Insane Newbie Crushes Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

In this video i will be playing and beating hardcore minecraft for the very first time ever while we have been playing a ton of minecraft on the channel this was something that was brand new to me and so it was overall a really fun experience but this video took a really long time

To make and so before we get into it i just wanted to ask if you guys could please subscribe to the channel and leave a like on this video that would be super appreciated literally only like 10 of you watching are subscribed so it would be amazing if

You could hit that button but anyway let’s get into it somebody call it ambulance i’m gonna let you guys in on a little secret i’ve never played hardcore minecraft before that is until today ladies and gentlemen i don’t have anything to say let’s just do this

I’m nervous i’m scared i’m so scared ah hello worlds hi how’s it going hello horses so it’s not like i’ve never played minecraft before let’s get some seeds going all the fees you got thanks game awesome this is just regular minecraft it’s completely the same as any other minecraft right so roman cue

The fast cut edit Lots of wood what’s the first thing that every smart minecraft player does oh you know what they do they go to the village hello village and bees hello bees don’t sting me please i am going to take all your things that’s how this is gonna go thanks guys it’s

Just me or do you get hungry faster look at all these bushels oh my god dude i’m stacked for food now this is a really sweet village and i would just hate to see anything bad happen okay watch out for this lad he’s a beefy boy in herd mode hey i will

Come back for you but for now it do be getting dark and ladies and gentlemen i think probably the smartest thing to do would just be to go to sleep just kidding i’m not a nerd let’s go ahead whoa man all right that’s fine wait zombies can break doors can’t they thanks man

Ah okay there we go ah there we go no okay there we go all right first things first i’m i am why am i the way i am all right well second thing is shirley second now am i gonna be a really bold idiot what’s it looking like over here let’s

Take one of these here axes all right village is looking good stay close our goal of man just want wood oh we’re here for i’m just expecting the worst okay now i’m gonna oh my god you gotta be again why am i the way that i am unbelievable anyway got some oak

Get some charcoal start on these torches maybe you start on the mining here oh my god of course there’s a cave probably not a good idea right i think we’ll just patch that up for right now it’s your boy should be enough torches why don’t we cook some food while we’re

Here would it be a bad idea to go down here i think the answer is yes I don’t think so let’s just place it we die we die in real life ah here’s the cave system from the outside let me do we got villagers down here how dangerous could it really be let’s grab this iron oh my god more iron that is where i saw that skeleton my

Understanding the true killer are creepers but for now with our first piece of iron we’re gonna make a shield not messing around here there we go beautiful next thing obviously it’s always gotta be a pick next next thing i’m actually gonna make some armor i like that that feels

Good you know a little beefy and last thing for now sword baby now this here hut’s been great but i don’t want to linger all right my beautiful fletchers you will live some more sugarcane and gravel but obviously the super major important question is where do we want to live

Where do we want to set up camp if you will and in my head probably the most smart thing to do would be set up somewhere along this river i’m getting good vibes from this river it seemed to go a long way that way and it seems to go

Pretty far away this way oh hey oh it is getting dark let’s just make a super quick hut that’s the worst thing i’ve ever built torches structures on the outside this should be fine for a night i think the smartest thing to do tonight would just continue mining cool why not but

Obviously what we’re really after is iron whoa whoa well it isn’t iron ah well well well my first enemy we did it wow this is like the best starter cave ever and so lucky look at all this iron oh more iron how much iron do we need 29

Oh my god that is a dungeon that is a dungeon oh they shoot quick oh he got me i’m a i’m a mo i’m sure we could take him on like realistically it’s one skeleton but again he’s gotta ask is it worth it well especially you’ve got more iron right here amazing

Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe we’ll call it there half iron in there put half our iron in there let’s check out this portal not a lot none of this is all that great but i mean on the bright side that’s it right i think that’s the only piece of gold cool whoa

Whoa that got my heart rate going gotta say i’m enjoying hardcore mode we could just leave a chest here of things that we might need later but don’t really necessarily need right now more importantly look at all this iron gonna be enough for boom boom and boom ladies and gentlemen

You’ll love to see it that’s for the rest uh frozen axe never hurt anybody name goes for shovels and there you go it’s a nice you know safe like hey stopping by sure but we do have a dungeon to face i don’t like that but oh what do we do

Do we break it or do we just oh hi oh oh my god no no no i just realized i have not a lot as much space here we just put some important stuff in there i feel like i’m treating this way worse than it really is considering the things we’ve faced in

Our l craft and again i just don’t want to be stupid golden apples nice that’s that’s it and a saddle and bones oh buddy oh buddy okay i think we’ll just leave that right walk that off because yeah like what dungeons are great cool there’s a

Creeper i’m out i’m out i’m out okay i’m out yeah it’s looking like it’s just about night time i don’t really have any use to stay up tonight so good night my world not gonna wake up with like a creeper in my room right leave our chest of stuff and yeah cool

Safety hut now where does this river flow into i’m so curious about this whole river system it looks massive and i love that i’ve always wanted a sick river system that we could just like connect everything to and really go forever i gotta say i i like this area a lot

