Insane VOD #1: Endless Respawn with MCLegoMan!

Video Information

Hello hello everybody hello zombie hello Titan hello flip from yesterday they came in yesterday and said first kind of funny how are we how are we we are going to be playing some create mod let me create the world real quick uh I need to bring YouTube Studio over what happened to

It we don’t panic I just can’t see you guys right now found you don’t tell me Minecraft’s not going to come back up give me a moment chat you’re on a train freezing cold Oo it is winter for you SK isn’t it uh YouTube laggy for you because you’re on the train I see I see you are SE I see Hello seek how be how do okay can I have my mouse back please uh I will take this as a no well if I do

That you can’t stay long you need to get ready and leave in 20 minutes and you haven’t gone out of bed that’s all good gatsy hello hello howby how do yeah it’s winter here it’s getting warmer for us this is a great start I I couldn’t see chat because um

OBS YouTube chat isn’t that good so I had to bring up um YouTube studio and Minecraft wasn’t tabing out I think it’s still not letting me tab in this is annoying it’s fine I got it now and of fear of making things worse I’m going to switch the scene from my

Phone well no apparently I haven’t set that up for YouTube Perfect I did it right there go I like the cold but it’s too cold rip zombie um the audio stream’s current bit rate zero is lower than the recommended I don’t think so these guys won’t be able

To hear me at all if it was there right let let’s actually make a world oh what should we name it leg goes create mod add Adventures survival hard no think that’s all let’s press that button you got to go now see you goty you go have fun saying it

Again do let me know if the audio is a little bit weird I wonder is the that’s why I think I worked out why I couldn’t Tab out the achievements allowed yeah I think the reason why wait that’s a bit weird I think the reason why I wasn’t able to Tab out is

To do with my mouse software it’s a bit weird sometimes but we are good now I think we’re going to start with looking for a village we are on a mountain probably should cut down a tree what way do we want to go dangerous all

Around we we have a few mods on here we’ve got create mod obviously uh We’ve also got like World Generation and biomes and stuff uh custom blocks things like that I didn’t go too wild with it go to the stupidest way yes that’s bound to happen right we’re at ground level well kind

Of oh hello Mr zombie uh I’m not here to bother you was there another one I can’t tell let’s just go down oh I see a creeper to our left oh there’s one there what whoa I saw a little bit of a texture glitch we’re going to ignore them I may

Need to adjust the mod pack slightly in between the streams to remove any Oddities but the the explosions mod looked cool I like that I’m hoping for a village this way oh do we want to go through the cave not really there’s mobs here there water down there will we be

Able to reach it I think sir yeah there a lot of Acacia around some Oak I think that that’s also Oak Birch I’m not sure what I want to build out of yet I wouldn’t mind maybe I think the brass casings things like that maybe we could try and

Build up things like that do I want to go down let’s go that way I worked out what it is uh in that case I can fix that uh that’s on me there we go fixed that’s very much on me it’s my mod ow I believe this mod pack that I put

Together has a mod that adds some structures to The Villages so if we can find a village with one it’ be really cool but adds like create machines to vill VES oh we’re have gone slow hopefully we can find a village soon what’s that it’s a structure I’m going towards it

Oh um we found the pyramids okay wait no okay had had to have a look I’m I’m looking for villages they my main thing that I’m looking for whoa what that that generation is so cool do we want to go in here I I fear this this may um despawn us this

Is a rather large structure it’s a desert temple and we’ve got mining fatigue okay so there’s a guardian in it there must be something that’s not a guardian I didn’t see the thing that would come up I don’t know whether I want to risk it we will remember that this is here

And we will come back more seconds what if there’s like something good in it oh uh I want to just leave but right we’re at the beginning of the game if anything happens to us we always can just try again you know it’s not hardcore nothing to worry

About I wonder if it was the achievement that did that no we’ve got it again oh is it safe to jump Down right right we need to think about this let’s get a crafting table and Boop it’s not a lot but it’s something you know all right I think we are safe did I just get jump scared by someone in real life yes yes I did new platform who this hi

Flip such a nice blue wrench you got how we how do yes we are on a new platform this is true I don’t know how uh useless it would be me doing this might take a while yeah but we can have a look through the structure 1,000% we’re going to

Die no no no no oh no no no no no oh it affects this too they call me the blue Plum yo okay so I believe there is a spawner over there so we’re not going over there there might even be some other locations I really want to go

Down scow mod this is called B uh B better desert temples I think what’s in the books there’s books over here please don’t kill me if I read the books H H okay a bunch of blank pages and some dots and boxes I don’t get it there is some pre plates I haven’t

Touched them yet I could just oh that that’s kind of like the dungeons thing isn’t it is this what dyslexia feels like don’t know what this does am I supposed to get all of them on that okay 1,000% that’s going be an acccident when I do get this that’s not what I want

There’s one that’s kind of like this in dungeons it’s conf uh is it this one hey what did it do I didn’t hear anything so it could have just been a waste of time there some coke I I did it I I did it I like how there’s like candles gu

Another place to get candles uh I think I probably should not do that the problem is we have mining fatigue it’s got to take forever to mine through this we could mine through it it’s is going to take forever and we probably wouldn’t want to do that one anyway

Go me who can’t tell whether the Gs are from in game or real life I got to say this desert temple is definitely better than the normal one G did you not hear a zombie girl okay that means it’s someone talking in real life and my mic friends

Picked it up and I’ve heard it is a girl it’s fine I’m going to ditch this because it’s uh taken too long we we came AC cross it within the first few minutes not worth it I think to get out I’m going to have to pillar and I don’t have the blocks for

It let go we got a meet up so you can play this mod again and I can scare your ey yes I’m going in circles we don’t have anything on us we could just wait chest I don’t think I’m supposed to do that but not exactly sure why I have oh I see

Now there’s campfires campfire there’s another one uh um game sounds mod I think the puzzles are what we have to do to get down I was hoping that chest was going to have something in it that we could use to get out this one’s on this one’s on this one’s

Off we just did this one and this one’s on I’m wondering why that one’s off I’m wondering if that one does not necessarily line up with that one or if we need to turn them off we good come on I feel like I’m doing the opposite of

What I want to do oh there we go okay that works nighttime what way did we go last time not entirely sure WP WP it’s okay we were looking for a village and we came across and we’re uh Curious go back we can go to it another time when

We have like gear we went in it with nothing like we actually went in with nothing we had some wood that’s why we had our wooden tools but oh no right we’re on the Run what’s that I know where the pyramid is we can wait go back and oh

Okay what’s it called it’s from create not exactly sure how to pronounce it but it’s from create I’ll work it out later so many blocks let’s go this way I will take some of this this could be handy there some zinc there well there’s a creeper oh

Man you got lur for a bit but have fun and good luck thank you for lurking flip much appreciate wait sheep I forgot about this they’re hostile evil sheep when there’s more than one they’re a bit dangerous especially when you don’t have tools I’m going to quickly find a shorter tree

Maybe this one’s an nor size let’s make some tools like maybe just a sword or something or or an axe axe probably be better oh would it be better cuz we’ve got the uh new thing oh it’s a good question make a sword for now it would still be better to like

Break wood and stuff okay is multiple no you don’t right we got to be careful here ah we died to a sheep I don’t know whereever we’re going to find a village anytime soon we’re not really in a good spot to find a village but I think getting some shape

Would still be a good idea so we can get beard I didn’t add no I didn’t oh uh mhm we are in a slightly better spot this time CU we have water sheepy sheepy come get me okay come on you say that after I killed it like we’ve got two bits of wall

And I guess we need some wood some flowers as well we need flowers can we redy ooh not sure let’s just grab some blocks can I get out of here before mobs get to me we’ll see it’s a Mossy one uh oh we somehow got out of that alive no they’re not

Following can hear them that they’re not following need one more sheet okay I’m thinking maybe we just try and go for the the like trees get some basic tools get some this we can get some this we can get up to iron fairly easy around here I’d say I still

Want to find a village I would love to find a village but oh that’s dangerous oh there four in one spot that’s so dangerous what was Nikki’s YouTube name uh Rogue I don’t think they stream on YouTube anymore oh that’s scary that’s scary dangerous right we need some more wood

Right we need to get an axe we got this sword x uh pickaxe very basic tools but we’re going to be able to sleep soon I need to get some of them can I get maybe one at a time if I go close enough for one or maybe if

We okay we need to Run hope that none of the others have okay good good good uh two could be better if we can get one more that’s one count as one they they stopped thinking of me what okay where I need I need one oh good okay I think I’m getting used to it

I can oh oh he was eating and running from me we can attack when they’re not near us that’s kind of cool I’m I’m happy with that let’s put this down let’s that works we don’t need a full bed perfect they really are dangerous early game they are scary to be around okay

Three six eight one two here we can make fenice we can also make pickaxe uh we’ll need the furnace soon not yet we should get some more disc for like extra fuel torches things like that coal is going to be important in the future we won’t need as

Much coal as we’ll be doing our create machines so we can like I believe we can like get a machine that will have like infinite fuel with like lava and stuff it’ll be great looking forward to that it will be great right now though uh we don’t have a

Lot let’s just have a little look see around see if we can see any Iron not seeing in the still not seeing any let’s go up whoa that’s cool I like that that’s really cool still not seeing any iron though nope might be some down here is some copper we will need that what we’re fine I’m going to take it as we will need it in the

Future I’m kind of happy we went this way instead of going towards those sheep cuz we probably would not have survived that there was like a lot I’m not going to lie didn’t know that they spawned in that biger clumps which makes sheep like the most dangerous mob because there’s like so

Many I may even turn down their attack and future versions because yes that is one of my mods of course the one that’s going to hurt me the most is mine right can’t we see any iron anywhere would be nice to have some iron we were seeing so much earlier what about down

Here more copper I would’t say no but it’s not what I’m looking for it’s getting a bit dark we will uh put that in our offend oh look at that we could can see no iron when we weren’t looking for it it was everywhere now that we’re looking for it it’s nowhere

I feel like we don’t want to go in the Spy but like it’s beautiful and I’m like maybe we do want to go on it could we make that surely no we’re one block off oh oh well I don’t know what direction we’re beening going there is some iron here though so

You know what again let’s go for this tree I think let’s at least get some like gear that’s going to make us stop dying so easily that one was on me though I thought we were going to make the water I was close we were one block

Off uh well can’t need it all but uh right if we do that we can yoink some of this furnace one two 3 uh not that one this one where was that iron I saw was close there this will be enough for like or we could do we could do a bit of

Armor or we could do a good pickaxe or a good weapon we’ve got choices I’m thinking maybe the pickaxe is going to be very important for us a big point of today is going to be resource collection maybe even finding a place to base but we’ll see

We’re going to have to be way more wary of our surroundings because you can hear this pig going uh what if that was a sheep it’s fine with this is spawn but like you know oh we’re going to have to get more sheep we are going to have enough for uh

Okay there’s enough for a pickaxe could do an axe or a sword maybe thinking axe why is there two buckets that doesn’t make sense there’s Legacy SE yo that’s cool what right let let’s not get ahead of ourselves let’s okay we have weapon pickaxe I’m happy maybe we should have killed the

Pig it’s food after all also nighttime again okay I I will take some of these because uh it’s Dy in case we have different colored wall let’s yoink some of us be able to do that so we can see around us at least There’s a Zombie over there it

