Insane Night Of The Undead Box Roulette Round 50 Challenge

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All right guys cool [Applause] uh all right guys are we live uh okay guys cool uh we are live hey guys what is up de gu here and today guys are here with another live stream for today guys got a good one for you all you already know boys how you

All doing today hopefully you guys are all good chilling having a great day so far we’re just uh here playing some B3 zombies we’re going to try something we’re we’re we’re going to try something uh if we get 50 doing this a fair play cuz this is going to be

Honestly I think alchemical is going to be our friend in this challenge um yeah because we’re not going to be able to we obviously we what we’re going to do is every every other round we’re going to rotate a weapon so there’s going to be two weapons from the box

That were allowed the entire game we have to keep rotating those weapons at per round and uh hey we’ll see how this goes hey yo what’s up uad though welcome to the stream man how you doing today bro hopefully you having a wonderful day man how you guys doing

Today wa welcome as well chemist how how’s your day today as well man hopefully uh you’re doing great bro hey fat dog as well hopefully you’re doing great as well bro hopefully you’re chilling having a good day so far man good to see you in the Stream hi hey

What’s up as well uh Z how you doing today tonight as well bro welcome in uh 6 p.m. God yeah bro you already know you already know D you already know bro you already know that’s 6 p.m. guide bro that’s where we’re on today y I was

About to head the bed I was setting my alarm and got the noty so here to say hi again hey I do appreciate it Ken I do appreciate it bro how’s uh how have you been man good to see you in in another stream bro yo hey welcome as well Janet good to

See your stream as well how you doing tonight as well good to see in the Stream we’re going to try this challenge knock box roulette the only problem issue with this is there’s no pack I feel like that’s going to be that’s going to be a game changer if we

Had pack on this map I feel like that’d be a game changer for us here but I don’t know we’ll see how it goes should be fun should be fun oh how do things go with the surgery um I I think they’ve been going pretty well I mean I’m feeling a lot better

Which is good uh I still can’t work out which kind of sucks sucks that I can’t like you know get a pump in right now even though I’m looking right at my like where I do like I can do some of my workouts and stuff it is kind of

Uh it does kind of suck it does kind of suck that I can’t work out and stuff like that that right now but uh I am uh my breathing has been getting a little bit better I can breathe out my nose a little bit now

So feels a little weird not going to lie that I can actually you know breathe there you know a lot better than I used to so I don’t know it’s pretty cool though all right I guess we’ll start it up I don’t want to wait too long here

We’ll see how the stream does obviously hey I’m just here to chill have a good time just Vibe out man if we do fail maybe I’ll maybe I’ll do this Chanel maybe I’ll let some subs join up maybe do this challenge I don’t know we’ll have to

See I don’t know we’ll see doing good man can’t wait for this box you’re let yeah bro we’re back here boys we’re back at noct and toon good good vibes from this man bro the around 100 days bro I’m glad I got 100 100 on this map though

That I never I never have to do it again I’m so glad I don’t have to do it again man a knock for today this is going to be interesting hey welcome to as well AG how you doing today bro good seeing the stream man how did your uh the remainder

Of your stream go as well bro hopefully it went well EV guys bad zombies hey w w right there all right this is going to be interesting I don’t know what the Strat is uh I I think early rounds I’m going to be able to get through the rounds

That I’m concerned about is honestly probably the 20s to I don’t even know maybe the 30s to to right before 50 I don’t know we’ll have to see we also need a little bit of RNG on our side here for sure but uh yeah we’ll see how this goes

Man all right well that’s a rip he quit that’s what happened Evan what a quitter wait he quit wait you trolling or did he did he die or something cuz when I when I checked into his stream he was at like I think he was at like what he was

At like in the 40s or something he was in the 40s I’m pretty sure sure but also got modare 3 wasn’t a fan of it but heard the least it’s actually not that bad I like it that’s fair enough bro one one here’s the thing right

Modern Warfare 3 is not a bad game I actually didn’t mind the multiplayer at all it’s just the zombies I just wasn’t a massive fan of overall as a game it’s not terrible but I don’t know I probably wouldn’t go in my way to spend money on it

Personally but I can see if you guys enjoying stuff I can see that I thought the multi was pretty decent oh you’re talking about zombies fair enough then I I can see why people like I said I can see I’ve played it now I can see why people would enjoy it

Personally it’s not for me I I I can’t I can’t fake it I wish I could say Modern Warfare I love Modern War 3 but I just don’t unfortunately it’s just it’s just whatever you know it’s not terrible but it’s not great it’s kind of just

It uh hey Evan how are you hey I’m doing great Alex good to see in the Stream bro how you doing today man welcome in something different it is something different but which is a fair point but I I don’t I don’t know if you like

It fair enough I can see it personally for me I just I don’t know I just didn’t I didn’t I didn’t really the games I played it was kind of it was it was just me meh honestly in my opinion but I like it I don’t love it

But it’s hard to explain you don’t you don’t love it but you don’t hate it it’s kind of just in the middle is that the I don’t know if that’s the best way to explain it but I don’t know uh went 55 then thought I call GG it’s fair

Enough all right uh we got to look for something here I don’t know that’s kind of where I’m at like I don’t hate it I don’t hate it but I didn’t like it it was just kind of I wouldn’t go out my way to buy spend money on it though I I

Would not do that but it’s not it’s not like the worst thing I’ve ever played but it’s not the greatest thing I’ve ever played it’s kind of there uh I’m good hey W bro hello hey welcome as well kitties how you doing today bro good to see the

Stream hopefully you’re having a great day bro if you guys are seeing you’re enjoying the stream as well drop a like subscribe share the streams appreciated and if you guys do want to donate join the Discord or anything the links are in the description but hey boys hopefully you’re all having a

Wonderful day so far will you ever go for 25 on knocked [ __ ] if if I was going to go for a 2d 5 Alex I don’t think knock would be the map boys I don’t think knock would be it I feel like if I was going for a 25 it’d be a map

Like uh a way faster map it wouldn’t be knocked I don’t think uh it’s good for it’s not yeah like it’s not trch zombies it’s it’s it’s a what it’s a modern Warfare Zombies it’s not terrible but again I I I’m probably the only reason I got to

Play it is cuz it was on my brother’s console and he’s like yo do you want to try this out it and I was like [ __ ] it why not but yeah I wouldn’t go out my way to spend money on that on just directly for the zombies I would not do that

Personally oh I’m good A W all right uh so technically I start like trading out weapons the reason I’m getting uh this fire still right now is just so I can uh what do you call it start rolling weapons in the early rounds you’re asking the wrong guy for 25 Alex

Yeah I’m like the I’m not the worst guy you could ask like I could do it hypothetically I know I can do it like like I’ve done like like round hundreds and [ __ ] like I don’t know let’s say you told me to do Ascension 255 I could do two Ascension 255 but I

Just don’t want to that’s the thing it’s just the same repetitive thing as around 100 it’s just longer yeah yeah knock yeah knocked no shot bro I’m not disagreeing with that one knocked is not happening right there I’ll tell you that for Free all right head out to you and good luck with the stream Evan and Keno all good bro hope you have a good rest of your night man I appreciate you stopp in though man you’re a legend bro I appreciate you take it easy and uh have

A good Rush tonight bro peace out man yeah you’re at knock though is definitely not happening I’ll tell you that knock is definitely not going to happen only problem with this map is so slow it’s like one of my least favorite things about it well dially you won’t be a yeah knock

No shot knock no shot 100 almost 100 was like was pushing it for me especially on this map like it took me 10 hours to get uh what is it it was like a 10 hour over 10 hours for like 100 on this map terrible knocked again you got to be you

Already know Trey bro we got to do knock we got to play some knock bro oh God you’ve never seen me get 100 I mean fair enough I mean if there’s around 100 I’d probably do a Classics it probably be like actually te I mean technically I

Would have had rev if I didn’t choke that I would have had rev if I didn’t choke so I got what is it 99 on Rev I know I can get rev 100 pretty easily with classic I almost did it I just choked like terribly streaming wise

Streaming wise yeah there’s no 100 but I I basically told you guys I was going to get all hundreds first with megas and then eventually go with Classics that was the plan but eventually I’ll start switching over to doing Classics this is probably the only map I might not do moock might be

The map I skip for 100 with Classics that that’s going to be terrible guess for the first time Argus all right well let’s see let’s see I’m going to keep rotating so we have to keep track of my my weapons boys so m19 I got Haymaker all

Right so next round I have to get the rk5 or get rid of the rk5 we’re too deep now we got to start committing except this is oh yeah this is going to get worse right it’s going to get worse as the game progresses here

Cuz every round I’m got to trade out a weapon and I’m only stuck with those two weapons so we’ll see how how this goes for us here A A do you see my question all right uh don’t you just love knock boys I don’t know guys let me know

What’s your opinions on knock overall as the map what’s your overall thoughts on it I think it’s pretty good I I like knock it’s not my favorite by any means but it’s not it’s I I do enjoy some knock I’m not going to lie I’m also trying to think right what

My perk set up is here I think jug widows double tap for sure double tap for sure I think just for damage wise and then QR maybe I don’t know good luck on this by the way even though this is kind of worse nah no bro what do you

Mean we commit boy we commit chy we commit we always commit bro okay I I need to like we can do a game soon I’ll say Alex just don’t know when all right where’s the last zombie boys [ __ ] this last zombie man all right there has to be like one

More zombie guys can’t be too many more here maybe tble to play with us AG I don’t know about that we should do our Alpha with Classics make it longer nah bro I know you’re trolling with your answer there cuz you know I don’t like playing super super long ass games but

Like n bro N I might bring uh I might purposely bring I mean yeah fair I think that’s the last map we’re doing I I can’t see myself enjoying Alpha Mega I if it’s going to take 10 hours I feel like if that if there’s a

Map on B4 that might break me on around 100 it might be that one honestly it might that might be the one where I just don’t give a [ __ ] it depends what if your weapons jum out that that’s what I’m worried about here that’s what I’m worried about we if we

Get to a point to where we run out of ammo and our guns are not killing we have to knife hey it might be a it might be a quit Ting I might I might not commit I don’t know we’ll see hey yo what’s up as well Jordan welcome in the

Stream bro how you doing today man it’s great see the Stream hopefully you’re doing good I’m not sure if I want to not going to lie hi Evan hey what’s up as well ultimate how you doing today as well bro good to seeing the stream as well man how you

Doing today on this Monday Bro hopefully you’re good Ah that’s a troll thing okay you know what I’ll take it it lets me keep my rk5 but I got no ammo on my rk5 so I’ll take it it’s ammo it’s ammo it’s ammo it’s actually ammo here

How’s it going it’s going well Banger it’s going well bro how about yourself man just pling some knock going for a box we let Challenge on knock we’ll see how this goes man I I if we get 50 bro fair play but we’ll see man we’ll see uh

Jordan all right I’m going to definitely abuse this right here I might use I also might use fire still early game just to so I get a enough for box hits I don’t know already already got my crew on on you homie so you’re dead on BF3

JS uh don’t tell me about tell me to tell you how’s your day good went for my new job to volunteer today I keep help keep floors R my job clean W bro my man my man ultimate doing a good job on them FL bro

W all right this is going to get rough this is going to get rough okay every round we have to we have to trade our weapons every round this is rough all right you know what these guns right now aren’t bad but if we get them late game we’re kind of screwed so

Hopefully not hopefully we don’t get these hey welcome as well strange how you doing today bro good to see you in the Stream hope hopefully you’re doing good bro we’re just playing some B3 right now trying to get this uh box through let going here bro box through let round

50 cuz you know just go to got to suffer but uh hey how you doing today strand I want to roll for a perk now but I’m done with call right now AR is out won’t see me on c for ages again fair enough sup Evan nothing M nothing much