Dude more river it’s so cool we’ve got the village over here this seems like the perfect area huge river system village next to us i think it’s gonna be right here guys all right i think for dao that’s a pretty beautiful place to start now i’m gonna pull a major luke the

Notable here and god how do you even make these things cobblestone wall there it is beautiful we’re gonna do this like attack on titan style we’re gonna have an inner wall and then completely copy luke i’m gonna run out of cobblestone nice let’s head on down into this treacherous

Cave oh nice that wasn’t bad at all i am literally just here for cobblestone oh it’s getting dark okay you know what we’re gonna do tonight i’m gonna dig myself into the side of this bam bam bam midnight snack and let’s just sleep cobb stone acquisition process may resume wow look at this

Amazing you know what the extra safe amazing now let’s take back a bit of this land get this gravel out of here and boom look at that it’s got a nice big gated off area that i feel safe let’s go ahead and yeah i don’t know how to make i don’t know

Do i gotta make an oak fence sure make three probably a way to make it with cobblestone but for now that should be good all right step two ascend from darkness do you like that it’s really waiting waiting a while to save from darkness but uh yeah

It this like grids you know what i’m saying wow i am ota torches not a particularly good thing because it is getting dark let’s do this fast all right you may be thinking pat that is way too many torches but you know what i think i think peace of mind is priceless now

I’d really like to make a house do you want in yeah you wanted you dumb stupid idiot sucker now i’d really like some trees but i don’t think that’s gonna happen tonight so let’s sleep this one out we live another day actually kind of a random thought here

But let me get on this because cause honestly just why not you little smartie look at you oh yeah oh yeah oh you got me but i got you now time to cut some trees oh you know what you better watch out for creepers i hear they’re chocked full of them

All right deforestation you love to see it now with that ugly topic out of the way let’s go ahead here what are we gonna do we’re gonna get some oak planks i think for now let’s just start with a nice and basic house nice little dock all right beautiful that’s for the house

I think is that gonna be a good enough size yeah i think so look at that perfectly symmetrical you know i’m starting to think the triple what door might be really stupid ah we’ll learn the hard way oh actually i do need string though let’s be careful hey there spider

Oh we gotta we got a gold-plated wow hardcore man doesn’t mess around get off my lawn spider you can come in nice i don’t know how much else i really want to do for this house my head i’m thinking like we need glass we need all that stuff oh there’s glass

I think we handled that well no damage got the shield out in time and i guess there was also a wall between us that’s probably helpful too hey look i can fish okay distractions aside let’s go furnaces right there i don’t know what happened to my coal but that’s okay

Now let’s fill the frame of this out might actually look kind of spicy yeah so what if we like could do pains i suppose but i don’t know i think this looks pretty cool i like that you know it’s nice and open i can see through dude it’s like these guys

Want to be eaten all right let’s fill this guy in here i mean it’s not bad feels dark nice now the rest of our glass just want to completely fill this in come on man it’s just so open it’s nice gotta be able to see your enemies should

Probably make a bow look at that beautiful other than that the stupider is that cool i don’t know i’ll let you guys be the judge make this skylight even bigger all right now it may not be perfect far from it really i mean it doesn’t even have doors yet

We’re gonna have lots of chests it’s gonna be a stuffed chest the blocks and stuff this will be uh plants now i have been hearing i don’t know there’s something below us here we’re gonna make like an outside sort of mine shaft you know what i’m

Saying the mine shaft but it’s gonna be outside instead of in our nice beautiful home i don’t even know i’m gonna find anything to be honest there’s something somewhere around here like right here so should i dig towards it or should i just well you know what if we dig towards it

Maybe we’ll find it i don’t know man oh that was easy lava oh torches what ah okay we’ve been here there he is nice someone once told me for hardcore never make the assumption that you’re safe and i see light over there lava wait is that a dungeon let’s make

Sure this is more safe you can’t be too safe am i right iron sure hey oh is this gonna be a skeleton dungeon just gonna oh my meat okay oh whoa oh that’s bad okay we’re good safe for five ish now what have we got in here some stuff more

Oh frostwalker sure man i like never ever find stuff and dude our second dungeon that’s crazy i swear i’m actually not hacking i know i know but how could i this hardcore okay nothing back here just gonna get some iron gonna get some coal actually let’s put the bow up front here oh

Big spooky cave found a lot more than i was expecting well well well it isn’t nighttime oh hey i’m on my property though so it’s not a big deal right boom and boom dude frostwalker love to see that gonna go on the rare stuff drawer saddle and another shield

Also before i forget we need a bucket of water on us at all times now i don’t want this to go this way so i’m gonna go this way we’ll just patch that up because the real goal of today guys it’s not about finding iron they were looking for diamonds

Now we’re not gonna stop till we reach y12 why 38 a little bit of a ways to go oh that’s big spooky scary cave oh my god hardly saw that hmm oh they ended mine shaft okay well this wasn’t really what i was looking for to be honest

Oh careful the giant pull there we go that’s patched in i want to not fall to my death nice okay so we know that’s there can’t fall in awesome also let’s double this up call me safety man i’m not taking any chances so now i think what i’m gonna do is i’m just

