Insane Vertical Stream: Hitting 2k Subs on 2b2t with Rickson!

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What is up guys we are back again on another 2b2 T adventure and we’re going to do something slightly different today um something we haven’t done yet on one of these vertical streams we’re going to do some actual base hunting we’re a little bit further out that we normally go and

Uh here we go straight into a base and we’re just going to have a look around um but hopefully today we’re going to find some slightly some slightly better stuff we got to be careful cuz that guy was going to try and blow us up yeah today hopefully we will find

Some slightly better stuff again we’re further out than we normally go and we’re going to keep going further out and uh yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be exciting hopefully we can find a bigger base um some more slightly interesting stuff um but of course just chilling 2b2 T we

Are just chilling as always hope everyone is doing really good and uh let’s just look around and we’ve got some beautiful beta terrain again here this really is old terrain this is super old uh any chance of a glitch portal no but let’s carry on looking

Around yeah this is this is great what we got over here then what we got over here what’s up DS melon slice we don’t need no melon we don’t need no melon Let Us carry on so we are a little bit further out than we normally go

Going to do some I say proper base hunting more proper than usual so we’re not at zer0 today uh we’re actually going to go a little further out and uh show people some bases and here we’ve got ourselves a nice little new player hidey hole this is the type of thing

That you might see someone do on their first day let’s just have a little look see what’s here very cute they got a little chicken farm bunch of signs here but we’re still not going to be reading the signs cuz we’re quite close to spawn um so we’re going to protect those but

Yeah cute little cute little base cute little St to base right let’s carry on look at this gorgeous beta oh look at this I love the old beta Mountain generation it is really nice so this is super old terrain right here really really old terrain we got these crazy chunk

Borders um yeah this is mad this is crazy even haven’t played on the server for three and a half years it’s still awesome to see this sort of stuff what’s up R raw dogger how you doing right let’s have a look what we got going on down here what have we got

Going on down down here oh we’ve just got someone’s very basic uh very basic hole in the wall type base but let’s going to have a look see if they’ve got anything for us at least they’ve got a door let’s close the door behind us let’s check it out oh it’s all

Of his day one gear what’s up ASD all of his day one gear uh let’s close the door behind us like a good citizen and uh let’s get back up in the air so we’re a little bit further out that we normally go we’re a little bit

Further than we normally go so we’re going to be doing more real sort of Base hunting today we should find some slightly bigger and better things we nowhere near uh 0000 and uh we’re just going to keep on looking around seeing what we can find uh Stone killer what’s up uh

Welcome to everyone joining welcome Let’s uh let’s see what we can find again we’ve got a nice little there a nice little starter Hut here and these are the type of things we’re probably going to find all over the place let’s have a look a bit further down uh

Nothing really going on down there so we’ll carry on arrows we’ve got husks some crazy stuff going on what have we got here we’ve got an old village H let’s not go near the village cuz we’re spawn in a load of mobs and kill the villages we don’t want to do

That hi Mr Yoshi we’ve got a rush a hack and me to your client so let’s go down here there’s a Wither right there I didn’t see that look we’ve got a nice little another little base right here so uh it’s a bit griefed it’s a little bit

Griefed um but we can check it out again I’d like to read the signs but you know we can’t we can’t what we can do is try and find some banners though that might be nice some banners might be nice oh we got an auto fish farm down there let’s carry

On hey havin good to see you dude uh by the way havin welcome to the OG Club you joined as a member yesterday I didn’t get a notification so uh sorry I didn’t say so yesterday but yeah thank you so much for becoming a member really

Really appreciate it um let’s go on this way oh this gray old terrain uh let’s see if we can find a glitch portal that would be pretty hype um um yeah welcome to everyone oh we got a nice little another little base here we’re going to

Find lots of these little bases like a little village actually this is pretty cute I like this a lot let’s see what we’ve got uh yeah it’s slowly creeping up it’s slowly creeping up I’m having a lot of fun with these streams I really am um

Yeah they are super fun so let’s see U but yeah welcome to everyone else joining we we are back on 2b2 T you know that server that’s the oldest one of the Anarchy type in Minecraft we all know it we all love it and that’s why we’re

Here uh yeah I seen a hav sign with the cross on it or with the X on it x marks the spot for havin love his SS right uh let’s carry on what do I think of chocolate oranges legit my favorite chocolate in the world legit my favorite chocolate in the world

I can just sit down down smash one very very easily and I know the idea of a chocolate orange or chocolate and orange is very weird to Americans um yeah chocolate orange legit my favorite what’s up leps right um let’s carry on what we got

Going on over here then any stuff for us no why have you done that confusing things you find around spawn we got a little Hut it’s a little dirt Hut day one dirt Hut someone’s taking the door off someone’s taking oh that’s rude isn’t it should put the door back on for

Them there we go perfect placement let’s try that again shall we let’s try that again shall we where’s that bit of dirt someone’s taking the floor out and taking the door out there we go there we go like the 2b2 te repair crew as we go along as we go

Along uh what’s the point of vertical stream a lot more people like to watch them a lot more people like to watch them the stream gets very popular so um I think these days a lot of people watching things on their phone so it’s just a bit more optimized for

That right let’s carry on I think there’s about six of those little Huts we found if we had the base counter on the screen we’d be up to about six by now but not going to do that we’re just going to casually jump in jump out of them cuz there are going

To be loads again look here we go another little farm a bunch of signs but again I’m not going to be reading the signs cuz we are still close to spawn we are still close to spawn just adjust my sound volumes a little bit I’ve got some music on you

Guys can’t hear it but I have ooh what do we got here what have we got here interesting Little Farms something going on over here let’s check this out first uh let’s check this out first we got an indoor Farm as well this is cute this is cute I’ve seen this kind of

Design before people make like a a big indoor Farm used in obsidian very strange what we got down here we’ve got oh double spider spawner double spider spawner and stand there and grind for ages pretty old school but I like it pretty old school

But I like it um and it went on over here somewhere yeah so over here we got a bunch of signs again we’re not going to be reading the signs but uh we can see what they’ve been placed at and uh what we got going on down here is there

Another little base down here oh just someone’s day one gear what’s going on all went there’s a portal all the way down there um in that dungeon but I’m not going to go check it out there could be a couple of things down there but we’ll we’ll leave it be

For the next guy to check out uh you remember playing right before it boomed on YouTube that’s interesting so what around 2015 something like that is very cool yeah I wish I played back then I didn’t you know can’t change that but I do wish I did play back then very interesting

Time how many ds my largest fine I think it was 200 250 something like that so pretty big pretty big I was quite happy with that to be honest I found a couple others that were sort of 100 150 so yeah I found a couple of big stashes oh that

Was brilliant let’s get up here see what they’ve got nothing lapis rail dust yeah nothing down there we need either nothing down there we need either what are we going to go we’re just going to kind of go around a little bit I tell you what I do need going to stop just

For a second and get some uh get some painkillers cuz my knee is hurting so give me I’m going let’s see if we can land right here oh look at that 10 out of 10 Landing guys give me two seconds right I’m back yeah in setting up the

Stream forgot to take any pain colors was doing some Brazilian jiu-jitsu earlier very tough sport tough on the joints so uh yeah bit sore uh uh what’s up whale how far out do you look for stashes I mean you know you can you can find them a little bit closer but generally I

Think you need to be over half a male these days to find anything sort of decent at least at least uh it was such a struggle to play during the time as a new player in the low 100,000s yeah I can imagine yeah the lag was terrible back

Then right if you watch Russia’s old videos the the lag was really really bad um so I can imagine it was super tough um but you know you were part of something really good I mean any old player is respected so yeah well done

And uh be good to see you come back oh dear iron helmet iron leggings oh dear uh is this no I thought it might be a dead person I don’t think it is so I think we’re okay I think we’re okay uh oh what have we got going on

Here what do we have going on here A bunch of chests what does this guy want what is this I want oh where did you come from where did you come from right let’s let’s carry on this way take a look around take a good look

Around see if we can find something a bit bigger today see if we can let the vertical crew find something a little bit bigger a couple of beds down there some over here let’s have a look fly straight in oh nice nice little mountain Retreat I like

It I like it again we’re not going to read the signs cuz uh that can compromise our position this distance so we’ll just have to uh imagine what those signs say some of these signs could be super old but again we’re not going to we’re not going to bother them not

Looking to compromise anything that we find that’s not our goal today that’s not our goal righty righty right what we got here let’s follow this I wonder what this goes to Great Wall of China what’s going on here I mean where else could you just be flying around and

Find this crazy walkway like this Stonehenge up here what’s going on up here let’s follow this for a little bit longer there’s no kind of Rhyme or Reason as to why this is here I’m not on any direct Axis or anything like that so let’s see what this leads to quite interested quite

Interested looks like a lot of efforts been put into this as well to be honest so it be interested to see what it goes what it ends at why is this here the mystery of the bridge mystery of the bridge very well constructed um but hi Darth Goose welcome welcome

We’re going to check it on this continent but if it doesn’t lead to anything I think we’ll carry on instead I think we’ll carry on instead griefed Old Village griefed Old Village oh here comes the end and there’s nothing here brilliant fantastic well very strange just a random

Highway wonder who built that and for what reason right I suppose we can have a look around see if there’s anything else around proberbly made when boats yeah I mean that kind of makes sense but where is it where’s it going where is it going

Oh well right what do we got here we got a grief the little farm again love to see it in fact the whole thing here looks like it’s being wed off at one point little beta base maybe 10 years ago someone built there maybe 10 years ago who knows more signs yeah who

Knows right going to head back down this way going to head back down this way don’t want to get too far away from Spawn or not from Spawn from the highway I mean stay stick close to the highway for a bit how would people get your location

From signs so about three years ago uh hi black name about 3 years ago someone did a world download of 156k blocks in every direction and in the World download they had all the signs and sign text and there’s a database online where you can put the

Sign text in and it will show you the location of where it is so yeah there’s obviously a very good chance in all of these chunks that the signs would be from 2020 or before so yeah got to be careful it is right I mean you can download the whole thing thing 256k

Squared absolutely crazy oh look at this we got a mob grinder we got a whole base here look at this lovely old mob grinder someone’s little cute little island base oh we got a beehive so it looks like that this is potentially fairly new potentially fairly new base we found and now it’s

Famous now it’s on YouTube now it’s on YouTube let’s have a look around let’s have a look around we got going on down here so got a big M shaft below it but these are all the mob drops I guess interesting design interesting design if you put

Some slabs up I yeah they put some slabs up be just for creepers but they’re using it for everything oh this is nice nice kind of outdoor base there’s something going on over there as well we check it out in a minute just vanillary stuff just vanilla

Stuff but this is pretty cute I like it I like it I like this the leaves and uh yeah these aren’t new chunks but uh he’s put some new blocks down so very interesting because this is obviously a vanilla player but then they’ve been and got

Some new chunk stuff 1.19 stuff and yet they’ve come back all the way back here to build their base interesting to say the least maybe this is just their spawn base I suppose I guess this is just their spawn base right keep an eye out for E chests because um I’ve got good

Track record of finding like mini stashes come on come on come on take off there we go yeah I’ve got a good track record of finding Min stashes when there’s a e chest next to a chest so keep an eye out for those oh look at this I think this is frost Walker

Ice Frost Walker Ice got ourselves a frost Walker carry on so yeah keep an eye out for the purple e chests oh what have we got down here little base oh look at that a little underground hidey-hole you love to see it let’s uh let’s see if we can get down

There take a look around there’s an armor stand how do we get in how do we get in get in this way okay I’m just going to go through the ceiling and then patch it up oh Armor’s all gone oh was up there I wasn’t even sure

I wasn’t even sure who I was hitting then yeah yeah nothing here so what we’re really looking for is some banners I’d like to get some banners different banners that I don’t have that would be that would be very nice um other than that I mean of course some

Some nice loot would also be very nice I mean that would definitely be nice but uh kind of unlikely right where is the way out it’s hang on a minute where is it is it that way so it is here huh okay let’s put it back together find our way

Out can find our way out and let’s go through here not very accessible not very accessible there we go here we go so I hope everyone’s had a good day good Tuesday done some fun stuff hope life’s not being too stressful today oh yeah and uh let us carry on we’re looking for

Looking for bases today we are looking for bases today bases places to raid things to steal that’s what we want today we got a little griefed house or maybe this is unfinished actually oh that was close that’s the only problem that you have hella mobs everywhere at the moment pretty

Crazy TNT it’s your birthday today well happy birthday my man everyone else wish TNT a happy birthday hope you’ve had a great day what we got over here oh look at this a cute little base a cute little base kind of looks like a village but it’s not a village very sweet very

Sweet hi nebula how you doing hope you’ve had a very good day we got something going on down there got something going on up here as well let’s have a look around so we’ve got a little thing going on here and oh we’ve got a whole base we got a whole

Underground mansion going on very interesting something going on up here cute little Jungle Build cute little Jungle Build right let’s go down how do we get out keep going down is there a further way down no okay so this is the way out let’s go over

Here check out the house close the doors nothing can hurt us how do we get down there there’s a walkway over there over here there’s a walkway a walkway a staircase justest here there we go we go this is nice I can’t tell if it’s griefed or

Unfinished you can never quite tell with these things that’s a m shaft spawner and yeah we got a m sh I’m assuming that there’s going to be nothing of value down there go and check those why not one more layer down oh you got your basic stuff got your basic stuff

Just scavening the old bases I like it right should we try and make our way back up how do we get down again I think this yeah there we go it’s the way out it’s the way out so weird to see loads of oel lots as well cover that up as he

Wanted and we’ll carry on Hey Kevin um so today we’re going to do some base hunting we’re a little bit further out than we normally go so we’re not right at spawn we’re kind of in out of Spawn so we’re going to search around we’re going to look at some some of the

Ways that some of the players have survived when they’ve got a little bit further out we found quite quite a few little St at home so far of a bit like this we’re not going to go down and check them all out but yeah just looking for Little stter

Homes seeing how people are doing right I’m need to check this chest up here we got the guy start here let’s stick that down let’s get this ready let’s carry on let carry on or got a bunch of stuff down here Oak planks that’s just someone’s someone’s discarded rubbish someone’s discarded rubbish

Okay chunky chunk Borders there’s something going on right below us this is like a one room Village glitched Village what have we got going on down here oh look at this got a whole underground base oh this is cute all right we got to go down there we’ve got to go down there how do

