Insane Slime Farm Method! 🤯 Minecraft Guide (Ep. 60)

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel refs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival guy hope you guys are having a great day today we’re starting off the episode infront of the woodland a mansion that we just raided in the last episode hope you guys enjoyed a look around this and

Don’t worry all of indicators and stuff are still safe and sound in here now I’m gonna head back to our base because we are 6,000 blocks away in one direction and about 4,500 blocks away in the other direction we want to get back to our

Base and do a little bit of work today because today we’re going to start work on a slime farm which is gonna be great we’re gonna have loads of slime to play with it’s gonna be fantastic we can make bouncy pads we can make lots of sticky

Pistons it’s basically the next step in kind of advancing the technology of our worlds to gather a whole lot of slime but before I went I thought I would just give a bit of appreciation to this landscape because look at this this enormous cliff is right here in the dark

Oak forest biome and it is absolutely gorgeous it’s surrounding this little lake area like so and then over here you’ve got a massive ravine on the opposite side which is really quite cool to look down this creepers and all sorts spawning down there we’re surrounded by

All of these mushrooms and are every now and again I just like to take a moment to appreciate the landscape that minecraft generates because this truly is a magical game now aside from that I think I’m gonna head home right about now I think we should have enough

Fireworks to get us there just gonna fly up into the air now on the way back I thought I would discuss a little bit about what we need to do once I’ve checked that we are headed in the right direction both of those numbers are going down excellent

Looks like we’re headed then in the right direction at least now one of the things we need to do to start a slime farm is to locate a slime chunk and to be honest there are not a great deal of good ways to do this naturally in survival vanilla minecraft and this kind

Of includes both the bedrock and the Java editions when I say that finding a slime chunk is a little bit difficult slimes often spawn in swamp environments so you will find them whenever the moon is not the new moon whenever that you have like a crescent moon or a full moon

Especially you’ll find a lot of slimes spawning at that time but the rest of the time slimes don’t really spawn anywhere except underground in certain chunks between certain elevations and the problem with that is there’s no real way of detecting where those chunks are unless you find a slime and even then

There is no guarantee that that slime has actually spawned where you find it or maybe it’s just you know turned up thereby moving through the caves naturally and so you might dig out an entire chunk not to find any slime spawning there whatsoever so it’s a bit

Of a potluck thing a lot of the time you’ll find a slime spawning in your beacon mines if you’re using a beacon to haste to mine for diamonds and that kind of stuff or even just for regular resources you’ll find slimes spawning down there as well so you might get

Lucky and find one of those but if you’re like me you probably don’t want to strip out a whole bunch of the terrain below where you’re building so you won’t have a slime farm that is nearby so what we’re going to do is head back to our mapping tool of choice I’m

Going to go to mine atlas comm you can use chunk base or various other websites or applications to find this am I going to use this mapping tool to find a slime chunk for us so here we are in mine atlas once again I’ve disabled all of

The stuff that tells you where villages are in jungle temples and that kind of thing we’ve taken all of those off I’ve left the spawn market indicating exactly where we spawn in fact the little Plains biomes section over here is where we started off the spawn thing is just kind

Of a general location you can actually spawn in a decent radius around this which is why this little patch of forest here is showing us the spawn area in fact right here is where we’re building the city of founders Forge so that’s slowly going to take shape in

This Plains biome as we go but this is the seed right over here is our industrial area you get the idea you can you can kind of see where some of this stuff is taking shape now I’m going to enable the option to show slime chunks and the first thing you’re gonna notice

Is this quite a lot of them we have a whole bunch of slime chunks in this area and in fact some areas are super clustered with them when I say chunkin’ remember this is a 16 by 16 area in which we were going to find the slime

Spawning and it turns out that many of them are situated around our spawn area in fact that one over there looks like it’s more or less right by where we’re building the house that I started building a few episodes ago along here especially you’ll see a few chunks there

That are quite familiar that one there I think actually houses our I in farm and there are three chunks in a row right there so there’s definitely a few different options for places we could build this slime farm as far as this little area goes though I’m

Actually kind of intrigued by this spot over here where there are three slime chunks in it’s kind of like Tetris block shape we’ve got three of them surrounding a chunk over here and so if we look at the coordinates there and we look at the chunk numbers that are being

