Insane Plot Twist in Minecraft Hardcore Ep4

Video Information

And I do believe we are live welcome everybody who has watched these streams before back and I want to wish and I want to welcome any new people tuning in that was any but I am I’ve posted a little advertisement on the stupendium Discord server um about my channel

Which probably isn’t going to be seen check I just checking something before I get on to the actual thing um okay right let’s get back to it here we go you probably got a little Glimpse that my hardcore world the um the 100 days hardcore world is there and

Ready hold on Hope okay I’m in my house oh yeah I have shaders installed and I’m not sure how I feel about it I’m not sure how I feel about it I might I might turn them off really it looks beautiful out there but or I might turn them

Down yeah I’m going to put on potato and just see what it looks like cuz I want the stream to be pretty silky smooth still yeah welcome Bill welcome Willam glad you can make it um you may have missed the announcement at the start I made but I

Have um I’ve posted a little advert about my streams and potential hardcore series in the stend Discord server so not many people are going to see it but I doubt anyone will see it really but at least I’m trying you know right what are we going to do

Today I have never access now so I suppose I could maybe get hungry I don’t really want to eat melons if you do want to talk in the chat and suggest something to me I will it not sure how often it lets you chat though that’s problem any seeds of these okay I

Probably want to convert a few of these into before um okay I don’t really want to go mining again suppose I could maybe go you know what I need to I think I need to finish off the house I’m going to make an executive decision and I’m going to finish off the

House what announcement did I make um I announced on the so I’m part of the stupendium Discord server you know the guy who brokee um what’s it called um I think it’s the fine print um it’s a joy they’re all songs I love to listen to that guy he

Has a Discord server and I posted up a little ad because there’s an advertisements page on the server and just saying that yeah I’m going to be streaming hardcore if anybody wants to check it out and just to see if anyone does actually come and check it out you

Know again I I doubt many people will come work but like I said before might as well try cuz if it doesn’t work out oh well I’m only doing this for fun if I could make a career without streaming that would be amazing but I don’t think I don’t think it’s going to

Happen honestly it’s so it’s it’s in incredibly hard to start a like start up like a channel nowadays cuz YouTube’s so inflated and I might go I might go exploring have to pick up my bed go explor I need some wood anyway so might do a bit of fishing as

Well no so oh gold why am I smelling that I don’t need to smell that oh perfect turn gold there um yeah I’m going to go explore it I think yeah I know I agree with that everyone does start small you are right there but you get the kind you you kind

Of get the feeling that you you get you get that I want it now feeling don’t you oh my god What’s happen to my boat well I can now x-ray the C for some reason I don’t know why that’s happened that’s weird I’ll just not look at

It as I sail off into the distance nothing is wrong I’m just going to keep heading um which direction is this South I’m just going to keep heading south and we’ll see what I’ll find like some sugar cane that is trippy that’s scary no I do like that about having

Shaders on something like some things glow and they don’t normally but then I suppose there when it comes to me doing this I suppose there’s the um the question of well would I even be able to keep this up full time especially as like

A I suppose as a young adult as a young adult as well cuz like you you still got to do education and I do feel a lot of the time YouTubers like especially more recent more recent and new newer YouTubers people like Tommy in it and don’t get me wrong their content

Their content like the content they put out is pretty good on the most part I get people make jokes about the um the dream SMP fandoms and whatever that looks like a I know people make jokes about the the dream SMP and God knows what else but

They they people like that put out good content on the H and you can’t take that away from them and but then there is the element like Tommy in it and Tabo and Rambo and other people they did that was an element of right time right place about their success

Because obviously the world stopped for a year basically because of Co and no one had much to do so they just thought you know what just for a laugh Ju Just for some fun will stream some stuff and people for some reason manag and because other people

Were bored and didn’t know what to do they were like oh there’s some there’s some new people trying to stream yeah I watch them and then they got popular quite fast so yeah there there is an element of I’ve already got Shield I am so stupid sometimes but yeah there there there’s a

Big element of right time right place when it comes to YouTube in my opinion because you you can unless you draw a following from like unless you got big relatively big on Tik Tok like a lot of people do nowadays they go on Tik Tok build up a following of like a good

