Insane Modern Wooden House Build in Minecraft!

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Mikey what oh oh hi there you are what do you want JJ I was just thinking since we’re hanging around the village yeah what we could build something really special what want to help me what do we build what’s the something special come on tell me Well

The something special is actually a big fancy modern log house really are you serious sounds fun H I really like my own house though but your plan sounds pretty good too JJ let’s build it awesome let’s build a modern log house where should we set it up maybe around

Here on the outskirts of the village you want to be close to my house right let’s go all right that means we should get started if we’re going to build this house out of wood then I think we should stick to wooden materials yeah there’s

Only going to be one rule what it still needs to look like a completely modern house despite being made out of wood okay should we start with the door we should probably build up the frame H let’s see maybe about this big yeah that looks big enough wow I’m

Super excited wait what are you building they’re stairs doesn’t this look good to you uh not bad so that’s the way the stairs face we’ll face them that way all right then this should be big enough H oh it’s raining oh well let’s keep working till it’s finished okay I’m

Laying down some planks Nice now it’s time to swap out the rest of the floor with wood let’s do it okay how’s that great now it’s time to work on the frame o like this there wow that’s perfect and here wo I want the stairs to match up to

This okay I’ll fix it and now for the interior I’ll use dark oak wood to build up the frames on the inside wow now it’s time for the walls nice work did I make it too big it’s fine extra space is better good point okay that does it for the first

Floor of our houses Foundation wow fancy now then it’d be a really sad house if we stopped building just after one floor I think we should add another section me too I think I’ll extend it ohow cool just like That I’ll add another room over here like this great that’s perfect next I’ll add another room to the second floor oh it’s getting dark out hey don’t get distracted I won’t I’m working on filling up the floor great this wooden house looks kind of cool it’s the coolest thing ever The floor’s almost done yeah you’re right almost done the second floor should have the same kind of style wow nice what do you think awesome huh yeah it’s perfect a work of art it is like a work of art it’s our rugged modern Log House fantastic I think we

Should make the entrance now it’ll look a whole lot fancier if the door door is on the second floor let’s go great minds think alike JJ that’s right let’s put the entrance here I think this would be a really good spot for oh it probably wouldn’t hurt to have

Doors on both sides so we can have an entrance on the other side too okay I should build this part in the same style as the rest of the house something like this should Work let’s see having the light colors and the dark colors together is key it’ll look really cool that’s true pretty good I’m going to stretch the stairs over here the stairs should be wood too yeah W’s good how about we use a dark oak staircase since it needs to look modern

But still be made out of wood a modern house made entirely of wood hm let’s stick to Wood I think it might be fancier if we do it that Way it looks nice like this how’s that wow it’s fabulous there it’s perfect wow you matched it with the other side woohoo we did it is the house finished now nope not even close all we’ve done is mostly finish the outside should we light it up

I think it needs to be brighter yeah the sides need to have Lanterns it wait we need lanterns and handrails I’m going to put some dark oak fence going up the side of the staircase good idea that should do it for the stairs nice great maybe that’s a little too bright it’s lovely that was too much I only want lights on the corners

A there that looks good yeah maybe I’ll put one more in the middle W lightning wa that was a close one yeah it was why is it thundering so much oh well our modern log house isn’t finished yet but for now it looks pretty good

We’re not done we still need to add the roof oh then after that we’re done I mean if the roof is finished then basically what should we do for the roof I can’t decide a glass roof would be pretty ah should we do a glass roof what

Color it should go well with the wood so I think normal glass is fine I feel the same way in that case let’s fill in the glass okay normal glass yeah this will be perfect good job it looks like a lot of sunlight will go through that’s healthy

It’ll feel like the outdoor is on the inside it’s nice and bright okay wow nice I should make the windows bigger I guess I should get rid of this bottom part then it won’t really feel like a modern house unless it has enormous windows it’s terrific it’s

Super terrific there we go that looks a lot better oh and I almost forgot to add some doors I think Birch doors would look pretty nice sure W awesome and some Birch pressure plates sure now it opens automatically I’ll add some dark oak pressure plates on the inside they barely stand

