INSANE NEW MODS!! ExoBeaver’s EPIC RL Craft Adventure

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Welcome back everybody hello dornob I see you sir coming in here right off rip every single time man I love seeing you man I hope everybody’s doing well today Arkham Mr Lucy welcome brothers so still cool dude yeah you dang Skippy you’re still a cool dude don’t forget it

Son boys we have a couple of things on the agenda today we have to get our mans back we got to we got to get our mans back um and in order to do that we need some glass uh first of all let’s just dump all our

Junk where did you know what I think I put it inside I can do a little brief recap of the previous episode too if you guys wish but and let me dump all this stuff we’ll take that with us we’re going to need like a bunch a bunch a

Bunch a bunch of these things um I think it’s just string and slime balls we have more in here good 49 might be good that looks good thank you dornob we’ve been working real hard I’ll be honest we’ve been pushing it where is the string at I think we got to make

Some we’re going to need a ton of these things um just cuz we’re going to be dropping them and not having time to go pick them up thank you oh what else we should do is probably did it say you oh I mean I don’t know I I probably did say that I

Uh I’m a bad Builder I look there are people out there that just astonish me with their builds and when I see that I definitely consider myself not on that level of building um but I love to build man and you know what the thing is the thing is

With building man it’s not about whether you’re good or not all right get that out of your head right now what it’s really about is if you’re willing to put the time and dedication into whatever it is that you’re trying to build it doesn’t matter if like you don’t

Understand color palettes it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand like architecture or structural stuff if you have an image in your head and you’re willing to take the time to put into it to just like oomph it right into existence in Minecraft you can do it man

Anybody can build whatever it is that they want to do you just got to take time for it um what was I going to get oh I was going to get a couple of these things I need some buigas or some battle burritos we’re going to bring a couple of those with us

Just for the sake of um in case we start dying cuz we’re actually if you guys don’t know what a sea serpent is you’re going to find out today excuse me BRB 15 minutes and 31 seconds exactly holy the man has an agenda he knows what he’s

Doing we’re going to fill a water bottle up actually we’ll be all right on we’ll we’ll fill it up once we get to the ocean cuz we’re got to find a sea serpent so if you guys missed it check this out what we were working on in the

Last episode uh the previous episode to the last we were working on this pathway that winded all wound all the way down here connected the bridge and then that was the previous episode but the most recent one was this portion of it um we did most of the pathway beforehand but

We came in and did like the interior of the walls and more details on the pathway itself and that’s literally it we spent like uh I don’t know about 6 hours just developing this pathway so that’s what I’m talking about man it’s not about whether or not like you’re

Good or not it’s about like if you have the dedication right um and you guys drive me man you guys give me the UMP to do what it is that I’m doing here so thank you very much to every single one of you um oh we were going to get some

Glass too hold on a second sorry I got a little sidetracked yes see don’t not have me on my Soap Box immediately talking all inspirational and stuff um we’re going to get some glass we’re going to fill in the floor to uh I’ll show you here it’ll be easier just to

Show you than it is to describe what it is that I’m discussing I think a stack should be enough I I can’t see it needing more than that if it does as sea serpents are huge right we don’t need to fill it in entirely okay we actually this is going

To make life easier if we just take this pack off shade of packs go off so we’re going to fill in the base of this with glass so that we can get the sea serpent across we’re going to break the glass wall so that we poke a

Little bit of a hole in there for the sea serpent to fit in we’re going to go find one we’re going to bring them back we’re going to squeeze them in there boom boom okay it’s not as pretty but it’s going to be a lot easier to work like this I think

For now we’ll turn it back on once we’re situated with the sea serpent and then after that you know what we should hey what’s going on alien Su Mandy you me um maybe just maybe if we have time today we can try to get an additional

Hippogriff to fill that in too right so if we get the last yellow hippogriff that we need excuse me hippocampus brains and words and stuff um we’ll be able to like fill that entire thing in with water close the glass out and then rock and roll onto the next project so I’m

Thinking we shouldn’t need that much space right cuz I would like to get a slightly smaller sea serpent that we had the previous time you know what we should do is leave this bottom one in just so I have an easier way to Define where exactly the

Blocks are going to go cuz once the sea Serpent’s in here um glad to see you’re streaming we talked yesterday in Discord oh gotcha all right I remember I remember I sorry I didn’t put the two names together because I wasn’t sure but it’s good to see you brother I’m glad you’re

Here all right this might be more than enough space to get a sea serpent in but it’s better to be safe than sorry but so once we get the sea serpent in here it’s going to be we got we got to be quick we got to

Move fast we got to get that sucker in there and block it off as fast as we can um we should bring a name tag as well um I think the original one was named after dadbod but to be fair dadbod is already named after something else that’s in the game

So uh what did we call it again what see coffee cat came in here nicknaming the sea serpent I think she called it sea noodle sea oh uh a sea noodle if I see rlcraft live I’m watching that cool man heck yeah that’s what I like to hear that’s

Nice yeah we have quite the adventure going on today yeah yeah cool cool Co cool we have all the XP levels we could ever ask for hopefully we just need one name tag right I think it was called a sea noodle is it a sea noodle I think it was a sea

Noodle I don’t know I like that sea Noodle’s cool so that’s it let’s go let’s go do our thing uh we actually need to bring a map with us too so we have a better idea of where exactly we’re going so boom boom boom boom we’re going

To actually mark it down to just so we have like an exact reference point cuz the last sea serpent we brought came from came from like around this little Bend of water way around and over in that direction and uh all the like little Rivers kind of lined up pretty

Darn well um it would be fantastic to have that same pathway cuz uh I guess we have a fair connection to to this water right here and then like I think that hits an ocean but it would definitely be a little more simplified to go into this part of the ocean so

Boom okay that’s exactly where we’re we want to go let’s try it I know we had a couple more little sea serpents running about but they were really far away in comparison to the last one we brought but uh given our new like little lead Transportation method we should be

Okay I think we can make it this work I actually know where a couple are oh you know what do I have a a way shine this was um this is where we were keeping the last one before we actually fully brought them into the base so there’s not one here

Now but but I think straight this way maybe just across the ocean there was one stuck on like uh like a little bit of a mountain like right next to the water it like jumped out of the water trying to attack one of the I don’t know

What it was trying to attack but it was trying to kill something as they do and uh we were going to take that one but we ended up finding one that was closer but the one I think the one that stuck on the place that I’m just talking about is

Green that’d be cool I’d like to have a green one is the music loud enough I feel like it needs to come up just a smidge all right hold on might be right there or even closer to the sirens I can’t remember it’s been a while we might get lucky and just find

One but I’m pretty sure this ocean is pretty empty before we decided we were going to like all right let’s you know build a museum with all the different creatures and whatnot we kind of went on like a the serpent slaughtering spree as well as like with

Dragons uh they were just rampaging us early game so I was like now that we’re strong enough let’s just kill them all and now there’s like very few left in a near vicinity that we can go and find and collect h I doubt we had a second wayron yeah no not

Good it’s fine we’ll get it eventually are these the sirens that I’m no they are sirens okay I wasn’t trying to do this do you guys know what you’re doing they don’t know what they’re doing Man I’m a bit lost I can’t remember where that one sea serpent was it might have been like maybe over here this place ought to be empty there I doubt that there’s a sea serpent hiding in one of these like corners of the ocean we were pretty

Thorough I’m sure there’s a faster way to travel the ocean but I don’t know this is pretty fast ow I guess we could have brought like or stone a greater inertia too that would have been nice out I thought I heard one I think it was just the water falling

There they have like a ranged attack that sounds kind of like water just falling thought that was a yellow Hipp hippocampus at first if we find a yellow hippocampus that’s going to take priority we’re going to get him out of here first ow Port City uh not looking

Familiar oh I see one oh there’s two of them oh I want the yellow one though you’re going to have to not yeah yeah buddy come with me where are we going wrong way let’s go this way he just wants a hug it’s going to take a

Minute we’re got to go yeah yeah what huh oh he’s killing squids see a noodle come here we got to let him have some fun quick yeah come with me buggy who would have thought that uh we’d just be like capturing a sea serpent one day Goose just a little goofy

Guy uh this little goofy guy just claimed his dominance over another sea serpent and murdered him I know we had a green one like kind of trapped on a Ledge somewhere and it would be really cool to have a green one but this guy’s cool he’s a little distracted it’s all

Right great minds think alike right I get distracted very easily just let him do his thing he’ll reago oh he’s all angry it’s okay buddy you don’t have to let look we can be friends how much yeah our armor is good I was dude being in the Lost Cities man

Really makes you conscious of like your armor durability even if you have like mending and all that on your armor um buddy what Oh I thought that was a yellow hippocampus I was going to freak out cuz that would be a bad situation trying to catch them both we’ve had such a hard

Time finding a yellow hippoc campus for some reason uh we need to go this way we don’t really have to worry about our armor durability in the Overworld especially with like a consistent um like source of XP coming in but uh still makes you scared sorry I went over 15 minutes and

31 seconds that’s okay door up I was quite impressed I was like if he comes back exactly 15 minutes and 31 seconds I’m I’ll be blown away download clash of class and spent my last two oh Clash in class spent the last two hours of your day playing that game even

Know how much time I spend what without even knowing how much time I spent oh I you got me confused orah wait are you talking about Clash Royale or Clash of Clans cuz there’s a big difference between the two of them speaking of Clash of Clans and

Clash Royale if you guys would be interested cuz I I thought it might be an interesting little concept to do some some warm-up games in before our streams like officially start right so like before we start Minecraft we could jump on like just like a random goofy game uh

Something that just doesn’t really have story progression uh something that’s just maybe even PVP just for funsies just to get a little warm up get her fingers all loosened up would you guys be interested in seeing something like that and if you would be how would you

Feel about like maybe Clash Royale or uh brawl star I think is something that I’d be a little bit more interested in just cuz Clash Royale is kind of dead oh Clash of Clans Clash of Clans is a good one man took 17 minutes 12 seconds and 57 SE 57 milliseconds I’m

Impressed that you knew that we need to go this way Mr sea serpent come come hey exodor is ignoring it now oh he’s not ignoring you no you would never do such a thing going to be back in 17 minutes and 59 seconds all right I’m timing you this

Time you left at the 23 minute and 14c Mark okay are we where I think we are you know what let’s go around again I do remember where we are uh we had a really nice easy pathway carved out uh we just got to get around this mountain here or

Whatever it’s called but are you uh you’re not the smartest guy in the oh bad situation oh how about we uh don’t kill the SE sea serpent we could probably one shot the sea serpent with our sword is it this way no we got to go around around right dur

Duran yes we got to go this way where are you come on buggy yeah yeah okay that lady does not understand so why is he replaying wait who I don’t know what you’re talking about you talking about doorknob what the did you guys see that that was weird come come yeah this way

Buddy po poor sexy mermaids they’re definitely not mermaids do we want to go I’ll tell you what let’s go just across this I think I mean we could just go around it might be easier just to go around where’d he go hey come back here pay attention to me any other time dude

They’re just diving out of the water trying desperately to rip your head off but like as soon as you want them to follow you they’re like nah I’ll focus on anything but you J maybe if you didn’t call him dorky uh he would respond to

You I know it’s like short for his name like door knob with starts with a K right I get it um but maybe he doesn’t like being called dorky think about it son yes come come drop them for wow that’s a very little amount of money

Buddy he just has 80 HD yeah right it’s s all right I I can relate okay we’re going to go around this island as well hi hi is it some bad word dorky I mean I don’t well I don’t know what other cultures are have that have the

Connotation of but like in America being called a dork is like I I don’t know it’s like an offensive thing I don’t know if it’s like so much offensive now as it used to be but like it used to be used in like a negative manner a

Negative manner yeah I mean I don’t know you’re asking the wrong person about being offended cuz like you’re going to have to work hard uh I think we go to this corner of the water what’s ADHD do ADHD is stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder um which uh one of the side

Effects of being ADHD I think is uhoh stream disconnected what the heck OBS says we’re good I don’t know why it disconnected for a second but it did yeah yeah good job sea serpent oh what a sweat dude hyperactive attention disorder yeah yeah it’s kind of different for

Everybody yeah I would say so exactly he’ll make it he’ll make it ready there he goes sorry guys I don’t know why the stream just disconnected for just half a second sometimes that happens it’s an OBS thing I think either an OBS thing or a YouTube thing either

Way uh it’s connected what does that do what does what do you mean what does that do like the disorder I don’t know if it’s like it’s hard to explain um it’s becoming more common nowadays ADHD that is um your English exam was easy good freaking good dude that’s what I’m

Talking about that’s what I like to hear what is he doing can we like make some progress here buddy yeah there we go helmet’s looking okay he’s honestly faster on land than most of sea serpents that I’ve seen he’s kind of cruising man look at him slithering along it’s

Like he was made for it where you going oh is he stuck on the tree there you go that’s what the leads are for spitting like a Beyblade uh we’ll get him there there he goes armor is looking okay could have probably brought some like Mana regen with

Us did I go the wrong way yeah we got to get him over this lump hey hey we haven’t never gotten one of those before a vespid stinger cool yeah yeah yeah yeah dude he’s cool he’s good he knows what he’s doing look at him our mana’s getting sort of kind of

Low if we run out it’s going to suck I was kind of looking for another headpiece that’s one thing that we haven’t messed around with too much is uh is these little pieces I mean the the lanik tools right we’ve got a couple of them but we haven’t spent much time on

Them where are you going dude he’ll get there gives us time to regenerate our Mana a little bit shouldn’t these guys have like a nest somewhere sji what’s that face about dude come on me ow ow uh straight that way and to the left a little bit come

On dude he’s doing so good for the amount of distance that we had to cover we’re kind of flying imagine you just like naturally came across a sea serpent out here like in the river that you know what I mean like you’re just walking around it’s like

He’s right next to your house or something you told your friend answers but he didn’t believe me until the smart kid told him the same answers wow to be honest J sorry j I was not ignoring your chat I just missed it um to be fair I wouldn’t have believed you

Right away either sometimes you need a little bit of proof just trying to repair my armor a little bit with XP while he’s goofing he is distracted on the squids I don’t know where he’s going is he going back towards the ocean I think K he’s just clipping freaking squids on the

Way ow ooh ah ow it is what it is me e is what it is yeah jiah you want to like confuse some people see Small Potatoes he Small Potatoes okay it’d be nice if he would jump out of the water ow how’s he hitting me from over

There are we at the right you know what are we at the right area we’re not I did this twice now two times now I’ve uh I’ve taken the sea serpent down the wrong little stretch of water we did this the first time we’re supposed to go down that stretch of

Water over there but we go down here and it’s a freaking dead end so I guess we’re taking them back flap I’m just stacking my statistics we got to pass Lucy and in kills for every mob Mr sea noodle come come oh war armor is actually hurting small watermelons that’s a good

One we got to go across this lip oh he’s a sweat dog he knows where he’s going wo oh bedtime all right jiah catch you later brother I uh dude I’m really glad you did well on your exam congratulations sir and uh stay hard as Mr as Mr uh smithies would

Say come on let’s go oh our boots are hurting we’re honestly uh kind of in a sore position when it comes to like loose XP what we should do is make an XP Farm nothing too complicated something that’s just going to give us like a like armor repair when we really need

It there he goes sucks we’re doing this at the winter time normally it’s pretty easy cuz like there’s no ice normally as if we’ve done this like 5,000 times there he goes you might need a little assistance here oh oh uh-huh uh-huh yeah there he goes I’m

Trying to stay away from him cuz I don’t want our armor to break what hey hey we’re friends now he doesn’t want the smoke he knows uh this is his new home hey uh smoke all right we somehow need to get him up this hill

I’d like him to get in the water and just freaking Yeet himself somehow he’s hitting us makes no sense what how are you hitting us do we are so far away from him there’s no chance he’s hitting us right now our boots are about to

Break yeah yeah yep come this way no no we okay all right it’s kind of risky business with the boots I don’t know if that’s enough water for him to jump out of oh oh Welcome Back Sir you 1 second Off you know what what if we bring him over here hey whoa whoa whoa whoa don’t do this can you fit through that do it do come over here and fit through this where are you go huh what don’t run away from me he’s scared he knows what’s about to happen

Okay that’s impressive he fits if he fits he sits I need XP for the boots holy mobs dude what is going on here W zombie or Skeletor we need uh rotten flesh as well where is this dude going going to go refill your OA order you water you water

Botle yeah get out of here please oh boots are still hurting um sea noodle cooperate please you wouldn’t believe it unless you saw it uh-huh yeah uh-huh come on in buddy get our glass ready he look at all these squids dude check them out look at all the squids oh

He’s just he’s at home we got to make like a cage real quick I don’t think he fits through that good old sea noodle I forgot the sometimes he can like phas through the glass just a little bit oops not that one okay uh we may tweak the the lip of

This Stone around here we might you know we could do is we could maybe bring the stone out just a little smidge just to kind of help blend it a little bit give it more of like a like a cave entrance type of feel cuz like check this

Out I don’t know it looks better with the Shader on uh I feel like it Blends a little bit better with the Shader on but one thing one detail that the glass uh reveals that kind of bothers me is like the undetailed Stone Edge that is around

