Insane Nether transformation in Hardcore Minecraft!

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Hey folks wh here and welcome to Hardcore Minecraft being over 5,500 days into this world I’ve built a lot of stuff but no build is ever truly done so today I’m spending over 50 hours transforming my nether Hub I’ve already set up a gas Farm Magma Cube and Frog

Light Farms in a Basalt Delta a hogland farm for unlimited pork and a gold Farm on the nether roof with a massive hole going through the Bedrock ceiling leading to a full perimeter and Wither Skeleton Farm below oh and I guess I have a bee farm and the copper Farm

Output over here man that’s a lot of stuff so let’s add even more today with a massive expansion to the nether Hub leave a like if you’re excited and please subscribe after digging out this entire Canyon a lot of my tools are nearly broken so before we get anything

Started today I need to fix them with a quick stop in the end Dimension we can repair all of the tools here at the Enderman Farm and much better time to get to work last episode I really enjoyed the process of just doing random things around the

World so we’re going to do a little bit of that today starting with building a market right here and it’s going to be a storage room for all of my foliage blocks for a little behind the scenes in a creative copy I first started here with a list of everything I want to

Include in the storage room then I divided those items between the five chests here to represent different Market stalls I’m going to have to build where I’ve out space for the five stalls within the market building itself and got to work detailing but you can’t see

That quite yet we’ve got to build it here in the actual hardcore world first and I’m going to need a lot of materials I want to display everything we’re storing there so I pretty much need one type of every single foliage block means a lot of Sher boxes here’s all the

Different items I could collect out of my starter house and a quick trip into the lumber mill I can get everything I’m going to need for the different Market stalls and storage spaces with that done next up we need to gather a few more items Quick Trip into the

Flower Forest gather there’s none in here ah there we go orange tulips a trip into the swamp to grab some blue orchids back over at World spawn I need to grab some red mushrooms and I got none maybe down in the storage room yes lastly I stop at the grocery

Store as I forgot my pumpkins on the way home the amount of one of this one of that I had to do is a little crazy so I need all of these boxes I’ve already got the plan down here so we can just start out by building our base shapes of all

Of the different Market stalls and what those are going to be looking like so for all of our leaves over here oh we can have an upper level and a lower level with storage space on both of them being the barrels built in and then we

Can throw a few chests around just to have that extra storage cuz I’m probably always going to have a lot of leaves and I think everything’s going to either have a barrel or a chest dedicated to each type and for some some decorative stuff we can just do some pots in there

With a flower pot on top we also do have saplings to think about so we can build a little thing over here where we can store some and also potentially display a few of them too because it could be kind of cool to have a few things out

And moving like flower pots right in there this will finish off all of the sapling and leaf storage a little more detailing magic and this should be perfect we have Spruce leaves right here we can put our aelas in there we can put the mangr down here maybe the flowering

Aelia goes in there cuz I have so many of them here we can have our Oak Birch will be one of these and then jungle and dark oak are these two no jungle up there dark oak maybe that bir be there and then that’s an aaia Leaf so that can

Be there and then Cherry can take that one I also have all these extras over here that we can fill in as we need to but I think that’s a really cool end of the space I’ve got a small well over here that we’re going to put a small

Drip Leaf next to just to have it and then in here we can create a small space for all of the two tall flower objects as well as our hanging items like glowberries and Spore blossoms speaking of which that needs to go all the way up

Here so the particles fill the space and the rest of this can just be filled with our barrels and some decorative stuff most of our two tall flowers are displayed inside of here we’ve got the little detail bits hanging around and then back around the corner here I was

Able to squeeze in the pitcher pod as well as a sunflower that really just loves looking at the an aite wall there a little unfortunate but it worked over here though we can move into some of the crops where I want to create like I did

Back in the grocery store of having a few crops growing on display here right smack dab in the middle I want to do this with some cocoa beans and a barrel on top or some extra support let’s connect this down from the ceiling and we can have another one coming down like

Right here too a few planks along the back here to hide that space and then we can hide all of the dirt with some of our trap doors like this now let’s get seeds carrots potatoes and beetroot seeds I’m thinking this set over here is just going to be

