Insane Tower Masterclass: Descend the Dungeon!

Video Information

Hello everybody in this video i’m going to talk about uh the tower in minecraft dungeons uh well i finished it uh the third try basically i needed the tries in order to understand what i actually need depends on what the room have uh and of course want to

Figure out it was a walk in the park i like the idea because it’s kind of you know a rogue light with several tries uh again you start from the beginning if you fail the level so i really like the idea uh again just figuring out which

Items are better to get i went with a pet bid but not before the first time when i went all pads uh i decided to make some changes although in the second run i actually didn’t take the hybrid i just keep the room by mistake and i also needed to override the first

Enchantment sorry the first artifact by mistake because i haven’t arranged them i can actually replace the second and the third i mean i don’t know how just the first so this the bill was actually screwed and that’s the reason i actually lost but the third try of course the

Landfill was mistakes and i tried it again here you can see tower completed you can choose a gilded this dude is very happy and i am happy and i’m going to show you the run of course not everything of course the first room let’s call it rooms right uh very easy

Uh i decided here um as you can see uh to my focus was again pat or two or maybe three at the start again and with later a changing uh but the thing is that um some of the items that i was focusing in terms of damage the first

One i didn’t focus a lot of melee damage i was actually counting more of the pets but that was not good in order to eliminate the bosses fast you need to focus also having very strong melee damage so i decided of course in the last one in the third try to just

Balance things out so it’d be more powerful so basically here i’m getting enchatment points because i need them i really want to make it so powerful and again if you’re just making changes you won’t get enchating points you really want gonna get very very strong with the bill so

Again you need to do every time what you actually want to achieve and already the first one i knew actually what i’m gonna get based on the drop that i’ve seen the thing is that most of the room you have time to maneuver and kind of uh you

Know get more time maybe heal wait for the healing let the pets do their damage so again most of the rooms are actually very forgiving some of them of course would be more challenging than the others but the first few years few rooms are actually very easy

Now of course you don’t need to follow the exact thing but this actually works so uh this build worked i already knew from the beginning that i’m gonna use spats they just get the egg roll of the enemies so it’s very easy to do lots of things around this just dancing around

It also buys you more time because again you don’t have many artifacts right and you’re really kind of in a bad situation even the armor doesn’t have full enchantments and good choices sometimes all right so basically i went with the firebrand because it has a as you can see guarding strike and um

Oh my god i forgot any one month i haven’t played committed all right at the first time the most important thing is survivability being strong because i know i’m gonna get a path later on and um again i’m gonna focus on survivability so i won’t die quick

Again the third floor very easy you get very forgiving you can just move around again in general all of the rooms are small and kind of attacked with enemies some of them less than others now here i didn’t win with the weapon it wasn’t good although you can get again either higher

Power i just chose uh enchantment point again i try to get plenty plenty of them because i already know the building i want to create looking very easy clearly the room fast i don’t have a pet midi right now so i’m kind of trying to avoid getting hit

Dancing around attacking here i just get hit but you know they’re all of them just shooting me at the same time i get back again not taking any risks because if you fail it’s better to fail at the later stages than their early stages now the thing is that when i created the

Bill around the path i didn’t want a slow weapon uh also this one again is guarding strike and the committed i sorry in and sharpness but again the idea for me wasn’t that i wanted a more fast weapon uh so i could do damage and move them and move rather than trying to

Do some slow hits although i can create a build with this one but again i always decided on a build that i thought it would be very good for the run and i just went with it of course i didn’t know when i did it that i’m going to

Complete it but it just felt good so i try and eventually just worked maybe you know something wouldn’t work i need to do it again but they didn’t work now i already know that the knights will be uh will be a problem so the thing is

That i thought maybe i’m going to get it but then decided ah no i’m not going to get it so i decided again to take an enchantment point instead right i’m thinking about that thinking about it all the ideas uh i know already the enemies that i’m gonna face

But already thinking about maybe they are something that i haven’t thought about that i might encounter and also need to get ready for bosses and i didn’t want this uh by the way for bosses although again you could create a build and probably gonna try different

Ones uh and see what works uh other than the one that i used all right let’s continue now this one can be tricky it’s easier when you have a pet but i recommend just finishing the small ones fast i’m using snowball as you can see was very very

Helpful and just try to avoid the big dude and just hit him and eventually will die right doesn’t hit too too hard you can actually avoid let him hit well i’m dealing damage over time as you can see so just letting him bleed just kidding that’s it of course you can just

Wait and heal there’s no rush there’s no timer on your tail now you always thinking oh my lighting will do a lot of damage and i can upgrade it later i can just wipe everything uh we should thought maybe gonna do in the other one but again the bill that

I’m already seated is actually successful until 17 and 20 i say all right if it works well until 1720 why not continue with it try to improve other things so i went with of course with the golem kit now i could have gotten by the way two

Of them but again i i always forget to arrange the artifacts in the right order so i can actually put only on the first one i don’t know they need to change it so we can just move and drag and move the artifact i don’t know why it’s like that

Again now with it you have a golem the golem actually is a tank you get the damage and you can just focus uh you know just dealing damage whatever you like you and you’re also very very powerful so it’s really good to have him and very

Easy to clear this level and again i’m thinking in the long run to be strong right i thought all right maybe i’m going to get a pat and i pad there are very very good so i decided to get the two pads they can really help me it’s

Very easy when you have two pads to really move forward with the upcoming levels so i knew that i’m gonna have enough i’m gonna spend i’m gonna buy some more chatting points on the way and just make it easier for me to just clear the levels and move forward without

Taking any risk although it’s not a must by the way but it works very well now here i know what you are thinking you want to get the iron at amulet but i already tried it and i told myself for a bill i need to collecting fast rooms are