Out I want to change all this to Glass really change all of it yeah wow JJ what a fancy house yeah it’s super fancy just right perfect what a delightful house this turned out to be it’s almost too delightful now that that’s done we should make an interior

Staircase oh great there’s only a second floor maybe the stair should be here like that yeah all righty then let’s get started today I made four different houses a dirt house a slime house a diamond house and a quartz house each one has a special surprise waiting for us

Inside what could it be I want to go inside just make sure you’re ready and on guard which one do you want to go in first H how about maybe uh let’s do the dirt house first all right we can start with the dirt house then awesome I’m opening the door get

Ready open huhuh what’s that it’s some kind of underground tunnel sweet come on let’s explore it yeah let’s go what’s down here wo I see something that doesn’t look good you see it no way it looks like something some kind of lava obstacle course doesn’t it

Four blocks looks a little too far for us to jump across but I think we should give it a shot anyway let’s try to make it over there sure I can do it stand back JJ okay right I’m going to do it careful here I go quick jump into the water hurry hurry

Hurry all right okay that was close thanks for the advice JJ how maybe that water is there because we’re supposed to fall into the lava it must be so we can put out the Flames all right Mikey I guess that means it’s my turn to jump

Who JJ too far I lost a lot of Health from stepping into the lava well now we just can’t make any more mistakes if we fall we’ll come back here to put the fire out okay I’m going to go for it you got this careful wo I’m pretty good at

This you are huh did you take damage what was that keep going one more what happened back there Mikey I don’t know come back here I am good luck this time thanks get in the water you can do it right now it’s my turn I’ll clear the

Obstacle of course nice it’s all about speed careful yes how T it’s that easy speed I’m already on fire get to the water Mikey that was just bad luck one last time I can do this ouch I’m getting better at this try to keep up your speed okay and there’s water

Here the water Mikey this time I’ll make it I’m almost there I can clear this keep going you come so far I did it this time and I didn’t even fall in the lava once I still jumped in the water just in case a steel wall all

That effort and we hit a dead end is it really huh h hey swords we can use these check it out huh cool I’m going to put the helmet on awesome this sword is really powerful each swing makes a black hole I think you hit me oh never mind we can’t

Actually attack each other only enemies wow these swords are really nice does this mean we’re done with the dirt house hang on there’s a chest here let’s see what’s inside all right I’m opening it huh wao what is it Dynamite seriously I think we’re supposed to use it to get past the steel

Wall try it ready yep what’s behind here wait do you think it could be treasure or something I hope it’s something useful wa there’s something here look out Mikey use your sword right wa I got it go take that black hole JJ this is really really bad black hole nice it

Works it’s dead what the sweet we beat it all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door ooo can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh all right let’s open it oh what

Is isn’t apples Mikey apples thanks here you go let’s eat wow these look delicious totally should we head back now sounds good I guess I’ll see what this button Does oh there are three houses left so let’s check them out which one of these should we do next Mikey the next should be this one the Slime house slime house it is that door looks a little bit suspicious though don’t you think how about we head inside and take a look for

Ourselves there might be surprises in there so don’t let your guard down no matter what right stand back I’m opening the door huh wait what no way what is it huh wao that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to

Jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my turn H come see this what is it okay hurry hurry JJ come on H wao there there’s so much slime I can’t believe how much slime there is down here look H wao that’s even deeper than

The last hole do you see an exit somewhere down there here I go a for the ledge Mikey huh oops I missed I know the Slime is fun to bounce on but there’s not much else down there let’s get to the ledge I don’t get what you mean okay watch me

Jump oh I missed total fail I’ll climb the ladder and try again okay go for it a OH Close was I this is really hard hey nice jump oh I did it I made it to the ledge wow you’re really good at this I see another room through here come on

Mikey wait I’m coming don’t move a muscle okay you got it here I come come on a a not quite don’t give up Mikey one more time let’s go okay got w we had it so close this time for Sure I made it thanks for waiting great job now then W I almost fell let’s move on to the next room what do you seeing there Mike what is it looks like there’s two holes this time how come interesting what’s down there a little pool of water and here

