Insane Revelation: Our Village Transforms into Epic Town! – Helldivers 2/Minecraft

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Oh my God no I almost have 22 that should be enough God damn it Mak my way downtown make my way to the mother lands to the mother lands did you see the mother getting invaded right now you know you see that [ __ ] you how

The wait it is yeah you save them nah not our problem not our problem you get what you deserve I I don’t know what else to say besides that you want this golden I’m okay I’m okay okay did you see it did you see it no I didn’t look

Hold on actually yeah hold on it was rude to me I should have looked around where’s my wheat I got your weed for You here Bas little Bas like it I am going to oh my God I forgot to make that I you got me almost there oh no you hold on wait oh y yes sir yes sir silk PCH coming in handy what should should i b anything

Here or just leave it open God damn you [ __ ] idiots one at a time oh my God can one cow go through at a time please like a stump go up here and here like cuz you have the log in the ground make the uh wait should I put uh

A fence here like a you could do fence yeah Stone break fence boom boom boom boom I I could see yep yep yep yep yep C production has started all thanks to Mr nordberg glad I could help glad I could help Mr Nord why is this whole map a winter

Wonderland that’s why I moved I don’t even know I’m just running around looking for another cave I already got 22 diamonds you messed up by like going back everything’s snow over there you’re going accidentally drop I’m I’m not going back I’m going away from back I’m going away from back there’s more snow

I’m going forward he says I’m moving on in the World uh apparently crops grow fast faster when they’re next to a crop that’s not the same one as theirs H so apparently a crop will grow faster if it’s like wheat and then the next to the wheat it’s potato and next to the potato is carot

Well too damn bad I’ve always done it like this and that’s how it’s going to right you got wheat with the wheat the potatoes with the pot yeah old school America we segregate our crops we segregate oh God that’s going on YouTube dude I I seen a thing where was the most

Hilarious thing where it’s like oh me in uh in uh the year was it 2060 2070 out of here gra yeah 2060 2070 taking care of uh taking care of um at a retirement home taking care of uh old people and it just said they they they were in they

Were part of the hell diver Army oh thank you you’re so nice nothing like those laser spewing petrol drinking and in the captions it just says peace has long for peace has long been established yes I see a polar bear another funny thing is some guy was

Like hey uh guys did you get anything from killing the polar guys no uh I don’t think so now if you kill the mother and and kidnap the baby you get a cool uh polar bear polar bear baby I have to kidnap but then you have

To live with that kill yeah FBI is Most Wanted I I don’t know that’s a lot of that’s a lot of work I feel like or if you don’t want to kill the mother you could just uh drive by in a boat and kidnap the baby and then just keep

Driving away in the boat that’s crazy that’s crazy now you’re kidnapping polar bears right all the homies kid at polar bears all the homies always do it he’s hopping on the bandwagon and I just want to be part of the crew everybody else part sh part of the

Crew hey that guy kidnapped a polar bear that guy kidna a child I should be able to that’s terrible logic if a human if a terrible logic runs this country if feel like yeah definitely does the only time I’ve ever seen like Joe Biden do something good is

When he takes his dementia pills he becomes the most patriotic person ever oh my God like some most times he’s just blabbering like like I’m like what are you talking about bro and then other times he’s spewing pure American facts I’m like God damn he took his pills

Today hell yeah bro Jo did you take your pills yeah I took seven I took out all today I’m good for the press conference I’m good I can actually walk up these steps oh drown and he’s not even at the computer until he hears dri the [ __ ] Lake yeah I’m Guessing man was kind of goofing kind of goofing around a little got 23 diamonds now he’s sleep with the fishes quiet literally oh yeah what other form of it would it be literal oh he he died how did he die 22 diamonds man don’t make me go ban for

Ban with you on diamonds right now don’t make me do it don’t let’s not play big check take little check you know what let me let me go check how many diamonds I have currently actually I actually don’t know hey guys I found a [ __ ] Temple I might have to go mining again

Oh underwater one I got 39 I am kind of low I actually need to go mining I have 13 now it’s night time [ __ ] awesome I love this game do you know cords I can teleport you nearby no all right don’t no I don’t Che yeah just accept it bro you live

Here now wait hold on no it was over here I was near I was near the house oh it was nearby then you’re good let’s [ __ ] let’s [ __ ] go guys let’s [ __ ] do it do it I just realized when we’re breeding cows we’re just making lots of incest babies yes wrong with

That I mean true you know the dark truth about Minecraft now incest is the way of life see that’s why I survive off just uh baked potatoes and carrots yeah I have 64 baked potatoes I don’t I don’t give in to that uh evil Corporation yeah yeah but you have a cow

Farm he runs a cow Farm doesn’t mean he eats yeah I don’t eat my own Supply but I saw cooked steak in your chest yeah that’s why it’s that’s where it is not in my inventory but you still like incense or is in incense yeah incense is pretty

Good inest is no no that’s a bad whoa every Cal bro doing what you’re doing to them that’s what you’re doing to them you’re doing even if you don’t eat their meat you’re still still doing that IET I need you to calm down nor does eat meat Nord is a vegetarian

Listen he eats slander slander not a veg I don’t I don’t eat any meat no meat he’s never Fe flesh of an animal no yep I’ve I’ve I’ve eaten straight grass my entire life I was just going to say he’s Grass Grass Grass f baby I’m lean I’m a lean green dying

Machine let’s go did you see did you see uh you know how villagers just switch topic here a quick second you know how villagers go H like they make the little [ __ ] noises someone said what if what if it’s because Steve doesn’t know English and the villagers are speaking English thank

Youate my wife just brought me a muffin oh my God good be like that’s how you know Life’s good you got Minecraft you got a wife that brings you food your wife brings you food of a lunchbox of vodka and a ham sandwich you’re godamn right she does and I am

Happy hell yeah brother I’m not I’m a very simple man she goes babe I got I got you a I got you uhoh uh-oh something’s happening got you some fried spam never mind she goes babe I got you little tree I got you a piece of candy what is it called

The the guy who sold it to me called it fent I don’t know what that means must be new you could do it you’re just all slumped over should be big enough this pretty glamorous that’s what she said uh hey I found

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 [ __ ] you you stupid be stupid be [ __ ] yeah you stung me now you’re dead you stupid [ __ ] die you little [ __ ] [ __ ] think you’re G to run away from me after stinging me you stupid

[ __ ] sorry now give me all your honey you dumb not honey give me all that honey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 and 14 I got a lot of golden apples uhoh where’ everybody go someone left what the [ __ ] we weren’t cool enough no

More what happened wait what happened to where here I think they’re just locked in right now I’m just eating food okay this music is loud bro I have no music bro my [ __ ] Minecraft has no [ __ ] sound to it dude dud I have my I

Have my music at 60% and I have not heard Minecraft music activate yeah dude it’s just me standing around dude play some [ __ ] Tunes why why is it just you standing around bro I don’t know it shouldn’t [ __ ] make it more bro go on YouTube and look up the [ __ ] lowii no

I don’t like that stuff why I just don’t wow there’s so many different Vibes you can get though look up some Metallica Nord I’d really like the [ __ ] Minecraft music that’s what I [ __ ] it just go just yeah just go on YouTube and look up Minecraft playlist and just [ __ ] play that [ __ ]

Nonstop there you go all your problems have been answered still an annoying process because I shouldn’t have to should just [ __ ] play some music just download some [ __ ] Minecraft sounds for every time you hit a block no that’s all it is it’s just blocks there’s no music just

Dead I found some potatoes and bread amazing we’re doing great guys pillaging this Village real quick for all its resources villes Destiny to Vala but you’ve lost your [ __ ] mind just realized something so you know you could put food in your Shield hand yeah if you put a

Potato or a carrot in Shield hand while you’re farming to plant them down once you ho the ground you can just double click it so it hes and plants yeah and then you’re good then you can get all your hose planted at the same time all right now the farm is

Farming yo welcome s to the stream appreciate you stopping what you doing baby girl you going to braid your hair you got this I believe oh that was a little bit of server lag there yeah I got it too good enough you right a n I’m

Having that issue again or not again I’m having that issue you had when of the cows is getting blue balled they’re getting moo ball yeah it’s not RP RP I I have a bucket I’ll just milk them real quick that’s that’s disgusting here you go Bros you’re not blue bald we also do

Need the milk for cake [ __ ] it’s going to be some blue ass cake yeah it is and to add another first world problem I cannot dispute claim on one of my bods because it’s it claims it’s already been disputed well then that’s probably good it’s probably just waiting that’s probably good

Then if it’s already disputed they did the work for You I got to murder these cows so I can wear their skin on my body ladies oh Bistro how are you doing good one of my one of my cows got blue balled it off yeah I milked them with a bucket it was gross hey man how would you feel that

Milk yeah it’s it’s gross I don’t know what they’re doing over there but I don’t want to be a part of it no cow shall be blue balled at my farm this is terrible join now you will not get blue balled I promise if I have to I’ll fin you off my

Whoa stop pause hold up a godamn minute don’t you dare finish that [ __ ] sentence I have pumpkin seeds I can start a pumpkin farm thank God someone CH yeah yeah show me show me let’s G brother Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy shim uh-oh oh my God drowned again what is I like this my Lo

Need get item frames or whatever event you need to be checked into a certain Hospital good St no the one that’s I’m already dead why would I need to go to the hospital check in as soon as you get back about this painting or is it just both I think that’s pretty

Cool how it’s both of them I’ve already died twice this is unhealthy if people try to run the middle of it they might they might like [ __ ] up and not get in yeah might be I feel like if real life had respawns people would be killing themselves quite often oh yeah

Just like this no don’t do it don’t oh my God wait yo was it were you right here check him into the hospital he died right here on this flower next to you guys but you should have checked out the crib all right I’m going down you guys

Literally watched him die and just nothing about it there was nothing if the world if the world had respawns I feel like I feel like um if like real life had respawns I feel like like depression would be a thing be a thing that just be like [ __ ]

It what am I supposed yeah because you want to know why depression wouldn’t be a thing cuz there’d be like no way out so people would have to go get like professional help right you see how amazing this is the forced to go get oh damn okay son okay son I see

You yeah little chest room looking nice right yeah it’s looking pretty good hey I found a uh it’s like grass underground you see I wanted to I found a [ __ ] Arctic Village here this is nice all right where were you mining I’m going to live here this is going to be my house

It’s bro you think I don’t see that bro nowhere yo V you better stop running into me before I [ __ ] clock you bro was way past the [ __ ] mountains and you guys want to go Min now sure I’d be down I’d love to get stuff again and

Lose it all again yeah right it’s kind of the process let’s go mine again let’s go mine and then craft mhhm I’m just [ __ ] over Nick this you guys c yeah what wait we got to go to sleep why we need to go to sleep it’s daytime it’s daytime yeah the [ __ ] is

Wrong with you guys who sleeps in the day people that work night shifts yeah bro it’s awful I used to do it I did it for like two weeks and was like [ __ ] this all my friends are asleep by the time I get off work that’s what

I’m but now we work [ __ ] 12 hours but we get four days is off so [ __ ] it Factory M factory job I’m making I’m making diamond tools [ __ ] factories Honestly though it’s the crew that matters it’s not even the job it’s just who you’re working with I think is

There server lag cuz only one cow is yeah server is lagging right now okay I was about to say cuz only there’s only one cow that’s horn it’s fine it’s fine don’t even worry about it can I steal some food from someone who’s got carrots

And [ __ ] bro I got a bunch of food in my base bro just go to that one small chest next in the corner that’s where I’ve been putting all the food I am stealing everything like I’m taking it all well not all that [ __ ] is edible so good

Luck needs to be Ed sh’s all in gullet if it fits in my stomach that’s good enough right here next to the stone cutter I should get a farm down there too F down where at the where the chest from this oh yeah you prob could power five

Bow yeah I know I need to repair it though power four not does it look natural here I like I like your little aquarium you go thank you all right so where are we all mining boys I say we find a we all make boats

We find a river and we just go sailing for a little bit go Treasure Chest just like valheim that sh cool as [ __ ] to do it is but it’s not really useful well it kind of is I don’t know how much they’ve I hope my dis you get the treasure chest

Bro yeah look for the Dolphins aate Sony doesn’t own [ __ ] for that enchanting table oh no Sony does not yeah I was going to say I don’t think so that’s a different thing that’s a different so if you got claimed by them that’s weird if you got claimed by Sony that means like

A son something that was Sony owned had to be in part of whatever you were doing he went into the details and it said the opening for Pokemon Red and Blue claim uh maybe if Sony has a license for that then maybe but I don’t even think

Sony has any Pokemon games that’s what I’m saying I don’t even know if Sony does Pokemon I don’t I don’t I’m pretty sure they don’t it would make sense if it was Nintendo if you think nobody does but Nintendo what we what what are you saying lapis lazuli do I have any yeah

Do you have any L this yeah yeah I keep it all in the enchanting room I should I throw it on my diamond pick or wait I’m level 11 level 11 wait bro get actually hand it over here I got you bro I’m level 34 I got you just hand it over I

Got you bro I I’ll hook this bad boy up okay okay Dam okay I won’t lie you kind of got the short end of the stick on this one I’m sorry don’t mind I still have leather pants on just got them breaking three I’m sorry oh that’s it yeah I I

Did I did the max no it’s not my fault I did the max upgrade and he only got [ __ ] Unbreaking three it’s not my fault wow I can’t believe it it’s messed up man that’s [ __ ] up bro by the way I do have an Ender Chest if anyone even needs

That I don’t know if anybody even uses that the [ __ ] we need an Ender Chest for secrecy so everybody can have access to our [ __ ] loot no it’s that way nobody you having fun over here and glitchy know all right let’s go we’re busy all right I’m bringing two St I

Need to make a boat oh I need a boat I wish there was like a mini map or something oh hold sorry s my bad you want to see the screenshot to prove it genuinely is Sony music publishing trying to to claim my VOD yeah I’d be down to send me the screenshot

Through you ready go get it LEL Nate 333 joined the game little nada NADA NADA NADA my leg is broken hello I found a Pillager Outpost what is this Maze of trees someone planted them I don’t know we’re [ __ ] bro what oh hell no you guys lost already no I see you I’m

Saying this is this is our tour guide right here yeah I’m showing you guys all the part you know now we’re going to get to this nice new biome over here I don’t know what this place is called we’re going to place our boats in the water I

Came back and I hear boats in the water nice new biome I say new biome I just don’t know what it is it’s like the big spruce trees boys help the pillagers they’re trying to get me we ar home good man good luck sold if you press F3 it shows you what type

Of biome it is there the big spruce trees oh okay I want to get the one of the hardest the burg Zone oh hey this is where I drowned awesome hey there’s just a random boat here so haunting hey this is my grave site cool

Yeah that was my grave the boat oh I got a B ble of enchanting Unbreaking three carrots I got a goat hor that is Sony music publishing that is strange the fox here I wish we could tame this guy it’s looking like we’re uh we’re still traveling what does the goat horn do

Guys it’s really cool right click on it and it goes I know but like what is it actually for that’s it just makes noise if you want to do role play of starting a war that’s your War whistle it’s my War whistle huh my Viking call I feel like Sony will

Get sued if they take it I mean they there’s got to be reasonable explanation yo I see ice pillars what the hell I don’t want I don’t want to go in that biome it’s there’s nothing there there’s no caves or anything it’s just ocean that’s frozen all right let’s move around it then

You can maybe find the cave right over here somewhere better we will hey there’s a dog over here if anyone wants it where are you oh I just saw you guys if not friend wi wife friend looking all right look keep your eyes peeled for a cave got some sugar can and

Pigs wait do you guys have a dog update bro what do you mean there’s like new wolves they all look now I don’t think we have that it’s not out yet it’s in the snapshots but wasn’t it just like armor or is there actual new wolves no there’s new wolves

Coming out like textur differently per biome oh God bro it’s about time they [ __ ] did that [ __ ] there’s a all black wolf a brownish a brownish wolf a snow wolf the original dude that’s going to be cool I wonder if there’s going to be like a redf wolf or

Something like that if you find him in Thea TGA baby like a hell wolf oh in the ne somehow yeah they bring in some sort of like hell hound watch Supernatural [ __ ] all when you tame them you just hear fetch me their souls fetch me their souls what are you doing toxin every

Time he sits down that’s what he says going to watch some Supernatural you can spam it you [ __ ] there got to be a cave around here somewhere bro I don’t know all these biomes in the area around suck to play video games really we have no planes what you just decent Mountain

Bies besides that Frozen we’re playing Minecraft bro we’re boating across we’re crafting in the mines we’re mining now here’s a spruce this should be just fine right there might be cave in here y there’s nothing I’m stuck I still got to explore my cave you want guys I got a

Cave Lally got 15 my cat’s trying to eat my cereal no this is mine teleport me too you say I don’t know how to I can’t teleport Nord that’s yeah n what wait it’s not it you’re blind me uh you’re so blind this maning Cell come look at this oh Jes not

Us I didn’t see the tiny little entrance leave me alone all right why while you do that I’m going to go smoke real quick so you’ll just be did you hear that bro I’m going it’s cool bro it’s whatever I’ll just end the video good no what the fck

Here anyway so suck my dong bro I’m trying to TP this man to his friend get your dong away pull it out no you’re not that’s how you get [ __ ] oh my god dude he scared me Let It shout that’s how you get registered as a

Sexual predator I got a [ __ ] dude in here bro conversation you guys having get out of here is this cave good or no no this cave is garbage I got eight iron this cave is garbage I think we keep going keep going all right keep going can someone sleep though so we

Don’t get ambushed by a million mobs cuz I have no armor yeah sure [ __ ] no deal with it you got this no I don’t guys we got a regular Forest did you guys leave the cave yeah we did uh yeah we [ __ ] go back don’t leave me don’t leave me I’m coming

They’re leaving you we are leaving you yeah we did the Dust did a little bit that’s what friends right leaving our friends in the dust [ __ ] monsters we love to do that hey I see a big ass cave over here here we go this is looking Nice is this is this wolf purple wolf looks Purple not to me oh yeah getting that iron you’re not going to get no iron Mr no armor I’m getting some IR I just need diamonds that’s all I’m here for you don’t need diamonds all right that’s all overrated let okay so far bro it goes deeper if you go straight instead of

Turning no no look you turn go straight brother you see this n look that did one of you just get nuked bro he goes so yeah I did I I I took he’s going so deep oh I’m going so deep right now it do go down it do go

Down diamonds I’m going so deep right now you think it’s a dead end down there or is there going to be something I feel like we keep going more tches God damn you guys are deeper than me I know I swear these cows don’t want to eat the sweet oh we got diamonds

Diamonds oh my God there’s so many mobs here though and I’m going to need all the help I can get here in a big open area or what yeah yeah we went like straight down basically you know when you turn at the very very beginning go straight set I found diamond

Try there’s like six creepers oh there’s so many M we need to torch we need SE place up first watch out you got like all of them on you yeah a nothing ain’t nothing it kind of hurt though oh [ __ ] all right that was bad idea my

Bad ging Parker we need you down here watch out I can hear you guys getting blown the [ __ ] lot of torches we need torches we got them we got them they’re down we need to light this place up I’m lighting it up I’m lighting it up I’m

Going for my diamonds I want my diamonds I seen them I seen Them up oh you saw those diamonds okay cool I’m going to get these diamonds over here what oh both finding different piles nice what you say sunny boy my hearing is not as good as what it used to be I didn’t say anything you old whipper snapper listen here hone quit talking to

Me that Way every underwear what what what underwear he’s auctioning his underwear guys $500 apparently you can uh buy it on that’s an actual website isn’t it yeah godamn right you don’t remember the guys use my team link please just lose my team o oh

