INSANE: Moose survives 2100 days in Minecraft Pokemon!

Video Information

This is 2100 days of Minecraft Pokémon and for the next 1,000 days I have to continue my goal to catch every single Pokemon inside of my Pokedex while facing many new challenges there there’s something there something in my M while facing many new challenges with my best friends and

Finding new special Pokemon all across this beautiful world like this thing take a look at this it looks pretty cool now as your local Pokemon on mayare I got to continue building the to the Moon Town that’s right so I got to take this entire town and make it even bigger than

Before and this way we can have officially the biggest Pokemon town in the world so it’s going to take about like 1 thousand days yeah L literally 1 th000 days but every single week on Tuesday I’m going to be posting a 3,000 days Pokemon episode so what that means

Is I know you got school and all that kind of things and you’re probably extremely bored so I got you some pokon when you come back from school that’s right baby and after that once the series is over I don’t really know what to do I literally have zero cool I was

Thinking of maybe kmon just just comment down below and let me know so my Journey Begins on day 2001 this is 2100 days of Minecraft Pokemon and mo shop and guess what look at this boom we found an iron leaves right here so iron leaves is a grass and

Fairy top Pokemon and today I got nft ketchup the one and only ni do your signature move you have a signature move you don’t have any Pokemon for me to steal there you go that’s your signature move then we got four mats mustard and we got the one in you just almost like

Fell onto the floor what just happened there and we got muina that’s right ready muina are you taking photos of me no I feel like you’re the type of person to take a photo of me and probably put it inside of a locker and then I would never see it Again what just happened bro all right let’s do this everybody hop into the raain battle we’re going to choose our Pokémon oh oh by the way everybody make sure you have a level 100 Pokémon cuz if we don’t have it I’m telling you we’re going to get sweeped and we’re not

Trying to get sweep right we’re definitely not trying to a level 100 Pokémon this is going to be no joke what about level 99 I mean level 99 could work you know what just send it just do it we’ll be fine okay all right I’m

Getting my etx out so we have a little bit of an advantage here here we go all right everybody are you guys ready let’s ready M are you ready give me your ready voice I’m ready we’re good to go so I got my Pokemon selected uh who else is

Left who’s selecting the Pokemon start raid it’s working here we go 3 2 1 let’s do this ladies and gentlemen everybody leave a like on this video right now so we can catch the iron leaves okay what do we got here what we working with here bro that thing looks terrifying look how

Big it is bro what in the world but then again look at a turn Max the turn Max is pretty crazy oh just a regular turnam moose that’s right ET turnam moose all right I’m going in for the IR leaves what you guys got who has the guard chop

Me you have oh that’s pretty cool level 99 G chop and then ni has the uh Frederick hi Frederick and Conor’s got Mr Beast so we have two zachian Conor you don’t even have your sword form on your Pokemon I don’t think Conor even knows what that means no I don’t know

You have to give it like a specific item I think it’s like a rusty sword I don’t know what it’s called got to give it a sword bro and then it’s going to turn into like boom San the uh the the the Mr Beast the Mr Beast sword dude okay oh

There we go okay is it working he’s using Max overgrowth iron leaves use Quick attack what what’s going on I don’t I don’t think it’s registering right now oh God oh God it’s coming after all of us I don’t even see any damage he’s not he’s not even doing any

Damage to us what’s going on bro wait oh oh we got him look at that yo etern Bo’s etern beam almost just one shot him now we got to destroy like seven different bars everybody stays strong we cannot lose against iron Le I’m not trying to

Lose it it took us literally 4 hours to get this Pokemon inside of a Max Raid Battle now to get iron leaves it only spawns in the end so it kind of makes it a little bit difficult Bo sh me but once you do get one I’m I’m telling you it’s

Going to be busted okay and it only spawns in five star raid battles in the end don’t forget that five star I don’t even know what I’m doing of course you don’t know what you’re do bro con it just click a button and hit the Pokemon ET turn moose is recharging okay all

Right you guys got this one this is all you this is all you just just use one of attack remember it’s it’s a grass Pokemon and a fairy type so you got to use something like a fire attack try try like fire attacks would be best honestly

I thought my was psych my crunch ability is crunching it super effective though I think it’s yeah the crunch attack is doing pretty good but I’m pretty sure that iron leaves his is it psychic and grass bro it’s psychic and grass why did I think it was a Fairy Type I’m a Noob

I’m sorry that’s a great 2100 days of Pokemon that’s literally how you got to do it bro I win did you do it is it dead no oh well you got me so excited bro you didn’t even kill the Pokemon yet yo he’s healing no he not even kidding me it’s

Because of Max over bro come on with the healing iron leaves we’re going to be here for a while all right M it’s days 12:02 and we’re still battling this Pokemon I got to turn the beam back so not can actually do some damage to iron leaves and wipe

This Noob out just focus on using the strongest attack you got he’s just using quick attack what is quick attack going to do to us right now it’s going to quickly defeat us oh it’s going to quickly bite your ankles it’s going to go after your ankles no no don’t tell me

He has seven bars that we got to break through M start dropping some rap cuz if you don’t drop these rap bars I’m telling you these iron leaves is going to like roast us oh no about that what you can’t rap no what do you mean you

Can’t rap you can sing and do all these voice things but you can’t rap I don’t I don’t believe that just drop a bar be like hey yo my name is m live in a house that was so bad I’m sorry don’t roast me bro all right ni what about you bro what

Kind of bars you got for me um chocolate bars this man with the chocolate bars bro said chocolate bars this dude said chocolate bars who was that what was that bro your crunch attack’s actually working yo I’m just going to let you guys know this is

Our last chance to kill this Pokemon cuz if we don’t we’re going to lose it and we’re going to lose the iry I don’t think anybody wants to be losing this legendary Pokemon okay Conor use something good bro Conor use a good attack wait why did you attack me I just

Attacking you that’s why you why are you attacking me bro you got to be kidding me Conor if we lose this we lose the Pokemon we spend 4 hours trying to get okay I I’ll finally why are you attacking me he’s supposed to break the bars on his Pokemon thing he’s got a

Force field if break told me I can choose anyone to attack yo Frederick’s crunch is almost doing it come on dude tell me you got a secret move up your sleeve you know I um clicked the wrong move I clicked the wrong he’s got 5% don’t let it win Conor it’s literally up

To you bro please don’t kill me oh great now I’m recharging it’s been another day we’re still in this battle I’m suffering on the inside yo he died yo Frederick yo yo ni you legendary bro ni actually got him we’re going in for the catch yo come on

This yo everybody comment down below thank you ni for your crunch attacks all right boom we got it so for the items we got uh a crystal pberry Ruby rare candy Dynamax candy Meo be why so many berries what am I going to do with these berries

Bro I know M’s going to do that she’s probably going to start like a Berry Farm a Berry Farm do you know you can make a Berry Farm I didn’t know oh I guess mach’s going to make a very far then yo she got it look there’s your

Iron leaves everybody everybody you got to put an iron leaves on your team that’s how it’s going to go for this episode everyone has to have an iron leaves on their Pokemon team okay let’s do this here we go boom iron leaves it is there’s so many Pokemons okay I’m

Going to switch out Rocka moose yo is that a s yo let me catch that thing bro let me let me let me let me get the C let me let me what what are you going to do huh my C no it’s my centr all right

Send out your iron leaves boom look at it my yo my iron leaves is bigger than Conor’s iron leaves mine so small I want yours oh wait what about n ketchup yo free rare candy that’s mine who just left their rare candy on the floor why would you do that iron leaves

Oh look there’s one two three wait is that it is there it’s shiny why is it shiny no see his screen wait what there was a shiny I just saw a shiny iron leaves nah wait hold hold on hold on hold on wa what’s going on here where W

Bring it out bring it out bro bring it out what is that oh you get a shiny what I’m just calling you right now ni is hacking I’m out all right I’m packing up my stuff I’m you know what you’re just a hacker bro I’m out bro # ni is a

Hacker yo m m look look at it look at it look at it it’s pink it’s pink it’s a pink Pokemon everybody mom get the camera you using you and your love balls I keep forgetting that musina literally lives off of Love balls if she doesn’t

Have it she gets mad and you don’t want to see muina mad hey I got it you got it congratulations just recreate for me you getting mad uh I don’t know if I want to see that yeah I don’t know if I got mad what’s going on here you get really mad

Yeah bro bro my ears are bleeding what do yo you’re going to get M bad bro and then and who did it who did it it was Conor it was Conor it was all Conor you can throw him off the cliff it’s he’s not my friend I don’t even know who he

Is so glad my headphones equalized sounds about right wait which one this are here ready it’s gone it’s it’s just watch this bro ready ready oh I’m up it’s G what are you going to do now huh I’m going to get you mad this video it’s going to happen

I’m going to get you moose would you ever kill your best friend would you punch your best friend off the cliff a y you would actually yeah chill bro you would actually do that now I’m worried you have wings yeah I have wings okay what if my wings didn’t work then what

Are you going to do huh ooh there it is look it’s a Nimble so mushab be the new Pokemon what do you look like like that bro did you get have when did you get eyes AI Conor enabled oh bro don’t tell now for the Pokeball thank you for the

Pokéball no for Pokeball somebody control him somebody stop this man dud that’s my Pokemon I was going to catch that thank you for the Pokéball stop me oh iau your Pokéball what are we what are we going to do with him what are we he’s he’s becoming an AI it’s like one

Of those clones off Tik Tok bro you know what we could do factory reset did you trying to battle him I wanted to throw a Pokeball at him thank you for the love balls stop somebody fix a ni can you pre-program Conor to be normal again I’m trying to

Look for a Nimble I’m a little bit busy yeah yeah don’t worry I got it I got him you know how to unplug him bro yes after get this uh shiny nit Arena yes a shiny where is it where is it what let’s go let’s go yeah you

Didn’t see me coming bro thank you for the shiny thank you for the shiny oh he’s got a sword he’s got a sword he’s got a sword one run run run run run run run run away where are you I want to do the shiny n you want to see shiny stle shiny

Stle I just factory reset I got him I got the shiny St when going to do bro you don’t got one I got a shiny starle are you jealous now yes okay good that’s all I wanted ow ow she trying to kill me o I’m going to put you right

Here even near you someone’s trying to kill me I don’t know who it is I’m trying to find my shiny Nena so I can Flex on if and get him really mad was it a needan or was it a Nino or Nina I think it was a Nino Nino cuz I got like

A bunch of them someone’s whispering in my ear who was that who whispered in my ear all I know is format says return being an AI yo what’s up guys when you get factory reset hey what’s up guys how you doing bro yeah my name is Moose I don’t I don’t even play

Minecraft bro yo what’s the other day I’m still looking for a Nimble cuz Conor stole my other one ooh a Scyther yo anybody want a Scyther we could we could trade it you really want trade it no I don’t want to trade it I want to catch my own Pokemon it’s literally a

Grasshopper yo that actually makes a lot of sense I think it’s called Nimble cuz it’s a Nimble Grasshopper And and grasshoppers are Nimble the comments are going to be like moose really wait what are you talking about what’d you get it’s a puku a puka you you puked on you

Puked on a on a moose you just said it you literally just said puka no puku who puka Who Who Are You puking on oh my God come look what’s right here behind you above you to the left I found you it’s a pukaa puku it’s said I swear

It’s puka I’m sorry the comments are going to be roasted me they’re like bro stop Miss br things all right I’m not fighing my Nimble here I’m just going to go I’m I’m just going to go I I’ll leave y’all to be okay CU Conor stole it so

