Insane Salaryman Esacapes Ender World!

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Hey hey hope you guys have been doing good I don’t know if anyone’s here let me just check real quick but yeah I’m back it took a little while I do apologize I know I mentioned a few times before but even then I do apologize that

Like I had to like step out on the weekend on the Minecraft day but yeah I was at two different events running around both in the same day which in I thought it was going to be a lot more chill like I I I thought both events

Were actually held like pretty close to each other but I I kind of realized after arriving at the first venue that I kind of made a miscalculation like a very massive one and the two locations were about 40 minutes away by train so uh yeah it took a little going between the

Two so yeah spent quite a lot of time traveling between the two event locations but both are pretty interesting I mean like the blue archive one is like it’s blue archive really kind of know what to expect but like the other one was a very small like I mean

Even smaller event where it’s like it was an event celebrating like uniforms like like Just Uniforms in general especially in the an in an animated form like the the concept I’m not like misrepresenting it at Hope but that seems to have been the concept of the

Event and it sounded so bizarre and it had been help multiple times in the past so I decided that like I would go and take a look at what it was and the turn out was actually like really small in comparison like the blue archive one

Probably had like maybe 200 plus in the groups there for example like circles but this one only had like 15 Max but it was very small you know it’s also interesting to see that like half the people there were actually from uh I think that’s

It right did I turn on the wrong server surely not hey hey hey INF how you doing sounds like some fetish thing it it it sounded like it which surprised me even more when I realized that like half the people there were female relatively young females as in the people creating

Content and like there was no NSFW content at all like that was actually surprising I I I did find a bunch of books that look like they would be very useful for like an arst trying to figure out what how to best draw like Japanese school uniforms though like some of it

Was really actually quite useful as a reference point what thisse there was an event I just went to today aside from the blue archive one which was an event celebrating uniforms in general especially uniforms in eneme and I don’t just mean like school uniforms I mean like Just Uniforms in

General so you had everything from like the firefighter the police man’s uniform right down to like school uniforms and everything down the line was just like people creating content about it was a strange event I’m I’m glad I went down because of how interesting it was and he made yeah never were me

Uniforms as Well so since it’s Japan I guess it’s not surprising that like school uniforms were the most popular thing there but they only like 15 circles so there wasn’t really all too much content overall but yeah they were make uniform stuff as well in terms of uniforms I don’t think

There was anything all too crazy there though I think the most the the the the closest thing you could say would come to being weird was a the train conductor uniform like people creating content on that but I guess in Japan their train conductors do have pretty snazzy looking uniforms

So it’s not too insane either I would like to believe though when it comes to train conductors I don’t mean like it’s mostly the male train conductor uniform not the female one real Wass oh you know what the weirdest thing I did by the blue archive event though

You you you want you want to see the most illegal thing in my collection wait what what was the meme you want to see the most illegal thing in my Collection it’s just a box of it’s just a box of dasling tea literally just a box of Dashing te yeah they they they they had like a there was a cafe that set up during the event itself that was selling like just it there was a cafe set up

During the event that was just like selling refreshments and they were meing the whole like tea party thing as well and like I actually ran out of tea at home so I was like you know what I kind of really do need tea but I’m very lazy to

Take the 5 minutes to walk down to the uh Supermarket which is like 5 minutes walking distance from my house so uh in instead of just like walking 5 minutes down from my house to the uh Supermarket i instead bought it at a blue archive event I need know how much there was

Quite a bit I did see quite a bit of no Mar as well mostly like acrylic figures I feel like not as much as before but then again that like it felt like each car took up quite a bit of the hit the air space as well

So I was $50 I mean it was like it’s like a 50 pack for like 800 y That’s like 10 bucks it’s probably not the most expensive pack of E I would think considering it looks important I think that then yeah like 5 minutes of going

Out into the open like I would rather just stay like at at home or something that light reflection is a quite rough huh oh yeah this was the cafe that was at the event the San AA Cafe I bought a bunch of stuff at the uniform

And Van as well but that one was a little more yeah I don’t know I don’t know man I don’t think I have anything NSFW here at all to be honest like everything is actually like all ages the what this was kind of interesting though like like it’s a book at the other

Uniform event of like the fun Japanese school uniform like that was kind of cool I’ll go put this one in my back like there’s a lot of stuff like that where people are just like researching uniforms and stuff like that it’s kind of interesting those yeah like like it it’s

Like genuinely interesting stuff there for that one I was quite surprised I I bought a party game issue is I have no friends to play this with it’s a party game for two to six people where you basically play as them and you fight for sensei’s attention like that’s the whole

Game like so it’s like a two to six character party game about fighting for yeah his attention but yeah the uniform one was interesting like there was genuinely like it it it it was not as much of a fetish thing as I thought initially before I went there that it would

Be I initially went there thinking like oh I’m just going to see a bunch of degenerates looking at like middle school kid uniforms everywhere now I went there and I was like oh wait no it’s like half the people they are genuinely just like very interested in like uniforms

Generally and like documenting like uniforms that have gone def fun and stuff like that as well as like how to tell the difference between the uniforms between different schools based off like things as simple as like this one has like the ribbon kned a different way and stuff like that was kind of

Cool well I also did buy this is it even visible I can’t open OBS it’s not very visible huh maybe I need to hold it like this instead God damn it why is this so difficult like the interesting thing is that all three of these are are not

Acrylic they actually made out of like rubber instead so uh durability want is not too bad on top of that the uh thing at the front is uh I think if I’m not wrong this is actually an acrylic embedded in the rubble and the

The image is in the middle so it’s a lot harder to get it damaged which is cool I just got home I want to pass up you just got home as well well hopefully it wasn’t too rough though wherever you went or too busy hopefully it was not too busy

Don’t tell me they were getting you to like uber for them again if they did that sounds like it’ll be pretty rough but hopefully not let mcft yes mcft yeah I was at a bunch of events today so like that took up most of the day like I I really did misjudge

Like how far apart the events were cuz I I like one of them took place in Yokohama the other took place in hamacho which like when you sound when you listen to the name it sounds different enough that it sounds like how the [ __ ] did this idiot mix them

Up well well you’re kind of right I am an idiot for mixing them up in the first place since like her Macho was like 7 minutes from my place by train and Yoko hmer is 50 minutes so like there’s a very big difference between the two the thing is

That when it’s in the Ki form it’s only two characters and the hammer characters the same for both so like I looked at I I knew where the blue archive one was already then I looked at the uniform of van I was like my my brain saw the hamama and the

Name I’m like okay same location for sure immediately blanked it out and I didn’t bother to look and and then like I kind of realized after getting there that that oh [ __ ] the events are 40 minutes apart so I had to like Rush between the tool

And this Ro reding into my bed oh God no how that actually sounds Horrible I don’t know why I’m is that a creeper oh that’s not creeper for a second I thought that zombie was a creeper is that at the point that your house is in it sounds like there’s not going to be a good way to like deal with the rats anymore is

There oh no take care go go change the Sheep I thing have a bread this is poison yeah but like poison does it work I hope it does like 10 last mon 10 is a very big number but at the same time with how fast rats can breed I don’t know if 10

Is actually going to like [ __ ] him up real bad or not no hey hey R how you doing for the SP I mean that sounds like either you’re doing a good job or they have been like getting smarter and adapting to the poison I mean at least they don’t

Reproduce as fast as ends I remember my previous Place had like a very bad ant problem and it’s like with ants it’s like even if you set up poison there’s no way to get rid of them fast enough to ever be rid of ends just need to find res and use some

Human droppings in there you just go take a [ __ ] and they like home instead you go find a nest and just like take a [ __ ] in there we coming from The Sword to be Hest Canal well I mean if that’s the case it’s a little difficult since they

Probably already living in human [ __ ] but huh wait but how high up is your home though like I don’t think they should be able to like crawl actually I don’t know how common that is is the only thing why is there an empty room up here

Like this is really cool and all but why is this room here huh like I would have thought that like if the home is on a high enough level if from empty room it’s a very cool empty room for for a little I thought it was going to like devolve into some horror

Thing wasall in there so 10 out of 10 hi oh wait no you live on the first floor or something right like it’s a one or two floor house sort of thing I don’t know what we we need to do now like I I I did get most of the uh

Diamond we had found that time du out so we have a fair amount of diamond e Cobble ew may we have 44 diamond for anyone who wants diamond armor two floor house but they can easy get the second floor yeah second floor is easy like for for the longest of times

I’ve only lived in apartments so like it feels like it’s less of an issue because of that so I I it didn’t occur to me that yeah two like yeah considering that it’s a twostory house it would be way easier for them to get

In yeah this the one is this like one of the big issues with living in a private like housing location huh like dealing with p is a lot worse because like for for all for all of my time I’ve been living in like higher rise buildings cuz

Like I I I still remember the teachings of my parents back in the day where they mention that like if if you want to live in a house that has like reduced past issues you get a you get an apartment that’s like four floors or higher up cuz like like if it’s four

Floors or higher the the chance is a lot lower which is how I ended up the place I’m living in now to ceilings are Hollow oh it’s the one of all the rafs huh yeah three is decent but four is safer like anything four and above

Typically is like you will get very few Pass unless the building itself has a pest problem like the only pest I remember having an issue with in the last house was just ends then in the current place that isn’t even like really a past issue at

All like roaches if you manage to find the nest and you get rid of the nest you typically won’t have another roach problem but yeah and ends ends I I hate ends ends are like the most problematic P to they wor I feel like in an apart moon at

Least in a lowrise housing I feel like it’s the least of your concerns but me for for this kind it’s uh not good key would if yeah but at least with roaches it’s a little easier to find cuz they they are a lot smaller and they tend to not live in

Cracks in your wall unless you have very massive cracks so like roers it’s I I’m terrified of dealing with them but at least they’re easier to spot it’s the thing we should just need slippers no no no no no you they they need sleepers slippers if you have already

Like if you only have one to deal with but when like it’s an entire like [ __ ] nest of them it’s like o y y no no no it’s [ __ ] terrifying to hit them with slippers you just find like imagine like you just open a you just

Open your drawer and you find a jar with like [ __ ] an open jar with like 20 roaches in them it’s like no no no no no no not dealing with that [ __ ] but the the only one benefit is that because of their size they don’t like they can’t hide in

