Insane WWE Lucky Block Chaos LIVE!

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Here rain just keep count of the time did you keep them in the infinite use Link yeah I think so really funny I think that I just have generating I don’t know why one go oh I’m I’m gone I’m left I should have gone I

Started it went it did the thing it do the do so are these WWE blocks or Wei we blocks John Cena boots is that actually an infinite use is what I appreciate you Steve you’re stad yeah is all right sweet what is happening today I three blocks and I

Have a Jon’s nose and I got John Cena’s boots on okay but I have a championship belt that saves me from Death so I win in what episode did they get a kindo sword hey WWE’s got out of hand lately C Luke actually take that back he not I

Actually i’ take that back not lately it’s been out of hand uh I have a problem I love what’s your problem I got an old arena ticket I don’t know if normal Arena tickets are in this no we’ve gone over find out have we gone over it when’s the last

Time somebody got an old arena ticket old arena ticket those have been around forever yes but when’s the last time somebody got one I thought they were taken out how long ago did you just get one all right I hate all of my friends I was being serious was being

Serious yeah Lucky Block race I I was being honest I guess you just don’t get them I don’t know yeah I I haven’t gotten one in literal months I thought that they were taken out no hey I got the John Cena mask will I don’t know what you’re talking about Will said why

Did I come home to find out there’s a church about me now that I have no knowledge wait you didn’t know about it you haven’t been watching the chat have you what are you talking about they asked earlier if they could vote on which uh which one was better blade or

Willie oh and I was like I don’t want to do that yeah Watergate Willie you get out of here someone banned that man I don’t you get water Watergate Willie out of here my wish came true but it was bad oh so did come through a dream is a Wish Your Heart

Makes oh I got potato wish wait I have a science question oh those are interesting CW how do you make it so that they don’t have fire resist resistance potions or hats but the zombies don’t burn in daylight invisible hats Oh shot what’s up I can’t wait for you guys

To find one of the weapons oh no is it is it is it the metal chair it’s got to be the chair dude it’s the chair I’ve got the chair so I I I gave CW the list and I’m pretty sure I know what she just

Got oh no I wish the Undertaker was in this imagine if the warden is like the Undertaker oh that sick that would be can you do that right now or quick reskin no don’t need to change the model just I’m sorry I should have these ideas

In a way that actually lets you use them yeah you if you going have give this like a couple days earlier like just just one or two maybe I I’ll tell you what I always say pay me oh there I go I got John Cena’s

ABS nice I don’t think I don’t think you you deserve those so is this WWE Lucky Blocks or John Cena Lucky Blocks WWE ow what is hitting me oh hell oh my God my people need Bob hurts jeez I got his pants a cool well give them back you

Mean a shorts John Cena doesn’t wear pants no no no I got Bob’s pants I haven’t seen John Cen guys I put the ABS on and nothing changed has hair dude you’re wearing you’re wearing wristbands now what do you joh does not look anything like John Xena CW looks

Better where’s his hat where’s his hat this looks nothing like John Cena this is guys he’s Dutch he doesn’t know what John Cena is you guys are supposed to to help him this is John I don’t know what John Cena looks like this isn’t John Cena that’s joher

J this is Ron Cena that’s who this is not Cena see you I got slime oh my God yeah that first one dude that would have been perfect and hilarious Ron Cena out here here man my internet sucks I got some this is the belt maybe

Yeah it’s the belt cool I have to like change some things oh God oh God oh that’s a big SL and he Arko himself okay watch out watch out watch out oh ofwhere by the way guys we are 40 because we we did the stream earlier

Today we’re 40% of the way to our goal of having the intern of the year elections let’s make it happen everyone show your love and support especially if you want us to do more longer streams like this uh like the all day kind of streams we’re just trying to have some

Fun so if you like that let’s make it happen all right I got a couple more um the only things I need right now are the boots I got a spare steel chair oh I want a chair trust me there’s no spare with that one you’re going to need all the

Chairs you can get is it it says limited uses but is it only one or it’s got low durability like the the durability on it goes quick the probably like 50 or something like 20 to 50 oh yeah it’s got 32 durability well there you go so what’s the real weapon

Then if not the chair the yeah oh okay the chair Jerome just get get enough chairs there’s another there is there yeah might be able to guess what it is but won’t know until I find it it’s the ladder by your reaction I thought you got it it has something to

Do with Roman Reigns oh big okay ROMs then I do know I I need you to try and find it first I don’t I don’t this is like runder words it’s like you got to see it first from the top ropes why what are you even doing here off

Of all times for monkey to not be here to say from the top this is actually this is actually tragic you guys are messed up why are we doing this now actually Furious why is there no like wrestling ring on this map the arena is actually wrest is

It we need to start having you guys in on the ideation sometimes Mr croissant with a $5 stream said Jerome do you have any lemons if you do have a request I don’t think have any lemons but I I think I have lemon juice like you know the stuff for cooking

