Insane Redstone Tier List – Minecraft 1.19!

Video Information

Ranking every redstone block in minecraft 1.19 there’s a lot of redstone blocks in the game some of them have a whole lot of practical building applications but a lot of them don’t let’s take a look at them here we’ve got all of our full blocks that actually

Take up the whole one by one by one meter space these are not quite full blocks and these are definitely not full blocks at all as a quick reminder if you’re new to these kinds of videos we’re going to be ranking these on a tier list system that you can see behind

Me where anything in s here is amazing a tier is pretty good b tier is decent c tier is rarely useful and f tier is cringe each of these blocks behind me belongs somewhere on that to your list and we gotta figure out what goes where in case you have not seen any

Of my previous ranking videos we are going to be ranking these blocks by three different criteria a how good does the block look by itself b how versatile is the block and c and this is a little bit less important but still worth considering how easy is it to obtain in

Regular survival minecraft right so starting with the full blocks we’re going to take a look at these two the slime block and the honey block they basically do the same thing you know in flying machines and weird sticky contraptions and whatever but in terms of their aesthetic value in building

Neither of them are particularly too useful right like slime blocks are good to represent slime and honey blocks are good to represent honey it’s very hard to actually find another use for these that isn’t just you know the block that they’re made of but on top of that honey

Blocks are interesting because you know they’re not entirely full blocks so you can use them with water elevators or they can be like a kind of a window of some kind because they have that weird outer texture that’s a little bit more transparent than the inner bit so i’m

Thinking honeybox probably belong in seat here and as for the slime blocks sorry buddy you’re cringe target blocks now these are definitely a lot easier to get in survival than the previous two but a lot like the slime blocks and the honey blocks i mean they look like a

Target which is useful when you need that but they don’t have too many other applications besides that however being a target you know that fits in very well with really any place you would find bows and arrows or crossbows so you know very many medieval builds i could see it

Used in a barracks of some kind or maybe out in a village where there’s like a you know fletcher’s shop or maybe like an archery training range definitely uh you know not as weird as these guys hmm i like the texture so b-tier that might be a little high

But i think it should be fine redstone lamps best here the ability to like toggle on and off a light source is just really really great now of course if you’ve seen my video on light blocks you might remember that i did not put redstone lamps in s-tier in that video

And that’s because we were looking at them compared to other light blocks but when you’re comparing it to redstone blocks many of which have very limited building functionality then i’d say these guys are really good pistons and sticky pistons now regular pistons are fantastic it’s really nice to be able to

Introduce a little bit of movement into your builds which pistons are really one of the only ways to do that you can extend them and then they can be like a table of some kind if you put them in the ground by one block and overall they

Just have good like industrial vibes and i think they work in a lot of different building styles ester sticky pistons on the other hand i mean just having the slime all over it kind of just ruins it still can work for industrial things maybe if you’re like incorporating a lot

Of the other actual slime blocks into your build you know but besides that they’re just a direct downgrade see tier observers i mean they make a funny little face i mean these guys are a little bit annoying to craft but i think they’re a really great way to get rid of

All your cobblestone and they’re surprisingly versatile i mean anytime you’re gonna make any sort of like automaton or robot or something you’re probably gonna want a cute little face for it and the observer does that really really well so that’s going in i we need to see the face hold on one

Second there we go that’s better a tier pretty good droppers and dispensers i mean they’re pretty interchangeable aesthetically speaking you can see i uh actually can barely tell them apart most of the time not gonna lie they’re decently useful i mean dispensers can be a face but i feel like observers are

Just better at that really not very useful to be completely honest i’m gonna put them both in f-tier i know i’m kind of being a little harsh on these guys but in terms of building aesthetic i don’t think they do anything that the observer doesn’t block of redstone i

Mean this one is definitely a little bit more useful it’s not my favorite like a red block i think there are definitely better options for red textures like red concrete powder uh red and nether wart blocks but this one’s not terrible it’s got a nice bright shade that you don’t

Really see in other red textures ct oops okay i’m not putting those two together i guess ah see tier there we go command blocks i mean this is a really weird one most people are not building with command blocks because of course you cannot get these in survival at all but

I gotta say they’re kind of cool you know compared to some of these blocks that have very niche or very few applications having something that looks like a piece of like electronic equipment actually ah that was scary actually is quite cool i mean you can have different shapes of

