Insane Tree Omnifarm & Wool Farm Build! | Minecraft Ep #11

Video Information

H behind me are some of the first few buildings that I put together in the previous video I want to make some more of these however as I discovered last time they use up a lot of wood and I’m just about fed up cutting down trees to

Get it so today my main goal is going to be putting together an automatic wood Farm but first I’m actually going to be making a wool Farm as I’ve discovered that over the course of this world I keep needing wool to make bits and Bobs here and there and I’m really fed up

Going around and man collecting it or using up all of the string in my bartering Farm just to make it and so I decided to design up a simple wool farm that will get me everything I need and that’s what you can see me building right Now okay so I’ll give you guys a rundown on how these Farms work these days in case you’re unfamiliar with them basically the core mechanic here is this block right here is the one that we’re using so there’ll be a sheep above it and then what will happen when he goes

Ahead and eats this grass block it will turn into a dirt block and the Observer is going to detect that and basically just power this dispenser which will have some shears in it shearing the sheep and then below it’ll go ahead and get picked up by these mine carts now

There are of course several different methods of doing this so for example this Redstone system I have set up here definitely is not the simplest there is far easier methods of doing it but I’ve done it this way because it enables me to add more storage above effectively um

So I kind of you know warrant the use of more Redstone I think it’s worth it for that reason and then underneath you certainly don’t need to have a hopper mine cart underneath each and every single one of these blocks you could simply set up a rail network and then

Maybe have a collection on the end of it with a filter for all of your different colors if you’re doing that I did originally design that method but I found that it was far too excessive resource-wise for a farm that only really has 16 sheep in it like this I

Think that something like that is a lot more effective for something that’s a little bit larger scale since there’s only 16 here the entities really don’t cause an issue and it just makes it so much more compact which for me makes it worth it

And so we also have the um what do you call it the Jackal lanter pumpkin up at the top there and that is performing the same function as the glass which is making sure the wall doesn’t pop out and it lands in the correct place but it’s

Also acting as a light source to help the grass grow because the grass is a really essential part of this Farm you see all of this is pretty much as efficient as could be there’s really no way of speeding up Redstone uh the main limitation when it comes to speed feed

Is how quickly the grass grows back because that sheep will not grow his wool back until the grass This Grass has spread to this block and it will then sort of have a random game tick as to when he eats it and so the main goal

Here is kind of get the grass back there as soon as possible and that’s why I’ve gone for a design here which I came up with myself which isn’t the most compact you know you can tole them directly next to each other I’ve gone for something here which will

Basically be the most efficient grass spreading wise and so if we look at the layout of the grass here everything within this area is able to spread to this block and I’ve used up every single available space possible with the exception of of course the uh dispenser

Which is just behind this dropper in there and then of course underneath here we can’t place a grass block unfortunately because the Observer would turn it into a dirt block and so it’s as efficient as possible and hopefully this thing things should be nice and quick

But the only issue we have now is there aren’t any sheep in it and we’re on a mushroom island in the middle of an ocean so this should be pretty fun now fortunately for those of you who remember from the episode where I filled in all of my world maps I have actually

Already gone and collected up some sheep which are not too far away and as you can see they’re all pink and red right now because these are the ones that I’ve been using to get the bits of wo that I need throughout these episodes and so

This should save a lot of time and effort what I’m going to do is go ahead and build up a nether portal so that we can easily transport these guys through the nether over to the main island where we just were and it should make for an

Easy trip and all we’ll have to do is redy them so I’m going to go ahead and grab myself a flint and steel here and before I move these sheep through the portal we need to set up a couple more so that we can easily move these guys over He Well look at that we’ve got one sheep left and I know just what to do for this guy Perfect very Appropriate now to grab myself one of every d except for red and pink as we already have Those finally let’s go ahead and visit our iron farm which is conveniently just next door and grab a bunch of iron so that we can craft up all of the shears that we’re going to need inside this Contraption Well I’ve afked this thing for a couple of hours now and as you can see if we go ahead and look in the barrels we’ve collected a fair bit of each of the colors here now of course the amount of time that I’ve actually spent here this really isn’t that efficient but of

Course it’s because it’s just so small you could easily expand this in many different ways and you could definitely produce wool at quite an impressive rate with this design so I’m very happy with this and I think now that I have some bits and Bobs that I need for later on

We can get to work putting together the main project for today’s video well that is everything in the system as you can see it’s actually quite a bit it does fill up a fair bit and then what I’m going to do before I start anything is actually go ahead and

Sort out all of my junk because this is really building up quite a bit and that’s what having a storage system is all about I don’t have to do a single bit of sorting and this thing is going to take care of it for me now then let’s go ahead and talk