Displayed underneath the coordinates we can just about see where we’re going to find those in our world and as at minus three minus five 24 and minus three 23 now we’ll be able to reference those numbers once we get back into the game but I’ll also take down the coordinates

Of this area and maybe instead of just building one slime farm we could ultimately end up building three slime farms one here one here and one here so coming out here to founders Forge itself we’re kind of on the outside of town right here you can see that this section

Here gets a little bit mountainous but this is actually the center of those three chunks around about here if we press f3 you can take a look at the chunk data underneath the blocks and the coordinates on the left-hand side there and that says -4 424 right there and

That’s the chunk that we’re currently in now if we press f3 and G we can confirm that this chunk here has boundaries around these sides and then if we step a one block over this way we get into minus 524 and this right here is the

Start of one of our slime chunks now you’ll remember they kind of happened in that Tetris block pattern so if we cross the border into this chunk this one is minus 423 which is going to be the the chunk that we use for a a second slime

Farm and then over here in this chunk – 324 that’s the one that we’re going to use for a third slime farm so we really have quite a lot of space to be working with here and the idea is that we’re going to dig down to levels 40 and below

And that’s where we all find slimes starting to spawn now obviously this is going to be a lot of digging works so the best option here would be to go and grab our beacon and use that to dig out a large section of a cave underneath these mountains we’re gonna dig down to

Bedrock level gonna dig down as far as we possibly can and remember we’re going to use our safety method here of digging down two blocks at and standing on the join between those two blocks to make sure that we don’t accidentally fall into lava or anything

Like that we got pretty lucky that we didn’t run into lava on the way down but now I’m down here I can definitely hear a lava lake bubbling quite close by so hopefully we will have enough of a radius here to set up our beacon we’re

Out about why it 12 right now which should give us enough leeway that we won’t have to worry too much about the haste effect running out and of course like every time I set up a beacon I’ve forgotten to bring down any kind of resource to give to the beacon but

Luckily for me there are some diamonds here in the corner and I have enough diamonds right now that I don’t mind wasting one of these on setting up the beacon it’s gonna mean we reveal a whole bunch of diamonds anyway so we might as well let’s have some haste too and let’s

Dig out this place shall we oh and I get a few short hops into this cave system and I come across a zombie spawner well would you look at that I ran out of torches I’ve run out of torches what the heck let’s hope there’s some coal in

This chest I’ll get there is all right well it looks like we’ve got a bit of a zombie horde situation on our hands folks oh boy it’s a good thing I covered that lava lake over with obsidian there we go alright well a zombie spawner is interesting as a prospect

That’s pretty squarely in one of our slime chunks is it not yeah with minus 423 I think it is I think that is within the range of one of our chunks so yeah I think I might I might actually take out the chunks to either side and leave this

Spawner here in case we can come up with some kind of like combination design put spawner x’ and a slime farm are not exactly going to mix all that well so I think we’ll leave this here for now but we’ll keep it lit up it shouldn’t have anything spawning in here maybe we’ll

Put some torches in the corners just to be safe because I’m gonna be digging out this area in a little bit anyway but yeah zombie spawner fine not bad never going to start off with this chunk here the one that is marked out as minus 5 24 then the number in the

Middle is your Y position that’s the sub junk that you’re in so we’re in the lowest sub junk right now at 0 and then once we get up here we’ll be into one but the thing I need to work out is my y-coordinate and right now we’re at Y 16

17 18 I need to go up to Y 42 that’s where we’re going to start digging out this entire chunk so I’ll need to sort out where the boundaries but I’m just gonna make a kind of rough spiral staircase up here and once again hope that I don’t run into any lava

Lakes in the walls nearby we are apparently going to run into an abandoned mineshaft is this one I’ve explored already there’s a torch on the wall here I think I may have been here how exciting all right not to worry we did do a little bit of caving in some of

These hills ok here we are at y40 and I’m starting to get a little bit worried because I’m hearing lava popping in the walls but we need to dig out this entirety of the chunk so basically anywhere within where it says we are in chunk minus 5 to 24 that’s where we need

To be you guys see that blue line in the corner that is the corner of this chunk so that’s where we need to turn right and start digging this way and the same goes for here one step further than that and we’d be in minus six to 24 which is

