Insane Modern Mansion Build in Minecraft | EPIC Interior Reveal!

Video Information

What is going on guys i am back with part four on how to build this large modern house and in this video i plan on doing the rest of the interior furnishings for the first floor of the house as well as some of the interior furnishings for the second floor of the house Okay guys so the first thing we’re gonna do is cut out all of this grass and we’re gonna be replacing it with the blocks for each room but before we actually do that i do wanna mention something real quick so one of you guys actually commented on one of my other

Minecraft tutorials and he told me to go into my settings and go to like i think it was maybe like user interface hang on oh no controls and you told me to select the pick block thing and i thought that was only for pc but apparently not and i

Just want to give a huge shout out to that guy because i i’ve always wanted to be able to do this and i thought it was only for pc so i do want to say thank you for telling me that that is going to help a

Lot so just in case you guys are wondering if i’m a well i assigned it to l3 on the ps4 controller so if i just click on one of these blocks i could automatically get it instead of just going into my inventory and having to look for it i could literally just press

One button and get any blocks that i want so once again i do want to say thank you so freaking much for saying that because i wanted to do that so badly and like i said i did not know ps4 actually had that ability so now let’s go ahead and start doing the

Actual build i think that’s freaking awesome it’s gonna help out so much and it’s gonna it’s gonna save so much time but anyways i’m gonna go ahead and cut out all of the grass within the house so all the way throughout here and i’m also going to use my potion of swiftness

And yeah gonna go ahead cut all cut all of this out and then we’ll start filling it in with the necessary blocks All right guys so i went around and cut out all of the grass so just make sure you got the kitchen area this hallway right here this is this over here is going to be the office this big area in the middle is going to

Be a living room and then over here is going to be a bathroom okay guys so i gathered up all the blocks that we’re going to be needing for the floors in this house at least for the first floor so you want to go ahead and get some light gray concrete

Chiseled quartz blocks dark oak planks pillar quartz blocks and great concrete we’re going to be using for the door frames so first i guess i’ll go ahead and start in as the kitchen first so you can switch to your pillar quartz block we’ll start here at the back wall and

Just place one every other block in whatever direction you would like it to be so i have it facing like the lines are facing like that direction as you can see and then you want to face them in the opposite direction and the rest of those spaces

So you’re kind of making like a checkered style pattern so you just want to keep doing this until you have this room filled in and like i said this is going to be the kitchen area so it looks like that it’s like back and forth so i’m going to fill it all in

Until i’m on the same layer as this wall right here for the doorway okay guys i’m doing the last space right now in between this doorway all right so now i have the kitchen floors done now i’m gonna go ahead and switch to my light gray concrete and i’m gonna fill

In just the living room area so i’m gonna start right here we’re not going to be filling in in between this doorway but you could go ahead and just fill in the living room space so it’s just going to be like a big square

Okay so i’m going to go ahead do all of this i’m actually going to use a potion of swiftness to get it done faster so i’ll see you guys when i have it done and then we can continue doing the rest of the floors All right there we go i filled all of that in let’s go ahead and do the bathroom so you can switch to some chiseled quartz blocks fill all of this in All right there we go now i’m gonna switch to my dark oak planks i’m gonna fill in as the floors for the hallway and i believe in the office space i actually i think i used like a light gray concrete but i’m just gonna use wood in

Here as well so we’re gonna do the hallway in the office with dark oak planks All right guys is there we go i filled in the floors for this area now now now now so the next thing i’m gonna do is switch to my gray concrete well actually we need to grab some white concrete so i’m gonna have one block of space above all of these openings And then i’m going to switch to my gray concrete and have like a border for a doorway like that so i’m gonna go ahead and do that for the rest of these openings Okay there we go now we could actually begin doing all of the interior furnishings for the kitchen the living room is that bathroom then we have this hallway area and the office then i’m gonna have a staircase going up to here and we’re gonna do the game room on the second floor

Okay guys so we’re gonna start with the easiest room first and that’s probably just gonna be the bathroom so i already gathered up all the blocks that i need so you could go ahead and possibly just pause the video and collect everything that i have all right

So first i’m going to start out with a block of quartz i’m going to place two over here and two over here leaving one block in the middle and two spaces on each side then i’m gonna go ahead and grab a hopper we’re gonna put that right in the