Why also guys hit reverse at five of the chair out that’s awesome I just think of I mean and it’s the time of year too there’s a a you know short clip that’s like WWE at Christmas and a bunch of fans are like yelling at John Cena to open the gift he

Opens it and it’s metal chair I remember that D which so good I remember watching the origin of the Undertaker wait his origin what’s his origin well he used to just be a normal wrestler but then they buried him alive Jerry and he came back to life oh yeah

So he he haunts the ring basically and just shows up when there’s like come upin to be handed out jeez I’m pretty sure he’s retired now though yeah I would yeah some it’s a it’s a joh Cena so what was he before was he just the taker

Jeez he was The Giver Jer oh no uh oh my God I got another Jerome’s nose let’s go I haven’t seen I’ve only gotten two books so far does anyone have spare um oh God why Mr croissant is just making stuff up with $160 stream tip I mean I’m

Going to do it because I’m gross but he said he wants three drops of lemon juice and two hot sauces let me get inside here and go upstairs get some lemon juice Mr croissant our captain of the live stream with nearly $300 so he has like totally unrelated question i’

Got to wonder what was Middle School life for you Middle School yeah I won’t leave that there drum could break it that was tot that was totally me being secretly mean sorry no uh okay now I’m going to cry hey drum there is an ilal Lucky Block at

Mid for you what do you mean an illegal lucky block from GTA nope it’s it’s a spiral or a rainbow all right I’ll be right back I need to get these lemon juice but I’m concerned Why does he want me to do lemon juice the acidity might not help you

Buddy yeah I don’t think it will I got to try it into I am all out of Lucky Blocks now well if you have pants I have an enchanted John Cena helmet uh I too have an enchanted John Cena helmet well then that trade is on

The table for anyone else um I am down to trade fire prop 2 Unbreaking 2 prop one chest plate for something nah I I need pants I got extra pants too they’re just not Enchanted oh I’ll take that uh how would you like a WWE Championship belt

For yeah we can do that trade sorry they’re not Enchanted oh no whatever shall I do my wrestling pants don’t glimmer in the in the spotlight that’s important man that is pretty important in the wrestling John Cena can’t be seen yeah actually how funny would it be

If they gave you invisibility as John Cena I think it does you can’t see me why is Willie leading a revolution Willie he always does this when you well jome you haven’t learned what you haven’t learned is that whenever someone starts a revolution you just

Need to take them out and just like make an example of them so ban them forever oh my God per ban right here right now no Revolution I’m looking for your Island Steve I’m coming over yours yeah me in mid okay all righty guys here we go mid

Mid lava buckets okay so here you go lons you got got it buddy let me try this out you doing business with you doesn’t give me invisibility that a lot more to do oh my God I haven’t had straight lemon juice in a while like when I was a

Kid I used to be one of those Gremlins that would eat them off the table like jome do you I don’t know if you ever had any experience with this do you know what Lucas is I really afraid I’m afraid you’re going to say something no it’s a it’s a sour salt

It’s a salt it’s like a okay bro it’s not it’s not a de joke okay I thought it was a de it’s not a de it’s not one of D so we did one and two earlier in the live stream so technically we’re on three and four of the hot

Sauce wow already yeah cuz we did it during the fortnite man I just got pants and number four is Ghost preer dude the lemon I don’t know if this is weird to say but like it kind of cuts the spice I feel like yeah it probably did a little that’s

Interesting so if I converted my DNA into a lemon do you think do do that just lemonade and number four is ghost pepp oh man I haven’t been to the uh Arena since it was changed out of skeletons and dude that like actually touchs the spice so much was that what

You were trying to teach me here today Mr croissant are you trying to science on this show remember what happened last time when drops you tried to do math here got sh from the community no no no no rightfully so dad you can’t say no what I’m actually running exactly what happened

The new arena is horrifying a little bit yeah I haven’t gotten a chance to go there yet you don’t want to hey a boxing arena with a grundman in there Luke set up a a boxing arena for me and put a grunder in the corner

Nice bring it bring it you punk I have an old arena ticket for sale Oh you mean I still have more luy block yeah one of the bad ones I killed the grunder alond Grundy well if anyone wants to come over to my place I have a uh I have a boxing

Ring now that’s pretty dope Alyssa said stop abusing Willie Willie’s out here bopping all over the place you can’t let that go on check some sort of High School Musical Bob to the top yeah yeah what does he think he is Zack f he’s that’s not sing

That wasn’t that SHP isn’t that him was that is him but that song specifically was Ashley Tisdale Ashley man I always feel bad I plays Ryan no his name is Ryan I heard um sharp Zach eim he he went into that uh like the interview for Pitch Perfect

Thinking that it was a baseball movie uh that was not Zack Efron that was the guy who plays Bumper oh Adam Divine Adam something well it’s not Adam Driver I’ll tell you that it’s not Adam Driver PR funny though that is kylo oh yeah his D his dad was excited he’s like

