Insane SkyBlock Minecraft Adventure!

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Thank you foreign Foreign thank you foreign why is this up here again go away cheeky smiley face foreign foreign For three months thank you darling lemon grab the first um wow what’s your Weathervane oh my goodness time later for 15. time lady that’s amazing should we just jump right into it everybody actually we’ve got other stuff to do um let’s let’s start now how’s that sound

Hi everybody I’m Lauren I’m the Great Lakes girl uh check it out it came I’m so excited and um I don’t know if he’s here um he just messaged me oh no worries with alert Time Lady it turn us our friend eternus um literally just DM me as I hit go live

And said I was able to get my YouTube handle go check yours and you guys I was able to grab Great Lakes girl at YouTube so it’s Great Lakes girl yes so excited but check it out I’ve got all my merch I wanted to show it off

Um yeah I love the like the boat neck um especially with like a racerback tank top like super cute but I want to show you guys some of this cool stuff you guys want to see it but welcome in happy Tuesday it is a new week um I’ve got dudes in my pocket

From you guys we’ll take a look at the guys um when we go into full screen on the game but I had to show the stuff off this came today um one of these things it’s water bottle they have them in different Glitters and I don’t know if you guys can see this

Will it show up um so I haven’t watched it yet which is why I’m not using it um because I need to rinse it out and my sink is full of dishes because the kids were like let’s make cupcakes right before they left for their dad’s house for the week

Um but exclamation mark merch which lemon put in the chat gets you the link to our official merch store more designs are going to show up soon but I want to hear how is everybody’s Halloween um did you all go trick-or-treating parents did you implement candy tax if

So what do you collect from your kiddos the kiddos in your life um for candy tacks kid-free for a week yay um yeah lemon you changed it you’re amazing so we’ve got stickers I don’t know if you can official member of the Great Lakes crew a Great Lakes girl decal

And we have our Polaris SMP decal the only ones the only design I didn’t get anything of was the innocent ubu Angel but I have to figure out what I want to stick these on um I was the introverted kid that had a Sticker Collection which was just a

Three-ring binder it with like the baseball card protective sleeves full of stickers instead of baseball cards that I never put on anything because they were special raise your hand if you were the introverted kid that collected stickers and they were too nice to put on anything you may have

Grown up into an introverted adult that collects pretty notebooks that are too pretty to write in like I wish this merch store offered notebooks so I could get Great Lakes girl notebooks um this is the cadet hat like organic cotton Cadet hat it fits amazing I’m not

Gonna put it on right now Lisa Frank stickers yes and the puffy ones um and the ones with glitter all of that I collect oil cans they still have oil in them better nice lemon um so I plan to just keep this one like basically with me at all time but it’s

Got the really nice um back that I like I don’t like the kind with the plastic with the holes because I have a small head and Tiny T-Rex arms um I like this one because it’s slide adjustable and then it hides the strap under this level here and I like this profile

Better too so like your trucker hats look ridiculous on me I like this Cadet style um I will probably be getting this in all sorts of colors and designs um and then I can show you some of the shirts that I got and maybe we’ll get more soon

But you guys have to make sure you go get those Polaris S P T-Shirts um really pretty design I think they did a great job and I tried everything on um and I would say it’s either slim like fits slim like pay attention to their fit and their sizes on their website

Um you love that player’s design that’s just the first this is the summer of Polaris design there’s going to be lots more Polaris s p designs um this is an athletic tank top I believe this is the women’s version of Steve the great arms Guy this is oh this

Is not the right screen so of this guy this is the women’s version of this shirt um we’ll turn him off um whatever material this is it’s super silky like cool to the touch um because it’s an athletic tank top and I really liked this mint green color

They had like a really soft pale peach color um right lightning tank um this is the unisex organic Terry hoodie um it’s very thin um it feels like sweatshirt material but it’s like long sleeve design with these really great straps and these little metal what are these called somebody in chat

Will remember what these are called um poglets or something like that aglets thank you we’re gonna call them poglets here on the Great Looks girl channel um this is fabulous I will probably get more of these great for those two days that feel like fall in Michigan right when I’m forced

To like leave the house and experience outside air egglets and then I have two other hoodies this is also the unisex design um I don’t remember what it’s called but it’s like the asymmetrical um neckline it’s really hard to hold up but it has the the Rope straps to the side um

And instead of having the kangaroo pocket it’s got like sideways Pockets this is more of a dude sweatshirt you got that one lemon um I like it I’m still trying to figure out like how it would best wear the Rope thingies but it’s got like a I think

It’s a faux leather but it feels and looks like leather on the end of the ropes um I thought it was a little tighter on my neck so you’ll have to let me know how you think lemon because I want to hear like straight feedback from everybody if you

Like this stuff if you like how the printing looked because this was kind of my keyway batch but I was too excited about the merch to like wait to get it before I shared the link with you guys so let me know if the QA is not good for

You or what you do love and what’s your favorite and then finally I got the um in white the official Great Lakes crew sweatshirts this is the two-tone hoodie I think it was also the unisex um really nice strings and I thought this was super cool it does have the kangaroo

Pouch I did not know it had this it’s got a cell phone pouch which I might not be able to do on camera it’s a little slim but I have the biggest iPhone that they offer right now and I think I can just about I was able to get it in there earlier

It holds the cell phone in a in a vertical pocket as part of the kangaroo pocket so I don’t know if you all can I’m holding this upright if you can see that there’s my cell phone um so I look forward to wearing that um and I thought this design looked

Really good on the white we’ll see how well it washes and if it turns pink in my wash as all my like half of my white stuff turns pink don’t know why I don’t wash any red things um so I’m very very excited you guys and

I hope I know some of you have gotten merch I know everybody that has ordered something so far it has all shipped lemon’s in another country so he’s Gotta Wait like Customs has to make sure that he ordered clothing and not drugs you know because you never you never can tell um

But who here’s ordered stuff let me know if you’re excited what kind of designs you’d like to see but I’m super excited um so I’m just gonna put these they’re sewn into the seams what color is your detergent I bought blue detergent that turned uh it’s like a pale white

It’s not dyed it’s like free and clear no fragrance no dyes um I don’t know it could mean my ancient disgusting washing dry that came with my house um like the dryer came with a bunch of dead birds and I have a feeling there’s a bunch of dead birds still in it

But let me put these to the side so I’m not knocking them over um while we’re playing here tonight tuck these right behind the new Great Lakes girl computer so how is everybody doing let’s jump in to the game uh make sure great the great arms guy Steve is not here uh but

Welcome in welcome in we’ve of course got Lem cam up here um I think is this the right corner nope this is the right corner I will I will someday get used to like pointing to where things are um I don’t know how like whether people

Do it and they’re like and then the main front comes in It’s Gonna push across but uh is this dead bird orange yeah yeah maybe everybody’s like you like yeah it was many dead birds um they were not like I’m gonna keep telling the story even though this is gross they were not

Um uh now I can’t think of the word they weren’t like rotting or anything whatever the word is for that um decomposing they were desiccated they were completely dried out it was like a whole bunch of taxidermied Birds well there’s a lemon here should

We say hi to our lemon but we are here on the sky vaults world I’m sorry don’t leave don’t leave we’re here on the sky vaults world a dehydrated yeah yeah they were very desiccated Birds um we’re gonna play sky vaults with lemon let me unmute chat so we can hear him

Hello lemon hello hey let’s just dealing with the episode I don’t believe it’s like I need to know more about these dried out Birds but I also don’t want to know more about the Triumph Birds um what’s over here oh yeah we have some art so we we like worked on this world

For a couple hours the other day I think on Saturday um one of the things that I unlocked had bridges in it so we get to replace a lot of our bridges with really cool ones which I’m excited about and uh that’s a a Stargate SG-1 Java staff weapon

Lightning team quick are you alive oh you are good I should get you some Vault gear at some point you love the dining room set this is this is from the r lemon collection it’s only available in Birch yeah it was new this fall it’ll be here again in the

Spring I was thinking of extending it into the summer all Birch all the time all Birch all the time do you like how I moved um one of the lily pads all right so we can quickly cross the river in one Leap did you make it kinda kinda he says

Uh and then I’m gonna show everybody what else we did off stream on Saturday or was that Sunday I think Sunday we played um oh there’s a hole in the floor but we redid the storage room uh lemon had taken pretty pipes so now we have the pretty pipes storage system

Um we’ve got sections here where we can line all these barrels with the Poopers that we find in the vault until they are dead and as soon as they put like extract a resource into the barrel it immediately gets sucked into the system uh or flushed if you will if we’re going

With the analogy foreign there’s a dude here somewhere There’s a Zombie upstairs we’re downstairs um so we’ve got tons of these barrels that are just filled with all the things that we put in the system so that uh hopefully we never fill these up like the back row doesn’t have any at

All yet which is nice how do you get a village in the Sky Block uh so normally you’d have to probably the best way to do it would be to capture a zombie villager like build a mob farm and get a zombie villager um let’s get a stone nope I’m gonna type

It down here I’ll never get used to that um so if you’ve never used pretty pipes it’s a really great early game storage system to connect all of your resources now you can type in both oh awesome uh let’s say gold no it doesn’t let me type in both

You should be able to take from the top one turn on J I synchronize it was on and then it wasn’t working so I just turned it off and turned it back on again that’s always a good place so we were able to move like our vault gear over here

Um Regular year I think lemon was attempting to get this to auto feed so that’s still under construction trying to figure out if that’s gonna work or not it’ll work I’ve just I’ve this is my first time using pretty pipes it’s like the one Vault Hunters mod that I’ve never touched

Great thank you for the creeper I did go looking around um I have to remember not to Auto sort this Barrel because a few of the barrels we all have watched my streams at all this is how I like doing my my inventories that don’t Auto sort like

An RS and stuff like that thanks for the lurk Creed uh but yeah mordik if you can capture a zombie villager and cure them that’s gonna be the best way to get villagers also if you somehow are able to make a treasure room key there’s often villagers in Treasure rooms but that’s

Going to be your most expensive way to get to get villagers uh Rosie thank you very much now we’ve got shinies to open up um which we we can just do here and feed right into the thing um I’ll work those away they were so you could have some while you were opening

In Chinese let’s give some candy to lemon and then I will eat these oh you’re bruising like that um so the reason the trick-or-treat Rich day to get Halloween candy mom’s sitting here trying to feed you carrots they’re the raisins of Minecraft we have a number of normal crystals I did move

I did create a uh catalystic decryption table so both lemon and I can safely look at Crystals and catalysts without accidentally pulling them off the Anvil which I definitely haven’t done yet and lemon definitely hasn’t done yet so don’t worry about it um um but yeah I say we oh that’s what I