Middle to act as a sink you can switch to your spruce wood and have one in each corner and then put some jungle trap doors on each side then you could grab your oak leaves and have three on top of those now go ahead and grab an item frame and birch trap doors

And we’re going to put two on each side of these blocks of course and then we’re going to put birch trap doors and wrap them around so these are going to act as drawer units all right now i’m gonna grab some end rods and gray concrete we’re gonna put one on

Each side with the end rod and then a block of gray concrete on top so those are gonna act as lamps now i’m gonna grab some flower pots and maybe just some ferns and we’re gonna put these on each side and now you can get some item frames and

Oh yeah let’s go ahead and get some levers so you can put a lever first pointing down towards the sink and then an item frame okay now right here in the corner i had a bathtub all right so i think what i did as far as i remember remember i think i

Brought out the wall or something Huh all right let’s go ahead and have the the uh the shower right here so i’m gonna have one two three four and just wrap this around with court stairs is that we’re gonna switch to some quartz slabs and wrap these around that now i’m gonna grab white stained glass panes

And tripwire hooks as well as more item frames So we’re gonna have two whoops two tripwire hooks here and then some item frames like that then you can switch to some white stained glass panes and place three in height but two wide all right so that’s going to be the shower and then over here i had the toilet so

You could get a block of quartz a quartz slab then a quartz stair a stone button and a weighted pressure plate now we’re gonna have an upside whoops upside down court stair is in a weighted pressure plate on top of it and a button and then over here i had like a little

Storage unit so you could get a block of quartz and birch trap doors put two side by side like that the birch trap doors next to it or like on the side of it and then on this we could go ahead and have another lamp and then i’ll put a skeleton skull on

This okay and i believe i had a little shelf up here but i’ll just leave it like that i think that still looks good so now you could actually grab your sea lanterns gray carpet and light gray carpet you could cut a hole right here in the middle

You could fill this in with sea lanterns and then you can make whatever pattern you want with your gray carpet so i’ll just do something like this so i think that looks pretty cool and i believe that’s everything for this bathroom so let me go ahead and just make sure

Let me get a a water or a milk bucket Okay so i could see i think that’s bright enough so this is going to be the bathroom for the first floor which is mainly gonna be for the guest bedrooms over here so once again it looks like this okay guys so i just remembered why i thought the shower area looked a little

Weird and that is because i actually deleted one layer of white concrete here but i left this little pillar here on the left side and then i pushed this shower into that hole so you could go ahead and do that just delete this we’ll just cover that dirt right up we

Don’t need chiseled quartz there i guess we will since i’m able to actually do that now a lot easier all right and then i’m gonna grab some court stairs and i need quartz slabs which i don’t wait what the heck what happened to them let’s just grab that

And then we want a button and a weighted pressure plate all right oh wait no we don’t need that i think we’re doing the toilet my bad uh we just need here we use the court stairs for now so we’re gonna have four here and four here so it’s like the same concept

Except we’re putting it one block further then we’re gonna have some slabs wrapped around it and then white stained glass panes on the right side all right you could actually grab your white banner oh dang i have the skeleton skull on uh you could grab your white banner and

Just put it there jack to act as a towel and then here go ahead and get some tripwire hooks i actually had one up here for like a shower and then i had two down here for faucets for the bath oh whoops we gotta put them first okay there we go

And then over here i actually added one more block to this as well as another birch trap door and then you could go ahead and put another skeleton skull there i did have the shelf up here but i feel like this just looks a lot better so yeah there we go now

This area should be done so this is the bathroom just had to adjust that a little bit okay you could put some paintings on the walls if you’d like i guess i’ll put one over here let me grab one am i able to just grab like the exact painting that i have

I don’t think so i think i could just grab a painting Yeah i don’t think so that would be cool if i could if i could grab the exact painting that i wanted okay so there we go that’s pretty cool so that’s gonna be the bathroom now i guess we’ll head on to the hallway and the office room

Okay guys so i’m gonna start by doing the hallway first it’s pretty simple just a carpet on the ground a table over here and some bushes in the corner so i’m gonna go ahead and first start out with my sea lanterns and i want to leave two spaces on each

Side and we’ll leave two spaces away from that wall and that wall so we’re going to be cutting out three like that we still have two spaces remaining over here we’re going to push this all the way back until we have two spaces on this side