The glass itself that we can’t really get to from where we’re at I’ll show you what I mean here in just a second maybe a darker Stone border that’s what I’m thinking like something to give it more of a border a border here um cuz if you look

You can see like all this Stone around the edge and it’s not that apparent right but I think like if we put like a border in here like something to kind of just differentiate the line between the water and the stone itself in the entrance way it would help kind of blend

That out so that you’re not really paying much attention to that or even seeing it and then obviously like the sea serpent is going to not be floating around in the middle of the water where you want him to be he’s just going to be in the top uh stuck inside the

Wall he does move around a little bit the reason we lost him is because I accidentally got the world on peaceful mode uh through like a bug in the game I like made the secondary world uh so that I could start doing clips and stuff and

Uh I put that world in peaceful and in creative and it turned this world into peaceful didn’t turn this one into creative but I’ve locked the difficulty on hard now so um when we logged in unfortunately our sea serpent despawned or logs to look like support ooh ooh

Like a log pillar like the ooh Oh I’m getting ideas I’m just using my brain here for a second okay let’s grab let’s go clean up our inventory uh we didn’t use as many leads as I thought we would nap time first we’re going to grab a couple of blocks and tweak that entrance way just a little

Bit I don’t think it’ll take much just a little like TLC that’s all did you guys just hear that what the what the heck what’s the deal with the boxes though dude in the shelves what the heck something exploded out here hold on distraction

Time you just got to keep an eye on the build dude for whatever reason sometimes creepers just randomly go off like without being in a like there doesn’t have to be anything near them uh nothing has to attack them they’ll just like blow up because screw your build I guess that’s

Why you know what I mean like all right I think if we just reload the world it’ll fix that stuff but it’s not that big a deal then mate uh uh Greenery let’s clean up our inventory quick grab a couple of blocks fix this thing uh the vespid this is interesting

This oh it applies poison but it’s a pommel pommel slot it doesn’t look like it does anything else I thought it would be cool it’s kind of not I don’t remember where rotten flesh goes I think it just goes in there okay some of these this Simon what’s up

Brother they’re like we’re supposed to blow up but we will do whatever we want yeah honestly dude they they really do just whatever the freaking heck they want I’ll never forget the day that uh I saw a freaking Rock a rock is one of those birds that can pick up mobs I saw

A rock deliberately run over run away from me pick up a creeper and then come back and drop him on my head why why keep it away from me yeah I don’t know man I that blew my mind I had no idea that was possible at that time

We’re going to bring these with us we’re going to bring spite I know I know they just hate you it was funny it it was very funny h that should be more than enough stuff I can’t see why we we need more for that or for this little tiny

Thing did I just see a name tag in my house oh there’s sxes that’s fine I thought we were going to dude I don’t know what’s going on with these textures it kind of looks cool though I need your XP to repair my Armor Plus ooh the boots are hurting we should be

Okay so I don’t know I’m just going to kind of stuff blocks usually that works we’re just going to close it off a little bit not much we don’t want to like you know inhibit the sight of the sea serpent obviously the main focus of where the sea serpent is going to be

Viewed from is likely down here right that was kind of the ideas to have him floating around on the ceiling I think that’s cool um but we definitely want to still have him introduced uh originally up here you want to be able to see him um and you get a good

Angle here honestly and well I don’t know why he’s not killing squids but usually he’s just like shredding squids and stuff in there what I do like the idea of the wooden pillar I’m going to implement that yeah just a little just a little ledge

Of it that kind of encroaches in on your head just a little bit to kind of prevent you from like to prevent your eyes from wandering to the edges here you don’t want to be looking over there what you want to be doing I mean typically you’re going to be focused on

The sea serpent anyway like if you were fresh coming into this world and you were just taking a bit a tour a walk about and you were like what’s going on down here you you’d have a hard time seeing anything but the sea serpent right here but I want to be able to

Like visually help the eyes be a little more concentrated on that point right there this needs to go this has been here forever it’s not like part of the decoration or anything I just placed it down for funsies so then we take some of this stuff maybe not that but like what the

Heck what the heck am I doing okay hold on a second second we got to just take this back off it’s going to be easier to work while we’re doing using the uh not using the Shader pack I don’t really have much of a plan other than this

Today um I mean the sea serpent I thought was going to take longer really we kind of just ripped that one up and got it out of the way more lights toward the middle so might help show the sea serpent more okay wait more lights toward the middle

As in like inside the cage or like around more lights around here inside all right that’s going to be a toughy with the sea serpent in there well we can try to work that out uh I’m experimenting here I don’t really know what I’m doing just adding like some variation to the

The thickness and the depth of the the wood itself right like we talked last time about um different perspectives and how like when you’re far away right when you’re all the way out here you don’t necessarily need quite as much detail in it because you’re getting this much wider perspective and your

Eyes are kind of encompassed by the entirety of it rather than focused on this like one individual block right like this looks like crap doesn’t it I I don’t know personally I don’t like this I think it looks bad like this but when you step all the way out

Here it’s more than just that right you get the walkway that kind of blends with it and then the background and you see this little ledge hang hanging over and it’s the little bitty Shazam kind of stuck in there that make all the difference um I don’t know uh so when it

Comes to something a little bit different when it like this you’re never going to see this from all the way out there well you might right you might yeah you get a glimpse of it here but even then that provides a little bit of detail and uh I mean we’re

Going to tweak it some more but just giving it just a little bit of a variation in thickness and perspective will help uh the build go quite a long ways like that’s not right I don’t know it’s interesting think this probably no that’s right that’s fine I

Think and then we can make it a little bit weird too right kind of gives it like a bracer feel like you see how the uh oops see how like the chains kind of give it that like reinforced wooded feel oops button my fingers are on the wrong buttons maybe like we even

Do something like this instead that feels like sturdy right I was going to try to implement some of these wooden stakes and maybe even half slabs too but I almost kind of like that the way it is you know what we could use is some more of that some more of this stuff

This like whole little thing maybe like even the little things can make it fancy that’s what I’m saying you know it’s the what man the the baby details like even if it’s just a half slab slapped in somewhere it can make such a big difference sorry guys hang on all right we’re Good it might go a long way to put like a wooden pillar Where can we squeeze one hold on we should probably sleep if we can what’s up de Hey brother I’m glad you see your back to like I don’t know about your normal self but I know you were hurting there for a minute there so uh I’m really glad you’re feeling better

Dude I’m just going to try to collect a bit of XP for our armor ow hey no okay I will get you okay maybe this is not the right move yeah I hate those guys all for one orbit XP I think like a support like right like right here just meeting

That like this is subject to change we’ll mix it up a little bit but just to get the idea of the position and shape of it Does that have silk touch on it y good man excuse me I was a little concerned about you man I was uh there it’s no joke dealing with what it is that you well I don’t want to blow you up but definitely definitely take care of yourself man I’m glad you’re feeling

Better I don’t know how I feel about the water touching the wood like that I guess it’s okay what the heck brain thank you that’s where what she said all right buddy he’s feeling better everybody that’s not right what the oh dude I thought that was a fish I guess it is a

Fish is it just me or is the sea serpent real quiet he’s real quiet I mean it’s fine I don’t want them to get like loud and obnoxious but that’s kind of how we noticed that he was missing the first time I didn’t hear him for a long time I was like where’s

The sea serpent at but tomorrow I will flish Platinum for the Ragnarok DLC holy dude that’s impressive and congratulations on on getting through that so fast it’s got to be good there’s no way it’s not good watch this uh we’ll make a couple more that’s a builder’s trick right there I

Guess you could almost see it if you were like really trying to find it the game is good love how they made it dude I was talking to my buddy Zach cuz him and I are both big big fans of the God of War series um and he was like

Man I really hope they do like good on the new god of or Ragnarok game cuz him and I are in the same boat right like he plays PC as well and uh we can’t play it we just um we don’t have the opportunity to because they won’t put it on Steam

And um he was like man I’m just I’m going to be real disappointed if it’s not good I was like dude they could literally copy and paste the old God of War Game into the new one and I think I’d be happy with it like it was just so

Good the first time through I I love that series man they would have a hard time screwing that up in my opinion and if they did shame on them dude I don’t know I I’ve avoided all information about it so I don’t know a single thing about that game yet

Oh you know I didn’t even think about like um hang On let’s get a bird well thank you that’s not going to work that needs to have like something right there that’s fine I think would it be silly if like we had little branches coming out That actually how’s that feel does that look silly o o oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait ideas the brain juices are flowing today we’re going to need more than that uh oh Mr door knob sir good night brother thanks for dropping in man I

Hope you have a good day tomorrow well don’t worry I won’t spoil it but the game is very good if you play the old God of War Series yeah yeah yeah all right that’s all I need to hear man that is all I need to hear Is that too symmetrical we need leaves whoa whoa whoa buddy hey calm Down maybe we back this off there might be too much let’s just do something like that it’s too thick this is not where I had planned on this going sometimes you just got to let go man like let the water take you where it’s trying to go like you know let’s get some

Leaves uh I think I was talking to Zach the other day about this um when I was like man I don’t know if like you’re ever actually done playing Minecraft and he’s not a Minecraft player so he didn’t really get it he was like what do you

Mean like you’re just never done playing Minecraft I was like well it’s one of those games that like you can just go and go and go and go and go and there there may potentially never be any end like yeah there’s a quest log and you might complete every Quest but when it

Comes to things like like this the world around you that you’ve been creating man like there’s just so much opportunity to just keep rolling with it and I don’t know you could build a base 100 million times over and like still maybe come up with more stuff later

On I love it dude I love the open-endedness of it this game has like been with me for such a long time and it’s like I feel like there’s always opportunities to learn I’ve never ever built anything quite like this but here we are experimenting having fun cuz why not right because we

Can that actually needs to be one of these I don’t want to go too hard on the leaves uh I did that one time and I fall and I fall off a waterfall which was thankfully not that he right I don’t want it to be like overwhelming

With leaves but I do want it to be like yes tree branches here you know what I mean in that case do not go with the [Laughter] flow I was going to put another one right over here like another little tree bit but is that going to be too much

All let’s finish what we got going on here see how it feels I feel like the music is freaking spot on today like it didn’t really I don’t know so like I said about going with the flow I didn’t really plan it out like that but it it happened to work out

Nicely whoa that’s not what I wanted to do not too hard on the leaves not too crazy not that far either a couple of bare spots now and then uh isn’t going to hurt I don’t think I definitely want lights in it like trees in real life are not full you

Know there’s gaps and there’s light comes through them I think that needs another light right here I almost want this one branch to come out a little further the fluffiness of the leaves really helps I don’t know if you guys have ever worked with leaves in like vanilla Minecraft or without a texture

Pack or something like that on but the very square flatness of the leaves makes it difficult for them to look natural but uh I think this is with uh what’s the what’s the pack it’s like at trees wait wait not rustic not Traverse Dynamic trees for Traverse that’s the mod pack I’m referencing here that’s what makes I believe that’s what makes these leaves like kind of fluffy um and they don’t really hold any value or anything like it’s not like that’s a half slab at the top or anything like you just pH through it

It’s but we’re almost working ourselves into maybe another potential tree like squished into the wall there there needs to be half slab leaves I know I know that would be a good one it really would be and like half slab uh like regular wood too you know what I

Mean like forget about the plank or the yeah the like plank half slabs we need like half slabs for this too as well as staircases for this like there needs to be first of all uh scream into the freaking Sky about this one vertical half slabs please please somebody give

Us vertical half slabs I know that there’s mods out there that do it but why is that not vanilla dude give it to us give us vertical half slabs please um but there if there’s like a variation if there’s a staircase if there’s a trapo

If there’s a like a slab or a wall or a fence it not only needs to be for one type of block but you need that variation for every single type of block cuz why not man like to be fair like the code’s already written in the game for half

Slabs and and planks and whatever it is so like why not just implement it into whatever else you got going on this guy’s a little big and annoying he’s like the smallest flying Mount that we have so that’s why I kind of try to use him for building but to be fair

There is a little Annoying I don’t know if that that might end up being too much I do want it to be staggered though I okay maybe we bump it back back one like this oh that wasn’t supposed to happen dude well that’s our all craft for you I

Guess no no no n no no no nope uh-uh no I’m not here either I’m Panicking oh no dude what have we done we need to just find somewhere to chill I do want your stuff though I just want the XP for the boots um it all went wrong like all at the same time if that place burns down I’m going to freaking lose my

Mind I’m going to lose uh I’m going to freak out okay we need to be up in the sky in case anything starts shooting fire at us we might be okay oh buddy oh we want the Wither Skeleton skulls though eight I saw some dudes in this Forest here

Man the boots are just not healing for some reason I think we’re good your head roasting on a cinder fire look that was smooth and all but and I like the event but nah no no no not today dude not having that oh dude you know what

Else we could Implement that I’ve just been neglecting since we collected them these little heads these are like goofy heads this one looks like an apple I know we only have nine of them it’ be nice if we had like a full freaking stack like that’s adorable I actually really like those

Things I can’t put them on the underside they suit the trees really well and we’ll put one on this tree here where were we let’s fill up our water oh okay I see you just away from my freaking Forest Buddies scared me okay let’s do boom boom boom Boom too much we’re too efficient Yeah yeah that’s a good spot I Think I do like the reinforced look like a trapo type of deal look good that look good Is trying to think of some other exciting things that we could do today besides just like putting blocks down I like putting blocks down I think that’s cool okay so now we’re talking how do we create the entrance here right so this is one thing that I’ve like not planned

Out in the slightest um I’ve got like a kind of a vague idea as to how I want to take it but I guess we need to make like a little bit of a floor here for this tree it’s not going to look right if it’s just like hanging off the ledge or

Will it what if what if we just get rid of the the glass do something like this as if it’s like growing into the side that’s actually kind of nice um the goal here is going to be like segmented Islands popping around floating in the sky right so that’s

Going to be the complication right uh little bitty islands that it’s not going to have to make sense right because they’re floating islands um there doesn’t need to be any logic behind it we just need to make it look nice the first island I don’t know I’m wondering if

Maybe like the first island would be interesting to like actually merge it into the side of the the wall there so like let me get my bird out he’s broken we got so many of these dudes I guess we could be breeding them like in the attempt to get some more

Yellow guys but uh we’ve tried pretty hard to get yellow from breeding and it’s just not cutting it we somehow lost uh we got red we got blue we got Aqua we got orangee I think we we’re missing a green one now for some reason I don’t know if

He died or something but we’re also missing the yellow one which we still have we’ve I don’t know if we’ve ever actually seen a yellow hippocampus hippocampi what’s this what’s going on over here get it out of here I don’t want it Bird come come

So like what if we made this like little drop down it’s not going to be Cobblestone don’t worry don’t freak out but I do want to get the shape down is that too high up I I don’t know I want it to just straight up drop down maybe let’s go down one

More and it doesn’t like have to be circular it’s kind of just the shape I’m going for right now this is what your English teacher might call a rough draft who okay and that’s pretty much centered dude I I thought he was suffocating in the wall for a

Second I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that noise come from a sea serpent before so like Island number one right and then Island number two would just be a little bit lower not not much just a little bit lower and we need a way to like hop skip

And jump across from one Island to the other now like we ourselves jump really far right we don’t need to worry about the practicality of it it’s about what it looks like now this is a bit large I don’t think I want the other Island the other Islands to be that big um

Maybe we shrink it down cuz that is a a pretty big that’s um it’s my standard Circle that I like to go for for like towers and stuff you got like the three the two the one repeat two 3 one blah blah blah blah blah we’re going to need a bunch more

Cobblestone just to kind of get the shape down floating half slab steps ooh I wanted something like that something I could like I’ve got it in my brain right but I just can’t quite get it there like I don’t know how to explain it but it definitely something along the lines of

Like floating Step St like yeah like floating Stepping Stones kind of and I think that’s a fantastic idea I love that idea you know what I would love even more is if we could get these things to float wouldn’t that be sick but they have to be on a

Block oh duh the freaking glass is invisible dude oh my goodness look at this ready hold on dude it just like Bo light bulb just went off in my head watch this give it a couple seconds give it give it a couple more seconds it does take a while to switch

Back and forth between Shader packs because you got to like reload the entire world again boop boop boop boop yeah dude look at that and we have more than just this right we have all sorts of variations of the pathway path we’ve got round path steps tile path steps and then brick path

Steps and we can mix other stuff in there too right we can mix like trap doors we can Mi mix half slabs we’re kind of rolling we got some ideas in our brain uh okay it’s going to get unorganized here for a minute Oh you know what might also would be interesting is just like like if we take a a stone brick Bridge or like some type of bridge and just kind of like hang it off the edge of an island so that the just like one one of these things and it wouldn’t be

Just this bridge it would be like the stone bridge end piece right um and it would kind of just like hang off the island as like the initiation of this like floating Cobble path like stepping stone way and then the other Island can meet it back together with like a separate one of

These I I don’t know rough thoughts let’s see what it looks like though see what the inside of our eyeballs look like get away ah okay you’re gone oh we got to be careful with the lighting here if we’re going to be placing a ton of blocks down who’s