Was gonna suggest Oh Hell Fire Hellfire and his stacking um let’s just should we warm up with a scrappy before we uh here let’s do that well you’re gonna grab one because we’ll have to Gear Up um but I want to hear from everyone else

How are they doing lemon did you and the partner handout um candy last night to trick-or-treaters did you go to parties parties and Thumbelina with the dudes thank you guys again for the recipes uh no no we turned off all the lights and she watched a movie and I saw it on my

Computer at work and we pretended we we weren’t home That was Halloween um lemon I accidentally put a thing on the thing but I don’t burn it that’s gonna be hot it’s why is it cooking Rosie took your kids trick-or-treating ah Lemon look it baked off one of the obelisks it says record owl is 10. yeah just put it back on that is cursed thing like my hands are a little like oh it’s painful right now do you have tags on like uh the f3h yeah yeah it’s now tagged raw meat that’s amazing

Oh it is food slash meat slash raw um I did it again now it says nine obelisks we could kill a boss we could kill a boss we could Vault me there’s there’s Vault everything else so why not um So speaking of Vault everything else who’s excited for season three oh

I’m very excited for season two of Polaris same same but I I I’m super excited for season three of the official s p i wonder how many times we can bake this thing while we’re chatting so isgel published the list of everyone who’s officially on it

Um I am not did you just throw it on the Fire no it popped off and didn’t go anywhere yeah it down to eight now it’s baking off obelisks times if we get it to zero I don’t know do we know when season two of players are starting so iskal has said

Um season three for the official Vault Hunters SMP is starting this Saturday November 5th um and I’ll tell you about our plans for that in a minute but he has also said that the public release of Vault Hunters 1.18 will be a couple weeks after that and that’s an

Isca like soon TM time um depending on how many giant bugs they find on the official s p because they’d rather squash them and have a delayed release for the public than release something with giant bugs it’s down to seven I’m gonna keep going we need like something they’re free yeah

Why not like why not um so as soon as the public release comes out it’s going to take us a couple hours and by us I mean lemon um because I’ll be like go let me go and have nothing to do with it um false is back that’s right

Um in fact I posted the screenshot in our Discord so if you all are members of the Great Lakes crew Discord um in the general Channel it says six let me see that is so exciting dare we won’t it won’t go back on the Fire

I’ll go back on the fire I guess we can only go down to six oh um but let’s see so is Scout starting at 9 00 a.m Eastern on Saturday normally we start at 10 A.M Eastern and he he’s usually starts around 2 p.m Eastern but he’s starting really early for a full

Day of streaming so I’m gonna get up early I’m gonna get up early and there may not be a camera will depend it’ll depend on if it’s like it’s gonna feel like Christmas I may not be able to sleep um but I say we start around 7 A.M Eastern

And we play Vault hunters for two hours lemon is always awake so I’m sure he’ll be around um and we’ll rate iscal we rated iskau in Season Two started we rate it we rated is gal for any time that there’s a big Vault Hunters event we have streamed and

Then rated this scale so I want to keep that tradition alive even though it’s going to be really really early in the morning so be sure that you guys are here 7 A.M while you’re eating your coffee cake and reading your newspaper or whatever people do in the mornings um

7 A.M Saturday 7 A.M Eastern so we will we will be right here I’ve changed the schedule on Twitch um yeah there’s lots of new people we have iskel stress CPK h-bomb Captain puffy is coming back uh chosen architect uh is joining the s p um Captain Sparkles is coming back Cara

Corvus is new Abe uh it’s Ryan Higa tubbo’s coming back five up is coming back Pizza Hut Zine and false symmetry is back and then Harry is coming onto the server as well so lots of new people Harry’s busy Saturday though oh well he’s in he’s a member of the server

He had a great tweet where is scale talked in his chat like this this man be insane he’s like that’s when is Gail invited me to the server um how do I sleep before then right it’s gonna be like like Christmas Eve yeah you tried to put it on again yeah

Oh now it’s going on I was trying I was right clicking with my whole little heart um Abe and Ryan will be a fun Duo to watch I don’t know either one of them so I’m looking forward to seeing the new people I’m pretty much going to be parked in

Front of my computer all day Saturday with snacks and delivery um can we get this all the way down to three Um it turned into a vault Rock no that’s a vault Crystal it’s kind of on vault Crystal or in the thing um oops I I guess we should go bake another one down to six so don’t go past six okay you hear from the Netherlands welcome in thank you so much

Uh Pete versus chosen for the try hardest Award right Ryan Higa the OG YouTuber I I don’t know I don’t know a lot of these names I know chosen and then I know people that were on the Vault Hunters SMP season two that like were there briefly like um

Captain puffy I think ran like two vaults um and there’s a few of them that I don’t recognize but it’ll be it’ll be fun really good it’ll be really fun yeah um I’m excited to see that many more people um Pete and Falls were like Echo Hunters

Last time as well as Zine CPK all right I guess we could bake like keep baking that while we Gear Up I mean there’s no reason why we can’t do this oh are you grabbing four of them Well I guess we can open these down here I’m just so used to opening these on the other side always baking up lists off a good thing so we can actually fight the boss we haven’t been able to do that yet oh oh your thing needed bones in this it was

Like sure here you go Oh I thought it was like did you just throw sand at me no I didn’t get any sand at those and then everything else this barrel down here puts things directly into the system which is really nice um so yeah 7 A.M Eastern I’m gonna I’ll

Have my Red Bull and my Great Lakes girl hoodie and some pajama pants and we will we’ll play Vault Hunters until we see escal go live and then we will raid him and uh have a really good time doing that together excited uh well that’s that’s a new thing there um

What it flashes the names of people I don’t want to see when they follow um we’re just gonna ban you there kiddo but thank you for the emeralds we appreciate you being here thanks for thanks for playing the game not reading that username out loud oh well

So let me see I gotta make sure I have the right 5 AM Mountain well you can watch on your phone like set an alarm and just turn on your phone and lay in bed and just listen to the sultry tones of Great Lakes girl on our lemon

Lemon’s like don’t bring me into this I’m gonna spend the next two days trying to figure out how to sound sultry I’m here Theory lemon yeah you’re gonna get two words out and they go like full Canadian yeah I was just thinking is a Zamboni sultry

Maybe I mean we put salt on ice what if uh Sun zero for four months thank you so much you’re a dude now we gotta put you in the box of dudes with the other dudes welcome in oh that’s your first time putting all of that on terrible yeah

Uh so what else did we do off stream that I was gonna show you guys um I saw it and then I said oh I should mention this so we did pretty pipes where did I see it um the bridges oh oh oh oh I remember oh yeah the the pink block

No this black oh there’s crystals all over the place all right one of them’s an eight the rest are tens this is so cursed uh I don’t know if anyone knows lemon died like six times trying to get another work so I was like we really really need another word and um I

Finally just I spent the whole time getting um mending and Unbreaking for our elytra and I flew over to the part of the Fortress that had this dug in grabbed the stuff flew back out and lemon’s like oh that works too so don’t mind me I’m Gonna Die four more

Times while I try and get out right oh my client did not like me throwing a nug at you well it’s good good morning to you how are you doing happy Wednesday uh we’re getting ready to go so yeah we’ve got we’ve got another wart now which I’ve been jumping um

So let me just finish cooking these uh crystals here I think the one should be done after this um but we can start making as many potions as we want which is really exciting in fact let’s get these two cooking because there’s a full batch we can cook

Ash welcome in why are you called legs here let me tell you uh early on in season one I was in chat a lot for iskow when for fall Hunters first came out I got chosen as Eternal number four and um chat realized that when it when iskal

Says my name out loud he says Great Lakes girl he pronounces it like great legs girl and I messaged him to say you know thank you about the about the Eternal thing that really made my day I was you know just got laid off was have been super down about that and yeah

Started with that guy um but thank you so much because that really cheered me up during a really bad week and by the way Chad thinks you’re calling me great legs girl and he was like well it’s been my pleasure you know it’s so fun I’m loving the new eternals

Also like that’s your name from now on so if if iskal or someone else like that gives you a nickname you roll with it yeah at least I’m in the wrong chest plate there it is although this one’s almost dead oh probably because I don’t have

One breaking on it I think this one’s worth plating if we have enough plates oh no lemon I wasn’t watching the fire I burnt one of them the most unnecessary interaction ever right like and I’m so happy it’s here I want to eat one like what do they taste like

The problem is is eating and clicking the portal take the same button Oh that’s oh no imagine if you had a uh gluttony charm hahaha your hype for the new season with new Hunters me too you can eat them I want to eat them um oh plating’s done here plating is in here

We don’t have very many plates I’m gonna take a couple plates and if I was potion I think they follow mystery boxes um super excited for season three and oh yeah super super hyped for the next season of Polaris oh so when you right click to clear the

Input on the crafting terminal yeah you have to like click out of it and then click back into it before you can type again oh thank you tacticals all right so we’ve got three three baked crystals with six apples we can kill bosses so we should make sure that we’re bringing in some

Oh what are they called whoa thanks for the candy tacticals most of it’s candy we’re gonna put those away for now though um I guess I’ll put these in here oh we want one of them though okay gotta gear up I have to remember how to do this

Um there’s three health potions for you in the Brewer oh yeah I got a couple on me okay I’m taking three with me just a scrappy little boat though yeah but we can actually murder a boss in this one which will be exciting um I have eight Pearls do you need any

Um yes I will give you half are we going to do rules on these fight the bosses ones should we check I think we should there’s there’s still scrappies yeah so excited you’ll have to post pictures of it in the Discord well last mindset was it was at the

Border and so that could that could mean that it’ll be here tomorrow or in a week because sometimes they just like stop updating you at that point I’m going to do a prediction will we defeat the the scrappy boss oh we’re okay I need to bring Power Bars

Then yeah so I’ll give you guys two minutes to vote on this to vote on this I said vote that’s not the word I wanted Rosie you got your merch there is a um March show-off channel in the Discord so be sure you guys post there either just pictures of it if you

Don’t want to show yourself um or you know if if you can do a selfie in your merch that would be amazing I feel like I’m missing something so I need building blocks I’ve got this this goes here I have my power bars Pickering yeah I guess I can risk one

Since we’ve got two um magnet XP bottles um do you have your soul Shard pouch I do do you have a pixel uh yes all right you have yeah I guess that’s good oh I do have XP models my one bag is full of a lot of

Stuff oh you know what I do need I need my Yvonne and the building blocks are up front I have hearty apples I have gapples and you got the crystal right I have the crystal s are you gonna accept are you gonna accept the party possible complete um

Yeah so you guys you guys vote in the prediction 30 seconds left on the prediction all right I’m super excited to see like all the changes that they’re bringing to it are you gonna show off the platformer block or what’s going on over here oh yeah because like this is something I’ve