We get in how do we get in uh over that way over this way this just old glitched Village so we need to go down into the ocean to get into this one there it is down here is the way in oh I’m glitching glitching there we go oh I’m glitching again

Uh where do you got your Rockets gunpowder Farm yeah gunpowder Farms work really well now on Tubi okay I’m going to have to just go straight down here we’re not going into any serious part of the base so it’s fine and then we can just fix it

Okay how do how do we get in I’m lost oh here we we go here’s the way in look at this super cute little underground base super cute little underground base don’t really know what’s going on here but e chest there’s the the bed under there again I don’t know

Why uh single sheep oh there’s the official way in okay fine um yeah it’s cute but confusing at the same time cute but confusing at the same time see some sort of mob grinder going on here mining Cobble generators so you can’t type chat that’s all right d I know you’re

Here going to check everything out what’s up Cecil old V breeder right cute little area and slightly confusing I think this one we will we will leave a sign and a banner we’re not going to do this for every every base we find only ones we deem worthy right was here five March

24 lovely cute little base oh I’m not going to check that I’m going to use the elevator out of here one sheep I think that’s going to last you I don’t think that’s going to last you somehow or maybe we can get out here and just take a look at this

Chest can we yeah we can anything of any good no we got a spider spawner let’s work our way back up does this not oh it does go up yeah there we go I was confed confused then I was confused it would be very interesting to write a dystopian book about 2b2 tee

It’s a good idea it’s a good idea one melon oh this is it back out strange that that whole base was just uh a little confusing to me I’m afraid leaving that feeling a bit a bit weird a little bit weird that one oh well all right let’s Carry On Let’s carry on

One a little Hut there we won’t even bother with that one it’s a cute little Hut something griefed there something very griefed here yeah something properly griefed here gunpowder string yes CA we’re getting there we are getting there I would say slowly but surely but then again can’t really

Argue what do we got here yeah they will I will take them around the base right what have we got oh say PR Thomas Banner we’ve been looking for banners it’s not the one we want it’s not the one we want but you know it’s a St what have we got going on

Here what do we have going on here no TNT you should Sub sub right now you should sub right now don’t don’t wait we should say when when we get to 2,000 subscribers we’ll then do a random pick to get a tour of the base to to make it

Fair that’s how we do it thank you appreciate that look at that little cute little area a lot of mobs here a lot of of mobs lot of mobs and we’re back in beautiful beta terrain once again beautiful beta terrain once again right let’s carry on found a

Bed iron ore what’s going on down here iron or lapis oh all despawned all despawned see you TNT happy birthday once again welcome to everyone else joining uh we are on 2b2 T the oldest amak server in Minecraft and we’re doing some base hunting we are doing some base hunting

So we’re going to be finding stuff like this we’re going to see what players have been doing when they’ve escaped spawn how have they established their themselves have they gotten griefed obviously this guy has been griefed um the farm the farm still remain slightly though so we can go and check that out

Um yeah all right everyone get a dragon egg yeah that that will that will work um yeah we are just looking to see how players have been surviving once they’ve escaped spawn so we were looking at spawn earlier last few streams but now we’re out of Spawn and let’s see

What happens to players once they get out how do they survive How do they protect themselves what do their areas look like we will see hi Mr mingles welcome to the stream welcome everyone to the stream everyone’s coming now yay um so we are just exploring the

Outer spawn regions we’ve been right in the middle of Spawn for the last few streams but we are now in the outer spawn regions we want to see how people have been surviving once they’ve escaped spawn hi social smirk thanks for joining uh and welcome welcome to 2b2

T what do you consider out of Spawn I consider outou of Spawn to be about 25k out at least in a spawn in a spawn is within about 25k and then outer spawn about 100K is what I would consider uh what did we just see I just

Saw a little tiny Farm someone’s placed very cute very cute little farm got a bunch of portals we’re going to go this way I’m going to go this way hello snitel uh we are just on 2b2 T um we’re searching for bases we’re just looking to see what people do once they

Get out of Spawn and uh we’re still pretty close to spawn but we’re nowhere near the center which is where we’ve been for the last few times I was here yesterday houses happen in three times now I’ve come across your stream B and it’s no accident it’s no

Accident the algorithm knows that you’re going to enjoy it and you’ve been here before and you’re here again why don’t use the light fly oh I like to do it the old school way why am I hacking I’m not hacking I am not hacking we don’t hack

Here uh raiding them or leaving I mean if you know if we find some a few little things we might take one or two little items I mean it is tov2 it’s it’s allowed um but generally uh I don’t take too much and you’re unlikely to find

Anything super epic at this distance but you might do you might do uh yeah but welcome everyone um as you can see we’re trying to get to 2,000 subscribers um so if you can help me get there just by subscribing I would massively appreciate it it would be

Amazing if you did that um let us let us keep going this way um yeah we are out of Spawn now so before we’re uh we were right in the middle of spawn um now we are out of Spawn and we’re just looking for stuff like this looking for

Evidence of players and how they’ve escaped spawn and what they’ve done to survive uh cute little Farms just you know looking at other people’s Minecraft experience I absolutely love it uh what client is this it’s Russia hacker meteor um uh this is actually nice you might

Sub might no no no no you will you will elytra going to break it’s fine I’ve got um elytra replace on it will replace itself uh that’s just a vanilla feature I’m not hacking by the way that’s just a a vanilla feature with elytra

Um yes yes this is 2b2 T so it’s an anarchy server um hacking is allowed if not encouraged so it’s fine oh what we got over here uh and we’re just near spawn we’re going around we’re looking for bases looks like we got quite a big base down here

Look at this okay let’s go down and have a look Let’s uh intrude on this person’s humble home but it’s fine it’s 2b2 t we’re allowed to do it we’re allowed can I come in can I come in and see what you’ve got how do I get in how do we

Actually get in problem is is that if lots of people have been here they kind of dig their own way in is there an official way in is there an official way into your house if not I’m going to have to make my own way okay I’m going to have to

Create my own way in I’m going to go this way and uh we’ll close it off on the way back so we’re not griefing we’re remodeling as they say we’re remodeling so uh I’m going to go like look at that look at that perfect brand new brand new so obviously

It’s unlikely we’re going to find a bunch of items here um yeah this is someone’s base and it’s nice to just come and see how people survive when they get outside of Spawn we’ve been at spawn now for the last few days um but we’re now going to get out of Spawn and

See how people survive what sort of things they’re building um uh just cute cute little place uh and they’ve got well there used to be a spawn here obviously it looks like someone’s griefed it so that’s a bit of a shame um so let’s get back out

Now there we go there’s the way out or there’s the way in as well um obviously we created our own way in but it’s absolutely fine uh wow 335 people welcome everyone so we are on 2b2 t uh we’re looking around spawn and uh we’re looking for bases

Other people’s bases we’re just going to go and take a look we’re not going to bother them you know it’s unlikely we’re going to find anyone whoa lightning um but we’re just looking to see how other people are playing we’re just looking to see how other people are

Playing uh and also we’re trying to get to 2,000 Subs so if you can help me get there it would be massively appreciated all you have to do is press the Subscribe button and you’ll make me a very very happy middle-aged British guy right what have we got over here here

What have we got over here uh oh it’s got something over here by this portal we’ve got something over here by this portal we got a few chests anything good for us no so what I’m looking for is banners ideally I want to find some banners cuz those are

Quite collectible uh I enjoy collecting them they’re good fun to collect um but what we need to do is I want to turn off the lightning oh well we’ll see how bad it gets we’ll see how bad it gets oh we’ve got another little base here uh looks like this one’s been griefed

Though it’s kind of in pieces um yeah just another wholesome little base another wholesome little base uh near spawn yeah this is uh yeah we’re very near spawn we are under we are under 50K from Spawn so um this is still what I would consider to be kind of alter spawn

Region uh is there option to claim a base nobody can grief it nope it’s Anarchy so it’s complete free for all you can do whatever you want you can hack you can steal you can grief although I don’t recommend it uh you can raid you can do whatever you

Want you can build if I wanted to build on someone else’s base you can do there are no rules whatever you want to do is okay here what’s the most weird weird beat structure you found and there’s too many to too many to answer we we found stuff

On stream that would just confuse and scare you where it’s just like whole a whole like chunk just blown to pieces with random blocks all over the place yeah we found some stuff that is truly confusing and scary uh I was I was scrolling and found

The stream keep it up oh thank you very much I appreciate that so here we go here’s something random to find again um just another very random little base um and again this is this is someone’s home and we’re just coming across it oh this is I like this the

Redstone floor so this is the Redstone base a lot of mobs down there though uhoh a lot of mobs down there so we won’t bother those guys but yeah this is someone’s home this is what they did to survive you love to see it you love to

See it again I don’t know what’s going on here I don’t know what’s going on here makes you wonder why did they build this what was going through their head um but we’ve got some I guess this was going to be the start of a

Farm and uh oh we have got a farm here very cute 10 out of 10 very very cute do I have Prime uh yes SE I want to see how far your base uh just use elytra fly I like to use Rockets uh what’s the best base you

Found at random I found some huge bases in the past really really big cool stuff uh why don’t you go to Nether and just go really far uh one block in nether is eight blocks near that’s very true but if we go too far it becomes harder to find

Stuff and I think it’s cool to show off some stuff um yeah Cecil’s been to my base cil’s been to my base what’s up dagger what’s up loading I have’t found any new banners no banners yet I’m quite disappointed I’m quite disappointed so that’s what we’re looking for at the

Moment is is banners mainly of course some sick loot as well but it’s quite unlikely at this distance we’ll find that but a banner or two would would be nice a banner or two would be nice um why can I only few in vertical because it’s a vertical stream it’s set

Up so it works with your phone um that’s how we’re doing it today that’s how we roll today does elra fly not use Rockets it still does I believe it still does I believe if so I’m going a bit old school why not t2ti paper and just someone’s little little

Hideout I mean really this is all you need right but you’re never skipping the night that’s the unfortunate thing you know you cannot skip the Night On 2b2 T you know we’ve got two 7 eight players online at the moment we always have a lot of players so yeah hey Alberto how’s

It going how to how to download fabric on launcher uh you just download it as a jar file stick it in your mod folder uh I’m sure if you’re using something like multi MC there’s going to be a tutorial how to do that there we go elyra replaced itself we’re

Good a the the elytra swapped itself out it’s all good um let’s just get rid of that one at the moment um but yeah welcome guys welcome welcome welcome what have we got over here see this is why I like being so close to spawn you get to find a bunch of random

Stuff just a cute little wholesome Village type thing very cute very cute but these selfish people not building oh no no no no no no no no no no no I heard that I heard that and there we go I didn’t have my uh koraa

Turned on I mean not koraa uh my my reflex is turned on that’s what I mean that’s what I mean that’s what I mean when did you first join again uh September 2020 September of 2020 is when I joined about three and a bit years

Now three and a bit years what’s my most prized Banner very good question uh it might be my face punch Banner that I found a few streams ago that was really that was super hype um some of the like Russia and Veteran veteran ones I found that are like legit

From 2016 those are nice as well there’s a few I desperately want that I don’t have in my collection but the problem is is that I want to find them out in in the wild like I’m sure I could swap people for them but I want to

Find them at a base right I want to go to an old base go to some old ruins I want to find them out and about I’m just a bit weird like that I want to find them legitimately if that makes sense how do you find bases you just

Look around like you do what we’re doing now you know you just fly around put some time in that’s all that’s all you need to do look around and you will find look around and you shall find uh always check the planes biomes I think that planes biomes we have a

Higher chance of finding stuff planes biomes you have a higher chance of finding stuff something weird going on here we won’t worry about that don’t be pot B yeah yeah probably not a good idea do I have a book collection yeah I have a pretty good book collection I

Have a pretty good book collection I do have a few on me today but my main collection’s on one of my ALT accounts um we got over here if we got over here just a bunch of furnaces we don’t need to go there I mean there could potentially be a few

Things in there but we’ll carry on uh anything else you have found on the server hey game of Legends uh found some good bases found a few books um banners uh dup stashes those are always fun to find like it’s been a while since

I found a big dup stash and you just got to put a lot of time and effort into that right what do we got here boo boo let’s land like a lava cast base or is it a base that’s been lava casted I think that’s I think that’s what it is oh it’s

So tempting oh there’s something over there oh Oh I thought that was a banner I thought that was a bad let’s get on over here oh it’s just a little cute little Hut cute little Hut and look it’s got an auto fish Auto fishing Farm stand

Here on the night block that’s how you do it there’s a portal all the way up there oh cuz there’s a base here look at that oh there’s bases everywhere oh there that uh what’s that down there I thought it was a Shuler then cute bases

All over the place down here it’s like a little Community little retirement community very sweet and then we got one over here as well yeah kind of griefed kind of griefed oh one tapped what game this is Minecraft and it’s 2b2 t it’s the oldest an anarchy server in

Minecraft and uh we are just exploring and looking for stuff really oh there’s another part of this base down there we won’t bother that let’s go back over to the little Hut over here that was cute let’s land right in it oh nearly nearly a bunch of signs bunch of signs

Okay this is nice this is nice just finding what regular players do once they escape spawn you love to see it got another little base it’s like a base frenzy over here this one’s griefed and this one looks like it was griefed with crystals because of the obies it

Looks like people use crystals or maybe not because this would be blown up as well so I guess the ob’s part of the design uh what would you say is the best find you can make today who knows that’s the beauty of it you never know we could

Find a mega base you never know uh how far do you need to go spoil until you find a place that’s not destroyed or touched by other players I’ve never played but I’m thinking of starting you can find new chunks under 200k um but really you need

To go further if you look at the video that I’ve got linked at the top of the comments it’s the complete guide to 2b2 T so it’s a video that I made and it teaches you everything about how to hide your base uh how to hack absolutely

Everything right what do we got going on here whoa this looks a bit bigger what have we got going on here uh oh I tell you why it’s because this is a Highway we’ve drifted our way back to a highway that’s why that is why right let’s in that case

Let’s go away from the highway let’s get away from the highway uh what client it’s Russia hack and it’s meteor uh fight the warden maybe later maybe later press F3 uh I’m trying it just doesn’t work I’m trying it just doesn’t work let’s go over here yeah we made our