Like very tiny holes like red SC I mean and scan which is something I really despise like the the last place I lived in literally it was just like a very small like hole in the wall that I can barely fit a toothpick into and that was

Enough for the rats to crawl for the ends to crawl in up four floors I hate it I hated it so much I couldn’t do anything about it either without like Ping down the wall like me of forces a creat microscopic C and try to that SM of for

That dry them to death when they walk over it dry them to death oh cuz it gets the moisture off of their the exoskeleton right get the moisture in oh moisture of course that tool yeah that does sound quite brutal I I do kind of want to go back

Into that cave but I feel like if I’m going to go to the cave I I am going to want diamond armor yeah and also to probably not going in alone alone what Super E use a non-toxic pet pets and Humans H I might keep that in mind if I ever get a another end problem thankfully this current place doesn’t have It yeah I mean I hope it never happens but you never know the building is relatively old at this point like I think it was built in 93 although they recently renovated it like a few months ago so hopefully that means less of a end Problem this CH it won’t work on carpet I guess yeah that’s fine I I don’t have carpet what do you think I’m rich enough to have a carpet at home or rather do you do you think I have enough finesse to deal with uh having a carpet at home like with with

How colors I get sometimes it’s like if I had a carpet oh the the amount of stains in it by now like I I I’ll sit in my chair I’ll pour myself a drink and like I’ll drink like Coke or something and for some reason

I’ll I’ll put the cup to my mouth and the drink will just spill out my mouth like like some like my brain just like stopped or something and then I just realized it’s like C on the floor like I’m not sure how obvious it

Is when you like look at my room and you look at my chair but the chair behind me actually has a car seat on it I mean it has the car seat because the chair is old and the ladder is tearing but on top of that there’s also the fact

That like it makes it easier to clean up if like anything bad happens I can’t get my I’m just chilling yeah no worries if anything apologies on it being so late as as is I already left the event early to make it back in time for this

Like I only stayed for half year after party since I couldn’t get a shiky shei this time and I didn’t know if I wanted to stay to play Rock Paper Scissors since we could be just like mining rocks instead hit Minecraft enchanting I mean it could be worse you

Could be doing like maple story enchanting Al expl more NE and didn’t find a fortress how many portals have you already made well I’m no what what this what only like one H we still have a chance then nesting on my closet oh god oh at least you found the nest

But we need to clean that [ __ ] at least I found it but oh God it sounds horrible it will not be much of a conver of a consolation but here you go here a USU free pass for you to redeem oh yeah wait oh yeah I need to set the sleeping thing

Right also this uh ah settings some I have to learn Speed Run St and use F3 to triang entity count what they do F3 triangle entity count okay no can I already do game mode no I I can do game mode settings game game rule was it again game rule what

Sleep cuz we didn’t have diamonds for a long time uh at least now we do have it like diamonds and all fa sleep percentage right thank you yeah at least now we do have a bunch of diamonds from the GP 11 like someone to take my take a peak is

It time to learn it so that you can play all the visual novels without waiting like 50 years for a fan translation you you you may as well do it I’m telling you man you’re going to have to at this at the rate that translations take for fan translations it’s like you

Would have a better chance waiting for the heat death of the universe than waiting for some of those like visual novels to get a translation that’s not nice on a Japan JP 10 not wait what’s the difference between 11 and 10 and and don’t tell me it’s just the number going up

Is it just me or is like this Cobble deep slate more resistant to creepers blowing up as well basic grammar and stuff oh so it’s the most important one then basic grammar the most important one but the one that’s like the least appreciated like personally I actually wish I had

Gone through a class for that one cuz like it’s probably the one thing that’s hardest to pick up on your own 11 I have no idea but all the notes are written in hiana and Katakana ah yeah I guess that is to be expected like it has to be

Written in hero or kagana or it will probably make less sense when it comes to like Grandma especially spawners which it doesn’t spawn them uses spawners that EOS doesn’t spawn wait it doesn’t spawn spawners or is it a specific type of spawner but yes yes all all the more reason to speed up

Your kagana learnings so that you can put all of this to use yeah but the previous time it worked I’m not sure if that wall specifically had an issue I I’m pretty sure there were other walls where it work just fine but for that specific one it just dead

In so I’m not sure if it will be completely unable to work that’s all I feel like I’ve been in this one before no if there’s a door there I definitely okay yeah yeah yeah yeah no byebye so yeah that’s the only thing now whether or not

Like we can there even is a spawner there I guess like it’s hard to see how much of it was a one of thing and how much is like going to be a permanent isue that we’re going to have to deal with every time oh oh no it sounds like things aren’t

Going well at all huh F3 + G we in our base yes yes did you find it instantly literally like what be like 10 seconds oh god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] well I I I guess you have a shortcut now to wherever the other places rest in peace literally just rest

In peace there ah that just sucks my dude I need to put the St away no no no okay it’s fine yeah that that really just sounds like the uh second portal was just completely oh that sucks 15 nether block Highway didn’t block nether highway I mean it really is at that point

Huh you’re just using the nether to walk around at that point you can just like wall it up and use both as a highway so that if there’s anything else at the other area we can get it as well oh yeah was there anything at the other area

Might be worth just like digging around just to see if we find like diamonds there or something Bic same place no no no no no I mean like I mean like the other side in this wall not in the ne like if the other side of the this wall

Segment had like a cave or something yeah I know but that on the that’s on Surface Ah I See Just sitting down here digging as a not the most gripping game play I feel like but let me see how lot this video is going to be how to a fortress in Minecraft in the ne you want shift F3 a pie chart should appear in the bottom

Right hand of the screen click the number next to the following text tick level block entities lower your render distance to two if your chart already has the Mob spotter on it or the blue to refresh the pie chart all you need to do is leave the world and rejoin it now hit

F3 plus G to turn on chunk boundaries and slowly begin raising your render Distance by one at a time until you get a spawner lower your render Distance by one and leave the game and rejoin it again next you want to check the chunks in each Direction north south east and

West and whatever when a mob spawner pops up on that’s the direction you should head and there should be a fortress or a treasure Bastion but just break the slim spawner and repeat but this is how to find a Fortress oh wait render Distance how far is 302 chunks Even like that’s cool and all but like huh let me go see this SP I guess we can try that yeah like this the server dist the random distance is only 32 blocks or chunks rather so I’m not sure if it would actually work since like we we technically

Have a set that would it work I Wonder if a with SC sh BL it would help that’s true Nagi on new new yeari to use the D40 might Sur pvt I E40 year I mean UA is usable outside of PVP as well so you can consider upping her if you want something for GR go for

Nagi I don’t know if there’s any pressing need for otsky right now it’s less than 32 chunks in it it’s 32 yeah the max is 32 which isn’t very fast the issue which or rather that’s the big issue it’s it’s limited to up 232 so finding it on the server using

That trick really depends on how far 32 chunks even is are you you are aware chunk 16 blocks no I’m not oh yeah it’s not that far huh yeah it really isn’t that far like if it didn’t exist you’ll probably see it just standing at a high place shirro Kuro probably shirro Curo iroa helps you won’t use Nagi no mski on shirro Cor if anything if you’re not able to one punch you may as well like go level memory or something if you don’t have like a back line who’s the back line equivalent Kotori there was someone you could use

In the back line as well who could also block like obstacles which if you don’t have confidence that you can one punch it you may as well go for one or the other there should be another right she’s a go oh yeah normal she’s a yes

Yes yeah you could always go for normal sh go as well like that’s always an alternative all Stones wood Whata used again where is used again go I mean you can technically use her decently in most of the bosses for a second party anyways you could use her in Goss you

Could use her in there’s an AOE boss as well right parall roll to some extent you could use her and I mean you wouldn’t really want to use her in sh cor but you could if you need like desperately a second party to have someone she’s useful for some of the uh

Join fire drills there’s a bunch of places you could use her do I have wait no I passed some of my bucket didn’t I but yeah AA is usable in a bunch of places so on top of your PVP you can still use her in a bunch of places as

Well best SL yeah I mean she is that’s what I’m saying like if you want if he wants to invest in someone aoha is a pretty good investment since she works in quite a bunch of places one two three four five 6 7 eight two days you mean redeeming or because

You’re going to you have highly confident you’re totally going to roll her I’m going to explore cave I’m going to bring just the chest with me just in case Soul speed three what what the [ __ ] is soul Speed unconcealed Hot than the what now you didn’t see that I didn’t do anything wrong

No start upgrading then thenen or nen summer arguably arguably both nens are pretty good nens but you tend to use one nin more than the other ninen though I guess for Sher both n work some Sly a yeah but you oh yeah you did you probably didn’t get her that time huh uh

Imagine I’m someone n yeah imagine can’t be me couldn’t be me too much of a nin Sim to not have nin so s slows you down so boot so speed on boots speeds you up instead but use durability wa it uses durability to speed oh I mean speeding up sounds nice and

All but like consuming durability to speed up sounds a bit uh yeah I don’t know about that one where the [ __ ] are my signs I know I put up some signs towards the mine but I forgot wait why didn’t I pass by the signs where is it [ __ ] okay this is the entrance

Where did I put the signs did I not put a sign at the entrance itself B cave mine exit okay big ke big cave oh for [ __ ] sake man who left that hole there miss hey hey lavas how you doing in game wise not too much we only just

Started like uh 50 minutes ago so not not too much has happened yet I I just got back from another from the blue archive event the dojan event so if you meant IRL that’s about all you missed ing game wise not too much I guess missed him die hey no that hasn’t happened

Yet that’s illegal that’s a fake clearly fake news bro that that [ __ ] [ __ ] bat just killed itself that said if I do kill myself it would probably be now so you might just be in time for that [ __ ] going to show the L you got one day

I I did show it just a little bit before this that that was what I did for the little bit at the start of the stream some some some of it is not as interesting but uh let me just show it again real quick since uh me as

Well yeah this should be safe enough right oh the but yeah just just have here real quick as well aside from the uniform F stuff I got at the other place there’s a circle that gives this out if you buy their stuff every single time so like they they kind of keep

Track of the number of times they have appeared at events with the number at the bottom which is kind of funny which is just always there so when are you learning how to build an iron farm I mean we couldn’t do it this time there this funny thin book here which is