Never seen anybody use before neither um so this is the platformer black and this is part of the which one Platformers uh deck it’s in The Decorator mod um platform mod so I was like oh you know I took this so I could get camera and and lower the price of everything

Else and so I made this thing and we can like put stuff here you can pick any two blocks and I don’t know if you all can see this and it just makes these different things what is this that’s a frame Savory be gentle welcome in but you gotta be

Gentle like let’s make it thanks and so we had stone with the um with the flowers and it’s a little glitchy where it connects to other things and then when you look at it of course it’s showing you all the different maybe an F1 it looks better oh that that

No Alter Ego thank you for the trick-or-treating um but it can build all these ramps and lemon actually did some like because it suggests just Oak in the beginning it says it goes Oak the only thing we can make so we’ve got these cool like this made

Me think of like when they’re building the pyramids and they’ve got the the ramps all over so really cool block all these different things ramps um risers handrails uh that’s the actual platform that’s floor pieces so you can build like really cool Bridges and platforms and such with

Whatever combination of blocks that you want um what was that thank you Ash lots of trick-or-treating you thought it was tic-tac-toe game yeah Savory be gentle please um so for those of you that didn’t see we’re we put a scrappy Crystal on the campfire and uh everybody else playing Sky vulture

Mileage may vary on that go ahead and try though it’s fun so I say we uh we’re in a party we only have 10 minutes on this six obvious 12 and a half right 12 and a half basically yeah and so I see some color yeah he looks alive

Yeah there’s no time to if we go for a boss I saw all right it is not after life are we are we what is it what is it did you just throw the void no I put it back into the system it’s barefoot it’s very

My skin pants off that sounds so wrong my skin pants I have to take my skin pants off so that it looks like I am Barefoot in the game don’t worry buddy we understand now we understand he’s not wearing skin pants either yeah he took this off a long time ago

Don’t you hate pants don’t you just hate pants um is it a custom recipe lemon says no levos for cooking Scrappy crystals it it is a series of them is this something that you would be able to share for anybody that wanted to test it out before season three or vh118

Comes out yeah 100 okay maybe we’ll have to see how possible that is Ms Nelly welcome in with the slide dab all right um this is a baked Scrappy we’re gonna go for it did you top it with the good Parmesan this time because you know the last time

You put the cheap mozzarella on and it’s just ruined it this one I I paid the extra 99 Cents for loaded so it’s got the sour cream the cheese the bacon the chives like it’s a loaded big Scrappy that’s It’s gotta be a lemon zesty special Oh I got a crystals zesty lemons no make them get funnier as they go along and then at the end just have it be in a bond Vault crystal that’s amazing she’s gonna like people leave but like laugh the whole way all right seven news now to see if this actually works

I don’t see why I wouldn’t all right I’m leaving a thing hey there’s our first one all right I’m going north I’m going east so don’t don’t uh cheat of the vault as it were ow I think we started cheating the ball at the moment we started cooking crystals

Like that we’re baking Crystal God I forget that there’s trapped um yeah I went in here there’s not oh I really want to get this room but whatever okay I’m like reading chat instead of like walked face first into a zombie all right hitting number two oh

Yeah as soon as we get all the beginning like rush through get the mall and then we can wait yeah As I open chests okay same okay so going east to see another one up ahead I’m surprised you haven’t seen any oh there’s one oh he created me I lied I did not see one on the head he’s so cursed Chad how do you feel about this do you think

Do you feel wearing boots with the new new season coming out like Vault hunters in a week or not even a full week yeah I figured now it’s a good Italians I need to have fun oh yeah oh yeah for sure like and this is we’ve already beaten the final fall

And hopefully we’ll find a good room to fight in an aquarium would be perfect yeah that’d be actually ideal just stop it I’m trying to like read chat all right two more it’s always good like I feel like the Looting is the boss crates at this point yeah yeah

Like we just speed run a bunch of today Omega key piece what go let’s go you got your merch shoe Savory amazing oh bird cage room I haven’t seen one of these on the circle yet oh hi oh you’re in here too yeah I’ll let you take it these guys

What was going on through here what am I taking oh this room oh I was just letting you have the room I’m just mowing oh I’m not posing on through I’m not gonna um I was just gonna keep going to find a good uh classroom yeah sabriel you’ll have to let me know

If the sizing matches what you what your impression of the sizing was going to be oh how dare you shoot me jerk face you get the Vault now he crit shot me and everything’s fine cow stop shooting me when evil lemon’s trying to get me it’s very rude

Evil elevens will trying to murder you for like four or five months now what right all right we still need two more obelisks seven minutes to go I’d like to have plenty of time in case he’s like tanky Two months from Lord Billy thank you so much two months let’s go let’s go thank you every time I try to heal up I’ve got a dude in my pocket we have to win Pogo petting the lemon ow spider no I think we’re both doing the same time

Yeah we’re definitely both doing the same side of the Vault here yeah well I was trying to follow like a normal pattern yeah but I went North so I went East I went East so I went South here I might have to go up here to

Um heal okay take a minute to heal here do I open these and risk explodifying open them from another room how’s that sound oh that’s scary all right I go east one and then I go south one foreign I’m gonna hit one okay so the next one I’ll do it

No looting okay like we really really cannot lose next time six obelisks in 12 and a half minutes is rough even with the small vaults we don’t move that fast right I should have brought candy bars I don’t even think of that I might have some in my backpack but like

At this point goody no ow goody stop it yeah I definitely don’t have one on me not having boots is like a problem all right we’re gonna have to start heading back to the exit Zone okay foreign so much Creeper explosion crap in my inventory

Let’s turn off my magnet and throw it on the ground you’ve probably picked up some of mine from a hallway actually probably yeah I’m just kind of running a line on my way back so hitting hard without boots on oh dude and that’s the bottom of the Vault all

Right I’ve done the entire Southern half I’m gonna head back to the exit that’s too bad the Believers are gonna be upset sorry Believers all right we have to make sure we’re on the right half of the Vault next time oh let’s trade this I’ve got a dude I’m rescuing though that’s fun

Oh I thought I turned fov effects off but that might have been the other instance All right the exit was on the west side of the Vault yeah I was just checking the room behind oops and everything’s fine oh two minutes we gotta Hustle ow stop hitting me sorry Believers all right I’m here we tried we tried exit we’ll let lemon get it

Did you get the glitch where it’s six hours instead of 11. no apparently we lemon made them a zesty zesty crystals so we we baked them on the campfire and burned off some of the obelisks what a glitch like this just for fun Lord Billy thank you again for the two months

That’s amazing I’m gonna add you to the box of dudes there you go if you get too greedy you don’t want to get too greedy no so I say we don’t um loot oh my God a hundred percent of you believed in US 4 700 Channel points

Choose outcome no way there is zero nobody voted for no there were no rage two Hunters [Laughter] how dare we believe right Thumbelina I believed in myself okay hear this so I’ll just dilute while we wait for lemon you tried hard not to believe oh Here okay we tried so hard to kill my boss alrighty then that stuff we want to see I just couldn’t say no to looting I know it’s like all we do though is is loot that was food Okie dokie okie dokie um new energy drink and an egg and an egg oh like an egg in real life well I mean you could have put him on the I thought you might like to rename them and look at the their back and everything

Um who wants to be our first pooper of the evening and we can technically rename the other one but it’s almost dead peace that Ash says me I need your Java name quick change this game to Vault looters right it’s empty this one all right oh I got

One too an iskal with diorite yeah that’s actually weighted to be higher yeah I know same as twitch okay this one is Ash 4459 nice I like the ibe and the uh is that a gold tooth or a cigarette that cannot be unseen a cigarette oh that’s a nice skin it’s pretty

Look at the rainbow like paint drops all the way around sorry Ash your skin is very lovely as well yes yes pastel you John constant Constantine it is a cigarette get all this stuff Halloween it’s one of those Popeye cigarettes iron pop these dirt I’m trying my best not to like bring

Back stuff that we won’t want to open another Pickering let’s go we got a book graph is here oh we should we should show graph look graph watch watch this crap hey grass look I got a scrappy Crystal says oh no right right started with your mum nice

I tried that and got really mad at Haley and kept accidentally are you gonna eat it I wanted to eat it no apparently that’s really difficult no because if you check it’s still raw yeah well you can eat the raw food um and now after baking it once it’s

Only 10 obelisks are required and we can go all the way down to six let me finish putting stuff away that a new Pickering and a new spoon and some I’m gonna put this new pick ring in the system so if you ever look what are you talking about a graph this

Is this is vanilla cake Villanova Constantine on Legends of Tomorrow have been binging his stuff ever since I don’t know who that is Ken welcome in if you if you’ve never cooked yourself a rock on a campfire right have you really lived ooh drawers there we go yeah at six it

Becomes a lemon zesty special I’m gonna have to ask Steve to put that on the menu don’t forget your boots oh yeah and you’re in your pants Chinese what did we get that nice all right let me that’s baking up but we’ve got another

One we can run my boots are over here so let me go grab my boots but how are y’all doing how was Halloween for you guys um if you guys dressed up I want to see pictures in the Discord um Chesapeake’s doing okay what do I need right now I need

To put anything in the bag I did not we’ve got crystals over there I should put my skin legs back on let’s see what our next challenge is bring me flowers we have to come back with a orange hat that’s the side this is my favorite yeah

So yeah graph we baked it down so there’s only six left if you like Keanu Reeves movies you’ll probably like Constantine oh okay so excited about season two of yeah season three of the official s p starts on Saturday and then season two of Polaris which is not confusing at all we’ll start

Um when the public release comes out so it’ll take lemon a couple hours to get the server up and running um and I’d like to at least know that it’s a decent seed I was gonna say 90 of that’s gonna be me running please so once we have that date 20 minutes to

Do the server and then two and a half hours to find a seat yeah all right we’re in a party um you know what I never even summoned my eternal novel um neither did I put my magnet on oh I need blocks this time because I

Only brought one block with or like one Pearl a singular black you like my shirt why thank you uh what’s going on there we go yeah so head on over to the merch store Dennis gallery to say what mod they’re using for train it’s called tearless and it’s very very cool

Um oh thank you for the candy so the thing is like I’ve looked into teralith and you can edit the train generation oh cool and um you could search seeds now no but this is what I’m saying is like you can edit the the way the train generates through Terror lift

Um especially if you’re having other mods or if you go into the configs um so I could run seats but I’m gonna do another boss prediction so bet your channel points I have no idea if those seeds are actually going to have the same generation yeah like I’ve

Been saving seeds I’ve been running seats I have like a file full of them think iscal might have some customization who knows like they might not but like we won’t know until we check it out Joe fox actually would need all the mods added to if a mod adds a biome the whole

Biome app will change so there shouldn’t be modded Biomes no but if a mod Alters the biome distribution that’s true so like if they had a mod that adds towns or cities um cool it’s it’s yeah it’s going to change the terror lift generation there yeah but welcome in Joe