This thing and the texture is very messy but of course if you’re making some sort of control panel you’re gonna have a lot of like weird colors and buttons and stuff going on i think it could be pretty useful but of course it is not obtainable in survival at all sea tier

Note blocks i mean these are fantastic you see these in a lot of places that you really wouldn’t find any other redstone blocks i especially love how they look when you cover up part of them with a slab like here i’m using some spruce slabs and you can kind of see

Down here that we got this really cool little reddish brown texture that is kind of hard to replicate with most other blocks in the game alright that is actually all of our full blocks so moving on lecterns you might think that they only really have one use and is you

Know in libraries and stuff to you know be a lectern and hold a book but i think these are surprisingly versatile i really like how it looks when you put two rows of them together it kind of forms like this cool channel that i’m imagining you could like

Slide a log down in a sawmill maybe or some other kind of like weird trough in a factory or some sort of manufacturing item on top of that it’s actually a really nice railing on a balcony you kind of have to do something with the top and the front texture but from the

Back it’s actually really nice and of course it blends in with oak wood which is a very big plus a tier bells i mean don’t get me wrong i love these guys for their sound but there’s not much use for them besides just you know being a bell seat here

Nah nah you know what i like bells too much beat here skulk shrieker and the skulk sensor i mean i’m gonna be doing these guys together because they’re very similar aesthetic wise oh hi you’re making noise okay we’re gonna try and ignore that very annoying noise yeah so these guys i

Mean yeah they look really similar right they both got that dark blue color palette they both got a whole bunch of like movement and textures and stuff going on but that’s the thing they both kind of suck these guys are not practical for anything besides like recreating the deep dark in your

Basement or something not gonna lie both kind of cringe trap chest in case you’re wondering why a regular chest was included in this video totally identical from the regular chest minus this little bit of red in the front here i think that’s unique let’s see chest yeah okay i actually wasn’t positive

About that but the trap chest has a slightly redder hue around the handle you’re not really going to use it in any situation where you wouldn’t just use a regular chest i wouldn’t rank it the same way i’d rank a regular chest because if you’re building something you

Would just use a regular chest and not the trap chest so honestly i don’t really think there is much point to this thing being used sometimes it’d just be like that i don’t know hoppers hoppers belong to a class of blocks i like to call like metal blocks in which you have

Stuff like cauldrons anvils and of course hoppers they’ve all got that very similar dark brushed metal texture that i think is really cool so i’d still say hoppers are a bit less useful than cauldrons and anvils just because they have a little bit of a weird shape but i think they’re

Still really cool actually they can be used in like street lights they can be used as a whole bunch of different things in industrial builds so yeah i’m a fan of the hoppers solid a-tier right there lightning rods yep daylight detectors i mean these are a little strange i

Think they’re cool right they can be good solar panels they can be like giant flood lights or led lights of some kind and the bottom texture kind of spongy insulated feeling that you maybe would find in a place that’s like soundproofed or heat proofed or something like that i

Think it’s surprisingly useful in a ceiling so these are going in a tier i don’t think they get a lot of use but they’re really quite versatile tbh okay that is all of our um not quite full blocks moving on to our last tier which is of course also our biggest one

Starting from the top we’ve got the regular rails and the powered rails regular rails i mean these guys are so useful anytime you want to have a minecart moving around which is yet another great source of movement you got to use the regular rails they’re incredibly cheap they work well in

Different styles like if you want to make some sort of like western you know mining or frontier town kind of style rails are great for that they’re good in anything kind of steampunk or industrially these guys are just really really good so they’re going up there in

S tier i’m probably gonna do all of like the other weird rail types together because they’re all pretty similar they’re all pretty expensive to craft they all don’t have nearly as many uses as the regular rail but i would say my favorite is actually the activator rail

When you turn it on i think it can kind of look like a red-hot grille kind of but besides that i don’t see too many uses for these aesthetically speaking where you wouldn’t just go and use a regular rail the activator rails i am going to put in

Seat here but the other two they’re not that useful tripwire hooks these guys are a little weird people forget about these all the time they can only be placed on a wall which is a little bit annoying but i do find a good amount of use for these guys

