Insane Plot Twists in Minecraft Story Mode

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N Oh Oh Is I always like stories where the hero has no idea aidea that they’re destined for greatness the sort of Heroes who are living their lives and assume that nothing exciting will ever happen to them those are the kind of Heroes in this story they started as just a bunch

Of friends in a treehouse looking up to their Idols who had come before them but when disaster struck and an evil monstrosity threatened to destroy the world those friends discovered that Heroes can come from the most humble of Beginnings they traveled the world to battle that monster facing obstacles and

Sacrifices every step of the way it wasn’t easy but they had each other and working together they Struck it down and saved everyone soon they were the most famous people in the whole world and their Legend their Fame just continued to grow as they explored more worlds venturing into the great unknown

And that’s how those five friends plus the bravest pig in the world took their place in history as some of the greatest heroes who ever win huh what part are we at am I being awesome we thought it was great Lucas although not always technically accurate yeah I mean well I definitely

Exaggerated here and there but it was for the drama I mean it made us sound cool and that’s a good thing yeah but it might make people think we did stuff we didn’t actually do it’s all fair game if it’s helping you to tell a good story it’s not like

You’re lying to like trick anyone yeah see that’s exactly what I thought if you’re planning on including schematics we should talk though I think I’m okay I had been hoping to have it ready to read a founding day but uh next year I can’t can’t believe it’s founding day already

Sneaks up on me every time congrats buddy I’m proud of you for finishing it that took a lot of work I’m glad you liked it you did so much Jesse you’re a real hero but we all did right yeah we were all there for uh most of it anyway that’s true

Um hey come on guys we all did it together we’re the order of the stone after all is a good note though I’ll keep that in mind when I’m editing well this has all been really helpful feedback guys once Ivor and Harper get back from their Adventures I can add a

Chapter about them and then it will finally be done man they’ve been gone a long time Jesse your In Jesse oh hey radar oh gosh wow I didn’t know all of you would be in here Olivia ma’am Axel sir Lucas sir so sorry to interrupt everyone a he is just adorable my deepest sincerest utmost apologies if I’ve caused any inconvenience radar don’t be so formal

Cut it out with all the sir and ma’am stuff right oh right awesome I kind of liked it so what’s up I got a message from Petra that she’s on her way to the minds for that Adventure you scheduled if you hurry you should still have time

For that and your founding day duties oh nice we should get going yeah uh about that we’ve actually got our own founding Day stuff we need to prep for yeah I need to get back to Boom Town I’m judging a TNT rally in the morning and I need to finish grading

Some Redstone assignments I was really hoping to start in on these revisions oh that’s okay I get it you have your life and so do I thanks Jesse Yeah thanks Petra will never let you hear the end of it though tell Petra I said next

Time for sure okay I can’t wait to see how that sword of hers is coming along yeah I’ll tell her I can’t believe I’m walking out of the order Hall with the order so freaking Cute so the other towns have founding Day Celebrations huh yeah man we honor Magnus every year with a freaking awesome Memorial explosion rally he would have loved it over in Redstone here we’re a little lighter on the explosions I helped eligard engineer an excellent new music machine for the

Evening ball well I promise I will try and stop by it was awesome to catch up with you guys totally yeah this has been great I am going to see you all again same time next week thanks again guys I’ll let you know as soon as I’m done with the revisions

Oh cool can’t wait Axel I tell you I am just the luckiest yeah oh yeah getting to work with you hanging out with the order and living in the coolest town in the whole world Beacon [Applause] Town I realized that some days you’d rather be out adventuring with your friends but I’m really glad you’re our leader you just make this place awesome yeah but being out there adventuring that’s good too I mean I guess I’ve never really been the adventuring type myself too uh too

Dangerous I know that Petra is waiting for you in the mines but I bet people would really appreciate you helping set up for the celebration I’ll keep that in Mind Jesse dude no I thought you were out seeeing the worlds did that righteous times thought I’d try settling down for a while though like I love danger and Daring Do as much as the next person but sometimes you just want to have a place to store your junk okay I can’t believe

You settled down I thought you were all about the wandering the adventure well you make it all sound really good again when you put it like that between you and me I am worried that I won’t like fit in here so many rad builds awesome

People I really want to make like a good first impression you know which I thought might be helped if my front yard had a statue by the one and only Jessie not sure if I have time but I’ll see what I can do hey hey hey this is going