Dying what’s that where’ these come from okay I forgot they were down Here let’s fill this in we’ll get the shape down for this bad boy man it’s so cool having a sea serpent just running around up there once we get the shape down um we’ll texture things later but I think it’s just going to be easier to do

It this way for now I don’t know I like to my my building tends to have like a multiple step process I like the shape first then the texture and then the detail ooh two three I don’t know if it makes sense if it’s like perfectly symmetrical I don’t know maybe we spice

It up later on but let me fill it in and then once we have like a full round symmetrical shape we can carve out certain areas and maybe like make it a little bit less symmetrical just so it kind of fits the tone of the rest of the

Stuff going on cuz there’s nothing in the entire build that’s symmetrical and I don’t want to start now by making like perfect circles I know this room is kind of close but don’t worry we’re going to mess it up all right so we’d go back through we’d

Add like half slabs and walls and fences and maybe some trap doors in there obviously different colors wow that was loud buddy but I guess that’s kind of the general idea of what we’re looking for A while ago I gave you guys some like really stretched out analogy of like trying to relate the story of um of uh the the the what’s that book with the whale dang it now I can’t think of the name of that book that’s going to kill

Me there’s a book Moby Dick Moby Dick I used it as an analogy to building certain things right kind of like the idea of how the book Moby Dick was written was that like the form the formation and the structure of the book itself was supposed to intuitively represent what it’s like to

Go whale hunting on an actual boat right cuz the story is about whale hunting um and whale hunting itself is very very boring it takes an incredibly long time you know you’re out on the boat for months and months with nothing right you it’s just boring you’re just out on the

Boat doing nothing just waiting to find whales and then one day you find whales and all of a sudden all the action hits at once and it goes crazy and then um big celebration woohoo head home that’s it story’s over um and the book itself is written in a similar fashion whereas

Like the mo the most of Moby Dick is so boring it’s like the first like 2third of the book is just G like when are we going to get to the good part right and I was thinking like a good way to build like a good

Kind of like path to take your building um looking for inspiration and like just a bit of guidance is to maybe have a bit of like story and direction into it sort of like how the structure of Moby Dick is written and if you want to like

Interpret that in a way that you’re talking about rlcraft and your experience throughout the entirety of it cuz what what we’re doing here is creating a menagerie that is supposed to represent our experience of our lcraft um right so this first island would essentially be like day one Naked and

Afraid dude Sticks and Stones not like just dying constantly cuz we died constantly the first like couple of episodes um only like you know later on in the series did we like get it together and and started doing stuff like collecting a freaking sea serpent right um

And you can go the world is like you know not to use like a super cheesy like expression but like the world’s your oyster when it comes to rlcraft right or any Minecraft series you can do whatever you want and I was thinking like we could make one Island here

Another Island here another Island here and then like have a definite pathway of like where the islands are supposed to go but I think it would be representative of the experience of what Minecraft offers if we just scattered Islands everywhere and like made interconnecting Pathways to every single

Island from one to the next like say there’s like this this one Island could have like three different like Pathways leading to other Islands um and although we have like you know the initial starting point here and maybe like you know iron armor phases here and like starter base phases here and and

Whatever um if you were to come in here looking at this as if it was a museum or a menager of sorts as like a piece of artwork that you’re like wow this looks cool let’s check this out like you shouldn’t necessarily be directed to go

Go like you have to go here next now you have to go here now you have to go here it’s like well no maybe like it’ll be best to like Let The Experience just flow right you could go whatever Direction it is that you want to go you don’t have to go

To the iron armor Island next you don’t have to go to the skeleton shooting Island next or whatever the islands are supposed to represent I’m got to let the brain Juices Flow a little bit yeah the world literally is infinite right I mean even though we’re we’re

Kind of working with a finite amount of space here we do have to kind of keep it condensed into this little area um I think it would be like I think it would be artistic and and cool to represent this little room uh to the best of our abilities as a

World of infinite opportunities and one of the ways you can do that would be to offer like many many different Pathways in between these different islands that we’re talking about implementing into the sky here so okay let’s do it let’s add some more Islands oop we’re going to need more Cobblestone but it’s

Fine and I want it to feel quite random I don’t want to come up with like a plan of these blocks are supposed to fit here perfectly nah I think we just freaking wing it it’ll F it’ll just come together just the way we want it to and if it

Doesn’t then we’ll you know you can break blocks you don’t they they’re not there permanently we can fix it for now we’re going to rock with the Symmetry just to make it a little bit easier on our our brains and our eyes it might grow on us you never

Know I think we go down one more actually we’ll definitely have to find a way uh to kind of individualize each Island right I don’t want them to be repetitive I don’t want them to look the same um obviously with the Cobblestone it’s going to be hard to imagine right now

But I think as we go we probably aim towards different color palletes for each island or maybe like we could probably find some repetitive blocks that kind of bring it together as a whole but all in all I think it would be interesting if they they all had like kind of more unique

Pallets it’s fine we’re just getting the positioning down here it’s going to be a lot easier to work with like half slabs and staircases and walls just to like help the shape itself come together a bit better cuz we are working in a very close proximity here we don’t get that like distanced Perspective what we should do though is how this island here is larger than this one this could be like a little mini stepping stone in our path forward right like there’s been a lot of accomplishments and achievements that we’ve done that are not as significant as others right like fishing probably

Deserves an entire room um that’s a joke I’m I wish Harry was there for that one cuz he’d be freaking losing his mind right now um no like going to the end in defeating the Ender Dragon going to the nether I guess was not as significant as

I thought it would be but like the dimensions are definitely maybe we could do like you know Overworld uh Nether and lost cities blah blah blah blah blah blah blah we still need to implement ways to get inside of these which is going to be weird uh how do we do that though

Dude like do we just do something like that all right I hear you I hate you I hate you I hate those things they’re like my least favorite mob in the entire game what right kind of like a little mini half Island to kind of initiate the entrance there

And maybe it’s as simple as just like sticking with the little stepping stone patterns that we talked about that are floating in between islands and we just like somehow bring the islands closer and closer to this verticality the issue is going to be trying to cuz these are all in the same

Vertical height right we were going to make sort of entrances to to each four walls um and to do that is going to be a little bit complicated given the islands are kind of floating at all different points at different heights I think in my head I was originally

Thinking like 40 Islands right like I want 100 Islands you know I want to be able to represent every single moment but I think for athetic purposes and uh simplifying the whole build itself cuz we don’t want to be here for 6 months right we got other games to play we got

Other mods to do um and that doesn’t mean that I’m not wanting to take my time here but I definitely don’t want to spend like the next 5 years building this um especially since we have other achievements to do aside from just building our base here maybe we just

Like kind of reduce the number of islands that I was anticipating originally and we can get real creative with the floating Pathways in between islands too like if we wanted to we could literally make a pathway from this straight down to that without anything in between cuz why not

Right variation variety that’s what we’re looking for here we’re going to need more cobblestone is that on the same height no that’s kind of okay I don’t think I mind them being on different heights I think if they were all four at the exact same y level it

Might look a little Bland especially like maybe not so much from this perspective right cuz when you’re up here um it probably a lot more difficult to see the verticality of it um you get a good idea of it but when you’re down here you really have a perspective of

Like man that would look flat right so if we raise that one up one we say we raise that one up another block past this one and then put this one down below where we’re at one block that might be enough to just kind of give it a good enough variety

There not even that you would notice it from above but I don’t know like we’ve been talking about it’s all about the perspective you can be anywhere in this room and you want it to be appealing from all directions right like we’re not just focused on how the island looks

From right here we’re focused on how the island looks from right here and like over here I don’t know why I can’t get the that’s just doesn’t feel right sure I don’t really have any idea what we’re going to be putting in these um this was kind of a spur of the moment

Thing and it turned out really well I think especially when it comes to your perspective of of up here like it’s not done yet clearly so like it doesn’t look the greatest but I think that like we could probably put some like archways and pillars along the entrance to kind

Of symbolize what’s going to be in that room so that you know your perspective from the outside is going to be like oh that looks like underwater theme and then by the time you get down there and you’re looking in through the door you’re like oh that’s underwater theme so like that

Is right there I think we want to go right here it’s okay dude look I know you’re super thrilled to be locked in here it’s fine why is that un symmetrical oh all right good job buddy could have turned that into a squid Farm uh do we want it to no we don’t

Want it to do that it was kind of starting to work its way underneath of the other Island I don’t like it it’s still doing it what the heck we should definitely put some lights on these things so that they don’t get like mobs spawning on

Them what the heck how do I do that oh this is too big I think this island is starting to overshadow that a little bit I was trying to make this one bigger but I would like it to be smaller now it can be close just don’t want it to be

Like right on top now it’s the same shape as that other Island but I think that can be kind of worked around later not that big a deal oh yeah who is hurting me it’s you away do we want this like kind of like I was going to say

Escapa that’s most definitely not the right word uh deescalate like wrapping kind of around like do we want this to be the highest island or do we want another one over there at the same height or do we want them all to kind of wrap down and around

You don’t want too many islands either cuz like if you’re down here the islands are going to start to cover up your sea serpent right and it’s fine in certain areas like right there it’s perfect right but in around the edges I think it’s not

Even a big deal but I think we want a large portion of the middle to just be open and not have anything in it so like maybe we kind of try to stick the clusters of islands in a more circular fashion around the edges of this room I’m trying to channel energies to

Uh to bring inspiration Well we definitely want Islands to make it all the way down there like one More or maybe like two more maybe like one here right and then another one like right about yeah here specifically to get us down there okay now I’m sort of Leaning away from the chaotic like Islands everywhere type of vibe that I was talking about before it might be more appealing to the

Eye if we keep it a little bit more concise when it’s like you know 1 2 3 4 5 six island instead of just like everywhere we look it’s all right to like double back on your ideas too you know if you’re if you come up with something and you’re

Like oh that’s a good idea and then you try it or you think about it some more it’s not a big deal if you just you you turn around and you’re like ah I don’t like it anymore there’s nothing wrong with that feel like there’s a big hypocrisy

In the world nowadays where it’s like it’s not okay to change your mind it’s not okay to think about something differently you if you liked it 10 years ago you better darn well like it now it’s like no we grow we change over time sometimes it’s 10 seconds sometimes it’s 10

Years let’s see how we like it let’s put two more Islands in there that kind of get us down to that height see how it feels we’ll go from there should we merge this island into the wall it wouldn’t hurt to have some islands kind of like stuffed into the

Wall a little bit he’s doing a good job he’s doing good if we’re going to have a shft into the wall it needs to represent a larger area yay like that like if that whole island was floating out in the open it would be huge but it’s

Not there’s a part of my brain that feels really bad covering up the emeralds cuz we left the emerald ore in there specifically cuz it looks nice and every time I cover one up I’m just like my heart just a little bit who are you and how did you get

There oh there’s totally nasty spots around here we’ll worry about it later I don’t think it’s going to be that big of a deal to have some dark areas hopefully it’s all just zombies oh duh break them with your pickaxe so they you don’t have to pick them Up Boop the boots are slowly getting there I’m trying to keep an eye on them just in case cuz you never know we need more Cobble let’s go get some now before we get too carried away with that Island man this feels good I like this little

Area that we got going on here with all the leaves and the trees and the stuff stuff the trees pillars were like a huge idea I’m glad we did that thank you Goose Goosey Goosey Goose we’re going to likely need more than that hello Hello Whoa uhhuh dude is so Loud you guys are just a little bit in my way just a smidge just a tiny bit so like we could use Island like right here I know it’s going to be mostly below that other Island but I think that’s okay as long as we’ve got enough height which we

Should it’s not like there’s going to be anything crazy going on we’re not building skyscrapers on these islands right um and if we can kind of overlap them a little tiny bit from the the lower perspective I think that’s also good another thing we need to do is fill

The base of this in the entirety of the bottom of this I’d like to turn it into a desert I know I’ve said this a couple of times but I’m I’m say it again uh just to reinforce it in my brain I’d like to make the base of this

Like a desert and then hatch some death worms in here and let them roam freely I may want to do a little bit of experimenting with death worms first so that we can like fully understand how they work like first of all can they cuz they go underground right like they will

Phase through sand blocks do they only phase through sand blocks can they get through like into other Stones cuz there’s like little caves and stuff around us can they get stuck in those caves um I’m almost positive they’ll attack other mobs sure why not that looks fine

Trying to get the feel of the flow down here let me look something up I want to show you guys something that I I’ve got in my brain right now that might actually turn out really cool if it kind of goes the way we’re talking um I just got to remember what

Scene it was it’s from a movie uh what the world hang tight bear with me here uh I’m struggling to find it that’s the wrong thing H that’s not it I’m struggling here I don’t know why I can’t find the scene it’s from freaking Star Wars so like You’ think it would be easy to find hold on let me try one more time now I’m I’m second guessing myself whether or not it’s from Star Wars or if it’s from something else

Okay dang it the the scene that I’m thinking of maybe it’s like is it Harry Potter hold on all right time out it might be Harry Potter okay this is sort of what I was looking at or what I had in my head so like that scene from prisoners of askaban um for some reason I thought this was from Star Wars and this is a much smaller room than I remember it being but like where there’s this like

Centerpiece where um what’s his face the gosh dang it whatever his name is um he’s sitting in this cage in the middle and he’s surrounded by this like escalating room of people that like it’s a bit open down here right but it it wraps up and around and like over here

In the scene it gets even higher and there’s like just people Scout spread out along the walls basically um and there’s other movies that have scenes that are similar to this that have much larger rooms I just can’t think of what movies they are um but that’s kind of the idea I had

Here so like and maybe in the middle we’ve got this like centerpiece okay so for example in the middle here we could have like kind of down low like about yay height we’d have this like little miniature Island here maybe not miniature but like a a relatively small shaped

Island that is pretty much separated from the rest of these other Islands um and that you can’t even necessarily walk to it right cuz we talked about having these little floating um like stepping stones in between islands right this one would be individual from the rest of

Them uh and this would be our little island that is dedicated to um the shivaxi monument so this would house like you know say when we’re about to retire the game we put our current gear up like our strongest armor on an armor stand with strongest weapons and all

That on on the on display as long as well as like the key that we got from the shaxi monument all that stuff kind of on display dead center in the middle of this room and then like you know the surrounding Islands as you go around

You’ve got this like 360 view on your way down of this like island in the middle kind of the same sense of like well I guess if you’re down here right this would in theory of that photograph that I just showed you about Harry Potter this would be like the

Entrance to that room how it’s like kind of low and there’s not much going on and then as you go up and around the edges of the room like that would be like the interpretation of how the people kind of like line the walls but like instead of people lining the walls it’s

Islands I don’t know that was kind of my thought process there as to how we can kind of bring this room together as a whole cuz we can’t just have the centerpiece opened so with that being said we would kind of mimic a similar Style on the left hand

Side we would bring Islands the whole way around um that kind of escalated in the same fashion I might run with that I might run with that feel like we haven’t gotten enough progress made today yet we’re going to start flying on this right a lot of this

Has been like theorizing and just kind of like kind of trying to bring it to life inside our minds here once we get a definite idea of like this is the path we want to take I think it’s going to start flying what’s going on Mr Smithers I mean hi Smithy bye

Smithy sorry Harry’s not here I had to say it for him at least I don’t think Harry’s here golden my dog go go golden golden my dog Golden my dog it’s a good dog I don’t know that’s a good dog you got there go him my dog that works or anything

Else I knew what you meant I got the idea in my brain Oh it’s good afternoon nice well good afternoon to you too whoa buddy uh I think it is day 78 um I can’t remember for sure but I want to believe that that’s somewhere where it was at right I’m going to have to keep a tally dude

I know I’m losing track anymore now too that’s okay it’s not a big deal almost Friday what is is today Thursday yes it is this week went by quick man no joke is an island a little bit close nah no I don’t think it’s too close I think um o

I think we’ll get creative with the Pathways in between make them look a little funky let’s say day 78 I think yesterday was 77 I’m pretty sure I think you’re right on the 78 thing just go like one more Island right in the middle uh maybe we back it up a notch hold

On who else is here I’m not sure I think Goose might be here it’s been a little quiet today but we are kind of just big chilling we went and collected a sea serpent um cuz the last one just somehow randomly disappeared I have no idea how that

Happened um definitely wasn’t like some user error issue or anything like that that would be silly uh and that’s about it we’ve been texturing and doing some creative detailing like that dude I’m really happy with how that turned out that’s actually sick the red in the trees makes a huge difference yo

Y I think I’d actually like this island one bit lower just reading school stuff fun so fun and exciting with school yay woo should be doing that that’s all right Smithy if you got to go do your thing man by all means go do your thing oh how’ that

Happen I think that looks a little bit better all right time for smoke let’s go come on Who wants it I guess they want it there was no hesitation there it is so hard to kill things in this game hey did I say you could attack my freaking seahorses you don’t want

To oh it’s English I going to give you don’t have to but you should we’ve been reading uh Resident Evil notes that we find on the ground all right it’s not supposed to be symmetrical but that Island right there needs moved back one block one two three two three

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa is that I don’t know it doesn’t have to be perfect right now e does it need move back again moved move backed moved back again see I need to practice my English too Smithers I think it might need to be it