Not the chunk we want to be in so we’ll turn right here oh and of course we run into some gravel gravel is the bane of my life when I’m digging out this stuff I swear there we go and we are back to the beacon beam so we have now dug out

The borders of this chunk at around why for to you you can have a little bit of headroom if you want to that doesn’t really make a huge amount of difference the big task now in front of us is to get rid of all of the contents of this

Chunk and that’s where the beacon comes in it’s going to be much faster if you do this now with a beacon which is why I haven’t done a slime farm any sooner because yet just tearing through this chunk obviously you gotta watch that you’re a durability on your pickaxe and

Stuff like that but yet having having a beacon for this is so much easier than doing this manually which I’ve done a couple of times it just takes a long long time but make no mistake my friends we are going to be digging this out all

The way to the bedrock and so it’s probably a good idea if I lay down a bunch of chests here that we can use to collect all the stone because we’re going to be getting a whole lot of stone and hopefully with any luck we might get

A few rare resources as well so I think I’m probably gonna invite my camera count in here and we’ll do this in the form of a time-lapse Welcome back folks hope you enjoyed the time-lapse here we have a very large hole dug all the way down to bedrock from y40 or more like Y 42 I guess because it really kind of starts up here but the idea is that we’re going to build a series of spawning platforms

Down here for slimes to spawn on now slimes can actually spawn in any light levels so amazingly enough we can actually completely spawn proof this area to other mobs and only have slimes appear and we’re going to build these platforms out of slabs and though they’re going to be top half slabs so

They’re going to kind of be on the top half of a block so mobs will still be able to spawn on them specifically the slimes in this case and it should create a bunch of different spawning areas basically in the lowest two sub chunks you see where those blue lines are there

We’re not gonna place any spawning platforms any higher than that now we are going to be moving the beacon eventually and I to be honest I didn’t really mean to build it halfway into this chunk already that’s just kind of how the positioning worked out but it’s

Good that it’s here because we do need to dig some walls outside of these chunks as well the problem with that of course is that I need to go and repair my tools so I’m gonna head over to my experienced farm for my spider and skeleton spawner and actually get these

Fixed up because they are pretty low on durability from digging out this entire chunk now the reason I need to dig out the walls is of course because we’re going to use this entire 16 by 16 area for spawning slimes but then the slimes will need to go somewhere the idea is

That you attract them off of these spawning pads using iron golems which slimes become hostile to if there’s an iron golem within a certain radius and that’s where our iron farm comes in it’s going to be incredibly helpful having an iron farm because we’ll be able to make

Iron golems of our own instead of having to spawn them in you can actually create them using iron blocks and pumpkins and a similar way to the way you make the wither or a snow golem and these iron golems are going to be lining the walls

And luring the slimes off of these pads onto something quite similar to what we have in our spider farm where there’s a pad of magma blocks with a minecart with a hopper underneath collecting all of the drops the slimes will end up bouncing on to the magma blocks take

Enough damage that they die they drop slime balls on death it doesn’t have to be a player kill for to drop slime balls the slime balls will be collected up by the minecart hopper and deposited into a chest where the drops can be whisked away back up to the

Surface and we can collect them up here the cool thing about slimes is that unlike other mobs they don’t freeze in place when you get 32 blocks away from them because the slimes are constantly jumping up and down they basically constantly register movement and as a result they will

Always be able to track over to the iron golems rather than say a zombie or a skeleton or something like that which if you get 32 blocks away from it stops tracking anything the AI switches off and it stays perfectly still meaning that once we built this slime farm we

Can basically leave it we can be anywhere within 128 blocks and it will be producing slime for us without us having to really lift a finger but obviously there’s a little bit more work to be done here so I’m going to head over to the skeleton and spider spawner

So I can amend my pickaxes and we’re gonna do a little bit more digging before we do the setup before the spawning pads themselves a slime is here we go on it’s working already okay so this is in the process of preparing the slum chunks for an actual farm but we

May as well grab a little bit of slime while we still can that must have spawned while I was up there preparing the kind of staging area I realized I need to move those chests because they were gonna be in the way of what we’re trying to do here but yeah

I’m gonna dig this place out a little bit more my tools are pretty much all repaired even though I’ve already worn down my pickaxe gathering some more supplies for what we need to do here but I’m gonna fly up to here where I’ve been transferring all of the stone to some

