Insane PvP Tips with Eddie – Minecraft Madness!

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And chat what’s going on bro I’m just excited for the day man I just can’t wait for what’s next bro good times are coming chat you know like this is only the beginning of the channel bro just wait till like me just turn up the volume a little bit from my end chat

This is this is just the beginning of the channel bro I know it’s a late way later stream than normal boys I’ve been busy all day to say the least I just been out all day to be honest I had work I had my girl I had gym I had nephew I

Got got a lot of stuff to do however I’m thinking we hop into some duels uh and we go crazy bro spacing I’m live leaked kiddo freaking freaking nerd oh my gosh however uh oh we got our first Duel of the day okay it’s quick shot YT let’s

See how it goes quelo no way you’re first bro you way your first bro how you doing qu chicken guy is facing my boys man I I’m like uh kind of wash at this whole Crystal thing bro I need to get uh better at it you know who was never good

At oh my God you know who was never going at Crystal to begin with case load you were always trash it doesn’t even matter oh my gosh I’m garbage I can’t even open my mouth bro I can’t believe I did that I how did I let that

Happen man it’s late bro like over in East Coast right now what time is it so it’s 5:40 for me and I’m West so that means it’s 6 7 830 8:40 at night for you East [Laughter] Coast yo we we should award y’all about 911 bro that’s that’s my bad that’s my

Bad for real Chad is that is that not funny should I should I be careful with that be careful with that chat okay okay oh oh oh classic Crystal from Stree I like that guy’s username bro let’s how go GG quick shot bro you trolled me you

Got me real bad however this guy’s terrible at sword PVP this guy can’t combo me at all whoa what are you doing oh my God bro I’m sweating against this guy No Cap oh yeah I have shaders on I didn’t even notice it be like that when you’re a freaking baller bro like

Myself mother freaker bro don’t aggro me dude I have to lock in I can’t lose this guy doesn’t play this kit bro this guy doesn’t even play oh chat bro you just realized I’m not on streamer mode on Discord that could pose as an issue what is this guy typing bro

Stream mod when spacing I’m down bro give me just a second boys I know I did something super troll super duper troll um I’m sorry bro I I I as you guys can tell I’m basically a licensed professional at this point do a 4v4 I’m

Not opposed to that at all bro bro check it’s someone freaking find oh there it is all right there we go bro there we go turn up my mic is it is it low for real hold on bro let’s do it let’s do it mic

Is up baby mic is up should be loud louder than it than it should be L louder than uh it usually is all right let’s get it yep piece of freaking cake oh what my graphics card so if you look at the oh it doesn’t show you uh my

My face Cam’s covering it here if you look um up here somewhere where is even oh no it’s over it’s over on that side anyways I was wrong do you see it yeah got 308 ti so it’s all good uh I got a pretty I’m pretty stacked on that streak

Sent me classic Crystal spacing skull sent me custom inventory spacing skull is trash with the an bro I don’t know who this guy think he is bro oh my gosh I’m actually locking in I am I am him bro oh my gosh spacing bro you always do this okay now I’m in here

Bro can’t see if he’s breaking it or not bro what is this guy doing this guy is fast as heck bro bro just fell for the most basic trick in the book spacing bro how are you going to do that CH should I change the title of the stream does no one

Care there we go spacing the kid how many rounds you trying to do bro Oh wrong button how many rounds you trying to do bro turn the mic still oh no that’s that’s old high case all right CH I I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea me

Turn the mic down or put the camera down I’ve got an idea idea chat give me give me just a second sorry someone someone was blocking me I was trying to zoom in so I’m headed to Chad I’m off the perky bro I don’t remember what I was going to do oh yeah

I was going to change the title to the stream Chad bro I’m off one bro I’m off one all right all right all right so here you know let’s do it together let’s do it together monetization on yeah we go make you sit through some ads

We going to make you sit through some ads you feel me it’s all good it’s all good I like it oh you got a new dirt okay nice nice bro no way I just lost that yeah you did buddy yeah you did uh uh training Minecraft PV PVP

PVP training how about that I like that I like that anyways we’re back bro we’re back we’re back no not the ads the ads bro your boys got to freaking uh survive man I’m in California it’s a war zone out here bro it’s it’s it’s a war zone

Out here I’m not joking anyways uh let’s see we got yo I’m actually garbage at a some person 03 let’s run it up my boy I’m so bad at this quick shot I I’ll get you I’ll get you soon bro give me a minute yeah there we

Go get me away from this guy bro dude how much health there’s not show oh my gosh who made a thumbnail uh my boy Isel xn made it bro he’s he’s good you want to run some cppp send it over bro I’m dead I’m so dead I’m so freaking

Dead chat it’s not even funny oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m getting destroyed there one more round bro I need Redemption okay okay I’m on a an a na Central uh mcpp right now bro somebody teach me how to use a damn axe bro I’ll get you a second quick

Shot running is op I should always be running I went to place blocks bro I’m getting destroyed I’m getting destroyed bro why don’t you use West there West mcpp Club does not exist brother I did not mean to shoot that Arrow give me a

Sec bro give me a second bro give me a second bro give me a second bro okay I’m so trash bro I got to stop losing to this guy bro I got to stop losing guy okay I’m going to win this next round on my mama bro on my mama

This is the last one oh West usvp uh I can’t advertise my stream in chat and usvp or Dr donut bones me S holding is Broken he’s going to hit me and he’s going to take damage I just want one win against this guy bro there we go I’m I’m going to win this for sure there we go boys I told you I’m going to win this I had to turn on the

Hit boxes and everything bro let me leave though so I don’t spit too long oh yeah let me get uh get all you guys except where’s the other where’s where’s bro where’s quick shot did I pass it oh right there got it all right I got you guys okay quick shot centory zqq

E zqq bro he’s been wait ah streak is hting too bro all right all right all right I’ll get you next streak bro I’ll get you next dude this is a free w this is going to be a all right I’ll get you now streak that was easy bro that was

Mad easy that was super easy bro can I get it okay shriek versus Eddie bro this guy is trash TR oh what up freaking funions bro what up how much you think IG Street cost $5 yep look at you totem M fast bro I’m proud of

You I’m proud of this man young man is learning finally bro hey don’t swe it zqq uh I’m sorry DQ don’t sweat it bro it’s all good we can always do it again know I just got to make it entertaining you feel me bro this man just jump resetting

Crystal I’m in a bad SP he could have just pearled here and ledged me but he’s a beta he’s a beta cuck boy and doesn’t know that and he’s lower than me now go on bro you’re low I’m about to pop first bro no way I

Know he forgot the faith pack I’m just using default right now because it’s more recognizable to like if a younger kid joins you know what I mean I’m trying to whoa brother whoa buddy yo camping under this thing is meta yeah what up what up freaking Steak look at you totem me bro proud of you what oh I didn’t even see a Pearl bro disappeared oh my goodness fish Strat for real bro you guys don’t know the metas more than I do Chad I never thought I’d I never thought I’d see the day I miss Donut

Smpp chat I’m not even capping bro I was looking at my old streams the I get 2K FPS in Minecraft stream and I dead ass sorry I got locked in bro I dead ass Miss donut SMP all right bro Chad should I lock in should I lock in like you will see you

Will see the dynamic change when you see your boy lock In bro oh oh my gosh D me next okay losing the streak is crazy for real I ain’t losing the streak bro me and this guy got beef for real you don’t even know we hate each other a streak is my buddy we are

Chill but um he’s about to lose so to be an unlucky guy bro I’m I am color blind I potted the same thing twice come on yeah [ __ ] run it up what are you looking at goofy bro I just jump reset on a crystal I’m out of here holy crap I’m

Out of here under been so low in my life bro where is this nerd going if you lose a streak I’m unsubbing all right streak you’re not costing me no subs bro I’m I’m aggro now yeah wa what are you aiming at dummy oh no bro I don’t got no more pots

Cuz I’m I wasted them cuz I’m color V bro oh I got one okay this is not a good one to have though if y’all are seeing what I’m seeing bro so I hope we’re on the same he’s fighting air all right bro yeah nice Pearl

Buster oh my gosh yo what up pole how you doing bro why is your name duck you’re literally pole like everyone knows that bro where what okay there he is I thought he dipped I don’t have strength so I can’t be just sword trading with

Him there we go boys I told you that [ __ ] was a piece of cake he it’s 2: a.m. and I haven’t slept for 3 Days okay somebody tell me this guy ain’t smoking the [ __ ] sauce bro on crack bro it’s on crack huh like like what bro oh oh my

Gosh all right all right we got we got some dual me say PA in what the con I don’t know what that says nxa my boy funions netherite pot 10 Rounds I’ll I’ll leave after I win once or maybe twice bro I ain’t doing no 10 Rounds chat get tripping bro oh wait

Zoomed in okay this guy’s been uh practicing this cuz he’s going to teer test or something but but your boy is still the goat so it doesn’t even matter what chat what what what I’m dead oh this isn’t real this is not real bro

Oh my oh 100 oh bro you see a score you’re garbage bro out of here bro out of here BR ch looking at bro hell no funion you’re trash bro you lued out you lued out bro you lued out oh my gosh I’m getting all the classic Crystal du today

