Insane VaS CraSh in Minecraft SMP – Epic Hospital Finish!

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All right hang on a second just got to do the old audio check get out of that real fast hang on a second go to pause again all there we go also did the audio test anyway so don’t need to do that now but also did the audio testing yeah

Okay there go sound good I will never touch that ever again in my life and if I do then I apologize profusely it’s so welcome back going to take a minute to um see if anyone gets in here also made it to get me the water okay just getting started on this

Don’t want to take too long so we do have a fair bit that needs to get done still and’ll fast I’m just going to get a few more things that I forgot to get right before I started Being uh slightly lower volume did like seemingly nothing but also real fast just need to get bit more quartz I think it’s fine though cuz gives me a little bit of time to warm up the block placing muscles at least so nothing too interesting going on right here so ignore my

Silence but you know it’s got to get all the blocks up in here real quick not those nasty terracotta blocks though no one wants to use those fast I need to change something on the Discord just going to start getting the regular onesz let it start it was like like two uh one moment please sorry all right sorry about that so clear something go as you see not much of a now things haven’t changed too much in the 20 20

Seconds I was gone and I almost forgot the iron luckily I didn’t I say luckily like something bad would happened but might have been that big of a deal this would have been a miner in convenience this that’s why concrete oh there’s Birch above me too ignore that torch area right there

For the time being because I accidentally messed up the schematic and made the floor a bit too one block too high somehow but you know I was too lazy to get rid of it so I just decided to let it be so there is a floor under there is

A floor believe it or not and real fast just going to grab the Birch planks because actually no I’ll do it that side later I’ll start here after I get the actual blocks in order Light blues and that I’ll keep one of these on me because I’m going to be needing them in

A minute and I probably should have had Windows yeah light gray watch I’m not using light gray using I’m using black stained Windows because I think they look nicer so real quick just got to grab those now well I say like it’s far away but it’s still kind of annoying get

You hopefully these all are pains because some other areas I did use like blocks on for some reason and I do not I need two wall oh my God if I do that now it’s going to annoy me if I don’t deal with it there we

Are well no I didn’t notice it was more above it but whatever oh no and I misplaced it okay so guess I’m to do this little section first can be very repetitive which I think I like because it makes it seem like progress is going by a little bit faster

So if you can hear my vicious clicking sorry and I think yeah I messed up a little bit right here yep there it is I was about to say there’s not going there that supposed to be a block on one of these real quick that there okay there we are

Three one two three one two three is there any more yeah there are a few more of those right up they’re right here okay good that implies that there’s two of them down here actually so real fast yeah but I thought so cuz I was about to say there’s no way

I wouldn’t do that and so this part’s not that bad at least okay something a little strange is going on over here though it looks like where the where does this come from okay right I think this goes that that okay probably not get also pill this in right now

Actually I don’t know I probably make that stone bricks to be honest because I don’t know why I made it Stone in the first place up here probably didn’t even expect to even F this in to be honest but oh well I feel like it’s important for something so I’m going to

Now where is it here okay so F4 mode real fast PR you Cam I mean and I think I’ll I’ll fill this in probably next cuz I want I want to like do it bit by bit that’s the fastest way yeah well and I missed the landing of

Course that’s to say if I missed again I would retired okay so yeah okay this an easy one it’s not very mob proof as you can see we here cuz I don’t really know where the zombies are at or wherever I was walking around around but then again what in this city

Is Mob proof the answer is nothing oh that’s glass I was going to say what am I missing there if I’m only to to decorate like a few like floors of this thing cuz if I decorate this whole thing it would take out honestly like way too freaking

Long so uh Beware of that just going to adjust myself real fast sorry also sleep because you know I’m the only sleeper like always little Victory drink right there ignore that okay there wa all the white concrete is in here as you can see I already used like

A ton of white concrete what the hell was that it was you I don’t know if you’re listening to this but I don’t appreciate that that’s how my respond to with that I was about to say there’s no way in hell a skeleton shot that far instead it

Was it was them with the uh one two three okay here guess that one just ends down there for some reason also got I don’t have to start that this looks like it would be yeah it’s the bottom of the blue stuff right there I’ll do those in a

Bit okay misplaced a block but honestly don’t care about keeping every single one you know my vicious typing if you can hear that real quick where do I probably should do the glass next close all the L St so no it’s okay Thea you’re not pure evil you’re worse I’m joking of

Course I’ll make sure to have a joke alert track eventually installed we’re going to have the uh the joke the joke alert button eventually that’s an ocean that’s a wave so I guess now it’s a beach that’s it’s horrible never mind so nothing too exciting right now but fell off the

Block so that was exciting actually never mind I know some of you guys went my f that would block that would block I know some of you guys like left out of your SE a little bit you covered your eyes in shock I hope now that I made enough light blue concrete

Actually because I looked at it I thought okay that’s enough but considering I’m only on this first section I’m almost fully out of it I don’t know anymore okay that’s the end of it I think it is actually well never mind this was like the thickest section that’s probably

