INSANE NYC Minecraft Gameplay! You Won’t Believe What Happens!

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You got to go back to that intro right will we hello everybody and welcome back to the Minecraft UNCC today we are going to be working in New York City with the gang um yeah yeah I’m gang let’s go yeah gang gang I’m gang okay so we’re joined by me and I’m

The best one here and then yep ala you can introduce yourself right yeah yeah people know me I’m famous like that you know yeah and will who are you I don’t know who you are irrelevant yeah that’s who he is okay so Alpha what are we going to do

Today today we’re going to be working on New York City hello yes I finally got yes finally got a what I finally got put in streaming VC yeah ever since Alpha decided to take my human rights away for a good reason maybe you don’t deserve them all right I’m sorry art okay every

Everything is uh okay isn’t it art he’s s he’s I don’t know what I did you know what you did I didn’t mean to kill her oh where in New York are we going to work answer my question okay I’m going go do mine then byebye wherever I deem you necessary to

Build um there was this I went to my grandma’s house today right yeah yeah and there was this like Amazon Prime card and for some reason it was made out of steel whatever whatever it was it was incredibly strong I spent 20 minutes taking hammers pliers bending it

Whatever I could to destroy the thing and it wouldn’t break was it would you Bend It Like Beckham like a like a metal card and it took like 25 minutes to break this stupid like titanium Amazon gift card because she was done with the card

And she was like she needed to cut it up or whatever but she she couldn’t cuz it was made out of steel so I tried with pliers for a while and then she gave me a hammer and said go to town yes but when I go to town I get put

On the registry real real not now come on bro like seriously that was funny it was funny but not now L have one job one thing we told you before joining the stream hello Turtle craft what’s up hey what happened they call me the tarti all right where in New York are we

Working oh my God the Commissions you and me are going to do easy money what building is it it is it in commissions yeah it’s a really blocky looking one should be a really blocky looking one great description I think it’s like 535th or something or something just something oh you’re building that

Yeah is that all you’re going to do I don’t know we’ll see how long the stream goes you why put out a commission for this cuz I need someone to do it this looks look like somewhere a mental patient would stay exactly that’s why I don’t want to do

It we we could put BK in there and ly stop you’re say saying this on stream oh but when I say it it’s bullying and harassment yep yes yes yes I’m going to say demontizable you would be correcto Majestic has the biggest W of W’s taste in musics in musics

Plural why am I visitor stop we got to find out who’s doing this too the visitor thing has been happening for few month who designed these plot sizes not me I’ll give you a h he’s in the call right now oh yeah he has Alzheimer’s he doesn’t remember doing it well I’m darn

Doed I can’t help but um feel the tension in the room right now there’s a a strong force that makes me really mad at a particular person right now I don’t know who that is though wamp wamp did you just say w oh wait we have we have a person who

Just joined who actually talks in chat not on stream in game oh it’s me guys X God he’s beginning to feel like an ex God X God what at willing what what when could you add people when could you add people wait what adds people wait no

When could you people when could you add people that is always typed at willing 7292 that’s all that’s always been a Game feature no Morty I’m beginning you should install bro do not got any bars is he advertising who alga you have the skin as you get oh he he’s very advert I

Today like that one time Evan walked into the VC and basically gave us a sales pitch about a printer remember it’s like it’s 50% off from Friday November 18th to Saturday November 19th and nov he went on a SPI about it for like 15 minutes too why am I visitor again

Why who keeps sending him to visitor hey y’ so you know if we ever catch who setting him to visit her the the current uh the current um sentence for that is a ban so yeah don’t don’t do that cuz yeah it’s me guys we ban will ban him M ban this guy

I’m not asking you you do I have permission to redo the Starbucks interior that James did yeah wait what wait where which one he’s done like two yeah the one in uh in uh alpas or Freda fren or very starbuy I had to tear off the Billboards

On he did a uh all right he did a okay I’m I’m doing no what what what am I doing I can’t speak he did a Starbucks interior in my book Cadillac it looked amazing doubt didn’t it Alpha didn’t his Starbucks interior look amazing do you all hear that sound

What’s wait what hold on do you hear it it’s it sounds like cap what’s cap listen closely I’m not hearing it I am e thank you that was really was not supposed you contribute a lot to the conversation what’s who did that who done it who do you

Think Alpha hippo gamer no I have a sound me oh Alpha would never use a sound board on uh stream just make sure you don’t press the art button the art don’t press the art button no no however if you if one of you would like to come into VC by

Joining our Discord server you would you could like uh you could touch it yourself on stream good boy you’re learning how to shamelessly plug things yeah shamelessly plug things that’s the best way to I’m pluging the Discord server for Good’s Grandma why is this what you that was funy why is nobody

Laughing yeah I laughed I laugh I laugh at this is too big there a new channel gradient help yes why is everyone trying to build these Arkham City looking buildings Gotham well no Arkham okay will well you have one job it was funny well technically two one make good

Plot sizes so you technically fail at both of your jobs and to make more buildings then four in a year yeah thank you I’m you okay that that was funny okay well guys we’re playing ban roulette today no we’re not who’s going to get it why do this building have two roofs

Well what is this what the building I’m doing you doing the WW Hotel this is my this is my big boy PL yeah this pl’s only for big this plot’s only for big boys I’m a big boy so bsing okay have fun okay yeah I will thank you and thank

You what are you guys yeah why do people keep entertaining the stream Cuzo okay how the cut yes I am thank you I get that a lot stop the cap cap stop the cap cap well how did the cutouts work on this building I don’t want to do it I know no

Want no I know no one taking 50% of your pay oh oh great Heavens oh great Heavens I feel like willing like whenever he has a headset on and talks he’s screaming but he doesn’t know it like you you yell when you talk basically okay yeah this is about the

500th time you mentioned it so yeah cool no that’s not very cool I definitely needed that information cuz anytime I talk to you your like mic’s almost cutting out just from talking nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh-uh yeah I’m not going to you I stopped myself from saying what I was

Gonna say that’s good good job keep willing on are on the opposite scale of the Spectrum in terms of how loud we are we’re also on the opposite scale of the Spectrum in another way yeah that’s that’s where I thought you were going to take it and you took it so yay

W mans W mans do I have to make the words War wick on the side of this building I know no wna you can do it out of banders I know no W to band I know no want to pay you for it how about

That well no you have to pay me though I do I know no have to I know no have to you know no have to I know no have to you no no do it’s my city it’s not shut sure it is no it’s not who is it mostly

Well it’s mine I own it it’s mine I made it I gave birth to it it’s mine it came out of me I do not will stop get some help what is your motivation to keep on do going will I have a family but sometimes when

I get so much homework I consider if it’s really worth keeping going oh okay how much homework do you get you’re not on during the weeks the weekday huh huh how much you have to get like you don’t get on during the weekday I know bro knows oh okay same amount that

Newcastle gets except I don’t fake itox takes forever to up he’s not joining the stream oh no he didn’t oh no he didn’t lying what no uh yeah you said at this point will you’re he FES his homework so I said oh yeah he takes forever his Xbox takes

Forever to load up like literally if he completed his homework in time he still wouldn’t be able to get on because it takes him an hour and a half to boot up his Xbox I’m not even why what did he do to that thing he’s on that’s my question

Probably to avoid being around you oh my God this guy on Google Street has muscular caps and it’s insane W mans why are your CS so big is brok no I’m on I’m on Google Earth looking at the Warwick Hotel and this gu is that really what you’re

Looking at right now yes I’m being distracted all I can’t focus seems to me like you’re looking at a guy’s Cals yes you would be correct sir gay yo wait wait wait is the old Starbucks and prefabs that I built not that I built but I built the interior of

Maybe I don’t so I don’t think anyone’s Sav the Starbucks to be honest I’m going go search so when are you going to buildings back on let’s think about this of buildings missing yeah I know right like when when did that happen you’re both dead to oh oh I just

Understood the joke that was being made what I’m not going to talk about it I’m not referring to the towers that was 23 years ago not talking about the towers there’s no way there’s there’s no way there’s a dirty joke behind the top of the Empire State a dirty joke then

Why won’t you say it on stream well I have my reasons I have my reasons come on changing the signs and putting like LOL and IDK in them in the spawn Hub probably BK probably BK because um BK and the uh other no no I’m stupid BK and the old TP

Hub added like the added States at the end of cities like New York and Y Vermont no Belmont Vermont I think he add I’m not I’m not I’m not sure Belmont guys it’s kind of weird it’s tacky I mean it doesn’t matter really it’s not that big of a deal it’s big

Deal but it I I don’t think you understand yes you did oh my God that’s someone who did it would say BK has stated his case what’s that supposed to mean you stupid no I’m not what’s not plus 10 21 21 21 you stupid will will what comes after

That do you like me to finish that no no no I know no wna I know no want to see you finish that I know no wna I know no wna no ho ho ho what are you doing r no yes no hold on wait guys I’m having

Fun right now we’re having a fun stream what are we doing what are we doing throw the stream get rid of it BL I’m not allowed to have fun guys 3 two one let’s be boring what’s the problem these days let me actually work let me guys give you a comprehensive breakdown of

The New York City subway system oh boy what bro about to become Silla when I was in New York bro’s about to become s gonna start writing essays under our shorts I enjoy reading them I preferred art I I preferred whenever our channel was more simple and uh we didn’t have the

Voiceovers yeah they complicate things too much they had to pay too much on Cameo what do you guys not know what came is can we get Danny deito to narrate one of our shorts that would be incredible let’s get more yes that would be good what Morgan

Freeman I can do a Morgan Freeman voice why is why did why is in theit of teleporting to people a lot why not why why shouldn’t you Bo I love Moran Freeman’s part in The Lego Movie I know I was about to say V which one the first one or the second

One he the in the first and second one he was the uh it was The Wizard he was the blind guy yeah the wizard oh my God he was The Wizard I didn’t even I I can see it now but I never like connected

The dots on that one I just so can I it’s weird how they whiteus vrus I said that no you didn’t yes he did you’re H okay was listening I was Googling and I didn’t hear it okay your honor I did gobble it shut up your honor I did gobble that gobble

That there’s something else I want to say but I should go Gob are you choking on your chicken that’s the meaning of the joke guys it’s definitely not anything dirty you on your choking I did not say that so on our new that’s opening up next weekend Oh my God it’s

Haror on our S&P that’s opening next weekend should we build the Chrysler Building one to one on our SMP that is opening soon will we build the C Building we will rebuild we will make America great again and you are demonetized now that my bad guys how dare you speak an opinion how dare you state your opinion a oh my God can I B can I kick no nuh nuh-uh please What if I I asked really nicely it’s OB

Bomer it’s Harbor you kicked him anyways no it’s not I would like to I would certainly like to look my fellas remember the bar interior that youo did so I I’m stealing a lot of the design cues for this from lime’s building he stealing yeah I’m not

Actually doing it because he scaled his down so mine’s going to be it’s going to be bigger bro literally in chat too bro literally bro literally kicked him wiy W bro Widow we Lally could not stop Hy e that was disgusting Alpha that was tacky that was tacky shut up one two

Three one two Three bro Alpha what that was in April of last year I like your reminiscing but stop your reminiscing is unwanted here I get it yes it’s very relatable I know chippy chippy Choppa choa Do I didn’t like that that’s kind of anno it it was I I really hated it but it was it was like a spinning animal it was a cat it was really tacky it was a cat that just bought swear all it was ch ch you’re choa choa stop why do is

Anyone speaking to me in game chat I muted it because Looney and necrom were being uh bro literally kicked him skull emojji o Obama gaming no I don’t think anyone kicked him did we I didn’t I would like to can I he was already kicked stupo St I’m

Sorry good I don’t know who kicked you if somebody did I Didn’t Do It Ned will so he said big game up Among Us I didn’t do it but I would like to say this sounds like a s report I Didn’t Do It guys guys I didn’t

Do it I didn’t be done in Among Us not on the server I need more bullets we haven’t played Among Us in like a little over than a year ridd yeah ala what are we building in n y we who’s we we wait do you not know who we

Is wa never mind I’m not no I’m not going to say that no will I I was thinking the same thing just stop no I I have a feeling I know what choke willing no will was going to make we are never ever ever oh well I don’t want to get

Copyrighted either so stop it’s okay you can’t get copyrighted if it’s a copy I’ll play it on the bot dude will you know the other day I was watching Tik Tok and I got trolled so hard and I was about to send it to you um cuz

Somebody was talking about a tlor Swift fortnite skin and like they had like an emote and everything made you would be excited for that you would get trolled by that I did and was so you know what there’s a potential Kanye West collab coming to fornite that would be amazing

