INSANE Solo Minecraft Factions Starter Guide!

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Yo what’s going on everybody coobo here welcome back to another video today we are over here on laus MC Arcane realm LMC is essentially a faction server and this realm has just released about 10 20 minutes ago maybe not even that um we’re going to be recording on here this map

It’s only a week long two days of grace period and then the rest is raiding um however we do have these two Arcane monthly crates to open however if I head over just shot them in my PV for now we did in fact get a car if I head over to

Homec you can see we got this fairly uncontested like there’s not many factions on here so we man if I do F Corners look we managed to get one of them so it’s not too bad there’s many corners you can get probably won’t use

It since at the moment I’m a solo so I might try and join a faction who knows but yeah before we get into the C opening if you’re new around here let’s make sure you do subscribe if you can for 10 likes on today’s video that would be greatly appreciated and also make

Sure you like and comment I read all my comments and I’m really looking for feedback on my channel and things like that but anyways enough one waffling let’s go open these we have shot this in there for now so we have two of them so we’ll open one

First oh it doesn’t animation I got confused there come on give us something good please a wild fly voucher I don’t need that I don’t think a guardian mask a ninja mask tier three money pouch that’s always good 32 IGS that’s good as well and Max Harvest hor sick vent C Keys creepers

You know I’d say this is a decent pole I think I’ve done all right here I’m not going to lie okay I think I’ve actually okay I think I’ve done really well here does it give me a final reward an Essence gkit I don’t know if

That’s any good but there we have it we’ve just got everything that is a lot of rewards holy right the ninja mask I don’t know if this is going to be any maybe right I don’t know which one’s going to be best for to use for now but

Obviously the spawners are going to be a massive help don’t know if I need that fly voucher and the max Harvest H that is perfect anyways we got three no two tier three money poers even let’s just go and open these here now we got is

That 7 million 7.7 million pretty much 8 million which isn’t too bad and we also got another so hopefully we can get something good here also um is it going to is it going to open there we go and we got come on 9 million is that 9 million so we’re

Up to 17 million which isn’t too bad now we finally got one more CR key to open a monthly CR should I say so let’s open this like so hopefully we can get something good I can’t even remember what you can win to be honest with you

But um let’s go so we have five legendary CR Keys 16 villagers a guardian mask I’m pretty sure I already had one of those mob crystals a dolphin mask Max dark own sword sick I can rank yo I think I’ve just got some good loot you know I’m probably going to sell that

Other H because I don’t need it if if I already got a Max one but yo we got a lot of spawners a damage G kit yo this could come in [ __ ] what’s this Theo mask though I want to know what that’s about sorry I didn’t

Mean to do a cut that a dolphin mask wear this mask while in water okay that probably good if I had a b di Diablo mask goes card get an extra 70 uh 7% damage in PvP probably use that the guardian mask we’ve already looked up but yeah we

Don’t need this H we don’t need but we’ll use the mobs on very soon an Arcane rank I Do by go Arcane realm uh ranks Arcane rank is the top rank so guys if you would like to win the Arcane rank all you have to do is comment your

IGN and why you’d like to win also make sure you are liked and subscribed and I’ll make sure to pick the giveaway winner in the next video so yeah it’s pretty easy to do but moving on now we have a damage G kit so let’s quickly

Clan that um so we have the G kit for 30 days which is too bad right tier three money pouch number three when we got 6 million next one come on let’s get a big win here 5 million which is not too bad at all brings our balance up to about 28

Million but we have a lot of spawners so we’re going to shut those over my PV like so I’m going to shut the mask in there for now also shut everything in there why not but I’ll put the AR rank there and we also have an Essence kit so

We might as well just clip climb that I’m pretty sure I got that um right damage kit and the essence kit so damage kit gives us a you know what this is good obviously I’m need custom but so far so good good sword and an Essence set let me check