Joe Fox like on uh You’ve Got Mail Tom Hanks in Meg Ryan it’s my favorite like Comfort movie when I’m sick stay home on the couch and watch that oh X and has anyone else asked you if that is what your name is from all right I am ready I am ready

Oh you also might encounter my name in the next season are you one of the new devs f-o-x says Rosie well let’s go 7-0 I want oh you are amazing well welcome in I don’t have a Dev tank on uh this world we had a Dev tank on our official uh

Normal server yeah I’m gonna go south you’re going south okay I’m going north straight for the uh straight for the obelisks yeah yeah don’t leak anything only iscal gets to leak stuff and only how far gets to tease him about it so can you confirm whether or not dowski is

The secret fifth falcon as I lose something I hit noblist so I figured it earned me like opening the chest in front of me the chest got in my way so it just begged me I know I tripped on it I tripped on it I’m a dowsky truther I for

A long time now I believe that dowski is the secret they’re not leaks they’re um exclusive previews there’s dowski let’s murder him okay oh Gmail sir but Joe that’s really exciting to have you here I’m uh I’ve got quite a few Easter eggs in the code but I’m very very happy about

I don’t know if my artifact is still going to be in there but oh that’s Sam turn around I’ve read oh thank you almost all of them and uh yeah that’s fun all right we need three more I’ve done three I’m not all right so I was going north which

Means I now need to go east oh there’s an evil lemon Eva Lemon die all right crage for an aquarium room we want some Vault Sushi boss action open it let’s go let’s go oops any of the boss crates full of goodies I got one you got one finally

Yeah I’m I’m super hyped welcome to the VH Dev team by the way foreign I found a sushi room but it doesn’t have an obelisk I believe he is okay well answer is a good answer I don’t know if that works in this context but well thank you for coming in thank you

For the alert and good luck this weekend with running everything hopefully all the things around the way they’re supposed to run yeah about that Tempo getting 10 like a hundred thousand booster packs on his first Moma on stream that’s probably been figured out this time around ow I gotta stop reading chat

Oh thank you and exciting bugs that uh all right I gotta pick up this emeralds you sent me did I get them I did I did thank you for the emeralds welcome in I kept W the janitor God yeah oh you’ve been in here dang it ‘ll go fine

I’ll be bugs there always are but yep are you um I kind of did yeah like the East half and then I’m doing like instead of going north or sorry South I think I went East so we’re gonna be overlapping a little bit yeah should I head West

Um I kind of skipped over a girl I think we should be okay and we only need two more about seven and a half minutes oh you might go swap cool down just a bit yeah I might have to switch to my chalky bars check face baby all right

Leaking outside of the Vault I think it’s not screwed up kind of thing ah I went to Dash and jumped over a hole and my Dash wasn’t ready so I fell in the hole yeah that’s like a professional Hunter and he’s still a lot more cool down

Oh I got one I got one excellent not a great room to play in though so I’m just gonna hit it okay um yellow nylium room oh a lot of great costume oh but I think but I think you would have been there I skipped over one and then I started

Doing like the outside of the ball so many witches ah you’ve been here foreign stuff has exploded okay yeah we gotta go west my inventory is full of trash because this desert room exploded apparently yeah I think I had a dude in there oh geez I’m glad I didn’t see him

Care of his way ahead he would have he spawned with me I’m gonna move all the way west from here I’m on the main line okay we need to start bringing barrels again thank you all right which half of the West side are you doing are you doing the north

Half or the South half um I’m starting with the sofa okay I’ll go north at the end of the West line I see a sparkle Sparkle I don’t know if it’s done or not yet though ouch sir oh it’s a lava room I’ve got a blue Apple I’m lava proof

You can fight in here sure you send me chords yeah oh I found a giant tree room do you want that one instead yes please okay now sir baby find a chest I can dump this trash in it works over dang it I just wanted to dump trash not make

More trash literally the room over are you that’s good okay I I need a second so I can put this away and get out my there’s a chest all right please don’t blow up or be poison or a matcha thank you all right oh I forgot flowers I’ll keep this

Flower if it ended up in my inventory oh my power bars Apple thingies um I am ready if you are we got three minutes you ready the four more guys seven uh yeah okay Soul Blaze oh my God thank you for the Enderman oh my God I might die are you hitting him

Wow all right you know what I need I need Pickering so I can hit him with the grain oh he’s chase me boys almost dead yes let’s go Foreign we did it we got the boss you got the crate um yes just one and okay and there’s a crystal on the phone let me take off my magnet oh I got a flower did you get a flower I got a bunch put that back on the fire

Um which one do I want Okay so here is where can we put these please Angelica hey oh my God GG’s GLG here you go believers I’m glad to see that we’re ratio Hunters this time because y’all lost a lot of points last time actually I want to stretch it you wanna

Switch it okay Okay you’re like this flyer sucks did we get this well okay chat which ones are gonna be where to see who people like we’re gonna happen I will give you guys um two minutes who has the best flower vote in the poll mine is right here on the

Right lemons is on the left this is so mean it’s so mean oh this one’s got 36. so you gotta vote give them away gotta vote legs right here on um put the crystal in the campfire and cooked obelisks off of it yeah how do you kill a boss of a scrappy

Vault it’s a lemon zesty vault uh seats only requires six obelisks every time we bake it on the campfire it uh baked it like Burns off one of those obelisks taking my head lemon I don’t know what you’re talking about all right everybody I need a Java username who wants to be

There’s our boss crate a Hellfire pooper who poops we could have technically gotten an artifact um ooh a full catalyst we got a vault sword you go sling I don’t know what you’re pooping all right and blue rose I’m gonna copy that one yeah okay nice skin you were giving a power six

Bow book oh I’ve got one I have a got to pooping prismarine we need another another username here unless you all want to look at got to in his tie-dye whities please somebody give a username Joe are you still here what’s your username Hey Joe all right our new

I just got an email from YouTube saying you can now choose your YouTube handle it’s your Twitch name Joe Fox with an e foreign tanks what why’d you take it I want to see the skin oh you’ve got a ponytail very cool my old skin had a ponytail um um

Oh I won the flower game what do I win just everybody’s loving respect all right uh what can I get rid of here tg’s lemon on the flowers are pretty void Stone let’s keep that that’s pretty Oh goodness I know the character foreign thanks for the shinies I want to say it was ah what was that movie um Road to El Dorado that’s what where I’ve seen him rodel Dorado it’s been forever since I’ve seen that movie trying to all right if we pop these by Lemon were

You not wearing oh no those are Vault boots I thought you weren’t wearing boots for a second no sand no sand Fault crystals that’s that gold Nice that was a good one yeah these Scrappy crystals are turning out really good I don’t know what happened also looking through my pocket we can just keep just keep it just keep just keep going why not why the unnecessary step of having to cook it down six times on a campfire because

That’s my answer it’s fine don’t worry about it everything’s fine how’s my chest plate another three I’ve been on a cake to make to make everything in Minecraft useful again yes Joe I agree about Atlantis Peter thank you for the lyric welcome in I was thinking Atlantis or what’s the

Other one with the flying boats maybe that’s Atlantis no that was the the Treasure Island yeah yeah I like that one too a nice music disc for next time that one comes up and the rest oh I gotta put Jill back here uh you’re pooping here Joe

What did I go there I’m interested to see all the changes they make in the new version actually always made in Atlanta out and everything might be something for the future I do but I have my hands super full yeah you’re gonna be super busy for a while but I think you’re

Gonna have a lot of fun lemon you get two borders foreign Stargate would be would be the mod that that has Us Port to other dimensions I probably will because I’ve looked at the the RF tools Dimensions code it’s not that bad oh there’s the sand for you

Nice and I sucked it up too yeah like I totally sucked up the sand and left the iron that’s amazing sand here okay um I guess we can start checking those in the system um I would like to bring some barrels that I can leave in that is wrong there

Oh my magnet on my Hotbar turn it on and off eat items right right how rude yeah I’m gonna clean it up later I’m gonna sort by the lowest number or server by mod and then pull it up okay okay I just figure it’s easier to dump that one clean it up later

Um one thing I really want to do so Bailey’s be able to start up and ride one of those flying Atlantean fishies paired with your necklace yeah but the crystal necklace um I just want to make a little cooler than uh Avatar where you control them with your tail thingies

I just want to make a Stargate portal but then when it does like the wooshy open it’s all blocks yeah and not use like real textures just have like actual blocks Steve for 20 months oh my God what what who does stuff Steve did a twitch baby for 20 months

Gestation period’s a little off like I’m an elephant what can I say um or a blue whale I don’t know yeah everybody knows the subscribers subscriber carries oh uh you might want to live your adrenal oh light dank you died did you unalive sir

All right do you want to get our next uh challenge while I do this no I’m staring at oh there’s a corpse at the sausage tree oh there’s a corpse at the sausage tree [Laughter] You know it’s a sentence that just happened that’s quotable somebody’s got to do the quote thing there’s a course at the sausage tree worshiper what was worshiper again uh we must do uh God alter one one between the parents you don’t have to do two God altars each no

That’s you all right Scrappy boss two minutes and we’ve got to do the altar all right let’s watch out didn’t vote we gotta do an altar so that’s gonna be tough because like if we do a Time altar that pretty much does in the boss yeah yeah

Um and oh grab XP bottles if you don’t have them I have a couple stacks in my my suck winner if I finally lose this because I’ve got a bunch of Idols oh my my Yvonne level up weakness immunity poison immunity that’s right mining fatigue Community nice

This would be hard with killing the boss right yeah wendar could really hurt us for our our Kill the Boss Challenge so Gamba your points accordingly um you’ve got a minute left and as always Channel Point gambling is not available in every well Channel Point predictions are not available in

Every country or region so they may not be available to you your mileage may vary my Red Bull is empty do I go get water or margarita for the Red Bull what do you think is going to help you in two volts from now I guess is Margarita probably Margarita

All right I will BRB will you guys vote on that uh enjoy the entertaining vocal stylings of our lemon oh how’s it going there right and stuff like that foreign though it’s fun I just need somebody to like turn it on and it’s kind of hard to turn off

Although for all I know like I sound Canadian all the time and I’m Canadian I don’t hear it So did lemon sing a song for y’all yes no as I pour Margarita myself I did not but during your your um 3000 followers celebration during duck duck or Goose I’m always going to call it DuckDuckGo and then go finance app yeah it’s like a search app

Look at this great merch I spilled Margarita on it and it wiped right up but everybody’s got to join in on the next Community night too because those are really fun because you get to hear me in whatever that duck game is running around singing Oh Canada because I know

