Insane! TSMC creates Epic Minecraft Starbucks!

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make a starbucks oh and by the way just in case you have any more building related news feel free to check out the card system and the links for description for my other various tutorial playlists and in the

Comment system especially guys i will leave you some more targeted videos i’m sure that you guys will like some more real-life buildings and stuff like that moving on if you want to make starbucks here’s what you’re going to need you’ll need some virtual planks and some bricks then grab yourself some birchwood stairs

And some birdwood slabs then guys grab yourself some black wool some dark green wool then grab yourself some black stained glass paint you’ll also want to find some block of quartz and finally guys grab yourself some dark oak wood fence and we might even need some

More materials later on but for now we have most of them be happy that we have most of them so once you have each one of those right there and once you’ve figured out what you want to make it i’ll be making it right here you’re

Going to want to kick off your starbucks with this sequence of blocks in a row on the floor do three bricks one two three then seven black wool one two three four five six seven then six bricks that’s one two three four five six then do one black wool then leave two spacers

Then do another black wool leave two spacers do another black wool then do three then do six bricks that’s one two three four five six then do a seven black wool one two three four five six seven then do three bricks one two three and that’s probably enough for now so what

You want to have guys should look a little bit like this and this is just the base of the front of your starbucks once you’ve got that taken care of this is what we want to do next and when i say the front just to make this incredibly clear guys the entrance to

Starbucks is going to be right here for those of you that like to know that information the entrance the front of starbucks literally right here that’s where you’re going to walk in now that that’s been made clear you now want to come all the way over to the left-hand

Side of what you’ve made where we have this very first break that we placed and going left of this towards where the back of starbucks is going to be you’re going to want to do this sequence of block sir from this block do two bricks one two

Followed by a seven black wool that’s one two three four five six seven you then want to do a free bricks one two three then at seven black wool one two three four five six seven then you want to do a 17 bricks so that’s one two

Three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen and once you have that row on the side guys and just to remind you two bricks seven black three bricks seven black seventeen breaks you now want to do the exact same thing on the

Opposite side so why don’t we come all the way over to the opposite side now so we’re on the opposite side starting from this bricks we literally want to emulate what we have over there so going right we now want to do two bricks one two

Seven black one two three four five six seven we then want to do two bricks one two seven black wool one two three four five six seven then 17 bricks so that’s one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen what you then

Want to do guys is just connect those seventeenth blocks all the way together back block to back block so what we’re doing is we’re now making the base of the entire starbucks one of those rows was wrong which one was it these things sometimes happen guys shall we count

This out shall we make sure that we get this right so that’s one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen it seems as though that i cut that row short by one on the opposite side that’s okay i’ll leave this in here

Sometimes mistakes happen just make sure that you fix them very simple fix we just missed a block no problem so all we have to do now is just delete this row right here and we can actually keep that row of 17 that i’ve just placed on top

Of there you guys may not have to do this because you guys might actually be able to count apparently i can’t but that is what we want to have for the base of our starbucks so far once you’ve reached this point right here guys this is what you want to do next so

We’re now going to build up all of the windows it’s going to be quite simple so this is how we want to do it guys each one of these six windows will be built up the same on top of the left hand and right hand blocks blocks number one and seven

We want to go up on top of each of them by nine without black they’ll look like one two three four five six seven eight nine and we also want to connect them together at the top so i’m just going to cut that short we want to raise up each

Side by nine connect them together at the top to form a rectangular shape like this what we then want to do to the rectangular shape is cut it directly up through the middle with our black wall like that then we want to add a horizontal row of black wool very near

The top so it kind of looks like a christmas present shape except it’s not through the middle we want to leave a 2×2 square of empty space at the top here and those will be the windows what we’ll then do guys is just fill the center of them in with black stained

Glass pane i’m just going to finish this one off first but then what i’m going to do i’m going to do all of the black for the windows in one go and then i’m going to do all of the glass for the windows in one go because that is how i roll so

That is how each one of these six windows will look it looks a little different in the thumbnail because they’ve got covers on them but that’s how the windows look once you’ve done that to one let’s do the same thing to the rest of them so we’ve got this to do

Five more times on top left and right blocks remember we go up by nine one two three four five six seven eight nine lost my powers there for a second then nine up on top of this one we don’t have to count it out as long as we’re sure that

It was nine connect it together at the top and very clumsily place another block we then cut the window directly up the middle we then add a horizontal row of black and we leave two by two two by two at the top as easy as that and why

Don’t we do that to all of the other windows and i don’t have to count this up because i have that window of nine to the left of me so we don’t have to do any more counting on this side we will have to on the other side though we’re

Just like i said we’re marking out the outsides of the windows later on we will fill them in with like you know what whilst i’m actually over this side i’m gonna fill these two in with black but the opposite side i’m going to do all of the black first and then i’ll fill

Everything in with black i like just doing it like a material at a time uh for whatever reason i don’t like building like an individual window all in one go i prefer to like mass do it but uh that’s just me you guys can do whatever you want all the matters is

That we get these windows done and then we will mess about with the entrance we will then mark out the walls we’ll build them all up we will then mess about with all of the little individual bits like we’ve got some lights and stuff is that

Yeah these are all three of the windows done guys as you can see they’re all identical let’s move on to the opposite side now so this opposite side requires a little bit of counting that’ll be one two three four five six seven eight nine and we never have to count that out

Again so like i said after the walls were up and once the general shapes taken care of that’s when we’ll start doing things like we’ll do the logo and we’ll do like the lights and the bits that overhang the windows and all of that fun stuff that’s when that’ll all

Get done but for now we’ve actually got quite a bit of the building to do we’ve we’re not even really we’ve not really marked out even the general shape of it we’ve kind of just got the base and yeah we we’ve got a bit to do basically

What i’m getting at guys what i’m getting at we’ve got a bit of work to do that’s all i’m saying i don’t know how long this is going to take us i i didn’t really time how long it took me to design and make this the first time