My God look at that view handles come where I am right now I know it’s dangerous but I know it’s dang a good cave that way my boys that is a good I know I see it oh I need to heal I’m My cat does not like the fact that I trimmed his nails why’ you do thatz he cut me bad did you deserve it we go there we go dude I need I need to get shears so that way I can Harvest this Lush cave dude need two iron brother I got to cook

That iron that is a crazy sight right there yeah I’m down here right now you know what mod pyro should have added what there’s a mod where if you have fire aspect on your pickaxe it automatically smelts the ores you mine oh that would have been pretty helpful that’s pretty you

Should have added the tornado mod a do know my house would have been gone no I I’d like that holy crap this thing is huge your house is in a [ __ ] cave yeah I would be I’d like that mod I’d like that mod that’s what I was saying holy [ __ ] what is this

Cave dude this is it’s actually like crazy enormous I’ve never seen a cave this big watch out be is this a water cave though like look at yeah I I think I think there is a chunk of it that’s water cave there’s diamonds on the side of someone wants to

Go for him I’m looking at them on the right if you have OptiFine you’re using those uh that see zo there’s Diamonds In The Water right here what did you see oh [ __ ] right here under me bro wait did you see these diamonds probably not look look remember where you were

Standing looking at me bro in the water right behind you there’s diamond oh now I see them I’m mining them I’m if you see different ones that’s all these ones there’s eight diamonds right here it’s [ __ ] ridiculous you can craft Spears now I got three Diamonds oh yeah I see I

Think that’s got to be a mod we going down lower hold on don’t go too far I’m just Excavating some diamonds and we got to stick together now this is such a big cave it’s going to be a lot we split up we’re going to start dying left and right down

Deep we are penetrating don’t wor about that deep down there anything that stands in your way Nord where are you Nord at the Lush still yeah I’m at the Lush I need Gathering some stuff I need some shears does someone have two iron I have nine raw IR I let’s set up

Base camp real quick bro I just need to grab some I’ve been looking for a lush cave for so long let’s set up little base camp throw down a furnace or something I’ll throw into my iron need to get iron out of coal by the way so I don’t get two shot by

Everything well there’s nine free Iron you’re burning your boat you’re wild you’re wild for that I didn’t mean to burn my boat bro wild you’re Wilding oh my man set his boow on fire for fuel I already have this one cave dude how do you have 26 diamonds I have like

Five cuz you [ __ ] AR sniffer man that’s what my name was in the last Discord and that’s what my name should be in what you mean last Discord we’re in that Discord right now yeah what the [ __ ] you mean I went down boys it’s quite scary down here oh

Yeah sir you might want to come up Sir you w sir hey I don’t want to bur your bubble but I might take that I might I I might take that name off of your hand oh [ __ ] you almost died thank God I lagged I’m getting lights down okay that’s all the

Torches I have watch out behind you creeper I about bit the dust right there boys your Maker watch out how’s he still alive okay okay we need torches how many torches do you have I’m out of torches I got a bunch dude diamonds right there we

Got to get across to the Diamonds by the lava you can get I need iron at this point we we dropped down we dropped we were lower big hole where all those water things are I needed iron right under the L only one Diamond bro you serious Brother only

One Diamond bro at this point I’m looking for coal man you’re [ __ ] good scrub oh I [ __ ] fell oh oh are you done down though yeah I [ __ ] fell down here that’s hurtful the water water was a little rough oh and I’m being shot at least

This time you were able to see the water I was able to see the water in the last one I just didn’t make it I were you yeah I saw the water I thought that’s the reason you died cuz you couldn’t see the water cuz you I

Couldn’t see the bottom I could see it going down I’m about turn my bright up speaking all of that yeah when you have the certain Shader pack it’s almost impossible to seech black but during the day it looks beautiful yeah oh yeah look at that giant pool of

Lava I know it’s actually kind of badass looking all right I’m building myself my own little Den right here on my mining exp know you guys see some coal bro I see some diamonds do you need coal dude I’ve been collect we’re too low for coal

Yeah you weren’t going to find coal down here like one little chunks here and there but not like a good portion well technically all the coal is diamonds ain’t it down here like oh it works pressurized uh coal it’s true yeah

I need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 what’s 18 * 3 54 yeah really yeah it’s 54 [ __ ] I need 54 books God damn so that means I need I need 54 Lea what [ __ ] I went up a little bit

Guys I’m not going all the way down there across that [ __ ] pool lava un we got a water bucket y got a water bucket do it someone’s a little scared I need 54 [ __ ] cows what do you guys do with all the Diamonds you can gamble we started a gambling thing with diamonds yeah there a casino you could win big I’m about to I’m about to be the richest man in the server dang bro I’m finding a bunch of diamonds where I’m at bro my goodness where you are I’m going to die I’m going

To die oh [ __ ] we eventually did split up that’s the sad reality of the thing I’m coming back I’m coming back treat me so well unlike them a Time Time petrol chug red i’ hav Las how did you go up what do you mean you went up

Up to the water I see you down there hey look up handles comons meet up yeah yeah come up here come up here um don’t tell me y’all ready to go again God damn I thought I was going to have a cow that was going to be blue balled but he

Was ready to go again back down what is this oh I found diamond oh we’re going down or up though I would say up cuz I was seeing I seen a bunch bunch of diamonds oh my God what the [ __ ] going on up here it’s so laggy I can’t hit like the

Crit attacks and I’m just getting [ __ ] on you’re lagging yeah server like aege right now you don’t feel that no it’s pretty smooth for me takes me like an extra two seconds to eat something well I guess that guy did drop pretty choppy that’s kind of D diamonds

One where do yall find these things where did you guys go we you said go up and you were there yeah but like you didn’t go up we went up a waterfall oh you went way up no there’s like a little ledge you’ll find as you

Come up that we made I feel blessed you know what that’s the song wait now I lost you Parker bodied by a million mobs over there we should we go back to the Lush well this is good over here I’m I’m I’m this way this where are you over here okay no more Torches it is sad here torches good but I got coal oh nice thank you some torches there a lot of mobs over here I found diamonds oh Jesus oh stop eating them at me I’m not trying yo we got creeper convention I keep only finding one Diamond like what’s going on you guys

Good yeah now I am starting to feel it now that yeah it’s ly grow I think even the creepers are delayed where the diamonds at mine yeah they’re all gone there got to be so many any more diamonds in here oh yeah dude there’s going to be so Many this is the motherload of caves this is actually crazy this is sick I wish it wasn’t all lava down there though we can get over it easily we’re working our way around making the way downtown I don’t know if there’s anything on the other side of this

Though got some more diamonds over Here I’m just checking out the side of the lava I’m checking out some of these smaller caves they’re kind of like weeding off this goes down bro yeah yeah it’s the other side of that big area we’re looking at all right dead end here I think we go this way oh yeah it

Keeps going over there kind of hold on let’s make sure see right that lava pool yeah we’re in the end of the lava pool there’s a water thing right here too we can take waterfall be lost n oh I found a monster spawner You in This wait where’re this way though I don’t think he jumped across we did I jumped over I jumped over the lava there was lava there’s a little lava stream you’ll see on the way if you see that you can easily make the jump I jumped over I see He is kind of lame they didn’t have no cool items in This all right screw those Ms let’s go No this way let us lead you to the promised land so don’t get sniped into the lava I won’t I won’t prise land got be more diamonds on here right should be yeah it keeps going quite a way man dude this is crazy dude I see diamonds you see

Diamonds yeah right over here I think oh oh maybe not there’s just a creeper hiding behind a wall I swear I saw oh Diamonds oh here they are or do you see glit you walk past some diamonds diamonds in the ground right here but I got two Creepers on me oh big

Patch dud damn you better not have found another monster spawner it might have been dude oh never mind we’re far clear it clear it dude you might get lucky dude I’ll let you loot all the chests where is it right there I got one diamond my diamond find you just go down

There you know there was Zero chests here so really damn dude that’s so disappointing damn I saw little caves I like went down down more like this ow they don’t really go anywhere though hold on I’m checking the cave kind of continued into a narrower shape so I’m just

Checking and to the left it goes oh there’s a huge guys there’s a m shaft over here oh hell yeah go to where that long cave ended and and then it Narrows down into a smaller cave and just keep going straight leads into a m shaft oh hell yeah oh damn lag

Bro [ __ ] game’s teleporting Me oh my God he tripled there supposed to be like chest here yeah there will be diamonds just there will be Diamonds In The Wall another mob spaw dude how lucky are we this one even had a chest with nothing of Interest though s I’m just running through these HS no

Teston damn it breaks it breaks back into the cave there’s another huge cave under us I’ll stay where you are then if there’s another huge cave I’m back back back you need to the big ass cave I think find it is it like a different one or I don’t

Know it’s just like a deep 20 block under it’s pretty big I don’t know if it leads on or not it’s too big for me to check from up here I kind of lost you guys I’m back uhga 1850 – 670 uhoh you that’s a good question that’s a good question I have no idea oh diamonds I’m lost please help me please help that’s fine I got diamonds I can be lost all day o same look I see someone’s name who’s this Nord Nord hello look you see me over here you want

To see this cave well I’m just I don’t know if it’s big enough or Not you Al Farm is expanding boys nice nice my God this m is Big where was it I’m trying to find I might have gotten lost wait know it’s right here there’s another cave down there oh my God I already see diamonds down there oh

Good luck I found a name tag let’s go Oh I thought you were if you see a named item it’s like there are Mythic items you can find which were really cool I found anything good in here though how big it is I’ve been finding some diamonds oh found some more diamonds all

Right I got to go find you guys do you want to go back to the m sha in the M oh just don’t exactly know where go in it and then ask for pts we’re only like 50 blocks down just do a minut is I think this one I don’t want to lose

Where we’re at either though okay I’m coming oh I see you you see my name coming to me CH by a creeper oh no I do I got get to you I just ran because I was lost this way it’s just a straight shot like pretty far though

This is an expansive Little M shaft I I was not expecting it to be this big I know I have a stack of diamonds from this know where the cave is 37 right now I have 60 part of the cave part of it 60 holy [ __ ] bro I have

Like five am I blind really you’re still five bro I’m eight am I blind bro you might be you might be um I can’t I can’t zoom in on the walls and [ __ ] bro I’m just looking oh Jesus I almost got knocked down where did you guys go

I’m still in the I’m by where handles showed me where that cave was should we go I see I see all your names yeah we should drop down in the KV the railway in is over here hold on there could still be a lot

Of treasure here in the M Sha I said we stick in the M shaft for a little bit Longer I just don’t know where chests are are those torches place you see diamonds from up here yeah I already spotted some diamonds in your M mine area when when you first showed me they’re uh right underneath like pretty much where where you go in I don’t see I I think we’re looking

In the wrong area I don’t know so we only found one chest one chest in this V sh is what we’re say I’m a little sad that it’s only one chest there should be more I want to I want to chance at these mythics got be more it keeps it keeps

Extending this direction so dead end here where am I getting shot from bro oh it goes down here get out of here you [ __ ] Sharpshooter [ __ ] ass bro just dead in after dead end down here there’s like a staircase down and it out nothing oh but then Le another

Ahck I’m like in an expansive little area over here oh hey hello oh hey hello this expansive area doesn’t leave the [ __ ] that what do you mean I found so many diamonds that’s where they all went he’s been stealing them all well I just hopped down another layer I’ve

Never been to oh spawner Spa SP oh I see a chest hey good luck good luck I just got [ __ ] creepers and [ __ ] on me how many lers are this are there to this damn I W lie this thing is huge hey I found a chest got dog [ __ ] I got dog sh

Punch one book and some a I didn’t even get lucky enough to get a [ __ ] book bro I got some [ __ ] garbage got some spider spawner or aren’t they poisonous yeah yeah I’m good bro I’m blocking them in for now I’m [ __ ] over punch one is so ass though diamonds diamonds about

Time it’s actually a vein that’s not one it’s actually six I think that’s five nice I got 13 diamonds should break the chest yeah y don’t see any I’m up to 62 it goes this way too more Diamond bastard this is huge bro there’s layers everywhere are he getting clapped on

There are you good hope so yeah I should be fine getting absolutely clapped by poison spiders I went down even more but it’s just a dead end dude come to me dude I’m I’m telling you get rid of these dead ends and just come to me bro there is so

There’s so much [ __ ] happening over by me I see you through the wall there’s spiders there’s mob spawners I’m being jumped there’s diamonds keeps going up and down oh hey Parker’s here oh I found the chest that you originally found I’m going to break it

So we don’t get I don’t want to see it and then get hyped and then there nothing in it I respect that I know I’m run food I got potatoes so just let me know I got 4 should we break the spawners or no where’d that spider spawner go yeah

Break it right here there’s poisonous spiders are quick broken now there’s more through it more loot someone’s been here though what’s out here good question which direction are you guys in we went straight we went straight from the base okay so I don’t think you guys are near me

Then go too far you said oh spider spawner and someone’s been here though and there is a spider a spider spawner where my M shaft is no no you’re fine we’re way out of I was like I was like Vis no my house going to this cave quick good

Luck I want to see if it opens up oh I got hit by oh and it’s going to die in that cave how long this lava take bro a little bit quite bit holy [ __ ] that was scary yeah the highest anxiety known to man yo what is good jessco sorry sorry

Just open up to a cave that we actually were in welcome to the stream appreciate you stopping in let’s go ahead an even amount of cows no cow got blue balls sorry I’m still getting used to the pop out Chat blue balls no no no you’re

Still getting used to the blue balls hey can you really get used to BL balls I don’t know if you can really adapt to that hey people like edging okay okay you know what that is bro you know what that is know that is bro what’s up

Yo what’s good pyro bro you hopping on you hopping on dog you gracing us with those with that presence uh I only have one lesson left for the day right yeah uh and I am on break right now uh I’m on clock till 5:30 but I don’t have any

More work to do okay and then gray area Okay and then I mean my wife’s home but she did give me the figure to play Minecraft oh yeah right that’s huge whoops whoops good cuz Nord was heartbroken when he was asking ask you something and then you left them on red

When no he didn’t he eventually responded he’s all like guys this isn’t like him he read it and then his bubbles were typing and then his bubbles went away what’s going on he died he died his wife got him me and how are like his

Wife turned off the PC like hey what the did I say you could go on there Noam she did she did V she’s like you been uh you hanging out with me tonight and I was like I was actually going to play some uh Minecraft she’s like okay it’s it’s

Like day four and I was like it is that’s true you make a valid point it is day four of Minecraft for whatever it she go thanks for watching my stre you know might want to see you soon and I was like right right makes

Sense yeah you be like hey might want to play Minecraft more soon right right she dropped in for a little bit I would have been like hey I gave you the contract when you wanted to date a gamer boyfriend all right I frequently remind her I was like

Who you who is this who am I you what do I do you see this is what happens when you date a nerd we won’t cheat but we will put more effort into the PC than you I like to think I put at least half I

Would I put 100% in both you know what I mean yeah I also don’t think I have a choice a good 5050 the W would come a kraken if he disobeyed might die and here we have the wild [ __ ] K [ __ ] on what’s up beastro [ __ ] you I’m trying

To get toxin in here and just he was already here just here yeah oh good good he better be I’m trying to like hang now but I’m like you need to [ __ ] hang out with these boys you need to you need to [ __ ] what is it [ __ ] collab and

[ __ ] do stuff I don’t know yo goes on holy [ __ ] it does go on no no NOA be [ __ ] excited [ __ ] F came back with an right comeback that’s what I want to say bro that [ __ ] [ __ ] one best chest here will be excited then all right [ __ ] is fire all right sh

Hour this the same M bro I found a chest that was a new chest I’m trusting you doom for this to be fire Diamond I found the chest and diamonds this is definitely new I might have to rewatch it cuz I forgot where I like what happened

Recently what a is there a recap or no uh well there’s obvious like the SL recap yeah yeah okay that’s then that’s all I need then to refresh win I can fly win bro this [ __ ] goes on forever yeah can you f me in about like the recap cuz

I did forget about the recap yeah Night tonight no we do eventually everything that happened just down Bo wher you’re at down holy [ __ ] what do you mean after what I’m doing after if you’re going to be doing game all what you mean there ain’t an after to the game night no it’s night that’s why there’s

No after that’s a lie yeah I I gotta get up at like seven in the morning now that’s CRA I know dude that’s crazy found a chest with a name tag so that’s that’s kind of cool least you got a name tag I’ve got two chest [ __ ]

What’s up handles I didn’t I didn’t know how you been good playing Minecraft that’s what’s up 360 no scopes in Minecraft yes sir bro I made two skeletons shoot each other right now that’s what’s up fighting it out I killed the loser so winner at 6 in the

Morning on on the 16th right in two days so Saturday at 600 in the morning the death of Tommy will be released what’s up R Tommy video R Tommy Jerry still lives all right Tommy who’s Tommy [ __ ] Jerry Jerry oh the [ __ ] is Tommy what kind of Jerry

Tommy War has G on [ __ ] Tom and Jerry there’s too much lore to get into it yeah deep lore deep lore are you telling me that there’s lot of Tom and [ __ ] Jerry in the mouth I think I’ve ever had a disposition against Nord and now I got

Like aett you know it’s Tim and Jerry yeah oh it’s Tim nower Tim and Jerry I I said him and Jerry oh okay okay you said Tim you said Tim hey why is the ground Green in this cave that’s a lush cave you’re in a you’re in a lush cave what

Is that it’s like a vegetation cave it’s like and stuff I don’t know if it’s that there’s a dude there’s a thing on the ground and when you touch it or walk by it or whatever it glows blue a little blueberry oh wait do you mean like not a

Deep dark sensor thing yeah do you mean deep dark yeah yeah oh don’t go that way yeah get out of there in a bad place okay I’m going to run try not to set off Those sensors and I I wouldn’t run near them if I were you

Okay I’m not going to lie we’ve already looted like five I’ve looted three cities so good luck for anyone well the cool thing about this is that the map keeps going that is the this is uh my little cave that I got uh it’s a distance from you

Guys I think it’s not looted I found a whole bunch of diamonds down here just watching me is bro I’ve gotten so many diamonds I’m like pretty much stacked I don’t even need to worry about I got a stack right now I’m just trying to get gold and

[ __ ] that’s a good idea I should do that you should throw me of an armor set if you know an armor set a whole armor set I can give you things I can give you things that you find nowhere else so you know God damn it what you know how I was

Coming for you what in your subscriber count you know how I was coming for you and your subscribers oh yeah wait how I’m coming for a sin now oh yeah you should come for me come for me I already I already came all over that I guess

No you’ve got to come back you got to come back you got to come back and go back that’s why work yo what’s good Ryan welcome to the stre video you say the word so everyone unsubscribes and you got likeor I got a clip of you saying your RAC is coming

Out I think on I’m not ready oh my I got a you saying it bro it’s published that man is racist everybody knows I’m racist I’m oh my God I’m [ __ ] you’re racist that’s all there is to a get some [ __ ] racist I’d say it’s okay but it’s not you know yeah

It’s pretty bad dude it’s [ __ ] up dude your choic I’m not racist but at least you I’ve got a [ __ ] protection for mending Unbreaking Three diamond legged and you got it all in Creative from what I’ve heard so I I’m survival now [ __ ] I’ve converted I’m

I have a full chest system I have four gaps regeneration 49 flu bries yes but here’s the thing do did you do it in Creative or survival no no I used so I ran in with Zero armor I I was in I spawned everything and I are

You die 100 I’m hiding hiding and healing SL set home and then I kept dying and running back using SL home I was running around with that’s basically cheating no it’s not it’s in it’s in the game cheat think I’m going to go up I