Do you guys not know when I started Crystal do you guys not know when I started Crystal before my boy funn was even BN damn I’m spit on my screen bro I got to calm down blood L he on sight what’s your name new wamp it’s on

Lt5 hell no I just lost to lt5 yo this jit is bad at sword I’m not even going to use a crystal nice try Buster I I’m not going to use no crystals bro T5 gam playay I hate you tipul CHR perform Michael cycle hey guess what chat Story Time right quick

Michael cyle for those who don’t know who he is he was the first like it’s real me like he actually is it’s real me and like rasplin and like Golf and golf a and myself trainer he trained all the OG guys right rasplin when he had like zero subscribers and didn’t even start

YouTube yet um like like Michael cycle is the OG like goat of of 1.9 PVP and I i’ had been playing 1.9 Crystal for like one week and I had um so I’m new right I’ve been playing for a week and M I get to fight Michael psycle and uh

Everyone’s telling me you’re dead bro he’s the best at Crystal you’re dead so I might head him like he’s just the best at Crystal I’m not half bad at sword and back in the day Crystal had health pots and bro I’m from 1.7 pop PVP you know

What I mean I’m from 1.7 pop PVP so like I can play with pot Health pots and stuff bro you know so I um oh my gosh this guy’s garbage quick shot you’re getting destroyed bro sorry uh anyways I I beat Michael cyle my first time ever fighting him I

Didn’t use a single Crystal I sorted him to death and I won I’m not better than him by any means at least at least back then oh at least back then I’m not better than him oh jit’s dead jit is tripping oh my gosh but yeah that’s real

Real real real oh Po’s like yo bro hop on 1.7 PP I guarantee you bro I will drop at least half my viewers if I do that bro I’m not opposed to that but not right now bro the stream just Started dead bro dead AF I knew it get anchors blood I remember when anchors were first added bro oh do a hand cam the guy says do a hand cam CH you down for a hand cam should I run it up with the hand cam should I do it uh can we do

Regular Crystal I’m down for anything bro you sent the duel I just accepted bro I just accepted you sent the duel jit you sent it I don’t know what to tell you chat bro I might need to hit up my fortnite think it’s time to chug some

Water not chug bro I just I just drink like a a water give me a second here I did it too early bro chill chill okay chill bro give me a second give me a second oh my goodness all right all right all right I got mad people in the

Chat right now tell me uh custom inventory custom inventory netherite P again all right bro now I got be now I don’t like this guy now I don’t like this guy you no no now I don’t like this guy bro oh hell no easy Bro Dog trash at the

Freaking game one one oh bro 1 oh as it should be let me get uh Angel glove first I’ll get you nxa don’t trip Dommy dank Oh wrong person but that guy too what what what your case load dummy dang bro who are you what

The who are you little bro D me DI I will beat the [ __ ] out of you I will [ __ ] you up doy dank uh how how I’m going to do this he’s going to blow up the Crystal and then blow up the anchor that’s what

He’s going to do I’m going to go over here blow up his own Anchor Place another one lock myself up and repeat the process yeah see who’s popping who’s popping Bozo who’s popping dummy oh frig bro CH I saw itro meon today you crazy cuz Dy dank would roll you who the

Hell is tting that bro you don’t know domy Dan low tier five [ __ ] with this fast anchor [ __ ] man people are so fast for that [ __ ] nowadays you see that kid ank W his anchors are unreal R up like four anres yo these [ __ ] are crazy I don’t

Know what to tell you bro these [ __ ] are crazy what are you splashing dummy I’m going to do your stupid fast anchor thing brother oh no bro oh no bro oh no bro oh oh no arm me up in that stream my boy dmy Dan you are A jacket’s coming off jacket’s coming off I don’t care bro I don’t freaking care bro the freaking jacket’s jacket oh my God bro bro I I’m locked in bro I’m locked in he’s making fun of me bro I can see it oh my gosh where’s My I’m out of here bro I’m out of here I left that [ __ ] so fast I I left that [ __ ] so fast I can’t bro so bad rest in peace bro yo this guy told me he’s case load and sent me a round of Loca poot therefore crash player I think I’m going

To catch this W right quick think I’m going to catch this W right quick let’s do that let’s get rid of this nerd hit boxes and all bro yeah buddy I’m not on the Loca 90 Ms debuff 90 Ms is debuff don’t let these fools tell you otherwise

Bro all right bro oh I didn’t mean to not eat it’s all good though he’s regening so he can eat so he can be maxat uh I used way too many pots though he’s got like 16 and I have like see what I’m doing chat I’m regening

Naturally with uh the regen pot effect and eating when he gets close to me so I can have maximum saturation to get the most health I know I’m a nerd chat oh he’s lagging bro what is happening CR how he lags [ __ ] this Guy oh come on bro I got to get this I’m dead I’m dead can a man turn off hit boxes in pce bro bro he had two oh yeah turn the hand cam on my bad bro you all really want that here here you go how’s

This hand I’ve not done a hand cam in a long time that looks like trash bro that looks like trash okay Because you’re terrible some person with the axe Dy dank with the uh oh I got some friend requests accept that look at Dy day this guy’s low tier five or something bro like I don’t know nah bro nah oh my my gosh bro oh yeah I forgot we’re using that uh slowfall

Stuff dummy why would I stay here if I’m slow falling where you going dummy let’s get him bro are you guys sure you want the hand cam s of my face for like my reactions be smart I’m locked in chat I can’t lose the freaking doy dang this guy’s terrible what up

Nerd yo I just airpl chat I’m cracked calculated Pearl chat calculated Pearl matter of fact let’s see if we can he’s got uh what’s the no knockback thing called no fire resistance bro all right bro I’m not I’m not losing to this nerd bro oh my gosh domy dank bro I just

Sweat my freaking nuts and balls off okay chat we’re coming back to the uh the uh the face cam I don’t think anyone was actually ironically interested that bro but but it’s okay but it’s okay zqa for president ripping bro the [ __ ] there a night chat check this out nerd pleas is

Nerd pointed laugh chat pointed laugh bro oh my goodness pointing left bro pointing that sword sword again either these have speed no that’s fine I’ll do I’ll do the the two Round sorry Chad guys delusional guys absolutely delusional you know chat Let’s uh let’s Flex on this guy this hater right here with uh what’s it called haters feel all right let’s get it come on Bro yep yep that’s how we do it chat that’s how we do it that’s how we do it that’s how we do it you just threw this at my face you know what chat right back at her Chad so uh I actually I’ll actually be one V oneing my girlfriend in real

Life for today’s stream so actually stream’s going to have to come to an end I’ll be right back yo yo I’m just kidding bro I’m just kidding bro that’s illegal uh anyways let’s beat up this nerd let’s beat up this nerd sorry about that guys what’s so funny in the chat

Boys oh my gosh I know was funny this guy is getting freaking donged on live wait I shouldn’t have opened my mouth there we go yeah I should have dummy before I log off wow oh do me and pop before I log off okay all right Chad

Let’s uh dual streak we got a pot we’ll go Diamond pot 33 five round sure that seems that seems fine bro that seems Eddie do me you owe me a rematch I don’t owe nobody [ __ ] dog tripping like this guy all right hit boox is on

Shaders off I got to try for this guy who who is is this guy fighting bro what the f word he’s schizophrenic chat this a skito how you supposed skito oh my gosh sometimes I I get hits though where um I get a sound but no

Hit so I can get any advantage I can get bro this guy’s High tier one that’s why I need uh hit boxes oh my gosh it is not 10 oh already bro all right all right fine I’ll turn the hit boxes off bro I turn the hit

Boxes off all right those of you who don’t know this guy leaked it himself so I’m not leaking anything this is case load bro this is case load bro I’m sorry I’m sorry if you didn’t want that leak brother you leaked it yourself I accid messaged you and you’re he’s cheating

He’s cheating wait I need that I need that sword all right that meant that was meant to be in all caps I I typed cheater let’s get it bro yeah oh I’m meant to pot there that healed him though dude dude I can’t I can’t get five V I

Can’t get five V I can’t I can’t get five V bro I can’t go back to jail jail bro I can’t okay I’m just kidding CH I’ve never been in jail I just have a tank top on nice aim buddy High tier ones don’t miss but you miss what CH did you see

That pot come on Bro dead I’m dead holy smokes he’s eating twice [ __ ] I can eat twice too this is fine my hot bar why do I just sit there and let him hit select me bro what am I doing cuz I can’t hit select back bro frak all right he needs po here he needs po

Okay I I didn’t get it so that’s no good okay chat so we need to strategize how we’re going to win this game um I’m dead in one crit I’m not going to front dog right now I’m dead in a crit and a hit me okay bro there was no way around that

Did that for is that for real he’s got 19 pots that is not real bro bro fighting the Terminator all right I’m about to what the Terminator is my [ __ ] ass now you say that tipal so what I healed him 10 Hearts bro just pearled oh oh he wasn’t lagging chat he