Why I do have more like the shulkers but it’s the principal principal that’s scar of me proba should done these one at a time because I feel like I would have been faster we’re probably the same speed realistically hang on okay this all this an overhang

Okay I’ll fill this in overhang all the way up to the other side by I say complete the hospital I I’m doing just like the building part CU I I might do that part too that’s a little Park area but the building part’s the main part I care about all so

So let’s get glass though I have enough I think I might probably don’t actually cuz I need actually I definitely die I need way more glass that’s easy to get though this just yeah solid the way I don’t really know what this well it’s blacked out windows so it’s not really

Meant to be looking outside really but I was about to say I don’t really know what this window is supposed to be looking at but I guess was leave it to your guys’ imagination perhaps just like a big um really loud hang on perhaps that’s like a big green screen right here instead

Actually instead of a um uh white box and and I do not think I have any glass blocks over here oh no there they are where the clear ones go there they are do I make it yes barely I think and hard part do that never mind that was really

Hard well Landing is going to be a little hard where’ the block go whatever scam me out of blocks army game okay so already got good amount done so far only like 15 minutes in or something right so let’s just keep on rocking and rolling going to do the this white part first

Actually this white all the way up I think so wow L making fun of my pink helicopter hang on where is she there she is oh little ly I need the um paint job real fast actually let got to where’s the the has like six I think right that’s not

Him Theo what the are you doing up here this is like some JFK assassination plot what is this wow sniped me out oh God the is an absolute serial killer and uh IE I don’t really I would prefer call me whatever proba this B would be um hey I’m breaking the Geneva

Conventions with this this the war crimes Stream see got to get all my stuff back in order real fast have so much was the extra one I got right before hey I thought he was aiming at me again all the popping in the background it’s my crappy desk okay so I think I’m GNA back to track actually back on

Track is that done okay that’s done gray wall I already have it oh I’m doing the this white part anyway if I can land on it I don’t like how like almost perfectly in lined with him I think oh never he’s like di down a little bit

Below ohow you stream sniped me the as you said that easy part right here Le and this is Loop all the way around that’s the window wait that’s nothing oh it’s going to be so annoying to actually it’s not be that bad I’m just going to do bit of this action real

Fast if I can find the pickaxe yeah okay never mind I was just overreacting but real fast going to fill in the borders I guess I can find the blocks this l a giant border it looks like yeah okay this just goes all the way around I’m do this real fast

Three two three no two my collection G need Zer days from minutes to days was this double thick oh never mind it’s this it’s empty in here I guess this collection of human RS okay balads I’m going back in that damn apartment got Jeffrey dmer over here collecting my heads stocking them up

Inside his apartment where are you this cat dog where is it Apartment 16 right I think it is and 17 okay was close 16 was is unavailable is it here no 13 oh it’s 17 that’s 16 where is he this is is this slome here I can’t spill today

I I I’m getting out of here I don’t like this yeah corck that real fast that was probably going to bring up some scrutiny if I dis jell you like that I have no white concrete I you know what I’m up here for look you have a nice fresh batch of it right

Here land that is if I can find it that is even better there we are that’s that anything that’s about window actually I’m not going to do that just yet let’s go okay that’s good I didn’t want to do that okay it’s my now I can just do this all the way around

Was already on it I was like where’s this one blocks at so this basically is done up here this little section at least I’m going to do those windows probably next it’s right there oops don’t want these here just yet three section here is

I get why did I have those here I throw that one too okay never mind bad then real fast is going to grab those slabs speaking of I can get half this out of my inventory okay there we are and where you supposed to be okay qu

Blocks same thing this I’m assuming right yep it’s like that any of the rest of them doesn’t look like it okay this I thought a four right here it prob look bigger and up my concrete say what is this okay now real fast that looks strange so real fast is going

To oh it’s glass here okay I was wondering was like something has to be here right then up missed barely and got dog working in the background now hope yall can’t hear that oh my God I don’t really fear what Theos would be recording because pretty sure it’s about my heads in his room get that if I can just get into this one by one hole oh hey first try actually okay never mind that was probably the best thing that ever

Happened and that ever will happen on this channel so I’m sorry for anyone who is expecting anything better than that to ever happen again that being that one rocket I just did that propelled me right into where I needed to be okay there we are think all build up for

Now and he just turned white for some reason okay think I I’m going do this first I’m not going I don’t want to deal with it later then it’s just hovering right now anyway so it’s not like it’s going to block anything under it

Off just going to do it to about here I want to say where is it there it is three okay so we got all this done oops dropped a little too hard there you see there’s threes so keep this placeing for some reason and oh one more little r right here there we

Go think I might I’ll finish this part first actually it’s going to be a little easier just build by sections like I keep Saying and I swear I keep doing this now guess is this the new thing okay this it’s actually oh how I did that section I think it was bigger than what it was think I’m going to do it like this to be honest might be slightly

Faster we grab that in a bit the block that is wasted that is yeah okay there we are oops that part those parts I mean I was thinking like I’m making a little too much fast progress right now what’s going on but yeah what’s going on with my aim