Friendly which like every single page is just like a YouTube video thumbnail or like screen cap instead it’s kind of funny that’s a little small just it’s faster than farming iron normally we we we should do it at some point right now I’m just like looking for diamonds more

So than iron like if there’s a way to farm I iron this is safe right this book is it doesn’t say R8 anywhere so it should be safe got a box of tea you know dasling tea very important I ran out of tea a few weeks ago so I bought I used the

Opportunity to buy tea I bought another party game which I can’t play because I I need friends to do that you know what we could do I I could like maybe like create multiple twitch accounts and I just set them up such that I can’t see what the

Other hands have and then I’ll just like video those then you guys can pick what cards to play although the whole game is in Japanese so I don’t know how that’s going to work if the cards were in English it could probably probably be done that

Might be kind of funny but yeah right music CD it’s CED problem solve I would need to like yeah but then I would have to we could actually you know that you mention it Yuri compilation book both family friendly I I I I don’t have any not I I didn’t buy any

Like adult NSFW stuff how about I I translate and you Cod it though I need to figure out the rules of the game first then that way you can have your fun coding something by buy the new art book which new art book there’s so many oh you meant the official one probably

Huh har very popish art style I don’t know why I have this I don’t even know what this is from True tabletop SE oh yeah we could make the game in tabletop Sim instead huh then that way you don’t even need to C the mechanics we just need to like C

It just we just need to put the PNG of the card in the game and people can figure out how to play it themselves sugar apple fairy tale what the [ __ ] is I mean it does say that on a thing yeah it it actually says it in English

Here I just didn’t see it sugar apple fairy tale I don’t know what it is though I don’t know what it is but it does say it in English yes and the uh three rubber keychains like I I like how I poppish the art looks but on top of that the fact that

This is rubber instead of an acrylic was what drew me to buy it cuz I I I rather not have acrylic keychains nowadays like my big issue with acrylic like this is the fact that like with acrylic they always put the thing at the back here

Which means that like if on the off chance that this gets scratched it’s it’s [ __ ] and I hate that so much which is why this with the thing in the middle embedded in can’t really see it is an issue you want the Nagi one you like the Nagi one

I could send it to you I could always go and buy a new set eventually if they ever resell it so if you want the Nagi one I could send it to you also stay oh I I do have a tapestry but the tapestry I’ll probably like it’s

A pain to open and keep again uh do I do it I’ll probably use it in a video eventually but like it’s just that it’s a pain to open and then K sounds like a logistical nightmare I mean I I I literally put this in an envelope and

Mail it to the address and then you just hope your post office doesn’t steal it like the the only the only nightmare in the logistical process is whether or not the post the post man is going to steal it like you have to understand that that thing is meant of

Rubber I don’t have a sample of the envelope I typically use but the envelope I use typically has like did I run out I I know I was running out of the envelopes cuz I didn’t have a lot and like recently with all the stuff I sent

Out I actually managed to use most of it look I want to show a sample of the envelope because the envelope itself is pretty nice like it has I mean like the rest of them who have received the stuff before can probably attach to it but like if

It’s the small envelope it’s the one with like bble R built into it so it’s very uh safe so with that plus the fact that this thing is made of rubble it means that it probably wouldn’t get damaged very easily about it my is still missing yeah but this is like

Who who who who who is going to steal this like if if this is the only thing in the envelop I I I would question who would actually steal it you would need like some kind of rabit blue archive fan working in the post office who somehow

Can tell what this is and send and like steal it like Sur that wouldn’t happen right really what the [ __ ] wrong with my chair the [ __ ] what’s wrong with this chair okay so uh oh oh oh okay so uh I think there’s a screw in this chair that actually fell

Out so like now it’s actually unstable cuz like the the the screw is missing so it’s like it’s just flapping Instead which uh not not not the best I really should get this chair changed eventually it’s actually going to be danger otherwise i’ be a true Nagisa sensei in This yeah there’s such there are such a stalker they actually heard her name and checked into this stream just so that they could like plan the heist the moment the envelope arrives in the Philippines or wherever they intercept it the moment it hits the country or maybe they intercept it in

Japan before it even leaves Tokyo they just like intercepted yeah I don’t have an sample of the envelope which is quite unfortunate I really do want to show the envelope if anything though yeah I didn’t manage to win anything this time at the event so that’s about all but if

You want to see what the tapestry looks like uh it’s the full size of this art from this album because I I did like this album quite a lot so I I bought the second album which is the one you saw just now along with uh the the tapestry for the first album

Since they were selling it this time I had one of those S key chains got scratch and also standy same thing one scratch on the base and split yeah it hurts it hurts a lot which is why I kind of do like the one that I got

My keys way back in the day like it’s very unfortunate that they don’t do them like this anymore cuz I I really do like this style of doing like keychains where it’s like you can see it right it’s in the middle it’s too sided and

The paper is in the middle so like it’s very hard to damage this in a way that would actually suck cuz like you would need to somehow shatter the entire thick piece of acry in order to do that so I I have been using this for years and it’s

The only acrylic I ever used because like it’s actually safe enough to use and it’s sad that most places don’t actually do that just youy this n can’t I think it’s lava Lake oh no is there really no way out of that of that nether it actually sounds

Depressing but yeah tabletop Sim might actually be the best way to do it I could we could consider it I just need to open it and translate everything but yeah maybe one day I’ll go back and get the second album as well as I mean the tapestry for it like this one

Like either way eventually if if I continue making videos and I don’t like kill myself in the process it will appear in the back there somewhere in one of the videos so you get to see that not time to level AOA and hope unap it’ll be fine with the power of iroa

Anything is possible the only thing you need is faith faith in aroha and her Arrow commies that all will be well block minus 24 this is -4 huh so the odds of finding diamonds up here is a decent be bit lower I would imagine look aing fall before locking him in H

Oh maybe so we don’t die got fortune 3 pick yeah I have the fortune 3 pick with me over here oh [ __ ] okay okay run run run I don’t like this be there a tier one doesn’t sound like a tier one at least okay that’s horrible okay it’s all random

H oh yeah next version it’s like biome specific right that’s when the hell begins in full force is there diamonds down here 36 more shot 36 oh no I mean the 36 doesn’t sound too far but it just makes it sound even worse because of that I mean with 36

Technically you could get like 25 from the if you’re max level thing if you have already reached Max this the that thing time to do 10 Row in banner and get hot yeah clearly it’s going to happen right if you have see that’s that’s the right attitude to have if you have faith

Miracles will come true I’m sure of it enchantments are possible oh do we still need Gold by the way like for the uh piglin trading what was it to reach cap at least it’s not too far anymore that sounds like a doable goal let do some gold all right I I’ll grab

The gold as well then oh yeah Fortune [ __ ] okay I I yeah I guess I didn’t have to save the fortune huh I was thinking like yeah don’t really God damn it I mean there’s still more gold I’ll use the fortune next time though yeah uh next week actually

No not next week one of the future weeks I’ll probably going to an event in uh ngoya as well like on a day trip it’s definitely not going to be worth my money to do it but it it’ll be funny bro trust me like monetarily going down to Nagoya

Just for the trip is uh going to be painful cuz like yeah I would have to like take the bullet train imagine having energy for trips I don’t I sleep doing the train rides that’s that’s how I get through it each other trying to copy each other challenge impossible now you know why

Mobile game ads are all the same it’s because they’re all made by the same company Mo most most of the time this companies aren’t making their own ads most of it is actually being outsourced to one specific company that makes all of the ads which is why all ads look

Like trash because everyone goes to the same company that makes the trash ads imine having trains ah yeah that’s a very Japanese thing the trains yeah at least that one I have no I have no rebuttle to that one this is Japan all we have is

Trains oh well and bicycles as well but like bicycles are really reserved for poor people like me okay not that way there’s a lot of iron down here huh no diamond no more gold but a [ __ ] ton of iron do I do 10 enchant B 20 wait aren’t you doing Thea Banner as

Well or are are you doing the IRA Banner as well or is it at a different time that does make sense yeah a lot like this is something I realized cuz like I was like I was trying to figure out more about the Hero Wars ads so like

I was doing a bunch of research and then I realized that like there was this like actual like unironic hero ads gamer like this guy who just like hardcore all in all goes all in on Hero Wars and he was like explaining a lot of the ads as like

A fan of the game why he finds the ads to be very weird and then like he traced it apparently to like a very specific single company that does all of their ads and it’s like it’s very likely that a lot of the other games also use the same ad

Company doesn’t make sense to R for her or you you already have her oh yeah no sorry it was you you had her right right ah cherino I mean if you’re in for if you’re in it for the gamble you may as well cherino is pretty good after

All like even till now I don’t think there’s really a exactly a COR who can like replicate her skill set so H go for it you will need her for a bunch of like higher if you really want to rank highly in some of the other future like triple total assault

Thing she going to be quite important a lot iron that might it’s a lot iron yeah I think I found like 64 iron at this point I don’t know if I should like d into the Rock to search for more cuz like I’ve already gotten a ton of

This yeah I guess we’re pretty set on iron now huh inventory full yeah it’s so full that I can’t even pick up iron anymore yeah I’d say this is a big DB and not like a Pokemon very bad DB kind of D but like an actual good

D just doing ones to not get to not get overboard doing once single T ah somehow I feel like that’s not going to work like human human nature is going to kick in at sometime and before I know what you’ll be like guys I messed up I

Think I might have spent too many gems on this the next thing I know I’ll be like wait you spend gems how many I just hear like ah ah not too much I think maybe like 24,000 ow oh oh no 460 pools why do you still have why

Do you why do you still have so many pools holy [ __ ] yeah let’s not go out that way oh yeah you didn’t R for her right my condolences maning get well at least with himari they still have a chance to get her like randomly but yeah New Year F car is kind of

Screwed crying now because I can’t one cycle isn’t that a joyous occasion because you can’t all a yeah I know the feel like I I I got pushed out of PL for the uh triple total assault ranking already then I was like okay what what

Do I need to do to get back into the rankings and I was loing and trying to figure out what to do and then I see every single party that was used and it’s just like ah yeah they just have AO huh it’s like every single party every

Single party both around me and above me is just a I’m like ah yeah it’s going to be tough trying to like beat them out huh I’m like yeah I I have no idea how I’m supposed to do it like my even if I refine like how how well I