Wasn’t lagging you know he did look he got he got on full screen he he did this where you jump and grab this bar that’s what he did that’s what he really did bro that’s what he really did cuz he wanted to make it look like he was lagging when

He knew he was going to lose yeah face load these balls in your mouth sorry I can’t keep a straight face when I say that one Bro yeah yo see what that says y it’s one1 and Crystal I guess you’re right we’ll get we’ll run it back quack shot bro we’ll do it CH this is first to five by the way this is almost over I’m about to win oh my gosh y’all see that

Flick Chad ball Brandon got lucky bro tell me I’m low tier three again uh I actually won’t scum him this time I won’t scum him this time cuz like I actually want to see how I do cuz I’m doing good I don’t want to like just take that away

Bro I don’t want to just take that away oh my gosh bro beating the tur that’s what I like to see TI in the chat oh my gosh bro no way no Way ah I got to get this bro got no hits nice jump reset buddy he’s lagging so bad I got to come back bro come on bro come on give me that ass I punched him bro that could have been some damage I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead

What I agree this is The Terminator now cuz it’s actually scary how much he’s teleporting I need to like play OSU to be pass my inventory bro for real all right if he wins this last one this is it bro like I I lose the whole whole

Match if I win I got another chance y he’s lagging I might have to take this he’s Full Hearts though I got to all right he’s not Full Hearts I got to stay close to him F 16 how in the world am I supposed to beat that bro oh I was going

To play World of Warcraft my internet is telling me not to True your internet is telling you not to bro I got to get this man and then I got to get I got to get all y’all bro oh no the whole gang eaten bro the whole gang eaten for

Real I am playing hardcore like all my play time is Wast if I die I don’t know what I don’t I never played World of Warcraft bro 8 hours play time so far [ __ ] boy ho oh no bro bro this guy’s dead bro this guy’s dead without a shield

Bro come here baby boy hey duel me until my internet is working again what bro what are you what why so we can just watch you lag bro waai for him to pull up the shield then I’m going to disable it and then I’m going to DAP

Him I’m dead I’m actually dead oh my gosh dummy you please don’t me after this uh I just kind of click on names that I see and if I like recognize them from my YouTube chat sometimes I’ll do it too I don’t have like a system bro uh life is

Revolved around systems though so I should probably do that but it’s okay uh we got one settling Crystal facts dog it’s one1 we got to settle the score see who is truly better but we both know it’s me nerd he bro you’re not a nerd I just failed that bro

He’s out of here bro he said stop dodging me tripping not dodging anybody F anyone any time bro yeah [ __ ] there we go bro I won what tier my I don’t know bro tell me you tell me bro you tell me that JK I’m watching your stream what up Axel EJ all right all right brother oh I did get a UHC duel though I’ll have

To get that next but it just read your message so it would only makes sense for me to do you got i t back into the game brother watching the stream no bro you’re in the right place you’re in the right place bro you are in the right place I promise

You that oh yeah that’s right quick shot my bad bro Qui quick shot he’s said dude sorry bro I’ll get you don’t worry got to get this guy one round tipal join get out of here nerd wrong person why does it do that all right bro what’s happening bro here we go How do people do that [ __ ] Bro with their fast ass fingers bro okay say is that pear not going to land bro Tipo left thank God bro after this do UHC I’m super down bro I didn’t do a UHC fight all stream there we go I didn’t even know I replace the dirt

Man you don’t Pro on me for sure bro for sure he PRS on me here right what how did I just swing my inventory I’m cheating I’ll pay attention this time all right bro I’m not upset with you don’t worry oh pull up dude that was almost crazy

I have a totem in my hot bar bro I post you on Tik Tok bet bro send a link in the Discord bro hop in the Discord send a link in the advertise Channel or else uh I don’t know if it auto mutes you just be careful I don’t want none of

Y’all getting in trouble when you don’t deserve it bro got staff they do their thing man they do their thing my staff is so cool bro my staff is so cool where is bro who who is he fighting I a lot of skitso In The Stream

Chat I lost bro no I was beating him the whole time and I freaking lost bro heck same dude chats you are so delayed on your stream it happens bro it happens let’s get it let’s get it it’s says gble on the ceiling no it doesn’t my ceilings are

Just blue right now a gble idiot there we go baby boy it’s all good I let I’ll let I’ll let my man’s get uh get set up this time you know I’ll turn off the hit boxes too cuz it’s ugly bro it’s ugly my Pixel Perfect aim chat ready who is jit

Fighting oh my gosh unlucky bro it’s your body on the floor although you have uh oh what friend friend first friend add there we go here we go both of these guys that sent me duels are problems these guys are not easy to fight bro let’s start off with this

Guy oh my gosh bro yeah yeah I’m down to do any of you how fast you want to die oh my gosh bro bro oh my God I told y’all this guy is going to be a problem bro what is happening what huh what bro I had no totem for the longest bro

Oh my gosh many rounds is this yeah I can friend you that G I got you give me a sec I’m in a a sweaty fight I ain’t going to lie brother I had a totem in my head chat replay Replay that nonsense oh UHC yes sir we got to run

That up we got to run up that UHC bro I’m d down I forgot I haven’t advertised whole [ __ ] NE never mind chat never mind let me just oh oh oh shoot I’m playing all the wrong stuff let me go back let me go back I’m uh panicking a little bit dude

I ate two gapples I didn’t mean to do that all right whatever whatever bro join a that would end very quickly come on bro what up what up what up bro playing a little passive aren’t you yeah you don’t know I I got this speed with me bro

Oh my gosh how did I miss that bro that should bounce off of him yeah uh-huh I consider this guy a noob Chat And L on lava G yep bro thinks he can build I’m literally a fortnite editor but only in Minecraft dummy about to die Dummy Oh I thought I had him in the webs there bro dude dead I’m actually Dead holy crap oh my gosh chat I’m actually locked In come on bro I can’t do nothing to this guy that [ __ ] did not just bounce off of me bro you’re joking I had that opportunity and I folded it Dumy gosh chat I ain’t taking that bro ain’t taking that oh my gosh yo it’s been a while yo what up what up cersi sorry I’m I’m literally sweating my freaking [ __ ] balls off Chad I don’t know how I was to say it bro I had to be

Honest sery you’re trash in fortnite bro I started with one less Apple bro I blocked it up oh freak chat am I not a sweat bro okay post on my channel of course bro please I I I genuinely unironically encourage all of you to post me on your channel bro I I

Unironically sorry I unironically encourage you guys to post me on your Channel Channel because it helps me out a ton bro I likeing my name seen on videos Jo bro join the 88 I’m One V wanting a noob priorities bro for Real D me you still got shot dude I thought I picked up that water where the [ __ ] is that water okay there we go oh he’s low why is not eating dead dead bro Dead all right this is the last round bro how you losing

He’s a noob look at the screen bro it says you won are you still the go I I definitely lose bro I don’t know if you can see the score on the side matter of fact don’t look at the score it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good Brother I’m getting destroyed Bro I I am getting wrecked this round so far this is last one come on bro come on bro There we go it like totally disables these webs if you just put block over them bro you’re about to lose exposing I don’t keep up to date with the Minecraft drama bro it’s not worth it at least not for me at the at this moment I’m in

Dead oh frick chat freak that guy is good bro yeah yo have a good rest of stream yourself brother have a good rest of stream yourself man Chad how are we doing bro how are we doing is there anyone else that wants to run up the one oh dead key

Bro oh yeah let me friend Ed you friend add DE key here we go let’s get it bro all right bro first of two see how it goes I’m in to VC with him watching you fight man he really lik fighting yeah I like fighting that guy too bro

He’s pretty good guy’s fun to fight he’s not doesn’t play cringe or Anything oh my gosh chat H play with sharp soon by the way like next week Mara 1 V one my username is Daga also happy late Thanksgiving thank you bro thank you bro should have been there for the birthday stream that guy plays a lot like me that’s why he’s losing I’m just

Kidding bro he’s good guy usually whoops me to be honest he is actually getting whooped though bro I don’t usually I don’t usually do that good bro today should have been the day I freaking tear tested bro oh my gosh D daa what what actually

What kit dog you duel me bro I don’t know what you’re wanted to duel him cuz if I send you a duel I’m sending a diamond pot duel brother that’s my [ __ ] considering you’re right here in nether rate armor I would definitely and you’re holding two totems while you’re AFK oh

My gosh you definitely want a crystal duel yep yep look at that bro look at that and quit MC not too long ago you do 3D modeling now bro no way my girl does the same thing what up gamer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I see what you’re doing

Brother there you go popping yourself brother mhm hey thank you for the Dono brother it just went through I’m in the DU with you though I saw it I didn’t want to react till it was on the screen I do appreciate that though you donate a dollar just to lose cuz that’s

What’s going to happen bro I acci open my inventory ARA just subscribed thank you bro all right bro I’m actually locked in this person’s really good JP what’s up bro what’s going on brother okay pring down that is career suicide bad spot to be bro I ain’t going

Lie there we go bro w w w. edit. nfai bro he download the pack I died so fast yo [ __ ] thanks bro thanks bro I’m getting some subs today Chad I’m so was right now oh you’re nuts I don’t know what jit is tripping about yeah no one can Crystal fast than