Way to the uh Highway then highways are cool it looks like someone’s really done some good work there on the highway as well but um you know I like to uh get a little bit away from the highway I like to get a little bit away from the highway so let’s just

Uh let me just have a look on the phone see how it’s looking oh it’s looking pretty good it’s looking pretty good quite happy with that how’s the stream looking for everyone quality good is the sound good let me know let me know I think we’re doing good

Right anything good this stream yeah we found a few little a few little things we found a few little things quite a few little bases little hidey holes uh oh here we go this is what you call a grief okay this is what you call a big

Grief but even a big grief like this is beautiful even a big grief like this is beautiful look at that you know cuz it takes time to do a grief like this so actually I still think this is quite prissy and what have we got going on there was a whole underground

Bit yeah look at this there was a whole underground area and you know we’re so close to SP wow look at that huge underground area all gone crazy crazy uh do other people have a base in the nether they do um but it’s kind of not recommended um just because it’s harder

To hide your base there unless you go like 30 million out in the nether it’s a lot harder to hide your base there uh um the algorithm does like it yeah please play 2b2 t and help me I can help you if you watch the video that

We’ve got linked at the top of the chat it tells you everything you need to know I can’t help you any more than that it’s the perfect guide are you not worried about seeing bannable stuff on stream no no there there’s very rarely any of that these days

That’s why I hide the signs as well uh isn’t this hacking no no hacking going on no hacking going on custom species sounds interesting all right what do we got here we got someone’s Little Island we’re just going to land check it out it’s all of his vanilla

Gear all of his vanilla gear how are we doing let’s get rid of we got a bunch of crap in our inventory so let’s get rid of all of this let’s throw an e chest down and uh we’re getting a little low on Rockets um but yeah anyway welcome

Everyone we are on 2b2 T we are on the old Anarchy server in Minecraft obviously and we’re just going around we’re looking for bases searching for bases just looking to see how people have survived once they’ve gotten out of Spawn so we’re outside of Spawn now and

Uh yeah we’re just checking it out um looking at some of the things that we can find whoa hello hello okay so it looks like we found quite a considerable base here this is sweet I mean this is is the thing right you never know what you

Might come across you never know what you might come across and this is the thing that makes 2b2 so interesting very quickly you can just come across a massive base and uh well stop that guy right let’s see what we’ve got okay all right let’s get back out

There then what’s is there something going on down here oh we’ve got something going on underground as well looks like it’s unfinished so let’s go back outside because that looked very interesting indeed that looked very interesting so oh I know that logo that’s the Brown men logo and that’s an

Elytra wow this is cute very cute this is like a whole beta area this is beautiful absolutely beautiful look at this very wholesome very pretty right let us was there some other chests around that we can check out something over here oh no we’ve been here haven’t we right let’s Carry

On Let’s carry on what’s the cheat thingy we use meteor C and we use Russia hack so anyway welcome everyone uh we’re trying to get to 2,000 subscribers so if you can help us uh I would massively appreciate it viral shorts thank you so much for the donation really appreciate

It really really appreciate it uh what have we got here oh I thought that might be a body I don’t think it is let’s carry on let’s carry on this is an old pole Tower this is an old pole Tower yeah we’re right near spawn we’re around 50k from Spawn uh what’s up

Banta um please stop I think it’s a bit of a meme now right isn’t it like what client do you use I mean I’ve got it on on the screen but I don’t mind hi Hydra fan hi kittens dragons uh you think I should ask a go

Absolutely absolutely go for it bro the worst you can say is no right so just go for it o some end crystals uh why are you asking that in the 22t chat uh we’re all friends here if you’re in my chat we’re all friends so we can

Ask each other whatever we need the 2b2 update yeah we’re on 1.9.4 now uh hello Ezekiel packing allowed it is absolutely allowed y it’s allowed so we can do all the things that you can’t do on normal servers but it’s absolutely fine right it’s absolutely fine oh that was a

Banner right there it’s a ninja warus Banner oh it looked like he griefed a base as well bad ninja warus bad ninja warus um I tell you what I’m going to do is I might turn on my search traces now that we’re out of Spawn um because search traces have

Signs so let me park myself right here uh and let’s go To let’s go to uh ESP uh H ESP I think what I have to do is turn turn search on yeah there we go there we go so now there we go I can see the banners now we can see the banners uh oh there’s plenty of banners around okay good we can see the banners that is

Useful um but it’s going to pick up all of the signs as well it’s going to pick up all of the signs as well I’m pretty sure we’ll see what it’s like if it gets a bit annoying we can stop uh love seeing this go from 58 to 259 a

Wonder of 10:30 has Peak shorts through in time it goes up and down it does can you kill a warden not today today I don’t think my friend not today uh base hunting yeah we are base hunting ktie uh what’s the most common baners PR Thomas very very common

Uh I love looking at those hat command your eyes ridiculous I know I know sometimes forget how strange it is to people that don’t do it definitely a grief base what client uh they’re up on the screen right let’s carry on but I am going to just T turn off search uh oh

Wow look at this this is a big grief base you know you love just coming across stuff like this so unique so weird whatever this once was it is definitely definitely gone but it’s still beautiful in its own way all right let’s see if we can land a I landed did as

Well look at that now that’s a that’s a grief done done well I think they’ve done a good job grief in here yeah they’ve done a good job 10 out of 10 grief would view again um I wish I get my own Minecraft count

Back uh see if you can see if you can I’d be sad if I couldn’t get into one mcraft accounts pepperon on Pizza absolutely I love it by just ear a sub thank you very much thank you very much uh how do people in 2b2 get so much of

Nonrenewable resources Stacks and stacks of fireworks well fireworks are renewable now because we’ve got gunpowder farms and stuff so those work super well um but obviously gapples we have Stacks and stacks of those aren’t renewable you can’t craft those anymore but they’ve just been duped to Absolute hell and

They continue to be duped cuz people still dupe dupes still happen we just got a little grief Farm here a little grief Farm oh this just a little fishing spot how do I get back up how do I get back up let me in let me in what’s up Hank it’s taking

Forever this is taking Forever let me in right grief it just a little bit just a little bit of griefing all right just a little bit of griefing um right I am going to options chat settings commands only so we can go to uh oh no it’s showing all chat it’s

Showing all chat so very quickly I want to go search blocks remove science there we go remove block signs from the search list options chat settings hidden now if I go to search yes so now the blue traces are only going to be for banners only going to be for banners I

Normally have it on for signs but that’s going to be annoying for people on the Stream So and of course we’re not reading signs anyway so it doesn’t really make a difference um um but banners Banners are what we want right how do I get out of here here we

Go here we go just saw a little bit of hacking programming going on there uh well if it’s yeah if bonked if it’s linked to your dad’s email you should be able to get it back if you can prove it should be able to get it

Back uh all right we’re just going to have to mine our way up cuz there’s wood up there there we go let’s just mine our way up there we go there we go we are out uh rickon you know you can toggle chat yeah it it’s very buggy for me chat

Unfortunately it’s either on or off I’ll have to have a play with it I’ll have to have a play with it oh look at this we have a cute little house another cute little house looks a little bit unfinished we got a floor made of furnaces and mushroom blocks interesting

Very interesting let’s give them all of our crap shall we cuz we’re so nice like that um how do you know the difference between original banners from replicas you don’t unfortunately so that’s one of the downsides of them um that is one of the downsides that’s why we say that really

The only valuable things on 2B are books because uh those can’t be well I guess if you get commands you can create them but really they’re very very unique we got another little Hut on this very cute strip of land very cute strip of land ninja warus warus client on top let’s carry

On congrats on 1K subscribers thank you jamy well we’re trying to get to two we’re closer to two than one now so you know anyone who’s not subscribed if you can help me get there I would massively appreciate it it would mean the world to

Me so please do help out right what do we got up here what do we got up here if ninja warus had been here though he would have taken all the good banners damn it Ninja damn it ninja ninja’s a good guy very very good guy great guy in fact oh look

At this nice little dock nice little Dock dock house oh this is cute oh I like that that’s nice and keep you warm at night let’s make sure the glass doesn’t crack or it might be a bit of unfortunate incident but nice waste of a rocket there very cute little sort of dock

Build very very cute there’s their secret bed over there you see that’s the secret bed that’s like the decoy bed and that’s their secret bed so this is probably a vanilla player cuz they’re like oh I’m going to hide my real bed over there but they don’t know that we

Can see beds that’s the thing if you don’t hack you’re at a disadvantage because you don’t know how other people can hack so you must think oh my bed’s secret it’s not you know that’s one of the reasons I say to hack just because it helps you learn uh how to defend

Against other hackers as well definitely important in my opinion uh I main grinded it tonight otherwise I might have to buy one of them stolen accounts I don’t want to can’t afford spend full price I understand bro but you know thing with the stolen accounts is you could lose

One of those as well and then end up having to buy a proper one so it might just be a good idea to just save up and get a proper one it will probably work out out better a few in the long term yeah see if we can get the old

One what have we got here Hut Central around here Hut here Hut here Hut everywhere nice little docks again got an acacia boat yeah it’s just cool to see how people survive like what they do to try and survive bro started a little tunneling system a little mine didn’t go anywhere never mind

Is warus client the real thing yeah you just need an invite I haven’t got mine yet but I’m assured if I say War client on top on stream more than a 100 times I might get a baser invite isn’t that right C isn’t that how it works

Um uh let’s go down here what do we got got a nice little looking place down here oh very very cute fortunately someone’s griefed it small PP person has griefed it don’t condone that so is there any glass can we can we fix it oh yeah we got some glass there we go

Oh there we go oh oh no it ran out of glass damn I thought we were doing doing a good job there you got any glass left bro got any glass left I’m sorry right let’s get out let’s get out cheers CE appreciate that I want I want those modules instant Q

Skip uh instant God apples that’s what we want what’s up Mario fan welcome welcome uh glad to see you here make sure you subscribe if you can try and help me get to 2,000 subscribers really appreciate it I don’t mind if I lose a soul in account uh replicate your potato yeah I

Understand I think this this machine I’m playing on needs to go at some point as well we getting a few too many crashes these days and it’s a little Annoying It’s a little Annoying all right what have we got here just a a crumbled old house lost of time again beautiful there’s

Something sad but beautiful about finding a grief place like that something sad but beautiful looks like we had a mob grinder down there we’re not going to bother going down so now I put the Trac did I put tracers back on did I put the search back

On maybe I should have tested it let’s put a banner down just to test it oh yeah so it is working excuse me excuse me you can run but you can’t hide okay so we got tracers for banners only that’s pretty nice so we can try and find a

Banner what’s up what’s up not lazy how big is the server server is very big uh might be getting prior as a late gift my cousin might be winning today nice well hope you hope you can join us blank name what’s up monk uh the world has corrupted b in a good way

Absolutely absolutely what up big dog yeah the map yeah I think it is like 10 terabytes right something like that some Madness need a bit more of a potato to run this map what have we got here imagine unironically that house housem might have one of the best server setups around

Well not unironically ironically someone that really doesn’t care much it’s just probably a necessity I thought it was a banner there no it’s just a picture thought it was a banner then just a picture well you’ll all be very happy to know I didn’t get my invite to the 2b2

Creators Discord yet someone mentioned it a couple times but they haven’t they haven’t called me yet I’ve kept my phone off silent waiting for that beautiful voice from fit to be calling me to Chris it’s time to invite you it’s time to invite you but no nothing like that nothing like

That 0.03% explored absolutely oh Banner time oh lots of banners I think these are ninja banners though I think these are ninja banners oh yeah ninja banners these are ninja banners so yeah welcome to everyone joining welcome to everyone joining we are on 2b2 T the oldest anak server in

Minecraft we are near spawn we’re just exploring we’re just exploring seeing what we can find we are seeing what we can find uh yeah welcome we got a few people joining again so welcome welcome welcome uh is it it’s still blank for me it’s still blank for me we got another

Banner Ninja warus wish we had something like this on Bedrock I’m pretty sure there’s like a bed Pocket Edition 2b2 T PE something like that so there is a uh a 2b2 t clone on Bedrock I’m pretty sure 2b2 T PE I think it’s called it’s not affiliated at

All um but there is one so yeah maybe you can check that out I might try and get an old version of Minecraft down there some old mods like the mini clay army mod and others that’s cool I like watching old mod videos always fun always fun hello phas

Getting a lot of messages today crazy let me just let me just check something we’re doing okay we are doing okay we’ve got a banner all the way down here in this ocean Monument oh oh oh no oh dear that’s no good that’s no good uh enable new chunks new chunks on we’re

Just very close to spawn we’re just very close to Spawn oh I was getting some rocket out I’ve got plenty let get rid of that get rid of that that that uh I spect uh I know are you in the range of 20K blocks no we’re further than that ooh we’re further than that this is

Cute this is very cute well this has told you how far we are there we go this isn’t the highway so um but yeah that tells you how far we are 60k from Spawn uh so highlighting this is 2b2 T it’s the oldest Anarchy server in

Minecraft uh and like I say it’s Anarchy so we can hack we can steal whatever we find we can greas stuff if we really wanted to although I won’t be doing that there are absolutely no rules uh the map’s been going for 13 years we’ve had nearly a million players come through

We’ve been through every version from I think beta 1.3 all the way up now to 1.9.4 probably the most unique place in all of Minecraft I honestly believe that so apparently these are new chunks I don’t think that they are I don’t think that they are I mean if we look down uh

Can we see any uh copper or no so uh don’t think that they are new chunks I don’t think that they are new chunks but let’s uh let’s carry on oh there a music disc what music disc might that be just cat just cat I’m still trying to complete my music disc

Collection still trying to complete uh oh the fact that yeah we are live streams are in your shorts feed now they are and I’m glad to be the first one so yeah welcome welcome welcome we got banners but they’re ninja banners once again how do we get away from Ninja

Wars’s path do we need to go further away from the highway okay let’s go further away from the highway it seems to be everywhere cuz if he’s been there he would have taken any other banners that he’s found you see oh looks like we’ve got a cute old

School Farm here but it’s all been griefed oh no oh no I think that was a dead body guys I think that that was a dead body look we got all of his stuff I think he must have fell guys that was a dead body can we

Get an F in the chat for the Dead Guy please can we please get an F in the chat for the dead guy was just trying to survive 2b2 T and he just didn’t make it we have found a dead body live live on stream I’m sorry sir you tried it was an

