Insanely OP Easy Apotheosis Gear + Gem Farms EP14

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Hey guys it’s and this is all the mods 9 I myself I’m having a wonderful day hope you guys all are as well go ahead jump forward get back into this maze package maybe two episodes have not done much did do some crafting I suppose other

Than that really not too much at all I set up this Barrel everything we’re need to go do a setup in the end we’re do a m FM that’s going to make it so we can actually firm up a lot of these resources here so these are the resources from apotheosis you can

Actually use these to make your weapons really good like this one here this one’s up to the Epic Level my main goal is for the go God Forge pearls which will make it so the top level the Mythic items right so I want to get to that we

Need get to I guess apotheosis anyway because it’s needed for the ATM Star so you have to kind of do this uh Little Jazz here so this requires the enchanting setup so I’ll have to get to that as well but before we do that I actually just want to go ahead and do

The fun stuff with the weapons right so let’s go ahead and do that and uh kind of get it going the only thing I guess I really did uh really new here was made uh some mob Crushers from industrial for going it’s going to be what kind of does

All the farming in the farm and uh we’re go ahead and set that up right now so let’s go ahead and head over to the end grab our netherite Chalker here kind of get it done right also this oh yeah I don’t need that that was for infusing my

Builder so I’m pretty much done prepping up a mob farm here I just have a little bit to WAND off here so I’m using the wand to kind of build this really quickly I’ll show you how I kind of had a guide exactly know how to build it

Exactly to the size I want to in a second here let’s go ahead do that then on the other side here we’re going to go ahead do the last part of it and this should be pretty much finished and uh we go ahead and get into the mob farm right

Away is that lined up there there you go that one’s lined up and that’s lined up there it’s going to be a two layer mob farm and we’ll be using the mob Crushers like I said it’s going to be Ender bed obviously and it’s going to be AFK right

So be kind of all the things that’s going on probably won’t have to use this thing for longer than an hour also if you make a mistake with your wand like this right here just hit control shift you get that little green box there and

Just right click you do that up to three times cuz you notice could do it again remember the last three things you did after that it doesn’t remember anymore so be careful with it so anyway the way I had the guide to kind of build this

Too was this here just went to these I just turned on the uh work area right so I’m using 12 of these that’s going to be the size we’re going with but it told me exactly where I need to build the blocks because everywhere they can kill mobs

And actually I guess spawn mobs it will be the same right so where they can kill and spawn will be the same thing also these will be able to kill on two layers right so if actually showed the working area on this one again down there kill them at

The their head level so the Ender’s head level be three box eye up here this will be feet level so it actually works out perfectly for two layers I guess of the buff Farm which is really nice also another thing I had to do here I didn’t

Really show that at all was uh I had to run a builder so I had this Builder here and I ran it with a trash canun on top of it right and the other reason I did that was to get rid of some annoying

Block so I did a big one too it was like 256 uh Cube here has these weird kind of annoying things that spawn in from gregtech you these here these little indicator ores I guess that usually indicate there’s a vein underneath from gregtech and I had to get rid of all

Those because they were all in the area I think the Enderman can actually teleport to them so I wanted to minimize that in quite a big area anyway I think we’re pretty much ready to go ahead and build the mob farm here oh I don’t know if I mentioned that either the reason

I’m actually using so many mob Crushers as well is because the faster we can kill the Enderman the more spawns we’ll get so I need to have a lot of them and they’re all upgraded too right so already fully upgraded here but the faster we kill them the faster we’ll get

Spawns the faster we’ll actually get drops right so that’s going to be what’s going on here so anyway I think we’re good to go and uh that’s going to be how we set this up I guess the last thing I should show you here is how I built the

Initial platform right so go to control J here we’re at y level 15 so that’s where we’re at the way I built the platform was I built one of these I guess I made a angel One Core combin that out with the infinity wand that actually lets you uh do this you go

Control shift right click go to Angel core and if you have a block in your offand here like this just right click and it’ll just place in there so really really simple it just makes your life really easy trying to build uh in the void like this so pretty cool but anyway

Let’s go ahead and uh put the mob farm actually together I guess it’s pretty much done already to be honest I just need to go to get all this stuff out of here don’t need this little platform here anymore and I probably want that on