100,000 which isn’t incredibly hard which is still hard to do but it’s probably not the same as just starting bog stand on YouTube and then you then they they then move away from Tik Tok and go to YouTube and then they’ll probably pull about what 50 they’ll probably pull

About 50% of their fan base to YouTube because a lot of the time you follow someone on Tik Tok you don’t really pay attention to what they’re doing you just pay attention to the video you’re watching there and then and I do kind of wish it wasn’t right time right

Place I W I wish it was more the quality the effort you put into making stuff like this but that’s just how it is isn’t it so yeah hopefully that I I I I hope that someone in the stupendium Discord sees this or sees the um sees the advertisement it’s nothing good like

It’s not a we for out advertisement I’ve just said hey I I do this if you want to watch that be cool sort of thing know I need some these things shoot faster as well hard oh that wasn’t so hard iron yes I need more

Iron the lava kind of lights up the cave as well so I don’t need to a sick little party in the wood it goes down grab some more coal probably need it more for torches you know I might put my right what I’ll do have my shield in that

Hand then I can switch if need be actually no you know what I’ll just hold a torch when I don’t need to hold a pickax it’s probably safer cuz like then I could be caught off guard quite easy you get caught of guard you’re done

For and I’m now scared as to where the skele G down there yes where are you where are you where have you actually gone oh there you are I’m so glad they put in an option to turn off the um the ambient sounds so the weird cave noises that that you

Randomly get every now and again when you’re mining I’m so glad there’s an option to turn them off cuz I’ve be jumping out of my seat every what 10 seconds no what like every time the cave sound played I would be jumping out of my chair now do you want better actually I

I’ probably jump out my chair punch the button to turn off my pc and immediately run out of the room like every time so I wouldn’t be able to get stream done probably oh another one like a DJ C another one creeper there zombies there I thought there was anything good in cave

This is just a death trap oh well you know what you can blow up if you want it don’t really affect me not near anything I’ve built yeah you go as well iron descend into the depths oh you actually man to land a hit on me fair

Enough up oh man oh my God that lag heavy hold on a minute um just play the gra I I will just play with the graphic settings as I stream most of the time cuz sometimes I’ll just get lag spikes I’ll be like yeah well maybe I can fix

That is this a lush cave or is just is this just we weird to Ranger one’s got shovel yeah come On you’re failure no this is moss this is the that’s what seems like the start of the Lush cave but then it’s not really cave it’s like a patch of grass in a normal Cave of all the caves they added Lush caves were my favorite I think or are my

Favorite oh and there’s water there that’s so helpful genuinely this could actually be helpful or not I’m going to die probably right you know what I am just not going to bother I cannot I cannot be asked my inventory is a messing oh and there’s another Skeleton I missed that sord okay that might be an easier ve of coal to mine oh my God I I have I had another person that I I no I completely missed that I completely missed there was two I’ve got there’s three people no way no

Shot I’ve got three people in that’s a record right you know what give me a minute let me just get to the top of this hill I need to still be heading south ideally yeah I’m still facing south right give me a minute hold on a second I am going to

Add I need to add something to the stream for you l to see add a view counter up there in the corner I don’t know if you people can see that um and I’m also going to add just a text box for the record of C up on I’m awful of this um

Okay the record viewer isn’t working but four four viewers now this is sick this this is sick right am I still facing self so I if you haven’t watched any of my hardore streams so far don’t worry because in the first one well no

In the second one I died so I had to restart so this is the second attempt technically but who’s keeping count am I right the view counter hasn’t actually gone up oh dear it’s not your lucky day you you know what actually it is your lucky

Day I will share you instead of killing you give me a wol now you don’t and another one you give me W first I will let you live a few milliseconds longer than I would have done oh you know what I’m going to get rid some the trash I’ve got on me hold

On oh don’t look at the black person or the black man I’m going get my I’m going to get my myself canceled I swear don’t look at don’t look at the End I swear there was a there’s like a Minecraft parody song along the lines of day oh it’s the oh yeah it’s the parody of um that one song that goes um light it up up up light it up up up I’m on fire that one well looks like there’s nothing much