Especially if you like put them on the side of a barrel maybe on a piece of scaffolding i think it can look a lot like a keg and of course this being like the tap on the keg they can also be part of like a clothes hanger or a coat rack

To hang something on or maybe a tool rack to hang a sword on or something these guys are surprisingly useful for how often they’re forgotten about a tier doors now real quick just to mention with things like doors pressure plates trapdoors and gates i’m not going to go through every single kind individually

That would make this video incredibly long i’m kind of just going to do like an average of all the different kinds of doors right so we’ve got these nine kinds of doors right here plus of course the iron door the iron door in itself is great it’s got that you know light gray

Metallic iron texture which not many blocks have which i think gives it a lot of points for practicality as for the other doors i mean spruce doors are really great jungle doors i think look nice with their little hole here but besides that the rest of the doors are

Not particularly useful we’re gonna be representing the uh aggregate of all of these doors here with the oak door and i think it’s gonna go and beat here decent but not the most useful thing in the world plus it takes up two blocks so it’s kind of messing up my tier list a

Little bit annoyed about that but oh well next up pressure plates and oh boy there are a lot of these we’ve got these four which are you know not the wood ones these have like you know funky redstone applications that i really don’t understand and then of course

You’ve got the nine different wood ones which all function the same but of course they all have different colors which is very very important so yeah i actually think these four are way more useful than these nine right here the gold ones can look like a fancy like

Dinner platter of some kind the two stone pressure plates accent their base stone blocks very well if you’re making like some sort of stone pathway that’s a little bit roughened up and a little bit weathered you can add some pressure plates and buttons all over the place

And it looks really nice it’s a nice little bit of detail as for the wood ones they’re all a little bit less useful i gotta say tbh but they they have a couple uses and every now and again i mean you could put them on top of like a crate or something

Yeah so the pressure plates honestly would have gone in s tier but the wood ones definitely weigh it down not gonna lie so a tier trapdoors these guys are phenomenal i cannot stress enough how much i think trapdoors are just an essential building block each one of

These has many many applications on its own i mean i’m going to single out the spruce trap door and the dark oak trap door just for being amazing these need no explanation they are phenomenal building blocks i’m just gonna move on because you guys already know these

Would be in like a triple quadruple million s tier if they were on their own but they’re not they are grouped with all the rest of these i want to be extra about it let’s make our own mini tier list just for the trapdoors s tier is definitely spruce and dark oak i

Actually put acacia trapdoor in s tier as well a tier is gonna be birch and oak i think it’s really nice that you can see through these in these four quadrants as great as like a window shutter burst trap doors look really great with scaffolding as well which is

A nice plus i’m also going to throw the iron trap door in atr b tier crimson trapdoors and probably mangrove trap doors as well actually like with basically everything else in 1.19 haven’t really had a chance to really sit down and mess around with these new textures so i apologize i’m really going

To be going more so off of like you know gut instinct and like just just vibes for these but i do really like how there’s a big hole in the middle i think that’s gonna be cool c tier is probably just gonna be the other two warped and

Jungle so putting all of these together as like one aggregate sum for my actual tier list Who am i kidding they’re going to nest here redstone torches cringe redstone dust kinda looks like blood which is nice if you want to be edgy but besides that doesn’t have too many applications it’s everywhere which is nice though so it’s going to go and seat here fence gates

Like the doors and the pressure plates and the trapdoors there are a whole bunch of these but the thing is they’re all kind of the same right and of course you know they have the same texture but in terms of like practical applications you’d really just pick the one that fits

The best color-wise with the rest of your build they don’t really have any like individual differentiating qualities to them b-tier okay last three of the video levers comparators and repeaters levers are surprisingly cool i learned about this thing recently where you put in two levers and some n-rods in

Between them like this and it really does look like some kind of ceiling light like a light bar you’d find in maybe an office space they’re also very easy to craft in survival which is always nice huh the bee is free oh my god beetier comparators and repeaters i

Mean sheesh neither of these really get much use in building let’s be honest it is cool that you can toggle this comparator thing and that’s a nice little bit of interactivity that can make some builds a little bit more interesting but the thing is comparators and repeaters are both annoying to craft