Round so i’ve got no idea i would guess a bit of a guesstimate since i’ve been at this i’ve been at the building game for a while probably about 40 minutes i would imagine that’s that’s without the interior and the proper exterior but those are all the windows done and

Marked out why don’t we just fill this in and the reason that we can leave that brick there by the way guys if you notice that we’ve got that uh row of brick over there that semi-row of brick um that’s because the entire base has

Like a two rows of brick going all the way around the base of it that’s that’s why we can just leave that there leave it all to its lonesome um it’s quite an easy build actually the starbucks thinking about it it’s a very very simple build um the hardest part is

Going to be the next bit uh but that’s that’s not gonna be particularly difficult it’s uh it’s just the hardest part of the build everything else is very easy in comparison a lot of a lot of just stacking materials is essentially what we’re gonna be up to but hey hey that’s

That’s us that’s what we do here but those are all six of the windows taken care of guys let’s see if we can get a good view of these there we go perfect that is exactly what we want now once you’ve got all of those windows taken

Care of what do we want to do next we want to do the door don’t we so once you’ve got all the windows taken care of we now want to come to the entrance this is what we want to do on top of this left hand and on top of this right hand

Black wall block we want to stack two rows of six so that’ll be one two three four five six and on top of the right one one two three four five six coming all the way up to the top we then want to connect them together at the top we

Also want to bisect them all the way up the center and then we want to kind of like do the reverse of what we did to the windows we kind of want to leave a two by two or two two by two squares right at the very base of the entrance

So you’ll be walking in here you’ll be walking in here and we will have glass just above here and that is how that will go so we’ll just fill that in with glass and that will be the entrance now what do we want to do next we have to

Mark out as you might saw from the thumbnail at the very front of the shop there’s a big giant rectangular bit which sticks out of the front that’s what we’re going to be doing now so what we now want to do guys on top of these three brick blocks on the left and

Right hand side closest to the entrance we want to go up on top of these bricks each by 26 it’ll look like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and we also want

Them on the next two as well we want to have the closest three bricks coming all the way up not only do we want to do this on the left but we also want to do it on the right and i’m just going to drag this block over a little bit so

That i don’t have to count it out on the right hand side i’m assuming that i was right the first time although that is a dangerous assumption but i think that it was is roughly 26 blocks so all we have to do is the exact same thing on the

Right hand side now and we just want to end up with something that should look a little bit like that now we don’t have to fill that center part in and here’s why what we now want to do now that we have the general shape here is we now want to

Extend these rows of free out in front of the shop by freeze so we kind of want to do this it’ll be like one two three and one two three and we kind of just want to extend it coming out in front of the shop by free so we kind of want to

Make like a nice big giant archway and obviously we want to fill it in as little as possible so we don’t want to just extend each one of those blocks out by free we want to do as little work as possible as little filling in as possible and we just want

To kind of connect everything together form it into a big giant shape and it’ll look a little something whoops it’ll look a little something like this i mean you guys can see what i’m talking about at the very base of what we’re doing is obviously we’re not obstructing the entrance at

All we’re just going to be filling this thing in and we’re turning into a big 3d shape which comes out of the front of your starbucks by you guys know it’s by freeze so just to show you guys what we’re kind of working with and this will make more sense once

You can actually see it so we just want to extend that entrance coming out in front of starbucks by free what we’ll now do is fill the front and sides of that thing in it equals less work let’s do it so all we have to do now is fill the size

Of what we’ve made in by free the front of it and we don’t even really have to touch the back of it so we’re just making sure that it looks as though we’ve taken each one of those blocks which we obviously didn’t have to do we’ve just extended it out by three if

You want to do that then that’s perfectly fine but i’d say that that’s the long way of doing it and that that takes way too much time for me but this time we do want to fill in the entire front of it like all the way above the

Entrance we want to fill in the entire front of it so you can see me doing that now we’ll then move on to the opposite side and we’ll also do the top so we’ve also got this little bit to do oh and there’s this bit underneath so why don’t

We start all the way up at the bottom and we’ll come all the way up to the top and we’ll just do this bit bit tedious ever so slightly tedious but this is how things are whoops and we’ve got that block to do whoops we’ve got

That block to delete when we get all the way back up there we go i even made another one i made it a twin and then killed them both poor bricks and we can also fill in the top portion here and we do have a little bit to add to the top

Bit here as well in just a moment bang and is that everything i bet we have some on the inside yeah we have some on the insides to do so just next to the entrance which we may still extend out a little bit we might just have it sit in

One block backwards in relation to the bricks that we’ve made i haven’t decided yet but we’ll see and you may just want to just plug this hole just above the entrance just right here so it’s it’s just in the interest of time saving and block saving that we

Just turn it into a shape and fill in the outer parts but that is exactly what we want to have guys three blocks outwards free block oh my god was that grammatically correct i’m not cutting this three blocks outwards 26 blocks high or 27 including the base

Block that is what you want to have and that is perfect guys now once you’ve got that taken care of this is what you want to do next take out your birchwood planks come all the way up to the top of what you’ve made and just do two rows of

Birchwood planks going all the way around the top of what you’ve made just in a very small rectangular shape just do that with your birch wood planks and we will have a little bit more to do to do with this later talking too fast my

Own good to do with this later but uh we’ll leave that until later i know it’ll look a little bit weird but it will look better later on so we just want to have two layers of virtual planks stacked directly on top of that entrance bit perfect now

Once you’ve got that taken care of this is what you want to do next guys take out your bricks add an additional layer of bricks going all the way around the base of your starbucks so going all the way around the base of your starbucks

You want to add i forgot that we already had one there you want to add an additional layer of bricks this sets us up for the next bit the next bit we’re going to be adding a lot of birchwood planks 22 rows of them to be exact once

That’s done we then have the fun of adding in all of the details to starbucks including the logo which looks incredibly strange but i’ll talk about that later i think we’ve just about done it we oh now we’ve just got a little bit so what you want to have guys is two