Valiant f look at his Stone axe Stone axe with half durability oh no all of his seeds oh and he just look he had a he had a he had a wooden pickaxe and then a stone pickaxe he just upgraded his gear as well he must have thought look I

Found a base I found a farm I’m going to survive and then something happened and he died it’s so it makes you feel so sad all the way back to spa and it must have taken him hours to get out here if if he was a vanilla

Player so so sad but that’s what happens when you’re on the oldest server I’m afraid I threw the music disc It’s s it was only cat going to get my cords elak no it doesn’t matter I’m Invincible on This Server no one would dare come and kill me anyway so it’s fine it’s

Fine um the music disc it’s fine I’ve got I’ve got that one it’s cat you can get it I could get 10 cats in any of these dungeons let’s try this one cuz we’re so close let’s see oh I’ve still got Ming fatigue I’ve still got mineing

Fatigue uh when did 2B update uh August of 2023 um High Turkish mapping do you have pig step yes I do uh I’m so confused don’t be confused do not be confused Logan poor moment oh no oh no but this this was only in 2b2 t okay so

Um this was only in 2b2 t uh yes going to need another light is this another ninja warus Banner I can’t escape him I’m going in every direction and uh I cannot escape the warus he would have taken all the banners right he would have taken all the

Banners all right thank you DRS let’s get some more elytra let’s get a couple out that will do for now let’s put these back uh client above metor is Rush hack uh and I’m going to go just a little bit further this way going to go a little bit further this

Way how many players are online we’ve got 275 players online at the moment right we got more banners I bet then ninja banners right how how he’s every why I’m going to go I’m going back to the highway I’m going to cross the highway if he was this side of the

Highway he can’t have been the other side of the highway right that’s that’s how we’re going to do it we’re going to cross the highway right that was the highway I think so we’re going to go this way now uh you shouldn’t be exposed base at

General public what if you Expos a huge base and it gets griefed because of you it’s very unlikely that’s going to happen it’s very very unlikely but it’s you know it’s an anarchy server everything gets found eventually how can you access that much loot is there a Trader or lots of

Traders uh just dup stashes we find dup stashes people d loads of stuff um let’s go check that chest let’s go check that chest yeah if you want a base that’s never found this isn’t the server to play on put it that Way check our protection but it’s not of any value uh what are the sound effects it’s just the Ambient sound effects uh you know you can add mods you can add mods it’s not a problem currently pretty okay with my loot I don’t have elytra yet do I need

To just be lucky to find elytra somewhere um you know if you want to find out how to find elytras any advice on 22t I’ve linked a video at the top of of this chat uh it’s called the complete guide to 22 teal you can just go to my channel

And find it and it will teach you everything you need to know including there’s a section on how to find elytra oh let’s go and check out a base we found a base let’s go check it out let’s go check it out yeah welcome to everyone joining we are on 2b2 T the

Oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and uh as you can see trying to get to 2,000 Subs so if you can help me that would be amazing um yeah I would really appreciate it right how do we get down there how do we get down where’s the hole to get in

Someone’s dug a hole I don’t want to take that hole there it is down there let’s go check this person’s little underground base let’s go check this person’s little underground base how do we get in how do we get in uh I’m going to have to I’m going to

Have to find my own way in but I will I will mend it don’t worry we’re not griefing we’re just remodeling there we go there we go look at this this is cute cute little base just turn off our Kora for a second we got a what’s that again Stone

Uh stone cutter or whatever got the bed we got the secret bed over here see this is the thing like when you don’t hack you’ll think that your secret bed is safe but uh as I say in the video the one of the benefits of hacking is that

You start to understand uh what modules are hackers use so you would know that trying to hide your bed is actually useless cuz we can see we can see so that is the that is the downside to not hacking is that you don’t know what we can do to find you

You don’t know you’re at a disadvantage that was my old base I’m sure that it was how has it gotten for new players to escate spawn is it harder after the update it’s a little harder just because of all the mobs but if you’re hacking it’s okay there is another video on my

Channel where I tried to escape spawn in vanilla and it was very difficult but it is funny you can go and laugh at me if you like I don’t mind I don’t mind uh have you ever played metfit no I have not he’s the one uh YouTuber I’ve

Not ever interacted with uh what have we got here wow a big grief base you love to see it uh he made a video I saw it today Fitz released a new video today has he has he Fitz released a new video really little griefed house let’s go and check it out

Yeah he makes a lot of money oh me escaping spawn yeah let’s not talk about fit’s videos let’s talk about my videos fits the past ricken is the future yeah yeah right transference of Fitz clout over to me please let’s do it let’s do it

Baby can I join this map yes you can 1.9.4 above hey guys right uh let’s carry on your army Discord servers wow that’s awesome if you can do that appreciate that uh you’re definitely going to be watching my stuff thank you appreciate that how long you’ve been playing uh since September of

2020 September of 2020 so so not an old player I mean I am old but not in 2b2 years but um long enough I’ve seen some stuff I’ve seen things I have seen things you’re bad imagine hacking I’m not hacking and I don’t appreciate you accusing me of hacking these are just

Visual glitches they happen it’s an old server it’s just a little bit of desync that we get sometimes okay no hacking no mods no hacking we are completely vanilla we are completely vanilla right what’s going on here what’s my favorite thing to do uh I like base hunting I like doing exactly

What we’re doing now flying out into the unknown going to places I’ve never been and just seeing what we can find you know I want to see what other people have been doing I want to see what other people’s experience on 2b2 has been I want to find great things big

Things interesting things so fascinating nearly a million players have played on this map and I want to see what they’ve all done bro literally hacking nope no hacking no hacking um give us some life advice just try hard that’s all I can give you try hard keep working just don’t stop it’s the

Best advice I can give you but yes it is an anarchy server so hacking is allowed fully allowed what’s my favorite L favorite major landmark I like the southern Canal I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for it I must admit I must admit when’s the last time you found a

Base untouched uh I think we found one on this stream a bit earlier on wasn’t anything Epic on the last stream we definitely did uh can you turn on Jesus hack sure let’s go into this water you ready let’s become Jesus I am Jesus I am

Jesus I can walk on water sort of let’s try that again oh oh it didn’t work it’s a bit buggy these days I think it’s cuz I’m an F5 right there you go I walked on water for a little bit there we go are you fit now of course I’m not fit

Fit wishes he was me uh I really admire the nether highways yeah those are super cool as well uh amount imagine the amount of bases that exist in the server that’s the thing everything gets lost but it is what it is you know it’s like real life nothing can last

Forever good times don’t last so enjoy them while you can that’s how you have to do it uh what’s up din MC thanks for joining welcome to 22t uh right find anyone we haven’t found anyone it’s it’s unlikely you would find a player at this distance it is

Unlikely can I please say the thing oh no oh look at this you found like a glitched a glitched uh Village this is strange glitched V glitched Village built into the ocean built into the side of the chunk border was one of the many many things

You’ll only ever see on 2b2 T the villag is running wild yeah he had a job let’s go and see what this guy’s doing Apprentice farmer bro where’s your farm he doesn’t have a farm poor guy he’s got a job but no Farm I feel sad for him right let’s carry

On where’s my base uh it’s it’s in a secure situation uh are you using Grim rocket no I’m not uh I I do it if I’m a bit further out but at this distance I just like to do it the old school way you get yourself a subscription appreciate that thank you so

Much um yeah I mean I’m trying to get to 2,000 Subs guys so if you can help me uh by subscribing it would mean the absolute well to me thank you so much um you found my coordinates oh no yeah so the chunk board is uh happen

When someone generates the map so you can see like we got a perfect trunk border here right so what happens is that someone generates this part of the map in one version and then a few years later someone generates that part of the map in a different version even though

It would have been on the same seed um because the game had updated the the seed would have changed the biome would have changed and then you get these gnarly chunk borders that just look absolutely perfect um if we go this way perhaps we can find an even more interesting Cho border

Um am I cheated nope nope we’re at 1720 yo thank you guys thank you guys um right you’re really chill appreciate that elytra is about to break it’s cool we’ve got two more and they replace themselves uh again that’s a vanilla feature when we’re not hacking that’s just something that Minecraft does for

You uh all you guys wish I don’t know who that is uh are you good at cpvp I absolutely am not but then I don’t need it because no one would ever try to attack me so I’m fine I’m fine have you ever met housem uh we’re good friends yeah we’re

Good friends he lives us down the road right lent Happy Birthday everyone say happy birthday to lent please happy birthday to Luken if you can all say happy birthday Luken is in chat so please say happy birthday it’s his birthday today let’s see if we can get 200 people to say happy

Birthday everybody say happy birthday Luke a’t going to go viral luken’s birthday’s going to go viral on YouTube shorts this is brilliant what’s the coolest thing you ever found in the server I found some old bases some old banners um that stuff’s already you know really interesting to find stuff like that

I’ve popped up three times already well that’s good I’m not complaining I mean I’m sorry if it’s not your type of thing um but I’m not I’m not uh complaining see edit happy birthday for tomorrow yeah guys trying to get to 2,000 subscribers it would mean uh it

Would mean so much to me so yeah if you can help out let’s go you were just watching shorts you were like is this the longest short of all time I thought they were only a minute confusing people I am I like it I’ve hacked YouTube shorts don’t tell

YouTube but I’ve hacked shorts I’ve found a way to squeeze my stream into it just don’t tell anyone okay do not tell anyone uh have we found anything yet we found we found Lots of cool little huts and bases and uh cute little things uh yeah welcome everyone to who’s

Been watching shorts this is the real deal though this is the real deal this is a real stream do we have a new chunk could it be a new chunk could be the closest one I’ve ever seen so what makes would make this a new chunk we would need to find copper

Ore no I don’t see any copper or so you get some ghost new chunks oh there is copper or look at that wow so that’s a new chunk under 75k from Spawn so I think this is one of the closest new chunks I’ve ever seen so there is a single 1.19 chunk right

There oh that was deep slate oh yeah you’re right Jerry how can you make me look stupid on my own stream yeah you are right deep slate don’t no one else say deep slate okay nobody else say deep slate in chat okay cuz I I’ll get upset okay just pretend like it wasn’t

Deep slate um herob blah appreciate that thank you very much name a car for an edit the rickmobile there we go there we go no I I can’t see the Deep slates no no no one is saying deep slate they do not exist it does not exist that was a new

Chunk that was at like y 230 that copper ore that was in stone it wasn’t even in Cobblestone it was in stone was in real stone that was in fact it was almost above ground it was almost a glitched piece of copper all that was

Okay uh why do you use why do I use two clients it’s a good question uh it just means I can have some some things separated out so I can turn one on and turn the other off means I just don’t have to have everything either on or off

Ain’t no 2b2 T this is 2b2 T this is 2b2 T there’s the tab two Builders two tools there we go 275 players online yeah and look fit MC’s online see you can see them on the left there underscore fitore MC so fit MC is online there we

Go uh what we looking for we’re just looking for bases really we’re looking for bases is what we’re looking for any bit of History fantastic bit of flying there whatever we can find um God we’re over 300 again so welcome to everyone uh we are on 2b2 the oldest anak server in

Minecraft where you can do absolutely everything the map is 13 years old nearly a million players have come through and we’re just exploring we’re looking for bases we’re looking for interesting things we’re just chilling basically we are just chilling okay um do you pay money IRL for the elytras

No never ever ever pay find them you can find them I always found all my stuff I can hear fit’s voice now fit wishes his voice sounded like mine he really does he really does fits all right now look at this this is an Old Village right here this

Is an Old Village let’s be careful that something doesn’t blow us up so look because there is dirt under that gravel that makes this Village from like version 1.7 it’s like before 1.7 so this is probably like a uh a 2013 Village or something like that that is super cool

You know where could you be flying around and find like a 10year old village at least 10 years old that Village that is super cool guys that is super cool someone keeps leaking my cords in chat oh no oh no uh what does it take to make me a mod

Well you know you have to have been on the channel for a while I’m afraid right we got a banner if this is a ninja Wars Banner I’m going to cry it is an inch Forest Banner bro is everywhere he’s everywhere I went to the other side of

The I went to the other side of the uh Highway and now we’re finding warus banners again oh God right we cannot get away from Ninja warus leave us alone leave us alone you literally went like 10,000 blocks away from where he was spamming his other other

Banners at $5,000 dollars you can become a mod for sure you know oh here we go here we go now if you want to see a cool chunk border look look at and tell me how satisfying is that look at that tell me that is not satisfying right

Tell me that is not massively satisfying right look at that that is super cool look at that it’s like a cheeseburger cut in half look at that all right let’s land right here look at that I mean how cool is that right where else would you find something like that in Minecraft where

Else would you find something like that in Minecraft just a perfect slice out of the Mesa beautiful for some reason I want to go and check out this dungeon down here I want to check out this dungeon I don’t know why and no good reason I was just feeling something

But right let’s go back to the Mesa let’s go back to the Mesa look at this ooh okay we’ll just skip past that uh just subbed your honestly the most consistent chat reader I’ve watched it’s almost immedia kind of insane never seen it happen thank you so much as well

I just appreciate everyone joining it means a lot so and especially you subscribing so thank you uh somebody notify me well just don’t go bro just don’t go go to the nether uh uh oh hang on a minute we found a base well have we found a base a we

Found have we found a base we found a cute little hidey Hall is what we found uh hi Caroline uh right let’s go in how do we get in how do we get in down here here we go cheers Cil oh wow that was uh that was nearly a

Disaster let’s go and check out this person’s house very cute very cute very very cute very wholesome very wholesome this is the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft yep you’ve got that right you’ve got that right uh you’re on the bus ride on the way home doom scrolling well no more

Doom you have found the happiest place in all of Minecraft okay no more Doom we’ve got you we’ve got you we’re all friends here make sure you have say hello in chat we are all friends okay you’re all my friends and you’re all each other’s friends now okay make sure you subscribe

Right let’s Carry On We’re trying to get to 2,000 sub subscribers by the way guys so you know if you can help me get there it would mean a lot to me it really does but it already means a lot that you’re here right what version is 2b2 on uh

We’re on 1.9.4 random question what’s your favorite movie The Departed from 2006 um or maybe heat from 1995 or maybe the dark knight from 200 what was The Dark Knight 2009 I think those are three very very good films can you try to play another server no this is the server for me

Um I’m new want to ask if it’s worth buying a priority for the server I think it is so if you are new and your fancy playing 2b2 T if you look at the top of the chat I’ve linked a video called the complete guides 2b2 t uh I made it and