Me though that’s for sure out yeah they stacking already know I I I lost my hot bar bro that never ends good you got high tier four pot not bad bro not bad love the trining for real I’m dead holy [ __ ] I’m dead I’m good I’m good I’m good

All right all right I’m chilling bro you still have low tier three sword never got higher than that bro I thought you got high tier three no all right all right all good this guy is dangerous bro dangerous I tell you the freak Bro yeah yeah yeah yeah baited that it’s all good where are you okay in this corner I see Do it again [ __ ] oh my gosh I actually won all right this is the last round bro it’s aing 3D d i e no I’m Eddie bro I’m actually Eddie look when I type in chat I’m Eddie I’m not 3D that yes but my muscle memory might just do the anchors

Though why is not as fun as it used to be though cuz people just Spam the pearls bro before that was meta I was like number one me and golf were like unbeatable on that I’m sorry bro muscle memory I can’t get pred at and not use a freaking anchor Bro there’s a meta for this actually I’ll show y’all watch this watch this bro watch this oh GG bro GG meta though is when there’re spam pearling bro are my high tier three I don’t know I don’t know 10 freaking rounds bro crazy crazy AF bro crazy AF however

Stream great stream guys I’m not going to waste anyone’s tell time I am done bro I’m done I would love to go longer but it’s all good I think stream was long enough an hour 6 minutes pretty good bro pretty good I think it’s quite rewatchable would you guys watch the VOD

I will watch the VOD and sit through all the ads please please anyways I will watch the VOD bro I watch The V however bro holy [ __ ] do I have Co anyways I’m off 4 hours of sleep today I had more caffeine than should be legal and um

Yeah damn it bro why do my views go up as I’m doing the outro we’re at 18 people man should I do one more guys should I do one more ah here I gave you some money thanks for the 1 V one thank you for the

Money and the One V ones bro that was fun I ain’t going to lie wait a minute it’s flame Tex do you want more tipul says Fine tipul only because the views went up bro only because the views went up bro okay okay everyone wants one more bro everyone wants one

More okay who who are we getting how about a a little bit of Po FFA bro actually you know I will stay in due for 15 minutes bro y’all might think this is troll bro but I’m down for some Loca except my fed yeah next time I get back on bro I’m down

Down I’m super down all right bro all right bro ranked ranked potion dual available let’s get it I’m doing ranked Live on YouTube all right all right let’s get it bro I love this this is why I love ranked ft it’s hard I’m on 100 ping here

Which sucks nut sacks but it’s all good I don’t know what guy’s asking [ __ ] is gank me bro come on I healed him full I’m dead I’m dead bro so trash thank you bro thank you doo were you the guy that did sword come Cove what does

That mean bro I don’t know what that means come Cove thank you Mara for the two bucks brother you are top G for ht3 NGL what the oh my gosh bro CH I qued is real me and [ __ ] ranked what can I say I just queed it’s real me

Bro this is not who I wanted to queue oh he doesn’t give a [ __ ] chat he knows about the momentum Strat you ain’t qu slow buddy oh my gosh bro I’m dead oh my gosh bro how the [ __ ] am I supposed to beat this guy of course I cute it’s real me bro

All right I’m running it back bro I’m running it back I thought it was going to be him again bro I was like no way I was like no way Eddie want a VC not on stream but I’m down another time brother hello who am I fighting oh he’s laggy okay that’s

Why need to remain calm bro I’m just going too fast so I’m [ __ ] up all right all right coming back a little bit bro nerd grabbed the wrong pot bro nerd grabbed the wrong pot I got smoke broke by it’s real me Bro no way I’m coming back from this fight bro it’s because I realized my flaw I’m going to eat again to be honest I think that’s where my biggest benefit would be hiding oh my gosh bro he had two Bots I smoked that guy bro you I’m not at my normal

Setup so I’m bad uh yeah help on Loca bro I’m King ranked right now bro lost to a low tier three no way I lost to a low tier three bro gosh there we go ranked match ready click to Jo chug some water before we that bro not going to Lie all right I got to play calm chat even if even if it’s it’s real me okay thank God it’s not it’s real me bro what are sound effects for the water oh is a fortnite mini bro D I should used the bow last game I would have 100%

Won like this is rank bro I think the playground I literally despise High ping like like playing on high ping I don’t even mind fighting it I’m playing on it I just healed him but he healed full anyway so he wasted pot how come my bows don’t shoot

How the freak did that Miss Bro I’m dead I have no arrows I’m dead oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] boys oh [ __ ] oh oh no he had two still bro freak oh man bro on bro I’ve only climbed down I was top 50 today and now I’m top 84 oh man chat I am Live on YouTube queuing ranked it’s real Steve at least it’s not it’s real me that would be terrifying cuz that real life happened chat I’m on a three losing streak this is not a good look and I’m behind bars right now bro luck with Loca

Ranked oh what up Brandon I just CED it real me bro it was not a good show not a good show I got crit particles but no crit uh sound or I think damage there we go oh the aim bot’s coming back oh my gosh bro Last Don up for today sorry thank

You bro I do appreciate that I have to get a bow I can’t touch this kid here we Go come on bro I have to lock in guys laggies know what that is on bro come on I shot in front of him because he’s 200 ping I thought it would work wait from me bro I can’t touch this kid bro he’s dead I can’t touch those kids man he had

One pot bro thank you bro for the Dono again the goat bro Chad I was top 50 today and now I think I’m top 100 I think I hefted my rank I’m top a hundo bro oh this is bad bro this is bad wait let’s see the

Streak we’re on negative five chat oh no bro oh no oh my gosh Eddie said what what is this clip oh n no no no no no no let me see chat what did bro send I can’t touch those kids man he had one I no bro not like that bro out of

Context bro no taking it out of cont bro I got another 200 ater I’m keeping the bow a matter of fact I had a strat oh he’s he’s got my Strat on lock what is this Archer how’s 200 Ms feel now Buster you can’t touch these guys I’m scared of being here bro this [ __ ] bro I’m picking up every arrow I can bro not wasting that [ __ ] I’ve got to like I have to play so smart against these guys with Lag let’s find him real quick Where is he bro oh [ __ ] oh no I just wasted a bot chat I wanted to get in his head and make him think he healed me he didn’t cuz his lag it might be hard for him to tell yeah yeah yeah all right bro CH you’re like

Watching Peak Eddie sweat and I’m losing every fight still come on bro let’s get it he not doesn’t even see the arrows hit boxes is broken chat he’s going to run out of arrows and I’m going to pick them all up he’s going to run out of arrows

Holy [ __ ] dude it always feels like these guys have so much reach oh my gosh let’s see how many F had I thought he would have zero bro oh my gosh I’m teer testing for spp wish me luck good luck bro good luck chat I’m on a six losing streak and I

Keep going bro I keep going I need some coaching bro I need coaching where’s case load bro coach me bro I just texted him oh rank match ready let’s get it bro that I did oh yeah he already did Coach be live bro coach be live bro it’s

From me on Loca yeah yeah he plays I didn’t mean to click there bro oh how the [ __ ] did that disappear bro dead bro this guy’s dead I was so dead if he pushed that bro I was so Dead where is he oh there he is oh my gosh my delay Bro I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my gosh Chad he had no BTS and I had seven bro I need to send a screenshot to qua bro of my losing streak I need to send a Screenshot oh God chat oh God can we get one W this is not going I’m queuing ranked live and I’m on a seven losing streak this is so bad bro oh my gosh chat oh this guy’s bad I can do it he’s not bad he’s just uh he’s slow it like healing or

Something all right my eyes are freaking dying bro four hours sleep is not doing me good come on bro I’m just going to push him the whole time the whole time when he needs to rebuff if I can get a hit or two all I like Cas said how are you trash

Cuz I’m on 100 ping bro if I have zero pots against this guy bro I can’t win against anybody I’m dead is it oh gosh Guys he’s out oh thank God I’m only gold one bro oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m so bad what up Maxum no I’m good bro I’m good dumb ads yo y’all are getting ads that’s actually pretty hve the whispering bro what guys am I quiet am I quiet I feel

Like I’ve been yelling okay Grim is bad this should be easy let’s get it Grim actually uh this is not my Peak ping so we’ll see how this goes okay GG I I splashed three and I still instantly died I still instantly died bro I was top 50 today and I’m top

115 this is getting bad chat but I keep going I keep going bro I keep going I don’t know if I should but I do bro I do I keep going no bro oh no oh boys train me and P Bro I don’t think you want to be trained by this guy look

At my stats I don’t think that’s something you Want great after that bro I am not feeling great after that please don’t be itch real me bro okay this is good I just potted twice when I was down through I’m overplotting that’s what I’m doing I don’t know if eating is worth being smacked twice especially I can

Double eat right now I think I’m I’m doing good bro I think I’m doing good oh he’s using bow man got to use a bow too Then He’s dead bro oh I have a health pot still holy [ __ ] I have a health pot still that’s cracked I didn’t even know that running low on arrows isn’t he let’s go bro holy crap jeez that guy’s tough bro head gain oh chat I should have stopped huh no bro