This side a pig it looks like ocean hold on are they Spruce sus are they Spruce Spruce I need I do want to try and get like almost every wood type possible that’s perfect right chop oh there goes my axe good job I got another one right don’t get too dark please I

Don’t want to die there we go yeah four viewers that’s sick that’s honestly so cool to the four new people because I know one of you um I think it’s Bill who’s already been here before if you um if you hit the Subscribe button and a notification Bell you will be

Notified whenever I do this again cuz I don’t really have a regular schedule I don’t plan on making a regular schedule I won’t if I make myself a streaming schedule I won’t stick to it because I’m not very organized at the best of times the boat still got X

Right I was hoping to find a little village out here somewhere but I guess not there anything below the surface I guess not just trying to get food really at the moment I saw some pigs over here I wor about chickens chickens are not worth it here we are

Delicious I will take home cook and eat never a lava P there’s one on a little island that I’ve set up camp on I mean hopefully I think I should be there should be a dark Forest on the over this side of the hill I need dark wood for the floor of

My um for the second floor of my house I need to do something with the second floor as well cuz at the moment it’s just oh my God that stunning there wall the water in the lava is just flowing but no that’s pretty stunning that view honestly ly the update of changing

How the terrain loads is probably one of the most underrated updates was that I can’t remember which part of the caves and cliffs was that the I think it was the what what part of Cav was it part one that they added the new terrain generation and part two they delayed the whole

Like like the main push of the update which was um skull and whatever yeah I think that’s what happened I’ve got nine Subs now does it come up in my mini feed hold on refresh the mini oh that’s just replaying who that’s just replaying an old Mini Fe don’t pay

Attention to that at all I’m surprised it doesn’t come up in the mini feed but honestly thank you to whoever these people are I’m glad you can come along for the ride um this isn’t the only stuff I’m going to be streaming hopefully I will stream other games like depending on

What people want to see and what I have access to as well cu you know money Willam good to see you man I don’t know who you are or I might have met you but good to see you n this is sick it sounds kind of sad but

Normally I’m talking to myself in these streams sounds kind of sad but normally I’m talking to myself in these streams I talk to myself anyway which sounds weird but I think I think most people do really you get that moment of concentration you just talk to

Yourself um the for will m a question for will M um where did you find this where’d you find this stream was it from the stupendium Discord chat because if is I’ll will be super pleased that the adver might actually work say I’ve got boat for a

Reason is that my Island yes it is it’s another on it mind you I haven’t done much exploring Tik Tok ah you’re from um you’re from my brother’s nah don’t worry any honestly just glad you’re here oh no I need my boat there we

Go so I think most of you caught me when I was exploring but I have a small house it’s nothing Grand but that’s Spruce Wood no so hopefully I’ll finish the the second floor that’s purely going to be storage I think but hopefully I actually come up with a good

Idea for a base build or something I want something big in the end something nice yeah no thank you Bill you’re honestly you’re a lifesaver Sometimes some you get on my nose but some most of the time SW all my stuff the furnace in there I need that keep

ITF I might make a little trip to never just see what I’ve got going on I haven’t really been in here much cuz I fear of death and whatever no thank you Willam thank you and if you if you catch another stream in the future that’s great oh hopefully seeing another one

Man who knows maybe one day I’ll be a biger greater than my brother I think I’ve got a long way to go man oh there’s a big pig over there I don’t want to deal with them today yeah hav got the best NE spawn I don’t think [Applause] T maybe

That what level am I at if I just tunnel off in One Direction maybe that’ll lead to something just to Le a nice open oh excuse me okay this is going to be a jum it’s the one problem with never generation man oh my God I completely forgot about that yeah

Friday’s Friday is my main day that I try and get a stream done it’s not guaranteed Friday every time sometimes I might put out one in the week sometimes I just won’t put anything up the week cuz it’s either been busy or like you School anything really it could happen 11 Subs no

Way this is honestly sick we’re getting up we’re going start starting up R A New World Order oh yeah yeah see you Willam thanks for coming you know right that thing needs to gr I need you to grow that was was that was 12 bone meal and it’s didn’t you didn’t grow