Especially comparators i think the comparator is just barely gonna be kept out of the cringe tier it’s gonna go in seat here right there but you’re hanging on by a thread buddy and the repeater yeah alrighty guys that is my entire ranking video for every single redstone

Block in minecraft 1.19 i’ll give you guys like an f1 view right here so you can get a good look at all of the things that i’m sure you disagree with if you enjoyed the video please do let me know down in the comments below and if you are not subscribed already consider

Doing so until next time my dudes this has been leon and i will see you all in the next minecraft tier list ranking video take care my dudes

This video, titled ‘Ranking EVERY REDSTONE BLOCK in Minecraft 1.19 (Tier List)’, was uploaded by LeonSBU on 2022-06-02 14:00:13. It has garnered 847 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds.

Let’s rank EVERY redstone block in minecraft 1.19! In this minecraft rankings video, Leon makes a tier list involving slime blocks, honey blocks, observers, dispensers and hoppers, sculk, trapdoors and many more redstone components, in the minecraft wild update. ⬇ · SEE MORE · ⬇

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these minecraft gaming videos and minecraft tutorials will teach you building, like a minecraft house tutorial, minecraft castle tutorial, or learn building styles like minecraft steampunk, minecraft cyberpunk, minecraft cottagecore, futuristic minecraft or minecraft modern houses. this whole wall of text is to fool the algorithm into liking me more. check out the huge variety of minecraft tips and minecraft building tutorials for minecraft 1.18, minecraft snapshots and the minecraft 1.19 wild update! if you’re interested in going from a building noob to a building pro, then be sure to watch through all of these minecraft hacks. these tips and tricks work on minecraft java, minecraft bedrock, minecraft pe, and minecraft on consoles like xbox, ps4, and switch! i mainly make minecraft building tutorials, minecraft building timelapses and a minecraft survival let’s play series with multiplayer. this minecraft building discussion video is like a tier list video for minecraft. we are ranking every type of minecraft redstone, including sculk from the minecraft wild update, minecraft 1.19. we also talk about hoppers, dispensers, pistons, slime blocks, honey blocks, observers, doors, gates, tripwires, and more. in some ways it is like a minecraft top 10 video.

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    EPIC Minecraft Status💥 You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Status❤️❤️#shortsfeed #shorts #shortsviral #minecraft #status’, was uploaded by SHIBILGAMER on 2024-09-01 04:25:00. It has garnered 8 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #Entertainment #Fun #Comedy #Vlog #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #PopCulture #EntertainmentTonight #Trending #EntertainmentIndustry #BehindTheScenes #EntertainmentWeekly #FunnyVideos #EntertainmentBlogger #Music #Dance #Viral #InstaVideo #EntertainmentChannel #Movie #Gaming #Lifestyle #Laugh #EntertainmentVideos #LiveEntertainment #Actor #Actress #StandUpComedy #Performance #Review #Reaction #Film #Series #Television #TV #Theater #ShortFilm #Documentary #BehindTheScenes #Bloopers #Sketch #Funny #Humor #ComedySketch #Prank #Satire #Parody #Improv #Skit #Animation #Cartoon #Anime #VFX #SpecialEffects #Costume #Makeup #Beauty #Fashion #Model #Dance #Choreography #Talent #Singing #Rap #HipHop… Read More

  • PoyaLands

    PoyaLandsPoyaLands, a thrilling Minecraft Lifesteal server where survival meets intense PvP action. In this unique game mode, players can steal hearts from each other through combat, making every encounter a high-stakes battle. Build, explore, and fight your way to the top in a world where only the strongest survive. Join the adventure today at and see if you have what it takes to dominate the lands! Read More

  • Duce’s SMP – vanilla, whitelist, 18+

    Welcome to Our 1.21 Vanilla SMP Server! We’re launching a fresh server and looking for new players to join our community. It’s a whitelist-only server with no plugins or mods—just Vanilla Minecraft. Our community has been around since 2013, offering a solid group of players and a history of good vibes. This is a new map, so it’s the perfect time to start building from scratch. If you’re 18+ and looking to chill, build, and hang out with like-minded players, come join us! Apply on our discord: We hope to see you there! Read More

  • ❖ ❖ ᴛɪᴋᴛᴏᴋ : @ᴄᴏʀɴᴇᴢꜱᴍᴘ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ : ᴀʀɪꜰxʏᴢ

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Give purpose to all Minecraft features”

    Minecraft Memes - "Give purpose to all Minecraft features"Looks like even in Minecraft, everything must have a “block-tious” purpose! Read More

  • Bombastic Bedrock: Lucky Blocks B15 Blast!