Gonna continue this straight on down i’m just gonna pass through this ravine look at that zombie he wants to eat me i hear skeleton sorry not interested for diamonds of course of course it couldn’t just be easy two creepers oh okay creeper gotcha oh you’re dead like if we didn’t know

And we just went below us easy death dude we should have like a grenade or something you know ha ha i got 11 arrows but you literally can’t even see it i think we’re good oh wait we’ve hit lava we are us 13. seems like as good a place as any oh

My god so much lava ah there it is oh thank you well well well blue stuff got to say though i haven’t found diamonds yet but this has been a very awesome path literally just no lava besides you know the little bit of lava but basically no

Lava here are all sorts of caves but haven’t had to go into anything it’s it’s exactly what i wanted ah there it is let’s do one more did i literally have a mind in so long hi zombie ah yes be honest i’m just not really that interested in gabe’s right now

Oh this cave is fine where are the diamonds oh y11 we’re going crazy you know what they say about dirt it’s definitely not diamonds hey gold oh and there goes our pick well well well it isn’t my old nemesis more iron at least all right look at all

That iron hello my beautiful sugar cane hello creeper hello burning skeleton you’re gonna die yeah now something i would really like to do ah you don’t want sticks all right what about this guy this guy this is my man right here do i have the deal of a lifetime for you

What if i were to tell you that i have all sorts of sticks oh yeah dude that’s right gotta love a fletcher you stay here let’s head on over to this guy i need arrows okay you’re still a novice but thank you for the arrows i will return

Also easy slowly clear in that forest and so now ladies and gentlemen let’s get back to diamonds crazy little thing i got going on here don’t really like the look for that cool all right i’m feeling good gold you love to see at the end of the day we’ve got beer for

One thing oh thank you actually allergic look at that little death bubble hey i just would say this is getting a little ridiculous but look at that guys we found one diamonds we beat the game where’s my stone pickaxe at why is everyone saying stop dude it has really

Been so long since i’ve done a true mining mission i’m gonna be real sad if this is only two diamonds oh oh there it is four ladies and gentlemen i want to thank you all for making it through with us there it is we got our diamonds now i’m being honest

Obviously like yeah pickaxe wow what i kind of want to do is like just get a pickaxe and an enchanting table right away like i’m not farting around okay i want to get i want to get on with this game i want to be moving in my head i’m thinking like we

Can get a pickaxe and an enchanting table then it’s over and it’s literally over we have everything we need cave let’s just keep on keeping on oh gosh dang it hate caves which case didn’t even exist oh that is so dangerous ah i hate this hate this space

You know it’s like anything but just come right down on us and kill us and i’m not really down for that all i want is a nice safe hallway too much to ask and apparently this is the worst water dealt with no most resilient water dude here we go

Absolutely not just too much stuff can drop down on us like that would be it wouldn’t it it would just be boom creeper drops down and we’re dead not what i’m looking for actually something i am looking for though would obviously first of all be a diamond pickaxe look at that

Also we just need a little bit of obsidian oh gosh dang it we just need a little bit of obsidian there it is and that should be four nice now let’s continue on yes i know redstone i’m familiar with this you know what i want ah not more spooky caves

That’s for sure nah nah nah no spooky caves for us most passive minecraft player of all time oh gold i was just about to give up oh my god this literature would say let’s try a new tactic it was it was the sentence formed in my head

Wow i’m so glad i i hesitated on king that sentence oh no two oh that’s pretty rough three more diamonds beautiful this is the longest spookiest hallway i’ve ever been a part of and i really hope it’s daytime hey hello world actually cow i need cows up there mr cow oh yeah buddy

Oh yeah come on in my man that’s surely surely it’s not just a single cow they’re far away there are a few of them this will be worth it follow me i will have all the wheats you have ever desired hey come on yeah i love how i’m more

Entertained like cows than i am getting diamonds hey buddy what’s slacking or i’ll eat you come on in fellas next step i need more wheats dude enchanting is such a process i can’t believe it like worth it yeah but absolute process all right my friends what you get thank you so much

You guys are going to be free-range cows because i’m a homie like that all right oh you’re not allowed to come in here yeah you got to stay out of here because you’re cows you’re not people you know we have obsidian all right paper paper and leather

Actually just sleep this one off also gonna do something i’ve been meaning to do for a little bit which is get a horse oh well well well you big dumb idiot you’re green and stupid and i hate you now as far as these cows go oh ho ho ho

Don’t think so pal you guys are coming back i just want to say i love planes so many animals don’t know what i’ve been playing lately well again i’ve literally just been playing fly through the game like a madman i mean it’s fun but you know that was cow making

Simulator all right there we go next thing on the agenda leather paper oh okay better than i thought sweet diamond obsidian book diamond and obsidian nice there’s our enchanting table now okay i am a man on a mission today so used to rl craft where killing cows is just like a death sentence

Feeling anything you just die this is amazing there are zero repercussions to my actions now this this is why i set out today this is what i was looking for hi there no come on buddy we did it yes saddle and armor wow i’m gonna call you

Nothing because i don’t have a name tag well that’s just fantastic oh i see more cows hello and goodbye hey it’s my base and while we’re here craft the bed you know this way stay the night all right hello cows i’ve come for your leather whoa