Wheat and then on this side we can go with carrots potatoes and beetroot now the grocery store has the Autumn farm and it’s nearby so I don’t need to bring them here but maybe we’ll store some seeds for our melons and pumpkins honestly just looking for an excuse to

Add them here to the foliage Market is done over here we have all of our small flowers with roses in the works with some raised up above and hanging in their little pots all of the farm goodies are now grown up with the help of some bone meal and here in the back

We have all of our mushrooms and nether Goods with some nether workart growing in a little patch right there and then I figured over here I could throw in all of our Tall Grass dead bushes and ferns right in this little guy but there it is everything is finished off on the inside

Of the market I just need to remove all of my items over now and organize this place oh boy that took so long but now everything I have is moved over here and organized like all these flowering aelia leaves with all of the suar boxes but everything’s moved over it’s all it’s

All in here my 11 dark oak leaves have a full barrel for themselves so the storage room is good to go and I purposely didn’t make room for shulker monsters inside of it as we’ll obviously just fill this square with all of them with the last episode being episode 50

And a new world download going out I thought it’d be fun to update my armor trim to something new this one here is fun but with the amethyst I’m ready to change things up I’ve got tons of diamonds in here that we can break down

I I don’t think I yeah I got 37 that might be enough I think that’s enough somewhere up here yeah there’s wayfinder I want to duplicate this one which we can do here with a terracotta like this it’s been a while since ah right there

Perfect and I’m going to be doing it we are breaking into the silence a wild lastly t hide which I definitely didn’t forget was inside here and have been spending the last 10 minutes wandering around trying to find it thankfully we can keep the same boots on here we can

To add our wild in and then we’re going to be adding in the diamonds for our feet the only piece that was not tied originally is now going to be moving to tide here for our pants and because it looks pretty cool we are going to be

Putting our silence on the chest piece with the wayfinder to finish off the helm this is going to take some getting used to but I think I like it it goes so much better better with the hoodie I have than the purple amethyst we got before this is the first time I’ve seen

It all in game and it’s it’s it’s a little weird it’s going to take some getting used to but I think I like it I think I I I think I I think I like it feel like I got some cool sneakers on oh they’re so fun I really want to continue

Making progress on the mountain range so we’re going to be putting in a few hours over here before we jump to the main project continuing on to the backside of the mountain we’re slowly enclosing the space I spent well over 50 hours on this project by now so instead of killing my

Motivation by forcing myself to complete it all at once I’m picking away at it a few hours here and there so it’s still stays fun allowing my brain to take a break from creating the shape and not just think about the project for unended amounts of time leaving it for a while

Is really important for me to stay interested in what I’m doing and not really lead to the burnout phase so this mountain definitely will not be built in a single day we’re already well beyond that but uh that’s fine but I am very very very happy with how this has come

Together so far we are almost done with the major defining shapes so I can finally start to turn my brain off a little bit and move on to just focusing on filling in the empty spaces with our dirt and if things are a little too

Steep I’m just adding in a rock to help merge the different layers together resulting in a very natural look as it all starts to come home underneath however it’s turning a little hellish with dark spaces and mobs spawning everywhere dealing with the Hostile Mobs I used my last remaining torches to

Spawn proof underneath this new expansion we’re throwing some shaders on this is looking really cool on the back side of the mountain leading into the final segment of this mountain today where I was feeling a little over it at this point this whole Mountain thing was

Starting to get a little old you know so I decided to frame out the last Ridge lines for a better idea of what I need to do to complete that space and I’m really happy with how this is turning out over here including the dirt line

Going up the center for the valley all the way up but uh my brain’s running pretty low ideas here so we’re just going to move on and come back a little later on to the main project today I want to transform the nether Hub the first thing to go is I hate these

Crystals and I need to get rid of them right now ah so much better I never liked these I don’t know why I built them I do like the colors marking each Direction so I’ll keep that in mind for the new version and before we get into building

A structure we need to add some diagonal ice boat roads to reach my older portals at home I believe yeah I’ve got a little bit of ice left over oo and a decent amount of blue ice we’re definitely going to need some more so we need to go

North as I need to fill a shulker of packed ice and about half a shulker or so of blue ice to build these New Roads thankfully this is much quicker to break than the glass on those crystals but I do need a ton here as nine packed ice