Think I’m ready to go yeah I’m I’m about ready to leave as well jealous just keep are you down here I just was yeah should we dig up I right now I don’t think that’ be too bad of an idea with a uh with a bed

Yeah yeah I Dro down there there’s lots of [ __ ] wait what’s SL set lore H I think if you’re up you can like set low on items oh I don’t have dude start setting low for items boys here right here we go where are you I still you I guess oh

Here you are all right let’s go up and meet on the surf boys I mean I’m still mining the cave keeps must have ridiculous obnoxious lore everything you diging straight up I’m doing stairs y do we have a grind Stone I think I’m quick enough that I can place a

Block uh nod nod why don’t we have a grindstone you [ __ ] I don’t have we don’t have anything in yet it does have a grindstone no I have a stone cutter why is he grindstone wait I need to Fu we need to [ __ ] make a gr I

Think I’ve got we do it Mr creative shut the [ __ ] up I’m going to SL B you in survival yeah take that [ __ ] yeah because I’m I I’ve done everything oh why is there a creeper in my house God D do everything you were doing but in survival

I and and also if we do want to get in Creative we got a Coliseum that we can uh flush out more to have the battle with the gods need o you also need Stone um Stone and sticks that’s what I need oh there’s water not that deep oh it’s another cave cave

Oh what happened to my baked potatoes I lost them so you’re Irish yeah and big po so yeah I’ve lost my baked potatoes I I’ve also conveniently lost my furnace I think I B M boys I’ll be back in a bit see you man up how much brother do have to do this

For I have no idea how low are we 37 we’re above surface or sea level what the [ __ ] dude Minecraft’s adding a new weapon yeah I know I mean old news Minecraft just posted it 3 hours ago did you get through that without yeah if you swim you’re

Smaller I well I confirmed by about month ago there’s a new wall bomb today is had multiple reports of Hell divers encountering boat here what is that up there that’s a boat up in the ice are sugges the inoc from TCS tow are cmin command why why why you watch Tik Tok

Obnoxiously tell me that enemies as a new activate the terminated control system have stuff they do sometimes made a so n have you been on H recently oh the you know there’s Tremors I don’t think got you know those um skeletons that you see around the map the ones with the big

Mouth I don’t want to destroy it it’s such a cool [ __ ] boat yeah yeah yeah the big wors yeah what if the tremors are the [ __ ] worms cuz their ability in the ability in hell diers is one that they would burrow underground and then pop back up to fight

You so what if those what if those tremmors are just us waking up those giant bugs dude that’d be sick and apparently it’s going to be like double triple the health of a biotan I know this is pretty cool nice little I I honestly this is

Dope as [ __ ] dude it’s like a [ __ ] ship stuck in ice lifted up yeah be a cool like little side base mes I’m pissed up what are the cords thetive 700 I forgot you need you can’t remove curses can I got curse of too much

[ __ ] did you say a curse of too much [ __ ] yeah don’t work [ __ ] that up I messed that up royally could have died well why didn’t you cuz I didn’t want to I wasn’t I wasn’t ready to die I being a loser die yo there’s a polar bear

All right we need to go this way how do we tame the polar bear are they friendly that allows you to put shers inside of shers can’t already do it with bundles just put shers inside of bundles inside of shers well bundles don’t exist yet so so many polar bears here think about

It uh a Shuler inside another Shuler inside another Shuler inside another Shuler inside another Shuler inside of your mother that’s what you would want huh but guess what I don’t know where I was going with that chcken boat the boat the mood is 0% Minecraft says

Checking the F3 I’m just looking at the settings and [ __ ] says the mood is zero I’m over I just kept going straight oh yeah I see back home I can I make space in my base yeah we’re heading home space in the base I think we’ll get rid of this bed and

Kind of move it maybe want you give me TP here in like 5 minutes whenever just at me where are you right you at the base I’m still in the cave I’m going towards 700 have you guys see my pretty pink princess house mhm I have your

Present how did you even build it up there you flew oh that makes sense oh I have a bed my bed of Doom that sounds like an amazing Place [ __ ] Ching that the bed the bed of Boom with multiple zeros yo who’s at town right now the bed of

Doom TP me I hope this is town I hope this is down me let’s see yes this is this town hello hello did you see my base I added it right down there which one it’s uh I built into the wall wa how do I get

Down love how fast you go on the boats on Ice yeah we need to make another another we do those are very op I’ve craft you know what I’ll grab some more ice you need blue ice for another Highway sadly blue ice what’s what’s the difference pack packed blue ice pack

Blue ice um packed blue well one blue ice is faster than normal ice I’m pretty sure and also packed blue ice doesn’t melt in the nether can you craft packed blue ice yes I’m pretty sure you can you need ice sucks doesn’t it what packed

Blue ice to make to get some yeah to get it yeah you need ice for it or what do you need I Siri can you craft pack blue ice actually I think you need to find them yeah I think it’s just a traveling Merchant that sells it doesn’t he

Traveling merch from the top of the P yeah you could also mine them from like ice hell is this block I’m sorry forgive me God damn damn what you got going on over there lot of mobs lot lots and lots I need some godamn diamonds what up

Slime I got a stack and a half of diamonds right now oh that’s crazy what’s terracotta used for uh certain just cool looking blocks you also use it for the sea thing whatever the [ __ ] you call it the SE thing the conduit yeah ter cotta I think so don’t you no that’s

Um whatever the sh whatever the Underwater Palace is made out of what’s that underwat Palace no that’s prism prism pris prismarine there you go so funny to me I’m tell members about to kill me but then I tell them what would Goku think I saw that so

Good what was it when the cartel memb is about to kill me but I tell them what would Goku think yeah cuz apparently it was very popular down in Mexico and stuff down most a lot of restaurants are like Dragon Ball based yeah apparently whenever Dragon Ball episode came out

Crime rate went down like 20% s for like two days yeah cuz they were just watching busy that’s funny as [ __ ] I I can imagine whoever’s like the the the boss for one specific area and we need to go collect from these guys we’ll do it tomorrow why imag Like Cocaine just

Got like Dragon Ball theme cocaine I could imagine that there is oh they probably got like stickers and [ __ ] [ __ ] like that posted everywh restaurant there’s a restaurant with a with a Broly salsa container that’s funny what the [ __ ] it’s a little Broly holding the bowl of salsa that’s not some [ __ ] and

There’s there’s stuff on there called like Goku tacos Vegeta a bro of I need to go to one of these restaurants it’ll be the best tasting food you’ll ever taste I’m telling you right now don’t we have like a big cave how do how do why I’m so [ __ ] stupid it’s underneath the

House just asked how to get to it yeah yeah you admitted it I’m trying to find out how I can get a cave going under my house unur I’d be able to find a way into it yeah if you dig straight down you’ll probably Plum it to your

Death wait are you the are you the big like multiple houses who losing then uh can someone TP me uh H doesn’t have privilege I cannot I guess I’ll T you TV him to me where the hell are we R home I guess I’ll de yeah there’s a giant Ravine right there I’ll leave do there is fancy looking oh [ __ ] I hit my head damn why do you gain so much

Experience from just harvesting crops just bushes I got 10 levels yeah and you know the berry bushes I’m getting [ __ ] I’m like five levels you know what’s funny about it uh um I was going to make a a Enderman uh XP farm when I go to the

End yeah that’s I was saying I was like I was like Enderman give 14 14 and farming gives 10 like I just make just make a big farm yeah oh this was game master I think I think the only reason I’m still I’m still probably going to

Make that Enderman XP farm just because it’s also an ender pearl Farm F can you drop me some potatoes please Lord potato baked potatoes are like actually pretty good for food yeah honestly they’re they’re nice I like them they’re Dependable mhm good nutrition dang it’s crazy Ken Block died yest uh yesterday last

Year or block Ken Block oh he block his heart get blocked no he died in a some type of carci try to make a joke out of that or something no that’s crazy seemed like the most likely scenario yes I just realized something never mind I forgot you you need to

Learn how to watch to on silent what you can learn it through spiritual methods oh there’s a village here we dud never seen any of this well we’re going to 700 we’re at negative 1,000 so we still need to go this way to keep going so we passed a village at

Some point I’m grabbing all the wheat here for town is more like 600 67 no like an actual like a villager Town yeah you guys got a town over there well that’s a village Village Village thank you very much Village it’s a town baby C about everything baby bigest one like people call

Structures or things y I want to grab all this hay let me get a few of this hay there’s more there’s definitely more I’m going to put it around I see more there’s another hay pile over there I’m going to put it around the donkey and he’s going to be

Happy can’t wait for the trials dude those are going to be amazing crown of The Necromancer you found a crown oh in a village I found the necromancer’s crown nice W that’s in that that’s the god items dude I I just seven should do fine what’s this house oh this is the

Church bro this [ __ ] these zombies Decked Out bro’s got full gold armor and an iron shovel bro almost get all the zombos zoms zom balls or zom okay zom PS that’s a nice Crown sir thank you very shiny apparently zombies won’t attack me that’s kind of op really

Ah need to find one though test it out all right let’s keep going you here where you at oh maybe maybe I might have a charm for it I’ve got a bunch of charms that I got from one of them deep cities so I can uh I can see any charms

Affect it still near the village Edge I see you God I hate glow like it’s so so [ __ ] annoying huh you think there’s diamonds and it’s just glow likeing bro but it glows up the area it’s nice yeah but not when you got full bar already like ninjas tree to tree B

Zinga how it’s deathly quiet now bazingo Bazinga and then quiet silence y sh FL ice cream e what it would taste like the person cannibal ice cream no sh I made it in we it in computed Computing but yeah so I made I made a Big Bang Theory flavored ice

Cream all right close you said young Sheldon yeah I just realized both of them have Sheldon in so I get confused well this is the T we’ll just go through the tago we’re close wait no do you know how you found like was it you that found diamonds underneath the

Skull yes I believe so like that I’ve just done it four times x-ray cheater no I just I just see like the hint of Light Blue for the dark blue so just a bunch of yeah F five times I lost you n oh shoot come back I might have full uh I

Might have a full set when I come back I see you I want the vampire’s chest plate that’s what I want all right we need to head we need to head this way hop in so we’re perfectly well we’re we’re around 700 are you in all right yeah

This way now we need to correct this is it this bro soone confused I might turn my text back come you should play my out you need go to the other side of the tig someone go to sleep so we don’t die please too late they’re already here they’re already

Here and I lost you again never mind iiz you know those like leashes for like children I need one for glitch here you shut the hell up just drag you behind me [ __ ] my dick all right we go through the tiger this way what huh NOA no I would

To Dr my dick like a carival hole why are there a lot of babies can these guys grow up so they could start reproducing that’s legit the cow’s whole motive they need to reproduce I’m not I’m not going to say anything left the tiger no turn around turn around animals are meant to

Reproduce why do they have to be adults because they can’t produce you know where you at where’ you go baby can’t plop out a baby treason why can’t I there all right all right we can actually go through this River for a little bit that should be

Good I killed all the adults now I just have baby cows H I only got 13 diamonds I’ve already got leggings so 13 + 14 15 18 148 three so now technically if I need TOS as well I need about 95 diamonds hey what’s the last number for base

Handles can you hit F3 and tell like 50 50 all right 37 on M oh yeah I forgot we got a plug in where you can pick up spawners oh we could pick up spawners I sell t a that’s perfect gr of gems are being deployed in Minecraft dude that that is five

Creepers in this cave what the [ __ ] is going on what’s it no cuz M cave traveled really far in hindsight No Cap oh coal I feel like we did not travel this far well the cave just went that long yo a is that cave went for a long

Time where’s he gone where the [ __ ] es gone I’ve literally just seen him where the [ __ ] did it I I I took 5 Seconds out my day to type in chat and this [ __ ] just disappeared cool looking cave it is it’s got some trees growing in it

I lost you oh I no it’s you I need lava we’re under a thousand thank the Lord we’re nearly there start Cave Dog the cave went so far dude we were over a thousand more potato we were we were like just SL set home

No I’m a purist plus I got coal in the way does anyone have infinite lava somewhere uh I know Gobo has a dripstone generator I know I know well Oh you mean the generators gabo actually has like Unlimited to Lava you used to used to be able to

Do that with potions in in 17 I’m have to replace the lava in the cave aren’t I I know but I think 17 be to do that with potions and you have infinite potions like infinitely respawning so broken are you taking lava out of the out of the

Cave I don’t know should it stay there or no h just let me know I’ll put it back other people need this lava I just like to look at it it’s purely for aesthetic this a village we’ve stumbled onto a village ow ow what is [Applause]

This we did stumble onto a village what is this is this a village oh it is all right time to raid them yeah Raid where’s your [ __ ] give me all your valuables give me your bread give me this log oh look what I got grind Stone oh nice oh I I just made one I thought you were going to point out like you got like a really rare item

Or something yeah I made one and put it in the thing so I think someone already at this Village I don’t know I found a unlooted chest all the chests I found were looted a this one’s looted over here though maybe they did miss one maybe they have been here T to

Me thanks for your kind donation man I don’t really know what else to say said to that is that insult are you are trying to insult me I’m feeding you bro you’re hungry there’s a cat here part of the village I don’t know why he’s so far he’s really

Far all right leap of faith yeah you want to do that n want some Danger [ __ ] H hey there’s a zombie down here test it out oh where com into the water where I jumped leap of faith he’s about to turn into a drown

Though how am I going to tell if he can attack me I’ll chase you I’ll back up so he’s not a going on me I don’t think he cares y this place is pretty cool another cave we’re going to have to explore possibly all right well I have no food

So I’m ready to go I’m just grabbing this coal hell was that oh he turned into a drown I just need two buckets of lava all right I’m on my way still out there m God [ __ ] sake oh Okay all right it’s practically a straight shot give or take guys still not in the base yet no we’re we’re right next to it though really close that cave was really far away yeah that’s crazy that cave was huge though and we didn’t even Explore all of it there was

Still that whole big part with lava that we never even went to oh yeah I went down to another section I got a stack and 26 of diamonds but there was still so much you got a stack and 26 I think you beat me on Hall then I thought I was

Winning on that that’s cuz I stayed there longer she said all right stayed there longer no I was exploring that cave still went to another found stack of diamond it was so big home sweet home glitchy oh oh damn the bridge is looking good whoever added

Those pillars yeah I did that I’m at the bridge where are you guys we’re coming dude I won’t lie the pillars do look nice they definitely it definitely needed it definitely makes it whose Bas is this or whose house is this this little tree house thing in the

Dirt oh that’s Pyro’s back door it’s like Escape far away that was like Escape R there one where’ you find it I lost it uh the bridge I don’t know I’m just heading towards the actual house oh okay I thought you went in I left it did you run across the bridge I’m

Heading up the hill right now I’m right on top of the floating thing in the sky we’re going to take the uh tunnel I guess I’m in the tree mze yeah the tunnel’s next to that Ask oh I see handles this What you do here hit me you won’t yeah dude zombies do not you see my base yet no he leave why is there an end in here none of your business dude zombies don’t attack me dude that’s kind of crazy this way wait wait come check come beat my House no you have unenchanted arm are you [ __ ] crazy hell yeah it’s looking mint got nothing I can steal though don’t look in this chest what what’s what’s in that chest this what’s in that chest yink oh no you can’t re it up did you take my 18 diamonds there sir no

Who me no stuff diamonds in the pocket look at this look at this how’d you get down here how’ you figure out my secret I name like I also saw the pain in your house you have any glass paintings or glass paints right here uh not necessarily but I can I can

I can board your windows open yeah good look someone smashed the Window tell you what [ __ ] H why is it gone there why is it gone there I thought see a PN I kind of want to make like a switch like right here and have open up these stairs to some cool looking I guess it would only have to be

A sticky pist on each side I’m looking for something remember I’m I Look to steal something and I forgot what it was so I hope this dirt can I take this dirt yeah thank you how do R you should really close dog behind when I’m not in there it has to

Be open or I can’t close it on the other side like look you you can’t open and get in there it’s locked bro you can only open it inside wait you think you got it home sweet home wait wait wa wait where where we let him cook let him

Cook how’ you do that you did I only need N More books stupid animation to open that no that’s what it looked like it look robotic as hell how are you doing how are you doing that oh you have Auto open doors and you just walk into

It oh did you had a pressure plate over there a button that’s how you get that’s how you get through I guess what you could do though double P right here stair away why have dolls here why we got dolls here I don’t you no but why don’t you just Like that was way back break the door or what oh coll myself but I I’ve got no more you could do is this I need lava jump up to t i it’s harder it’s hard to get on yeah people not jump normally they won’t know uh be like get me out this is so annoying to it sorry you have like buttons here so it’s like

A TV but then you can just like and you can po maybe slabs and flowers make it look like it’s just a wall is this I don’t know but you know follow my stop sucking my dick while I’m AFK handles what’s going on treason I’m Jesus Christ no you look

Like Jesus isn’t a white man I’m Jesus all right walk on water Mr Jesus hit me out hit me out put out pain burgo do you think the re do you think the reason Jesus walked on water is didn’t some water cuz he didn’t want to

Get his clothes wet he didn’t want to get wet there’s a hot girl in front of him so he just carried her W he was all like these guys have to swim I could just walk over it [ __ ] have I walk for you join me down here yeah Stone Cold floor it’s quite

Relaxing this time of year this button do I don’t know okay okay I want to make sticky pistons on each side of this and hit a button and then it’s going to open up the stairs and the more stairs go down oh that would be tough would be too tough just a repeater

And wrap it around behind and one switch should pull both sides yeah but you also got to remember you have four stairs here so you’re only going to get the outside unless you go a little more advanced and pull out the middles B in the mes quite

Easily no you’re going to need a lot of [ __ ] slime I’ll tell you that yeah I don’t have [ __ ] I do think I’m going to take a break though oh am all right tired you you get XP from wood cream no good though how do you even get how do you actually

Get to this portal is it through house oh it’s the Farm my life was so easy easy my life is so easy I’ll be right back everyone I’m to bre these days I’m doing one left bro no this [ __ ] up him on my [ __ ] trap doors I just realized I haven’t talking cuz I was Lo in it’s out a weed farm

Likeed I I actually was starting a weed farm but I’m missing a lot of the materials I’m missing mostly the weed nah I get the weed I could get the weed pretty fast I just need some shears and I have some weed but the issue is I need to go to the

End I need uh those end rods for uh for my UV light yeah that’s going to be a problem yeah get once I get the once I get the weed farm up and going though would you guys like to see it yeah oh [ __ ] wait I think after we

Beat the Ender Dragon power reset the end that’s fine you didn’t have to reset the end we could just always respawn the Ender Dragon yeah everyone else cuz only me and ran did it oh the cheaters we far that’s we started cheating we beat the game really no pum PL I’m still

Team this should be enough I I hope you guys reckon the best meters besides mine that’s what to what yeah what that’s meat meat steak aged um goat what goat e the deer hey glitch I’m not going to lie serpent meat is kind of goed all R talking valim meat no I’m joking

Um I’d say probably just got out Park telling you dude goat is the goat no y’all yall don’t know what meat is unless you’ve had elk trust me dude it’s goat specifically not just not just goat it has to be repaired by my ethnicity have you all ever had

Beia no dude you have done you’re missing out when I say you’re missing out I mean you are missing out my boy I found a planes biome let’s go I’m so happy be happy to find a planes biome yeah and I found a [ __ ] netherite

Penis let’s just say that or uh you know someone typing the word penis with nether I I I I hate I hate my my my my luck wait what do you mean with Nether oh no it’s Netherrack someone just rot penis what happened did you die no um so