Man i swore i saw those guys and i was like there’s no way but yeah let’s not take that on not my circus not my monkeys come on come on oh yes we did it nice job buddy all right what’s up village thank you for the wheat you know i

Haven’t even explored these things over here there’s got to be some cool stuff in this one oh sure compass paper sure you can stay in there the cows mason where are they okay we got one sorry buddy all right it’s not bad nice wow look at this little compound looking

Good welcome to my home now i don’t even need cows anymore but you know what i like cows so let’s get cows more importantly however okay so 21 and 33. that’s gonna give us 11 bookshelves that cowley’s i’m gonna kill him don’t even think about whatever i don’t care let’s sleep i need

More wood the never ending struggle but on the bright side we’re getting rid of this forest 11 bookshelves they’re all trying to leave yeah that’s right come on back guys come on back okay i’m gonna have to cage you guys up anyway one two three four five six

Seven eight nine and eleven yes and uh pop that bad boy right there now this should ensure no cows ever make it out alive again okay not quite but it’s gonna be better oh yes sweets we break all this and all this gonna give us 41. pretty sure we only need 12. there’s

36 12 books dude the math here yes that’s it there it is four more bookshelves what do we got here 24. i don’t even know i i feel like this is not the way to do it 30. there it is now we want fortune you can get fortune

From this right oh but it’s gonna be 30. right i forgot how minecraft works okay well you know what there’s fortune two the question now needs to be asked how bold am i feeling oh you know what i don’t need to be bold at all what am i thinking

All we need to do literally just cut down this entire forest now hello my friend i will buy some arrows sure hi you’re the guy i’m looking for more sticks wow this does not level you up very fast oh my god this is awful wow not even a level eh

And what about you sir well you oh that’s the xp i’m looking for your thing man there you go hey there it is we’ve got a serious game plan well we are gonna be doing we’re actually gonna be making some deals we’ve got all this wood and now it’s sticks

We’re gonna sell him some sticks he’s gonna give us experience it’s a beautiful it’s a beautiful time we all love it look at that he’s a journeyman now he’s amazing now next step i’m gonna be like hey what’s up man oh what’s that i have 20 emeralds

Well uh here you go not bad modern problems require modern solutions now most of these villagers seem to have perished however i let one more guy live or i guess i should say i was thoughtful enough to remember how would you like become a fly

Let me buy some arrows thank you and you get back in your spot how about i give you some sticks i need more emerald and you’re out of sticks no no no no no no no no gosh okay level 28 we’re getting there all right what if i buy bows

No that’s not enough go back home man oh no this is very bad okay let’s just hope you found a bed sleep it off so no monster spawn aha you’ll never get out again this will be your prison now give me emeralds more emeralds please

Our man is now an expert just give me more emeralds sir oh what are you guys doing down here look at all these villagers just chilling you can obviously get out there you go wow they’re all alive that’s amazing now like your friend you are imprisoned

I will give you stuff and you will give me xp and hopefully one day you can become an awesome dude there we go they now have like a million arrows a bunch of wheat all sorts of wheat which will give us more cows not that we actually need cows but come

On we love cows bro look at my posse dude lapis fortune two oh that’s a nice looking pick right there the unbreaking three in efficiency oh my god but obviously fortune was what we were really after on that now i think we probably don’t need this many arrows probably don’t need that

Many bows either we have one diamond let’s do something about that ladies gentlemen it’s time to mine why 13. beautiful got this giant long hallway we’ll go one two three oh my god i love it this is amazing look at all the xp too not really that much xp but whatever

Whoa big scary spooky cave i don’t think so another big spooky cave where i die where’s my bucket this is a little bit risky for my liking hey and there it is dude that easy we really sad if this is only a single diamond okay nice oh

That fourth one was unexpected i got all the coal too we got what’s that seven eights eight diamonds off of four man that is a chest plate right there you’ll love to see it call it there i mean let’s call that tunnel dog one two three

And four here we go i’m feeling like this is gonna be a real productive mind session i’ve already got eight if we could find two more of those we might have enough for a full set of diamond armor we’re also gonna need a sword though obviously can’t forget that i don’t

Remind myself man this is hardcore no risks no chances like this there’s lava below here oh oh oh my god i have my bow oh my god dude oh we got a skeleton with an enchanted bow huge pass from me dog oh this is horrible i’m done with this one

Already let’s continue on go like one two three four one two let’s actually go a bit more away just so like we’re not gonna be going over lava again i just think about like the worst case scenario where a creeper comes up on us and blows up the thing

That we like put down there’s lava below it and we fall into the lava or just like the creeper completely kills us makes me nervous hey speaking of being smart look what being smart brought us to wow just a single diamond chilling by itself is that legal i’m pretty sure that’s illegal

Okay i was gonna say man gotta be around here somewhere now oh this is totally legal there’s absolutely nothing wrong oh oh my god dude yes we got 16. we just doubled it honestly what am i even waiting around for i mean i think after that encounter i want a diamond sword

And then i want chest plate i just want to get like really beefy before we do any major fighting you know like why not have all the good enchantments on all the good armor with all the good weapons actually you know what let’s just call that there yeah and let’s continue