No I need oh my gosh bro I can’t believe that I was that is wild bro top 100 bro I was I was top 50 today bro and top 20 the other day it’s not looking good chaps it’s not looking good oh my goodness bro hey hey Eddie I’m back what up quick

Shot bro right now I’m queueing ranked Loca it’s going all right though my in game name Nick tree oh bet bro are you able to qu rank Nick tree are you are you able to bro that’s what I’m doing right now bro need to get that uh

That rank back bro I need to get that rank back bro I’m just having fun man I I actually like pop PVP like um y’all might not know this actually started with pop PP back in the day back in the day back in the day going give

Youall a seizure I got to chill out with that bro Q ranked I am live oh my gosh there it is boys the ranked match the ranked match let’s do it I’m going click on it Bang all right it’s real Steve I think this guy smoked last time but

Should have it this get it Oh I threw so many bro man and I’m losing it bro I’m losing I’m losing it bro one second let me message my buddy qu real quick how do I do that I have no idea guys I’m trying to up the quality of the stream for you because apparently

My microphone is quiet and I’m talking right into it anyways I’m going to try to figure that out because I don’t want you boys to be struggling to hear me bro here I’m going test a few things boys let me know if it’s too much let me

Know if it’s not enough I’m going to do my best here okay guys I honestly okay there we go there we go okay that’s my volume your mic is good you think it’s good everyone I don’t know Cas says it’s too quiet he says I’m whispering maybe he’s a troll look I can

Turn it up I can turn it up I don’t know if this is too loud cuz look it could go real loud bro oh my gosh I shouldn’t have that let’s just keep it at 50 it was at 43 before now it’s at 50 how’s

This good bad in between oh my gosh my my ranked match is many my ranked match is ready bro freaking stuttering oh nah jit shot me with a gun no shot I miss all those bro let’s just aim right now let Me here we Go Oh freck I barely missed that I missed two Crites now bro so funny Kayla Here we go Bro there you go he’s dead he’s Dead he healed me bro there we go there we go there we go bro there we go he thinks he’s him by threatening to un sub oh you’re not doing me I I you’re not doing me I am to laugh I suck goodbye bye I’m unsubscribing bye forever I quit PVP

Sucks when you lag what bye dumb YouTuber oh and 1.19 better PVP why is bro molding you hear this [ __ ] oh my God oh my gosh CH I’m going to tell my girlfriend about this bro this guy in my chat guess what he said

Said doel me please doel me do me do me and I wasn’t doing him cuzz I’m que and ranked right now bro and oh my gosh he said you’re not doing me I am to laugh I suck goodbye I am unsubscribing bye forever I quit PVP and

Sucks when you lag and then he said bye dumb YouTuber he’s very angry bro my goodness my gracious I thought I was Ming I should not be waiting to pop bro I’m not in 40 P yeah this is embarrassing how my headphones good you’re the only person

That’s quiet for me that’s weird bro that is weird I was looking at uh my DM with case load bro chat this is so embarrassing bro I live streamed myself draining myself all the way to 109 bro I was top 50 today bro I was right here I was 52 I was the

Second highest gold three and now I am oh gosh like a mid gold one oh like a low gold one bro oh no I’m just telling people to queue up telling people to queue up my hair’s growing back W thank you bro bro said who asked uh I’m just kidding

Sh I’m just kidding chat chat one I’m I’m insane on mcpp Club pot I’m like don’t even think I should D there because it’ll make me worse here with the 40 Ms your boy doesn’t quick drop bro never ever message Dey C ranked big dog EDD caught lacking indeed bro I’ve

Been caught lacking I’ve been caught guys I got a day off of work tomorrow I believe my beautiful lady uh she’s watching a show she can’t hear me right now but it’s all good man this uh this is crazy chat no one’s queuing oh you can’t check people’s ping bro you on Tab

Interesting someone else is saying Q rank too why AR we getting into the game he too high of a rank oh oh it’s a door never mind I didn’t mean to leave the queue bro oh oh that’s cuz I got a match PPE oh gosh this guy freaked me up last time I

Fought him bro like super Bad please bro I didn’t even get the pot in my hot bar I am messing up bro jeez yeah I tell you this guy messes me up look at that inventory bro jeez man I don’t know why it’s just like that guy I struggle against so hard bro oh my gosh

I’ve never gotten that guy lower than like 20 pots man it’s really bad oh this guy I can win against him Bro bro is copying wrestling with a tank top bro what do you mean I’m not losing to this guy bro can’t Land one bow shot on him please all right not important I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh I know what’s going on chat I’m not jump resetting at all I might have to harass him in this corner bro oh that was not worth it at all bro I won with one heart bro and he had two pots holy crap holy crap how did I win that one one a rank match one heart remaining jeez

Bro I wonder how can I is there a way to look at achievements oh this is cool Min games Arenas this is pretty cool I think that’s what I’m looking for one hit wonder finish a a week at Gold rank or higher Play 50 ranked matches in a single week okay yo what up Elijah the stream is at the boring part right now bro I’m

Not even going to front I’m sorry y’all I’m sorry let me see I’m I’m looking at these uh these things right here these achievements I can I can unlock oh potion this what I’m looking for oh it doesn’t show me all of them just shows me the ones I got 200

Eh who would like to get top 25 one day was top 50 for a bit bro but oh my gosh C to view this series like oh this three weeks Ago okay I see I see I see I see smells a little who smells a Little oh there we go let’s get it okay it’s grimbo I got to pot early against this guy I can’t forget that much dummy what are you looking at grimbo allor right my freaking eyes are hurting hello I clicked on him twice I there we go there we go grimbo there we go

Brother oh my gosh what a good day what a good day oh gosh thatv joined that guy’s a monster okay CL back up a little bit don’t like the number we’re at though do not like the number we are at sorry chat I’m messaging guess who

Marlo messaging Marlo how was my spch Ed is your something brother good is my is my brother good Oh’s he’s all right bro look at look guys I’m learning a little bit of Spanish myself uhit see oh I think this guy’s good let’s see how it goes There we go bro there we go uh is my brother good I like I like uh Spanish bro I would like to learn some more Spanish honestly it’s fun to speak Spanish espol uhan somebody teach me Spanish bro teach me Spanish I know TI I was rage queuing bro I went from top

50 to like top 115 it was bad bro it was really bad bro it was so bad bro how did you lose 40 spots we don’t talk about it bro I’m actually cheating I’m about to get it back I learned Spanish from playing lav ver really bro um me have my grandma

Something and no oh your grandma’s maretto his birthday maybe uh on November 11th is that I think what you’re saying Eddie no idea if you can see this but I’m going go out with the bang real all right my friend I can see it bro I didn’t block you just

Cuz I kicked you from my Discord doesn’t mean I blocked you bro I’mma go out with a bang real you’re a troll bro that’s what you are do you like my outro to you bro that day you like my outro like well probably see you soon to be

Honest bro I have like hiccups or something building up right here death he died oh oh you’re a Boo’s Grand Grandpa not Grandma he said my oh man oh what’s up fre Steve how you doing brother I am Live on YouTube queuing ranked come watch oh no guys I’ve never won against

This guy yet I’m going to see if I can like play different and maybe have a chance stupid also I’m sorry to hear that about your grandmother uh coronor that sucks bro my uh my grandma died a couple weeks before that there we go bro I got my

First dub against this guy tell yall I do what it takes bro gold three again [ __ ] oh I forgot to tell you I failed low tier 2 cuz I had to fight someone who countered my play outle that sucks bro who was it let’s go [ __ ] top 66

Uhhuh oh no rest in peace your grams yeah that’s why uh I took a streaming break for a little bit I actually uploaded my video to 3 weeks ago I did that well I was in the correct State for the funeral let me check real quick guys let’s I’m

Going to check the analytics of the last video I’m super happy with how it’s turned out so far I’m actually stoked about it cuz look look look look Let’s uh let’s check it out 3.6k views that’s mental bro that’s so good okay sorry I’m looking at it give me a second

Yo yeah we rcking in 10 bucks from this [ __ ] you like that look in the last two days 500 views look it was going flat for a bit you can’t see cuz my camera a little bit but it was flattening out and then I changed the thumbnail around here

And then it just started going up and up and up and up bro started going up and up and up I’m stoked about that I don’t know about y’all I’m so what is this man doing bro got two swords one for the [ __ ] and one for

The yeah dude Eddie I love that video dude I’m so glad I put my heart in so so into that [ __ ] bro it’s got 40% retention which not terrible but I’m trying to get 50 bro my Dr donut video got 50% retention 50% of people who

Clicked on that watch it until the end bro that is mental 50% of 20,000 so 10,000 people clicked on that video and watched it till the end got 120 kills gosh one KB in the end other from regular comment oh my gosh oh yeah Diamond pot test cool is

Over I should test again I’m down bro the fact that I always click off 5 seconds before it ends everyone does that you know it’s normal for it to go down at the end cuz like it’s an outro you know that’s why uh a lot of YouTubers make super sudden outros their