New chests because these ones are just hovering in the air so with all that taken care of and my tools repaired again we now have at what we wanted we’ve got a chunk in here and if I press f3 G you can see that this section here

Is the chunk and we’ve got a three deep section cut out of each of these four walls and I’ve left the pillars on the sites like this but that’s mainly for aesthetic purposes you don’t really have to worry too much about that particular detail now I’m gonna do something which

Might seem a little bit weird but trust me it’s going to help in the long term I’m actually going to completely cover over this last layer here the main reason for that being that this is bedrock and you can’t break it and there are some sections where we may need to

Dig into the floor a little bit so giving myself a one-block kind of buffer zone will allow us to work around any issues that might come up where we have to into the floor I’m thinking mainly of the redstone components here because we’re gonna have to lay down some

Minecart track to collect these slimeballs once they drop and laying down redstone power sources if there’s bedrock around is kind of a pain it sometimes means that you can’t put the power sources where you want them to go so I’m gonna pave this entire area with stone bricks basically and that’s

Absolutely fine because we have a whole bunch of stone now as you might have gathered we’ve been gathering a whole lot of it since we started mining out this entire chunks worth of material and then some and with that taken care of I’m just gonna light up the area around

Here to prevent hostile mobs from spawning it just kind of saves the inconvenience of dealing with them at this stage so we’re gonna come up here to the little supply chests I’ve gathered oh that was a ha ha ha ha that was a clutch ender pearl throw that

Was ridiculous ok now let’s let’s see what we’ve got in this chest this is the one I want we’ve got a ton of powered rail we’ve got some redstone dust that I’m going to convert into redstone blocks we’ve also got a few redstone torches that I need to make a comparator

And stuff out of in a minute but we don’t need to worry about that just yet and I also haven’t brought the quartz so we’re not going to bother I’ve got some sea lanterns I’ve got some magma blocks I have a whole lot of stone slabs and I

Have the ingredients to make an iron golem but we’re going to leave those in here for now and just stick to this stuff so to start off with we’re gonna head down here and we’re going to place some powered rails along here we’re probably gonna have to head up to these

Storage chests and grab the regular rails as well because what we want to do is set up a minecart track that’s probably going to finish I think around here we’re gonna have it finish in this pillar so we’re going to carve out a little bit more of this pillar so let’s

Have that go into there to start off with and we need the regular minecart rails so it can turn bends because if you remember powered rail will not do that so for now we’re going to lay down our powered rail we’re going to dig out some

Area in the centre here just to make sure that these are all powered and if we lay those over the top transmission distance works out for us okay so it is gonna stop there but we’ll have something different powering this rail so that’s going to be fine we want to do

This on each of these sides and then connect the rails up using regular minecart rail for the corners around here so the way I’ve now got this set up there are actually two different sets of rail there is one that starts here and goes all the way around this section and

Then turns this corner and goes all way around this wall and then there’s this one over here where the rail takes them all the way along here and then around this corner and all the way to that section there once they reach this block and this block the minecarts will

Actually rebound and go back around to this so hopefully hopefully this is gonna work a quick demonstration with a hobble minecart just to make sure that it works we’ll push it off from here and it’s gonna go along this section of track it’s gonna curve there it’s gonna

Keep going around here it’ll take this corner and we might want to knock out the block on the corner just to make sure it doesn’t get stuck there maybe if the chunk unloads or something and then it should come all the way right back via this track fantastic so any drops on

The blocks above here gonna be picked up by this hopper minecart and then we’ll have another one running on the opposite set of tracks so two hopper mine carts are going to be doing the work here and now comes the part where we cover the entirety of these tracks with magma

Blocks at one block up because obviously they won’t be able to be placed on the same blocks as the powered rail but you probably recognize this from the spider spawner that we made in a previous episode and this is what’s going to be killing the slimes when they arrive at

Their intended location of course one of the other things we have to do and something that I wish we still had the beacon for but it kind of made sense to take it down so we could work on this area is we’re going to carve out niches

In the wall here where the iron golems are going to stand attracting the slimes onto these magma block killing pads and brace yourself for a lot of crouching because this is the part where we place all the slabs and I don’t just mean this level we are going to do multiple levels