Becomes one blue eyes so I need a lot of stacks of blocks one pickaxe later and this is how much blue ice I got I still need a lot more new silk touch pick is a go and down goes the iceberg to another dead pickaxe two Shar boxes of packed

Ice and over 19 stacks of blue ice thankfully I got a few backup picks quick stop at the Wither Skeleton Farm as I need a lot of bone Meal might as well repair up the wings a little bit and there we go and that’s as much as I could get out of here unfortunately this thing is running a little dry I need to spawn proof everything in the nether Hub so on top

Of the ice booat roads we’re going to be building I need buttons and we can use the nether Tree Farm in here to help out with that if I can figure out how to get to the oh here they are load these with some bone meal and we can power up the

Farm 15 minutes of TNT explosions later and this should do it one final stop before we can get working I need a lot of prismarine over at the guardian Farm now hopefully this thing is stocked out stocked up a little bit on something other than fish it’s all crystals and

Fish all fish all crystals ah blocks I’m just going to get rid of all the fish I definitely don’t need this and of course a quick AFK session to get some prismarine where this should do it for everything we’re going to be needing I hope because man I just want to get

Building and playing the game again let’s extend some Prine slabs out here to create a small platform for ourselves and bring in some packed ice below that and keep a two diagonal space of blue ice going all the way down the path where we end with something a little

Like this and then I need to cover the entire top of it with our warped buttons I extended the pack ice going all the way down and we can add in a bit of an archway here using our endstone then on top of that to spawn proof it

All we can just add in some of our prismarine walls going all the way back that right there should do one of our diagonal ice booat roadways and of course we’re going to be building some big stuff around it but that goes straight to the guardian Farm the end portal route is ready for an expansion to connect it up and here are the final two coming together To where exactly I don’t know I’ve never actually built anything to the east of my base I just kind of realized that earlier today but they’re ready if we go out there they’re they’re ready now I have an idea on how to fill the space of another ring going around everything so

A quick trip back to the Overworld as I need some flowering aelia leaves and a ton of moss leaves are spawn prooof and we can use Mossy carpet between them as another method of Spawn proofing meaning we can create some large really colorful flower beds to break things up from The

Nethery Vibes with the Moss Basin I want to start bringing in rows of flowering aelia leaves with our Moss carpet in between them and work this all the way down and we end with something a little like this for our bartering pigs to have the nice view of a garden behind them I

Do this for you this entire build is a big circle so I built the garden all the way around I’m really happy with the progress so far and before I get carried away on the building I want to extend our new ice boat roads out to their

Portals we’ll bring it out to here for now to keep it safe from any gas as I don’t want them blowing up this ice cuz it’s so expensive I’m going to make sure I spawn proof each step as I go through it all buttons must face the same direction otherwise it’s really really

Going to hurt my ow hurt my brain no that scared me so much okay yep right that mobs spawning this is why I’m doing the buttons the fact that I completely just jumped back in my chair when that skeleton shot me wo was not expecting a jump scare today there’s all of the

Things in for the road itself now I just need the FIP safety rails going all the way down and I still have some walls left first Highway is now completed almost all the way to the portal it’s close enough the second one however is much longer to reach the guardian farm

So it took a good while all right this might be a little hard to get down here but it’s a good thing nope we’re off the Ed was going so well until then but it’s a good thing we’re going to the guardian farm right now as I uh ran out of

Prismarine to finish this thing well High portal oh these are so fast if they work I guess I got to hang out here for a little bit longer little more work done and the entire Ice booat Road is done except you can see here I keep hitting the sides these walls are a

Little in the way do you have any ideas on what I can replace them with I’m thinking lightning rods iron bars or maybe like end rods go in the entire way this is this is not really fair it’s kind of yeah yeah after that I need

A bit of a break from the dark Minecraft Nether and instead I want to see the beautiful Minecraft Blue Sky oh never mind ah a beautiful morning it is time to play to field going back to the newly terraformed land in front of the world tree I want to add in a

Flower field with a COR dirt base some roted Dar Pathways between a little dash of subscribing to my channel a few rows of aliums and a hint of please leave a like on this episode to top it all off finishing the 51st field in this Hardcore Minecraft