Then is this hole we’re gonna go ahead and fill in with sea lanterns All right and now you can see i have light gray carpet gray carpet and green carpet let me go ahead and show you everything that i have and brown so this is what i got you could go ahead and pause it if you would like so this is gonna be everything

For the hallway and we’re gonna be using some of this stuff for the office as well but i’m gonna go ahead and just have a random mixture between these four pieces of carpet so i have like a section over here maybe another one here is then we’ll have brown carpet

And then we’ll have green let’s go ahead and add one more brown there and then green so something like that i think that looks pretty good over here it’s going to be a table so you could grab court stairs and court slabs i’ll leave let’s see we have five spaces on that side

And we’ll leave five spaces on that side and then we’ll have a slab on each side of those stairs and then two more stairs in the middle and then you could put two item frames and within that you could put some birch trap doors and flip them around Okay on top of this i have end rods and i’m also going to be using a light gray concrete to act as lamps so we’ll just put them right there just one block away from the corner on top of this table i’m gonna grab ferns and we need a

Flower pot as well for some reason i’m not able to hurry up and access the flower pot by just clicking the button it only gets the flower that’s within the flower pot but anyways it’s not that big of a deal we’ll go ahead and put maybe some ferns here on the corner

And then some skeleton skulls in the middle here kind of like on an angle all right now i’m going whoops now i’m going to have spruce wood oak leaves and our jungle trap doors we’re going to put these in the corner here so right here next to that door and back

Here at this corner okay and i believe that’s actually all i did for this hallway so just a carpet some bushes and then a table over here so this is basically just like the entrance to the house it doesn’t have to be too crazy just a simple hallway

But now we could go ahead and start doing this office space which is really dark let me go ahead and get my potion again all right so yeah here on the back wall we’re just gonna have some shelving units we’re gonna have the desk right there i have

Some chairs and a carpet and that’s really about it okay guys one more thing we could actually add here in the hallway is just a sea lantern here as you can see it goes through on each side so we’re going to cover up a painting on each wall

So it gives off light on both sides of this wall because we are going to need light right here because we’re going to have the staircase here it might be a little bit dark without this painting so we’ll go ahead and just add that all right we actually have the same

Painting but i guess that’s okay all right now let’s head on it to the office so i’m gonna start out well i’ll go through my inventory i actually just have some paintings blocks of quartz quartz slabs quartz stairs gray concrete and rods snow sea lanterns and white stained glass panes for now

So we’ll start at the back wall here we’ll start doing the shelving units so i’m gonna leave one block on each side on the second block we’re gonna have a pillar of courts like this okay and then i’m gonna switch to my court stairs have one regular and one

Upside down on each side is that we’re gonna have one upside down here at the top then cord slabs at the top as well and then we’ll put upside down stairs here we’ll put upside down stairs down here at the bottom and at the third space like that

Okay so that’s gonna be the back wall on the right and left side we’re gonna put an end rod and a gray concrete block to act as a lamp and to give off light and then right here in the middle i had like flower pots and some skeleton skulls and stuff

So i guess i’ll go ahead and grab those from over here so we’ll just get a fern the skeleton skulls so we’ll start with the skeleton skulls first so i’ll put maybe one down here and down there or like on each side like that

And i have the i have it on my head again but let’s grab some flower pots we’ll put them right here in the middle with ferns possibly All right and then up here at the top let’s see what oh dang i just cleared my inventory whoops oh well so i guess uh down here or up here at the top we’ll put maybe just wither skeleton skulls some flower pots and i’ll just use like blue orchards

So i’ll put maybe two right here in the middle and then blue orchards on the side okay so i think that’s pretty cool now let’s see i have to go ahead and grab all these blocks again so we want a great concrete and then we have to grab snow

So we’ll start by doing the chairs here first so i have three spaces well let’s see let’s put it one block away from that wall we’ll have a chair there and so i have another one right there so just two chairs like that all right and then i’m gonna have

Four layers of snow and i guess right back here i don’t think i had this before but we could have like a uh a bush so oak leaves jungle trap doors and spruce block so we’ll put it back here in the corner i don’t think i actually had anything back here

Okay so that’s pretty cool and now we’re gonna have a carpet like right here in the center but we gotta make sure we have our c lanterns and not too close to those pieces of snow so we’ll go ahead and just have maybe gray carpet wrapped around like this