I’m kind of like still butt hurt a little bit but uh I’m going to go down here there we go now we’re talking a normal Savannah Plateau biome I mean Savannah Biome you’re giving up no I’m not giving up I’m just changing locations you know what I mean oh a

Nimble oh come on no you’re lying you’re lying you did not find a Nimble I did I did I did okay I’m not giving up I’m here look it’s so big it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine I took it yes what are you going to do throw me off

The cliff uh no you’re actually really nice all right sweet we got it so I got a Nimble and now I got to get uh a another Pokemon volix does a Nimble evolve oh we should get Vulpix yes Nim evolve hey moose yes I reading I was reading the comment 2,000 days somebody

Doesn’t have a Pidgeot that’s me I don’t have a Pidgeot I know it’s actually really embarrassing right here look I don’t have a Pidgeot somehow it is what it is oh there it is look it’s a low kicks you look kind of intimidating bro so low kicks is uh I believe that’s the

Evolution form of nimble and funny enough we just start fighing a bunch of nimbl who’s getting that one do you want that one you take it I can take ity that’s the wrong Pokemon I got it it’s mine now I’m I’m I’m sorry you know I

Didn’t mean to be like you know evil about it like I wasn’t trying to like steal the Pokemon from you but I was trying to get myself a Pokemon I do need it bro there’s so many nimal now I couldn’t find anything before and now

There’s a bunch of nimbl but Mushi so uh pixelon has been updated we’re on 91.7 or something like that and uh there are a bunch of Pokemon that are added now let me let me show you what’s going on here you already know the goal I’m

Trying to be a Pokemon Master Lu wants to be a Pokemon master or you just want to have all the cute Pokemon right is is that what it is I want to have all the cute I want to be the cutest Pokemon master and N wants to have every single

Shiny Pokemon Shiny Pokemon ni ketchup Master he’s he wants to be a ketchup okay and and uh and then we got we got Connor Connor I don’t really know what you want to be bro what happened what is it it’s just a giraffe ring con I have no idea what you

Said bro I heard literally nothing from you bro I like to play Minecraft car likes to play Minecraft now you guys know what’s going on here so yeah nice we got a lot of good goals but pretty much I got to get my Pokedex to 100% now

All the Pokemon are not added yet there’s still a few legendaries missing and stuff so in the future they will update it but these are all the Pokemon I’m missing I have some really simple ones I can Al cuam a Persian I don’t have a Persian I don’t know what it is I

Also don’t have a Pidge and N was saying that in the previous comments y’all said get a Pidge out what are you doing you’re a noob so let me show you ready boom just like that don’t forget I caught a shiny piggey this is some good

Stuff here now what what am I going to remove back Calibur I’m sorry buddy you got to go it’s only temporary yeah it’s fine I’m just going to switch you out okay boom there we go and now I got a shiny Pidgey on the Pokemon team so

We’re going to have a shiny Pidge in no time and that’s a that’s a pretty thick looking Pidgey could have bro he kind of is a little thi right just a little bit thick uh-oh that’s not what I meant you have one too well guess gu what my

Pidgey is the Fast and Furious baby look at that boom Furious it it actually says Pidgey the Furious I don’t know why it says that but it does mine so small oh don’t let me step on it I apologize you con just came out of nowhere bro you want me to apologize for

Stepping on your pidgeys bro what if I just bury your Pidgey bro just like that what if I try to eat it for breakfast what if I have a Pidgey sandwich then what are you going to do ah I was kidding I was kidding B yo we said a

Pidgey a Pidgey uh I I forgot what we talking about I literally forgot what we talking about honestly what is this a koala oo I like koas it’s a Camala all right let’s go to the desert biome so next Pokemon we’re looking for is going to be that that’s

Spins oh oh there it is bremin that’s what I was looking for so I haven’t caught a bremin so let’s catch this dude I really want to get a shiny bremin so these are all the new Pokemon they added by the way they got some new legendaries

They have this I forgot what this Pokemon line is I got I got no clue what this is I think it’s a pipiku is how should say it yuku yo alolan Diglett who wants an alolan Diglett it’s really cute come to the desert that’s the one with

Hair yeah it’s the one with the one strand of hair bro he’s been growing it out for 20 years he’s like hi guys I play Minecraft The Beach Boys let’s go yo I know you would chill like that dude haunted Pokemon it’s that Pokemon again that’s always haunted you know

What I don’t like you for some reason bro just creeps me out like like am I the only one that gets creeped out by this Pokemon it’s okay cuz he’s gone boom Dragon descent and now Pidgey why evolve let’s see what we get all right

So Pidgey is currently level 10 11 12 13 14 15 yo tell me you’re going to evolve is this Mega kick what’s wave crash Aqua step or raave I I don’t want this it’s okay boom gone yo AOL Slowpoke y’all want it Slowpoke I don’t like ooh a

Stone journer do I have a oh I don’t have a do I have a stone Jer I don’t no I don’t got one yo let’s go I caught another new Pokemon shiny krog knck shiny kog knck nobody’s here it’s all my shiny kog shiny frog shiny frog stop I

Can’t pronounce Pokemon I have a problem with pronouncing Pokemon it’s it’s not you it’s me I’m the problem I don’t know what I’m getting out with this one honestly bro I’ve been catching shinies left and right how many shinies we got here up and my computer box is

Completely messed up dude dude there’s just too many Pokémon here I don’t know want to choose between it’s a little baby marrow aerl ooh wow I got to seriously organize my PC box cuz this thing is just is like super messy where’s all the ah shiny Starly there it is right

There b right above right here ow you see it it’s a shiny oh it’s not a shiny nean it’s a pink nean it’s a pink one yo we’re still trying to catch all the pink Pokemon so this one’s going to be for musina cuz I think I already have a pink

Ah there we go I got a pink Nan a pink Nina a pink needle queen and a pink Needle King lot of pink Pokemon so we still got finish catching all them just just have you just do just I just see you send it down there we see us like

Wait I’m coming for you don’t run so these are all the starter Pokemon that I got recently there’s a bunch of starter Pokemon here I do want to level them up eventually I just need to like organize my PC box just it just so many Pokemon

To choose between and it’s just kind of a little bit overwhelming it really is a little bit overwhelming like what am I what do I choose like what do I level up I I don’t even know anymore dude ooh I do want to get I like this shiny starl I

Think I should definitely level it up same with the shiny cfish so eventually I’ll get to it I’m you got it is it first try let’s go are you going to put him on the Pokemon team or what’s your Pokemon team going to look like today uh

You know it’s really hard to say um got to find just cuz everything’s super cute and you want to catch them all right they’re all pink I got to I got to find all the pink ones and I got to find all the shiny cute ones so M’s like oh shiny shiny

Palpa got it yo I’ve been finding so many shinies everybody make sure you have the strong shiny lur on cuz that thing is pussing bro okay we got the palod and what about the croak rro oh I don’t have a croak roke dude I’m about

To fill up this pokedex in no time so Mo like I was saying though I got to get my Pokedex to 100% so we are currently at a solid 842 Pokemon C I have seen 880 so we’re kind of close you know what I mean we’re definitely really really close to

Getting this complete so uh looking forward to seeing how that goes I’m about to sneeze my nose is itchy it’s a be B bof yo bof is by far the most powerful Pokemon prove me wrong you caught that first try bro M yo it’s the cutest Pokemon look

Look how cute it is look look look it’s a giant spider you know what I thought you love spiders though look look look it’s so cute bro it’s so adorable you don’t want it let me give me an Ultra Ball here catch us there there you go take

That why is she trying to attack me bro yo do you not like it what what’s going on M she can’t even hit me bro oh yeah yeah you can’t catch me ah yeah chill chill I’m sorry I was kidding I know you hate spiders oh a shiny

Blitzle you want this here you can have it just take it hold on there down now hold on you can have this but you can’t be mad at me okay oh okay all right cool you can have it enjoy oh that was kind of easy so all

It takes is simply just giving you a shiny Pokémon this means I can make so many jokes as long as I have a shiny can’t attack me me yes yes it’s so cute so uh we’re in the Mesa now let me tell you why we’re in the Mesa so I I got to

Get uh I got to get a bramble Gast a bramble Gast so they spawn on the Mesa Savannah at all times so Bramble Gast should be somewhere here chilling it’s like a gash I actually don’t know where I was getting at with that one but it’s literally just like a those those things

That spin bro what why why did I keep forgetting the name you know what I’m talking about nith what what’s the thing that spins in the desert hey a tumble weed tumble weed that’s it oh it was frustrating me I was like what what spins in the desert biome tumble weed

Boom look at this it’s like a gas was reincarnated into a tumble weed I I’ve actually never caught that Pokemon so I don’t really know what it looks like but that’s my that’s my theory of what a bramble Gast is going to look like has anybody found one yet I’m struggling

Here bro where’s this Bramble gasam in who s me you want me to evolve my Pokemon or do you want me to freak out catching something special I think the Moose Army wants me to do a little bit of both I’m just trying to evolve my

Pige and I still got to get my Pokemon to 100 cuz every single video we got we got to get the Pokemon team to 100 it’s like the it’s like the rule you know what I mean something like that hi can I be your friends oh what you guys don’t

Want to be friends but I thought we were going to have lunch together what’s ooh what’ you give him what is that oh where’d you get that from a whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on hold on hold I we can talk about this we can

Talk about this what do you want you you you you want moose Mo go thank this you want some ah ah you almost one shot me yo you almost actually one shot me bro it did so much damage it did so much damage I’m fearing for my life somebody please send

Help did you’all ever collect Pokemon cards yeah I have a pokeddex of Pokemon cards going oh metag Groudon what was your uh that’s not a metal ground that’s a regular Groudon that’s a Primal Groudon Connor Earth to Connor your head’s on backwards uh can somebody help Connor his head’s on backwards what what

Was your rarest Pokemon card um Shiny Pikachu Shiny Pikachu is that a Pokemon card do they make those M uh yes but I’ve got an ancient Mew you have an ancient Mew I had an ancient Mew good old times I thought they were like I really thought they were like the most

Rare Pokemon cards and then I found out they’re like $7 off eBay are they right now cuz they were 90 last I check 90 bucks I mean maybe the price went up but listen I don’t know it’s been a long hello voice voice hello there was only

One run of Ancient M card and they’re never going to be re-released so ah so it’s like super rare to have an ancient MW card moose Army comment down below what is your rarest Pokemon card okay and have you had an ancient new Pokemon card I feel like a lot of people have

Definitely had one if you were into like Pokemon cards but I think Pokemon cards are like still popular right Everyone likes them dude where’s this gas I see BR the ancient Mew from going to the Pokemon movie hi what’s your Pokemon card hi ancient me but also we should

Catch I I should get a Mew and a shiny me does anyone have a notepad real quick I just I just hold on let me just let me just get muina ancient Mew okay all right what what else would you like for your order and a shiny me okay and give

Muina $20 billion okay um yay and okay all right I got it sir Jeffrey theii we’ll be here to with your delivery very soon okay what yo who was that did somebody just talk I heard like a weird like sound no wasn’t me uh there’s a pink ryhorn

There’s another one pink ryhorn a Quagsire no I love Quagsire just bro I like how you look who made you look like that bro oh don’t worry Quagsire we all love you Lu’s apparently becoming best friends with quagar so congratulations you get a Pokemon thank you for the Pokemon oh