Series and here we have a new flower field that’s a pop of color under the world tree this whole place coming together just makes me so happy to see everything I’ve built over the last 2 years in this world back to the project today I need thousands of materials for

The next step of building starting with a trip to the dirt storage to pick up a load of mud and packed mud materials then a trip out to new Papyrus as I need to grab all of the Sandstone I can find along with even more sand to turn into

Glass which will take a while to smelt so coming home I dropped off all of the sand in the super smelter to process trying to keep those chunks loaded so it’ll keep on moving I hung out around the base grabbing up light blue wool from the sheep farm and going back into

The Dwarven cave to start silk touching a ton of ambius crystals to use for detail as it counts as spawn proofing which led to the second geod being cleared out as I need over 500 of these the furnaces finished the glass and next I need a lot of smooth Sandstone but

Unfortunately I don’t have enough at home so I ran out to the mining desert for a quick trip to start tearing up the ground even more with that sorted I removed all of the glass from the smelter and added in nearly 2,500 Sandstone to smelt into smooth sandstone

And back to the geoda go as I need a load of amethyst blocks as well so I pulled out the fortune pick this time to gather up the shards to craft down in to some blocks which went on until the Super smelter finished up all of the

Smooth sandstone and we’re off to the next task which involved flying North to the swamp as I need so much light blue dye this stupid sheep was eating the grass at my Blue Orchid farm so I took him out and turned on the farm to GA

Tons of flowers a few minutes later and we have a full inventory meaning I can come back home and turn all of my glass into light blue stained glass then jump over to the dirt storage again and craft over 2,000 light blue concrete powder where about 400 of it I need to turn

Into concrete so I started stacking it all up to pour water over it from the top and gather up the freshly made concrete now for the mandatory session in the lumber mill before I can do any building and this time it’s a little absurd as we’re spawn proofing

Everything meaning I need thousands of slabs to do it and to go with the build pallet I also need thousands of stripped oak logs and I’m currently asking myself why I deci use these instead of planks and I keep telling myself it’ll be worth it somehow but that did an end the wood

Material list as I went to the bamboo Farm to craft a ton of sticks for cheap and make a ton of fences out of those I cleared out all of my birch logs and stores so I made a trip out to the nearby Birch Forest to strip down the

Trunks of all of the trees and gather up all of the strip logs to use on the build as well finally a much calmer stop here at the Villager cave to trade with the stonemasons for some dripstone blocks and some polish granite after that grind I needed a bit of a break so

I sat at the top of my frog light Farm as I needed a lot more pearlescent frog lights we have almost everything I need here in this crazy mass of shulkers except one more block thankfully after building the copper farm this one’s pretty easy I’ve got a bunch of blocks

Of copper in here that we can turn into copper ingots as I need to craft these into a bunch of lightning rods Three Stacks should do it and now the shulker mess is complete this is a lot of boxes right into the build today where I’ve

Added some frog lights along here we can bring in some of our light Blue Glass on top and then behind I want to bring in the rest of our light blue blocks that we have and start stacking them up to create a bit of a gradient going all the

Way up here that’ll probably reach up to about that tall and all the way in front of it so we can fade it just a bit we’re going to bring in the rest of the light blue glass my goal is to create a sort of Coliseum look here so we can start

Off with these light blue backdrops and bringing in some arches with Oak and Sandstone around the front to bring the look home we’ve got our dark fris Marine slabs up here to spawn proof that and then right behind that I want to bring in our amethyst blocks like I did down

In the original Hub I want to make sure I’m keeping those original ideas true in this new build and the crystals up here can spawn proof that then we can add our jungle slabs going three blocks back here to continue on with our spawn proofing half we done with the first

Part and I really like how this look it definitely needs some more height for sure but first we need to complete the backside to connect down into the Bedrock let’s try and bring in a little bit of our mud here to curve around the backside and then going back on top of

Our mud we can bring in some prismarine brick slabs the diagonal ice booat road now has a tunnel entering oh I missed a Sandstone now it has a tunnel entering into the Hub which I really love so I’m thinking we can also create a really big Archway here for the original cardinal