Layers of bricks going all the way around the base of your starbucks perfect once you’ve got that taken care of this is what you want to do next and i already told you guys now what you want to do is 22 rows of virtual planks stacked on top of your brick so it’ll

Look like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 and that wants to go all the way around the shop so this is going to be the longest part guys this is what’s going to take

Most of our time we just want to painstakingly go all the way whoops we want to painstakingly go all the way around the base of our shop and add 22 layers of fully certifiable genuine wooden virtual planks going all the way around the base and there is not

Much to talk about here is there let me tell you what’s going to happen next and then maybe we’ll talk about some random things that’s rattling around my head so after we’ve added in our 22 layers of birchwood planks we will then have to add things above the windows not only do

We have like those blind of things above the windows like those wind barriers or whatever they’re supposed to be those greeny things we’ve got to add those we’ve also got to add like two layers of stairs going all the way around as starbucks i don’t know why it’s there but it is there

We’ve also got to add some lamps above the windows we’ve got to add in the starbucks logo we’ve then got to tamper with the top of the walls fill in the roof and we will also have to we will also have to probably amend the entrance a little bit not really too

Much once this is taken care of everything else will seem incredibly easy i don’t know whether this is the fastest way to accomplish this by the way i don’t know whether this is the slow way the fast way but i figure it is just mainly because we’ve got all the

Windows in i don’t think that there’s a way to make this particularly any faster but hey since you guys have to do this i may as well hang in there with you as you guys know if you suffer i suffer as i suffer you will suffer that’s that’s how this works

When we’re painstakingly filling in all these walls i’ll hang in there with you one day they will add the microsoft paint function the big giant paint can in which we’ll kind of like section off an area and we’ll just like select it and like bloop and we’ll be able to fill

In like a big giant square in one click but unfortunately until then we must do this that’s how it goes it feels incredibly slow today i don’t know why i we’re not even halfway we’re not even halfway here it’s just taking this long that’s a real shame oh well so what do i

Have to talk about guys what do i have to talk about what can we talk about i have absolutely no idea halloween is coming up halloween’s going to be pretty fun for me not only am i going to do you guys know what alton towers is

It’s a theme park here in britain i think that it’s like our best one our biggest one that’s something some a couple of people actually got crippled on one of the rides like a couple of like two months ago is it’s kind of rough they’re on

This ride called the smiler i think it might even have a record for i don’t know if it’s in the world but it’s definitely in britain it has like the most twists and turns or something like the most corkscrews in a roller coaster in britain and well somebody

Apparently done goofed and as they were pulling back into the station that they left from there was another car there another set of cars and they like slammed directly into the back of it and a couple of girls lost their legs and a load of people got nerve damage and stuff so i’m

Not going on that ride luckily that i’m avoiding that completely feel free to check that out that’s called smile it is a fun ride to go and i’ve been on it before but i’m never going on that thing again because i i enjoy walking rough rough but i’m going for like this

Halloween thing they i don’t know if you guys have ever done this you probably have like there’s these zombie mazers and you like you go through them with a bunch of people you get like blindfolded or bagged and there’s people making pretend to be zombies they’re like

Snarling at you and grabbing at you like i can’t really make zombie noises but they’re really good at it trust me they’re all dressed up and stuff and as you go around the park or it’s kind of like dark and you can still go on all of

The rides and the the employees are dressed up and stuff and like they’re just trying to scare you it’s called scare fest is that it’s going to be pretty good i’m i’m kind of looking forward to it it’s a shame you this it’ll it’ll have probably happened about

A week ago by the time you guys have watched this if you even make it this far into the video that’s what’s going to happen kind of looking forward to that it’ll actually be like one day away from halloween by the time that this video is released

I’m going on some sort of ghost walk thing for halloween we’ve got this we’ve got this like big giant place near us that i don’t want to give the name away of because it hits too close to home and there’s like this ghost walk thing going

On and they feed you and i’m going with a mate to minus that should probably be entertaining it’s uh it’s like apparently a well-known haunted spot if if such a thing exists a haunted spot i’ve never seen a ghost i’m just going for the fun of it i don’t i think there

Might even be like tilting going on i don’t know what tilting is but apparently that’s a thing i think has to do with tables and there’s going to be like a ouija board and there’s like these professional people telling ghost stories and stuff that’s something to look forward to i’d i’ve never really

Been into halloween i’ve never even really dressed up as it but this year i’m i’m kind of going for it i’m not i’m not dressing up i don’t even know what a good costume for me would be i’ve got absolutely no clue and well you guys

Don’t know what i look like so obviously you guys couldn’t suggest a costume i’ve always wondered that i mean it it’s obviously when you’re going for halloween you have to go like heavy with the makeup or like a full body costume or you kind of have to play to your

Strengths don’t you like if you’re a pretty big guy then you could probably go for like oh i don’t know like gaston out of disney or like baner of batman but if you like a pretty slender guy pretty athletic then you could go for like a superhero maybe like superman or

The flash or spiderman or something like that so i’d i’ve got absolutely no clue what i could go for but it’s it’s hopefully going to be pretty fun i’ve never i’ve never went on like a ghost walk or like you know zombie experience or something although they are doing

This pretty cool zombie thing near me and uh it’s like they release you into a forest and it lasts 14 hours and it’s kind of like a proper zombie apocalypse experience it’s it actually sounds pretty fantastic sounds right up my alley i’m kind of into the whole zombie

Apocalypse idea i know makes me sound like a madman but i am and they release you and there’s obvious there’s people like pretending to be zombies and you actually like find food out there there’s like a whole like landing spot there’s a base you have to go out there

And they give you like even nerf guns or like bb guns and you like find ammo and you survive and you’ve got to find water and you set up a base camping with other survivors it’s really expensive so i’m not going to do it plus nobody else in

My life wants to do it because apparently they’re cowards it sounds amazing to me don’t you guys want the zombie apocalypse experience i’ve seen too many zombie movies and too many episodes of the walking dead to not want to at least have a bit of a go at it but