To be be so cool scoop up that clay over there and let’s get to business ah a blank Canvas Spe e that is some sweet work nice oh Jesse dude thanks it was my pleasure well it is an honor me Amigo and don’t be a stranger okay well she is a fascinating woman isn’t she very free-spirited yeah kind of reminds me a Petra back in her early days speaking of

Whom you said she’s waiting for me at the M shaft mhm wink get back here leave Jesse alone hello there Jesse I was wondering when we’d run into each other thought we’d give this town of yours a try it’s quite lovely yeah and I can’t believe how many

People are here well it’s so great to see see you we need to hang out that sounds wonderful yeah totally radar this is Stacy plays and Stampy cat oh wink here Jesse give him a bone and he’ll calm right down here wink nice tasty

Bone aw see he likes you H yeah you want the rest of these back nah hang on to them I’ve got tons you you never know when you’re going to need to tame a wolf well thanks I imagine you’re terribly busy so we won’t keep you but you should

Come and see what we’re working on because it’s pretty cool yeah what Stampy said anyway our place is by the gate we’ll do see you guys later sugar nice hello Jesse excuse me ma’am thank you Jessie Jessie give me five day made you’re my hero and here we are at the

Mines nice thanks for walking with me of course I wish we could have helped a couple more people get ready I mean founding day is all about how you took down the Wither storm and all I’ll uh keep watch on things here while you’re gone off doing your

Adventury things risking your life you better don’t disappoint me radar I I hadn’t even thought about that being a possibility till just this moment bye have a good time don’t I always Petra huh I swear she said to meet right here Petra where are you no stupid zombie Oh I missed this oh smell not so Much look at that puncture and kicking butt nice hey to you too Petra hey glad to see you remember how to use your sword I was worried you’d gotten Rusty I can’t even imagine that life managing people signing papers look who wao I am not Rusty oh yeah says the scrub wearing

Iron armor I didn’t want to Dent the good stuff so what and look who’s talking with an iron sword where’s your fancy gold one with all the enchantments can’t remember the last time I saw you without it I uh time to find out just how Rusty you aren’t too slow zombies Typical a haven’t lost my step yet well you sure showed me I’ll say I really appreciate you making it on time it means a lot to me I sometimes worry you don’t have time for your friends anymore I know you enjoy your job or whatever not that I’m

Trying to make you feel guilty or anything seems like you’re in a little bit of a bad mood there Petra is everything okay nothing it’s nothing just trying to say I’m glad you made it but uh can’t help but notice that we’re missing one two three Axel has Boom Town

Duties Olivia is grading something or other in red stonia and Lucas is writing I figured man our friends have gotten lame I swear if our old fans saw what we’re doing now I’m just saying I don’t care how good Lucas’s next book is it’s not exactly slaying a Wither storm you

Know you’re right it is lame it just isn’t the same without them see I knew you’d get it we’ll worry about them later I guess we got to hurry what exactly are we looking for down here I’ll tell you when we find it just trust me it’s

Important what was that come on let’s race wait what it’s Monster hunting time Hey it’s Jesse what’s up good to see you oh perfect I’m starving everyone get down it’s going to blow H woo all right where’d you go where’ what go H look down there so you’re really not going to tell me what we’re chasing nope the mystery is what makes it fun come on [Laughter] look out wall spiders I see Him [Applause] There it’s it went into that cave on it and Petra’s in the home Stretch ah jeez more of these Guys what but you ah yeah Petra those mobs don’t stand a chance thanks Friend man you’re faster than I remember you were so supposed to lose everybody knows I’m faster than you you were awesome back there Petri felt just like old times well not exactly like old times since I always used to win okay this mystery better live up to all the

Hype here I come mystery Monster A llama a llama awesome we found it oh your owner is going to be so happy to see you wait let me get this straight this Quest was just to track down a stupid llama it’s not just a stupid llama it’s uh it’s important okay it’s apparently like