Me as well so there you go let’s go ahe and get this done so I suppose the first thing we should do is go ahead and hook up power so let’s go ahead and grab that there let’s go ahead and drop two of those off because I don’t need that many

Probably should go ahead and throw down another Mega torch too so we can go ahead and break this one there you go then we’ll just put it underneath to so we don’t have to worry about mob spawning on it so just have it underneath here then we’ll just give it

Some speed upgrades the energy upgrades a whole stack and then we have the two distributor modules for the power here then we’ll just need to go ahead hook it up to power as well so that’s good there it’s getting all filled up each one of

These can hook to I guess eight I guess uh targets right so we’ll go ahead and do six of these on each so six there and then we’ll do six here as well that handle all of them which point we just throw them in there and these should

Already have power right so every one of these two have um the max upgrade so these are the add-on range 12 so that makes it so it could do a 25 by 25 then it has a speed a processing and efficiency just so they’re at their kind

Of Max Peak kind of killing speed here so that works out as well so the next thing we want to do I guess is uh set up the buffer that will be this backpack so let’s actually go ahead and grab you and then I guess over here we’ll have

Ourself the where are my uh cabl where they at I want my I had a whole bunch of them I thought where they at where you at I had a whole bunch of these universals do I have no more oh they’re right there right in front of my face

Let’s go and grab them it’s going to be what we use to actually pull I guess all the items and the liquid that will be producing out of these uh which are we’re going to turn into experience so these here actually produce a liquid called Essence and that Essence is

Actually used for the mod to do enchanting but we’re just going to pull it uh into the backpack and turn it straight straight into experience and then pull that into one of those uh forget what they’re called there whatever those experience type Obelisk things are in this pack that uh I’m used

To being called experience Obelisk but anyway it’s a crystal anyway doesn’t matter too much could U put that there the buffer will just sit I guess dead center so in this I actually have a tank upgrade these tack upgrades don’t even matter I guess and that I have a void

Upgrade so I’m going to void off almost everything that the mobs actually drop because we don’t need them so the experience and the items will come in here which is exactly what we want here want to go ahead and probably speed these up as well so let’s actually grab

Our speed upgrades and we’ll just go ahead right click these on here I think you have to hold shift yeah you hold shift and just right click them in just like this then we don’t have to worry about uh entering all the interfaces here and uh interacting with every one

Of them individually that should should already have one so that’s good there I guess from there we’ll start doing our guess uh filtering so up here we will have actually let’s leave that on none there you go because otherwise I always mess something up so anyway we’ll

Have our Obelisk here it’s not Obelisk it’s a crystal system this thing will just get the experience automatically this will actually convert it for us so we don’t have to worry about that and I guess all we have to do to start pulling that in there because I have a little

Bit of a buffer it looks like is I just do that that’s just going to get filled up no problem then over here we’ll have this here the Armory cabinets haven’t decided about these either I could do a bunch of these or just one I may just do

One maybe we’ll do that we’ll do one what this will do is store up to 4,096 um pieces of armor or weapons right so this will be like our buffer for the weapons so I don’t have to do any filtering for the backpack in fact I should probably turn this on for a

Couple seconds here maybe like a minute and the mobs will actually start spawning and being killed very quick the main point of that is so I can actually set the void for this so in here the void settings I’m going to Avid off that we don’t need it uh neous heart don’t

Need you uh that we don’t need need that I already did that one just make sure we have everything kind of filtered here I think I counted there was going to be nine drops so hopefully I was right if not I’ll need another one of these upgrades here so that’s good and

Then there’s this thing and I’m missing something what am I missing oh these things the fragments right yeah I think we got everything so I could actually just go ahead and just toss away all the rest I think so do that throw away that holy moly you get those Pearl fragments

Quick that’s crazy yeah I have no use for them though so I’m just going to go ahead and throw them all away you can see how many drops are already getting and we don’t even have back spawns right now so they’re just spawning in dying almost instantly and that’s all

Happening down here as well give you an idea how fast this is to come out here before we kind of progress like look at that they’re just coming in they’re dying coming in dying coming in dying It’s Just Happening across the entire platform on both levels so it’s very

Very quick very very fast and very very good we need to deal with this guy too but anyway get out of my face went ahead and change this ever so slightly I went ahead just put the experience Crystal on the bottom you notice in here there’s a