All right and then we’ll go ahead and get or that’s light gray we’ll go ahead and then get gray and fill in the space in the middle All right i believe that’s how it is how i had it and then we’ll put like a sea lantern right around here fill that in and i believe we could put maybe like one more here and i think that should give off enough light in this area

All right and then i had the desk over here so i’m gonna grab some quartz stairs and cord slabs whoops okay so i’m gonna have like two spaces on each side and then we’ll have upside down stairs so we want to make sure we leave about three spaces away from that back wall

The shelving unit they’ll have two spaces of quartz stairs like this we’ll do it on this side as well okay and then i’ll go ahead and have slabs in the middle And i’m trying to remember i think i had the desk a little bit wider i think i just had one block of space on each side maybe yeah we’ll go ahead and do that so just one block of space on each side so it’s six blocks in total Alright so that’s a pretty big desk that’s pretty cool so i’m gonna go ahead and grab some signs and i’m gonna put them just in the front to kind of cover up this opening here okay you don’t need the desk is that big i’m not sure if i actually like that

I think i had two spaces on that side just one over there because we have like this gap here i think that’s how i had it either way i think it still should look fine oh wait i just added that again whoops uh because i kind of want like the uh

The chair right in the middle of the desk and if it’s six blocks then it’s not gonna be like that so we have it five blocks wide let me go ahead and get my night vision potion again okay now i’ll just clear my inventory i’m gonna grab a jungle door

And then some item frames A jungle stair and that’s gonna be for the chair right here in the middle so we want a stair a jungle door and then item frames on each side like that all right so that’s pretty cool and then back here i actually had some sea lanterns

So i just cut out a hole here let’s go ahead and grab sea lanterns oh whoops all right so sea lion turns and then gray and light gray carpet and then we also need a full block of gray wool so we’re gonna put that right behind the chair here then we’re gonna have

Sea lanterns on each side and then we’ll put maybe two more blocks of gray carpet on this side one more there and then we’ll put light gray on the sides and then behind the chair or behind that stair we’re gonna have a we’re gonna put our jungle door there

Again so you can’t have a piece of carpet here but you could just have a block of wool so you could barely notice like back here still just looks like a full solid block or a full solid layer of carpet all right and then here on the desk we’re gonna have

A stone pressure plate a button a stone pressure plate and then we need a painting and then i always like to use just like the spruce trap door so we want the weighted pressure or the stone pressure plate the button and then back here oh yeah we’ll go ahead and just do it

From back here so we want to bring up the spruce trap door and then we want whoops you got a crouch and we want to put a painting like that so that’s going to act as a laptop we’ll put here on the right side of the desk a flower pot and a fern

And then here on the left to possibly give off more light we’ll put an end rod and a light gray concrete block all right so that’s pretty cool and since we have an extra block of space on this side now you you know i think i did have just

This desk like four blocks wide so it’s like center with the entire room but i still think that looks pretty good if you guys want the desk to be center in the room you could either add one more block of space on this side or you could delete one block of space

Over here i still think this looks fine though it’s all up to you though but over here on this wall since we do have extra space there is no way my night vision potion is running out i just used this has it already been eight minutes okay well anyways i’m gonna put some

Quartz slabs over here on the top edge of every block so these are gonna act as shelving units and then we’ll put maybe just a flower pot and a skeleton skull and then the flower pot will have like any type of flower i still don’t know how to say that

So i’ll just put maybe a skeleton skull there and a flower pot there and we’ll just leave it simple like that okay and then on this wall i believe i just had a giant painting oh dang whoops Oh dang it come on now stop being like that all right there we go that’s the type of painting i had i believe if i did have a painting that still looks fine and i think that’s going to be everything for the office so i think

That looks pretty cool we just have some chairs over here a bush our desk painting over there some shelving units at the back and some shelving units at the side okay so there we go that’s gonna be the office and then we have the hallway now we’ll head on to the living room

Then we’ll do the kitchen and then i still add plan on adding a staircase right here as well as doing the furnishings for the game room so let’s go ahead and start doing the living room now all right so before we actually do the furnishings for the kitchen in the

Living room i’m gonna go ahead and just do the staircase and i’m gonna do all the door frames for the second floor and i actually don’t think i’m gonna do the game room in this video just because i don’t want it to be too long so you could grab some quartz slabs