Flip I use my rare candies thank you for the r stop it don’t go all NPC on me okay we’re not doing this we’re not becoming NPCs bro yo anybody going to catch this Hoopa hoop where is it which Hoopa is it is it Unchained or you can get it

Unchained if you use a bottle on it you got to use a uh a prison bottle or smash a bottle over its head and then become no no no that’s not how you do it you know don’t be smashing no bottles over bro no no no you need to get a a bottle

It’s called a prison bottle wow I was actually right dude oh I really thought I was about to get roasted in the comments again dude go literally the com’s been roasting me dude I’ve been getting like hardcore roasted like bro chill man where’s this Bramble guest you

Know what we should do to find Bramble gas what wait what should we do we should sing the Bramble gas song Oh pidge’s evolving what’s the Bramble gas song did your still evolve by the way I got my Pidgey evolved so now you got to evolve yours we got to both do together

Uh I got a I got a I got a battle do it battle do it okay I got a pidgeotto let’s go Pidgeotto dude when I first had a pidgeotto in my first game or a Pidgeot I forgot what I called it but I think it was like moose bird it was like

The most creative name oh no no no birdie moose moose bird creative yep is that already spell birdie yeah what Pokémon is this yo it’s former Rex it’s actually really cool what what is that you combine pokon what that that’s a brambling bro I need a bramble Gast where’s the Bramble Gast

You got to do the Bramble gas song okay all right what’s what’s the Bramble gas song say it already where going to find a ramble gas gamble gas I’m going to catch a bramble gas I don’t have a Banette I have a dust but I don’t got a Banette yep don’t got

This thing I don’t have a wall ring either oh bro I’m really missing out after spending a ton of days inside of the Meson bomb and the sand bomb I have finally found myself a bramble guest I know it took a long time but there it is so now we can move forward

With their Pokemon Adventure yo Bramble guest my boy look at me bro bro I told you he’s like a spooky tumble weed with like Gass eyes I’m telling you it’s literally look s evolving s evolving yo Pidgeot looks so sick with the hair he’s he’s got like that Super Saiyan mode

He’s like hey I’m super saiyan Pidge y or should I say birie moose that’s right birie moose F Coco oh what the f Coco doing I want a shiny F Coco whoa can I see your sentet is it like really cute it’s right here looking hold on let me

Let me type it in on my Google Maps real quick over here but you don’t know how to do that thing like people do on Twitch where they you know geolocator guess I’ll oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah professional geolocator bro I know I have no idea what you’re talking about

I’ll send you a picture of this mountain and you can go find oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got you bro where is it oh dude shiny Furret that’s that’s did you just murder the furet yes all those times missina made me hate her it’s all time for payback

You know what moose huh what I wasn’t was I talking out loud this whole time I was going to give you this nice pumpkin pie is it poison no what happened literally what happened okay uh that wasn’t yeah it wasn’t you we just crashed the

Server bro I didn’t mean to do that so there’s some Pokemon below I don’t care I don’t care over it I need raru toaru you know like the Pokemon o a toast my name is Toad Co SC looks so cute I love it just like hi I’m toad

Cool hi I’m going to eat your face I can walk all land w w w where are you see it I see it I see it who want the rushy R okay so oh sorry oh no it’s been a few days and now we are in uh we’re in the middle of

Nowhere quite literally in the middle of nowhere so the giant Spruce tiger Hills there’s also a wug Trio if y’all want it is it like a giant wug Trio look it always weird uh but in oh I found the py yo what you come from oh wait a minute is

That what I think it is it’s a peler yo peler he look so cute hi how you doing Shuckle dude I have to get a shiny Shuckle what what like like Shuckle oh yeah yeah yeah like Shuckle from I don’t have a shiny Shuckle bro I need to get a

Shiny Shuckle that’s going to be my goal for this video have to get a shiny Shuckle bro that’s the only way all right so anyways we are here to catch a py and I got one so let’s just find some other Pokemon dude I still got to de up

There’s another pomy look there’s another one you want a py yes oh this one’s kind of this one’s like kind of tiny so it’s like it’s like the perfect Pokemon for you bro look at it look how cute it is I love it uhoh oh it’s so adorable it’s getting away there’s more

Pomies don’t worry there’s like a bunch of them I need to get that one it’s so small There’s a pikachu I see a Pikachu Pikachu look Pikachu oh all I heard was Conor screen Pikachu and just C his microphone just cut out it’s just gone dude this place is like stacked with

Pokemon Bro ISU Teddy Ursa look at the teddy Ursa yo what the teddy Ursa doing I’m a Teddy Ursa just a little teddy bear teddy bear little teddy bear teddy bear Hy seeing any Pokemon I haven’t caught yet boy Croy I’m in the middle of nowhere and I’m looking for all the rare

Pokémon what is that I have no no water what is that what’ you find it’s just a huge Pokemon I was like what’s this invisible Pokémon what do you mean it’s a huge Pokemon I don’t even see it just look up in the tree back up yo yo

That’s a terrifying looking Beedrill bro hold let me let me just chop it down all right everybody hold hold me back real quick I’m just going to chop this tree down watch out watch out boom okay don’t you love I mean uh drills M bite it this

Is the only way to face your fear you have to eat it eat it for backfish go what do you mean just you just go like this like just just take a bug out of it it’s not going to do anything it’s just a bug it’s just like giant wasp that

Will probably sting you and kill you it’s like the size of you but you know no big deal come on come on nothing’s going to happen bro absolutely what Pokemon are we looking for now uh good question yo Everybody follow me my moose sensors are tangling look at the thing

It’s a charger bug yo he’s charged up cuz he’s a bug get it he’s like a bug charger you actually look like a like like an iPhone plug socket or something follow your boy moose I am the leader now yes yes follow me ooh a vikavolt I

Think’s pretty cool where is we’re we’re missing one ketchup oh sorry nift mustard no not mustard I’m ketchup okay ketchup it’s dark where you at he’s lost I don’t know are you lost in the W again come on you know this it’s Anum ium I

Know M is going to freak out for this one it’s kind of C you can’t see y put your eyes on are you stuck how’ you get stuck what Happ hi hi follow me where you looking you you’re just looking at the zum yo you got to be kidding me bro

A zerum spawn okay I’m just trying to show you guys a new building bro I’m literally trying to take you’all to a new building right now we’re just is getting all these crazy Pokemon out of nowhere tomorrow okay so where where’s this zeum dude oh I found it’s right here it’s lit

Right here oh was camouflaging what’s up zum how you doing dude got a Stuffle I already got a Stuffle another too dearu and worm anybody going to catch that zeum or am I going to have to show you guys how is who do you think caught it

Oh all right now you’re here now you’re here huh where’ you come from now you left us alone you don’t say anything and you just ketchup in us huh get it Ketchup like catching up to us ketchup and us get I’m sorry I’m I’m so bad with these jokes

Today full P yo bu bu look b pigs oh she already caught it that that love ball literally came out of your forehead I didn’t even see you throw it it just like it like it just came out of nowhere bro all right anyways now that you guys

Have all the Pokemon you want can you guys please follow me I’m going to yes I’m ready I’m lost I’m I’m lost okay you just follow me just follow me I’m going to find the spot okay so we’re looking for for a special Pokémon place oh I’m

Actually lost all right everybody fly up everybody fly up wait I don’t have it you want to have your wings do you have any Rockets I only have two rockets you only have two rockets uh okay thisy is this thing over here in the ocean yeah it’s the thing in the

Ocean meet me the ocean come to the ocean there’s this floating well not a floating building it’s like it’s like in the water and also outside the water oo oh I see what’s going on here this is a uh it’s a lan chalice so it’s like the

Same thing for AR or Rus looks like the same exact thing unfortunately I don’t think I can really do anything to it can I break it oh I can break it no way dude all right I got my strong shotty lore on I’m looking pretty good oh I can just

Breathe underwater like permanently I think it’s my backpack my backpack gives me like this breathing ability backpack backpack yeah it’s this one right here ability enabled back backpack backpack yo there’s got to be some kind of like a uh a rare Pokemon item in here I I’m

Pretty sure they got like some good stuff oh no M I hope you don’t fall to the water and drown ah I trying to anywhere on you’re not going anywhere I’m going to break every we can get out I’m I’m sorry I didn’t like actually like mean like you were going to drown

You just oh you look mad just casually eating underwater okay you know I thought there was going to be something cool there I haven’t found anything yeah what you what did you do you did you do something you eating stuff don’t don’t eat any buttons bro don’t don’t be don’t

Be that guy he’s going to be that guy all right a sp there is a absolutely oh look at that this is my 25th Shiny Magikarp or something like that I’m I’m going to get you thank you for the Magikarp yo I found a poo a a poo yeah

It’s a poo that’s so cute I have a Litton but I don’t have the evolution forms of Lon which is kind of surprising right but uh the PPO looks so cute luina do not do not eat the poo I know you like to eat seals I I know that’s your

Deepest dark secret this is a secret rocket you should use it what does it do what this what does it do F I’m going to what bro how far do I go didn’t do anything ah it exploded on me yo are you trying to get me killed hold on are you

Serious wait it doesn’t do anything oh it explodes me why is this a thing wait what who made this dangerous rock it explodes in your hand like what shiny sh get it it’s oh actually I mean I I think I have one do I have one

I I have bro I don’t have a Shad I don’t have a golet dude I’m literally the noob I swear I had these Pokemon and they just disappear out of my inventory like that’s like my theory dude honestly there another shiny shiny cloop plus yes yo a shiny cloop plus and it’s shule

It’s not a shiny Shuckle I’m kind of upset but maybe oh Poo wait wait wait wait come back here come here come here poo come here buddy look at this thing dude it looks really cute so I don’t have a pmo so we’re just going to go ooh

A mystery D it touch it bro bro did you just bro did you just you want to square up right now bro bro Hold Me Back M hold me back bro somebody hold me back I’m holding my sh back hey hey hey hey hey you literally punched me and I almost

Died nobody gets she’s strong man oh you’re going to need that you should probably we’re going to we’re going to need that we going to need this orb I I’m being serious we going to need this orb it’s really important the next thing we do you know what actually how about

This how about we go to the freezing tiger mile okay right we got we got some unfinished business there all right is M I’m going to help you get your first bird Pokémon which is kind of a book from terrified just like the peer out of

Nowhere we’re going to help you get your first Pokemon first bird legendary Pokemon ooh a legendary bird yeah Articuno zap or I think we’re going to go with Articuno first I think that’s like seems to be your favorite right I love Articuno and by the way I just want

A Shuckle I really just want a shiny Shuckle like I’m just like hoping let’s find you one you see one here another one here but not a shiny Shuckle what a sad day I’m so sad look how tiny this thing is look how sad it look subscribe to save moose it’s

A Baner hello bun we got to find a shiny guys we should go rob this Village right here oh this Village right here Rob give me your money the rocket launcher I’m kidding don’t rocket launcher but no I got the TNT watch out guys not okay I

Shouldn’t do that I shouldn’t do that I’m going crash the server give me this yo there’s revives here in this chest these are probably useful right here this one right here get the revives get to the revives we need it o some more po my no so itchy

Bro Santa Claus has a quick ball he have love balls P berries are pretty good I like P berries all right so we’re here in the Giant Tiger Hills biome um there’s a daycare right here by the way all right I’m breaking in hey yo hey shopkeeper put the eggs in the pocket