I know starer roll over his grave dude ala don’t act like you know any kind on I know uh name name one Kane song that’s not the I wonder or whatever run away graduation name one that’s not runaway gold digger B I’m not talking to you now I say she go

Digger but she good too I like that b two is very goody yes yes did Kanye sing uh father stretch my hands too yeah have no idea I like that one too Pearl would want my head on a spike for doing that the only Kanye song I

Really like is Runaway I like runaway Too too bad you can’t stream fortnite and anymore because of the music we we’ just be playing to a silent audio track and you’d hear a bunch of buttons clicking and and everybody just silent it would be so boring and then someone occasionally singing A Chorus I want it’s a really good song

I remember it being Lady goooo Gaga s it we are six Subs away from 400 no not 400 600 oh my God we have 11 viewers oh my God guys this is a milestone please donate me one rose am I subscribed I don’t think I am why know bro you’re

Stupid I don’t get paid enough you don’t pay me enough well even if Alpha pays you y Alpha make sure you have the bot muted cuz I want to wait you could just listen to Spotify now I might not try though oh wait no yeah I’m stupid no I I

Can NE I can never remember my Spotify password I’ve had to reset it like maybe seven times that’s how un how unfrequently do you have to listen to music to have to reset your Spotify password seven times cuz like I I reset it because I get logged out I I kind of

Hard reset my computer frequently and all those times I have to redownload Spotify and all those times I have to log in and I can never seem to remember my password that’s why Apple music is on top oh dude no get out no no you have to

You have to pay a subscription to listen to music in the first imagine actually pay the artist oh yeah I’m listening to your music and and I know no one to give you money I am the reason here’s the thing I think Apple music is better when you only have

A few songs you want to listen to because you can just buy those songs and then well and you don’t even have to buy Spotify Premium you could just listen to it but I Spotify Premium is an essential for me I hate advertisements so yeah and plusline really

Tacky want to break from the ads want to break from the ads of course I do don’t do that I wonder if there’s like um like I wonder if it would translate that like I wonder if like yeah like captions do you think it would caption ubu all right do it 10

Times somebody find this out for us please somebody turn on captions and see if it translates oooo it’s too tacky surely not right surely not poop that was really tacky tacky wacky what stop every time we play fortnite or we did during season OG you just wouldn’t

Stop like every time we’d like wipe a squad and there’d be like six taxs and you do it like every game that’s literally what Alpha hippo gamer sounds like Alpha hippo gamer all at once all at once tacky wacky T Wacky Tacky wacky with a baseball bat E I know what it

Means tuer Walker with a baseball take you with the break down free everybody clap your hand apparently that guy died like 22 years ago or something like that the peanut butter jelly guy yeah I didn’t even I didn’t even know that song was that old it’s really that hey what happened I

Feel like old man now it’s p now way where yeah all right tacky wacky was already enough we’re not doing this J what was that this is not what I had in mind whenever I was doing the hippo gamer to say the N word yeah real Tiny Dancer 2808 hi closer tiny Daner

It’s just about to say you guys tiny yeah Harbor just said that um Apple music is a sin and I want him dead again Apple music is Christian bro Apple music does not happen to follow my religious uh beliefs I don’t like Obama that’s a great oh okay we

Go like as a guy you know I I can’t relate why not or his man I shouldn’t have asked that question why not I’m better than that they’re nasty people no will stop no I’m going to become Nick a 30 dude 14 watching and none of these keep

Family friendly ala you should be building that building you learn nothing from me look man I don’t care I do you are just oh so tacky aren’t you I’ll probably do a replace command you not can you do that with SL I think so I I don’t see why

Not I don’t think that was really the question can you I think so I don’t see why not why not there’s a Chase Bank in the bottom of this building and I really want to BU that’s why I don’t like Obama why there’s also a van and an ugs isn’t there

Yeah stop what are you doing bro hey you know be know why did James change teleport to me someone I will volunteer I guess I have to what do you want so there’s black glass which was normal and then James changed it to like gray and then

Normal it’s like a no no it’s a gradient art look it goes from black to light gray with glass it’s just the gradient you know before you cannot be worse at fake laughing Alpha is the deep is the Deep slate um your decision I’m turning this into a

Starbucks I want to buy this building who built this building plural okay tell them I want to buy it hold on can you just do something really quick I want to see how much stream delay there is yeah it should be lower this time cuz it

I I thought I hit lower uh latency so Place something and say when you place it okay I play Smooth Sandstone okay it’s it’s pretty bad it’s like 30 seconds I think no it was like you consider that low okay it like 10 seconds maybe it’s pretty tacky still but tacky wacky

Ew I didn’t like that that was ghetto she she Beans never will yelled now I think she a gold digger okay let’s not okay that’s a Kanye lyric if you get demonetized for that you can come to my house via snap map and then punch me in the face I literally will I’ll be there tomorrow you can’t get demonetized for Sing

Lyrics yeah but it it was a little never all it takes is for YouTube Studio to read it and go nah no but like right now the average person who doesn’t know how YouTube Works no I do you get demonetized for saying the lyric don’t transl even if it’s translated you won’t

Get copyrighted no not copyrighted I can say Don’t Stop Believing in a sentence and we won’t get copyrighted I’ll say 10 times fast I have anything why you say we get copyrighted I meant demonetized Oh I have anything to say about it oh okay that makes sense now yeah oh no who’s in

Paris me wait who’s in Paris me nicer people than me what that’s who’s in Paris nicer people than me yeah you’re a terrible person I know what happened to that uh Empire State Building by the way why is it missing the roof on it every I’m going to kick someone from the world

Whoa why would you do that or’s Grandma down the stairs not again I actually put unod instead of undo unod that’s a nod Peter what are you doing who what’s what’s being done what’s being done Ching hey l oh my lowest oh my lowest what oh oh my lowest oh my

Lowest even at my lowest I’m a Family Guy we are incredibly annoying aren’t we I I I was I was about to say like if you were going to say we are incredibly boring I was going to shout clinically accused him I have a good idea for a stream I think maybe what

What you guys think about like where every 10 minutes the viewer like if we had like a whole voice chat of people like every 10 minutes the viewers could choose to like vote to kick someone from the VC oh so it’s like uh Survivor in a way

Yeah aha be a pain in my you fill in the rest my can you can you say that word I think you can let’s try it say it let’s try it we said it we said much worse the New Year’s stream and we got do it do it the gritt for all time

Sake all my fellas where did that go that kind of just disappeared and I was really sad I know I love the all my fellas I wanted to see where all my fellas those were so great it was always like pets with the weird sound like a de Grandma right now

Like singing something who Dio’s Grandma beat me to it we got we got to stop making these jokes at Dio’s Grandma’s expense he he was the one to make the joke out of it yeah it was his fault he started it if he just wouldn’t have said anything he started

It he started it not even he said it in a stupidly comedic way like guys guess what happened on Christmas that literally was the way he said it too just dropped my Grandma fell down the stairs on Christmas bro dippo are you still in the Stream dippo was uh chatting in the

Stream a minute ago no he wasn’t he was oh yes he was oh he said oh he’s talking about your build Alpha it looks ugly and it’s Duty Harbor said he would me out of the C it’s an ugly building in the world that’s why he’s banned poopy am I Roman Empire fredd

Faz God you’re annoying I know I try my best I have a feeling you’d be one of those kids who’s hooked on skid toilet skid I can play that soundboard no don’t God please no God pleas the art button I’ve I’ve been what’s this art button dud I’ve been three months clean of

Skibby toilet I watched I don’t want to relapse please toilet today I know I know no Wana what is this with what is it with I know no Wana it’s hilarious I know no Want It That Way sure get back back into that that was you at your worst no was the

Greatest hey alga show stream Fed Up French e oh I’m telling Dio I’m kidding Dio’s my why is it spelled like that that’s stupid oh D just actually heard that cuz he’s still in the Stream right now what’s the a FR oh my gosh Harbor came up with the best parody

Ever alha hippity that is not funny you are not a funny person are You I think we should ban Alpha from his own server’s the yeah honestly I kind of hate that Alpa guy he’s really annoying Minecraft what build uh Alpha what building are you building a building again the insan no we’re answering it for turtle craft no yeah what do you mean no oh I

I’m building something infinitely better than both of them right than run new I’m building a really POG champ building right now stop just stop po champ ski toilet ski ski toilet stop ski fortnite fortnite all my Fells that just disappeared and now it’s stuck in 2023 so it’s not like it’s

Going to appear again he can hear us saying this K who who Nothing he sees you when you’re sleeping he knows when you’re awake he knows when you fall down the stairs on Christmas day he knows when you’re ski he knows when you’re mewing oh dang that’s that is one thing that I would not be mad if it stayed in

2023 what Skiby toilet or or like or the in or the stupid genz slang like meing Alpha doesn’t me have you guys ever seen his lack thereof jaw life yeah no and his high fov eyeballs bro okay you know what dang he straight up turned into a vacuum

Cleaner on that one oh let’s go let’s go baby what ski toilet ski ski toilet what’s your motivation to keep on going nothing skib toilet there’s nothing we can do you’re skidor wait what month was Napoleon I forgot about October or November I think it was what was the meme in September Blue

Smurf barie came out in May did it actually what what you’ve got to be kiding oh my God oh my time is moving so fast okay guys we can’t keep mentioning ski AO toilet our Channel went down you need to come see started talking about SK ala we’re losing

Subscribers no we aren’t bro please yes we too many 596 and we’re at 593 now ever since we started talking about scy toilet no a this is this is a habit that I need to get out of but I can’t cuz it’s so it’s so Skippy it’s so phant that’s really Tac

Um will are you seeing what’s happening on stream right now what happened in chat oh oh my God wait what’s happen I just tell them about when you kiss that dude at the party while his head was sticking out a toilet huh I don’t know why people can’t

Just build on streams what is that ala I’m looking at i’ have to guess his necromancers doing why is there three okay n guys I’m not even joking though we need to build a warehouse with like 40 of these in them why is there three let’s build one on the S SMP I

Three so guys we’re opening a new SMP har who’s not invited what is Harbor who’s Harbor yeah I don’t know ruined every single one of them Harbor your mom his mom’s dead too well no no that’s not even funny though you you you what a great what what a great way

To switch up the conversation great job guys like hairline soja boy is really tacky a g why is he tacky will why get T TIY Tacky Boy so boy your boy oh sold boy up in it oh are you AFK no we’re not doing this again we’re not doing are what you talking about what looking I forgot that was a thing what a hi mind no the uh we got what you’re looking for we got what

You’re looking for just a bunch of girls I have no idea it was cheerleaders practicing oh the liberal Hive mine none of which were hot but oh the dam syndrome Che later you know the one you are not funny Mister stop trying to be funny when you’re not huh you are not the

Spanador you’re not not funny you’re not cool you are fake news you’re you’re not Phantom Tex either you are fake news you are my fire not Phenom TX no we’re not doing this not doing what the One Stop believe I want to say something of what do you want to say

Something a racial that’s not yes love how quickly you said less not will tell Alpha about the time you kiss that trans guy on the ski if I ski what you kiss Dio spoke some cocaine earlier and now he’s talking in chat my fellow Americans do not believe

A word he says you know guys I I don’t actually like Harbor we know you’ve trash talked him about five times in the Stream already and nobody asked real next question crack you’re fired your mom’s fired she’s washed up she’s retired your single mother is fired from her job I don’t think anyone

Got the reference I was making yeah cuz you’re regarded and acustic no you just don’t remember it okay you don’t you you’ll understand one day it was a certain song by a by a by a person named named um are they them no um her name was Arya what yes

Cuzo oh my God how does 120 more blocks fit into this building I don’t see it maybe I do that’s a big chunk of the building oh my God Peter what are you doing Peter stop I don’t know Lois I don’t know Lois I scared I’m scared Peter what are you doing [Laughter]

Crank what the well at least I’m not drinking Brian that wasn’t funny look guys we got Peter mcgriffin on our stream everybody Welcome gin Peter MC Griffin M Griffin so Peter in your journey who has been your biggest inspiration Kan West what the [Laughter] cck crack I didn’t even think of that you’re

So smart Alpha today’s video is sponsored by Al speaking of a speaking of Nick Sav retired who’s in who’s in the well on the stream right now check Central Park do I have to what is that is that skibby H is that skibby hippo oh hi Alpha what art is that alga

Toilet everyone check Central Park the show started the show started in um 2023 and it has 23 Seasons I don’t care my fellow Americans do you want me to start going off like that no oh my God there’s skiy toilet merch what wait what you what are you looking

At what is blood toola looking at what his plug looking at PL let’s see oh my God that is weird so there so these action figures for skibby toilet yeah so there’s four skibby toilet action figures there’s um blue there’s blue face uh looking at the actual to there’s light there’s lightskinn