Whole bunch of armors already in there so that’s cool already have 83 levels too so they’re actually flying up really fast mob Farm’s off right now too anyway let’s go ahead and grab ourself uh this here we need to kind of filter these stuff a little bit not filter but

Process basically we’re going to be pulling the I guess everything that can be salvaged now out of the Armory cabinet and then put into a salvaging I guess table like that and which Point uh we probably want to go ahead and break this connection here CU it does not need

To be there so like that and at which point we just go ahead uh I guess pipe everything that’s uh after its Salvage right into here as well so let’s go ahead and break that one and then just do this right here there you go probably

Go ahead and speed those two up too so just do that and this right here and those items should start going in here you can see in that short little two minutes that we had the mob farm turned on this is already what we got and

That’s going to be just how simple our mob farm is that’s all it is that’s really how simple it is which is crazy how simple it is I’ll go ahead and AFK on that block up there here in a second go ahead and break that probably turn it

On head up here and I’m probably going to let myself this AFK here about 30 minutes and we’ll see how much it actually produces so up here we’ll get the max spawns you see here the thing just goes nonstop it’s actually quite crazy how fast it’s going and you have

To remember that’s happening on two levels at the same time right so we’re actually getting tons and tons and tons it’s going to do go nonstop crazy like look at that man that’s why you want so many of these mob Crushers I guess the last thing I should have done here

Before anything is go ahead and grab ourselves some um maybe the um indes right this stuff right here go ahead grab you and I should make myself some slabs here as well that’s not what it was for these blocks it was this right go to grab some of them go ahead and do

That then I can just go ahead make some actual guess endstone bricks and we’ll turn those into slabs and I should probably cover those machines right just so mobs can’t spawn on those as well I don’t know why I didn’t do that already although they’ll just wander off and die

Anyway I guess it doesn’t matter too much but uh just for I guess you know completion sake just go ahead cover this all up I should actually hit all that as well so yeah this is the mob farm like I said super simple but very very powerful

I just I love this little setup here because it is so insanely powerful for what it is right there’s nothing to this already have 84 God Forge pearls which is uh insane about seriously about 500 of those and I probably never need another one for the pack so just going

To let this run for 30 minutes I guess starting now so after 30 minutes this is what we got here we got our sells over 2,000 God Forge pearls almost 5,000 Arcane Sands and tons of these Crystal Shards like there’s about 6K there then I believe there’s almost another 39K in

This backpack so more than we’ll ever need for sure and in here the experience Crystle 474 levels so straight up just insane kind of production from this uh mob farm here it’s is currently off course cuz well we have to be here and there’s no reason to kind of leave it

Going so going to go ahead and head out of this area for now honestly don’t know if we need to come back Al why did I come here I have no idea let’s go to the base there you go and head to there so what I’m thinking about doing now is

Working towards getting us some of this here we need gem dust right the way you get that I guess one way I actually found the initial stuff for the salvaging table in a chest right but I didn’t find very much I think I have one more and then I don’t even have enough

To make another salvaging table right now we also need to make this reforging table so this one here then you get up to the higher one then you actually start doing your Mythic enchants but you also need gem dust to actually do the enchants right so to get this stuff

There’s one way you can actually take gems you drop in the world and then you drop an anvil on them you get some dust right so that’s one way the other way is running the gems through a salvaging table and then you get some dust right

So that’s the guess the secondary way so we need to do this one manually so you can’t actually automate this one um until later there’s a way of doing it later in the pack I believe with a goblin but until you get the Goblin you

Can’t do that and you have to have to actually do it with gems right so I need to go ahead and have a way to farm the gems and unfortunately the only way to get the gems to drop it has to be a actual player kill no flake uh flake

Players no no fake players work at all whatsoever and the only way to get the Gem to be able to uh get the mob that you need for later the Packa blade is from this gem here well it doesn’t have to be the perfect one but it has to

Be one of the gems of the Twilight Forest and these only drop in the Twilight Forest so we need to head to the Twilight Forest set up some kind of manual killing farm and hopefully get one of these gems doesn’t have to be this High tier one it could be this

Lower one but you see there 05% chance to summon a treasure Goblin and then we’d have a way to automate the gems later on in the pack right so this is kind of my goal for now so I’m going to go ahead and uh grab us some rotten eggs