Outro will just be like all right it’s done and Bam it’s over or it’ll be like a a question to leave you thinking about it you know um yeah I’d love to see a 1V one but my PC blew up bro are you okay your PC exploded my gosh that don’t sound right

Bro does not sound right H hell to the no that sounds awful bro no way chat I was just about to UNC so I could pee I got to pee real bad and I get an Australian Instead This like the worst thing that could happen he’s Australian I don’t know what’s worse that he’s Australian or that I got a pee I’m just kidding guys I love my Aussies one of my best friends is Australian forarm All right Bro oh my God my aim Bro damn bro I died how is that guy emerald too bro oh my gosh I have to bow against the Aussies bro I have to bow against the Aussies bro bro I have to Bro all right chat where are we at right now 73 need to get in the 50s bro I need to get in the 50s bro what is this guy doing let’s see if this guy’s spinning facts or not is he spinning facts chat or no or

No all right chat hold on I got something for y’all I got something for y’all all right I’m going to pee y’all are going to watch this bro it’s not my video but uh Boy Told Hello meantime my girlfriend threw this at me earlier if you’re here on the stream you to see it and um yeah going to eat that Huh put the f word bro This content is like I wonder how they do that is this just editing or is it mods what’s up Wyatt be a n PE is this a mod bro Undead bro I feel like you you could say I’m stealing content I’m just um to keep Entertain Whoa oh what the Hell I took a leap out of me oh his booking Good good Minecraft in Ohio goes crazy what Babe Alexa Royale huh guy makes the coolest content just a mod putting stuff together Bitcoin bro was a millionaire he mind Bitcoin oh no bro Chat I’m I’m no longer AFK how do you know weird weird hey do one more chat or is that risking at all cuz bro I’m freaking 73 that’s not a good look not reading my chat goes crazy I’m reading it mon limitation stuff like I joined thinking you were being coach but

Then I just see Minecraft I bro bro you’re late bro you’re late okay hold on I’m goingon to message Marlo real quick yeah I’m cool I’m just kidding hold on um how do I ask this bro so I have a question for um the Young The Young home

Girl Marlo I have a question for her I’m making a video I think I’ll do it off stream bro I think it off I think it’s time to go boys I think it’s time to go I got to hang perfect oh D but anyways oh my God hold on I can do one

Tip full duel I can do one tip full du it’s TI full bro it’s TI full what is this the [ __ ] is Bare Bones stream quality is good or bad what do you mean he goes crazy what the hell is this this is just sword I thought this was a potion duel

Bro got destroyed though this guy’s an idiot bro what’s your playlist I’m going to need to cop it it’s just yeah yeah yeah Cas loow I’m down bro I’m so bad right now though dude K so run it up bro we we doing on here bro D I’m actually dog trash with

100 ping it’s so badle this is the map from the video in the first two seconds all right my aim needs to lock in hello aim I said that and then missed four hits there we go buddy what your play time D com M okay bro you okay dual case load he’s on

Freak where is case load bad aim I know dude ranked Bare Bones I’ll do it chat I play my first one let ask if I’m okay that’s crazy course of course I’m asking if you’re okay bro I wouldn’t I I would be a dick not to is it this going to start

Bro girl for watching a gay comedian that re yall heard of him they heard of him or not blood does not know me I’m not a blood G bro getting mad at himself who Me what the hell is this this guy sitting here with 300 ping queuing ranked look at the scoreboard it says he has 300 ping but he takes knockback right away that’s really weird oh my gosh bro MC PVP all right bet bet I am so down I am so Down streak bro you’re you’re not on mess with the wrong Australian that’s so Funny bro what’s up with your attitude bro my mod said your name and you were what the f with blood’s was getting hostile for real like the Wyatt is just Chilling huh Me I [ __ ] wish this was my ping on Loca bro holy [ __ ] right there I would have died on Loca because my PO would have Thrown let’s get it broy okay there we go 1 oh bro 1 oh so far I like this score oh no bro oh I threw two Eddie I’m just mad he kicked me what are you talking about have Obama’s drone strikes real no clickbait what the f word

Oh I thought I won that trade bro no reason of gatekeeping it buddy I’m quitting MC I’m going just all my MC work I guess go for it got to do you’re quitting MC for the first time brother not the last I walked backwards and he’s still reach me

There we go 14 is not a good look bro TR this nice po count glitch I hit two I threw two I God K would be better if he had a better position timing besides that he’s insane what do you mean position timing to mean spacing I know I don’t know how do you even it’s like that bro there we go there we go bro there we go

Oh potion timing okay what do you mean edx Dum on stream world’s biggest CVP leak you won’t do nothing brother you won’t do anything bro I just know it CU you’re a beta cook boy I don’t know why I thought you said position timing why oh frig frig

Bro what up Normie how you doing bro welcome to the stream bro yeah I’m still streaming not for long though after this uh 10 Rounds I’m gonna I’m going to end it oh my gosh but I’m about to win 10 times in a row so it’ll end

Fast how are you still hitting me bro there we go bro I I don’t know why you didn’t heal he had 23 and I had eight bro oh my gosh I’ve been training NE font playing more Crystal nice bro you’re so insane k bro hello I I lost

Bro oh frick how many did he really have bro he didn’t have 23 come on I know dude this guy’s crazy like what that’s perfect aim oh no bro 73 bro sharpness Junior me me or this guy I’m fighting bro instantly gets comboed I think I know a problem I’m

Having right now I need to fix my uh pitch like where I’m aiming like how high I’m aiming jeez bro this guy is a threat that guy doesn’t miss I know dude here I’m going to try not to miss as much I missed one already my second hit he just refilled in that

Jump I did not mean to throw that Health pot bro I can’t afford to be missing FR let’s get it bro can you have accept me yeah yeah yeah my bad oh why didn’t I heal bro I was doing good I wish it showed his PO count

Bro okay bro if I lose this is the last round where’s my sword there it is that’s a problematic those those last pots were bad bro those last pots were bad all right JP bro I just added you I’ll add anybody bro anybody I got the gang it’s all good all

Right boys GG’s that was a good stream I will have to catch you later bro that’s tempting Cas Lo but n bro I want to spend the rest of the night with my girl bro you can’t take me from her bro you can’t take me from her all right

Bro I’ll see you guys later Cas Lo we’ll fight later bro but um I’ll see you guys peace out waiting a couple seconds for the stream delay okay bye good night have a good stream stream short amount of time it rewind

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PVP Training’, was uploaded by Eddie on 2023-11-25 04:26:10. It has garnered 358 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:22 or 8722 seconds.

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    Recreating Famous Minecraft Manhunt Clutches in Minecraft PE The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Introduction Embark on an epic journey as Minecraft enthusiasts take on the challenge of learning 24 god-level skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to speed telly bridging, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Key Skills Learned Participants in this challenge tackled some of the toughest skills in Minecraft, including: God Bridge: A technique that allows players to bridge rapidly and efficiently. Speed Telly Bridging: A high-speed bridging method that requires precision and quick reflexes. PvP Timing: Mastering the art of… Read More

  • Crafting a Spider Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spider Portal in Minecraft Minecraft’s Bou’s Revenge: Exploring the Poulinia Spider Portal Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and adventures. One such exciting feature is the Poulinia Spider Portal in Bou’s Revenge, a unique realm waiting to be explored. Let’s delve into the mysterious world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this intriguing portal. Discovering the Poulinia Spider Portal As players venture into the Bou’s Revenge realm, they come across the enigmatic Poulinia Spider Portal. This portal serves as a gateway to a realm filled with challenges, treasures, and new experiences. To activate the portal,… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Cathedral Build!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Cathedral Build! Minecraft Adventure: Building an Epic Cathedral on Project Nodenium In the latest episode of Project Nodenium, players are embarking on a grand project inspired by European gothic cathedrals. The mega base being constructed promises to be a sight to behold, with intricate details and stunning architecture. Landscaping and Terraforming As the episode kicks off, players dive into the world of landscaping and terraforming to create the perfect setting for the cathedral. From shaping the land to planting trees and flowers, every detail is meticulously planned to enhance the overall aesthetic of the build. Resources and Timelapse Throughout the episode,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft tutorials and building efficient farms? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a thriving community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine exploring vast landscapes, building epic structures, and engaging in thrilling PvP battles with other players. On Minewind, the possibilities are endless. And with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, joining the server is quick and easy. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • Finding a Home: CrispyDisk Stacia 2 Expert

    Finding a Home: CrispyDisk Stacia 2 Expert Welcome to Stacia 2 Expert – Episode #1 Getting Started: Punching Trees and Tinkering In this first episode of the Stacia 2 Expert modpack playthrough, our protagonist dives into the world of Minecraft 1.19. The journey begins with the classic Minecraft ritual of punching trees to gather essential resources. As the adventure unfolds, tinkering with various tools and items becomes crucial for survival. Loot Goblin Adventures and Nether Dimension Exploring the vast world of Stacia 2 Expert leads to exciting encounters with loot goblins and the discovery of a mysterious Nether dimension. These thrilling escapades add depth and excitement… Read More