Sees me there’s a skeleton there it doesn’t see me there’s also a creeper we could get a music disc oh there’s two I don’t think I’m good enough at aiming them okay we’re fine can I aim for that one okay Minecraft music it it may have slightly scared

Me we do like some good Minecraft music don’t usually have it on it’s kind of nice to just leave the music slider on oh close that mft some more coal as well okay that’s one of where’s the other one don’t see him I want to see what that is oh kind

Of makes us soow doesn’t it Ender Enderman don’t look at them so this can’t be dangerous probably should I be doing this probably not am I going to anyway yes no no no no you don’t see us you don’t see us definitely is a m shaft okay we could find some stuff with

This I’m trying to see whether I could get them through the block I think so yeah they’re right there if we could get them through the block it would have did it already Okay let go this way yes we’re going underneath cuz we go the uh unintended

Way there still a skeleton around I don’t trust myself near a skeleton right now do we have no we don’t okay I was thinking maybe we could make a shield I forget that there exists so often where is he had to do something really quickly sorry where is it come on come

On any more there is can hear it e the Apple didn’t mean to do that we need to find some chests some loot would be great problem is I don’t know where loot is cuz this structure is not vanilla obviously spooky we’re going this way there’s that thing also Fon

Yeah still take it but like not quite what it was after oh Zink I will take that I was wondering why it was like Cobble I was thinking maybe monster dungeon nope it’s just the edge of the structure is just Cobble I love how like different materials it is

Uh oh oh uh don’t mind if I Do okay we’re fine we are fine um let’s just eat this this spider is on a ladder I think I want To I want to see if I can no there’s multiple we can’t die from this we’re fine okay we can do that maybe we can get some more hearts out not really oh yes a little bit they’re still shaking though so curious what’s down here there’s like spiders and stuff I

Should not do that so you might have noticed that spiders can climb up walls is it just on the thing again I think it’s there oh I think there’s another one there we might be doomed again yeah look at I do want to take this Zink the skeleton in that direction this is

Dangerous okay we’re 1,000% going to perish let’s just go down one of these tunnels maybe Oh I thought it was Z maybe we can we can maybe find something that’ll heal us we’ve already been down this one that means that other one I saw we haven’t been down

I don’t know how long this one is but we will go down it oh this one’s got rooms I’m down for some rooms I love the differences of it it kind of gives it a new coat of paint well still kind of being the same structure but it’s also like way

More difficult don’t know what the whole like Cobblestone around it is for I feel like they’ve done that by accident uh we’ll take the iron oh sink thinkink here too how much zinc do we have oh 15 okay I believe it’s zinc or iron and andesite that we are going to be after

Maybe we should like start to get out that’s powered we are lucky there hasn’t been anything down these like Side PA s so far this is a normal cave there could be stuff in here I’m going to take the iron I can hear a skeleton I don’t have directional audio

On so I don’t know exactly where it is I think I might start to climb up I think it would be a good wise idea to start to hid out of Here come on in wait there’s a skeleton over there we’re going this way uh 49 is not going to take too long uh if we do that they can’t follow us we need to see I want the zinc but I don’t want the skeleton seeing me well right crafting table that’ll do

Okay we are fine and this is why we’re not going straight up I think we probably should go this way go under the gravel here we go we want to go around that gravel now the problem is the surface also isn’t necessarily safe it’s just not got all

The projectiles I can avoid zombies I can avoid things like that I should be doing this but the Sheep are still dangerous this is dangerous when I can’t see around the okay it’s fine we have fine we don’t need to panic even if we can like go near the spawn

Area somewhere where we can like recognize we’ve got eight we’ll be fine we don’t need to collect it I’m focused on getting us out of here I believe we may be in a mountain which is why it’s taking us so while we we’re on 82 we’re way above sea level

I’m looking forward to some of the create machines there was one I did the last time we played create mode that was like a digging machine I I want to make that again that was like so fun and it like did so I should clear this up uh it did so

Many resources so quickly speaking of the last one at create do we have I think we do yes we have create electricity o okay we could do the whole power lines thing again that could be fun to do oh it’s fine is this the exit we can only hope I don’t think so

Y Lego why are you almost un alive again it’s happened a few times uh we went into a mcraft we found a golden apple but we had to eat it uh we got a TNT mine C out of it we’re fine but we’re we’re

Fine I am making my way out don’t you R flip but it’s fine this is like like the just imagine me sitting in a room just fire around me going this is fine that’s what this is right now it’s fine we’re not going to die not as fine as

You I think we’re climbing a very tall mountain at this point uh although we are probably not going to be taking for too much longer they don’t tend to go too high although moded it’s a good point flip the worst part is we haven’t found a village yet we got distracted by

The M shaft and very much like the desert temple dangerous it looks cool though problematic right furnace iron this looks close to what’s our coordinates 200 negative 200 okay don’t know where spawn is exactly but we’re relatively close you can see the torch and the iron that’s cool

Oh we we can make some armor now I’d say we don’t really need a sword cuz we’ve got an axe I’d say we just need uh some armor whilst this does this I’m going to quickly close my window I will be back you watch this we won’t die I hope

I’m back Flip Flip actually whilst you’re here question uh how’s the audio cuz YouTube keeps on saying that audio isn’t good but it’s also saying that it has no audio and I don’t think that’s right to be fair I just used uh my twitch settings so it’s probably having

A a tantrum about that but game audio modic uh or audio like my voice game the music that’s playing in game mic is good but there’s no game audio I think no music ah okay not what I was expecting oh you are correct you you are correct thank you flip much appreciate

Uh there you go you can hear it Now right if I put there thank you flip we could probably do our think where’s the moon where’s the Moon is that the Moon is my moon just not showing that hole is not Lego safe I can hear y’ how’s the quality of the Audio I probably will change it next

Time but praise be the Lego for they have healed me of my def yo I’ll probably change the YouTube quality next time but doc hello hello this hole is not Lego safe yes I think that’s the moon I’m not sure uh yeah there’s the moon why does it look like

That atmosphere maybe sun moon reimagined I don’t know uh we have no food which is always good should we cook this up I guess we do have some bone meal you got this doc I Believe In You dark P exactly flip oh okay that’s kind of cool we do need

To look out for andite that’ll help us on our way to create I will save some coal I think once the sun comes up we do need to really just go out look for a village Village means food oh by the way I started drawing your favorite person as mice and Ms pain

I also got an MC yo that’s cool flip one day one day day day one day I know that I’m going to know the lyrics one day I know I’m going to know the lyrics one day good job good job oink yoink yoink yoink negative one see oh that’s

Cold what is the weather like what’s the temperature let’s just do that 9C not that much better still warm whoa whoa whoa don’t die don’t die be careful this is is basically Minecraft but we have one Hut and a creeper after us and we have no food and uh okay we’re

Fine we need to pick a direction and just go that direction I’d say we have to be extremely careful until we like find some pigs or something we can’t do sheep sheep are dangerous we don’t like sheep good good Recreation of the lyrics talk give me a second to read

Them good Recreation I like them right we’re just going to go this way I’d say keep eyes out for sheep they’ll be good for bards but they’ll be bad for our health fish there there’ll be fish in there right surely surely some fish don’t tell me that I need to get a fishing

Rod surely there’s some like salmon or something it’s not really good water for it to be honest it’s a bit muddy oh emeralds there’s a lot of iron on this one and that’s a different biome so that might actually lead us to biomes with villages yeah we’re continuing this

Way hello Violet how be how do how be how do whack we we’re not on one heart what are you talking about uh there there’s another M shaft we’re going to ignore that chat we don’t want to go into the M shafts again uh ignore my health Violet I’m not going to die

This is a nice little area honestly having a rough time not going to lie man oh head Pats many mini hit pets oh we can’t kill that One see um we can’t kill it one because there’s a sheep that’s trying to murder us but to uh head of crown and we all know the techno blade Never Dies there’s another one without a crown hi dark too yo uh Fus this will be good

Once we get some food in our system maybe maybe we could go fight that sheep before we continue that way we’re healed enough let’s go where are you I’m coming to get you sheep where’ the Sheep go it’s a view of crowds sheep gone this one doesn’t have ground yink okay

Uh how are you guys I’m not doing too bad I’m not doing too bad now that we have like armor we’re not dying over and over uh we’ve got our health back I think we’re doing not too bad we probably should cook that up we’re currently looking for a village

And I’m thinking Village that way I I don’t know whether there’s a village that way I I I’m just guessing going in One Direction and maybe we’ll find it okay we have food what the music’s back uh Jungle we want to continue with this like Oaky thing or do we want to go into the jungle with a possibility that it could connect to like a planes or something uh I’m going to go into the jungle or there is a river down here we could take the River the one mod that I didn’t install on this is the one that like lets you break the entire tree and I decided not to install it because I want to like make a create machine that that um knocks down trees and stuff

And if we have it so we can just do that to a tree it’s not really worth us making a Machine uh that That boat okay let’s Go I want a machine that breaks down trees and stuff isn’t that the plot of The Lorax yes I hope we get to meet The Lorax when we doing that it’s it’s an option I could add the mod that lets me have people on my single player and uh not the crap

One we all know how Lego feels about that one was it this just a well this is dangerous for me to be nosing around in case it’s yeah I’m not I don’t think there’s anything down there it has changed into oh there’s a zombie and a

Creeper and stuff so we’re going to get right on out of here I am going to take some of this because why can’t I see it I should be able to see it we all know I like chalk just in case you know should we get like a stack of the stuff

Probably be a good idea cuz we don’t know whether we’re going to find any more cow site wherever we live you know we might have to go on a journey to get to it though it is good seeing that there’s a there’s a few um two things one we’re

Going to do that cuz bamboo so we are going to do that so we can see through let’s have a look see it’s like a temple of some kind it’s definitely going to be dangerous we know that much no thank you not spiders so in case you don’t know we’ve

Got the mod where spiders can run up walls and uh that’s dangerous so let just like a normal one y that’s cool that they got both that goes out into the outside let’s go this way the spiders have evolved yes it’s uh kind of creepy that’s something I

Want I yes spiders we’re going to do this relatively quickly there’s an emerald silk touch storage space it’s hard to come by we don’t really need that we’ll be fine I also didn’t install backpacks mod because again I want to make create machines for for all my problems I don’t

Want to have these other mods that just make the whole point of this mod pack useless you got to go for a bit but you’ll try to be that that so good oh iron uh let’s do this so we can see around us that’s just coal oh what’s no thank

You wa out of there what is it is it just like a tower is it another one of the Temples no you don’t okay I think it’s it’s a jungle temple oh no not one of these big exposed caves is Big exposed caves on this like big exposed caves and getting around them in survival I’m not recommending sheep and a skeleton really if we deal with the oh there’s a creeper

Too this is danger town we can get past most of the mobs it’s the skeletons they’re really scary but the Sheep early game they’re like on the level of skeletons We are fine we are fine we are fine we are not fine we are not fine we are not fine we are fine we don’t have any oh we do have some food we don’t really have a way to skip the night at the moment so we’re doing nist oh uh

Iron I will take it you know I feel like Iron’s going to be very important for us we might not get better armor and stuff for a little bit CU I’m going to be really focused on my machines and stuff right let’s hope that it becomes daytime