Today I can’t seem to place blocks know my little water break real fast all Right refreshing beautiful water okay now I think that water poisoned me actually cuz now it seems like I’m worse cuz I can’t even fly now okay never mind seems like I’m plac some blocks better so yeah I’ll sacrifice I’ll sacrifice not being able to fly for placing blocks better at

Least Grant hang i g move this a little bit there we are I just realized that the mic is actually like directly in front of my damn screen which uh I know wasn’t doing me any favors just now okay what are you like pretty sure just

This right I am getting a new mic by the way I’m going to add that in right now I don’t know if it’s going to be that much of an upgrade because it’s not like this one’s horrible but this one picks up too much background noise

Currently so decided to be like what the hell I’ll spend the money buy a better one and by that I mean it’s going to be mainly um it’s going to on a boom the new one this one’s a stand currently pop my back real fast sorry oh that’s a good one that one

Too you’ll see oh God never mind it’s going to be something horrible it’s going to be a me I don’t like that I’m I’m terrified bones absolutely rattling right now let me tell I have a two hearts left hang on that’s all I’m going to

Say I mean to be fair I am AB absolutely Fe fear filled right now uh that’s fear filled that’s kind of a hard thing to say apparently talking hard guys don’t know if you knew that I don’t if he’s lighing but oh well they aren’t all right there we

Are oh was it to be like why am I hitting H the edge of this okaye I’m going to get the little area I’ll fly around in a moment once I finish this little bit off this blue oh all this is blue three is it four yeah it’s

Four I better light this up actually so now I think about it and I also better grab some more white concrete oh no it’s been completed he has gety bur good addess about something that’s to do with me I think it’s complained if it’s not about me then I’m excited to hear

It this quartz and yeah it is how do it be like this doesn’t look right texture wise even though they’re both solid white so it’s hard to tell but edit it oh it’s a video oh no oh wait um yeah okay it’s like this well no one’s ever looking here

Anyway so I don’t really care too much about it looking exact but it’s made the point oh it’s not I’m not done in the side way so it doesn’t matter get a little fly by AO real fast I’m wait I’m going let be daytime off quick hang on make it daytime I

Mean so that way you can get a better view cuz right now it doesn’t really look like much sleeping takes forever on This Server sometimes I’m pretty sure yall can see that from this long there we are okay so actually I’m I’m going to do that little bit right

There first actually then I’ll show it off cuz if I didn’t have this if I don’t have this building it’s going to annoy me that I need to do all the windows too so never mind so sorry to get you all hyped up for the aerial view I know some

Of you guys are absolutely fing in the comment section right now saying B why the hell would you ever promise that and then not commit to it and to that all I can say is I’m sorry I’m sorry God I’m sorry the fans sorry to everyone who was excited for

That little aerial show off off but never got it I I know I personally would um be livid if that happened to me but um all I can say is deal with it uh with what exactly I don’t know cuz I’m just making all this stuff right now we’ll

See actually maybe maybe I’m not making it up who knows there might actually be someone out there so mad at this at that I mean that they actually said ended all those things makes me wonder I know they call me the um uh I don’t know what they call me

Call me a dumbass I know that let’s see um yeah that’s why you tell they call me the dumb ass why is this so weirdly put out Le this is blue still was it’s white right there right this white all the way up so let’s do this real

Fast oh yeah of course it pauses randomly think it’s where’s it start at it starts at this floor I think there does it go all the way up that’s the next question basically do all that looks good nice the lack of windows but I’ll do that in a

Moment and right here is the last little bit before I get to windowing didn’t I can just do that this whole time probably would have saved a lot of time time just now was I save like I wasn’t doing anything productive with it but you know okay

So you know those red ones it me gray pain so I made a black instead partially because gray is harder to get and because I like to Black better anyway just lads uh but’s see that video was about me I think it sounded like it so might check that out in a

Minute um excuse me the I was busy that’s what ocean says and sounds like totally guarantee make sure you check out that Theo post I guarantee it’s going to be nothing but good if it’s bad then I swear to God if it’s bad actually that would be infuriated like absolutely like like

Tears pouring down my eyes angry face red like a like a Chili Pepper then blow steam out of my head like a cartoon character and go to like C Simpson and uh and uh I don’t know what else that would do actually the the heat death of the

Universe would be better than this video the being bad would be a better outcome I mean okay but anyways let’s go check it out if you want to pretty sure it’s us was this his name theist you commented fast yeah that’s good and uh ignore the Geneva Convention violation again violation not

Violation qu at making most of these jumps thank you parkour lessons love when to accidentally Place garbage in front of me okay I messed up a little bit I should have all these ones I keep forgetting I need to fill in for over there itchy ear Lo

Sorry well now I missed after I got done complimenting myself I fell off by accident oh well I was it to place another crafting table pains anyway but here we are just heard a loud Discord notification so I feel like it’s meing added at Theo’s abomination of a speech that he I don’t