Can push button I don’t think I can do it well enough to like invalidate the power of aquo why do you make stone I even need I I I could have used an iron pickax so close oh oh no no what happened she hero wh what what what what about

Her oh do you mean like she spawned instead of uh Tero so CH know Mar oh no oh no yeah that’s really quite unfortunate if that’s the case huh holy [ __ ] there’s so much iron here nothing but iron what the [ __ ] I’m not even getting gold at this point it’s just all

Iron like the amount of iron is actually amazing but like where the [ __ ] the go I have nine gold it would have it what the [ __ ] that oh that was a creeper or something [ __ ] like I don’t like it oh not a one huh just that just that little

Bit do I even need CH I have saki yes I mean their skill sets are kind of different of all like the reason why you want Cherry no is because of the fact that on top of her crit and her resistance down she also gives like CP gain oh watch she

Hero uh yes but only for one to Total assault and that’s it there’s only one situation where you use chiro and that one situation is the one situation she’s really good she has one job but she does that one job really well s is that spoiler a there a spoiler okay

But yeah I mean like she she really doesn’t do all too much yeah 5 Seconds No 5 Seconds stun if the enemy’s de armor is yellow like that’s that’s the important part if yellow then stun if no yellow no stun so your enemies have to be Asian or it doesn’t work

Which as you can imagine there’s a very big uh limit on the number of enemies that will work on as well as number of enemies that you will want it to work on or that it can even work on rather because it would need to be an enemy for

Whom stuns actually matter and who also has yellow armor which is basically just one one b B going to get canceled now I’m making fun of myself it’s fine haha making portals oh it’s not working oh no it’s a it’s a super ve it really is a super vein

Huh I have too much iron at this point I have too much iron if anything I mean I guess we can’t have too much iron an iron V those can get huge yeah I have like almost two full stacks of iron at this point and it’s only increasing and I at this

Point it’s on ceiling get caught ceiling okay wait wait let me open the coordinates thing not using a fortune pick I could I’m I’m using it periodically on the iron but I don’t know if it’s worth using it on the iron because it’s all Iron and we really have two stacks of

Iron at this point I don’t know if I need to save the fortune pick is the only thing like if there’s not as much of a need to save it I can just like use it on this yeah but like is it Unbreaking no it it only has fortune 3 it has nothing

Else So my main worry is whether or not like yeah only has fortune 3 I need to be careful I see wait this is the thing right this is like a block has a block for iron my main worry now is more of like oh wait is that Diamond it’s a single block of Diamond but hey that’s fine yeah like look look at the amount of iron here like do I really need to save or Like three h three diamonds out of that that’s not too Bad for just all it’s fine all right all right got it that’s two stacks of iron it’s two full stacks of iron and we’re only going to find more if I don’t die different kind of problems yeah ah very big problems if anything it solves the nether

Issue yeah it replaces the nether issue with a skill issue which uh yeah I don’t know if I prefer just having nether issues instead like I feel like just having nether issues is a trade off I’m willing to have okay yeah there there’s a little bit of like a

Delay and that has me genuinely worried about like falling off an edge and dying so I think I’m going to go back now after like I clear out the safer parts of this area Yeah I I would D through that tough but I’m actually worried about like the the connection like causing me to fall off an edge when like it pulls me back like some distance and I walk forward and fall into lava or something so I’m just going to like stay

It to this side since there’s also plenty of like iron here yes this there’s already plenty of iron on this side wonder where those zombies came from though but yeah the the neoya event dojan event look kind of interesting just because like I was looking at the uh

Participating Circle count and it was like I think I saw like 200 plus circles which sounds insane for anything that happens outside of Tokyo and on top of that no let’s not put them back this yeah there was also the fact that the event might have been the first time in

A few years that I’ve seen a dojan event that actually has fgo in participating in it so I was like huh I wonder what the fgo peeps are up to nowadays that might be interesting also it has AR Knight which I don’t know why I I I’m pretty sure AR Knight is

Actually fa popular but in in most of the pokyo events I don’t see it as much but apparently the nagya one has it so that’s may be interesting imagine if I had Auto sort how much of a blessing it would be here am I supposed to get like exp from

Mining or is it only up to a certain level it feels kind of meh not getting anything from mining look I I I need my dopamin HS you’re mining I’m it’s iron I’m mining the irons as they say in the power metal in the p in most power metal

Bands but the iron isn’t giving me anything does iron typically just like no tough doesn’t immediately equate to iron but it doesn’t mean that like but but areas where there is tough tends to or rather if there is a vein of iron it would tend to be hidden by the tough is

That is that it and where I put the crafting table okay yeah that’s a so dig through the top you probably find more iron I see a I capan I have six more wood I have one more door of the same except as grite inste TP I see regular Stone deps

H okay problem I’m actually running out of wood which is a little bit worrying I feel like like I have two doors so at least I don’t have to worry for about doors for now but not having wood does leave me a little worried playing this Idol game and is it’s definit a

Will only guaranteed with pink he like 20 St second place by star compy DC ah yeah I mean it feels like most games will end up having that one person to some extent like depending on the game the level of uh Insanity varies but there’ll always be that one

Dude that’s like that which is why typically with uh more modernish gacha games they tend not to include like direct PVP anymore like even the with games at Blue archive the reason why most games have shifted towards uh PVE content that is PVP is because it can kind of shift away some of

The issues that the server might otherwise have with uh one guy being two ahead of the rest of the server especially depending on the type of game I mean actually no it depends if you have PVP done like epic 7 for example eventually everyone will hit the hit the

Same me and once they hit the same me there isn’t too much to worry about anymore but like when it comes to games like uh what’s a good example there’s like some games that like all all you need to win is just push button more or have more gacha characters in the van

For those it actually gets worse after longest stre I close this port H that’s very unfortunate huh shift the headit from guy to AI that would be tough unless he’s like secretly just an AI playing the game oh yeah that’s the way you can do it just

Say like no no no it was an AI playing the game the whole time this not a guy playing theame game that’s AI but if you wanted to shift the blame to AI I feel like that’s too low hanging of a fruit at this point like that that

Scam game I mentioned the last time around it’s still up on the app store which kind of tilts me a little though to be fair it’s not like I have enough reach to make a difference and that kind of thing but like still I tried reaching out both

To shift from PP to competitive PVE uh yeah or rather rather than shift it it’s more like a height set I guess cost like it you imagine if like you’re playing Epic 7 where it’s a blind pick kind of like League of Legends where each player banss five characters

And then picks five so imagine like a situation where the game is not as well balanced and you manage to ban very strategically but he just has everything so it doesn’t matter to him and so your life is depression but with PVE it’s like if this fivan com

Works there is very low incentive for people to deviate from it so like people you you can’t see the full extent of the of the insanity of the person’s willing unless you know the person because like like if you take like blue archive or like that’s a good example princess connect for

Example eventually you hit that point where everybody is just using the same team because those games don’t make it as difficult got to get a fully upgraded team and then like the the comp the competition just becomes about like who can push the buttons better so it’s

Still a competition of whales but the disparity between whals isn’t as bad the guy who spends like 50k a month on the game and the guy who spends like 10K a month are probably going to be in the same space in that sense it’s not going to

End up like uh playing the first million arur game where your ranking depends only on how much stamina you spend for example so like the guy who Wills more on stamina replenishment essentially wins the thing every single time you know at this point I’m more

Worried about if I can find my way out after all all of this like wherever I am I’m really deep oh Diamond yes yes okay I’ll wor it in the end then but yeah that’s why very few games are willing to adopt like PVP for gacha games

Nowadays like no no one wants to take the risk of being the one to do it and get flaged for like not being good at balancing the game because to make a PVP gacha game would require a lot more skill and balancing as well and most companies are like no

No yeah we’re Japanese we make RPG games we don’t know how to balance [ __ ] okay that’s a joke I mean some some of them do but like majority just don’t want to bother to take the risk especially since like quite a few uh gam games companies now are either

Like visual novel companies or like IND the companies that have like very little development experience so for them like taking the risk is a lot harder as well me do hit like a trunk if you die if you go back a level use the plus one like it’s like on kill for weak

Skill go back a level if you die that that Fields kind of messed up God damn it I’m running on wood down here as well no to ads to watch oh no I feel like that’s probably the worst part isn’t it just the fact that there’s a ton of ads to

Watch I still want to be of the belief that like if Done Right ads would could still maybe work to some extent but like with the volume of adds most of this game’s push it does feel like it might be tough to see that they come okay at least I can still make

This there’s no R bre ads at least I mean that’s at least one good thing like if they’re not like forcing ads on you too hard there’s some consolation to it at least what I do with this block of raw iron can I do anything with this do I unpack it

Oh 5 six s brok on P nine raw iron ah it’s mostly a visual thing huh I see listen like it’s mostly just to make it easier to carry around I guess like it’s cool that it exists and all but like it it’s like why it easier to carry oh wait

Book of aqua infinity that sounds very dramatic what is that you sir are a genius I I wish you had mentioned that earlier but nonetheless you sir are a genius holy [ __ ] that makes things a a lot easier to carry huh it’s Ling yeah I’m a genius you can tell from my genius

Eyes okay okay okay okay okay know there’s one thing I realiz like Japanese people say a lot they’re like okay okay okay okay double OK repetition or is it or is it just an Asian thing overall I really don’t know to be honest I I feel like I hear it a lot in

Japan specifically kind of like how they do the cross with their hands when they want to tell you to not do something position yeah they like to do it a lot I feel like it’s it’s it’s like how they deal with tourist as well you know when they do the thing they are

Like you know you know they do the thing like no no no no here no here here no no no no no they do this like they do that a lot as well I I guess it doesn’t happen a lot in enemy and and like uh like television drama that kind of

Media as much but like when the it’s like when when they start dealing with tourist like you can tell that they think you’re a tourist when they start doing that cuz they don’t do that to each other like I would say that’s one of the most obvious signs that they think probably a

Tourus when idiot no they don’t do it they don’t they don’t really do it to like local idiots though they they do it to like foreign idiots I I I don’t I I I don’t think I’ve ever seen them do it to a local before no may maybe it’s because I