Really um yeah I probably want to go to sleep sleep me now I’ve got more iron I suppose I’ve been mining for a bit now cook some more food when that’s done need my crops to start grow some of them are grow there one those cars are any more carrots that fully grown

Yeah there we go not many potatoes that fully grown but getting this oh one more 13 Subs now going up like two every couple minutes that’s cool that’s good no genuinely can’t explain how much it means to me you know thank you to everybody I know I’m talking like I’ve

Hit a million Subs but no that to be honest that’s like what 10 more subs than I expected to ever get so again thank you got wait for this iron to cook it’s being slow why wouldn’t that grow I’m from T2 Tik Tok another Tik Tok hello couple people trying to find me

Right now sick honestly the more the merrier just going to put in a big strip mining s session I think oh that’s something you know what we go fishing for little bit just chill a drown just chill out a little bit so I hope everybody’s had good Christmases good

Holidays if you don’t celebrate Christmas Fish N cooking stuff in Minecraft is honestly one boring experiences cuz then you got to find time I’m here cuz I searched up Minecraft hle you actually found me on the YouTube that’s impressive you know that’s kind of cool yeah so I’m this I’m hopefully

Going to be doing this every Friday just as a hobby sort of and I would leave the streams up on the Channel if you want to go back and watch them cuz I’ve got like what three episodes up there’s one little like 50 minute episode or stream that I had to like

Leave it’s a funny story and you find out why underrated thank you you know honestly I’m now cuz that that’s four people in here will M has gone there’s a guy called will m in here earlier will M’s gone that’s five I know and 13 Subs currently maybe more

Soon I I mean who knows but I’m I’m give it a minute and it start to pick up I didn’t think I didn’t think you literally meant a minute though like genuinely that was like a couple minutes and it has started to pick up for some reason oh god oh I’m coughing so

Much be right back yeah sure take all the time you need you have your ways you see now now the paranoia sets in and I think it’s a wind up or something and it’s just a bunch of people who they’re just tuning in once and they might not tune in again but I

Guess that’s just me if you want to know like places I get inspiration from it’s literally the reason why I’m doing is probably Luke the notable if you haven’t heard of him he’s um he released a big 2hour long video recently called 4,000 days Hardcore Minecraft and he’s he’s done four he’s

Done 4,000 Minecraft days in total which works out around don’t put myself don’t put myself down can’t be as good as B I don’t think many people are ever going to be as good as well so there’s that all right this food cooks and then we’re heading down to the mines

And we are mining away this is genuinely so sick actually streaming to an audience for the first time being able to interact with an audience it’s actually it’s actually cool it’s really cool waitting wait waiting for furnaces so annoying I do aim to for all my streams I do aim to try

And hit about the hour hour 30 Mark with all of really sometimes they might be a bit more than like an hour 30 sometimes a little more little calls just made a video a a video like what is just another one like builded 14 Subs sick we’re on the

Rise is that so five viewers oh my God right I can’t remember how far this mine went I think this is where I got to I just went in One Direction let’s go in a different direction now five viewers that’s a new record it’s all about the little games

Just going for a minute I’ll be all back hold on hold on this is taking a little longer than I thought it would I will be back just give me a minute okay weird [Applause] for read comments 14 Subs that’s good that is sick I honestly couldn’t be

Happy I know I didn’t I know I could do that sound be quiet seriously I happy read comments read comments I am reading the comments man five viewers I know I hit that just made a video yes oh that’s not good I don’t like that noise just 14 subscribers that’s sick that’s

Epic just four people and me watching some exhilarating exciting Minecraft strictly and I hear a baby zombie which isn’t good my experiences it’s weird because the um the count on my on my stream software says yeah it says on my streaming software four viewers but

Then on the um on for the actual YouTube cter is free viewers kind of Weir nothing down I’m concerned with the baby zombie noises you know never good to hear them baby ZB drops down on now oh the voices are getting louder noise of lava is also which could be good

Lava normally means K I do have access to x-ray but I don’t think I’ll use it just cuz it isn’t Minecraft it’s cheating teally please don’t P my head any I mean hopefully I run into this cave there’s got be some there there not I no got