It’s got everything you need to know it talks about pryo it talks about how to hack what clients to use how to escape spawn tells you absolutely everything about getting started so make sure you go and watch that it honestly is very useful are you winning I win every day

Bro I win every day thanks aarin what do I think of my rock car I would love to go never been but I would love to go uh wings are going to die uh Auto replace do I have a stash base I have several stashes and several bases so we’re

Good uh how the mountain in Mesa biome was that uh oh you there’s so many weird things going on here are there plugins there are a few plugins just to stop people from breaking the server just to stop people from breaking the server uh you’re the guy that made the

Spawn video in the comments roast you oh the spawn Escape video yeah I got a little roasted for that one but it’s fine it’s fine you know if I can entertain people that’s all I care about people can say what they want um but if

You’re on 2b2 T you got to have a thick skin you have to have a thick skin you can’t let people bother you and in real life as well got to be strong right let’s go and check this out what are we got we got a little house with a dri out

Guy in there look at this guy look at the drip unfortunately we’re going have to take him out sorry bro I want to look at this wow it’s rubbish right it’s a rubbish house to be honest but uh have you seen Dune to I haven’t

Yet but I I do want to go and see it uh what what did you think of it uh there’s no lag on 2v2 T we never really get lag anymore it’s amazing uh that’s why I’m the recommendations oh that’s good that’s good I’m glad to be in your recommendations even if it’s

For a silly video that I made can I make a base no we don’t you don’t want to see me make a base we want to we want to explore right I think exploring is a lot more fun we want to see what we can find we want to see what we can

Find is it worth building a base yeah it is worth it are hacks allowed yeah yeah hacks are allowed we be hacking right now we be hacking right now uh this isn’t the real 2b2 T right cuz you’ve got netherite armor no 2b2 t uh updated to

1.9.4 in August look there we go there’s the uh there’s the tab you can see two Builders two tools this is 100% 2b2 t uh 2B June 2 was good awesome can’t wait to see that there was someone there no we would have seen tracers there’s usually a guy that knows

Where you’re at now no one knows where I’m at I’m completely hidden I’m Invincible on This Server no one would dare to come and try and get me so it’s absolutely fine it’s I could show my coordinates if I want it doesn’t matter it does not

Matter so again look we got lovely chunk border here so someone generated this side of the map in beta these are beta chunks these are super old chunks right here um look at that I love the old shade of green just the real kind of dark shade of green just a few little

Red roses cuz if you go down you can see that there’s there’s no andesite there’s no diorite there’s no Granite it’s just dirt it’s just Stone and it’s just gravel but obviously below y0 we have the 1.19 caves and CLI cff stuff so it’s really interesting you at the top you’ve

Got beta terrain I mean this terrain was literally generated in 2011 something like that and then you’ve got the the modern terrain down there very strange right again where else would you see this only on 2b2 right let’s carry on 8% of live stream chat don’t know

but it’s fine it’s fine you know we’re here to show people 2b2 t for the first time right welcome everyone joining we got a few new people joining we are on tb2t the old Anarchy server in Minecraft we are just exploring spawn uh we are looking for stuff we’re looking

For old ruins for Collectibles we’re just seeing how people have survived once they’ve gotten out of Spawn we’re look to see what they’ve done uh we’re just uh sneaking up on their bases taking a look inside we might take one or two things if we want to we won’t

Grief though we won’t grief we might take a couple of things but you know that’s okay that’s okay you can do that never leave valuables in your base oh what have we got here we found a little whoa what have we got here uh interesting design I don’t think

Uh this would win grian’s award for the best base ever but interesting design to say the least uh I guess it’s fairly well protected right uh oh we got some diamonds there but uh let’s uh let’s get rid of all this junk let’s get rid of all this junk we

Don’t need any of this we don’t need that that none of that none of that none of that let’s just keep our own stuff good well how is everyone doing let’s let’s talk about life how’s everyone doing how’s your Tuesday been I hope it’s been really good hope you’ve

Had a good week so far um I’ve had a good week just been chilling this week just trying working hard you know I’ve been streaming every day trying to build an audience you know trying to get to 2,000 subscribers so uh if you can help us get there I would massively appreciate

It um glad I had a good day everyone’s had a good day I’m very good I’m very good very glad uh you look away for the second you find something Co I know well this is the thing right this is the thing right let’s carry

On uh do you have a text a pack against Block Rotation no no nothing like that uh can you make an actual stream of course this Sunday this Sunday uh in fact Saturday we have a members only Stream So if you want to join as a member become an actual rickon OG and

Get yourself a belt in chat um we will be doing a members only stream on Saturday it’s like a couple of bucks to join for the whole month so it will be like five or six of us on that stream it will be horizontal it’ll be a proper

Stream so we can just chill and chat um so but you have to be a member for that so you can join that on the channel otherwise on Sunday we will be doing another horizontal stream both of those are announced on the channel so make sure you go and obviously subscribe and

Click notify um to know when we’re live so yeah we got some proper streams coming up but the vertical streams are just a bit of fun um Tor Ian thank you so much thanks for subbing really appreciate that where am I from I’m from the UK I’m a British

Guy apologize for that uh Hey Loi man good to see you hacks in multiplayer well this is 2b2 so it’s the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft it’s an anarchy server so uh hacking is absolutely fine um it’s uh it’s almost encouraged actually he almost enjoying can I join your only fans no that’s

Secret that’s secret I won’t give that away on stream netherite and 2B yet we are fully dripped out maxed out netherite everything uh 2B updated to 1.9.4 in August of the last year um so what the color outlines means so orange is a chest uh purple is an

Ender chest uh the light blue is a nether portal um yeah sometimes you sound awfully close to Liam niss maybe it’s just the dialect well that’s interesting Liam Nissan’s Irish but you know that’s not the worst person to sound like so thank you thank you when does first start playing uh

Started playing in September of 2020 um do you think if 2B was set to an amplified well it would be dreadfully difficult I don’t think so yeah I don’t think so right let’s have a look around I bet there’s something here I kind of feel like there’s going to be something

Here you know I kind of feel like there’s going to be something here uh me your client mods all I have on is uh storage ESP that’s the only thing I’ve got on on meteor oh what have we got what do we have oh we’ve got a griefed

Base we’ve got a griefed base but even a griefed base is beautiful you know even a griefed base is beautiful let’s check some of this stuff out a lot of mobs around so we got to be a little careful Get Wrecked Get Wrecked God he’s taken three hits pretty impressive he

Didn’t have any armor on as well yeah R to this base look at it fully griefed but again still something beautiful about it some dogs here oh how do we get up there okay maybe not Yep this is just another grief 2b2 base that will Decay back into the land

But that’s just how it is that is just how it is Things Never Last on 2b2 T and you just have to accept that if you’re going to play here you’re just going to have to accept that if you play here welcome stage clear nice to see you uh

Wow the chat is going fast today so apologies if I don’t get to your message it is going super fast um did didn’t 2b2 almost die it didn’t almost die they just made some decisions that were really bad um uh s made a good video on that so I’d go and watch that

But yeah we all complained and they actually rolled the server back which was insane um the the admin housem hadn’t talked to the community for like 5 years and then he made a little bit of posts and it was very strange time uh did you pay for Russia or using

That crack version I paid never used a crack version of a pay client it’s very very dangerous to do that uh if you can’t afford a pay client use meteor it’s free there are a couple of other free ones out there but do not use a crack version I can’t stress that

Enough uh man your voice incredibly suen thank you for that appreciate that um do you use Discord uh I do um I will have some sort of Discord announcement soon I’m going to create somewhere that we can all chat I don’t know if it’s

Going to be a server yet or or what but I will announce something soon because it’ be good if we can all chat because you’re all my friends now be nice to get to know you all um uh do you use baritone you do you may

Not rest now no we we certainly won’t rest here what have we got down here what have we got down here we found a little base Maybe let’s have a look oh no someone’s been lava trapped someone’s been lava trapped look at this so this is a lava

Trap so they’ placed lava over this person’s bed so that if they respawn they die and they will keep dying if they respawn what do you think guys should we rescue this guy from his lava trap should we rescue the guy from this lava trap because this guy can never log in he’s

Going to keep dying and dying and dying what do we think should we help should we help them out okay let’s rescue this guy I took gravel that was a bad idea let’s free this guy let’s free this guy from the Griefers we will save him we will save him there we

Go whoever this is you can now log in again you are safe you are safe again uh we saved someone we have actually saved someone that got griefed you were all witness to that you’re all part of that I think that I think that everyone now should subscribe if you haven’t subscribed you

Should definitely subscribe for the grief guy trying to get to 2,000 Subs so if you can help me it would massively I would massively appreciate you I really do um right let’s keep going let’s keep going let’s keep going destroy the bed no I don’t do that that would be

Mean uh this is the first time you save somebody I know yeah normally well I do save people sometimes depends what mood I’m in if we were right at spawn sometimes I kill people sometimes I kill people right what do we got down here we just got someone’s little

Hideway we’ll just leave that be going to donate $100 go on I don’t believe you I don’t believe you I I don’t believe you get to a Dono war that would be pretty good that would be pretty good what’s the TPS TPS is a strong 19.74% and uh we’re just exploring we’re looking

Around we’re just chilling we are just chilling chilling with the guys chilling with the crew you guys are all awesome you guys are all awesome having a great time with you lot we really are having a good time right let’s carry on uh where’s my base my base is at 420

69 420 those are my cords uh how 1.9.4 2b2 updated last August 2b2 updated last August hi xme haven’t seen you on the server for a while haven’t seen you on the server for a while um right let’s have a look over here shall we let’s have a look over here

Shall we thoughts on Shader packs I I like Shader packs 2b2 t on shaders looks pretty wild I must admit uh I’m not going to turn them on though because it’s got two much stuff turned on it might blow up my computer what do we got down

Here wow look at this we got a we got a big base down here wow what do you reckon should we go and take a look should we go and take a look you’re scrolled in the YouTube Tik Tok and I see 2v2 this is awesome yeah I

Know this is great should go and take a look at this base guys should go and take a look but everyone’s supposed to go base in chat when we find a base because that’s what used to happen on fit streams so everyone type bass like you’re super excited base base

Base how do we get in right down here here we go here we go the hopping Skipper YouTube shorts sometimes stick you in streams now I wasn’t a fan until the algorthm sent me here got to say the Stars Al line you got my sub in a tenna

Thank you so much the hopping Skipper really appreciate that it really means a lot thank you right let’s carry on oh we got Banner Oh I thought we had a banner then yo look at this completely UNG griefed base for whoever was asking here we go we found a completely UNG grief

Base now let’s raid it let’s steal everything of value anything good here it’s all ours now ooh that’s a lot of red stone that’s a lot of redstone ooh we’ve got oh we got banners oh we got a yames banner we’ve got written books guys we hit the jck oh

We’ve got a named item guys these are the collectible this is the jackpot right here so we’re going to take one of these books this is a written book so it’s a copy um but it’s still really good we’ve got uh oh we’ve got a yamz banner so

That’s fine um but we’re going to take the axe because that’s named so uh these are named items these are what’s collectible these are the collectible things wow look at all this stuff look at all this stuff um um let’s take a look what else have we

Got I know people are shocked that we’re taking stuff this is 2b2 T raiding is a huge part of it right it is a huge part of it so do not worry okay sometimes you have to learn the hard way sometimes you have to learn the hard

Way but I tell you what to make you guys happy there we go so he’s lost he’s lost a diamond axe but he’s gained some cookies there we go there we go right let’s take out our Collectibles shulker uh we’re nearly full up oh there’s some rockets in there so we’ll take

Those uh we’ll put the book in there SPS issue number one I’m not going to read that because again on tb2t you never know what people have written in a book what we will do though is we will leave a sign and we will leave a

Banner we will leave a sign and we will leave a banner here we go R was here 5th of March 24 on stream so just to reiterate that your base might be compromised make them really stressed there we go see we took the axe but we left in some

Gapples but we the most important thing is we let we left him a a named ricken banner I mean come on come on that that is in in about 5 years time that would be worth $122 I mean this guy is a lucky guy all right anyone can make another uh diamond axe

But this guy Super Lucky right how do we get out how do we get out right here and we’ll cover it up and it’ll be like we were never here there we go forget about that one all let’s take this there we go there we go it’s all

Good guys it’s all good um so anyway welcome to everyone we are on 2b2 T we are on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and we’re just chilling we are just chilling we are looking for collectible things we’re looking for old relics oh look we found oh my God

There’s like bases everywhere down here so we’ve got one over here and then we’ve got one all the way over here as well I mean potentially it’s the same guy but uh okay down we go is there an easy way down to this one you know you’re watching a base

Finding professional right here luck has got nothing to do with it oi o uh what way are we going this way how do we get down here how do we get down here I think we can go all the way all the way down here actually let’s do that so we get some

Water okay this might just be the guy’s grinder to be honest this might be the same guy’s grinder MC grinder oh we got some map Hearts oo someone has been doing some enchanting someone has been doing some enchanting a all of his Diamond gear look at it all all of his Diamond gear

Oh metal bunny I just found your book that’s crazy oh we got 425 people we’ve never had four over 400 jeez welcome guys welcome we are on the oldest anaki server in Minecraft uh we’re just exploring spawn we’re looking at bases and uh yeah we’re finding some good

Stuff today there’s like three bases all close to each other around here so um uh we got kit shop banners I don’t want any of those I don’t want any of those uh these are just mob drops these are just mob drops let’s turn that off but

Uh yeah guys welcome this is crazy I cannot believe this uh to see over 400 people watching my stream is like a dream come true so welcome welcome welcome welcome right anyway let’s not get all soppy let’s carry on playing 2b2 t uh how do we get out is there a way

Out yes I think so anyway I think so anyway let’s carry on whoa let’s not go that way ah I’ll go this way this way is better this way is better I think that way I didn’t like I didn’t like the color of the water I didn’t like the color of the

Water Jesus you know the that was like turning down some streets in London right that was like uh huh slightly wrong way slightly wrong way uh right where are we going and now we can go and check out this base it’s like three all connected right how do we get down to

This one you know what I think this was probably going to be the same guy so I’m not going to go down to this one not going to go down to this one right let’s stop for a minute and read some of the chat messages cuz I’ve been a bit