Of these things spaced out around these areas that are filled in with slabs we’re going to place some lighting sources I’m gonna use sea lanterns because I haven’t had a chance to use them yet and I think they’re quite pretty they go quite well with the slabs

They look nice and kind of modern and neutral and placing them flush with the floor three blocks in from the corner means that the corner is going to be lit up to a value of eight block light which is not gonna be enough for hostile mobs to spawn now remember slimes can spawn

At any light levels so it’s not gonna affect the slime spawn rates at all it’s just gonna mean you don’t end up with like the zombies and skeletons and stuff turning up in your slime farm and this central section here is gonna drop down to six block lights so we’re probably

Gonna have to put a couple of light sources in here and I I don’t want to just do one because that kind of throws me off a little bit because it’s not centered this is an even-numbered space it’s 16 by 16 so I’m actually gonna put 2 I’m gonna put them in there

Like that and that’s going to provide adequate light to the area except on these corners we’re probably gonna get a little bit of low block light as well so chances are we will probably have to do something about that now over here we don’t have that because the magma blocks

Are actually retaining the light level so what I might try and do is put some torches underneath there to make sure the magma blocks keep that light level when we create additional spawning plants though that is gonna be a problem because we will need to put some sea

Lanterns in the floor so we’re going to be using a few more than we expected to but maybe we can modify the configuration of them around here to make that work a little bit better so the idea is that we’re now going to leave a three block gap because slimes

Need a three block high space in which to spawn so we’re going to count one two three blocks up we’re gonna start the next platform there and at this point it’s just a matter of rinse and repeat we’re gonna do this every three blocks until we reach the top of our second sub

Chunk here which is gonna be around Y 32 well we are all done here and these platforms are all pretty much identical and lit up and the top one that finishes up at Y 32 which is actually Oh just flick it that on and off there that is

Actually the beginning of the next sub chunk up so this might not be the most efficient thing the idea between sub jumps is that if you have stuff lower in the world mobs tend to spawn faster because the game calculates mob spawning from the bottom of a chunk upwards

The fewer sub junks you use if you’re like down at the bottom of the world then the higher efficiency in theory mobs should spawn then again these mechanics have changed a little bit as of 1.13 so that might not be entirely accurate now but anyway this thing is

Working like it’s working and I actually managed to get a few more slime balls just by coming back here after going to drop off some resources and picking up some redstone stuff so that we can build the collection mechanism there’s even some down there now like I don’t think

There’s there’s nothing for the slimes to be attracted to and there’s none down here right now but look yeah there’s like the slime balls everywhere they’re just naturally moving on to the magma blocks because slimes tend to wander they don’t really have any kind of set kind of pathing movement or agenda and

Like I said they don’t freeze in place they tend to move around quite a lot so to make this far more efficient what we want to do is move the slimes out of the spawning space as quickly as possible so the game doesn’t detect that there are still

Slimes here and decide not to spawn anymore and the way we’re going to do that is with iron golems because I’m golems are a thing that most mobs will decide to track and a tank luckily I have brought a few blocks of iron that are completely separate from the beacon

Setup because the iron farm has still been producing a lot of iron so we’re gonna start off by putting one iron golem in the wall over here and the key is going to be to put it behind a fence so that the slimes can see it but they

Can’t actually jump over to it and attack it right so let’s grab a few fences from in here I think I at least brought some wood with me yeah let’s use some spruce logs for this this little alcove over here is basically dead center with that platform so in order to

Make an iron golem you want to clear out a little bit of space around here just so it has a good chance to spawn and what we want to do is build a tipos much like we do with the wither and you place a carved pumpkin on top of that and bam

That turns into an iron golem who immediately it turns out suffocates in the wall I’m sorry fella there we go oh dear you know what if we push him a little bit further towards yeah there we go we should be able to build these

Blocks in here now and then we can put a few fences down like so and there we go he is all boxed in here so even if a baby slime nails the jump from up there and manages to land in there I think we will still be fine I think he’ll

Probably either be able to fight it off and he won’t take much damage because baby slimes do like no damage whatsoever or maybe they’ll take a tiny amount of damage over time and maybe we can fill that in with I don’t know glass panes or something like that that’s not going to