  • Crafting Addiction: The Minecraft Return Encore

    Crafting Addiction: The Minecraft Return Encore In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, We explore the reasons why we play, day and night. From the magic of discovery to the routine of play, We delve into the reasons that make us stay. Loneliness and routine can creep in, But nostalgia and creativity keep us within. The game may be overexposed, it’s true, But its essence still shines through. Modern life and instant gratification, Affect our perception, our dedication. Yet in Minecraft, we find moments of peace, Where creativity and self-expression increase. So let’s reflect on why we keep coming back, To a game… Read More

  • Minecraft: Breaking the Unbreakable

    Minecraft: Breaking the Unbreakable The Unbelievable Feat: Breaking Minecraft Without Crashing When it comes to Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. Recently, a player known as Knarfy achieved the seemingly impossible – breaking Minecraft without crashing. This extraordinary feat has left the Minecraft community in awe and has sparked a wave of excitement among players. The Mods Behind the Madness Knarfy utilized a variety of mods to achieve this incredible accomplishment. Some of the key mods used include: Essential Mod: A mod that provides essential tools and features for players. Freecam Mod: Allows players to… Read More

  • Commissioner Kerem vs. Rich Man: Minecraft Mafia Mayhem

    Commissioner Kerem vs. Rich Man: Minecraft Mafia Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Where Kerem Commissioner and Zengin are bold. Trapped by the evil mafia, a dangerous plight, Their adventure takes flight, in the dead of night. With twists and turns, their fate unknown, Will they escape, or be overthrown? Watch until the end, to see their fate, In this rich-poor life, where danger awaits. Akademi Craft brings the story alive, With Turkish Minecraft fun, let your imagination thrive. Subscribe, like, and join the fun, In this world of gaming, where stories are spun. Remember, it’s all in good fun, Imaginary characters, when all… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Tour – Blank Canvas for Creativity!

    Ultimate Minecraft House Tour - Blank Canvas for Creativity!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modern Medium-Small Minecraft House Tour | Unfurnished & Ready for Your Ideas’, was uploaded by Actionpack7000 on 2024-08-21 00:05:41. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:27 or 1347 seconds. Check out this modern medium-small Minecraft house, featuring a sleek, minimalist design that’s perfect for customization. With its unfurnished interior, it’s a blank canvas for you to add your own personal touch and creativity! In this video, Iโ€™ll guide you through the process of building a stunning Minecraft house from scratch! ๐Ÿ โœจ Whether youโ€™re a beginner or a… Read More


    ๐Ÿ”ฅSHIBILGAMER REVEALS LATEST MINECRAFT HACKS๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Statusโค๏ธโค๏ธ#shortsfeed #shorts #shortsviral #minecraft #status’, was uploaded by SHIBILGAMER on 2024-08-31 10:09:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #Entertainment #Fun #Comedy #Vlog #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #PopCulture #EntertainmentTonight #Trending #EntertainmentIndustry #BehindTheScenes #EntertainmentWeekly #FunnyVideos #EntertainmentBlogger #Music #Dance #Viral #InstaVideo #EntertainmentChannel #Movie #Gaming #Lifestyle #Laugh #EntertainmentVideos #LiveEntertainment #Actor #Actress #StandUpComedy #Performance #Review #Reaction #Film #Series #Television #TV #Theater #ShortFilm #Documentary #BehindTheScenes #Bloopers #Sketch #Funny #Humor #ComedySketch #Prank #Satire #Parody #Improv #Skit #Animation #Cartoon #Anime #VFX #SpecialEffects #Costume #Makeup #Beauty #Fashion #Model #Dance #Choreography #Talent #Singing #Rap #HipHop… Read More

  • Pig SMP

    Pig SMPโ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•PigSMPโ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€• Come and join an exciting new 1.21 Semi-Vanilla Minecraft SMP that is completely free to play! We have a friendly and welcoming community and the staff team are on hand to answer any questions you may have. Everyone is welcome at PigSMP! โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•What we offerโ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€• – Premium server features whilst being 100% free to play! – Grief prevention to protect those epic builds. – Custom armour, tools, weapons and blocks. – PvP Duels and events. – Economy based server. – Custom fishing & tournaments – Vehicles that work like tractors, cars, planes and more. – Growing list of minigames… Read More

  • Draconicraft SMP – Semi-vanilla Java 18+ Whitelist 1.21

    Draconicraft SMP Features: Semi-vanilla Java Version 1.21 18+ Age Requirement Whitelist About Draconicraft: Draconicraft is a community-focused Minecraft server with a 20k world border. The world expands with each Minecraft update, allowing players to work on projects without the fear of resets. Our diverse community of players from around the world offers a welcoming and respectful environment. Server Plugins and Datapacks: Anti Ender Dragon Grief Anti Enderman Grief Bundles! Custom Armor Statues Custom Nether Portals More Mob Heads Mini Blocks Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Silence Mobs Villager Workstation Highlights Configuration Info Join Us: Experience a chill, adult-friendly survival server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether what?

    Because “what the nether” would’ve been too lit-erally explosive! Read More

  • Let’s Dive In: Lety’s Minecraft Axolotl Egg Bomb Adventure

    Let's Dive In: Lety's Minecraft Axolotl Egg Bomb Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new bath bomb emerges, An axolotl egg from Lush, the excitement surges. But for Lety, it’s a different tale, Stepping on one in Mexico, a memory frail. In the virtual realm, axolotls thrive, A chance to interact, to keep them alive. But the video’s cut short, a change in the air, To protect her mental health, a break she must bear. Support Lety on Mastodon, for more of her wit, Or pledge on Patreon, to help her kit. Lewd modeling content, for those who dare, But delays may happen, so be aware. For… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Cheesy Dreamscape: Minecraft Animation

    Cheesy Dreamscape: Minecraft Animation The World of Minecraft: An Engaging Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a vast and immersive virtual world for players to explore and create. From building magnificent structures to surviving in challenging environments, Minecraft has something for everyone. Exploration and Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its open-world concept, allowing players to explore endless terrains filled with diverse biomes, resources, and creatures. Whether you’re mining for valuable ores deep underground or constructing elaborate buildings on the surface, the possibilities are truly limitless. Building and Crafting With a variety of blocks at your disposal,… Read More

  • Surviving a Brave New World in Minecraft

    Surviving a Brave New World in Minecraft The Quest for Ender Pearls and Blaze Rods in Minecraft Survival Preparing for the Journey In the vast world of Minecraft Survival, every step is a new adventure. Our brave explorer is gearing up for a mission into the Nether, a realm filled with danger and mystery. Equipped with armor, weapons, and supplies, the journey begins. Gathering Ender Pearls Venturing into the eerie Warped Forest, our explorer sets out to hunt Endermen for valuable Ender Pearls. These shimmering orbs hold the key to unlocking portals and advancing in the game. With skill and determination, the Ender Pearls are secured… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Vx3 dominates SKYWARS CLASSIC on The Hive!

    Unbelievable: Vx3 dominates SKYWARS CLASSIC on The Hive!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing on The Hive live but SKYWARS CLASSIC?!?!’, was uploaded by Vx3 on 2024-08-16 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hope you enjoy the stream! #hive #minecraft #live #survival. Read More

  • Exploring Illegal Farms & Spooky Caves in Minecraft

    Exploring Illegal Farms & Spooky Caves in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Spooky Caves & illegal Farms in Minecraft | Minecraft in เคนเคฟเคจเฅเคฆเฅ€’, was uploaded by Zombie The Gamer on 2024-03-24 04:45:01. It has garnered 190 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:13 or 613 seconds. #minecraftindia #deepdark #minecrafthindi #scaryminecraft Join me on an exciting adventure as we dive into the latest version of Minecraft Survival, version 1.20.4! In this episode, we uncover the mysteries of scary caves and stumble upon secret illegal farms hidden within the game. From heart-pounding moments deep underground to the discovery of clandestine agricultural operations, this journey… Read More

  • Unbelievable Survival Tactics in Minecraft SMP!