Drake what in the in the top one the third one on the top row he has a mustache okay move on we have um skap toilet Andrew a skippity toilet which one’s Andrew Tate the one on oh never mind he has gray hair that we have a that that’s skibby Epstein no

That’s that’s skibby Han Solo am I allowed to say that okay and then the second one on the second row is my Lego minifigure skib toilet toilet is that a QR code is that is that a QR code I really hope not I want them no you don’t I want I

Do I need It Mike wasowski hey Mike uh Turtle craft wants you to get to give him um uh building tips right now A FL pickle mcgr what pickle MCG willing tell them about when Alpha shoved okay so Harbor said will on his way to such poor humor that he has to

Use family death as a punchline and then he said that humor is almost as dead as my mom no he didn’t that’s so ironic no way hey guys just just just so you know um BK’s back horrible person one time that Harbor has been close to being oh no BK more like be

Gay Burger King foot lettuce I’m the king you’re the King Burger King I’m going to put on my burger I’m going to put on my burger king crown and start speaking straight facts no no you’re not going hey ala just just in case you didn’t know look at look at game chat

Just in case you didn’t know hey Will huh just in case you literally didn’t mention it earlier with your burger king crown and state your opinions what get that get that t off the plane and will knows what I’m talking yeah I know I I’ve seen that off the

Plane what was that video even about did did some guy of the opposite let me play it through my microphone real did did did his seek get taken I’m confused what what was he crying about I don’t know so there’s these very unlucky people who yeah skiy toilet yeah

Ski toilet I’m not I’m not finishing that now Sky toilet yes no I understand is Sky toilet yes continue [ __ ] nope [ __ ] I’m not doing it bro you can’t make me you can’t make me I know no w I know no guys are we having so much fun you’re a

Skard skib skib toilet toilet skippity fortnite skippity skippity fortnite guys I’m going to start getting into my political views I know no I know no one hey ala I wna I know no wna I know no want it that way I want to really really really want what I really really want

Is money is so delicious like ice cream fortnite accidentally dropping bangers fortnite come on down you need to not do that that butter Barn’s the best fortnite song ever dropped Buddy Holly dingleberry that’s not a fortnite song bro I’m talking about buddy did you know Buddy Holly was

Actually written by fortnite no it’s not no wonder so badler more I don’t care what they say about us anyway I don’t don’t care about that hello oh he’s referring to you as woner now woner uh tell him it’s the Empire State Building part two cuz you didn’t finish

The roof so you’re laying at the [Laughter] roof Peter what happened to the Empire State Building Peter what are you [Laughter] doing wait I’m listening to stream I heard I heard the goofy laugh sound 2804 that’s 24 feet are you a part of that skippity toilet ew that’s tacky tacky wacky

That’s what have we become whatever become okay guys drag Dio drag Dio right now can’t make me make me no why can mods still not drag people to this PC dude it’s not that difficult to allow mods to be able to leave and enter streaming PC I know we’re just incredibly

Lazy I’m not lazy you could have asked me to do it all right I’ll go do it right now after dragging dippo no I’m I’m you’re going to do it no I I can’t I’m not I physic I physically can’t I I really don’t like Carl being a mod or Champion or or

Ash no Ash is a good mod trust trust the proces what is she do uh cool down cool down arguments got at least at least she tried to until called her annoying for no reason so uh yeah all right look like who actually whoever actually stop like if y’all keep

Messing around on the live stream somebody’s getting fine a million dollars Necromancer I’m going to guess it was you so um yeah yeah that’s what I thought you don’t want a million gone bro I’m not giving you 50 on Kyo next time bro what happened why is there a

Sea lantern thing on stream because Necromancer is goofing how would you have the time to build that and you don’t notice no he probably builts it somewhere over there or something and then I just well I don’t have permission I well I don’t have permissions will sorry you

Need to stop moaning or I’m not giving it to you I’ve been waiting like yeah hold on let me invite him uh game um I’m inviting Dio guys okay I invited dippo is it all all is saved we went back to 597 don’t don’t just don’t speak about

It don’t speak about Su cuz then people get they’re like look I could be so skippity right now and I they think they cuz they think they’re funny they think they let me explain something to you viewers have all the power we have no power I’ve Got The

Power will do you have any other thing to do other than just drag dippo can you no you try dragging him let see if it works okay yay I’m going to drag him to recording VC because that is the only VC I can move him

Too okay now I’m going to drag him in into classroom 2 okay we’re getting somewhere it’s probably because we’re the only people who this one like you should I’m GNA drag chat say it’s locked for you courtroom yeah he’s going to be dragged in courtroom mhm does this chat does

This VC say it’s locked for you yes okay hey Dio hey guys why did you keep why did you keep putting me in uh VCS that had nobody in I was trying to prove a point well I closed that stream oh what mods ban this guy bro is a where did you guys

Actually hi Dio you want to apologize bro stop before I say a word I’m going to say oh God you say word say PTY word bro don’t waying I will tell them about that time where you sucking Lizzy what oh okay it was F it was

Friday night k Katy Perry was playing in the background and I in the kitchen there was like this packet of uh straight up hot dogs but it wasn’t normal hot dogs hot dogs no the hot dogs were not very straight up the hot dogs were like making a human and then they

Like started walking at me and then they like punched me in the face wow really kind of like nerdy now what geek lame ass story lame ass story I’m talking about I’m talking about the time whenever sausage came to life and you know the sausage beat me up you have F

Sausage bro Gizzy man shoved me into the freezer in the garage that’s T some guy’s advertising in chat I told him to get lost who’s who’s the who’s the guy advertising no advertising get y’all want to have a bill you want to have a challenge build I need a team to build

Something bro I’m not going to lie if you jump from stream to stream asking people to join you you’re not going to get much yeah that’s literally we’re asking them to join us too yeah brother that is exactly what you’re doing look we sound [ __ ] but we aren’t actually usually he

Yeah Alpha is Art is I’m not usually I’m not either uhhuh right me nether me nether me neither yeah me neither I Cann not R know no W be me weeder I know no W I know no wab be what if you wab be my got

Okay oh okay no I’m a mod to You Can’t Ban me oh okay okay okay’s having to give this guy the definition of advertising bro’s about to pull azilla stop actually advertising means he’s our favorite Oxford dictionary I didn’t even to stream join y’all from the Discord guys I’m going to the Mariam

Webster Discord server right now I don’t care bro I teleport to Alpha on stream the whole chat’s gonna be like oh he’s a famous he’s so hot oh we had different I okay e that’s a hot famous mother freaker though if I was advertising would say join you Wilds he’s advertising but he’s like asking I rule it as advertising French and the dazzling interior I did it’s all done yeah I actually know a little bit of French bagette no well yeah actually JMA pal like shut up get lost oh your pal oh that was kind of zesty and it’s kind

Of working even though you weren’t even talking that was kind of zesty and it’s kind of working is it working us is the real thing this ugly or this ugly congratulations you played yourself oh player cuz the player’s going to play play remember the guy who was like dating his red

Car no I remember the guy who yeah he would lay under his Mustang and be like hey baby it was no it was like got e trust oh well I saw one where it was this dude who was so like into his Ford Mustang that he would like lay under it and like

Kind of hump it all right really gross the conversation please I have I have the same feelings towards my Ford GT and Forza guys look at the you did the same thing to your Ford GT and Forza Pearl is not letting this one slide Pearl doesn’t

Let anything slide for real pearl is on a sliping slide hot sounded like a rap god rap God yes I am a rap goding I your honor I did not advertise your honor nuh-uh nuh that’s what I told the teacher when I was about to get suspended you are never ever gotten

Close to being suspended did you say you are never ever getting back together I made the top of my building yellow like there kid Nam listen to the story there were two kids in my class and uh the other one had the same real name as me

And so the principal called my dad the principal and he was like um or the was girl and she was like hey um your son he’s been doing he like he’s been throwing laptops around in glass oh is it CU your grandma the stairs he’s your grandma’s been throwing around the stairs

Dude sorry yeah like it’s not even funny anymore you the joke out of it no I didn’t are you eating are you eating are are you blind you not me long has it like I have my Xbox on a PE offline how I don’t know how long has it said I’ve very long

Art e that’s tack stop with respect are when are you doing that short by the way uh do you want now like okay bye guys get it out of the way be right back thanks together we are never ever ever going to you were never even together we are

Never ever ever going to the ne we are the Netherlands that’s tacking the Netherlands is where I gas and got those glow St what he’s got that glow stone glow stone the ne Fortress for real Morty Morty I’m beginning to feel like a rap god rap

God wait is this supposed to be funny make an enderman portal that was a ender portal that was a rap ref okay guys I’m going to show you how to make an enderman portal let’s go blood this is actually the atherion portal nobody nobody calls you

That stop my sky can you let me cook no like a chef no no Chef just well mods B that guy right now moderate me stop dipo why are there structure points I’m sorry that’s really tacky Dio s oh are you sorgi oh so e stop so sorry so sorry oh so s This is my Netherlands portal ew come see my Netherlands portal I mean Port P portal I’m eating so it makes it like sound different dippo I don’t want to come to Coral I’m sorry okay well then come to my Netherlands portal it’s really it’s just Oho tacky okay come to my Netherlands

Portfolio that was tacky that was some art Behavior art button can we ban art no yeah why not I think it’s about time of a m KN oh my God he’s Ming dude you remember when we would all play um Among Us when Dreamcast like when we were with dream we would all

Do bro that what who Bubba flubba yeah Bubba flubba B my all my flas why don’t you comment on the you don’t want hey Alpha Radio bleed I just pressing the art button in three no don’t two don’t don’t one don’t oh I misclicked let me try again

No actually don’t I have your soundboard muted but it comes through press give the button yes I know that’s why I do it oh no I clicked the wrong button again oh no shooter what is he doing it does come through my mic I’m just going to quit I’m actually not sure

Of the name of this building well what building am I building again remind me BR that was zest you know what building I’m building that was zest I have two big zest I think 535 Fifth Avenue yeah Dio can you keep telling us about your testicles testicles auto

Correct okay who’s getting build the week me it’s it’s that time it’s that time I think Highway Master it’s between and you let his sheeps that we getting um uh say that on how would you feel if Zach’s thing um one build the week I I wouldn’t be

Pleased I think it’s the right option though I think it’s the best build to this week most impressive that’s what I was going to choose good good Dio well just for this week he deserves it man he’s been working on the thing for months and months yeah but you know where he hasn’t

Been working yeah I know but I mean here well mean the other people who have won build of the week what about that one yacht that wasn’t in here yeah bro one or that one yacht on the why is there a dog on the roof I want to

Build this anymore ex later I’m get out go mess with willing or someone bro I’m locked in right now okay you’re distracting me you let those she you know what you’re you’re you’re distracting me I’m locked in right now and you’re trying to like you’re trying

To get me off my flow because you want you don’t want me to hit the wo all right like yeah get off my stop making but it’s only if send um oh yeah speaking of build a week if you want to join um the Discord server you just add um completely

Embarrass link is in description and go to one of our videos after watching it first because you need you over your uh s word store Japanese okay shut up Dio real okay I’m not going to shut up I grow up and when I look at you I throw

Up specifically you you suck and when I look at you I blow up dang Al do you do you like nex’s new building yes Alpa I’m going to say something racist no no where are you working at right now he said something very racist or no he just said something racist willing

Where’s the building you were commissioned to do um it’s by it’s it’s uh I’m not doing a commission yes I am uh oh you’re like Mr commissioner it’s commissioner it takes like a it Tes like you how to call um Necromancer a poopy head in French I’m no you should teach them um

You should give them like advice on creating a YouTube channel all right no no no we’re going to teach people how to we’re not doing to well ourselves dippo it was an idea okay we’re going to go check on the world cuz I got bored oh willing what

Don’t it’s it’s it’s red but it’s good okay yeah is good really good bro really really good really you know if I could say a curse word right now that’s what I would don’t teleport to me meant what I’ve got my Ops to hide this

From and now did you go to La and see my um who I’ve got Ops I’ve got chips on both my shoulders my reputation precedes me and rumors I’m I know that I know that song but I don’t remember it whoa It’s a Taylor I love how BK just has his own little

Prefabs over here it’s like an auction we just go and we buy I want to make an actual like auction room so like when cities don’t like a building they can just go put the building in the auction house they don’t like someone that’s a loone and Necromancer

Wait wait Alpha what building is BK building right now is that what I think it is from Chicago it’s the fake ww worth building no the fake wwor building is in Memphis the fake worth building someone doing over here get back to work disgusting disgusting get out of my disgusting BL disgust

Disgusting disgusting disgusting thing 599 one away come on guys let’s go get us over that 600 Mark Wait what happened what 509 negro 100 Balls you say that and it went in our stream or no our views went from seven to the road that has the strip on