So you know what i don’t have a good feeling about that one let’s go here the unbreaking three makes this so viable to use obviously like amending an efficiency that would be the one oh my god i am so happy probably the best mining experience so far of my life because what’s that

At least four five five diamonds ladies and gentlemen okay 11. that is gonna be enough for what am i making here pants that’s literally it just like that we got diamonds what swear i’m not hacking i mean this is hardcore so dude fortune literally just makes everything

Amazing let’s go here gold not a bad sign to start oh i think i’ll pass i went that way let’s go like this far over that was like a really good patch of diamonds like the odds there that we’re gonna get more who knows but i think maybe a bit of

Movement might be good for us dude and look how good our pick has held up here like that’s the best thing of all oh if i can see diamonds i’ll take them but like can’t say it seems like a safe environment okay surely like one two three four

Surely this has got to be a good one i’m feeling the diamonds i am visualizing them in my mind i don’t know how many of you guys know the secret i don’t know how true it is okay that is definitely not what i was visualizing how about this one visualize the diamonds become

The diamonds i am the diamond safety safety safety man this game really just doesn’t want me to succeed or maybe it’s like hey dude you just got like 25 diamonds maybe chill hey level 30 though we have been waiting for that too maybe we’ll just take whatever it gives us for the enchantment

Wow game is trying to tell us something say patrick quit while you’re ahead now that we’re level 30 i think i am going to do just that all right guessing it is daytime no next time no monsters hanging around great what is up furnaces i’ve got all sorts of great

Things for you today we still got two diamonds that’s not bad protection three i think we should just take that and be happy we’ve got okay just protection three that’s fine honestly pants class protection i would like blast protection i’m just gonna take it and be happy now they’re falling four

Yeah i’m just gonna take it what else have we got protections i’m gonna take it to be happy and for our helmets protection two let’s see what else we can get projectile protection you know what we faced some skeletons i think that’ll be that’ll be nice i mean it’s not the best

Set of armor but we’ve got projectile protection for protection 3 blast protection 2 protection 3 and feather falling i like that feather falling a lot do i want to test it yes i do not even a smith damage we try that again one more time dude that is awesome three four five six

And we don’t even take damage how about like seven as a jump half okay nice that’s honestly like the most exciting of this whole set i think hey look at this stupid zombies oh i forgot i had a sword first thing let’s feed these cows we want this to be

Cow land dude i’m gonna have so many cows let’s take that gold oh this is looking nice yeah six golden apples that feels good i’m just gonna go until i find something sick like a sharpness three or four i think is what i want oh sharpness 3 for level 19. i would be

Satisfied with that i think the only thing left to do now is get our bow actually the place where we got all that wood last time is over here at spawn these trees are invaluable you can get off me i said you can you can get off me

And let’s get back to safety wow it’s a nice beautiful morning all the skeletons are burning you’ll have to see it oh no that wasn’t supposed to happen considering you have no door that lines up okay bro we got baby villagers like what where are the villagers like we’ve got so many it

Seems like they all die i mean i wouldn’t be surprised this guy’s fine this is the most confusing thing oh there they are oh yes do it no no no get it get in get in get in yes oh that is amazing oh that is too perfect i will sell you sticks now

I will sell you more sticks these sticks you will come to love as well for they are good sticks i want to get this guy leveled up we’re going to buy crossbows and then just drop them on his head because we don’t actually want them i honestly love

Playing like the villager game it’s just so satisfying wait can these guys really chill together peacefully i know there’s a way to cure these dudes but i don’t know how anyway this guy has sticks for sale he doesn’t seem very um relaxed ah there we go as long as he’s

Not stupid it doesn’t fall into the hole another thing i ask is where are the iron golems hey this guy’s gonna charge me 35 come on bro well regardless make me more crossbows and please level up power two that’s not bad we can get two power two bows turn that into a

Power three we’re laughing there’s twenty four so my man will give me a power bow and another power bow thanks dude steal their weak once again take some wheat plant some wheat you know back to the compound who wants wheat look at all these happy cows

I’m gonna make three blocks of iron i’m gonna make us an anvil take it up here to the make cool stuff laboratory and let’s just see three god dude it’s so cheap sharpness three and sweeping edge three bad that’s great so what can we get for a bow

Hunch give me punch i like punch oh no i did it wrong dang it i’m stupid ah i got confused on my bows oh you guys saw and you were like oh this guy’s so stupid we don’t really need that many trees so one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve perfect ah no i forgot to put a door in here again ah dang it why am i the way i am okay i’m just gonna cover that up honestly if you’re gonna be a stupid villager you get what you’re bargained for my man why’d you go in the hole

Where are my smart villagers 47 you sir are trying to rip me off give me the bow thank you sir give me some wheat all right there horse get over yourself i’ve seen you do this before there we go let’s try this again power of power gonna make power three

Our three punch gonna make not a horrible bow but let’s call it uh you get the reference like two of you get the reference freaking cool man all right we’ve got our bow we’ve got our sword we got our armor guys i think we’re ready for the nether feed the cows

Feed the cows once who are yeah there we go what’s up guys you want to get some food feed the cows one hour later we have 11 gold but we’ve got i’m more gold and oh ten more gold oh ten more gold and oh a ten more eleven gold so