Well like like put the eggs in my bag man I’ll be the worst robber ever bro put the eggs inside of my pocket o I got my celium I’m taking that taking the my celium y there’s a bunch of stuff you got cake bro we got cake yo cake I love

Some me some cake and they got grass blocks kind of useful I mean I have silk touch but you know that kind of the same thing can we hatch eggs yes so we can actually breed Pokemon and hatch some eggs so we we could do that if you want

M I know we haven’t got to that yet but I can put that on the list can we hatch a toab we could hatch a toap I don’t know how to hatch one but yeah we can we can hatch one yeah you want one yeah

Like hatching a toap is just kind of the experience you got I know what you mean you know I I got one but how about this I’ll hatch one with you you know we can go on a Togepi adventure and hatch toap cuz right now I’m going hatch you the

Santa who you been you even show up I was Wai bro it’s Christmas time what’s bro I got coal for Christmas oh I I got a bunch of Pokéballs it’s not even Halloween yet yo we going to skip Halloween and go trade the Christmas okay no no no well oh I mean Nightmare

Before CH tried to do that oh who died did you just kill Santa oh Santa oh he’s there give me coal okay all right bro was like I don’t like Santa Claus anymore bro you gave me coal oh my pidgey’s evolving o your pidge’s evolving no way so now you got a

Shiny Pidgeotto just like me so now we both got two shiny Pidgeot so M we’re going to do a race who’s going to get a shiny Pidgeot first oh by the way I found a p come on look at this thing look at this it’s like a giant Pikachu

On like two legs wait Pikachu is already on two legs it just looks like a Pikachu I don’t are you floating what how are you doing that all right’s cetch it so M’s got a pidgeotto mus armi I got a pidgeotto and we’re going to do this

Race so I’m going to just I’m just going to leveling on my Pokemon all right so we’re going to see who gets it first and how about this and the winner that gets the shiny Pidgeot first has to give uh oh the loser has to spend 25 days in

Prison wait what what you never seen that before no is a mega low py that’s a mega form right there’s a mega low py I never knew that existed like what it is kind of cool bro and speaking of Mega low py yes Mega 107 nah bro come on all right Max Quake

It is go on okay all right moose quaza is uh is on the way of dying moose moose quaza has indeed died it it’s it’s dead it is dead I don’t know what this thing’s going to do H oh dude oh come on no not shadow

Dang it oh man that is annoying okay you know what I’m going to I’m going to go for the max revives as long as I can get Pidgeotto evolved I’m going to win the challenge so I don’t got to stay in prison I’m out of Max arrives you got to

Be kidding me I’m great great oh my Charmeleon evolving you Charmeleon what are you about to have a shiny charizard is it a shiny you you going to have a shiny charizard before me BR bro I’m not saying I’m jealous but I’m kind of jealous right now M oh the iron leaves

No not the why does iron leaves have bro come on no dang it dang it I got wrecked by a mega Baner oh no why dude why you do this to me please why you do this my friend well on the right side M’s got a shiny charizard can I see your shiny

Charizard what do you got yeah you can see my shiny shiny charizard I’m a pokey heal this thing up boom all right what do you got ooh a shiny charizard Charizard the peckish nice yeah that’s a pretty cool looking Pokemon I found a fry B found another fry back here oh

Yeah so I got the Pokemon I need so the next thing is we’re going to go to the bird Shrine but I’m still trying to find a Pokemon to level up from well well well if it isn’t a herac Cru oh by the way if you’re wondering

For the stats for iron leaves so iron leaves has max. Dynamax level which is a good thing okay now it’s got Quirk Drive which just just boosts energy boost something like that boosting boosting stats all right this is it for the moves it’s terrible it’s got quick attack

Quick guard and sword dance absolutely horrendous but hopefully we can teach you some better moves and and for the stats the uh attack is pretty high and the special defense is also high up so it’s it’s okay it’s overall like a pretty cool Pokemon now I’m kind of

Curious though can I can I can I ride you bro you look so sick look at it’s like a robot it’s like a it’s literally a paradox robot Pokemon so sick all right how about this D can I hop on your back no I can’t yo what I can’t ride on

The Pokemon a come on dude a bro come on why Lu is actually trying to level up her Pokemon I just have that feeling have you been you are what LEL your Pokemon at uh a level ah okay so you you’re not too far ahead all right

That’s all I need to know I’m not ahead at all I’m pretty sure I mean I’m level 17 if it helps or 18 R youram again bro what oh bro not this again dude stop this Heracross why is Heracross so op like what what oh why

Did I use Whirlwind why would I use Whirlwind out of all the moves I could have used I use Whirlwind bro all right Heracross you’re going down go quaza oh I just one shot it Y moad is [Applause] op yes big boy oh yes yes many

Things yo this is my time to shine XP candym Christina I’m going to win it I’m telling you I’m going to win this challenge wait XP candy is cheating no it’s not I got a legit from a Pokemon that I fought I fought a boss Pokemon so

It counts counts right no doesn’t that count who is that can you stop dribble oh he did stop he’s dead uhoh yo I found the rushi ram I found it it was trying to fly away it’s literally trying to fly away but it’s stuck on a

Tree wait what if I like break the tree and I’m just going to break the tree bro yo actually now that I think about it I don’t even have the fusion form of ruean because apparently it got reset or something so I don’t have any more ruam

Like forms or you know you know what I’m talking about right the isn’t it Kum kyum like the kyum white Andy Black you know what I’m talking about uh is that what it’s called so you fuse the Pokemon so if use a RI Ram with a Kym and it

Does that it makes that special Pokemon so I don’t have that so I’m going to catch it I’m going take it for myself did I oh first try yo bro I got a first try what you going to do guys I’m stuck in the battle arena you’re stuck what do

You how are you stuck I’m stuck below it they tra me in here what why are you stuck there every time I leave they try try to battle me wait what oh so you’re like actually stuck in the battle arena like you’re not a kidding come come to

Bro bro’s just like suffering down there he’s like please somebody help me oh myana you’re done for uh M what you looking what you looking at like what what what do you got level 27 not not quite not quite so you telling me I’m winning huh that’s not fair yes well I

Just fought a boss Pokemon so it kind of helped Conor are you are you has killed me it was the solution you killed my friend I I caught you red-handed you’re on camera what do you mean it was the only solution you could just built out

For him now you’re trapped in there what do you mean bro was like yeah uh I just had to kill him I’m like actually a hater it was it was the only solution it was the only way my friend had to go welcome yes mavi welcome to the snow

Biome so we’re here in the brand new Shrine so there been a new update for the shrines and oh that’s that’s a big bear bro that’s a big looking bear so what level does uh birdie moose ball like what is that supposed to be what do

You get a Pidge 36 or 36 3 those yo I think M’s catching up to me right now she’s been a little bit quiet you know I I can tell been grinding are you grinding is that what you’re doing no yeah yeah yeah I I I can hear in your

Voice you’re nervous I know what you’ve been doing so this is the Uno Shrine that’s right so there’s been a new Uno Shrine room o Glacier Glacier oh oh a shiny it’s a shiny it’s literally a shiny I know it’s not a shiny dang it my shiny senses were tingling y everybody

Make sure you have your uh shiny lures on all right so uh strong Shin oh you’re died you want one want I I what is in here bro knock knock I can I come in is there something got to be a secret right no no no secret all right I’m out ow you

Almost blew me up dude with the f firework hey chill chill bro so this is the owner Shrine and it’s supposed to have like some new ruins to it and also like actual enemies to battle which is it’s actually perfect for me bird moose

Get in there yo he’s got it oh he’s got the alola Ninetails what alolan nwn um excuse me birdie moose did you just die birdie moose you had one job Bo what happened there dude actually died from that bro come on biry moose you embarrassing me you’re literally

Embarrassing me right come on come on come on Shadow moose you got this going in for the sweep we’re going to sweep the Pokemon Team all right there we go lon’s holding in oh you’re done for I’m catching up I’m literally like this is this is the secret right here once you

Bree through these levels you just get levels for days wait I probably shouldn’t be telling you my secret though I have to find trainers to battle mine yes come on come on come on oh what are you made of what the heck are you made of no stop stop stop oh bro

I have no good moves Shadow moose Shadow moose hold on on sh moose it’s is all the time right now here we go Max M storm let’s go dynamaxing Shadow Lugia let’s go hang in there dude why I hate when these Pokemon to heal up they just

Like they’re just so op somehow oh come on you got to be kidding me oh no what am I dying from ah all right fine Mo quaza get in there Dragon Ascent you’re done dude yo you are done how are you still healing from what Oho now oh no

How are you healing there’s a shiny vanilla tiny vanillite ooh that’s all yours huh the MMO sne what oh not iron leaves bro iron leaves literally has the wor you caught it congratulations thank you I don’t know what this mammal schwi has been pumped up with just this mammal

Swine’s got some kind of it’s so tiny how was he even doing damage okay play rough it is low key low key what are you made of bro tell me no secret formula what is it dude stop it oh close combat doing his thing oh bar okay you know

What I got it oh oh okay all right I’m about to lose my battle I am about to lose my battle no I’m not going to get killed by a barbaric bro of course I’m going to get killed by a barbaric you know what it’s fine it’s fine I’m not

Even mad I have one more level to go and I’m going to win this challenge against M yes are you stressing I can smell the stress huh trying oh yes come on come on no no no no don’t Li me who’s quaza Dragon Ascent

How did you get out dur quaza how do a ail outspeed you it’s just not possible all right I forfeit yo birdie boost is evolving ladies and gentlemen I got a shoty Pidgeot so that means that musina over here musina yes musina you’re going to jail for a long what long time yeah

Wait that’s that was it you have to stay in jail well I guess you have to stay in a what what did we make the agreement I already forgot what we’re talking about I didn’t hear anything about jail do mean the loser were supposed to stay in

Jail or like in a cage for like 25 days right is that what we said all right well what’s going on here what’s going on so it looks like somebody somebody’s trying to sneak out huh no’s like no I will not Conor Conor Conor you know what to

Do get the bars get the bars right now H bring the bars we’re putting no no no no no no that’s the wrong bars I’m talk about you know what fine I’m just going to look for it myself prison bars bro prison bars what do we oh yeah yeah yeah

The prison bars bro hold on I we can set it up I’m going to give her like a TV in there or something okay all right M you’re going to jail right now it’s going to be a sad day for you all right we’re just going to hurry bro hurry

While she’s in a battle hurry up okay okay I’m coming I’m coming coming oh no running out of time dude she’s going to get out of battle dang it out of the way bro all right do it do it do it here I’m going to set up for TV all right we

See’s evolving you staying in jail I got you a TV uh if you want I also got you a fan here you go there you go so uh enjoy oh look birdie moose it’s a Pidge shiny Pidge looks so sick I love it and I can

Fly on it oh look at you budy this reminds me of the first Pokemon game I played oh what good times though seriously like what what good times who do I have a Zang Goose no Zang Goose what you like being in jail did she break out did she actually break out no

I don’t are you are you stucka how do you get stuck on everything wait you broke out of jail run run K trying to kill you run oh you guys are evil why you kill her oh wait Conor died oh I saved Christina wow dude ni ni ketchup

The savior all right cool I won the challenge I you’re actually stuck yo you literally just put yourself in your own jail cell by stepping on that block can you not get out I can’t get out she’s actually stuck that’s so funny dude hia if you give me your next Shiny

Pokemon you get I will break you out of jail never what you really you really would rather stay in jail all right fine I’m going to break you out anyway just cuz I’m nice there you go she’s stuck again stop getting stuck on things all right well hey we both got a shiny