Bro how about yourself man we’re just playing some bo3 just chilling but hey hopefully you’re good bro what’s good hey nothing much tuxer as well bro good to see you in the Stream as well man just play some knock doing a little challenge here trying to

Get a 50 but hey how you doing today as well tuxer welcome in guys then I’ll join the beat down in 2025 I retire play B3 for records my man was just going to retire from B4 just get a [ __ ] ton of B3 records bro Fair Play

Man fair play man who win a death uh a death battle dark Vader versus oh I don’t even know actually okay here’s a better question all right who wins Darth Vader or Evan guide our future EV guide bro [ __ ] man going to guess dark Vader said you

Got to change guns each round I do I do yeah that’s pretty much that’s pretty much the challenge like this round right here we’re trading out Haymaker you you’ll get the hang of what the challenges like every round we have to switch so then this upcoming round is to

Km double okay that’s huge huge double tap huge double top pull there said he likes uh my eyes he said no homo uh might not uh might say I did sweeping at the store I work at not where I work yeah obviously obviously not like I I respect that like you know that’s

Fair to finish I’m going move on to bigger things in the future it’s going to be weird to see like one day like they’re just not doing B3 B B4 records at some point it’s going to feel weird man I I even know what I’m going to do

By then like what what the [ __ ] like what’s going to happen with the channel and all that like that’s like how many years in the future from now so it’s kind of mad to think about but I don’t know we’ll have to see man I’m going to use CA this round I

Think it’s just better for points I rather use the C different for points here uh not double tap not a bad perk no double tap’s going to be one of our friends in this challenge it’s going to let us just do more damage to zombies honestly double to’s going to save us

Later on I think a little bit you say 6j got 1 million in 7 minutes Jesus bro I me to be fair Reen it is it is like highly it’s a highly like people have been wanting that game for how how many years now so it doesn’t surprise me I have to watch

That trailer eventually too I do have to watch that trailer eventually we’ll be shutting down soon I did not hear about that actually I did not hear about that uh speed okay not what we’re looking for here that’s the issue right here is that an insta I’ll take the insta for now

I’m thinking about rerunning knock 50 uh and doing a bad idea for me oh I mean you got 50 if you’re just doing normal 50 it’s not I you definitely have that sh you definitely have that bro surpris you didn’t say anything about my message you’re surprised I mean I I don’t know

Like I don’t know if your friend want I I don’t know I I I don’t know bro uh J asked if you want to join the party we’re in maybe in a little bit probably start off just chilling but if you want me to later on I can join

Up I have no issue with that just trying to chill right now we taing for the win oh no but now you got that though Str you got you got 50 knock especially if you’re using I wait are you going classic going meas Str when you’re doing

It all right so cuda’s gone this round so I got to get rid of the Cuda you have do knock with only original gums okay that makes it a little harder that makes it a little a lot harder than what megas would be I’d still say it’s pretty simple all you

Really need is thunder gun and alchemical and you should be able to like progress pretty decently but yeah I I mean you definitely got that though strand you definitely got that man okay we do need the round kind of end here just a little bit we need the round end

Here well why he say that bro that’s kind of weird he was zoning out and he looked at my eyes what the all right uh not look to that oh Juggernog is a massive we need jug we we need a jug there that’s that’s huge for the

Run just slowly right now I feel a lot more confident with jug for sure massive jug pull right there come rev but we all know he’s going to fail like last time he likes to do this on every map and fails all his attempts damn bro d d if you’re watching

The stream bro I would not take that personally I would not take that I would not take take that disrespect my guy my man just violated you bro hi I’m uh fans uh wait I’m wa I’m fans friend go I di 31 with only two Downs on exactly 31 rounds than

M see hey Strang you’re getting closer bro that’s that’s how you got to look at man you’re going to get that for sure soon man but hey welcome as well King how you doing to all right round eight thundy not ideal not ideal uh so I get to keep it till 10:

Technically oh that’s rough that’s a early thundy pool we didn’t want that’s an early thundy pool boys that’s not what we want by violating it’s just facts but hey welcome in the uh King how you doing today bro hopefully you’re doing good bro we’re just doing a box

Relet Challenge on uh knct and Toten but hey how you uh doing today bro oh my Max oh bro this is rough like I’m just going to spray some ammo here honestly oh that sucks I actually not fan of getting a thunder gun right now it’s kind of useless right

Now yes King is my friend that the look my ODS oh God that makes more sense and we go next time okay okay all right we got two guns that don’t really give us points got an XM 53 and a thunder gun this is interesting

Uh why do I find the compliment I like your eyes weird but nice to see in a way probably cuz you’re complimenting how like they’re I don’t know I feel like it’s you’re complimenting their just the way their eyes look and [ __ ] ESP like if you like go up to a

Girl and just be like oh I think you’re like your eyes look really nice or what look really pretty or whatever they I I don’t know some of them just find that [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t I’m not I’m not an expert in this [ __ ]

But they find like you could say like the most like cringe [ __ ] in some them probably find that [ __ ] attractive or like cute or whatever probably yeah that is true they’re like I don’t know all right well we might as well use thunder gun right now cuz I feel like

We’re not going to get it the rest of this game this might be the only time we get thundy knowing my luck it’s legit just creepy all right Well double points okay ah it’s not great either man like we’re just getting base points for every kill if we get the thunder gun in the in like the later rounds I’ll be fine with that cuz I’ll be two rounds of thundy ah that hurts this hurts this hurts to

Do okay not terrible not terrible we’ll take the Gorgon here it’s not terrible it could have been worse all right we need widows yep thank you widows one we’ll take it now we just need QR just seen the GTA 6 trailer the uh game looks sick going to be out in 2025

I have to watch it I have to watch it after this I do have to watch uh the trailer for it bro I’m not going to lie all right we need enough points to roll here all right there we go H is that an insta that is an

Insta all right I’m going to pop this death machine is tomorrow nah a dr’s a horrible I’ll beat him with one hand on B4 and B3 D imagine a girl walking up to me just saying that she likes my eyes yeah that’d be kind of

Weird that would be kind of weird to be fair or it would be it’ be very it just be random all right this round all that’s round all right well we’re going to have to hit box get rid of this uh I think there XM here thank

God the xm’s out of our hand cuz it’s not the best thing right now all right well I’m going to use the Gorgon it’s just better for points it’s just better for points here now I came out today and in my mind I’d be like hey hey

Yo I was confused too so wait it’s up today then I’ll have to watch it then I’ll have to watch it afterwards or something for sure yeah cuz that game’s been like GTA 6 has been a thing for how many years now Trey tell J equip your three and

Just just play gay night oh God it’s out today I mean that’s what people are saying it it looks like it’s out to I mean people are saying it’s out today so I mean haven’t checked but I would assume so okay I’m going to definitely use this Gorgon

Here okay thank God for widows one cuz widows one going to save us a lot here also things like insta kills and [ __ ] are going to help us in the later game you think my friend is weird I mean I don’t know your friend personally so I

Can’t really say if he’s like weird or not I don’t know him in real life you know so I can’t really say he’s weird or not cuz I don’t really know him like I don’t know like how he is in real life and [ __ ] okay yeah so the Gorgon is gone

Hopefully we get another gun that can kind of help us out a little bit here come on a Deadshot again it’s not it bro that’s not it hey welcome the L guys in the Stream though hope you guys are enjoying if you guys are drop a like subscribe share the stream it’s

Appreciated and if you guys do want to uh donate join the Discord the links are in the description but he hopefully you guys are all having a wonderful day doing a little box Rel that challenge already got the thunder gun once uh we have yet to get monkeys if we get

Monkeys uh that counts as our hit for the round so it basically saves us a around where we don’t have to trade out our weapon hopefully that happens when we got like a thundy but I don’t know what again we have to see man what is that that’s a nuke I might

Grab that nuke just to kind of try to progress through this around a little bit I beig BL with Google then saying it’s coming on 25 I just watched the trailer why does GTA 6 look great cuz it’s GTA 6 I mean they’ve had how many years to

Work on GTA 6 so it’s if they came out with a shitty game I feel like that would that would be an absolute outrage for people uh where’s the trailer I don’t I feel like if dig came out with a [ __ ] sh like how many years for a bad GTA 6 game

Or at least like from what we see and [ __ ] then I don’t know I feel like it wouldn’t be good this is much better than five I mean I would hope so GTA 5 is great don’t get me wrong but they’ve had how many years to work on GTA 6 so I would

Hope it looks better and hopefully like you know just is a better experience that’s the goal you know I feel like that’s the goal of uh every sequel or another game like for example like GTA 5 like when GTA 4 came out and or then GTA 5 came out if GTA V

Was worse than GTA 4 I don’t know but the goal is just just to make a better game usually every time they make a new game you know why on Google you go on YouTube right now look it up on you yeah I look

It up I don’t know why you look it up on Google bro definitely look it up on YouTube though it definitely be on there probably all right SVG is out of here all right I’ll take the MP 40 uh it’s good for ammo I guess right

Now it looks nice I’ll have to look at I’ll have to watch it after I’ll have to watch it after Deadshot three times in a row that is insane to me that’s crazy n no that’s crazy that I’m getting Deadshot three times in a row all right let’s get another enough

For to at least trade our weapons next round looks better than five I mean I would hope it looks it graphically looks better than GTA V cuz they’ve had how many years to work on it and stuff I would hope so if it looked it if it

Looked worse that’d be a little bit of a concern honestly all right there we go oh this is not great right now ammo is a little bit of a a little bit of a concern here but hey we moving oh [ __ ] uh the street lights and everything

The buildings hey Pack’s been a member for nine months bro hey shout out pack bro appreciate you man shout out pack in the chat how you doing today pack good to see the stream man all right ammo oh God this is where this is where we’re going

To run into an issue here right right when we run out of ammo this is a little bit of an issue I’ll take the insta that saves me a little bit lets me rack up some points as well but uh Hey welcome in no pack good to

See in the Stream bro hi hey Zack attack as well bro welcome in the Stream as well man how are you doing today bro hope you having a good Monday just doing some B3 going for a around 50 uh box Roulette Challenge this is going to be

Insanely difficult cuz if we don’t get the RNG we need we’re basically screwed but uh hey how you doing today uh as well Zach good to see the stream now how’s it going bro yeah chilling ay W man ah see this is not going to cut it

We cannot be getting guns with low ammo here we just cannot right now it’s it’s I cuz right now it’s I because it’s low rounds but if we get into the 30s 40s and we’re getting the guns like this we’re probably not going to cut it hey welcome in as well

DRS like we need we need some drop right now I’m going to be real here okay it’s a one shot with oh it’s actually a one shot with sword FL I might abuse that a little bit here I might be abusing that just a little bit yeah I’m abusing I’m abusing I’m

Actually going to knife this round we’re going to take our time [Applause] here oh my God uh sup guys hey nothing much honestly bro just uh doing a little stream able to breathe out my nose a little bit as well right now so it’s it’s a dub man can’t complain you know

Only that sucks I can’t work out obviously right now cuz obv have work out uh it’s like a lot of like heavy like lifting and pressure on my nose and [ __ ] that’s not what you want but other than that bro I’m doing good man can’t complain all right that’s a Max right

There I’ll take it 25 W GTA 6 I mean yeah like obviously like I know I know that like I heard GTA6 has a trailer out but that doesn’t mean the game’s coming out obviously next month or you know whatever like it’s probably just a te it’s

Probably just a trailer just to like intro introduce you know the game and [ __ ] all right speed man ah bro I just need I just need uh what do you call it thing uh be 15 yeah I mean that makes sense all right we’re not getting great