I went and i did some off-screen mining we ended up getting a lot of gold some more diamonds we got 30 obsidian to make that 32 in total now we got to do this smart let’s make some gold boots i love feather falling but i need fire resistance there it is 13 not

Quite there what does a cow give you not very much xp not very much xp at all fortunately we’ve got a bunch of emeralds hello my foul oh boy we’ve got a job all right i’m just gonna buy bows from this man pretty decent source of xp come to me

My cows my army all the experience oh my god look at that stupid cow you get no wheat now there’s your fire protection i’ll take the boots with me though beef i smell like beef real question is where do we put our nether portal i don’t even want it on the main

Compound it’s just too scary how about we put it on the other side of the river kinda like symbolic you know big portal let’s get some cobblestone walls just you know a little something well it’s better than nothing i hope that this is a good nether spawn

Actually that’s not bad at all oh my god we are in the nether and hardcore i am terrified first thing we want is piglet cool yeah let’s go ahead and bite this lad oh here we go first enderman juked me so hard well either way we’re

Not dead so that’s good again i don’t know how smart i should be but it’s the nether it’s a dangerous space why not make this super safe oh there he is oh oh oh oh my god oh my god he came out of nowhere

Oh we got an ender pearl and that is a piece of safety let’s give this man some gold and see what happens the treasure of gold so we want potions of fire resistance and obviously ender pearls hey that’s what we’re looking for hey not so worried about ender pearls right

Now more so more potions that i’m looking for and that’s it you’re dead man well should have given me better stuff gotta say that was rather disappointing my anxiety is just through the roof right now i need to head back ah this is exactly what i didn’t want to

Happen better wall this off at least that’ll be fine right man i hate the nether so much i feel like we didn’t accomplish anything now before we go back in here there’s something else we need and ladies and gentlemen that is that is milk you thought these cows were for nothing

All right back in let’s go find this fortress so we’re just gonna make like a a safe pathway i guess i don’t know man is this over doing it and this is what luke did you beat the game i mean obviously things can get us it’s just more like we can’t

Fall off and die in lava that’s my thought process here all right this seems okay okay oh no no no no no no no i’m not not ready to fight man oh i didn’t see you go away you big stupid idiot yeah i’m strong i got a sick bow should

Really be avoiding these pigmen too too risky man one bad click and it’s over oh this isn’t very safe is it turn up those chunks like there’s good odds of a fortress being somewhere okay now is the time to be very very careful and actually i really wish i could put

Feather falling on oh my god it’s the first time this whole game we almost died oh man i accidentally threw an ender pearl of all things oh my most wheel slid oh man wow i think i almost needed something like that to just remind myself like hey this is hardcore

Oh my god man right before i was like the feather falling oh my god dude safety oh my god okay bro i gotta put these on and just watch out for guys bro that’s the shot oh one more there it is oh of course there’s another one oh my

God we must be getting close to a place ah yeah we’ve got our fire resistance potion remember that we have ender pearls we’ll be okay oh my god i didn’t even realize let’s go that actually wasn’t too far from spawn we got really lucky though beginner’s luck but we have had the

Nicest seed we need to move sir i don’t want to accidentally hit you and die you get away from me there enderman okay ladies and gentlemen terrible terrible fortress indeed i’m actually going to get some more blocks my expect my expectation is that whether skeletons are going to be some beefy boys

In hardcore in hard mode i think what i want to do make sure nothing can come that way and then head this way you know of course dude again this game has just been so awesome to us we have all the arrows we could ever need awesome

Nope look at all these enemies you are dead it’s that easy bud down nothing this way all right wall this off oh and it looks like this is the end yeah nice i like this slow process of elimination oh my god i hate ender curls why did i just do that

Ah so this is uh the way oh lots of stuff this way though wait is that are you kidding me dude oh my god diamond horse armor dude so much good stuff why would that just be there like that is so absurd i promise i am not hacking guys

Oh actually yeah that’s great now we are gonna need some netherward actually i’ve actually got a chest over here i’ve never seen this before where all right cool all right i think this is the way lots and lots of danger there it is it’s gonna run on on this oh

Here we go i’m not gonna be stupid about this but i wanna make it so that they can escape those guys they don’t need to exist god it’s always like oh they’re spawning too fast and now it’s like oh this is easy one minute okay we got seven actually uh more

Gold here this game is 31 in total let’s go find a guy you know in some ways i find the nether safer because there’s no creepers like that’s always been my biggest fear obviously there’s a lot more stuff that can kill us here but i don’t mind so

Much taking those pauses out in the open okay we’ve got the gold we just need the piglet did i go down here apparently not hey there’s our guy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa how are you gonna despawn on me there we go there’s our guy nice everyone else is gonna leave us alone

It’s just gonna be you and me my friend i have 62 goals there you go man i need pearls and i need potions look at this dude you upgraded yourself nice job i’m sure you’re pumped Oh what happened to like day one where every second thing they gave you was a potion hey there it is three more minutes with the blaze should be enough hey look at that oh i think we’re getting down to the end of it hey there it is things you love to see