Small uh you know if i be careful they get the egg roll i don’t need to care about this i don’t actually need it it’s really just a waste uh i probably need something else i told myself maybe something really good uh i will get something really good and actually i got

Something really good which is actually the gong but just later on so again i didn’t know this is going to come but i didn’t want to really go with the r1 at amulet i think they can actually benefit more by using other ones to survive until i get to the

To the higher levels so this one very easy again when you have pets really a walk in the park you can attack they get most of their damage and aggro just do and do your thing now really thinking about getting an armor but enrage is so useful is so useful

That when you have many enemies and you’re in rage you just make them just attack each other uh so i thought oh this is going to be a good idea i didn’t pay attention by the way to the speed when i actually equip it the speed wasn’t good

Uh but i use actually ricochet and rage but again this is not really a really good one and wedge is very good but the thing is that you get really low amount of arrows and the speed is low so it’s not that great just saying

All right uh here by the way i upgrade the pad the powers will be more powerful uh the video was actually cut out i’m sorry for that uh needed to put it in recording but i already did it uh and we move on to the next one

Now this box is very very easy this is the first boss uh again uh you need to hit it of course and it’s going to spawn some aov on the ground which you need to avoid because you’re going to take lots of airway damage uh damage over time sorry uh and those

Little dudes that uh shoot it’s very easy when you have bats because some of the damage of course will go to the pads just spend time rolling around this eliminate the small enemies and uh you can actually if you have of course be the bow you can actually shoot

Mine is not that good right now as i told you i didn’t mistake i didn’t pay attention to the speed but again it’s actually held down pretty well uh just you can actually just move around so you won’t get hit a lot if you see that you are getting low uh

Yeah overall very very easy and the pet will also deal damage to it really not a problem i’m just going to show you of course the entire fight here the bosses i’m not going to skip it so you can see it by the way it’s better just to focus fast eliminate everything

Because then all the enemies are just gone i didn’t do it here but you can actually do this if you see that you have enough hp you can just continue eating the uh the boss and just finishing it i didn’t take any risk why

I mean i when i die i just want just silly mistake but just being really doing something but you know if you play well you wouldn’t die sometimes you die again because you’re getting situation that well nothing you can do it happens all right you’ve got to build learning for it but

Again uh be careful when you’re actually doing it there’s no there’s no timer right so take your time and take the arrows of course very useful now if i don’t see anything really special enchantment points of course uh to upgrade things here you can see me

Uh this is i’m gonna show you of course what i use that is ricochet because i realize that i don’t have uh lots of uh arrows that anyway it’s not really a good buy a great buy but it’s okay i did a mistake there but it’s okay i

Was able to finish it nonetheless next war again is very easy again when you have paths you just walk in the park most of the towers walk in the park with pets just so you know they make things so so easy i realized that the first one when i had the pets i

Knew from the from the get-go that uh you know it’s very hard to create a build with the artifacts and and i see that when i play with the uh with the pads i did lots of damage they get egg i mean lots of benefits from considering the fact that the build

Is really kind of uh you know sketchy right uh so you can see me i’m searching what to upgrade i don’t have enough but if you don’t have to you can actually wait and then see what you want what you don’t need to invest everything right you see

Sometimes if the benefits are not high just wait for something good to drop and then do it again this is another very very easy just eliminate enemies very easy with bats and move on now yeah i was thinking about oh maybe love medallion actually can be good sometimes but hell no the

Beverly that i get with the enchantment points to becoming more powerful to eliminate bosses faster higher survivability i almost bought it i almost bought it ah why not let’s give it a try but the thing is that you see on the left side if i buy it it go into

The first slot and uh you know and i won’t give the golem of course this is a big mistake to do right so always rearrange before you enter out i hope in the in future update it will allow us to actually change the position uh when we actually in the screen

Anyway i upgrade the snowball because i get one second for actually shooting so i can actually stun two enemies at the same time so it’s very very powerful so again this level again piece of cake there are many enemies stay close by the way to your pet so the pet can get the

Egg roll and you can actually stun enemies or you feel just confident just go in and eliminate enemies the thing is that keep i form creepers and this is one of the reasons by the way i really want the pets as well so creepers will explode on them and up on

Here you can see i’m thinking about of course changing my bow because it’s bad i made a mistake i didn’t pay attention i just rushed it so i decided to get this one because i can deal damage over time and increase the damage overall for

My pets from far also for me of course uh so this really good one i’m just taking the damage by the way to see which one gives more damage per second and i decide to go instead of poison cloud to go with fire aspect this is a fantastic one shoot faster

More aim off shoots more arrows what more do you want right it’s crazy it’s really really good here by the way it’s very easy make sure the the those uh how do you call it bulls uh we just stand there so one uh again with the patch is very easy you

Just stand there you can shoot them or let them just fall whatever you know it’s very easy to pass this one again don’t over you know just don’t go there let the enemies just die shoot them for far let them fall and then continue now here i upgrade my weapon it’s time

My weapon is not good i don’t need the guard distracted who cares about committed when the weapon power is so low right so it doesn’t matter i need to upgrade my weapon i realize curious about guardians right here the benefits of actually the other weapon which faster

Is weakening as leeching and also can even eliminate enemies have bees so they can take enemies and deal damage uh again this was much better better choice so again it’s a no-brainer and i bought it so always take everything into account move the power of the weapon the damage

The artifact the synergies of course very important but come on you need to be powerful and i knew that if i’m going to come with a this weapon to a boss it would take me forever to limit the boss who knows maybe i’m going to die so

Definitely i knew that this time around i need to be very strong again bosses so focus on actually having very strong melee attack uh and again i think about other things other drops that can actually come and i do they’re actually saving the best for last right so

I needed to be ready as you can see here creepers i don’t care and very easy again let’s move on all right here uh i’m getting another adjustment point i see also this junk nothing that’s actually good for the build that i wanted to use uh