Guns right now now we’re not getting the greatest guns right Now at least it’s early rounds right now so it’s not like the end of the world here yeah we are definitely going to need some better guns we’re going to need some like dingos you know those type of weapons maybe a Locus I’ll take a Locus I know

The locus will do work for a while here so couple guns we need even like a ray gun here would carry us a ray gun would carry Us in these rounds easily oh my god oh yeah this is the issue now this is the issue right here we got

To chill boys we got to chill uh [ __ ] man yeah this is what I’m worried about just low ammo guns is going to be kind of an issue here like our best route like we might have actually have to use Annihilator here I don’t know if we’re uh we might

Just have enough to get through this round all right all just schedule the game with Ds and we’re planing to do uh casual not bad but we’ll play Whenever DS is available fair enough that’s that only if he plays on wif hopefully he says land is that round okay we just got through

The round we just got through that [ __ ] round holy [ __ ] boys they made the cops as tell I’m returning it all right I’ll take that Gorgon is what we need honestly it’s a gun with ammo it’s better than anything we’ve G in the last couple

Rounds oh my dead shot for a fourth time in a row is insane I know people hate on the Gorgon but the the Gorgon or whatever but for this challenge I’m not I’m not complaining about it it has ammo it has more ammo than a lot of weapons I’ve gotten the same weapons

Though I’ve been getting like phos and [ __ ] bro it’s not IDE deal we’ll see though I mean yeah I’m excited for that B4 Turner whenever happens at 5K obviously I’ve uh obviously already told you guys use all it playing and [ __ ] and or at least right now and then all the rules and

Stuff so whenever we hit 5K that will go down so that’ll be a that’ll be a fun tournament hope you know it’s all good and stuff oh my God all right how many more how much more we got to reload here [ __ ] man yo what’s up guys hey nothing much

Revolution how about yourself bro good to see you another the stream man hopefully you’re having a great day bro doing a Box relet challenge uh we’ll see how this goes man I again I don’t know how this going to go for me main concern in this challenge is just ammunition here

Ammo I don’t know if we’re going to have enough to even get through this round like right here the problem with knock as well is it has no traps I if I can try to get alchemical that would save me but obiously I’m going to try I’m I’m

Going to try to get Alam right now but uh yeah we’ll see man anywhere that’s not it you still in chat just messing around fair enough bro fair enough all right we need we need oh my God we’re not going to get any one weapons I have a

Feeling I’ll take it it’s it’s better than anything I’ve gone so far if not uh then we can’t play unfortunately dead shot for a fifth time in a row holy [ __ ] Bro Alam okay I’ll take Alam that’s going to save us I need to keep hold of alam this entire

Challenge cuz it’s going to save us it’s going to save us not a bad double points there that’s not bad we’ll take it oh my God I’m going to try to sitay here as long as I can but again it just depends on our luck here oh my

God yeah I’m not worried about like I said I’m not worried about the like these early rounds here it’s it’s more like 25 plus is when I’m going to get a little concerned we also need some drop luck IG you still in chat all right we’re not looking too bad

Though oh that’s round nice hey if you guys are though welcome in everyone hopefully you guys enjoying it if you guys are drop a like subscribe share the streams appreciated and if you guys do want to uh donate join the Discord the Link’s in the description

But hey hope you guys are all having a good day so far but see you could try to get 15 likes I’d be more than happy with that but uh yeah we’re just chilling right now honestly see if we can try to get a 50 doing a box Rel un

Knocked I got a Brey which again it’s going to be pretty good damage wise so we’ll see but I don’t have a year to wait for GTA 6 I mean obviously like obviously you know it kind of sucks you do have to wait but I mean if you don’t really like

Obviously like eventually it come out and you’ll be able to play and stuff you know same thing with like Spider-Man 2 like I know people were hyping for that game for like a time and [ __ ] and eventually that game came out you just got to be patient honestly with the with

The games and stuff I’ve been waiting since I played it that’s fair that’s fair I mean I know a lot of people especially people have been playing GTA 5 for how many years I’ve been waiting for it so I do feel for you guys I mean at least at least at

Least there’s confirmation that GTA 6 is actually happening you know I remember people were joking that GTA 6 like they’ll be dead before GTA 6 comes out and [ __ ] so i’ been waiting since I played it let me see can I get not Deadshot again though there’s no way

Right finally we did not get Deadshot that took too long honestly that took too long all right Mark two all right you know what we need hey dingo we’ll take it we’ll take it we will take the dingo here for sure but that’s fair honestly

GTA GTA 5 came out what on the PS3 and now it’s what PS5 so it’s been like two different console Generations gens of consoles it’s on three it’s it’s officially been on what three different gens of consoles so I mean yeah it’s fair enough it’s fair

Enough yeah I don’t want to keep taking hits though oh my God okay run a little bit of a little bit of an uh situation right now I got to be very careful here I got to be very careful oh God and that’s what I didn’t want to

Happen I just got red like that bro that was too close way too close there way too close [ __ ] close holy [ __ ] that was a little dicey there that was a little dicey we almost died right there that could have been bad that was way too

Close that was way too close for comfort not going to lie all right this should be round yeah ref still here some War some war zone bro all right we’re not too bad where is last zombie sure for sure do a game tomorrow if you guys are

On all right it’s time to get rid of the Brey it did work for us but it’s time for it to go and we’re back to an MP 40 Ah that’s not what I’m looking for I’m going to have to use it but this round I’m just going to try to

Use the dingo I think oh this is going to get worse worse and worse as the game goes on especially if we don’t get like a like a ray gun at minimum here if we don’t even get a ray gun we could be in a a situation here this could be

Bad like right now the guns are killing which is okay I guess I’ll lose all my widows NES I mean that’s fine I guess oh my God yeah okay let’s not let’s not mess around with that 20 though you guys you got the seven I mean I I was confident I

Could easily get up to I believe I can get up to 30 it’s once I hit the 30s I feel like that’s going to get a little interesting here cuz obviously uh once you hit the 30s that’s when [ __ ] hit gets a little more dicey cuz your guns really drop off

And then uh what do you call it once your guns fully drop off that’s kind of where it becomes a little bit more of a situation there so I’m going to try my best to get this 50 for you guys but we’re going to need some RG here we’re

Going to definitely need some RG here a little bit that’s round that’s Round ah hey EV you stream to exactly at 600 p.m. like you said do a good job hey I do appreciate doc I do appreciate bro you already know bro 6 p.m. now that’s usually when I start though Ah that’s not what we want that’s not what we want

There [ __ ] we got the vasper all right uh so I got two weapons that run out of ammo really quickly oh no hey welcome in as well though dog Commander how you doing today bro I would not complain about uh a little instakill or something here a little death machine actually a death

Machine I would gladly take here okay how did I lose two widows nades there it’s a little three widows nades okay oh my God grab that nuke grab that nuke it’s going to make like3 billion it’s going to make a lot of money for sure cuz it’s it’s

Been like so requested for so long soon the uh that’s when she hit a fan yeah hopefully we don’t get any xm’s the xm’s actually not terrible if it was packed on here but obviously we don’t got Pack-a-Punch so it’s not it’s not really it’s not really great

But like I said we kind of need some RNG here to succeed a little bit oh God okay I got to train up I that’s the only way I’m going to be able to survive here especially with guns like this like yeah right here we might

Actually get into a first round with no ammo here there’s a chance there’s a there’s a decent shot at it right now unless I whip out the annihilator and try to get through a little bit this round yeah no we would have been fine but yeah we keep getting low ammo

Weapons like this we’re kind of in a a problem a this is going to get rough all right I’ll take a gorgon I’ll take a gorgon we keep getting the same weapons though which I’m not liking like we’re not getting I don’t think I’ve gotone the icr once I haven’t

Gone the hvk once I got the thunder gun on round eight out of all rounds uh got the pH already once the XM already once haven’t got any ray guns so yeah it’s not been great but we’re going to try to make do with this a little

Bit oh my God I’m already out now you want some jokeing boy all right uh I need to figure this out man [ __ ] okay okay okay okay what is that what is that what is that yo I was drunk with friends last night jeez man hopefully uh you’re doing good

Though red aspect hopefully you’re doing good bro yeah I mean fair enough honestly red fair enough bro I don’t think I’ve really gone like I can’t say I’ve ever got like drunk junk like to the point where I’m like shitfaced but so I’m for

Me I don’t know I don’t I I don’t find that [ __ ] fun personally like if I do drink it’s like like occasionally and it’s like very little I don’t ever drink too much point where I’m shitfaced ever cuz it’s just not F I don’t know it ain’t it it ain’t it for me

Okay we need this round to end this round yeah it is all right all right gorgon’s La ammo join party or I’ll join up in a little bit here give me a second finally got the ray gun that’s actually what we needed there that’s actually what we Needed when he’s drunk and guess jump good on at Freddy’s all right let me see I’ll join up now it’s been like what an hour almost an hour all right imagine being King Trey could be me yeah oh yo yo we just got in here we

Just got in here we just got in here we already BR this guy bro this guy bro like what do you mean what do you mean you play Spiderman 2 I will I will eventually I’ll probably get a PS5 and uh play some Spider-Man we just

Got in the party and y’all are already arguing bro hey no he started this he started this and he started this bro bro play naha I’ll pass on that one bro I’m not trying to spend a because I can’t get land right now N I got ready though finally I got

Something that’s actually going to kill thank God than but no once I get PS5 though uh Ian I’ll definitely be streaming Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 for sure I Ain SE nothing either oh my God watch me get thundy watch me not get thundy except around round eight watch me only get Thunder G round

Eight just doing good just been chilling for the day how’s your day today this is round I think my guns already starting to drop off guns are already starting to drop off it’s not good all right come on please be round dang no it’s not even yet oh my

God we’re not even we’re in the easy half of the 50 here and we’re struggling it’s not good it’s not good got no traps no traps here no traps if our gun stop killing we’re pretty much [ __ ] imagine getting in the party and the first thing you

Would say is imagine being team I could y we’re way past this now yeah bro hey imagine imagine still talking about something that was said like a couple minutes ago could be it it was not a couple minutes ago it was a couple seconds ago my guy coup seconds it was

Not a couple seconds ago bro yeah it was bro it wasn’t it was not a couple seconds cuz a couple seconds have already passed since oh yeah yeah see yeah exactly exactly what was that noise okay I got ray gun for this round and that’s

It and I got a max ammo that rattles me imagine I’m just kid bro he’s bro he’s saying that for a Max that’s crazy for me I need a that’s what I need no this is crazy the fact that we were in that multiplayer match and you decide to

Literally you know com block me and the uhing me and the uh you know me back no you getting added in multiplayer is it that’s actually going to be kind of mad having a ray gun on Multi all right be right back here there’s a guy that would take a

Dump every Oh I thought you get to go though that’s crazy you to go but you can you can say something back though that’s crazy no no no oh my God [ __ ] hell bro this man says he has to be right back and then he just

Doesn’t go he just says something and it response to me that’s crazy GTA 6 trailer fire I have to watch it after this for sure ooh Rags finally all right well this this run is not the best I mean I’m only on round 11 but I got oh

Sh I I need some lock here I would take a Mark I here thundy here I really would I really would I better enjoy these easy rounds cuz it’s it’s not going to happen T are you feeling better after yesterday oh no my voice still hurts yesterday all right so we’re out

Of ray gun officially ray gun has to get traded unfortunately which sucks shoot oh shoot got we downgraded all right we’re officially halfway there boys imagine all your high round games are with Evan guy could be me yo yo DX bro I mean hey he’s speaking facts though I can’t

Lie you look at his record DS all like five out of his six highest rounds are with me isn’t his like Shan round 50 is with you yeah yeah it was CU me vax I think it was me me vax and then someone else BR it’s just bad I got to lock in