Selfish looking at these bases and I like to read the chat so let’s stop for two seconds um Elijah Kora no not hacking at all not hacking at all gosu thank you very much uh 1.90 Mob spawn in is completely out of hand it’s crazy it’s absolutely crazy

Uh the unreal thank you very much uh yeah it is not vanilla spawning it’s crazy it’s modified in some ways absolutely Bonkers uh it’s still still part of the 18 800k Journey no no that that’s for the horizontal stream on Sunday that’s the last part of the

Journey got 100 more K blocks to go are we cross streaming no just for vertical cross streaming I don’t like it because you have to put the resolution in a janky way and as you can see this is what you’re seeing is what I’m seeing right so I’ve got the uh client vertical

On my monitor so I’ve got it completely optimized for vertical streaming just so that you get the good experience all for you guys all for you guys uh why can you see through walls and stuff like this uh cuz we’re hacking but it’s 2b2 t it’s allowed we’re an anarchy server um so

Hacking is allowed it’s okay don’t worry uh oh it’s a vanilla player stuff look at that so cute um bro using some sort of mod yeah we’re using two mods we’re using rushia hack we’re using meteor client as well but again it’s an anarchy server so it’s

Allowed we’re allowed to do it we are allowed to do it oh yeah visual glitches uh what have we got down down here is this another base or have we already been down this one actually this is oh yeah we’ve already been to that one cuz that’s my banner right let’s Carry

On Let’s carry on uh yeah we gave him the special treatment we we’ve made that guy famous he’s got one of the rarest and most sought after banners on the entire server what a lucky guy what a lucky guy uh um all right let’s carry on uh should you give me a sub

Absolutely you should give me a sub all right in fact how are you not subbed it’s so rude I’m only joking if you want a sub I would really appreciate trying to get to 2,000 Subs um so if you can help me get there you know it it will

Mean the world to me so thank you but I just appreciate you being here it is really fun I’m really really enjoying this considering I used to get on average 10 people per stream the fact that we’ve had pretty much over a 100 for this entire stream is absolutely

Bonkers like I cannot comprehend and put it into words it is so much fun so thank you guys I do appreciate it uh I’m going to go and play 2B should do let me know I’ll hook you up Loi man uh 22t is a famous server hard to

Play on it’s Anarchy exactly it’s your first day I don’t think it is right I don’t think it is if it is uh well done I miss impact as well those are the good old days those are the good old days uh I would join your channel if you respond

What’s Anarchy server Anarchy server means that there are no rules you can do whatever you want so it’s Anarchy okay you can hack you can steal you can cheat you can lie you can grief nothing’s off limits here if you know what I’m talking about there that’s one of fits old

Intros but it’s true nothing is off limits okay you can do what you want you can say what you want right we found some chests we found a banner let’s quickly go down ooh this is a new Banner I’ve never seen this before this is what we want is it

Named no it’s not name ah damn it okay any items any items uh no no but we found a banner we found a new Banner so that’s where working that’s worth it uh just a griefed area let’s get okay let’s get out of here uh there are some crazy stories on

22t absolutely crazy stories I recommend you go and watch Fast Vincent’s Channel he’s got some of the most amazing uh stories on there he’s got some really good access to go and watch him of course only once you’ve watched everything on my Channel first okay that’s the only time you go over there Um uh baited yeah I know bait stash they exist right and I must admit I’ve done it as well created bait stashes fact I spent a long time building like a really nice chest room um with and I did uh loads of chests with item frames with

Empty shers in them so that if someone free cam down there they would absolutely get super excited all y all empty that’s how mean I am uh do you have my own base I I do have my own base absolutely absolutely uh uh sorry Tellus I’m not going to say

That but thank you for joining uh I’m backwards entertainment anything else oh I appreciate that do you play any do I play bedwars now I tried I suck so no I just do this I fly around uh I hang out I do build a little bit uh o

Enchanting Golden Apple time 12 ooh this could be a little stash you know let’s get those gapples this could be a little stash you know Infinity book a that’s a shame but I bet you at one point there were shulkers in here I bet you at one point there were shulkers

In here but we’ll take a few gapples you know just floating around just floating around imagine in a normal Minecraft world if you found that we’ll take them we will take them I hate your streams you never reply what’s up my man what’s up what do you

Want me to reply to what would you want me to reply to I said of bedwars what else do you play I only play this this is exclusively what I play um this is fake it is absolutely not fake this is 2b2 T look there’s the

Tab uh what’s your opinion on cheese I absolutely love cheese apart from cottage cheese because that is terrible but I absolutely love real cheese uh how long did you wait to get on I’ve got priority cues so uh we’re on straight away uh 2b2 still going we absolutely

Are get fit MC of course get fit MC and get him to transfer all of his subscribers and clout over to me you know if he’s done with the server bring everyone over here this is the place to be now okay no longer is it fit MC it’s

All about Brit MC all right because this is who you’re watching Brit MC and uh I’m going to take you on the rest of the Journey of 2b2 T now that fits done okay uh what about Scotch I don’t know what that is is uh is there any way you can dup

There’s always a dupe people are always duping okay people are always duping uh we got to set you of extra tab I I’ve got extra tab I think it’s just because I’ve got the game narrowed to like mobile size so I think that’s what’s going on yeah I think that’s what’s going on

Um got his cheese on top I disagree with that someone banned that person I’m only joking I’m only I’m only joking uh 2b2 is not a bad server for a streamer nah it’s completely safe right we got a banner we’ve got a banner it’s a ninja warus Banner

Again I can’t get rid of this guy he’s everywhere he’s everywhere I flew 10,000 blocks away from when he where he was spamming his last banner and I found more of them no no um right can you give me some tips I want to start a survival world well if you

Want some advice there’s a video linked right at the top of the server uh called the complete guides 22t so I would recommend that absolutely um since when does 2b2 t look like a normal world oh we’re pretty far out we are pretty far out you make 200 Subs in one stream I

Know oh God this is another warus one isn’t it oh God I’m going to I’m going to oh God wus what are you doing to me bro I saw a fitmc video who’s flying without them yeah we’ve had times on the server when you’ve not needed them um

But at the moment you do unfortunately it’s fine I’ve got infinite Rockets it’s fine they’re not they’re not valuable anymore mob Farms work really well so it’s fine my fish died for full damage oh no how many blocks away from Spawn we are about 90k blocks away from Spawn uh

Uh speaking of banon you pan yeah we’ve got a few mobs uh Mobs Mods yeah I’ve got a couple I’ll probably ask some friends to to a couple more friends to do it I’ll probably ask a couple more friends to do it at some point as

Well um oh what do we got here we got a nice little farm we got an interesting little farm no full damage that noise just did not mean anything someone’s little survival area very cute very cute Meg Meg’s in chat Meg’s in chat in fact Meg I’m going to

Uh Meg I’m going to make you a a moderator for when you’re here cuz I trust you uh let’s carry on uh guys welcome welcome welcome welcome um right how is this the new 2b2 T well we are 1.9.4 uh we’ve got 288 players online

We’re over 19 TBS as standard now lag is is a rare thing I must admit when it lags it’s like Jesus come on man are these ninja Banners are these ninja banners oh they’re not these are shop banners uh these are shop banners uh the creeper one is anywhere I

Don’t know what this one is have we found oh yeah they are shot Banners at least they’re not ninja warus banners I love ninja wus don’t worry but you know if he’s been in the area he would have taken all the banners that’s the problem it’s not that I don’t love the

Guy it’s like when I find like Ranch signs it’s like you know that if he’s been in the area anything good he would have taken all right what have we got going on down here a a cute little base let’s go and check it out

Oh oh well how am I supposed to get down there then how am I supposed to get down there then let’s help the guy out let’s help the guy out what’s up Cappy why is the stream up all right it’s a vertical stream it’s a vertical vertical stream I’m hacking

YouTube shorts I’m hacking YouTube shorts is what’s going on Cobble deep slate okay pretty new pretty new oh and he’s going all the way down look at that all the way down what’s up CA uh we got the algorithm we we we went over uh 400 for the first time ever today it’s

Just ridiculous what the hell is going on but it is so much fun crazy fun uh that didn’t work that did not work right have you got any ladders I got any ladders left how can I get out I don’t really want to grief my way

Out but I think I’ve got no choice okay so I will just go like that like that there we go there we go not griefed as it was intended we’re up to 1900 Subs no way bro no way jeez guys we’re nearly there I cannot believe it in like a week

We’ve gone from 400 to nearly 2,000 my mind is being blown right now no way guys if you can help me get to the 42k holy javia I’m sorry I’m sorry Spectre we’re almost there what’s up guys uh what’s up guys uh we are getting there this is so

Hype I can’t believe it on a Tuesday night the night of nights uh am I pleased with the state of tub yeah it’s pretty good I don’t mind it I was very reluctant for 1.19 to begin with I was a bit like you know it’s going to ruin the server keep it

Old school but you know what I don’t mind I actually quite enjoy it and it freaks people out on stream when they see you with like the full netherite drip they’re like people are saying like oh fake or whatever but no ooh docks myself docks myself found your channel from famous

YouTuber Cody SM 11 well thank you so much Cy for the donation I really appreciate it uh server performance never been better it’s honestly it’s ridiculous they’ve done a very very good job they have done a very very good job you cannot complain about the performance of

The server if you remember back in the the day if you have used to play back in the day if you were in the double figures and if you like watch the very early videos on my channel from like two three years ago uh you can see me base

Hunting and I I look at the tab and it’s 12 TPS and I’m going oh that’s not too bad we’re in double figures that’s what it used to be like double figures TPS used to be like a momentous thing right so uh the fact that we’ve uh the fact

That we are always on 20 is great all right what have we got here we have a base guys base in chat base in chat come on let’s make it like a real fit stream base base base base base base base boas bo bo how do we get in I heard that

Quick how do we get in there a house with no door there a house with no door how do I get in why would you you make a house with no door oh there it is close the Door how am I hitting him through the wall God the the changes to vanilla Minecraft in 1.9.4 crazy crazy we got music discs poppers excuse me excuse me how did he get in how are they getting in oh my God it’s it’s a raid we’re being

Raided what is up with all these guys knocking on the door you are not allowed in go away I’m trying to raid this person’s base no all right no one knocking on the door it’s rude you guys are rude let me steal this guy’s stuff in peace God

This is crazy it’s it’s a hoorde and they reckon that it’s like normal mobs spawning on This Server right it’s crazy um anyway would you dup if you could absolutely I would absolutely I’d love to dupe so if anyone’s got a dupe if I can swap it for like a little bit

Of stream clout please give me access I would love it all right oh there a Hermes where did I get those from from I don’t even know right we need to get out some more Rockets oh we’re running out of rockets very slightly all right let’s turn off Kora

For sec I mean not Kora I don’t have Kora we don’t hack here it’s just you know just a way to I’ve got a good swing with the sword is what it is all right let’s have a look around don’t shoot me do not shoot

Me right what’s going on here a this guy is like doing Redstone and stuff it’s fancy super fancy right let’s get out that was nice oh we got a nice little castle part of here there’s a portal never put a portal in your base bad idea bad idea

Uh how far from Spawn are you we are around 100K uh why do almost all 2b2 to YouTubers not use shaders uh shaders do work um but you know obviously streaming and stuff uses a lot of computer performance and shaders add even more uh ideally I don’t want the stream to crash

Although sometimes it happens so that’s why I wouldn’t use shaders um but shaders do work uh if you look at my guy 2 video that’s linked at the top you’ll see me using some shaders oh look at this cute little house uh is this my server it’s unfortunately not my server

Although I think it should be maybe I’ll have to try and buy it one day uh you forgot your Ender Chest it’s fine look I’ve got a stack of 54 there and if I go inside my Ender Chest oh you can’t actually see it you can’t see it so if

We go inside the ender chest uh I’ve got I think that’s enough Ender Chest to last me okay so we’re good we’re good hi the boss uh can we know what Diagon I’m I’m not on a diagonal I’m going west I am going west we’re on the western

Quadrant we’re about to hit 2K are we really about to hit 2K are we really about to do it this is crazy this is crazy so the last time I updated my subscriber count it was 1694 1 1916 oh my God holy crap right let’s let’s change it on my 1

1916 on my manual sub count because I cannot get anything from streamlabs to work I cannot get anything from streamlabs to work so um let’s just uh do it myself um I want to see if I could come find you uh you can come find me you can come

Find me come and hang out if you want I tell you what I I’ll go and docs myself right now well not dock myself but I’ll give my coordinates away right now this I’m guessing then this is going to lead to something oh we got a cute Castle there but uh

Let’s let’s go and find out where I am let’s go and find out where I am oh we got another nice Castle here but let’s show everyone Where We Are this leads to a monument this will give away my location but let’s do it let’s do

It just for you saw you floating on my feed I turn in did not regret it you’re very pleasant sir well thank you very much I appreciate that uh you should use some meteor add-ons maybe maybe we’ll see uh when you hit 2K give your cords

Out I mean I’m about to give them out anyway we’re just passing loads of cool stuff but going to give them give them away in two seconds uh all right let’s go let’s go here we are I’m sure there’s something around here that will give away where we are quite funny if

Not oh that’s quite cool anything that says Where We Are oh there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go uh is it safe to play on the server I’ve been thinking of trying well if you want to try

Tb2t um look at the video linked at the top it’s called the complete guide and I give you everything you need to know about joining it it’s pretty good video if I do say so myself but it’ll give you all the advice all the clients how to escape spawn absolutely

Everything uh do you have a schedule yeah every Sunday I stream uh without fail and then during the week you know whenever I feel like it whenever I feel like it um right you’re my favorite YouTuber I appreciate that appreciate that uh right should we carry on we’ve given away our

Location I mean I I can’t give them much more exact than that I cannot give them much more than that what political ideology do most I I don’t care about anything po itical I do not care about anything political am I the new fit MC absolutely Brit MC is real brit MC is

Real stay there for 20 minutes I I can’t bro I need to carry on we need to find some stuff you know we can’t just hang out I wish we could we’ll hang out another day don’t worry let’s find some stuff for the people let’s find some stuff for the people

Oh what do we got a cute little base base base base base in chat base base base Ranch but without the source I’ve got all the source right just a wholesome little place with a nice little Monument a wholesome little place with a nice little Monument what way am I going