And then we’re going to do a really ramped up version of this Farm where it’s going to it’s going to be same setup except for there’s a trick to make this work super super fast this actual uh guess this Dreadful dirt here we’re use that and uh set up a manual kill

Farm I guess in the Twilight and we’ll use that to try to farm up a good amount of gems because right now I don’t really have much Gems this is all I have and there’s a lot I want to keep here till later on because some of them are

Actually pretty good so yeah anyway so that’s what we’re going to do so let me go ahead and get a rotten egg and then we’ll head to the Twilight Forest so I think I have just about everything we need set up in this uh box here so we go

Ahead and get that done here in a second but before we do I’m going to go ahead and make one more machine a enchantment extractor so let’s go ahead and grab this puppy we’ll have to give this power so let’s go ahead do that go ahead pop

You here I want to use this to actually get us uh a bunch of buls I want to pull enchant off these weapons and then throw them on the Vitality blade because well it’s a high damage weapon that’s going to make it so actually go ahead I guess

And U one shot edes very easily and you get get the benefits of of the things like looting and stuff as well right I don’t need breaking right now I don’t need fire aspect I don’t need Bane I don’t need mending but we get that one

All pulled off so this machine here the extractor is probably one of the best ways to actually just pull en chance off things definitely want that sweeping uh that vpal is actually really good too this one here is actually really powerful so sometimes it does massive

Damage and I think it is your heads as well so not too bad I don’t really need knockback so let’s get rid of that one there’s something I wanted on this one too oh capturing capturing will make it sometimes when you kill bombs you actually get their spawnings and with

That you can actually change pathosis spawners as well so just a nice one to have there I guess for en chants as well so there’s our capturing Unbreaking and might as well throw the sharpness on there too so probably these five books probably be everything we need in life

Right so let’s go grab some experience get this kind of Enchanted up right oh I went to the wrong side it went the long way around let’s go and grab some experience here we got a lot of levels now too so I’m not too concerned about

Our levels we’ll grab like 170 and I think my Anvil is down this way so let’s go ahead and do that and just start popping this in here right so capturing sounds good sweeping Edge there’s our what is that one there that one’s the waral pop that on there got our looting

And then we got our sharpness 5 so just like that we got ourselves a much upgraded weapon which is really cool and that’s the I guess the sole purpose of this machine here is just to be able to move your books around really easy it’s just a really really good little machine

There anyway that is good and now we are ready to head to the Twilight so I think we can actually use any flower to kind of build the portal to the Twilight so let’s go ahead and try this here I think these will work anyway banum flowers we

We’ll we’ll find out real quick and then we need our chalice as well CU I think that’s in here go ahead and grab you then I think we need a diamond to throw in to actually open up the kind of portal here so anyway let’s grab all

That make sure we have this this puppy so let’s grab you head out this way find a spot to like set up the portal only have to use the portal once and I guess we’ll just use like a waystone to come back anyway so we just kind of get rid

Of it after it’s set up here let’s just do it out here anyway let’s do a 3X3 I don’t think it has to be a 3X3 I think it actually be done in a 2X two so anyway I’m going to do a 3X3 so let’s do

That and see if these flowers work as well cuz if not I need to go ahead and grab some vanilla flowers because I really don’t have many right now any that works there and it should just be this right there you go that’s how you open up the portal there with that uh

Apparently we got uh shocked I didn’t even see what debuff we had there we could jump straight into Twilight and we just need to find oursel a good little area to actually set up a oh I forgot they have the flight disabled in this area too I’m not sure how I feel about

This whole flight disabled thing CU they actually disabled the ls as well and I don’t know how I feel about that like I said I I don’t know I may actually go into the config and change it so we at least have elytras I feel like elytras makes sense I don’t understand

Why they disabled the ltras and flight as well I may actually just build the mob farm in here too these Mounds they usually have a bunch of ores in them but this is like a perfect spot here actually spawned in a pretty good place I’m going to dig out a little tunnel

Here then we’ll go ahead and uh set up our little mob farm and then yeah just go ahead and do some killing here I guess manually spend some time I guess uh just slaughtering mobs and mass so way get the Dreadful dirt to work really really well is to actually have a