I was trying to get fortune 3 on a pickaxe right but then I saw the enchantment was Fortune 2 so I was like okay fine let me just do an enchantment on my axe I get fortune 3 on my [ __ ] axe no yeah that’s kind of Trash if it worked for wood oh thank I mean cool but it doesn’t works for other stuff I think [ __ ] Stupid okay so wait wait I don’t know what I’m saying [ __ ] should I risk it or should I I just go safe and wait till it says for so I made another pickaxe and it says efficiency bro levels are so easy to get out risk it yeah

True [ __ ] God I mean it’s fine but I mean [ __ ] man I didn’t want it but I guess it’s still good I got silk touch instead of Fortune hey I’ll take that pickax off yeah no I’m going to I’m going to keep it cuz that way I don’t have to waste coal whenever I want make stone so it’s a it’s a good Investment I’ll just make another [ __ ] diamond pickaxe and see if I could get Fortune if I do get fortune 3 I’m converting it to netherite you know H in your own belly Berry book just doesn’t give XP it does uh you have to punch it not hey who’s on my farm oh I’m sorry I know that was yours I thought this was someone

Else’s as long as you replant that’s fine yeah I’m replanting it I was just stealing exp that’s fine just just make sure you rep on your Own the ones you plant as a player don’t Count no they do they do you just have to grow them all the way you have to like actually grow them all the way and then punch it you can’t uh right click yeah I am that’s I’m not getting HP really I’m getting it do you want these carrots n no you can

Keep them if you want so how how you liking the the little tiny little farm area I have so far it’s looking cool I saw all that bamboo and I was like what the hell there’s a tiny jungle right here oh wait follow me so this is kind of like kind

Of just the Little Shack I live in it’s nothing big but what I plan on doing is well that that goes all the way down to like negative 50ish okay and then this is kind of the main area I’m kind of work so this will be kind of like I

Guess a war room so I’m going to have a giant map right here like surrounding area this once I get enough books and stuff I do want to make this kind of a like uh just a little small enchanting place right now but I do want to make it

A library all these chests over here I’m going to make this a storage room and then just down the hallway I have the little layout for another room and then across from here also is going to be a different type of room once I clear it out

One of these is probably going to be the weed weed farm one of these yeah gotta store got to make like a secret entrance or something so no one knows it’s back here you know got keep the FBI out of it but like looking it’s looking good it’s recreational I

Promise that many oh no it’s medicinal what’s up Turtles one of them’s named yeah want Doom name that nice oh no the other on are named they only move in the water though once they’re outside the move watch like you see he’s moving around what the [ __ ] oh oh

Hey I think what dam I think it’s time to sleep the Phantoms are good for like repairing elytras if we don’t have mending yeah start burning burn yes burn you heathens what you get sorry for getting your sorry for getting your hopes up with those with those bamboo though oh

No it’s fine those work for harvesting though when you get those all the way grown uh no sadly oh it’s [ __ ] I know but I just decided to have it there as like nice little bamboo little plot it looks cool and it’s a good way to

Figure out where your house is true I’m just going to keep building it up be like where’s bamboo oh there it is oh Jesus see it from halfway across the world what’s that tall green thing oh that’s my beacon yeah it’s my beacon since we haven’t killed the Wither yet like my

Beacon’s uh green okay time to see if I get Fortune three this time [ __ ] is there efficiency five or only four there efficiency five there is efficiency 5 mhm I need an anvil ASAP cuz I have two efficiency for Ivy is four right yes yes all right

Is actually going to come like really actually super handy now thinking about it God damn it I don’t want silk touch how do I make a grindstone I’m wasting a lot of diamonds I honestly don’t know I just picked one up I think some like a stone

Half stone slab and some Stone all right was that pyro no that was pyro no it’s not comes in here gives value information leads as is my custom uh slabs grindstone uh planks and sticks do anyone have any lapis I could use uh if you come back to my house

Yeah oh do I want anyone here I don’t want to make the trick back I’m any anyone nearby hello looks like I’m your only option is right now no no one’s alive it seems like if you come here I’ll give you a a diamond I already got enough Diamond where’s the lapis

At there’s the lapis [ __ ] yeah God damn it again finally woohoo I need to make a trash can cactus true either Cactus or lava whichever one’s easier for me to grab probably lava probably lava would be easier as of right now cuz I don’t think I’ve seen

Desert I want the cactus though just cuz it doesn’t it wouldn’t make the Noises did you reset the end what did you reset the end no okay so I could like if I want to fight the dragon I could respawn them right yeah all right cool Nova was slain by Ender Dragon oh my God all the homies hate gravel underground Scar the [ __ ] watched this

Japanese movie called T popo last night and it was an entire movie about a Ramen Shop really it was pretty crazy and I watched a 1960s Japanese film called harakiri that was pretty crazy oh [ __ ] it was pretty good honestly for the 60s and [ __ ] it was very had very good

Acting and all that [ __ ] all right Doom confirms he’s a racist yeah buddy he did say something bad for against it’s released Saturday at 11:00 a.m. everybody will know all right all right at do X3 make sure to tag him in it tag M tin at 11: a.m. all right the prophecy

Has been foretold once I get at a certain height on my M shaft I do need to like because the M shaft I have right now it’s surrounded by skull sensors and I keep activating it and going blind so I don’t want to risk dying to the warden

In my own M shaft so I’m just going to once I get to the the correct height I’m just going to do a 180 and turn around yeah that’s a smart idea get away from all that [ __ ] unless I could find where the [ __ ] like activation sensor is I am

Not I cannot keep going in that direction which is probably not worth it yeah no cuz I would have to be lucky enough to stumble onto the [ __ ] cave and since I’m strip mining I could just go based off a sound but every time I break a block it’s going to activate

It yeah so I’m just going to turn around cuz I could do it but I would have to like go activate it once it activates twice come back after like two Minecraft days and then do it again just to break only two blocks and do it again and again

And I ain’t doing all that that’s too much yeah just going to [ __ ] be like all right [ __ ] it we going this way so once I get to like negative 58 was the best level for diamonds so I’m probably just going to get to 58 and then turn around

I should probably turn around now because I just heard a that don’t sound good seriously where the hell did everyone go well how want to sleep everyone is AFK right now my boss got mad at me last time cuz I didn’t check my schedule cuz I was

Supposed like last week I was supposed to work on a day that I didn’t go in he was like hey how come you didn’t come in to work and I was like cuz I’m not scheduled he was like well did you check your schedule and I was like yeah I took

A picture of it when it came out 2 weeks ago cuz you’re supposed to give us the schedule 2 weeks in advance now so we get the schedule for this week and then the following week so I was all like so what’s the issue like I saw I’m

Just going based off my phone I don’t work till this day he goes oh well I put that you worked this day I was like so you put in that I that you told so you put on the schedule that you wrote down in pen that I was supposed to work today

Without calling me to see if I was available to shift or at least telling me hey by the way you know and he was like well can you come in and I was like no I’m not even in yeah some people just don’t listen I was like if you would have let

Me know hey your schedule changed then yeah I would have he was like well you’re supposed to keep an eye of your schedule and I was like if it’s out 2 weeks in advance and it’s printed out why would it change all right I’m back unless of course you need yo what’s

Good strawberry welcome back welcome to the Stream we’ve been keeping them entertained talking about uh how you like oh and how yeah man and also how Dooms Dooms a racy thanks for agreeing with me like how we just stuck with that yeah nice nice glad you guys are getting

Along what were you doing huh and scary Minecraft noise woohoo what were you up to Nord I was eating nor so much happened while you were gone did it for example I now havep for example I now have a fortune 3 and breaking three efficiency 4 pickaxe you

Did steal all my lapis I will have an five soon though ah dude I love [ __ ] effic uh fortune 3 I found two uh diamond ores and I have five from two yeah it’s so good so good I love fortune 3 but it’s also like really good for

Lapis so you just need to mine one chuun lapis and you have like four Stacks yeah it’s ridiculous like what is it I only mined one like deposit of lapis and I have four Stacks I don’t think yeah I don’t like it wasn’t it wasn’t eight vein but like still that’s

Ridiculous I don’t think I need this much lapis no it’s good to have a backup but you know I might have so much lapis I might have to turn it into diamond blocks I mean diamond blocks or lapis blocks yeah I have four stacks and 54 of lapis that’s pretty

Good yo pyro should give me [ __ ] like ability so I can set my spawn and teleport and [ __ ] just sleep you can set your spawn that way but I want to like set home and do that stuff have the power I don’t even use that stuff yeah nord’s a pretty pretty good

Purist the only the only thing using it the only thing he uses is like slashback but that’s just cuz loot despawns in like 5 minutes you use slasher back back I can’t even use that alone at the I got the Power I don’t want to play some hell divers in a little bit take a little break Minecraft I should join you cuz I’ve just been purely grinding on and I’ve gotten a decent amount done plus I’m like so close to level 25 I’m nearly level 40 I believe I’m halfway to

21 two most popular games right now hell divers and Minecraft actual I feel like the thing about Minecraft is it’s popularity always shifts well not the popularity but uh it’s like like active player base always shifts people always come back to it though like game that dies it’s just

Like you know take a break yeah you take a little break off of it and then you’re like you know what you know what I’m craving right now what Mine I think even The Debs know it they’re like hey um what our active player base went down all right release another update super can you give me the ability to do slash back it doesn’t work like you think it does I tried it it doesn’t work it just

Puts me to like my house or some [ __ ] it doesn’t put me where I died it’s last Teleport so yeah it’s useless if you die unless you want it for teleportation I just want to like there is there there is a mod where it where the there’s another mod where it shows it it’s kind of gives you like a mini a mini map on the top right and it shows

You like your death location and all that you could teleport there what was that I us use all the time called it might be that one but maybe not cuz the YouTubers I watched at the time they used it part as part of the they edited on top of the or spawn mod

Here’s the kicker though you can only uh so like OptiFine doesn’t work right now it’s like this version doesn’t work with curse Forge and that’s as far as I know how you mod Minecraft Oh I’d rather have the shaders in the Map that way I get lost but man it looks pretty I wish or spawn was still available to to have War spawn yeah it’s basically like heavily modded Minecraft where it makes the ender dragon as as hard to kill as a zombie because there’s there’s two bigger dragons called the queen and the

King and to kill them you need armor that you need uh armor that’s basically makes you more or less inable this crazy craft mod pack or whatever yeah it’s kind of like crazy craft like that it’s called or spawn and all that CrazyCraft is like the Crazy

Craft is is more mods on top of that but it’s like a certain mod I I forgot what it’s called but it’s of the [ __ ] white and gold dragon and then the yeah the black and red one black and red the the the best weapon in that specific mod

Was big bir no the the king sword or whatever the white one it did like 600 700 damage didn’t it do like thousands I swear it did like thousands it did like I think I did yeah yeah thousands uh no 1,00 for the white one

700 I think that’s what it was and if you had those two weapons it’s still took like a a lot of hits to take down the king oh yeah it was like a 10 battle yeah he had millions of H that’s the one thing like it would

Have been fun to run that but the gear Gap is just going to just go [ __ ] insane like yeah because you could have got the ultimate set like right off spawn and basically that the ultimate pickaxe is like an efficiency 20 diamond pick or something you just mine through

Stone like nothing yeah we can get efficiency 255 I’m told in our server it was really cool mod pack though yeah but apparently something happened with the owner of the mod pack and it’s like now no longer available you’re not supposed to have it no more really yeah appar got like shut

Down like there are imitations out there but there are lots of bugs with it cuz it’s not the original yeah it’s not the original thing something happened to it where like apparently something with licensing or whatever so it’s like hey you’re not supposed to be having it no more that’s

[ __ ] stupid I was like I was like dude that was like one of the best mod packs I’ve ever played in my life I know thanks to fortune 3 I have 64 and 28 diamonds we love fortune yeah I’m still scrubbing it out I’m still on iron I’m still making my way

What’s funny is I went mining for iron but I just kept finding because I realized I went too low and I was like oh okay well um I was like well might as well so I found a decent amount of iron cuz I needed Anvil so I can make the efficiency 5

Pick so I was like all right let’s do This I poop sometimes you know me too know everybody poops out here I didn’t think you’re here so I to do it I do it better than any of you I don’t know I can’t call mine efficient but I get the job done I like the side can’t stop saying

It side of your house it’s nice good I need my lapis back whoever took all that [ __ ] bro I threw it back I was thinking about playing this in VR than you Minecraft mhm dude some you saying playing in VR some guy was playing in VR

And I guess he got like slight a little bit motion sickness cuz he did say that he does get motion sickness from VR but then the Minecraft music called him so he fell asleep and he was just asleep on the Minecraft floor on stream and when

He woke up he was all like what the [ __ ] where am I thought he was in a dream no here’s your lapis also no you know what you’re not getting it already got it well awesome but nobody’s getting [ __ ] from me and I’m locking out my

House yall keep open my trap doors it’s pissing me off what are you talking about I don’t even go up there I I went up there one time to pacify it because you you were sending down an army a legion of mobs what you know all the Torches in

Your house I don’t know if ch them but the reason they were there was cuz enemies kept spawning and taking your elevator down and coming out it was [ __ ] well anyway yeah if someone uh does my thing again I’m claiming land you’re claiming what I’ll be claiming the land so nobody else can

Interact with it that’s funny opening my CH using his powers of cheating again cheating it’s not cheating anyone can do it take it out take it out p no one can set home no no one can do that stuff yeah you can no you can’t got P for

It you can because you have cheats on you should be able to that working out to the hour later should be able but yeah people anyone can claim land after the chat look perms last hey I have an anvil I just realized I made an anvil and doom inside my what God damn

It I made an anvil and I forgot that you had left an anvil oh did I yeah that’s fine at least I made my own voila okay be right back all right yeah p apparently they can’t do like a lot of the commands you did it you made the

Elevator I made it while ago did you make it in Creative no I he it he made everything your creative you guys talk even know I did I’ve never I’ve only had a a two layer I’ve never seen a four layer you mean a four well this little pool here that becomes

It that’s kind of cool I like it yeah what do you mean a fall Le your mom’s a PO layer burrito dude get roast by far truck that’s pretty cool how he made the water I mean the water’s not okay good thing there was a tree there

Um yeah the water looks pink and it looks cool from the shaders I buom obsidian off of anyone I don’t think I have any I do not I had like 14 and then I died and never got to [ __ ] oh that’s another thing I need to fix the [ __ ] I know the

Graves seemed to be working there was not Graves Graves never worked but the one the one thing I had seemed to be working the dead chest oh death chest yeah thinking about re adding that that way so everything doesn’t just [ __ ] fly everywhere oh God to know that chest with loot box what’s

That yeah looks how grab whenever Doom dies I feel like he just like kills himself with a slash kill I do for testing purposes I think I just knew that Graves aren’t working when you wait I just realized something when you put something to netherite it doesn’t take the enchantments

Huh yeah but then you’ve got to if you want more enchantments you’ve got to even make any pickaxe I use box no I’m saying like I have a diamond pickaxe that’s foring through right now if I convert it to netherite it doesn’t take it right yeah did you never know

That no I just forgot how it works but it doesn’t matter I don’t have uh I don’t have any netherite right now everybody makes ma that’s why everyone makes Max follow NE if you have enough diamonds you can make three diamond swords enchant them all and get

Whatever you like oh [ __ ] lost Levels doing that I need to get myself them back all right I’m removing Graves and adding dead chests back with infinite time to retrieve them and I’m also adding randomly generated loot box n don’t add infinite time to retrieve them

Cuz a lot of people just don’t retrieve them well you’re make it like 12 hours yeah 12 hours would be good back an hour not 12 hours just in case if someone has to get off they could get on uh like let’s say it’s late and they

Need to go sleep right now for some reason leave it 12 hours so when they go to sleep they can just come back in the morning and grab it or if anything doe 24 hours that way if they do have to do something they still have time to get

Back so with the VAR bushes it’s really convenient sometimes I get the XP sometimes I don’t um how close or how far away are you from the bar Bush that’s what I’m thinking you have to be cuz I’ve noticed sometimes I don’t I don’t get it but I

Have to be like right right next to the bush for me to all right boys I got to do some stuff real quick I’m going to reload the plugins to be able to modify the configuration file then I’m going to restart it so do it real quick I need to do something you

[ __ ] I knew it happened as soon as it kicked me out of my inventory why can I not fish anymore uh uh he’s reloading the plugins oh hey Doom is it okay if I took uh 21 uh obsidian from you on one no and two where have you got that

From Nord I’m talking to Nord edit you said Doom I don’t care and you did you did say Doom oh did I say Doom I meant Nord 21 dead chest duration 300 in seconds how many seconds hey Siri how much is 24 hours in seconds oh I only just realized that 86,400 seconds

86,400 mhm if that’s the case that’s that’s going to mean less teleports got time to run there now yes which is good that means you have 24 hours to get to your dead chest which is good cuz if you get off at least you could come back the next day max de

Chest per player three three so that means like if you die three times the fourth one it will despawn correct all right good that means you still have to be careful when going back this is so bogus man I’ve been fishing with this luck of the C2 fishing

Rod and I’ve only caught fish dude like where’s the cool stuff look of the sea look of the sea not luck of the pond listen water is water you also need a what is it L Auto clean up dead chest when the server boots up what does that mean if you destroys all

Chests when it turns on for the first time oh all right yeah no that’ be okay making it the player head again there’s no way you actually have to go to the ocean just a hobo head on the floor right that’s how you know you found Nord hey oh wait you

Actually let me try it afterwards once you get something you just see me pull a mending book if I do can I keep it yeah you’ll be able to keep it wouldn’t take it off you out of um out of enchantment table if that’s what you’re talking

About no out of the out of the ocean fishing all right boys reoo the server real quick no I have it don’t I pick up uh cuz they’re on slab unacceptable treason all right anyway slre s g a r d enter I love how the enter was

Perfectly black screen all right so now you should have infinite well 24-hour death chess and there should be little loot boxes now you can find that is very convenient yes yes and and we can have very nice time we have to generate generate new Uh in 20 minutes who wants to play H divers I want a spot I want a spot I definitely want a spot all right hell yeah a few hours I definitely need a spot I’m trying to get the level 25 to play H what what I didn’t know what you

Said oh this this this doesn’t matter to Doom Dollar Tree shutting down uh no [ __ ] damn it dude look what Biden’s taking from us he’s taking the Dollar Store like come on no God damn it I actually liked going in there as a kid dude I know getting something for like

A125 yeah dude amazing made you feel rich as a kid dude yeah you’re like oh my God you’re like perfect ah that yeah that one actually hits deep dude I won’t lie I’m going to miss I’m going to miss the dollar dollar yeah dude is Dr Peppa Dr Peppa’s going in it

Is Dr Pepper going out of business yeah they’re going for real yeah Dr Pepper’s I sent it in a while ago uh in general if if they’re not going out of business they’re probably just going to do what Sprite did and rename it what’ you get what was that pu fish

Oh okay I look different than what I was getting so I was like he got a book immediately he got something he didn’t get a fish so they sent the my son has been at toxin’s house past couple days pretty much all week you know what I mean cuz

He doesn’t really get to see his cousins he go to school all the time he’s only in prek so we’re like whatever [ __ ] school go see your cousins you never SE him have a good week we get a school letter from the email from school today saying that uh they have

Lice well good thing you didn’t send him yeah and he ain’t going he ain’t going there tomorrow he ain’t going there tomorrow until that [ __ ] gets out yeah I even wrote back I was like let us know when uh that gets cleared up Oliver we’ll be back