Direction ice booat roads starting with a little bit of dripstone here at the base for some contrast to go go along with that we can also incorporate a little bit of our mud brick and packed mud in here using stairs walls and some slabs to create a big Archway across

That is definitely feeling pretty Grand let’s bring in a little bit of our prismarine for the front going off the idea way back in new Papyrus where I use it as like a form of tapestry I want to try that again here starting with something a little like this and then if

I can jump underneath we can add a few end rods hanging down off of the walls the front detail is now completed with a similar bit duplicated onto the back so that we could have the entire top section walkable I did add jungle stairs and slabs throughout here just to be

Able to get across now to bring the colored crystals back into this like we had pointing out the different directions I want to bring some of our white stained glass up in here on top to mark this direction if you uh couldn’t tell this leads to the ghast Farm The general idea for the base of the build is now done meaning it’s time to complete the first quarter’s first floor expansion to get a full idea of what we’re going for here which involves mirroring everything I just spent the last hour doing to recreate it all here

Including the large Archway leading down to the Magma Cube and Frog Light Farms before I do the other three quarters we probably need to spawn proof this before a gas comes along and blows it all up I want start by creating a bunch of archways out here again going off of the

Lower theme for this walkway up here that we’ll be able to see through we can break our frog lights on top of these and then in front of that I want to extend out some of our Acacia and some fences going every other block no I’m

Spa proofing go away thank you a little sandstone trim on top with our dark pris Marine slabs to spawn proof that working along the same curve as the lower level I continue this little Arch design going to The Far Side Both sides are now in and this place is looking pretty good except the middle here is a tad empty we can fix this though with a little bit of bamboo wood connecting them in here I don’t think this is the final phase of this second

Floor but I’m not quite sure what to do above it yet so if you have any ideas let me know down in the comments but that does mean the first quarter of nether Hub 2.0 is done I just really got a lot to do with this three more times

Around oh boy the material list for this build is still well over 10,000 blocks so to start eliminating a few of the things I need to keep in my inventory I’m adding in the two remaining mud brick archways over the original ice booat Roads and the outer ring of mud and pis Marine bricks are now in as well yeah so simple I just got to fill in everything inside the circle easy peasy yeah just fill it all in just like that I’ve already spent an entire day building this so I logged

Off for a while to take a break and upon coming back in I decided to just get back into working to build up the section where I relocated my Nether Portal 2 back home since this was sticking out a lot in the open and now we are officially halfway done actually

Well over halfway done if you include the Arches being added in got to think on the positive side here the vision is really starting to come together with this going all the way around here and it is awesome except for the fact that it did take 12 hours just to build the

First half but really good news is my nether portal home is no longer just sitting on the nether roof and I’ve been slowly emptying out some of our shulker boxes here to clean up the mess as there’s been a few gas that have spawned here nobody’s blown anything up but it

Has been a little spooky okay one more time let’s run it back to the start where I’ve gotten into a pretty good flow with this project by building up the light blue gradient sections and slapping the glass down in front of those to complete the effect this is

Causing a lot of spawnable spaces to appear around the Hub so things are getting a little spooky right now so I’m trying to get through this as quickly as possible moving into the next level of materials as it’s the bulk of all of the things remaining with over 3,000

Sandstone blocks going in making this even spookier on the spawns and finally comes the time to make this all a little bit safer by slabbing over the top of all of our Sandstone blocks I had just placed in before we get too many hoglands spawning in for me to handle

The final layer of the nether cake is a go for all of the Birch pillars top with granite to go in place where I can finish spawn proofing the entire nether Hub expansion and add an another ring of lights going around the top this is so epic to walk around

Inside of everything for the main Hub is now done for nether Hub 2.0 I also found this shot here and I had to share it the gas Farm looks awesome the nether isn’t the easiest Dimension to build in but I am happy I took on the challenge to

Build this and I’m really trying to embrace all of the mob farms and technical things here on the roof as can’t really item so I’m just letting them do their thing at least from the top of the gas Farm now this is pretty cool to look at imagine if we get those

Blue ice roads going all the way out there and all the way out there into the fog oh that’d be so cool as much as I love these piglin bartering Farms we’re going to think of them as garden statues just alive and uh trapped in a glass box for