So if actually three so we can actually upgrade uh both of them were very good both weakening and i decided to go with weakening to decrease the damage of enemies as much as i can just in case i get stuck in the corner or something this level is very easy again with pads

It’s very easy just go to the middle you can easily minimize the enemies they focus on the pads again very very easy now here you’re gonna see something funny right i just bought the weapon remember but then i check and i see a backstabber with like perfect for me perfect guarding strike committed

And here eventually i went with critical hit because i knew i want to eliminate boss fast really fast i don’t know if i get something like maybe gone later on i can easily delete bosses whatever they are i don’t know who they are right uh so this was just perfect i

Was really of course at the start it’s not to invest in a critical hit better go with committed again because the chance we want to do lots of damage uh and later on uh you can actually use it uh you’re thinking about getting refreshment or critical heat and

Thinking about refresh come on damage damage damage to just eliminate enemies fast that’s all i need the big dudes are actually causing troubles if i’m low because then the small one comes and then it’s all troubles right so i’m upgrading they’re committed again once you have a good build again

You can die from time to time by mistakes but overall it’s it’s very easy as you can see here very easy you come with the pads you open the gate you let them pass pet first they’re gonna eliminate them and that’s it it’s very very easy let’s move on

But because i already know the build uh that i’m going with more or less of course i don’t know what drops i’m gonna have but i know it’s focused on high damage money damage and pads uh i bought another shutman point and uh i’m kind of thinking about which one you

See that i’m still with the armor with just the what’s important for the armor for me was having uh the snowball and uh upgraded so would be f high hp that’s it cool huh and yeah very easy investing what i need so i’ll be very powerful melee and also pass together

Again very easy round just move on let the best do the thing pay attention to creepers easy now we actually have a build that works well you’re very confident you can actually dust invest in enchantment points you’re not going to change weapons and armor and eventually you’re

Not going to get very something very strong i already know the weapon that i’m going to use probably till the end so i’m just buying enchantment points and that’s it uh yeah here we go by the way with uh the unique smith we can give you a unique

Right so you can choose whatever you like now because i wanted a chance to get uh critical hit i actually wanted to upgrade this one uh to have a chance to uh this is a bug there i think chance their chance to strike twice and that’s it all right good it’s not the

Biggie but okay all right second boss now this boss can be a bit tricky but pay attention don’t get hit by the green uh orbs they can easily easily kill you with to it so again depends on the bill of course but you can see just half health gone

So but the thing is that you can always just this dance around but keep in mind if you get very close to him you can get hit so make sure you roll only when you maybe get close to him uh you can rather just go back but again

The idea is just dance around the boss uh in my case just waiting for the for the drop of sorry for the refresh of my pets that’s what i wanted it’s all matters for me then you go together the idea is that once uh you know the pets are ready

Uh we’re gonna go by the way you can actually hit the boss if you have damage over time on your ball you can eliminate it in fast but just hitting him you just really can actually focus on where you see his projectiles and just focus on shooting at the direction just hit him

And damage over time can kill him not a lot of shots all right something you can do you don’t really have to go melee but after you clear all these little ones you will actually stop and get into a situation where you just stop this is

The time to actually go and marry him as you can see here i see that i’m low i’m not taking any chances sometimes i don’t care that’s why i make mistakes and die uh but here i’m just decided just be on the safe side right again i don’t take any chances going away

I could maybe eliminate it and put a bit more but again you already you know spawn the other so again it’s not hard as long as you don’t rush it and you give yourself time you can actually now just shooting with a bow and that’s it that’s what i did you

See damage over time that’s it it’s over right you can do it just with the bow by the way if you have a good one now soon i’m going to get to the area where the knights are so i decided to go buy this one uh and upgrade but they

Don’t have enough i don’t know you’re not very frustrated i persuaded and again now but nothing to upgrade in the elbow with the same armor all right this is again another easy level again not too much to show here just make sure you clear everything up

And move on to your pads again you have nothing to worry you can shoot bows through tnt very now here i needed the new armor come on my armor is really low and i won with well as you can see here potion barrier perfect perfect exactly what i needed just

Perfect for me it just fell at the perfect time and i’m so happy right and i’m not worried here about the damage by the way poison barrier be enough for me i thought myself maybe i’m going to upgrade a bit i know i was thinking about yes no it’s not a lot

The thing is that i really wanted the extra hp is very very important right more important than having like damage reduction all this stuff you need lots of hp so you can sustain more damage this is super important because again the the rooms are pretty large you can

Actually move around so if you get damaged at least you don’t get to get half health just gone in one hit this is the one with the knights it can be a bit uh uh i’d idea by the way the two runs they die here uh you can get

Any situation but you get you see i’m using it but actually use it too early here just use it when you really really need to instead of just uh you know activating it because again this is just for emergency so don’t use projects waste the potion barrier for nothing

So again this can be tricky but again if you’re a potion barrier you won’t be having lots of issues you can also use the bose by the way if you have a rage here by the way you see that’s why i died if you have enraged you can easily deal with this

Because you just shoot them they’re going to fight themselves you can keep shooting so it’s very easy in this type of uh engagement to deal with them right here i’m kind of i don’t care see now i’m using it and i’m moving by the way you can

Actually move to the back side you can dance around just get more time you know but try to eliminate enemies as fast as possible shooting bow raise the ball this dish pushes them further away from you and then you can actually eliminate them it’s very easy it’s very problematic

From here it’s not easy the mistake by the way that i did actually went to the to the place but i was lucky enough to be able to survive here i could have died the second time easily now putting the other one the path because it’s really lifesavers to be

Honest you see they get all the ego if i got the egg roll i would have died i just you know getting the time that i need to spawn there to spawn them and then everything you know easy that’s what i was able to finish it without actually dying but i was closely