Might can do I think that’s a something that Zach says it might can do went to the gym nice it’s a good tired though it’s always a good tired it might can do oh I don’t know why I’m focusing so hard on the details right now whoa we’ll have to

Touch that up later oh that looks better already I have maxed dip machine today very nice dude well done was that a personal record for yourself or uh have you done that before either way that’s huge now I knew it wasn’t going to be symmetrical from the start given the way

The entrance comes in kind of like to the left a little bit but is that bothering anybody else Machining couldn’t go higher yeah I know what you mean what is that what’s going on over there huh who’s fighting what well we kill them all dude stuff’s in here just killing our CA

Ponies two reps of 91 kg that’s a lot man that’s a lot sir that Island was supposed to be right there specifically what if we move this island over just a little bit just a little bit just like directly to the left machine couldn’t complete compete that’s always a good sign

Okay that helps it for sure for sure that helps it just trying to find perspective from each of the other islands like does it look like a gradual it doesn’t look like perfectly gradual but it doesn’t need to be I that was kind of the idea at first to not be like perfectly

Linear but it would be real satisfying to the eye if it was like just perfectly linear the whole way up it looks good from certain perspectives but every now and then I get an angle of it that I’m like and then I step away and I’m like

M see like that’s M that look good right there I like like That step up get some Okay we need like maybe two islands here we need like one Island one Island and then maybe even no that’s I think that’s fine the way that is be right back brother okay or we do one in the middle one larger Island versus like two smaller

Islands I feel like this one could be Bigger all right let’s try one big island in the middle I think that’s about where we want to be I don’t want to make it too big of an island because that’s freaking huge right there that it’s too much where is it whoopies hold on

Oh gosh dang it does it need to be one lower I think it does and I feel like it needs to be pushed back a notch it does let’s go well we didn’t fill it in the whole way so that’s cool okay what if we went right Here one two one nope one two the Symmetry circles are tough man we should really put like Advanced efficiency on our magnetic pick it’s kind of nice not having everything be magnetic just cuz every now and then you don’t want to pick up all the blocks that you’re

Breaking uh it’d be nice to have like one of each right what we should do is make a secondary tool belt we should make a tool belt for like adventuring stuff and then a tool belt for building it’s not like we don’t have the resources it wouldn’t take long welcome back Smithers

Smithy you and jariah should get together and talk about English going to put me in the back okay okay it’s fine I didn’t want to talk to you anyway and a boop boop boop I’m just kidding Smithy I’m just messing with you dude I’m joking I’m joking no you dude you

Got school work that is much more important I was just joking I promise it was jokes just jokes there’s no reason to feel bad sir yeah I think that looks a little bit better it might it might benefit from being pushed back like one more block what’s up with jariah what do you

Mean how so oh you’re not doing school work oh well then freaking pay attention to the Stream Smithy come on dude holy crap dude uh dad bod’s cats are freaking adorable they’re just cuddling Chester and Sammy that’s adorable that’s a good picture I thought for a second jiah was

Going crazy in the chat or something I had to make sure nothing was going too wrong man Uh I’ve got my brain Confuzzled one two 3 one two two and three I think that’ll probably do it right there yeah that’s a much better spot for it I think haven’t checked Discord in a while that’s okay there nothing really special goes on in there it’s a lot of memes and like communicating back and forth with

Gifts like gifs not gifts and then the island in the center something’s telling me that that one there that we just made is just a little too big all right dude I will catch you later then Smithers take care buddy all right dude I’ll be here doing the

Thing well is it too big of an island Island it definitely feels like a little bit lopsided but I’m thinking like maybe it’s not too big of an island maybe we just need to compensate with just a little smaller Island like over here would not be a bad thing I don’t

Think I think we have plenty of islands I think this should be more than enough if we’re going to like represent all of our little bitty checkpoints throughout rlcraft or instead of instead of adding another Island what if we just like pulled that one a little bit

Closer this one what if what if we just like pulled it straight towards us just by like one one block anyways you need to team up with the jariah and learn English my we do we need to learn it would be uh it would be useful Just For

Life learning how to talk is important hey no dude who did it who’s doing it I’m about to freaking smack some heads who did it oh sorry I did read it wrong uh yes you could do that um G was asking me for help when learning how to uh talk English and I

Was telling them the same thing I was like I need to learn how to talk and speak English what’s going on don’t you freaking dare burn our trees down I’ll be furious man I don’t like it I don’t like what’s going on most of the V yeah most of

Everybody’s vocabulary is slang it doesn’t matter if you speak English or not like it’s fine it’s just how we talk it’s how we communicate eventually one day can we stop with the explosions outside dude what is happening enough stop blowing my stuff up guys I’m just making sure it’s nothing like

Detrimental I’m not worried about a couple creeper holes now and then but like if there’s a hole blown in the side of our house we have a problem I don’t know we might be okay you know what I was half thinking that it’s like totally unnecessary but I was thinking like what

If what if this tree like grew up and out the middle and like got really tall and grew like way out to about this height and just like became a tree that like grew up out of the center piece of that hole and like spread out in this

Vicinity I don’t know I thought that might be an interesting little concept um Sorry my phone’s blowing up today guys I don’t know what the deal is but it’s not Important um all right I think I’m actually okay with where the with where that island is but but what we need to do now I want this one to be dead center in the room I think actually that platform is just a little off center just because of how the the

Doorway opens up a little bit weird okay uh more a little bit more how’s that so in theory that little island would be our centerpiece maybe it needs raised up some uh you know what I think I kind of like it lower it kind of forces a perspective

Like from up above no matter which island you’re on it would almost force a perspective right so like in theory like down below with all the sand and the desert and the death worms you don’t go down there right that at least that’s the theory so you’re never going to see

The island from this perspective whereas like this being the lowest Island I think yeah I think they’re actually the same hype but this being like the lowest Island that’s the lowest you’re going to get in comparison to that one so I don’t know I’m I’m kind of

Imagining this as like a funnel shape kind of like um just everything’s kind of rolling down into this Middle Point and the Center focus is going to be this and like you can’t put it way up in the air right typically when you think of like a Center focus piece like like a

Piece let’s say you’ve got like a bunch of photographs on your wall right um and they’re all separate photographs you typically have like a an important one in the middle and then like the less important ones on the sides so like um all your children go on the sides and

Then the the the father and the mother at the top cuz they’re the most important of the family right um those are terrible terrible uh analogy but um so like typically you want to like take the centerpieces and raise them up higher than the rest of the stuff just because that’s a a

Symbolic ref or a symbolic resemblance of like the importance of whatever it is but in this scenario you can’t go up you have to go down and I don’t know I’m just trying to justify why it’s got to be lower it does it adds a very particular perspective

That I’m having a hard time putting into words like normally when you put things lower and you you lower the perspective of whatever it is and you’re looking at it from above it it typically tends to ref or uh reference like a a demeaning perspective something that is more so

Like looked down on and not as important whereas in this case it would be the most important thing and even though it’s down as low as possible you get this like almost backwards perspective that somehow still represents the same thing do these words even make any sense I don’t think they

Do I I don’t think any of that made sense at least it didn’t make any sense to me it kind of did I’m doing my best I don’t Know They got to go it’s time also congrats on 350 thank you very much Smithers I was pretty excited about that It’s not like a huge checkpoint or anything but uh it’s a checkpoint nonetheless it’s the most Subs we’ve ever had I’ve started this bad habit of um like looking at other videos on YouTube and like comparing their views to mine I got to stay out of that mindset I got to

Stop thinking about it that way like I don’t know uh like the dream man is to just like pay your bills by paying or playing video games that would be the greatest thing ever ever I mean obviously it’s it’s way more than just playing video games like um there’s a

Lot of time and effort put into the uh like in behind the scenes right um but you can’t have it all right like you’re not just going to only be able to play video games and be good to go um although that would be freaking outrageously cool um I don’t know I feel

Like I’d get bored anyway so and I really enjoy the process that is involved outside of the whole video game itself thing um like somebody the other day was telling me like um you should start paying somebody to do your edits for you I was like I’m broke but also

Like what else what would I do in my free time like what what would I do if I’m not playing video games if I’m paying somebody to do all the other work I don’t know I just thought that might be a little bit boring and

Uh I don’t know bottom line is like I like the process I really enjoy all the the stuff that comes with this and um with that being said when I see other people that kind of like have it made to a certain extent and they’re like straight up this is their career they

Wake up every single day and they’re able to just like make videos that makes me so excited to think that like I don’t know maybe one day that’ll happen for us too maybe maybe maybe maybe okay I don’t really have a plan here just kind of rolling with this that’s how we do

Things oh goodness I wish you wouldn’t it’s so tough to kill enemies man because we’ve got this Golem armor on that like knocks enemies back like really far when they hit you and uh they always bounce so far away if they hit you before you hit them ooh I’m getting like little bitty

Ideas if you can’t tell I’m a big Star Wars fan I’m feeling like a lot of my inspiration comes from Star Wars um but there’s this one scene where uh I think it’s Princess Leia and Anakin get captured and they’re brought to this like Coliseum where they’re tied to chains and they’re made

To fight right kind of like a um like a Spartan Coliseum type of deal and I’m kind of getting Vibes of that where it’s like very Sandy very dry and deserty and uh there’s like maybe some pillars some like they they don’t really have any structural value right they’re

Just pillars that are like in the middle of this area like something that used to have a purpose but is now like kind of busted up and beat down it’s kind of where my brain was taking me so maybe some St some Sandstone maybe some Desert Stone and other things

We definitely want a variation in height too it doesn’t need to be flat that’s going to be bad but we can’t really make the sand very deep if we do we run the risk of getting too high up in the air anyway brother have a nice stream have college tomorrow go to sleep

Going to sleep all right man thank you for hanging out Simon it’s always nice to see your face around here man I love when you guys keep coming back it makes me feel good makes me think I think I’m doing something right I hope you have a good day me stop it

Oh I heard him get out of here is there two of them I hear something wait is he taking no no the brown sea serpent throws me off a little bit every time I see him for a second I think he’s taking damage if we have to we can go in there with

Like some health pots and heal them up a little bit all right I don’t know what today’s goal is I really don’t but I know we’re not getting a sea Ser or a desert worm in here yet I just don’t uh it’s not happening we’re not ready for it I think the

Desert worm’s probably going to come in much later or the death worm I think is what they’re called there needs to be a magic wand that like lets you place like big large area uh of like I don’t know any type of block right think I’ve seen something like it

Or like what I’m thinking of in other mods where it’s legitimately just like a wand that like lets you build a large area typically it’s just like squares and rectangles but like just placing Mass amounts of blocks instead of just one at a time is can I help you dude

It would be cool to have multiple death worms I’m not going to lie uh we have like I think two or three giant death worm eggs and then a few of the regular death worm eggs I’m thinking the giant ones are going to be cooler right like obviously

We want giant death worms driving around down here it’s not about the uh little ones um but maybe we test it out with some of the smaller ones first just in case it just goes wrong like say they break or they get out or die or

Something like that um just a little bit of experimentation first You all right y’all need to move Please think we need the Slime balls The Desert Stone is going to freaking go hard in this place no joke it’s going to look really good I think at least down in the bottom half of this For Excuse Me unfortunately we’re going to end up with this like ring bll shape type of deal which I was not really Wanting I was hoping to cover up all the charge stuff on the sides and not have like this effect going on here cuz I don’t know let’s just keep placing and see what it looks like after we’ve like tired ourselves out or something for welcome back Smithy that didn’t take long

I don’t think hay sounds aggressive at all I think you made it sound aggressive in your mind and if you didn’t know man Hayes for horses anyway check the Discord all right hang tight let’s not let that happen your bird is sleeping in your hand man at least she looks like she’s

Sleeping that’s so odd man like odd in a cool way I wish I had a pet that I could like share in the chat there with you guys everybody’s got these cool cute pets I got nothing I got Minecraft it’s about it she is don’t know why she got really

Close to me in the last period of time well it’s probably cuz she went through the like you said she recently laid eggs right she’s probably like I don’t know going through metapa or something I’ve been like afraid to remove these like charred blocks for some reason even

Though they definitely need to be removed certain scenarios like that one dude I’m getting so tired of whatever that dude is like creeping down in one of the caves it’s just constant like uh no I do not have a Snapchat I mean I used to um so I guess there is an

Account out there floating but I don’t use it and no that doesn’t mean somebody can just go and hack it and use it get out of Here it’s stupid yeah yeah it’s it’s stupid there’s a reason I don’t use it anymore right it’s stupid I mean it’s got its ups and downs right like I I used it strictly to communicate with people and um I mean eventually it’s just like I don’t communicate with anybody anymore so why

Do I use this thing no I mean it might be an unpopular opinion I think a lot of people would be upset they’d be like no it’s not stupid it’s actually really cool like I don’t know I don’t like it I find that it just like wastes my time and rots my

Brain like uh that that one section that’s like just like 2 second clips that are just like meaningless and never benefit anybody ever except for like I don’t know I I can’t think of a way that they would ever be Useful just got it for your friends yeah that’s exactly why I had it is cuz other people had it no I don’t I don’t really do any of the social media man I don’t think it’s good for you I mean I guess technically um YouTube is social media

In a way um but I think I use it very differently than most people do there’s definitely like a good healthy way to use use social media and then like a really like oh my gosh that guy is Fast goodness we’re going to have to get some lights out soon I lost my train of thought talking about like social media has like there’s good ways to use it there’s healthy ways to use it and then there’s like negative ways to use it that can be bad for your health and your

Mentals where are the nunchucks we replaced them um I mean we still have them it’s not like we just threw them in the trash or anything um but we upgraded yeah in the last was it the last no not the last stream but the Stream before we uh we went to the Lost

Cities and collected a whole bunch of stuff and um got strong so these this sword is like the highest damage for one single opponent the nunchucks are very cool because they can handle like many many enemies at the same time like efficiently um but this sword like if

You’re fighting a boss or something like it wrecks a boss and other like individual enemies we’re going to end up with this fish bull shaped no matter how hard I try could it be better what could the weapon itself be better like the one we have

Now I think that’s maxed out I think we got all the enchantments that we could ever ask for on it like what’s the best Lord egg in the game sword in the game um I mean this is a sword well it’s techn it’s called a great Cleaver but it’s technically a

Sword um I think pretty sure it’s considered a sword I don’t know what else it would be but it’s uh about as good as it gets I think I mean we’re coming up on that part of the game where it’s like we’re there’s nothing left for us to do that’s

Why we’re spending so much time building plus we have we have stuff in mind for the builds right I’d like to do some things one of those things being what we’re doing now just some like personal goals it’s not like it’s necessary for the completion of the game For type too much what do you mean I like when you talk I like talking to you sir you son of a gun dude you’re lucky it’s just sand but the whole chat’s blue it’s cuz there ain’t nobody else [Laughter] talking somebody’s got to talk man if

You’re not in here talking to me then I’m just building by myself now it’s not all blue there you go see the the chat has moments where it like it goes crazy and then it slows down okay all right I’ve had enough thank you for God can I just build in

Peace I just like listening to people talk while I do stuff yeah right I mean not everybody likes to talk a bunch of Silver’s hanging out right now just chilling also also what don’t you give me bad news what am I what am I learning what do you mean what am I

Learning by the way what the heck did I just hit myself on I tell me two a lot speaking about learning guess what I got for my math test oh oh oh oh Goose goose what you learning uh what did you get for your math test I’m guessing you did

Well I’m going to say a B+ I don’t know what the grading scale for Deutschland is timing is hard no it’s okay I swear one being the lowest 10 being the highest I don’t know grades in the US I don’t know them either anymore I think they’ve changed since I was in

School uh I’m guessing you got like an eight out of 10 and You’re darn proud of it at least I’d be proud if I were if I was at school I got an eight out of 10 I’d be cool like yeah I’m good with that oh my God gosh dude I can’t handle

It I know that like the longer we’re in this chunk the crazier it gets but dude frig off my goodness they’re so obnoxious cing the USR wonky they’re they’re weird what eight out of 10 is pretty high what’s wrong with perfection Smith whoa whoa whoa what what you got a 1.8

Out of 10 why you showing off what the heck what that’s not good that’s really that’s bad Smithy what the heck me I thought you were studying for that you just wanted to share well thank you for sharing sir I hope you do better than the next one For I don’t know this is kind of coming together a little bit some parts still feel a little bit odd I do home school so most of my grades come from these 20 question tests yay how’s how is homeschool like my cousins grew up with homeschool and I

Mean they never really talked highly about it they didn’t like it um but I don’t know I always thought it would have been wonderful to be homeschooled cuz I hated school um I mean until I got older I hated school also homeschool is illegal in deut what why is there

Like like why is there a reason behind it it’s flexible and you can get stuff done at 2: a.m. if you wanted to see that’s great uh if that’s what works for you man that’s awesome um cuz everybody learns different right like everybody has like strengths and weaknesses in

Different places so that’s fantastic if that’s what works for you there’s a lot of people that need like more structure to keep them like in line or else they’ll never get anything done I think I was definitely one of those People Not that you know of it is kind of sad I mean if people have the capability of homeschooling their kids and the home the SK the kids do better in homeschool than they do in public school then I I see nothing wrong with it now obviously there’s some benefits to a public school