Itk yet we haven’t started it yeah we probably will be a project for February if I had to guess what would Vegas okay Vegas did you did you see my city building changing um New Road design I’ve done I’m telling you this is not change the way that people make their roads

Shity I’m shaking out of my socks right now what could you have possibly made okay let’s see how bro made guys I have extremely controversial are you talking about the parking lots yeah he he he made he this is a new way that people make their roads this is

Unique and nobody has done it before Oh I don’t even know if poop town still exists down this world it does it does okay good um we can’t go down though because we could get demonetized okay just stay out of that room just stay out of stay out of the Obama

Room he will what hey what you ready or what to pop pop what dragon heads teleport to me what no it only need it only needs one and it needs to be right here wait what no I’m miss the old Kanye oopsies says that Kanye he’s not wrong still says

That poop Town sounds like a City built by the best of the best he’s wrong it was built by one of the best it was built by Fritz so one of the best built by one of the best best M up for having ears not C I’m just fa do AAP on your

Mom my God I’m in love with Ley building Grand my as Harbor said my humor is almost as dead as his mom my mom oh yeah I didn’t laugh not your I was going to say my mom is dead but maybe your grandma how is it Bas my Grandma’s not

Dead I can’t she she she just has every limp fractured from that fatal day on Christmas Day I thought Fritz was a [ __ ] liberal I didn’t know he was yes why do you all make jokes about my grandma like that’s actually kind of messed up what I don’t

Know like it’s actually kind of messed up what’s messed up when they made JS about my grandma I mean you kind of brought it on yourself though you did okay and they don’t have to like say anything about it I’m almost sorry but like Tipo you you like came into a VC

That day and you’re like hey guys guess what happened on Christmas day he went my Grandma fell down the stairs I didn’t that were you listening were you listening to what I said that’s not what I said I said your Grandma fell down the stairs Mr Squidward L guys everyone unsubscribe

Right now no bro thank you everybody for unsubscribing um shaders are hard to come by on this I don’t think you can there’s only RTX you’re like an R see like you’re my RTX cuz we just broke upy wait that made no sense hey are you

R yet cuz best R lines right now hey are you RTX cuz I want you to be my ex what that’s not a pickup line that’s a drop off live drop up oh I get it it’s like picking up and dropping off picking up anding off piing

Up and dropping off yo call me RT because you my ex oh all right guys if we get to 610 subscribers this stream what are we going to do are we what I’ll tell I’m something oh never mind what oh my God Alpha Harbor wants to beb not

Happening this building is horrendous a Google Earth I get that yeah the when you’re building your real life yeah me know me no no I know me no no yo 1 2 3 four 5 six seven know it’s actually so funny it’s even funnier the eighth

The eighth time he says it I know no W uhuh choca pick shaders are like one of the best shaders on Java I 100% agree with that oh choc choc pick really good they used to have ch on Bedrock but then Minecraft decided to be like

No you’re black no no no this is not one of those moments where you continue on what I was going I’ll be right back play that soundboard and the stream should be over um yeah pretty much do you have my soundboard muted no I do but it’ll play

Through no no no it’ll play through um it’ll play through Will’s mic don’t do it no don’t do it P Joker work my way down no wait none of my soundboards are going through his mic guys Stark wants to be in in streaming VC or too bad tell him to watch the

Stream is it possible uh no well I think there is a way cuz Harbor has a Shader pack on his world but um I’m not sure I haven’t really much cuz I have RTX and RTX is pretty good I just I turn it on but my computer would probably crash and

We’re streaming right now so I don’t want I don’t want that to happen turn it on okay like okay you are going to turn it on no no oh dang it hey willing I see you admiring my I’m you you’re going to what I’m going to bully you

Why why are you bullying me cuz you’re not family friendly like Nick at 30 wants you to no have you ever seen how somebody swears on his stream I don’t think we should drag Sur no I know we need more views we need more watch time that was so funny that I almost

Peed I did on you no you didn’t I would know because I would know one might say it’s even pretty tacky pretty tacky wacky it’s a little Goosey Loosey Goosey Lucy goosey it’s a little Goa and JuJu jerson and Thomas Jefferson again who in the world is Juju

Jerson that’s the number one on um goooo land oh okay is Juju on that beat goo on that beat um I PC with uh I play keyboard and mouse but sometimes I’ll play on my Xbox too doesn’t really matter I play on mobile in case you

Cared that’s why I’m able to type so fasty this like an Xbox player could not do this so who wants to uh break the bad news to necrom or to what’s his face to who’s the guy who’s building right Nexus bro not me yeah but then you told me I was being too

Mean what bad news gave up good wow he’s dming me now Oh you can’t type fast with a controller building that same thing in Philadelphia times I don’t know it doesn’t really matter to me I grew up playing controller so that’s why I’m able to but if I hadn’t have done that I don’t think I would I cannot

Relate but like who are you willing just curious like your name is willing who are you are you wait a minute who are you yo wait a minute who are you stop wait a minute stop you’re so funny wait a minute Yeah my mom just got home with oh guys I’m guys on my circle generator website I’m being oh you use plots as well what do we think guys do I take it do we take the tism test guys what take the tizzy test face AB do

This bro you went to go make that short remember yeah what do you guys usually get from guys who do you think is calling I think it’s I can’t dismiss the I I actually pressed the S board oh crap will did the legalized nuclear bombs go through your mic legalized

Nuclear bombs we just n the building I acally played that soundboard okay I’m locking in bro were you not locked in before no really well yeah you ignore what I just added it’s a little silly that’s a NEX what Al Gore bro dippo stop dippo get back to work go go build

Something go build your commission bro I have to go eat I told you heard that before stoping this bro stop messing with me I’m trying to lock in okay sorry you life do it again I dare you do it again I dare you I dare

You are so lucky I did not just kick you you are so lucky my cursor was on the kick button bro that’s that’s not very lucky is it or that is pretty lucky little bro Lear what that guy problem huh W stream so far yeah I think so getting stuff

Done I’ve gotten as much done as I was expected to don’t don’t be likeo you will you will end up kicked don’t mess with me when I’m locked in bro don’t mess with me yeah right hey bro look I’m going to finish this building before the stream ends you

Know what else I’m going to do before the stream ends another building kiss me oh I like the confidence that’s that’s bold how long is this stream going to be a 6our stream should be our average yet that’s a long stream for us I would be

Down to go for 6 hours tonight I think if I keep feeling I am 24 hours starting now 2 um thanks we should we should have done the 24-hour stream during Christmas break I don’t know why we didn’t yeah cuz he fell asleep during hour three

It was our bro it was our six okay give me some respect to my name no no you’re staying up 24 hours playing games on your on your computer is a daunting Tas if you stop to play 1 hour video games you’re what your future wife will become impregnated like right now

Yeah right now right now as we speak dang y’all building cities yeah who said that chat is so intellectual tonight I don’t know why I’m laughing yeah so um s the the city’s only been going so that’s not really a top priority but we will get to

That just want once we get an area filed then we go for the roads and then we do Street details yeah I can’t tell if you’re mocking me or if you’re agreeing with my policy well I hate you there there’s no butt to that okay

I was I was looking for but I’ll show you you want to see my butt kid yeah want to touch me I’ll touch you harder speaking of that I just realized that like EDP has a website your for I don’t think EDP ever actually touched any kids he just sexed

Them isn’t that I don’t think M did anything wrong no okay guys guys guys guys we were we’re having a really great stream right now we need to not butcher it now okay no because he did not he got baited twice he never actually touched any

Kids the rumors the rumors are fake the rumors are fake guys please I beg please you think those kids were begging yet okay but somebody in ch just said I’ve seen my Uncle M SP this guy if you hate him why do you build

For cuz who else is he going to go build for Dreamcast oh my gosh I’m I’m amusing myself now I hate you that’s who Zach goes in build for Us nice how do you know were you there um hey Alpha do you want to go to my Pearl City house no I don’t think I want to my Pearl City Homestead my gosh yes Chad is this real chat I’m chaturbating right now what it’s not funny why are you laughing it’s not

Funny okay hold on I’m trying to convince myself it’s not funny it’s not funny it’s not funny mate it’s not funny why is it when I go to ain’s Island what sound like prince Andrew oh mommy can I go to princess Island oh Prince is CH cheerio that’s my Queen Elizabeth impression

Stop did you grab a reboot card okay guys um I know I’m not supposed to give away this information but Queen Elizabeth actually died on my birthday now I know where you live because you do now I know where you live yeah but anyways yeah Queen Elizabeth

Died on my birthday so that’s great um September 8th yes wait wait wait guys chat chat I’ve never understood what it was like to have a birthday so close to a holiday you have a holiday three days later guys chat asked a question we got to answer it come on sorry two days

Later guys answer the question in chat but what question uh do y’all plan to do anything with the map once it’s done sell it no on the on the market on the marketplace the real answer is it’ll probably never be done unless we get like a million

Builders like build the Earth has bro this thing ain’t ever getting done build the Earth only has a couple thousand yeah oh that’s some underw build the Earth does not have does not have here’s what I think we realistically need to get the world done 10 Builders as fast as

Fritz no okay so we so we’ve achieved um one as an M1 well in for if he CES back but that’s unlikely except he loves Nick doesn’t he yeah I think so do love him he just moderately has a liking for him that’s the same as

Love well that’s what said in his trial please stop remember the four buildings you built in 2023 cuz you only made four No in loser Bro who dragged this guy I dragged you What um so um how’d that go Alpha I don’t know I just got dragged into instantly demoted yeah wait what no I don’t no no I don’t want to be in her an arcade are you on Forza oh my gosh this guy you would totally be on GT

No I wouldn’t bro you would you would totally be on GTA if it wasn’t for the stream I don’t just stop mid building okay like I need to finish building guys who do you think is uh Nick said please I don’t know do we let him no fine no

Fine yeah guess yes okay we have circuit does he say bad words we’re not Mo promote re promoting him right what what promoting him I think you just mean promoting him okay I still yes yes there will s yes there will I’ll make sure of

It is that an EP Island joke no it’s not oh okay you wouldn’t get it cuz you don’t read the news ever you’re right he said it’s awesome we got a new hello guys got to load to this guy which guy ciry yeah wow took you guys like an

Hour what no bud we can send you right back to where you came from yeah okay you better not Alpha no call me Mr Mexico call me ice call me ice that’s not what I was referring to you guys want to play Rosa Park Zone Wars oh okay okay

Okay not all right s it was nice having you on the stream nice seeing you bro no I’m staying right here I’m I’m not moving I’m not moving what is Rosa Park Zone Wars hold [Laughter] wait C have you seen my house in Pearl City oh no I I haven’t teleport to me

We’re going to go there I’m okay when I I’m I’m attracting those Spanish viewers what are you doing huh I said I said a Spanish word huh well teleport to me sir why don’t you I will I will cuz I’m not even in your world it’s on Alpha as well I know I’m

Doing cologne fine then I guess I just want to show you it you don’t want to see it I’m I’m I’m I’m going I’m going but do you want who it doesn’t do col who Indians okay mods no but he’s got a point all right I’m I’m with you now all right

Rort to Pearl City I’m I’m I’m here all right bro city is where all the Phantom taxs happens uh that building sucks this is where the IRS of phantom tax is headquartered so where’s your buing I’m dying bro huh one little bro uh my clone did oh willing that’s you what what’ I

Do you did the nice building in Pearl City what the book catalog yeah aren’t m1’s buildings nice oh my God bro what someone screwed up these flags all the American flags are screwed up in Pearl City that would bek they put them the wrong way yeah what I mean mentally challenged individuals stop

C res restrained people all right sir teleport to me okay bian Vito ah bian venito ah neighborhood vendio that’s the word oh my God I’m I’m in my natural habitat uh oh I you know I I think there’s another house that’ll suit you a bit better well can I interest you in this

House on right here in Pearl City no no you go look at all the houses well are these the trenches right here am mind the trenches go look at all of the houses all my God what is Dio’s house plot oh my God that is gorgeous what’s gorgeous the the island

House I just want to point out that that thing was photoshopped that’s not real go there no this is what it looks like or what it did I know I’m just saying like Stephen Hawking didn’t actually go there yep you should watch this stream all the way to the end going you

Literally didn’t like that that was Photoshop I actually don’t know when we’re going to stop some point do the buses finish your building and you finish another one you said that what if I buing um Sil has a question and you do that too Sil has a question

Do the buses in the city segregate races it depends where you live that’s such a stupid question I yeah it’s a stupid question the answer obviously duh D to my neighborhood these trenches are tough out here I’ll block our present coo cripping you a wear you ain’t wearing red in my neighborhood [Laughter]