Uh treasure sniffing llama or uh it’s important okay please just trust me we just need to bring her back to her owner why all this secrecy are you okay I’ll tell you about it later okay but I appreciate you worrying about me now how about we get you out of here Huh H that’s what you get for wearing that dork armor yeah yeah yeah I’ll just have to craft a new set dang let’s get this thing don’t let it get away just grab The oh gross come on let’s get after that armor wrecking thing hang on it’s super dark down there we should make a Torch here llama llama llama where’ you go after you mayor Jesse told you I’m not the mayor I’m the and hero in Residence I know I know it’s just a you do a lot of paperwork and like town running things call a shovel shovel am I Right how the heck did you get up there who knows but it’s coming down Now what The H get out of the way I was looking at that what’s that only one way to find out [Applause] what was that creepy whisper uh I didn’t hear Anything re whoa girl what is it some sort of glove or Gauntlet looks like it’s made out of prismarine a prismarine but you only find that at the bottom of the ocean waa how did where what is this [Applause] thing I don’t know I I don’t know it it seems like it’s not hurting you and that’s good it looks kind of okay actually it looks really cool which I know might not be what you want to hear right now it’s not hurting me but it keeps making these weird

Whispers I haven’t heard anything well here I’ll help you take it off Okay ow wow stop that thing is really stuck I just can’t shake this feeling that maybe you were meant to find that Gauntlet like maybe it was your destiny or something I wonder what prismarine is doing down here uhoh get up a pyramid quick come on let’s get you up out of

There okay now what the heck is that thing it’s like a huge mouse in the ground some sort of heck mouth sure yeah heck mouth I I don’t think I can see the bottom gives me the willies and is that sound coming from down there yep wow that is bottomless well we

We can’t just leave something like this exposed we we should cover it up yeah agreed what is that not sure but I’m getting a bad feeling that it’s the actual way we’re going to fix this on second thought let’s talk about it anywhere but here not getting out the way we came

Though there come on oh it’s so close to Beacon town here maybe you could leave a warning or something sure yeah that works okay then what do we do about all this well it’s all made of prismarine right and you only find that in like monuments and stuff at the bottom of the

Ocean there’s a treasure hunter in Beacon town named Jack kind of a legend he knows everything about prismarine exploring the ocean because we definitely can’t have that happening again that was that was really bad and you trust this guy yeah I mean I never met him before but I’ve heard a lot of

Good things and I’ll take you to Jack’s shop as soon as I’m back but first I really need to deal with this llama okay come on you got to get you home um Jesse I’m really kind of in a hurry here you know my sword gold one with all

The enchantments Miss butter yeah I I kind of got tricked by this person named Stella said she just wanted to put it on display for a little while and now she won’t give it back until I do dumb quests like this for her it’s uh it’s

Been not great hoping this is the end of it so yeah that’s what’s been going on you haven’t exactly been around much didn’t want to bother you with it so yeah yeah her her name’s Stella and she’s kind of obsessed with treasure she says this is her treasure sniffing llama

Her she runs a place called Champion City wait like Champion city right over there I had no idea that leader was like that she’s ambitious and she’s willing to do anything to get her way bullying lying cheating without my sword I just really need to get it

Back just hope Stella actually gives it back this time all right fine don’t worry we’re going to get this whole mess sorted out hope you’re right then freshly rearmed we’ll come back sort out that heck mouth and get this thing off my Hand This Is It champion City every single one of those apartments up there is exactly the same Stella is strict about how things look here she claims the top level are the diamond class Apartments but they’re just one block wider when the sun comes through those spires up there yeah well crazy

Shadows what come on we’re almost there it’s like she doesn’t want to go see Stella I kind of know how she feels I just really need this to go well and with Stella well it doesn’t most times hey that’s why you’ve got me remember we’re a team we will take care of this

No problem sure hope you’re right anyway Stella usually has her office hours in the center of the courtyard well I hope she’s ready for an appointment with Jesse and Petra There’s Stella yes that’s right puppies for everyone one no shoving now we’re not Beacon Towners You’ probably put this together right now but Stella’s pretty fond of herself I would play to her ego well that is a cute one and he could be all yours provided you have the right

Payment of course oh she matches your outfit come on you oh Luna my darling you came home you came back uh Rodrigo could you bring Luna home please there’s a good girl Stella oh look who it is Jesse leader of Beacon town and my sworn rival I’ve never met

Her before right right no our rivalry Beacon Town versus Champion City surely you think about it as much as I do oh boy okay why aren’t you saying anything I do not know what kind of Mind Games you are trying to bring into our rivalry

But I’ll tell you right now they are not going to work on me I love the glove by the way absolutely darling you wouldn’t be interested in trading would you got some fine puppies here all free range of course that’s not why we’re here Stella we have other business too bad they’re