That you’re not going to get from from homeschool right like there’s um there’s a lot of like social things and real life stuff that you pick up from public school that you are unlikely to get in home school unless your your home life is like extravagantly varied like you’re

Probably just sitting at home most of the time like it’s probably unlikely that uh a homeschooled kid has their parents like taking them out and like going to like public stuff all the time getting them like situated socially whereas like public school kind of forces that on you you don’t really get

An option and it sucks a lot of the times but it’s one of those things in life that like you kind of got to learn it even if it sucks um and you’re better for it after you’re all done and and whatnot but like I don’t know I was horribly uncomfort throughout like

Pretty much the entirety of my school years until like my later years of high school I started to like develop as a an individual but like I don’t know man I I was not a fan of school when I was younger home school would have been like the freaking

Dream they don’t even got school buses there oh wait a second so you got to walk to school but they won’t let you stay home for school so what do you guys do during the vid like uh because a lot of like American schools kind of just shut down

They were like nope sorry go look at your computer for school now which was kind of a shock to most people like it a lot of kids did well but a lot of kids did really poorly too you got to ride your bike dude it’s freaking cold screw

That I’d be permanently sick dude forget that I don’t do well with cold weather but that’s just me luckily your birthday’s in 10 days and you can finally get a job nice I think that’s probably where I started to really Blossom when I was younger was when I got a

Job that can do a lot for somebody for sure just having a sense of like accomplishment and responsibility that that can really uh just help you develop don’t do it yep you’re doing it why do they spawn in waves 13 km I think 1 kilm is like one and A2

Mile or uh sorry 1 mile is like 1 and 1 12 kilm no not quite 1 and 1 12 km it’s like 1.43 or something like that hey Siri what’s one mile converted to kilometers I had it backwards it’s 1.61 km is one mile so 13 M or kilomet would be like hey

Siri what’s 13 km and Miles so like eight miles that’s a hike that’s like incredibly far that’s too far to ride your bike in the winter time well I mean if you’re if you’re a baby Mama didn’t raise no what I’m just kidding it’s a discipline thing yeah

Absolutely absolutely man it’s not easy doing that kind of thing and if you can if you can get up early every single day and force yourself to do that like that’s character development you know that that type of attitude is going to benefit you throughout like years and year throughout your whole life

Right I’m surprised you don’t have a similar attitude towards studying Mr Smithers Walmart’s like if you don’t know Smithy um since you never been to one Walmart’s like a big supert store there’s clothing there’s groceries there’s like video games and technology and just a whole bunch of cheap crappy

Stuff that tends to be a waste of money even heard they sell guns yeah they do certain ones I mean it it’s not crazy when like there’s a a solid process to it and you know there’s there’s thorough education revolving around them like you can’t just it’s not like anybody can just go

In and buy one at any time like you got to pass like certain background checks you got to have I guess you technically don’t need like to have proof of like knowledge of the Firearms to use them um but everybody should have a thorough education on how to use guns properly

What the safety requirements are and uh I think it’s important to have like um people freely able to to have guns within reason you don’t want a freaking RPG in your living room that’s ridiculous but like self-defense man is a real thing if you can’t defend yourself then what can you

Do you got a new bike it’s a electric electric that’s cool dude I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff like that I’ve been seeing a lot of people with motors on their bikes for some reason I don’t know why I don’t really get it they’re for old people no not at

All I mean maybe a little bit but not really stop it dude these guys are so annoying here like 89% of ebike owners are above age 60 that’s quite the statistic right there okay this is a little unfortunate that this is just an empty cave right here dude freaking stop hitting me dude

Oh my gosh what is going on here you guys are so annoying stop it stop it don’t do it well I was hoping to put a dip in the floor uh you made the number up up oh well played dude where are you coming from these are the most annoying

Freaking things anything that throws you around or like runs incredibly fast goodness I kind of want to fill this cave in just for the sake of depth in the floor for the sand warm no I just don’t know how it’s going to work with this like I don’t want it to get

Like lost in here we’re going to need a lot of sand if we’re going to try to fill this in this is going to take forever we’re going to be here for like the next 5 hours just placing sand down opinion on house plants I love them everybody needs more plants in their

House by required by law no options I got a whole collection of plants can you freaking freak off dude mate bloody freaking freak off mate you freaking idiot you dang bloody idiot your PL your health plant died yay it’s all right that that’ll happen man you can’t like you can’t win them all

Really that’s why I have lots of plants so that in case they do die I have more I wish there was spray foam for this game like spray foam that just like filled in gaps and caves and stuff stop leave me alone I want to

Build in peace I don’t want to fight I don’t want it anymore I’m done I’m tired of them punching me in the mouth it was pretty old yeah but the the older a plant gets the uh the better it should live right right you still have the mango plant growing that’s really cool

Though oh stop it dude there’s just so many mobs it’s not even funny a potato plant sprouted in the fridge I don’t think you’re supposed to keep potatoes in the fridge are you I don’t know I’m talking out of my bout I don’t know the answer to that Bloody freaking don’t mate who you freaking stupid idiot mate I hear it I’ll punch you all right this is going to be a lot to chew right here the sandworms drown that’s the you know what hold on let’s test something quick before we go and fill this entire cave in with freaking

Sand let’s try something interesting Here we’re going to do some experimentations anyway I got to gather discipline to get out of bed and feed your bird you do what you got to do me maybe get ready to maybe get ready to get back in oh get back in bed I got you okay they

Drowned I mean I could have seen that one coming it doesn’t look like they go inside regular blocks but they do go inside sand teleport um at exob Beaver um desert um biome uh I don’t know this is not going to work yeah um I’m learning here slash iome slash slel iome how about oh there’s sand right here dude okay so they’re like they they like fall through the sand but they don’t fall through any other block it

Seems oh D there’s freaking islands of sand over here I’m a spoon dude but like all right for example say there’s water next to the sand they pop right out of the sand into the water okay so what we need to do is like physically block all that stuff off

They shouldn’t in theory they shouldn’t even be able to all through there as long as we carve or put like a flat bottom in the sand and it seems like they only need maybe one block of sand and the the more depth we have in

The sand the the less we’re going to see the worms right so we’d rather them be above the sand as of often as possible so let’s try whoops we need some regular blocks how about you don’t dude thanks get out of here I didn’t ask for it some regular Blocks not sure what I was thinking about why that would work but I don’t know I don’t know we’re learning here don’t you freaking touch me stay away from me I’m so tired of these mobs we got to light this place up okay what the there should be a block in between

Every other block down there so theoretically they should never ever fall through this I’m confused what to do what to do where when wow why who what when where the five W’s I’m going to punch you in your freaking mouth mobs stop it they’re so obnoxious Man this is my bat symbol right here dude are you kidding me Okay I don’t know if you guys knew what just happened there but we got hit by one of those stupid spectrals and he cursed our leggings so annoying Dude my family’s gone for marriage and because of my exam I can’t go and I came from tuition at 5:00 p.m. and I sleep and wake up now what the H dude it’s 3:00 a.m. I mean well sometimes you get those days right you just can’t

Sleep I don’t know I find it easier to just like get up and go to bed early the next day um depends depends on the day what the poop those look weird uh we’re looking for random stuff curse break at this time no Sho or stor is

Open near you just hang out man just Chilla a dael brother I don’t know I don’t know what to tell you boo BR Brew I I didn’t mean to call you boo I swear I meant bro sorry that sounded bad we need 1 million torch Arrows actually yesterday I did not sleep oh so I was not sleeping when I did I got slept I only don’t I don’t know what you’re saying dude I think I know what you’re saying but I don’t know what you’re Saying All right these torches are temporary I just can’t keep working like this I’ll be back after a few all right dude okay how many torches we got enough let’s do the dirty down here dude the spectrals are everywhere holy I’m going to have to request that you stay away from me dudes

I’m surprised that they don’t have like 24/7 stores over in India like you can’t go down the street in America without seeing like a 100 different stores open at all times a day if it’s not a bar or a freaking grocery store or convenience store or gas station it’s like there’s something always

Open I mean don’t get me wrong a lot of things close but I don’t know get out of here I want these emeralds nice please stop spawning mobs down here the heck all right I think this whole place is cool this place at least right there’s still plenty of places around nearby

That need lit up I was hoping to get away with not doing it but um obviously they’re annoying okay get me out of here and I’ll never want to see this cave again we’re done is this Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the guitar okay one more quick look

About there shouldn’t be a single spawnable block in this entire freaking place except for maybe on the stairways I didn’t check these ooh actually I see one spawnable block two spawnable blocks didn’t do too bad there man that’s not bad at all okay I think I saw a third one it’s fine now

I think we’re just about done with the sand H some tasty emeralds man they’re nice what’s up Sammy ooh I don’t know I think I’m just about done doing what we’re doing here hey ligma what’s what’s cooking today uh we’re working on well not really the same place that we were working on before but close here I’ll show you in

Just a second let me clear these blocks out almost I think this might be the last of our sanding come on now so we we went and found ourselves a sea serpent after that boy disappeared um mysteriously I have no idea how that happened still definitely wasn’t user

Error that would be silly um and then we started creating the foundation and shapes for our Islands down here and uh we didn’t like make a massive amount of progress It’s been a slow day for sure okay but the base of this place um it definitely needs some spice we need

To texture it up a little bit and the torch spam is ignore that for now it’s not going to stay like that forever um it’s just temporary while we’re working in here and before we actually get like real Lighting in but yeah that’s what’s going

On I’m new here can you sum up what happened oh my goodness all right so here’s the deal we’ve completed almost all the quests in rlcraft we’re just missing a couple here like we need one ring from the Lost Cities we need to kill the big

Old fancy boss from the Lost Cities and there’s a couple fishing quests as well um and then we need to get some more weapons from the Lost CI so mostly what we’re looking at as far as quests lost cities um other than that you’re too

Fast all we are flying today um oh we did this too we uh we like added these like tree pillar things as like just variety and support um which I’m really happy with how they turned out uh they look good I something about this wall

Here cuz you can make like walls out of just like straight up blocks of wood it looks so good it’s perfect it adds a lot of Dimension there um so tweaked up the pathway just a little bit M um for the ones that are new here this

Is the entrance to what’s going to be called our Menagerie uh where we’re going to kind of like memorialize all the different things that we’ve had going on as far as our adventure goes in rlcraft um the trees look sick thank you they were kind of a spur of the- moment

Thing and uh they turned out like freaking smooth way better than I expected them to I thought about making one that grows like all the way up out of the center of that uh hole in the ground and then comes up and out but so

This is our base hold on we need a bird cuz we’re going to end up falling without Mana so it’s got a lot of detail work to do but like we’ve got our way Shrine um pathway up to the main point of the base like that tree doesn’t

Belong there there’s a we got a lot of cleanup work to do um but this portion over here we’ve really been fine-tuning and uh it’s starting to look really good we still need to work on the river but we’ve done so much building like so much freaking building um we

Need lights everywhere too little bits little bit by bit we’re getting in there and then we’re going to build a tower here eventually as well and I desperately want to extend this roof out I’ve been saying this for like a month now we’re going to like expand the roof

Up here so that it’s wider than the top and uh it just looks like a little weird I don’t know I think the roof needs to be wider thank you very much guys yeah it’s been quite the adventure man and uh lots and lots of inspiration from you guys um

Ignore these crates they I don’t know why they look like this right now something weird going on with our textures um for some reason the crates are being funny but it’s basically just storage um so you know you got the inside of the house rocking and rolling

We still have some interior work to do too but um like I said we’re working on the downstairs right now today this is our our Brewing setup I’m I was happy with how this turned out too but I don’t know man we’ve been cruising I think uh give it like a few

More weeks of just straight up building we’ll probably be completely done with it we got like a villager breeder and stuff set up too but not over here I don’t know I’m I’m really happy with how like like this perspective aside from like this top half this just

Bugs the crap out of me and then like the missing Tower here that perspective looks great I’m really happy with that what up Dad dude you guys are going crazy all these said vanilla players we’ve had it in orl craft for years I know I know modded

Minecraft is so good it’s so good there’s just so much man I’m thrilled with how this turned out oh the wolf armor yeah yeah that’s in this game too I’m super happy with this we definitely have some stuff to do like we talked about bringing some sxes and stuff in

But I didn’t want to bring the live creatures in until we like had our sea serpent totally situated cuz he’s a manace he’ll just go and kill everything yeah man it’s a good perspective I wish he wouldn’t be like glued to the ceiling a lot of the time but he does move around

Something to do with like the squids that spawn in there he’ll like he’ll aggro and kind of get stuck up in the ceiling and then they’ll spawn some more and he’ll move around again but the base here is going to be like desert floor and we’re going to try to spawn some um

Some uh what are they called some death worms so like we’ve got the ocean above us with like the death noodle the sea Noodle and then we’re going to have the desert below us with death worms and stuff and I I want to build some like pillar structures

That are like half beaten down and uh just kind of like reminiscent of like an old Coliseum kind of but then the death worms are just going to roam freely around here because they’ll actually um first of all it’s completely enclosed underneath the sand so I don’t think

That they can get out and go anywhere but when you hatch them they like tend to roam around a certain area that they hatch in so dude it it’s so cool I’m so excited for the rest of the Menagerie to kind of start coming together cuz it’s fun

Uh rlcraft may be a pain in the early game but there’s so much convenience it has over vanilla I know man the early game hurts like dude I I spent like three four episodes there were like8 10 hours a piece just freaking dying just kept dying over and over again couldn’t

Get it right but once you get rolling man it gets much easier and then you get to the Lost Cities and it’s scary again um but thank you DB thank you very much guys uh so not wait you’re going to put all of the ropes in one place

Uh all of the nope ropes in one place wait the no wait is that he’s a nope rope is that what you’re saying and then the deathworms are going to be nope ropes too I like that I like NOP rope that’s funny I’ll tell you what I think I am

Done with the desert here for now uh that’s like the main Sandy part but we’re going to add some more structure we need Desert Stone we need Sandstone we need some lighting that is more natural instead of the torch spam we’ll get that in there too

Um can’t imagine going back to vanilla I dude I’ve said the same thing you know up until like the recent months basically when I first started streaming and making videos is when I started experiencing like modded Minecraft I realized that like there’s no going back there’s just not man it’s

It’s not the same game man I love it I love modded Minecraft so much now I’m Nitpicking there’s just so much that modded Minecraft has to offer and it’s it’s not even the same game like it might still be blocks and you know zombies and creepers and whatnot but I don’t think it’s the same game literally played vanilla for like 20 minutes my friend said you looked

Bored let’s try modded yeah yeah I mean before I had a PC I uh I played on Playstation so um there was no option right it was just Bedrock version there and uh I mean it was great when when Bedrock version Minecraft came to PlayStation or and other consoles it

Was an absolute Game Changer you know it’s like the only game anybody ever played for ever um but then I discovered this I’m like wow this is much much nicer there is no going back also since it is also locked on an older version of vanilla it kind of Keeps The Nostalgia

Fresh and simple it does I mean there’s a lot there right like there’s a lot more here than just vanilla uh simplistic kind of stuff but but generally um it does have like an older nostalgic feeling I agree with you and then on the top of that rlcraft

Takes the progression in a much better Direction than vanilla I think so too like the questing um I think it’s actually called better questing like there needs to be something sort of kind of like that in vanilla too just something to kind of give you a

Guiding path on like I know that you know Minecraft is supposed to be like do whatever you want like the world is your sandbox you can build anything you can go anywhere you can do anything but I mean theoretically like there is a bit

Of a path to follow right you want to go get armor you want to go get um enchantments you want to go get the Ender Dragon and elytra and blah blah blah so a questing system would be great for vanilla too remember when I used to play uh Xbox 360

Split screen with the friends after school I know man there’s like late night adventures with just playing Minecraft just vibing it’s kind of what we got going on here anymore it’s a good time Vanilla does have oh wait I guess they do have achievements like steam has achieve no it’s not on

Steam wait am I tripping I don’t remember achievements for vanilla but right so let’s just like slap all these boxes up here for now cuz we’re using a lot of the blocks and stuff that’s in them but we need more blocks we need Desert Stone can I put any of this sand away

Perfect boom boom boom boom boom no hate for vanilla at all but it wouldn’t feel the same after the the RL craft I know I you know I haven’t gone back to vanilla since I played rlcraft in fact I haven’t played any other mod for Minecraft since I’ve started this um

But I’m just completely engulfed I there’s there’s just so much there’s an infinite world of possibilities man you could just keep going and going and going and going and going and then some right I can’t see myself ever going back what the heck are Spruce trap doors doing in there

Don’t worry about it when you get done with this I’ll definitely point you in a good direction of some nice mod packs oh boy don’t you worry sir I’ve got some plans in mind um I think I want to dive into a smaller like very quick simplistic mod that we can just run

Through really quickly after rlcraft right after we’re said and done and we retire rlcraft we’ll move on to something else something smaller simpler easier and uh then it’s going to be the freaking most exciting thing that I think we’ll will be doing is uh Vault hunters and I say that because I’d like