What oh my God it’s been 3 days and they are still working on the staircase to the light what about bust a c in my offs my off run you got to make this building out of slabs that’s way too is brighter than your future oh my God what is

BK what did BK do though will well yeah kzo what did BK do he had it his way no what did he actually I had it my way um I literally just teleported all I I’ve been coughing so much after I sold that Fenton all to the eighth grader in the

Playground God how much did you make a lot I I stole the car it was a Dodge Charger too so shocking what does that say about their demographic stop stop bro stop this is why bro is not allowed okay let’s say hypothetically I okay let where’s your PS okay let’s say hypothetically you

Later you’ve been a bad girl you dis in this instance I would be required to provide punishment okay I would I would implore you to bend over okay that’s where this was going Will ciry T do you Goose at it Habibi oh what you’re CR building I got

This supposed to say it uh um um 20 strange place that’s that’s what I thought boy that’s what I thought whatever that it won e that’s that’s tacking yeah we’ll definitely have a subway system I are already probably working on underground tunnels for transportation we have two forms of

Underground Transportation one of them is via the synagogue by the subway what is Ben Shapiro doing you know he’s doing him he is destroying the world with logic um to answer the question in chat um L um twitch is horrible I I don’t like twitch yeah me neither to be honest can

You imagine being a guy who just plays computer games and getting signed to a recording platform for $100 million well no he’s good at the games so it’s different no he’s not he’s blonde who are you talking about what does that xqc oh okay he’s very strong TR my God

Sir C dude what bruh bruhy what happened bruh guys I’m on my third and final bag of cheit tonight I’m busting right now bu you guys like um you guys need like a motiv ational speech do you guys uh are your guys’ morale High Never Back Down never give up no is

Your guys a morale High that’s why I’m asking a question I I where is this going I’m I’m just asking where is this going sir like if it wasn’t I had uh I had a speech that my uh friend made on the Reich tag in 1933 oh my God In the city what you have any synagogues in the city asked and answered I’m personally going to over that um Zach’s plans to build Park Avenue do not go as planned so we can build the Synagogue oh it looks looks like the ex out the stream the the stream viewers is 12 and I don’t like 12 [ __ ] 12 bro cir that’s the first time cir’s ever said about yeah right no literally sir never says this is really out of pocket if I drop a penny

From the Empire’s TP button we’ll fall down fast enough to hit a person or will you pick it up before it already fell you mean you mean will it you you actually got to stop like youve actually got stop bro I’m sorry bro is not wanting to be be on future

Streams I don’t even know why he’s on this one so person now I’m under my leadership we’re at the highest viewer count of all time Budd got to restore the UN that’s for more oh my God it went up Zirk keep on yapping oh my God

13 it was at 12 trust guys that’s Taylor Swift’s lucky number I’m killing myself no you can’t say that not that phrase I’m I’m I’m I’m uh I’m committing I’m gonna go to permanently medically induced coma I’m going to go commit toaster bath what I’m going to go commit get hit

By a penny on head because the Jew didn’t get up fast enough they all Underground build please oh my God you suck at building Jesus Christ George I’m speeding through this jungle in fifth gear Welcome to the Jungle we got gam Al well guess what huh this Lola is

Now fights the Ops for me I love this Lola isn’t it bus and busing yes it’s bus and busing you no cuz like when I hit a tree like I don’t die yet I I’m in it do you want to come be productive and do roof details up Here Ser what I’m I’m breathing for the first time okay George yeah unlik George actually wait no guys what I think he got it is the name let me see uh is the name book Creeks as is that based off B Creek like what they did to Poland and France

In 1940 what are you referring to the name’s the guy’s name what are you yapping about look at his name it’s like brick Creek it’s cloy no it’s B KR u e like Blitz Creek yeah Blitz Creek yeah who did Blitz cre ever hurt real life Mutant Ninja Turtle people

Bro bro who’s that supposed to ref Jews yeah God you you said who did it hurt 31 to1 you wait no what 58 minus 31 is that 17 Lio lizo speaking Lio golf cart lizo is busing busing remember that um video of um lizo getting in a golf

Cart and like that golf cart like flipped or no not flipped like a kind of well how would you describe it yeah that’s really fun see that video of like that Jew getting sturdy okay bro seriously Al I have a question for you oh God Alpha hit him

Alpha how does the Jew go to heaven well done whoa you can’t be saying that bro can’t say it anymore bro is no longer with us did you kick him mhm oh whoever kick him must I think that lasted a bit too long it was fun while it lasted no guys

Can we get a standing loation for sir no I know no want to I know I want to pay your salaries why you don’t give them salaries anyway bro I do good stuff for you I made Book Cadillac hotel and granted I no I I didn’t I didn’t sell it it’s not my

Building this he said said he was carrying viewer retention you know ever since we kicked sir uh we’ve went down one viewer yeah oh we lost another wow we we really got to get him back yeah okay dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner he’s going to say

Dinner hey guys what I got to go eat dinner I know okay oh okay okay don’t care don’t care Nast okay but before I leave can you like look at what I’ve done I want to see it from afar cuz I can’t load it I want to see it from afar

The framework isn’t done but I want to see what it looks like well that I think it looks pretty good what do you think mhm is that the one forp or what no why is one of my wheels not Wheeling my wheels don’t work my wheels not Wheeling can you

Believe that this is like 300 M tall 300 can you look back well when are you going to finish the the the super exquisit building which one the one you’re working on right now maybe I don’t know I I I’m going to take a break from do I’ve already moved past Steinway

Too yeah well you completed that I didn’t he I the tower the tow okay oh no sir dude why why did he do that bro it just killed the stream what’ he do gosh just teleported me away when I was in the middle of doing a command my gosh bro

Actually dude now my Minecraft’s not loading come on sorry for the inconvenience y’all can blame sir I will H alha background reveal back this I this is my second time leaving tonight to go play music with my dad so I’m sorry but it was fun and I found out if dippo

Is watching or if dippo is here that Bas samps is the only way to play guitar I’ll inform him out all right tell dipo that the only way to play guitar is through a Bas amp all right that first but it’s the only way to do it

I’ll send him a video later of a guitar sounds like through a Bas amp it’s it’s incredible give me a second no I’m going to tell him right now your call has been forwarded to are you serious this always happens uh is stream still going on yeah it is yeah oh hello cir

Joins yep cir join must be 605 God damn wait time M 15 watching awesome man hello yeah we’re getting a lot of money check your DMs more often I should well no I saw that actually you need to respond better like you’re really bad about that I was playing guitar

Man oh my God Ash evolved on the skibbidy hippo how so she put a top hat on it where can I find it uh I’ll send it to you willing I sent it to you Alpha too yes this is the new meme skibby hippo that’s wonderful Alpha that’s your new pfp okay

Stop making your pfp around this one baseball player that nobody knows that’s a joke he’s the most average looking man ever and you’re like so hot he is bro it’s like people with Ryan Reynolds he looks average ooh you offended every basic white girl in existence yeah and if all no

Basic yeah I don’t understand if yall are mad at me I don’t care everybody thinks Timothy sh is the is the s word but he ain’t even the fart CD I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce your name we like Java people can join too

As well as Bedrock but I think we’re on Bedrock right M yeah yeah yeah we think we’re on Bedrock yeah we we don’t really know anyone can join it doesn’t matter we also have world edit which is we have worlded invisible item frames that you can add little details

With it’s a want to join HG official here I’ll type it in on Xbox so on Xbox look up that gamertag and then add it as a friend and that’s how you get into the world if you want to explore the multiple different cities that we have

And stuff like that same goes for everyone that’s in here and and wants to Join my God my Ford GT is so hot the mental Asylum looks great Alpha thanks we we hitting straight out of 2015 with this one I’m not trying to insult the building it looks like that in real life pretty much it’s a very weird plane building it you know you know how to

Describe this building a vanilla wafer boring and they’re like the same color to stone slab block I cannot join though because my PC is at my mother’s house I’m at my father’s house right now uh no worries man you can join anytime oh there’s that one we stream

Pretty often like we’re doing this new system where we stream every night of the weekend including Fridays so um yeah this is our first week of doing it so contact us anytime over there well not to join to become a builder yeah six remember double stone block slab 26 three okay for

So how’s the weather it’s good actually not really it’s really snowing yeah we’ve been going through a multi-day snowstorm mhm same here we’ve shoveled twice both times heavy duty I think my left arm has gain twice the muscle mass just from shuffling two times oh Ash innovated

Again skid hippo is in a full suit now now instead of a top hat Stampy the only reason you love snow is probably because you don’t get it often like once you you get snow and it’s super cold so it doesn’t melt but it doesn’t snow again the same

Snow stays around forever and it gets all dirty gross and that happens really often where I live yeah Stampy like where where do you like what country yeah and PE Laing in snow City basically lives in the AR SI oh so you live in Sweden is it snowy

There I don’t I don’t know the climate of Sweden yeah it is that’d be cool if we had like stuff from other countries I mean we have espir which is at Cuban City but that project is quite inactive and it has been like it’d be cool if we did like a

European city or something we need an expansion for the map before we thought about doing that do do you know how much room we have well actually yes one of the places are zoned to be European Europe is very different um it’ be more like like this the map

That we have now is more the size of a country so if we were to make the UNCC a country and the map that we have now is probably the right size I remember back when I was seven my older brother and sister and I made some

Snow cones and called them snow Pals that was the last time I had snow jeez been a while huh MH I assume you’re eight and a half now William if you’re in the Stream are you happy that I uh changed it to uh this slabs it look better now just a

Look better now baby girl I’m having a cup of joe don’t trust anyone that c calls coffee cup of joe they’re not good people real how does why does Ranger have op who is he uh he bu another city it’s just a city Builder friend of mine oh

Okay what city metrop M Metropolis I think that’s what it’s called oh he’s that guy mhm cool we should collab or something we should if he has a YouTube he does I don’t think he posts on it anymore though yeah so it’d be cool we don’t get opportunities to do stuff like that

So rather take it than leave it if that were a possibility you know what I mean oh hello we should um for stream tomorrow I think we should work on spawn like the spawn place oh um yeah probably not the entire time but like you know just a little yeah

How do you how do you live Pearl how I don’t know but he gets a lot of snow days so I’d live then his uh school year must go on until like August oh it’s just us now what in the VC yeah will text to me OMG I just realized I was

Muted will is typing oh he must have leave left the VC probably wants to be dragged back in I thought you and Alpha were being a jerk and ignoring me so I left no no no we weren’t we weren’t ignoring you bro you just literally had your mic muted we

Weren’t ignoring you you were just an idiot I mean we ignore him almost every other stream so it doesn’t matter here you go willly I’m going to oh my God and dude the the lamp video is now at 3.1k views no it’s not yes yes it is bro

Straight capping I’m not what that’s wild we’re popping off did that happen no dude I’m not even kidding I checked it like 2 minutes ago it was at 2K so did I it was at 2,000 2 minutes ago and now it’s at 3,000 we’re just like that okay 7.3k

Views on how to build a couch what yeah we’re just like that did you get that video edited by by the way how to build a Minecraft couch the lamp video is how you got here awesome what did I tell you about shorts man they build your community pretty

Fast I mean you don’t gain all the people from it but you get most of them what you just went into a robot voice oh well sorry my bad no no I’m not even kidding you that that freaked me out for a minute why did that kind of scare me man

I don’t like that don’t do that again you like you sounded like a monster for a minute monster like like no joke like that alpha alpha like more robotic your building’s too bright it’s not you it’s the Sandstone I don’t me no likey the Sandstone I made it darker now though

Oh is that what will was talking about yeah mean make it out of slabs cuz double standstone oh okay yeah well I just like I was going to do it anyway I just like I wanted to build it out of the regular things first because it’s easier to like do the SL Bill

Command than try to like fight with it you know what I mean so I’ve gotten in a pretty good habit of doing the roof details and everything before I move on building buildings that’s good it just like the things that people neglect on buildings are more important than they

Think I mean HVAC isn’t the most important thing but you know like if it’s visible and stuff it’s cool and it’s really cool to look like look at from above like an above image that yeah I didn’t do the lower ones there’s like some seating and stuff on

Those you want to build a bank interior in a minute AR bro sure you were not watching Alpha in 2020 bro yeah he was you were not no he wasn’t mhm I remember seeing his name in the comment sections what mhm I think I came from the

Like one of the early videos something like that I was watching you for a while and I found out that I had the ability to text you through Xbox and stuff Pearl was I uh was I was I part of the reason why you you started building Minecraft

Cities oh yeah Newcastle when he was like a squeak well he’s still as a squeaker but back then when he sounded like a four-year-old like not even trying to exaggerate like I called Newcastle once and it went straight to voicemail and I thought a woman picked up the phone so I