Then h je I’m good on all that they’re all like they give us like information like you can put mayonnaise in your kid’s hair I my sister used to [ __ ] go to her friend’s house and I don’t know what the [ __ ] kind of ordeal they had over there

But every time she’d come back she had Li bro you got to do not use low fat or fat free mayonnaise it has to be fatty mayonnaise oh so what is it don’t like the mayonnaise so what is it when I went when I went to kindergarten uh I had

Gotten lice from from my [ __ ] class too so my parents were like nah [ __ ] that they just shave me bald and my boy got long hair like me I can’t do them like that well back then I didn’t have long hair yet so I was perfectly fine every summer was summer

Cut so I mean I was used to it yeah I had like pure two on the sides Z up top oh no sorry zero on the side two up top I still don’t get why a lot of people have I don’t I don’t really lie long hair pisses me

Off look just cuz you don’t look good with long hair doesn’t mean other people oh I look good with long hair I just don’t [ __ ] like it it’s uncomfortable as [ __ ] I look good at the time oh then that means you you don’t take care of

Your ha you don’t take care of your hair correct if it’s look good all the time no it’s it’s called like whenever you got long hair you know like [ __ ] TCH your shoulders [ __ ] an IR and uh you got let’s see you know what I hate when you got

[ __ ] long hair on your Fringe like [ __ ] covers your eyes I [ __ ] a oh then you have the then you’re not meant to have long hair you see some people are meant to have long hair like I don’t I don’t really have issues with why why why what you are one

Horrible horrible man don’t even talk you’re going to be bald D I don’t care at least I’m not Jass over uh what is it oh I put it in here Nord by the way oh I only got fish man I have to go to the Sea probably oh can someone sleep

Um what is it I don’t really have any issues with my long hair it kind of just sets in naturally I’m like all right long hair must be my style sweeping Edge what’s sweeping Edge it basically just adds more AOE all right this might lag out I need to do something for testing uh Doom what uh Saturday at 11:00 a.m. eastern I’m adding you oh true you’re getting outed at Saturday 11:00 a.m. Easter y you get added as a racist Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Easter I

Have the clip I have the clip that’s crazy I don’t care you don’t care for Mexicans okay what ooh salmon listen it’s good television all right people love drama and it’s good for the content yeah dude it’s great can I eat the puffer fish I can good content good good cont ow don’t

Eat the puffer fish fish fish I hate that wolves don’t attack creepers which makes sense sto time cats for use cats no I’ve stopped time what do you mean look at the water I’ve literally stopped time mov oh yeah no my my my smoke is not

Moving my water my God wait wait nothing is moving the cows aren’t moving yeah I’ve stopped time that’s just wait so wa my shaders are undoing your stopped time dude I’m sorry wait wait wait wait hold on do not resume time I saw a creeper

I’m going to go and see if he doesn’t do anything where where was he at no mine a block mine a block you can pick up well I’m going to go look at my animals see if they’re all standing still oh my God it’s just Frozen oh my God they all

Are this is unworldly if you PCH hey quit they can’t even defend themselves you can’t just kill them you I realized too we’re basically like the flash watch this right so look at the pigs yeah yeah you [ __ ] you killed that one his meat is on your hands now me ooh Enderman

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whatever you did undo it whatever you did undo it I’m dying I’m dying what do you mean you probably d a hunger I need can you can you stop Doom please oh stop thanks D he [ __ ] fast forward time and I was

Getting my ass handed to me by a baby zombie God damn that sounds horrible and I lost all my levels thanks you know that’s just that’s just part of the part of the experience you know with Jesus he test he test us every day I said do should you

Should you knew time was for so you knew going to be unraid me I’m what is coming out of your right now Joe Biden Jo Biden speak Joe Biden take steps he’s constantly saying what damn it that word’s tough um pyro quick question I got something and I don’t know what it

Is so I killed a zombie it says key name example key this key open no table link amount of keys needed one I swear to God that’s exactly what it says this key open no table linked amount of keys needed one what you talking about can I lock a chest oh yeah you

Can it’s just it’s a key it says key I what this key open yeah no table so you can use that key to lock a table or whatever if I’m understanding correct okay how do I I don’t know this is some crazy [ __ ] okay if I place it down it becomes a regular

Trip watch I have to figure out how to use it oh I lost two of them already of uh it’s part of what you called part of one of the mod are you on YouTube what was that are you on YouTube uh not right now

What do you do you stream uh yes SP YouTube but I had to figure out some settings cuz something [ __ ] up so I’m fixing that [ __ ] YouTube oh that’s what you’re asking uh I found you too slow too slow I already found you did you find my IP

Address also what the [ __ ] was that no but I can teach you how one would oh oh I need you I need you does anyone have a name tag yeah I got a bunch I do I I found something amazing and now all I found a zombie

Villager told you yeah I’m going to [ __ ] I need to cure him right yeah you can cure him uh potion of of weak potion of weakness and a golden apple it’s just a potion I think would be small bit of an issue a should have some blaze powder okay I have like 13

Rods in my house he doesn’t despawn right no as long as I name okay can someone come to my house and bring them I don’t want to go too far away and then you despawn despawn if you name that’s all I know I don’t have a name tag on me

Though so I don’t want to go to nord’s house and then you know he despawns I’m walking home I’ll grab you you tag and then I’ll be there where’s your house um I could just give you the cords I I don’t know exactly you know uh 595 and 347 God damn you’re far

Bro it’s only a couple hundred blocks a wave all right say that again – 595 and – 347 the Y is the one the one in the middle is just 64 it’s that one’s not really well yeah that’s not really boring I need a slab now thinking about it my cat man he

Be he be c c do be C cat be C dude so all right one more time Nega five what 595 all right and uh 346 netive 346 it’s just a little square Hut and then you’ll see some bamboo in a pretty decent sized Farm

Are no no no no I’m on land I’m on uh ha was up all night so he actually went to sleep a couple hours ago I’m proud of him glad he’s having fun he got off a couple hours ago I was like uh we’ll go to sleep we expect him

To wake up uh the next day don’t know if we’re going to see him again and nothing we could do the zombies with the head band those are butchers right wait after I cure him will he become a butcher or can I switch his job you can

Switch his job depending on what you God you know what that means you know what that means sure stations around there I [ __ ] yeah I would have to destroy all my furnaces and [ __ ] huh MH cuz you know only blast furnaces yeah blast furnaces and the smoker have a smoker and any

Barrels yeah I don’t have anything like that because this means boys I could get I could get my oh [ __ ] I forgot God damn it you’re right I have so many things to get rid of because this means I could possibly I could possibly get amending

Books pretty huge but I need to get lucky he needs to sell me paper for emeralds and mending oh my God you’re here what the what the what what the [ __ ] okay Batman what [ __ ] Batman over here I there a Panda I I get wait are

You not here yet or did you just drop it yeah I just dropped it and dip okay dude yeah dud what is it [ __ ] Mr Batman over here drops me the name tag I turn I don’t [ __ ] name tag just a name tag not even it’s just a name tag I

Don’t even see nord’s name I’m me I’m naming him Bob Bob Bob the Builder we can build it Bob the Builder yes we can I never how do you make a potion of weakness it’s like a spider eye coming a water bottle blaz powder and a fermented spider eye in the

Brewing stand the fermented spider ey is made by combining a regular spider eye with a brown mushroom and sugar I have brown mushroom and sugar I don’t have a spider eye does anyone have a spider eye I have another I have a spider eye at my base perfect I’m on my Way you think that you could eat a fermented spider eye if you’re adding a mushroom and sugar I bet you could that’s pretty good pretty sweet sounds pretty delicious delicacy if I must say pretty sure you can eat a fermented SPID ey you should be able to I mean come on you’re

Adding a mushroom and sugar you’re basically cooking no you that’s no I don’t about SPID if you want to play mcraft sugar and brown mushroom ni iy the ho Hara come over here that’s pretty funny look you look how funny you are can’t believe even with full

Netherite armor a baby zombie kill I like Enchanted netherite armor why won’t you fully enchant your diamond armor first H because I was excited to make the I wanted the achievement plus I have another enough to make another set of netherite was one for show like one on armor stand

And then one for me to wear sounds like you’re jealous you don’t have two nether than e get one it’s just a lot of [ __ ] SL creative no it’s called knowing how to properly Farm ideally you just have the thing you’re in search of I’m glad that you have you

Know your accent but why couldn’t you have like a Scottish accent or something come on and why couldn’t you be cool go check miscellaneous problem miscellaneous all right I was about to say I’m going to scaven you through all your chests you do perfect I’ll tell you why

Py is not cool it’s because you got the demo version heing patreon I was talking about updating my patreon [ __ ] and what you get for [ __ ] get like the it help and everything he’s like I really like the demo version I was like hey Siri how do you make a splash

Potion in Minecraft a splash G how did she know that’s the one thing she knows it’s not oh let me ask you oh this is why I found on the web for some reason she knows Minecraft she just got that I need to make an Ender Chest there’s one in my

Base no you might have to put some stuff in there yeah I mean I guess you wouldn’t mind am I what is your all’s problem yeah you missed a lot brother not being not being on yesterday really kind of boned you what the [ __ ] is this Nord I just went looking through your

Chest to see what else you had crown of necromancer yeah I can’t be attacked by zombies it’s pretty nice chance to get a spawn egg on every you could get a spawn egg on every wait yeah so if I kill an undead guy I could get a Zombie egg wait

Question question if you kill an undead guy and get a Zombie egg and you pick up a spawner can you switch what it spawns by right clicking on the spawner with the egg I have no idea that’d be something we have test that means you could make your own Zombie Farm

Dude how do you get a Zombie egg in survival uh he has a a helmet that has a chance for whenever he kills a zombie he it could spawn a spawn an egg like a spawn egg it’s one of the charms that’s pretty good yeah it makes me immune to

Zombies P let me show you what you’ve all missed pyro where you at where are you guys finding all this cool [ __ ] at I just find normal [ __ ] like there’s all there’s a small chance in every kind of chest like what is it I got two of the same

[ __ ] charm and I’m pissed but one of them is a Mastercraft instead of yeah anything you have the item what was that b stupid but charm don’t really do anything as long as you have the item yeah like the the charm I have I need a trident with channeling

And I can only really use it if it’s [ __ ] if it’s a thunderstorm out no you need a specific Trident like from the from the plugin really I need that specific trident yeah okay so it’s just grinding until you can find the [ __ ] things that go

Together I mean I guess that makes sense cuz I did find an iron bar that makes you faster when you’re invisible and that works with invisibility cloak but then I I was told yeah so you had one already I was like oh Okay all right I have videos scheduled until Saturday at 9 nice all right I’m going to hop on some hell divers I shall join you so as long as he’s name tagged he shouldn’t uh disappear right yeah he shouldn’t all right Perfect all right Bob before you know it you us cured what

Hell divers are you going to Minecraft it Out just told me to get on Minecraft hours ago I’m getting on hell now he was a he was with his wife I know I’m taking a different path now I can’t believe he chose his wife and responsibilities over me someone who he hasn’t even met I can’t believe [Laughter]

It I’ll file a complaint with the wife see what I can do I had a I had a crush on a coworker for jumped 23,000 times she she said I was too young right yeah and then I was like all right fine whatever you you said no I’m not going

To like bother saying come on come on gentleman and then my friend was all like oh how old is she I told her the age and she you’re barely turning 20 she’s close to 30 I was like oh when you put it like that I mean the

Wom I was like hey I told him I was like hey it’s better I’m into old wom than younger I you you miss all the shots you don’t take you know that’s why I told I was I [ __ ] I’ll shoot let’s see if she blocks or not she basically gave me a

Layup but she says I can’t finish it a what cuz she told me she was like the only thing the only thing is just your age that’s the only thing holding me back is your age so when yeah never mind I was like what do you mean she was like is cuz

You’re not even old enough to like go out drinking with me and she was like it’s just I think you’re too young she was like besides that though if you were like maybe two three years older than yeah I was like two three more years not

Text message it’s like uh hey do you want to go out and she says try again in one year this guy text to the minute exactly one year later oh yeah to go out we’re going to switch over to Hell divers real quick gang me one second your mom’s a hell diver yeah

She’s [ __ ] doing she’s doing her part that’s an amazing honor your mother’s a biot Titan damn damn damn that’s a that’s an assault on Democracy can’t believe this my heart I can’t believe my mother is a traitor to Super Earth also your mother’s in too many B

Having take that pyro you [ __ ] pyro [ __ ] you pyro pyro all games are on Steam games on Steam same oh [ __ ] two of the two of the planets have already been fully activated what so your mom has been activated no no no that was your mom

Yeah you’re right you know yeah right my mom’s two planets your mom’s the solar system dog so turning along with fener 3 have both been fully like the TCS has been activated basically the pesticide has been spread uh now it’s just uh mdina and Ira Prime and it looks like everyone

Is starting oh [ __ ] the new [ __ ] passes out let’s go buy that [ __ ] there’s a new pass [ __ ] yeah came out ear oh Cutting Edge that looks cool H I’m saving my Ms I’m only I’m only 25 super crates away oh my god do you see I don’t know about you but do

You see the helmet on I really like that helmet it might just be me but I like that helmet I’m not going to lie these armor passes are terrible from all of the armor sets except Apparently one of them if you put a if you put the full armor set

In the premium one you have electricity around I’ll try it oh wait you could get the old armor set if you the old pass too if you want mhm oh [ __ ] hold on let me just buy some uh let me just buy some dollars of on the

Game I’m at 425 from solo from just grinding I’m at 910 so I’m just about to oh you just like the $5 bundle might as well no about the $1 bundle I already had I mean 910 I was already at 910 oh okay okay I’m just I’m just buying the $1 BND

Might as well dollar processing your payment I’ve got out $4 from my uh got4 though which is annoying oh that booster increased reinforcement budget that’s amazing [ __ ] phone dead and he wants me to check my app they I hope hell divers does keep it so these passes these premium passes never

Like go at a date do that’s H out one there’s so many [ __ ] passes in oh then dude honestly I feel like these game developers actually care for their players how many how many watch this can play as like one star review under investigation I just realized in the

Promotion art there is flying bugs this this fine bug’s in the game yeah but did you see what the CEO apparently said dude you know what’s crazy only like so the game’s going down yeah but we what we were only like 100,000 down from the uh Peak

Jesus cuz honestly this game is fun and what is it whenever players do have a complaint about something the GES that the game devs actually do like fix it and do something about it while it’s still relevant and so this graph there was act on Saturday so this on the Saturday that

We just had five days ago it was only 12,000 away from all time Peak and it dropped the highest drop was like uh like 9900 am my time which was like 2 am. you guys this time and it was n was 95,000 someone say my name no I I randomly said my abbreviated

Name oh okay okay you said pyro no no I said Pi because Pi short version of pyro is pi oh hey pie Pooky bear can I buy anything else since I’m level 20 uh Productions guys feel free to join in whenever why is likeing valim Jesus

Christ I got to switch over the stream make sure that’s all correct game and whatnot so nobody gets baited into joining a stream that they weren’t interested in Alli Destroyer has joined Squadron the for that I realized how warm is inside the ship for the ice to like melt off

Pretty um it’s got to be at least somewhat warm oh that’s what I was going to buy once I reach level 22 I got the rail Cannon strike how do you make a map in Minecraft uh if you want to make a good one you need a compass and then you

Surround it with paper um and that’s I believe that’s the tracker one that shows everybody’s location and you could also do a c I forgot it’s called that block cartography yeah yeah cartography table yeah yeah I really need to [ __ ] use the Archer table it’s called I don’t even know what

It’s called that’s how annoying it is uh I know what Fletching a I thought it was Boer I thought I had a Boyer table in there get on Hell divers on I’m already on nord’s ship we’re waiting for you I guess oh I’m just putting my P in

Just I’m I’m big old p r to my than you premium war bond got a full Squad yeah we do I’ll let you know when we don’t though Doom will probably get bored here soon probably then go back to Minecraft right what do what what do we

What do we want a try out on what’s what’s I what do you guys want to see the TCS is prepared for final activation be prepared for heavy resistance yeah we got and are already done say we do that one cuz that’s Clos that’s the most liberated we’ll do we’ll

Do extreme just because these missions are [ __ ] Dreadful this boost gold but a single Triumph and the operation initiating oh my God that’s amazing theia system how’s your day though gabbo how’s your day going uh I’m going to move everyone who’s playing and edits jump all hold on I’m

Going to move everybody who’s playing hell divers into Gen 2 and everybody’s playing locked I don’t know do you guys mind or do you guys don’t mind I don’t care all right then we’re all going to Gen 2 what’s upy greetings Allied Destroyer has Jo everybody all right well watch this

Watch this yeah just cuz you I mean if you don’t care then more voes two instead of instead of increases the chances of someone saying a joke and then everybody laugh Synched oh m who is me go to sleep oh who is mersy who the [ __ ] is this who is this that we’re asking you br you think I know the lead I don’t know chilling out to work pyro I just realized look it says it says merley did not make the

Cut uh hey uh Nord go to options are you sure you’re on friend zone yeah I just switched it back I wasn’t oh okay so I I’ve got the new armor set here I just realized the the burst one it doesn’t have as much ammo and damage but

It does penetrate most of the bigger guys deliberator penetrator that’s what I rock I yeah I’m going to I’m going to rock that because it has medium aror medium round Yeah medium round that guy that comes up and he like crouches and you can’t really shoot him from the

Front yeah I could shoot him now my [ __ ] laser like got jiggle phys why hey man this guy this this guy with the laser gun has a a balloon gun it’s not a real gun it’s a balloon I need to spend two more medals to unlock that’s so

Stupid are you joining or you uh you doing Minecraft it’s a St grenade um chilling right now brains L fried a lot of info I me okay goo you still in chat yeah goo’s still in chat we’ll cycle you in for a little bit I’ll be waiting inside my

H hell divers to Hell pods repeat hell divers to Hell pods Gabo I do not want to watch this stupid game dude it moved it moved who watches people’s games on Steam like does anyone actually like genuine questions does anyone I’ve never watched a stream on Steam like you right click on your friend you can watch their gameplay and it’s just

Like I would just rather join them also you could bump it up one I think it has to be an extreme you want to do suicide missions Miss prar Abed I think what is it the one after suicide is already pushing it for these type of missions coordin cuz honestly we

Could do we could do hell dive but the only hard part is the [ __ ] the new Mission though with the silos yeah the silos is just going to be tough we actually need we need to strategize I mean unless unless that glitch is still active Nord oh that is true that they

We’re just and we just push the button yeah we can just [ __ ] finish it right away yeah that’s the case dude it’s [ __ ] we all go to different silos and we just Spam the button just [ __ ] break it yeah just throw a AR just throw a [ __ ] cluster Obama or 500 on

It gav’s joining all right all right so Nord I have the orbital strike now don’t that’s just a quick quick hit but the only issue is that I don’t have my orbitals uh upgraded so it does take a while for it to come back so what should

I run should I run the the laser the orbital with a 500 and a shield or should I just do cluster 500 one shot orbital with a sheld so my usual run is the laser and the uh and the rail Cannon um but since I know you like to usually run all like

Orbitals mhm I am getting rid of one orbital though cuz I do have the shield now okay okay Shield um I have to go look at their stats just real fast hold on this cuz I I do have the fully upgraded Eagles so I do get two 500 kg

Bombs I would no I would do this I would do the strafing run it’s super easy to get off it comes back very quick and I think you’ll get like I do have cluster also cool down time oh it’s only 8 second oh it’s the same is it the same as the oh

It’s yeah it’s exactly the same you could do this this is pretty good that our Neal and then it’ll lay leave an effect on the ground for a little while true that might be pretty good for this one if we’re doing The Silo yeah well no