Nobody else is into it i i don’t know one one of my friends so i talked uh talked to about it they were like oh yeah yeah i’d do it but you know only if i’m allowed to go up one of the trees and hang myself so apparently it’s not up

Their alley so i i’m on my own not gonna do it that’s a real shame but it seems really really fun and like i said i’ve i’ve never been i’ve never really been into halloween never dressed up so hopefully these two little events i’m going on are going to be really fun

And maybe next year maybe next year i’ll actually dress up as something maybe i’ll i’ll go out i’ll find something i’ll i’ll i’ll be i don’t know i don’t know what i can be i’ll i’ll be like one of the muppets or i’ll be one of the muppets which muppet could i

Be i could hmm i’m trying to think i always i always liked fozzy bear maybe i’d be kermit the frog i’d paint myself green i’d get a big giant kermit the frog head with those big guys muppets was coming back guys i’m pretty sure they just released a new

Tv series that’d be pretty good gonzo gonzo would be a good choice but i don’t think i have the voice done but hey i know what i could be i could be one of those big giant bears i think there’s only one he wears it like a hat his eyes

Are always semi-closed that seems really comfortable as well it’s usually cold around halloween so i feel as though a big giant fur suit would actually suit me suit me very well i i think that that’s what i could definitely go as i don’t know or maybe that weird professor guy

Who’s always electrocuting that poor little stick man with the with a big giant frizzy redhead do you got isn’t the muppets too old are you did you guys grow up with the muppets i know i did muppets treasure island the christmas story oh ebenezer i loved i loved the muppets

They’re so ridiculous i love them i love the fact that they inter interact with humans i like that i like that they don’t even reference it as well like there’s just muppets around in the universe they’re talking to humans it’s like there’s a frog and a pig they’re

Dating they’re kind of together they’re walking around the streets nobody’s batting an eye nobody cares it’s beautiful it really is i i think that it really brings everybody together when you see a frog and a pig just walking around the streets this is taking so unbelievably long guys isn’t it

It really is but i i can’t imagine there isn’t taking you guys just as long unless you’ve found a much smarter way of doing it than i have which i doubt because i don’t think that there really is unless you kind of like went up and

Down that might take less time i have absolutely no idea but that always i don’t know when i go up and down like when i do rose going up and down like oscillating it’s ah it kind of does my eyes and so we’re just taking it the

Turtle way the daughters in the hair that story never made any sense all that hair had to do was just cross the finish line at the end instead of just like taunting that tortoise if it basically if the hair was a little bit more sporting the hair would have just won

Like one minute into the race it took the tortoise like eight hours or something ridiculous i don’t know what that story is about i guess it’s being like humble i guess that that’s what the whole fable there yeah it’s the fable right a fable has like a a moral so i suppose

That that’s a fable i i guess that that’s what it is be be humble don’t brag and always win the race well or is it or is or is it patience i’m looking at it from the i’m looking at it from like the point of view of the

Hair maybe i should be looking at it from the tortoises just like slow and steady you’ll get there in the end or just be really fast and beat everyone else why did i have to warp that that’s such a nice children’s fable that teaches you about life and it’s like not

Everything’s a race you’ll get there in the end you don’t have to be faster than everybody else you just have to get there at your own pace and i’m like nah nah nah that’s wrong what you’ve got to do is be better but apparently that’s not what they’re trying to that no no

That’s almost definitely not the message that’s what i’ve taken from it i’ve corrupted it i’ve corrupted the child’s yeah okay well that’s me isn’t it we’ve not got too many layers of this i’m running out of things to talk about i’ve talked about halloween by the time you

Guys watch this i will be in the new house finally i’ve been talking about this for several weeks in these videos i don’t know whether you guys watch all of these i don’t know whether you make it through these bits doubtful but just to give you guys

Something to talk about by the time this is out i will be in the new house i’m currently recording this on the saturday i already have like what’s going on this saturday uploaded and what have you i may come a week in advance because i think these videos are the most

Important i like to have them all ready and planned out just in case something happens you never know by the time you guys see this i will be in the new abode i might be i should be all going well i should be there on the

Monday so two days from now gonna be in the new house it’s gonna be very exciting i’ve even been thinking about the face reveal i’ve been thinking about it i i’ve been thinking about doing it in a subtle way i’ve not done a q a in a

Little while and i don’t think i want to do it there i don’t think i want to make a big deal out of it i don’t think i want to do like hey this is the face reveal everybody come and watch i think i might just like play an adventure map

And i might just be there i think i might just show up it’s like hey how’s it going yeah this is me let’s play i i think that that’s how it might actually go and i think that that’s how i’m gonna do it if i make a big deal out of it then

I don’t know i i think i’d rather just certainly throw it in and then maybe i can do some like i don’t know some oh we’ve we’ve actually reached the end here i think hang on let me see oh no we have one more to do so i think i might

Do it like that i always planned maybe on like when i hit a million or before that and i didn’t really plan on like revealing in the face a million i figured that i might do like a one to two minute video like what’s up this was a face reveal

You happy now but i think that if i just kind of like slip it in there like hey yeah i’m here now deal with it i think that that might actually be a little bit better i think that that’s what i might go for hmm i haven’t decided yet but i

Think that’s how it’s going to go and i’m not sure what to reveal it on either if it’s just like a random adventure mode video i’m i think i might just do that but we have finally done all of these 22 rows of birch wood guys

There we go that is the majority of this thing taken out so what we now want to do now that we have completely filled in all of the walls we’re now going to add all of the nice little bits all the way around starbucks so why don’t we do that

So first we’re going to add things around the windows take out your dark green wall what you want to do is you want to starting from this row right here so you want to be on the second row down from the top of your window and starting

From the right hand side and the left you want to do two rows of free dark green wall coming out of the front of your window it will look like one two three and then the other side one two three then connect each one of those third blocks together and just above