Yeah baseball movie and it’s like oh that’s not what this is about Mr Grant thank you for the $8 stream tip so let’s make it an even 300 and he said that was the whole point of him teaching me that he said he mixed Foods all the time so I

Heard someone say that like sometimes like a soury thing can get rid of spice but I’ve just never tried it interesting well you probably use the sour thing to help cut it it’s interesting though it worked it worked very well and it’s no longer allowed we can’t

Help him he’s got to fuel the spice yeah right I’m now back in the arena I’m just getting straight bullied by these GI I or got it I killed the boar get in anyone got any extra shoes I need pants still and I’ve only got three minutes I

Got an extra face you got I got two extra pairs of pants if you got pair of shoes I got a pair of face I also have like 30 blocks I still got to open there’s pants anyone got any I need to get over to the pants I

Need settle for some Doc Marts at this point yes I got the pants Mart I did it guys are you proud of me you did it so proud Willie said I do think I’m Zack Efron actually there goes my Trident I thought it had loyalty it did not oh well there

You have it see told you guys will was I got a very special trade for someone but it’s going to cost them an arena ticket oh this better be good I have a Time Gauntlet who you don’t want I’m just going to go to the arena myself no I assume he got

Two I can guarantee someone a Time Gauntlet if they want it I know I I need any kind of weapon to be honest I still only have the chair that’s my weapon I didn’t get the other weapon yeah I I still only have the chair as well anyone have a anyone have

A need for any piece of of armor I think I have an extra set of everything oh God these are horrifying magic man I’ll take I’ll give you a kindo stick for some books or anything uh I don’t have any books I used all mine already why did they leap

At you we can figure some out Cap’s going to make me rob a bank oh books you look at that I got mob spawners and mob spawners like the two worst books sorry C I mean I’ll take them just so I can have them I could

Just slap three mob spawners on me see if that’ll just cause problems I got the stick I did it nice proud of you thank you kindness Cappy I can what I really need is arrows but I don’t think I’m going to get any more yes Dad I don’t think I have giving

You this because I want you to see it come here turn your right I don’t trust you come here go look at the Coliseum it’s horrifying what you’re just going to give me this yeah I got four and I don’t want to be a monkey oh my gosh and I

Offered to give you a guaranteed time Gauntlet and you’re like you can have your two time gauntlets Steve I don’t want it here and what are these things what are I need a weapon rain bro bro what are these little Gremlins they hurt they do

Hurt dude dude I think we got to for a real effect yeah used it ah I say Steve how did you beat that cuz I lost how did I beat what wait you lost to the you lost you sure you don’t want time it’s one last battle that you got to fight I

Beat him but that was like way significantly tougher than the old way yeah never mind I can’t apply books to the middle chair I am sad they kept leaping at me hey yo does cppy bombs not explode on a bow anymore does it only make fire no exp that would be news to

No what is happening it does it’s just a chance well it’s making like areas of fire now too like what’s up with that I have no clue is someone in my house maybe yeah why are I could believe it why are you in my house remember we have to

Focus Steve so Steve if you have a TR you’re in danger you in danger Steve guys he stole my house get him out of here we have to Target Steve for one life still he’s in the house he’s gu he’s putting all his mobs everywhere help he’s got a steel chair over there

God Jesus get this animal out of here puffing horn go how much health do you have uh more than you and Joe combined oh no clearly thanks for letting me enchant stuff over there why is the intern at the end of my thing with a steel

Chair Luke uh he does have two lives oh my God you’re right oh dear God help us Luke it’s for your own good mister I got the lightning blade get out of here you’re buns kid and that’s all you’ll ever be luke coming back for Revenge you don’t

Want this I just laid the beat down on you then I laid it on the intern oh you have a buffing horn you’re right I don’t want this no no you don’t oh God the inter’s back oh no oh no no no no no hold on a second

Taking the intern out of the game taking him out of the world as quickly as he was brought into it don’t want stay in that water why are you teaming up with the intern you’re sick good job Luke good job Luke you’re sick both of you the interns got one why would I

Attack him because he deserves this that’s real I was covered the life counter there there we go and where are you guys just looking around actually for people in the Coliseum ouch ouch okay there’s drop’s base Ouch and I got the poison is huge it is huge dropsy ow ow I’m being juggled woo now what dropy will never know is that you broke my bed I don’t spawn at my Island anymore no not that I put your door on inside

Out well I think my spawn was there CU I can’t spawn there anymore oh your door’s on Inside Out wow they call that the rocket Boom jump oh my God hello Steve hello did you not get the full set no but I have a Dark Helmet ouch ouch ouch

Ouch do you have Cappy’s bomb on your uh armor I wasn’t sure no Cap’s shooting a uh bombs at us from a distance Luke dropsy if you keep making fun of me I’m going to call my big brother on you and you ow oh please jopy please C

Please please is this what you wanted C please let us be a lesson Cappy don’t with Texas get out of here you can’t make me that’s I’m going call my big brother you and that Cappy is why New York style barbecue is better than Texan barbecue oh I just can’t hear you