Hopefully I say I say that well you know what could be onto a winner here more iron never goes unappreciated oh that’s a zombie in didn’t drop a single piece how stingy I mean as long as I don’t get lost in this cave I should be okay a decent chunk of ir

There still going strong with three viewers oh that’s a skeleton skeletons always put me on edge skeletons want to die to normally oh even reach oh my we shall be going that way we will be going a different way this way another person from Tik Tok welcome glad you could join oh oh

Some lapis I can enchant some things now maybe that’s always good more iron and I hear skeletons they’re not in this game I was meant St no Louis McNair I hope I pronounce your name right welcome I’m glad you to be here you probably join me towards the

End of today’s stream I don’t want to be will I will probably end the stream in about what normally 10 15 minutes I’m not good at streaming for long I try and hit the hour mark most of the time hour and a half sometimes on a good

Day but I kind of just run out of things to say most of the time but again a warm welcome glad you can be here just had the game Ninja the gaming ninja guy say said he really enjoyed the stream oh that’s good that’s

Cool no I can tell I’m going to like him and I hope he can I hope he joins more streams in the future that’s not SP no I I think I’m going to like him okay it’s concerning that there’s torches here already have I been here I guess

So oh well back we go clear been there on another from another cave or something no you know what do I need red redstone’s one of the materials that you never need until you need it and then when you need it you you find like nothing I could almost guarantee that if

You went looking for Redstone like you’re so intent like you are really intent on finding Redstone like 20 Subs by end of the night I don’t know it could happen I mean it’d be incredible if it did happen but it could happen back to comfort of the stre where

Nothing can kill me I hope n seriously if we could if we push to 20 if we push to 20 Subs by the end of the night I’d be well I’d be well pleased yeah take that never ending SMP to those of you oh we’ve hit an hour

That’s good that’s a good thing so those of you who don’t know so that’s like one maybe two people in but I did I applied to be part of a new survival Minecraft series or server called um the S the never ending and the rule was that someone always had to be

Streaming in order for the server to continue so I applied gret and all that oh yeah I need your we need your Discord username and oh where do you normally stream um you stream on more than one platform and I was like well th this was before tonight where I grown

Massively in an hour which is mad by the way but yeah this was when I didn’t have what’s the number now what 14 Subs 15 Subs so I got rejected well I didn’t I didn’t get rejected I just did get the cool back which is fair enough

Cuz I was more looking to use the never ending as a stepping stone rather than like a hoe in a way like a step like something to launch me into the world of content YouTube head first sort of cuz that’s just how i’ i’ rather do it

I’d ra instead of like having a slow like cuz a lot of people say oh yeah you want to you want to start off like doing little short videos um just about yourself and day-to-day life oh that was dangerous yeah you get you get people telling you oh yeah you want to St

Little little videos of your day-to-day live blah blah blah boring stuff like that that no one really wants to see um yeah I I I’m I’d rather be as I am now like just streaming that could have been streaming just seems way easier to do compared to actually making videos you know

Making videos is long a long process and I’m try I’m trying to do it 100 days video but I’ve recorded two days of footage like two Minecraft days of footage so far and it’s taken me like 2 hours to edit to edit down and voice over other the things and

You you lose you can lose like my motivation is on and off like a light switch like sometimes I’ll feel really motivated I’ll be like yeah come on let’s do this and other days I’ll be like I cannot be bothered like I want to do

This I know I need to do this just cannot today hear Lota some don’t know if it’s above me or below hopefully it’s not above if it is we’re in trouble sorry that’s my cofin is probably incredibly what amazes me is we found I found not one diamond I can’t believe

That some gold I found literally cing K spel with a c by the way oh rejoining a rejoining member welcome back you’ve caught me on the end of the Stream pretty much like probably be shutting off in a couple minutes I’ll let this pickaxe break and then I’ll leave it where I

Am I might wander back up to the surface but that’ll be it for today or maybe I go with there who knows no I’m honestly I cannot believe that I haven’t found a single diamond in this whole strip right and I’ve been going for a good like 20 20 May 30