The proximity chat’s on so it’s gonna be oh okay which throws us all off because normally people only seeing Oh Canada if they are Canadian and lemon’s like I am Canadian is a role in couscous duck which means as soon as like if somebody kills you they feel so guilty about it they

Immediately self-report you sound pretty normal to me lemon but I’m in a sultan so our accents are pretty similar you gotta say Minnesota like that I love hearing the different versions of duck duck gray duck people have around the world yeah Goose goose duck is fabulous game though

Um okay one more drink for the room yeah but like I always call it duckduck Goose because that’s the the duck duck goose game that I’ve played as a kid when’s the next Community night um let’s look at maybe Saturday or Sunday evening possibly Friday you know as long as we

Don’t stay up too late but I also I might not sleep at all I might be too excited um you gotta get a couple hours yeah so what we’re gonna do I’m gonna post the Discord link go join the official Great Lakes crew Discord Great Lakes girl

Um we will have information there about the next Community night I miss playing with you too slingy lemon you ready did you get your building blocks yeah oh no oh did we do a thing yes we did worshiper okay um you guys saw that right like a baby and he murdered the baby

Okay that is another sentence that just happened um couscous Tech it’s free on Steam it’s free on all the platforms mobile console tablet all that kind of stuff we just would need you guys to have like headset and microphone in a quiet environment Chrissy Lizzy welcome in yeah goose is

What we do in Canada yeah like that’s duck duck goose is the kids game that you play you know sitting in a circle and duck duck duck duck duck you know uh but here we go but it’s it’s it’s like Among Us except that we are geese and we have tasks to perform

All right I’m going east we gotta find a god Altar and all all of our obelisks I’m gonna go and the Ducks are the imposters and so we have to try to do our tasks while the Ducks are trying to kill us one ow don’t shoot me in the back that’s super rude

Ow I have got to stop reading chat I gotta look for altars um okay Chad I got you um I got Annapolis nice I’ve just been hitting them as I see them Ah that’s fake fake darn I know all right which way are you going wait

Which way did you I’m going south you went South okay I’m going east so I’ll do East and North if you want to do South and West okie dokie okie dokie I just now okie dokie ah okay swimming takes too long but it’s great because there’s proximity

Chat and the geese fart as they’re walking around oh you have to make them well yeah but it’s I mean why would you know yeah any game that has a fart button if you really don’t like it you can put on silent by deadly and that way you won’t

Have to hear it anymore foreign s because like yeah because I think it was your fart Redemption which do you like to do yeah and then every time Steve would do it like my partner would walk in the room like really really like I could hear that from up there

No no what are you watching nothing yeah I hit another Obelisk okay and I’m about to do this God altar well actually super fast dress month’s hearts so I might not do that one see what else I’m fine I thought it was 10 live or 10 enemies 10 hearts

Oh man okay I’m hitting second to last one this is a desert and we would not want to fight in here foreign so we can’t hit the boss until we find Our God alter all right I found the last Obelisk it’s in a Soul Sand room I don’t

Know if we would want to mess with that but I will mark it oh error won’t oh crap except I just had a mob trap you get out of there they might despawn yeah all right we have let’s give ourselves four minutes there we go there’s a witch throwing portions of himself

What’s something you really want to see in season in Vault Hunters 1.18 me yeah um the code okay oh I found another one where is this uh iscal slime room I like that one too I totally meant to think my cleanse button was next to my tank it’s not always remember

Thanks really good for early game I find you know it really is I have one point oh here’s eight mob guys um tell you what and it’s right next to a room two rooms we can fight in okay um this is the iskal room disco slime room

The gray one and the black one is a um Soul Sand room um and I’m not far from it I just gotta kill 10 dudes eight dudes before I’m halfway there oh I’m trying to get a better room well maybe it’s like a mushroom volumes or if you want to fight in that

Um is that the one with all those got a basement yep yeah actually let’s go to the installer ah dang it wouldn’t let me build no no no no no no no no dang it oh frick why wouldn’t let me build all right I did I just haven’t opened the chest yet

And I might die trying to do this Frack don’t do that oh God okay um I’m going to Gray yeah I am you were unable to build with an ax I’m trying my best here ouch I do appreciate the uh all right I did it I did it I did it the tip so they’re wonderful I’m just stressing this all no don’t

Kill me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God fine it’s fine No more healing push all right I’m doing my journal now I’m in the Slime room I’m children so what I forgot we had eternals for the last boss I’m black

Um let’s get these I have no more Healy things get this guy out thanks creeper all right that’s exactly what I wanted foreign are you ready okay ow fracking Skelly all right hit it damn it I can’t get up there with the Skeleton aggro on me oh

Yeah go for it come on Craig get in there there we go chest I got one of my bag yay we did it we brought the Thunder you were ready to hit the Abbey in this room and a Skelly shot you down dude they’re so toxic they’re so toxic somebody can’t go level

I did I can take tank now oh somebody was hurting me yeah those skeletons recruiting us I was 50 50 2400 points on each side two’s outcome Believers there you go there we go yeah I feel like we’re doing really good all right here’s our boss crate

Soul Flames let’s go tumblina thank you for the treats foreign all right this is fun I like these uh baked crystals oh that’s right y’all can we can pet the lemon There you go lemon oh thank you you’re welcome uh dirt that’s that’s my armor just keeps breaking though like oh I’m down to 185 on my chest plate I lost half of my chest plate on that one I’m not wearing bulk here though yeah my chest plate is full here and uh

It’s not doing well I’m hoping that I pull out some bulk here from some of these right I don’t need that flasks like what elsewhere Do you like my um am I holding Place apples in here in the Apple One no that’s that’s fault Luke yeah okay how are you doing darling oh and I keep using ender pearls and not finding any ender pearls which is frustrating in itself because we’re not looting we’re not looting

So that might be a good idea and we did get a new catalyst so I’m going to run these through that table too personal space poisonous silent hard lucky inert again kind of trash but we can just do a straight afterlife and do a random vault oh is there a dude here

I heard oh it’s that guy I thought it was a traitor a Wandering traitor um Sandra lemon so flame goes here I love that Soul flame stack to three that’s just pure Hellfire oh there’s pearls in the system I’m gonna take a few more that’s good to know sorry I was muted I

I bought a few more pearls oh okay okay sing here so I’ve got my I’ve got my laptop on my left hand side so I can have um chat there and I’m like trying to drag my mouse to this other screen so I can scroll up and

Chat and see what I miss yeah these are two separate computers yeah I agree Oaks art is beautiful and Oaks builds are incredible and I can’t wait to hang out with oak on Polaris season two start date TBD but uh I need to look at chest plates

That doesn’t go there so are we what are we doing I vote that we um maybe try the uh a normal Crystal with afterlife then we don’t have to do A thing a challenge has Unbreaking 3 and protection four how many points seven of course Because my chest Plate’s about done foreign Which means I can give this it’s got four percent Perry and or two percent period plus four health I’m gonna give that to lightning dankwink and see if he’s still alive actually so you get more sugar cane without it going over the edge Right are you alive you are alive let’s give you this chest plate and I can put these in here I love our little world lemon yeah it’s real nice came together real well yeah Your Land um so what we need 10 levels to put a soul flame did you just do that

No I’m you’re making armor okay you still have the sausage tree we do have the sausage Tree in fact is the sign still there no I removed you remove this sign I had a sign right here that said sausage tree and lemon was like dang it legs look

It’s a sausage on a fork and once you see it you cannot unsee it cheers I love that because the what all right I’ve got some XP oh he’s gonna be the first person to quit an SMP before it starts they got sausage trees and stuff I don’t know what’s going on here

No I’m thinking that Google’s little sausage on a little Fork all right an afterlife normal Crystal so we don’t need a challenge can I have better boots or what are my boots that’s another right three on boots and four on pants oh there’s four boots oh those are

Almost dead though I should give those to what’s his face um I can wear those they have names legs rainbow herbs none of these pants are better okay I need some books from my boots I hope so if I spell it correctly look at that and one portion so I’m just cooking it up okay well now that we have another report yeah but we have to make all like the other stuff we don’t have it would be nice to get a Trader with an Unbreaking book

Ing I think might be 26. I do need a a breaking book right now Korean breaking books it’s not Uber aching it’s not night rally how are you doing by the way welcome in reminds me of singing the sausage song at summer camp I don’t know the sausage song foreign or is that the sausage song you know I have not seen any of the

Empire stuff Oak I know they’re doing like an Empire’s um hermitcraft crossover thing I’m still behind on hermitcraft like I’m months behind on hermitcraft that’s five but I don’t have five foreign for an Unbreaking book I will go give These Boots about breaking books oh thank you I’ll be right back

Craig is alive it’s as Vault gear wears down we can give it to our eternals durability does not matter for gear that eternals wear all uh Vault level does not matter for them either in this version oh yeah totally can I have a book in the Chester books yeah

17 for that or six how much do I need 24. goodness gracious alrighty I’m hoping that there will be more of a role play element on player season two we’re definitely going to talk about lore you know I I’d like to find a good balance between role play and just being

Me and having fun with you guys um you can go in here oh my helmet’s almost dead too my poison helmet no although Yvonne’s poison immunity that’s a three that’s a four three with cooldown reduction down with the armor point or the cooldown production probably the armor point at this stage

Right yeah the cooldown reductions probably not can help too much because it’s only about three percent yeah I’m breaking for my helmet I also need prop four which I can’t get at the moment I didn’t roll a protection guy yet um I grabbed on breaking thank you everyone for your patience as

We uh work out what we’re doing here I didn’t have protection on it before so how much does that need six no worries I can handle six XP got me a new hat and we’ll give this one the lightning day probably could have done this all in

One trip instead of going back in but you know what that’s that’s how you Minecraft right like you realize like oh yeah I should have done this and then you run back so everything except your pants is ready to go buddy can we have um there are spiders on our house foreign

Stuff in the Overworld oh that’s a creeper no no no no no no that’s my eternal survive all right I just pick her into creeper to death to confirm Craig is alive it’s easy to tell with him because of the blue is so bright it’s hard to tell with lightning Dan

Queen because he’s got a black um hoodie and then his Axolotl Skin Blends in with the cryo chamber juice so well you guys have DND bios for your characters that’s awesome do we do we have any what blacks flax yes we do on the system system there’s flax seeds

Where in the system unless you found a sink there was one did you throw it away because it was a single seed overgrowth there’s him I might be able to do with him I am Assassin’s Creed shirt hat Hood thing place very possible I threw it away

The search up there’s a lemon in the soul Shard shop it would take us forever to get to 583. Maybe I’ve got my backup bag right here and I’ve been putting all the things in there I’ve got 273. now that we can eat lemons the fruit uh neither neither yeah [Laughter]

Um so I think I will bring my three advanced shulkers I have my Pickering foreign I guess I’ll bring my bow and arrow that that yeah I am uh I’m ready to go if you are um I’m not sure if I want to take a restroom break I think we should okay