About making tree farms so what I need is I need wood for putting together all of the buildings in my city and I have actually got a tree design that I’ve used in the past which I really like it’s a universal Tree Farm design that

Will enable you to farm up all of the different varieties with the exception of the newer cherry and Mangrove woods and so because of that I went on the internet and I looked up there are actually some rather more complex designs now which do enable you to

Actually Farm all of the different wood types but personally for me I don’t think that’s going to be the right thing to do because it doesn’t give me all of the functionality that I want and since I almost never use those wood types I’m really not going to need it and so that

Brings me to the design that I found a little while back on cubic meters Channel he’s an ex Redstone designer and what he’s gone and done is put together the Omni Farm now what this thing does is really quite genius I’m surprised it took someone this long to come up with

It what it does is it combines the tree farm with several other redstone contraptions that utilize a TNT blast chamber which is TNT um efficient so you’re effectively storing a large capacity of blocks in fact as many as you can until eventually just using a single TNT to blow up as many as

Possible and so if you didn’t want to use TNT duping this would be a really great way of utilizing every TNT however I am going to use the TNT duping method and so we’ve got a tree farm here and many other things that we’ll explore

Once this thing is built up as you can see I have gone and made a couple of edits as I always do just to make it a bit simpler to build in survival and so if you’re interested in getting your hands on this schematic it will be

Available in the description and so what I’ve gone ahead and done is already crafted up the bits and Bobs that I’m going to need for this so I say let’s go ahead and just put this thing together and then we can explore all of the fun features that this thing Has What I’m doing right now is I’m just putting together a little add-on that I’ve made to sort out all of the apples and sticks and saplings that we get as part of the output from the tree farm because what I’ve decided to do is take all of the saplings that you produce

From this farm and go ahead and recycle them through a composter to turn them into bone Mill which means I can effectively reuse the extra items that we don’t need from this uh and then I take the sticks and I’m just going to be deleting them as I already get a ton of

Sticks from my witch farm that I almost never use and then finally we’re going to keep all of the apples that I get from the oak trees and that’s really useful you know I like to have some golden apples on me or you can use them for breeding and things plus it’s nice

To just sort of acquire something that you usually don’t get a lot of okay so these are the last few Hoppers and I conveniently run out very appropriate um now what we need to do is just add some filter items in here to make the orange go away and I don’t

Actually have any apples on me let me get some of them okay so I actually have quite a few that’s shows just how many trees I’ve cut down already it’s so tempting when cutting down oak trees to go back around and pick them all up so

Let’s go ahead and throw in the sticks on this side which as you can see it will go ahead and delete or uh I should say burn and then over here we’ve got our apples and theoretically yeah they should end up in here ignore my mistake from

Earlier and uh that’s it so what we can go ahead and test now is if I get myself some saplings which means I have to go back again we can Chuck some of them in here where they will end up and theoretically yeah they should start filling up right

Here and then all of the bone Mill that this produces is going to go in that shulker box and when that fills up we’re going to get some full boxes right here which we can then take up and put in the system I could create an elevator for

This but it’s really not going to be necessary also I must not forget I also need to craft up lots of spare Shuler boxes to fill up this so that we never have to do it again all right well I think it’s about time we take a tour of this thing and

Just check out all of the features I will say this thing was a pain to make uh most of it wasn’t too bad but the tree farm really is just a mess of redstone components in all sorts of difficult directions to play so this did

Take a bit of time but it really is quite impressive what this thing can do so if we actually just jump down for a moment you can see that this thing is kind of separated into segments and that pretty much represents the different components this that this has and so

This side right here is the tree farm the universal tree farm and then on the left uh in these two components we have the TNT blast chamber and so up top that’s the majority of it and then at the bottom as you can see there with the

Cobble that is where all of the blocks get stored and pushed downwards before a TNT finally comes along and blows it up and then on the top section towards the left we have a little bit of a storage as well as a block conversion system which I’ll show you later and then on

This top right section over here this is a cobblestone generator it also doubles as a bassal generator and so we can simply flick the lever to turn it into bassal mode or cobblestone Stone mode and then if we flick this lever right here it’s going to go ahead and turn on

That mechanism and as you can see it feeds the blocks through and so right now we’re using Cobblestone which is why we’re receiving this but if we were doing the tree farm these wood blocks would come up through here and effectively do exactly the same thing

And then if I head down here you can see that the blocks are coming through and periodically getting pushed down and in fact in a moment because it’s already quite filled up we should should see that it’s going to release a TNT and then blow it all up to collect the