Pidgeot so that means the Pokedex is 848 out of 885 so pretty good pretty good stuff um Now where’s the bird Shrine this is it okay this is it so look huh are you stuck again no okay I was just making sure just making sure my Pidgeot stopped evolving no you’re lying you’re

Lying bro oh sorry that was wrong Pokemon I was trying to show you birdie moose look birdie moose a look at him a it’s so so sad it’s just a regular Pidgeotto you want to like you you want some okay fine you know what I’ll be

Nice I’ll be nice here you go here you go I know I’m the best just say moose is the best just subscribe to Moose just just say that y say subscribe sub subscribe to subscribe to Moose subscribe to Moose yeah there you go yeah you see sh me

Boom see subscribe you got to do up sh up up yay it’s evolving dang it I didn’t get it I trying to steal it from you shiny St no no no no no no no no no no no shiny snor hun snor hun yo he looks

Really cool I’ve never seen a shiny snor before y it actually looks really really cool there’s my palut there’s my shiny clobal plusus and my shiny Magikarp and the shiny Stow runs yo let’s go look at this thing dude that’s actually really sick I like it check it out aha you

Missed out bro did you get it m look at him let me see let me see what you got where are you I’m right here hey oh a vanillish look at looky looky oh it’s so cute and I got biry Mouse the thick boy yes look at my Pidgey eye it’s so it’s

So small yeah it looks tiny dude all right so now we both got the shiny pidot um Connor do you have an ice stone I’m still walking back to you guys guy are you still give me back right now you do not want to see my wrath give me back my

PC box if you don’t oh you’re in the PC oh I am I am oh okay this is this is weird this is awkward oh hey what’s up man you’re back you you’ve been through a what’s up man what like what bro everybody listen up boys you listen up

You catchup you listen up inside here I have an ice stone okay you seen you seen this already okay so you take the ice stone all right where’s the orb did I where’d he go he literally oh okay you take the ice dang it Len for a second

You take the ice stone which is the one on my other hand can you see this then you take this thing the orb that you put inside inventory and you make a frozen Souls you can’t put me on fire I have a backpack on you need three

175 koos you got me you take this take that give it back right now give it back right now bro give it back just do it you don’t want to see her mad bro you don’t want I threw it I threw it it’s all the way over here dang it dude dang

It is why we can’t have anything nice you guys always end up like destroying or something okay you know what you know what I’m just going to calm myself down in my shiny Pidgeot I’m a happy camper right we’re going to we’re going to go and switch out the shiny Pidge with my

Back Scout oh you know what iron moose looks pretty cool I’m going to level up iron moose all right boom here you go take this now every time we defeat a Pokemon this is going to get complete you need to catch uh you have to defeat 375 Pokémon you have to defeat

And and and Slaughter 375 Pokémon so I have to defeat that many Pokemon yeah why is just so big bro why does it look like a gigantic orb so once you do that you can battle anything so you can defeat these venites and once you fill

It up you got to go all the way over here see right here check it out and this is called the Articuno Shrine okay so you’re going to put put that thing inside this thing once you get 375 Pokémon now if you want to see how many

You defeated oh you have to right click at the floor right click it and it’ll tell you see it I need 37 you have 375 Pokemon to ko. okay so it’s not that bad it’s like only 375 Pokemon to kill I have another question how do I evolve my

EV to a glaci oh you have to use the ice stone I just used to give you that so you need an ice stone WEA we probably have one at the house cuz we have like unlimited amount of items but uh are you guys good are you guys fighting with

Fireworks you can do that you can use fireworks with your arrows what is what is going on what is happening this is like an Avengers battle bro chill I’m out cosmog is trying to evolve cosmog wait are you going to get to lunala or selio lunala is a night time Soo is in

The day well I I stopped it cuz I I want L yeah you want okay all right just figing sure all right let’s get out of here hey moose you didn’t know you use fireworks ow ow bro oh no bro get M take her out bro I don’t want oh yo yo

The pites guys everybody the pites are here there’s why is there so many pitches what happened coming to destroy you they’re they’re coming to eat me they’re L want to eat me alive all right so mavi we are W that’s a thick wo oh bro Y what got you looking like that bro

All right so welcome to the dose Shrine now M I got a few things I got to give you all right M listen on a scale from 1 through 10 how much do you like glacon like a nine oh really all right I brought together 1 billion glacons okay

I’m just kidding I actually didn’t do that I was just going to do like a funny intro but listen I brought together 6 million ice stones and you’re going to get one right now for a glaci what do you guys say about that W that’s a lot

Of ice stone I’m going to give you an ice stone right now woo it’s like it’s like when you’re at a game show and you just get a prize you’re like oh yeah it’s kind of cool man thank you there you go look you got an e moina musina just got a glacon

You’re not going to believe it musina how excited are you for a glacon so excited yeah everybody subscribe for 3 billion cookies 3 million cookies oh no three three billion cookies three three billion I know look at it all right take 3,06 get at it that thing looks so cute

All right can I get can I just get a little no no where’d you go why is it so bro why is it so fast why is that thing zooming I’m actually like concerned about that it’s Lally zooming dude all right everybody everybody follow me follow your boy moose I’m

Going to be the uh the the the the team leader AKA uh the the excavation leader aka the uh tour guide dude here so we’re going to be heading on over inside of these beautiful shrines we have a dose Shrine this comes with brand new runes

All right so now we’re going to go all the way up here follow follow me follow me okay come on you up there oh okay okay I’ll see you up there in a second oh hi oh King of the hell man that hurt a lot like I almost died there bro as I

Was saying let me just go back up there even though I’m like lagging up a storm here cuz pixon be lagging it’s lagging all right so oh hoop it I have something for you oh it’s so nice bro you guys in your fireworks BR I’m I’m worried for my life thank you so

Much Maniac you know I love to eat flowers thank you for the Roses Moy I’m kidding I would never eat your flowers that would be disgusting all right so I have two orbs see that hand this a thunder stone you take the Thunderstone and you put it

With the orb and you create the orb of static Souls now you take the Firestone you P it with the orb all right which is the orb right here in my hand now you make the orb of fiery Souls now the more Pokemon you defeat the more of these

Fill up now here’s the thing if you defeat one Pokemon it does not fill up all three so whichever is like the first in your inventory to the top that is the one that’s going to get filled up so it depends on which one you want too here

You go why are this so big bro why does it look why does it look like that bro things like the size of your face like I don’t I don’t get it so yeah choose whichever you want and put at the top so meaning like uh the first one at the top

The first slot in your inventory you get what I mean like underneath your boots oh underneath my boots yeah so like I mean you don’t have to put it there but simply that’s how the order goes so whichever is underneath the boots first so for example if you you get the point

Right it’s like 1 2 3 okay that’s how it works so that’s what’s going to get filled up first so total you have to defeat 1,000 and 25 Pokemon nope that map is not adding up is it is it adding up 375 * 3 hold on hold on 375 * 3

1,125 I can math I can math all right cool so get ground M cuz I’m I’m out of here we’re going to go to the next Shrine let’s go oh a Chikorita uh I have a Chikorita oh oh I don’t have a chikita hold wait a minute I do have

One but anybody want Chikorita yes you have a shiny Chikorita M why do you not why do you need another one I don’t have a shiny one wait you have a regular one yeah so you want another chor okay you have it there you go you have you must

Have like 20 of the same Pokemon oh I found the a Persian dude I was missing a Persian and I’m about to get me a Persian bro oh look at this I still can’t believe I don’t have this Pokemon I was kind of like I was kind of

Sad I don’t have a Wigglytuff bro I don’t have a wiggly Tu Wiggly but Wiggly is one of the best no I like that’s what I’m saying Wiggly puff what that’s not that’s not a Pokemon is it Wiggly puff I don’t think jiggly puff Jigglypuff bro

Said Wiggly puff I was like what is he talking about I could have believe it dude all right iron Thorns uh wild charge oh dude I’m fighting a level 120 sorry was trying to express my rat you know what I mean no okay just make it sure I don’t want to sound crazy

To you guys right I’m not crazy right yeah I mean that’s debatable so you know what bro I I I I just want to tell you right now we should have an intervention I I I I think you’re losing it you’re crazy mhm wait wait you guys are actually like

Being serious no it’s just been so long since i’ like you know had friends and I just I’m just going to cry thank you for the pokeballs all right let’s do this so this oh this is the lame Shrine ah dang it I was about to say moose Army o it’s

A Ducket there’s a Ducket here hi hi Ducket hi duck look adorable yeah it looks kind of adorable so as I was saying we got to go to the Tres Shrine the number three Shrine this is uh this is like the old version of it but the

New TR shrines do have ruins you know we’re just going to we’re just going to go find it we’re just going to go get it for you guys what you got wow that is the smallest me out ever it’s a little bab Who whoo wait wait wait where where’d

You get that one from whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on musina hold on hold on a second listen listen listen listen listen it wasn’t actually me it was actually Connor m m calm yourself take it calm yourself down deep breath Mach deep breath to

Calm down no no no no m m look look it was it was a prank it was a prank all along so I could show you this me out right here it was a prank all along it wa whoa what what you why why you give

That to her bro she can take my eye out bro ow my face oh look M you want this Sharita is look at how cute it is oh look it’s the swestar ever oh it’s so cute oh my God it’s you better stay back stay back it’s going to get it okay well

I mean you caught it so I guess so much for that look it’s a tiny Meowth shiny w W shiny Wu shiny Wu shiny wuin who wants it who wants it yeah stay back that’s going to get it oh oh she got it dang it I need I need some

Leverage here guys I need some leverage okay hold on fast ball then I have Fast did you catch it you got it congratulations I love it it’s back away from the meow or he gets it got that if you want this meow you want to play this game with me oh I can play this game jump three times do a 360

Three times and the M gets it do it three times that’s not a 360 I didn’t see Simon Says Mo says jump three times M says stop oh is it help help it does so much more damage are mine no leave me alone I’m just a small little

Moose listen I brought every single one of you here if you want to go are we doing this again bro welcome to the m now right behind me right over here so this is going to be the brand new Tres Shrine Tre Shrine TR dang it all right welcome so

Anyways follow me ignore all the boss Pokemon ignore everything we got a boss nackle over here but uh this right here is the most important part so uh the trade sh is pretty cool uh this means we can get a Zapdos wait no uh mol Trace

Yeah mol Trad so M if you catch three I mean if you defeat 375 Pokemon that means you get them all Tracer so get excited for that cuz you know you get a you get a mold Trac of stuff but there it is right here just come up here wait

Where’d she go I’m coming I’m coming I’m I’m right behind you oh there you are this is it so all you got to just fill up the thing and then go over here and boom you got a mold TR so that that my C now uh what is what’s going on here

Though is this like a m shaft that’s connected is this part of it I don’t I can’t I can’t go in a m i don’t think it’s part of it no it’s definitely not part of it it’s kind of like a cool spot though like it’s like a I would lowkey

Live here you know what I mean it looks like very like lowkey and stuff looks top secret like maybe a meteor crash or something in it I don’t know it’s pretty nice it’s a I would say out of all the ones I think that this might be one of

The coolest shrines so far but I don’t know musari comment down below which one of these are your favorite Shrine I think this is pretty sick though so there’s a Pokémon like what Pokemon haven’t we caught yet uh there’s a bunch of rorn a lot yeah definitely a lot I’m