    Unbelievable Survival Tactics in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Laten we eerlijk zijn. – Tijd4Survival S02E28 [Minecraft SMP] [44]’, was uploaded by Tijd4Jan on 2024-04-11 18:30:11. It has garnered 55 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:48 or 888 seconds. Today we’re going to take a step back from the normal Time4Survival formula. I have a few things I want to say, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. โญ Help me make better videos through Patreon: i|! Social Media i|! ๐ŸŸฅ Tijd4Jan: ๐Ÿงช Projects by Tijd4Jan: ๐ŸŸช Instagram: ๐Ÿ“ Tijd4Jan – Archive: ๐Ÿ“œ… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedwars Madness! Join me on the Road to 10k Subs

    Minecraft Bedwars Madness! Join me on the Road to 10k SubsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars Live! | WITH SUBS |Road To 10k Subs.’, was uploaded by Bukhari Gameplay on 2024-05-01 15:16:34. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:58 or 4738 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars Live! | WITH SUBS |Road To 10k Subs. Eagle’s Channel SUB!!!: Also AwesomePlayz : ServerI Discord VC-: Version-:1.8+ Welcome, everyone, to our Minecraft Bedwars livestream! We are thrilled to have you here with us as we take on some of the toughest opponents in the game, all while working towards our goal of hitting 10ksubscribers…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Lifesteal in New Base – Episode 6

    Unbelievable Lifesteal in New Base - Episode 6Video Information This video, titled ‘The Journey to a New Base – Lifesteal episode 6’, was uploaded by V0idDagger on 2024-08-17 09:25:11. It has garnered 62 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:36 or 6996 seconds. Playing the public lifesteal server live Teamates: @FireLightning78 @xGrindin @realcritter @Imgid5803 #lifesteal #minecraft Read More


    DASH: EPIC ANGEL VS DEMON BATTLE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANGEL / DEMON Life in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-09-09 13:00:18. It has garnered 146387 views and 2535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. ANGEL VS DEMON Life in Minecraft This video Dash and Ruby live a ANGEL AND DEMON LIFE in MIENCRAFT! Who will live the best life? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • FLAME LEGENDS! Samsung Users Tauba Tauba ๐Ÿ”ฅ #freefire

    FLAME LEGENDS! Samsung Users Tauba Tauba ๐Ÿ”ฅ #freefireVideo Information This video, titled ‘TAUBA TAUBA para-SAMSUNG,A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A1 0,A20,A30,A70 #freefire #shorts’, was uploaded by Flame Legends on 2024-08-02 11:00:34. It has garnered 464 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Link: #freefire #gaming #trending #viral #minecraft #freefire #catnap #minecraftshorts #gojo #anime #huggywuggy FREE FIRE FREE FIRE SAMSUNG,A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A1 0,A20,A30,A70 Ramzan event in Free Fire #gaming #freefirehow to complete RAMDAN EVENT in Free Fire SAMSUNG,A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A1 0,A20,A30,A70#freefire #Garena #Aksbyte_gamingfree fire shooting tips, free fire tips andtricksJ3. How to get free DIAMOND in freefireI|4. How to get 10 rupees airdrop tipsJ5. How to get 29 rupees airdrop… Read More

  • INSANE! Pillager Outpost Turned House! #minecraft

    INSANE! Pillager Outpost Turned House! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Transforming a Pillager Outpost into a House #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ThaMango on 2024-07-04 19:13:05. It has garnered 12788 views and 1115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. im hoping my cold goes away tomorrow, but if it doesn’t I might take a few days off the series and return whenever it’s better (hopefully that’s not the case though) sorry Read More

  • INSANE! You won’t believe this MINECRAFT MOVIE flipbook by Andymation

    INSANE! You won't believe this MINECRAFT MOVIE flipbook by AndymationVideo Information This video, titled ‘I made the MINECRAFT MOVIE Flipbook’, was uploaded by Andymation on 2024-09-11 18:37:02. It has garnered 33169 views and 2212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:13 or 193 seconds. Ima make a Minecraft Movie flipbook and see what the Studio thinks of it. ๐Ÿ“ฆ Get my Flipbook Kit and supplies at โœŒ๏ธ ๐Ÿ“ฑ Share YOUR animations in the Andymation App – It’s FREE iOS: Android: Other Gear I Use: Mechanical Pencils: Copic Pens: Basic Copic Marker Set: Social: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: 2nd Channel:… Read More

  • MhTreasure

    MhTreasure– Mine sand for treasure – Sell items for gold – Buy or upgrade items – Find rare shovels inside of treasure – 13 loot layers with scaling health having 250+ different items – Explore custom world generation – Custom enchantments – Few restrictions on crafting, enchanting, etc. providing a vanilla experience Read More

  • Ironclad Factions – Brand New World – PVP Focused – Custom Enchants – Factions & McMMO – No Hacking – Java & Bedrock Supported

    IP: Port: 25555 (Bedrock supported) Discord: Ironclad Network About Us: Welcome to Ironclad Factions Lifesteal, where every battle counts, and every heart is precious. Join us in our brand new world on 8/18/24 for competitive gameplay, intense PVP, and strategic faction warfare. What Makes Us Different: Lifesteal Mechanics: Gain extra hearts from enemy kills. Custom Enchantments: Enhance your gear with unique enchantments. Faction Commands: Utilize commands to dominate the server. PVP Enabled: Battle in the entire world. Economy & Trading: Sell items, manage resources, and trade in Auction House. Skill Progression: Level up skills with McMMO for powerful abilities…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My brutal take on the Minecraft film

    Minecraft Memes - My brutal take on the Minecraft filmWell, I guess the Minecraft movie has a higher score than my GPA in high school. Read More

  • Void Survivor, Cave Dweller, Herobrine: Minecraft Terror

    Void Survivor, Cave Dweller, Herobrine: Minecraft Terror In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a man from the void, a story untold. With lightning strikes and caves to explore, The adventure begins, with so much more. Crafting a home, with blocks and beams, Facing the unknown, in virtual dreams. The cave dweller lurks, in shadows deep, While Herobrine watches, a secret to keep. With mods and shaders, the game comes alive, Each sound and texture, helping us thrive. Cartoon Dog and Iris Shaders in play, Immersive interfaces, guiding the way. Realistic sounds, of rain and footsteps, Adding depth to the game, with every step…. Read More

  • Oppise moment: Creeper in the hot tub ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Oppise moment: Creeper in the hot tub ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, that’s the ultimate “oppose moment” ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™Š #minecraftfail #rookiemistake #shouldhavewatchedatutorial Read More

  • Piston Power: Block Exploration

    Piston Power: Block Exploration Minecraft Piston: A Redstone Marvel Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when delving into the intricate world of redstone contraptions. One key component that has revolutionized the way players interact with the game is the Piston. Let’s dive into the fascinating mechanics and possibilities that this block brings to the table. The Power of Pistons At its core, a Piston is a block that can push or pull other blocks when activated by redstone power. This simple concept opens up a world of possibilities for creating complex mechanisms, traps, doors, and more within the game…. Read More

  • Ultra Sneaky Minecraft Server Raid! Part 8

    Ultra Sneaky Minecraft Server Raid! Part 8 Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Gaming Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Elytra Experience the exhilaration of soaring through the skies with the Elytra, a powerful set of wings that allows players to glide effortlessly across vast distances. For the first time, players can now harness the incredible abilities of the Elytra in the latest installment of… Read More

  • Insane Kids’ Minecraft Gameplay Goes Viral! ๐ŸŽฎ

    Insane Kids' Minecraft Gameplay Goes Viral! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – part 1 pc game gameplay #gameplay #viral #cartoon’, was uploaded by MG kids Tv ๐Ÿงธ on 2024-06-18 00:50:36. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:25 or 445 seconds. Minecraft Dungeons – part 1 pc game gameplay Welcome to MG kids Tv , where the magic of gaming comes to life for our young adventurers! ๐ŸŽฎโœจ ๐ŸŒˆ Dive into a world of fun, laughter, and endless gaming excitement with MG kids Tv, your friendly guide through the realm of pixels and power-ups. Our channel is… Read More

  • Massive Mansion Build + Discord Nitro Giveaway

    Massive Mansion Build + Discord Nitro GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Livestream | BUILDING AND DECORATING MASSIVE MANSION + DISCORD NITRO GIVEAWAY’, was uploaded by MA_FatherGucci on 2024-04-13 20:18:57. It has garnered 155 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:45 or 8385 seconds. We’re doing the finishing touches and doing a discord nitro giveaway! Join me at Make sure you’re in the server and at the end we will do the giveaway!!!, just add your discord user at this link!!! Tips are appreciated and thanks to all who do donate! #Minecraftmemes #Minecraftbuild #Minecrafters Meme asylum FYP Minecraft Building… Read More

  • Draven’s Sand Art Creates Mind-Blowing Masterpieces! #shorts

    Draven's Sand Art Creates Mind-Blowing Masterpieces! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Falling Sand Art Minecraft – owlette #shorts #minecraft #owlette’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-04-22 12:45:00. It has garnered 20337 views and 564 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #owlette Read More

  • Unbelievable Aquatica Tower Build | ABGee’s Magic | Time-lapse

    Unbelievable Aquatica Tower Build | ABGee's Magic | Time-lapseVideo Information This video, titled ‘The starting tower in Aquatica! | Time-lapse’, was uploaded by ABGee’s Magic on 2024-03-07 06:42:33. It has garnered 24 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:39 or 99 seconds. Experience the magic of Minecraft as we build our starting tower in Aquatica! Watch the time-lapse of our creation unfold in this exciting first episode of our series. Dive in now and be inspired to start your own epic builds! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Rebirth! Don’t Miss Out!

    EPIC Minecraft Rebirth! Don't Miss Out!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Beginnings in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-16 19:00:17. It has garnered 109 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:53 or 1733 seconds. Thanks for stopping by! Come along with me as I start my journey on the AfterLife SMP. Today’s goal is to just… not get kicked off the server on day one. Baby steps! ————————————— AfterLife SMP is a private Java survival multiplayer server that started December 21, 2014 created by AllOutJay. Weโ€™re a wonderful group of YouTubers who enjoy playing Minecraft, creating riveting stories, making monstrous… Read More