And then more gray concrete and we want to leave two spaces well four spaces here but two spaces away from that wall so on the third block you can switch to your quartz slabs and place two right there and to make the staircase and look more modern instead of just using the regular

Stairs like these i’m just gonna use slats and i’m gonna i’m gonna skip up one space like this so you can still jump up all of these stairs but i just think it makes it look a lot more modern like that kind of looks like it has a floating look to it

Is that i’m going to cut out a hole up here All right and then we want to bring this up another one and then we’re going to stop it right there so we have one two three four five and six going up and they’re all skipped up one block like that all right and let’s go ahead and grab some white concrete

And i’ll just fill in this wall here so we just have this taken care of for the next video alright so we have that all done now we are going to have some of the lights in here because it is going to be really dark without them

But anyways we have that staircase taken care of now and i’ll go ahead and do all the door frames for this floor let’s go ahead and delete that as well so it’s all the way open so i’m gonna do all the door frames for this floor then we’ll head back down and

Do all the rest of the furnishings so i’m just gonna add one layer of white concrete above all of these openings so right there for this bedroom and this bedroom then for this bathroom for this closet over here and then we’re gonna head into this bedroom and then we have a bathroom in

Here and that’s it so now you can switch to your gray concrete wrap it around so this is gonna be the door frame Okay i think we have all of them no we have the game room yeah we have this one over here and then that’s it a little thing that i actually did at the original build so what for whatever reason i completely like covered up this wall by accident

And then i was like doing all the furnishings and stuff for the house i looked through this window and i saw a room over there i was like wait what the heck is that room is that i walked over here this wall was completely solid i

Was like what is going on i cut a hole through here and then i totally forgot i had this big open space so if i would have never like looked through this window and saw that big open space in there and if i would have just like overall

Never noticed it then this room would have been completely forgotten so i thought that was pretty funny i was just like furnishing i looked through here i saw like this random room and i was wondering what it was and this wall was just like completely filled in for whatever reason

But anyways i’ll head back down and we’ll start doing all of the furnishings okay guys now let’s start doing the living room so i’m just gonna be using some gray concrete and snow so i’ll start with the gray concrete we’re gonna have two l-shaped couches so you wanna be three spaces away from

That corner diagonal on the fourth block you could place a block there so we have three spaces like that then we want to be three spaces away from this great concrete so one two three on the fourth block we’ll have one there and then we’ll have like one two three four

One two three four on each side one two three four one two three four whoops so that’s going to be the shape for the main part of the couch then you can switch to your snow we’re gonna have one two three four five six so these are gonna be the armrest Okay just this last one over here and then we want four layers for the actual cushions where you sit All right so there we go we have the couches looking like that right here in the middle you can continue using your snow we’re gonna have a three by three block table here we’ll add like three layers on the sides and then we’ll put like two in the

Middle but i am gonna have a uh an end rod pointing down right here so it’s gonna melt like one of these layers of snow so i guess i’ll we’ll just put like one there because it’s already gonna melt either way all right so there we go now

We’re gonna be using gray carpet and light blue carpet and we’re gonna wrap it around the couches so i’ll start with the light blue and i’ll just have it like one block all the way around like this all right so that’s pretty cool just like that

Just one block all the way around is that we’re gonna fill in all the space in the middle with gray carpet Okay so that’s pretty cool now let me go ahead and get some n rods and white stained glass panes and we’re gonna have a light pointing right down here in the middle so i’ll put like an end rod a white stained glass pane and then another end

Rod uh oh i am actually stuck in here oh no hey let me huh let me get out there we go so yeah that is gonna melt either way like right there in the middle but it’s gonna stay just like that so that should be good

So that’s gonna give off enough light in the middle now let me go ahead and just grab my sea lanterns i’ll put these like around the corners of all of this carpet Okay so there we go we have that all taken care of it should be bright enough in this area right here so just make sure you have your end rods pointing down in the middle a table in the middle and two l-shaped couches with carpet wrapped around them

So now we could go ahead and have like a big shelf unit right here so instead of just using great concrete like i normally would i went ahead and just used cyan terracotta and they could also grab some let’s see we’ll get court stairs or court slabs and court stairs