Dying there now that’s the situation i really wanted another golem i was so frustrated uh i got of course the better one but i wanted to replace the other one with another golovk but i forgot that i need to change the locations because i can’t really change the location of the

Architect so if i take another golem you just replace the first one i can actually put it on the second one i just can’t i don’t know how to do this i was very frustrated here it could be much much better if i had two golems much better because they’re very ihp

I was frustrated it could be even easier but anyway i was able to finish this even with this issue all right so basically here again there is the i think this is a place where actually i did a mistake and died because the mistake that i did here is uh when this uh

Dude come the ghost comes to you uh he can do lots of damage the thing is that i got myself into the corner and i didn’t even spawn the pets near me and i didn’t even go down where i have space i don’t know just put myself in a really bad

Situation i gotta show you now this is just silly i have a pet i can actually spawn the pet i’m just fighting his face to face why i deserve this by the way this is my mistake it was really bad i could easily get out of there spawn a pad it will

Deal with the pad and we can this is a mistake anyway we’re going to finish this even with this one and just to show you you can see that when you have the pad the pet will get the egg roll right so it doesn’t matter pet gets the egg

Roll and i can attack so it’s very easy like that i made a mistake and i paid for my mistake it was very very silly mistake now here i realized that the fret pet is not really a must and i told myself i’m going to get the abdraph tone you

Know stand enemies gold cool down maybe maybe going to be many small enemies they didn’t know so thomas said all right let’s take the risk let’s try it out it’s actually not bad because i was able to eliminate the enemies uh millies many small ones you know when if you get

One that higher high power you can eliminate enemies both on them if they’re of ihp or eliminate them very very easily and the cooldown is very very good as well so it’s actually a very good one so it allows me to really clear this very fast now of course this

Changes everything go and i make sure by the way that i use the first one so i can override the first and not the golden or the other so make sure it’s on the first gong of course changes everything this makes everything so so easy once you have of course critical hit

You know gong come on reduce damage you give you a 300 more damage great for bosses get you if overcrowded with enemies just perfect so this is uh actually the one that i was looking for i didn’t know of course what would come but once it came i knew

That everything going to be working apart from this point on again this is another level for some reason those levels after that was easy i was expecting things to be much harder it’s very very easy again you have time just take your time here really just a piece of cake there’s

Actually this dude i don’t know i would call it sorry i’m calling you dude i forgot the name oh yeah yeah the gas there anyway uh it’s very easy to clear you can just move around let the pets do the thing you can shoot arrows anyway yeah this dude i’m calling dude anyway

Bye bye finished so as you can see here getting another enchantment point deciding which one i want to use again this this is the build that well i already see that it’s very very powerful if i can’t finish with this one well this would be a big big surprise all right

So i’m just checking out to see what’s more i’m going to upgrade maybe i’m going to get another good rope i’m kind of afraid of spending a point maybe they’re going to get i don’t know but we are very very close here i’m changing the position so if

Something comes i won’t need to override the gong the gong is of course this is a must right this is a must now i’m gonna change the armor here why because this is a higher hp and cooldown you can see i thought about getting downcore but of course come on

No need to think about it so again this armor is just perfect for me at this point potion barrier cooldown and also i can explode again i probably not invested i’ll invest in it at this point at all myself but again potion barrier and cooldown perfect and of course i your hp

I’m very happy at this point so again now i know that nobody can actually touch me and if somebody can touch me here i’ll be very very surprised i actually thought that the last was going to be so difficult that i was i would have heard that i suppose

I have to to be honest i didn’t know what it’s going to be anyway so yeah continuing uh here again it’s very easy from now on until the boss including the boss gonna be piece of cake now here you’re gonna have lots of these dudes that are spawning other

Enemies but the thing is that you have the gong you have the gun you don’t care about anything right now so just rush them eliminate them with the gong very very easy again there will be like three of them here just be aggressive go in attack them because it’s gonna turn you easy

Eliminate them with the gun piece of cake and of course they’ve cooled down so gong easy ready for the next engagement to be honest i was actually expecting some some better things here i don’t know why but i decided to replace this one because this is higher one better one

So i decided that if i paired that uh you know a little more damage it’s actually a good one still looking again pay attention maybe you’re gonna get some nice draw and i decided to replace this one with this one so flo 27 by the way is super easy again

You have this thing that you need to jump on so first go to the right side eliminate the enemies and then jump on and move to the other side again really nothing to write about too much again very easy uh left i personally expected something much much harder at these levels something

That really make me like my god what is that but it was very easy now here the reason i chose the corrupted series because i know maybe they’re going to be lots of enemies small enemies it will you know at the last boss i was afraid of that

And i told myself all right smile what are you gonna do shoot once in a while i want to get the egg wall for the big dude so i told myself that can be actually saved my life if there is going to be something really like many small enemies

And of course i could just make them stand in place it buys me more time and of course more time i already have good cool down i can spawn again the pads anyway it was for me it was a good choice to just replace the pack

All right little i know that this one is going to be easy as well again they’re shooting but nothing uh nothing to worry about remember you have your pets you have a school down you have the going at this point awfully uh i think the gun should be there once you

Get that i don’t think the some of them just kind of fixed you can use your bow again it’s very very easy to eliminate them and move on so the beat basically is almost complete so what there’s there is to do anymore i mean i told myself there’s really nothing that they

Actually need i’d love to um maybe something nothing the bill is actually very very good i don’t know what uh the boss is going to be but and the next level but again it looks very very solid i feel that it’s solid because it’s very easy for me to

Play things so i told myself i’m just gonna get uh chatman point and that’s it so here the best thing i can do of course is upgrade uh the best it’s good faster cooldowns just in case this is great both for the gong but for the seeds

And of course the path right it’s really just get the fastest you can get this one can deal damage i throw myself alright let’s just go with this i don’t know maybe lots of enemies going to be around there dude so we’re just going to explode and deal damage there