Soon the weird colored trees is just not not minecrafty to me like I’m fine with the weird colored like trees but like don’t make them of already the normal ones doesn’t make sense for it to be biome specific to be a weird color it does for like it being

Colder and things like that but purple pink get out of here oh there’s another one there’s iron there can’t we just have a peaceful night I wish it’s what we get for choosing hard right oh there’s another skeleton fer no thank you oh there’s a some

Birds was smart enough I could get a disc there they were kind of in the right direction right we could get some bits here we can do them kind of one at a time right we want to we could do it with normal bed actually it would be

Better cuz we res spawn nearby where that go there that biome kind of is similar to planes but like warmer by the looks of it we’ve been going this way I’m like unsure whether we want to maybe change direction uh you know what we can do the

Iron we can get like four iron armor maybe even an actual sword if we have enough should have enough what do we need we need trouses helmet yeah trouses and helmet oh here’s the helmet right we can have the um custom looking armor and we’ve got one of my favorite armor

Looks on this mod pack it’s going to be a bit dangerous to get there cuz it’s in the Nether and it’s like a equivalent to iron level so it’s not that good but it’s it’s a beautiful looking armor I think maybe we try and get that at some point maybe next

Stream I’m thinking maybe we try and do this weekly maybe two times a week if I’m if I’m feeling up to it but hopefully at least weekly make our trouses here we go we’re not wearing the boat right we’ve got full iron armor need two more we can make ourselves a

Sword maybe another pickaxe could be good I guess what we should be doing is looking out for for and a site we don’t have a way to look for specific biomes which I feel like I may change at some point I might not use the one

That’s already public or if I do I might have like a custom recipe that makes it harder to get cuz I feel like that’s way overpowered for such a simple recipe but we’ll see I kind of like not having things tell me exactly where things are at least just for this one you

Know can’t wait till we get to do trains it’s going to be great what’s that bubble blower okay I kind of want to waste some iron on there cuz I don’t know what it is writing job applications while listening to a Lego yo yo good luck flip I want to play bubble

What’s that even from supplementaries is it what I think it is would it be soap think we need a bar of soap Yes yes it says soap okay yeah uh and to get soap we need Ash pork chop water bucket or a so block we can get ash from burning trees I

Believe all right oh look at that you even got some spear I probably should have thought about earli Inventory management cuz we don’t have a lot of room uh we don’t need that we don’t need that we do need um we do need our bed b uh

Uh don’t need that there we go we good we good I’m like half curious of maybe going that way but also kind of want to go this way we’re going this way I think there’s a village I think this is a village It’s a Jungle Village it’s not going to have to create

Thing but oh they got a sheep it’s a Snicker it’s a Snicker cat and an angry sheep but it’s also a Snicker cat oh we can’t get them so many sheep it is however better now that we don’t have like we got completely full of uh

Armor uh put that there I would like the food we don’t need the Bard but we will take any food we see oh no I hit a these Sheep Man oh it’s a baby everyone complaining about baby zombies baby sheep is where the real complaint should

Be we are fine we are fine we are fine I am going to quickly cook some more food I’m kind of tempted of making the the mod the mod that makes the Sheep um hostile doing it to all the passive mobs I feel like it would be a bad idea

Or a mad idea sorry but I also feel like it would be funny I’m pretty sure someone else has done it in the past but can I okay we’re fine farmer villager hi huh really don’t have a lot here what’s that that was a sheep joke EAS

Easy they don’t really have any like hay bals do they I’m kind of looking for one that would have hay bales we do have plenty of food now though so I wouldn’t mind finding one of the ones that have the create building there’s one that has like a

Windmill I would love to see a windmill it’s like a windmill that I don’t have to make you know last one sweet sir I’m going to save you why did you build your house on a cliff I save you you okay ding dong they’ve got multiple Bells got a lot of wool now

We good day sir uh I’m glad they is not mad at me they both got crowns red I could turn these into that so they stack kind of want to keep any and all Iron I get this just high ceiling it is okay nice baners get me a sheep

PE thought the Villager was going to be another sheep thing okay we’re fine got melons and stuff but we’re better off with our land am trops we’ even got some cows around here that we could slaugh to there’s another Village it took us this long to find this

Village but we found another one St right away it is good and it may even have a windmill it’s the right type what’s that berries uh this one right yeah 9 per thing that’s that’s worth having there’s wood let’s go around stealing all their berries there enough a sheep just

Eggs anything in here there’s books we don’t need them right now we’ll need them later but not now being in there chromat uh not uh uh zinc that’s the word this ain’t Vault Hunters silly lier this goes out this way bit it’s okay did I see a Snicker

Cat I think I saw a Snick it’s a Snicker cat yo stone cutter could be useful I’m going take it with us I don’t think it’s got the create one oh well more Z it was a nice find though uh burn me there another one over here and over here that

Everywhere it’s good for our fruit Supply was there a structure or a building I saw structure what is it is it just ruins or something I think so yeah I don’t think there’s anything here now that I’ve mined some of it I have to mine all of it otherwise we got something Flo

That’d be terrible right here we go Qui probably should like find a nice little spot to base you know even around here could be kind of nice it’s like we got some dark oak over to our left over there least I think that’s dark oak looks like dark oak some oh

What’s that some bir I think we’ve got some dark over here too we’ve got sprs we’ve got like so many different trees around I saw a structure over here what is it oh no thank you no thank you we don’t want witches gear what’s this there’s some things

That like I think they’re just like Big Stone piles or things that were like from a past civilization type thing and they have like nothing in them you know I wish they had like some suspicious sand or gra um I didn’t didn’t mean to open my inventory

Oops even around here could be nice I heard you it’s Sneaky oh some water this is this like Lush cave under us maybe kind of like that area that we were in before and I’m not sure whether I want to go back quite yet I want to find like a good

Spot somewhere where we can have like nice machines and stuff nothing’s really popping out except for that bit where there was like all those different variations of trees oh okay what’s this redeems hydrate you can’t do that flip I’ll hydrate don’t you R give me a moment where’s my bottle non lot

Left I have to act open it that little siing sounds yes and from sipping sounds we need to go to sleeping sounds I hear it what is this stuff used for uses okay you can make other blocks out of it use this for this you can make other blocks out of ites FO

Okay it was uses uses uses and you can make blocks out there there’s so many you can get the correct type okay I think it’s just a building material it sounds like metallic it’s metallic right I’m not crazy probably am crazy I’m not sure about this area kind

Of like it but I I don’t know about the San Coty area we’d have to like cover all of them and I don’t feel like doing that so if we can get somewhere kind of similar to where we are but still like different what’s around here we got the spruce trees we’ve got

Very tall trees over there what are they This Tall Birch whoa to dark oak do we want to have another world where we do dark oak wait wait it’s not this one exactly but oh gosh I need inventory space uh um but we’ve got the seashells the one

Of them will be able to play sounds through y keep an eye out for them I probably don’t need the Cobble on me I should I probably don’t need the Cobble on me wait wait wait this is it this one one of them is called one of them’s iron is it this one

Iron this one Copper Still let’s grab some of it this seems to be quite a bit there seems to be quite quite a bit wait is there variations variations of how they look okay they look different to where they get placed in the world that’s kind of

Cool I’m just going to get some of this I wouldn’t mind having you know some extra resources cuz this is copper for us when we get all our machines up and running but we might try and do it on different levels see if we can get some of this uh we’re full

Get some of the surface ones out the way here we go we don’t need the tough that I just mined but oh well I wouldn’t mind maybe two stacks of this and maybe oh how how long are we into it we’re 2 hours in okay maybe by

End of the the stream we get this all processed it means we are going to need to find some andite fairly soon but oh we’ve already done it perfect done with the applications going to grab some breakfast real quick that’s so good flip we’ll see you when you

Return Please Don’t un the live while I’m gone don’t you right I think we’re good now we’ve got food we’ve got armor so we don’t really have to worry about what’s that I believe we have the underground villagers in this one I don’t know if

That’s what this is is it might be don’t know there’s so many structures there I don’t know what they are and I kind of like it what is this it’s dangerous that’s what it is uhoh you’re only you don’t only have armor when I’m here you also got a

Yo French yo uh look at look at the shelves look at the shelves look at the Shelves I’m loving the Minecraft music wait wait wait wait wait it’s just a well the we’ll find the underground Villages one day I’m pretty sure they’re on Here I heard you oh it’s a baby it’s a baby it’s a baby okay we’re Fun maybe somewhere around here you know like I’m liking the birch uhoh so we got skeletons um let’s quickly do that can I sleep yep I can sleep thunderstorm great great fun great fun I was thinking oh oh There was spider that was a spider that was is this

Way not into the dark Forest what’s a moth we’re Fine um I don’t know exactly what it does let’s do that to uses Phil Phantom rebrin uh don’t need It it’ll be fine I kind of like the Dark Forest right next to it but no you don’t good maybe in the middle of a birch Forest feel like a lot of people build on the edges of biomes or like near rivers and stuff it makes

Sense but what if we like went right in the middle of a biome could be kind of cool with slightly changing biome it’s variations it’s just a pig it’s just a pig we don’t have to worry it’s just a pig Village H Village Food unlimited food it’s not

Unlimited but you know what I mean windmill yo it’s so cool and there variations on it cuz the one I saw in creative mode had like ones without the wall on it on some of them oh it’s so cool and there’s like cre cre at stuff in here oh that’s so

Cool oh do we want to live here we could live here man like it’s tempting oh this is tempting but a lot of people live in villages don’t they um but look how beautiful it is and it gives us power it gives us power without us needing to build build

It I kind of want to we haven’t got any andite yet Anders sight’s definitely harder to get on the safe field just because of all like the different biomes it’s changed a little bit of how the or are doing from what I can tell don’t think we’d want to live in this

Building though but maybe there’s not a lot of room but we don’t need this we could be smarter about this it doesn’t have to look good either we could have it just go to there and we could have like this go up there wait wait wait can I put this in

Here no we need the other type you know what oh oh not what I wanted to do you know what it’s just sort our inventory out I know it looks like we’re messing it up but it was me stacking the items I didn’t stack uh I will want those that I would like

To keep that on me that on me that on me that on me that right if we do this we can get this they go invisible right let’s put our bed down re spawn point is set oh uh wed down my Hopper we can have

A uh home away from home you know and we can sleep when we’re not here uh maybe not I will do the so gives us more storage now we can put everything away let’s have food on us we want our valuables uh this is for like directions and

Stuff technically food but I would like to keep it here for now uh tools valuables uh create let’s grab this Cog wheel let’s go do this let’s put that there now we still can use it I believe gravel uh just normal gravel oh you can get normal gravel from Cobblestone and then

Uses you can turn it into Flint but if you have the normal one you can also get sand 100% chance of sand flint and Clay where is this is just Flint okay red gravel okay you know what we do have some cobbly Stone aha we do need to actually leave put it

In in that case I’m going to remove this one what if H nah it’s fine uh let’s remove this one so we can like stand up here there we go and that’s going to give us gravel that’s kind of cool okay we got some foods that we need to cook Embrace grind let’s

Go can do this do that also bread see if we can find the other bits and pieces there are around there some over here but we’ve got like plenty of food now so our food problems completely gone oh we could get one of the horses we just need a saddle

I feel like I kind of like this area cuz we could get rid of some of the trees could get rid of some of the Villager buildings but don’t tell them um and we could like do some create we could even use the Villager buildings for some create