Told him hey some woman picked up your phone like like your mom or something he’s like no that’s my old voicemail what I was convinced his old voicemail from when he was 13 was a woman you can call me Kevin CER hi guys what’s up did you miss me no

No we hate you I get that a lot yes yes you do yes yes no sorry will started it he told me to hippo I don’t like you as a person that’s okay guys 3.4k 3.4k bro what how does it gain 300 views in like 5 minutes that’s more than 300

Buddy that’s like a th I cannot be a friend ar ar I’m so happy with the channel lately man doing roof work like all the equipment on roofs is my absolute least favorite thing I kind of like it we were just talking about that actually I don’t mind it I don’t hate

It one thing I do think you’re uh building could benefit from its texturing alha well what are your thoughts on that H let me look at picture of it it’s very can back up so I can look even if it’s not realistic or whatever like it’s not

On the real building I think it would just this building with it’s going to like not match the same color AR so here’s what I here’s what I would do right yes what would you do so here’s what I would do from the top I would text like on the very very

Very top like right here I would texture down with something that blends it with gray and then like on each of the ledges just like a block or three of gray uh and then at the very bottom I would go up a bit with just normal

Sandstone and slab form but like the raw Sandstone you know should we do a Q&A about building or anything right now yeah not who cares doesn’t have to be an official Q&A is this me taking a break from my building and just answering questions on how to make things

Better I mean it doesn’t even have to be about that can be it depends what people want to ask all right let’s get some questions rolling then I guess who’s making this that’s my first question who’s making what Alpha what who’s making this what this where the hay bale

Windows he started that a long time ago I don’t know if he’ll ever finish it though it’s kind of ugly respect the process that’s the process will guys I didn’t get the colors of my building right ow willing POV wait what very funny you can’t dude this building that

This Oak building that you did on Bryant Park is White in real life you made it brown and Oak well it looks good so it don’t so it don’t matter does it it looks good but it looks out of place as that color in here whatever art judging things on on their color

Wow we got our first no because said it was four out of 12 laps and I only did all right we have a question from Cloyd how much do you like dino nuggets oh my god dude I actually just had some today I’m not even lying I don’t like

Them am I the only person who thinks they taste like ass bro no they they’re not good the texture is always like squishy and then there’s like no real crust on them mediocre at best yeah it’s it’s like just breadcrumbs and like just weird chicken mediocre bestest that’s what I said I love

Nuggies I mean with a side of cardboard you can really en what what kind of chicken nugget brand do you buy Tyson yeah same here I don’t buy chicken nuggets often but probably Tyson there’s also what’s the other one Purdue or something like that yeah yes that is correct you got a air

Fry them that’s the best way to do them I mean I do them in the oven mostly almost guaranteed to be good right what are you guys’ opinions on pigs and blankets or pigs in a blanket oh s tier amazing if you can get homemade ones too

Oh I’m I’m a professional Gordon Ramsey approves of my um I facetimed him and he said uh he liked them so yeah like I mailed I’m I I I packed one of the pigs in a blankets in a box and then he facetimed me and then uh he said

He liked my um b a blanket I mean you can like go on Gordon Ramsay’s uh like what social does Gordon Ramsey have all of them go on his Tik Tok and ask him guys my building is six blocks Too Tall or too short and what scale are you making it what one:

One how doy 712 1,092 192 and what what was the other number 712 mhm 380 ft so that should be 115 blocks 116 blocks that’s crazy the roof of this building is 116 blocks tall what can you believe that oh no it oh no it not oh yes it

Did yay I won my race yay okay problem what actually I don’t think the problem is the roof I think the problem comes somewhere else in the building so that’s good so I don’t have to remeasure anything actually I do need to re measure stuff but just not nothing on the roof

The Chrysler Building is only tall because of the stupid Spire it has on it it’s 29 M tall literally the Spire takes up a third of the building can you believe that no I I I’m I’m not kidding I I I can’t oh did you just copy an AC thing into

There Alpha not exactly guys this might be my favorite building in New York but the Chrysler or I mean super big cool building that will be on a we should make like a UNC cahoot what is what is Ward’s favorite building one Chrysler Building two uh WTH building four 32 Park Avenue

The Empire here’s what here’s what the answer choices would be it would be chryler Woolworth Bank of Manhattan or 30 Rock cuz I I like very regularly say that all of those are my favorite you know yet none of them actually being your favorite my favorite is 53 West 53rd Street

Okay this building is probably the most majestic one in New York apparent according to Looney and Necromancer the crown building’s pretty Majestic really I thought they didn’t like that building they probably don’t that’s why they call it Majestic why’ you say Big Ben I what gu in chat Cloyd kick

James Pearl why should I kick James I’m not I’m just asking why he messes with it he’s the one who did your your building that way the build he’s gone w w mans got Discord I don’t know how to feel yeah and now he’s on our server

Bo I’m back sorry guys his his first message was replying to Highway Master’s new building yes that is very good yes 10 out of 10 that’s is good yeah in which they died in which they died that was a good movie that surprised me yeah I actually ironically liked it did you like

It yeso lizo um after a stream you want to stream analytics to me we can do that go over it sure all right because we’re like halfway through January after the stream can you fix the top of the the tops of the two buildings which what building the buildings that you forgot to

Finish no I actually finished buildings you did in 2023 okay buddy or you can never compete with anything I make all right so yall want to know something crazy about this stream this has got more views than the one from uh yesterday and did the one yesterday too

Good yeah got is that this is impressive got 168 views the one from yesterday this one’s it like 170 175 I think that’s sick bro let’s see who is this this is Lonny ly l l l l l l l l I own an air

Fryer what would you do if I told you I fried your air I want you to fry my busy oh okay I want you to deep fry I just no will now’s not the time oh yeah I heard that Alpha did you guys know that this is the tallest brick building in the

World wait what is he going Harbor is going to deep fry his ears it’s nice oh damn damn all right you can uh change that commission to completed the one that I just did did you gradient it no I think I don’t know how bro I know what you said but

Like if I do join would I get kicked if I build a cult room under a building no we’ve already had M people build down that was kind of varas I’m not going to say that word again cuz I’m kind of afraid to cuz I don’t want any a weird demonetization or whatever

Stupid CU we’ve had that before say something once and this shuts all that off ala can you look at the uh Chrysler on stream yeah sure slur the good I’m gonna go oh God that was a bad voice crack I’m gonna go work on Vermont get some stuff done no you’re not you’re

Going to come back cuz we’re about to do a bank interior I’m going to go I hate you and then I got to film that Pearl City thing and then I’ll do wait did you not a screens I did not I I recorded it oh

Okay I recorded it like a few weeks ago and thought I had it edited which I did but cap cut didn’t save it okay was do that get it done I’m getting it done right now you thought I was feeling you no much fell for lunch can’t break the

Schedule see how good we’ve been doing with the schedule never break views in less than 10 minutes I think I know we’re doing well you know what else too we’re averaging more viewers on lives yeah we’re averaging nine or 10 right now or something like that no our

Average is uh oh yeah it is eight that’s tragic I thought it at least 12 or 11 it’s it spikes up to like 13 or 14 yeah our chat rate’s really low so hey Alpha H did you get type in chat more please did I get that what that screenshot SP what

Screenshot well huh you know how you made me buy the Lola earlier yeah I just got that from an Accolade bro bro I’m sori okay I I’ll just auction the one I just got and also it might would be a really good road racing car I’m going to use the town

Hall what what’s the white building with the huge gray gradient on it that you build in City willing what the kale building or something yeah what you do what I do oh there’ss yes what is it splended why is this guy named py gone doing donuts on the side of the road and

En Forza py gun his name is actually py he lives up to the name so how do I make the Lola uh a a road racing car how how download it to I know no want okay then you know no want to win any races then I guess okay buddy I

Hold I’m changing time for a short okay hold on I’m doing stuff my God this car is so hot anyways thank you T car I’m G to have it on night mode for like a few minutes if y’all don’t mind I do mind but I cank loves night

Mode whenever I try to switch it today he tries to switch it back kind of acoustic no I didn’t say anything you thought I was feeling you no okay can can oh my God why do I keep stoping not me yeah can someone clarify that I needed on night for a few

Minutes I don’t think it’d bother anyone too much what do you need hm I just need to keep it on night for a minute okay cuz I’m filming go go go why this world edit keep crashing I don’t know can you ask it to not world that it don’t crash good

Thanks thanks C you busting you got to say please please please stop please will bro all right now I need to do the K’s building why at night I just changed it up a little bit I don’t think it’s lit up is it it kind of is I don’t care anyway

Looks nice either way the building’s great you have heard that before most definitely have guys do you think I’m going to be better than uh what’s his face lime hit at what he’s built the Chrysler Building before got it easy light work he said he was going to build it again oh

Yeah yeah as long as you don’t make it out of Oak and dark oak for whatever reason I think you’re fine we don’t talk about Adrian we don’t talk about Adrian no no no do you remember when that was number one on charts it was not it was that was

Ridiculous like how can music get so dry that a Disney song is number one on the charts for multiple weeks it’s just a fire Disney song bro no it’s not wait did people like okay so people unironically views on that short now for real for real that’s unre 4,000 views or actual Le

Oh my gosh bro he’s not even kidding that’s the funny thing yes it’s hilarious me and lime are in cahoots with each other why okay that’s sick and awesome SAU awesome sus awesome sauce okay phew just stop that’s funny is that feel nuh guys I really like the C through

Building it’s my favorite is building okay what if I told you I don’t care I really like it guys okay I’ve done everything like I don’t want to do cross country races because cross country races suck unless you’re using a Mercedes racist like in Forza unless you st bookie

No oh my God what car should I buy or do I just keep the Ford I Have am I Roman Empire am I Roman Empire did you see how DOA cat waved her hand right there that’s obviously a sign of the Illuminati often say hello to their fans as a sign of Satan I hate the way you act the way you act we don’t talk

About we don’t talk about evi no no no no B iesi told me that I don’t know what did iesi tell me Will’s face told me a lot of things told Pearl a lot of things I’m telling on you to the teacher I’m telling Lio guys I need to watch new py Jaxon

Show oh no you don’t yes I do oh no you don’t it’s the way you act I know no want to guys let’s go on Instagram free Palpatine free Palpatine oh my God okay guys we’re getting this distracted will start being more entertaining and stuff then don’t go on Insta and Alpha

Get off of Tik Tok yeah cuz whenever you go on Insta whenever I go on Insta AIO coming through your mic for real that’s not me that’s him okay will keep on doing what you’re doing bro Whatever Whenever will goes on Instagram it always lasts like a an eternity yeah I’ll sit

There at everything it’s a pretty accurate depiction of his uh voice teens yeah baby Alpha 4.4 th000 guys folded sent me reels do I watch them probably not on stream not loud stream can hear is my guess okay fair new Boeing features larger lavatory so all female Crews can go to the

Bathroom together what fun it’s fun for the family the only person who would get this this is so true oh my God this is so relatable I’m going to repost this this is going on my feed excuse excuse me sir where is the repost button it’s in uh Central Park it’s down the

Hall and to the left down the hall and to the left isn’t that a weird Cameo to just randomly be in that movie in dog ears I’m gay Alpha look at the gift I sent in Central Park bro I’m like locked in right now okay hold on I’m not talking to you I

Talk to will will oh no I didn’t well if I well if I did I meant Will Taylor Swift’s cat has a higher net worth than Travis Kelce what you something sad that’s probably true sad I just really love my fame and my money and things I

Bought but you know what I don’t like what I don’t like it when Joe Koy makes any kind of joke deprecating me at the Golden Globes Top Gun 3 is officially in the wood why can’t you place buttons on top of these things anymore why Minecraft what I know they changed

Things for no reason like coal blocks not Co you can place pressure plates on top of these of course like you have to Place Coral in a certain way now it’s weird guys Pub’s um greatest TV character of all time pole has two more people left it’s Mr Bean it’s Mr Bean

Versus Walter White that’s a terrible name now how was that Lola doing this jump well but I can’t you might be regarded no I’m not Majestics Lola is just so much it’s just magical duh aren’t we all now I’m doing wheelies stick their fingers in their mouth are weird I

Agree is it is is guys genius sunglasses advertising we want to sit on your face respectfully stop you’re not safe here new film adaptation of 1989 to fature Big Brother as the good guy big brother my God bro this [ __ ] is pushing me off the track I can’t do

Anything oh my God new zealanders are about to All Die come Sophia Vergara claps back at interviewer who tried making fun of her accent and the way she pronounces Modern Family she responded oh because you speak better English than me how many Emmy nominations do you have that what

That’s like the Brett Rivera and and uh the other guy was like how much YouTube subscribers do you have go away with your two YouTube subscribers what the it’s a kilometer the Lola weighs absolutely nothing and that’s why I keep on messing up huh DJ khed is something else they call Michael