Okay so we’re gonna have a block of cyan terracotta going all the way up and then one block away from that is that we’re gonna have another one here like a pillar and then right here okay and then you can switch to your court stairs we’ll have a layer here

Upside down a layer here upside down and then we’ll just put some cord slabs at the top and then here on the sides uh we’ll go ahead and just put some court stairs like that so regular and upside down let me use my potion so we’ll do that on this side as well

And then we’ll put upside down upside down court stairs here at the top okay so on the right and left side i’m going to be using n rods and i also want some light blue concrete to match the blue carpet so these are going to act as

All right right here in the middle let’s see we’ll go ahead and have some flower pots with blue orchards and then skeleton skulls so i’ll put like a flower pot here on each side then some skeleton skulls like that we’ll just leave it like that and then down here at the bottom

I’ll just get wither skeleton skulls as they like some white tulips or something Ah crap hang on let me just go ahead and go over here grab that i couldn’t find it for some reason oh no i need the wither where the heck are they oh here they are i don’t know sometimes i just completely like forget like where everything is

All right and then let me go ahead and get some like white tulips or something Okay so that’s pretty cool then over here you could get court stairs and your court slabs we’re gonna have a cool little shape here so a quartz there there and a quartz stair there and they could two quart slabs coming out from the left so those act as like cool shelving units

And then on top of this we’ll just put maybe like an n rod there and then we’ll put a skeleton skull here at the top i’ll just put a wither one Okay then on this side like underneath the staircase it was a little dark so you could just put some court stairs and like bring them all in like that they could get your end rod and light oh no we’ll put it right here an end rod on the left and a light blue

Concrete block and then here on the right of that we’ll put a flower pot and i’ll just put like another white tool up then you could also get a uh an item frame and then we also need our birch trap door which i already got i just gotta get the item frame

Okay and we’re gonna put one here and then a birch trap door like that to act as a drawer unit okay oh yeah over here it was a little bit dark so i just had a slab here and a slab is there then we could put an end rod maybe like

I’ll put it right there and then on top of this i’ll grab a skeleton skull okay so that’s pretty cool so we have that in the corner we have a shelving big shelving unit here some two shelving units over there and then a table all right i don’t think i had any bushes

Here i mean i guess you could put one here but that’ll be a little bit too small of an area when you go up the staircase so i didn’t put anything there but anyways guys that’s gonna be it for the living room now we can head on to the last room

We’re gonna be doing in this video and that’s going to be the kitchen slash dining room so the first thing i’m going to do is the dining room table which is going to be right here so you can see all the blocks i have i have iron doors

Idle frames cord stairs cord slabs weighted pressure plates oh wait yeah weighted pressure plates flower pots block of course and then birch trap doors so the first thing i’m going to use are my court stairs i want to be right on the edge of this glass here and two spaces away from it

So on the third block we’re actually gonna have an upside down stair we’re gonna make it two blocks wide like that and then over here we want to be three spaces away from this wall all right isn’t it two blocks wide again and then just some quartz slabs right down the middle

Then i’m going to switch to my quartz stairs again i’m gonna have a chair here here and here as well as the same thing on the other side all right and then we want iron trap doors behind that and then with the weighted pressure place these are just gonna act as plates

And then the flower pots are actually just gonna act as cups all right so that’s gonna be the dining room table over here i had like a little storage unit so we could just put three blocks high like that some slabs on the top and then birch trap doors on the side

All right so that’s pretty good for now so just make sure you have your dining room table looking like that and then i just have a storage unit over there All right guys so we do have a few more decorations to do in the corner like some bushes but for now i’m not going to be worrying about that so we’re going to go one block to the right of this storage unit here so we

Have one block of space there so on the second block you could grab your blocks of quartz push this all the way to this corner and then make an l shape all the way to that corner okay so over here at this side we’re just gonna have like some high stools

So you could have a quartz stair every other block and then you can flip it around so these look like high chairs all right and then above this area we’re gonna have some blocks of quartz three spaces there and then we’ll have let’s see one two three there so we just have two

Spaces in between them i believe that’s how i did it and then we’re gonna have some birch trap doors on the sides of this and quartz slabs on top of these like storage units these are going to be cabinets all right i’m trying to remember if i

Had it one block of space in between or two i’m gonna have to check back at that just so that this corner isn’t completely messed up i believe that might have been how i had it though i don’t remember but anyways over here i had the refrigerator so you could just add two