Very cute puppies and you know I heard you need new pet so okay hold it ah Petra you’re here too I almost thought Luna just came back on her own what do I owe you a puppy no that wasn’t a diamond maybe no I an emerald don’t push too hard now don’t

Make me get tough here Stell you know what Petra wants we’re not leaving without that sword wait is this about oh Petra oh sweetie no I was very clear here I make trades for Treasures I think I’m all done here you said you just wanted to display it I

Thought I could still use it oh no honey no you wanted to become my Champion you came to me remember in exchange you got to live here instead of Beacon Town isn’t that nice oh no was that supposed to be a secret oh dear Petra

Sweetie I H well I think it’s about time I go back to my treasure Hall Jesse by the way way nicer than yours do you two know the way out oh what am I saying of course Petra does if you ever want to place in Champion City just

Ask like I said said she’s the worst I’m not letting her get away with this we’re getting even hey I’ll just settle for getting my sword back I just don’t know how we’re going to do that Still’s treasure room is right there but I’ve got a bad feeling about

Those Bodyguards of hers could probably sneak in through the puppy kennel but that’s a lot of barking puppies there’s got to be a way I think we can handle sneaking through some puppies let’s stealth it up sounds good to Me we’re going to need a distraction for those guards a that thing is so cute w oh No how are we going to get through here with none of them barking I’ve got it Covered easy puppies see you like bones No not Again ghost is clear this is Stella’s treasure room yeah trophy heads gold pants sponge blocks a diamond hoe yep all bought from other people half of them still have the name tags of other people on them so weird right just keeping all of this treasure she got from other people

Not letting her keep mine though it must be in here somewhere listen about what Stella said before about being Champion City’s hero and residence it’s really no big deal it’s you know nothing man I wish you didn’t have to find out about it this way no matter what happens no matter how

Much I do you’re the big hero you probably don’t even remember what it’s like adventuring out there scringy that was great but it’s hard to ignore that none of my friends are ever around anymore do you know how it feels to show up for quest after quest and

Just hearing I’m man I’m sorry next time next time come on Pedra do you really think that’s fair Fair we have lives I have a whole town depending on me h no it wasn’t you might have a point no where’d it go where’d she put it you’re sure it was

Here shh check it out that’s right it’s Patra armed with her mighty sword Miss butter hya this is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen by her side is her best friend the greatest hero in the world Jesse together they can take on hi Hello uh you you should not be here this this is um this is incredibly awkward I’m sorry is this about the sword I don’t know why you wouldn’t just come out and say so you can have your dumb sword back let’s just pretend this whole thing

Never happened and I will let you go I won’t forget this Jesse history will remember this as an important day in our rivalry a day you will Ru till still not my rival oh Man ra feels so good to have you back thank you so much for your help I’m I know it got a little weird back there I appreciate you still helping me anyway hey you were clearly way in over your head I had to step in yeah yeah I guess I was what is

That sign didn’t stop that or those oh that’s a lot of creepers and they’re charged that should be impossible tell them that go St deep sword I got your cover Jesse so good to have you back oh no you don’t oh that would have been dumb if it wasn’t so

Awesome oh come on we need to get this thing covered up again I I don’t know how we’re going to get this to hold that heck mouth blew right through the ground first your prismarine Gauntlet then that prismarine pit spitting out creepers we need to get to

Jax’s fast yeah I hope this treasure hunter knows as much as you say he does he does he’s got to come on I’ll show you the way welcome to bad luck alley wow I didn’t even know people hung out down here at night well yeah it’s the cool part

What’s that supposed to mean oh you know these are the people who like to live off the grid outside the rules and you’re kind of the boss it’s just the way the world works that’s like the tradeoff when you’re in charge you know that well then these people are dumb

Just because I’m the boss doesn’t mean I can’t mix it up uh-huh sure sure should be somewhere down here I think wait have you never been here before you said you knew a guy okay not know him know him I know of him okay fine he’s a legend all right he

Was once one of the greatest treasure hunters in the whole world and he’s kind of a hero of mine what should I say what should I do I can’t believe I’m about to meet Jack what if he invites me to go adventuring with him I’ve I’ve heard