This out real quick um where’s increased tokens all right okay so this is more for so had a c you know what we’re going have to get a c Farm set up for sure and we got two sh f for now so what we’re going to do is actually we’re going to

Take this off cuz we don’t want to lose it since it’s our only one if I do SL kit again obviously we might as well claim these other kits like so we’ll a quick sell out I’m going to go for my kits and I’ll bring you back so actually

The other kids are pretty pointless I’ve just clim Necromancer and AR cuz I don’t really need the other ones but what we’re going to do now is we’re going to head over is this a profile oh is a profile we see if we can join a faction

Maybe and uh I’ll bring bring you back in a moment so I totally forgot we won crate keys in the opening so we’re going to head over and open them now we’re going to start for the spell master cuz I believe they’re the worst um yeah I’m assum the worst open

Them all this is going to take a long time I didn’t realize can I just shift out of it no I can’t I can roll though you know what we’ll take the creepers is there working like oh this is going to be a long task I’m

Going to bring you all back uh in a moment all right so I think I found an easier way so if I just we will open up the spell master oh never mind this is going to be so long man like I’ve want I’ve been gone like 5 minutes and I’ve

Just got this stuff here we’re going to take actually oh wait I thought it was the throw creepers never mind but like surely there’s a way we can no all right I’m going to be back in about 3 hours we are finally on to the last spell master

Crate hopefully we can get something good for the recording three two and it was4 Blow spawners now this is everything we did get we got a lot of Chunk Busters which is going to be good if I want to decide to make a b we got five tier three money

Poaches 64 BL 64 creepers eight more creepers nine IGS and eight more blazes got a fair few explosive rods which might be good if we do any raids we got three one time PVP G kids a one time bad which I don’t actually see a point we

Got a combo mask which is get a player in combo deal increased damage scaling with the size of the combo up to a maximum of six hits 30% damage which actually is going to be really good if we decide to PVP anyway sorry about that we have 10 legendary in seven events

Legend first oh it’s the same thing I’ll bring you all back so I got 12 a Golems oh I give 32 a minute GR they didn’t actually give me them I don’t know if that was just an issue but yeah we’re getting some Mario we got another Diablo mask which we can

Probably just save what’s that okay I don’t know which mask is going to be best to use but yeah we keep going we got three more two more and the last one hopefully we get something good and we’re going to get another Diablo mask which isn’t too

Bad I’ll probably be able to sell these for some money now moving on the event Cy probably a fake po would do nice all the spawners first one uh hopefully we get something good double mask again 500 C there was an easier way this entire time but we got five switch balls one

Time AR you get two fake pills five throwable cobwebs and we probably got some spawn is in that as well but I’m not too sure but yo these items are probably going to be helpful for WI a PVP but moving on the XP pouches we have

Two of those and we have six tier three monies so we start with this 36 million and we’ve just pulled 4 million so it takes our BS up to 40 can I open these more than one no so 40 million 43 come on let’s get a big

Win 8 million yo that’s sick that was a sick pull come on let’s get another 8 million back to back 7 m I’ll take that I take that one more come on we can do this 7 million again last one please an 8 mil or 9 mil

Come on 8 mil or 9 mil 3 mil damn right so now we have two XP pouches might as well just open these like so 30 fet and last one hopefully we get something big 49k which isn’t too bad if I do XP shop is that a thing

No I guess that XP is just used for custom enchants brings our balance up to 71 million if I run out Bop we should be here yeah we’re not too far off hopefully we can get there but yeah I’m going to take a cut and we’re going to start working on the farms

Getting some spawners up things like that so yeah bring your back in a moment didn’t mean to do that all right so it’s been a five minutes since I last recorded it’s been that long Mega cough is activated and I’m a solo so I’m not

Going to go do that in the meantime I actually I’m going to set up some grind um I’ve been looking at farming and I don’t actually know which is the best to make like cane sells for 40 but there’s never one and stuff like this where it’s