All right uh here you can get a gilded guild smith we needed this by the way in the camp so what am i going to do i just decided to go by the with the swift spiker eventually anyway i didn’t think too much about it

I told myself yeah come on i didn’t even think about it they probably wanted the wisest stuff but again i get extra damage uh again you don’t know what you’re gonna get the skill that but i say thank you for that all right finally boss time now guys the last boss

Is a piece of cake i thought it’s gonna be like super hard i’m gonna die here needs to start from the beginning now this boss is really just dance around him we can deal damage of course i’m going to deal by the way wait a bit

Until he’s you know it’s starting okay i couldn’t do damage just wasted my going there as you can see i never dealt any damage you see so uh jungle abomination so again just there is very very slow and uh we have by the way uh also these uh

Uh two big enemies spawning later on but again you can just this around them you’re gonna do lots of damage and just wait for everything before you go in make sure you have your potion barrier and i didn’t even check how much damage actually this is without i just made

Sure that when i get in i didn’t want to die here so i told myself when i’m gonna get in you can attack him by the way from the back but if you really don’t care like me uh just make sure you have the potion and before you go in

Just activate it i mean why not i see it’s useless to actually have the corrupt it’s easier but again i didn’t know this is going to be useless now you know it’s useless so you won’t take it and i’m going in look at the damage very good damage

Again pay attention by the way to the cooldown the potion barrier oh it is more than third and now i’m taking my time i know this is very easy i’m not gonna risk it even for a second just to die for a silly mistake which i do sometimes

Because why i don’t know i just like that uh just creating a few enemies i think if you won’t clear all these little enemies they probably the big one won’t spawn i’m just saying so maybe you shouldn’t so anyway it’s not the biggie just be careful because they can kill you so

Make sure if they come you activate the gunk so you don’t get lots of damage and kill em in item fast alright clearing this one as you can see very easy and we’re very strong at this point getting in stopping them at the place getting another third

I was a bit greedy here but i told myself oh no i’m stuck get out get out i tell you i’m greedy this is the big dude yeah just be careful you can of course just activate the gog she won’t hit you hard you see you can really get hit like

Third this is not good you need to be careful so make sure you get your things everything ready you can take your time by the way get make sure that for example the potion barrier is ready or just get in one hit and two hits never mind

I didn’t wait i told you i’m taking risks so that’s it what i need here just one last attack and the boss is over that’s it easy easiest boss among those bosses all of them are easy but this one was just piece of cake so this is it

Well this is my run of course i’m gonna do many more but just showing you my one and they did well again take your time don’t make mistakes again choose wisely i’ll show you what actually i used and how you know what not to use and what can actually work

Well for this um tower and this is it hope you enjoyed this one consider leaving a like and subscribe sorry for the long video wanted to show you all so you can see what i choose the different levels and that’s it i’ll see you in the next video cheers everyone bye bye before

That by the way i’m gonna leave you to see the end uh rewards again cheers Hey You

This video, titled ‘How to Complete Tower in Minecraft Dungeons Floor-by-Floor Guide’, was uploaded by SpookyFairy on 2021-12-14 17:39:05. It has garnered 34300 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:18 or 2058 seconds.

Complete guide on the build I use to beat the Tower in Minecraft Dungeons in Apocalypse mode (Adventure difficulty will follow). Which gear (armor, weapons, artifacts) I choose on each level floor, including all boss fights.

the ‘Tower’ is a new game mode in Minecraft Dungeons Cloudy Climb DLC. It consists of 30 floors with 3 boss fights. The goal is to reach the end. You have 3 lives (tries), if you die 3 times you need to start from the beginning.

0:00 Minecraft Dungeons Tower 1:10 Floor 1-9 8:22 1st Boss Fight (Floor 10) 9:50 Floor 11-19 17:08 2nd Boss Fight (Floor 20) 19:05 Floor 21-29 30:08 Tower Final Boss (Floor 30)

#minecraftdungeons #minecraft #spookyfairy

  • Sneaky Minecraft Server 1.21 | RpLands: Multiverse

    Sneaky Minecraft Server 1.21 | RpLands: Multiverse RpLands: Multiverse – A Unique Minecraft Experience RpLands is a private Minecraft server with elements of RolePlay, offering a unique gaming experience free from griefers and full of exciting adventures. The server boasts its own constitution, laws, and rules, creating a structured environment for players to immerse themselves in. Season 8 Launching Soon! On July 7, 2024, at 3:00 PM, RpLands will be opening its highly anticipated 8th season. Since its inception in April 2020, the server has successfully completed 7 seasons, each offering new challenges and opportunities for players to explore and enjoy. Join the Adventure If you’re… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Viral Minecraft Videos Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Viral Minecraft Videos Come to Life! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Do you want to join a vibrant community of like-minded players who are passionate about the game? If so, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a dedicated server IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, imagine being able to showcase your epic Minecraft creations to a wide audience of fellow players. Imagine the thrill of engaging in intense PvP battles… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: A Beautiful Disaster!