Minutes just straight l no long no wonder more people is that meant to be no wonder I SP no one the more people want to come oh I can’t read that my stomach’s in way I’m going to go to the Redstone oh well there goes my pickaxe right back we

Go no stream longer no stream longer okay now I’ll try and go for a bit longer but I’m getting tired i hav’t g i g too far I G too far that way as well you know what right this is very naughty and you shouldn’t do

This but I’m going to flick X-ray on quickly and I’m going to actually see if I how many diamonds I’ve come close to getting look let’s have a look at this so this is strip mining look literally right there this is how unlucky you get look that’s an eight right

There one block more and I would have found them I can’t reach that so I wouldn’t have seen them anyway again one block away there’s some at the end I may run into some no it’s just interesting putting X-ray on sometimes just to see I don’t like using x-ray it feels really

Wrong it does but yeah never never do that it’s very naughty that’s a it’s a decent all of material but it’s just not diamonds you know I need I want good tools I need I I need to set up good infrastructure good like five viewers yeah I know little games that matter isn’t

It like honestly if I every time I streamed if I gained like maybe like a couple more viewers and a couple more subs like like we’re at four or five viewers now if I maybe hit like six or seven the next one and a couple more subscribers just little

Growth a little bit of growth every time that’ be that’d be sick and it sounds really stereotypical but tell friends and people you know about this put it on social media I don’t care publicity is any publicity is good publicity they say so yeah share this with show people

That there are smaller content creators that just want to be heard out there you know that’s a good Outlook Outlook what you mean there Andrew Green I think you’re new welcome good to have you yeah please explain what you mean by Outlook I’m not 100% sure what you

Mean like do you mean the email provider you know Outlook Microsoft aiming to grow oh yeah no aiming to grow little little by little honestly I my mind just went blank there about what you meant no thank you I’m I’m glad I’m hitting the right like

Targets in a way that I should be hitting no but my aim is to turn this Lake sort of thing surrounded by land just turn this into a massive Mega base like a big old like crater in the ground sort of thing or a big tower something

But if we want that we’re going to need diamonds yearning for the mines once again yeah I might just strip mine a bit more I have a diamond pick but I never like using diamond tools until I have mending on them at least Andrew Green are you

From like how’ you find this stream man because I’ve I’ve had some people some people have been like oh yeah they found it through Tik Tok from people I know promoting the stream I’ve posted a little advert up on them the stupendium channel or or not on the stupendium channel the stupendium disc

Ser youning for the M like proper nor I don’t think it’s normal it’s is it I make myself armor now only joined as you turned on x-ray for a bit now just joining for a couple minutes just come and chill you know I’m glad people can actually I’m

Glad people are actually like finding the stream you know cuz I know like I know advertising and promoting things is all well and good but then if I could get to the level where like people could search up support him please I don’t want to beg for people you know

But seriously if you if you can support me I’ll be grateful really grateful but yeah a dream like that that would be quite epic you get to the point where you’re no longer you’re no longer a channel that needs to like constantly advertise themselves and promote themselves you then become like a common

Channel like well like a well relatively wellknown channel that like you search up a video like say you searched up Minecraft hardcore and some of my videos would come up or some of my streams would come up that that’s honestly where I’d like to get if I get there or not who

Knows because life happens and everything what what what happens happens really I want to get come on the record currently five viewers I will look over I will look over like the analytics of the stream once I’ve stopped just taking what’s actually happened tonight but seriously this has been

Cool like this is the experience I’d love like you just interact Andrew Green just subscribed that this the thing actually worked the mini feed and the alert box hasn’t been working it’s just popped up that’s that’s really cool I don’t know why it hasn’t been popping up because I know a few people

Have subscribed tonight back down the mines oh my god it worked yeah I know thank you Andrew Green you are a cool person you actually got the alert box to work I don’t know how some form of Witchcraft Maybe I was kind of unlucky that and five

Years again yeah we’re getting there you know you know I was kind of unlucky that Andrew joined as soon as we had or as soon as I turned on x-ray that was kind of you might just think I’m a cheater I’m not I promise on looking for them blue