Haven’t seen a local who did something stupid enough for them to do that to him apply to Indians what do you mean where they do the cross thing the hand in Japan it’s very specifically they like it’s it’s meant to mean like no that is don’t do that that’s wrong

But they typically do it to tus and not to locals for some reason like I don’t know what what’s the specific reason it’s only done to Forest since like the the the reasoning like the words do not change but like the sign the hand signs the body language

Changes obviously they won’t say like no no in like uh to [ __ ] person but like they they usually don’t do the cross thing as well like even the hand signs change which is kind of interesting I guess There we go now I can see better I just done that as Well for me diamonds that was the one for diamond armor Right but yeah it’s it’s kind of funny that in their attempt to communicate with the with people in English the the the usual like Japanese politeness kind of kind of like Fades away because like it’s very hard for them to be polite while trying to figure out how to English at the same Time like especially when they got me to like do like ingame announcements in Japan in English for their game it’s like they will send me a draft nowadays that they they first do an AI and it’s like for some reason like I no I guess it makes sense that like AI

Still can’t do English Japanese translations very well because of the language Nuance but like it’s kind of funny cuz like I look at it thing I’ll be like yeah this this still needs a lot of fixing huh this NE man oh the is the nether

That bad I mean it probably is but that bad huh my condolences but yeah man AI it’s like I I do genuinely Wonder like how how much longer we will continue to see like translators have a job for localizers I guess no localizers will still stay but like basic level translators it feels

Like bit by bit it’s getting more a little harder to like justify I’m just running around digging around trying to find a fortress still no lck MD is getting over by MTL MD you know it sucks now because of the fact that like the the the translation

Models and like even if you get AI to do it the AIS the problem with it is that they are trained on they are developed and trained in English which makes them very bad at dealing with quite a few Asian languages particularly Japanese like there’s a lot of weird

Nuances to Japanese that you what one could say it’s just like unnecessarily convoluted which I I would agree but those that that unnecessary convolution makes it a lot harder for a the current large language models even to properly fully translated but it would seem that Japan

Is trying to develop its own models as well that would help to smoo the process by I think AI that can better understand like how the Japanese language Works which makes it feel like given enough time we might actually reach a point where H you may not really need

Localizers and I mean maybe not localizer localizers you might still need to some extent but like you won’t need like outright translators anymore like I feel like for localizers like people who genuinely are able to translate the nuances of the language they will have a position that would

Still be very hard to get AI to replace like until the day we can reach the point where you can ask the AI like hey I want to to translate the osakan accent in a unique way for an English audience or specifically like let’s say an American audience what how should I

Go about it and until we can reach the day where the AI can actually give you an answer to that I feel like localizers will still be able to keep their jobs and stay quite relevant but yeah at least at least once those models get refined at the very least we won’t have

To worry about another nitashi tragedy another nitashi tragedy happening again you know at least that why what do you mean why do it remind me it’s it’s it’s it’s something that we we can never forget that it exists you know it’s like it’s it’s one of those things right that like we must

Remember that that it exists least this tragedy repeats itself by remembering that this exists we can continue to ensure that it will never happen again it’s it’s very important history doesn’t repeat itself self but it Rhymes and to prevent it from rhyming we must stay firmly aware of the reasons why it could

Rhyme now I’m just [ __ ] here it’s just fun to remind people about it so they can suffer with me because I feel like until the day comes where I finally get the Mantia I’ll probably remember it the rest of my life about the what uh there’s a visual novel called nitashi on Steam

Uh let’s just say that the English localization is uh not the best to put it nicely if if you haven’t heard about that situation it’s quite a strange one like there were other there was other drama surrounding the translation team itself with the one of the but like you

Don’t know what is good for you yeah it’s it’s some some things I just better off not known we should hit back yeah I probably should hit back soon but yeah it’s it’s uh I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the recent uh I won’t call it a debate but like

This the this the phenomenon that people are talking about called like the the issue of like Millennial writing where like basically stuff that’s written by Millennials is uh it it’s starting to show in the type of comedy and like the the ways that they make memes and stuff like that and and

Writing and it’s kind of cringe like kind of really cringe and it’s and it’s like starting to rear its head more and more now because like the the people who would make that kind of cringe jokes are now the ones in in uh what do you call it they are the ones

That are in possessions of occupations where they will be the ones producing the content as a millennial I’m offended but at the same time when I look at the stuff that comes out like the garbage that comes out all I can say is uh yeah I’m so I’m so sorry it’s the

Fault of my generation Zuma the millennial no it it it it feels like the equivalent of a millennial trying to appeal to to zumas not realizing what zumas want out of a visual novel it’s it’s like you it’s like watching like all American movies and

The the the the the the kids are going like waa that’s totally radical dude wicked sick and stuff like that you know like it feels like that where like you have the [ __ ] Millennials writing the where the Millennials are writing it and therefore and something like this because like they’re like quick

Quick how we we need to appeal to the people who are younger than us what do we do then some guy goes on Reddit and says like this is how people talk now and then they start writing like that because like the it’s essentially the the Millennials have have become the ones

Who have lost heart I mean not all of them but like a decent number of them Millennials use Reddit depending on the country I know plenty of them that do I mean the normies don’t but those who are in TB of the internet I I would

Believe actually do I mean I use Reddit sometimes not not that much cuz Reddit is successful but I I I use Reddit isn’t over by zumas now it could be yeah hey how you doing fellow kids I’m a millennial tool oh wait no melenos aren’t kids anymore huh

I can’t even do the how how are you doing fellow kids from Millennials but yeah lava looters if you don’t know about that game or the game’s localization or consider that a blessing I I I really wonder if one day I should play it and like make a video

Out of it like not not a not played on stream cuz like no one wants to suffer through that but like play it record down how horrible the translation is and make it into a YouTube video instead but yeah the reason why I would blame the Millennials for that style of

Translation more so than anyone else is C like as someone who has work localization I can tell tell you that Boomers who work localization would never like translate stuff like that they are too out of touch to do that they would make something more formal and

Rigid they they would not go to the nitashi experience why everyone always feels the need to speak to a younger generation always comes on to assuming they don’t understand you and that is very patronizing yeah no like the the worst part is when it comes to like the localization of another country’s content

Especially like to try and like go down to what they believe as like their own countries like Millennials experience to like translate another country’s like language it’s very weird to me no hey hey for w how you doing yeah if if you haven’t seen the stuff in

Nitashi I I I do recommend like at least looking at the the uh if you really want to know you should go and like look at look at what the people have been saying on Reddit about it it like it gives a very good uh idea of what happened gendle band stuff uh

Yeah yeah that one especially is small no it’s it’s like the people who are Translating that gender band stuff don’t understand the they don’t understand the market of people who are into that stuff fully and so they they try to make it appeal to certain groups of people while

Alienating the group that actually tends to typically be its like main demographic feels like that’s what happens a lot with it there’s so much iron here okay yeah I think I’m going up like this is getting ridiculous why is this so much also I’m starting to get B of doing

This it’s been to hour expl if you have been spending 2 hours doing that it means that I’ve been spending 2 hours mining iron at this point and we don’t even need this much iron anymore me honey dudes yeah pick content yeah we we’ve just been like sitting

Here mining iron and talking about nitashi like this this is what the stream has become I mean honey dudes yeah I mean honey dudes as well honey dudes are like actually part of the content are actually part of the uh market for like gender band stuff as

Well but the content is like or at least some of it ends up getting shifted in a way or like Rewritten in English in a way too Target a completely different audience instead though yeah I mean like honey dudes do make up a pretty like fairly big amount of the

Enime genre not not genre fan base as well I I should know I’m one of them as well what you think is of all enemies I mean with some of it it really was just written with like a general audience in mind but like with the localizations there are some of

It that’s being shifted depending on the genre towards uh targeting specific groups of people instead it’s like the there’s like general just crossdress stuff that should have just targeted that is written to Target the lgbtq community as well that just gets like translated in a way that just

Targets only honey man and the reverse also happens at times which is like yeah I don’t know why they would bother to like shifted away from its original audience like the the best way how put it like the the way it is written in Japanese for like let let’s if you take

Like on my for example that one got shifted from being a thing about like I don’t know how to describe Oni it’s like it’s it’s written as a weird like fantasy thing for men who want to become little girls right like like that’s the entire premise the guy gets

Turned into a little girl against his will and then he has like tried to like readapt to life being forcibly turned into one but the thing is written as a thing for a general audience of people who like stuff like that be it doesn’t matter like whether they are actually in

The lgbtq community or just normal horny dudes it’s written for a general audience and that’s something that the creator of the original W did mention as W but for some reason the translations for some of it at least decided to intentionally shift it more to what

A pro Awakening to becoming an a member of the lgbtq community thing which wasn’t initially part of the work like if if the if the like if if they wanted to do something like an Awakening story they are good ones in Japanese as well they did not have to specifically take like

Series which were just meant to Target a more General audience and specifically tilted towards uh one group like that but yeah I don’t know what else was there the thing is I haven’t been reading most of those kind know books anymore he may go to was another one as

Well where like it’s a trap thing written for horny man as odd as that might be to say but no I that one should still be fine I’m not sure I need to go and look for the English translations I have not seen it it was an anime with not a lot of

Narrative going on anyway yeah it did not like it’s not uh it was not something with much of a narrative it was literally like slice of live Comon thing that was just meant to be a very simple thing of like guy gets forcibly turned into girl and does like funny

Things but like a an agenda basically was pushed within its narrative instead like you have to understand with like Oni it was specifically like it it was not it’s not a published work like Naruto or something where it has a publication company and like it’s being

Pushed in a official actually no now it is being pushed in a official publication but like the series started as a Doan thing so it started as like fan created content like an like some guy created his OC you can imagine it as like someone created his own OC on

Divian Art and like it gained big enough of a following that that work on devian Art got published as in a publication after so like it’s not like it was something designed to be a very deep and like compelling Narrative of anything it was literally just meant to be like this

Is just an entertaining Slice of Life thing for people who enjoy the same things as the writer does like like it he the the dude and his works are so accessible I mean maybe not overseas but within Japan it’s so accessible you could just like go down

To Comic cat and like just find the guy selling his work there at a bench and just like buy it from him and chat with him like half the time there’s still no kill there but yeah that’s it’s that kind of issue I guess that like gets pushed all of a