To go I’m going to go this way uh what you going to do if you run out of rockets uh I’ll go back to one of my bases is got plenty of rockets around what’s the coolest base you found on your time I found a 20 2013 Base by a

Guy called Dr Utes that was pretty sweet um I found some old valkyria bases as well that was pretty those were really really nice found some famous player named mobs paby dogs those were a good time if Meg remembers that um uh do I have any bases oh I have several

Bases several bases we good we good uh do you have a stash uh I have like 30 dungeon stashes I decided not to maintain a whole stash cuz it’s just stressful to move it and it’ll be annoyed if it gets griefed um so but I’ve got like you know

Dungeons underground I’ve got like 30 of them around the server up to like 3 million filled with Shuler so I’m good I’m good what the hell is that like a frog do you have a PVP I don’t PVP I don’t need to no one’s brave enough to attack me I’m

Invincible uh go to one of my bases no I wouldn’t do that on stream I wouldn’t do that on stream just discovered uh keep it up uh I don’t always stream in shorts no so uh there’s two non shorts streams announced on the server so make sure you’re subscribed and uh notified for

When those happen once happening Saturday that’s for members only where I share out anything I find and then Sunday we got a public one so yeah make sure you’re you’re ready for those cuz those will be fun what have we got Netherrack anything interesting all right let’s carry

On oh dear we’re up to got less than 50 to go less than 50 to go wow this is crazy all right M if I find one I’ll give them to you I promise if I find one I’ll give them to you I don’t really go far enough to find

Stashes these days those are the days where I used to just no life Trails but now now we do it all on stream uh F3 no no F3 oh no is this could this be no no it’s not don’t panic I think that was yeah it was just someone’s junk just someone’s

Junk uh shout outs are only for Dono people I’m sorry it’s just the way it is uh right ooh look at that fly should I listen to the stream while showering that’s your decision I’m not going to I’m not going to say anything about that uh would you

Like to get dupa this I would love it I spent like a long time grind in my own uh op kit so if I ever did access get access to a dupe I could dup my own stuff I did wouldn’t just want to dup someone else’s stuff it’s like a really

Cool story that uh Kino who like one of the uh ogs on the server like a lot of the uh God kits and stuff all came from kinana like he he started a lot of all he was the first person to create a lot

Of the god kits and dup them and I just thought that story was really cool so uh yeah I created my own op kit grinded I was like fishing for days and days and days to get The Mending books and stuff it’s hard it is hard to get op gear but

I finally did it um I swear tub doesn’t have netherite no we are fully dripped now fully dripped out in nether right now uh we updated to 1.9.4 so we’re good horizontal streams ABS horizontal streams at the weekend this is a vertical stream this is specifically

Made for your phone uh who is watching on a phone by the way uh Cole mckin thank you so much what you going to do if I click off the stream well I don’t think you are so it’s that that question doesn’t even need an answer but no thank you so much

For the donation really appreciate it uh a lot of people watching on the phones that is super cool yeah you can stream it to both phone uh and horizontal but then it wouldn’t look so good on the phone so it is what it is it is what it is

Can you still duplicate items I mean I’m sure some people are I’ve never been able to dup items I’m sure there is a dupe you know the old saying on 2B is there’s always a dupe so it is what it is um we’re on 1 1964 we are on 1 n

64 let me update the sub count manually because I can’t get anything from like streamlabs and stuff to work I can’t get anything from streamlabs or stuff to work but who cares right it’s all about the fun right we don’t need things flashing up on screen all the time we

Don’t need things flashing up on screen all the time it’s just nice wholesome vertical viewing is all we care about uh Cole thank you so much for the uh $5 I’m going to listen to stream in shower and you can’t stop me that’s your personal decision okay I can’t stop you that is

Your personal decision okay um but thank you so much I really do appreciate that um I feel like the TB community and the War Thunder Community okay that’s interesting never heard of that but I’ll check it out uh oh we are going to get there right let’s

Stop and look at this base let’s stop and look at this base if there’s any seeds we’ll replant for this guy because he’s going to have no food he’s going to wake up and he’s going to have no food what a shame uh oh he’s burning something there’s nothing there as

Well have you got any seeds have you got anything that I can plant for you no no nothing there’s nothing uh red null thank you so much appreciate that what’s happening when you hit the sub goal it’s a very good question I’ve got nothing planned

Because I had no I did not think I was going to reach it so I do not know that is a very very good question maybe I should have planned something but um very good question I’ll stop and we can just have a good old chat we do a little QA let’s do

That uh leaking coordinates yeah why don’t why don’t why don’t we do that we’ll Le the coordinates we’ll Le the coordinates and uh if anyone wants to come they can come uh and then we can just chill and we can have a little chat let’s do that Roblox thank you very much

Uh I’ve got like 5 minutes to figure it out well that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to elete the coordinates and uh then we’re going to have a little bit of a chat Payton’s dad $5 thank you so much really appreciate that uh massively appreciate

That uh I should play 2b2 t when I hit 2K Subs that’s a great idea that’s a really good idea um 20 more God it’s screaming up there we are getting up there this is absolutely insane thank you so much guys wow what is happening right now what is happening this is crazy

Easy ah look at this beautiful Old Village let’s go and have a look at this beautiful Old Village remember we we we’ve looked at these any dirt oh there’s gravel so this one is from uh between 1.7 and 1.8 something like that it’s not quite as

Old oh it’s Spectre we have been stream sniped we have been stream sniped he’s friendly he’s friendly there we go guys we’ve been stream sniped for the first first time ever we’ve been stream sniped for the first time ever spect I don’t have chat on by the way so

Um yeah there’s no chat so you have to communicate with me uh through the YouTube chat or through um Discord if you’ve got my Discord um why is this so entertaining it’s always entertaining it’s always entertaining right let’s see where we’re at 1964 when I last 19 82 we are 18 Subs away

Geez jeez this is uh this is crazy uh Cole mckin mckin thank you so much again for the $2 I’m your new favorite sub well you know you you’ve dropped a quite a few donos in chat so you are one of my favorites thank you so

Much I appreciate it uh do I have a Discord server I don’t I I’m working on I’ve got an idea at the moment um I’m I I’ll put something in chat when I’ve got it um um but no server at the moment I’m going to get maybe a channel in the Giza

Discord I think I’m going to do that but we’ll see uh wow uh Spectra is the nicest in stream sniper I’ve ever seen yeah I know he’s cool he’s chill he’s chill um so I don’t want to stay here for when it gets dark because I don’t want these villagers to die so

Uh Spectre follow me cuz I’m going to go let’s find somewhere that we can hang out let’s find somewhere we can hang out yep Hank you are the OG of the ogs 100% uh where can we go oh here we go we’re going to go right to the top of

The shattered Savannah beautiful oh let’s go up here where this guy’s got a bed let’s go up here let’s go up here here we go here we go while we hacking there is no hacking going on here oh look at that now that’s something that I used to do that’s quite

A clever idea I used to do that I would put an uh an e chest inside an item frame and because it used to be that uh item frames weren’t on ESP um so I used to do that that’s quite clever actually uh but we are in the shattered Savannah uh update the

Counter 1988 we are on 1 1988 1988 this is crazy this is crazy right one n 88 so guys trying to get to 2K and as you can see we we are like uh 12 people away so all you need to do is subscribe and you’re going to make uh make me

Extremely happy extremely happy this is absolutely insane absolutely insane cannot believe this what the hell what the hell is going on here what is going on here here what is going on yeah only 45 likes that is that’s pretty strange but I think it’s quite hard to like on the live stream so

That’s fine that’s fine he’s got a block on his head what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on I think we’re just going to chill here now aren’t we until we get up to the to the 2K we’ve made it 2003 let’s go let’s go holy God guys thank you so

Much thank you so much wow that’s uh that’s absolutely Bonkers that’s absolutely bonkers right here we go here we go okay I’m like shaking right now this is literally insane what the hell there we go guys there we go you can see it you can see it this is where we

Are what is going on that’s the meteor thing isn’t it there we go guys oh that’s crazy that is absolutely crazy uh red null with the $20 donation bro I really appreciate that uh drinks on me tonight thank you so much that means a lot that means a lot thank you

Um a little choked up this is Crazy this is crazy thank you Spector wow um hey Robbie yeah it’s been okay uh you forget that there’s goat horns as well like this is crazy um got my little brother Oliver have a shout out sure what’s up Oliver what’s up uh that’s the 2K sub Noise uh so guys come on ask some questions ask me some questions I’m here now I’m chilling so you can ask me whatever you want favorite color reveal uh it’s red red is the favorite color there we go there we go bring on 10K yeah that would be nice

Uh grow man playing absolutely absolutely okay this game is like 14 years old now so anyone who started even if they were a kid they’d be a grow man now uh how long have you been uh uploading on YouTube uh I’ve been doing YouTube for like 10 years so this

Channel is only about three years old um but I’ve been trying YouTube for 10 years so I’ve had some success um but you know YouTube is very very difficult um but you know you know hard work it does pay off anything in life hard work pays

Off uh ever play borders Gate 3 nope would you pay for dup access no I wouldn’t pay uh I wouldn’t pay um uh how long have you been playing 2B for uh since September 2020 since September of 2020 uh cats or dogs it’s a tricky one I

Think cats I grew up with cats but I have had a dog as well so and I miss my dog I miss my dog I had to give it away um so I do miss my dog but I do like cats uh what do you typically do in 2v2

Te normally just base hunting looking around I do build sometimes with the Geyers um but otherwise just Bas hunting uh are you using any add-ons to meteor no uh do I play free fire no I don’t know what that is uh how did you start streaming uh I just started I just

Wanted to try it basic basically it looked like fun and it’s great fun so um I’ve got to commend you for playing the old anaki server in Minecraft I know it’s crazy right uh can I have your immedate ca config I don’t have one I

Don’t I don’t use CA so it is what it is uh you hacking uh no uh we don’t hack uh thank you the boss appreciate that uh what’s the last set of quads uh this is where we’re at so uh oh you can’t see them can you you

Can’t see them uh why don’t I do why don’t I Do that that should be a little easier let’s do that there you go there you go easy I watched 2 videos since 2020 but never joined give it a go uh if you do want to join if you’ve never played um uh there’s a video link to at the top of

The chat called the complete guide to 2b2 it’s about 15 minutes long took me a long time to make and I give you all the advice that you need to play so give it a go why not uh what’s my girlfriend’s name I can’t give away that information but

She’s very special uh what 2b2 te groups have I been part of I was part of the short base short bus caliphate uh I was part of the astral Brotherhood I guess I still am I’d still like to build with them at some point I just don’t really

Have much time and of course the Gray beard geeses can we play together uh uh if you come on 2B uh we can meet up for sure uh what clients do you recommend so yeah any 2b2 related advice go watch the video I’ve got linked uh talk about all

That sort of stuff up there um what do you do besides YouTube uh my main hobby is Brazilian jiu-jitsu train it three four times a week um so I would definitely recommend it uh good way to keep fit and good way to learn self-defense uh what’s my bench PR it’s

Only like 110 kilos um I I don’t really go super heavy especially not now got to look after your joints are you part of the team yet part of the geezers part of the geezers what other the games do I play I don’t play any other Games just Minecraft just 2b2 T

I’m an absolute specialist I used to play World of Warcraft like 15 years ago but that’s it that is it favorite food Burgers I’m a burger guy 100% uh uh what breed of dog did I have I had a Yorkshire Terrier beautiful little thing we found the English fit MC

It’s the Brit MC let’s go uh wouldn’t a new player get cook not necessarily it’s pretty easy to escape spawn so yeah if you look at the video I linked I teach you how to do it you can do it we were all new players once remember every

Single person on the server was a new player once so everyone can do it uh is there a dupe uh I don’t know but apparently there’s always a dupe that’s the old saying are you going to going to do a face reveal maybe oh it’s Jerry Jerry Jerry anyone remember last night

Jerry was our bodyguard so everyone drop a Jerry in chat uh face reveal stay tuned on that one I’ve got something big planned uh not for a while but you know who knows uh change your official name to Brit MC oh I I couldn’t do that I

Couldn’t do that I like my name it is what it is um what are my qualifications for mod uh for uh mod you know you just have to chill for a while um you know it takes a while what’s up javik is here um so yeah

We’ve got very cool people here uh javik I’ve got s text turned off as well so no chat no s text I’m afraid um it’s actually sad that all the ogs will be gone sometime I know I know it is sad it is sad but it is what it is is

It is what it is uh let’s just turn off traces we good we good uh why you cheating uh well it’s an anarchy server so cheating is allowed cheating is allowed um so hacks are allowed hacks are encouraged it’s absolutely fine uh who was the first person you

Made a mod uh it was uh fishing Hank cuz he’s the OG of the ogs uh right well here we are this is great this is great uh which server this this is 2b2 the oldest anaki server in Minecraft the oldest anaki server in Minecraft we’re having a little party

Here these nice people that came to hang out uh do you know the grief Clan by well we’ve got uh BSB we’ve got fifth column I don’t think either of them are very active these days I think there’s others I don’t really keep up to date

With all of these groups they come and go quite quite a long way is there a way to get mod uh yeah you have to be my friend for a long time unfortunately but you are all my friends uh Russia hacker meet your client is what I’m

Using uh what’s changed after the big update I mean if you think 1.12.2 and then to 1.9.4 so all of those versions between that’s a lot that’s changed that is a lot that’s changed right so um you know just think of everything that’s changed caves and cliffs and all of the crazy

Things between that those two versions right is no one Crystal me no these people are all chill we’re all friends here uh can I get up on the server yeah you can do yeah you can do um oh swish yeah swish will yeah um swish gets mod for sure swish gets more for

Sure uh we’re partying on top of someone’s bed exactly yeah oh they’re getting blocked in now uh so yeah Swit your mod now thanks Vore thanks for joining yeah thank you everyone what time is it how long have we been going I don’t actually know how long we’ve been going for

Non-Stop just over three hours sheesh sheesh do you like subs or likes I like Subs uh yeah whoa we’ve got a big party going on down here we’ve got a big party going on down here check that out check that out Yeah people say vanilla mob spawn in I don’t think so I don’t think so geez uh jeez cheers Spectre thanks for that yeah I’m I’m uh not around for much longer that’s look at that that’s a cool map map art that is a cool map art I am exhausted bro we’ve done these