Items all right there you go so as you can see it falls in the water and then it heads on up into that little water elevator there and this goes all the way up to the top to this bit where it will lead into a storage so this storage

Basically puts uh random items into Shel boxes so whatever is being produced down there is just going to end up in boxes and they’re going to get stored in here here and then at the very top there as you just saw got a little elevator for

Us here this is where you’ll go ahead and fill in all of your empty sheler boxes which I need to do more of I actually have a bit of a shulker box uh shortage at the moment because I just don’t have enough wood so now that we

Can produce wood I’ve already got the shulker shells I can actually fill these things up in my world uh and then this right here is where you can put items that you want to convert so let’s say you want to convert uh concrete powder into regular concrete you go ahead and put your

Concrete in there I think yeah this is actually an air gap it’s difficult to see sometimes and then what you would do let’s go ahead and turn this off is you would stand in here and once you turn the mechanism on you can just hold down

Right click to place the blocks you need and then it’ll go ahead and automatically dispense more for you to continuously use and similarly to how the cobblestone was going through it will send those through and then break them for you which means you only have to place them and this little

Contraption has a secondary function which is let’s say you want to wax some copper you can go ahead and place some honeycomb in this chest turn the mechanism on hold the honeycomb similar to how you would hold the powder blocks and it will go ahead and wax blocks for

You as well so it’s really quite a beautiful mechanism and I’ll probably show this uh in use later on when I actually need to produce use some more concrete but for now I think what we should do is actually go ahead and check out the tree farm so this down here

Towards the bottom is how we access it got a small ladder here and uh these are where you put your boxes full boxes of bone Mill which I’ve already used up apparently I’m going to need to get a few more of them but you’ll go ahead and

Fill up the system over here and then we’ve got a um barrel full of some of your saplings that you would need for this and then right here we have a display of indicators as to which mode you want to use because of course with this being a

Universal Tree Farm it means that for certain things like Oak you may have to flick the lever and it’s going to go ahead and prepare for that type of tree so Oak is always my favorite to do it always brings down a block for you to uh

Reduce the height of the trees that you’re growing here but I think what we should do is actually go ahead and do Birch today so let’s let’s bring this back up which is a very clean little system give it a second and then go ahead and put it into Birch mode now the

Funny thing about Birch mode is that lever doesn’t actually do anything this is just the default mode for this farm so what you do is you just flick this lever right here to turn it on and as you can see it’s going to do its thing

And you just stand here and place your saplings in this spot as you can see and it’s going to go ahead and take those through break all of the leaves and give us some saplings back as you can see in my hot bar it is automatically replenishing them in fact

It’s actually producing more than we’re using and that’s why in the system below I created that section to collect all of the spare items so what you would do is fill your inventory up so have sort of like one slot available for the saplings and then below what would happen if my

Inventory is full or I’m not there we head on down it will go ahead and filter them through this system creating some bone M for us collecting our apples deleting the sticks and uh recycling the bone Mill and so yeah it’s quite a beautiful system and if we fly on up

Here we should see there is some Birch coming through let’s go ahead and use this a little bit more and we should see it come through into the TNT blast Chamber All right well I think that should about do it already you can see here the Birch is starting to come through with the rest of it and as you can see it is a mixture of items that we get coming out through there so I believe if we fly on up top

We should start to see that uh okay not quite yet but it will go ahead and mix all the different items together um but that’s that’s how this thing works you can see how it’s now come through instead of the Cobblestone and it started figuring itself out it really is

Quite incredible how this thing just figures it all out by itself now there is a couple of additional sort of quirky little features like a button here to reset the alarm if a component breaks and things like that but I don’t think I’m going to go into too much detail about

Specifically how each and every component here works because I think I’m going to leave that to cubic meter who originally designed this as he knows what he did and he can explain it a little better so if you’re interested in finding out more about this contraption

I will go ahead and Link his channel below so that you can go and check that out but anyways I think that’s going to about do it for me today I think what I’m going to do now is Farm up myself a whole bunch of trees so that I can stock

Up on wood and then hopefully we can use this thing to put together all of the future build projects in this World

This video, titled ‘Building a Tree Omnifarm & Wool Farm | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #11’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2024-01-11 19:14:37. It has garnered 10951 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:54 or 1434 seconds.

In this video I put together several farms including a tree farm, wool farm, cobble farm and more in preparation to build more houses in my medieval city!

Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon:

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00:00 – Intro 00:18 – Wool Farm 08:33 – Tree Omnifarm 15:08 – Tour 23:30 – Outro

The version used in this video was Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.1

• Don’t reupload or modify my videos. Copyright © 2023 FitShaw.