Here I got amm’s already getting low on the boot leer this is not great right now I’m going to be honest this is not a great scenario to be in SHO pleas yeah oh no EV bro how you feeling today just getting back eating uh eating some

Doritos he I’m doing pretty good William I’m doing pretty good bro just uh doing a little stream for you guys you know the little knock box Roulette Challenge I’m feeling a lot I’m feeling a bit better I mean obviously my breathing’s a bit better which is a w right there

But okay that’s a huge oh my God that death machine might have saved us this round why you say that why why you saying what why what crazy okay you’re going to mock me again just like the 100 few times you mocked me that’s just great great job congratulations you I feel

Accomplished I’m happy bro I appreciate it getting from the gro is is hard to do bro what okay that no no no no what do you mean n bro what what’s wrong with what I just said bro explain to me oh man look you know every few seconds everything could be wrong with

What you would said BR I don’t know what’s wrong with that bro I just said I’m like getting from the gr is is I’m happy I got praise from you bro I don’t know what’s wrong with that like that’s mad that’s mad from you though that’s

Mad think what do you mean what do you mean why I say what like that like what do you think that was implying bro what you think bro I was just asking why you said it like that what are you applying what do you think I’m meaning what are

You implying bro what no no no no what you what you what you think I’m not implying [ __ ] bro I just I was asking what why you said what but not well I don’t know what you’re thinking bro like you moving mad my my Bo no you moving

Mad bro you moving mad I’m not bro I’m moving I’m moving moving good you’re not no you’re not you’re not moving good you’re not moving bad happy I heard you said that million times man you’re not using that excuse you’re not using that excuse you’re not time that’s

Crazy this is just an average day withing what this dude’s coming after me what have I said bro J I don’t know what you’re saying you side you side because I’m not getting the luck I need on this freaking game okay oh yeah yeah okay only lik must feel

Good being able to go host stream without like used to it does feel a little weird I’m not going to lie not to sniff on stream feels kind of weird it is kind of weird I know it sounds weird to say like just if you don’t understand what I’ve like the

Issue that I’ve been having but it is kind of weird I’m not going to lie it does feel good though to not like obviously my nose is still like healing and [ __ ] but the fact that like I’m actually able to breathe is kind of nice a little bit now not going to

Lie bro what you saying now n no what you saying I say I say n n that’s the guy who made a short about my nose bro all right all oh excuse me at least I’m not the guy that would go 247 seeing those jokes all right jokes I’m not

Talking about it I’m not talking about it but you what jokes bro and let in the chat what jokes I’m making I’m talking about your I’m talking about about your oh oh you’re talking Oh I thought you talking about me making J I was like talking General yeah okay that’s fair that’s

Fair I can’t even I can’t say anything like would you rather have a short like that that’s legit just like if you think about it I I don’t really care about the short I’m not going to lie oh why did I try Jill all he saying [ __ ] to Evan I

Came to this that’s nice hey welcome in though MJ how you doing today bro good to see in the Stream man you’re having a good day bro okay why am I taking hit after hit after hit right now though real thing say real oh God bro bro

Bro I knew he going to say something I knew he going to say something about that bro this man trying to be like trying to be dollar staring guy bro I swear I’m not trying to be dollar storing guy the only dollar starving guy here is KZ bro and we don’t talk about

That Holy bro my man K catching them Strays bruh woke up on the mark two though that’s clutch that’s actually insane they clutch here for for this round next round bro Trey woke up and said he wanted to be a Min today probably because of a habit sniff yeah

It’s probably yeah I mean I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t say it became a habit I mean the thing is right is like the only way I was able to breathe back in like 2022 was actually if I sniffed to get air so that was the only way I feel like

2023 like I did get a little better like this year I did get a little better at not doing it as bad but it was still kind of an issue like I ain’t going to be no kid that would say oh I I’m not but yeah I

Mean it’s glad I’m glad I got the surgery now and obviously the worst if it’s over it’s just it’s just now letting it fully recover now kind of sucks can’t kind of sucks I can’t work out though I actually no no no that’s pass that now doesn’t much

Anymore it looks normal but it’s it’s still like so you have taken it off yeah yeah like do you have it taken off or does it still have to be on there what the bandages and stuff yeah no that shit’s off shit’s off okay my nose looks

Pretty much normal it’s just it’s just still like swollen and [ __ ] from surgery and stuff so I has to like when is it going to be like fully back to normal they said like a month ass yeah the only I can work out for a month which actually sucks that actually sucks

What bro Evan Evan what you hear this man I know yeah I can hear you I I was literally clearing my throat and this dude’s laughing What I’m not streaming you I’m not streaming you aing why CU bro that’s kind of ridiculous after what do you do what you do that you think you deserve that right over anyone else no I’m get out your mic mute my mic your mic all right

So wa you want me to buy buy something I don’t give a [ __ ] you can’t can’t no how all right I’m back not in the store no huh oh God what two t spash damage shoot a zombie with it uh get get it’s skilled why am I still Al on ver I don’t

Know oh all right uh hello hey yo what’s up Mark welcome to the stream bro how you doing today man great to see in the Stream you’re doing good bro you guys are wondering why I just muted there I just got ripped into so love see

That ni I just got absolutely yelled at so you hate to see that but we move why why uh cuz I at Food really yeah bro that’s stupid uh it is what it is is what it is is what it is you luck hey I wish you lucky and you

Got that you got that I was going to say the day in the life of Evan guide and then I got trapped in the corner round a don’t tell me about to get rid of Mark I this round I like this I do I

Do I do I do this round yo yo yo yo yo you Waits through probably be nah I can’t work out probably I’m assuming I can’t really work out until I get the I guess like till I go back to my doctor for like checkup or whatever post checkup or something like

That and then they tell me me I got th I’m supposed to survive seven rounds and knocked and it should be seven right here this after this round I has to be seven should be that’s round H we’re out of oh my God I’m on

161 B3 Rock Jesus my boy Fair Play Man and we just completely downgraded our weapons I think my mom’s call me hold up I got round six on uh last week I that’s the final 10 for 6 p.m. guide tournament I’m doing all right bro I

Glad to hear that man glad to hear that yo bro yo bro bro what what up you know in Black Ops 2 multiplayer right you know how when people die they get mic cut offs yeah you got right watch you see someone raging that cuts off what are we talking about allg is

Going to be my friend in this in this right here it really will like in Black Ops 2 most how people die when they’re talking I need an inst or something here a little death machine or something here I keep losing my widows nades though that’s not ideal real

Here oh I’m in a bad spot a little bit right now I’m not going to lie you didn’t say real oh oh oh you good my guy bro this guy just this guy just like has com everything bro I swear let’s go hey Ian with the $2 bro

Wish me luck tomorrow hey I wish you luck Ian you got that test easy bro what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it don’t Str that about too much bro you got that man you got that bro for sure ah ah there’s a

Panzer okay I don’t know where it’s at though uh that’s not good I hear it but we’re but we’re going to go into the apin mouth all right we’re inside the I’m in the corner that’s not ideal but we got out of it thank God so not confident winning

Kill we got 137 so we’ll see what happens I mean yeah like at the end of the day it is just for fun you know that whole tournament [ __ ] I don’t expect to win if I get a first round I’ll be more than happy with that

But is a workout strengthens the wrist I mean I I guess that’s true but like I just miss like doing some Ben press bro doing some like run like boxing [ __ ] bro like it’s start to take it toll on me I’m not going to lie the

Fact I can’t work out I’m looking right at my like work like where I work out and [ __ ] and I can’t work out like I’m not physically allowed like it’s not not recommended it’s rough that’s not that’s not good it’s like I don’t know okay the only way we can have a

Good game the only way we can have a good game on Rook if we can get the right camos on for the pack for the we we oh that’s actually a nice little death machine there that’s actually to sa us we don’t let’s go we’re not using a

Freaking green hey a win respect SVG under SVG is mad underrated to be fair honestly in this run Locus and SPG I will not complain about at all in this run cuz they’re the two strongest weapons hey no green no green no green let’s

Go oh we got both of the same ooh all right let me see this is round this is Round right here I would not complain about another thundy though that yeah see the spvg is actually so underrated it’s killing easily right now wait what do I need oh hpk okay you know

What I’ll take that hpk appearance P more for sure but I doubt anyone other kill will get P round 60 yeah I mean that that’s fair enough honestly I don’t see myself if I get 50 I’ll be more more than happy with that but I don’t even see myself making it to finals

Honestly imagine which you’re going to make the finals bro no if I would then I’d be dead n if you made the finals bro you deserve to win honestly there’s no way I’m just like honestly like when I make my prediction whatever right when I make my

Predictions I’m just going to pick trade to Mak to the finals as means shoot no do that I’ll make him I’ll pick him to pass first round though I don’t know we’ll have to see I don’t even know he’s going to face and [ __ ] n it’s impossible for you to face

Gil in the tournament cuz uh you’re in opposite opposite yeah oh okay yeah it’s impossible for you you’re not you’re not going to face me either it’s impossible for you to face me either EV you’re not whoa yo what you tring bro I can’t say

Hey yo what’s up as well Thomas how you doing today as well bro good to see the stream man how you doing today hope you’re doing great imagine imagine Thomas what you doing here bro good bro whoa bro Thomas just came in to watch the stream bro you’re like saying you

Can’t watch Thomas what you doing up in here what you what what you doing huh huh what you doing what’s your problem man oh what’s problem the heck you saying Tre not your business what’s your problem man okay we’re going to take our time here just SVG up SVG up the round that’s

Legit our play please please game I probably stop camps super but probably until 10 15 years from now that’s actually unfortunate actually unfortunate you do hate skill-based matchmaking I mean I I understand why it’s it’s a thing and why it makes sense and what I don’t any any game really oh inst

Skill though it’s not bad let me hit that rag do that is that round that is round that’s a max ammo okay you know what that’s not terrible could worse I didn’t get mu kick just a little uh so far we’re actually not doing bad we’re we’re in the 30s now if you

Th all here’s the thing right I feel like I feel like in my opinion when the tournament actually happens I’m picking you and kill will make to the end but I Feel Like Anything Could happened of course like I wouldn’t be shocked if someone just pulled an upset and and

Then they made it to the finale like I wouldn’t be shocked honestly but do I think I’ll make it to the end I doubt it but Trey wins the whole thing imagine Trey wins the whole thing imagine that happen round to be dead nah but it won’t die though that’s the thing

Though there’s no way after that there’s no way that but you’re playing a whole different game oh I’m red I’m red boys okay well no I’m I thought you said like in general I thought you said in what was that I’m struggling Boys N not commit f

Upit you heard that I heard that right I’m not paying attention to weird noises oh oh no bo you see the uh the B me agre agreed with uh wait what that no no we got Argus no no that’s not ideal no it ain’t no not round

Not I will go for round 100 on whatever map but definitely w’t see myself dying know I see myself down near 170 fair enough I’ll do it you know what I I do what I can all right so we got Argus and hvk with no ammo This Is Not Great this

Might be the first round we Face some adversity in this round this might be it I don’t know should go for 255 no I really shouldn’t you should though I mean if you do it first I’ll do it I’m on that right now age bad going

To age badly that’s going to age badly that’s going to age badly that’s not going to age badly bro what do you mean that’s not going toe you never know though what if he hits 255 on knock there’s no way I talking I’m talking knock bro you do knock I’ll do a 2

Knock AG badly not going to age badly bro that’s not going to age badly what EV do you are do you have like the time to play 301 hours no but the game of the same game I really don’t but you know we don’t worry about that how you going to

Do it unless if you put your PlayStation on rest mode that’s the only way I only have to do it if you get it though n bro we do it at the same time nah no use my own te stop pulling a tray pulling a tray you pulling a try backing