More blocks on the right side one at the top an upside down quartz stair in the middle and then some slabs All right and then in here in the middle i had four blocks and this is gonna be filled in with some furnaces so this is gonna be where the ovens are and then i had an oven hood here but i made it a little bit different so that we don’t see the

Sea lanterns on the other side of this glass so first off let me go ahead and just grab the sea lanterns and i’ll replace like the iron doors we don’t need those anymore so you could grab your blocks of quartz we’re gonna bring down two like that

And then two sea lanterns oh wait just one and then two sea lanterns we don’t want it too low we don’t want to be too crowded and then i need some cord stairs we’re gonna wrap it around like we normally do and i was gonna push this up

Against the wall and leave it like here i’ll show you i was gonna leave it something like that and i had it pushed up against the wall but then i realized you can see the ceiling turns through the glass so we are gonna have to patch up this side as well

So just court stairs on the sides of the of the uh sea lanterns and then we’re gonna put cord slabs in the corners and then quartz slabs underneath okay so that’s a cool little oven hood you could do right above is the what are these furnaces

Dang and then let me go ahead and use my birch trap doors we’re gonna put these on the sides here to act as more like storage we’re not gonna put any here i’m not gonna worry about it i mean i guess you could put more like that but you can’t put one

Right here because of that corner so i’m not gonna put any here i’m also gonna grab some more weighted pressure plates oh wait whoops more way to pressure plates put them like that to act as plates i want to add one more here as well so that the table isn’t as empty

All right so that’s looking pretty good i believe that’s how i had those cabinets i might still look back i don’t know let’s see what if we had it like this does that look better yes i think that looks better so we’ll just have it one block away from that corner so

That’s pretty cool oh potion so then i had the island right here in the middle and i put a unique design on it and i had a cool little sink instead of just using hoppers but first let me actually go ahead and get a wooden pressure plate so we could put a cutting

Board oh yeah that’s going to be on the island i forgot so you could just go ahead and get like any type of wooden pressure plate i’m just going to use the oak the classic oak and let me go ahead and do the bushes here so a spruce wood block some oak leaves

And jungle trap doors All right and i believe i had one here as well i’m not too sure or i might have just had some slabs there as shelving units for extra light i don’t remember but anyways we still have to do the lights above this dining room table here and then we’re gonna have some lights

Above the island that we’re gonna have here and i believe that was all the light i had i might have had some slabs here but anyways make sure you have the kitchen look like this as of right now so it does look a little empty just

Because we don’t have the island here in the middle but as soon as we put it there it’s gonna finish off the kitchen so we have the dining room table here just have like an l-shaped counter space four spaces for the oven the oven hood some cabinets here a storage unit there

And and then the refrigerator all right guys so the rest of the blocks we’re probably going to be needing is just right here so gray concrete item frames flower pots birch trap doors or yeah birch trap doors white stained glass panes powered rails quartz stairs oak pressure plate lever

Fern block of quartz quartz slab and an enrod so i’m going to start out with my powered rails and i’m going to put these on top of the furnaces to act as those metal pieces that you put your pots and pans on so now we can actually get rid of that

Don’t need that anymore and let’s go ahead and put an n rod here an n rod here and one over here so this is going to give off extra light for the kitchen and then whoops i mean i guess you could put a glass block like that

But i’m gonna have some blocks of gray concrete on top of these to act as lamps all right now i believe all we have left to do is the The island here so i’m gonna go ahead and make sure i have two spaces away from that wall right there and then let’s see we’re gonna be lined up with that glass right there we’re gonna have two or three upside down court stairs like that so three blocks

Wide two spaces in between the fridge and that and two spaces in between this chair and that stair as well okay oh wait this is reversed we have to reverse it so it’s gonna be facing that direction all right and then i’m gonna go ahead and have the

Sink right here so just three blocks like that and we’re gonna wrap it around kind of like the bathtub except it’s only three spaces not four behind this i want three more blocks of quartz is then we want three slabs here and then some quartz stairs to finish off this side Whoops okay like that so that’s gonna be the island i thought it looked pretty cool so just some upside down court stairs there we have three blocks of courts then some slabs some more court stairs and then court stairs here to make a sink all right so that’s pretty cool