Like 256 is just m expensive so I’m going to look into that what we’re going to do is we’re going to make like a farm here like ALC or whatever Farm we choose to make and then we’ll just have our Grinders there for now as well since TNT

Is disabled so I’m going to get this going and I’ll bring you all back with an update okay and just like that we’ got a little base up nothing too special there literally got one wall not even a wall just the base wall but I didn’t do it

Too big since I’m a solo so I don’t think it’s going to be too hard I’m like I said I’m a solo I’m expect it to get rid here so I’m going to do is play Infinite W bucket here and here just so I can’t creeper again and there we go

There we have it so now if I just quickly mine in if I can get in there we go um yeah so this is what it looks like I made it in the desert mine world just cuz it’ll probably be easier um but what we’re going to do now

Is we’re going to figure out which crop is best and make so I’ve decided to go with sugar cane just because it’s probably going to be easiest to do um cuz it’s this horizontal uh the bucket things sorry about that and infinite water so what I’m going to do is I’m

Going just make the whole floor water and I can just use these buckets and it should go horizontally hopefully that works and there isn’t any sand ones otherwise I would have done it on Sand so yeah I’m just going to go around make this whole thing water and I’ll bring

Your back and just like that the water is about done 3 two one there we go perfect so now if I just do this just like I did on the roof I understand it’s not going to be the best but it’s I’m a solo I don’t really need to worry about

Other players using it how far do these go that’s not too bad so we should get this done here in a second I’m hoping the sugar cane works on this I haven’t played functions guys in so long so please bear with me and yeah I have

Switched to Orit class cuz I feel like this is the better faction client so that is the reason of the change so yeah um right now this should be done right perfect so what I’m going to do now is going to go through Play Sugar

Can on them all and I’ll bring you and just like that boys the cane Farm is now done that didn’t really take too long at all so now if I should just be able to maybe if I hold on there we go we’ll just do that so now we

Can just like run maybe I can even fly boost I’m not sure I can f boost all right that’s sick so now we could just grind fairly easily um see how much we get 500k is that okay so Kane might be worth grinding I’m not going to lie if it’s

500k this our shop as well one thing I did realize if I head over spawn there is already four spawners please creeper ig’s and villagers and we got a fair bit of IGS in sorry in the cre opening so we’re going to get these set up as soon

As possible actually in fact we’ll do that now so probably just fly up a bit uh we’ll make a layer right here if I do/ gen bucket I believe the command was get a horizontal obsidian one and we’ll go about here um just to make a little L like a

Platform even so we can have our spawners up on here so now if I do that shop head over to MK I believe it was oh was it was it Essence shop I don’t I can’t remember what it was guys I’m not going to lie to you decoration do it wasn’t MK there

Sorry and we’ll buy one of these collectors basically just if I place it down I can actually show you so we’ll place it here um the soul chest is on by us and obviously it just collects all the items um so it actually collects cactuses well so if we want to s a

Cactus grinder we could have but I don’t think this Ser you can sell Cactus but yeah what we’re going to do is actually we’re going to make this is going to be weird this B later I’m not going to lie um we’re going to get a hor a

Vertical down and what we’re going to do is we’re going to just make a little like a little wall essentially just in case if they do split they’re going to have to go through this one also just as a little bit of extra protection for our spawners here so yeah

I’m going to work on the ground and I’ll bring you back and just like that and know it’s weird we have our little box up um so now it’s a little bit more protected so if we forget to move our spawners but if we come in here like so

There we go we’re going to have our spawners in here this is where we can grind just to like a little safe room essentially uh so what we’re going to do is we going to make these little pillars we’re going to go uh one two three there we go so

That’s going to be one pillar and we’re going to do a two Gap maybe on the mall yeah we won’t worry about that so these are going to be our little spawner pillars here that’s a three go there we go so this is going to be our little