Sudden like there are way better works that they could have used if they wanted to push that angle like one of my favorite character does and like this what’s the enime called Skip and loer I think it’s Skip and lo yeah Skip and loer like if they wanted to push

Like lgbtq as empowering I would have like picked that series instead because that series actually has a like the the the main female characters like anchor the person who’s always there to constantly support her and life is basically a trans man trans woman sorry

Who yeah as an um man who became a woman so a she right so that person actually if you wanted to take a good example of someone within like an enemy that is like within the lgbtq who should be considered empowering I think they would make for a very good character like

Someone who in the they are Wall’s own like story are already written in a way that like they are a successful person who did not let like the whole like gender Norms thing like get in the way of them becoming successful especially in Japan where like lgbtq things are technically

Illegal that’s a good character to use if they wanted to push their agenda cuz that’s a character who was written as an lgbtq character who within the series is written in way that like they are not only a big part of the plot but they are also

Like I mean I mean the the enemy doesn’t like go out of it way to beat you on the head with it but like it does show a wall where people are more acceptive of that kind of stuff as well which is kind of interesting because like Japan’s government has chosen

Like to keep silent on the matter completely because it’s easier for them to not say anything and piss someone off so like yeah that’s that’s a good one I would say they could have just translated that and pushed that if they wanted to push that like PR is a great thing and something

To be proud of that’s a good anime to pick in my opinion instead rather than like taking a slice of Life comedy thing and then like pushing an agenda into it being to goddess oh yeah it did huh there’s a few like that nowadays there was there was another one was it called

[ __ ] there was there was a full like yorri series thing as well about like girls who needed to like get a female couple person who they had to like do certain Yuri stuff with and then they get powered up or something I I don’t remember what the series was called

Like I I remember seeing like a few episodes of it now I was like what the [ __ ] am I watching cuz like it it was so hemp fisted it was kind of funny but then I forgot what it was called wasn’t that a yoi thing too I

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a yoi thing to but the yoi thing is probably something similar but not the same IP what what was it the one I’m thinking of speaking of yai though that reminds me I actually did see like Junjo Romantica back in the day yeah initially got trolled into

Watching it and I was like ah well that’s a thing that exists and that was how I got introdu that like this is a thing that exists what the [ __ ] is this like usel [ __ ] article I just found like G thanks like like here I am trying to find that

One Yuri enemy I’m thinking of I can’t remember what it’s called I go online I search and it’s like top top 10 best Yuri anime with action elements number one simpol gear I’m like what I I don’t know Chief this does not seem like

The best I I would not put that as like number one best Yuri anime with action elements my he is questionable as well but like this was the top like result when I tried searching like top 10 best Yuri anime with action elements Valkyrie Drive I think that

Might be it wait wait wait wait I think you might be right yes it is you good sir are a man of culture that one ah it feels good to be out of the cave like holy [ __ ] I spent way too much time in there I don’t know how you found the

Name of it but yeah woman of culture my apologies you good M are a woman of culture yeah valky drive that one like I remember seeing like one episode of it and that was it I then I just forgot that it existed yeah that one

How how long ago was the enime like I I do not remember anymore at this point that’s a lot of iron that’s a lot of iron but yeah I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a yahi version of that as well it feels like the kind of

Thing that you would expect like there to be an equivalent in both like types UI empowerment enemy and after happy antiform VY I was like yeah I remember that yeah that one NTR trap was a strange one I remember watching it it was interesting but like I feel like

I I don’t know if it was just me paying very little attention at the time but I feel like halfway through I lost sight of what the plot was about happy sugar life though Fu that one is a yeah that one o it’s about to be very strange yeah

But it was it was NTR in a very different way like it’s not like no I guess it technically is just no but it’s is it even considerable NTR I mean whoa whoa whoa H H am I stuck in here oh I’m going to consider it yeah the

Same like it’s it’s not exactly NTR but that it it has elements that give the vibe of it in that sense I don’t know how to describe it but yeah if I recall the original j i I would say proba what antr is if you actually don’t get as someone who lives

In Japan unfortunately I can’t say I don’t know what it is because according to uh what’s the website according to DMM NTR is the most popular genre for loot stuff across all ages and demographics so as much as I would love to see say that like I don’t know what

It is I can’t because it’s like the prime export of this country exports not the right word but yeah that was going to be normal boy was I right yeah I I thought it was going to be like citrus or something or like a Sakura trick and then like it it ended

Up the way it is and it’s like uh it ended up very weird it’s an equivalent to cheat but it also kind of is it’s like cheating no it’s it’s like it’s like C CLE Dre is that the word it’s like if you turn CLE Dre into a

Genre that’s pretty much what antr is I guess would be the way to put it like it’s about the fact that they are cheating or not necessarily not necessarily on their own will that they’re cheating at times and they are enjoying that more than being with their original

Partner no I guess that’s not the right way to put it huh it’s different it’s it’s kind of treated different from treat cheatting because when you say cheatting it means that like aside from the person who’s being cheated on everyone else is in this initially out of consent and they

Doing the entire thing of consent and TI kind of starts out as like there is no consent at the start but the person is degraded to the point that they are into it the person that is not the one who is getting in The Cheatin it’s like the balance between [ __ ] and

Cheatin I guess I don’t know how best to describe it but like there that very specific the the essence of the genre is the part that it’s not just that you are the person is being cheated on but the way that the cheating I mean it doesn’t start out as

Cheaten but it ends up becoming that as the person becomes more and more okay with it can we maybe not going to end semantics yeah I mean sure this talking about an because of that one Yuri anime I guess you see you see the thing is that like this this just happened naturally

Yeah it it does not help that like knowing it just to be part of my job as well so yeah it’s like you you you have the very weird issue of like the topic pops up and it’s a topic that used to be related to my job

And and so like there’s a part of my brain that just triggers into talking about it like in normal fashion like there’s that level of desensitization that has happened there oh but speaking of like Yuri stuff though Sakura trick was also very Yuri I have to

Say not like how we were supposed to rush things more now I mean we technically have the stuff that we need to rush things except for the Fortress that’s me exploring nether I mean do you honestly want to have me in the nether at this point I do not trust

Myself to not fall off a platform and die in the Lava I mean I could I I don’t mind now now now that we actually have some level of diamond armor I feel confident enough to go so hey I I don’t mind going in as well get a B you you might have a point there actually let me get another piece of

Like diamond armor and I I’ll I’ll join you in there but yeah like there’s some good Yuri enemies out there I I I I did enjoy sakur quite a bit that that one felt more like a Kuma thing though it’s a shame it didn’t get a second Season oh I should put the pickaxe back as well Should but yeah I mean there’s a lot of weird animes out there it’s the end of the day I guess that’s the important thing not just the final takeaway there’s a lot of weird anime out there though I guess that’s something no one will be a surprised about

Huh Slice of Life off me as long it’s not Haram go ahead Haram ah it’s a very yeah nowadays it feels like a very dated genre huh in that oh oh Nock okay yeah I mean it feels like a very day genre in the sense that like it

Isn’t as much of it nowadays as there used to be in the past I remember like was it 10 years ago it used to be a very common genre as compared to now but like somehow that like slowly you like something unique you you like something unique there’s something out there for you

Yeah an anime is great because no matter what you like you can probably find something that you will enjoy in there there is no wrong answer as to what oh that’s not the right uh ter I’m thinking of yeah it’s just basically no matter what you enjoy you’ll probably

Find something that you can enjoy within like the space of everything that has come came out in like the past uh 40 years at this point maybe 50 says that the har aneme is now quite say Kai I mean kind of is huh yeah maybe I should look into the

Isai genre a little more so I can get a better understanding of how much like the Haram genre has like merched with it like it it it does not help that my favorite uh isai series now one of it is still like yojo sanki so like there isn’t much Haram going on in

There Overlord kind of does have it I guess kind of there kind of is one but it’s like it’s it’s like nonessential to the plot so I I don’t really pay attention to it either like a lot of modern isai I don’t really pay attention still waiting for

S2 oh yeah there still isn’t an S2 yet huh ah you reminded me they ended off at such a the point they chose to end off at as well it’s like f [ __ ] I was so hyped for season 2 and it just never came like they they they end like I

Don’t know if it’s a spoiler for anyone who actually cares about that but like the point where it ended off like [ __ ] no no uh yojo sanki has only one season Overlord has four but arguably as if look as as much of as much as I like Overlord I I

Don’t watch the enemy the no the plot of Overlord the the overarching plot of Overlord doesn’t matter because like the entire series is meant to be focused on the lives of everyone else that is not them it works in the same way as like one punch man does where like the

Plot is not the main plot is irrelevant because the main plot is about a guy who is just completely broken in instead the plot that and what made it interesting earlier on is basically all of the uh interactions going on among everyone else who is less overpowered like like

The like the whole like you talk about the second Arc of the lizard man I I find the most enjoyable part of the second Arc was uh overl does it pretty well I find like if you read the novels instead of watching the anime because the anime

Does cut out a lot of stuff like I do find the entire Lizardman AR to be quite interesting because there’s a lot of build up of the lizard man itself like if you read the novel like 75% of the entire volume is just like 75% of the volume is focused

On the lizard man and like literally they only appear at the end of the episode to one punch the lizard man which just makes you feel like [ __ ] instead like the the the whole volume of the book okay maybe not all of it CU they did the adventurer part like is a

Pointless interim so I agree there some parts that are actually like kind of pointless in the book as well but like typically the main you know yeah for the older volumes at least it’s like the volume would tend to focus on the characters that are not part of the main

Like Nazar as they are called instead it focuses on like the lizard man for example so you watch the entire unification process happen I me you read it happening and like you you basically read as they try to reform themselves to deal with this external threat and it just builds them up only

To kill them which makes it feel like [ __ ] at the end but like yeah like I actually enjoy the like the the parts I find the most enjoyable about it are the parts where Ein isn’t involved if anything I don’t know that for me at least the

Novels I did enjoy I have not watched the anime so I as much like I watched the first two seasons of the enemy and I gave up cuz like they did water down quite a bunch of stuff especially with regards to like stuff relating to the people that are not

Which I feel like is a big problem with the Enemy that it it basically makes it more of a generic isai in the sense that it focuses more on the power fantasy yojo sanki was fun though it just feels unfortunate that like his there’s no second season yet character literally nonexistent being