Legends of how great he is well if I can offer some advice best thing to do around your Heroes is just act like yourself otherwise it’s weird for everyone be myself got it got it Jack and nmm’s Adventure Emporium yep that’s our place man I’ve always wanted an excuse to come Here Oh wow the upper lowlands spider Peak Mountain the ice cags of Doom it’s just like I told you jack might be the best Adventurer in town this stuff is from all over the world I just mean uh it’s all pretty Cool welcome to Jack and nmm’s Adventure Emporium oh my gosh it’s him it’s Jack sorry I’m I’m a big fan you push the button very very Brave H the Ping jaao people settle lamb disputes with that kind of eye contact but I don’t think that’s that’s what you’re Doing the Warriors of the whispering Mountain call me the stab walk Walker the air Titans of the East call me he who slashes like thunder but you may call me Jack so cool do you think you’ll start talking like a normal person anytime soon all in good

Time so what can I do for you today desert temple Woodland Mansion yeah that’s what we’re here About wow huh crazy GL you got there not that I’ve ever seen one before looks real crazy though crazy Stuff Jack look at yourself we know you’re lying why yeah come on Jack I that is um found it on top of a creepy bottomless pit right spitting out monsters yeah and it had a slot with like a weird You should have never picked up that Gauntlet it’s not for us Mortals to tamper with Wow I’ll be sure to remember that the next time I see a mysterious prismarine Gauntlet that sass won’t fix the pit any faster you know that pit it’s as deadly as they

Come and that symbol you saw was the symbol of the structure block Legend says it was a a mighty tool that could grow civilizations like seeds create cities in the blink of an eye you need one of those to close your pit so where can I get one of these

Structure blocks Petra thought maybe an ocean Monument because of the prismarine oh it’s an ocean Monument all right the villagers of mushroom archipelago call it the sea Temple h h no no no problem guys this is nurm my other half he’s the genius behind all of our fine

Maps nurm this is Jesse and Petra H hi oh hi I was just about to tell these two that I can’t help them what I love your early work wither storm old Builders awesome but as a purveyor of fine maps and Adventures your death would be terrible for

Business but sorry I just can’t well then I guess we’ll take our business elsewhere right Petra what But I’m guessing there are tons of people who know where to find this Place that’s where you’re wrong it’s like I said before the world’s a lot bigger than you think it is Jesse let me guess the empty square is where we need to go yep then it’s missing because I uh kind of burned it I threw it into a volcano okay what why you didn’t need that kind of danger anyway all right I swore I wouldn’t take anyone else to that Temple ever

Again I refuse to let it take any more lives h shut up nurm What Jack we don’t need you to bring us we don’t need your protection we’ll be fine and I believe that I’m just telling you it’s not that simple I found a gauntlet just like that once teamed up with my friends Voss and Sammy to follow its Trail neither of them made it out

Alive hence uh you know lava map volcano you remember what I was saying anyway but burning the map couldn’t erase the horrible memories and thanks to the curse of my perfect sense of direction I couldn’t forget the location of that Temple if I tried so if you’re

The only one who knows where it is yep without me you never get into that sea Temple that knowledge is my curse Jack I get that you’re haunted by horrible memories but that’s no reason to sit around moping what you say it’s time to go get

Us some treasure and help you face your demons Yeah well that sounds to me like a challenge and no one and I mean no one challenges The Velvet tornado me and gets away with it yeah NM time to get her adventuring things Jesse it’s perfect structure block sea Temple I know it’s amazing it’s almost too good to be true ah

Yes and Jack man he is awesome right ah I can’t believe it I’m going on an adventure with Jack I don’t know not sure if I trust him ah you’re being paranoid I think he seems pretty cool NM I told you it’s not the admin ah fine what did he say nothing

Villager stuff nerm here wants to make a new map of this place what with the uh whole lava volcano incident easy Nery don’t blow a gasket that’s awesome nerm welcome aboard woohoo he says woohoo yeah I figured that out so that means we’re off to the SE

Temple don’t you think you’re looking a little squishy for that seriously I mean you’re wearing a vest the vest of five fists gifted to me by the singing clerics of okay jeez I get it it’s a cool vest come on I just need to make a

Quick pit stop and I can show you some real armor oh Jesse I’m so glad you’re here hey radar there is a lot going on someone still needs to finalize the ideas for the founding Day banners the cake baking team can’t agree on what color to make the front of their shop

The wool makers Guild isn’t super happy about their Booth being next to the firework Union understandable the delegate from Boomtown left word that she wanted to make a speech at the parade very odd blue hair smells like sulfur speaking of which you should probably work on your founding day