    Minecraft Movie: A Beautiful Disaster! Minecraft: The Blockbuster Movie Experience Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before! The popular sandbox game has made its way to the big screen, bringing all the excitement and creativity of the digital realm to a cinematic masterpiece. Unleashing Creativity in a New Medium With the release of the Minecraft movie, players and fans alike can experience their favorite game in a whole new way. The movie captures the essence of Minecraft’s open-world gameplay, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in a visually stunning adventure filled with endless possibilities. Exploring Familiar Landscapes From the iconic… Read More

  • Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 38: Epic Basement Expansion Using TNT! On March 7th, 2022, viewers tuned in to watch an exciting episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, where the player embarked on an epic basement expansion using TNT. The streamer, known as Doc Brennan, showcased their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay session. Basement Expansion with a Bang The highlight of this episode was the basement expansion project undertaken by Doc Brennan. Using TNT as a strategic tool, the player demolished existing structures to make way for a larger, more elaborate basement. The controlled explosions not only… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Last Month: A Blocky Adventure

    Minecraft's Last Month: A Blocky Adventure Welcome, welcome, to Last Month in Minecraft’s domain, Where we dive into updates, with a rhyming refrain. Different from Monthly or Live, we bring a new twist, Late-night vibes, but safe for all, no need to resist. Want to be in the live audience, feeling the hype? Just sign up, join the fun, don’t let it slip by. And if you’re feeling generous, check out our Patreon, Support the show, help it grow, become a true fan. First episode’s coming soon, stay tuned for the date, Exciting guests, surprises, don’t be late. Join our Discord, follow us on Twitter… Read More

  • Building Our First Farm in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Building Our First Farm in Minecraft Hardcore! Minecraft Hardcore World Gameplay #7: Building Our First Farm In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore World Gameplay, the player embarks on the exciting task of creating a mob farm. This essential structure will help ensure their survival in the challenging world of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling adventure! Constructing the Mob Farm The player carefully selects a location for the mob farm, strategically placing it to maximize efficiency. With meticulous planning and resource management, they begin building the farm block by block. As the structure takes shape, the player demonstrates their creativity and skill… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Part 4

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Part 4 Minecraft Fun and Adventures in Té Mine Phần 4 Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the latest installment of Té Mine Phần 4, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the vast and diverse world of Minecraft. From building towering structures to battling fierce mobs, there is never a dull moment in this action-packed game. Building Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the ability to unleash your creativity and build anything your heart desires. Whether it’s a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide range of… Read More

  • Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Minecraft Square Scare!

    Knock, Knock, Who's There? Minecraft Square Scare! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our crew of four, adventure-bound. Facing horrors, lurking in the night, Surviving the scares, with all our might. The knocker almost got us, a close call indeed, But we fought back, with courage and speed. Exploring caves, filled with dread, Each step we take, with caution and dread. Can we make it to Episode 2, with five likes in sight? Join us on this journey, through day and night. In the scariest modpack, we take our stand, Crafting our way, with a steady hand. So stay tuned for more, as we… Read More

  • Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server

    Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server Servidor de Minecraft Survival e Roleplay Pirata e Original O servidor de Minecraft mencionado oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de explorar dois prédios incríveis, criando uma experiência única de sobrevivência e roleplay. Compatível com Java, os jogadores também podem acessar o servidor pelo PojavLauncher em dispositivos móveis. Vamos explorar mais sobre esses prédios e como aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência de jogo! Prédios Incríveis para Explorar Os jogadores novos no servidor terão a chance de se aventurar em dois prédios impressionantes. Cada um oferece desafios únicos e recompensas emocionantes para aqueles que se atrevem a explorá-los. Qual dos prédios… Read More

  • Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32

    Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, As Doc Brennan moves villagers to fancy new inns. With precision and care, he builds and he crafts, Creating a world where creativity lasts. From Twitch to YouTube, his content does flow, Captivating audiences with each new show. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok too, For updates and highlights, all in rhyme for you. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft reigns, And join Doc Brennan as he entertains. With rhymes and emojis, the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement holds. Read More

  • 🏖️ CraftHaven | Modified Survival – Custom Enchants & More!

    🏖️ CraftHaven | Modified Survival - Custom Enchants & More!Welcome to CraftHaven!We are a server that just started and we are looking for players to support us! We are a family-friendly server which welcomes everyone! We love hearing out suggestions and feedback as we want to always improve so don’t be afraid to reach out! :)Currently we only offer one game mode:Modified – As the name suggests, it’s a vanilla server but “modified”: Custom Enchants, Residence Claims, Diamond Block Economy, Player Shops, etc.Come check it out for yourself! I’d love to hear your opinions! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft fails be like: That always happens

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft fails be like: That always happensLooks like this meme needs to level up its game to get a higher score! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Unearthly Beasts in Minecraft Horror #4

    Cave Craze: Unearthly Beasts in Minecraft Horror #4 In the depths of the cave, a chilling sight, Bizarre monsters lurking, ready to bite. Exploring the darkness, heart pounding fast, Each step a risk, each moment a blast. Eerie sounds echoing, sending shivers down the spine, As you navigate the maze, trying to find. The creatures that dwell in the shadows deep, In Minecraft horror, secrets to keep. But fear not, brave explorer, for you are strong, With sword in hand, you’ll right the wrong. Defeat the monsters, conquer the fear, In the world of Minecraft, victory is near. So venture forth, into the unknown, In the cave… Read More

  • Hot Villager Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi!

    Hot Villager Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi! “Who needs a rail hack when you’ve got a villager shouting ‘Oi Oi Oi’ to get you where you need to go in Minecraft? Talk about efficient transportation!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Crafting Made Easy in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Crafting Made Easy in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Autocrafting the worst thing to craft in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can put your crafting skills to the test in a whole new way? Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will challenge even the most seasoned Minecraft players. With a dedicated community of players and a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft One Block Let’s Play!

    EPIC Minecraft One Block Let's Play! Minecraft: Exploring the One Block World Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the One Block series. Join the excitement as players navigate through a unique block world filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the One Block Concept The One Block concept in Minecraft offers a fresh and innovative gameplay experience. Players start with just one block and must strategically mine it to progress through different stages. Each block mined reveals new resources, mobs, and obstacles, creating an ever-evolving environment. Immersive Gameplay With each block mined, players must adapt to the changing landscape, utilizing their… Read More

  • Terrifying Spider Showdown: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

    Terrifying Spider Showdown: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Creepy Thomas Spider vs Mikey Thomas Spider CALLING to JJ and MIKEY ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-07-10 17:00:29. It has garnered 37675 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. JJ Creepy Thomas Spider vs Mikey Thomas Spider CALLING to JJ and MIKEY ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • Ohio Banned Minecraft Gameplay!! 😱

    Ohio Banned Minecraft Gameplay!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Can’t even play Minecraft in Ohio 💀 #minecraft #shorts #ohio’, was uploaded by Vuppo Gaming on 2024-05-22 06:36:51. It has garnered 11452 views and 405 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Anarchy Server Drama + Roblox Surprise!