Because I’m deaf to stupidity don’t tell me what you you do what I think you’re doing oh thank oh she has a pick no CU I need help what do you need help with dropsy oh jeez this is so terrifying I’m one block tall drop drop’s digging

Through tunnel come here no please help who’s above me look down I need help is rain just hiding like what’s going on no I’m running around I just haven’t found anyone ah I see I see I also no threat to anyone and everyone knows this kill him no JY

Are I can’t jump up regular block I do have Cappy’s bomb on my chest help who’s fighting over here yeah I was going to say that’s why you were exploding up into the air help here R you got videos to edit get out of here no want to play no I’m getting bullied

By slime oh cppy got a heaping pile of New York brisket for you bro you don’t even like meat your throne is built upon on a like statue of lives what are you my dad from the top rope C no ah why can’t I hit you dude I

Hope you know while we were on lunch break and I had the thing like be back soon my dad called me twice upset going like so uh you starting anytime soon or what’s uh sorry there’s people in the hole there look wow he was like did you tell him a

Couple or I was like I told him an hour well I would have loved to show you but you murdered me D yeah my dad was not having it yeah you wanted to watch did you blame me no I told him that we had to get lunch

Break right but did you blame me I did I told Pap Bak it was your fault I figured God I am are you back for more on it I’m sorry for round it’s really the buffing horn that’s doing it for me yeah I don’t have the full set of Arbor

So I’m taking a lot of damage compared to you guys uh neither does dropsy I do need stream we need to get some targeting on Steve also to give you guys an idea we are almost halfway to doing our intern of the Year election if you guys want to

See that happen today let’s make it happen and just a reminder that all your stream tips are greatly appreciated they do support the channel allow us to do what we do every day so thank you for the bottom of my heart especially to our captain of the live stream Mr croissant

Croissant why and Casey we’re hoping the dropsy Vlog will be ready next week actually ah bro I’ll take that I’ll take that fair fight R Away by oh no Jerome a creeper behind you it’s me st’s the creeper call I just exploded ow how are you exploding

Happy’s bomb oh yeah that’ll do it gy stop it it’s dead now no dang basic and now oh my go she’s so fast he’s so Speedy oh not the chair I got got all right Ste you’re doing very well dude those explosions like barely Dam me wait I just spawned

Relax relax relax yeah I don’t Ste did you get a weapon because I know I saw you just like shooting the bow oh I have a bow and a diamond sword to my name bro said I will give you a stick I have four

Chairs I can give you a chair I have two chairs but like I don’t oh then you have a weapon yeah but they’re not going to last for I you just blew up your own stick bro I know you going to bro I straight up said it bro that’s what you

Deserve there we go I have a oh God that I could just see that fight going on from across the distance ow going to stay away from that YY back to my Bas Drome I’ve been waiting for you just spawn Camp me yes had to tell you what’s what that’s

Lame had to tell you what’s what Steve all right now we run now we run Ste get away from me get away no hello help Steve’s got explosive stuff no that’s not me that’s party well I don’t that was a third party Jerome all I know is everywhere I go I’m blowing up

So can’t stop me Steve wait what how are you what is that oh the time gaun oh you and that dark sword oh he has good fight I thought so you thought so what that I was going to wait for you to turn your back yeah yeah I knew you were

Just waiting for it clip to predictable Jerome clip that oh no no my home please oh you’re your home again I’m coming no please from I call my big brother on you have a big brother yes I do get out why hey give me back my dork no you know how

Hard those are you just say give me back my door took my door I actually don’t have it I don’t know where it is bro no it’s facing the wrong way you’re facing the wrong way hold on I’m mining go go go Luke we’re coming oh jeez oh jeez

He’s that’s just try to blow up Luke’s and he fell through the world good job know oh look he dug too far down dig dig Did I dug too close to the Sun they too greedy did you drink dead strength I think I don’t know did it was

Orange I know they changed the colors Lambo with a $66 stream DP said chos and he wants to know about zombies videos I haven’t seen the new Call of Duty zombies we were talking about it earlier though it’s not great is it I don’t know I hear that over here

You can level up your guns my ven from my okay that sounds like normal my chair broke I’m the big brother that the little one was talking about although I have a concussion from the steel chair ow I need you to know I was at half a heart for all of that okay

Good I I need you to know I probably only hit you once then yep thanks nice where’s where’s the where’s the other one that destroyed my home that wasn’t me D I have no with you I have no Coral right now Steve I got really confused CU

I was like he has the full armor set what broke it’s like oh and a chair yeah that’s my chair I haven’t used my chairs yet I’m saving them for a rainy day I have four uh I got four but uning on all of them so I got to

Unbreaking three oh my God there’s too many of them oh God all right get Jerry no I got knocked out of the rain I got eliminated this is for my home oh no rain you’re you’re beat downs just beg out yeah you were saying we who put lava