Lava that’s pretty dangerous are we supposed to choose which one to jump into oops I dropped an apple my bad what I dropped an apple let me try it burned wao that’s pretty suspicious it’s probably safer if we jump into the water instead yeah lava’s too hot on second thought maybe the

Lava’s safer no way that’s crazy JJ I’ll let you decide this one easy I picked the water let’s go J J water it is I trust you you’re probably right absolutely okay then let’s go 3 2 one go go woohoo hey wait a second what we fell right out of the map this

One then it must be although I’m still not 100% sure what do you think I mean how are we supposed to survive the lava for now let’s just be bra bravee and go for it okay okay I’m going to go first again no wait should I oh man what

Should I do don’t worry I’m right behind you I’m doing it fall to fast let’s go W huh what’s going on oh I see there’s water beneath the lava wow I didn’t even lose any help hey look at this there’s a chest let’s see what’s inside oh there’s

A done a laser rifle check this out a helmet too awesome 3 2 1 how do I look now we both have one but what’s it do other than look cool come on let’s go open up do you see treasure in there it’s open oh I knew it let’s open it ready golden

Apples wow well then the Slime house had a massive tentacle monster inside but we took it down with our laser rifles let’s head back ready yeah that was epic the Slime house was really fun plus it gave us some golden apples which house should we do next diamond or quartz next is

H Diamond nice choice Diamond it is let’s head inside the Diamond House do we use this button to open the door let’s see oh that was pretty Cool what is it look at this down here awesome what are you serious I know how to get through how ta if we eat the golden apples we’ll be okay the lasers will hurt us but they won’t do enough damage to kill us we’ll be fine it’s

True that golden apples will double our health and the armor might protect us from the lasers let’s give it a shot Mikey yeah I’ll go first snack time be careful let’s go does it hurt ah ouchie ouchie ouchie ouchie ouchie ouch huh I don’t think that worked Mikey now

We eat an apple it’s my turn careful ready wait wait what watch out when you hit the bottom tell me what you see okay time to go I’ll Dodge the lasers and JJ you’re getting hit that’s hard and I wasted a golden apple I think this side is safer you

Don’t hit as many lasers ouch a my turn wait a sec I’m stuck are you okay I’m hit no good you try this spot is safer hey check it out oh come on you were so close that was amazing all right this is tough you’re doing so good a no way hey don’t

Give up Mikey go again I don’t believe it I did it I actually did it nice stay close to the corner on the right okay the corner on the right you got it this spot is safer yeah great job Mikey you found the secret spot you’re a

Genius let’s get started as you can see there are five staircases behind us at the top of each one is a fabulous treasure ours for the taking wow what kind of treasure is at the top let’s go all right we’re going to climb each of the five staircases and find out what

They’re hiding this one is first Oh it’s made of dirt I’m so excited let’s go what’s this it looks like a parkour section Mikey we’re already pretty high up I wouldn’t want to fall that would hurt be careful nice pop across let’s keep moving hang on H it’s a dead end there’s

No way to get up there we can’t reach you’re right but look over here H we walked right past this chest oh there might be something useful inside let’s see huh well what do we have here there’s a slime block a sticky piston and a lever but how are those going to

Help us check this out let’s put it together like this see oh we can hop on top of here try it out sure ready go wo I made it swing thanks yep I was launched pretty high okay I’ll try not to fall off let’s try it again here I go 3 2

1 yes nice I made it let’s go all right okay wao what’s all this it’s not safe we’re high up this is scary Mikey I don’t want to fall off so slow so high I can barely look down this is seriously crazy take it easy and you won’t fall

All right it looks like we have more parkour ahead be careful stay focused this is tough that was close but I made it okay I made it yes wow we’re almost to the top look wo already that was easier than I thought now we just have to get the

Treasure from inside this house still don’t let your down okay let’s go here we go what no seriously uh Mikey huh you fell there was a hole inside I know it’s a trap that you have to jump over to get inside man let’s jump W it’s pretty