Shinies only need the blue shinies we do I swear there was some coming up as well like I know I said I don’t like using X but then gravel yeah I swear I swear like when I xray quickly I swear there was some diamonds just here oh no no blue shiny not

Yet soon though hopefully oh God how much gravel I’m literally just going through gravel in this [Applause] r I mean I can mine out a bigger area it’s just an got to say I love the Chill by just had fun fun people will follow another new person super YouTuber good to have

You thank you I’m saying thank you is probably the most like said word on this stream but genuinely I appreciate the support yes yes it happened blue shiny my precious and everything people normally say when they find diamonds no got to go to sleep it’s 2:

A.m. for me oh so you’re an hour ahead of you’re two 2 hours ahead of the UK you’re 2 hours ahead of the UK so where whereabouts are you so you’d be you’d be in Europe somewhere I think is that right Europe like proper Nick a 30 no I’m genuinely genuinely surprised

That we’ve got so I guess are you will pop back if you see me streaming so you might not catch me again now but T I’m going to have to end this stream soon I’m not I don’t want to St too late oh yeah this a big

B yes that’s good that’s a decent B Block it up and pretend it never exists I can’t believe that we we we’ve had someone your P six viewers we we’ve hit a new record everybody we have hit a new record so 2: a.m. so how so 2: a.m.

Isn’t too far got to be like Germany maybe 16 Subs as well that’s honestly crazy I still feel like this is I still feel like this is fair yeah Estonia Estonia wow I take it is that holiday who or do you just or are you Estonian and speak English I don’t

Know n this is crazy I still can’t believe this is actually happening I’m actually streaming to an audience oh my God more diamonds I didn’t even notice I was too busy talking you know what things are actually on the up getting diamonds people are tuning in this is honestly sick

I’ll probably go for maximum 10 minutes more gold down there prob grab that yeah 10 10 more minutes of streaming and then I’m going toit while ah head I honestly feel myself tearing up a this getting emotions over just some dumb stream stream till yeah 1:30 15 minutes yeah 15 20

Minutes you mean 12:30 I and that will get me over the 130 that’s pretty good for a night there one right I’m doing it again I’m being naughty I apologize in advance for what I’m doing this is a cardinal Minecraft sinim it looks like there’s a cave coming

Up x-ray is a cardinal sin and you cannot tell me otherwise I feel incredibly dirty doing it no I can’t believe someone’s Up full Estonian yeah wow I I have an intern I have an international viewer that’s crazy I’m honestly Super S to have you so I can I can now

Have so I’ve I’ve got English viewers and Estonian viewers now which is something i’ never think i’ I’d never thought I’d say that the most I thought I’d ever say was oh yeah I’ve got a few friends that watch my streams and that’s it yeah kind I yeah I am I’m with FP

Builder I’m kind of intrigued to see where super YouTuber found this was it on a Tik Tok or was it on a Tik Tok or was it just randomly for YouTube CU I had I had someone F someone did find my stream just through YouTube randomly earlier which I was quite impressed

With no I’d love to know because then I can kind of learn where I can push my YouTube like where I can push the channel too I do plan on making videos as well like not just streams streams are very easy to make so that’s why I’m kind of doing them at the

Moment because literally all I’ve got to do all I’ve got to do to do a stream is just pull up the game that I want to play oh more no to stream all I’ve got to do is BL up the game I want to play turn on my turn on the stream and

Just play and interact with people who are in the chat talking to me but when it comes to making videos it’s different because if I want to make a video on something I then have to go to the extra lengths of I’ve got to record the game

Play got store the game playay storage is probably one of my main issues cuz you’d be surprised at how much storage videos actually take up it’s it’s it’s a lot more than you think but yeah I’ve got to store the videos I’ve got I’ve got to then put all

The videos together edit it down into something that’s watchable most of the time I will voice I’ll probably do voice over video then rather than rather than doing like let’s plays Style video just cuz I find it easier CU it’s like here on stream I’m running

Out of things to talk about I’m glad I’ve got the chat here really because if I didn’t i’ probably just silen St now which isn’t the most fun and exhilarating content to watch really no but honestly I I the goose yes up the goose the the army of goese we we will