To do Vault Hunters with you guys I want to make a server that we can all play together that would be ideal I’ll be teaching you the tech oh snap I really really want to play Vault Hunters man I’m thinking we just need some pillars scattered ever so

Often I’m actually playing with a group of friends uh the one who owns the server is Australian so we have a fun Bunch Vault Hunters is the bomb how far into it are you guys like I guess there’s there could possibly be no end to Vault Hunters but

Uh I think it’s caps at level 100 what we’re going to do is like make this Tower here and then just chip away at it and make it look like it’s been ripped down kind of you’re level 21 oh you guys are just getting started I think level

20 is where the like what’s it called um there’s like a like if you die before level 20 in a vault you still get to retain all your gear um you just don’t get XP or anything but after level 20 it’s like sorry about your luck dude you

Died you lo you lose all your everything you lose all your everything let’s get some sand to work with Okay I felt like there was too many dips on the ground anyway so that works out well nah not going to work hold on process of elimination you do lose all your stuff

Um but if you have enough coin you can get it all back okay that’s actually good to that I don’t know too much about Vault Hunters I have a brief idea of what it’s like cuz I did play a little bit um but then I started streaming and got into

Like this whole series and um I decided it would be better if instead of continuing that Vol Hunter series that we just like first of all finish rlcraft and then start fresh on vault hunters and go in hot with like a a server with you guys I think that would be just fantastic

Veritable Treasure Trove of information of about Vault Hunters that’s fantastic I uh I’m definitely going to need like guidance as far as certain things go like I don’t know we could definitely chat about it if you want to but it’s up to you guys I will forget the information that

We talk about we’ll put it that way I will not remember a majority of the things that we discuss and then uh when we play it I’ll have to ask you again that’s just how it goes wait oh I knew that felt weird all right something like that we’re

Going to run out of Mana again nah that’s not working for me how did we make I think it’s just like this um yeah it’s just like that got it I know what I’m doing it’d be cool if we could get like a bit of Fire coming out of like the dead

Center of this but I think that’s asking too much it does need some light up top though doesn’t it what the heck is a redstone inductor we’re not going to worry about that about like Lantern I guess we just go with like these regular iron lanterns that we

Already have built back in one of our crates is it in one of these auh that’s my AR go around like it definitely would feel better if it was like centralized with the lighting but we chose an odd shape for the pillar uh we’re stretching it here just trying to add some variation

To it that actually might look pretty darn good ooh oh that do look good I feel like it almost needs some light in Here is that too much of that one Lantern though and these lights don’t look right that doesn’t fit the the vibe Sinite like respawn thingies what is this a respawn statue that might look interesting or wait wait wait wait wait I have an idea I don’t think this is going to look cool it might look really good or it might look just like stupid and make no sense

Whatsoever we’re going to try these and we’re going to try these parkour baby this will give it a little more height as long as it makes sense to you that’s all that matters yeah I mean I don’t know I was just trying to like work with the color scheme and the

Shape at the same time does that give it back it does oh we can’t place these down oh well I wasn’t sure if that would work or not okay One Last Detail and I think that might be it right There like I told you before I don’t have the patience for building uh give me a cave and I’ll just dig it out and make in my own room yeah dude I mean I love doing that I love just carving out caves like B cuz basically what we did here like

This area was carved directly out of the ground like this area was carved directly out of a mountain like the basement was carved out like I I really enjoy just carving stuff out um oh shoot dude shoot I almost broke the tree uh but this is like the complete

Opposite right like creating something from nothing instead of something from something so I don’t know I mean this room was already here right there’s a tier five Dragon below us or find a planes and I have an open floor plan I know normally I like to

Build like that but I really wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone like as far as possible which I’ve really really gotten that like I’ve never built anything like any of this before like these trees man never once in my life if I built something like that but it

Worked out real well um and I’m not good at like at least I wouldn’t have said in the past that I was good at like developing like Pathways and texturing and stuff like that but um I don’t know every single thing that we’ve built in this whole world has been like brand

Spanking new and experimental and a learning process so I’m excited with the way it’s turning out I’ve definitely learned a lot and uh I hope you guys have learned a lot too you like to go in random public servers and build tunnels under everything just connect their bases up with like a

Railway that was so unnecessary I’m leaving we’re going away all right guys I gotta pee so bad it’s been like four uh almost five hours it’s a long time without peeing I’ll be right Back Okay so I was thinking it would be cool to have six of these pillars but I don’t want to like I don’t want to cram them in what the how oh it must have been a visual glitch yeah it’s not we had to add uh Feed the Beast

Chunks is FTB that’s Feed the Beast right to the server because someone was taking people’s things uh unfortunately having a server that is open to your viewers you might end up with some dirt bags well when I say open to viewers uh I was going to

Like um well I’ve already taken a poll of like hey who wants to join the server and uh I’m not going to like uh no offense to anybody out there and I don’t mean to be disrespectful I would love to include everybody but it’s it’s not really possible to include every single

Person either um I was going to take a poll of like who wants to join and then pick like you know the top like 20 30 40 people um give or take uh whatever the server can handle because like uh depending on what type of server you try to run like you

Can only run so many people and things like that and if you want I think the most a server can handle is a 100 people and it gets expensive cuz it’s not free to just run a server um so unfortunately I’m not going to be able to like support

Everybody but uh I will definitely be um inviting like a select number of people cuz I mean some of you guys have been here like since day one right um there’s people that are in here that have been like you know my third fourth subscriber like absolutely going to open it up to

Those individuals I’m just trying to get the feel for it I think like 1 2 3 4 five we need one right there and then we need one right there all right hang tight the positioning is going to be a process here I don’t want to start building them

Until we know for sure exactly where they’re going to Stand okay it’s not going to be like perfectly symmetrical I just want to get a a a general idea and then one in the middle of each of these and nothing is symmetrical right that wasn’t the idea to begin with oh that’s good okay wait is that just

Five are we doing five instead of six uh or wait does five even make sense we do five let’s spread this out let’s go like back Here that one needs to go over like one block that’s better I don’t know I was thinking six would look good but I didn’t want to put too many in I was just about to say it would look better if you brought that one out a

Little bit but you read my mind I know uh dude it’s all about how it feels you know you just got to let it come to you like absorb The Vibes of the blocks take in the energy become the blocks blocks don’t move I don’t know uh we’ve been playing

Too long I’m losing my mind all right I want different heights which means we need different patterns all the towers can’t be the same let’s make let’s make that one like the shortest one because of its location I don’t want it to like stick up in front of this I

Want it to be like or would it be cool if it was the tallest one what if it came up like past this okay let’s try it one block two block three block four all the blocks in the world are in M okay uh we need more Lights dude ligma if you’re still here I went back through the stream to listen to that like myself make that noise that you said was going to be like absolutely hilarious it was funny in fact I included one of them like in the in the video That dude is just glued to the corner over there okay ligma bus dude that name is so funny I find myself like saying that like I was playing with my buddy Zach the other day we were playing predecessors and uh I don’t I can’t help it like my my brain

Just makes noises sometimes and like your name is stuck in my head dog like every now and then it just falls out I’m like ligma bus so thank thanks for that thanks for getting that in my brain I think we Probably we probably stick to the same base I don’t know unless my heart’s like drastically changed here in a couple seconds Maybe we knock this one down like one block and then the one just to our left we raise up higher what is that oh it’s just a particle we’re kind of working with a limited space here now now that we’ve got the islands in I want them to be randomized in height I

Don’t want them to like look the same think we bring that one up one more block that one up one more block and then what we need to do is go make more blocks The textures of these crates are kind of bugging Me I guess we could bring some chiseled in Pillars with us why not oh uh lanterns lights okay that sucks dude we’re going to have to go to the nether whoops That’s all we get we get two lights all right let’s find an empty crate go to the nether real quick and collect a bunch of glow stone Do we have enough water we might as well refill it quick we should I’ll be right back see you noodle don’t you worry sir um how do we get out of here who’s hitting me stop it we could probably do with with like 500 stacks of this or something like

That what are you doing you don’t win this fight go yeah that’s what I thought suu am I paralyzed I am what are you what what you doing that works oh they fighting each other goofballs dude one thing about LL craft that I didn’t know until quite a like

Well I don’t know it was a good ways into our run was that freaking items don’t burn no items burn XP Burns items don’t burn crazy man all right we honestly could collect glowstone like all day um just cuz we kind of use a ton of it but as of right

Now I think we’re going to collect like these last two patches and just get out of here just for the sake of getting these pillars done that’s not necessary dude my face is paralyzed stop it I can’t teleport when they’re hitting me get me out of here

What up rahan dude welcome back man what’s good G uh not I mean just about everything’s good dude we’re freaking chilling we’re big chilling just collecting some glowstone so that we can finish some project stiff oh my gosh I thought I was going to break those leaves oom Let’s put that in the uh and I guess we need more of these let’s try to get organized a little bit I’m struggling in the organization Department that’s better that makes me feel a little better uh how do we take these next pillars dude I definitely do we want them to be the

Same but if we do that we almost have to build them the same height or at least like segmented Heights that are in the same pattern like what if we did this what if this one was one segment High let’s see how it works if it look

Looks good and um it feels right then we’ll roll with it but something tells me it’s not going to look too great that’s not right I already jacked it Up So then just straight upstairs right here and then just cap it off with this what the heck I at the hiccups oh know does that work and then this one would be the next tallest over here I think right they’re very similar that one might be a slight goof them up

Nope yeah that’s right that’s right I’ll tell you what man the uh the Shader pack helps it makes things look nicer it really does like you can say what you want about anybody’s building skills and you put a freaking texture pack or a Shader pack on that bad boy it’s going to look

Good it’s going to look good or at the very least so this I think if we’re going with the segmented Heights goes something like that with some staircases on Top do I have more nope okay and then just something like this I know it’s not like perfectly symmetrical but it’s not really supposed to be I’m going to end up getting mad at this and like wanting to replace it with something Else is that not too yikes dude it’s not enough of a height difference but if we if it’s the same height as this one that doesn’t work Dude maybe this one just gets raised up some that one right here Or maybe they’re okay man did I freaking ask you dude he doesn’t like him it looks all right from like a lower perspective but from the top it’s hard to tell the difference between the heights I don’t know why I stacked this one the whole way up too much okay I’m strle

Busting and then I think this one is just like two segments I don’t know how it’s it would look if we like cut it off halfway in between I don’t think it would look very nice yeah yeah yeah two boom skis boom bo boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Got to keep going man okay that sucks that double sucks goodness I mean goodness ready goodness I don’t know it’s called entertainment guys if you didn’t know if you weren’t aware of the implications now this is supposed to be taller than that one but I think they’re about the same height are they

Feels like it this one might be one block taller we don’t take measurements around here it’s coming together I wasn’t sure I was going to feel it first I really enjoy these little parkour Islands we got though that one is going to be weird I want it to be

Taller but it’s going to it’s going to have to be cut off at a strange point if we do that Pi I’m freaking jamming dog this is what we needed I might change up the playlist after this W that’s not right right no it’s not I guess if we got the desert finished today we could probably hatch the sand worms and the death worms right That’s right dude I can’t wait for tomorrow’s game you guys have no freaking idea what’s about to hit you in the face no idea it’s gonna be so fun I’m gonna get my freaking tits rocked you’ve no we’re gonna die a lot I think at least that’s I’m assuming we’re

Going to die a Lot how do we continue this pattern Here I guess we just mimic that Right that Sucks I think the light goes here block go here if you build it they will come that dude let me up I don’t want to fight freaking gravity mission complete Sir is that where we just cap it off taller it’s about where we want it to be what what the heck oh maybe cuz I was Shifting the shift a a little funny with some of the stuff in the game not most of it’s fine but like every now and then

You find something where you’re like why can’t I click this it’s like because you’re shifting like the hammock is one thing that’s super weird you got to shift right click it but not with anything in your off hand and not with anything in your main hand it doesn’t

Make any sense that’s the only way to do it if you have a shield in your off hand can’t sleep I might be kind of okay with the way this turned out we definitely need More okay I’m thinking what if we take like a since this is already sort of Coliseum esk at the base of it right with the pillars and the sand and and what have you in the circular fashion what if around the edge border um up until about like this

Platform like right where it meets what if we just like removed all the the burnt stuff okay and developed like this wall like straight up just a wall that goes the whole way around the the outer edge that is made of a combination of like desert stone blocks and some other stuff that

Way that way that way that way it really it excuse me it first of all differentiates the bottom half from this half but also just breaks up the blandness of this wall yeah I didn’t intend on keeping it all this before like we’re here to just rip it up it’s

Open space to us it has nothing to do with it being burnt he said you recently started playing with mouse and keyboard and the controls feel weird it’s really odd it’s very odd to get used to um mouse and keyboard is great for some games detrimental for other games at

Least in my opinion I can’t play a Souls game with with mouse and keyboard it just I mean it can but it just doesn’t feel the same and it’s I suck at it like I I’m so much better at a Souls game with a a controller but like mouse and

Keyboard on Minecraft man a 100 million times better you just got to get used to it typically I think first person shooters are easier with mouse and keyboard too hey kite welcome to the the danger zone what up we’re gaming we’re big gaming all right let’s do it let’s do

What we set out to do I don’t know how this is going to work gaming let’s go that’s about all we do around here if you come in here we’re not gaming something’s wrong well unless it’s podcast hour with Bryson at like 2:00 in the morning oh goodness that’s not

Great buddy you do not want no no no no no no no all right hold on what’s up S man everybody’s dropping in today you know who we’re missing freaking Harry and Lucy well there’s a couple people who haven’t stopped in too but hey Beast treats I don’t think it was Beast treats

Hold on treats it was anthonian treats we can make it with just perk chops bco Maka he wants to smoke he’s about to get meat that came out horribly wrong uh well can I make it out of this of course not I don’t want to use

The b h you know what let’s use the bobco meat we’re going to probably need more than that just because I don’t think we have any like uh information on that character bone okay that should be plenty the meat meat oh jeez I think that ought to be enough if

That’s not enough meat then I don’t know what is sounds like this is podcast hour with Bryson yep let’s get rid of some junk some junk and junking junking junk and junk and junk junk come here get the meat oh it didn’t take that much Cool all right we’re going to carve out just a ledge around this whole thing don’t don’t don’t now that you’re free and tamed if you stand in my way I will freaking kill you just saying all right so I think that’s the plan right it it’ll look cool at least that I

Hope it looks cool we’re going to put like a barrier wall all the way around the edge of this place but only to a certain height it’s actually going to take uh a while we’re going to probably be in here making this wall for quite a long

Time use the pickle Stone on it pickle Stone pickle Stone pickle not a thing brother or are you talking about like the the uh the Lush Stone the green stuff Soul Stone oh oh oh this pickle Stone um this thing I didn’t really want to I didn’t like him that

Much um well okay so the reason why I wanted to keep him down here was because I thought he looks cool um and if we put him in like our if we do that if we tame him with a soul Stone then he goes into

This menu and like he takes up Spirit in order to keep active and I’d rather him just exist naturally and not have to worry about him like despawning or or requiring energy to be spawned in I mean or we could just like kill him and get rid of him I don’t

Know the pickle Stone why are you following me dude this place is really coming together I don’t want to rush it but I kind of can’t wait till we’re done what time is it we might go a little bit later tonight we’ll see just to get some extra building out

Of the way it’s going to be a lot to work with but it’s fine it’s all got to be done okay what do we build this out of I think I think I think I think you know we should do we need two different palletes here and we need the

The two palletes to work together and I think what we’re going to do is imitate these two pallets out here check this out I think we’re going to work with the Lush Stone as well as the Desert Stone okay um and check my my fancy diamond

Block we’re rich boys uh what are you doing out here how did he get out here um kind of freaked me out man uh let’s get this out of here put some stuff away real quick uh where does the burnt Stone go guys I don’t know what’s wrong with the

Textures today something to do with our Shader pack it’s goofing he just wants a pat he’s about to get these hands we’re going to end up needing to make more of this stuff but for now it’s going to work well at least be able to get the pallet

Started so check this out after we get rid of our freaking little sidekick yeah come on down here you little hacker and that’s what I thought I think he should stay there now uh so I’m thinking we have two different dimension layers to this wall right we have an outer dimensional layer

And then an interdimensional layer and the interdimensional layer would be the Lush Stone right and then to provide some like pop and depth to it we’ll use the Desert Stone on like accented pieces so like for example you see how this has like an inner 2x two pillar and then on

The outside you’ve got like these accents that kind of like provide some depth in variety these would be imagine like this pillar but with like the center 2x two being made out of lush Stone kind of like that but in wall formation so like brick brick brick

Brick Bryson can’t bake because he’s a brick Oh it’s always going to be favorite thing I’ve ever heard man sorry Bryson it just is and I think we take it it’s going to require a lot of blocks this is actually going to be a bigger project than I had expected it to be

It’s all right I think Lush stone is just grass and Cobble put together and it’s not just going to be a flat wall We’ll add some Dimension to it I’m just trying to get like a pallet down to work with from Pallet Town Ash catch him where oh wait sorry this is actually

Too high up holy blocks Coffee Cat poem was so funny I know freaking killed it I like Bryon never recovered from that one it would be impossible I think we go down one more that should be the height of it I think it might be easier to just use the