• Cubicmeter:

• Music: ——————————————————– The Road Home – Alexander Nekarada ——————————————————– Village Consort – Always Music ——————————————————– Music Credit: STEESH Track Name: “So Long” Music By: STEESH @ Official “STEESH” YouTube Channel HERE –…. ——————————————————–

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    Insane Chicken VR Prank Gone Wrong in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #oculus #memes #vr #funny #oculus2 #comedy #pasta #oculusquest2 #melon’, was uploaded by Chicken vr on 2024-03-22 20:19:35. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • Can My Internet Survive the NEW Minecraft Update?!

    Can My Internet Survive the NEW Minecraft Update?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing The NEW Minecraft Update If My Internet Connection Holds Up!’, was uploaded by JacobGgamer on 2024-04-03 04:04:44. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:09 or 4629 seconds. TODAY! We play The Poisonous Potato Update! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gaming Remix – Surath Gamerz

    EPIC Minecraft Gaming Remix - Surath GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #music #instrumental #remix #ringtone #song #shorts #shortvideo @SurathGamerz’, was uploaded by Surath Gamerz on 2024-05-21 14:31:41. It has garnered 6 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • WhaleBoxx

    WhaleBoxxWelcome to WhaleBoxx. We are currently a vanilla survival and boxpvp server. We only just released so come and join us today! Read More

  • Pandamium’s Snapshot Server – Vanilla, SMP, Snapshots, 1.21-pre1, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Features Experiment with new features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, 20 new paintings, 3 new music discs, and more! Community Join a friendly community with multiple towns and a diamond-based trading economy. Explore the End every month, participate in enhanced dragon fights, and never worry about resets… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft haters always be hatin’

    Looks like the critics of Minecraft are mining for compliments with that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Animated Show Unveiled

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Animated Show Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, a new tale is told, An animated series, with adventures bold. Netflix has announced, a show to excite, Bringing blocky worlds to life, shining bright. The teaser trailer, a glimpse of what’s in store, Creativity and adventure, like never before. Minecraft fans, get ready to explore, In this animated series, we’ll all adore. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. Excitement is high, in the gaming community, For this new series, full of opportunity. So grab your pickaxe, and your diamond sword, For in Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Ohio’s Nether Portals: A Hot Mess! 🔥

    Ohio's Nether Portals: A Hot Mess! 🔥 POV: Ordinary Ohio nether portals at different ages in Minecraft be like going from a toddler trying to figure out how to walk to a teenager trying to navigate their first awkward dance. Just a whole lot of confusion and chaos. #OhioProblems #MinecraftStruggles 😂🕳️🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21: Fingees Strikes Again

    Minecraft 1.21: Fingees Strikes Again The Exciting Possibilities of Minecraft 1.21 With the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update on the horizon, players are buzzing with anticipation for new features and enhancements. One dedicated Minecraft modder has taken it upon themselves to create a unique mod for this upcoming version, promising an exciting twist to the beloved game. A Glimpse into the Mod The mod, created for both Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, introduces a range of new elements that are sure to shake up the gameplay experience. From innovative mechanics to quirky additions, this mod is set to offer players a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: Tricky Trials News

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: Tricky Trials News Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 – The Tricky Trials Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for an exciting journey through the latest update – The Tricky Trials! Packed with new features, mobs, weapons, and more, this update is sure to keep you on your toes. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer. The Crafter One of the standout features of this update is the introduction of Trial Chambers, where players can test their skills and face challenging puzzles. These chambers offer a unique gameplay experience that will put your creativity and problem-solving abilities to the test…. Read More

  • Minecraft Glitch: SHOCKING SMP discovery! Episode 14

    Minecraft Glitch: SHOCKING SMP discovery! Episode 14Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Roads and Roads!’ | Episode 14’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-11 21:21:12. It has garnered 51 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:13 or 7513 seconds. Thanks for watching this video! To keep updated with future uploads please consider hitting the subscribe button! ================================================ ↳Socials: ▶ Discord: ▶ Twitch: ▶ Instagram: ▶ Twitter (X): ▶ Second Channel: ================================================ ↳Channel Information: Welcome to the Glitch Entertainment YouTube channel! We are on the road to 15K Subscribers! Our content as of now consists… Read More