Redstone signal just on a clock ticking into it so that’s what I’m doing here just laying down a bunch of redstone really quickly then we’ll set up a clock here I guess a timer from our tools to be able to guess take it on and off we

Put one right here should probably work just fine also there’s like a void area down below here too with uh probably some spawners and stuff but threw down at torch so nothing should be able to spawn I’m not that close to the spawners either so we should be okay so anyway

Let’s go ahead and rotate this thing like this there you go and hopefully that’s uh ticking the entire area here probably speed that up a little too so go to probably like 10 you go so tick quite fast here I don’t know maybe a little faster I guess we could make it

Go kind of Max right so two probably be too fast probably about five there you go that’ll be pretty insane right there we’ll see how well that works then basically I just need to cover up that with dirt and then and fill up the area

Here and then use the eggs and uh we are pretty much good to go so yeah this should work pretty insanely should give us a ton of spawns here then we’ll be able to just uh hopefully kill them pretty quickly and get ourselves some gems here pretty quickly as well

Hopefully we get the Gem I want actually pretty quickly I guess is the main thing cuz then I won’t have to worry about that Twilight gem I just do this anywhere I could do just back the base or something right anyway this is good there then we want to go ahead and grab

Some tin glass guess just in the front of it so I think right here which will work just fine have to go probably down a block and then kind of hit them in the feet I guess when we’re done here then on top of that I guess we’ll need some

Vector plates so I think I have some of those in here right so let’s grab some vectors actually before we do the vectors we already have it lit up I always forget to do this too always put down the vectors and go hey I got to use

Eggs man let’s go grab our two eggs here these will do a 5×5 area I think I have a 10 area here right so that should do one and this should the entire area here so that handle that then I guess all we need is our Vector plates right so let

Actually go back and finally grab our Vector plates now and uh get this place finished man so yeah that should work very well actually so we’ll kind of see how it works here but with the sweeping Edge and our sword we should to oneshot all these guys no problem at all

Whatsoever although I’m going to be a little scared kind of guess turning the lights off in this place because uh yeah we don’t really have uh we’re going to be attacked I think right away away actually cuz there going to be a lot of

Mob spawns so how am I going to get out of here without dying I guess there not so much dying just getting beat up they’re going to beat me in the face I think a lot let go do that there and I guess try to just wing it so I do this

This that and this here and didn’t get out actually I thought it would already spawn wait does this dirt not work in this Dimension you’re a kidding me right actually no wait this doesn’t affect it does it our Mega torch where’ I put the mega torch at

It’s up here I don’t think this affects this dirt cuz I’m doing it in the other dimension no problem does this dirt really not work in this Dimension are you serious that sucks I did this for nothing what why you know working this dimension I guess I could take this dirt

And move it but that sucks it doesn’t work here I guess we’d have to use a spawner or something I was really thinking this would work wow okay did not expect that one at all man that kind of makes me angry a little bit anyway does this a touch work yes it

Does that is so sucky so let’s try this again but this time in the Overworld it should work because well our other Farm working right so the one down there is working so I see no reason why this one won’t so anyway we’ll try it out here

Either way threw down a Feral Flare it seems like a better way to turn off the lights I guess on off in this thing if I break that they should start spawning insanely fast that they’re just kind of coming super quickly here they’re just dying of cramming yeah

That’s insane look at that that’s crazy that’s crazy I like that oh I don’t like these guys though what are you yeah you go away so anyway let’s go ahead and grab uh inhibitor cuz we’ll definitely need need that here let’s go grab one of those real quick there you go make sure

They can’t teleport so handle you very quickly then I need to clean up my inventory here and then kind of deal with this right I didn’t really think about how I’m going to turn this off oh my goodness that’s a racket I’m going to have to totally mute that so anyway go

To hunt down our back back and kind of get this going here going to have to do some void uh voiding us stuff off as well cuz that’s going to be a giant issue oh this place is a mess already this fireworks this dirt’s insane when you take accelerate it oh my goodness

That’s crazy okay grab it back back there you go and maybe dig down kind of get this sord out look at that I don’t even know how I’m going to deal with all this junk we’ll figure it out either way so I think I have this thing working

Pretty well now so you see here the spawn rate is still utterly completely borked so that was kind of the idea I really just wanted to be able to slaughter Bobs really fast make sure we get our gems pretty quickly so here here you can see it’s not as filled up as it