Because it’s gonna be a longer Vault if it’s a normal one yes hopefully bring a backup file which we need right now so chat don’t go anywhere um I will be right back and so we’ll love it um so grab a snack grab a drink and then

We’re gonna go do this afterlife normal Vault be right back guys ah foreign Ah Foreign Ah ah Hmm Ah huh oh Thumbelina that’s a really good point hey everybody I am back I don’t know if lemon’s back I am I’m back my eyes are really watery because I my contacts are really dry and I didn’t have time before stream to change them so I keep putting eye drops in and uh

Why do I have another chest plate on me oh because I never put it away thank you for the booster pack who was that Rosie you twisted your ink your ankle are you okay yeah yeah it hurts a bit oh that’d be fun all right can we get some

Peppa lemons either in chat all caps one word or uh in game just like that he needs some hearty apples and some pets on the head just like good lemon just like that yeah if only those worked in real life could you imagine I mean you do have

Like actual health care where you live so he says slippers on it is getting cold in here just don’t pet him too hard that’s right that’s right you have to do a gentle um Emma do you want to say how to chat juicy how to chat

Oh you want to lick your butthole okay she’s busy foreign [Laughter] oh I didn’t make I I need to um I should have brewed up some potions I have no potions I should have had it Brewing while we were how long will that take you need an awkward right there’s an awkward

And a gapple and then these things I believe I was just thinking you know like the cats when they meow before they run away from you in the game imagine if it’s just like oh you want to lick your butthole okay oh my God oh boy laughs

Cat wasn’t on screen so those who don’t know don’t know that’s true I I’m appreciative that she’s definitely off camera at the moment this should just take a moment longer we could set up a potion Auto thingy thing technical Minecraft farm phrase you mean a hopper but like having a row of them

And just make a bunch now that we’ve got uh what we need as another word do you guys want to do Channel Point prediction oh this could be a scav this could be anything it could be even scab it could be a scav all right I’m ready sorry thank you for

Your patience you didn’t realize he would be making all sorts of changes right I’m this close to bringing it inside keeping it oh it’s someone’s cat is it if they set it free as we said earlier that lemon was going to need a few hours to set up a server

For season three you didn’t realize he’d be making all sorts of changes from the clips yeah we’re not gonna we’ll have fresh clips for season two yeah I think really was just talking about new resource boxes yeah everybody’s just don’t worry about it lemon’s giving you a new jar don’t worry about it

It’s a uh test jar it’s a test shower yeah just like when we have the dowski room before everyone yeah it’s like that’s all it is you know I baked the idols into the game that’s all I did I just I made it easier all right I’m ready for this 25 minute

Normal Vault afterlife it could be anything are you ready oh wait I’m not uh do I want tank or execute or Rampage I want tank but I think I’m Gonna Save it and I didn’t um category Vault tank is okay you ready I’m ready all right seven new seven new seven new

Also looks like we got us here one of them uh obelisky valdse yeah for sure oh I should turn this on oh don’t you know I can’t wait till one of us gets the uh the dowski broom don’t you know oh yeah then we can transmogger

Uh what did we get on this by the way oh um horde let’s go afterlife horde Crystal Cave uh one room South I’m gonna go North then okay I should have brought more chests so you get somewhere safe actually we want to do this Way it’s five It’s not too bad foreign ‘s getting toxic quickly safe Zone would have been nice I should do another backpack for um gems I got another Obelisk okay it’s a fire room and I’m hoping I don’t fall don’t shoot me down please I don’t know how much like or looting I want to do

Oh that’d be nice sorry Jim here and let’s keep going we’re going south some good looting done in here oh sir foreign so many gilded chests on horde goody you went South I did foreign you gotta love reach Gotta Love reach es yeah I don’t know I

Don’t think I have that much richer eight I think I must have uh oh it’s normally five right um not sure I can’t remember oh they’re applying slowness to me yeah I definitely need to set up a backpack for gems I have one for ores oh God there’s so many people okay

Oh dude foreign Still going south um oh that’s easy oh money Jesus oh sometimes they’re so fast normal is five okay yeah so I’ve taken three I don’t think any of this is from the thing ooh paint drop room let’s go I’m hitting a thing I hate hearing the spiders and that’s poison um foreign [Applause] should be focusing on gilded chests like a soap yeah that’s what I should be doing that’s a dead end run run away all right I went South so that means I gotta turn west ah double skellies it’d be nice to find a good room to fight in

Oh that creeper almost fill up this house I’ve got the second most obelisk okay all right nothing here Savory welcome back darling all right and back North I go busy day I bet um I have a bathroom it ain’t good uh it’s one of those

Warped rooms I don’t know if you can see it um um it’s not too bad maybe we’ve got some time but I plan to loot and as long as I’m here foreign yes murder yeah Kill Them All right here would be dying somewhere poor B out

All right I’m going to keep going north and see what else I can see oh you’re still at work Sabri oh my goodness oh that’s rough savory oh thanks for the follow radical another paint drop room um I’m heading two minutes okay foreign Oh God okay hold up hold up hold up hold up flip I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine everything’s fine how are you okay having a nice fault oh my God that got me down to two and a half hearts I saw that I wasn’t concerned for a second that’s good

Never announce the concern oh Echo man those creepers still do so much damage like starting to think I should have blast protection four on at least one piece of armor I do enjoy glass protection also you can get like good enough armor to deal with them to me who attacks

All right well let me know when you want to head over there I’m I’m Gonna Keep looting and not dying I shared it right uh yeah okay so we’re at 10 minutes all right I’ll start heading down a little 500 away so oh clearly somebody just did this altar to grave

I’d be fine with like an all witch’s vote vault because they don’t do anything to me okay that was foxtail on his skin all right it’s a very like low-key chill ambient track it’s not quite not quite Vault ready all right I’m almost there are you here somewhere

I’m on my way okay I’m gonna loot down here I’m in the paint drop room so I’ll be there I gotta Loot and empty my inventory so much stuff down here there’s a meat and a chicken foreign you can’t see me right now but I’m very pleased with myself I think I’ve got a power bar out it’s a munch Hardy apples ready all right hold on I’m coming just looting oh a new Idol I’m just hiding in the hallway so I don’t spawn mobs yeah that’s why I don’t spawn extra hello away Golden Apple and I’m ready here we go

It’s your favorite pretty good oh it’s The Adventurous song sir I talked about my Lord and Savior Paul ax thank you please oh my eternals are dead oh my God everything is so hard yay all right don’t die legs did you get the thing well I got magnet on so I better

I I just have the one I wanted keys this whole place is great this is the most I’ve seen Soul Blaze yeah you stopped getting it after level 75 or 50 I can’t remember let’s go oh that was a lot of loot yeah yeah that horde modifier helped a big Time Boom two

Oh nice catalyst empty out another Idol two dragon heads say so negative negative what is hold on let me try this together Garrett kananami thank you for the follow saber you’ve never seen the soul Blaze if it didn’t have the um I love the salt place like if they

Didn’t if none of them had the snowballs I am struggling it’s the most amusing mob in my opinion because like the rest of them are just they’re all the same can you turn off your magnets so I can throw stuff on your face I apologize at my face that’s

Got another point I love hearing people try and pronounce it although you did it quicker than most oh thank you it was like on the screen and then it disappeared I was like oh say it quick but yeah welcome and thank you for the follow a lot of good loot

A lot of good loot let’s here’s all the stuff I brought into that’s all of that it likes your sword girl right here I’ll pick up the sword I just stretch your feet that uh compares to the other one yeah part of me I’ve only gotten Boogie robot and raffle

Bosses yeah thank you thank you yeah there used to be a magma guy too in Legacy really yeah oh what’d it look like like a giant angry Magma Cube all right I’ve got two Poopers oh piece of candy thank you um these are both empty yes

So I need two Java names I need four Java names travertine and light metal plate do you want light metal plate for any reason no okay but I’m still looking for that flax Ena I got one Uh Draco Maggie got one yeah the Ninja Turtle and then we will do oh thank you for the 10 minutes and we’re doing great there you go we got eight Vault diamonds and a Pandy box yo you can kelp it I think I’m gonna cauldron sacrifice both of these guys

Come on dad yet nope yeah she’s not dead yet either I’m gonna have to make a I don’t want any more travertine we’re not doing industrial builds ooh ooh guess what you got another one it’s fun to eat Bundy yes we did oh um I think that’s a Redemption you gotta

Turn back off ooh prismarine and stone Spruce log Acacia or turf definitely not turf those are four really good options I think prism um prismarines everything else what’s the one on the far right and Stone we can go to the end though we can grow Spruce we can grow Acacia we can’t

Get prismarine except for in the vault so I’m gonna pick that one um and I believe I have an Omega statue Redemption let’s let’s see yeah normally prismarine or ends because then so yeah you can go it’s just kind of falling too okay oh I thought I did tell you what

I’m gonna turn on the name something and the first one to do it but let me edit this here ah the first one to redeem it and I’m gonna limit currently limit one all right name generator is now live in the redemptions the first one to get it will get the uh

Get to gets to be our new omega pooper I love these statues I love the design change for vh1.18 where they’re like holding it except then we miss like parts of what’s on their skin but I I like both I like both ways lemon with the ears the kitty ears I

Wore these for Halloween at work yesterday did you guys see that I added the um uh reindeer antlers back in here it’s your name avian okay let’s go Gigi’s are these straight okay and it’s a oops avian 9 46. oh that’s cool look at your like lava like ibe to your green skin

That’s a cool skin where where oh it’s a rainbow ibe I love that uh by the mega poopers if you stand on The Cauldron it’s a you can see that it’s a rainbow ibe I like that scan yeah that’s a cool skin GG Xavian time is it 9 30

Um let me see you said you had something to throw at me or there’s a pan while I threw a couple of those uh cardi boys touch face but I think you already munched them down and there’s a candy box I’m here for you there’s candy bags oh let’s go

And we get another trade recorder rename and another statue to rename oh two trait of course two statues all right let me get the uh will it kelp set up start prediction I’ll give y’all two minutes to predict will it kelp and in the meanwhile we’ve got

Um two Trader cores and two more statues to do so I need four more names that that we haven’t seen tonight oh I got a twitch thingy and it’s one we already have because of course it is uh slag brick black which I like and basalt yeah what you guys hear

Um yeah four more names please Diamond of all plating let’s go here and no one’s redeeming you don’t have to spend the points on it you can just do it that loud sorry it’s okay thank you for the creeper sound sorry for not reacting more like wow well you know what

He was craft um who else let’s see here ooh Ash died and kumara died we can throw them and jave and Craig welcome in how are you doing I’m gonna give this to this to two Because no one’s asking for their Java name so I’ma just do whatever I see I got two more that we can give away don’t have to do points just put your names in chat oh we should have renamed Kamara but that’s okay it doesn’t really matter