Out I’m not backing out I said if you do it I’ll do it I’ll actually do it I’m a man of my word doesn’t go for 100 Trey can’t even go 100 onest want to that’s the thing he doesn’t want to but he can say you document other than that no one beating

Me and K well that’s fair honestly that’s fair and Trey if you ever get round 100 I would like I would never say nothing about round eight again mm yeah right I would doubt that I put that on I put that on God yo on God

Bro say nothing about it if he got 100 i’ still say it God I’m going to die boys yo yo oh I [ __ ] the training Strat I had to open the door [ __ ] no no no no I [ __ ] the Strat I I was going to die if I didn’t

Open that door oh we’re in a bad spot now we’re in a bad spot are you going 100 bro bro no no oh this is bad boys I’m giving you an opportunity okay why do I have to do an opportunity to go for round 100 I don’t

Want to do that oh [ __ ] we’re in a bad spot boys do you not want me to say no mistakes no mistakes you want me to not say anything oh [ __ ] this is bad I don’t care about round nine oh this might be it boys I don’t know if I’m going to do

This thing I’m going be real I don’t really care about round n you should care that’s over oh my God I said it’s over watching and learning to be a better player if you do Classics make sure you spend ah bro I’m obviously I’m not I don’t think it’s going to happen

Though have to restart you decided to restart I restarted but then I I didn’t die twice no do matter I yeah but I contined you restarted it no there was no continue for you you had no Quick Revive yes there was no there was

Was I legit did no he died but then the reason the only reason Tre Trey got a second attempt is cuz DS to Fair legit that was it I I had a heart for you to get I had a heart for you unless you had a second chance happened and what

Happened you blew it away hey I’m going to tell you something here to be fair right why would I want to do that in the solo game tell me that I know you tell me why you did it you said no you could have said no you could have said no that

Was clut if I streams wday be gone if I Som lose I was actually committing last time to be fair uh I don’t know man i’ be hell embarrassed to see them players players with the pub so I guess got no chance I mean saying they got no chances is

Like like anything’s possible I’m not going to say like I’m not going to write anyone off like something insane could happen like you never know but Underdog Anything could happen in that in any of those tournaments like it’s been proven before I remember everyone said Jay was going to win the tournament

And Trey beat him so it’s just like oh oh excuse me Trey uh Jay let Trey beat him n Jay Jay told me off stream he actually lost he actually died and then he just said he gave it to him he told me that privately he told me

That like off stream or whatever and uh you never catch me locking Evan fair enough all right so bad news for this round is uh we got two shotguns that’s the bad news uh we’re facing some adversity in this round right now for sure wait what oh this is bad now we got

Two doors we have to train with [ __ ] you have to focus up though you have to focus up oh my God why you keep what am I supposed to do here boys I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do try to clutch us up here real thing what what you doing there

Tre who you think that was a what were you doing bro no bro you did the same thing to me I did not say who I was you you were laughing bro like I was doing something okay we got a death machine to help us out a little bit here in this

Round it’s not bad it’s not going to get us through the round unfortunately but it’s going to help at least a little bit can I get little ar oh my taking five bullets boys not great oh this is this this is this is a little bit of a situation I’m in right now

You’re in the bad territory all right Focus up lock in lock in no no no no no chill chill chill bro this guy wants me dead I swear I’m I’m ready for that day doc Commander make sure you goish uh I’m going do a bro this door opening has screwed up my training

Complely what what help what the freak how is someone how supposed to yeah how is someone supposed to help I don’t got I hate widows I hate Widow oh my goodness it didn’t when wheel’s better I my s in my I stop my sentence because I knew Trey would have said

Something I’m pretty sure all of us would have said something no I think Trey would have honest no there’s no way you think I was going to say there’s no way bro n bro you’re crazy okay I’ll try to I’ll just I’ll try to put it in okay here’s my

Plan here’s my plan get a full hord train it up get a full H train I’m I’mma put it in the less weird way I want to go I want I went to go to um I went to hit the box for Arn right yeah I got I

Was training I got I got TR I got stuck in the corner and I got hit but I had widows ammo is a bit of an issue right now with the Widow I shot my AP again and they would not die like they were just stuck on

Me and something that for sure and I couldn’t and I lost my AR from that now I got to go and re you should in the first place skill issue you invite to the party chat I’m not going to say much just going to chill for a bit all right the annihilator is

Actually my best weapon right now which is a little insane is your best friend it is though it is it’s legit killing the best right now out of all my weapons who’s your best friend is my best friend bro all right that’s your best friend that’s what’s up

Oh what’s wrong bro what’s wrong with that there’s nothing wrong with that I just say that’s what’s up what you what you mean bro all right I’m studying nice bro man bro Trey why’ you say why’ you say N9 when jerks join bro yeah that’s

Little yo D who said n now when you joined bro I did not say I did do not say you did not say it bro we heard you say N I said whenever me and EV stop that conversation that’s what I said n bro y actually that’s okay if that is the case

That’s just ironic that as soon as that happened D joined yeah I don’t know bro little bro weird weird bro we’re just saying we’re bro we’re just saying you said no yo yo n but what do you think we’re bro that’s mad for me that’s actually mad you know what else is mad

What fact how you’re thinking that way I’m not thinking that way but you’re the one thinking like that no you’re thinking like that I’m not though you are though bro I’m just saying you’re getting shook cuz D is in the chat he’s going to violate the [ __ ] you I

Think think I think that’s why you’re saying n bro I don’t know what you’re thinking bro know you’re think why when I was saying n that’s not the reason why I was saying that’s M I don’t know I don’t know this guy’s m weird bro how am I moving weird fam 4

Nice oh I got Locus boys that’s huge that’s huge for this that’s huge we’ll take it we’ll take it we’ll take it nice of Dubs nice I’m going to do what Tre couldn’t do that’s crazy crazy you got to mention me bro yeah yeah that’s crazy crazy me that’s crazy

Here okay what yo Locus is one shotting right now what what did you just say they one shotting it actually is one it is one shotting okay let’s get the full hord get the full hords is that you bro bro look he has to make a comment about everything you say

Bro did you just I said did you we I didn’t we I just did term experience that is true that is true that’s a good Fair Point am I clutching up like I don’t know bro what was that I’m just cuz I just this guy I swear this guy just like

Waits for someone to like make some noise and just be like yeah bro that’s weird swear to God I swear he has like the like the ears that would sense like you have a of a memory a what oh my bro the Lo is going to carry me

Till 35 here you know where that came from you would understand right the locus is going to carry me here boys the locus if you’ve not used the locus bro knock 50 proved anything Locust is broken on this it’s still one shotting right now I need a thunder gun though I’m going to

Be real though I need a thundy here I need a thunder you not bro you’re that’s probably going to be the only thunder gun you got on round eight yeah probably to I don’t know why happened on round bro Saturday like 10 would have been

Nice 10 well I would have but like when I when I did and I’ve had stuff to do I got like I too bad hey yo 5,000 hours I think it’s going to be a little L if we could have started like Friday I might have would have like been able to

Have done it Friday been able is carrying right now but I shouldn’t say that before I die I should not say that and then die doing that my God yeah 33 you’re doing decent right now this is decent bro I I I have both doors open bro this is rough this is

Rough this is a I was going to die though if I didn’t open that door or not try act like uh knocked round 100 oh no hey just remember I but like none of us had both of the doors open but I was in spawn is that a nuke a

Nuke now can’t bro now I can’t get this round all I need is little ARs and then I’m set for the game uh don’t know matter show us how much you play the game doesn’t prove prove your bad right set that’s a that’s also a good

Point it’s also a good point cuz you can play like less than somebody that plays more but be better than them that’s a fair point yeah bro tre’s going to wipe the floor with the competition bro no I’m not oh you are though that’s what that’s what you told me that off

Stream though I did not though he told me that off stream bro he said he’s going to WIP the floor the competitors whoa whoa whoa whoa on hold up bro bro if I’m build different we got massive work to do all right that’s all I’m saying I’m bu massive why massive

Work bro yeah so the point work like n oh a thundy boys oh my God D or at least a mark to array here would massively help us I’d be like great bro I’m doing a box or L doing a box orlet my guy see how youv do a box orlet

Youv hey maker okay that’s the opposite what we want makers this shouldn’t be bad right let’s get a run of ammo oh what you think I more than 20 rounds in World of War all I thought that would be that’s insane bro hey World at War down it uh whenever gets

5K oh my God bro on this map I said that’ll eventually happen once we get Clos to Trey you got to fix your Internet before we stream before you stream your round 100 attempt on rev I’m not doing round 100 okay D should should do Run 100 on R not doing any

Round you bangled around 100 abely it this gun’s actually not bad just run to the am I rather lose my arm and is who on this map it is not unfortunately it is not same with the dra it’s not on this map either Vanguard is not the worst

Zombies what bangard is not the worst zombies game what’s up what’s up did you you heard me what did I agree with that you heard me all right I can respect your opinion even know I okay okay so you okay so you think I know I know where he’s going to

Go with this I know exactly where he’s going with this so you think Trey you Trey you think what I think V girl thought zombies is a mistake okay and Modern Warfare 3 isn’t okay yeah that’s aake yeah boy get out of here bro I would rather play

Vanguard zombies then Modern Warfare oh there a max ammo that’s huge boys huge max ammo there yeah you know what H unfortunately not Ravens though gl’s not on this map with the dracon either which kind of sucks but I don’t even want to talk about I got 50 though somehow doing that

[ __ ] I you watching pack play it the only the one time I joined in he had the ray gun with a there was a cool camo on it that’s the only thing it was a really cool camo mwes yeah loc is still one shot by the way on 34 with no pack

[ __ ] I don’t even I I I just don’t you guys if anything this should just proed to you use the Locust more never you get it all right d this is all on you should I do I do I keep rolling for AR or I just keep going or do I just

Go with the STP oh my God I need to find a route here boys you said what oh god Trey round the 100 tag is so fast under two hours it is very fast but I I don’t think Trey is going to ever do around 100 oh yeah see all right okay

Trey what why won’t you do I need to really I need he doesn’t want to spend the time because I don’t want to spend time doing the whole like 100 I I’m going to die here no not okay what other stuff do you do watch YouTube yeah or like actually go like upside

Over no I don’t that sounds like you bro at nice that that would like you at night bro D we can all wait how do you know I’m dead yeah [ __ ] you told me in the BC you told me in the Discord are you sure that sounds like Phil sounds

Sounds sounds like it’s over I don’t know if I’m that sounds like Phil that sounds like what Phil would do this might be it oh it’s bad right now don’t know D is just chilling bro no I just got the chopper bro oh [ __ ] this is not good I only

Times 6 time 6 yeah it would it would like the time that took us to get 64 that would be the same amount of time roughly as it would for like or some [ __ ] this round My Little Pony please don’t be staming what don’t be staming okay thank God

Ting all right we got to recover we got to recover we got to recover F it’s not good oh my God first down I got tra have you played that before I’m talking about deot oh my God I wasn’t talking to you okay here’s the problem I don’t got Locust next round

Talking to my little cousin I don’t got Locus next round guys not great I might honestly as well try to get like an imp easiest map every game World of War Shino B1 Ascension diid I guess B3 R B4 tag that’s those are pretty good choices those are pretty good choice solid

Choices all right what time is it 7:3 only 7:35 God dang I recovered I’ve recovered oh my God I don’t got monkeys as well I wish I had monkeys there if I had monkeys I’d be safe I I would have been able to live oh

I got CA this is not good are you doing what uh to get monkeys are are you allowing yourself another hit or n that’s that’s the hit that’s the hit for the round okay okay yeah bro you doing only one round oh my God this