Stuff and because there paths we could like hook look up the electric stuff that I was talking about that won’t be today obviously but eventually when we’re doing that a here’s some more now this weren’t generate but the souls are food issue for quite some time and it wasn’t really an issue at

The moment to be honest anyway I went to take a drink and forgot was night time okay wait St my bed right we can go go get our stuff again it would have been over here where that spider is yeah look at it down spider back that they can like climb on

The walls and stuff that’s worse that’s so much worse that’s so much worse oh so much worse I would take a spider any day over for sheep all right do we have everything I think so so mosty skeleton is kind of cool okay one two three trouses brid whoa is this the last

Pile possibly we have some dirt we can fill this in let’s go to our house over here love how we stole the villages when mil house painting ah okay we have plenty of bread we got like three stacks of bread that ah okay to be honest we probably should put down the

Cooker I see why we haven’t we need to cook our food I would rather eat this first and then eat this the bread can be like car back up food you know we could get a fishing heart we have plenty for a fishing H uh we don’t need that don’t need that

That can go there let’s put the saplings somewhere make it not too far away but also not right enough bit sorry about that uh let’s here yeah it’ll work it also changes the ground that’s why I don’t want it too close but we can like soak touch it up

And it could be kind of nice have like an area with it we need to get some Co actually coal um recipes uh C War h y one uh yeah we totally didn’t die that’s a lie we died to right flip you’ll be proud of me but disappointed at the same

Time I I went to have a drink uh it was night time blow up the creeper actually was it that was a skeleton creeper was behind me is H my it’s fine FL there’s nothing I think what I might do is I might put the Zin can now I got myself

Some nice round BNS to munch y I’m going put that in there for now we’ve got plenty of food now how’s this going 43 we’re making some gravel cuz you know we had cobblestone we uh made it a bit shorter we got the shafts in there made it so it’s just

Like up at the top I think what I might do is possibly add more onto it so it has more power can I do That we need some blocks we do I believe we can Use wool without this as Well I don’t think it needs to be glued We’re going to need to find some sheep Maybe even capture them it would be easier to capture them wouldn’t it whil is the downside of them attacking you be easier to capture Them War thums could be easier I’m going turn down the music a bit it’s a bit loud May a bit more Gravel Works yo that’s kind of cool speaking of gravel we take what we left in there right we need to get some wool or you know what we can put these back on but we can maybe change the style of bit not like that that’s definitely glued though I was wrong about oh

Gosh about that Is eight more here we go slightly different believe you can have it quite a lot more powerful we do need to get some more wo oh we got a few um what were they called Wind sail sail okay we need endite yeah it’s one wall per thing but we need ersite and theight and site diorite diar di do we have diorite maybe maybe maybe maybe no we did it one stage redeems posture check my posture is fine don’t you very thank you

FL do we have a posture check over on Twitch I don’t think so my posture is fine the posture see it’s fine you you’re proven my point mhm mhm I think I was seeing the the the glass behind it I was that’s weird I was talking about like the the

Outline the outlines are weird right hi Bera how be how do hello hello how it be how we do we’re doing not too bad we’ve finally found a village where’s our house where’s our house where’s our house this way we’ve got a little house over here this was already here

But we’ve we’ve got one create machine that was already in the world but we’ve used it it’s treating us well it’s going to be the start of our create Journey probably put some of these here this could be nice you love the wind yeah I like it too we’re going to have

So many like Contraptions this is going to be so fun this world we’ve also fixed our food supply we’re after andesite at the moment it’s our big issue yeah we could bring this to be like down this part this could be nice we need an actual shovel when we do

That I think we should probably find a spot to dig down cuz we either need andesite or diorite cuz if we find diorite we can change it into andesite need to eat need to eat what’s this this just the village well yes with suspicious gravel in it that’s

Not the village well it’s close to the Village we’ll come investigate there in a second we need a brush which means we need a Feather uh copper feather stti and I don’t think we have it in the copper yet that’s an art Todo list yeah our copper is still in that which we need to make a Contraption for to get it uh what’s it called we could just do you this crushing

Wheel oh uh I don’t think that’s going to be a today thing actually it’s going to require quite a bit cuz we need uh crafting M and nickel crafter which also means we need brass to get brass we need copper anyway yeah very much not a today

Thing we need to find like a good starting Contraption to do but to do that we need andesite which do we just want to dig down here could just dig here this could work it’s just hope we don’t come into one of those structures that we were in earlier that was a nightmare

We need our torches it’s going to get dark real quick that one will do okay come on game give us some andesite I believe we have andesite caves in this so if we’re lucky and can find one of those we’re good we’re set but I don’t know if we are

Also we going to have to go up really soon because our pickaxe needs to be replaced there some copper here yep there back up we Go do we have a sp one we do it doesn’t have a lot left on it though Australian Mobsters be like yeah you’re going to die all right good job flip good job I’ll take the copper might as well we’re going to need it when we get into like brass and stuff

And oh what do trains need what’s this one ah yes this is the obsidian one ah yes and that goes onto brass to get brass as we said before you need sinking copper we’re going to have to go to the Nether and get blazes that’s going to be

Scary I think we may have to get like some better armor though I do want to go to the nether to get the uh the Cosmetic armor the nether iron level armor it looks great it’s one of my favorite armors that I’ve seen in any mod it’s it’s so beautiful yeah it’s so

Bad I I I wish we had like netherite level but it looked like that hello hello darkness again you remembered your Darkness YouTube account exists so here I am how’s it going hello hello we we are surviving we we have food we currently looking for either andesite or diorite and we’re currently getting

Limestone fishies don’t have anything that’s going to help me breathe under here it’s fine we can quickly have a little look see if there’s anything around no under water cave yeah right let’s let’s just ignore the underwater cave and continue the Minecraft music’s back we love the Minecraft music

Oh welcome back I am the darkness3 calling people by their full name is fun thanks F how you isn’t that right yes flip even if we only get a little bit of andite actually when you find andesite find them in clumps so we’re going get

Quite a bit of andite but even a little bit would be Great wouldn’t mind me some zinc Yoink come on it’s another under water cave Oh yay and you think in this one this one’s not just underwater and it’s got Moss You’re currently breakfasting yo I hope breakfast is good there’s more copper I don’t need copper right Now don’t mind if I Do well hello take some of those Flowers does this go off into any cave no I will take some there cuz Moss is quite nice quite nice indeed Moss exactly you get it it’s Moss yeah half a stack good enough whil there I’m going to ignore and go this way there in here

One time me and dark sent each other random pictures of moss for a while yo I’m just having a little look see at the pole that’s at the top of chat don’t know if it’s at the top for you it might be at the bottom um but but it looks

Like most of you have actually played create mod before that’s kind of cool to be careful here 80% out of five votes 20% with not that’s kind of cool got to make the Moss of it exactly ah we Ang good one I’m sorry look to my eyes um

Well I don’t think there’s any anything in there for me and it’s some better mc+ that’s how you know I see I see it was also in the uh the server where you made made a box wait that’s every server uh um the end of them is angry you hate

YouTube it’s funny it’s funny cuz cuz there’s people I know that stream on YouTube and they go I hate twitch and there’s people they’re from twitch they go I hate YouTube the way I see it is both of them have good things and bad things and you

Just got to pick what’s best for you TS yeah who knows maybe we might have a long stream on here it won’t be like that long but maybe we have like like a day where we’re trying to trying to get a lot of stuff done maybe we do like a big stream you

Know you write an entire message and send it with Emoji at the end and YouTube gets rid of it oh I know the bug yep YouTube’s been buggy lately especially the like button speaking of the like but haven’t already it it would be appreciated um this this is our first um YouTube

Stream so I wouldn’t mind seeing seeing how it goes you know look I think what YouTube’s trying to tell you is that you need to stop using emojis you got to found some glow like and then go go like And subscribe slap that like button

Yeah fun fact I can’t see how many likes the stream’s got yeah none of these tabs tell wait wait it’s right here hey he love you chat right um YouTube just doesn’t like me flirting silly YouTube says nine for y says eight on Studio but it’s probably not like up to date you

Know mine says 9 to Y come on any andite I want andite oh okay there it goes no diorite I guess maybe we’re going to have to go to like a different biome and try and find some like we’re not really having good luck uh this way by the way I got app on my

Phone that lets me get cheap food from shops that didn’t sell so guess who’s going to Griggs this up yo a big slay how would we feel I want to get I want to get viewers opinion and how would we feel if I turn these like live stream vods into like

Videos not nighttime okay just raining uh uh or would you just prefer it to be live stream like you know I I want Community opinion cuz I don’t think I’m going to be on here when I’m not streaming just because like I’m mostly coding at the time we all know

That but I could turn the vods into like shorter videos have like subtitles on them turn like a three four hour stream into like 20 minute video I feel like we could do that if we can turn a 24hour stream into 4 minutes we can surely 3 to four hours into 20 minutes

Gosh edit just edit a previously on bit for the beginning of each stream Yo Videos sound fun not going to lie okay okay that could be cool Lego I would watch okay and you know some of you lurk and we appreciate the lurkers love your lurkers but when you’re lurking you you

You don’t always get to know what’s happening right so if you come back to a video you can like see exactly what what we’ve done with all the boring bits cut out we still don’t have what we are after and uh this is problematic lurker I hardly know her

Right oh oh wait wait wait what oh there only one I was like for a second and is there multiple types of shs no it’s just the different different uh ingots oh we can make one what what if we changed like these bits to be this oh this could

Work what do we think that being here wait wait wait wait we have some we can extend it we can see how it looks I’ll see if I have it any time it depends they might be like a little bit La between but it’s an option reminds me

I’m tempted to learn editing or pay someone to edit the sub but y darkness in the editing editing Arc yo it’s just a villager we don’t need to panic we don’t need to panic oh yeah I I kind of like these bits being a bit different okay that’s

Kind of cool I like this like different pathway mayhaps yo how’s this going Yo wait uh electric how much is this this also needs mechanical crafting so we’re going to have to make a mechanical crafter grid somewhere at some Point hang on hang on create has this schematic Canon I could work on something in creative mode save the schematic and as long as we have the

Resources we can get one of these that’s an option alternatively you’ll be in your giving money Arc yo maybe I have a look at trying to make a big crafting grid they have to all like Point towards one but I’d probably go top to bottom

And then on the bottom row go left to right or even left to right top to bottom and just have like a good like 9 by9 grid I guess that could work right right I don’t think we are going to get any andesite today we’ve been digging a

Bit don’t have any iron um let’s go get that iron we saw we saw iron right at the end of this tunnel let’s go get the iron smelter and then I think we’re probably more likely to find andesite next time maybe we spend a good good amount of time looking

For it I know near spawn there was Dire right I believe diorite and Cobblestone give ight so it’s either diorite or andesite either or will be perfect for us wait can we get diorite from something qu we could go to the ne as long as we find like a lava

Pool and maybe get enough diamonds for like a diamond pickaxe we could go to the nether we could get our armor that we want and the quartz that could be a plan for next time in that case I’m probably going to like put the vots together if I did do the little video

Thing they can be over multiple right let’s go back up smell this iron what’s our time what’s our time that’s not the button midnight makes us about 3 hours in right yeah yeah checks out all right I think I think we might do a BRB how would people think about maybe