Enemy he’s a Minon the protagonist yeah that’s that’s the issue with like him as a character like within the plot itself it states that like he is being suppressed to some extent by the fact that he’s a scalon so like he he will never or the very it’s

Very difficult for him to emotionally Express himself because of the fact that the plot says that he can’t and it also like hints in certain parts of the plot that this is only going to get worse over time because of the fact that like he’s going to eventually acclimate to being a lich

Instead but what made the novels interesting for me at least was the inter was the fact that like much of the plot did not involve him yet like he he comes in at the very end like the in the same fashion that saitama does it just feels like [ __ ]

Because saitama Saves the Day well basically kills everyone you love half the time at least it it’s basically written like a tragedy instead because the entire volume would focus on a bunch of Side characters instead and build them up and like you’re basically watching these characters grow across the volume only

To then like see them get utterly mulched by an unbeatable Force kind of like the lizard man the lizard man was depressing the first volume as well which was the parts where a was like pretending to be an adventurer like the the focus on the people that he was traveling with rather

Than him himself felt interesting except that in the first volume he kind of didn’t kill them they just kind of [ __ ] died something I enjoy to re yeah that’s fair I mean it’s it’s a very different thing I guess and it’s a lot of uh and at times

It is a bit of unnecessary like depression when you’re watching everyone that you know and love die in the series but yeah it it does make it a bit harder to get into which might be also why it ended up becoming the way it is when it got animated

It’s kind of like AI like know a sanki sorry yojo sanki yojo sanki had a bit of that issue with the Enemy skipping a lot of stuff on the novel as well like I I recall like in the novel that actually there was actually quite a

Bit of focus on the fact that they were they were slowly losing their mind because of the powers they were given like they did actually mention like within the plot I don’t know if this is a spoiler actually but like in the yjo in yjo sanki plot it was mentioned that

Like the the main character was actually having fits where they were completely like BL they would just blink and like faction sections of their life would just like pass by without them realizing what happened and then they realized and it they were parts of them like trying to

Realize what was happening with them what happened during the times where they blinked and their life disappeared or rather the segments of the life just pass without them realizing and stuff like that the enemy kind of like glosses over it by just showing the scene that should not have

Happened I mean the showing the scene of what happens when they are not in a awareness of what’s happening but it never alludes to the point that they do not know what just happened so it it just makes them look like a very crazy fighter instead where hello how you dual

Building it kind of makes them look like they’re just like someone who just suffers from like who just is a very aggressive fighter but in the original plot it was like it wasn’t so much that were an aggressive fighter it was just more so the fact

That that was the point in their life where they just lost all control of themselves and a lot of stuff like that is missing which is why I like to read them the only time I can think of with an isai thing where the novel did it worse than the anime was probably

The first game in No Game No Life I feel like I me mentioned that multiple times where if you remember No Game No Life like the first game was basically them playing the Harry Potter chest except that the chest pieces had emotion the the the game that they

Played in the novel if I recall was exactly the same but the bot was just like on a tabletop or something I could be wrong but if I recall from the novel like they were playing a tabletop game of chess instead of a life-size game of chess when they were trying to like

Shout at the pieces to like tell it like no no no fight for me I’ll give you like free free food and wine or [ __ ] like that which makes it sound like it’ll be a lot Lamer I’ve read enough Warhammer 40 K law in my life BR don’t remind me I I

Was just reading up the LW of the white scars like on the way home on the train just now you know I I I actually think I have a bit more of a source spot for the white scars now after reading the entirety of their law I would say initially for me I

Enjoyed uh the blood angels quite a lot more among all the space infections but now I would say the white scars kind of grew on me a little oh yeah there’s a lot of depression and death in there is the only thing [ __ ] man like remembering what happened to all of the

Primarch it’s like it just hurts a lot over time used to be you said burn this W and I’m just D time turning the on EP and this is where it lost me ah yeah like the the early law where like the primarchs were the main part of the law especially it felt

Like it was very focused on people at the time and at that time I actually loved it a lot like the earlier years of the Crusade and all that where it’s like you had this very big people leading the factions I mean leading the individual chapters or Legions

And the story was centered among them and how they built the legions I I found that part to be very enjoyable and then now it’s like Grand it’s like Grand scale Galactic Wars and it’s like that’s that’s where I kind of like zoned out a little as well like the

The the the new the other factions that exist in the world are cool and all but like I I don’t know look all I’m saying is I want sanguinus back in the Story The s sanguinus my boy how how could they do him in like that they were too young to real what the emperor was doing yeah like the the whole thing like they they were too blind to realize what he was doing and also what the repercussions of what he

Was doing was going to lead to like like reading the white scars law actually opened my eyes to quite a bit more of the of the law like when when I when I was initially trying to figure out the law from some of the other like Space Marine Legions like

A [ __ ] I forgot what they were called this the Lon Ross was which one Lon Rose L man Rus was the space wolfes yeah Space Wolves when I read the space rules and the blood angels it’s like there’s a very big difference I feel like to trust his creations with the TRU

Yeah no no this this the interesting thing like [ __ ] what’s his name jatai KH the Kagan of the white scars like he he probably came the closest to figuring out the truth and reading his segment of the law made it very interesting jagatai Khan yes the Kagan

Himself like I I I find like he he probably came the closest out of anyone else other than the uh just just because of the fact that he was neutral in all of it for the most part like he was one of the people who arguably would you would think would

Have sided with Horus but didn’t in the end and it’s like that distance between him and the rest of the uh primar actually made it oh feel like it led to him actually figuring out a lot more than many of the others de the supposed to fail and F was

Supposed to stay Lo suppos supposed to fall supposed to stay loyal I wouldn’t be surprised I like the C falling is something I can see happening if anything it felt a little weird that he decided to stay loyal what what what was the uh substantiation they gave for that the

Though I would actually be interested in knowing if you happen to know it it’s like what’s the reason they gave for that theory I mean like looking at just the crackles it does makes sense but like I’m I’m curious as to what they would give as the justification like everything about him

Felt like it would have built up toward it because he he he realized that the emperor was lying to his subjects about the how the war Works in general as well and he was probably one of the people who argued the most with the emperor supposedly in terms of

Like with regards to sum of the uh policies as well and created the pr he did so with the help from the chaos gods that deal was that how them will come under the wings of kills ah which half of them technically did in the end didn’t they they’re

About well how many of them did let me check I don’t don’t remember the exact number it’s been a while like there’s so much law behind it now that my brain doesn’t remember all of it like there were there were 20 of them but like how many traitors were there there was Horrors

Was Magnus technically one of them I mean Magnus became the the the Magnus the red was one of them but like I could have sworn that he was the one who like he was the one who told the KH who like make the right choice and

That told him the truth that allowed him to eventually make the decision to stay loyal after he found the sword CH sword Chang and became more evil ah that one is like yeah K was Lo to he had a good reason to deci because he kill any bad but that’s true that’s true

Huh like with him it was very weird cuz like the the way the plot was played out it felt like he would eventually have wanted to like start a fight with the emperor either way just just because he felt like his position in the world was getting would be eliminated once the

Emperor like assuming the emperor managed to like unify the wall I mean the Galaxy sorry like I remember there were parts of the law that like hinting towards it as well where he like yeah the the the white scars were reached the point where they will have no place left in the wall

Because like once the fringes are gone there is nothing left for us to specifically do and all the unity that he had built up over time would be lost and then there was a whole talk about how he always considered like whether his decisions War I can’t oh

Rip it’s it’s just not working out at all huh would it be better if we just reset yeah I mean it it feels I’d be very draining if you were just exploring the entire time as well Horus Magnus per stinky boy aleris yeah I only remember aleris Horus magnos

And FM I I do not remember the rest of them we could get somewhere okay okay I I’ll do it as well I’ll get a new wall okay wait where’s the portal even next stream perhaps we can just go together as well or I can start doing it

A little now actually since I do have two pieces of diamond armor so that might help like I I legit do not know where the portal is behind bedroom yeah the oh I should I should get go armor actually do we have spare gold this com bat man which one was that

Again this sounds funny as [ __ ] but I do not remember which is which was this combat man also yes if only there was an a sanki anime that would be pretty nice I I would watch that it feels like it be a bit Conny but I wouldn’t mind watching an a sanki

Anime to be honest what is the minimum I we need huh opening to Gold what do you mean you like these two oh opening oh the opening to the enemy I mean the game I guess so it kind of is but even then it’s like we need more that’s not

Enough how how can that in any way be considerable enough Christ [ __ ] I was I was drinking something and then I just like spawn in I see a sword in my face and like oh I just saw an ender man I’m not like mentally ready for that yet cuz I’m wanted to check like what I needed to do uh shift F3 right

Okay 1 minute of Animation if correct though no no no no no I have go I have go [ __ ] off [ __ ] off no no no friendly friendly or do I need to exit and re-enter all right how does this thing work again what what am I supposed to do to make it

[ __ ] okay what the video they R send in Minecraft in the nether you want to shift F3 a pie chart should appear in the bottom right hand of the screen click the number next to the following text tick level block entities tick level block entities what the [ __ ] do you mean level

Huh hablo English how to find a fortress in Minecraft in the nether you want to shift F3 three a pie chart should appear in the bottom right hand of the screen click the number next to the following text click the number next to the following text tick

Tick click the number next to the following text click the number next to the following text take pick the text is so [ __ ] small I can’t level level block block and no my water hello I don’t like that wait would that even work now entities lower your render distance

To two if your chart already has the Mob spot on it or the blue to refresh the pie chart all you need to do is leave the world and rejoin it now hit F3 plus G to turn on chunk boundaries and slowly begin raising your render Distance by

One at a time until you get a spawner lower your render Distance by one and leave the game and rejoin it again next you want to check the chunks in each Direction north south east and west and whatever I don’t know how helpful that’s going to

Be okay I mean like render distance is obviously not something we have to work with so like I I I can’t like change the render distance to like make it work but like can I just walk around with this thing open and use it like a sensor that’s what I’m kind of curious