At 849 Pokemon caughts I’ve only caught like 10 new Pokemon so far and no don’t wor don’t worry moose Army we still got to go back to the Moose I’m not sure what’s going on with me as I was hey though moose Army we got

To go all the way back to the Moose town and we’re going to do the comment of the day or the Moose comment wall comment of the wall you spying on me I can literally see you right there I can see youa spying on me look at her she’s like

She’s like down there she like I see moose I was looking at my Pokedex oh oh okay I oh never mind then anybody want a terator Tator Tator Tator Pokémon you have how many 195 you’ve caught 195 Pokémon mhm wait what what seriously that’s actually a lot like that’s actually a lot seriously

Like you’ve only been playing for a little bit and she’s already at 195 Pokemon yo at this point she might catch up all right so yeah I’m at 849 still got a long way to go I’m just missing a lot of simple Pokemon but yo I’m I’m ready for some levels I’ve been

Definitely lacking so oh bro I’m totally going to get wrecked oh man you want some of this you want some of this Steelix y Mo quaza let’s show him how it’s done okay we’re going to just go ahead and uh Dynamax my Pokemon what’s your what’s your Pokemon levels at

Everybody what you guys got all 100 all 100s did you even level up any new Pokemon though oh the no nothing level four dang it dang it bro you got me you got me no hydrop pump please land it yes I got the Steelix and I got a few levels

Ooh XP candy XL and a dark inm Z nice nice I cck it if it is a if hello my friend how are you doing stop this I’m tired of your firework Rockets bro have a stick all yours ooh a carcoal uh I got to find myself

The Colossal I think I caught it before I just haven’t seen it yet where where where’s my colossal I got to still gigantamax that Pokemon dude gigantamax colossal is that what it is colossal colossal mhm something like that I was kind of expecting some new Pokemon but

Like I I haven’t seen anything in the ra a tyrant what is it Ty oh the Tyrant raid oh we could do that we could do that we could do that everybody are you ready today is another beautiful day and we got the Tyrant is that what it is Tyrant Tyrant

Tyrant Tyrant so uh what what Pokemon you guys bringing we got to are we all going to use level 100s or like what we using um yeah Alli com my strong was like level 60 in my party H you think that’s going to do it I mean I’m just

Going to use a level 100 I don’t know about you me like I don’t have a level 100 on me bro yeah I just switched out my Pokemon just for the heck of it we got to do this we have to win this together I’ve already caught one before

Oh I found a bag on y 9 level 99 is fine though that should work all right let’s send it let’s do it here we go I got my metal gr on and there we go there Conor Conor what do you got something Raza volcania do that yeah use that use that

There you go right come on is it good start the raid any M now no oh it’s working 5 4 3 2 one let’s do this it’s already at 62% Health oh wait there it goes no that that that thing’s that thing kind of thick bro look at it

I want to use Hammer arm I mean is I something Conor if you I’m telling you bro if you if you fight me I’m going to be mad bro just just take it out bro I’m not trying to be here all day dude everybody kill the ti ground beef ground

Beef looking thick yeah ground beef is my metag well not actually it is a metag Groudon yeah it’s a metag Groudon with the Primal form it’s a little weird it’s like bugged out it looks like a missing note yeah he’s a missing note text for

Some reason I don’t know how I got it it was better in the old Pokemon games don’t forget we’ve been like on so many different Pokemon versions so go is it do something did everybody choose a move I did I did I did oh oh Wow screen shaking man bro I don’t know that crunch that crunch was pretty strong wow I feel bad thing just got wrecked like literally that lasted for 2 seconds that’s amazing three Pokemon for me Scraggy who wants a Scraggy somebody can have it no I do you don’t want a

Scraggy N I think Scraggy are so cute though hey Coco there it is we are back in the musiman town baby let’s go let’s do this everybody please land safely do not into the wall okay don’t do that don’t just like run into the wall come on everybody you guys at

Oh here come to the house we got to do some comments so Mo sh me the most important part of the day oh wa where’s where where where’s my team ni catch up for mats Luc oh we lost Lu how do we are we are we loser she was where going uh I

Fell down she can’t fly like a bird where’ you fall down to are you lost he falls like a are you are you lost bird that can’t fly chicken I fell down to the ground bro did you fall down this how do we lose you where are you are all

Right never mind everyone’s here everyone’s here just some technical difficulties well welcome to the musiman town so everybody we’re Landing back in this place is looking beautiful as ever and we got some unfinished business so it’s time for the comments of the day or what do we call it I forgot what we

Called it uh to the comments to the comments there we go we got one okay where’s there’s two right there and uh hi I’m coming how they what I saw that too I don’t know what happened there so Mo Army we’ve been redoing a few things all the chests are

Here as you can see they’re stack up now we got some unfinished business I know we promised y’all but boom look at all this stuff we have everything prepped so we’re going to go ahead and decorate this entire place and build it but first to the comments we have a lot of

Comments yes that’s right we have a lot of comments now if you want to be featuring in the comments make sure you leave a like let’s get a whopping one like on this video I know it’s very difficult one like and make sure to comment down below anything you want us

To do in the Pokemon game so uh boom this is my trusty sign what do we got here lots of comments so we’re going to start off with the first one it’s going to be from Xavier Del up there we go and they said Mega Evolve shiny saveal ey

Ooh I like that one shiny saal ey all right now my Sonic 7690 says um gigantamax every Pokemon before 3,000 days that’s that’s that’s amazing I love it we’re going to totally do that we’re going to get every single gigantamax form and mushina you’re going to have to

Match me that’s the challenge you got to match me match you yeah you got to get every single J at Max form and complete your Pokédex by 3,000 days and you’re do challenge you what you have like 10 days oh well you actually have like 1,000

Days that’s not a lot of days well I did it in like 2,000 days oh that’s right I barely finished it I mean I still have like what 80 I’m at 89% completion kind of feel sad we haven’t really made that much progress this is by the way all the

Pokemon I’m missing I’m just going to go through one more time cuz everyone’s been asking like moose show me what Pokemon you’re missing it’s just a lot of the simple Pokemon like like listen why I don’t have a grum pick you know what’s what’s going on with that yeah

There’s a lot of stuff we we’re going to be here for a pretty long day if I’m going to keep scrolling so how about this in the in the next video I’ll show you guys but anyways next comment the next one we got JS iore jst musina can you do Naruto

Voice and catch ko ko here you go uh M please show them your Nar voice okay give me one second I need to prepare how do you prepare for this what do you do well you got to make sure you don’t kill your vocal cords you mean just by drinking some of these

Hutsy yeah hi everybody how you guys doing today um yeah my name is moose and uh I just drink some hot tea is that is that how it works you just drink hot tea and then it just your voice changes no or do you do like let me try to get here with

Some water with some water hold on hold on hold on oh think hold on a second bro this stuff is busting bro I didn’t know that drinking some W it would make me into this voice I ni ketchup well nith hypothetically speaking nith if I was a Pokéball and

You found me would you catch Pokémon with me um I’d probably catch a Trish is that a good thing or a bad thing is that like what who oh so you catch trash Oh I got roasted I got roasted got that you ain’t got that 10 million sub oh okay

All right everybody give me the 10 million Subs all right is your couch by the way yeah I’m going to I’m going to take the couch bag you you I’m kicking you out you you out you out of here that’s it bro that’s it wait come back I

Was kidding I was kidding we need we need we need you Nar narut oh oh uh let’s see what should I say just say anything just just like you did last time just say anything just say like moose is the best H I haven’t done this voice in

Forever so if it’s bad I don’t think anyone’s going to Care you you’re going to be trust no one’s going to Care the suspense is killing me boom I’m Naruto uzak and I’m going to be the next toag believe it no way no way wait say something with Pokemon be like

Naruto is monkey and I’m going to cat CCH you know Pokemon or something she has I think I’m going to catch a Vulpix that do makes sense that doesn’t make sense you’re right both F cuz nine tals and cuz then you can name it kirama yeah

So how do you do it you just got to go like you just got to I’m moose Zaki and no that’s sounds like an old man I know I did older Naruto before for a thing and that that one it it’s just you got to get more gravel you got to get deeper

Yeah yeah yeah like that like just do one of those things H all right so Mariam jamala says shiny charmander please get you got it I really do need one I don’t know why I don’t have a shiny charmander M’s got one so I’m kind of jealous do do do oh

Oh oh my thing’s doing a thing there you go you do be like that you do really be like that but there you go that concludes the comments to the comments so yeah tons to do space to make some more comments Bo make sure you comment

Down below like I said what you want us to do and we’ll make it happen all right so anyways to the building well well well Mr formats Hello Connor how you you’re doing the hard work for her she’s supposed to be the one building bro she can do the

Decorations I’ll do theu yeah she could do the decorations you’re right I’m so welcome to Minecraft I you you never built a Minecraft before no where’s my room where’s the window I’m leaving I’m breaking my get me out of here get me ow I’m stuck I’m stuck help help life are

You good I’m I get stuck in things I can Tell sorry sorry okay so decoration time M we’re going to be building so we got to make your place look busy bus you get me well not with this color what do you want you want it to be pink Conor your color sucks it’s not it’s not it’s not pretty

No no no I it it looks beautiful we just got to make it a little more lively like there’s only like one window what what she’s trying to say is it’s trash it’s Garb door don’t worry I’ll translate for you if you want me to you know I I can

Easily do that here where where do you want your windows we’re going to put right here okay we’re going to we’re going to make we’re going to make your window yeah put a window here put a window like that would make sense let’s see um yeah I see why Conor didn’t put

Windows I can see why he didn’t put the windows I mean we can make like a custom window to nothing that works yeah there you go this works oh no know that like you can still look outside though look that ni yeah that’s what I’m saying oh

You know what you know what what are we even doing bro why don’t we just get you a balcony ooh like you know like one of those windows that go out like the bay windows yeah exactly you know there a bay window here yeah feel free to break any bro uh

M what I hate to be that guy all right you know but uh you have a stalker see him you throwing things at it what’s that going to do bro get out of here stop it stop stalking us did you fall where’d she go gone oh

God all right anyways so uh yeah we’re doing M’s balcony so let’s quickly knock this out yeah go ahead and do whatever you want M you can break any block you want don’t forget you can literally break anything you want okay okay there you go all right I’m open this up for

You perfect dud go ahead I thought you wanted a balcony bro is this is this too much balcony is the balcony not balconing up for you and this is fine not big are you just not happy with it is that what it is no no no no no no

Your voice is getting high pitched that means you’re lying all right it’s is this room over here better wait bro we just built it here okay but look made it pink oh that is cute she doesn’t like it I already know I already know she doesn’t like it okay this room I’ll make

It purple okay just tell the truth what is it do you want purple do you want pink I like I like the pink the pink is nice I also room should I make this I like my different color this room be do whatever you want bro I’m not the one

This is for M you want give her some blocks give her some Prett block light blue have another stalker it’s uh this is this is getting awkward I don’t know what you’ve been doing uh but like a lot of people are just looking for you as

You can see he’s gone there you go there’s some L BL are you building yo it’s a wild M actually building no way just yeah you can just do whatever you want that is even by the way except this part you have so you have to build here so you

Got to add some blocks here yeah so just it’s just Minecraft I mean like literally a 2-year-old can build this stuff so don’t don’t worry like you know what I mean just everyone can do it how about this though I’ll help you decorate I’m going to help work on your patio for