Know if it is about me but if it is then call me a genius cuz I just predicted it based off the the single phrase you’ll see granted it doesn’t take a Super Genius to put two and two together if you hear that but know what oh it’s two

In a row oh my God guys two messages in a row I don’t know if you can hear this I accidentally made it to the right window sill I’m glad I could like barely reach that by the way cuz it’ be annoying having to waste all the rockets on

It while being like I wasn’t say only like four or five but honestly it probably take me like 10 due to little fuckups like that right there ah almost killed myself here yeah oh my God this so hard and only two more SS to go

Yep at least this one was easy for once and fast think I’ll keep glass panes on me this for that next section don’t know why I didn’t have them on me already but actually I think I did but I just didn’t use them for some reason okay so cut the section done so

Let’s just take a little turn off thing break okay that’s looking good yeah really good actually I saw a Thea behind me yes there he is f going to get a l composition shots okay the the H snaps photo like a little Polaroid that’s what a Polaroid sounds like

I keep you with it that’s a horrible thing to say you missed the wild de bait lunges and the Tex uh I SP my name wrong I supposed it wrong anyway B bailed that’s my new name bailed have straw or something okay anyways uh strle aside think I may need San glass for

This next session right section not session is done yes are got need quartz too first I’m just going to get all these up here probably fastest to do like this I think okay my hand’s getting a little crampy all of a sudden that like super hard spam click I just

Did oh that and I need a drink a bit more water in a second very thirsty lad today I know make sure you um tweet at me on the Twitter that doesn’t exist picture you drinking a big old glass of water make sure you tag boss crashing

It or you don’t have to tag me just say hey this dumbass on the internet and B said drink my water so here I am dude doing it and then I’ll smile down from the heavens being like that’s my boy and I’ll sound just like that too I hear a

Spider I see how say it just like that dude that’s my boy I’ll give you a big old Pat in the head I give you a nugie maybe or something I don’t know oh that’s my first autism the moment of this stream many more to come trust

Me this the best moments on a b stream actually I mean stream am I not in fly mode okay okay I almost killed myself there I’m not suicidal guys I should probably say that uh where what did I need glass might have to trink for Su a

Moment ladies and gentlemen I present to you the I’ll I’ll what he said every moment I have is an Autism moment honestly I have hang on a second honestly a i can get this down Round of Applause for Theo so oh hang on there so we got so we got the r

Flause little whistles uh I don’t have the well I did have the funding for fire works unfortunately I blew it on the new mic so um uh that’s tough there um I’m not going to do that to you I have to type in in the scar chat guys

Guys like all caps all exclamation marks to spam that but then um don’t don’t to draw too much attention on poor Theo so not going to do that that being said though you can do it yeah I was I was going to start shedding it from the rooftops and

Everything I was going to be like I was going to be the Moses or something this uh Abraham yeah that’s the only Prophet I remember pretty sure it was the Jewish one right probably I got get that yawn out there it is was going to get in the chat and just say

Guys called a hunch the might have the tism and then I would have just left never to be seen again and I I sort of left the whole server and like in disbelief maybe confusion for sure and um uh left you in embarrassment probably maybe or or in Pride depending on how

You feel about it pride her I am a proud autism that’s what I would that’s that’s how that’s how it would have been said okay I’ll stop now yeah is for sure actually I am autistic and I am proud that’s uh shout it from the room shops

Shout at the server go on the just don’t do that I I see what people think you’re insane p uh is there it is I’ll be sure to be screaming at the top of my lungs next time I’m accused of being autistic by the way if you ever get accused of being

Like something that even if you’re not it if you’re ever accused just start start screaming at the top of your lungs I am that I am blank and I am proud and then that’s how you went every time I I almost said something horrible autism is the worst thing on

The planet Theo it’s worse than it’s worse than the black plague it’s worse than genocide it’s worse than the heat death of the universe it’s worse than all those things I’m just joking autism make that bad I got um little cousin not Cousin nephew where

The hell he is to me you might have it oh I’m I’m so sorry here here I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll um I don’t know I’ll say I’m sorry that’s all I can offer also is that glass that’s right there that’s not and really you can’t believe it you

Can’t believe Bal OG said something like that it’s okay Theo I might have I might not have it but I definitely sound like I have it so I can say that much which um feel like it’s feel like not I feel like being being able to be called it without

Having it’s probably worse because you don’t get the benefit of being actually clinically autistic I missed I no I did it again this one those trap doors on these not just that bottom one okay water break hang on hope you guys didn’t hear any of that just

Now had a bad taste in my mouth so I was like slashing the water around must been that the taste of a I’m joking I’m done moving on H I almost escaped almost good luck with that go and wait I don’t think they restocked did they yeah I don’t think they would to

Listen to me call you autistic and proud thank you Thea for Shilling for my stream your sacrifice and um service is appreciated also where’s my axe there it is uh Theo says I deserve the vi in that key I’m I’m joking thank you uh there we are that’s all all