Is I just don’t I just don’t want to do it oh my God I need to find a route here man if you know what stratch you’re doing then yeah you definitely got it I don’t I don’t just H bro perfect luck I know bro that

The luck for my perks to get exactly what I needed there was insane that was some that was some RNG right there that was some Insane luck right there this about to be over that’s round no it’s not why I say that what round you want

Evan me and Evan were just talking about that yeah that’s what I was talking about yeah Evan you do it bro what knock 255 with me bro I said I’d do it if you did it we we both do it together I’m not

Doing it bro I’ll do it if you do it I will do it if you get it I will do it I bro I’m I’m not I’m not going to go be like Trey you know but you should do it so we have like company get out

B why don’t we just suffer together like we did on knock 100 n bro what a spa two player that probably make it 10 times slow yeah you it yeah you want to you’re asking if I want to do a 2252 player what do you think the answer yeah

No oh man Trey would not do it Trey would Trey would play around 50 you told him to play around 100 if you told him just get round 100 he would not want to do it so how many hits am I thinking God damn bro oh this is getting difficult

Now got nothing a I wish I didn’t have to open that door what 63 at a Max that’s a Max right there Evan if we don’t if we Evan if we really look at that that’s you’re trying to make you’re trying to make it sound like

It’s not that bad bro it’s not that bad bro we got bro you barely could do 100 my guy before what un knocked unlocked I got it I got it yeah but did you want to like you were done bro by the end of it

You were so done with it I was done but did I did it did I did I still yeah so so take four player oh I was I’m not going to deny that I was D I didn’t want to do that [ __ ] I didn’t want to do knock I I was done after

Like hey no we both went Flawless on round 100 we both oh my God n n n I’m not doing it bro I’m not two player knocko only that’s only six hours that’s not even that bad Evan yeah that’s world record though next week next week

No not going back to knock bro I’m not doing that [ __ ] doing that [ __ ] I lit can’t do H what happened just be like Bar Round 100 bro we got we got Bar Round 1005 hours we just add another hour to it I’m down this round looks like it’s round

What all right let’s see come on Evan let him borrow your account and I got the far out of the box for the next round oh my God I’m not doing knock T player bro Honda lesbian I ain’t doing that [ __ ] bro we we said give give your account to

Dks and he’ll do it with me how was a friendly fire with my own grenade I myself [ __ ] uh GTA 6 coming out that’s ridiculous he’s on the ground teamate holy C be good like the best game we have in history I mean hopefully GTA 6’s good I

Mean I doubt it’s going to be the best game ever that’s really I don’t even know like what the best game ever would be in most of his lives probably like I don’t even know raid Shadow Legends okay it sucks I got out of all

Guns to get out of the box I got the phah it’s not really what I want no come on Evan you got to do this am I dead here [Applause] I’m not de well the science after he says is defit bro kill 700 come on Evan it’s only 700 Hours come

On BR you would not do that that’s light bro that’s light that’s light okay do it then all right I need you you don’t need me to do [ __ ] Bro yes I do it’s it’s two players two players I need you no one wants to do it with me yeah I wonder why

Bro cuz it’s 700 hours of their life I have no I have no one friends I have no friends all right Evan let them borrow your account and we’ll do it Trey let him borrow your account no I’m good I’m a best n Trey Trey can’t last a day without his

Account what I’m pretty sure I did when 2019 game oh my God see I could I could survive without my special weapon as much as pal yeah that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to do right now I think bro my I just play my VR [ __ ] man please be

Round is this round I think it is it looks like it’s round that’s round it’s not round are you mad ah it’s not around yet we’re around to you got this bro we are getting closer to 40 we’re getting closer wait what round are you on uh 36 right now dang I’m

135 machine broken that a nuke yeah that’s a nuke cool I need this round end could that would have been nice that’ be broken that’ actually be broken what the oh my God okay this round needs to end uh I’m not going to lie this round needs to end

Here we need this round End Boys D seems like he has the personality all right my row here is just to try to get specialist and keep you using it bro why does everybody think bro I swear I I would go to school I go to school with my friends right and

I would say something like who is most likely to go to go to jail and everybody points at me what would I do bro I I’m like one of the nicest persons oh talking about my boy Evan like that oh yo yo yo yo y y n ammo

Is oh no there going be no escape from the maras what am I supposed to do here I hate the mar the hope is for an Alam here if I don’t get Alam this could be problematic okay I at least got Al come here problem you I’ll be 20 when it comes in

2025 oh my god oh don’t die there don’t die not like that hey what hey uh dks how much is land land yeah oh we need this we need this round end here I can’t I cannot hear you we need this round end guys right I’ll look it up we need we

Need this round to end badly here my computer is broken but I am getting I look it up when I get it I would not complain about a thunder gun right now I really wouldn’t computer though hey because I okay all I’m going to say I was playing VR that’s all I can

Say all this is round this is Round right here thank God D 21 it depends on the month it will comes out birthday is new I suck to get my C though hvk okay that’s not bad it’s not bad I would go on and I’m going to head out uh wish me

Luck hey good luck on your testimoni bro you got that man um don’t shot said about to much that’s that’s actually true I’m not going to cap that’s pretty oh my God bro I’m taking a little too many hits here not going to lie what oh these guns are just not doing

[ __ ] for me in my B I’m dead yeah no dead here Y no you’re not no you’re not I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I I downed okay don’t say no when I down bro all right okay what do I say do I say yes

And when you’re done up do I do that yeah usually when you you doubt me that I’m going to survive I survive usually okay so do I do that now I do that for now I think I’m going to die here I think I’m dead here actually no you’re going to

Die you’re going to up again watch watch I would be shock if I die here the likely of me clutching this up is low ESP situation in right now what you mean is low bro bro look at bro yeah I see that you have no perks you’re in a bad territory I still

Wi speed was be oh my God [Applause] my I don’t know I don’t know is he oh my God guys this is BR hey hey what damn uh they underrated hey D I know why I’m not I know why I was banned from the I know why I’m banned from this

Tournament cuz they don’t want me to clap Phil again or not again clap pH again bro not not again you know I mean I don’t know bro I remember history I died by the way I died by the way is red I saw that he doesn’t want me

Go against he he doesn’t want me to have that you know [ __ ] ah you know come back bro I only got the thunder gun around day that’s insane to me on get on no wait didn’t I ask for I never never never did it with me wait what you know what I’m

Saying who who all right what are you doing now you going to another attemp uh another attempt whoa another attempt it’s going be like probably 5 Hour stream BR EV Are you seriously looking into Socia right now bro what am I doing bro I was open up the lobby

BR yeah yeah good thing you back prob could have done better if you weren’t playing knock M with trap yeah also if I didn’t open that door in like round 30 I probably would have been I would have died though if I didn’t open the door at that time by

Me one on earth is that emblem BR bro Godly it’s Weird is it next all right so obviously uh keeping the theme with knock we’re going to be playing knock [ __ ] wait wait wait why why why why why it says knock on the TT why why why all right to make this interesting do we just start yeah all right fine book store all

Right I like that what is this man what am I doing yeah we might do little why you put theol why you putting the parol don’t do that up in here we don’t do that up in here we don’t do that up in here bro how many you guys

Say that if I join yeah if you want to join up I’m fine with it yeah yeah yeah all right well lob open if any wants to join up to this knock starting room invite dog here this is going to suck this one’s going to suck bro I’m not sure Alex I’m not

Sure I’ll probably get on all right do you want to play with me and AG when me play rec room all right all right so I gotta uh I’m going to do something this stream or this game I’m not going to say what n bro who has a

Vacuum has a vacuum cleaner on all right PS right there yo what was that okay bro I see what you did there bro what I do what I do I do what I do H got to go and B everyone hey Alex all good bro hope you have a good rest

Of your day man take it easy and uh catch you in the next one bro peace out man this man just got here you just call he’s in hallway Tak me time with that vacuum clearer facts going to time with that vacuum all right so uh yeah probably All right damn 37 is good for this type of challenge yeah I mean if I got a little better luck with my gun some of my guns at certain like at certain points I probably would have gone further but if I also didn’t open that door but I

Would have died if I didn’t do that all right that’s a good question where you think we’re at maybe 20 I was I was going to say 20 all right oh I had to take a sip of water how you doing that me yeah it went it went it went to

The wrong you know how when you drink when you drink something and then it go to the wrong side of your throat that’s what happened to me yeah I don’t like it’s irritating when that happens sometimes okay to do that lovely I’ll take the 100 points n

Bro I got zero kills how am I greedy bro got zero kills zero kills right now only all right I everyone everyone down and Trey clutches I’m around 21 I saw the tre’s whistle L has no equal oh whistle just I have a bit of a

We not a whistle R you can ask JS he probably has a whistle R what all right we’re not too bading what oh the guy was talking about my w got whistle w all right but what round you guys think we’re going to get in chat though let me know let me know

Guys yeah this map is just slow like a turtle frame like n no my T already complaining more than what me and DS did on round 100 no way how do you not P all right yeah uh 22 bro J clutching round 21 jeez imagine that actually happens I’ll be kind of

To there be I will up well actually that’s that’s that’s not well I mean that Kino game I at least yeah you did but either way like still true that sometimes I clutch up in some sometimes I won’t all I’m going to see if I can

Try to get a gum here try to get situated anywhere that’s useless I think in this I think that is let me go to the very edge dude he was like no it doesn’t work no no no no no oh no no no that’s not a deal it’s not a

Deal oh I got any trying to see if I can pop it at any specific spot but it doesn’t look like it no damn all right uh not too bad not too bad uh nice gun that’s great zombies actually come over here this all let’s go boys let’s go you can

Tell this map is look at me and ev’s kill All right all not look too bad guys not look too bad I got implant all right cool that’s the main thing we need right here [Applause] All right nice I was about to say bro I’m like I have two beares I have get a lot of zombies I’m getting no zombies say all right I really I have doubt that this Anywhere But Here Works in this it I tried it yep okay well I’m just it’s

Legit your best hope is just to get in plane or whatever else you have and speaking of in point I got it I’m going to find a way to oh no no what’s up hey nothing much Bren nothing much bro how about yourself bro welcome in hopefully uh you’re doing good bro

Welcome in want some knock right now ended up getting almost 40 on uh the the challenge that we did ly you get like 200 plus on Hardcore get like mad rounds on Hardcore not like majority of people just don’t want to do that [ __ ] or just can’t do that

[ __ ] especially Classics too I can’t uh 20th like yeah I do appreciate it Bren I’m doing pretty mad today I feel that I feel that hopefully uh you’re all good though bro oh yeah you said light work light work a it’s going to be well what less than 750 away now from

The tournament so we’re getting closer all come on gang s get ghosted that’s fair enough honestly that’s fair a lot of people do that though a lot of people do do that [ __ ] though fortunately yeah oh oh my bro if you die on eight bro it gets

Worse cuz I remember bro bro bro future got said that his trade choked on the B4 tournament got round eight again you got to break the you got to break the cycle bro I just don’t see you don’t say that then it’s going to happen so you don’t say [ __ ] like that bro

That’s yep that’s if you died three times that’s wor honestly you deserve get Meed even harder you deserve it you die that a B3 bro that be oh God it happens yeah it does does all right round eight let’s get it Chas favorite round let’s get it boys

All right we’re not looking too bad all right round eight though we’re not looking too bad right now guys I’m not going to lie I’m going to quickly grab some ammo all right make sure we got this side I got the nice H let’s be closing around now yep I’m level 35

Nice all right so far so good so far so good all right all right there we go oh yeah now here comes all the zombies out of my base oh yeah oh this is bad this is kind of bad right now I’m not going to lie have to reload [ __ ] man