What you’ve made you then want to do a similar thing you want to do one two and coming out of the other side one two and then you just want to connect them together like this so we’re kind of like just tapering up it’s like we’re making

Green stairs and then above that we want to have a layer of dark green wall so it’ll look like this and this just goes above the window it’s that it’s there’s like claw four plasticky tarpy materials that go above the window it kind of just covers it a little bit that’s what we’re

Going for here guys and it wants to that’s the first window it wants to start on the second row down from the ends of the window one two three and one two three connect them together like so above that one two and one two connect them together above that just a

Row of one it’ll look like this and we want to do that with every single one of the windows so one two three and one two three and then connect them together of course and we’ve got to do this oh i don’t know three more times

After this but that’ll be okay it’s not too painful so once we’ve added all of this in it’ll allow us to progress to the next bit so i don’t need to explain that again do i want to three i just have to count it out for myself make

Sure i get it right i know that’s a very small number but you know that’s how it goes so once we’ve done this allow us to progress on to the next bit and uh pretty much all we’re doing now is we’re just kind of like adding details

And we will also have to fill in the top of the roof at one point which will be the last thing that we do probably the last thing that we do it takes a while to do that doesn’t it but it’s okay it’s okay we know that it’s coming but we

Need to take a break from mass filling in we could have already done it but uh i i’ve ran out of topics to talk about so that’s that’s basically what i’m hoping to recharge by the time we hit the top of the roof or maybe i won’t

Include it in the video i’ll probably include it in the video so you guys might be able to see now that we’ve included we’ve added all of the dark green wall on top of each one of the windows you guys know how to do that it looks like

Little staircases it’s as wide as as wide as the window and starts two rows down from the top of the window now once you’ve got that taken care of take out your birchwood stairs and starting from the road just above the top of the green thingy you want to

Do a layer of upside down birchwood stairs going all the way around the outside of your starbucks and it just sits like i said one block above the windows it goes from one side of the other and we don’t want to go in front of that bricky part of starbucks so we

Kind of just want to go all the way around the outside as you guys can see i’m doing right now and it’ll take a little while because starbucks is a little bit bigger than i thought it was in my head but we’ve got to do this oh

We’ve also got oh i forgot we’ve also got to write starbucks on the side of this thing i completely forgot about that we’ll do that before we do the logo because the logo is going to be really irritating so what you want to have guys is a layer of

Upside down stairs going all the way just above the windows now once you’ve got that taken care of guess what we now want to have a regular facing stairs going all the way around the top of what you’ve just made i know i know guys oh we also forgot something as well above

The actual entrance to starbucks we also want to have the dark green wall kind of like pokey out window covering thingamajig but that’s okay we can add that in after we finish this i can’t believe that i forgot about it it’s a little bit bigger than the ones that

We’ve done but it is in the very same row and it does follow the exact same strategy or the exact same design or whatever you want to call it it’s the exact same as the other ones except it’s a little bit bigger so what we want to

Have guys should look a little bit now like this very subtle makes a difference it’s on the actual shop now once you’ve got that taken care of you now want to take out your dark green wall and in line with all of the other like dark green wool over hanging things

We now want to do the exact same thing just above the entrance and this time the big giant overhanging green thingy wants to be one block lesser than the actual brick part of the front of the building so if you guys can see what i’m talking about it’s somewhat difficult to explain

It’s the same thing except longer in the same position except it’s on the front of the entrance you guys can see what i’m talking about that’s exactly what we want to have i’m sure that you guys will manage to do that no problem so once you’ve got that taken

Care of guys we can now move on to the next bit so what we’re gonna do here’s what we’re gonna do above each one of the entrances or not the entrances above each one of the windows and not the entrance we want to add two hanging lamps so these hanging lamps are in

Relation to the windows they’re kind of like one blocking wood so they’re in this line and they’re in this line here one block inwards in relation to the windows they are two blocks higher than these stairs that we have so it’ll kind of like be like this we’ll have two

Stairs poking out here or two fence i should say and we’ll have two fence poking out here so can you guys see where they are in relation to the windows they are one block higher than the actual stairs that we have they’re one block inwards in relation to the

Windows and they poke out of the building by two rows underneath the second fence you want to place a black wall block and these will assimilate lamps that are hanging outside starbucks and they’ll look exactly like this perfect not only do we want to do this

Once we want to do this for every single other window so we’ll one block inwards one block higher poke poke and then here and then we just want to do black wool underneath i’m sure that you guys get that i think i explained that relatively

Well so what we’re now going to do is just apply that to every single other window so why don’t we just do that and uh right here as well boom boom then black wall that is going to be one side taken care of why don’t we head over to the

Opposite side now so heading over to the opposite side here for the window it will be here boom and here then we’ll do the black wall coming out underneath the second one we only have two more windows to do and after this we’ll probably what will we do let me i’d

We’ve got a couple of things that we can do that are all kind of like equally equally irritating to do so i’m kind of like trying to stack rank them like what do we want to do next but we’re currently just doing this which is actually relatively pain-free we’re just

Hanging lamps outside of the windows so we just oh my god come on come on so no dexterity why so what we want to have guys so far should look a little bit just to give you guys kind of like a diagonal view a little bit like this

Perfect once you’ve got that taken care of guys this is what you want to do next i think it’s time to add in the add in the birchwood stairs actually so take out your birchwood stairs now come all the way up to the top of starbucks what

You want to do is a layer of upside down birchwood stairs going all the way around the top of starbucks not only do we want to do it to this part however you see the big bit that we have in the center that big brick bit we also want

To do it to the top of that and not only are we going to be adding a layer of stairs going all the way around the top of starbucks but we’re also going to do a layer of birchwood planks that sits directly one block on top and it will

Just kind of give it like i don’t know it it makes it look a little bit better in my opinion i i don’t know what it is you guys can take it or leave it but i designed it in mind and i do think that

It does make a bit of a difference so now that all of those are added in we’re now just going to do the brick wood slabs or the birchwood slides i should say going all the way around i don’t think that brickwood actually exists those are two materials that i’ve taken