Keynote address oh and rehearse it why didn’t I factor in rehearsal time stupid stupid I’m sure I can shift a few things around maybe perfect your lunch with the followers of saurin they’re very strange anyway they’ll understand maybe and did you know Lucas left another draft for

You to look at I said you’d try and give notes when possible but not to get his hopes up and then I left a general block of time for founding Day related disasters figured that would cover any of the various insundry things that come up sorry got in the zone there what’s up

Boss I see you brought friends and a new accessory short version the town’s in danger I stopped it for now but I think this can help me fix it permanently I’ll be gone for a little bit gone but Jesse what about Beacon Town founding day is right around the corner and if it’s

Really in in danger who will protect everyone there’s no telling what could happen and I have so few details radar I think the town will be fine for one Adventure Petra and I need to do this okay if you really say so well um best of luck I’ll be anxiously awaiting your return

Goodbye you said it can’t believe that’s your assistant he’s more wound up than a pack of parrots with a jukebox or a creeper in a herd of cats or a squid in a I don’t a box or anyway he’s real nervous is what I’m saying yeah he’s

Pretty hyperactive I wish I could get him to calm down maybe teach him to meditate like the Knights of the shuay forest so where’s this armor of yours oh wow you got some pretty cool stuff here stuff I’ve never I me probably only seen

You know once or twice not as cool as my stuff obviously but uh you’re well on your way definitely on your way to becoming a big hero like me not as big of course but uh you know real a real great swing best part is there’s always another adventure on the horizon yeah

Like a sea Temple yeah okay not exactly what I meant but Sure hey wait is this not where you keep your armor anymore yeah I’m not seeing any armor no no I just had Olivia install a little upgrade while she was here initiating armor of sequence oh huh yeah I’ve got one of those Too Grief for armor if I’ve ever seen it Magnus was a crazy guy yep went out doing what he loved most stuff Up The star Shield great set of armor yeah very Sleek very Spicy nice choice I remember Ivor told me something about that one’s hyperdensity and impenetrability but it all went way over my Head now that’s more like it agreed hey uh can you just give me and Jesse a minute huh Oh listen with the heck mouth and everything I feel like I didn’t get to properly apologize for all the stuff with my sword Champion City so I’m sorry you won’t hear it again so don’t get used to it I’ll totally deny everything Later yeah I’m sorry too I hate it when we fight it’s the worst you know i’ do anything for you right right I know okay now with that sappy stuff out of the way let’s go find us a sea Temple Jack nerm you guys ready to go always so

Where are we going exactly it’s time to chart a course for Doom sea shut up NM it’s an awesome name So I left off the cliff mournful blade in hand and drove it right into the head of the iara zombie I slept on an enormous pile of diamonds that night enormous oh I can only imagine oh yeah pretty typical day for me you’ll see after this I’ll take you

To this amazing Woodland Mansion I found yeah let’s make that happen it’s really far from here I love it it’s almost certain death I wouldn’t have it any other way hey that sounds really cool I can’t wait either uh yeah sure of course all right before we go down there

I feel I should give you one last warning the rules as you know them how the world Works those don’t always apply in this Temple H hey what some people believe it’s because this Temple was made by the Admin the what supposedly he’s some all powerful ancient person built the world I don’t know but the legend of the admin is just that a legend a story bunch of superstitious Malarkey frankly I’ve been to the swamps of funja and back and that’s still one of the more ridiculous things I’ve ever heard

Yeah seemed weirder than that true old Builders wither storms computers well let’s just agree to disagree I’ll give you one thing though admin or not what you’re going to see in this Temple it’ll stay with you we used this island as our staging area last last time we were here how can

You be so sure it’s the same one uh perfect internal Compass the the sea Temple is directly below us it’s like I can feel it do we do we just jump in jeez no not yet we still have one last thing to do picked up these Enchanted helmets from

The deep dwelling of hbar kavas time to suit up and roll Out temples that way how compass right oh that’s so Cool Wow there she is Incredible [Applause] Jesse behind you we got to move there that’s where the gauntlet goes awesome that’s amazing quick get Inside now if we’re sure that we have all our limbs how about we find that structure [Applause] block I forgot they did that okay that’s not Normal pretty uh impressive right Petra oh man those things are creepy carvings on this prismarine aren’t like anywhere else in the world really yep completely unique no one’s quite sure why but you’ll never have an experience like this ever Again h I uh I’m going to need a sec just to check my enchantments yeah make sure they’re all there okay well I’m going to scout ahead what’s wrong yeah uh nothing nothing must h a patch of Soul Sand or something oh whoo it’s got me like um Frozen fren in