Just for The Silo missions just to like do AOE damage true but I think the name PALS like our stuff also hurts the silos that’s true you’d have to aim it far away you have to like yeah Dad watching football yeah it’s four 4 nil at 16 minutes God

Damn we’re getting we’re playing against the C Republic League check well the top of check check Republic I need 100 samples so I can get the first up for the orbital no not yet besides the [ __ ] M preparation aborted wait it won’t let me switch it to Public Enemies ever closer maybe you

Have to cancel the mission I did should someone invite gabo I invited him through Steam but it says this [ __ ] private lobby wait wait let’s just oh it actually won’t let me operate any of the here we go operate D dude I know bro try got notes I’ll

Beed on this for some reason going on in the superar oh I [ __ ] like the armor set though this is my code did you just put that on stream or did you send it to him I only have two other people watching me I think we’re okay I think we’re

Okay you seen a fire tornado yet uh-uh quick add me up add me up Gabo yeah dude I saw him I saw one night when I was playing the other day their friend they’re cool as [ __ ] I’m not lie oh hell that didn’t reset no so hey it’s not why like there’s multiple as well like there’s multiple tornadoes at

Once go got you as uh I tried turning it off it says there’s nothing there so I think I’m glitched with it um all right I turn the public I turned the lobby public it just finally let me quick join quick join yeah for

Uh moth told me it was um hold on I’ll tell you if I Lobby still manag democracy calls for Aid I have you friends on Hell divers uh maybe we just all have to leave and then invite us again that could be a thing oh I got in

I got in oh no he’s here he’s here all right all right Discord go to your user settings voice and video scroll down to entrance Mission coordinates locked uh I believe so y i do rich man I I wanted it for so like I just use like the random ass sound effects and

Other people stuff H I say we land over here I don’t know about you uh I agree I agree there’s looking very profitable very profitable one of the most profitable spots I I think exactly I’m not sure I think this place does have side missions

By the way does it or no no what about here I’m anyway what about here what about here here I mean Nord what I could do is just say screw the shield if you’re going to run it and then just wait for you to plop down yours like a second one

If we live that long and I can just do the the pure orbitals it is risky but dang it dude dang it oh I’m trying to think of what to do this cuz I could do this we I could do this you said napom but I also I

Definitely need the rail Cannon because you know it’s good yeah it’s really good for bils and then I have two 500 bombs cuz I have two uses for that but I also have napom and this so if I don’t want the 500 I could do

This but if you if if uh if you do just live long enough to give me another Shield which is like 6 minutes I could just also just do this I think I could do it I can stay alive that long or instead of the napom since I know there are

Probably going to be Chargers I can also do this oh wait we have two people with lasers I think I could go just naom will be suffice got Las my Fu I can’t find my [ __ ] my tax are going to um launch initiated let’s do this oh wow you landed us right

On top of the main objective watch today the light of Liberty will Grace the Skies of this world what the oh you saw that dragon fly Nord you saw that thing right it was like purple you didn’t see itting all right so which one are we doing

First we have to activate all the silos I think we all spread up and then see how long we last hey Goblin back up gobl back up oh damn ow wait your Mech has been delivered just Doom do not turn right and shoot a missile the missile would hit yourself

All right boys let’s head towards the first Silo I’m already covered in blood gobble do you see me dude so can I TR yes you can I I would say use Nord for the test on me on that one I already used h test shoot him

No you get away from me right now yeah oh my God he went right yeah no run bro calm down man your F Yeah by some time get him oh you want to kill that uh laser kill that charger no don’t let them get close empty empty no you don’t

Empty back empty you turn right and shoot the missile at the same time you will go and you don’t trample him you take damage look he’s taking damage because of you bro I oh we failed we got to restart it hopefully the glitch happens reinforcing a it’s not going to happen

Cuz the button’s yellow it only works when the button red Nord I I I did from while we lost I was just starting over yeah but sadly it’s jump so underneath the the progress it says uh status of it I believe it falls out of oh the me S

I thought you talking about the tower oh my goodness are there like damage effects to it like are you sparking not I got the I got it oh wait no wait Doom you could get it if you have missiles damn it there so many so this thing is so fing oh my God

Got calling in orbital strike I found over 64 coal in one spot it’s already critically unstable ow yeah the more times it fails the less Health you start with get it low enough we can just do the glitch but it has to be like a specific piece of Health two of us have

To be on one side the other two have to be on the other side there a sport Tower what’s with all this [ __ ] dust T empty probably should have brought some turrets now thinking about it I got one I was hoping to use it on like charger

We should just move a different one yeah we need to go do a different one they’re all over here never die I’m going over to three what did I do you killed me I was on the opposite side from you OB to kill me cuz I got

Exploded M I killed you in spirit man in spirit still give it 30 seconds my be good for the bileo I’d use it on those big fat FS true should I do it now hold on 20 Seconds 10 seconds oh my God goo I’m getting bullied over here hold on wow I burn pretty quick there all right you can go ahead and do it all right two of us on one side the other two on the other side I’m on top of [ __ ] building

Doom why tunnel breach why why did you kill me why did you kill me I didn’t kill you yes you did I saw bullets coming exactly from where you’re standing you shot me TTY we got this we’ve got this hold strong help me with these big guys empty you shot me

Bro yeah they’re little [ __ ] bullets it’s not a straight rifle it’s not a straight beam hope that helps and you’re at the perfect angle re on that helps a lot but hopefully he doesn’t hit mag’s empty out out of ammo an eagle I need ammo C unstable but it’s at 92% no [ __ ]

Waying my life for oh that’s great there you go down nice impes are insane [ __ ] ass dude calling reinforce hello last reload out of ammo I’m out of ammo completely we still have down however requesting orbital strike how the [ __ ] did I die I stabbed myself and

I got the heing effect no I’m dead oh God my God my the [ __ ] might request appr rein I suppose that works kind of hopefully it’s I did that one thing again bro if I leave cab too early it just it’s just like nah dang it dang it 96 96 no come on

Man there you are sending in an eag careful boys careful boys why is the glitch not working we might have fixed it Maybe I could be be revived reinforcing I’m through the ground yeah that ramp is buggy as hell is land am I safe at least no I not no they can go in there too who what what get up them Oh H time reporting to the front % stabled let’s go boys we got one one done one down one down we have four Freedom never sleeps no it’s not why I have a flamethrower one over there watch oh I I’m so far I meant to push F not g

It’s okay okay I’m okay for sure no that was kind of a that was kind of a big hit D okay this guy said I FG I wonder what FG you threw a grenade at my feet on Instagram what’s your name um gabot ohos gobos gotoes go go [ __ ]

You [ __ ] from the beginning calling in yeah I got got my toe sucked by a bios oh no oh no Doom’s going to have to protect the The Silo Mania how many times can you k a metic fortification reloading T empty it’s it already lost I think that

Was mine whoever did that I think he meant by he blew up his his Meching in oral strike that was not my fault I threw it and then you went towards that I threw when you were over here in this corner and you started walking over oh my god refor dude you melted me with that [ __ ] laser dude you fell apart like Legos it’s only fake true

En oh [ __ ] requesting a support throwing Supply Beacon whoever through that [ __ ] you oh my God that was [ __ ] He’s wasting our lives he’s wasting our lives inal strike being childish you killed me I got my revenge and then you kill me again you see this is why the British always rely on

America well you called me a [ __ ] that’s different oh now this is getting we’re calling a drinker that’s the Boston Market Wait no that’s no wait Boston har yeah I’m in Harbor not marker I actually quite enjoy the Boston marker oh someone activate it oh activ right

Now hey Goblin How come every time I picked up a a flamethrower s oh oh my God Li request the oral stri requesting air support oh run oh my God maybe I should use the 110 it looks reliable I think that’s only cuz you broke a shell oh that was a good combo

Though I hate these bile Speers with a passion no there’s so bullet Spong reload me I’m reloading oh man I don’t know how we do this distraction leaving Squadron I got to dip for like 20 minutes I’ll be right back all right standing in an eag Freedom

Forever um do uh uh Nord yeah oh [ __ ] just trying to get all the little guys at least so they keep less damage on it I guess no no no come on 98 99 we got it nice I died though good work though good work

Oh oh don’t die oh my lag no come on I stabbed myself with this live Doom live I’m minute 30 oh do not step on those Jesus is that what your [ __ ] land mine did to the [ __ ] terrain yeah I I want that laser rifle dude what

The hell Char so much more agile now he does apparently they’re supposed to Nerf the Chargers well I just saw that guy run into his phone n circles run circles around these fools fire go to edit okay dude come on that’s a laser rifle you’re saying it can’t penetrate

[ __ ] can’t penetrate charger armor come on come on oh he’s hiding oh [ __ ] barely just barely very nice once you call in nor just [ __ ] throw them away we go come on Doom all right I’m going to go do something real quick uh Nord you died before me right yeah all right so

You’re getting called in first right yeah all right perfect there what’s going on with the water oh it’s ice hug reinforcing ready to liberate let’s go find you some stems had to grab my stuff back injury what injury left reload Mission at 20 minutes remaining watch out behind you behind

You this way dude let’s go reloading say hello to democracy guys my cat just fell off from the top Bunk you’re you’re you’re going through it aren’t you guys oh never oh never mind Doom died and you’re getting chased by a charger okay that was a comedic ass sound I don’t know if you heard that what happened where was it the the comedic sound of him hitting the metal thing

Just loud ass metal pipe sound effect yeah B what the what did he hit probably an exploding barrel all right you can call me in now God damn I can hear the I like have ack I don’t request approved reinforcements have been someone made it so you could

You could could connect an app to this game and do it through your phone really how well did it run pretty well actually what the well it was nice having you I died instant I threw a barel him and then I [ __ ] Dove away but his his spit one shot me

Look there he is he’s trying to go teabag My Dead Body you see how low he was yeah he was really low I hate those G oh think of it this way at least you’re not seeing the flying ones you’re about to blow up like five of them up wow that extends far I think all of them just got used up yeah bag’s empty you have another charger down there too looking for you empty nice

Yeah I think we probably should have bought turrets yeah I agree get some get some empty unless when Goble if gobble comes back soon just tell them hey only bring turrets yeah that would actually be so awful and just only bring turrets and just start popping them

Down all you can call him Doom now calling in reinforcements I don’t know if you want to do a thing where we just wait another 2 minutes to get like me back also we have three m i mean that’s was kind of what I was doing because I’m

Like I no way I do it by myself yeah no way cuz as soon as you push the button more will spawn yeah it’s going to be like yeah it’s going to be out I’m going to be outnumbered 100 to one even more so Doom look at that guy

That you’re just standing on top of is he a dirting dominance he’s like he’s standing on a dead guy oh and he shot him in the face God damn he shooting a dead guy oh damn okay oh Doom you monster I saw his limbs go everywhere he’s not just a puddle of

Blood’s empty I all say damn he’s resilient he’s taking bullets to the face like nothing and then [ __ ] new mag God damn that laser rifle looks amazing a hell no I dove backwards instead of oh I would have fell in a [ __ ] hit of water if I went to the

Right either way I would have died damn that laser rifle’s strong and you don’t need to reload as long as you don’t overheat it right or is it just bullet count yes okay there’s more bugs to the right whole [ __ ] you grabb the samples true ooh stem smart

Doom’s smart with his bullets he essentially has oh God oh God well you call me it now I think I have a Precision for him sending in an eagle calling in reinforcements another 2 minutes and then we’ll get Nord in here and oh good morning request approved deploying reinforcements where’s that [ __ ] ass

Charger ready toiv requesting air support and there’s more behind me okay this is fun heavy West close yeah but he’s stuck on a rock oh can I just constantly burn them sending in an eag on Tunnel breach pressing air Support impact NES are amazing changing nice ma empty calling down a support weapon de body nordon what my head towards your dead body so you could pick up your shield and your samples I got like three dead bodies somewhere I’m going to the one that I see on the map with samples changing

Ice what the forgot there’s water so have to go all the way around I’m not with you Showtime I’m tell you here with us we’ll do a loop around for your stuff Jo the trit of democracy sping my my Eagles you guys should grab these shields the shields that around oh you’re right

Okay let’s do this hey hey hey hey you’re a peaceful charger oh this isn’t what I wanted did you find a a scat a Scat Pack thing and set up a thing you wanted there you go there that’s what you want oh Shield is at your oh there’s a

Charger right here oh oh my God wait a minute do you have anything for that oh my God why is this re support you Ming in orbital strike empty behind us oh my God that’s empty I think we should go up and around instead of down and around yeah I’m

Down you did Kill A lot of them but there’s still two alive I only got like the Chargers and [ __ ] okay yes here’s where you were Nord you almost called me a neuron neon all right I got the samples now we have to head towards the god forbidden

Silo well I have my mines again I can lay them I have my eagles they just came back you go help Doom out real quick I’m going to head there and lay some mines all right Doom does need some ammo look like oh dude try to stay alive I’m almost here

Oh no biggie no biggie it’s just it’s two of them all right we got a small biggie what the biggy these B throwers things one down oh good [ __ ] come on Doom oh come here come here piece of garbage a [ __ ] another bug breach and a tier too do you have

Another Shield ready or no yeah could use one and that’s a bile I’ll try to get that bile in oral stri you got it is he still alive all right I got this a he got my ass I I had nowhere to run I literally had nowhere to run it

Was just me above a pond or a lake whatever so you either yeah you’re you’re screwed good [ __ ] Nord ready to Mo yeah you know I try when I’m not dying be careful Lord Oh you’re right on the edge of that I got to the uh safe side you have n whoa whoa whoa charger was that a charger help the botle Titan’s still fighting me while it’s dead oh okay um I don’t want to there you go burn you Menace

Burn how’s it going how is it hitting you oh it fell it fell oh they did not fall it’s on fire though it is on fire lost my shield I think it fell down de I see your Shield up here I could do you think if I swap Shields

You’ll see the one I dropped maybe all right oh here we go over here wasn’t where I died at all reload all right I’m laying down mines kill this charger can this bio Titan like disappear that’d be pretty cool holy [ __ ] charger down charger down charger down and oh wow now the biotype is disa requesting fortification there some STS over here by the way if you’re running low oh God big guy or medium guy hello was just chilling here he was like Hey guys can I join you here we go

Gang I’m on my last mag tunnel breach we got resupply I’m calling it in right here be careful use an aom kind of near you Nord like in that showing me his ass yeah do it requesting oh [ __ ] oh you got two of them all right n get out of there I’m

Going to pop a [ __ ] Nom in this little area so that way it’s little flam flamboyant area think I got messed upoad step diver taking some damage but we’re good we’re at stable and we’re at 70% standing in an eagle get get some we got this let’s go we got it oh what

The hold up dude you trying to turn and kill me thr empty all right now we exceed to terminal we EX x x x Philly thank the Lord I didn’t think we’d make it honestly me neither I thought we were going to fail be careful with the landmines on the way

Out a you’re joking me oh oh I tried canceling it run tunnel [ __ ] oh my God that was close I was like how do I cancel this I thought it was going to be like a charger I I kind of just need to hold it

Right yeah you just hold it in hand or actually well technically you can cancel it if you just uh hit one of the weapons weapon button oh okay last reload maing in an eag we love clusters I got the terminal more biles right another step for Galactic Liberation you may extract when ready

Oh my God they’re still attacking The Silo over there Silo where just at yeah they’re still attacking it those fools they don’t realize it’s already done look the pesticide look up that means they should all start dying I think requesting a support extraction shuttle inbound do with a chargering down

Fortification I watch out NOA empty minus 1 minute 30 seconds oh got him got I’m back is it still the same Mission yeah yeah we’re still on the same one of Freedom D bag’s empty requesting aort Allied Destroyer joining Squadron deploying Hill diver to combat zone mags empty ETA tus 1

Minute in an eagle back’s empty get get bro hold it down hold down this line This Fun Line watch out behind behind oh my God where are they coming from resupply if you can resupply reinforce oh no why is there why is there re of doom doom move Doom start running

20 seconds I threw that straight at the floor and got stuck to him oh my god oh I’m sorry 10 seconds we need to wait we have to wait we got to wait we have to wait we have to wait for him we have to wait

Oh my God there’s a charger this [ __ ] you too Isel why did get stuck I didn’t mean to I just threw it I just threw it without thinking and then it got stuck on a shield I’ve never seen a slly drop gets stuck on a c before we have to wait

Do not get in that [ __ ] we need to wait tunnel breach preparing to depart no we literally can’t we can’t I’m sorry D I’m sorry extraction complete I like how Goblin joined at the end it gets the extract I made it I I was the deciding

Factor of this Mission I made it fre killed him dude I freaking killed Doom man I thought I killed him but then I was like wait I didn’t throw him M your doom thank you for the clip though thank you for the YouTube short yeah dude I’ve never seen it actually

Get stuck on someone I’ve seen him get stuck on someone but never like land on them from it I thought it was just going to like he was going to outrun it yeah you just moved to the side but I looked up and I saw that thing tracking yo what is good K quis me what is good struck you are struggling with that name that

I’m damn zero deaths I did so good you did 15 kills 15 kills for 2 seconds being in there is pretty good lots of enemies kill and lots of samples to help us figure out how to kill zero accidentals damn right even though I know I had more than zero accent so close

I’m not even halfway to getting the next part what are you working towards uh orbital upgrades cuz I I I went all in um Eagle upgrades so my Eagle upgrades are fully maxed engaging orbital thrusters I got a long way to go before I get anything really maxed out synchronized power Kanye West is Doom here yeah but he’s M damn Doom I see how it is racism he doesn’t like Goblin men no let’s chill a lot of people do let’s chill on that one how about we do that oh that that joke yeah just for a little while

Here all right we land on the side objective we go to eggs yeah um wait it does it it’s all random right depending on the side objectives cuz I was going to say isn’t there hopefully we get the satellite dish so we know where everything is oh yeah yeah yeah

Yeah okay so after that I’m definitely putting a shield I like my dog I don’t think I can replace my dog why not can you make camera Center on character can a little awkward cuz it’s vertical stream oh if you want uh the wide version feel free to go to my channel oh

My God I’m streaming in both shorts and regulars so you have no idea what happened to me right now what what happened I was right here chilling you know yeah I decid to lean back in my chair and I almost fell all the way back oh my Lord you almost

Died we almost witnessed this man dying but I will fix that right up for you the moment we load in I’ll Center it on my character all right I’ll go with this booster launch Initiated oh yeah what’s you guys’s opinion on Texas toast never had it I think it’s the best friend you’ve clearly never had you’ve clearly never had a rock and dirt sandwich dirt sandwich a rock I’m just talking about bread not a sandwich just bread oh then you’ve clearly never had a rock

Before just go outside pick up Rock start chewing Nature’s bread oh oh this is lovely this but you were born defend democracy I I’m being chased I got you did that kill it or no yeah it did it did down anyone have the nuke uh 500 yeah yeah I

Do at that building Doom has me Doom has me are which building oh that one my guy just collapsed layer sample acquired oh run it killed me and I dropped the 500 oh no that’s the second time I killed but that wasn’t even my fault I got [ __ ]

Killed man said wide version right when I how we talking here Big Mac wide double wide oversiz wide to be that was not my fault 30 Huns on Jesus to be fair that really wasn’t my fault I heard do you have nuke I had it in my hand and then I got

Killed yeah there’s nothing but Hunters there must be a stalker there nearby say hello to democracy why me liberty save me how’s your day going blade shifter welcome to the stream though calling in reinforcements ready to oh my God look at them all hopping over there those little freaking grasshoppers last reload