We do a BRB I fill up my water bottle maybe even like a stretch and stuff we could do a little bit of extended BRB you know 10 15 minutes and then we come back and try and see if we can get to the nether instead of doing a different one tin push-ups

I could probably walk around the block be be more exercise right take about that amount of time stretch the legs you know you know skydiving no that’s what I do on Twitch I do their Minecraft on Twitch it’s called a light right how we think about that 10 15

Minute break I think I have a mode for that do I do I where’s OBS yes I do sounds good to you okay we’re on Studio mode so I can do this I can switch it out sounds neat sweet well in that case I am going to do

That keep yourselves entertained I I we can put some music on we can see good if we do that we are going to be back about 10 minutes I uh can I do a PO no not a pen uh I honestly don’t know how to do stuff on YouTube right oh uh Minecraft

Music it’s just just do that cuz I’m going to put put on this one they go outside time yeah maybe quickly go around the block get some water touching grass not like that right uh can i p a message I can I can okay uh where taking a 10 to 15 minute

Break if I do that I can then pin it message pinned I’m going to end the poll you’ve had three hours of the poll I I liked I like the poll how have fun I will I will see you soon flip you’re in charge hello hello CH I’m

Back I don’t know how long I was uh yeah I was about 15 I did go for a little quicker walk around the block I’ve filled up my water bottle I even even got some more energy into 15 minutes exactly y such good timing right let me there’s a moth in my room

There’s two moths in my room this ain’t good give me a minute let me say goodbye to the moths I’ll be back my room smells like lemons now probably not good for me but you know Lego doesn’t like moths and there was one in here earlier annoying me so

You might might as well get right should we get back into game I should move over yes over here I’m scared of m not going to lie same right uh there we go MC Mo man yes can can I have the thank you Windows wasn’t letting me be able to see oh oh

The must are flying upwards I don’t think they like that oh hi so my plans for the rest of stream I want to get some some goggles goggles are my plan I also would like to get a wrench if possible and I’m willing to go like three more

Hours that that that’s probably the max I’m going to go there so uh I’m sure the moths will uh perish soon and we can we can get onto our journey we need to smel this iron why didn’t we do it during the break I don’t know uh I know something we haven’t

Done should do that we were playing through the music music player look at that now we’re in game three that is enough for new pickaxe right so we need to get obsidian which means we need to get lava possibly some diamonds now I say possibly because we don’t

Necessarily need diamonds to go to the nether we all know that we could just get a Nether Portal using like buckets and stuff but if we get some diamonds we could bring the nether portal to be up here and we could like use it to with some trains eventually where’s all my torches

There we go if we see any iron along the way we can get that too uh let’s do that yet that’s fine down we go now where’re hoping for lava we need water we’re hoping for water hold up we could get a bucket with the other one make

Water oh do we have water up there we do we have plants we’ll be fine we need to put steers here I think and have this go all the way down GE we need one more perfect that we don’t need these on us yeah right let’s that we’re

Ready technically we don’t even really need to go down but we’re going down so we can get diamond I think having a diamond pickaxe would be good oh hello you’ve come to say hi you it’s the first one that we’ve had in the cave uh if we make it be the direction

Direction that we’ve come from you know nothing around here Works we’ve got flat out boring we’re all Apes with a diary book and corporate read reads your pages you got this you you you got this you love Wilbur Wilbur is great we do love Wilbur I think I hear a

Helicopter could hear it in my microphone’s feedback to my headphones I still can hear this what’s this oh it’s this stu okay turned it I probably should go downward shouldn’t I DMS uh y your new Comfort out y you like will Will’s great they just head down towards I guess bedrock

Because we don’t really need to be that but uh we don’t really need to be in any caves unless there’s lava the Bedrock gives us both of lava and Diamond highest Diamond level and also lava down there this I see a zinc I hear lava I see lava For when we need it oh there’s another one oh we wait is that the one that gives sink of iron maybe maybe maybe uh iron get out of here spiders they’re so much more creepier now that they can walk on the walls I do however want to maybe Fork

The mod that does that with the spiders and see if I can do it to like other mobs even if it’s like an addon a top heavy Amazon standing lamps the only light left in my life a top heavy Amazon basic standing lamps the only light left in my life I’m guessing

That’s some lamps y some fishies what have we stumbled upon I feel like this is how we’re going to stumble upon like the trial Chambers right if we don’t have the seed this is how we’re going to find them but this ain’t trial CH hello this ain’t trial chamber this is something else

But found the end portal that wasn’t uh planned you’re going to go back to being comforted see you later depending on how long you go well as I said we might be gone for about 3 hours you sadly got to go now but have

Fun and take see oh my before I go you got jump scared by the yes I didn’t know what this was no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no thanks okay you’re going to go listen to

Comfort you go have fun if we were on Twitch I would consider putting it on but we’re not and we’ve just got the normal Minecraft music playing every now and again what y these Banners are cool let’s steal these banners true love beat TR I think that one’s the weather yeah be

TR I see you oh no no no no no right uh you’re fine I can deal with a zombie oh there’s a child too that’s not great that’s really not Great okay we’re fine we’re fine thing is I don’t remember how I got in here so we are going to have to mine our way out again which is great but wonder if that is the portal room oh I’ll take that thank you very much iron apples coal

Apples take the golden Redstone it’s going to be useful at some point bombs yo explosives take the red stone a nice little room you can like get prepped before you go into the end of like your buds oh this goes back into the cave is this how we’re supposed to find

The inside I don’t know what they are so creepy they they took spiders from being like oh they’re they just Minecraft mob just spiders being the most creepy creepiest thing in the game it’s just that little bit of Animation you know little bit of Animation a little bit of better

AI nothing in the book we probably should be looking for chests hello found you there might be chest upstairs it’s gold I don’t know where they are there’s multiple they are so creepy they like give you a fear of spiders oh no I accidentally had him head To sorry about the the Ender there didn’t mean to hit them where’s the chest isn’t there supposed to be chests in the library found you this is problematic uh we don’t have pleas tell me there’s something uh Thorns take the books I guess but Thorns come on come on at least give me

A trim I guess now I know where the things are why I can hear them the creepy goes power power four okay if I get a bow could be useful where are they oh there you are they can just like climb up the walls and up and around

To get to exactly where you are no CH down here a creeper no thanks no thanks we don’t want the creeper right we’re leave in the library where was that Center room here a zombie what please please I need that sword oh come on I need the

Sword I don’t have a sword right now is this how we were supposed to get into the library maybe oh I I turn uh I guess I could take This My room smells like lemons again still Around wait I could oh I see why we’re getting why are we getting spiders Um no thank you iron sword we can now continue going through These but we’ve gotten a trim now that’s so cool like accidental trim I would love to find the actual room though cuz then we’ll be able to just come on in when we need to you know oh bombs there was a skeleton behind me I didn’t see

Him is this a zombie spawner I think so y can I can’t stack those uh we don’t need those I would like to take both music discs and the reason why is I can actually put custom music on them I’ve got that mod it’s so cool no Well um yes I’ll take the saddle 11 I’ll take 11 it’s gum powder we don’t need the door holy moly and gold you can get quite a bit of what’s a blue bomb okay you can get quite a bit of resources from this oh it’s a child time for

Stopping they’re going to get me they’re going to get me okay that’s fine I can work out where we were what we need to turn on is this I have it off by default because you know not all servers would like it but I feel as though but oh no

Right we have to follow need to find the main Room we can do this we got five minutes cuz I don’t have any grave mods was it all the way down now the problem is I don’t know exactly where it was we kind of just came across it so I’m hoping we can come across again I don’t think so let’s go up

Somewhere we’re 1,000% not finding it me breaking this blocks not making any noise I have no clue why okay that’s fine cuz we’re probably going to be able to find our original stuff easier from that cave cuz I turned the corner somewhere the if we need to I believe I can on YouTube

Rewind it’s fine oh no oh no come on oh no how are we going to get our stuff when there’s mobs and the like uh surely the accidentally make four Swords is fine come on come on come on we we had like so much iron so much we had music discs man come

On oh no me trying to fix the thing this oops I did one too much forward I think yeah uh this way okay we’re fine why is there got to be a creeper here okay we somehow survived hey she yep we’re 1,000% going to die but we get

A idea of how to get back in now 1,000% we’re not surviving this but who knows it’s fine sleep it’s probably been five minutes not having the protection that we had from our armor we don’t have any wood I know the way that we need to go

Now I’m going to try one more time if we can’t it’s fine this way problem was we had so many mobs on our way down that we couldn’t find our way you know fine spicy yeah I wouldn’t be able to find my stuff in there anyway we’re going to have to get iron

Again right I think this time maybe instead maybe we go straight down is there any other ways I guess there’s like the portals in the World wondering Trader I won’t be able to get anything from him let’s see sing ocean ancient city map wait what There’s an ocean ancient city okay it’s expensive though but the more you know wonder if they just took the ancient city files and like changed the blocks or if they actually designed their own I’m curious witch up right uh I feel like mining’s quite boring but we have to do

It we have to do it the slow way until we get enough resources to do it the fun way the fun way is going to be great where’s our house this way and we head uh food on to we didn’t have all of it it’s

Fine we only had a little bit but where is I’m going in circles now this Way yes this way here we go huh that’s not right I’m guessing that happened when I died oh hello that’s not right what have happened when I died I guess there we go right uh we have food we had another stack of bread man we have some

Iron so we could get enough for one pickaxe let’s go get a tree yeah uh and this one dark oak sapling can we get four of those if we can get four of those we can I know that there’s like a dark oak forest somewhere around and there’s like heaps of these

But come On two okay kind of want to see if I can get four so then we could have our own little tree and our like little area come none that time that’s fine we don’t need that much wood we can just you know do that for

Now right turn it all into that have one on us don’t know why there’s two Shields P are obviously slightly broken uh we do need some sticks so we can make oh we only three silly me uh that’s fine uh sword then and then let’s just have that on us it’s

Fine I’m sure we can get some iron fairly easily actually uh iron oh that’s kind of cool so is there any other way we can get we do need to get one of those at some point cuz you can get you can get a lot more right you can get three ingots for

Every two ore you put in right raw iron raw iron uh crushed raw iron here we go Crim site we don’t have a crushing thing yet be though where we go it’s getting dark already we don’t have any more torches do we uh oh this one we have to

Do I feel as though when we’re not in stone we’ve got chances of getting it let’s stick to the stone let’s try and get some iron three pieces at least and then we can go down a bit I guess alternatively we could go find some other structures but again we’ve

Got structures that are so tough and that wasn’t meant to be a pun come on we need some iron imagine we get andesite now I would be so annoyed I would be happy but annoyed that we had to lose all of our stuff to find it take some of that it was

Gravel come on come on game you know you want to oh lapus I guess we’ll need it at some point but that’s more of the Limestone the limestone’s great in all but I don’t know whether iron can spawn in it which ain’t so good no what yeah let’s just turn this way

Iron one 2 three four Four’s not bad it’s enough to get us a iron pickaxe which will make this quicker we are going to have to replace everything but if we can yeah here we go if we can try and get a decent decent amount of iron we could get some

Spear sets so if we do die we don’t have to worry about it I guess now we have coordinates but did we bring our thank you skeleton the monsters nearby what was that was that oh I know what it is so I have outlined enabled it’s a super secret