  • Skibidi vs. Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Toilet Battle

    Skibidi vs. Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Toilet BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 3 MINECRAFT SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE #newvirus’, was uploaded by Skibidi battless on 2024-02-25 12:24:12. It has garnered 96 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Skibidi Battltess 🫡💥⚡️ Thanks for watching❤️❤️ Like and subscribe! 🥹🥰Skibidi Toilet is a series of viral YouTube Shorts uploaded on the DaFuq!?Boom! channel on YouTube. The series depicts a battle between the Skibidi Toilets ✅✅ ……………………………………………………. Subscribe to my channel: @skibidibattless All Battles in this Video are created by Skibidi Battless The audio and video sources in this video were… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Graphics! You won’t believe your eyes! 😱🤯 #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Graphics! You won't believe your eyes! 😱🤯 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Incredible Minecraft Graphics 😊😍 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-21 06:21:51. It has garnered 65 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme… Read More

  • Explore Mind-Blowing Minecraft Painting Tutorial! #malen #redstone

    Explore Mind-Blowing Minecraft Painting Tutorial! #malen #redstoneVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Malen” in Minecraft #malen #minecraft #redstone #tutorial’, was uploaded by Spiele_ente on 2024-04-09 10:00:15. It has garnered 9414 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rabbit Goes Wild on EchoCraft Charity Stream!

    Insane Minecraft Rabbit Goes Wild on EchoCraft Charity Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘EchoCraft Charity Stream VOD! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rabid Rabbit MC on 2024-03-17 13:00:18. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:53 or 8573 seconds. This is the uncut charity stream from January 13th 2024. We play mini games and raise money for the Emily Kent Unit. The Story from Souli- Alyce (my beautiful daughter), 15 years old, is currently fighting Classic Hodgkins Lymphoma, and is undergoing Chemotherapy treatment to rid her of this awful disease. This fundraiser is to raise as much money as possible to help… Read More

  • DEEP SECRETS EXPOSED – Join my Minecraft stream! 🤫

    DEEP SECRETS EXPOSED - Join my Minecraft stream! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft stream – come and talk about things’, was uploaded by abyssquick on 2024-01-31 01:32:48. It has garnered 89 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:46 or 7606 seconds. Support the stream: Patreon Supporters Scanman Retrovex ——————————————— Socials Discord Server – Patreon – Twitch – Twitter – ——————————————— Read More

  • Shocking Revealed! The Truth About Kiro’s Deception? | Minecraft MEGA SMP #7

    Shocking Revealed! The Truth About Kiro's Deception? | Minecraft MEGA SMP #7Video Information This video, titled ‘Bản Tin Sốc !! Sự Thật Duonng Lừa Kiro ? | Minecraft MEGA SMP #7’, was uploaded by Duonng on 2024-05-31 11:30:14. It has garnered 30296 views and 1354 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:45 or 1485 seconds. MEGA SMP is a Server with more than 30 Youtube Participation from the Vietnamese Minecraft Community… —————————— ————————————————– ———————————– ► Duong record: ► Duonng : ► Duong Ghi Image: ► Duong Roblox: ————————————————– ————————————————– 🔖 Video is only for Entertainment/Understanding about Minecraft… ✍🏻Leave your comments below in the comments section to… Read More

  • Sanna races Cutie in EPIC 20 Min Minecraft Build!

    Sanna races Cutie in EPIC 20 Min Minecraft Build!Video Information This video, titled ’20 Minute Minecraft Build Challenge With Cutie!’, was uploaded by iamSanna on 2024-02-18 14:00:41. It has garnered 57549 views and 1395 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:56 or 1076 seconds. 🦄 BECOME A MEMBER WITH SPECIAL PERKS: 🦄 🦄 Enter my Star code ⭐️iamsanna⭐️ when you buy Robux at 🦄 (When you use my code Roblox gives me a small percentage of your purchase! Thank you for the support!) ❤️MERCH: 💜INSTAGRAM: ❤️TWITTER: 🦄Moody Unicorn Twin🦄 🌸Silly🌸 🌈Sunny Unicorn Twin🌈 🐰Cutie🐰 💙ALL GIVEAWAYS WILL BE… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Edit: Null vs Entity 303! Who will win?

    Insane Minecraft Edit: Null vs Entity 303! Who will win?Video Information This video, titled ‘collab with @kenzi24434 ( null vs entity 303) (herobine vs luis) #editing #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ari_edit on 2024-06-11 07:23:10. It has garnered 133 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. animation by @ShadowCreeperAnimations and @sashamtanimations3761 edit by @kenzi24434 and me @Ari_edit678 edit by me #shadowcreeper #mr_shadow #edit #capcut #shorts #minecraftshorts #subscribe #like #comment #sashaMT #song #editing #minecraft #effects #animation #plslikesubscribe #editing #subscribe #smooth #cool #minecraftanimation #battle #enjoy #shakes #shakeeffect #youtuber #shortvideo #edits #effect #comment Read More