    Bombastic Bedrock: Lucky Blocks B15 Blast! In the world of Minecraft, Lucky Blocks B15, We bombarded the man, with a grin so keen. Exploding surprises, in every block we find, Crafting our way, with a creative mind. Join us on this journey, of gaming delight, With new games to come, shining bright. Respect in the comments, is our golden rule, Let’s keep it fun, and never cruel. Subscribe to our channel, for more gaming fun, Follow us on socials, until the day is done. Minecraft facts and updates, in every rhyme, Join us on this adventure, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More

  • Testing Viral Minecraft TikToks

    Testing Viral Minecraft TikToks Minecraft TikTok Viral Videos: Fact or Fiction? Exploring the world of Minecraft TikTok, where viral videos showcase mind-bending tricks and hacks that seem to defy the logic of the game. Are these tricks real or just clever illusions? Let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind these viral phenomena. Testing Viral Minecraft Tricks StevenChavesta takes on the challenge of testing out the most popular viral tricks from Minecraft TikTok. From building incredible structures in seconds to uncovering hidden secrets, these videos promise to revolutionize the way players approach the game. Separating Myth from Reality As Steven delves into these… Read More

  • BACON KINGDOM DAY 5: Food Farm & Village Review!!!

    BACON KINGDOM DAY 5: Food Farm & Village Review!!! Exploring Day 5 in the Bacon Kingdom! 🥓🏰 As the adventure continues in the Bacon Kingdom, our fearless Minecraft player dives into Day 5 with enthusiasm and determination. Today’s focus is on creating a Food Farm and revisiting the Villager Farm for some upgrades. Let’s delve into the exciting developments of the day! Building the Food Farm 🌾 One of the essential aspects of survival in Minecraft is ensuring a stable food source. Our player embarks on the task of constructing a Food Farm to cultivate crops and sustain themselves in the vast world of blocks and creatures. With… Read More

  • Crazy MC Creator Games – EPIC MINECRAFT FUN!

    Crazy MC Creator Games - EPIC MINECRAFT FUN!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Creator Games!’, was uploaded by CuzzaMC on 2024-09-21 11:34:43. It has garnered 77 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:26 or 12146 seconds. A special Minecraft event competing teams from SMPs competing for the coveted Creator Cup! Teams are from Backyard SMP, Unorthoblocks SMP, Lotus SMP, CraftWorks and Channel 64. Check out my linktree for all my socials, Discord and ways to support the channel! British Minecraft Youtuber, producing no-swearing family friendly Minecraft content. Read More

  • Minecraft with Danley Tonkin LIVE! 1.20.4

    Minecraft with Danley Tonkin LIVE! 1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing some minecraft join now! 1.20.4’, was uploaded by Danley Tonkin on 2024-04-14 13:56:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. playing some minecraft in 1.20.4, ong story short i gave everyone op and everything got broken again 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes that will make you LOL! 🤣🔥💥

    Minecraft Memes that will make you LOL! 🤣🔥💥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤣ПАРНИ ОНИ ТАКИЕ😂#shorts #recommended #рекомендации #minecraft #майнкрафт #memes #мем’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-03-27 11:04:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wooden House Tutorial – Must Watch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wooden House Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Wooden House | Simple Survival House part-1’, was uploaded by Total Gamerz on 2024-06-11 06:36:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Wooden House | Simple Survival House part-1 Your Queries:- minecraft survival house how to build a … Read More

  • Froggyarmy Live: Fall Guy Review! Shocking Results!