The outside um what do you thinking you want some cool paintings you want a TV outside what do you want mosina um you want a donut get you a donut did you just ask about a donut what you don’t put Donuts outside what’s wrong with

That like like no I being seriously I I can like make you like a nice like you know nice place for the outside goes counter look I’m going to I’ll make you a patio how about that boom chair and then boom chair all right right now I

Got you with that boom pink oh okay never mind that’s that’s a nice umbrella yep it’s it’s a pretty good umbrella it just uh right right can I no no it doesn’t make any sense I got to like M proof this you might fall through boom

Yeah let’s get some f dang it oh that’s a little this a little low I don’t know where to put it like do we have a fence can somebody give me a fence all right now I got you a boom donut it’s glitching out the donut is glitching out

Did you sit in it oh the donut yo it’s amazing okay I’m taking the donut I’m going to put the donut right here I think it only makes sense wait you know what I’m going to probably break this do like that take this all right put this here what just just how

Did it change colors br oh this is wonderful thank you dang it it was a different color what what just happened how’s that possible I’m going to get you some pink rugs I can get you some Pokemon eggs but if you step on it it’s going to be really bad just letting you

Know you’re probably going to step on it I don’t want to step on them or Pokémon eggs do you want a kitchen in the outside oh a kitchen wait on the outside no no you don’t do outdoor kitchens oh this is nice oh wait ready oh yo yo yo

We making progress bro feel like you need like glass you know what I mean like you need some glass out here so you can like walk outside like a nice patio mhm all right the I’m good though I I got I got you like exactly what you need

I definitely think you need some glass though uh now I can put you put a TV somewhere like I can put a TV here for you uhuh TV you have a view and a TV is that what you want does that look good no okay fine fine no TV for the outside

TV for the outside why are you going to put a TV on the outside I don’t know BR I don’t know dude I don’t know what else to do with this thing what I put a TV ow I mean I I can like I got you you want a

Clock boom so when you’re outside you’re not here for too long boom you can tell the time that’s called the clock so how about this how about this while you do all that stuff if you want any more blocks you can just what are you doing I’m putting a rug down you

Know it’s like pink carpets in Minecraft that you could use is there yeah there’s pink carpets Conor give her some pink carpets bro all right I’m just yo I see the path though I like the path you’re making I got you guys you know what you

Need I’m going to make you like a like a like a utility resource room thing you know what I can do like something like this some Blass furnaces down get you a Fletching table hit them with the grindstone boom look at that maybe you want a glass table I don’t know why you

Want a glass table but that’s a pretty big glass table but that’s a little too big okay uh I think a glass table would look good right here kind of like a waiting area you know if they want to see muina you know got you got some

Business to take care of musina and they got they got to see you or something got you with a table and we’re going to put some blue chairs boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boom meeting dang it it’s offc centry can I move it over put

It right here here what do you think about this placement here M you like the you like the chairs uh let me see right here where’s the chair you want like this you want like that like this I think that’s nice you know we can make

This while like purple and it be like a kitchen like the dining area now you just asking for too much I don’t got purple I got blue chairs you want purple I mean the wall oh okay my bad my bad my bad it say like the cuz blue and purple

Go really well together yeah I don’t know anything about colors I just I just place blocks down I know I know colors all right Connors we got have to put some purple here buddy purple yeah we only need some purple my boy I broke all the stuff apart it’s ready for some

Purple all break this too all right so that’s going to be the the meeting area or I guess the dining room yeah I guess you want to call it a dining room now we should make a kitchen in a pretty good spot I think what I want to do for your

Kitchen the kitchen should be close you want vending machines in your kitchen is is that like a thing that you like to do you like the vending machines cuz like the the blue goes very nice with kitchen decor but it’s so far away from the dining room do we have ooh I

Got a lot of paintings we’re going to use some paintings to give you some like real decorations um o stone cutter will look good I like the stone cutter you want a washing machine oh yeah of course you’re not going to like like break the washing machine right and no no why

Would I break the washing machine Cina you’ve broken a lot of things you know I haven’t broken that many things all right I’mma to put the washing machine right here it’s going to be like your utility area so there you go I got you an anvil where where do you want your

Kitchen you want this in here should we put the cooking pot inside the house does that make any sense like here oh that doesn’t make any sense oh I’m sorry uh we could put like the we could do the kitchen over here in this area okay Bet cuz

Like cuz if we if we look at like the blue the blue just goes really nice yeah what do you think about this right here what do you think about that does it look good it’s a good start yeah you think so cuz like think about it like if

Somebody like tastes your cooking they might die wait what what what No all right it’s time for the kitchen we SE let me show you how it’s done so I’m going to go ahead and set up your uh your Barrel stuff here all right so this is going to be your cabinets you’re going to S all your stuff here yeah

Getting blocks was kind of annoying but I got you okay so we’re going to break this stuff all right and I’m going to make you a giant countertop now I’m trying to go for like a modern kitchen Vibe I think modern kitchens look stunning so uh kind of like my thing

We’re going to go like this going to kind of like change it up a little bit make it like a floating kitchen okay MH just like that now I just I for some reason I just want to slap this here I don’t I don’t know why I mean we can

Probably put this somewhere else like maybe we can put it like uh oh oh what just realize something couldn’t we have put this on top of the flooring what like the counter on top of the flooring on this no this is a carpet so if you

Stack it it goes like this so we have to use wool underneath it so if we use wool we can fix that or we can just do this we can just make it like this so it’s not floating I mean I kind of like for the corners like that that looks pretty

Good I I kind of like the floating though oh you want a fully floating no no no I mean like I I kind of like the the way we had it so the full float got it here you go here’s your full float coming up and if we want we can use Sea

Lanterns here so we can glow and then we can put like something on top of it now beehives are the best way to make cabinets I mean then again we’re kind of in an older version of Minecraft we’re 1.6.5 so this is kind of like all we

Really got right now so I’m going to gohe and put down a bunch of these and I’ll show you exactly why they’re good the only issue is you put carpets down so I don’t think oh they do work I was about to say now you take this and then

You put a slab oh I was going to just do this and now look you got a cabinet you see genius oh yeah you just got to rotate them there you go just like that boom boom boom I can’t get the Pokéball out see that’s your cabinets you can put

Anything you want so let’s say you want like a think this will look really good we got to put a Pokéball mug and a pika mug there you go oh Pikachu do we have e you go is it Eevee Eevee mug oh we do have an Eevee mug so I’mma put your oh

Wait I don’t think we have an eeve mug no no I was wrong we don’t have that oh I think we can probably put your foggy chairs here they’re like really cute boom just like that I think we got to change the flooring I just got to tell

You right now I think I think that might be the best option here boom boom got some moose Smoke On Deck oh yeah let’s go bro what’s up dude boom I don’t have any blast furnaces or smokers we can use blast furnaces Connor do you have any of

That stuff yeah I need a campire behind you there’s some right behind you thank you bro I don’t know that’s going to work but oh it’s been a bit do you have any uh can you give me a campfire or something yeah yo it’s a lenon yo what

The lenon doing he’s coming to say hi there’s some campfires there thank you thank you big boy where’d you come from all right I got this boom here we go I think we should definitely use a smoker but I think for now we can get away the blast furnace and we got to

Just put like a a rail on top right that go this in and then we need a lever dang it I’m like missing Small Things bro I need a lever is this our sink yeah that’s going to be our sink but once you have a lever and we put some water in it

It’s going to look a little better thank you and how about a a rail uh we should put our dishwasher over here this the kitchen you put the dishwasher in the kitchen yeah cuz they everything’s coming from the thank you thank you you got the new air drop all right it’s not

Bad it’s like okay I think it’s like temporarily fine I guess I’m just going to keep like this stuff in here in case we need more of it all right stone cutter is a must I think a stone cutter would be great here you know what I mean

I think we also need like a I kind of want this I’m going take this actually I’m going to put this I’m put the grindstone right here boom like that interesting or not uh how about we put it like I think there might be the best

Spot actually yeah it’s kind of like a cutting board type of setup here I don’t know what else to do with it just trying to think of what to do can I put this towards the wall no you can’t you just got to leave like that okay sick okay I

Got blast furnaces I got that let’s do going to leave these alone and I’m going go ahead and put these here all right and then we’re going to grab these quartz slabs and go plop plop plop spin it around like this T I got earthquake uh somebody dropped the

Earthquake I don’t know where this came from bro right here M what we doing boom boom oh yeah you you you put it here we need oh I don’t know what happened I don’t know what happened oops there we go fix it up and Kaboom all right I’m

Going to find a better TV I think we should do this one here yeah we should do like a flat like a big one like that and then behind it how do I a flip I keep breaking things bro yo that Clefairy I don’t know about y’all but that Clefairy

Has been whispering in my ear for so long dude there you go that’s it for there yeah and then for here I think we can put some really cool paintings okay boom there you go that’s going to be like your uh I guess your your vent I would recommend breaking these blocks

And putting Cobblestone walls there but it might look a little bit ugly with the design and I don’t know if you’re going to like that so I think the kitchen’s like it’s good for now you know what I mean I think it’s good for now we can

Always add more to it later uh you can also put some items here if you want totally up to you like a carrot I don’t know oh yeah carrots yeah you can put literally anything even a street light I don’t know why you would need one but

There you go you can have that and a smithing table I think your smithing table should go over here so we can put one like right here there you go smithing table why is this floating wait what is floating what you talking about this are you are you floating oh yeah

You got to get rid of the carpet there you go get rid of the carpet oh and then boom now you can do it okay unfortunately it looks like the carpet has to go which means we can use rugs can we put a cooking pot somewhere I

Just feel like it’s got potential I don’t know I want to put it somewhere I just haven’t figured I want to put yeah we got to put it in the kitchen I got an idea here you go going to break this okay I’m going to put the cooking pot Oh

Oh wrong thing boom cooking pot right here and that’s about it I I I can’t do anything else like I can’t do anything about this thing you get me m unless we like use a piston to push it down but it’s just going to look awkward like

That so I don’t know if you want that oh oh no no no uh here here uh take this now expand this wall by like one two one two and like one two one two so it’s like a doorway and then you can put the the thing in here huh English what here

Here uh what thank you can I have blocks here you go you got this cooking pot and the BL blue wool it’s all you I don’t want your C you can have the C I I’m trying to oh you can just put it in here put in your cabinets you got all these

Cabinets for a reason look at this look at all these cabinets boom but um can I get this block ooh this is sick Temple pillar oh you want this thing yeah I want this block there you go take it I see what you’re doing I see what you

Doing there you go you want a lot of it or you trying to like make like a secret room I’d like more things I have none unless you want to break down one of your pillars but I got nothing on me no Conor do you have any more of these

Blocks this AR they Spruce what are they which ones uh Oak bro I’m like du too much too much Pokemon too much Pokemon I’m messing up my words here you go moina o logs and for the loom put it right here think we’re good I have to to the Poké the

Pokemonart go ahead do your thing now the meantime I’m going to set up some vending machines who doesn’t love a great vending machine you know we got to make this place look more like a Vibe so we’re going to put the vending machines right here just the perfect spot for a

Vending machine and I going take a Pokemon EG and put the Pokemon egg probably like here there you go now we have a Pokemon egg uh now we have a red healer in just in case I think I could probably put one like this is kind of

Already occupied so I recommend the red healer maybe it only makes sense next to the PC box so how about this we’ll move this off the floor right and then we can do something like this so we’ll grab the red healer boom and then take this thing

