here is anybody watching watch look look what I partially spawned in it’s like a temple I see it you see it K stack oh my gosh what is this I kind of want to go up to the top

And put a a water bucket on there Wonder de’s in it I don’t know Wonder de but de’s bot um oh oh um let me grab some torches gosh I just want a piece of sand if anything just give me a piece of sand I doubt there’s sand anywhere in

Here and I don’t have soap touch to even grab glass if there was rotten planks so this is rotten wood an ancient vase a bunch of food interesting interesting any food in here oh no you oh God is that a trap chest I can’t tell I hope it’s not don’t blow me

Up okay I think I think we’re good is there another guy over here no that’s the guy in my hey buddy yeah come over here does it go down yeah there’s definitely more stuff going down sand what’s the likelihood of sand spawning under underground anybody know oh can I go into that single

Block let’s go oh and a stone creeper a cre a cave creeper what’s up buddy you all right no don’t don’t blow up you dummy come here I should probably make like better stuff better weapons and things oh yeah I already came this way oh yeah and it’s already attached oh

Cool we’re at 33 so we should be able to go bit more Down hey bat H that’s so cool okay oh where are they spawning in at h no poor bats oh no another one stop it oh man I I got some bat wings though stupid cave spawners or cave ah oh poisonous I guess I don’t want hey buddy oh he’s got

Thorns are you kidding me Thorns killed me oh no I died from the statue bat dang it you’ve got nothing sir all right where where did I die straight below okay let me go grab my stuff real quick yep here where did I die at oh no where did I die at where’s

My where’s my death Mark oh I died way way down there let’s go all right I need um and then if I throw this stuff in here here I should be able to pick up mostly everything what am I missing I don’t need rotten flesh oh pumpkins yeah

I can grow pumpkins now which means I can start making Golems which means I can potentially make a slime farm if I needed it um what is that stairs and yeah I don’t need that stuff um I don’t need that stuff either technically okay

Oh oh what am I what am I doing what am I doing I’ll just go down oh no what has happened I was at full health I was at full health what happened oh I hate when that does it yeah I should I shouldn’t have died right there okay that’s weird okay

Well I’m going to need to try and find S eventually but I think I’m going to go ahead and wrap it up here guys um so yeah here’s the the name of the the pack I’m playing CMA chunk by chunk by uh chosen architect go check him out he’s

Awesome um there’s a link straight to his YouTube um let me go ahead and wrap up everything here I don’t know who to raid thank you K stack have a wonderful night you have a wonderful night as well um who’s on right now who can we re I

Don’t even know I’ll have to do both um see customize I guess we can do prowl because I don’t know who else to raid Um and Raid okay looks like he’s playing Diablo we going give him a hard time um if you haven’t um copied the raid message we’re going to go raid prow and uh yeah everybody thanks for coming this is fun um and I’ll uh I’ll be back on Thursday for probably some

More of this cuz this is so fun so everybody have a wonderful night and I will see you on Thursday up the rails I’m raiding out well you guys can join the raid oh no rails how is your how is your how was your stream I was about to

Raid out I’ve been streaming myself I was checking out a like a one chunk Sky Block type uh mod pack it has been a while hello it’s a raid train well here let me do that raid message one more time for everybody um cuz we are about to go raid uh

Prow so if you guys want uh oh playing Vault Hunters Vault Hunters is super fun um but yeah about to raid out myself cuz I’m hungry thank you so much uh everybody go check out uh off the rails they’re great they play some late night usually um

Minecraft but yeah reals thank you so much I got to I’m going to wrap it up though because I’ve been streaming and I’m tired so I will see everybody on Thursday though I’ll be back for more modded Minecraft so everybody have a great night thank you ra again and uh see you bye

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival | Chunk by Chunk | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Will Deez on 2023-11-08 03:57:25. It has garnered 69 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:18:44 or 11924 seconds.

Playing Modded Minecraft in Survival. Exploring Chunk by Chunk Modpack!

Modpack by: @ChosenArchitect

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  • Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viral

    Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jumping park #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Paithan RG on 2024-08-22 09:20:04. It has garnered 2170 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecraft100days, #minecrafthindi Read More

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    Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple medieval Castle, for a starter base. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-07-31 03:13:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft memes minecraft meme memes funny memes meme tiktok funny … Read More

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  • Dima’s Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    Dima's Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft MMORPG Experience’, was uploaded by Dima on 2024-08-03 16:21:18. It has garnered 99482 views and 4892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:17 or 617 seconds. Wynncraft mana usage can be quite a feat to overcome for me The BEST Minecraft Server You’ve Never Heard Of thumbnail by the brilliant 🎵 Sounds ───────────────── ❱ Mice on Venus by C418 ❱ Other music in this video provided by Fesliyan Studios under a Commercial License ✨ Extras ────────────────── ❱❱❱ Wynncraft IP: ❱❱❱ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL 🎭 Socials ────────────────── ❱… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags 🔦 #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS ⚙️:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More