About also is there any distance you have not I mean any direction Direction you have not gone in yet like I can tell you’ve been there it seems like you’ve been there am I critting I can’t tell if I’m critting or not Like I feel like the game is just like lagging immensely while I’m trying to do this so like I only have half an idea of what I’m doing the battles like it looks like I was crit kind of laggy yeah this is why I’m afraid to go into The Nether cuz I don’t

Know what’s going to lag out and kill me at some point like I I don’t want to like face a block in front of me be like oh it’s place and then I walk onto the block and then it just vanishes below me and I just die have you gone that

Way I can’t tell if they’ gone this way it’s the thing there skeleton up there okay so we just looking for a blaz r yes yes yes I I do believe so yeah I’m like just worried that like one of these will like lag and just not spawn and I just [ __ ]

Die because like if if a block disappears below me in the nether I don’t think like I can really stop the lava much you reaching to this side because it’s not connected like we we are base is there there’s this entire thing here right which I’m not sure if you’ve been to

Before but it doesn’t look like there was any signs that you had so I was like thinking maybe if I bridge over there and like check this side it might be over here that but higher another portal ah well we’ll find out once I get there

And then I can get disappointed that I found out that you already got there with a portal No please pleas BL no what what what what what happened okay okay okay okay okay can you guys [ __ ] relax wait what the [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay can you [ __ ] relax I’m trying to figure out what’s going on here

It’s a good thing we have diamond armor other I might actually be dead you kill them indeed no I’m trying to I I don’t want to fight them on this terrain cuz I’m I’m a very big [ __ ] about it we we we run so that we can live to Die Another

Day right that’s how it works why you not carry a fire I’m I wish I could where where where the blaster in this game I need a Bolter need to run another day yeah exactly we run so that we can run another day it’s like sports we’re training for the uh Olympics

[ __ ] it you know what that’s very high up maybe maybe having a ball would have helped huh not that you mention Firearms they get wood I didn’t get wood huh fishing rod what do it look like Spider-Man to you or something wa this was the thing I just

Placed right yeah no this is tough I definitely place this I should go I I forgot why I went back which was to get wood because like if if I don’t get wood there isn’t as much that I can really do at anywhere along the way think sure it’s it’s not straight

Down I place those blocks I I I know what’s below it cuz I place those look I I don’t think Taft appears down here it’s fine I at least in that one specific situation I think I know what I’m doing maybe maybe not not completely but just a little

Oh I hear something that’s about to spit at me okay okay I I need to get materials for a pickaxe first and foremost like I don’t want to like climb all the way up there and then realized I I ran out of like pickaxes and I can’t get myself

Down just because I was being lazy and all [ __ ] where was the way back again here but yeah that area I just at seem familiar that didn’t ring any bells if so then maybe it might have been there before cuz I saw this this portal the two portals are

Like here and there and then there’s like one there and I was like in the distance somewhere over de the [ __ ] what’s he doing here my dude you seem lost oh yeah the the area I was at was like somewhere in the distance over that way there

Yeah so I’m not sure if the portal that’s over there leads there which is why I was thinking searching there the forist um you see the racism that’s going on here he he he can explore the place without wearing gold and he’s fine but if we explore the place without gold

They [ __ ] try to murder us where where where is the equality here if they they’re going to murder us at least they could have made it funny and murdered him as well at least I could have gotten a little bit of a lava of that it’s a lot of tourists

Huh just tourists everywhere with this place wood much maybe like this okay some ore I’ll take 18 iron or of me I guess I mean we did find an entire iron vein I think we can afford to let me take a bunch with me okay he’s enjoying himself

Okay I can do this for maybe 10 more minutes and then I got to go so I don’t know how deep I can get in 10 minutes but we we we’ll see how far we can go I guess guess just ignore the fact that this is an ugly as bridge I’m

A yeah stuff like that is why I’m terrified you see that block just despawn there absolutely terrifying oh no please no I don’t like this a that’s a problem huh I don’t think I want to be digging up I though go damn it it should be fine if I dig up there

Right it’s not going to be any lava there right [ __ ] sake no no you’re actually going to kill me dude no no go away let me m the block I don’t like that he’s doing this like no go away Sure go away no I’m sorry no INF no that makes it look like you’ve been here before that’s not you right I mean was that done by you oh where the [ __ ] are they shooting me from like one was where was the other one the [ __ ] oh I I HT the thing in a distance and I was just panicking cuz I didn’t want it to shoot me with a fireball while I was trying to do that where was the other skeleton this is like tempor I I it’s temporary I think yeah like where’s the other one

Like that’s the skeleton I was attacking where the [ __ ] was the other one or was he shooting me and itless lagging look at the [ __ ] is yeah this does not seem like the best time for me to be going in the nether oh [ __ ] yeah no no No oh no no no no no no no no no C all scar you yeah I I I thought it was a pig I I genuinely thought I was one of the pigs I was like where was it I squinted a little one I was like oh wait

No that’s not one of them spec ops he infiltrated up the SK little boy ah then there’s a lost kid on all nine some someone send in the with the parent of this lost kid please come and pick him up [ __ ] it’s look look okay it’s it’s

Terrifying when the game is lagging like this like it’s it’s already terrifying enough on a normal basis the fact the game is like spontaneously lagging does not help with it so what what is this like white structures I’m seeing is that a skeleton oh there’s a skeleton bones oh bone block oh

Yeah you know what I I think today may not be the best time for me to be like exploring the nether gu the B for you I’m I’m I’m it it’s not so much that I don’t like them it’s more so that like the the game is lagging in a way that’s actually terrifying me because I can’t tell like when the when the shot’s going to hit me and whether the shot has already been fired Christ where Where like if this was Mount And Blade I feel like at this point my entire body would just be full of arrows I can’t block that can I I can’t oh but that suffice to say this site might actually be un unexplored so I I I think maybe next week I might

Be able to make it so the next time but either way the next time we do this I’ll give it an I’ll give it a check no I go home now I’m going home now no let me go I’m sorry let me go no no No yeah we’ll do this the next time I I I don’t I don’t trust myself to do this when like the the shots are literally hitting me 5 Seconds after they release I I don’t want to take that risk if we going to die at least I want it to not be to

Lag at least let it be to me attacking a skeleton and then getting swam by an Enderman and getting M murdered by the Enderman Instead at least that way we can laugh at it a bit more like death is worst death yeah at least if it was me dying to something

Else we could laugh at it like like haha look at the arrows in his boots ha man took an arrow to the knee ha ha oh what the [ __ ] that’s a lot of arrows how did it get me like in that angle what the [ __ ] look at look at the one at the

Bottom how did it enter the food from that okay okay no I didn’t want to save a screenshot God damn it what what was the botton to change to second person view I just wanted to change the second person just get a ball I don’t think we

Have enough for a bow yet do we I I would love to have a bow if anything oh we do have enough five yeah like oh no AAS no well at least at least now you might have betterle chance with oh well I guess we reset the next time

Then well at least now you might have better NE lock the next time WR you can take my stuff I’m got to be careful about them creepers it’s fine but they very exploding I mean we we we could Technic we were planning to like do it like if

Anyone dies we just reset the run so I guess that’s what we’ll do then either way it seems like the nether lock wasn’t all too good to begin with so I guess we’ll do that the next stream for now I guess I’ll be going as well since uh it do be kind of

Late it’s got four more than he pulled up Ah that’s why I hate skeletons it’s like as if they weren’t annoying enough on their own they kind of do set things up to make it easier for other mobs to get you as well which feels like half my deaths

When skeletons are around and the other half is just me sucking as well but you know but yeah we’ll reset the wall the next time so you can feel free to join us then uh I’ll be heading off for now though since it’s getting late next week I I

Don’t know yeah cuz like I mentioned I I don’t know if at night I need to be on standby for the guy as he comes over for Halloween I’m Sorry no no no worries we’ll we’ll restart the war next stream so you can feel free to drop by and join us as Well but yes that’s the plan for now we very well could start next week’s stream of Minecraft like maybe one or two hours later than the standard Norm I’m TR zombes SP up for XP I they out the floor gumed up all the Water Works oh no well on the bright side it would seem that Minecraft doesn’t have a moss problem so we don’t really have to worry about like moss sing up in There but yes yes if I don’t have to be on step I Guess so I’m going for the event first after the event I’ll come back next Sunday I mean and then I’ll be on standby in case the D the the the dammar gets himself arrested during the Halloween party at Shinjuku M she boah sorry so I guess we can just do the

Stream like one or two hours later than the norm but if I have to disappear Midway through the stream at least you know why I’m disappearing with high probability but yeah that’s all for today thank you guys for dropping by next week’s stream timings will be

The same I don’t know what we’ll do on the week day yet I feel like we could give witch spring R another try so maybe we’ll do that on Wednesday Thursday ebf and then the weekend is keep it the same same for now but yeah I have to go and deal with

Some family stuff in like 13 minutes so soon I need to I need to go soon when horror okay look look uh let me get the public holiday page up uh but can they just give me like Japanese public holiday okay it’s here okay you see you see we we we’re

Here now right you see culture day third of November I’m pretty sure the 3rd of November is a weekday it’s a Friday so here’s what we’ll do we will do horror stream on the night after culture day so Friday night yeah you can put it in your calendar that’s like a next next

Week yeah we’ll do that why not I don’t know what we G will do but we can do it then and that’s the plan so uh yeah horror culture day you can experience the horror of culture on that day or the culture of me being horrified so horror culture on

That day but yeah I’ll updated on the stream calender for no I’m sorry I upload it on the stream calendar for next month and I’ll see if I can upload it on Twitch as well but yeah tentatively we’ll put it as then for now but yeah I’ll be heading off for

Now we all have a good rest of the week and and take care next week as well if I don’t see you guys on the weekday but that said when I’ll see you guys when I see you again soon hopefully take care and we can do like a slightly cring

Thing but we could do like where where where’s my camera this one yeah like bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Exploring the Ender and Another World Bites the Dust (Minecraft Reset Gaming Part 9)’, was uploaded by Overworked Salaryman Strems on 2023-12-12 10:30:01. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:30 or 11970 seconds.

It was a fun world full of Snorlaxxo going insane from having to solo too much stuff. That said it did make me feel bad though getting them to do most of the heavy lifting.

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  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

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  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

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  • Island PVP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

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  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

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  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

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  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

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  • Potato-Network

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  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

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  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

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  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

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  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

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  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

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  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More