Easy a come on no way okay try again yes finally I made it wo nice wo all right that’s Co we made it to the chest so let’s open it up and see what kind of treasures inside open wo oh nice amazing check it out it was full of coins awesome woohoo

We got the treasure I’m really stoked about all these coins we made it to the top of the first staircase and we got our treasure woohoo all right let’s move on next now we’re climbing the wooden staircase yep let’s get to it hold on look over here

There’s a chest what’s inside let’s find out oh bows and arrows huh hey we both get a set that’s nice but why do we need these to climb a staircase you make a good point huh there’s a button here he you’re right let’s push it maybe it has

Treasure can I be careful Mikey it could be a trap it’s fine 3 2 1 push what is this stuff what I’m backing up what is it it looks like poison the staircase is covered in Poison ouch there’s no way we can climb up now ouch it hurts this is

Seriously bad we need a plan do we give up maybe not see that button you pushed yeah if we can go push it again maybe the poison will stop flowing down the stairs but we can’t reach the button now we can’t even get close a what do we do

Well Mikey there might still be a way we still have our bows what if yeah we push the button with an arrow oh oh try it too that’s a tough shot again go I hit it wo look the poison it’s going away wao Nice Shot thanks can we climb it yeah

Once it all clears up we can start climbing again what a nasty trap but we figured out the solution the poison is gone let’s go and please don’t touch the button again I promise I won’t come on let’s go quick okay I wonder what’s at the

Top a dead end again oh man well we can’t climb or jump that high but look there are two buttons this time one on the left and one on the right yeah so one has to be the correct choice and the other a trap which one is it uh

Um well let’s try the one on the left yeah okay I have a good feeling this time it will give out treasure can I push her sure but be careful okay please be something good here it goes ouch so oh no Mikey lava wao it’s still spitting out

Lava Mikey the left button was the wrong choice no kidding the right button is good want to push it but what if it’s another trap should I yeah I’ll push it I hope it’s safe come on Treasure bam water wo wow we can climb the water you’re

Right good work Mikey it’s set up so we can climb using the water okay yeah a little more all right let’s go yay let’s move almost there we’re at the top where’s the entrance there’s no way in look Mikey there’s another button oh if we push it will an entrance appear H but

What if we push it and something bad happens it could be a trap I don’t want to push it you do it okay Mikey I wonder what it will do 3 2 1 it worked oh when you push this button a secret entrance opens up you’re right let’s go

In here we go what’s inside go here I Come it’s a narrow path I wonder what’s down there stay on guard let’s explore there must be something h huh a dead end really oh there’s another button see you’re right but it might be a trap be careful okay I’ll push it here I go good luck click h

H ah is that a hidden chest this must be the treasure let’s open it up wo cool look at this awesome wow swords armor let’s try it out yeah uh Mikey mhm this house is pretty old are you sure you want to buy it yep it’s a

Bit run down but once we renovate it it’ll be good as new besides it’s super cheap okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all right there there you go wo I officially own this house now yippe so this is your new place uh-huh

It’s home oh what a deal it was this entire house only cost me 10 measly emeralds lucky me well for a place this size it is quite the steel yeah oh it’s started raining quick let’s take shelter in my new home the outside may look rough but I’m sure it’s nice on

The inside come on let’s head in before we get drenched o look at these Vines covering the door hurry okay I’m going what I’m stuck spiders hang in there buddy ow help me help me I’m on it this living room is like a giant spider’s nest they’re attacking me wao yes

Nice you okay I’m fine that was dangerous but we managed to defeat them H oh this living room is messed up it really was a spider’s Nest yikes the interior is a lot older and way more rund down than I was expecting oh come on oh a fridge this

Must be the kitchen area it’s pretty dingy is there anything in there H think there might be we could look sure okay here goes H unbelievable it’s full of rotten meat yuck even the fridge is gone bad what a dangerous place it’s awful this space is a mess and there are Holes in