In my house St jome you’re sick you destroyed my bed it’s cuz I put more lava down what I didn’t to go there it’s fixed now oh hey are you coming back in well I have to reset my spawn point you you’re going to let me go peacefully

No stopa in my house can I leave peacefully dang dude that speed was it close peacefully uh yeah dead enough without getting hit in the head five times sorry dry it’s got to happen do it do it Go sh she’s maneuvering she’s weak she’s weak I’ll boost you here no right you’re

You are no no stop not friend I am coming why you guys not take damage oh no he’s I took a lot of d i take damage what do you mean talk about this my diamond boots are almost done oh let me bucket you can come down from

There let you come back like this rain so quick okay oh dead um was slain by rain what did you throw Army potion of getting killed by me should take two lives oh no there goes my chair it’s true close fight sir you should just Le how to cheat like Steve oh my

Gosh I used to smuggle things in from the editor’s realm but C you are strong because they would be like Luke level stuff when you’re here for 15 lives it’s not cool like I know how to use it Jacob good point I got to go and actually

Reset my spawn I realized after I you prefer blade level stuff no and thank you again guys we’re about halfway to our goal to do the intern of the year elections let’s make it happen guys and once again thank you to our awesome fans without you we couldn’t do

What we do each and every day uh so thank you it really does make a huge difference appreciate you he didn’t see it was me or else he would have fought me probably oh now where is someone else zap zap zap zap I don’t like the way he’s saying zap zap

I’m going for him ow ow hey there we go keppy flashbang a God I’m blind ow we still with the chair my chests I didn’t do it actually a blind chair match I legit he’s been framed all I did was uh turn my home is blocked off that’s not me I

Only turned your door someone came in broke the chest and Cobblestone my door that sounds like Jerome it does sound like I’m not going to say it doesn’t but John Cena Jun s regards drops okay don’t worry I’ll take care of this wait wait wait don’t you have some

Videos to help rain edit Luke get over here no I don’t edit videos what yeah we’re about to send you to the editor’s real but they hit you so hit him so hard with this chair he’s going to the editor’s realm hit him so hard he forgets his job get over

Here oh that was massive fall damage okay okay yes dang you and your lava spe oh God why did that explode that wasn’t my lava that was it was me my lava hey LC I sent you a thing you can use that oh okay hang on let me go

Hide no you’re not you’re going to go you’re going go in your hole there we go good fight I don’t do damage now that’s my law you do damage you should use the poison sithe more dude I did yeah but you didn’t use it at the beginning of

The fight if you would use it at the beginning you’d have way more gains off it a numbers on the ground said you wouldn’t hurt an innocent old what does this have oh my God kind of considering you have 10 lives oh stad Pub I thought we were

Friendsy now you’re getting the chair BR I let you live sir thank you thank you thank you who is that over there a wild caurus what are you doing o let me hey look at knowledge oh my God why gave me this knowledge hey Luke can I have some

Knowledge we can’t play L now I want some knowledge he’s got knocked back 5 million he gave me a book of course hey hey L I’m right here give me the bucket of lava you want knowledge dropy I’ll give you knowledge knowledge all I wanted was

Your bucket of lava well you had a chance to take lava why why oh I’m attacking everyone for earlier pal watch out knowledge thank you Le Willie said I want knowledge you’ll have none and be happy leak you saved me thank you drum come here I need to speak to you about

Knowledge no no no you get away Luke is that actually how it end for you yes yes it is can’t believe you’ve done this D why did you have a dark sword I got him with the mining out of the bridge what is this no a book that says knowledge yes

Knowledge oh my goduke man I don’t I mean I got BL Book of Knowledge instead I want to give you something hold on hold on you two be peaceful Ste turn around I got this for you oh I already know what that is oh is that

Oh did you just give stead oh thank you knowledge hey here Jerome Jerome jome I’ll give you the I’ll give it to you R can you lower your Shield leave me alone no yeah Shields work on arrows too dead yeah but sh the Wild Knight with a66 stream said Luke use knowledge

No drop why you just can’t take a chair you going to really do that with when I’m in control of the knowledge trops be careful he has the knowledge I have doesn’t help when die damage Traer come on half a heart created a monster stead I created a

Monster you gave me the book and you realize this is my Jerome oh my God someone get that knowledge out of this man’s hand you lived by the knowledge and you will die by the knowledge the knowledge is mine i’ had been chasing you for quite some time

Rain I’ve been on half a heart for quite some time I know ow Cappy don’t you want knowledge not that type but knowledge ow God the steel chair has such a good knock back too get Knowledge get over here Luke wait wait wait lava just as good as knowledge wait Ste did your diamond sword just break or did you no my last chair broke what happened to the knowledge book I gave you I have it but I there’s no point of using it when no

One’s near the edge fair fair oh someone something broke out trying to pull out my second one oh no she has another steel chair I have two steel chairs too oh one of mine’s almost gone now you should do I’m pretty close to guys man you’re messed up I’m very