Right please make it thank you okay I was going to be pissed if I didn’t make that on that rocket a see would have ruined my day that’s all them not much bouncing room unfortunately but that’s what she said and um that’s horrible where can I place these thank

You okay spam get up here eventually there we are I’m crouching I was going to be like why am I still so low I think I need it as thick as this just two blocks are good need to like have no jumping room unfortunately so let’s good

The oh wait that’s one block anyways never mind that bad Thor GIF GIF I mean a gif you say GIF you’re stupid it’s called a gif I hate people say GIF even though I just said it by accident if you say it and you’re serious about yeah I’ll call it a joke

Actually but if you say it and you’re serious about it then um all I can say is how’s it feel to be wrong w r o n g wrong all the time and and any argument if you say JF you’re wrong at anytime you’re in an argument you’re wrong

Automatically just for believeing it’s called GIF instead of GIF like the psychopath okay but that’s not that’s not the point I’m trying to make right now is it I need black concrete and stain glass not concrete please tell me I have any left okay I have a little

Bit is it enough to make that no it’s not enough to make to finish that I mean real fast just going to finish this up oh I need to check out s few apartments real fast by the way so we’re going to do that real quick while I wait for the valers to

Restock oh now you can see actually how slow this is now that I’m actually the only person sleeping the night before there was one other person helping out and a real action packed right now at edge of your seats even you’re like you’re sing like this is the best

I’ve seen in my life oh wow and now we have a helper at 3 in the morning okay so they they slip just enough to be able to take credit without actually having to sleep anyways I say take credit like it honors us or something it doesn’t it should honestly I guarantee

I’m most active sleeper around this damn server where is Blue concrete yes it is I mean light blue not blue wrap around here okay there it is I had the groove but then I press w i I mean d and walked off there it is finish this little blue part first

Keep it’s two right there instead of just one where is it got okay so fly around real fast sorry to finish this little section real quick I I missed one this yeah it’s light gray I thought it was the C for a second so it looked

Like it was a little bit lighter than it was a minute ago I think oh here it is that’s the one spot where I’d be blocked off from getting out at okay so oh I need to get these windows I forgot I did have enough glass surprisingly thought I

Wouldn’t just going to do the Blues fill this in real quick this little blue strip that I didn’t even know existed I accidentally stopped like right when it was Done I you know what guys guess what time it is it’s about orange time that’s right got the C the cuties here the brand and the um and myself got the Cutie uh the peeling ASMR real fast yeah I know you guys love that one more for the road there we

Are imag if fruit could like talk you think it would be like screaming and being peeled yeah I’m a psychopath for saying that yeah the last the person watching the stream one of them left there’s like two one person left I I guess the orange feeling weren too popular these wrong get

They these are white concrete the section’s wrong never mind find it no it’s not this all Right I’ll do that in a minute let’s actually get there these up here yeah I can’t do this section windows I think I Che the windows the panes glass whever it is I think I might go into um few the apartments I know one got done definitely so I’m going to check it

Out real fast currently eating orange just an orange break so hang on think it’s be easier to like fly up and see which one looks new okay this looks like something okay the you think you’re hilarious huh this is disgusting are you here still horrible that’s all I can

Say then we got who’s above him poor sir Crow has to be nous with this hideous thing let’s see who’s this this cat dog I think yep covero nothing for all these like this is It’s Mars I found the empty space Mars I’m not impressed I’m going to be docking heavy

Points for that crashes looks good this is new for sure di for okay so we got no um inal lamp this time which I appreciate oh God we did night um see don’t know what that is but I like it okay kind of like this build I like that

That looks cool those actually look like little decorations okay that actually looks like a VCR player too that looks cool got the little bathroom I don’t know I don’t like having fuzzy rugs right at the car rightside the shower I feel like it’s like a little

Nasty and uh that’s like a ear swapper or something thankful for oh sweet friend I was like what the H does that say okay wellow she had to remind herself got the coffee machine right outside the front door for some reason two coffee machines jeez we got a absolute caffeine itic here we

Got this is look good I think that’s like that’s a map art for sure it’s a custom okay not looking too bad oh got make sure there’s nothing above her cuz I think she had one neighbor for sure this the one I looked at this this is new I think right no no

That’s not which one’s okay we got a jungle in here wait is K does she hasn’t done anything yet I was thinking like I C up here oh that to work though get p not that many cuz I know I have some blocks still left maybe that’s why I don’t really want

To waste them all just yet okay so it’s the side these sides not the side that’s the side done no not that it’s this side alsoo I missed ocean hang on where is e he on there he is there he is there yeah yeah get him

Okay this is B that’s it B yeah it’s trying to play it off I like that that looks really cool looks cute this C see um see probably should do this a little bit next yeah I’m going to do this next so it’s like a little connector piece and

Then I’ll do this side probably and then save the back like always for last turn that back on Canada automatic disqualification that’s I’m actually I can’t think of like a response to say that you says Canada hang on I I think I have the per perfect

Response in a moment once I get done spam clicking there we are I almost couldn’t spell it correctly the Canadian support is not in this chat tell it to the Canadians I don’t I ever said I hated Canadians yeah if you want to hear Canada boo that’s me every time