I’ve combined them together they’re amalgamated now and it doesn’t make any sense does that exist brick wood where they like mix wood into the cement i doubt it maybe i don’t know maybe they do make some weird stuff in there i think that they used to actually mix

Like horse hair in there to make it more coarse and like stick together so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were like hey hey mick there’s some wood in there it wouldn’t surprise me at all so now that we’ve done it to the top of the building

Like that what we now want to do is this little sticky up bit here we also want to add it in here all the way up at the top of the middleish bit so that’s exactly what we’re going to do guys we’re going to go all the way around the

Top of this then we’ll add in the slabs this won’t take very long and then we can oh i guess we can then fill the top of this little bit in here although no oh there we go whoops uh although nobody will see it and it does kind of look

Like a chimney chimney which kind of makes me smile thinking of santa visiting starbucks kind of giving everybody presents i i don’t know why i don’t know why i thought of that but the fact that this looked like chimney made me think of santa so we’re now just

Filling this thing in just because it’ll bug me and what we’ll have guys should look so far a little bit like that so now we only have three things left to do and i think i’ve figured out what we have to do next so once you’ve gotten that taken care of

Guys we’re going to literally write starbucks on the side of starbucks because because the logo that i designed for this it’s so small it’s hard to tell that it’s starbucks so what we’re gonna do to combat that is literally write starbucks on the side of

This thing this is how we’re going to do it and i have to adjust my plans to actually see this so come to the top back left hand side of starbucks you want to begin your writing right here take out your quartz block and starting from this block i’m sure

You can find it do a row of free quartz going right each one of the letters is three blocks starting from this left quartz go down by two one two right by two one two down by two one two left by two one two that is the first letter

That’s an s i’m going to do these relatively quickly but i’m going to give you guys a very good view of how they look afterwards i think that that’ll be the easier way to go so next letter t all of these three blocks wide spaced

One apart the t looks like this one two three take down the middle block all the way down to the bottom they’re also the exact same size that is the t pause if necessary the a starts again one block away we start off with three rows extend

The left and right ones down all the way down to the bottom of where the tiers then you just want to leave one block empty at the top and connect everything together we have so far made stur let’s move on to the r r is a little bit

Tricky we start off with the long row on the left hand side we take this top row we go right by two we go down one bottom left diagonal bottom right diagonal down one that will be the r once you’ve got the r done we can now do a b what we’re

Essentially doing here is now an eight we’re just doing the number eight i almost said letter a i was going to make fun of myself but i said number eight that is b exactly how you might imagine it there’s no other real way to do it unless you wanted to knock out some

Blocks i like that better now let’s do the u the u looks exactly how you might imagine two long rows of quartz connected together at the bottom by one boom that is the u perfect the c the c is done exactly how you might imagine as well it’s just two short rows connected

Together by a long row of quartz on the left exactly how you’d expect that’s the c let’s move on to the k the k we’ve just got a long row of quartz space one block away as long as the others we then take this middle block we extend it to the

Right by one upright diagonal one on top from the same middle block bottom right diagonal down one there is your k this leaves us one last letter this is the s we’ve done this before we’re a master at this so we do one two three

Down by two right two down by two left two that is the s now you can see it fits perfectly on the side of starbucks almost as if somebody designed it that way starbucks there that’s the s let’s take a look at this thing there we go

Clearly read starbucks you guys can see where it’s positioned that’s perfect the reason that we did that as i said the logo does not look great you wouldn’t you probably would not guess that it’s the starbucks logo you guys will see what i’m talking about in just a minute

But just to show you guys how this looks from the side there we go it’s really shaping up once you’ve got that taken care of it’s now time for us to do the logo so why don’t we get cracker-lacking with that so i cannot believe i said crack lacking goddamn it

So once you’ve reached this point right here you now want to come to the front center of your starbucks come all the way up to the top left hand corner brick block here from this blick brick block you want to come down by two so let me

Just shove down a little bit so we want to come down by two one two we then want to go right by three one two three so we then want to be on we actually want to yeah yeah sorry we want to go right by four i’m sorry

Let’s start this again i’m not cutting this so we’re at the top left-hand corner we want to come down by two so that’ll be one two we then want to go right by four so that’ll be one two three four and on top of this fourth block we want to place a

Dark green wall like that going right we then want to do a block of quartz then a dark green wall then a block of quartz let’s move the quartz and the dark green closer to each other then you want to do a dark green wall then bottom right diagonally you want to

Do a dark green go down by one with your quartz then bottom right diagonally do a dark green go down by two with your green one two then do a bottom left diagonal with your green then go down by one with your quartz do a bottom left diagonal of your

Green go left by one then do a quartz left by two of your green one two do an up left diagonal with your quartz go up by one with your green do an up left diagonal with your green go up by two one two doing a bright diagonal of your

Quartz go up by one with your green this will give you the outline of the logo what we’ll now do is we’ll just fill this thing in probably going from oh i don’t know shall we start from the bottom let’s start from the bottom and

Work our way up to the top so i know it’s not a circle guys i’m well aware this logo looks terrible that’s why we wrote that’s why we wrote starbucks on the side so let people know so once you’ve got that taken care of starting from the bottom left hand side here this

Is what we want to do we’re going to build this up going from left to right so do one dot green three quartz one green next row next row is quartz green quartz green quartz next row we want to do quartz green three quartz green one quartz

Next row actually wants to be a copy of the previous row throw that exact same row directly on top next row wants to be one green one quartz one green one quartz one green one quartz one green reaching the top now we want to do an entire layer of green

Now at the very top here we want to do one green three quartz one green and this is what i had for the starbucks logo extremely difficult to do just in case you guys aren’t aware the starbucks logo is basically a woman’s face with a crown do you know how difficult that is

To convey in these extremely tiny con conventions in these extremely tiny dimensions that is what that’s supposed to be if you want to get a little crazy with it you might even want to take out some quartz stairs and where we have the crown at the top here you might want to