And then i want to grab a lever and point it towards that direction so that’s going to be acting as the faucet for the sink all right what else do we got oh yeah so let’s go ahead and grab our well first let’s grab this dark oak or this oak pressure plate and

Put it right there to act as a cutting board so we don’t need that anymore now you could grab your birch trap doors and some item frames we’ll also grab our flower pot so the flower pot i’ll just put like maybe right over here to act as an extra decoration

And then you could grab your item frames we’re gonna put like two or three right here right underneath where the sink area will be and these are gonna act as more storage units so you normally have storage underneath your sink so that’s what this is gonna act as all right

And let’s see what else do we have i think that’s everything so now we just have our white stained glass panes and our end rods to give off extra light so i’m gonna go ahead and put one maybe like right down here so just an end rod a white stained glass pane

And another end rod like that so we’ll do the same right above this pressure plate whoops so enrod glass and enrod so it’s giving off light in the ceiling and down below here and it looks like my potions are about to run out but i think we should be fine

So now i’m gonna have a cool little like modern oh it’s a little dark for now but i’m gonna have a cool little modern zigzag design with the glass and end rods above the dining room table so anyways as of right now just make sure you have your island right there we

Brought some end rods down with glass then we have like a little breakfast bar stool area right here some cabinets again our oven hood our ovens our our uh fridge dining room table so just make sure you have all that stuff as of right now i

Gotta actually look back to see what the zig zag thing looks like i’m not sure if i started it like right here like zigzagged it like this let me see uh is that good yeah okay so i i think that’s how i did it i’m not

Sure i’m gonna have to look back just to make sure because i know it looked pretty cool and i want to make sure it’s the right way so i’ll be back in just a second okay guys i am back so first off i actually looked and i noticed i had

Three n rods in a row right here so i had like one extra one over hanging there one right in the middle and then run one right here but i think two should be fine but anyways if you do want extra light then feel free to add more

So the zigzag thing i started right here at the end of this table i looked up i had two blocks of glass like that then i brought it over like two and then i brought it in like that brought it over two more brought it in

Brought it over two more and brought it in like that so it should be at the end of this table or the at the end of this side now okay so i hope that you could see that so we have one block there then it like three is a

Three there three there and then one here at the edge and then all you want to do is just put some end rods going down so right there at the side right here in the middle and right here at this corner as well and i guess if you wanted to you could

Add more on this side but i’m not going to just because i think it looks a little too cluttered so i thought that was a cool little feature that i’ve never actually put in a house but i i still think it looks good in this house considering this is a modern house and

That’s like a modern look all right and i think that’s everything let me go ahead and get rid of my potion make sure it is indeed bright enough throughout the house i know the living room is a little bit dark so i guess this room is a little bit dark as well

Uh if you wanted to you could add more light right here like right here like some shelving units or something in the corner but overall i still think it is bright enough i think we should be fine so i could easily see all right so we have the kitchen area

It’s in the living room i can still easily see in here it’s just a little dark but i think that still looks pretty cool instead of having it completely bright it like it gives a certain mood to the house if the house is really bright then it would just have like a cold

Feel to it if it’s more of like a brownish tint darker color then it has more of a warm feel which i’m kind of getting from this house considering it is a modern house for it to have a warm fuel i think is pretty cool all right then we have the staircase

Going up there our living or our hallway the office space and then we did our bathroom and that’s all we did in this video all right guys so that’s gonna be it for part four on how to build this large modern house and if this did help you be

Sure to please leave a like subscribe for more and i’ll see you guys in part five and that should be the final part for this build but anyways i’ll see you guys in that video later You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Modern Mansion | PART 4 (Interior 2/3)’, was uploaded by Brandon Stilley Gaming on 2018-10-11 20:30:00. It has garnered 358842 views and 4191 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:40 or 3280 seconds.

In part 4 for this minecraft tutorial on how to build this modern mansion, I will be showing you how to do the rest of the interior furnishings for the first floor of the house, which includes a bathroom, kitchen, office and living room.

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➤ Music Used In Video: ● Jaokim Karud – Longing

➤ Intro Song: ● Oshóva – Amazing Day

➤ Outro Song: ● Arman Cekin – California Dreaming (feat. Paul Rey)

#Minecraft #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftMansion #MinecraftHouse #MinecraftModernMansion

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  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space ( on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Read More