    EPIC Minecraft Anarchy Server Drama + Roblox Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy Server (With Roblox at End)’, was uploaded by Politicized Gaming on 2024-07-16 09:14:01. It has garnered 970 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 08:02:27 or 28947 seconds. IP in discord server Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Hunger Games – Unbelievable GunjiCord Start

    Epic Minecraft Hunger Games - Unbelievable GunjiCord StartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hunger Games never had a start like this…’, was uploaded by GunjiCord on 2024-04-24 17:18:54. It has garnered 822 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:41 or 521 seconds. This video covers the final form of the starting area for my minecraft hunger games map and I show how I use the axiom mod and all the tools it has. minecraft maps and minecraft builds are hard. #minecraft #minecraftmaps #hungergames how do you play minecraft? Discord: Patreon: I hope you enjoyed this minecraft video 🙂 Read More

  • Intense ending in viral Minecraft video 😱 #RexGamer

    Intense ending in viral Minecraft video 😱 #RexGamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘wait for end 😱 #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rex gamer on 2024-03-02 01:56:10. It has garnered 11261 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure!

    Insane Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival 1 & 2 Mega Episode’, was uploaded by Una Sami on 2024-04-04 08:29:18. It has garnered 40 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:54 or 4434 seconds. Here’s a long minecraft video I made since I really like playing this game. In this duo episode, we go through some good and bad, depending on how you see this. I have yet to figure out how to make this enjoyable, because it is just very long and yet it was fun making this a video thats long enough to be… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PS5 Preview – Mind-Blowing Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft PS5 Preview - Mind-Blowing Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Preview PS5 Gameplay’, was uploaded by ictio on 2024-07-18 20:10:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:57 or 297 seconds. donate Amazon Affiliate #tiktok #shorts #ilg000 #comedy #funny #fun #funnyvids #satire #plush #oleg #animals #tiktoks #tiktokvids #lol #cats #dogs #squidgame #nintendo #gaming #xbox #playstation #peppapig #youtube #kids #family #pg #watchtillend#shotoniphone#movies#boss#power#travel#wonderfull#likeaboss#Monarch#my_great_respect #superman #boss#carzy#shorts#viralvideo#trendingespect #respecttiktok#relaxing #tiktok#freefire#pubg#smile#shots#meme#tiktok_respect_video#youtubeshorts#favorite #videos #number #Mygreat #duetto#CruelSummerConfessions #funny #coment #idea #home #pageforyou #page #crazy #amazing #fyp #fypシ #dueto #friends #tag#respect #foryou #tag #friends #dueting #power #fypシ #fyp #goviral #viral #viralvideo #amazing #crazy #page… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cactus Farm Hack! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Cactus Farm Hack! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Cactus Farm in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Gamever_io on 2024-06-06 06:44:38. It has garnered 457 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Need a steady supply of cactus in Minecraft? Look no further! In this video, we’ll show you how to build an efficient and productive cactus farm. Whether you’re looking to use cactus for green dye, as a defense mechanism, or for other crafting recipes, this guide will help you create a sustainable cactus farm in no time. 🔧 What You’ll Learn:… Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji ART in Minecraft! 🙏🔥 #shanumanji

    EPIC Hanuman Ji ART in Minecraft! 🙏🔥 #shanumanjiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji Art Surya Uday In Minecraft #hanuman #jaishreeram #ramji #suryauday #hanumanchalisa’, was uploaded by ANYTHING on 2024-05-28 15:43:54. It has garnered 88 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. Provided to YouTube by TIPS INDUSTRIES LTD Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) (Telugu). Sai Charan Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) (Telugu) 2023 Tips Industries Ltd. Released on: 2023-04-05 Actor: Teja Sajja Producer, Studio Personnel: K. Niranjan Reddy Producer: Primeshow Entertainment Music Publisher: Tips Industries Ltd. Composer, Arranger: GowraHari Auto-generated by YouTube. Music SONG Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) [Telugu] ARTIST Sai… Read More

  • PlasmaPR

    PlasmaPRPlasmaPR is a Custom, Unique OP Prisons Server, with daily updates, frequent events, various unique features, and PLENTY of new features planned to come! Check it out today @ Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Worldbuilding Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server where players have almost total freedom in determining the history and politics of the world. Will you forge an empire, become a merchant, own a bar, brew alcohol, or live as a bum in the city? We promise minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and fair rules. We are open to community suggestions. This is pure vanilla worldbuilding without any unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable Plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join us on Discord: Read More


    AXOLOTL LANDWelcome to our Minecraft RPG, Roleplay and Hardcore server! 🚀🌟Dive into a world full of **adventures and challenges** like never before. Whether you’re a fearless explorer, a brave warrior, or a cunning merchant, our server has a special place for you. **Java and Bedrock** come together to offer you an unparalleled experience, with epic quests, dynamic events, and immersive roleplay that will make you feel like you’re part of a living story. But be careful, the Hardcore mode will test your skills and your courage!### Server Features:- **Epic Quests**: Embark on unique adventures and discover hidden treasures.- **Dynamic Events**: Participate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft night vibes”

    Looks like this meme not only survived the night, but thrived with a score of 1498! Must have been some epic Minecraft adventures happening. Read More

  • 🔥Hot Stone in Minecraft🔥

    🔥Hot Stone in Minecraft🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 🗿😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Ultimate Automatic Door Hack

    Ultimate Automatic Door Hack Exploring the World of Minecraft: Underground House Tutorials and More! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Tutorials In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. From building intricate structures to surviving in challenging environments, the possibilities are endless. One popular trend among Minecraft enthusiasts is creating underground houses. These hidden gems not only provide a sense of security but also showcase the player’s architectural skills. Building Your Underground Oasis Creating an underground house in Minecraft is a thrilling adventure. With the right tools and materials, players can design a cozy dwelling that blends seamlessly with… Read More

  • Top Secret Enchanting Table in 2024 Minecraft!