Bird so like okay basically what we’re looking at here is just right now it’s a flat wall right but oh is this going to make it more apparent that it’s not actually a perfectly symmetrical Circle and if it’s not should could we make it a perfectly symmetrical Circle oh it’s

Going to take so long to do that what are you doing in here and how and why and why we could probably just drop sand down here just to fill these gaps in so we don’t have to light them up or I don’t know it’ probably be easier just to

Throw a couple torches down there okay there’ be three blocks this is going to get like out of hand real quick you should probably leave so your OCD doesn’t kick in I know leave oh leave it as is oh that’s the problem my OCD is going to kick in

And then be like nope sorry sucker you got to fix it it’s already kicking in freaking bugs Okay thank you this is why there’s torches everywhere and it still doesn’t seem to work what where are they spawning get them out of here I know there’re still spawnable spawnable platforms but what you going to do about it okay this is already kind of wrong right that’s a three block

Center so it needs to actually be wider right five blocks then this would back up right about there well I we got to do it it’s got to be perfectly symmetrical uh there’s been a few things in the build that I’ve like just passed it up i’ be like nah it’s

Fine it’s fine and I’m not going to lie it kind of bothers me but um we got to fix it it’s got to be symmetrical I can’t help it so a centerpiece of five and then four and then three and then one and one it’s already very close to being symmetrical

Yeah ooh the problem is does that line up right freaking know it doesn’t line up right oh oh how why are you going to do this I feel like shaxi did that on purpose he was like you know what if we’re going to put Dragon dens in the game and we’re

Going to make him circular let’s make him one block off just to freaking infuriate everybody I don’t even know how to fix this that’s the whole room dude one two three we can’t fix the whole room are we going to fix the entire room man I want to fix the whole room that’s

Going to suck my hair is jacked up my head’s jacked up my face is jacked up oh this is going to stress me out dude we need more music though I can’t live like this I can’t I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know

It’s going to end up so timec consuming that it’s not even worth it cuz if we do this we’re going to send the whole room off by just like a little bit are we going to use this wall as our our starting point cuz maybe just maybe it’s

Smarter to use this wall as our starting point so like we’re going to need more blocks yay gosh dang it dude this is not how this was supposed to go do we care that much overthinking 100 I know I know it’s just like and it’s going to bug me it really

Is I’m about to go cry in a corner or something all right let’s get it over with let’s just um let’s go do it let’s go fix it first of all blocks oh gosh dang it Dude do nope I do not looking for these bed boys looking for these bed boys right there we need grass I wish magnetic worked on this thing dude that would make life so much simpler I mean it’s not that big a deal but it would be

Convenient I guess I could use like uh like a magnet itself just to make life easier but we’re already here doesn’t take that long with any luck like if we start that other wall and like kind of symmetrize it and bring it out the whole way it’ll okay it’ll actually line up properly

With the other wall that we already started I don’t know we might as well turn it all into flush Stone we’re going to needed I think what yeah that’s good enough we still have more Cobble somewhere uh I just don’t really remember where I know we’ve got some of our crates down there like where we’re working dead bu welcome

Back let’s just use that for Now we just going with bricks I think we’re just going with bricks H let’s not turn it all into bricks we’ll save some some of it for later that would be absolutely silly to do that all right here we go removing the stuff that we spend so much time putting in I

Knew I was going to do this I knew it it always happens I can see Lucy shaking his head right now wait coffee cat was in chat I must have missed it I wish you guys would quit complaining and just come on guys just do it it’s not that big of a

Deal oh talked about in chat I must have missed that too imagine the world just corrupts right there everything freezes and breaks corrupted gone all right I’m going to try to make it symmetrical to this one over here cuz we already have a good Circle kind of down

And it’s like three blocks and then three diagonal ones uh right yeah yeah yeah yep Yay and three blocks that way and four blocks the next way oh no it’s not going to why would it why would it line up that would be just ridiculous it’s all right we love placing blocks that’s why we’re here what if what if what if what if what if

What if we made it an oval guys what if we made it an oval how cool would that be nobody likes circles anymore circles are just out outdated ovals are all the rage I hear kids love ovals ah 1 2 3 4 One Two 3 1 2 3 4 One Two Three 4

Oops for real though I think it might actually look fine as an oval I don’t think there’s an issue there it is a a little bit of a Cheesy shortcut I mean hopefully it doesn’t feel too bad doing it like that but this wall itself down here shouldn’t really pertain to much else

Going on around like up there at least not noticeably what oh s Dude is it really actually one block off center block right Here we’re not going to talk about This we’re going to talk about anything else boom look at that it’s iMat Charco coal one two three and then you go one block two block one two three block one two three block one two three block one two block BL one two three block and then Three and then this should be Four rebuilding stream let’s do it I mean we’re already here we might as well just do it now right one two Three four five one two three four five okay so instead of being oh wait oh okay no um instead of being five blocks middle piece this is 10 blocks middle piece right So like the only way we could fix this is If We Shrunk The Room by five blocks on one side and if we do that we literally have to move Everything like we’re talking about redoing the sea serpent we’re talking about redoing like Well we’d probably move this portion of the room closer to us this way so that it meets that right just to save us time time and then we’d have to redo just it’s too much I feel like oval

Shape is fine oval shape’s fine uh I don’t have an issue with the way it looks this way um at least it’s technically symmetrical right J watching your RL stream currently on episode 6 got a lot of lot to go it seems oh dude just wait till you get

Caught up um I can’t believe you started from the beginning in fact please wipe it from from your memory um they the pros of rlcraft have done nothing but rip me up dude all the mistakes I’ve made it’s been fun we’ve had a great time man we’ve come a long way as well

But I’m really glad you’re enjoying it man very glad you’re enjoying it that makes me feel good it’s not noticeable I don’t think so though I think we’re cool okay when I say we’ve come a long way uh take that lightly Yeah still no one’s told you you can use Matchbox to light torches beforehand I know I know no I mean it’s more of a learning process right like you get to experience it nice and fresh and clean for yourself I mean I was using matchboxes but I

Didn’t realize that you could use uh what are they called um I don’t know there’s a bunch of different things you can use to light torches either way man forget lighting torches we’re past that now yeah we’ve been having a freaking blast man it’s been so much fun

It’s almost kind of sad to see the series like coming to an end soon um but if we run into too many more situations like this we’re never going to end it we’ll just be doing this Forever Yep blade arrows right the arrows are freaking awesome and they duplicate I think that was meant to be removed originally like the the torch duplication aspect of these arrows um but it hasn’t been and we’re using it I thought about doing that in your yeah absolutely I mean it’s a freaking

Whole different game like that Bo one two three one Two yay oh if you guys start an rlcraft series make sure you use a freaking Shield early game I learned that I will not forget that boom I think it was three right okay budy Anywhere But Here I will kill you three four five 6 7 8 n what huh no nope

Uh-uh uh nuh-uh okay there’s got to be something off cuz it lined up beforehand on this side so I must have messed something up 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 one two three four

Five don’t do this to me game one two three four five 1 two 3 4 1 two 3 1 two 1 two 3 1 two 3 1 two 3 1 two What the freaking heck is wrong here I’m going to scream I I can’t do it I can’t do the circles

What did I jack this up again oh my gosh dude oh my goodness all right see this is what I mean I don’t I don’t do circles circles don’t do me I don’t do them we’ve lived peacefully without each other for a long time oh there’s four there’s three there’s

Two hold on we’re going to get this right all right there’s no stopping it it’s happening one two three four five personally I like triangles don’t even start that that’s not happening I don’t know what’s wrong here one and doubt just freaking rip it out start it

Over this is why I didn’t mess around with the symmetry of the circle itself to begin with cuz I was like it’s too much like it’s it’s not going to be circular it’s going to be one block off and it’s going to take days and days and days to fix it

So there’s five blocks four blocks three blocks two diagonal three three and three okay I think I see what I did I think I understand the problemo here two three and three and three 3 two three and three and three hold on bust this out bust this out get rid of

It you guys ever try to make a triangle in Minecraft that’s like no no no don’t do that don’t ever try that okay where’s my bird give me give me your face let me fly on your face one two and then three so this has to be

That’s one two three four and five one two three and four one two three and then two right yes and then one more diagonal block and it goes out three and then there’s three diagonal blocks here watch this it’s about to fall together and then instead of going with

This little goof this little thing whatever the freaking heck that stupid thing’s called you go three blocks four blocks 10 three blocks four blocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and then this should line up here right so you got the three blocks the three blocks four

Blocks oh goodness it lines [Laughter] up it’s not even a circle it’s not a circle yep that’s a circle all right actually looks kind of nice not going to lie not going to lie the islands are not symmetrical they were not intended to be symmetrical they were supposed to be relatively random

Even though the entrances over here are somewhat symmetrical looking we’re going to mess with it we’re going to fix all this it’s going to like it’s it’s is right no Kate be quiet don’t scream Kate all right it’s [Laughter] fine don’t even start with me get away from this n ah don’t not

Happening but doesn’t it look good now was that not worth every second of it the sand worm is going to be so mad why cuz it’s not symmetrical oh dude imagine like the worm just goes off and like kills itself because like its house is in a per perfect

Circle it’s going to end up getting stuck in a wall I’ll be like yep that it wouldn’t have happened if it was a circle don’t start with me goodness we should really like fill the gaps with torches I guess it doesn’t matter matter cuz like the only thing you’re going to

Do is hear mobs like that even if it’s a creeper and it blows up for some reason it is all lanite blocks on the outside so in theory it should be fine right I mean what are the odds we light up every single crevice here should we do like a 24-hour stream today

If we ever want to get this done we might need to do like just a whole day okay oh I guess we go up one more why not thanks you need sleep though sleep is for the week I’m just kidding we’re not going to do a 24-hour stream I think it’ll be

Here you’ll be going here till next Christmas till next Christmas not even just this Christmas no no no next year the problem is that like every time we make a little bit of progress right we get inspired to do more stuff and by the time you know

It real just get full eight hours of sleep you’re right you are you’re right no sleep is very important I was just joking about the 24-hour stream I mean we might do stuff like that in the future like 24-hour streams um if people ever watch my videos if the channel ever goes crazy

One day we we’ll do like charity streams that that’s always been something that I’ve seen people do that I’m like I would absolutely like love to do that like be able to do streams for specifically for charity and like every donation and stuff like that that comes

In we just give it away I think that would be wonderful and for that I think I’d be willing to do like 24hour streams or something or even more who knows we’ll think about more of that in the future but uh as for regular days man good old sleep is

Good what are we doing here okay I have an idea I don’t really like what we’re about to do but I think it’s going to be worth the time we’re getting unorganized oh goodness I’m doing my best here we’ll have to have like a whole day just to organize our crates

Again all right this kind of feels bad but uh for the sake of the Symmetry that we just spent the time creating we’re going to do something and I think it’s going to help our build in the long run anyway it’s not really how I thought this day

Was going to go I didn’t really anticipate doing the bottom half of this right now it just kind of happened so we better freaking just do it right guys tomorrow’s game is going to be different it’s going to be like the complete opposite of what we’re doing right

Now I’m so excited for it I’m so freaking excited for it Zach’s been talking about it constantly he’s like I’m I can’t wait to play this game again I’m like man I wish I could play that game but I’ve had like the Resident Evil game on the uh on the burner right and

So we beat Resident Evil if you missed it um and you’re interested in that series check it out it was a good time uh I think it was only three episodes but the second one we went hard we we went for like I don’t know over8 hours just to

Get it done and it was totally worth it to worth the time it took to get it done cuz it was a really good ending really good game I was really happy that we played it um but what comes next I think it’s going to be a Souls type Game so okay sweet sweet sweet it was so fun it was such a good game we may end up needing more supplies here don’t do it I hear a skeleton just making sure there’s no mobs okay yeah yeah yeah that’s going to look good I think it freaking better I don’t

Care what it looks like at this point we’re done and a some of this is actually going to end up covered up um just by sand but I’m only doing it like all the way around just for the sake of like Symmetry and like understanding it like

If I place a couple of stairs here and then a bunch of sand here and then I don’t necessarily know exactly where I want the stairs on that side but they still want them to be symmet symmetrical just because we spent so much time doing

That that we might as well I don’t know I know I’m trying to justify it it’s not working but but we’re we’re doing it anyway I feel so gross leaving emeralds behind just like covering them up We’ll probably end up tearing a couple of these areas out too just for the sake of like variety like mixing it up a little bit we don’t want it to look the same the whole way around but for the sake of the pallet and uh getting a feel for the shave of

Things we’re going to do it like this for Now I don’t know about you guys but like ever since I’ve touched Minecraft ever ever like day one creative flight has been bad like is it just me or is like the fact that you just keep drifting like you’re sliding on ice bad like I kind of wish you just like

Stopped when you let go of the button I don’t know I guess you get used to it but I always thought it would be like easier and more convenient if he just like didn’t slide around God please don’t look bad please don’t turn out terrible man oh I’ll be devastated

Okay o we’re going to need more Desert Stone aren’t we maybe maybe not I don’t want to go too crazy with It you this may end up being a little too much Desert Stone considering the middle pillars but I think what we’ll do is actually probably come back through do things like this like that oh that look good that look good that look okay does it look good we need lights in

The middle somehow so like maybe like in the back here slap like two of these in Don’t and then I’m hoping to cover up portions of this with like little sand Mounds around the edge I’ll show you guys what I mean soon that’s not too bad definitely got to change this out though that looks a little funny I don’t know maybe it needs to be

Thicker like one more block on the outside but without the Torches or uh Okay I’m just debating on like how many pillars do we want probably want one Here we’ll do it in the same like triangular fashion right and then don’t freaking touch me I swear it’s the one thing about lcraft that freaking just drives me nuts you just can’t ever have a moment of Peace which I I know that’s like the name of the game but come on

Man never never moment of piece Might end up okay on this Stone as long as we don’t go too crazy with it we’re going to need some more desert stone brick what the heck okay that’s wrong I’m sort of kind of rushing it now and I feel like that’s not how it’s supposed to be Done is this going to be too much Desert Stone I think it might end up being too much just a little bit like maybe we come back I I love the wall the wall pallet I think is really fitting for me don’t mind it I know we’ve got some weird blocks like that

But I think they’re going to be covered covered up with sand I think once we let’s finish the wall the way it is we’re almost done with the pillars and then we could definitely add some more dimensional stuff stuff with other blocks and and whatnot for the the green stuff but then

We come back we do the sand around the edges and then reassess the pillars I think um the sand around the edges covering up some of this stuff might actually make it feel a little bit like less one blocky we’ll see okay yeah yeah it’s coming together I

Think that’s in the center of this right Oh yay we might actually run out of blocks it’s going to be close did I put staircases in nope no dude magnetic is so freaking nice I don’t know why we ever like threw away magnetic books and then it’s on this corner right yeah

Cool that’s not right D cool I don’t know I feel like this kind of Screams desert worm maybe not so much on the green side of things but uh wait till we get some texture in there I think it’ll really bring it together that sucks nope Oh s dude uh we need Cobblestone out of this crate because I think we’re out of it back home I never thought we’d just be straight up running out of resources the way we are I thought we had so much stuffo okay uh I think it’s sandstone and

Cobble the same way Lush Stone’s built Sandstone sandstone Yeah what the heck thank you we’re going to have to go get cobblestone at all things unless we might actually have more ooh very little bits a stack doesn’t seem like a lot when you actually use it I know I know like when you’re collecting blocks you’re like man that took forever to

Collect that stack of blocks like it goes so fast ooh I can’t tell where that brick is there it is that’s when Bryson shows up he’s like I’m right here boom got him freaking idiot he won’t show up until the freaking pickle ball is way done stop I’m going to need to not do you thing stuff do thing no go away thank You okay we need sand I’m just trying to pull it out of the random chest to make it a little bit easier to deal with just a little bit yikes dude you are gross actually I was going to say that might end up looking really weird what if it

Doesn’t but but EXO why you covering up all the stuff that you just laid down I don’t know I don’t know um you know that how like sometimes you build something and say you’re doing terrain work and it ends up Hollow right you know you got like dirt canvases with

Just empty space and torches below it and how like kind of gross that feels until you walk away and you forget about it and you’re like oh that looks so good from a distance but deep inside deep inside your gut you freaking know you know it’s Hollow and it feels

Bad that’s what this is I just covered the whole pillar up what doing dude can you freaking let me Focus for more than just a minute at a time you’re so fast Anywhere But Here I get it I get it we’ve been in this chunk so long that the mobs here are like all like super fancy scary mobs and and all that your brains fried I know I know we’ve been doing this for almost 7 hours and I we’ve been in this one room for 7

Hours too well except we we did the trees in here today too the trees felt good that was tight so it just kind of lost its spark maybe we we wrap up soon just to kind of get a fresh start on it in the next One just doesn’t look like Natural we’re placing death worm in a glass enclosure with sand uh it was supposed to be left open it was supposed to be just like straight up left open I guess like in theory we could Place Glass on on like maybe this level just like straight up and close it cuz like you

Won’t see it right the glass will be invisible we could we could put in put glass in there for I’mma go but stay chill y’all all right G thank you so much for hanging out today it’s always a pleasure maybe by the next time we get started on this we’ll be actually like