Okay okay no there’s a nuke there things get better Bren yeah hopefully hopefully you know things get better and [ __ ] cuz yeah sucks to hear man nice you can’t see people through that smoke that’s [ __ ] thanks guys are sick of [ __ ] yeah that’s fair that’s fair it’s honestly fair enough oh what you at what sorry to hear that man I this it’s getting rough to cover these two bearers right now it’s the kill I’m also watching two windows watching two windows as well it’s

BR back SC does sound R how to deal with someone say someone that’s for you trust this round go for the knock BR no no no no no I would not no absolutely not no none of that no all right it’s hard out there uh let stay the weather all

Right round 11 though not too bad what a [ __ ] oh my oh God it’s ain’t good Trey it’s ain’t good oh oh yeah that’s fair honestly I might do that I might do that like I might do that once it actually comes out also freaking why was the teaser so long n

Bro what you mean bro five minutes bro minutes you sure that was are you sure that was a teaser you sure that wasn’t a whole godd dang episode right there it wasn’t yo oh my God that was not the whole episode the whole the whole episode’s like probably double that [ __ ] look see

See all it’s only 1810 I’m already I think I can almost get 100 by oh that is actually yeah that’s pretty nice oh that nuke you might yeah I might be a nuke grab here might be a nuke grab here not going to lie y I’m just waiting on

This oh no you might have to grab it before the round even zombie starts popping wait till live very last second here yeah I wouldn’t be surprised I can get 50 these on Hardcore I don’t know P that what might retire bro just like that Jesus oh god oh boy oh boy

Oh oh boy oh [ __ ] oh my God all right I need to go buy [Laughter] ammo yeah bro oh no yeah yeah y uh later guys hey all good bro hope you have a good rest of your night man I’ll catch you in another one bro take it

Easy and uh he man peace out bro have a good rest of your day bro didn’t he say he was going to beat you in the B4 tournament or was that like no that was that was the 2K right oh my God who it I don’t even remember hey who oh

[ __ ] oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh oh oh oh oh dear God okay oh okay lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in yeah it’s brutal up there it is actually terrible Trey that’s final that’s that’s round right

There yeah I’m going to see if I can try to roll for uh in play yeah tell you guys got this hey we’ll see we’re going to aim for 20 but but the oh that’s a good that’s a good that might be good Actually yeah you I’m I’m good commit commit commit for Content commit yep oh y oh my a [ __ ] all right oh nice move uh KN looks veryy good first gu card went bad because I used to think uh was good but I was wrong oh boy what I have a bad feeling about

This oh no oh no all right uh that spot is terrible train oh that spot that spot is yeah spot is terrible oh get [ __ ] I’m okay why I why I I cannot get out of here right now I mean I’m down the switch I just need to get back there I’m

Down the switch I’m just trying to get back there without dying yeah I’m going to have to make the switch right now going to try to make the switch what again what about say again yeah all let’s see [Applause] keep talking I didn’t know how Phil played

The I didn’t know how Phil play that was really the only first time I’ve ever but I’m coming strong I know I got him yeah just like I’m red I guess oh all right ammo oh God why we shouldn’t have went to the square I got nothing to save me here

Tre I’m dead yeah it’s over I told you it’s over got SK two soon as we down oh my w [ __ ] yeah he’s in the very back he’s in the very back God D up top D all right also I think I know why I uh uh I

Also know why I crashed on um that Rev attemp on 150 something and and I know and I know it would have happened and I still went for it all I played it I play I played it online instead of freaking Offline what cannot hear you I need to turn you up hold up hold up hold hold Up how long are you saying like oh days I don’t even think it was that long all right this loud mic no I know I know I I know what you said how many days did it take oh [ __ ] are we talking about for like that one oh uh uh I don’t freaking

No no I have to go find it again I don’t remember but I know is like I played like playing one M or one round uh I don’t know I don’t know power terrible not bad iiz no way whenever I’m like not busy I might call it boys I might call it

Today I might call for stream today boys might call for a stream today boys you said that 10 times all right I don’t Know I don’t know probably send you some clips I don’t I don’t know see let’s go through streams F I don’t know we’ll see but anyways guys hope you guys did enjoy the stream if you guys did it again drop a like subscribe to the stream appreciated uh I’ll be live on Wednesday

What sounds like I’m underwater bro what do you mean BR what do you mean I sound like I’m underwater what do you mean bro you sound like you’re under water bro yeah what do you mean bro what do you mean r I came out the end it’s all good rmo it’s all good

Bro yeah we ended up getting like 40 and then we died on the challenge yeah pretty much bro that’s almost 40 bro but yeah anyways guys hopefully you guys all have a good rest of your day I appreciate you all stopping in Hope yall take it easy and everything um I’ll

Be live on Wednesday probably doing some P4 and yeah guys I’ll catch you guys in the next one this is EV got guys take care have a great rest of your day and I’ll catch you guys next one peace out guys

This video, titled ‘NACHT DER UNTOTEN BOX ROULETTE ROUND 50 CHALLENGE LIVE’, was uploaded by Evan guide on 2023-12-05 01:33:34. It has garnered 163 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:52 or 8632 seconds.

I do Bo3 zombies, Bo4 zombies, cold war zombies, some Minecraft, and other games you guys want.

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    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of parkour in Minecraft. If you’re a fan of parkour, you’ve probably seen videos like the one from Faster Gaming Plays, where players tackle challenging parkour courses in the game. But what if we told you that there’s a whole new level of parkour waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server? That’s right – Minewind offers a unique parkour biome that will put your skills to the test like never before. With… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft BMW Addon! 🚗

    Insane Minecraft BMW Addon! 🚗 Exploring the World of Minecraft Vehicles 🚗 Are you ready to cruise through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in style? The latest addition to the Minecraft universe brings exciting new vehicles to your gameplay experience. From cars to planes, the possibilities are endless! Revving Up with Minecraft Vehicles With the introduction of the *BMW* addon for Minecraft PE 1.21, players can now enjoy a whole new level of transportation within the game. This addon adds a realistic BMW car to your inventory, allowing you to zip around your world with ease. Enhancing Your Gameplay Imagine the thrill of speeding… Read More

  • LEGO Demon Slayer Parody

    LEGO Demon Slayer Parody Welcome to the World of Minecraft Minecraft, a popular sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With its endless possibilities and creative freedom, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are placed in a randomly generated world where they can explore, gather resources, build structures, and interact with various creatures. From lush forests to expansive oceans, the world of Minecraft is filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the key features of Minecraft is its… Read More

  • Uncovering the RAREST TRIM in Minecraft

    Uncovering the RAREST TRIM in Minecraft The Quest for the Rarest Armor Trim in Minecraft 🌟 Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as players search for the elusive rarest Armor Trim with a mere 6.67% chance of obtaining it in the Nether Fourtall. Join the excitement as gamers dive into the depths of this virtual realm to uncover this prized possession. Unveiling the Rare Armor Trim Within the vast landscapes of Minecraft, players are constantly on the lookout for unique and valuable items to enhance their gameplay. The rarest Armor Trim stands out as a coveted treasure, offering both protection and… Read More

  • Fishing Frenzy: Minecraft Ep. 02 – Where’s the Fish?

    Fishing Frenzy: Minecraft Ep. 02 - Where's the Fish? In Minecraft Episode 02, we set sail, Searching for fish, without fail. With rods in hand, we cast our line, Hoping for a catch, oh so fine. Exploring the waters, so vast and blue, Hoping to find fish, a precious few. But alas, they seemed to hide, In the depths, where they reside. We built a boat, to travel far, Across the ocean, like a shooting star. But the fish were elusive, hard to find, Testing our patience, in our mind. Stay tuned for part 2, where the story unfolds, In Minecraft world, where adventure molds. Where’s the fish,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: VTuber Tries FRESHCRAFT #9

    Crafting Chaos: VTuber Tries FRESHCRAFT #9 Exploring FRESHCRAFT in Minecraft with VTuber Ninora Introduction VTuber Ninora dives into the world of Minecraft with a new build, entertaining her viewers with exciting adventures and creative endeavors. Let’s follow along as she navigates through this virtual realm filled with endless possibilities. Highlights Unusual Dungeon: Ninora encounters a unique dungeon at 8:25, adding a twist to her exploration. Magical Guild: At 1:21:15, she delves into the realm of a magical guild, showcasing the game’s diverse elements. Chicken Attack: A humorous moment unfolds at 2:55:10 when Ninora faces an unexpected chicken invasion. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout the gameplay, Ninora… Read More

  • Anarchy Farming Frenzy

    Anarchy Farming Frenzy Expanding Thriving Farms in Minecraft Hardcore Anarchy Server #5 Continuing the Minecraft Auto Farm In this episode of the Minecraft series, the host delves into expanding the large auto farm project on the Hardcore Anarchy Server #5. They showcase the adjustments needed for water flow and material gathering to ensure the farm operates efficiently. Time-Lapse: Completing the Auto Farm A captivating time-lapse is presented, showcasing the completion of the auto farm. The host demonstrates the intricate process of building and fine-tuning the farm to perfection. Testing and Troubleshooting the Farm To guarantee the seamless operation of the auto farm,… Read More

  • Evil Empire Invasion! Stone Factory Transformation 😈

    Evil Empire Invasion! Stone Factory Transformation 😈 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Yooni and MrChesterccj EP.11: Invaded by the Evil Empire In the latest episode of Minecraft featuring Yooni and MrChesterccj, the players find themselves facing a new challenge as the evil empire launches an invasion. The once peaceful stone factory now bears the marks of this sinister presence, adding a new layer of excitement to their gameplay. Discovering New Features With the arrival of Minecraft 1.21, players are treated to a host of new features and updates that enhance their gaming experience. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is always something fresh… Read More

  • Breaking 50 Minecraft Laws in 50 Hours

    Breaking 50 Minecraft Laws in 50 Hours Exploring the World of Minecraft: Breaking 50 Laws in 50 Hours Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with Eystreem as he tests illegal hacks and attempts to evade the law! Join in on the fun and be a part of the action by playing Minecraft alongside Eystreem and potentially featuring in his videos. Simply click the ‘JOIN’ button on his YouTube channel to get started. Join the Adventure Get your hands on some exclusive EYmerch by visiting Eystreem’s online store. Dive into the Minecraft universe on his server by connecting to Whether you’re on… Read More

  • Modding Minecraft: World’s First Mods Unfurled

    Modding Minecraft: World's First Mods Unfurled In the world of Minecraft, a new chapter begins, Adding mods and shaders, the adventure wins. Crafting the mines, exploring the unknown, With each new mod, our skills are shown. Join me on this journey, let’s dive right in, With each new update, we’re sure to win. So like, comment, and subscribe to my channel, For more Minecraft fun, let’s unravel. In the Discord, we chat and share our delight, In the world of gaming, we shine so bright. So come along, let’s play and create, In the world of Minecraft, where we celebrate. Read More

  • Unbeatable gamer dominates in Minecraft Bedwars 🔥

    Unbeatable gamer dominates in Minecraft Bedwars 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT HYPIXEL BEDWARS & THE BRIDGE + CHATTING LIVE!🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-06-11 05:25:36. It has garnered 3626 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:31 or 15931 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A Chance To… Read More

  • Milo’s Shizo Bass Rush – Epic Animation vs Minecraft!

    Milo's Shizo Bass Rush - Epic Animation vs Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Note Blocks Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 5 music by AaronGrooves’, was uploaded by Milo Bass Rush on 2024-09-05 14:45:06. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:20 or 500 seconds. check out our merch check out our stream on kick subscribe to milo bass rush on youtube connect with milo bass rush If you own any of the clips or images in this video and would like it removed, please send me an email me at [email protected] before taking any… Read More

  • Mystic Paradis

    [1.21] ¡ | Paraíso místico | es una de las redes más recientes del mundo con el modos de juego más popular! en el puedes encontrar 1 modo de juego con varios custom. servidores para nuestros jugadores, puedes disfrutar de • SUPERVIVENCIA CUSTOM • PROXIMAMENTE SKYBLOCK • FACCIONES • ¡y MUCHO más con nuestra increíble y creciente comunidad de los mejores jugadores! Read More

  • Vidya Gaem Awards: TL;DR – 2015, Rhyme Time!