Confused if you try to craft together two steel chairs you get a gold sword what that’s why you got to use an anvil bro drop is so low right now and you because you’re the threat cppy yeah I guess you’re coming up that’s true ow and now third party man finish Sor steel

Chairs third party man we okay we double steel chairs let’s go I got two of them now gave this man two chairs gave him two chairs one for you to take a seat Jerry oh no God hey don’t go into my old home here

Now I come here in oh you want to have a knowledge fight you really you come where there’s another there’s another person in your house know what I’ll believe it when I it oh my God no no no no no no no wait CH I need

Help chy please Steve there’s no one how you not dying if you have a heart I ate an enchanted golden apple oh my God I hate you dude how do you golden because I cheat we’ve been over this there Steve I got rid of them I think there should be

A living why did you hold my cover I’ve been sitting there for so long oh sweet because I needed to enchant oh you think you can just come in here and use mine what if I give you a steel chair drops yeah please it’s exactly what I

Did no wait wait no dropy please no the the the time Gauntlet still had a a it still was on cool down yeah what I’m trying to use my knowledge use the greater knowledge get out of there he’s so close to the edge no oh my God he was so close I we

Almost where is he where is he uh he went that way a we almost had him dropsy yeah you know what I’m going home was that the end yeah actually enter that wait can you unless you cheated ow wow that was some oh something happened hey uh rain you good you yeah I’m

Fine I’m fighting the Ender Dragon yeah are you winning son oh jeez that’s a mountain dang good fight yeah GG Minecraft but every time I die my abs on your Island Dr oh my God that’s sick I’m coming who shooting at me I’m just trying to get Luke bro was I getting

Close no I was shooting from my front door oh what is this [Laughter] Alabama greater knowledge oh my God I’m sorry about home he mined it out oh never mind didn’t blow up I’ll take care of this luk yes you blow up the bridge

To my house no I mined it I didn’t blow it up oh god oh Jesus I you scared me how is this for SC no I just realize you’re going to spawn here oh jeez I don’t know what to do please make it please make it oh I

Missed whoa drop seat drop seat drop seat oh that really hurt wa where is it it’s on this side I’m so tall propy this is my house I live here I know got termites it’s a roach infestation go away go away go go away leave me alone get him good get him good

No there now he can’t knock us back no good I’m going out my own terms no you’re not you’re going out a head goodbye whatever drove you guys are coming with me drop to get out of there you’re coming with me drop I drove still have three

Lives so sad to watch that thank you blade your greater knowledge served me well cap oh God cap you are cap oh my God I don’t remember John Cena being this tall I I mean I haven’t watched WWE in a while but my God oh my gosh oh my

Gosh floor is just getting demolished out here oh my God yeah no I’m out yes oh I can’t fit out my door now that way maybe if I like maybe if I go like break this block and then I go sideways oh okay there we go I love just stead turning around and

Just drops you with a chair yeah I’m going to have night Hur too much she has too much I’m going to wake up in a cold sweat drops you with a metal chair rain where did you put your end portal on my Island have you been in the

Theend I am fighting the dragon I hope the dragon takes his last life that would be quite funny that that would be hilarious let me just give the Ender Dragon strength 100 or something K do you please huh please I’m looking for R yeah please don’t do watch out watch out

Watch out steel chair to the back of Cap’s head oh what you want what you want I’m not hurting anyone unless you you think you’re so tough cap you’re nothing more than a terrible Texas brisket wow true I can’t believe you said that bro you’re just mean to my culture I like

How that’s happening instead it’s just looking above you you shooting explosive arrows at you it’s fine you don’t have the Linguini to make it anyway Jerry into a bit you let me out of this pit keep him in theread keep him in I tried I tried he got out this is why

California’s taking over your state Cappy I California couldn’t take over anything even if they wanted to there goes rain all right dropy next challenge go finish the thing someone peacefully transformed Texans that’s what they’re doing that’s not what’s happening bro that’s exactly what’s happening no they’re going to get

Stamped Out by like an aggressive invasive species cap I think that Houston’s probably your last hold out pal I think it’s happening I’m proud of how far I got without dying oh no I broke all the crystals and got it down to half health I’ll finish the job sir get get over

Here okay for what worth cap I’m sorry okay just kidding the Astros are terrible the Astros literally won they won their division the last two or three years bro run away run away run who’s your preferred uh baseball team not the no one no one oh

Yeah Drome you get out of there you don’t know where I am it was done you don’t deserve to that house come here come here let me hear you knowledge real you afraid get away stead Fierce knowledge that’s how stad took me out was knowledge you get away get away

Jerome I think it is time Jerome I must gr all the time oh my gosh no oh no Jerome it is time Dead uh please have open hand uh okay we a for greater knowledge oh my oh my Lanta what is this Luke greater knowledge C I don’t have

Any more ender pearls I literally can’t get back to Mid oh I don’t have any more arrows though oh okay I’m coming I’m coming I’ll build that I’ll build that watch out j’s got arrows no I made you look you just hear the John Cen I got something for you be careful