    Top Secret Enchanting Table in 2024 Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 Minecraft But The Enchanting Table Is Hidden!’, was uploaded by 99 Builds on 2024-07-17 17:18:38. It has garnered 580 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Embark on a magical journey in 2024 Minecraft where the Enchanting Table is cleverly hidden, adding a new level of challenge and mystery to your gameplay. Uncover enchanting secrets, learn invisible crafting techniques, and delve into the world of wizardry wonders with this sorcery tutorial. Discover crafting tips, witchcraft wonders, and spellbinding DIY projects as you explore fantasy creations and witchy… Read More

  • Nighttime Fairycore Mining Adventure

    Nighttime Fairycore Mining AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Mine!!!! (at night) ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Live’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-04-15 15:10:44. It has garnered 1590 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:16 or 4336 seconds. Haii everyone! Welcome to my live stream! Let’s play some fairycore minecraft together! 🌸Leave a tip to show up on screen here: 🌈Become a Channel Member: 🍑Music by Chillpeach ==================================== 👾My Website: 💜My Etsy Shop: 🎧Request an Art Commission: 🐈‍⬛My Art Channel: @luvstarkei2 📷 Viewers can contact me through email: [email protected] 🖤 For business inquiries,… Read More

  • EPIC PvP ACTION! Join the Minecraft realm now 🔥

    EPIC PvP ACTION! Join the Minecraft realm now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | JOIN THE REALM | PVP IS ALLOWED 🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-18 18:23:28. It has garnered 255 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:04 or 13444 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Make sure to join the Discord and my Minecraft Realm! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: — JOIN THE REALM — REALM CODE: By4vxuw58BA — SUBSCRIBE TO MARZIAN — Marzians Channel: Lets see if I can get 800 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 43 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • Insane Horror SMP: Defeating All Players in Minecraft

    Insane Horror SMP: Defeating All Players in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘the Horror SMP: How I Defeated Every Player in #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr RDX Gaming on 2024-01-12 18:06:34. It has garnered 51 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:05 or 1265 seconds. minecraft shorts, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, Minecraft Minecraft Event Hidden Treasures Legendary Boss Battles Gaming Adventure Minecraft Loot Secret Dungeons Pixelated Surprises Minecraft Gameplay Epic Boss Fights Minecraft Secrets Enchanted Gear Gaming Strategy Minecraft Community Adventure Gaming Gaming Tips Minecraft Artifacts Gaming Surprises Minecraft Exploration Gaming Strategies Subscribe for More #YouTube #trending #Minecraft ——————————————————————————— For more Hollywood movie explained… Read More

  • Unreal zombie detail in RADIUM’S ZOMBIES! 🧟‍♂️🔥 PT.-2 #mods

    Unreal zombie detail in RADIUM'S ZOMBIES! 🧟‍♂️🔥 PT.-2 #modsVideo Information This video, titled ‘RADIUM’S ZOMBIES y su nivel de detalle!‼️😳🧟‍♂️ PT.-2 #mcpe #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts #mods’, was uploaded by JosSs Team on 2024-01-04 17:00:23. It has garnered 2787 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Read More

  • Aphmau Fooled Me! 😱 Calico Mack Reacts #shorts

    Aphmau Fooled Me! 😱 Calico Mack Reacts #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aphmau Fooled Me #shorts’, was uploaded by Calico Mack on 2024-05-19 15:13:45. It has garnered 10652 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Monster School : APHMAU FOOLED ME – Minecraft Animation Calico Mack content includes Shorts, TikToks, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, I Fooled My Friend, Monster School, Minecraft INSANE Moments, plus other topics. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but video like that. This is… Read More

  • Insane Bike Stunts Battle: Girls vs Boys! #viral

    Insane Bike Stunts Battle: Girls vs Boys! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs boys bike stunts #short #viral #shortsfeed #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshort’, was uploaded by PDT Patil on 2024-07-19 02:02:00. It has garnered 103 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Girls vs boys bike stunts #short #viral #shortsfeed #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshort minecraft cash nico cash and nico maizen omz family friendly aphmau no bad words minecraft mods no cussing nico and cash no cursing minecraft funny johnny johnny minecraft minecraft challenge dash dash minecraft minecraft mod boys vs girls roblox here’s johnny girl hunters vs boy speedrunners in… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks!

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 10+ VIRAL Build Hacks!’, was uploaded by Ender Hacks on 2024-03-09 12:00:19. It has garnered 934 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:01 or 301 seconds. Hello builders! Today I’ll be showing you 11 awesome and viral build hacks! From a pasta, to a fish aquarium, to a mini tank, to even a fedora. I hope you enjoy the video and learn some new build hacks! All of these builds are 100% survival compatible. Just follow after me and it should be easy! All these builds are done in Java… Read More

  • 🐷 SAVE PIG FAST 🚀 Nikhil Minecraft 🎶 Viral Music

    🐷 SAVE PIG FAST 🚀 Nikhil Minecraft 🎶 Viral MusicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Save Pig #matteo #song #music #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by NxT Nikhil YT on 2024-02-19 09:14:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Save Pig #matteo #song #music #viral #shorts tiktok, StevesWorld, satisfying, minecraft but, minecraft meme, gaming, … Read More