    Vidya Gaem Awards: TL;DR - 2015, Rhyme Time! In the world of gaming, where stories unfold, Fallout 4’s writing left many feeling cold. Limited dialogue, choices so few, Side content lacking, leaving players blue. Minecraft: Story Mode, a tale to be told, But fell short, its narrative not bold. Her Story, The Order: 1886, Life is Strange, all in the mix. Critiques were harsh, the words did sting, For games that failed to truly bring Engagement, depth, and player agency, In the world of gaming, a crucial legacy. So here’s to better stories, in games to come, May they captivate, engage, and stun. For in the realm… Read More

  • Hot House Party: Minecraft Edition!

    Hot House Party: Minecraft Edition! “Plot twist: it’s just a bunch of villagers having a wild dance party in there. No diamonds, just disco balls.” Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown The Epic Showdown: Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem Get ready for an intense battle in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome creature lurking in the depths of the game, is about to face off against every type of Golem. Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown? Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft to find out! The Warden: A Terrifying Foe The Warden is a formidable adversary in Minecraft, known for its immense strength and ability to sense vibrations. This blind creature roams the deep dark caves, ready to strike at any moment. With its… Read More

  • TV Woman Catches JJ & Mikey Building Toilet House!

    TV Woman Catches JJ & Mikey Building Toilet House!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s TOILET! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-06-22 10:30:01. It has garnered 1521 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:53 or 1913 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s TOILET! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate… Read More

  • WITHER STORM ATTACK! Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3

    WITHER STORM ATTACK! Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘kita dikejar wither Strom – Eps 3 – Minecraft Story mode’, was uploaded by ResGam Craft on 2024-08-04 09:00:00. It has garnered 266 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:10 or 2170 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftStorymode Hi guys, back again with I Resgam Craft in the Minecraft Game, Yes, this time we are playing Minecraft Story Mode, a game that has been published by Teltale Games and this is the first time I can play this game Sooo Let’s just see my adventure in this game guys Read More

  • Unbelievable: Minecraft Command Reveals Hidden World!

    Unbelievable: Minecraft Command Reveals Hidden World!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft🔴Comando !hola !ip’, was uploaded by PannassxD on 2024-10-15 23:58:14. It has garnered 527 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:29 or 15209 seconds. Hello my Panitas Welcome to this new live where we are going to be playing a little Minecraft 🔴Minecraft🔴Command !hello !ip 😁DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT SO I CAN GIVE YOU A HEART Don’t forget to Subscribe, leave Like and Share, it’s free Greetings. 🙂 See you in the game! 👇​Social Networks👇​ 💎​TikTok💎​ 📧​Contact: [email protected]📧​ 💰​COLABORATIONS FOR THE CHANNEL💰​ 🤖​Discord🤖​ 🛠️​Technical Mods Pack🛠️​… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cobblestone Secrets! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cobblestone Secrets! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone Facts! (Hindi)’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-07-06 06:27:57. It has garnered 31 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft Cobblestone Facts! (Hindi) My Instagram Id :- search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viralvideo #video #toilet #short #Java #ZS’KAYR #build #building #build hake #3 mini build new dimension portal new video minecraft build hacks, minecraft, minecraft build, build hacks minecraft 3 mini build hacks in minecraft, minecraft builds, build hac anime edit antony malayalam full movie cricket videos leather ki ball shorts skateboard so custom pokemon for you… Read More

  • 🔥 POWER FAC DOMINATED in Astral! TRAPPING GAME ON! 🌋 | Minecraft HCF #4

    🔥 POWER FAC DOMINATED in Astral! TRAPPING GAME ON! 🌋 | Minecraft HCF #4Video Information This video, titled ‘📦 Nos CAMPEÓ una POWER FAC en Astral **LOS TRAPEAMOS** 💣 | Minecraft HCF #4 🌋’, was uploaded by xZexius on 2024-07-28 19:59:49. It has garnered 472 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:26 or 686 seconds. All information below 👇🏻 🪐 Server IP: 🛒 Server Store: 🌏 My Discord: My PC 💻 – Ryzen 5 5600G – GTX 1660 TI – 32 GB RAM ( DDR4) I am not the creator of the song, all credits to the author! 🎵 #Minecraft #HCF #SOTW #AstralMC #StaffSeries #MinecraftPvP #packs… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 200 Jobless Players Simulate Civilization in Minecraft

    Insane Experiment: 200 Jobless Players Simulate Civilization in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made 200 Players Simulate a JOBLESS REINCARNATION Civilization in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Adriens on 2024-08-09 23:00:16. It has garnered 71748 views and 1941 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:39 or 3939 seconds. I pit 200 players in the world of Jobless Reincarnation where there’s mages, gods, and even DEMONS! Will I survive this challenge, watch till the end to find out! I Made 200 Players Simulate a JOBLESS REINCARNATION Civilization in Minecraft… ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎀 Stalk Me : 🔖 Join Our Community : 🧧 Contact Me : 💓 Help… Read More

  • Exposed: Shizo’s Epic Minecraft Live! Don’t spam chat!

    Exposed: Shizo's Epic Minecraft Live! Don't spam chat!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live! Don’t spam my chat please!!’, was uploaded by Simply on 2024-08-05 07:17:22. It has garnered 42153 views and 375 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:06 or 9186 seconds. Read More

  • Bluey Play – Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure Mansion

    Bluey Play - Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Princess Bingo Most Secure House vs Zombie Bluey in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-05-04 09:00:35. It has garnered 9510 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:48 or 3708 seconds. Princess Bingo Most Secure House in Minecraft vs Zombie Bluey in Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Roblox Remix by Muhammed_TV

    Unbelievable Minecraft Roblox Remix by Muhammed_TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #robloxedit #edit #remix’, was uploaded by Muhammed_TV on 2024-07-26 10:57:59. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • GodCity

    GodCityServer Network: Versão 1.20.3 até 1.21 – Survival – Claim – Painel de jogador – Mobs costumados – Eventos – Farms – Factions – Brevemente Entra no discord e começa a jogar agora. Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.21) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia

    Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia In the old Minecraft days, oceans were vast, Traveling through them was quite a task. From Beta 1.8 to 1.6.4, Hours spent sailing, exploring galore. But now in the game, oceans are smaller, No more endless seas, just a quick hauler. Nostalgia hits hard for the old Minecraft ways, But change is inevitable, in Minecraft’s maze. So here’s to the oceans, both old and new, In Minecraft’s world, there’s always something to pursue. Subscribe for more content, filled with delight, And keep on gaming, day and night! Read More

  • Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥

    Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥 Why do Minecraft Youtubers make such great pixel art? Because they’re experts at crafting! Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans

    Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans The Exciting World of Minecraft Unleashed by Unspeakable Exploring Minecraft Characters in Real Life Unspeakable, a popular gaming channel, recently delved into the world of Minecraft characters in real life. The channel brought a Minecraft Wither to life, showcasing the magic of the game beyond the screen. Building Secret Rooms and Unveiling Minecraft Mysteries In their latest video, Unspeakable delves into the realm of Minecraft secret rooms. The channel showcases the art of building secret rooms in Minecraft, adding an element of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Unspeakable’s Unique Approach to Minecraft Unspeakable’s videos offer a fresh perspective… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838N

    EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838NVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedwars with friend’, was uploaded by lord_vader838n on 2024-10-16 19:18:08. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:50 or 9830 seconds. #funny #gaming #lethalcompanygameplay #horrorgaming #scary #scarygaming #spookygaming #spooky #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #funny #minecraftgaming #memes #luckblock #minecraftvideos #gaming Read More

  • Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older Bro

    Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older BroVideo Information This video, titled ‘passing the controller to your older brother #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by AshVault on 2024-05-18 15:18:30. It has garnered 524 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Click “Show More” discord: projects: – Disc SMP – Undertale: Into the Dark – Next video 😉 Discord Info: Just a community to relax with 🙂 although mostly chaotic at times, I keep updates on projects and videos on the discord so feel free to join! Basic info: Hey I’m Ashvault, I mostly upload Minecraft content but I enjoy… Read More

  • Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19

    Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19Video Information This video, titled ‘Tidak Santuy Minecraft Survival | Mencoba Mengalahkan Ender Dragon! | Eps 19’, was uploaded by 10th Wonder on 2024-08-08 15:32:02. It has garnered 178 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:33 or 7533 seconds. Hello Broski! I make and edit all videos and thumbnails myself. I hope you like the video, if you have any requests or feedback about my next video, you can comment below. And if you enjoy the video, please like, comment, share and subscribe to help grow my channel! I use a Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 to… Read More

  • JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!

    JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!Video Information This video, titled ‘We kill the Ender dragon, TOGETHER!!!’, was uploaded by KareAkern on 2024-08-04 06:15:47. It has garnered 96 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:18 or 10998 seconds. The magnificent masters of the KareAkern Minecraft server have gathered us all to kill the ender dragon! This will be a fight to remember, and it won’t be like a classical dragon fight, Easyidle has some surprises for us! There are more things going on in this stream, apparently a statue shall be revealed as well. I can’t wait! Want to join the server,… Read More

  • Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!

    Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Como descargar texture packs en Minecraft java’, was uploaded by LocoCraft on 2024-07-09 05:36:31. It has garnered 139 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314 seconds. How to download texture packs in Minecraft java Likes goal: 3 The video on how to download mods in Java is on my channel and there is also the version for bedrock pages to download resourpacks: planet minecraft: forge: Read More

  • Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥

    Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE: building a mansion on a minecraft server | chill | building | minecraft |’, was uploaded by Corgiguy2022 on 2024-09-07 15:03:47. It has garnered 585 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:43 or 4303 seconds. Read More

  • Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚

    Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl rizz 😂😍’, was uploaded by Nanshata on 2024-06-18 14:57:33. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. asmr family guy shorts fortnite mrbeast skibidi toilet south park mukbang fnaf minecraft parents be like i put a roof over your head sml try not to laugh coryxkenshin dillon brooks donkey kong family guy funny moments family guy shorts gold asmr good movie greatsword india jack black jeffy joe rogan joey diaz lil wayne meme memes phonk pizza tower scream meme ssundee there’s a spitter in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips – Ultimate Minecraft Guide

    Insane Minecraft Tips - Ultimate Minecraft GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hino do Minecraft Center’, was uploaded by Tps do Rafael do Minecraft on 2024-04-08 17:11:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane collaboration brings epic Minecraft album

    Insane collaboration brings epic Minecraft albumVideo Information This video, titled ‘@Ksenonmusic @mpapkaa @bemon_ #music #album #minecraft #2d #3d #but #dota2 #ep #gameplay’, was uploaded by 🔷Doublea06🔷 on 2024-03-01 06:43:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. music #album #minecraft #2d #3d #but #dota2 #ep #gameplay #games #ksenon #memes #3000$ #remix #song #ukerstream … Read More

  • FaberNetworkMC

    FaberNetworkMCMinecraft towny with dungeons, quests, PVP, events, and hundreds of custom items whilst preserving the vanilla style. Integrated leveling system with mobs/bosses and custom loot that becomes stronger as you progress. Dungeons and adventures with different difficulties.No limit on progression. Economy takes an important role in the server – Grow your empire by working jobs, trades with other players and even selling towns.Own custom pets with custom coded abilities. Custom boss/mob models for a fresh feel. Read More