Transed oh I think it hit a a a Pinnacle Point where it no you have to you have to do a full hit oh like a fully charged attack this thing is absolute trash Luke I’m getting my head beat in with a chair greater knowledge that it’s not greater knowledge knowledge knowledge

No your knowledge is garbage ow my face this is true all righty now where you’re such a nuisance you literally just have a high Vantage in every fight this is all I got Luke this bow and a diamond sword is all I got I’m seeing people have honorable dels and

Then just you out in the distance good fight thanks man what honor no honor 600 in chat hey 600 nice let’s go oh cap be careful he has knowledge it’s quiet how does one gain knowledge would you like to gain knowledge Steve no I’m out of the running oh very well

Rest in peace dead you have to be in Runnings to gain knowledge and then there were three people left ke Worried why you worried cap because I have no more steel chair capar is a hunter ow cap I heard they’re doing a king of the hill reboot in New Jersey we’re taking everything good I’m sorry I don’t know why I have this this new stick of hating Texas

But it’s out of jealousy because uh we’re just very clearly better than anything you have what probably all right that’s that’s two champ oh wow what’s up took each other out well now one One V one is there a ladder with a a case of money at the top or

Like uh yeah is this where the cage match happens hang on I’ll be working on you keep your knowledge away from me I’ll show you cage batch is this what you want drop Cena ow what kind of range reach you got you are just getting dis yes she’s got

The what kind of reach do you have what is this garbage nothing get away from me you can see what’s in my hand it’s a championship belt get away from this is where we find out dropsy had the hack client on that’d be really funny but no she’s been drop bot this entire

Time drop bot would have won by now he’s on your Island oh I went over to his is well eat the cake dome it’s better than steak no don’t break the cake I broke Cappy’s cake what you going to do cap what you going to do no more cake for you that’s

Okay I’m dieting all right who uh who’s here for the arena I mean yeah I can go wait in Jerome’s uh boxing ring oh no oh no it’s it’s on your Island he gave a ring to your Island now too oh okay dope do we

Want all take a which one am I going to yeah uh Luke TP them in we can honor sit in the corner okay okay okay we just going Luke by the way where did you learn to make a square just asking rectangle school oh well that’s that is where you go wrong all

Right everyone I want a good the opposite of clean fight okay ready all right count us in all right three two the cas do I win if I get that to move War crime jeez oh my God oh my God Drome Drome Drome you deserve

This I’m going to take the money at the top of the ladder out no I am I’m winning this ladder rch I’m winning this ladder rch G my [Laughter] wow I can’t believe that’s how it ends yes I can oh my God I can 100 with the TNT trick from underneath the

Ring from down they never see it coming and there it is they never see it coming bam

This video, titled ‘WWE Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars!’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-01-03 16:00:11. It has garnered 5211 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:03 or 3483 seconds.

WWE Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars!

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  • 24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan’s Brotherly Joke

    24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan's Brotherly Joke In the world of Minecraft, a prank was played, Efekan and Ali, in a game they strayed. Jokes and laughter, hair cut to zero, A tale of mischief, in a world so narrow. Ali, the bald one, seeking revenge, Efekan, the joker, on the edge. A wedding dress, a funny sight, In a women’s store, what a delight. The teacher, unamused, in the school they roam, No holiday for them, no time to roam. Bald heads and laughter, in the classroom they sit, A lesson learned, in a prank-filled skit. So ends the tale of Efekan and Ali, In… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

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  • Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive!

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  • Villager Oi Oi Oi Meme Madness

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  • Experience Real Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Frog Portal Prank in Minecraft PE

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  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

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  • I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!

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  • Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shorts

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  • Shocking Twist – Gingershadow’s Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

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  • Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shorts

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  • Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+

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  • INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!

    INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-04-09 16:02:57. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use…. Read More

  • PrimeNetwork

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  • BudderCraft Network: Bedrock Support, Anti-cheating, No toxicity, Survival, Skyblock, Prison, Parkour, KitPvP, Factions, Tower Defense, Mini Games

    Welcome to BudderCraft! BudderCraft is an in-development server that focuses on: Providing a variety of feature-rich modes Strict prevention of cheating A friendly community for all skill levels Our team is small, but we are constantly working on updates and improvements. We welcome players to join, playtest, and help us grow by providing feedback and reporting issues. Our server strictly prohibits cheating of any kind. We do not allow mods, game exploits, or any form of piracy. We also promote a toxic-free environment by enforcing rules against rude behavior and personal attacks. Some additional points to note: We have a… Read More

  • City Craft

    This a good server for you. You can build your base and connect others player. You can use tp and sethome or register/login. This server supported java/ bedrock thejava✅ip:> the bedrock ✅ip:> port:> 5020When think you like this server if you want a good SMP so join this smp good luck.If you want to join our massager group massage me in FacebookLink 🔗👇 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang’s Dumb Move: The Minecraft Meme

    Well, looks like Mojang may be onto something if they’re getting a score of 175 for their “stupid” decisions! Read More

  • Slender Man’s Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed!