Connect to the fences and will still allow the slimes to target the iron golem when they’re spawning on these pads but effectively anything within range of that anything that’s gonna spot the iron golem will be on this pad there and this pad there and we can probably

Just space them out quite evenly between these platforms and get a bunch of slimes to drop off so the more iron golems you can install the better really just so the slime instantly gets a line of sight on one of them but even then with three of these in each wall except

For the wall that’s got our chests in it does seem to be working I’ve noticed a couple of slime balls when I’ve gone away and come back so evidently slimes are spawning down here and getting attracted to the iron golems pretty quickly now I think that one cell up here is

Probably where we gonna place our last iron golem mainly because I’ve run out of iron blocks right now because this is a very resource intensive project and I don’t recommend doing this unless you have a lot of iron to burn or you’ve got yourself an iron farm but there we go

That is our last iron golem in place and just to demonstrate how these guys are different from the iron golems that spawn in villages if you punch this guy he’s not gonna fight back if he did that to an iron golem in a village you would probably die it would

Be a very very difficult fight to win so these guys are just gonna get squirreled away in here I’m going to take out the rest of this and then we can work on the collection mechanism which is gonna be fun because this is a really neat redstone contraption and it’s gonna be

Designed to funnel all of the drops up through one of these pillars to the surface using a water column and with a little bit of work I think I’ve got this figured out so all this is gonna look a little bit complicated to those of you who aren’t that familiar with redstone

But I’ll try and explain it as best I can this mine cart with a hopper is gonna collect up the slime balls from the magma blocks over here and it’s going to roll over the top of this hopper when it reaches the end of this minecart track

Which is currently powered when it rolls on top of the hopper it’s going to start transferring items through the hopper and what we wanted to do is stop on top of the hoppers so that it doesn’t just roll away immediately and take a bunch of those items with it so what we have

Here is a circuit where a comparator is measuring whether or not there is an item in a hopper which will actually switch it on and the signal will be boosted by this repeater bringing it round here and turning off this redstone torch because redstone torches have this fantastic property where they switch off

If the block they are attached to is being powered by a different redstone current so in this case this is all going to light up and it’s going to switch off this torch which is currently powering this minecart track so basically what happens is when the hopper minecart rolls onto this and it’s

Full of stuff it’s gonna switch off that rail preventing it from rolling away until it’s finished depositing all the items let me give you a quick example of this in action so I’m gonna put all 37 of the slime balls that I picked up into the hopper minecart I’ve just thrown

Them in and they’re sitting in there now when I roll this thing up the slope towards that hopper notice it switches off transfers all of those items through there into this dropper where they to be ejected to go up into the surface and the circuit is switched off until

Such time as the hopper minecart has completely finished filling this hopper with items once it’s done is simply rolls away again and begins its journey around the rest of the slime killing pads around this whole area so that is how that is all set up I’m gonna build

Another one over here for the second minecart track so you guys can get an idea of what we’re doing here so there is a chain of hoppers here connecting this chest which is where the slime balls are going to be deposited with this dropper doesn’t have to be a double

Chest it’s just a little bit easier right here because we’re working around a lot of bedrock and there was a little bit more space for the hoppers if I made a double chest in these oh there we go look a slime is about to die over here

In fact I might help it along a little bit considering it’s now tracking me instead of the iron golems but that minecart with hopper should actually pick those slimeballs up on its way back to this drop-off station on its return journey I’m excited to see this actually work

But look there you go we’ve got her little bit of experiences left over there because we killed it manually but that rolls to the top of there and deposits the slime and then continues on and that’s all now in the hopper we’ve got ten extra slime balls from that

Fantastic stuff so anyway back to the explanation we’re going to drop a hopper on top of this and that is where the minecart is going to roll to a halt and we need to have powered rail going up on top of that now remember to power the

Rail we actually need to have a redstone torch here like so but then we need the mechanism to switch that redstone torch off when the hopper has items transferring through into the chest so we’re going to place a comparator facing away from the hopper like so the torch

There doesn’t really matter but I’m gonna switch it off for the time being just so it’s a little bit clearer we’re going to place a redstone repeater immediately after that and then three redstone dust coming out of the repeater and wrapping back around onto this block

And when the hopper has any items in it whatsoever when it’s transferring some stuff it’s going to turn off that minecart track that is phase one now for Phase two we’re going to work on the circuit that ejects all the items that come in to this dropper and feeds them