For 500. not the best not the worst my nice fancy nether bridge let’s go fight some blazes oh this is so much better with all the barriers oh [ __ ] all right that’s it call it there at 11. hey make that 12. i feel good about 12 actually tender pearls is not enough but

I’m happy with our results i think we’re going to head on back on our way back probably mine some gold whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa screw you lava yeah there we go oh i love these walkways so safe oh my goodness look at that i’m honestly a little bit impressed with myself wow

Can’t believe it guys i really can’t believe it alrighty 24 not what i meant to do though anyway blaze powder diamond horse armor my friends and companion you have served me well i present to you this diamond horse armor wow look at you you are awesome first right into the nether

We’ve got a long ways to go uh we stay alive we faced the god of death today and we told them you know we said hey not today two shields perfect two decks of arrows let’s bring three and back into the nether we go one thing we need why are endermen so

Tricky in hardcore they’re not stupid all right we’re just gonna have to pray that this man doesn’t come back for us that is why you don’t dig straight down well well well it isn’t my piglin pal oh would you guys like some gold amazing wow we got three

To be easy all right boys i need ender pearls hey oh i think i see multiple ender pearls all right that’s it eh come on out guys thank you for your service most importantly thank you for the ender pearls oh you’ll love to see it gonna give us

14 eyes of ender i love this little highway we’ve got built here feels so safe okay now we’re back back this time though for a very quick session you’re not in fact here for a good time nor a long time we are simply here for a single blaze rod

And there it is literally that easy i mean if they’re gonna be here though all right three that’s enough quit while you are ahead 13 pieces of gold please my friend that is really sad we got three more okay 30 gold ender pearls have you heard of them

Apparently not all right please man i’m getting desperate here all right well some things are just not meant to be i guess and the more time we spend here the more our odds of dying increase so i think i’m gonna call it there cause i mean all in all we had the most

Lucky nether experience i think of all time okay wow wow wow i can’t believe we did that guys this is huge let’s get all our stuff here we’ve got some things to do first of all that’s gonna be eight more eyes of ender which is gonna make 14. that is enough

I hope next up we need some glass bottles that should be enough now normally i would sleep but tonight tonight we shall not sleep cold stone there it is that’s what we’ve been looking for ruin stan can come up with all the cool kids we do the blaze powder thing

We take a netherwart we got our awkward potion so if we do a blaze powder that’ll give us a potion of strength but pretty sure if we add glowstone that is going to give us strength too which is basically the most cracked thing in minecraft i do like killing stuff especially when

It gives me levels oh my goodness oh i killed the chicken i’m sorry i have no problem fighting anything except for creepers actually it’s really not a bad amount of xp is it i mean come on that was like a level right there an easy level too these guys don’t even

Do anything cuz i got that projectile protection ah he’s got a sword all right well that was kind of productive we got two levels like we haven’t slept in in a while and i need phantom membranes so hopefully this is gonna be it where you know they spawn in but we’ll see

I still need three more levels because i want to get uh enchantment three piece of armor here before we go i think what we’re gonna have to do guys is just make the ultimate sacrifice and hope that it’s enough so you know what really i should be

Taking the ones that have abandoned me these are the unfaithful cows they didn’t believe in my leadership well how’s this for leadership there we go it was getting crowded anyway and we got beef now really just kind of waiting for phantom membranes so i think what we’ll do for

Now is i guess we’ll just go get some some wood all right let’s make sure there’s no creepers sitting in here hey hey what’s up man have i got a deal for you what’s up guys man have i got a deal for you got these sticks bro

Oh my word these sticks man okay that was pretty good hey ladies and gentlemen there it is oh it is darko since when ah gonna die gonna die gonna die gonna die oh jokes on you ai i’m still alive we have level 30 and we’ve got diamonds real talk

Kind of like protection three on the chest plate i don’t necessarily need blast protection for the fight so in my estimation i think it would be smartest to make another pair of diamond pants all cheaper too i’m breaking you know what let’s just go for it and hope it’s good

Well it’s better i mean i can’t really be mad about that that’s not what i wanted but yay blast protection 4 protection 3 projectile protection 4 protection 3 for the falling that’s honestly a pretty good set can’t really be mad about that i think that makes it so that we won’t

Insta die to creepers but i mean i’m not gonna test that theory also i don’t know why i finally feel the urge to do this everyone’s been asking for doors so there we go we’re good don’t worry guys we’re safe yeah that looks sick tell you what

Two trees i didn’t even put it the right way okay this has got to be the day the day of the phantoms please haha now just to ease everyone’s anxiety dude i don’t like that as much i don’t think that looks as good kind of like the open concept you know and we’re

Right on the water this is safe there’s there’s nothing that can get in from here this side i am willing to sacrifice the view i’m just gonna have to make some more potions of strength because i’m just getting bored send me the phantoms dude we spent like four days in the nether

Unless those days don’t count maybe we’re gonna have six strength potions this ender dragon doesn’t stand a chance all right well you know what if this game is gonna make us wait gonna entertain herself with another project We’ve got some diamonds we’ve got some experience why don’t we be good to ourselves let’s treat ourselves we’ve played a good game so far let’s see what we can get on this bad boy efficiency three that’s beautiful so we’re building a super highway to the village