    Froggyarmy Live: Fall Guy Review! Shocking Results!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live – Is Fall guy good?’, was uploaded by Froggyarmy on 2024-08-15 18:29:00. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:04 or 8644 seconds. like and Sub #FrogSMP #skibidi #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Fight: Tyson VS Alderson #boxing

    Insane Fight: Tyson VS Alderson #boxingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mike Tyson VS John Alderson || #phonkbr #miketyson #boxing #johnalderson #montagemcoral #djholanda’, was uploaded by Not An Ordinary Man on 2024-08-20 04:30:58. It has garnered 9022 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. song:montagem coral Tags#big dawgs,#friends,#minecraftshorts,#saitama,#deadpool,#minecraft,#hanumankind,#shorts,#herobrine,#wolverinemike tyson vs bruce lee, mike tyson vs bruce lee ufc 5, mike tyson vs bruce lee who would win, mike tyson vs bruce lee interview, mike tyson vs bruce lee edit, mike tyson vs bruce lee reaction, mike tyson vs bruce lee real fight, mike tyson vs bruce lee punching bag,… Read More

  • DON’T MISS! SpongeBob meets Minecraft in EPIC adventure 😱🔥💥🤯🤩 #minecraftmadness

    DON'T MISS! SpongeBob meets Minecraft in EPIC adventure 😱🔥💥🤯🤩 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpongeBob 🔥😲😎🎉❤💖💙🤩🥰 #minecraft #mcpememes #minecrafthumor #gaming #mcpe #minecraftjokes’, was uploaded by Sky Vanya on 2024-09-13 17:00:29. It has garnered 2068 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #adventure #survival #online #multiplayer #creativity #building #exploring #mods #skins #minigames #redstone #mobs #blocks #resources #items #tools #weapons #enchantments #farming #breeding #community #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #minecraftservers #minecraftworlds#shorts #minecraft #construction #sponge_bob #videogames #construction #playingminecraft #blocks #minecraft #buildingminecraft #YouTuber #gamevideo #entertainment #housebuilding #minecraftshow #creation #basebuilding #creativity #vlog #minecraftstree m #gaming #players #minecraftbuilds #gameofthrones. Read More

  • Insane Baysonic Scrims 2024 – Must Watch!

    Insane Baysonic Scrims 2024 - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 scrims’, was uploaded by baysonic on 2024-07-07 19:33:52. It has garnered 458 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. Tags: minecraft,minecraft 1.14,minecraftbut,op minecraft,minecraft op,dream minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft but,minecraft update,cursed minecraft,tapple minecraft,insane minecraft,blessed minecraft,beating minecraft,minecraft uhc but,competitive minecraft,minecraft scenario,minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge,minecraft minigames,dream minecraft youtube,minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges,finale,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition,minecraft ps4 bedrock,minecraft,minecraft ps4,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition mods,minecraft ps4 update,bedrock ps4 minecraft,minecraft ps4 bedrock mods,minecraft ps4 bedrock leak,minecraft bedrock,minecraft playstation 4 bedrock,minecraft ps4 servers,minecraft ps4 realms,how to get mods on minecraft ps4 bedrock,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition servers,… Read More

  • Insane Roof Building Tricks in Minecraft – AsterKatt

    Insane Roof Building Tricks in Minecraft - AsterKattVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW DO YOU BUILD ROOFS l Minecraft (25)’, was uploaded by AsterKatt on 2024-09-08 09:20:03. It has garnered 348 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:54 or 6354 seconds. The base of the house is more or less done… now it’s time to take on the REAL challenge… This is a very chill stream, so feel free to pop in and say hello or stick around!! I’m glad you made it!! :)) STREAM TIME: 3:00PM-4:30PM (ET) → Join the Discord!!: Huge shoutout to DesignMinecraftSkins on Etsy!! I commissioned this skin… Read More

  • U-Topia

    U-TopiaU-Topia ist Dein Mittelalter MMORPG Server. Baue Deine eigene Siedlung, erlerne Berufe, verdiene Geld und erledige Quests. Read More

  • DementiaCraft SMP 1.21.1 Survival Dynmap No-Reset age:25+ Whitelist Semi-Vanilla

    DementiaCraft Community DementiaCraft is a community of players aged 25 and above, dedicated to building and exploring a virtual world free from toxicity. We prioritize kindness, consideration, inclusivity, and maturity. Before joining, we vet applicants to ensure they are 25+. DementicaCraft is home View our community photo album Videos Watch a video tour of our server by LordDawsonVII and other content created by them. Content Creation New members are encouraged to wait 2 months before streaming or creating content on DementaiCraft. Join our community for the experience, not for content creation opportunities. If this sounds like the server for you,… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More