Oh tell me it’s like I already did one well you can have another one with your super cute skin the egw yeah let’s do that one I think we’ve seen that one before right Oh yeah very pretty I like that skin a lot okay um I’ve got four gear in there no gear there Two Boots a helmet and a lemon oh Scrappy I don’t know horrific yeah there’s something in your Barrel let her legs there’s something in my Barrel in here oh all the babies so mean oh what are we what are we taking next though aren’t you there all right I’ll just eat it all right how did the will it kelp turn

Out uh 50 40 say yes kelp 60 say no kelp lemon are you ready I’m ready it’s time to play wait let me take off my arms you can see my face will yeah yeah we did it oh oh what what was it it wasn’t kelp

Oh I have a magnet on it definitely wasn’t kelp I saw red oh I have it I have it it’s uh pink apples oh ggs to the no kelp believers enjoy your points they were well earned yes you fought hard it was a tough grueling battle but you came through right

Oh my God Craig thank you for the bitties hi froze here that was me she gin it is cold here it’s my thank you I got Health from that thank you thank you we’ll put those in the uh thingy so they can get um splashified thank you for the 500 videos

That’s still kind of you Piper how are you doing we uh for those of you that didn’t see this earlier I want to show you our new trick that we discovered it just happened like you never know with these old you know these old mod packs they’ve been kicking around for a

While there’s old codes sitting in there booby traps yeah I think supplementaries added some stuff on killing your babies I’m sorry um so so check this out foreign struggling health-wise but been chilling this morning well I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well but I hope that

You feel better soon and enjoy you know that oh because what this is not the first time today that we’ve like stopped Oak dead in their tracks um so Scrappy crystals and then we we bake them on an open fire so they’ve got this lovely like roast Mesquite

Aroma to them it’s I wish you guys could smell this it’s kind of like yeah like a chestnutty so what I don’t understand is how the crystals are growing on the side of the log right crunch I wish we could eat them um it bakes off an obelisk requirement

These these need 10 obelisks to kill a boss so you know that that seems like a lot let’s bake it some more let me get something a munch since I can’t eat uh Vault crystals yet yeah because check out the MBT tag they’re still raw I don’t understand why

They maybe if like we didn’t keep burning them cooking crystals with Walter lemon right okay Eisenberg road kill Crystal Canadian people that sure doesn’t work here yeah so now it’s down to nine I like the meme the Breaking Bad candidate me Breaking Bad Canada episode one ear of cancer episode two treatment

Starts tomorrow right yeah yeah 100 nice pie fro I mean I haven’t tried eating it he told me I couldn’t but like who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do I was strong independent woman if you figure it away I will be so proud

Of you but also super confused that’s not how codeworks um it’s not it’s not letting me eat oh I’m not hungry maybe that’s why oh here it is I’m not hungry maybe that’s why here oh I’m fire resistant hit me oh you can’t dang it um eat a crystal become the rainbow He’s like disband Wham no hesitation [Laughter] he’s like hey welcome back to the party yo anything for you you asked oh yeah it’s not letting me munch on this so they’re down to eight so we can cook them two more times well we can cook them three more times we can

What happens if you put a vault rack on there hey Crystal I can’t okay okay I don’t take fire damage so I could just stand here and toast my tootsies so so I got Craig thank you there there was another mysterious thing happened on the other Sky vulture right there

Um where she didn’t wanted my light and then found out that if you put a myolite single myelight still on the fire it’ll make my like Crystal but it takes like four minutes oh no what happens when you cook it to five we can cook one of them

To five so I’ll show you guys what happened Craig thank you for the five gifted sucks to the Great Lake Community everyone welcome to the Great Lakes crew and these things kind of go flying off everywhere um congratulations the gaming dog blue shigapsu yummy frog leg size mantis and

Gamer salsa welcome in that was cleanse um so these all say six so I’m gonna cook one of them one more time and put the other ones over here I think yeah so now we can kill bosses and Scrappy vaults which is lots of fun and we’re gonna do

One more will it kelp Craig thank you so much so so much two minutes gamble gamble your channel points will it kill the um the thing is is with six obelisks and a scrappy Vault it’s it’s really difficult we did two out of three yeah you can’t Loop if you cook it too

Much it gets burnt and it’s just charified back down like you bake it all the way down to a vault Rock so it becomes unstable I think yeah that makes sense you know like sometimes when you have like the hot rocks on the fire and after you cook them too many times they’re

Like crack up and stuff yeah yeah this is definitely a built-in lore we had nothing to do with any of this okay I hope our new friend on the dev team is like hmm baking crystals you say just just there’s gonna be random people just in like season three why is

Everybody keep trying to put stuff on campfires it’s so weird we’ve never had a campfire interaction and yet everybody’s just why is vicho suddenly like I keep trying to put Vault crystals on a campfire and it’s not working but I need to report this bug to GitHub like

Dowski’s gonna yell at me I’m gonna wake up to a DM that’s like listen bastard like a cook right just cooking Crystal until it cracks just added for funsies I thought of the most cursed one which was you no Anvil anymore you have to apply Catalyst by

Putting the Catalyst and the Vault Rock on the campfire oh my goodness rolled another time at the age of Wonder right um report all of lemon’s add-ins is not working years ago this Crystal or this land was green until the crystal cracked uh you know what I need to make some bottles

And then we can do some more stuff hey Lakes everybody following because I left anyone affiliated with a friend we haven’t coming to collect my thoughts oh well welcome back Studio Jamie hope that you’ve been well uh we are having a lot of fun here on our Sky vaults world

I have um a pair of trousers we have 61 say kelp 39 say no kelp let me get some bottles of water here oh it almost fall off I almost fell off don’t worry about the corpses in the water in their swimsuits it’s fine that’s that’s just you know what happens

Yeah those aren’t splashy yet but that’s fine it’s fine okay and we need one two three no just one we’ll just do no we’ll do two I’m losing my man my mind so okay I lost mine a long time ago you can join me it’s fun and I’ll need two gambles

Just casually carrying around two gabbles okay let’s see here lemon if you’re ready once more with feeling um I should do this where I won’t throw over the edge you see I don’t worry far too much for me to not worry that’s true yeah was it spider eye was it

Did I grab the wrong thing I did I suck like oh no it happened that’s Monday oh my goodness to teach me things for the 10 bits um I don’t think I can do anything with those because it’s not awkward I mean this is very awkward but

Did you just legs the potion no you did that’s like something right all right are you ready to play well well same thing as last time pink apples that’s another kelp 39 got no kelp ggs you guys swept that one totally says yay yay oh it makes you confirm it every time

Okay not to kelp not to kelp there we go yeah that’s your name yeah I’ve seen it uh not go well before yeah I definitely not not done it well before oh good God slowly building back up to 666. yeah I don’t know how long that will stay Bree

Thank you for the Enderman scream and the hearty apples if our deaf friends here games oh my God no that is cursed I don’t even want to let’s go tumbalina in Texas like no no oh yeah Alter Ego got to be gentle although yeah that was well deserved

Um I can maybe do unamas with the rain with a shiny thank you oh it’s sand nope it oaked hey Oak that goes there oh no not me because like what reaction is just like the what what what just like increasing levels of disbelief and like what the actual

The possibilities of what could come next are just being broken over and over again this is true that goes for everybody this is why you should hit that follow button and if you’re not following on YouTube let me tell you that those subscriptions they’re they’re they’re going like hotcakes Did you say what the actual fluke horn I did I didn’t think anybody would hear it because lemon was talking foreign baked zesty lemon Scrappy I’m working but I wanted to lurk oh I love you so much do you want to grab a crystal just to show Hannah Continue to sell your YouTube oh thanks lemon all right I’m doing potions and then we can go do a big Dusty lemon oh my goodness lemon convinced me to finally follow And subscribe yay here with us back they’re dropping off the twitch baby or is it a toddler now thank you so much

For 20 months I cannot believe we have people doing their 20 month resubs yeah it’s just incredible all right crystals are going on there’s not a hype train close don’t worry about it like that’s what you do less than three oh Hannah thank you guys thank you for the bitties This is my favorite new thing I like don’t be trolls you guys but if somebody wants to to go on vho and be like it’s the most ridiculous like that I keep right clicking and I hope somebody tells deadpine like like look at the Abomination they made with your Maps

Keep crystals on fire every time we put a scrappy Crystal on the fire it bakes off one of the obelisks so we can actually kill bosses and Scrappy vaults now which is you know it defeats the purpose but that’s that’s what we’re here for got six potions you guys with the hype

Train unreal I thought I’d get away with no high Prince tonight and I want this attitude Joe are you here we need to be able to cook our crystals on campfires like welcome to the dev team and he got fired yeah yeah that’s a really good idea for a stream

And that was the last there to chill also likes if you don’t want the hype trains I’ll always take them well in that case oh wow I love it it also helps if I spell things correctly y’all aren’t following pipero please do check them out those are done oh these are done

They just kind of go wherever they want might as well get them down to six so we can go down to six with them if we do it any more after that they turn into volt rocks they get all the stuff just baked right off

And they got kind of like a chalky taste after that you really don’t want to lick them it’s like the Psychopaths that stick the marshmallow directly in the fire and just let it burn that’s what it tastes like follow and the emeralds ow ow I’m sorry did you take offense to being

Called a psychopath no not even aware of that oh you have vulgar I should stop I apologize just because you think the Vault here can save you just because you’re right there we go get my XP back here we go back after seven it tastes like the psychopath like

All right now I gotta do a poll I gotta do a poll here I’m gonna find out how many of you are psychopaths how do you toast a marshmallow I’m so living for this fall right now golden brown to hell and back wrong oh that doesn’t fit uh can you put

Twice brunch on there where you burn it take the outside off then burn it again so you get a second outside burn it onion and let me say hell it won’t let you say shut up but it lets you say hell the voices I hear say I’m not a psycho

For an eat husk repeat y’all like thank you burn it like an onion with a vein that’s what burn it like an onion is yeah so you burn it you peel it and eat the Char then you burn it again and eat the Char again like I just no you gotta you gotta

Slow roast it to a golden brown evenly all the way around and meanwhile you’ve got like a piece of tin foil at the edge of the fire and you’ve got your chocolate and your Gram ready so it gets warm and melty but you you’re missing out on all that nice charred sugar

So wrong all right I’ve got one two three for you I’m Gonna Leave This sword here for light hair I keep thinking our stuff is is uh Brewing but it’s this dude it’s time lady she keeps you know what you’re my friend but you’re going back in the box

Thank you for the hype train you guys oh I need to vote in this poll I need to weigh the um yeah there you go good scale and what’s great is having Burnet to hell and back and burn it like an onion splits your vote

Yeah we count both of those no uh nope that’s not how that’s not how multiple poll options work uh let’s see here got my Rush Paxil golden brown is the correct 11 thank you so much and even if we combine them you only got nine votes 45 for multiple burning techniques so okay

I feel Justified I my faith in you all has been I appreciate it well well you’re still slow roasting your first marshmallow I’ll be numbing down my fourth oh my God all right sorry please I do Paxil Pickering gapples how’s Evie doing 500 and oh really lemon it’s got 300.