My gosh broke my leg leave me alone I’m out of stems can there be more than one score spear yeah there’s usually like two there’s two yeah help help help behind you please I’m getting Chas if there’s more than one hun on you you’re like just

Screwed oh yeah dude I looked over to you and I saw like 45 so I was like that Man’s dead I I dived away to dodge and attack by Hunter right into a [ __ ] charger we should make things clear my God okay so that was did we

Even do the side objective we haven’t no we we’ve died every time I’m doing it now hey go man you’re going to help me out with this Nest all right I like how you that you’re going to help me out cuz I don’t have any more grenades so I need to I

Need him to throw grenades in you oh oh just do it engaging terminal I hit a [ __ ] lamp post hbomb arm clear the area hellbomb hellbomb yeah get out of here get out of here I’m nowhere near you guys but I’m ready to see it let

Just agree to Juicy wide bug wide ooh my day was going fantastic until I heard wide then it got serious oh [ __ ] tornado s’s going off now oh my God we got two wide back back I don’t here are I think it’s near them I think yeah near the we got this

Right right Goblin wait they destroyed the hell bomb dude these crazy individuals oh my God you ready see in the distance uh Goblin look over there out of ammo I’m out of ammo I’m out of ammo it got destroyed probably it got destroyed that’s so whack dude I’m out of ammo and

Everything there’s a supply over here or ammo right here reinforcing all right I’m going to go over there I’m going to call in my Mech and when we’re coming back and we’re going to be in business okay I’m going to throw that behind you requ what’s the most kills you guys have

Gotten with the strategy uh 34 I think like 43 I got 54 yesterday bunch of tiny little [ __ ] yeah tiny little ones ah damnn Fu what even what even is by the way this side objective we got to destroy we got to destroy this one building you should shoot that other

Sport be so we can actually see [ __ ] what do you mean other sports be there watch out watch out nor Nord there were there was we destroyed one there was a second one Nord how did you live you know I just kept walking where is it where did it go wait

Do we all get hell bombs yeah just for a specific locationing in aom I’m going to go see if this tornado needs a Big Mac wide knuckle sand oh maybe all bro be safe travel wide see you when you return boys I need to go pick up my baby

S so I will be leaving right now but I will be back clear the area leav sad out post spotted run run nice we did it i’m smoke smoking black though not good you show up right in this [ __ ] great greatest time ever today nice nice make sure to grab all

The samples yeah I’m looking for them there were no samples that’s kind of sad check behind the rock too sometimes they hide them sorry injury what injury oh yeah you’re right you’re right Big Mac wide knuckle sandwich that’s so freaking funny taging rare sample acquired only two I just got Grand Theft

Autoed think’s pretty cool looking don’t lose it you can keep that one though sample collect first time ever used L sample acquired throwing Supply Beacon how’d you like the taste of freedom yeah I haven’t had ammo in forever I like how my backpack sticks out of this thing yeah you’re like if

You have a shield you’ll protect some of the back Too n nice good work this place up and down for some samples first before we do save me sample acquired we’ll go this way I hey yo what’s good how’s your day going Alexis hi Nord how’s your day this game’s looking really chaotic yes it is we love

Chaos here my day is going well just got off Minecraft a little bit ago I decided to just keep the stream going you know but he’s Comm he’s committed like that yeah you know orbital inbound reinforce ah I just got I just got taken down for the

Enemy oh I got a charger on me got to shoot him in the butt trying yeah overall though Alexis my day has been going pretty well pretty well today oh yeah that man died did you grab my samples by the way D reinforcing I think he just shook his camera no that’s

Crazy marking location West found something has landed hey that’s my [ __ ] bro I was going for the sample for the greater good yeah yeah I believe you I believe you I don’t believe him the truth I don’t believe him for the greater good of super Earth

Hey that’s my [ __ ] I didn’t take any of your gar I need this for the greater good super and I got killed by [ __ ] fire fire yeah I don’t know what [ __ ] the entire ground on fire but it burnt me to death calling in reinforcements have you experienced the Flyers yet no I

Haven’t how you like to oh my goodness the enemy now how you going to explain that one to HR huh huh yeah yeah step on him step on him Doom he was smart he was literally following my path nice glad the day is going well my day is good too thanks I

Love the chaos too going to watch for a bit should be fine oh yeah should be lots of fun reinforcing right now what we’re trying to do is we we we’re doing side objectives right now so we’re clearing nests and we’re Gathering samples but our main goal is that we need to uh

Destroy these eggs basically these eggs spawn these things and those are not good all right I’m going back for myself I think actually the first time I’ve ever killed anybody by resp SP man I’m just giving you a lot of first today Mech Squish and that was really good I’m proud of myself that was a good one all right I’m heading to the next egg cluster yeah I’m coming look for my [ __ ] though I’m going to go grab the oh is this a vault hey I found a vault I come here first oh on my

Way checking around for samples claim it all for the ntion yes Nord nation is a proud part of super Earth which is like the overall government of the game it’s like we’re all like a collective fighting for super Earth yeah but it’s like the but everyone knows it’s secretly run by Nord

Nation all right let’s get in here I’m on it calling down fortification some ammo B tunnel breach last reload for super oh my God it sounded like Doom was fighting he was really fighting for super Earth out there reinforcements request approved reinforcements on the way so I easily get lost in this

Game very star Troopers if I have more friends who play games still I might play it well yeah I think I’m pretty sure it was inspired off off of Star Troopers I mean uh it’s like almost like a sort of one to one like you have a world government everybody

Like fights for one thing yeah it’s pretty much like it you can do uh I mean you you can do Phil you can do Phil and get some hell divers the community is pretty nice I won’t lie because they don’t do PVP or nothing you got like this good Community

Sense like no players trying to do you down although there are these few bad apples right now hear me out they secretly kill hell divers they kill the good hell divers yeah you heard me right we got traitors ow re dude I love the body launches requesting orbital strike requesting air

Support wow that was the biggest thing in the area I think it’s supposed to go for the biggest thing out sending in an eag eag one returning to Destroyer for the oh hello gang excuse me excuse me no I’m getting trapped nice requesting fortifications nope can’t fit through

There oh no this might be my end the fact that I’m alive L [Applause] reload out of am oh my God everything’s going bad oh no we got Big Boy watch out combo behind you requesting orbital pretty encouraging I’ll check it out can’t hurt to try anyway always a few bad apples though

Almost a given yeah I won’t lie the community it’s held pretty strong you know they did a good job give me this going Max empty new Ma reinforcing I need left behind I I think I literally just saved Go’s life aced probably would have died from that fall if I hadn’t stemmed him

Are you muted gabo you haven’t said a word in so so long it’s just been me in my chat I have been uh muted I never I’ve been talking to myself this entire [ __ ] time that is so sad I it was said okay now you’re here though uh kind of what do you

Mean we’re going to need to resupply can you call one ping down suppli out of them no you’re laser just [ __ ] fileted me damn good luck guys we lost oh we lost request approve re we’re not lost oh oh [ __ ] so we only had two lives left I’m

Back that’s pretty cool all right now we got to lock in we’re done here Yeah I want our samples I know but we have 20 minutes let’s just leave and come Back calling in 20 minutes remaining yeah it’s real sad when all the all the hell divers die or they get feted by their teammate and you [ __ ] you fed me you’re roboty where’s the last oh all right let’s get the hell out of here tunnel breach oh do we have artillery in an

Eagle Rare sample acquired package acquir yeah you can find these really neat uh these little objectives on the side can go and do AC I got a charger on me so yeah like while my team is struggling with that I’m being run up on um oh man I [ __ ] jumped off

I broke my back on the fall calling in reinforcements oh oh my God you almost killed yourself go you did laser dog just murdered you sometimes to get the most amount of kills you got to be in that amount of kills that’s very true very wise words new mag have a taste of

Democracy sweet Liberty my arm [ __ ] fix that right we’re super art that’s empty damn it there’s always another little thing the sending in an eagle new mag oh oh my god get this man away from me requesting orbital strike the moment I went outside the sirens turned off I was hoping it would

Be a fight trip that’s it you didn’t fall exactly no I there’s a rock what level are all you uh so I’m level 39 uh go you know what level you are what you know what level you are 21 fre oh my gosh leave me alone leave me alone no no they’re eating

Me oh that was a really good Dive you got a stem you got a steming you thank you thank you imag how these like bugs would react to actually fighting Spider-Man Spider-Man yeah Go’s a missile over here grab you know why I say that right why cuz he’s like fighter package acquired

Um the voice of well my character uh is yur lenthal we voices uh Spider-Man in the Spider-Man gamesack aced oh you meant like the celebrity I thought you meant like the superhero like you meant to fight well if you still technically he is um dropping package uh what do you

Call it he’s still Spider-Man The Voice Spider-Man I think if it wasn’t the actual superhero version of Spider-Man it was just the voice actor I think the bugs would not have a problem I think they would just beat him well just imagine like I’m putting one and one

Together like hey this guy voices Spider-Man he’s Spider-Man imagine Spider-Man versus bugs you think you think the [ __ ] bugs are just going to be like oh my God it’s Spider-Man yes and be like oh my God want autog engaging ter wow that’s crazy terminal you better hurry the [ __ ] up no it’s already

Done already done I got it no that was me that was me that was all me no no no F back here where’d my shield go oh yeah I died requesting back nah I don’t want to call it right now I left some samples over here 200 Spider-Man versus bugs yeah but he

Was saying the voice actor he wasn’t even saying Spider-Man Spider-Man I said Spider-Man yeah but you specified the voice actor then I asked for clarification and you said yeah Spider-Man would do good and then you went on this whole bit about how they’ ask for autograph guy that has the voice

In this game also voed Spider-Man no I get that but you said I’m not saying Yuri loen that he died in an instant I’m saying the guy that voed Spider-Man who is the guy that voiced Spider-Man and this hell oh nice allroy boys and guess

What my my S di what would they do if they were to fight and I said which one Spider-Man the superhero or the voice actor and you said the voice actor I did not you did why is your sister a hell di um because

I told I pied up from school and I was all like hey we have to go I need to go I need to go get the bugs for for super Earth and she was like well come on let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go and she started running nice that’s a true

All right I think this place is no it still says there’s something here hey charger not on the way rare sample acquired all right now we’re done here let’s move on requesting oral strike I got the charger which one voices your character goo Yuri lenthal that one that’s the one

Spider-Man voice is my character I think I have it well I have it set to random because I I like the idea of it’s a new person each time I like the idea of Spider-Man with gunsing down a water bug out so how have things been going I see

That we have samples in the middle of the map do we yeah samples in the middle of the map dips on the mech what what the [ __ ] ah get out of my Mech what youing are you okay oh my God I cut in half that was

Hilarious I got a 500 kg bomb straight in that Nest there’s a biot Titan nor take care of that yeah right there all right I got a question for you guys what vending Nation would you prefer to be from Air all right my only right answered I’ll be Earth

Honestly nord’s going to build himself a $2 million mansion that’s honestly what I was thinking like I could build myself a house I could make the earth move underneath me based off the new show we’ll be able to just fly around and do whatever the [ __ ] we want yeah true and also

The what is it requ foric Earth uh what is it um air Nation also have like the most um okay the most uh what is it most deadliest technique and it’s legit just sucking the air out of the opponent lungs lungs yeah that’s so [ __ ]

Cool I didn’t like cor all too much but I like the scenes was see here I didn’t get the the the egg reinforcing great hunters I hate Hunters Al homies hate Hunters all the homies hate Hunters uh Goblin you might want to move out of the way

Yep all right we have one more Nest over there or two yeah one more yeah you can set through a voice to random that’s what I did wo one more is there where [ __ ] ye I don’t see it oh you got it ah damn I was right above that opening did you miss

Missed it I missed my last grenade too I need somebody over here I don’t have anything all oh we resupply we have resupply thinking that might be a sport treat it’s just like really like thick that’s what I yeah I mean unless it’s just cuz it’s night

Time yeah did you get it in word or no yeah I can get it me once second all right all right I could use some Mech covering fire over here uh nor hold on freom injury what injury I’m out of ammo requesting Advanced this is pretty much just an over glorified taxi now

Okay let him sleep right there you can’t move no more I’m tell my bab sister that since the cat now fell asleep on her she is’s not allowed to move that’s true you just d a pet while sleeping you’re a Monster yeah he’s like fully asleep on

Her fully asleep on the arm she’s not allowed to move there and I think she knows that we have six minutes boys yeah we should head to this last one I’m almost there I I have a 500 yeah to it in there okay well uh just lay down on the

Bed with him then okay she moved him but only because she’s scared of bugs and apparently a fly landed on her that’s crazy you have a fly I I don’t think so oh my God it was a piece of [ __ ] hair from the morning when we brushed her hair

Hey hey hey I’m just shooting the eggs I got you n with that charger byebye charger hey Goblin you want to back up away from there thanks man where are these eggs specifically in like the middle supp no Supply oh I missed bug tunnel breach oh my God I immedately fell to the

Ground my life for super ar oh my God how many eggs do we have left see a b Titan uh about 36 37 all right those all missed that’s great Lely keep running I have one um impact I have no grenades fre them forever we only have like 20

Left oh my God there’s so many 5 minutes left we can’t stay this low much longer hell di I don’t think I know that I don’t have anything I don’t have no AR uh arls right now watching Advanced Weaponry ‘s empty come on we only need like 13

Eggs no oh I was I was murdered by a bug I dropped 10 and 12 I’m dead I’m so dead I my not R yeah I really like the mech suit you really are a walking tank really feels nice and it is a no rule call us in quickly so the counter can

Start all right you guys got resupply request approve yes we have a resupply goo might need it he’s low he doesn’t have any stems if you need to in I uh I kind of can’t I have a behind me nah you’re fine there’s only just that guy who hit his

Head I called him he hit his head he’s disarm watch Out dude we need like three eggs can’t liberate with this broken arm oh my God Hunters I’m I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead hey goblo you want to help me out go Qui thanks man okay let’s get the [ __ ] out of here nice

Wait did we get the samples yes I picked them up I picked them up all all right let’s head towards extraction loot any side of you can if you can oh my God Doom is going through right now yeah prepare to lay down covering fire for this

Man I’ll lay down my life if I have to and that’s a charger request strike oh he almost slid into you where that go on him it bounced off of you saw that right yeah it didn’t it didn’t land like right away so I was like what anag oh

Cluster oh that was a good thing he moved dude he would have been dead I would have been dead who threw thate you killed I think you killed Doom also call mefor why would you throw me into [ __ ] you threw me to Doom stuff all right I’ll take Doom’s

Stuff oh no Doom I’m sorry I did not mean to kill you no you landed near me Nord not near him democracy has landed a this is nice oh my God map’s looking kind of crazy yeah let’s let’s leave meteor shower going on by the way so be

Careful you now just pick my try you won’t reget it I I I’m not even he didn’t even throw me near your base or near your body he he overshot the gener area of what I thought request confirmed shutle inbound how about a nice cop of Liberty

Is that part of the new battle pass thing Nord keep running I’m throwing everything I have behind us oh trust me I am hey there’s a vault over here found something all right coming get a few more samples while we’re here nice well minute 30 seconds nice that was

Intense that was really intense I’m surprised didn’t survived as long as he did if there’s ammo I need ammo oh ammo relo let’s get out of here minute heading to Evac oh oh my God that killed my were they both alive no Go that was not me though I dived into a bush and couldn’t get up ah we need to sneak this Snord UT team 30 seconds they’re all converging on us because they’re shooting charger ETA tus 20 seconds try to kill the hunters as much as you can dude they have like a ritual circle around goo’s body and I want a sample we have 10 seconds I can pick up the samples since

You lure them away this is pel z i could go for it I could go for it Landing in progress pelic one preparing to depart shutle launch in get I could get in I could get in die just get in I got in quick you got 8 seconds hurry it up hurry it

Up nice nice I got good work I got the S victory was never in nice I like I said the Destroyer left even though it’s right there Yeah thank you Alexis we did do It oh uh boys what so you know I told you I want to go pick my B sister on the way over there I was looking at Instagram reals about uh about the the thing you know about the the leaks and all that yeah so this new race

Apparently that’s been leaked think of them as the ruthlessness and the ruthlessness and just like all out blood lust of the bugs but the intelligence of the robots priority alert the heat system status defending against termin the Heat system priority alert you’re hearing that right mhm what what does

That mean did something happen means did the game master do something I think they’re contesting a new area we lost many good he don’t tell me that that’s what I think damn I had 421 kills damn I’m too good entire planet The Genius of the DCS lies in its Simplicity I just realized

Some guy just goes why don’t you know we were fighting bugs and some guy was like why don’t we just make pesticide and he’s like that’s actually a good idea Mission coordinates helps Prim Sometimes the best ideas always come late yeah engaging orbital thrusters are we oh

No thought we were synced okay so there’s a Escape podt over here we’ll head there hit that one hit this one and then hit that one and go most likely there’s a bunch of stuff like right here there’s definitely a side objective right here I feel like along with maybe

Over here and right here where he where was the oh there he never mind the side objectives right here I feel like there’s other stuff definitely right here and like right here so are we thinking like one of these Maneuvers yeah going around so what we could do is

This we could go around once we get over here to this one instead of going straight to extraction we could come up here and see if there’s anything else in this area depending on how many lives we have though depending on how many lives yeah there is a booster that says like

Ex reinforcements but I don’t have it I think I do if you do put yes look at that booster all it does is it makes the timer like if we run out the timer is a lot lower oh that’s that’s still good yeah so you know what’s the newest uh

Anti- theft um anti- theft uh security measure for cars now what just making a manual yeah true short make a manual dude there was like there was a video of a guy trying to steal a car but he didn’t know how to get it out of

Neutral or like he didn’t know how to like turn it on apparently he was just redlining the engine that’s funny I I would like to think that our character is moving by the way like it right here in the little home screen thing is just like us like in the hell pod DOD

Put what what what what what what what what what what y of like rip ass so bad it feels like like your cheeks wobbled yes no I like how quickly you were like yes I have had that same situation Nord like threw me under the bus on one of your

Streams hold on hold on how no I was all like yall over her fart and then like get scared he was like oh yeah dude I was like yeah sometimes it feels like it wasn’t a fart he was like nah I just wanted you to admit that you shave

Yourself I was like oh Lord threw me straight under the bus at that one where we’re both level 21 but he looks much cooler than me sometimes the best strategies to look like a bird as according n and also he’s Chief and I’m space k up yes

Sir I love how [ __ ] sorted out this whole spot F CL it’s badass I just realized too Nord is refusing to get promoted I have 10 more levels and I’m max level oh damn and he’ll still he’ll be the max level Cadet never changed nor don’t we got

Something to do in like 2 minutes yeah but we we’ll finish this D we hurry the [ __ ] up damn I left the room and you’re still not done wait you guys have something to do in 2 minutes yeah we got family game night today so we’ll be doing that okay

Nice yeah it’s important to spend some quality time with your family you know of course yeah keep make sure you guys are all in check initiated make sure you’re all in check they’re going to come back do uh Lord’s going to be like all right goblo is part of this why that [ __ ]

Plus for me three times in a row in Uno yeah he’s [ __ ] dead I got this new Uno thing called Uno no mercy that shit’s fun oh my God isn’t it like the Plus instead of plus tws it’s just plus fours and instead of plus fours it’s

Like plus 10 or plus eight oh there’s plus everything there’s plus 10 there’s plus 12 eights every time you get for every of world wow we’re already dead we’re already Dy that was no I didn’t know you were danger close I thought you weren’t you threw that [ __ ] at my feet I

Threw it further away oh my God y really ain’t got nothing here there’s a egg here no I found a point of interest and there was nothing but a note really yeah yeah lame reting a support [ __ ] man is just racking up to death nice I’ll leave last minute so death