Eternity yeah add some new functionality to this nether Hub I want to build a real bartering station right out here we can first clean up this mess of shulker boxes over here the empties can go back in here and the others can be added to the mess of

Shulkers right out here yeah totally fine ah hi Sky it’s been a while I am going to need a few shulkers to fill with stuff again as we’re building logical geek boys bartering Farm which is a little big starting with over 11 stacks of chests where we can take five

Stacks of these and craft them down into h ERS then a quick trip down into the Villager I still hit it into the villager trading all I was so close moving on as I need to trade with the clerics for a lot of redstone dust everything else I had on hand pretty

Much so we have everything here inside these two boxes means I got to go back into The Nether Again woo to the nether oh man we’re going to place this in I’m thinking somewhere out here and just hope it lines up with future builds later on on stacking few blocks off the

Ground I’m able to build around this much more easily in the future then the first step of this is to place down all of the chest that I have stacking up just to see how crazy large this Farm will be now I just have to add in

Hoppers behind every single one of these chests there are more than 20 different drops for this thing so we need a lot of item sorts like this little system here for the potions and unstack bles coming in for everything that fills up down here those items will just burn in the fire

And as water and nether don’t really mix I can use blue ice here to help Slide the items all the way down which are going to need some buttons on top so that no mobs spawn up here as we do with all big walls of chests we need a big

Redstone sorting system set up behind The Hoppers to make sure everything goes into its proper position now I just need to add in all of the filters and and the items going in here for the item frames thankfully I can get all of the items over here at

The old bartering Farms yes they’re still full with the primary items in place I went through and added filters in with kelp as the farm won’t produce any of it all the super technical bits are done so I spent through finishing up the gold dropping chamber everything is

Finished minus the part where I need 24 piglins in this box back to the villager trading Hall to buy 2 four name tags from The Librarians a ton of Netherrack here from the Quarry and as much gold as I can I have 23 oh no I guess I’m going

To be the bait we don’t have gold to lure them we need the pigs to fall down in here that shouldn’t kill them so if we do this with a trapo then use some glass to create a bit of a chamber for them to try and walk through and I can

Have a safe place to run through on this side the piggy should fall in just to be safe though I’m I’m going to put an extra trapo right there so they can’t follow me yeah that’s a good call and before I forget we have to rename all of these to piggy

Bot now I just need a space for the piglins to spawn in now I just need to fly away and hope that we get some piglins holding swords to spawn in this is definitely going to go really well so so well I have I’m not concerned in the

Slightest oh here we have the first piglins I forgot about the children we don’t want the children oh not the crossbow guys I don’t think oh oh this was a mistake okay you have the crossbow no no don’t hit your friends okay crossbows are gone piggy help me out

Hoglin help me out oh no not me him yes thank you ha okay perfect now let’s get you and you and oh that’s the wrong one that’s the wrong one okay I need new D Ts that I thought that was going to open there okay right need two more name tags

Only up from here no that’s all hoglands oh there’s pigin there’s one and in we officially have a pig in yes and two oh easy 22 to go easy number three four and five there goes number 10 we’re almost halfway another pig look at all the

Piggies down there we almost have a full circle of Swords coming in number 20 21 and 22 now I just need more name tags last two name tags Acquired and I just need two more piglins with sword to spawn in here yes we got him okay let’s take out

Everything else but not the pigs hi one of you want to come over here please okay they’re separated now you can have your name oh you can have your name and go down with your friends no no don’t kill him don’t kill him please ah don’t kill me go down there he

Just he fell to his death I need another name tag stupid hoglins I should have waited stupid little piggies take three for the final piglin oh maybe maybe no he’s got a crossbow dang it okay here we go let’s take out the hoglins and the crossbow piglins here we go the 24th

Piglin finally in yes now before I fall in there and kill myself we’re going to hold that we’re going to patch that up and that is now everything cleaned up there was a little gold left here at the output of the gold Farm but the new bartering Farm will go through that in

Seconds so we need a lot more guess I just hang out up here for a little while now that it’s back up and running look at the Hub we can see it for here now I can’t wait for autocrafters this took like 10 minutes to craft down from