Setting and because it’s giving the mobs glow it goes a bit weird it’s a known issue don’t know how to fix it it’s because there’s two depth based shaders at the same time it gets a bit Angry not exactly sure why cuz I know that super secret setting doesn’t have it it’s a perspective only issue any we do have extra wool here it is let’s do that we can get ourselves a pickaxe what is this I’m curious oh can we put that way do you

Mind if we could put it against the wall it would be better why are there so many get ready for death lo oh no shield now give me back my shield feel like I was seeing a visual glitch I don’t think so it’s not happening again any so I

Saying I’m not exactly sure what this could be be useful cuz it only can go on the ground if it could be against the wall it would be great but okay put it against the ground okay and then put against the wall no I don’t I don’t get

It uh no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah don’t do the wrong one right why okay I don’t think they saw us it’s fine let’s get some of this cuz this will let us smelt away some of our iron we continue please be some more

Iron maybe we should like use the villages we could get like one of them to get us an armor trade and we get a sticks one I feel like we’ve gone from we’re going to be able to get goggles to we might not be able to do this

Today I’m sure we’ll get there but the pures Where’s My Water reminder chat don’t forget to hydrate did I turn it back on I did good good we haven’t really seen any iron have we uh uh if we do this oh come On it’s just take our pickax is already low oh it’s getting very low I don’t think we’re going to get any more IR out of this it’s just been for C can we get iron out of any of the villages I’m not sure you can sell iron for emeralds but

I don’t know about the other way I love the new music that Minecraft’s been adding That’s not normal dirt that’s rooted dirt Don’t Mind If I Do okay that wasn’t very successful um does zinc have any it doesn’t don’t think it did right we’re having ISS isues with uh with getting iron what if we try villages we need to get a fling

Table Flint we can get flint that’s very easy and we can do it with create haha uh do we have anything in there not anymore you know what let’s just shove everything in because because uh Flint uh Flint you can get flint by Milling gravel how long does it take

Yeah it’s getting darker right yeah perfect we need more trees villager wait two separate ones oh that’s cool right uh MO this tree’s not too big I don’t need too much wood yet we do need to get an ax or something cuz we’re going to need heaps for our Fletching but ping

Table BR it hi do you have a new job now is this not your job is there another one one there is this one belongs to the other at the wrong wrong building I’ll do this so we can get a new job autographer I see what are you doing

Or emeralds what you doing where you going go get that job there’s a job literally over here where you going over here don’t tell me no that way we may need to get a few Villages but Good we get a slab we do that now this villager won’t be able to go anywhere now we need uh villager can I okay um I guess I didn’t put that mod in yeah I didn’t hello piggy liked me well let’s do minecraft. work/ villager and if we do Armor Blast Furnace we need a blast furnace and I think there’s one already in this Village yes it’s the one next to us can we get some armor from them for a relatively good price considering it’s like costing us just wood it’s a good price let’s make a stone axe

No I got this i got this there it is bloop and bloop got B it’s not that one it’s this one come on hello where’d you go get both from them we can get flint from our thing oh we could does it need a hopper we could get flint really

Easily oh we would need two though if we had it so we put Cobble in the top then the next one takes Cobble to Flint uh no Cobble to gravel gravel to Flint Flint to chest you know oh we could automate that we have 32 it’s already technically partially

Automated we are going to chop down a bunch of trees though let’s go back home let’s uh pickaxe so we can pick up that uh Blast Furnace so we can take one of who are you Mason right we take this one take this one Scare them a little bit okay you’re looking for a job there’s a job over there get to the job that way what are you doing job is that way why hello bro okay happy not happy you do not want this job why do you not want this job it’s a good job I

Promise what are you doing that way why are you being so picky Oh no you’re not going for that one you’re not being a farmer that’s not what I need right now I throw an egg I did not hit him I threw an egg right we got our stuff not all of our

Stuff so weird that villager go you’re not going to sleep okay here we go I need to get a villager in here do that you know what yeah I don’t really have any sticks for do I nope come on we need need a villager to like pick the job could steal this guy

And find his job thing since the other one wasn’t listening we have a lot of houses for very few villages where’s the Villager that I wanted before the other way wait was it this one no not this house house yes he’s in there yellow I can do that perfect the

Uh is going to want a bit Perfect in this case we can get a few axes and start chopping some trees is this a tree choing stream here we go it’s rainy oh oh sad looking I’ve forg getting that fewer thing for time are you leveling up slowly we’re really going to have to chop down a lot of

Trees my thing is like a lot of these are Big Trees but I don’t think they’re complicated Big Trees I think they’re just big trees which better than nothing they’re kind of like Acacia in a way come on come on come on there we go sure the

Um the Twigs also will give us sticks so we should pick those up too uh we need food here we go this one’s a bit taller but it’s still Within Reach okay here we go here we go here we go let’s go hand anas stics uh is this the right

Way good question where’s home this way I recognize the witch but don’t know what direction from I think this way Maybe not this Way where can I see the witch heart from it has to be this island legitimately has to be cuz it’s the only Birch one there is bamboo over there that’s kind of cool yoink don’t mind if I do uh H we wander around long enough we’ll find out here here we

Go uh which one it’s over here let’s go hand in our sticks hello I got sticks for you 18 I don’t know if I don’t know if that’s going to be too much to be Honest we could go for that one instead that one’s cheaper and probably does similar amount right either way this is good for uh us in the future I feel like I need to put torches on our building cuz I keep on losing it now is there a chest in this one no

Is there chest in any of these this is where the uh oh yeah there’s a chest cuz I wouldn’t mind throwing down some stuff there we go oh this one’s a bit tall I to for oh it’s just one more the leaves are so tall on them that you think the wood

Goes higher because vanilla but no it go one more I think so even goes one more it’s varied some of them are like vanilla some of them aren’t Swip it swipe uh surely this one’s not toal right I love the explosion I really do but we don’t need to explode Mr

Creer oh there’s another one great understandable yeah silly silly silly skeleton I’m not out to get you you don’t need to attack me see it’s just the sun oh it actually might get us please please help please help it’s the Golem please help there is a creeper right there you

Don’t want to help okay I guess I don’t want to grief which is understandable should eat be a good idea we are going to get so many I wish right we’re going this way why you come to see me don’t slam the door in my face it’s rude yo 15

Okay string for em mods too this one yellow yeah they’re the same so we are better off doing that look at them wow uh is there any uses for this we can smelt it oh and we lost the trim too it’s fine CH had a chest was that one but we

Can go put these in here hello villager I’m here to give you shoes right let’s more trees I think more trees I think more trees is a good idea I’m pointing at a block not a mob you don’t need to swipe right uh this one hello need to get more

Sticks helps ever so slightly oh it’s such a small little tree oh oh it’s bigger I only SW one part I love these trees they they they have like so many different like shapes to them so cool I guess it’s kind of similar to how trees would grow in real life they won’t

Grow straight up and down they not always they can have bits that go out you know yeah we go oh oh oh no aha let’s go now we can go give these to the Villager hello next not bad we’re going to level him up in no time hello uh there we go guessing

There we don’t need as many sticks as we did before I will put one of these on because don’t have protection there at the moment Why is there a villager in there so funny villager got stuck when they were putting the animals away no one came to save them what turns that yeah that one Spirit here we go yoink think might be able to get enough to level up to the next level see what what

Else is on offer oh he’s not selling it hi well I know I can’t yet but Journeyman reopen this JY okay the next level’s expert then master so we need to get get this level the next level that’s fine it’s going to come really quickly selling things so cheap Yello are you selling it no I’m just waiting for this villager I want to know what the next level

Is are we going to need multiple of The Villages okay uh possibly we’ll see uh I hope not you like opening that door don’t you you really do hello still mourning for them so they’re not gone to work yet moveed This okay no hello yeaha huh six not a lot but it’s fine now we can go over here one two 3 fire Fe the yo in that case we probably don’t need emeralds for shoes 29 foris usually 33 bit we’re going to have to chop more trees Down once we have that oh we’re still going to have to chop trees down to get tools and stuff aren’t we but hey uh armor is good we like armor getting them up there I want to see if I can get him to the final level yink yoink what there we go

He’s not liking us he wants us to buy the other stuff so expensive now okay I can do that to get those ones put that in the f how two go yo not bad o your last level like a bud eight for a helmet dang 24 chest plate it’s going to cost

Us a bit but but we have access to it now once we have like automation we’re going to be rich in emeralds I know there’s like an emerald glitch with with the Villagers that you can do where you can like get them to be so cheap that you can like buy glass from

Them sell it back to them and they give you more but I’d rather i’ rather do the automation you’re not going to like us cuz we got more sticks but it’s fine we may have to like get them to be cheaper at some point but I don’t feel like doing uh zombies today

So than uh food we need to eat Amo right like we should do that I believe we have enough for one of them can either do a helmet or boots and I’m thinking Boots also don’t need the chain mail let’s just throw it out for now right back to chopping wood so much wood chopping it’s better than having to do like mining like I’m still jumping around you know I I’m actually doing stuff rather than just mindlessly mining sure uh this way still

Or we have enough holy moly he’s gone full price I think we should probably start doing this one let’s just do that maybe he’ll be a bit happier maybe he’ll put the price down if it’s going to be an entire stack each time oh it’s going to be hard hello

Sheep while since I’ve seen one of you now that I have like one bir Diamond they do no damage it’s great they just make the early game so so much more difficult and you know I’m for it can I get him to put it yeah that’s putting it down sorry I I I

Need maybe I can get him to to even put it on okay it’s in the 40s again that’s better than nothing good good right back to the Villager back to the trees let’s do this one uh which one do we want to do this one doesn’t look too bad no

Yeah I don’t think we’re going to be able to do our goals today there will be a next time thing but I think I might do another one of these streams fairly soon don’t know if it’ll be tomorrow oh I never got rid of the pinned message did I oh ignore that

That happens in future don’t don’t be scared to to tell me it happens more than you think it happens on on Twitch so much I’m so bad at remembering to remove pin messages right this way probably going to put the gust up no okay how much do you

Need I need to get nine so I need four more and then I need a lot more for the other to like a lot more I think maybe we work on toolsmith right we go back to chopping wood oh this is a nice tree can just walk up it oh that’s so

Nice I love that tree loved it so much I uh destroyed it uh we don’t have a lot of logs yet but I could do it to this one too uh I’ll do one this one I need 10 don’t I one more right nine aha protection

We need to upgrade these ones but we’re getting there we need like 20 something for each one I feel like that’s going to be a next time thing maybe even the toolsmith next time I think next time we need to like put some time aside we need to like a set amount of

Time where we’ll be like getting our gear we’ll just be chopping trees down I need a bit of Axe we need to get a to Smith there’s a one more villager around I think so we could take that villager Right we could take that villager we could change him over uh what’s a to Smith smithing table we need that anyway mything table two iron okay we may have to go on an adventure for that one unless we have okay there’s a way I think I could do it there is a way I think I can do it uh one two three

Then two and three is five I need four more after that so we can go get four more like boots do this we’ll have enough for a iron ingot we can make smithing table we can be smart about this and Then we can use them to I think we might even have some in their chest Perfect tune into a mything table get the uh tool Smith then we can get good tools I know that we’ll be able to get like iron tools out of it which ain’t that good but we don’t even have that at the moment so is there anything else that we can