But like this dude’s like he’s just paying man all right I just need building blocks and one of our roasted crystals all right do you guys want to do the boss uh Gamble one more time it might as well right will we defeat this Scrappy boss so many people have played skywalks are

So confused by that question what do you mean he’s a scrappy boss wait wait you can’t are we gonna party again we are not did you invite me again you did diary poodle thank you for the follow welcome in um it says you gave me emeralds but I do not see them

Oh you can zero roll I zero wrong it was the diorite that’s what did it it’s Vault Hunters so I made sure every single Redemption has a zero role I’m still mad at iskal that that’s part of it because it happens way too much I can do golden brown but I like all

Three ways see like if I’m roasting a marshmallow and it catches fire I either have to give it to a psychopath near me that likes to eat it that way um because that’s how we keep keep people happy um or I have to just like slag it into the

Fire and get a fresh marshmallow like I won’t I will not eat it burnt oh I will not put up with it like I said I’m bougie like I don’t think I’m helping my appearance by laughing every time you call me like what a waste flaming marshmallows are super dangerous one daughter caught

The other daughter’s blanket of fire I remember that I either remember the story or I was there for that I don’t remember which oh yeah I need blocks and how did the prediction turn out it’s so good it’s about to find all the things it’s in the store yeah it’s burnt sugar

They’ll eat it anyway I also don’t like creme brulee because it I don’t like creme brulee either it’s and I don’t like coffee or dark beers because of the the burnt roast flavor I do like bitter things I do not I don’t like dark chocolate because it’s too like better

I prefer milk chocolate or white chocolate so I think I have I’ve always been a little picky and I read some stories about like picky kids usually genetically have more taste buds than non-picky kids and so things are like much stronger because it’s not me it’s not me being

Like stubborn like no I don’t trust I don’t it’s like stuff literally just tastes bad to me like says white girl personifying confirm yeah check out my dancing skills don’t clip that damn it flip clip do it no clip it no I’m going over here you guys are mean

My co-workers in a dance group and was showing me videos of like their dance routines and it’s amazing and I was like I can like shoulder shimmy but like waist up as soon as I try to get my legs involved I can’t do anything no all

Right if we’re gonna do an ooh dab you got to do it the right way like that all right uh let me turn on my magnet oh and this is a uh it’s a scrappy Vault therefore we need a rule no no outside food or drinks

Hold on I gotta go put all my apples and carrots and Potions away that is really an unfortunate I definitely do not count we don’t drink them like my my Hopper is so free now I know how far I guess I can no I’m just gonna put food and stuff

That I find in the Vault on there yeah oh that sucks okay no rules not when trying to fight the boss you can eat stuff we find in the vault we just can’t bring outside food or drink all right I am ready seven you seven new oh

Yeah I I salute it back I couldn’t move all right I’m gonna head north I’m not gonna Loop other than hoping hoping to find some food maybe I should get carrots falling here just twerking carrots in the hole don’t worry about it and there’s one this could be a good one

To fight in but oh that’s not anymore not anymore Panic okay what did I put in there I thought I’d put my oh beetroot seeds okay who witches poison themselves should have eaten a golden carrot before I went in the vault oh I didn’t check my eternal he is dead he is unalived

That’s unfortunate foreign I have healing Dash but it hasn’t really been doing it it does if you only have one level in it it’s only going to give you like a half a heart each time I don’t like cooked pork either though so it’s like yeah I’m not a hockey puck with gravy

Foreign but I had followed my mother Outlaws recipe so oh Dragon Mage sorry about that which you probably can’t hear because you’re stolen all right I’m going east thank you for supporting and watching the ads yes that does help me I think I was gone so

Oh oh oh Timbits you guys can send tidbits to Lemon in the vault I found some in a chest I got carrots they’re fine yeah carrots are better than the 10 minutes anyway ooh hearty Apple I’ll take that though oh I found some hearty apples thank you no levels

Yeah if y’all can pet a lemon he would probably oh this is this is the time it’s gonna add badly I mean don’t hit him don’t push him hard all right just looting so I can find Timmy timo’s here I’m looting for food I gotta I gotta look for obelisks Thank you Chad all right here’s another one I found three I like can barely read my screen sometimes because there’s so much oh Ash be gentle hey gentle oh there’s another one all right two more got another one this is a good boss room I’m gonna mark it yeah

And then get out of here before I spawn mobs have a good night thank you for being here tonight ah let me through okay I can’t eat carrots okay I used to hate the leech sound I’ve grown to love it yeah like the breathing in yeah yeah oh

That’s just such a bad sound yeah there you are I’m in the room next to you yeah and the Obelisk gets two rooms over okay uh two rooms to the east west Although the witches have been slowing me lately yeah they can throw different potions they can throw harming blowness I think and um than the poison oh no strengthen the lava with me and then the water’s fine our weakness is one of them too thank you Piper

All right um not having healing for a boss fight might be a little interesting I hope I can find some more hearty apples okay I got the second last one then I will send you the Waypoint to the last one yes please please so what I’m looking for okay and that was

This one right uh gray ax correct if you look at the NBT data I should say that favorite part this is the poopers avoid poop Not on the way foreign blocks Oh dropping my head that’s rude no we have time for me to grab the scaffold yeah we have four minutes I’m gonna need the gapple just because of the spiders damn it okay almost here almost here oh I don’t have power bars well that’ll be fun

It’s fun I didn’t find any healing pots although I’m not looting as much as normal I’m coming in devil creeper that’s fun oh he’s hitting hard oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh do you have an internal oh oh oh oh oh oh oh mine yeah let’s get in the water get in the

Water brat almost gone almost gone almost gone yes let’s go now let’s get out of this curse room I got two chests or two crates not having potions or food sucks yeah that’s kind of tough but we got two boss crates we did we did all right let me turn my magnet off

I wonder if I finally have enough to do a will it slap Oh thank you thank you for the candy you could have given us candy on the vault [Laughter] that would have been did you even think about it go an ax and a sword traitor corn ER who’s that kind of a terrible sword but 11.3 on an ax let’s talk about those in the weapons bin all right nothing in there um oh we you got yourself a vault Pearl oh I like fall pearls yay I can’t believe how many um key pieces were starting to collect

Yeah if only we had anything else for them so I’ve got two Traders and one pooper I need three more names from you my dear friends yeah these barbecue Vault rocks are a lot more fun that’s ice ooh it’s a great like scroll with ice um I’m gonna do pythro Australia

Here we go it’s got fire in his hat and then eternus is that your Minecraft name let me check it is that is an interesting skin I like your shoes and I like the cyan gradient oh yeah Ashen feather weathervane’s been very patient with me I’m interpreting it as patients

With another Infinity bucket that is a cool skin I like that one a lot you’re just in time to get to see that boss get warmed um so eternus I made you a VIP for that very important information you sent me earlier about handles like super excited for that time

For things for the lurk I hope that you uh feel better yes in the prediction we will close that out yes we defeated a scrappy boss enjoy your points we had a huge 84 of you guys believed in us thank you so much yeah I won yeah yeah um

But you know what I’m going to do hit the wrong buttons a bunch that’s what I’m gonna do um well first I’m starving so let’s eat some I was outside it I didn’t know you were starving it’s fine oh that’s armor that’s okay my face instead I’m gonna wrap it up so don’t forget you guys join the Discord check out the merch store and the YouTube channel so excited to have our handle now

Um and I want to see who we can send this love to I have not slept much lately so I’m gonna call it here so I can go to bed um don’t have a lot of mine Crafters on right now foreign ly like recommendations but if anybody has one that I know here

Yeah I’m so happy we got Great Lakes girl on YouTube and the patreon as well thank you lemon um patreon and all the Polaris merch goes to support the cost for the Polaris servers thank you guys so much for being here um we may have to head to somebody that’s playing something else

Um you know what let’s head over to G is the key it’s doing hardcore no totem um really cool guy I haven’t been there in a while but really really amazing Minecrafter oh is the Jonathan on do I not follow the Jonathan oh I do oh he’s playing Kenshin impact though

Um I I want to keep it with Minecraft so we’re going to head over to juice the key he’s watching it tick tock right now for some reason or YouTube short but he is playing hardcore Minecraft um so thank you guys for everything let’s start this raid um and grab that raid message I’m sure lemon will do a slide dab but that’s fine you guys thank you for everything for supporting the channel for supporting me for being here and having fun with us um and for you know especially to those of you that that prefer golden toasting your marshmallows

Like you are my heroes take care of yourselves we will be back Thursday for more Vault hunters and then Saturday morning November 5th we will do a 7 A.M stream You Can’t Ban me I’m the streamer so good try Bud um good game champ yes thank you oh thank you so get the

Merch it looks awesome really cool stuff um which one do I pick oh no um so we will see you all over at Jesus keys but like I said 7am Eastern on Saturday we’re gonna hang out run some vaults and then raid iskal for the start

Of 100 season three but I’ll see you on Thursday at 7 pm Eastern first so take care everybody um bye thank you lemon for everything as well bye guys foreign

This video, titled ‘SkyVaults Ep. 14 – Vault Hunters Minecraft on SkyBlock w/ Arrrrrlemon! Twitch Vod from Nov 1, 2022’, was uploaded by GreatLakesGirl on 2022-11-10 03:01:14. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:18:42 or 11922 seconds.

Watch as GreatLakesGirl and Arrrrrlemon play Vault Hunters on a Skyblock map designed by Deadpine! This series includes a Twitch Integration program that allows chat to impact the game live. Follow along on this fun series as GLG and Lemon try to run Vaults and build a world with literally nothing available to them except what they can find in the Vaults!

Broadcast live on Twitch on November 1, 2022

GreatLakesGirl on Twitch – Arrrrrlemon on Twitch – Great Lakes Crew on Discord – GreatLakesGirl Merch – GreatLakesGirl on Patreon –

Vault Hunters by Iskall85 and the VH Dev Team – for more information, go to

Thank you, Deadpine, for the SkyVaults map! Deadpine on Twitch – Deadpine’s SkyVaults series on YouTube –

DMCA-strike free music provided by the amazing MusicMan1017 and Orchestereo MusicMan1017: & Orchestereo: &

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

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  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

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  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

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  • HowlSteal

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  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

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  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

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  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

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  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

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  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

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  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

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  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More