Jordan where’s our is our AFK I’m here we we thought we heard a door open in our house so I scavenged the house with my dad you thought I was feeling you why is this car doing that my car is acoustic my car is well no it’s not it won’t go

Straight we only have six viewers guys this I know I know it’s all right bro it’s not it’s okay no it’s not it’s fine because the six viewers we do have are the best okay my Roman Empire you’re really good with that okay you sound like Drew from the speakable me 3 the

GS Dr nefario Dr nefario the I know no w I don’t want to be your this car sucks what am I driving these nuts in your mouth what huh huh that makes no sense oh my God is actually horrible you’re driving up to real estate py [Applause] yeah art yeah can I be your Roman Empire sure yeah I probably just said some terrible didn’t I yeah you did boy who’s Jackson Bailey I don’t know he’s been joining the world for a minute in a good way it’s kind of one of those people like James like they kind

Of join the world but they don’t do anything except James did something when he wasn’t supposed to James did something all right Holocaust who no yeah that’s a word we cannot play around with well I didn’t know make believe things could get you in trouble okay okay and we’re done I’m

Kidding we have nine people watching now they like my joke no so alfredus did you finish that test I got you to do earlier players listen up you can no longer let’s see it no DM it to me I don’t I don’t think I saved a picture of

It I was like very slightly authoritarian left Liberal Liberal on the wall who’s the most liberal Of The allall Peacemaker yes good answer does he even know who Peacemaker is I don’t think bro understands the I’m not culturally irrelevant well you asked who Chef was not too long

Ago you got to be little stupid not to know who Chef is oh is that ELO is B stupid me three or whatever is a good no Despicable Me Two that’s the one isn’t that one with the the Mexican like mob boss or whatever l a restaurant

What’s that guy’s name El Eduardo or something El El Macho the masculine I believe I don’t speak Spanish but I get called el macho a lot there you El Mao El oh I’m never using a Lola for an for an off-road race again I think you’re just suck at driving the alola region

No this thing goes all over the place cuz you suck at driving no this thing is is like driving a feather a what a pH feather more don’t drive it an automatic I’m not an automatic oh really yeah you told me to yeah I didn’t think you’d actually

Listen to me no one ever does real it’s small a Feeling BL my blood runs cold my memory has just been sold [Applause] 4.8k Guys can we start an SMP for the first time second third third actually hear me out guys speaking of bird is the word what level are you on fortnite I everybody’s heard about the bird bird sorry I had aism Spike there you’re good yes as you did Oh I want everybody’s heard about the bird bird bird bird bir bird bird bird bird is the bird bird bird bird bird is the word bird bird bird bird is the bir bird bird bird is who wrote that song called like the trash man or something yeah it’s what I

Call Alpha building the trash men and this thing can’t turn either we’ll see you later man thanks for joining in thanks for staying man that’s crazy who’s leaving kind no Cloyd I hate it when people call me out on my voice C this is why he’s

Leaving he loves me I don’t think it was here to hear like any of that he’s probably already left sadly guys Majestics inviting me to a party let’s get on Fort he has the best tast in music apparently yeah he would like you more if you played fors with

Us well we don’t even I’ve never even met him stay pure or he can stay here you your boyfriends and meet me at the hotel room we at the hotel M we at the hotel motel holiday there’s no that’s an actual lyric it is what that’s not an actual lyric it

Is it is bookie meet me at the hotel room I don’t hate pit bull as much as I should yeah Mr [Applause] worldwide you ain’t got your boyfriend and me at the hotel room Mr worldwide is what I call fat people hey it’s Mr that’s not where I wasy it’s

Mr what did you think I was going to say Alpha I like I didn’t think you were going to say anything with it I just didn’t think that’s where you were going to go with it like I just didn’t I didn’t expect you to go there with that

I landed on top of this ramp and then a car landed on to your eyes are like the sun and moon thank you for cutting me off I hold on can I finish talking about how far apart Alpha’s eyes are okay never mind now you’re just being a douche what do you

Want well I don’t think you’ll care anymore you’re right I probably won’t but go ahead because you felt the need to cut me off oh really go ahead continue no blood you though no blood I started talking and then you talked so clearly what you were saying was much

More important I know I agree I sound like a teacher right now hold on my God in my 20 years of teaching I have never had a worse class in my 20 years of teaching I never had a CL mathematics mathematics you guys do not have to W

Rez quite frankly you all have lrz the Democrats they are very El I’m going go do a voice over okay oh no uh oh no you’re not she or it’s ditching class oh yeah oh no he didn’t oh yeah he did I really do want to do another

SMP am I acoustic for saying that no yes B why is it only letting me rewind a certain amount why I missed a checkpoint and I can’t make it alha what do you say you call the stream quits here and we go play Forza with Majestic no I’m actually getting stuff

Done and there’s a lot of people on the stream no one’s speaking now except Pearl who’s just talking about the Oilers this is actual bull crap pear James votes for for an S SMP I don’t care I care cuz I want another SMP I want him gone James yes that’s kind of racist

Wouldn’t you I can’t stand bro do we still have all the VC and all that like do we still have the S&P Channel no H they’re all gone no oh no mhm why because that’s that’s that’s where we got that’s where we got like five new people we got like the block 99

Uh let’s think about this for a couple minutes that’s a great way of getting new people you know yeah I know like especially if you’re like recording it and saying hey guys come join the SMP you’re going to get people doing well yeah more subscribers wad broader range of

Um content yeah broader range of content that’s what I meant no I wouldn’t be S and everyone voted that they don’t want one but they do so I guess as coner you should just make one I can’t host it no I know but you can work on being the person

Who I’ll pay for the real you pay for enough subscriptions I know but real is not a big deal um I need to think about this I’ve made more progress on this building than I thought I would um what the super secret building nobody knows that you’re making everybody knows that I’m

Making it’s not very secret is it be quiet I’m just not building it where it should be because that area doesn’t exist yet I wonder whose fault that is okay self burn those are r that wasn’t a self Burn yeah it was cuz I do all the Roads so it’s your fault mhm okay I get it now I get it took me a second I was just waiting for what you I was just waiting for you to say it cuz I knew you were going to then I decided to say it before you you were lacking I’m lacking for

Real Kaka cripping busting out the roof guys is this going to be my best building yet uh nuh does it have to be night I was just looking at seeing somehow something looks you can set it back now I really hope m1’s not on the world because I just saved the Chrysler

Building as Y which is the same thing that he uses I hope he doesn’t load the Chrysler Building into the side of one of his things hold on I’m not doing bad this race and I’m surprised you kind of suck at a lot of things I’m surprised respectful

Okay whenever I really think about it I’m not that good of a builder because I only know how to do exteriors uh my game’s Frozen Alpha oh yeah yeah it’s still night for me structure blads lag too much what hell in the middle of the night in my

Dreams can you go over to where the ch building is or like where I am next to it the the super secret building nobody knows Alpha yes or no and there goes my game lovely I like dipos build of the week explanation wait did build of the week

Come out uhhuh oh we didn’t do at here zakaras WIS build of the week with his incredible uh I don’t know he said he was surprised he had never won a build of the week he’s never won a build of the week until this because he doesn’t post anything

Yeah I can’t believe that the Empire State building’s been done for 3 months it’s kind of cray h yeah that’s pretty cray cray that’s weird that’s tacky okay you went I’m have I just like not been paying attention or has it been like an hour since you said tacky

Last well I haven’t been here for a while tacky oh I got I got used to not hearing tacky and now I need to get settled in guys I’m going to build the MetLife building once we get over there what’s wrong with Ballers it’s trash how is it

Trash I also don’t like baller as a person and refuse to use his build really why can you look at the Chrysler Building outfit yeah no maybe saw saw yeah saw it does you’re right what happened what James said he said it trash wait James thinks

The’s also really bad so I’m going to do that as well wait no no no since James thinks that baller that baller’s meti is trash let’s let’s let’s let James make metti how about that let’s let’s let him no no no will by all means let him make metti let him

Cook yeah let him cook pass what do you mean pass clearly he clearly he has the skill considering he is calling baller a bad build does he have the skills to pay the bills not pay the bills probably collect them but Alpha yeah can you set up the one block

On Lexington Avenue that I need it’s this road right here if should teleport to me this can be one of your exremal duties awesome what can you do this block like lay it out and stuff on okay so the one that goes down this road right

Here is on this left side of the road over here and lines up with Bryant Park sorry what you want me to go all the way from there to there uh I just need the one block I don’t know where Bryant Park oh here it is okay so basically this one right

Here I need the one that lines up with this for Chrysler yeah but on Lexington and uh Vanderbilt goes on the street too yeah okay I’ll start lay it up uh I made the entire block so just Co just copy the heights that I did on it you

Know what so you just want me to find out where it goes yeah wait what so so the one that’s across the street from that block huh no it’s I sent you the short I’m sorry that took a while you should upload it now it’s the one after uh Park Avenue okay

Just look at where it is in real life no James I’m doing it James can do it no yeah let James build let James build it he deserves his right to be an unauthorized Builder he’s entitled pass respect for many years of being on This Server he has he has 15 years of

Building under his oh my God BK I just went over this I’m not in game what’s happening 52,000 views on the short will what happened BK is being gay that’s a homosexual joke I told you we need more glitter I told you we needed more glitter you’re black ugly glitter oh

Okay guys I’m now calling the Chrysler Building the building of Love why because I made it out of red and pink [Laughter] Concrete why are the blz different from each other the blettes that would be such a oh my God will we should make Minecraft parody music together and we’ll call ourselves so blads oh my God I’m calling my entire area 5.7 I know 5.7 already it was 5.2 like a minute ago how

Much subscribers have we gained not enough none oh but at least we’re getting how much likes we’re up at least 10 from today of all the videos this could have happened on it happened on the it happened on a lamp I know it’s the most random stuff that

Start can you start making me shorts please no I won’t had a boy okay then no blackets for you give me some green paper and allos to say blockas blockz no bro we ain’t got the time to be doing you shorts you then I guess I don’t have the

Time to be building on your city oh my God you don’t you don’t you’re barely on do you want to do this again art I would love to you want to do this again I would love to guys not on stream please stop this no this is entertainment right here

Stop this Tom fullery immediately this is a beef I’m going to say the N word we’re we’re going to do a boxing event what I think we should I think we should one V one in Roblox rise of nation oh God no such a horrible game no it’s

Not it’s better than Gata 5 what is G oh I have to think for a second well I know it as GTA not guitar it’s not better than GTA I play the guitar you literally can’t speak on the behalf of GTA because you’ve never played it I’ve played it yeah I’m going

To no you haven’t you haven’t played it seriously then bro just not enough I’m going to do mischievous things with a toaster and a cucumber what I thought you were going to say I’m going to do a mischievous thing with a toaster and a Bathtub what do you mean like toaster bath what does that mean you said it earlier what no I always say something and it makes me look stupid why can’t you just understand what I’m saying understand why I’m speaking your language what language English I hate

You so much right now I don’t think you I don’t think you understand how much I hate you right now I get that a lot got feel some crazy right yes yes you do get that a lot lot your love’s got me looking so crazy right now hold on think of the watch

Time cuz we already got a lot of watch time from our we had like 48 Hours of watch time from the bed video yeah oh the lamp video is longer than the bed video so we might have more watch 6.9k it’s a what it jumped it jumped

2,000 M who’s watching a lamp video that much I’m if if you knew how5 watch hours from that 55 watch hours we’re over 1,000 watch hours we need 2,000 more and we’ll be at the Mark that we need to be at so what to get monetized and what will that do for us

Money money oh okay I was just about to ask what stage false motivations to do this and it will become all money based what will that do for like people like me and will nothing wait what wait why am I being talked about stop what’ I do when you

Start getting money it’ll be reinvested into the server okay by getting me a computer no are we going we’re going otherwise we wouldn’t be at 900 watch hours how much hours do we need for Moniz 4,000 hours of watch time okay Al I need a few screenshots

Okay I’m so happy I listened to you about the shorts thing like chat I don’t know if you realize I need I need one from right here me and Alpha had a argument about quantity over quality in terms of shorts you wanted to do daily shorts I wanted

To do two like easy ones to make a week and then two high quality ones a week and I don’t know why we just started going with daily ones and it started blowing up so uh cheers with my cup of coffee I guess everybody Applause wrong

Pipe I’ll stick a pip in is everybody giving art a round of applause they better be no no because I’m not going to benefit from this well no but Alpha doesn’t love me enough oh oh no no oh no he didn’t oh shoot it doesn’t clap clap clap dang that

Sucks why does James have op he doesn’t he shouldn’t at least if he has op remove that who gave him off art yeah James does not have the does not have the thingies no he’s I don’t I don’t even think if he applied he’d be allowed to build on here his