Yeah yeah rejoin sample collected oh man I’m concussed I’m concussed oh I’m dead I got hit by a mini charger reinforcing and then there’s an actual charger yeah yeah exactly game night best night of the week growing up exactly you know and it’s nice when like you can keep it

Going too like even after you’re all grown up you know you still talking about farts yes I’m still talking about farts yes that’s what I’m talking about that’s what really reconnects people hey farting is a passion right for some people some people can fart the alabat that shit’s cool really R stle acquired

I don’t believe that I don’t believe that different notes different notes that’s crazy I hate it when a police officers all like oh say the alphabet backwards sir I can’t even do that normally sober I can’t do that sober yeah they’re like what nothing but like sir you said the outfit

Backwards uh z y x the I thought actually became 4 y that’s how that went for me ABCD get Q WX y y z z YX ah you’re killing me oh yeah just walk over the tiny ones I’m going to the egg nest

I 500 EG can I 500 yeah yeah we hold off I’m going to throw it straight in the middle Destruction for few minutes I’m going throw off straight in the middle where’s where’s the majority of the eggs these are big eggs ah [ __ ] it right

Here hey Goblin you do not want to go there b boom oh wow I almost got all of them 45 out of 60 guys my big legs cannot make it up here the mechs need uh more defense it’ be cool if they were customizable like you had some that had

Like jetpacks and you can like swap it out for like more ammo reserves spr a Sprint modification yeah requesting fortification you could just like dish rockets for more like machine gun ammo true very eat dirt big Bile guys grab the try I’m looking for any there’s a dude on my feet I can’t shoot him I got him man dropping a pin Northeast 100 m you got it sir if anyone needs to resupply I’m throwing it down cuz I am low on ammo already I’m moving in fart the alphabet

Oh my God calling down fortification bug Outpost spotted prepare to exterminate have a taste of democracy have a taste of democracy to bad they don’t have like a southern or like Deep South Texas accent voice that’d be funny long super long super get these bugs out of here get charger charger

Sir gone I oh I healed I healed oh I hit by [ __ ] you got hit by a me I got shot in the back of I got shot in the back of the head but that wasn’t even to fa I laid down and then I got a

The bug on me I was like oh I’m dead dude that was so [ __ ] Co I [ __ ] W who do you see that the screen it’s not a it’s not a vol it’s not a meteor it’s a volcanic eruption took my arm it’s a volcanic I dude it happened right in

Front of me it happened right in front of me this man got blown up fire in the hole I I got a I got a nest over by me but I don’t have a grenade coming where is it nor got it have we gotten all the samples sample hunt everybody Circle the

Outside look for samples we’ll move on there is a big group of them I’m glad I moved over Al bit backwards so when the cop asks you you can throw them for a loot by actually doing it I bet they won’t know what to do you see that in the distance what

Charger you see it yeah calling in reinforcement requesting orbital was that just not the cleanest [ __ ] drow ever it was amazing found something watch out oh super credits kill them my leg canister empty oh the enemy I killed a charger with that let’s go good work and I got killed by yeah

There’s a bunch of there’s meteor showers there’s volcano eruptions there’s apparently fire tornadoes flying bugs that I have not seen yet I haven’t seen those yet ow charger no I don’t I don’t want little dog I want my shield I was just trying to get some ammo got

Get I just want my shield protects me support weap found something oh nordberg found something it’s a treasury that means samples damn right I’m on it oh more samples in there I already see them loot it up boys loot it up requesting air support oh I almost ran to my death and that

Missed that did not oh say can you say even though super Earth is one United why do I have a strong strong hunch that um uh the United States was part of the hey can we make the nukes oh 100% I believe it hey I love everything

You guys got going on here but like let’s base it around us like hey um so yes we love the you know having planets and stuff is it okay if we add our little twist to it what twist well we still have these thousands of unused nukes calling in orbital

Strike requesting orbital strike I got more Super credits let’s go orbital inbound well that bottan is leaving us alone the nor so that’s good I’m hoping so I do have a 500 all right n I’m throwing this 500 right in the middle good good good bam hopefully that kills it hopefully

That kills all five I’m praying God please God a boom Oh there’s three left it only killed two yeah and the bio Titan is here oh calling in oral right calling in reinforcements still alive oh my godal all right it’s dead yep that put it down calling down suppli there’s one bug Nest

Kobe ah too high watch this though no it got blocked I’m no it didn’t oh it didn’t oh bro I’m impressed I’m impressed with my grenades I really thought that got blocked Goa why aren’t you talking you muted again no I’m focusing okay lock in you ready to use that n

Again uh for yeah I think I oh I do not have it I am rearming though should have done that earlier democracy oh there’s a charger not die I I do have impact NES though so I could get a if there’s a good like bunch Bo are you good man that’s empty you’re silence yes oh great hunters oh stalkers stalkers not Hunters stalkers oh [ __ ] hell I hate those guys they take so many bullets too requesting Advanced

Weaponry nice go go goo go go rang there’s a stalker there’s a stalker Nest nearby without a doubt this place is still Red by the way yeah that means there’s Nest here throwing grenade found a nest damn that was really good that was really proud of

Us yeah I think both of us made that [ __ ] what spot’s still red tunnel once their heads are chopped off I’m not going to waste just bleed out guys we have big problem here there’s a bile Titan no you just had to stand still and

Burn it out I got the nest though it was an honorable sa there’s two biot sending in an eag one bot time should be down stri bom one B tight and down location that a [ __ ] nice I got two manes got he where is the where are they comeing

From we got to get rid of these guys over here over here I found their nest out of tactical asset within range what I’m out of grenades I have a I have a t not t um RPG rare sample acquired I also need ammo I’m here say goodbye stop Nest baboom Freedom never

Sleep say hello to democracy where these oh thank God uh-oh go okay I got a boost T’s empty oh look at Doom with a Turret guys we missed two Treasures apparently oh my God what happened us the stalker one shot me empty throw me on my body please so I can just get

Calling in reinforcements dude I’ve reloaded like three times request approved I massive absolutely massive God damn it I need calling in reinforcements thank you is there Spore tree over here somewhere starting to think so I don’t think so oh never mind it’s gone I guess it was just cuz there was a bile

Skewer hey Goblin get out of there yep requesting air support we’re doing much better on time this time die we do have to go all the way around though right or can we go straight we can go over oh we can go over perfect requesting air support oh I’m throwing another one also

God found something I think I moved oh my God sorry about that I had to do it you shoot the thing on the floor yeah nice nearly to the next Outpost out oh man I don’t have no Left Behind Doom’s out of ammo and out of

Sims I didn’t even notice I was just jumping away everywhere and then I saw his his little indicators don’t worry dude we have to supply in 18 seconds my aim is so good I need heals I’m coming you wow that was a good rail cannon that

Was good rail Cannon you went you went for the smallest [ __ ] guy here in the sometimes the smallest thing make biggest impacts should I throw nuke in there yeah I’m dead there are so many oh I can’t I don’t have it CL might want to move no oh you’re good

Ow work with the flamethrower joining the I love committing Vietnam war crimes boys boys uh get out of here there’s a mini nuke on the floor go ahead shoot it nor are you are you okay with it yeah kind of danger close well tell me where oh I see it let’s

Go requesting oral strike I got you bam oh my God that got the nest also didn’t it yeah it did oh yeah all of them are gone heading to the eggs I got a charge on me SLE collected ooh a volcanic eruption helped you right there did it really I didn’t

See it look that that whole spot’s on fire oh really oh okay that’s pretty dope got to make sure I’m not going to get landed on all right all right that’s cool got that went in the hole it did not it did not oh Doom I got your gun

Reinforcing you will never destroy our way of life I think I have a 500 I do throwing it straight in there requ a support oh that’s not straight in there I’m doing it again this I’m actually in there watch out Gob bom that was straight in the middle and got

Nothing uh you got the last of that cluster there’s another one behind a wall oh bro N I didn’t even shoot I got killed by Li his laser I don’t have a laser that’s going to kill you yeah it is they [ __ ] bounced off the wall that was such a bad

Idea listen I I don’t know I didn’t shoot all right NOA it’s up to you man I C you in I spawn oh my God I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m dead I’m dead oh oh my God I’m going to call in resupply for myself I badly

Need it I have no ammo no nothing go for it before you have more more uh stalkers yep I got a on top me two of them actually don’t tell me there’s a [ __ ] Nest again God I’m floating I’m Jesus and there you have been a stone let’s get

The [ __ ] out of here when ready we do need to get these samples though call my flame back yeah wow that that mantis little bit Overkill n it wasn’t not enough doesn’t even M I’m so sad uh no Nord we needed we needed to save it cuz look what’s here

Wild Titan I don’t even look oh well well I have my real cannon in two seconds calling in orbital strike I’m trying to help you doom I’m going to go do this last uh little Outpost and then we’re out of here where’s this biot Titan so I could

Orbital strike his ass P Southwest far calling in orbital strike oh no he got him than [ __ ] all right I’m running democracy [ __ ] ass stalker running away ow oh my God distraction is far that really hurt that didn’t feel good up over there no like a taste of Freedom oh I’m

Going to need help actually I’m out of grenades oh Lord oh my God that didn’t work all because he blocked it do we want to do the artillery real quick it’s nearby it’s l right next oh my God I’m flying I have an idea boys keep them in the one area Nord

Run Oh Glory we have we have another one oh there’s a kind of a stalker on you there’s two stalkers on you yeah the nest just got to be somewhere over here package acquired in front of me I saw him for a split second tunnel breach he’s going towards

The artillery I have no idea where the nest is bro ow I’m dead I got killed inly call in Doom and then try try to get the timer you might have to ditch this gobble yeah just ditch it yeah you just ditch it just ditch

It n has one sim Doom is in the middle of another [ __ ] stalker calling down Supply New ma going through it Doom is going through it oh my God Doom don’t you die on me bro it’s the one thing I will not allow you to do he has two stalkers a

Charger requesting orbital strike my baby sister’s uh with my with my cat on my bed sleeping package acquired Gob are you switching perspectives between Nord and doom I’m currently watching n switch to Doom switch to Doom package acquired Doom he has a Army on him he’s got the entire planet on his location

Yes and he’s done for nice of your dog to go over you hey you better like think Doom he had the entire planet on him you see how quiet it is with you right now yeah I know it is pretty peaceful over here all right Alex apprciate you

Stopping in my real Cannon is ready also so if something something big happens I could I could rail Cannon it call me back in call me back in hold on dropping calling in bring it’s going to be me I’m sorry Goblin is it that was me yeah I died first

Reest on the thought you that’s empty requ byebye charger I was about to say don’t tell me he lives that I got the terminal I’ll try to protect you as much as I can enemy I got 16 with that oh nice engaging terminal watch out for behind you it should

Finish all right we got it let’s get out of here sing towards distraction okay I don’t like that it switched automatically to the [ __ ] flamethrower I just wanted to pick it up get some get them someone died over here I’m going to try to get their samples oh I

Died I got 30 of them though I had one one rare sample I don’t know you just got to Chuck me in that direction my man I have one rare is it worth it Nord one is that really all you had that’s all I had one rare all right we’ll forget it then

Reinfor wrong direction my man we’re leaving oh [ __ ] yeah you on the wrong direction damn it I’m sorry I’m being chased is chaotic yo Matias welcome coming in here with the letter N nose um tagging map Southwest far going to have to calm down with all those ends my

Brother it’s a lot of NS I know for a fact you got more keys on your keyboard than just n all right J eyes A’s all right now we’re seeing some more how’s your day going mathas yo I might be I might be dead don’t you die on me he’s in the water

And he’s getting chased by hunters he’s they’re not letting them s at 10 minutes remaining well at least you have the the the serif the [ __ ] artillery yeah the safe artillery yeah oh [ __ ] that’s a little charger moment on I mean at this point you could just

Wait out what 6 minutes to call each of us back no wait it’s a minute 40 because of that booster you may proceed to extraction when ready found uh some treasure area I like how this little this guy’s all [ __ ] impatient you can exceed to extraction yeah well you don’t know the

Struggle man you don’t know what I’m doing you’re over there p pencil pushing all right you got reinforcement calling in reinforcements that should be Doom ma tias come on brother ready to liberate relax with the Spanish n or fancy N I don’t know what kind of n that is fancy

N oh wait uh Nord there was some Sims back there got to pick that up man just in case they can come in handy true very true found something dude I feel like stemming each other is watch out the explosive barrels he could run into it rare sample of

Ired I feel like stemming each other is a lot faster than steing yourself the bot all right all right what this is what we’ll do goodbye maias see you tomorrow what was was it a bot I don’t know you said bot probably the worst choice of words but if you’re real be back

Tomorrow yeah I doubt it though I’ve never I’ve never seen Maas before oh my goodness got another reinforcement how you like to throw me on that [ __ ] reinforcing what out Lord I’m landing right on them okay request approved deploying reinforcements boom that did not do anything but I do have this sing in

Orbital strike cing in orbital strike oh my God his legs I’m going to die again God damn it I’m alive Freedom never why there guys stay moving man I just want to get my shield but I can’t I’m underneath a charger injury what injury static field nice watching orbital

Strike oh my God up until the last one extraction shuttle inbounds empty explosive watch out what they killed me through my healing okay it’s okay it’s okay we’ll have time for another revive I I know but I’m just I got I I healed myself and they out damaged my

Healing yeah that’s a un enforcement don’t worry yeah the next one’s a me volcanic volcanic strikes watch out Doom has no oh you killed Goblin you killed Goblin Goble get behind the rock oh my God that looks pretty clean you almost you almost killed him you almost killed your own

Brother nah he would been Zone all right my 500 kg bombs are are Rearmed I Dro a Shield Pack somewhere Nord do not use the missiles in turn if you’re going to turn and shoot machine gun yeah let’s go let’s [ __ ] go I’ll take all you guys out team these guys don’t stand a [ __ ] chance all right goo 30 seconds pleas come in to democracy might

Have we a nor reinforcement right he’s a patriotic right now get dog get rid of that charger please arriving at coordinates oh that’s preparing for touchdown oh come in come in calling and reinfor thank you Goblin all right we can just wait the minute the minute deoy reinforcements oh boys look where I

Landed [ __ ] locking load boys Lock and Load I’m out of ammo oh Max useless now let’s load up go go now we have time we have time to bring you how you like to te the freedom we have time to bring you don’t worry about it

It’s not going to leave us we have time and it’s calm yeah finally calm down burning the ship better three than zero what do you mean better three than zero you’re going to have enough to get you supp we have enough time damn damn bro I pushing you

In thanks to the shield I’m all good I’ll throw 500 I threw it that way help me help me help me help me help me thank God empty empty reinforcement there we go you see felic one preparing to depart shuttle launch in 20 Seconds support extraction complete set 307 40 good work good work on that they gave us a cool exit you know the right side of History now this what I call Democracy I level up 31 samples 17 rare samples imagine fighting bugs when the automatons are stealing our mechs yeah but theom but the bugs are pushing out we can get this last few missions done bro we can finally put on these like insecticide sprayers we can put the bugs

To rest and then we can put our full attention to the automaton threat to be fair they are stealing our mechs but at the same time those mechs are squishy as all balls they really are yeah Freedom popping anything are they really like where do we have they blow up anything

Dude let’s go 443 kills what did we have to like Destroyer has left Squadron they did it F they’re in the Orion sector wait what the bugs see AC this is what I’m talking about AC look at the bugs the automatons can wait the bugs are advaned three away is it going

Down no it’s two away not even three away if they’re in that sector it’s one two and then just super Earth super Earth counts three okay three dude okay but if we finish this major order though look all this is that’s look you see that one’s basically it’s just that

Planet and that one’s pushed back all the way where would we have to go to stop them from stealing our Tech um it was not melv it was a go through the planets and I could tell you which planet it was can we even do that anymore no it’s not that

Planet it started with a I think it might have been dropped maybe check the other planets on the automatons I think it was it started with a T I believe no no no no no it was something else no the effort of Hell divers across the

Galaxy are all that keeps the enemy from Liberty’s door St no definitely not yeah done maybe tibit it might have been tibit I don’t know all right gang I’m going to end it here I’m going to do some family game night you know I hope you all have a

Wonderful night we’ll be back later with some more some more streaming so um you know the new shotgun yeah it literally has infinite ammo no overheat no reload what is it good I will I’ll talk you guys 250 damage ooh that might be my new

Weapon once I get my hands on it no cap No Cap hos still sleeping like a baby all right thank you everybody for tuning in though if you guys enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button if you guys loved it consider subscribing show support to

The channel and as always check out the lads yeah it does not cost you any money he’s exactly right to subscribe it it’s free it’s a free action but as always check out the lads down below you can find links to their channels um yeah you

Guys have a wonderful day we’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Our Village is a Town! – Helldivers 2/ Minecraft’, was uploaded by NordBerg on 2024-03-14 23:03:51. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:40 or 20680 seconds.

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  • Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6

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  • Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot!

    Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot! In the world of Minecraft, two noobs did play, Bedwars was the game, where they had their say. Laughing and dying, like retards they went, Their antics and fails, a true testament. On Hypixel server, they built and fought, On Gamster server, their battles were sought. Roblox Bedwars, a lucky block twist, Their laughter and fun, could not be missed. So join in the fun, with these two noobs, Their Minecraft adventures, in rhymes and loops. For gaming and laughter, they always bring, A joyous experience, let their rhymes sing. Read More

  • Jack’s Important Moment

    Jack's Important Moment Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Jack Bhaiya Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where gamers like Jack Bhaiya and the GamerFleet community come together to create unforgettable experiences. Let’s dive into the action-packed realm of Lilyville, TNT gods, and epic showdowns! The GamerFleet Community The GamerFleet community is a vibrant group of Minecraft enthusiasts who come together to explore, build, and have fun. Led by Jack Bhaiya, this community is known for its entertaining streams, funny moments, and epic collaborations. Lilyville Adventures One of the highlights of the GamerFleet community is the adventures in Lilyville. From… Read More

  • Crafting a Colossal Blade: Minecraft’s Giant Sword Statue Tutorial

    Crafting a Colossal Blade: Minecraft's Giant Sword Statue Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, A giant sword statue, the perfect domain. With blocks stacked high, and dimensions precise, Crafting a masterpiece, a true gaming paradise. Materials in hand, and a vision in mind, Follow along closely, step by step, you’ll find. From the hilt to the blade, every block in its place, Creating a structure that’s sure to amaze. In Minecraft JAVA Edition, version 1.21.1, But fear not, for this tutorial can be done, On all recent versions, including BEDROCK too, So grab your pickaxe, and let’s build something new. With music by Lena Raine,… Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡ te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Muscle Rush Run Challenge: Minecraft Mobs

    Muscle Rush Run Challenge: Minecraft Mobs Minecraft Mobs: Muscle Rush Run Challenge Join Herobrine and his friends from the Minecraft Mobs as they embark on an exciting Muscle Rush Run Challenge! In this adrenaline-pumping adventure, the Minecraft Mobs will face various obstacles, destroy barriers, and emerge stronger than ever before. Get ready for a thrilling journey filled with action and excitement! Unleashing Strength and Power As the Minecraft Mobs tackle the Muscle Rush Run Challenge, they showcase their incredible strength and power. Watch in awe as they break through barriers and obstacles with ease, demonstrating their determination and resilience. Each victory makes them even stronger,… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

    EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘QUEBROU NOSSA CAMA E FOI COMBADO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mine’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 21:00:03. It has garnered 770 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: 🏷️ Danyloww: 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB Video card:… Read More

  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: StreetballninjaMusic⬇️… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More