Bur at the moment that yeah we can put that in there do we have any what we do like that oh we’re going have to it’s funny we didn’t have wood hello hello I’m going to do that take your job good good hold up you stay

There oh will you say I won’t be able to do a lot but I’ll be able to do some ice think what mly all right let’s let’s do this oh that one’s a big treat no thank you was too big for my my liking the big trees are generally not to be

Mined too much work for not enough resources do a whole bunch of these little ones really easily and you get the same amount right let’s get some emeralds let’s it’s storm he’s gone up he’s a master fire resistance okay could be useful let’s go over here hello Hello that’s another one of the iron we we’re going to have to get a bunch of Emeralds let’s just uh clear out some stuff here we go what we can put that there we need to at some point make make a breeder hello hello oh it does so little but the Bell oh no we could do an iron farm at some point but I don’t want to do the

Traditional iron farm because iron where’s nuggies there nuggies cuz we can crush it can we Mel it no uh but we can Like use is it gravel okay oh I can’t remember huh I think it was Cobblestone to gravel H it was definitely nuggies right I don’t remember the clay chance I wonder if it changed from Iron to Clay because if I do iron the only crushing one comes up is this and that’s not

It I wanted to do my thing oh well oh well but you know oh there a b does so little this one’s going to be a pain to do all right back back to chopping the wood like I think it would be easier to do all of the armor first and

Do do how many it needs for this one level we have the village that’s like really close by right actually two Villages there’s the jungle Village and there’s the other one the spruce one we could go over there and use the villages this way yes get a bit confused hello oh finally

Finally I’m not going to run out of uh Stone axes anymore not like I was but so tiny huh you know what I’m keeping the emeralds on me hang on uh where is it where is it where is it where over here there’s a struction nearby where is

It I could just be remembering wrong the the well where’s the here it is I could be remembering wrong but I was remembering right I don’t know whether they dropped to Stone though they don’t oh Waste I guess we go back to tree mining get some more okay we’re at 10 now my trees are growing they’re all just vanilla trees and this one let’s go hand these sticks in 21 W I’m actually you don’t mind if I do let’s go we just need

Trouses and they’re going to cost 28 is still a lot still a lot this one’s a bit shorter let’s do this one a little bit okay let’s do this on the ground you know might as well Is it too late in the for him to reset I think it’s probably a good investment to do that otherwise he’s going to go up and price still going to go up and price but not as much you know I’m slowly going Down H I’ll wait for him to Res see it I got so many sticks for Him surely we’ll get like a decent amount with this if he was at stock price it’ be 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 huh when he up ups that price it gets so much more resources to go through h I think for the other one we may have to go get some iron it’s going to take too long getting all the wood when it does that little there uh we could take things

Let’s have a look at it one log is equal to eight sticks so you would need four logs per Emerald I think he’s reset oh he’s G 103 not great let’s yink these we can turn these into sticks and then sell them to them then who knows maybe we’ll we’ll get the

Leggings by the the End we probably are going to end off soon there right Bo and boom and boom 15 now I know it’s 20 something but 20 what yellow 28 so we need 10 more plus three 13 okay I think we can do that next time we can get some more gear we

Go into The Nether because Anders sight’s tricky if it’s not tomorrow I’m thinking the day after I don’t see why not tomorrow but like I also got to think about twitch cuz uh we’ve got craft SMP over there and I don’t want to not be on it you know so if

We’re I I’ll see how I’m feeling we we may even have a double stream maybe we can do like an hour of craft Miss and then you know a few hours of this I want to be able to get into like making the machines but we have to like play

Minecraft to get to it which is good we we love playing Minecraft it’s just one the machines patience right we go here we go oh uh here we go here we go oh man could leave them for a while I think we’re going to get four it would give us eight normally

It’s it’s eight logs instead of four logs that’s a lot more let’s just do it more sticks more sticks let’s hand them and I know that they’re going to be way overpriced but 23 it was 29 28 and we’ve got 23 so we just need five more and if it’s eight per

Emerald where have gotone one Emerald there’s one Emerald to Emerald okay if we fill all these up if we fill all those up we have enough to get our leggings oh oh there we go not too much More let’s go for this one okay here we go let’s go hand them in please don’t be too late in the day 28 it’s enough hello I have some drowsies thank you look at that we’re in full diamond armor next time we’ll be doing our tours it’s going to take a while

We’re definitely going to have to do some mining we’re definitely going to have to go for like heaps of iron they must have like changed gravel to drop clay cuz I don’t think clay used to be um in the thing I don’t think clay used to be in this hold

On create mod iron farm it’s a YouTube video it’s muted it’s have a quick look See yeah it’s no villagers it’s using Cobblestone what’s it doing wait wait Revel uh uses water here it is I need I worked it out it’s you got to wash it and okay that’s still not bad it’s a 25 % chance so it’s not great but you’re turning Cobblestone into

Gravel then if you put that gravel into the washer and you only take the Nuggets turn the Nuggets into ingots turn the ingots into blocks do you have like a full iron block Farm we can uh get Cobble really really easily using a Contraption cuz uh you can have like water be put

Here uh uh I think water over top a whole bunch of pipes that do lava and a contrap that uh stops being a Contraption starts being a Contraption over and over again it drops so much Cobble I think we’re definitely going to make one of those at some point but

Uh I die that I can I think that’s probably about it for today I do want to maybe get a nice screenshot of our base he I need I hood on oh this is the version before I fix that that’s funny remember I’m on the right of the screen I’m updating our Thumbnail right let me see well that’s good enough I like it well thanks everyone for like joining me for this I guess kind of experimental little stream over here on YouTube it’s good to see that some of you from twitch have popped on over come and said

Hi I’d say if not tomorrow day after I will see tomorrow whether I want to do craft miss or this personally I’m kind of leaning towards this but I don’t want to like not do craft Miss you know going to make an orphanage uh you don’t have context for that yet um

You’ll have context next time I stream that on Twitch uh if you haven’t already go follow the twitch we definitely stream more over there um this our first stream over here but I do plan on streaming over here but like it’s it’s going to be like planned

Streams on YouTube where is Twitch it’s like ah let’s stream yeah uh I guess with that uh don’t forget to subscribe if you want to see more of this goodness as I was saying earlier maybe maybe I could even turn these into like little little videos condense some down cuz I know

There’s a lot of this chill time when there’s no one in chat and we’re doing boring stuff like chopping the trees down chopping the trees down chopping the trees down but I’m expecting us to have some pretty fun fun things we create soon uh let me put you in third person can go

Corner There’s a skeleton outside let’s have a look see here I have huh yeah I think this might be the end for today we need to next time chop more trees down maybe not technically we don’t need to technically the alternative is going the mines get a bunch of iron which I think

Is probably our best bit and we need to level this boy up cuz this boy is going to give us our tools uh I don’t have any for coal as well yeah I think next time we’re going on a mining trip I don’t know what time but I will

Schedule it I I will schedule it I’ll work on a a thumbnail we’ll see we’ll see all uh I’ll ping the Discord when I make up my mind so uh that’s in the description that’s in the description do that was very dangerous I could have hit you I’m sorry villager

I’m going to get out of here but yeah thank you all for coming I’m going to work out how to stop a YouTube stream I think it’s the same as twitch I believe I can just stop my OBS because I set a setting yes it’s on Auto Stop how snazzy

Ha I I can do um the this aha thank you everyone I shall see you all tomorrow or day after but we’ll see if not tomorrow on here they’ll be tomorrow on Twitch we we’ll see what happens bye everyone or better

This video, titled ‘Create VOD #1 – Respawn, Respawn, Respawn…’, was uploaded by MCLegoMan on 2023-11-30 14:26:34. It has garnered 39 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:22 or 20662 seconds.

We’re starting our new Create Mod journey!

I also stream a variety of games over on Twitch (including Minecraft!)

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If you enjoyed the stream and want to go the ‘extra mile’, donations are appreciated. Please note donations are non-refundable.

The modpack I’m using is custom, but I’m planning on releasing it to Modrinth.

  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

    Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java Minecraft Java | Medieval Mod Introduction Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when new mods are introduced to enhance gameplay. Today, let’s delve into the medieval mod that brings a touch of history and fantasy to your Minecraft experience. Medieval Mod Overview The medieval mod, available at CurseForge, transports players back in time to an era of knights, castles, and dragons. This mod introduces a variety of new elements, from weapons and armor to structures and creatures, all inspired by the medieval period. Key Features: New Weapons and Armor: Equip yourself with swords,… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • CraftyRohit’s Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build

    CraftyRohit's Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build The Bathroom in Minecraft: A Unique Build Hack When it comes to building in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the limits of creativity within the game. One lesser-known build hack that has gained attention is the creation of a bathroom within Minecraft. Creating a Bathroom in Minecraft While the primary focus of Minecraft is often on survival, exploration, and building, some players enjoy adding realistic touches to their creations. Building a bathroom in Minecraft involves using various blocks and items to mimic a real-life bathroom setting. Players can include… Read More

  • Crafty Campfire: Minecraft Tutorial Fire-Up Fun!

    Crafty Campfire: Minecraft Tutorial Fire-Up Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Building a campfire, let’s dive into the flames. Gather some logs, and some coal or wood, Arrange them just right, like a builder should. Light it up with a flint and steel in hand, Watch the flames dance, oh so grand. Cook some food, or just sit and relax, In the warmth of the fire, no need for tracks. So there you have it, a campfire so bright, In the world of Minecraft, a true delight. For more building ideas, check out the links, And keep on crafting, let your creativity… Read More

  • Telepathic Minecraft Guess Who Challenge

    Telepathic Minecraft Guess Who Challenge Minecraft Guess Who? Part 3 In the latest installment of Minecraft Guess Who?, 656 members are embarking on the Guess Who challenge. This exciting challenge involves players trying to guess the block selected by their friend on a grid. The tension is high as they navigate through a series of questions to narrow down the possibilities and make their guess. Engaging Gameplay The gameplay involves players asking strategic questions to determine the characteristics of the block chosen by their opponent. With each question, the players must carefully analyze the responses to eliminate blocks until they can confidently make their… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console: Spot the Differences

    Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console: Spot the Differences Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console Edition: Exploring the Key Differences When it comes to Minecraft, players have a variety of platforms to choose from, each offering a unique gaming experience. Two popular versions of the game are Minecraft Bedrock and Legacy Console Edition. Let’s dive into the key differences between these two editions. Graphics and Performance Minecraft Bedrock: Known for its smoother performance and improved graphics, Minecraft Bedrock offers players a more visually appealing experience. With enhanced lighting effects and overall optimization, this version provides a seamless gameplay experience. Legacy Console Edition: While Legacy Console Edition may not boast… Read More

  • Craft Your Own TikTok Server: Minecraft Stream Dream!