The Floor let’s check out the other rooms yeah see how they’re fairing where are we um well there are two beds then it must be a bedroom H what do you think it looks pretty ancient too let’s check out the rest of the place H H what where am

I what happened you fell down a hole are you all right I guess what is it let’s see H looks like I can climb out yeah there’s a way up I’m a okay I was scared for a second oh a door might as well go

Through wao hey hang on a shower and a toilet I’m coming almost there I made it but that means what if that’s the toilet you were in the sewage tank e seriously gross how did I end up there in the first place well at least I’m out

Now hold on H lucky me a shower just when I needed one I’m going to walk up and get the stink off me uh Mikey mhm you sure you should use it it looks really old it could be dangerous it’ll be fine I just want to be clean I need

To get this Gunk off of me Pronto let me out ow what is that stuff good question looks like some kind of ooze I think the water’s gone so bad that it’s turned rancid everything in this place needs a overhaul yeah this is awful I was dirty from

Falling in the toilet and then the shower made it worse what’s with this house is there anything else we should check or have we seen it all it seems like that’s It oh what look carefully there’s a door no kidding I wonder where it leads to let’s find out shall we woohoo JJ there’s a basement wo awesome want to check it out sure I bet it’s fine I can’t imagine it being as grimy and gross as the other

Rooms we’ve been through there’s no way okay ready to take a look yeah let’s go opening Wow huh what is this stuff uh uh seriously what is it be careful GJ whatever it is it’s attacking me you don’t know what those creatures are either they’re well they’re disgusting is what they are this basement is so polluted there’s purple slime monsters living in it they’re

Super dangerous Mikey we have to get out of here my basement is disgusting just like the rest of my house how can this be Mikey all I can say is your home needs a total makeover yeah let’s do it think we can fix it up all right next grab a pair of shears

And help me cut these Vines and the grass can do we might as well chop up these weird pieces of wood too and get rid of the cob webs on the ceiling yeah that’s looking nice I’ll clear these two away M oh there’s another one next let’s fill in the Holes in the

Floor sure there’s some mold on the ground too then let’s replace those blocks make sure the rot doesn’t spread yes great thinking now what about this painting it kind of creeps me out maybe we should put up something more refreshing yeah something prettier H oh that’s good but is it bright enough

Definitely it looks great the ho is much more inviting it’s better than it was all right on to the next thing let’s fix up the living room also known as the old spider’s Nest sure first we need to deal with all the cobwebs and Vines right we’ll hack these Down snip snip almost forgot these H it’s wild how many cobwebs There Are For Real a true spider’s Nest almost done with these Vines Now for the grass there next we can fill the holes in the floor sure we’ll fix this up yeah and The Moldy floor

Too woohoo I’ll fill this back in that’s better it’s definitely cleaner but a bit sterile let’s put in some windows that’s a great idea Eng goes the glass there are some proper panes there it’s already feeling less claustrophobic in here ahuh it’s amazing all right done thanks JJ it’s super nice

Now while we’re here we’ll replace those appliances the fridge stinks and it’s full of rotten meat let’s get rid of it okay so the fridge comes first right this new one is much better better should we stock it up mhm we’ll fill it with fresh apples fantastic in they go a huge

Improvement got any other modern appliances yep we’re replacing everything and turning this into a proper up-to-date Kitchen perfect H we’ll fill this with water now we’ll unload all the brand new Stuff oh thank you don’t mention it this is much better and Cozier this TV is pretty old too and so is the stand who has these anymore o it doesn’t even get any channels let’s give this a modern makeover yeah let’s break this down and then oh that’s a pretty stand

We’ll put the new TV right on top wo it’s got an LED display look how slim it is wow now then couch wo this will be much more comfortable awesome how about this is this right mhm or this it’s fantastic like it yeah then what about a coffee

Table here Splendid this is nice very cool now how do you feel about a ceiling fan I love it that breeze it making it’s fabulous this space feels different huh oh yeah I guess we’re done with the living room then on to the bedroom let’s do