Yeah said boo candid real F okay that’s enough of that uh I know Canada’s disgusting vile place it’s not I’ve never been Canada I prob never will to be honest cuz what’s in Canada that’s so interesting exactly nothing God Ontario Oh wow it is a place it’s I I say that I

Think it’s like a state or something right Province I don’t know I don’t know the facts very well sorry guys this up here why is all I don’t know why I make it start light blue randomly just going to do this one little make this section all one by

Ones probably better action this little we section I remember now where’s the blue out there it is it’s like blue for one little tick well actually this pillar in general is gone now so mind don’t have to worry about it still solid this do s l at a

Time is I was like where did I miss that at this a little annoying part right here just going to look around real fast the chy cam think it’s all good though oh this is class I was like why is there so many like blocks this thing it seems like

More white concrete of course I hope I made enough white concrete to at least do the outside inside I know I don’t have enough probably cuz eating away at it really fast out here at least so hopefully I have enough for the inside which um real fast inside you can tell all

This um one two three uh four why this all quartz actually this is different quartz blocks I don’t know why I made it out of slabs and uh five six tough now that too honestly I’m probably not going to do I’ll probably like fill in the floors

There’s not going to be like anything in half of them because that’ll take way too long on a single build in uh season which we only have like it’s only like six months left and if I want to add all the stuff I want please make it good and I need to kind

Of sacrifice not having interior as big Interiors on all these there will be an interior for sure which won’t be done in this stream because this is going to take a long enough just me okay so where where do you start at right here okay well never mind I’ll deal with you

Later CU I slipped off and I have no Rockets to get back up to you also I’m not making those lights out of beacons are way too expensive I just realized not expensive it’s CU we have a Wither Farm but I’m not I just don’t want to waste

Time killing Withers because I kind of hate doing it even though I do it the cheese way when you just get stuck in the um end portal still annoying oh good I was like did I get in a wrong area no I didn’t how high is this oh way way higher not

Even a little more I was a little Boy they the slightly slower way now but it’s fine I was not expecting this to be like as Mega of a build as it turned out by the way what I add like this thing is pretty damn big now that I think about it orange break hang

On that and now you can see the scale a little bit too at 156 and we started at y 63 and what is this all black yep all black glass kind of wish I made these pains now I think about it where I would have looked

A little nicer but oh well too late now I think that’s all that’s all the guys I have for now so back to con Creator this part of it I think it is never mind I white concrete too and they did say there so I’m going to go to sleep because I don’t

Want angry mobs attacking me you know the little bouncing you’re hearing just violently tossing an orange now to pass time and keep the hands all warmed up had A freaking sick turn pet Griffin Hyo I had a freaking sick sick armor out the gym today doesn’t even sound like Peter Griffin does it oh Peter there we are a little Lois little Lois action he Lois B je wasting me in fortnite I mean Minecraft that’s say the right game what the

Hell uh okay so that’s enough of that that monstrosity of a voice that is I’m thinking in shame of vies did that the Epic the Epic funny Family Guy P Griffin man voice yeah there was like 20 more words than it needed to be but I don’t

Care uh where is the there it is now’s where did I leave oh I’m actually think I made well I I pains these still mind I didn’t make too much but I didn’t grab white yeah I didn’t grab white concrete I was thinking like I’m missing something aren’t I

Is that all theast yes it is all right that snack had just enough in it let’s see I’m like devouring white concrete right now granted this thing did need six 177,000 of it so it’s not that shocking but still agonizing watching all this concrete just go

By well actually it’s a little less than 16,000 because I’m probably not going to do every single floor since well I’ll prob actually I will do I will fill all the floors just for like outside viewing sake so you can say okay there are floors in

This but they’re not going to be was like de Decor I don’t know why I said it so weirdly but you get my point freck so almost done with this little portion I think right never mind maybe I am I think I am done with it actually never well I have this

Whole slab section what is this like that oh good I was I didn’t remember what side I filled in was this side oh almost ran off was that I don’t know why I left that open but I imagine it’s for no reason so probably probably I couldn’t reach it before but now I

Can where is this this is a wall no it’s not does connect us over there though so real quick just fill this in this just yeah okay it’s going to be stone bricks for the roof by the way cuz I I like stone bricks better than the stone

I see Stone as placeholder usually for Stuff ex the smooth stone or smooth stone slabs there we go or stone bricks in this case I’m may use stone bricks also got to do this side quick I think it’s yeah the exact same for got out of white concrete my favorite thing to say

Today I definitely don’t have enough for the floors cuz um I think I basically down the last shulker of white concrete so that’s unfortunate I know but what can you do let stock up more I mean I don’t really care having extra white concrete it’s basically my

Best used blocking this city already I think other than quartz as you can see from the giant skyscrape right there and besides that the next like few builds I’m going to be doing are going using a lot of white Concrete in particular not a lot but like some at