Ready to finish like at least this portion that’s kind of my hope we’re somewhat close who Knows it’s like something to do with like the Symmetry is like losing the more like uh natural feel that it had originally or maybe it’s maybe it’s just my brain being fried can we not dude I’m not going to lie man like this weapon smacks it does so much damage it

One shots just about every single thing but it the nunchucks are like brain dead weapons like they’re so easy to use all you just is just like hold left click and swing and uh using the nunchuk so long has got me like uh how do I use other Weapons dude where are you guys coming from the place is pretty much lit up is this too many little Hills of sand around the edges maybe like we merge a couple of them together oh yeah that’s what we needed we needed to merge a couple of them together that feels much better already

It didn’t take much dude freaking stop honestly in the next time we are in Minecraft we should really go do something away from the base um cuz I don’t know how accurate this statement is but this is what I’ve heard that the longer you spend inside of a chunk um

The more crazy the the stuff gets inside of it like the the spawns become more frequent uh the things that do spawn become stronger and more variabl like with uh like I don’t know whatever you want to explain the variance as like that dude was AER AER which is just a

Different color but usually just means they’re like stronger and faster or maybe they’re just faster I don’t know either way they’re pain in the freaking tush for I think that’s okay it looks a little odd but I think that’s Fine is kind of wanted to like hug the the corners of the walls a little bit like the peak like like the highest point of where the sand collects should be like up against a corner of a wall like like say there’s like a gust of wind coming down gust of

Wind comes along like the middle portion here swoops it down in here and blows it up against this wall as the gust carries up and out at least that’s my thought process behind that I don’t want it to feel like we’re going too crazy with the sand though

We may be going a little too crazy with the sand whoa want to just like one more I’m not so big it’s kind of easy to get carried away with the sand for uh uh I can’t get it right actually that’s not too Bad I let’s take a little bit of a little walk about here we just get some views from different angles I kind of like the way it’s turning out it’s not that bad it might be beneficial to throw a little bit of sandstone in here every now and then let’s pick some up

Ow I like how the game reads my mind yep Yep I mean does that make a difference I mean theoretically like the Sandstone would be like either in positions like this block right here or underneath the sand You don’t even hardly tell I mean from a distance you’re not going to know don’t think oh new trick dude Okay All right ah you can’t tell from like without zooming in on it I don’t think you notice it we do need to find out a way to implement Lighting in the sand itself without like having it look like poo um I’m thinking we definitely put some plant life down there we absolutely

Need some cactuses and maybe that’s where we get our lighting from um not the cactuses themselves but something that kind of fits in with the cactuses and the plant life that produce light man no day it is not as much progress as I had hoped it would be

Today let’s do some more to the walls quick quickly it won’t take long I don’t think tiles and staircases PES those are brick staircases is that brick yeah it is okay oh shoot oh double shoot dude that has to be brick poop dude a big poop D dude dude that’s okay

And then lights too do the cave Crystal do the Lush cave crystals turn out okay in here I feel like they would offer like a good level of variation we should have textured these walls before we put the sand in why why did we not texture the walls before we put the sand

In now I don’t know what to do I don’t know why I didn’t texture the walls before we put the sand in I don’t it just slipped my mind I guess I was so excited to put the sand back in cuz I ripped it all out and I was like all

Right let’s go let’s go it’s time to go go go that’s too much of the same color I think What is that smooth Soul Sandstone I didn’t know that was a thing well trap Doors would Spruce trap doors look okay here oh freaking stop I’m running away let’s go look at some of the stuff we have in the chest upstairs Oh you know what would look cool if it wasn’t broken right now is these shells Man We’re about to get weird with it I don’t know how this is going to turn out but we’re about to get Weird E Oh that’s better that’s Better I don’t know how bad is this What what the freaking heck come on Dude I think I like that flat around the edge right there you do like it it’s not like too Weird I don’t know how to explain This but I like it I was trying to place one below it too Uh you know what let’s move these middle ones away one uh I can’t explain that but I actually think I like that um and you know what else might look quite interesting with that where they at D will this hang from the bottom of this no never mind does not look good

Uh I’m thinking some of these some of these no Whoa my goodness too fast I don’t know if that torch is the way to do it maybe instead of those we go with like a Where they at where they at where they at where they at oh goodness one of these blaze rods holy freaking crap I forgot we had the efficiency pick one that is not how that’s supposed to go why do I like that too man what what it shouldn’t work that none of

That makes any sense but somehow it works ooh you know what let’s get some more blaze rods I have an idea I’m going to try to put some blaze rods below the uh the bridges cuz the lanterns wouldn’t hang from it but maybe the blaze rods will stick oh no that doesn’t look

Right to be fair the blaze rods could just like straight up make a line they go horizontal too watch this oh it’s not centered with the bridge though kind of a game changer a little bit right dang it the bridges throw me off cuz they’re like two blocks wide but

They’re centered on one block it’s like the only thing in the game that does that and it works some places but it doesn’t work other places I mean what if we just like did a staircase a wall yeah tile staircase here and here another wall fill that in

Okay oh no that’s not going to work because the yeah uh crap why does that looks so right well it like it looks odd and off like when you see it you’re like what is that right but it works I don’t know how to explain it it it just freaking Works

Somehow I don’t know why that’s not working it’s getting rid of them too it’s like consuming them uh I might have just broke my blaze rods somehow it fixes issues I know like I don’t quite understand it but it’s working for me maybe I’m only liking it cuz my brain’s broken right

Now there you go oh it fixed them okay we got them back what’s up scy and maybe even we pop this out right what what if we just leave this a full block and we can’t do it to the top but I don’t think we want to I don’t know

I I’m kind of down with the sickness right there uh these and I guess we need some more of these other things too the void consumes Mr sced why does it do that do I do we like that the way it looks it looks like a little dude with his arms

Out I know it’s a visual glitch like they’re not actually there but it it kind of looks funny dude that fixes the the flat wall right there I think I like exactly the way that looks maybe you could use something I don’t know I’m not sure

Where Bryson’s at but you could add him in the Discord maybe he’ll show up one situation here like how do we how do we configure the next wall right so like we we would do this on the opposite wall right we’re going to need some more jungle Bridges we’re going to probably need

Some more Spruce trap doors let’s do that quick uh oh right there we need jungle fences and jungle slabs the void yeah I know the void I I know who he is Sir um I don’t know where he’s at though uh I think if Harry was was here he would probably be like

Yikers at this point he uses the call of the void and summons me what’s that from call the void we only got seven jungle planks from that that hurts is that going to be enough though we have planks or half slabs sorry we going to need some Sticks might as well use them all right oo I think that’s enough well that should be enough right the gifts you send are accurate I know they are I’m aware I I believe it tooop poopy poopy poopy sure all right get this stinking shovel out of my inventory I don’t know

Why the first word that came to my mind was shovel get that shovel out of here that looks right that that looks fine uh I feel like it could use just like a little bit of help in certain areas but I think it’s going to be complemented

Very well by the rest of the stuff as we start to fill it in um especially some of the plant life cuz that’s going to be probably one of the main focal points at least in this lower area I don’t know how about the walls we’re going to figure this all out later

On I don’t know how it’s going to work Red stabby Stick this stabby stick boink boink correct Red stabby Stick okay that’s orange wait did you get a new sword yeah yeah oh that’s my stabby stick um we were in The Lost Cities not today but like a couple of episodes ago

And we we got just enough to make the um this thing the sentient CR Cleaver and then we’ve got three other weapons we got to craft yet until we’re done with the quests but we’re cruising through it okay that’s wrong which I think um I don’t think

We’re going to be going to the Lost Cities again next time we play but uh we definitely will be doing something a little bit more interesting I think uh at least away from the base we should probably finish the fishing quests it’s a little boring I know but and he’s done

Ow it’s just debating on whether or not I want to put another one of these little things right here but I think it’s kind of okay without it what goes here oh these What the freaking heck they’re a little weird a good old stabby stick huh um s i I don’t know the

He I’m sorry dude stop that something to do with those like trap doors that are making it goofy El stick d d stabo I told you before what it means I think you did but uh my brain ain’t not good wait okay hold on I did this one wrong see now it’s an

Airplane right it’s a bird get the freaking heck out of here bird you’re making it Difficult stabbing in Minecraft is fun it can be it can be what the heck struggle busing okay how do we do the next one I hope that’s not like wait yeah yeah yeah that’s right that’s right I think these two middle ones are going to get this treatment with the blaze rods and Then oh do it do Dude do it d d dude can you not be silly please dude what this what’s the deal thank you I think probably that’s all right we’ll have to take a look at it and see how it feels oh goodness oh wait a second I’ll put staircases under these I guess that one doesn’t matter we chased it that way you don’t see it yeah I don’t know what it is with the

Trap doors that make um these blaze rods go all wonky but it seems to work just fine with everything else feel like we need a light like right here and if we do that dude we got to do it like dish dude I think it’s that easy

Too that’s the way we like it I’d say we’re just about done here for now for today oh yeah it’s coming together and I feel like the pillars aren’t really too much kind of right now I feel that way we’ll have to take a big old step back and look at it

For a minute though I like that it like kind of gradually leans upward I don’t know it’s got a little strangeness to it but it’s a good type of strangeness right sized do we put one in the corner too nah nah I don’t want to go too hard with it h I

Was just joking buddy oh it’s just jokes tile stairs walls blocks stuff and things dude whenever he starts doing that not going to lie it it tends to scare me that sea serpent man sorry I’m a little slow and tired tonight it’s been a long adventure here but it’s coming together it really

Is so I said uh about the strange strangeness being a good thing never mind sir forget about it we need one more oh oh satch or is that super cool no that’s Stupid okay this is the Moment of Truth kind of sort of um there’s still a lot of work to do yet in fact what is that noise is that him you have terrifying moments just a bit but that’s Okay we’re going to fill this these gaps in real quick and then I think we’ll probably wrap this up look a little treasure for later What Okay I have no idea how we’re going to take these walls but we’re going to have to do something with the walls uhoh uhoh we need more Blocks Is that it I think that’s it except for like two things over here okay I don’t know man I I think it’s sort of working for me it Sav destroy his existence sir the only thing that’s kind of not working for me is like the transition between these here this like wall here

But I think what we’ll do is we’ll probably touch up the wall once we start once we figure out exactly what we want to do with this portion like these parts of the walls we’ll probably touch that up some M and uh it’ll come together I’m wondering if let’s just hope we

Don’t change it next stream yeah no no no we’re not going to change it that much I mean that much we might add some things take some things away but I’m quite happy with the way it’s starting to turn out it does feel a little bit

Like plaid like a a plaid dad t-shirt type of deal um but uh we could change out this top layer of stairs just for the sake of like it not looking like a checkerboard pattern cuz it it does look like a checkerboard Pattern the lightning and pillar stuff pulls the room together I think so too I agree with you I’m pretty satisfied so far um I mean imagine a death worm living down there right I feel like that is cool why not right why not let’s take another look

Around let’s like uh we’ll look at it from this angle yeah Man I do feel like those staircases could be changed out for like something flatter like what if we did something like this let’s just do a little chunk of it to see what it looks Like What if we put some more Lush stone bricks in there like in place of these I know the top of this doesn’t really matter cuz in theory we’re going to be filling it in right we’re going to continue the wall up as we go oh wait what did I do that I

Did that Backwards oh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh uh-huh I don’t know what are you guys I think that that’s better what do you guys think it definitely breaks it up it does not feel nearly as like Checker boardy I mean I don’t I don’t I like that these

Look like that but I thought that the like the rim around the edge and this was too much and it was one of the other there and I kind of like the center pieces I don’t know I think I like it Oops this would actually get replaced Anyway Say I don’t know what’s going on buddy you’ve officially lost me Sir all what was that about like not replacing it next stream get it next we’re not going to replace it next stream we’re going to replace it this stream Uh okay I think we’ll need more stairs I think that looks right what the heck my staircas is place whoa where am I yep that’s right I thought I messed it up what the heck oh like what am I stuck one yeah it’s a little cramped in here but that’s kind of the

Idea you want it to be kind of tight and cluttered but not too much to the point where like you can’t get around and whatnot like like we’re flying around in places that we wouldn’t really fly around with once this place is done so like I don’t know I don’t know

I what am I doing wrong here here did I goof something up over here I did did I I think I did yeah this should actually be what no no no no oh dude I was freaking out dude I was freaking out for a second we forgot a

Corner I thought the circle was ins symmetrical or asymmetrical I was going to freaking lose my mind dudee uh like I couldn’t figure it out for a second I was like why is that not lining up the same way the other one did wo baby that was close yeah it should be like

That we just need some walls woh okay walls and a light bulb oh W didn’t bring a light bulb I think it goes just okay that’s not right goes just like that and the rest of it’s fine I Think okay that’s it we’re done for now oh buddy let’s get rid of the bird for now let’s do a little regular old fly around so the islands are obviously not going to stay like that right like the cobblestone was just to get the shape and the positioning down Um I’m thinking different themes for the islands different like color palettes nice no more I know we do I’m going to wrap this one up it’s almost 9:00 we’ve been freaking rolling today uh but it’s been good we made good progress I I felt like we didn’t make enough progress

Before it’s like we got to keep going um and I’m glad we did I I think that this turned out quite well um but the islands will be uh completely reconfigured um as far as like um texture and and whatnot goes and we’re going to make them look

More nice and like islands and then we’ll put some like floating Pathways in between uh I’ve got some ideas as to how that’s going to work as well but as for right now I don’t know we’re good right now um the torch spam will go away too but

Let’s take a look up here too man I’m really really happy with how this part turned out like that’s nice man that came out freaking smooth that works that works very well um I also considered like taking this tree and growing it up and outside of this entrance just so that

There’s this big tree pluming out of it that might be something that we do in the future as well I really like the idea of doing that um but this place has turned out very freaking nicely so far uh way way cooler than I expected it to

Like everything that we’ve done has been a learning process um and you know between ideas from you guys and just like straight up patience like we’re just taking our time um as desperately as I want to move on to some cooler stuff some more mods and whatnot I think that

Um I don’t know if I’d be able to like confidently cross this off of the list and say like Hey we’re good with rlcraft until we like truly like express our experience as far as what rlcraft has given us man and uh the the level of

Effort and and just quality that has put into this mod all the other mods that are inside of rlcraft like I feel like it’s only right that we try to put that quality and effort into the build right um I’m just thrilled I’m thrilled with this freaking mod pack I love it very

Much um wow he likes it too um a good old sea noodle that was actually perfect timing yeah man this is looking really really nice and uh there’s obviously uh still quite a long way to go but by the time it’s all said and done we’re going

To be freaking just tight we’re going to be we’re learning man we’re it’s a whole process of just like picking up new skills and developing uh all sorts of different stuff for building and and just in general right we’re growing as people we’re having fun here at least I’m

Having fun I hope you guys are having fun let’s check out some fan art before we get out of here boom who’s today Moss knob Moss door Moss door knob Moss this is a cool one I think this is this is probably all AI generated art

But man uh I really appreciate all sorts of forms of art uh so thank you to doorknob man what a freaking cool dude and uh thank you to all you guys as well um if you’re new here check out the Discord channel the link to that’s in

The description of the video uh it’s fun in there man we just have a good time a lot of goofy stuff going on we pretty much only communicate with gifts so if you’re into that hit us up or if you got any like game suggestions or art for

Yourself as well it’s a good place to do it and then uh yeah yeah uh 1 p.m. Eastern Standard that’s when we try to do these bad boys uh trying to think of what else we got on the plate I think that might be it other than the fact that tomorrow’s

Game’s going to be a little different if you were tuning into to the Resident Evil series we beat that bad mama right and if you weren’t turn tuning in to the Resident Evil series we beat that bad mama so we’re going to be moving on to a

Different game uh and I’ve already I think I’ve got my heart set on the lies of PE so that’s going to be tomorrow uh unless something drastic happens and I’m like no we got to play something else we have to play something else we’re going

To be playing Liza P tomorrow uh and I’m really excited for that game if you don’t know what it is it’s a Souls likee game so it’s supposed to be very difficult as far as the combat goes like hand toand type combat with swords and shields and armor and monsters and

Creatures and stuff but it’s the story is supposed to be Loosely based off of the Pinocchio Series so I’m really excited for that I know my buddy Zach has been playing it and he’s been really really enjoying it so uh tune on in for that one man and uh I’m going to do

Something that I never freaking do subscribe subscribe to the Channel please please please please help the channel grow man uh thank you all so much to the for the support and the love from every single one of you guys I cannot express how much I appreciate

Every single one of you and yes you too Scythe thank you guys very much um that’s going to be it I will catch you guys hopefully in the next one good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 56 Live Stream’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2023-12-15 02:40:09. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 07:55:38 or 28538 seconds.

Join us on our first adventure into RL Craft where we play on the hardest difficulty and attempt to complete just about everything. This will be a series played over a long period of time, yes we will die but that will not stop us from continuing our journey!

Join our Discord Channel for all the off-time shenanigans and great conversation with our community!

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    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? ⚙️ Idol online shop ⚙️ My Twitta: ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More