Gonna be amazing oh look at that speed the efficiency which we can clear dirt it’s truly astounding all this so i don’t have to make one click of a spacebar i’m having fun all right let’s get this built quickly nice hey whoa whoa whoa i never thought i’d

Be so excited to see one of these guys yeah bring it on man yeah no no membrane oh god this isn’t a very safe walkway not sure how i feel about this hey welcome to my walkway off my walkway it seems we have a tree in the way see this

This here is a problem you know like this doesn’t seem safe there they are oh yeah there it is and there it really is all right there mr phantoms bring it on i need your resources and you i swear if you all despawned hey hey come back here

Please come fight me oh we gotta watch over creepers oh no oh no that’s not good that’s not good we gotta breach okay it’s just a tree man no not in the tree attack me attack me oh oh we got a breach okay that thing died

For sure swear stuff dropped up here but maybe not what a nightmare but we got one we got one and honestly i think that’s probably gonna be enough so there’s our minute and a half we add redstone i think that’s it and there four min oh man 12 minutes yeah that’ll be

Oh trust me we won’t be needed more than 12 minutes reminds me of something else that i could make a joke about but it would so we’re gonna bring a stack and a half a steak seven golden apples four stacks of arrows spare shield bucket of water stack of torches six

Potions of strength love that actually you know what we’re gonna bring a stack of spectral arrows because we got them and so why not of course the eyes i think we’re ready let’s just get a second water bucket because who knows what could happen actually you should probably also make a

Boat all right we got everything let’s do this i trusted steed you’ve served me well now lead me to victory to victory there we go all right let’s do this in the morning let’s do this in the morning actually also i cannot believe my game glitched there and i

Accidentally threw out two and neither of them broke come on there we go now we ride for battle what was it like this way kind of i kind of just like freaked out because i threw out two uh yes my other bridge we take another step this is the farthest we will have

Ever gone or something like that i just don’t want to go in the swamp ah i feel like we’re not really taking the most direct route dude i don’t think we’re going the right way at all the only way i can go do the swap this

Is really terrifying huh this is not the terrain i’m ready for oh my god oh okay we are going the right way tree chops is this a horrible idea honestly this seems like a really good idea that went fantastic oh this isn’t looking good though ah no

I think this is as far as we go my friend i’m gonna make the nicest safe little hut for you and no one will hurt you i promise you’ll be safe in here guys just don’t miss me too much all the journeys we’ve had you’ll be all right now it’s just me and

The world and that village oh another swamp oh whoa we might have survived that but that’s a bit of a little bit of a spooky moment wow oh where did that pesky little eye go oh no i think we lost it unless it went down hmm yeah yeah okay

Yes feel like this is it oh hurt berries oh yeah let’s just go for it let’s dig i hear something kind of sounds like it’s just a cave though hey that’s some nice looking rock oh what’s going on down here oh my god wow he has a he has a cube

Why are there so many enemies here spider’s just dropping out of nowhere my heart rate’s going here a little bit oh infinity yeah we want that oh no that just looks like pain and suffering i don’t need any creepers floating on down the river i think we’re getting close because it’s

Always like these things are always really close too like if i’m gonna guess it’s either nowhere close or it’s gonna be like year dude is that it yeah yeah yeah man i swear that’s like the key is when you find those little chests you know you’re getting close and ladies

And gentlemen oh my god we found it okay big lad ladies and gentlemen hardcore ender dragon here we go oh okay that couldn’t have been better yeah this is perfect huge opportunity oh my god dude that’s three oh the gate That’s four oh you’re low oh we got it we got it we got a man we got a man put him in a boat put him in a boat hit the boat yeah and we got an ender pearl huge there it is there it is we got these two and i think

That one and this one I think we actually got that one somehow i think it’s time potion up whoa my god oh my god that couldn’t have come out of better seconds we’re gonna just take an apple there there we go wow it’s really coming for me oh you’re mad at me How oh my god oh my god quickly this fight is tearing me apart here we go oh come on come on yes there we go okay we’ve done this a million times patrick whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the bow is everything come on yes that’s strength so many endermen i hate this

I hate this i hate this oh look at that damage dude the potion of strength it’s crap oh my god oh come on oh this is not falling it’s everything in this fight man come on come on i see you and i know exactly who you are

Come on here we go here we go this is it this is it this is this is it my goodness ladies and gentlemen first time playing hardcore and that is the ender dragon defeated wow we did it but before we end this note if you guys enjoyed that video it was a huge

Project the biggest video we’ve done on this channel so please subscribe to the channel make sure to leave a like and check out some of our other stuff also i really kind of like this world i’ve grown a little bit attached to it so i would be down for uh episode 2 or

Maybe we take on the wither or something like that so thank you guys so much for watching i’ll talk to you later and as always peace out you’re freaking nervous

This video, titled ‘I Played Hardcore Minecraft For My First Time And Beat It..’, was uploaded by NiftySmith on 2020-12-02 15:59:05. It has garnered 970441 views and 40363 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:34 or 3514 seconds.

I Beat Hardcore Minecraft For The First Time

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    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

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  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More