    Slender Man's Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Slender Man, a nightmare so bold. A figure without a face, lurking in the night, Bringing fear and terror, a chilling sight. In 2018, a movie was made, Directed by Sylvain White, a horror cascade. Based on the internet legend, a group of friends in fear, Summoning Slender Man, their nightmares near. Created in ’09, by Eric Knudsen’s hand, A figure so tall, in a black suit he’d stand. No face to be seen, just long arms and dread, Taking children away, filling hearts with dread. So beware… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! Read More

  • Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong

    Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Monster_coon Monster_coon takes on the Minecraft world in this unedited video, showcasing his adventures in the game. Despite the raw quality, the video is a testament to his survival skills and determination in the virtual realm. Exploring Minecraft Bedrock Monster_coon delves into the world of Minecraft Bedrock, navigating through the unique challenges and landscapes that this version of the game offers. From building structures to mining resources, he showcases his prowess in this edition of Minecraft. Joining the Elite SMP As part of the Elite SMP community, Monster_coon engages with other players in a shared Minecraft… Read More

  • Unlocking Ultimate Power! ✨ Fantasy Wizard Spire #shorts

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  • Terrifying Villager Encounter in Minecraft

    Terrifying Villager Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft scary villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by DEMON GAMING 28 on 2024-04-06 08:18:33. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft scary villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu beastminecraft gameblock gamegta5gta3gta6techno gamerztechno gamer shortsujjwal shorts minecraft wither storm herobrine sourav joshi vlogs techno gamerz avengers short vide0 bts free fire horror video janvaron ke funny moments minecraft game minecraft shorts proboiz 95 sakura shivji ka gana smarty boy spider-man spider-man #daku #democreator alex shorts alfabet lore amh anshu… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Build: Herobrine Sculpts Cute Girl with Bones” #clickbait #fypシ

    "Ultimate Minecraft Build: Herobrine Sculpts Cute Girl with Bones" #clickbait #fypシVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine To Sculpt Cute Girl (Bones – Imagine Dragons) #fypシ #minecraft #herobrinestory’, was uploaded by Ichiban Craft on 2024-01-16 07:00:01. It has garnered 2537956 views and 156234 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Help Herobrine? Watch until the end Read More

  • Herostar breaks Minecraft village road with insane twist 😱 #shorts

    Herostar breaks Minecraft village road with insane twist 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft village road 😱#viral#minecraft#shorts’, was uploaded by herostar gaming on 2024-01-03 01:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Village road build in Minecraft #viral#minecraft#shorts Minecraft minecraft me build hacks minecraft sunset music minecraft … Read More

  • 🔥 AKH Realm Server – Beitritt für epische Bedrock-Action! 🔥

    🔥 AKH Realm Server - Beitritt für epische Bedrock-Action! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Joint meinem Realm Server für die Minecraft Bedrock Edition #minecraft #viral #server’, was uploaded by AKH Community on 2024-05-24 11:20:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Building insane bunker in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Building insane bunker in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working On My Bunker | Old Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Mongster on 2024-06-02 01:24:56. It has garnered 978 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:11 or 11591 seconds. Continuing work on my bunker from the last stream today. Opening music is provided by bouncytorch If you’re interested in old Minecraft, join the discord: #minecraft #minecraftbeta #stream #goldenage #swag #epicswag #fortnite #prank #gaming Read More

  • FortNutBr – You Won’t Believe His Age!

    FortNutBr - You Won't Believe His Age!Video Information This video, titled ‘AGE CHECK? #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #fortniteclips #clixandsommerset’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-06 11:35:45. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity, fortnite best controller sensitivity… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIONS & INSANITY on EarthMC! 😱🌍 | IanSpace71

    🔥 EXPLOSIONS & INSANITY on EarthMC! 😱🌍 | IanSpace71Video Information This video, titled ‘EarthMC Stream – Chaos, The Wither, and TNT’, was uploaded by IanSpace71 on 2024-03-31 09:17:08. It has garnered 118 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:16 or 7816 seconds. Minecraft Read More


    EPIC PIGGY & CREEPER SHOWDOWN: BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET | SKIBIDI MOB FIGHT’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-22 15:00:15. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft… Read More

  • PandaSteal


  • Townscraft – SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.1 Whitelist Towns Community-focused 2+ Years

    Townscraft Information Townscraft TL;DR: Townscraft is a Survival Multiplayer server that focuses on creating towns. Each town contains houses, shops, farms and more. You can join an existing town, create new towns with three or more members, or choose to be a solo nomad. From Big City Skyscrapers to Steampunk Floating Islands to Funkytown themes, there’s something for everyone. Quick Links Rules Discord Photo Gallery Video Trailer In-Depth Our server is a whitelisted SMP that promotes town-building and community events without altering Minecraft’s main gameplay. We believe in a vanilla player-honored system for a natural feel. Tight-Knit Community: We value… Read More