For the last three days the last three days and I did two hours of Jiu-Jitsu at lunch today sparred with a black belt today uh sped with two very very uh good younger guys but you know it’s good to do that keep your energy up stay strong

And all that CH better appreciate that um uh I Tred playing on the server back when ETMC played together I don’t oh yeah they did play together what am I talking about now we need to work on the 2K Subs video you know what I I think the video I had planned I

Think I might do it for 10K Subs but I’ve got a good one planned don’t worry put it put it this way one of my best friends is a a professional level videographer I I’ll leave it at that I’ve got something very very good planned uh um

Right as soon as pvpers come up cppy King what’s up can you place n crystals on crying obsidian I don’t I actually don’t know I actually don’t know uh if you can drop no you can’t there you go we’re safe we’re sa we’re always safe it’s all

Good it’s all good let’s really leave a sign there we go there we go what’s up Cappy are you a fifth column member no I’m not a griefer I know look at all the mobs we’ve got an actual Rave going on down there we’ve got an actual Rave going on down

There that sign will make history yes it will do it will do maybe not anyone’s history but my history at least there we go you’re fifth color member you’re a good guy oh that’s good then that’s good is there a reason uh I don’t know I don’t I don’t

Uh dismiss what hacks I use so Rush a hack meet to your client uh and then ESP is how we see the items and the mobs as you can see uh then name tags is how I can see what the name of the items are

Uh and how I can see what the armor the players have got uh x-ray which is on future client free cam which is on sorry on Russia hack um so yeah I’ll answer any questions about hacks watching the vertical stream on a monitor yeah I do apologize we do a

Regular stream on Sunday so make sure you’re around for that uh making a monument for 2K Subs why not hey why not it means a lot it means a lot uh no don’t worry red no yeah I just uh I must have missed that it’s w it’s W

Uh yeah someone might make a video about this one day uh okay guys I I think I’m going to call it a day we’ve done done just over 3 hours we’ve done that for 3 days in a row now so I’m knackered I’m exhausted but um yeah really appreciate it guys

Honestly it does mean a lot so uh thank you for everyone who came to the stream thank you to the guys here that came to the base or came to the area and uh I will be back probably every day this week so make sure you’re subscribed and

Uh you will see me again this week um but we’ll be doing a regular stream on Sunday I might do another one of these tomorrow um see you guys later you’re all legends goodbye good night

This video, titled ‘2b2t: hitting 2k subs on the vertical stream!’, was uploaded by Rickson on 2024-03-05 20:57:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

WATCH VIDEO Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t.

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • Crafting an Oozing Potion: Minecraft Magic Unleashed!

    Crafting an Oozing Potion: Minecraft Magic Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where potions brew, There’s a new one called oozing, with a slimey hue. Mix it in a still, with a block of slime, And watch as its effects take you on a wild climb. PopcornRazer here, your guide in this land, With updates and tips, all delivered by hand. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, And let’s explore together, under the sun. Join me on Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram too, For all the latest news, and updates that are new. Share the love, with a like and a share, And let’s spread… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Exploring the World of Minecraft: Automatic Bamboo Farm Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and efficiency. One popular method is the construction of automatic farms, such as the automatic bamboo farm. Building an Automatic Bamboo Farm To create an automatic bamboo farm, players need to carefully plan and construct a system that will harvest bamboo without the need for manual intervention. By utilizing redstone mechanisms and pistons, players can set up a farm that will continuously grow and harvest bamboo. Key Features of an Automatic Bamboo Farm – Utilizes… Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Bigbroplays Gets Bullied by CDarkPlays

    Bigbroplays Gets Bullied by CDarkPlays Minecraft: Exploring the World of ZEQADUELS Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with ZEQADUELS, where players can test their skills and creativity in a competitive environment. From building elaborate structures to engaging in thrilling battles, there is something for everyone in this dynamic game. Unleash Your Creativity With a sensitivity setting of 10 and a DPI that remains a mystery, players like @Bigbroplays are able to craft intricate worlds using their trusty pk fire keyboard and Roccat kone pro air mouse. The possibilities are endless as you design and build to your heart’s content. Compete in Intense Battles… Read More

  • Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures

    Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures Exploring Cloudcraft in Minecraft Education In this episode, players are taken on a journey through the five scenarios of Cloudcraft, an adventure designed to provide a detailed look at data centers and everything that happens within them. Recycling The first scenario, Recycling, introduces players to the concept of sustainability within data centers. They learn about the importance of recycling electronic waste and reducing energy consumption to create a more environmentally friendly infrastructure. Security Next, players delve into the Security scenario, where they explore the various security measures implemented in data centers to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber attacks…. Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Intense Modded Planet Vegeta Gameplay ๐ŸŒŒ

    Intense Modded Planet Vegeta Gameplay ๐ŸŒŒVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mods Planeta Vegetta 8๐Ÿ‘ฝ’, was uploaded by ByNOX on 2024-01-12 14:00:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts In this video we will see the review of a Minecraft Mod, every day I upload more than 5 videos where you have the best mods,… Read More

  • Why AstralMC Hates Rayshxwn?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #FunnyMinecraftDrama

    Why AstralMC Hates Rayshxwn?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #FunnyMinecraftDramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘why astralmc hate me #funny #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by rayshxwn on 2024-07-07 18:01:34. It has garnered 428 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. ๐Ÿ‘ Leave a LIKE for more content! ๐Ÿ“žCheck out my PUBLIC DISCORD โ†’ coming soon โš”๏ธConnect today using ๐Ÿ“Pack โ†’ Ask in the comments! ๐ŸŽต Music โ†’ Ask in the comments. ๐ŸŽฌ Credits: Editor: rayshxwn (Me) Thumbnail Maker: banne.stxvn (discord) ๐Ÿ›‘ DISCLAIMER โ†’ I do not own any of the music in this video, all credit goes to the creators. ๐ŸŒSocials โ†’Twitter:… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Young Alien Boy Invades Minecraft w/ Rick And Morty – Official Parody

    Shocking Twist: Young Alien Boy Invades Minecraft w/ Rick And Morty - Official ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Young Alien Boy – Minecraft Feat. Rick And Morty (Official Parody Music Video)’, was uploaded by LA Films Young Alien Boy on 2024-09-10 21:23:24. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. Hello Everyone We’re raising money to fund research into new treatments for sarcoma, a disease which makes up roughly ~15% of childhood cancers ๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆโ›‘๐Ÿš๐ŸŒ – Help Share This Video Donate Here – Watch The Official Music Video for “Minecraft” by Alien Boy Listen & Download “Minecraft” Available On Soundcloud: Watch more videos… Read More

  • LipoSMP Server

    LipoSMP ServerWelcome to Bosano Craft, where survival meets innovation in the vast and immersive realms of Minecraft. Embark on an adventure unlike any other as you explore custom-crafted landscapes, engage in thrilling jobs, climb the ranks of prestige, and thrive in a community-driven ecosystem. Bosano Craft offers a unique blend of classic survival gameplay with exciting features to enhance your experience. Dive into our custom map survival worlds, meticulously designed to challenge and inspire players of all skill levels. From lush forests to treacherous mountains, each landscape is handcrafted to provide endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. But survival is just… Read More

  • Rosefall SMP 1.20.1 Survival Dungeons & Bosses Custom Special/Event Items NO Whitelist

    Server Information: Server Address: Join Our Discord! Key Features: Custom Vanilla: Experience our server with a twist on Vanilla Minecraft. Play with custom materials, items, and weapons to combat unique adversaries. Dungeons and Quests: Protect Rosefall and uncover its mysteries. Delve into dungeons, tackle quests, and progress through the storyline while collecting impressive loot. Player-Driven Economy: Trade freely and set up player-run shops anywhere in the world, shaping the server’s economy. User-Friendly Land Claiming: Safeguard your property effortlessly with Golden Shovels provided from the start. Free Ranks: Earn ranks by playing and advancing on the server. Each rank… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who else misses this?

    “Ah, the good old days when all we had to worry about was Creepers blowing up our houses instead of adulting.” Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build

    Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Welcome, welcome, to my Minecraft domain, Where the challenges are tough, but the fun’s never wane. I found something strange in my Hardcore world, A mystery to unravel, a story unfurled. I survived 1000 days, a feat so grand, In this blocky world, where danger’s at hand. The perfect start to my Hardcore adventure, Each moment a thrill, each challenge a venture. This Minecraft build will blow your mind, With creativity and skill, it’s one of a kind. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore, discover, and be brave. So subscribe to my… Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc “Finally, a game where my inability to stack blocks properly is explained by ‘realistic physics’.” Read More

  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

    The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft The First Dragon Of Ablecraft On the 24th of July, a monumental event took place in the world of Ablecraft – the first ender dragon was defeated! This epic feat was captured during a Twitch livestream, showcasing the thrilling moment when the dragon met its demise. Supporting the Streamer For those who enjoyed the content and want to support the streamer, there is an option to donate via the provided link: Donate to Clevprof. Every contribution helps in creating more exciting gaming experiences for the audience. Connect on Social Media To stay updated on future streams and gaming adventures,… Read More

  • Minecraft After Dark Edit

    Minecraft After Dark Edit Minecraft Edit | After Dark | 4K #shorts Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the mesmerizing “After Dark” edit in stunning 4K resolution. Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Let’s explore the magic that unfolds in this captivating Minecraft creation. The Night Comes Alive As the sun sets in the blocky world of Minecraft, a whole new adventure begins. The “After Dark” edit takes players on a journey through the night, where mysterious creatures emerge, and the landscape transforms under the glow of the moon. With intricate details… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!

    Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!Video Information This video, titled ‘He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-15 16:33:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ————– โญ Welcome to Firey … Read More

  • Nico’s Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Nico's Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NICO Vacation In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-15 03:00:34. It has garnered 356182 views and 5196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:59 or 1199 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, everyone has a NICO Vacation in Minecraft! The kids takes Nico and his friends on a mysterious island! What will happen on this Nico Vacation?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • “Tragic Minecraft Loss ๐Ÿ˜ญ MrCreeper’s Best Friend Dies” #minecraftshorts

    "Tragic Minecraft Loss ๐Ÿ˜ญ MrCreeper's Best Friend Dies" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft death of best friend ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ญ #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MrCreeper on 2024-07-13 14:52:03. It has garnered 485 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftMods #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftTutorials #MinecraftTips #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftServer Minecraft Creative Minecraft Building Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft Singleplayer Minecraft Mods Minecraft Skins Minecraft Maps Minecraft Server Minecraft Redstone Minecraft Crafting Minecraft Mining Minecraft Blocks Minecraft Mobs Minecraft Ender Minecraft Nether Minecraft Biome Minecraft Village Minecraft Farming Minecraft Seeds Minecraft Texture Pack Minecraft Resource Pack Minecraft Realms Minecraft Command Blocks Minecraft… Read More

  • “๐Ÿ”ฅ Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #minecraft #gaming

    "๐Ÿ”ฅ Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming-king๐Ÿ‘‘ on 2024-07-27 12:03:35. It has garnered 420 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

    EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-11 16:33:00. It has garnered 1055 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:14 or 3014 seconds. IP. descord link Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and… Read More

  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-08 22:00:14. It has garnered 3231 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:34 or 3034 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More


    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hร ng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

    Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make chair in MINECRAFT .#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by AB Gamer on 2024-05-02 09:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make chair in Minecraft. Minecraft meh op furniture kese bananeh.#minecraft #shorts #viral about by video yeh video real … Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽฎ

    Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘The secret Minecraft moye moye technique๐Ÿ˜Ž funny moments ๐Ÿ˜’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-07 07:46:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft The secret Minecraft moye moye technique funny moments shorts #minecraft minecraft shorts #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • RulerCraft: The World Is Yours 1.20.2-1.21.1 – SMP, Factions, Roleplay, Towny, Earth, Perks, Religions, Cultures, Dungeons, Java, Bedrock

    RulerCraft: The World Is Yours What RulerCraft offers: Earth: Full scale world of Earth with all continents, ores and different biomes. Towny: Can start your own towns and nations or you can join another town or nation. Cultures & Religions: Custom set of cultures and religions to choose from for your towns. Economy: Dynamic and fair economy: automatic price changes and trading ships scattered around Earth. Perks: 54 different perks and bonuses to choose from, including Flying in Towns, Custom Warp, Personal Hologram, and more! Senate: Players vote on new features, staff promotions, ban appeals and more. Good community: Toxic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 2012: The Movie that Minecraft Deserved

    Minecraft Memes - 2012: The Movie that Minecraft DeservedIn 2012, the Minecraft movie would have just been two hours of watching someone build a dirt house and get chased by creepers. And honestly, we would have paid to see it. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like "Trade or Die" ๐Ÿ˜‚ When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • ๐Ÿ‘ปBlack Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    ๐Ÿ‘ปBlack Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ‘ปblack magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short ๐Ÿฅบ’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

    Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-08-23 21:00:32. It has garnered 102182 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:54 or 1014 seconds. Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

    INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4Video Information This video, titled ‘ZO VROEG AL ZO VEEL IRON!! – MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL S2 #4’, was uploaded by TorpedoTobi41 on 2024-05-06 13:00:24. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds. Waddup males and welcome to this new Minecraft Hardcore episode in which we don’t achieve anything, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun, right??? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build ๐Ÿ”ฅGyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

    Insane Minecraft House Build ๐Ÿ”ฅGyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic๐ŸŒŸ Minecraft House Build with TechnoGamerzOfficial #1’, was uploaded by Gyan warrior on 2024-04-09 04:54:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Constructing a luxurious house in Minecraft minecraft school hidden minecraft worlds techno gamerz minecraft mod xnestorio … Read More


    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ‘€’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: Bedrock: Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

  • Insane RLCraft Challenge – Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuy

    Insane RLCraft Challenge - Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuyVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 3.5 – Hardcore RLCraft attempt’, was uploaded by BlankGuy on 2024-09-14 04:40:39. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:01 or 16201 seconds. deez nutz #minecraft #rlcraft #gaming tags: touhou,touhouproject,touhou project,2hu, 2hujerk, 2hu project, touhou fans be like,touhou memes,touhou meme,touhoumemes,hong meiling, meiling, eosd, sakuya izayoi,touhou fans, touhou funny, touhou shorts,fumo,fumo memes,ๆฑๆ–น,ๆฑๆ–น project,็ด…้Œฆ,zun,zun memes,team shanghai alice, embodiment of scarlet devil, touhoujerk Read More