Least it’s not like having extra is gonna be bad or Anything also now that I think about it I think I should probably have like a helicopter landing pad area maybe cuz like you know there’s going to be like the helicopter like extra emergency jobs right we going I put it though the question I don’t really want to edit that courtyard

Much CU I like how it looks already technically speaking that there’s not even a parking lot really for this place so well it’s more of a walking City but where am I going to have the ambulances coming that know what I don’t really care about all those problems right now was glaring

Issues oh it could be more like an ER instead of a they this pull by the curb or something but ambulance parking only so if you have a heart attack you better help it in this city cuz there ain’t going to be uh no little ambulance stoppage area whatever it’s

Called so you better hope when you have a heart attack you better hope you run over to the CR because no angance is going to save you Child Is it child like children have heart attacks they don’t really do that okay now where am I that stripe okay that’s all that’s all

Done right here basically minus maybe a little bit here nope nothing at all okay so might just do this side now first oh almost run to the other side oh this is the quartz coming back finally no I’m not going to be using those I want quartz blocks not slabs

Don’t know why putting away this because I’m probably going to use that more than likely keep these though also all the glass in here that’s stupid like for some half of it I didn’t half it I used like the correct but for a lot of it I didn’t for some

Reason like that okay whatever I’m do this for now I guess since I have them all crafted anyway that’s too high what are you okay the blue glass s glass I think where they start at it here yep this was like really down low what the hell so a little Qui right

Now but yeah they’re all competitive this takes the toll eventually where is it there so you guys just get to hear the soothing soothness of um block placing mainly interrupted occasionally by my very lovely voice yeah and the annoying dog in the background parking get some of that think right there

Yep need more light blue concrete think I might should have enough light blue concrete for this at least probably yeah definitely not for that this side so I’m going to need more light blue concrete for sure like in general cuz I only made like a few stacks of it I think oh never

I have a lot left not a lot but enough to get me started just going to do this little section real fast since right here in the open oh it’s blue okay light blue starts hold up white starts here then it’s light blue I think it was just for that little bit

Right yeah it was come back I almost killed myself for one block granted was one block white concrete so it’s a little more understandable concrete’s very expensive to make good back track once again already mentioned it but I am getting a new mic it’s hopefully better so there’s not much as

Much Ambiance am Ambiance as they say and uh might get like actual good stream overlays so be prepared for that I know investing a little more into the streaming side well the mic’s mainly for like video side it’s actually like this is like a $40 mic I’m currently

Using which probably doesn’t sound like it’s $40 but it’s a really good quality $40 mic does the job it has no mute button though on it that’s the worst part about this mic to like rip it out of the damn wall you well that’s an over exaggeration you don’t have to rip it

Out of the wall but you get my point two three then I’ll fill it all the way up why not let start just right here I think okay good there’s the mobs it’s up there yeah I guarantee it’s in that little tube thing I made are they in here yes two of them

Are oh well not my problem there and know I’m get I’m getting the black concrete not black concrete black panes out cuz it’s going to be quicker if I just do it while I’m like right in front of it how much quicker will it be I don’t

Really know but I guarantee it’ll be quicker get these out here okay blue concrete I actually can’t afford to lose much of since I I’m pretty sure I don’t have enough to finish this build so I need to be like extra conservative on just letting it fall off the cliff fall off the

Inventory grabing bar I mean okay now um it’s gr still here it is three C right yeah it’s quicker actually than I mean to like aim at the corners oh my I’m misplacing how many blocks all a sudden now dog bark in here oh wait at

The missed the whole top row on this one almost not quite almost did though and you know what just cuz I spent two streams now building this thing all have it done the little armor stand armor stand thing in a bit so after I do this I think I

Might think I might do some armor stands CU it stream Le I haven’t done our stands in a little bit see once I run out of most likely be light blue concrete I will stop and then I will pursue in the um art of making armor stands probably not many cuz I don’t

Really have much arm to do right now I do not know why I bed this one so much cuz like there’s not much like new area this it the next big new armor standard is going to be this thing so it’s only going to be like a few like

Scattered ones that I forgot to do or might just add because but yeah there basically like no armor no new armor stand like area really until I complete this that is is this all this light blue concrete right here got the fly of course CU I missed three

Things BL missed like enti block section over there on the other side what is this looking weird where is it there it is SS like this part’s getting annoying up here is there a dip yeah there is I no there’s not it’s just like that okay so almost

Done this section at least then we’ll actually no I going wait till I’m out of like one of the materials that I need on this section and then I’ll then I’ll stop this no not the stream I’ll stop um working on this at least for the minute and take a little armor stand

Making break because that sounds pretty fun right now the end I am making pretty good progress on this missed my jop off hang on Fast just look at oh yeah it’s looking real good from this angle at least this angle it’s this angle it’s basically H it’s

Um there it’s basically done from this angle minus having like the bushs and stuff but then you do this and it’s like actually from right there it’s done but yeah still got a pretty decent amount to do but well let’s gr it out and actually hey maybe I will probably ran out glass

Before concrete now that I think about it why is oh I miss place that’s why okay so almost making actually a good progress on this section our white concrete so honestly actually I’m getting a bit tired of this so I think I’m going to end it here

Bit of um how long was this seeast a 2our live stream actually this one went this went for a while actually so like the stream sure to um like and share why don’t share it actually it’s kind of weird if you share a ended live stream

But um thank you for watching much love from B OG

This video, titled ‘MInecraft SMP. Finishing the Hospital!’, was uploaded by VaS CraSh on 2023-12-31 04:11:53. It has garnered 32 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:27 or 8127 seconds.