The Anvil and we’ll put the Anvil in the kitchen just for the heck of it just to make it seem like you know we use it for things so boom Anvil perfect yo wait a minute we got ovens ni we have ovens bro I had no clue look literally I can put

An oven here want some ovens all right ni now it’s time for your train buddy we’re going to cook you alive yeah here we go byebye all right Some Mo we’re doing pretty good I totally forgot we had ovens there you go there’s our oven I guess we don’t really need this thing

So yeah I don’t I guess we don’t need this anymore so we’ll just put the oven right here then y it kind of works yeah it’s not bad it’s like definitely debatable I don’t know I guess is fine do we have any uh carpets that we can

Put down here like any any more yellow car think a yellow carpet would be good I could just make like or I could just do a blue carpet like right here oh yeah maybe I got it I got it ah ew ew bro that looks nasty you like that I don’t

Know bro looks kind of nasty I don’t know what she was trying to make here but I think was C was trying to make a cooking pot or something like that she was trying to do something Mo Army we’re doing some Renovations we didn’t like the way

Things were so here’s what we’re doing we got the kitchen here still but I’m going to actually close this room off so M’s currently AFK she’s she’s gone for a second okay but I got this ready boom I’m going to do this for her so there we

Go we’re just going to set this up all right we’re going to kind of like leave the top open just so it has like a pretty cool Vibe I think it’ be kind of sick to put like maybe some glass windows here so you can actually see on

The other side now Conor you can fill those Block in I don’t have this on me wait what what are you doing why’ you close it off why’ you close this one off oh you don’t think we should open this up oh I guess yeah I guess we could have

That you know what I mean like we can make this is the entrance okay I think for the vending machines I don’t know really where to put them like we could put them like here here when you come up or probably like here we can have like a

Bunch of vending machines here that’d be kind of a cool spot yeah I like that that’s actually pretty cool spot uh now I have a bunch of paintings but here’s what I’m thinking so M’s room let’s set up like a armchair setup so I think right here in the center yeah like a

Pretty cool you know so is this don’t tell me okay it’s going to work yes this should work so I’m going to do this put the bed here where’d it go huh it’s gone the bed just disappeared bro why does this always have to happen to me all

Right boom all right we’re going to break this now and then we’re just going to like drop this down here just bro come on dang it there we go so oh come on give me a break what Pokemon man Pokemon Bro built different there you go

Now it works so yeah we’re just kind of making like a a fancy bed frame okay I’m just going to make her what is going on dang it bro and just like this the bedroom is looking pretty solid so I’m kind of I just want to open this up I’m just going

To do it just for the heck over we’re going to open it up a little bit you’re going to be able to actually see through here so just like that I know I know it’s kind of strange but I don’t think it’d be that big of a deal so we’ll only

Make it where you can see like these four blocks right here so something like this there you go and as you can see into your kitchen which is definitely different like you don’t see that every day get it see into the kitchen you don’t see that every day I’m sorry yo Le

Chunk yo with the Le chunk doing ni is that your Le chunk dude you don’t think so bro it’s not yours okay so now I’m going to take the pink concrete and just fill it in like that there you go not my le chunk oh oops it’s the wrong color

It’s the wrong one okay so that’s it that’s going to do it hey why are you why are you stu M huh get out of here oh so many people just breaking in trying to see M’s place like I don’t know what’s going on here we got fossil

Machines infusers and all that kind of stuff these are like kind of bugged down this version of Pokemon so uh don’t think we’re going to use it maybe the fossil cleaner yeah fossil cleaner is not bad we could probably put like right here in the corner there you go and this

Is going to be the couch area so right here you can come come out here and just chill do whatever you want so we’re going to have a blue couch put it like right here there you go and then let’s just set up like two pink armchairs like

Right here I don’t know what this is I don’t know what’s going on on here but it’ll be like a secret entrance yeah two armchairs oh this is kind of weird yeah this is kind of weird bro I don’t know this is a weird living room uh I don’t

Know what are you thinking you like this uh it’s not kind B make it like it’s on the side or you can just like break this and push it back like where it’s like this or or just literally pushes back me like this look look there you go like

This boom Oh bro no but then you can’t get in if you if you put to the side all right now we’re talking okay we’re making some progress here and you can just take this entire catch and just push it like fully back I think you

Should put it like boom I got it there we go yo this is sick dude this is coming out pretty good and this is going to be BC’s bedroom like I said it looks pretty cool I like the purple design the purple box yeah this is the dresser I

Think we need like two armchairs I think we should put like an armchair here and then we should put like an armchair like right here there you go or there you go like that yeah like that and we can just get rid of this one in the corner you

Can probably do like this yeah this is not bad chill chilling hey get out of B’s room what are you doing in here get out of here and then we can just close this wao just it just yeed out of here they’re like nope I’m out and the bedroom is officially

Finished muina is going to totally love this now here’s the wa a look they like the best friends ow why you smack me I did nothing all right so this is the final thing we’re going to make a pretty cool looking you know like like a glass

Door pretty much a glass door so we’re just going to put like this and there we go glass door is ready to go and then just in case we’re going to do something like that kind of like cover it up a little bit yeah oh M’s gone RP musina

She’ll be back soon don’t worry and that’s going to do it for this area I like it I like the patio it looks really cool it’s really chill you got a clock in case you’re out here for too long and then you have all your utility blocks

Here so anything you got to do like smell your stuff do whatever you want you know heal your Pokemon and stuff and a watch the machines yeah and a watch doog he’s just watching for uh any Intruders the dining table I guess uh here’s like a little living room and

This is the cool part this the secret so you go up here boom look at that it’s like a secret entrance you can actually like SP find anybody which is pretty sus pretty weird and this wait what this you made your own room bro you have a room

You moved in bro welcome by the way I have paintings so check this out so there’s new Pokemon paintings so you can literally put this anywhere you want bro you can just slap a bunch of paintings on which is kind of cool look at it beautiful painting N N I missed it dang

It that’s fine we’ll take the creeper okay and I can put another one here all right I know she loves spiders it’s going to be perfect for her um and oh o that’s ugly ooh this is not bad it’s like okay what is that that’s a cake or

A flower or something I don’t know what that is not a cake that’s what is that a person what are these things bro I have no idea like it’s like just random magic mushrooms or something dude yo she’s going to totally freak out about spider open the door ketchup open the door open

The door open the door wow oh yo ni’s got the purple Vibes yo that’s kind of spooky bro that’s too spooky for me welcome n what’s up big boy do you have some breakfast for me H I’m trying to get some breakfast let me go to the

Kitchen oh yeah oh yeah got some moose milk got some eggs got a carrot there’s a lot of cool stuff here I like the kitchen it’s actually my favorite place especially like the uh the Frog yes frog is bsing Big all right that’s it the upstairs is finished it’s actually way

Better than whatever we got downstairs which is kind of what like like look at this and then you go up here like w casual then you go up here and it’s like the man cave yeah it’s like the man cave kind of Well Woman Man Cave yeah my

Bedroom looks so lame I just got a couple badges on the walls oh bro it’s so lame it’s okay we can upgrade that another even our kitchen wasn’t this cool like this is like an oldfashioned 1.12.2 kitchen but we’re in Minecraft 1.6.5 so things are a little bit

Different well now the most important part is M’s reaction yo it’s breakfast it’s busting bro it’s busting I’m back oh well well well nice of you to show up m oh you got carrots thank you look look at all this look what we did for you we

Put our sweat Blood and Tears the most been slapping likes they’ve been commenting they’ve been subscribing watching for 2100 days how do you feel how do you feel I love it I look like the poster yeah you see see oh by the way yeah it’s really busing oh I’m also

Going to gigantamax 2 Pokemon I just want to see your reaction when it just destroys your house okay what I didn’t anything don’t destroy my house I’m not going to destroy it you like it Pokemon poster yeah it’s a Snorlax you got Mewtwo on the screen in case you get

Bored you got to watch the first you know Pokemon movie The Mew one absolutely I that’s the first one right and then this is your bedroom I personally decorated this room wow I love see I was thinking about it you know it’s just like we got to make it

Look cool and we split it up so uh it’s it’s busting bro it’s it’s busting busting okay I thought you I thought you just like fell asleep or something all right I to pass so here’s the thing though I don’t know if you’re going to get worried about

This right if you climb to the top you can see everything from the top like I’m not you know what I mean like it’s not supposed to be weird or anything like that so yeah here dude that thing looks so sick Bro I want one I want one so

Cool why do you have that how yeah this is kind of like the entire upstairs so it’s pretty cool let me show you downstairs to your kitchen so we added some snacks I know you love the vending machine stuff so we got some breakfast and some moose milk there so you know I

Got all the good stuff yeah couldn’t find any moose milk at the store yeah yeah be like that um you know it’s just exclusive you know uh bro the door y the door works bro yeah the door works so good there’s a dog dude it’s crazy I’m just kidding so

This is the kitchen as you can see I I’ve only had like a few things to put an anvil and in an egg oh and I found ovens there’s ovens you should probably turn down what is it that’s a spider moose armor you’re looking at a spider

That that that’s right that that’s a spider just for you for me you know what else I got for you oh my Pokemon going to De hold on you know what else I got for you huh you’re not going to believe this bro the kitchen though yeah the

Kitchen’s pretty good right but I’m afraid what are you afraid of that uh going have to face some consequence what do you mean consequence yo look at this Appleton dude it’s a giant Apple yo if you if you guys go outside look how big this thing is y it looks terrified

Somebody told me the Gigan accent so I had to do it here you go that’s your is huge it’s an Appleton this is an Appleton but it looks like a a big Flavel wait hold on wait a minute are they the same no no no wait a minute

Wait a minute wait a minute yeah they got to be different though you have maple all right let me get this guy there you go so look let me try this one here we go Max guard and oh wait you’re right it do look the same I think it’s

Glitched out I’m pretty sure the APPL the mega evolution of applon has the wrong model right it looks like it is it supposed to be like a like I’ve never seen a gigantamax apple turn so I wouldn’t know oh it’ be like that now you know exactly what uh gigant Max

Floer looks like unfortunately the Apple 10 looks the same but it is what it is no big deal also these are all the Pokemon that I’m going to leveling up soon and these are all my bused Pokemon yeah they busted so yeah I’m I’m going to work on that later mus armi don’t

Worry about that okay all right so uh musina what do you think what was it that you’re going to tell me oh I I think everything is lovely I love it so much thank you m it’s going to be our home together but you know it’s going to

Be our home together you have to abide by the rules what’s going on here guys why is why is everyone just like spiders but I like spiders they’re so cool they got like eight legs and they just like you know night vision and stuff yeah that’s that’s nice that’s

Nice can we not have a giant poster on our wall but it’s literally the coolest thing ever it’s like Spider-Man bro it’s like I’m trying to get bit by a Spider-Man Spider-Man is different Spider-Man is different okay we can have Spider-Man when you go to sleep I’m

Going to put 3,000 spiders all over your room and there’s going to be nothing you can do about it you you want to know what I can do about it what ah no everybody subscribe

This video, titled ‘I Survived 2100 DAYS in Minecraft POKEMON!’, was uploaded by Moose on 2023-11-01 13:00:32. It has garnered 40188 views and 1278 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:50 or 6110 seconds.

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Just a MOOSE living his life like a MOVIE making Moose Movies! #Minecraft #100Days #Pokemon #Hardcore #Moose

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    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: Twitch: Modpack download: Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : skin minecraft: Donate saweria: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More