Layout essentially um I did it twice what the [ __ ] so pv2 what we’re going to do is we’re going to start by placing our IGS I’m hoping they don’t need lava to die is this the only IGS we have yes is it oh we had a stuck there but did I

Just see some more no I think that’s all of our spawns we have so I’m hoping now that these don’t need any lava we’ll we’ll find out but with that we’re also going to place all villagers because they are the best for money here might as well just place all

Our spawners in here apart from the Blazers Creeper Creeper uh I forgot to get them ones I another G so that’s f villes do I have any more Villages no so now we’ve just got creepers we just place our creeper here like so I don’t know if these are

Spawning oh they are they instantly just die so what have we got so far iron and emeralds perfect now hopefully the T TNT comes maybe is it going to work is it going to work I don’t know if it’s I think I have to be there uh this TNT will oh F TNT

Bar uh info I’m not sure how this works oh no is working perfect so yeah I’m probably going to it’s literally been like 3 seconds since the last clip but I didn’t notice if I do F upgrade we can upgrade some stuff so what we’re going to do is

We’re going to do spawn boost whilst we have the money just obviously so we make oh we don’t have enough damn that’s a lot of money M okay so we only got one level of that we don’t really need to do we’ll do a level well you know what might as well

Just max it out like so and then chest upgrade we don’t really need TNT Bank upgrade we’ll do one but we’re going to go actually what we’re going to do quickly is we’re going to spend our remainder of the balance over here on villager spawners just because obviously these seem like they

Are the best so let’s just Place some like so so now we have 50 villagers I could have swore we had more villagers but apparently we didn’t but yeah I’m going to go AFK for a little bit I’ll bring you all back okay so I’ve AFK for a little while now

We’ve only got about 900 K but there is outpost on This Server so we’ve got dungeon and dark Zone and as a solo I highly doubt going to be able to contest any of these considering the person how actually we might be able to so might go

On C alos quick to show you but we’ve set up my ALT here so he’s going to be AFK in the spawners overnight and that means we could also start grinding some uh sugar can um so what we’re going to do actually is going to GE her up we got

To dark Zone and hope we can cap The Outpost if not we’ll try and grind or something like that but yeah I’ll bring you right so we’re here at the Outpost um I’m hoping this is the right one uh right yeah I think it is yeah is

Perfect so we’re going to cap this hopefully we don’t get contested I’m hoping we don’t anyways this don’t seem to be online um if f p gang oh I can’t but yeah they don’t seem to be online so I’m going to C this hopefully and I’ll

Bring you all back with an update if we get contested or if we capture it okay so that was a fairly easy cap I believe we just C it yeah we did perfect so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go head on SL spawn and then we’ll go back to

Our base if wait did I set a home I did I set a please say I did hopefully we did okay it’s C enough uh head over to my and just like that boys we are back over here at the base we have about 2 million in value so we’re going to go

Ahead and sell that which we got about 1.9 which isn’t too bad I don’t know if the Outpost boost actually works for that um but we’ll slowly get our TNT up so we can do some raids when they are when TNT is enabled but I’m going to end

Today’s video here because it is getting kind of long and I want to start working on episode two right now um so if you haven’t know make sure you do leave a like if we can in for 10 likes that would mean a lot to me and if you’re new

On you make sure you do subscribe and turn on notifications it helps help the channel greatly and we’re going to be recording here on LMC a lot more so make sure you do stay posted for them and if you do want to enter in the giveaway make sure you do like comment and

Subscribe make sure you comment your ENT and a reason you would want the rank and I’ll pick the V winner in the next video but that guys thank you all so much for the support and I’ll catch you in the next one

This video, titled ‘THE *BEST* START TO MINECRAFT FACTIONS AS A SOLO! | Minecraft Factions #1’, was uploaded by Callable on 2024-02-26 20:00:12. It has garnered 454 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds.

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    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links (Community discord server) (Prototype community discord server) (Official SB737 Server) (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST:’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:- search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More