Knock that out knock that out and then boom then boom that looks a little bit more like a crown looks less like the logo more like a crown you might want to do that and that is what you want after the logo guys let me also show you it

From the side view since we’re just about done and there we go guys we have pretty much our starbucks what do we have left to do now we have to fill in the roof and then we have to mess about with the outside if we so choose so once

You’ve reached this point right here literally the only thing that we have left to do is fill in the roof which i’m gonna completely fill in with birchwood planks i’m considering piecing out at this point guys because i don’t know how long this tutorial has been going for

But it feels like ages so i might actually leave this off here so that we have a little bit of time to talk about the outside and possibly the interior if i decide to do one i’m not sure entirely sure if i’ll do it but all that’s left after this point guys to

Actually make the physical building of your starbucks you just have to completely fill the top of this thing in with birchwood planks that’s all you have to do that’s all that’s left between this and well other than what you’ll see in the thumb you’ll see like a little bit out

Front you’ll see two tables some chairs a little bit of a little bit of umbrella ridge going on and a little bit of a path that’s all you’ll see but the actual physical part of the building all that’s left is to fill the tit and fill

The top of it fill the roof in with virtual planks that’s all that’s going to happen so i’m going to do that guys and i’ll be back not with this building but i will show you the original version of my starbucks in which i have messed about with the exterior so you’ll be

Left with something that should look like this hopefully tutorial portion of this is over i’m going to fill in the roof and then i’ll be back with the other version of starbucks i’m not actually going to fill in the roof there’s no point if i’m going to show

You the original so i’ll be back with the original version of starbucks all that’s left is the roof back in a minute all right guys so this is the original version of my starbucks as you might be able to see a couple of things have changed not so much with the outside but

The inside has definitely changed and i will let you guys know right now i’ve never been inside a starbucks or a coffee shop i don’t know exactly how they’re supposed to look on the inside i’m going to be honest with you coffee disgusts me so i’ve had a bit of a guess

So this is the inside you might want to copy the layout you might not it’s kind of up to you very dark in here by the way that’s why we have these weird kind of romantic looking tables with the candles in the middle it’s not because i

Think that’s how the tables look it’s because it is so goddamn dark in here guys i just had to light it up as as much as i possibly could and the only way to do that without littering dodgers all over the floor was to put some put

Some lights in the tables so here we just have a load of tables i figured they probably have tables at coffee shops probably where else are they going to sit and waste their time drinking coffee so i added a load of tables very similar chairs and tables to what

We have outside these chairs are basically made from never brick fence but of course you could make use any fence to make these if you like them not really practical chairs as you’d fall straight through the middle but you know they from far away they kind of look like

Chairs don’t they i kind of like them so we just have a load of tables it’s just like a three by three square and there’s just like never brick fence at each corner and then we’ve got the tables do you want me to show you how to make one

Of these chairs it’s really simple it’s somewhat ingenious to be honest with you just two here two here two here um whoops not like that there we go very very simple i i never even thought about this i actually googled like minecraft chair and and

This came up i was i was kind of impressed because it’s so easy and i never even thought about it i never thought i could get like fence to look like a chair but that’s how that’s done very very simple um here we have like a counterweight order the coffee this is

Where the coffee’s brewed in the brewing stands it makes sense doesn’t it um this is kind of like an employee area that i didn’t really know what to do with this is just a nice big open space if you guys have more imagination than i do

Which i’m sure you do then you’ll be able to fill this up with something and then here on the opposite side we actually have two sets of toilets this time i usually only had one i have unisex toilets but this time we have male and female which are not labeled so

You’re playing russian roulette as you walk through the door of these these toilets are pretty simple this is like where you’d wash your hands and those are the dispensers very rough toilets guys and then we have a couple of toilet stores here obviously if you want to

Copy the layout i’m sure that you’ll manage to do it and you can you can probably grasp everything everything and how to make it just by kind of looking at it it’s not it’s not complicated whatsoever and then this opposite side here pretty much just the exact same thing

Except you know reversed it’s just a mirrored version of what we have over there we just have a couple of toilet stores and obviously that’s where you’d wash your hands and blah blah blah and dry them and all that sort of stuff i even had to light up the the

The roof there we go that’s what that’s called the thing above our heads had to light up the roof pretty pretty severely those are big giant strobe lights and then we’ve got the torches everywhere it’s still dark in here i still wish it was lighter despite the fact that i’ve i

Have so many torches in here that it’s actually starting to look bad it’s still not light enough but that’s the inside guys as you can see if you want to see where i’ve kind of like sectioned off that back bit it’s like two rows or three rows away from the window in which

The third row is kind of like just cuts it off and i obviously made like a ceiling and the ceiling is just like two rows higher than the actual windows themselves of course there’s a lot more room if you knock through here you could have a two-story coffee shop if you

Wanted to plenty of room up here but obviously i just i just wanted the one the one floor i didn’t want to have to make two floors but i think that i i guess i hope that it’s pretty much a it it’s how one is laid out i hope i

Mean you’ve got tables you’ve got chairs you’ve got toilets you’ve got an employee bit you’ve got the counter the register you’ve got the brewing stands that’s how they do it they they have a alchemy chemical looking brewing stand and that’s how they make coffee that’s that’s why it tastes so bad but that’s

The inside guys just thought you might want to see how mine set out how how easy it is to make very simple to make obviously you guys can you guys can do that if you want do something else to make it better than what i’ve done it shouldn’t be too hard guys um

Moving on to the outside so with the outside as i didn’t give starbucks a drive through i don’t know if they have a driver i have a disturbing feeling that starbucks might even have a drive-through like the actual shop i’ve got a disturbing feeling they might have

One i don’t know why they’d have that but mine doesn’t because coffee shops should not have a drive through doesn’t make any sense and unless they’re selling other stuff well can they be selling muffins cookies you know go for a drive-through for muffins and cookies you could you should