It this isn’t going to be easy we’ll start by tearing out the cobwebs and filling the Holes in the Floor just like in the other areas we’ve spruced up all right here great sweet it’s already much cleaner although it still looks kind of me we’ll fix that yeah let’s do it what

Should we do with these bookshelves I move them a bit higher as for the beds H let’s switch them out for these Chic modern ones oh yes they look so nice now we’ll give them a proper side table and a lamp oh there it’s wonderful that’s better and so much neater okay Mikey

It’s time we cleaned up the bathroom right come on it’s a hassle I know we’ll start with the vines and cobwebs as per usual H now to get rid of the old shower yeah tear it down woo since this one’s broken we’ll put a new one in its

Place on to the toilet a hole in the ground is not going to cut it we’ll quickly remove it oo this room’s a little stuffy let’s put some windows in while we’re here great idea a little light can work wonders now for a brand new toilet oo how’s this one oh wow it’s

Not bad but you also need a place to wash your hands e there we go nice job I’ll just move that over perfect time to replace the shower first things first what I’m going to lay down a bathtub Cool all right ah quite the upgrade yeah it’s fantastic and this is for when you feel like having a shower instead of a soap check it out the water’s clean I can finally take a shower thank you JJ this is amazing Mikey fell into the sewage tank earlier

So it must feel great to wash up yep it’s fabulous are we done well that wraps it up for the bathroom and the bedroom I think that’s almost everything so we are finished um marvelous Mikey you’re forgetting something important the humongous mess waiting for us in the basement all

Right yeah so let’s head down but JJ how are we going to Spruce it up the room is filled with these these tentacles and there isn’t much we can do about them it’s hopeless this is going to be dangerous so let’s put our gas masks on okay Mikey now hold these buckets of

Lava can do we’re going to toss them all around the room to decontaminate everything cleaning by fire good idea you ready let’s go move in we got to cleanse the entire basement ow careful run for it Mikey hang on now okay there nice all right we’ll need to give the

Lava some time to clear the whole Space sure thing H I wonder how it’s going I hope it’s decontaminated let’s find out all right opening in 3 2 1 incredible ha wow this is amazing it’s so tidy if I had a feeling lava would do the trick all those creatures are dead the r spotless let’s give it a bit of greenery sounds good there not too shabby I’ll add one here too and here just like this sweet there

This room feels a lot less stuffy already I agree it’s so refreshing I think our work is done yay well then let’s take a tour of of your newly renovated home first off we clean the vines cut the grass and even laid down a path it looks so clean yep

It’s fabulous why don’t we head inside yeah wo the hallway is NE hey Mikey what are you up to open up Mikey H oh JJ how are you H Mikey uh do you feel all right huh well yeah I suppose I feel all right you sure you’re definitely okay what something looks different

Huh I’ll hang this on the wall there I put a mirror up here take a look Mikey look in the mirror sure I feel the same as Always nope what no way is that me Mikey you haven’t stopped eating cookies since I got here it’s not healthy let’s fix that okay it’s dangerous if you keep that up I’m worried I’ll do my best to get healthy first things first you need a balanced diet

A okay let’s look in your house may I come in uh sure thanks what huh Cookies Cakes burgers and steaks this lifestyle is bad for you it can’t all be burgers and snacks no what should I do let’s go to my house huh Mikey okay I’ll show you some healthy

Foods healthy foods awesome thanks follow me sure this is my house thanks for having me look Mikey this is my yard oh I grow my own food oh carrots and beet fruits yep that’s not all inside here I have some healthy ingredients for salad oh this goes here sure some seeds leafy greens

Dandelion okay wow check it out Mikey here wo this yeah is a salad a tasty salad hoay you’ll need some carrots and some beetroots okay here Mikey have some thanks sure so Mikey stick to eating healthy food here I want you to eat nothing but vegetables for a while snacks and

Burgers are off limits until you’re better I can only eat vegetables understood it’s a no snap all veggie diet I got this good luck thanks okay okay all right the field looks good time for lunch H I guess I’ll have some vegetables too oh right I wonder if mik is getting