    Craft Your Own TikTok Server: Minecraft Stream Dream! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, StreamToEarn connects, triggering in-game gains. With likes and gifts, viewers can play a part, Creating chaos or art, with a click of the heart. Choose your template, set up your server with ease, Craft your world, let your imagination release. From Bedrock to Parkour, the options are vast, Engage your audience, make every moment last. With sheep and sand, and games galore, Your TikTok stream will never be a bore. So leap into the verse, let your story sing, In the world of Minecraft, let your truth take wing. Read More

  • 5K Subscribers Challenge: Minecraft Hive Games

    5K Subscribers Challenge: Minecraft Hive Games The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique and immersive gaming experience. From building elaborate structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft provides endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. Exploring the Hive Games One of the most popular aspects of Minecraft is the Hive Games, which offer a variety of game modes for players to enjoy. From Bedwars to Treasure Wars, the Hive Games provide thrilling challenges and opportunities for teamwork. Bedwars and Treasure Wars Bedwars is a fast-paced game mode where players must protect their beds… Read More

  • Ultimate Sugar Cane Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Sugar Cane Farm Tutorial Infinite Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft Mechanism Sugar Cane Farm Creating a sugar cane farm in Minecraft can be a rewarding experience for players looking to expand their resources. By setting up a mechanism sugar cane farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this valuable resource. The process involves utilizing redstone components to automate the growth and harvesting of sugar cane. Redstone Part The redstone part of the sugar cane farm is crucial for its functionality. Redstone components such as pistons and observers are used to detect the growth of sugar cane and trigger the harvesting process. By… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Statue Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Statue Build Challenge Minecraft MRBEAST STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE Get ready for an epic showdown in the Minecraft MRBEAST STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE! In this thrilling competition, players of different skill levels – NOOB, PRO, HACKER, and GOD – will battle it out to see who can create the most impressive MRBEAST statue. Who will emerge victorious? Let’s find out! The Challenge Begins The challenge kicks off with each player selecting their preferred building materials and getting to work on their MRBEAST statue. The NOOB may struggle with basic building techniques, while the PRO showcases their expertise with intricate details. The HACKER might employ… Read More

  • EPIC showdown! Arrwie’s LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage

    EPIC showdown! Arrwie's LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) - Nethpot MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-12 13:43:17. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… i am the unranked ht4 here… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video 😀 Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! want an edit? DM me in discord👇 Discord: arrwie (Before wanting edit say “Birdie” so i can know its my subscriber 😉) Editing Software?… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!

    Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘PrimalCore mod tutorial. Guide. Primal Beginning’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-07-14 15:00:06. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:14 or 4694 seconds. The PrimalCore mod adds more hardcore development to Minecraft, complicating the processes that have become familiar, such as, for example, making tools, mining fire or leather processing. I tried to make for you the most complete review of the mod PrimalCore. It’s more like a guide than a review. I hope you like this format of my videos. You can also suggest… Read More

  • Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shorts

    Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘they just gave up! #shorts’, was uploaded by ModernLegendsLP on 2024-01-15 13:00:19. It has garnered 2423 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. they just gave up! #Shorts #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftMemes Game: Server: Gamemode: BedWars 📝Twitter📝 🎧Discord🎧 📷Instagram📷 🎬Twitch🎬 🎬Highlight Channel🎬 👕Shop👕 🎬TikTok🎬 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 3 of Building the History of Brazil #minecraft #brazil #portugal’, was uploaded by SlippingThree71 on 2024-04-08 16:49:13. It has garnered 432 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!

    New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fly with Me spider man #roblox #gaming#minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #fortnite #shorts’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-06 18:08:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • HollowRift SMP

    HollowRift SMPHOLLOWRIFT SERVER LAUNCH! ABOUT US: Welcome to HollowRift SMP, We’re delighted to have you join our Minecraft community. We do our best to give you the most overpowered Gaming Experience with various game modes like survival in our Minecraft Server. Reception to HollowRift SMP, the ultimate Minecraft server for Survival enthusiasts! Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Minecraft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla survival server for mature players. Join our tight-knit community and enjoy features like Waystone, Double Shulker Shells, and more! Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invis. Item Frames Katters and Qraftys structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Apply to join: Application Form Server IP: Join our Discord: Discord Chat Read More

  • Survival 141

    Survival 141This is a basic survival server with gameplay as close to a vanilla experience as possible.Basic server rulesNo GriefingNo SpammingNo AdvertisingNo Cursing/No Constant CursingNo Asking for OP, Ranks, or ItemsRespect all PlayersObey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/HacksNo Full Caps MessagesNo Builds Near Spawn Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond or Netherite? Just flexing!

    Why stop at Netherite when you can mine your way to the moon and back for some space diamonds? Read More

  • Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale

    Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds gleam, Our hero searches for them in every stream. But alas, no luck, no diamonds found, In the dark caves, where monsters abound. Siren Head lurks, a terrifying sight, In the shadows, ready to strike with all its might. But our hero, brave and bold, Faces the challenge, with stories untold. With each episode, the adventure grows, In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes. So like and subscribe, to join the fun, In the land of blocks, where the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Super Zombie: “I may be undead, but I still have better dance moves than all these stone-faced golems!” #ThrillerVsRobot #ZombieShuffle Read More

  • Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!

    Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!Video Information [Music] good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I’m de videos welcome back to Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice I hope you’re all doing all right tonight it has been a little while about two weeks since we uh last played Minecraft we were working on our house if I remember correctly and uh we were just about to start preparing for the nether so I think we’re going to do most of that today Mickey welcome back to the stream how are you doing today nice to see everyone popping in rem you to… Read More

  • Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!

    Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new episode of from the fog we’re back here on the world and we’re just going to jump straight into it um real quick before we get started I have added the backpack mod so if we take a look here and we type in backpacks We Got The Travelers backpack mod I’m not quite sure how these uh work like I’m not quite sure how you craft these um so to make a standard Travelers backpack um okay so is this what you need I don’t okay I… Read More


    MINECRAFT SILLY: CRAZIEST MOMENTS EVER!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SILLY (check desc)’, was uploaded by Japh on 2024-05-29 06:27:59. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:21 or 13941 seconds. IP: Port: 47970 Version: 1.20.4 Java and Bedrock Crossplay Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!Video Information I want to see your Minecraft maps I’ve been building semi-professionally for almost 2 years and it’s time to see what other people have been up to upload your Java save file onto Planet Minecraft and fill in the form below I’ll review them all in an upcoming video let’s hope I’m not too harsh on [Music] you This video, titled ‘I’m reviewing YOUR Minecraft maps’, was uploaded by MJ on 2024-03-06 19:50:09. It has garnered 488 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Submission form: This is an invitation… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! – EPIC SMP Battle!

    Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! - EPIC SMP Battle!Video Information जानना चाहते हो वो कौन है वो एक असली मन है दम है तो उससे लड़ सीन के रख देगा तुझे तू 50 गुंडों का सहारा लेता है वो तो 50 गुंडों को अकेला ही मार देता है This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @SkillsGamingYT’, was uploaded by Iron Gaming 29 on 2024-04-17 11:46:00. It has garnered 104 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR‎@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl  ‎@SkillsGamingYT @SkillsGamingYT @ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @PSD1 #minecraft , #minecraftsmp , #minecraftbuilds , #smp , #minecraftserver , #minecraftbuild , #minecraftbuilding ,… Read More

  • Escape Granny in Roblox with MLP

    Escape Granny in Roblox with MLPVideo Information Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing in tonight’s episode hello everyone today we will have the task of escaping this Dreadful grandmother who will follow us through all the trials to escape hurry up and do it so we showed up in the first room where nothing is clear yet but we have a task and we need to find grandma’s cookies hurry up and look for them I think they in the kitchen somewhere there is also a door to… Read More

  • SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!

    SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!Video Information geiles Geschäft ne oh fick mich doch in Arschloch oh mein Gott what the was ein Safe This video, titled ‘Save #minecraft #twitch #gaming #memes #streamer #funny #mc #deutsch’, was uploaded by SchmedGar on 2024-05-02 14:35:02. It has garnered 2257 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Feel free to subscribe to my channel, follow me on Twitch, write a comment and leave a like! Discord: Twitch: Instagram: Donation: TikTok: Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpe

    Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-06 06:11:36. It has garnered 10320 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rap Animation – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Rap Animation - Must Watch!Video Information [Music] f f f f f f f with the Cs f up with the fake love but the g b b I’m f up with the drama going to grieve my mama cuz I don’t think I’m do my f f f f f f f f f up with the drugs f up with the fake love with the gun of a go I’m f up with the drama going to create This video, titled ‘Minecraft Animation short #music#rap#art#song#hiphop#minecraft#shortfeed#short#trending#gaming#viral’, was uploaded by Ayan Ak gamings on 2024-03-28 11:03:10. It has garnered 2055 views and 85 likes…. Read More

  • Xaldin Edge Gaming

    Xaldin Edge GamingNow Updated to 1.20.4!! XeGaming is a community based friendly survival server with a newly generated world and our Egyptian themed pyramid spawn Xelantis! We use precious stones to claim a 40×40 sponge area so everything you build is protected. Check us out at That works for Minecraft, Discord , Website, Forums, and Twitter! Read More

  • REBORN — ORIGINS SMP MODDED 1.20.1 15+ Whitelist Java Origins Fabric Semi-Roleplaying Empires After Life

    Reborn Origins Server Looking for a Fun Minecraft Server? Join Reborn Origins and experience a unique server with exciting mechanics! World Building Choose a random origin and immerse yourself in a semi roleplay experience. Create your own backstory and interact with other players to shape the world! Community Join our welcoming community and make lasting friendships. Build towns and explore new possibilities with your friends! Server Details Running on Fabric 1.20.1 with over 50 mods, including extra origins from After Life. Empires, Towns, and Industries Join or create empires, towns, and industries within our growing community. Important Datapacks Worldmaps Chipped… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Memes for the Elite”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Memes for the Elite"Looks like this meme really mined its way to the top with that score of 43! Read More

  • Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve!

    Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, making animations his home. With humor and fun, he crafts each tale, Bringing happiness to all, without fail. From the state of the day before the exam, To the chaos of classroom antics, he’s the jam. With rhymes and laughter, he paints a scene, Where Minecraft facts and fun reign supreme. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, For Fangkuaixuan’s world is where joy begins. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, He’s the favorite news reporter, shining bright. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY CREEPER! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days!

    Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days! Minecraft 1.20 Update: Exploring Achievements in 100 Days (Part 1) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Dreaky as he sets out to conquer all achievements in the latest 1.20 update within 100 days. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of Minecraft, facing challenges and triumphs along the way. Setting the Stage With only 100 subscribers away from a milestone, Dreaky invites viewers to join him on this epic adventure. The anticipation is high as he gears up to showcase his skills and determination in mastering every achievement the game has to offer. Exploring New Features… Read More

  • Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21

    Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21Video Information coucou les mu comment va 9e et dernier épisode de l’aventure hardcore 1.21 alors oui de base j’avais prévu tous épisodes mais je me suis dit autant repasser sur la grosse série avec la code Island parce que je vais clairement pas les faire ici ça sera un peu dommage parce que bah j’ai prévu d’arrêter après cet épisode mais on va quand même étudier une bonne Farme à faire avec un crafter aujourd’hui le programme est simple réaliser un maximum de défits possibles dans les commentaires et d’ailleurs là mon armée de chien commence vraiment à grandir… Read More

  • The Untold Story of Billie Goose

    The Untold Story of Billie GooseVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hi oh why am I like tilted beird look forward hold on I had everything set up oh Minecraft just like loaded into hi hi how’s it going how’s everyone doing hope everyone’s having a good night surprise um kind of decided last minute that I want to play some Minecraft and uh late night’s SCU yeah it’s um you know almost midnight where I’m at and Mr Goose just had to head into work so you know I’m going to be like home alone for a… Read More