Into a water column that’s going to go up to the surface and that involves this little circuit that I’ve showcased elsewhere on my channel but again I’ll do my best to explain it for you now we’ve got a dropper here being measured by a comparator and with a sticky piston

Below the comparator on this site I’m thankfully I’m kind of lucky in that there is a gap here where there isn’t any bedrock and there is bedrock a little bit further down of course but it thankfully evades us for the time being so what we’re going to do is place a

Sticky piston in here and we need to set up an observer clock you remember when I demonstrated the flower farms it’s kind of a similar process here what we want to do is dig this way a little bit so we can place an observer facing that way into the comparator and then face

Another observer that way so what’s going to happen now is when this comparator detects any items are present in this dropper it’s going to activate the sticky piston through this observer block the sticky piston is going to power it’s going to push this observer up creating an observer clock and the

Fact that this observer is ticking into this space means that the dropper will start ejecting items I’m going to demonstrate now very quickly by placing this batch of stone in there and see the items just start to spit out instantly now all you have to do is install a soul

Sand bubble column underneath this and it’s going to push the items up to the surface in a water stream that’s going to take a little bit of doing because I need to go and grab some kelp and some soul sand and enough glass to block this

In to make sure that the water isn’t going to escape and flood out the redstone so give me two seconds and I’ll be back with that so I’ve made the preparations the soul sand is in place I’ve got the coordinates that the soul sand is on and now we have to begin the

Perilous process of digging down in a water column because we’re going to place a water column down here and then we’re going to place kelp all the way back up now I’ve got respiration on my helmet I could always grab a water breathing potion if I want to but we can

Avoid the perils of falling into lava by placing this water source at the top here and then just digging straight down within it because now even if we run into lava on our way down we’re guaranteed that the lava will turn into obsidian because water’s going to

Be flowing out onto it so we’ve really got nothing to worry about except suffocation but we’re gonna be digging down all the way to y equals 6 where we will find our soul sand block and I just have to remember to take the right tools with me when I’m digging down here here

You can hear the the lava popping away hopefully we are avoiding that if we’re digging down in exactly the right location but yeah it looks like we are digging into a cave not to worry though hopefully there is no lava here and I can take a breather which is

Actually something that I kind of need right now we will need to block this entire thing off though because the entire thing is going to be water sources very soon we want to maintain the integrity of our bubble columns so let’s just to make sure that we’ve got

That all sealed up and continue on our downward journey this shouldn’t be too bad though Oh yep there we go we’ve made it fantastic so now all we need to do is swap out the sole sand block actually for something else because soul sand cannot grow kelp on it because it’s not

A full block it’s actually like fifteen sixteenths of a block but that’s fine all we need to do is grow this kelp all the way back up to the surface and we should be good that is now kelp all the way let’s swim down as fast as we can to

Get rid of this kelp and place our soul sand block and after that he’ll be propelled back up to the surface and so there after should be any items and the items are coming in as you can hear there are gonna be some slimes dying around here very shortly so hopefully we

Should be able to get the soul sand block here in time we’ll pop that on there like so and whoosh we are off to the surface haha fantastic now if we wait here for a short amount of time we’ll gather up all of that kelp but we

Might even get to see some of the slime balls pop up here as well oh here they come here they come now hey it’s a slime fountain and there we go all we need to do is hook this up to a another water stream that’s gonna lead it into hoppers

You see that we’ve got a whole bunch of slime balls there alright folks I hope you guys have enjoyed at this little episode it’s been a little bit of a hectic one it’s taking me a little while to put this together it’s a lot of digging involved but I hope you guys

Enjoyed it a great deal my name is Ben Pixar if so don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys soon take care bye for now

This video, titled ‘How To Build A Slime Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 60]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-01-23 11:00:12. It has garnered 1300750 views and 21951 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:00 or 2160 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to locate a Slime Chunk and build a Slime Farm. In the process we create our own Iron Golems and create some redstone circuits for fast item transport!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Watch the full Minecraft Survival Guide playlist here:

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

Time Lapse music: Kyou – “Pixel Dreams”

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards!

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

#Minecraft #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Survival #SlimeFarm

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  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

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  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

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  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

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  • MythoMc Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

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  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

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  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More