Better I should go check surely he’s eating veggies instead of burgers and snacks let’s sneak a Peek oh good he’s eating salad lunch time yep that a boy veggies are yummy yep but they don’t fild me up at all H I know snacks are off limits but a little couldn’t hurt that’s the stuff huh it’s so Goode so yummy yeah stop it it’s so good Mikey

JJ hiding it won’t help you’ve been eating cake I get no snacks H but I can’t stop myself I’m so Hungry Mikey you have to snack in moderation I guess I’ll hide your unhealthy foods for you what your Burgers confiscated aw your cakes too no it’s all coming with me oh and these steaks too all confiscated especially this cake okay these jars too Okay all right now you stay over there Mikey I’m going to hide it all gotcha thanks for doing this J J I’ll do my very best from this point onward okay now to make sure Mikey sticks to his clan I’ll make a hole in the ground and

Put a chest here this is where I’ll hide all of Mikey’s unhealthy Food and just in case he does find it I’ll put a lock on it all right this is good if Mikey can build healthy habits I’ll I’ll give him back all his Food I just can’t get full on salad push through Mikey it’s tough maybe I’ll sleep okay I’m calling it a night sleep it off Mikey good night night Mikey wake up morning morning what’s up starting today to stay healthy yeah every day H we’re doing 10 laps around the village

Wo 10 laps that’s easy pie of cake ready go whoa check it out huh today I spawned us somewhere really unique Tada where are we what is this place this is a world that’s only one chunk of land wa there’s nothing around us sure but myy don’t lose hope we can definitely

Find a way to survive here huh yeah you’re right we’ll definitely survive oh by the way this is survival mode so if you die it’s game over if we die it’s an immediate game over let’s try to stay alive then Yeah okay then Mikey I think we should get started with some survival Basics like this there are beehives it looks like it now let’s just get some log let’s be extra careful not to break the beehives it’d be a real shame if we wasted them okay also this world doesn’t have a

Lot of resources so we have to make each one count got it I should get started on finding some food for us maybe there’s some wheat seeds nearby we can get wheat seeds from grass right right if you want to find wheat seeds then you need to cut

The grass just make sure not to hit any bees by mistake if you hit them they’ll get mad and angry bees are no joke hey there’s a sapling up here if we plant it we can grow some more resources okay this is perfect I think we’re doing great okay by now we must

Have collected a ton of logs logs logs logs logs logs logs oh thank you great work look these beehives are floating all by themselves this place is crazy here our very own crafting table hey you know what I was thinking no what there’s only one chunk of land so the only thing

To do is dig down yeah I guess you’re right here let me make something a wooden pickaxe and here’s a wooden shovel too there you go thank you o and it’ll take a lot of resources but I’m going to make a chest for the two of us to share hey look down

There sand nice find with sand we can finally harvest the honey from all these floating beehives plus we can make glass and with glass we can make bottles and with bottles we can hold the honey yeah there were a lot of beehives all right let’s gather some sand pass me the

Pickaxe so I can get this Stone here you go H thanks while I’m working on this we should come up with a plan first we need to dig down and collect as much stone coal and iron as we can get our hands on smelt all of it together then make

Bottles for honey then we’ll have enough food to last us for a while awesome let’s survive yeah for sure careful JJ we don’t know what’s down there yeah that’s true oh I found more nice that’s really important oh I made my own wooden pickaxe good job now that you’ve got one

Let’s dig a little faster I have a bad feeling we’ll run out of light soon we just need a bit of coal to make torches I think I found some where here H oh you’re right nice I’m going to make some torches right away you’ll make them I will okay

So torches here we go so now let’s make some glass all we have to do is smelt the sand right mhm sand can be a really useful resource ow hey you know what else would be useful a campfire I’m going to make one with the crafting

Table what for it’ll give us some light but more importantly we need it for the honey wait why do we need a campfire to harvest honey just wait a bit you’ll see first I’ll craft the campfire okay sure now for the bottles three blocks of glass we can can turn that into three