All be known as the army of [Applause] be and we will take over one though full scale riots you know what the goo the goose Army me it’s kind of random not even looking for a Minecraft Ed that is so that’s just randomly on someone’s recommended or something that’s really cool

Guess like you weren’t even you weren’t even in the market for a Minecraft video and look where you are now you’re you’re watching me stream no homepage honestly cannot believe this I I still can’t believe that people are actually watching this stuff I knew I I knew I should have kept

Straight mining cuz I found I found loads of diamonds see 13 while I’ve been down here pickax is any broken so I’m going to run back stream’s been going for 1 minute 29 nearing the big 130 no seriously I still can’t believe I still can’t believe the audience I’ve

Had today you you’ve been a great audience I came from flips Tik Tok yeah I knew I knew that’s where many people were going to come from cuz I know I know I’m good friends with the with the guy who runs flip very good friends it’s it’s it’s an

Honor searching for a random thing I think the goose part of the name popped up oh oh cool that’s incredibly cool yeah up the flick Clan yeah no I I reckon us like what 16 of us I think that’s how many Subs I’ve got at the moment

16 uh the 16 of us or 17 cuz at 16 Subs and me the 17 of us the the goose Army the army of geese with the help of Estonia will take over the world I think we we will run the world one day now 14 diamonds now cuz I have a couple

More what haven’t I I think I need a start sugar yeah might be helpful don’t let’s dig out a little sugarcane farm somewhere um on the same level as this how far do water run does it go any further okay it goes yeah it’s about right five viewers again

Yeah I think it’s six yes six viewers is the peak six six is the record I plan to I plan to break that record another Little Road tyal in it shovel oh you know what I’ll go one more here I can and then like that there we go sugarcan farm as well all

Set up I think what time is it now go oh wow who are you oh you’re already throwing stuff at me I haven’t even done okay now you can oh no that’s not good I was going to say I didn’t even do anything to her I hadn’t even done anything to her and

She started throwing stuff at me like surely surely if surely you’d wait for me to do something like wait for me to throw something at you and then stop throwing like wait for me to hit you and then St throwing stuff how long does poison last for Okay well I was planning on I was planning on doing a little bit of fishing to end the stream but it looks like I might be fixing a witch problem h H H yeah H yeah same to you I can sleep I can sleep that’s perfect the Poison’s

Gone there’s a skeleton nearby I don’t want to go out until I yeah see just went over there I think need to heal up I don’t fany dying on stream no don’t fancy die in one B oh wait I was going to say I’ve got a

Bow Haven I probably only got a couple shops in there but okay skeleton over there there you are like if she hits if if it’s a slowness potion not bad there we go see can’t handle the range there catch these hands 2 minutes I can yeah I’ll fish for a

Bit that’s going to take out skeleton oh yo that could have been bad I don’t want to miss the creeper and hit the wolf got him you just see the Dr glowing just little little bit of fishing just to end off nice and calm yeah I will flip

He you hearing you loud and clear man what we going to pull oh it’s a lily pad place that one down right away I’ve doubled my Subs that’s honestly so sick yeah unfortunately I think I am going to have to end the stream round about

Here got a big day in the morning and I can’t be tired for it but I I plan to be here same time roughly next [Applause] week Friday nights are going to be my streaming nights every week you will hopefully almost be guaranteed to get a stream out

Me hey maybe one on the weekends sometimes I doubt one more fish and I’m shutting off hopefully something good oh no it’s just a fish just a c no well A lot’s happened tonight and I honestly can’t believe it I want to thank everybody who’s dropped in on tonight’s

Stream I want to thank EV thank thanks is going to become the word of the word of the month word word of the Year by the time I’ve finished streaming but no thank you to everyone who’s subscribed tonight everyone who’s dropped in on the Stream everyone who’s just interacted really

Can thank you enough I’m really grateful for the encouragement and the support and I hope to be doing this again next week and I hope to see you then so thank thank you very much again I I’ll see you lot next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Ep4’, was uploaded by GooseKnowsAll on 2023-12-30 12:45:12. It has garnered 19 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:11 or 5891 seconds.

Back before the new year!

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  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

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  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: Discord: Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » • Donations Link: ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More