Application the first hour considering he’s in the Discord server him trying to apply Could Happen I’d like to see him try I haven’t seen anything he’s built I I need a good laugh every now and then other than completely ruining a bunch of my buildings he only ruined one

No oh yeah all right pe’s right they uh they do not count for um watch hours why not shorts because they’re because you you’s a bunch of [ __ ] babies and they don’t want to give yeah we don’t like this new CEO Bo we want Susan we want Susan hey to people to the people in chat right now I know y’all aren’t commenting a lot but how would you guys feel if we made a video about how to make roads and stuff how would you guys feel about an SMP no one cares put a poll in the

Discord server and it has like 10 down votes and two V it has it has worse it has worse it has a worse voting ratio than cool man’s Builder application oh God okay but if you really think about it if you look at the people who

Actually play on smps it’s a one to one result bazooka just doesn’t want to CU he has his own yeah he he doesn’t want to face this smoke guys should we join bazooka’s SMP uh I’m in the realm because this realm was originally bazooka City but then nobody

Was building on it so we switched back to the S SMP so I’m on it you want to go check it out no you don’t want to people just kill you I I went on they just no somebody I think it was Art went into the uh why are you loading the full

Building why are you saving the full cuz that’s what you wanted me to do no I wanted you to save the street level of it was you into the server and then like building spawn with in Creative bro you can wait I just want to know where it goes

You do know where it goes fine can you take screenshots for me then of what after I’ve asked like a 100 times of what I’ve asked you to take pictures of Rockefeller from I’ve asked you you to put the top on my incomplete Rockefeller that no one cares about what sorry I

Want to see if I’m doing it correct how how’s why does this thing only go up to three gear what what will you stup Jeep building things too much what you really sweat building things proportionately too much if they match up on real life then they should match up on

Minecraft well the Chrysler isn’t matching yet that’s the problem figure it out it’s what I’m doing I’m playing GTA I’m sorry I totally copy and pasted the skibby toilet action figures in there my heart the stereo it beats for you so listen well you’re such a skidor not going to

Lie you did not you’re also a cottonheaded nin muggins I’ve almost said that horribly wrong times you’ve almost said that horribly wrong times horribly wrong multiple I didn’t hear the multiple guys we should just do what jtm did in still Pearl’s video as ideas like Pearl

Usually has good ideas that’s what I did no J jtm didn’t steal Pearl’s videos idea I did why stop oh if you like this is your building this I I did all does that mean the Empire State Building is my building no kill yourself I didn’t say that

Yeah that’s correct you didn’t say that I didn’t say it my God eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard I mustard eating eating a burger with no honey mustard I must I must I mustard I’ve got to stop what are you doing

Must oh no you oh no you didn’t oh no she I could I could do this my crown Victorian Crown Victoria yeah it’s an off-road race that’s going down a mountain now that you’re not do anything you want to play Forza with Aiden Alpha alga

What do you want to play for now since you’re not doing anything I am doing stuff though you’re floating up Briant it’s because I’m doing something really quick what is bro doing headed n muggins cotton headed you oh my God you’re such a sweat at fortnite stop you scruffy looking nerve H

Herder they don’t say that that’s not lore accurate can you make me your Roman Empire okay nine okay it’s uploaded you cottonheaded n Muggin why won’t this guy move I have the opportunity to absolutely fly past him and he won’t move Nexus isn’t even building the right building in that

Spot I know he’s building a thing from Philadelphia what why how can you tell that from that all you scruffy looking nerve Hur They Call Me Princess Leah nobody calls you that oh sorry my bad the nurur ring Kentucky Fried Ohio Fried Chicken is what it’s

Called just me and my boys making fried chicken y’all yo what up up Breezy Breezy you don’t ever you don’t you don’t ever accept my EML be the show invites it’s got to be racist I know right sounds like a cottonheaded n muggins to me I I bet Breezy would wipe

My ass in ml be the show to be honest though yo he plays Diamond Dynasty ala just did Alpha just Cy un streamy chissy wake up up Chrissy wake up I don’t like that Chrissy is woke okay how did how does this car just Cruise past my car which is going

110 mil hour is Chrissy a cottonheaded mini muggins no that’s the worst thing you could say about somebody you Breezy says he wants someone to show him around I got You friend me that’s my gamertag friend me and I’ll show you around f all righty guys teleport to me for the outro no it’s pretty good stream yep three and a half hours 606 subscribers 604 now you lost some yeah shorts shorts people are Hit or Miss sometimes they stay sometimes they don’t

6.1 th000 views that’s Crazy BK is not even a part of the stream I don’t get it he’s here with us in our hearts all righty Guys thanks brzy I appreciate that you can join the world anytime you want if you just add this hi ahg official add that and you can join the world same with anyone else I’ll add you back and you can join and take a look around the

World there’s a lot of cool cities to see today we were building in New York tomorrow we’ll be in Pearl City working on some houses and uh Monday I don’t know what we’ll be doing on Monday we’ll see um but yeah anyway get another structure block and the game’s

Frozen anyway yeah guys I hope you enjoyed the stream um if you did make sure you leave a like subscribe uh leave comments or whatever you know do you don’t have to leave comments comments are you don’t really do much but um yeah I thank you all for coming if you’re new

To the channel make sure you subscribe go check out the Instagram join the Discord there’s uh links on the main main Channel page I think but um yeah we’ll see you guys next time bye all right Analytics

This video, titled ‘UNC Minecraft: Working in NYC’, was uploaded by AlphaHippoGamer on 2024-01-14 02:59:22. It has garnered 261 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:37 or 13897 seconds.

Update later

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  • Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+

    Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft 1.21+: Adding Music Packs for an Enhanced Gaming Experience Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft gaming experience with some exciting music packs? Look no further! With the latest Minecraft 1.21+ update, players can now easily add custom music packs to their gameplay. Let’s dive into how you can enhance your Minecraft world with the Vanilla Music Pack and more! Adding the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21 One of the most popular music packs for Minecraft is the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21. To install this pack, simply download the zip or mcpack file from the provided link. Once downloaded,… Read More

  • Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!

    Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Java Mod Pack Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge ep 5’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2024-06-26 17:28:17. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:50 or 1070 seconds. Reimagining Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge Tired of the same old grind? This pack throws you into a unique Superflat world with nothing but ProjectE at your disposal. Embrace the Alchemy of Existence: Your journey begins with a Transmutation Table, the key to transforming your surroundings into a powerful magical currency – EMC. Unlock the Potential of… Read More

  • 24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!

    24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft! (From The Fog)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-05 13:00:13. It has garnered 59072 views and 1955 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:45 or 3885 seconds. Watch as I tackle the CAVE HORROR PROJECT Modpack with a few new ones added. Ill be facing the man from the fog, herobrine, night stalkers, cave dwellers and even goatman in this minecraft survival challenge. Can I do it? Find out in todays video. DISCORD: Join the discord to find out the modpack & shaders!… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival – AkaNumbers Ep. 49

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival - AkaNumbers Ep. 49Video Information This video, titled ‘Lets Play – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Ep. 49 (AkaNumbers)’, was uploaded by AkaNumbers on 2024-05-05 18:00:07. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:57 or 1557 seconds. SPONSORS Proud Sponsors Of – @JCSPokemonCards support me by shopping here – PROFESSIONAL CALL OF DUTY / HALO PLAYER FOR – ASPECT GAMING I hope you enjoyed and if you did make sure to slap that like button, And even subscribe if you would like to see more! Thanks For Watching! : ) My Links: Twitter- Twitch- Music – None… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cafe | minecraft shop | minecraft coffee shop | minecraft |#shorts’, was uploaded by Immortal Crystal Gaming on 2024-02-27 11:53:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft cafe | minecraft shop | minecraft coffee shop | minecraft |#shorts #shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #gaming #minecraft … Read More


    PRINCESS LOOLILALU KIND TO POMNI in Roblox 🥺🥺Video Information This video, titled ‘PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Ash Roblox on 2024-05-05 13:00:12. It has garnered 23032 views and 737 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Ash Roblox Is the best channel for you to watch roblox content 🥰🥰🥰 #roblox #shorts #robloxshorts #robloxobby #robloxtrend #trending #robloxeditstrend PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!

    Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Overhauled Episode 67; 16K Storage!’, was uploaded by Dansaurus on 2024-03-24 20:00:01. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. Hello everyone! Welcome to MINECRAFT OVERHAULED 😀 This is a modded Minecraft let’s play recorded to be similar to the old-school let’s plays of the 2010s! I’ve always wanted to try and recreate the content that I grew up on for a newer generation and this is my attempt so I hope you enjoy!!! 🙂 Here are the mods I use! 😀 The Aether… Read More


    "INSANE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE! DAY 2 LIVE!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴DAY-2 HARD CORE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE IN MINECRAFT [LIVE] #minecraft #livestream’, was uploaded by BLAZE OP on 2024-01-14 21:07:57. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:17 or 16097 seconds. Open Description First…. 🔴 ♠Helloo Welcome To BlazeLobby…. 🔴 I Play Games With Pro Players Just For Entertainment Purpose…. ♠ Channel Overlay Credit ♠ ♠ In Video Songs Credit To Their Owners.. ♠ 🔴 My Pc Specs… Processor- i5 11400F Motherboard- Gigabyte B560M H V2 Graphic Card- Rtx 3060 12GB Ram- XPG 8×2 Cooler- Air Cooler AG 400… Read More

  • Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!

    Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORST and FUNNY Minecraft Deathrun!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2024-03-24 20:00:26. It has garnered 1514197 views and 30180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:55 or 1915 seconds. We play Minecraft Deathrun! Who will survive all the CRAZY TRAPS? Subscribe & never miss a video! Watch another video! *VIDEOS!* ✦ Gaming / ✧ Vlogs / ✦ Live streams / *KREW!* @PaintingRainbows @GoldenGlare @ItsFunneh @LunarEclispe @DraconiteDragon *GAME!* Minecraft Second Deathrunner If you enjoyed the video, like & subscribe to show your support! Thanks for watching! :]#Minecraft #ItsFunneh… Read More

  • SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?

    SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best HT4? | @Slayer_xD226’, was uploaded by SLAYER KING on 2024-03-12 05:55:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #pvpmontage #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc … Read More

  • VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVP

    VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVPVersion: 1.20.4 & Below VampireGaming community is a soon to be a whole network of games from V Rising to Minecraft to Valheim but mostly is focused on community gamers / streamers and including engagement. VampireGaming MC is purely survival based PVE with the option to toggle PVP, there are also options for bedrock players to be able to use most if not all features(Banking, Wild Teleporting, Bank Upgrades, Auction House & more!). Beware: Some players occassionally come from MineHut. Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server offering players almost total freedom in shaping the history and politics of the world. Whether you want to build an empire, become a wealthy merchant, own a bar and brew alcohol, or live as a simple citizen, the possibilities are endless in Hardrada Worldbuilding! Our server ensures minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and balanced rules. We welcome community suggestions and offer a pure, vanilla worldbuilding experience without unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join our Discord: Read More

  • MysticSMP

    Welcome to **Mystic SMP**!**Server IP:****Version:** 1.20-1.21**About Us:**Mystic SMP is a mostly vanilla survival multiplayer (SMP) server designed for players who enjoy a classic Minecraft experience with a touch of magic and adventure. Our server promotes a friendly and respectful community where players can build, explore, and have fun together.**Server Rules:**1. **No Griefing:** Respect others’ builds and creations.2. **No Hacking:** Play fair and keep the game enjoyable for everyone.3. **Respect Others:** Treat all players with kindness and respect.4. **Have Fun:** Enjoy your time and make the most of your adventures!**Features:**- **Build Anywhere:** Feel free to construct your own houses, structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting chaos: when creepers strike”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting chaos: when creepers strike"Looks like this meme is as popular as a dirt block in the Nether! Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • Snitching on Chicken Madness

    Snitching on Chicken Madness i’m TELLING on you (Chicken Madness Episode #19) Exploring Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20 In the latest episode of Chicken Madness, the talented Minecraft player Dasanye takes on the challenge of beating the game using only chickens in her own mod. The video showcases her speedpainting skills while navigating the unique world of Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20. Speedpainting Amberlynn Dasanye’s artistic abilities shine as she speedpaints the character Amberlynn, all while strategically utilizing chickens to progress through the game. The combination of creativity and gameplay makes for an engaging viewing experience. Community Engagement Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and comment… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: Discord: #flowstate Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken’s Wooden Mansion

    Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken's Wooden MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wooden House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ivan Griken 26 on 2023-12-24 17:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi everybody. In this video we will watch a Wooden house in minecraft. Subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments. Read More