Bottles nice now we’ve got three glass bottles yes here but don’t Harvest anything yet why the bees will get agitated and attack when their honey is taken away let’s put a fire beneath their beehive it’s brighter let’s just wait for the smoke they won’t get mad

Right I think it’s ready to harvest now ready look honey amazing thanks don’t forget to put the fire out when you’re done oh yeah use the okay this way you get your coal back now we have one jar of honey harvested so if either of us ever get

Hungry we can drink that I’ll make another bottle nice for now the best thing we can do is dig downward this one chunk of land is pretty small so we have to make the most of our resources hey check it out Mikey this looks dangerous so let’s head

The other way there’s another opening huh there’s nothing here but what is it I have no idea JJ that’s so strange wa Is that real lava be careful we should find another spot to dig if we keep going this way we’ll hit the lava scary keep an eye out for iron we need

Iron ores to make iron mhm lava whoa no what you just swallowed two of my Cobblestone blocks there’s lava over here ah this stinks oh well what is it a lava source what no way hang on I actually think we can work with this lava sources can be pretty

Valuable I’m coming in there with you this is pretty incredible let’s keep digging in this direction okay new plan we should split up and try to find some iron and now that I think about it diamonds wouldn’t be bad either yeah it’d be great if we found some but first let’s work together

To find some iron wo what is it iron sweet this is almost enough for a whole armor set 1 2 3 eight pieces of iron let’s go smelt it I’m going to smelt the iron ores I’ll go bring you some more thank you in the meantime there are a few

Things I should check up on here here these trees have all grown I finished harvesting all the trees I also finished with the iron I’m back ORS we’re going to need two things an iron bucket and an iron pickaxe Mikey I’ve been doing some thinking yeah we definitely need to get

A farm started our honey isn’t going to feed us forever great idea first things first can you fill this bucket with water huh sure what while he’s doing that I’m going to clear space to put a crop field hey JJ the water’s ready for you thanks oh that reminds me we need to

Make an infinite water source ready mhm I’m going to get started what we need to do is make a well out of stone blocks like this oh there yeah that’s right now for one more ah okay I brought more water sweet you already did that corner

Now do this one okay W yeah perfect now we have an infinite water supply so that we’ll never run out of watero come on Mikey let’s get this next one filled just a minute I’m on it okay just fill that up there while you’re doing that I’m

Going to make us a hoe oh we need to till all the ground surrounding our water source nice this is great great this place is looking good huh they’re calling for the most massive eruption in history tonight and they expect the volcano to be active for a month what a gigantic volcanic eruption

Starting tonight and it’ll last a whole month let’s go check it out for ourselves okay wa they weren’t kidding it’s smoking up here oh this is getting out of hand we can’t stay Mikey we have to find cover as quick as possible but but there aren’t any shelters in our

Village you’re right buddy so I guess it’s up to us H since there’s no safe place to hide nearby we’ll have to hurry up and build a shelter ourselves let’s get moving yeah and fast to the Village quick Sprint come on we don’t have much time that’s

Right we are in for a world of trouble okay now uh let not dilly dally the volcano’s going to explode come in here Mikey check it out I need you to put on a helmet and take a pickaxe done and done good now let’s get cracking on a shelter under our house

Got it we’ll start here all right get digging I’m on it step one uh-huh keep tunneling down we have to hurry though the eruption could go off at any time do you think this is deep enough we’ll clear some space in that case and begin working on a room yes sir let’s do

It yay shelter making yay indeed Mikey we have to make this space magma ready then let’s get Building okay we want to make sure that lava can’t get in totally that’s the last thing we want in our Hideout I think we’re almost done with our first space how’s this nice maybe a bedroom over here sure I’d also like to have a living room woo this

Ought to be big enough for now M and oh finished is it really check it out

This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Building A Modern Wooden House in Minecraft ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2023-12-19 17:00:20. It has garnered 7622 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:42 or 3702 seconds.

How Mikey and JJ Building A Modern Wooden House in Minecraft ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen –

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  • VoidedMC

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  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

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  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

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  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

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    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More