Nuggets I do love that gold Farm because it’s really efficient but man having to craft everything down at the end is a big bummer no I missed I don’t want to be here especially when each stack of blocks here is 27 stacks of nuggets where we can just fill up this entire

Double chest in here with all of our nuggets and it’s actually going to take a lot more right there’s almost all of the gold minus these last nuggets and that’s enough hey hey calm down and there that’s enough to be able to turn on let’s see if this thing actually

Works there’s all the items and it’s all going this is going to be so much easier to use for bartering just look at all the piggies with their booties on I am starting to understand the height behind having all of these massive Farms because oh my gosh having all of the

Bartering goodies in one position all along this chest wall man it is so much nicer than having chest chest chest chest and having to go through all of them and sort it to see what’s even side this is a huge upgrade now we can take this new Ice booat Road to our next

Project right here the the hogland farm so far I oh so far from the nether Hub I just have to fix these real quick before we move on there were my quick routes to get between all the bartering Farms but uh we don’t need them anymore and I keep

Hitting them on my boat now for the hogland farm mostly just the flex of it this thing is plenty good already but I love the look of the gas Farm over there there so I want to start adding a few extra layers onto this I’ve got to do it

For the pork economy okay each layer of this Farm requires 400 Netherrack about 200 purple stained glass for a border on each layer thankfully the villagers can supply this small amount of glass pretty quickly I also need well over 100 torches per layer some Crimson nyia Mangrove trap doors and warped fungus

Lastly iron bars hoglands are only two blocks tall so I can start putting that next layer of Netherrack right up here now from here I just need to duplicate everything else that we did on the bottom layer including this middle section and I think that also includes

The block with a torch in the middle I’m just going to assume that’s a yes you throw in the spooky fungus to get rid of the Hogs to make them run towards the middle and the purple glass going around now we just Spam torches quite literally everywhere okay not quite everywhere

Just every few blocks there we go this right here is the entire second layer with that done I just need to duplicate this two more times for a total of four layers of hog spawning action that really wasn’t too bad to build so we can fly up to the top

And see the absolute mass of hogs falling into the fiery pit the hogland farm isn’t tiing over the Hub like our gas Farm is but man it is really funny to watch when it’s up and running also did go through and added a boat off of every single Direction so that they’re

Easier to use instead before I was moving one boat around between all of them and was just like I’m not bothering with it this time so maybe I’ll actually use it now 50 hours later and here it is nether Hub 2.0 is complete I’m so happy

I took the time to not only beautify this build and give it a larger presence but I also added a ton of new functionality to the nether Hub which means I can be a lot more efficient for future episodes the only remaining question here is what the heck do I do

In the actual nether let me know your ideas down in the comments below and please be sure to leave a like on this episode if you did enjoy as it was a huge build to put together but I’ll catch you all on ow ow that’s the

Ceiling on the flip side yeah oh that kind of hurt

This video, titled ‘I Transformed the NETHER in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-11-30 18:15:03. It has garnered 191609 views and 12996 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:15 or 2175 seconds.

fWhip transformed the NETHERr Hub in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 survival let’s play!! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY! Subscribe! 🙂

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  • EPIC SkyBlock Challenge on Hypixel with Friends! #Minecraft

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  • “Insane PE 1.20 Mods! Must Watch Now! 🔥” #minecraft #addon #kamenrider

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  • Unbelievable: No Pain in Mr. Reeler! 😱 #anime #memes

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  • DeadPurge Bedrock Realms

    Welcome to my Minecraft realm! About Me: I love helping people, but I also enjoy playing the game without constantly assisting others. My realm is in hard mode with one add-on for offhand torches. I enjoy building auto farms and exploring extensively, including end raiding and exploring ancient cities and the nether. Realm Details: World age: 500+ days Ender Dragon defeated: 1 time Building freedom: Build wherever you want, just not too close to others Currently playing with 1 other person and looking to expand my community Interested in joining? If you’re interested, please send me your discord username! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me watching the pathetic pale garden”

    When you try to show off your fancy garden in Minecraft but end up with a garden so pale, even a snowman would get a sunburn. Read More