Place I’ll be all right I don’t care if you’re swimming through a potion of slowness move your feet Jack you’re being dumb what yeah you’re right I’m better than this I am better than this guys hey I found something uh be right there hey uh let’s

Uh just keep this between you and me huh Migo she’s a fan it’s nice look you have no idea how it feels to have everyone around you think you’re some has been I don’t think Petra needs to hear about it so just hush on it just don’t let it

Happen again all right of course I want what kind of scrub do you think I am I found the next door down there but it needs that glove thingy of yours what’s keeping you guys uh uh nothing absolutely nothing let’s check it out okay that is cool sure let’s see how

Cool you think it is when your life is on the line inches from the abyss I know what I’m talking about NM pretty uh pretty intense though just do what I do and you’ll be fine all right oh really hey yeah yeah you’re the Boss guys move wa that was too close do you remember any of this Jack iuh it’s all a blur it’s a test though to see whether the adventurer is worthy of the structure block Yeah sponge is cool it’s like we saw at the entrance those are really good at soaking up Water all right should be able to use those sponges to soak up the floating water the Guardians are in water floating in midair that should be impossible well if I know one thing it’s definitely not the admin oh you won’t listen to me anymore more guys

H fine well I don’t know about an admin but I really really don’t like that floating water all right enough with the admin junk you said you saw sponges to soak up that stupid floating water right yeah right so we’re going to use the sponges on the floating water dry it up

And that should take out the Guardians dibs on that job I think those stupid fish owe me okay but someone’s going to need to run the other way and distract the Guardians right byy you guys time wouldn’t mind having some backup whoever isn’t doing the running okay I’ll run

And keep the Guardians off your back you and Jack do the sponges okay everyone let’s get nuts ready ready then go hey laser lips oh boy woo what’s it like being ugly and bad at your job oh made it booya oh no no no Sam me Jack Jack Jesse we’ve got a

Jack problem yeah Jesse catch oh I’m I’m so sorry Jack Jack you almost got us killed you said you were ready hey I thought I was I you’re right I failed I’m really sorry everyone that pile of inventory there that was my friend Samy Jack no I don’t need your pity I

Don’t I don’t deserve it I need to be alone right now whatever is left of us must be somewhere down here too I don’t know about you but I want out of this room structure blocks got to be close glowing obsidian so strange hello is someone there uh what

Hello I thought I heard someone called I think if you get the door open my cage should open too you know if you don’t mind oh it’s so nice to hear another voice after all this time but uh how do I open the door no clue why do

You think I’m trapped in here I couldn’t figure it out I’ll leave you to it I’ve got a good feeling about you in that door Mine h H dark prismarine not quite the structure block but seems useful hey NM oh oh yeah you must be worried about Jack right he’ll be okay Oh uh yeah I’ll get back to this well well at least this Temple was nice enough to provide a crafting Table ooh prismarine I was just looking at that door and I don’t think that’s what we need here maybe try a sea lantern oh right here Sea lantern nice I Yeah Oh thank the tides I’m finally free it has it has been a very very long time far Jack wait this is a another one of your Adventurer friends yes this is my friend Voss I thought you were a goner man this is unbelievable H but Jack said he saw you

Die it must have been one of the vile tricks of this Temple surely you must have seen how it is anyway it’s so good to meet you now what are your names I’m Jesse this is Petra a excellent excellent well if I’m not mistaken you’ve just made it further

Into this Temple than anyone ever before you are truly something special he has his moments so Escape time yes time to get out of here and leave what yeah what come now Jesse you’ve made it this far and you’re still alive that’s a victory enough oh I’d really like to see

The sunshine again I hope it’s as nice as I remember sorry Voss not until we get the treasure that we came here for yep even I’ll admit it would be nice to finally get some closure on this place fine but if you get me killed after all this time I’m going to be

Incredibly cross uh more of those weird statues at least these ones aren’t doing that creepy head Thing that’s a bad sound yep very bad come on come on come on adventuring how get it what are they they kind of zombie shaped they sort of sound like zombies but those are definitely not zombies oh wow wow boss DM we did it we’re inside yes and it is