I’m lazy i’d love that never mind anyway so the outside i’ve pretty much just done a layer of stone bricks that go all the way around the outside i’ve got quartz that goes all around there but i decided that on the front of the shop

I’d have a couple of tables one on the left and right those are in front of the windows and then these are supposed to be i i was building this off like an actual starbucks building on google images and these are supposed to be like those big umbrella thingies that’s what

This is looks like a tree or a bush looks like one of those but it’s actually an umbrella i know crazy looks like a bush though so that’s that’s the outside i mean i don’t think i really have to give you guys a close-up of any of this stuff i mean it

Is all really really simple but uh two tables four chairs two umbrellas bushes um goes all the way around sticks out a bit out front if you want to make it bigger you could if you want to make it smaller you could if you want to make it non-existent you could it’s

Completely up to you i uh i’ll admit i didn’t try that hard with the interior the exterior i think is perfectly fine but i did not try that hard with the interior i think that i tried hard enough with the exterior to make up for the terrible interior although it is functional

Technically is functional and that’s all i have to show you guys that’s why i’ve taken the ui off that’s why we’re having a nice little bit of a tour i really like this building by the way i know that you may not have been able to grasp

That from these last oh i don’t know five or seven minutes however long it’s been i i actually really really like this i’m i’m quite proud of my starbucks i think it looks really cool at least i do hopefully you guys do that’d be nice if

It’s not just me sometimes it’s just me sometimes unfortunately it is just me that likes my creations but i really do hopefully you guys like it hopefully you’ve managed to make it i know that it takes a long time to build i’d guess that if you wanted to do the interior

Along with the exterior and the building itself it’ll probably take you about two hours less time if you had somebody else with you if you had a if you had a friend you were having a bit of a talk it probably take you about an hour to

Crack this thing out most of the time invested in this is really just building up those walls those birchwood plank walls oh god did they take forever so hopefully you guys like it hopefully you’ve managed to make it and if you wouldn’t mind guys i’d really appreciate

It if you could give this video a like a favorite share anything you’d feel like doing to help me out guys i would just vastly appreciate as i always do i made this due to a suggestion i was going to make tesco’s which is actually in this

World as well but it’s so big and it’s not finished yet so my favorite show if you wouldn’t mind comment down below what would you like to see me make next i might make it might make it guys i’d appreciate it if it was a real world

Suggestion like if you wanted me to make target a lot of you guys are saying like subway stuff like that fast food restaurants burger king feel free to leave your suggestion down below and i might even make it who knows um feel free to check out the card system and

The links below description for my other various tutorials and in the car system will be more specific videos thank you very much for watching my favorite show if you wouldn’t mind i’ll see you in the next video you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Starbucks’, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2015-10-31 22:00:00. It has garnered 2655786 views and 28499 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:36 or 3396 seconds.


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    Crafting Galacticraft: Minecraft's Cosmic Delight In Minecraft, Galacticraft is the name of the game, Travel to planets, in space, you can claim. Build rockets, explore the Moon and Mars, Craft your adventure, reach for the stars. To install this mod, follow the links provided, CurseForge, Galacticraft, all you need is guided. Join the Discord, share with your crew, Minecraft adventures, waiting for you. So subscribe, like, and share with delight, Activate the bell, keep up with the fight. For Minecraft news, in rhymes we trust, Join the fun, let’s play, we must! Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Norik’s Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure

    Norik's Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft Hardcore Survival with Norik as your guide. Witness the challenges, triumphs, and close calls as they navigate through this unforgiving game mode. Day 1: The Beginning As Norik spawns into the world, the adventure begins. With no prior knowledge of what lies ahead, they start exploring, gathering resources, and building shelter to survive the first night. Day 2: Progress and Exploration On the second day, Norik delves deeper into the world, uncovering hidden treasures, encountering hostile mobs, and expanding their base. Each… Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: Trello to track upcoming releases: ••► All my networks: ••► Twitch : ••► Follow me on Twitter: The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: Saweria: Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods 10! #4 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack | LIVE |’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-09-30 19:06:47. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:32 or 6092 seconds. All the Mods 10! #3 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack 💀💀Subscribe💀💀: 🔵🔵Discord🔵🔵 🔴🔴Reddit🔴🔴 🟢🟢Shockbyte server Hosting🟢🟢 💵💵MAYBE DONATE IDK 💵💵 Other Videos You Might Like: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ Forcing People to Live in Garbage!?! – Cities: Skylines -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ I Kidnapped EVERYONE?! – The Sims 4 Challenge -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ why minecraft best video geam:… Read More

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  • Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT

    Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 4, into the Nether!!!!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-18 02:36:59. It has garnered 152770 views and 11665 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:13 or 18913 seconds. all of myth will be here!! @NinomaeInanis @MoriCalliope @WatsonAmelia @GawrGura 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow… Read More

  • Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!

    Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-09-20 03:00:17. It has garnered 290205 views and 4576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, Nico and his friends spend 100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft! An evil wizard scams Nico and his friends! How many levels will Nico be able to complete in the wizards tests?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song – INCREDIBLE!

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  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

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  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

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  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

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  • 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!

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  • Unhinged SMP Art Tuber Shenanigans

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT REALM - JOIN OUR LAZY ADVENTUREVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | NEW START | JOIN OUR BEDROCK REALM🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-06 10:47:54. It has garnered 179 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:43 or 6103 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Feel free to join the bedrock realm and the discord! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: – — CODE TO JOIN REALM — Realm Code: By4vxuw58BA Lets see if I can get 700 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 31 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE – Day 100 in Minecraft!

    EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE - Day 100 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 hari Minecraft sky island part 2’, was uploaded by DPG_78 on 2024-02-03 06:51:27. It has garnered 341 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:52 or 352 seconds. 100 days of Minecraft sky island part 2 is my struggle to survive for 100 days in Minecraft sky island with the sky island version error 422 #minecraft#skyislands#100daysinminecraft Read More