Hello everyone and in todays episode of Minecraft on the GoodTimesWithScar patreon server I bring to you Mourge Cities Hospital! The newest build in my Minecraft City

If you like this content and wish to see more feel free to leave a like and subscribe as always much love ~ BaydleOG

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    EPIC Minecraft Transformation - New Home, New Ikumi!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 New Iku! New home!’, was uploaded by Ikumi on 2024-03-08 06:58:08. It has garnered 4479 views and 314 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:28 or 17248 seconds. 【Hashtags】 ☆ Main: #Konichiku ☆ Art: #Ikumillust ☆ Fan Name: Guumies ༻༺━━━⁎∗..∗⁎━━━༻༺ 【Socials】 ☆ All socials & business contact here ▸ I do other streams / more content so check it out! ༻༺━━━⁎∗.*.∗⁎━━━༻༺ 【Ad Guidelines】 ☆ If you’d like to support me and avoid watching any ads here & across all of Youtube (especially ASMR content), consider getting Youtube Premium. It really helps my… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java PvP vs Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by BitsMC on 2024-03-09 16:44:11. It has garnered 177 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Subscribe! Join my discord server: Read More


    INCROYABLE MOD CHIENS pour MINECRAFT! 😱🐶Video Information This video, titled ‘ce mod pour les chiens dans minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by royal Natoux on 2024-05-29 16:52:41. It has garnered 1633 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • Watch NOW: Astrea Follick’s Epic Viral Gacha Edits!

    Watch NOW: Astrea Follick's Epic Viral Gacha Edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fypシ’, was uploaded by Astrea Follick on 2024-01-12 13:39:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ever wondered what happens when a weird strict dad enters the Roblox universe? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we … Read More


    INSANE NIGHT WALL PVP MONTAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL|’, was uploaded by NIGHT WALL GO on 2024-05-31 16:24:08. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL| #music #edit #firemc #minecraftlifestealsmplivestream #sigma #song #comedy #entertaining #funny minecraft,minecraft pvp,montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft crystal pvp montage,minecraft combotage,pvp montage,minecraft crystal pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,minecraft combo lock,minecraft sumo pvp,minecraft sumo,sumo minecraft,smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft pvp montage,minecraft smooth,insane minecraft,minecraft sumo 1v1,sumo 1v1 minecraft,crystal pvp montage,minecraft combo,minecraft hacker,minecraft sumo tournament,minecraft 240fps Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 – Balance of Power Ep. 27

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 - Balance of Power Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Balance of Power (Season two) episode 27 – The return of Ultra Steve’, was uploaded by DarkLight on 2024-02-15 03:29:39. It has garnered 250 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. join the wolf pack Discord link Instagram link TikTok Credit @ChaosProductionsYt @SpringStudios1 @kams3679 #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftRP #MinecraftStory #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftSeries #GamingRoleplay #RoleplayCommunity #MinecraftCharacters #minecraftstorytelling #minecraftroleplayseries #favremysabre #favremysabreart Read More

  • Imagine Pvp

    Imagine PvpThis is a 1.8-1.19.4 Minecraft server that will be releasing this summer. There are a BUNCH of cool and exciting features and an amazing PVP system. Read More

  • 🐚Hermit servers: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Hermitcraft-inspired, community, Whitelist, Season 9

    👑 Hermit servers season 9 – New season! 👑 Best time to join – NEW SEASON Bedrock and java (including Playstation, Xbox and Switch) Hermit servers is back for a 9th season and is looking for members. We are a Hermitcraft themed server that follows many of the things they do. Hermitcraft inspired gameplay Shopping district, business district and more Mob/player heads Visual/fun add ons Major player events all the time Elected positions including mayor and king Tribal towns where players work together Player made mega bases Weekly builds Whitelisted server Active community that help each other For more information,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The true blocky heroes

    The true heroes in Minecraft are the ones who can perfectly execute a creeper explosion and still come out unscathed with all their diamonds intact. Read More

  • Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle!

    Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle! In Roblox, I crafted the Infinity Gauntlet so fine, With all the powers, like in Marvel’s design. Each jewel recreated, shining bright, In Build a Boat, a true gaming delight. From Discord to Instagram, I share my creation, With each update, sparking imagination. Join the empire, be part of the fun, As we craft and build, until the day is done. So come along, on this gaming quest, Where creativity and fun never rest. In Roblox world, where dreams take flight, With the Infinity Gauntlet, shining so bright. Read More