Incredible okay guys structure blocks got to be in here how do you know just a feeling I guess I feel like this is important but I don’t really know Why Hey nurm you think you could give me a hand with these oh NY says they say once the world was flat no mountains no Rivers no trees until the admin H built the mountains sculpted the rivers crafted the trees bunch of superstitious Malarkey NM I’m sorry to bother you again but the admin saw there were no more Heroes worthy of his challenges so we left this world until the next great Heroes emerged can’t believe you buy into this stuff that’s obviously just the copout way of Saying this must be it it’s got to be look that symbol it looks just like the one we saw underground the structure block NM says there’s some writing here old runes H the admin’s gifts declaring your path Choose Wisely that’s all he’s got I guess you can only take one Fascinating NM says that one’s the Tower of the warrior oh wow yeah I bet that could shred a gang of mobs in no time flat says that’s the wall of the Builder that’s pure obsidian nothing’s getting do that that’s for Sure the warrior path that sounds like what we need well it’s supposed to be a gift right Wa Yeah I can’t believe we got it now if only our way out wasn’t blocked by all these freaky Soldiers perhaps they went away I’m guessing No there are so many of them stay behind me Nerm worst statues ever oh jeez big hand very big hey now might be a good time for that structure block I don’t know how it works try everything then now please please work please work please work please work please work hello Jesse talks here they

Come come on I’ll show you what we did to our enemies and per and God still behind me nerm get ready you guys think you’re all cool cool cuz of how tall you are huh proud of how tall you are yeah ow a wa ha in your face wooo met metaphorically why

Hello uh hi die now wa Too Close stand still yes ah well dodged My Sword I can I can almost reach it it’s so close don’t worry I’ve got it Mostly wao close call Jack I’m okay mostly oh no Jack I’m I’m so sorry it’s ow it’s all right got my bad eye no where to Run you are resilient though sadly still moral tou my hair that time didn’t work that time either oh dear is there a leak in here I placed every block you’ve ever stood on and I promise I will place the blocks that cover your grave the waterfalls go go I’m right behind you

Guys I’m really what a dangerous World Jesse you are so tiny there is so much distance to cover also you know me oh ah I placed every block you’ve ever stood on and I promise I will place the blocks that cover your AR R the waterfalls go go I’m right behind you

Guys um really what a dangerous World Jesse you are so tiny there is so much distance to cover also you know me H how’s that feel you dumb pile of rock Jess [Applause] There that’s where the structure block goes slam it down Jesse we’ll keep the creepers off your back Really hope this works Is everyone okay looks all clear yeah I think So impressive moves well what you know Jesse you really did it h yeah I guess I did you think that’s really the end of it ah certainly looks that way to me then come on let’s go home you Guys but this is more people than I’ve seen in a long time hey everyone happy founding day welcome back we were worried you’d miss it oh thank goodness you’re back it has been chaos I knew this would happen if no one was left in charge there’s no schedule everyone’s running around

Unorganized there are animals everywhere people bouncing on slime I don’t even know if people have permits for half this stuff I don’t know what you’re talking about radar I think it looks great everyone’s having so much fun well yes maybe but it’s fun that’s clearly on the bring of

Disaster so did you find what you were searching For that’s right everyone I brought this back for all of you we’re going to use it to keep building and make every founding day even bigger and more awesome than the Last not bad right I think they really liked it yeah they did guess you still really got it yeah other than having half the number of eyes I had when we left I’d call that arousing success yeah that part’s not the best nope no it’s not hey I think the ey

Patch is actually kind of awesome really ties your whole look together h no depth perception but at least my look is tied together awesome oh Jack I oh oh I I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt I was just coming to get Jack no no you’re

Fine friend boss and I are heading to the shop to start planning our next Expedition you coming Petra in a little bit I’m still hanging with Jesse for Now still don’t know what I’m going to do about you [Applause] though what’s that whoa you dudes heard that too right yes terrifying yeah what was It oh no JY you thought you could just run away from the admin you’ve really got my attention now Su Beacon town Looks like it’s time to write the next Chapter

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode | S2 E1 | No Commentary’, was uploaded by Jak on 2023-12-13 13:00:24. It has garnered 241 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:53 or 6233 seconds.

yo. it’s insane.

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  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

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  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

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  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

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  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯

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  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€

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  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building – holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” πŸ˜‚ #minecraft #funny #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More