Was we’re getting a lot of gems some of them we already have like five of so we’re actually getting them at a very good rate they’re coming in pretty quickly and I probably have some more that my inventory is full of them too right so the way I’m filtering this as

Well is uh up here I have another trash can then I have this one here enchanted magic scroll I just removed the MPT data and that way it was able to just pull all those Scrolls right so they were actually just straight up filling up everything then everything else is going

Into the Armory cabinet so anything that has durability and that one’s going into a trash can as well so that kind of deals with that and the mob kills are just flying up here now every once a while I take damage I don’t even know

What’s hitting me I had to go in there too and change all the walls cuz those Savannah Enderman dudes were picking up my entire walls like all of them and just walking away with them all just they’re just being total jerks but anyway definitely something that I had

To deal with there and uh it’s working well either way it needs a little flushing out mind you but for the most part we’re getting the gems super quickly which was kind of the goal so I’ve going ahead and Salvage down the first kind a batch of gems here I’m

Going to do a second batch here now that I can actually afford a salvaging table so let’s actually go ahead grab that right there with that we should be able to salvage down our own gems without having to go to the other dimension which is nice so basically all you have

To do is go ahead and pop them in here just like everything else just hit the little Hammer there and uh then you’re done right so there you go if you automatically pipe them in it just does it automatically but if you’re looking at the table like in the guey um you

Have to push the button I think otherwise it just does it automatically when you pipe them in once it gets filled right this way it works there anyway we got ourselves a good am of dust here a little over two stacks now to kind of get it started right so the

First thing we’ll need here I guess is a simple reforging table so I have to go ahead and grab one of these let’s go ahead and do that grab ourselves the simple this one only let you do the actual I guess the rrolling of fixes and enchanting of the uh actual equipment up

To rare we want to go to the the high level right the Mythic so we should go ahead and grab that we have that around here somewhere where’s my barrel of all the stuff and things in it let’s go ahead and grab some that there go ahead

And see if we can actually make this thing now we just need some Nether Bricks so go ahead grab three of those and then hopefully grab the reforging table right so that is good now we want to probably be set up around our experience so let’s head over here go

Ahead and pop that down right here for right now we’ll end up having this a different spot but for right now that’s good go ahead and grab I guess all the levels I guess doesn’t really matter and then go ahead and throw down the actual reforging table as well and I guess

We’ll need all our materials as well so I should probably go ahead and grab that Y and see what we can do what we could do right so anyway main thing I really want to start enchanting is our armor start getting some good uh enchant on

Them right away so let’s grab a little bit of this stuff I think we mostly only need to guard Forge but we’ll grab everything put some dust in there put some God Forge and start pulling our armor and see what we get on this stuff right none of these are enchanted yet so

I guess that’s the thing let’s go ahead and check this out so it takes up to 150 levels that is like the max enchant right so you can see there you’ll get these different stats there magic damage ticket is reduced when attacked uh inflict blind which is not too bad armor

Toughness and armor is always good one magic stats I don’t really care about so I’m going to be going through these and try to Mid Max and pick the ones I really want armor toughness is always a good one so that’s actually a good one to look out there magic damage taken is

Always good one as well especially with mod mods like the cataclysm mod where they do a lot of magic damage and some other ones here we have a lot of spell I guess mobs in this pack so always a good one to look at anyway kind of figure

This out here guess I didn’t need these other resources at all this would be more for combining up the gem so these ones here will be for leveling up the gems when we get a whole bunch of good gems here so I’ve used up all of our

Dust it’s actually all gone already so I guess that’s the thing we’re up to 27 armor so not horrible there 30 armor toughness so we did pretty good in that regards and then we got some other good stats like 173% uh crit damage also this armor has

A eltro flight on it so that’s pretty cool we have a lro flight on that as well uh fall flying I don’t know what that means but we have one in that gravity one of them had a negative gravity not sure exactly what that means it says acceleration towards the ground

And blocks squared I guess not sure what that means probably fall faster I guess it doesn’t matter we don’t take any fall damage I guess has some life steel we just got a little bit of everything here it’s not too bad we’re up to 170 Heartz

And we have protection spe uh Pierce 20% speed on the actual I guess armors themselves we have magic damage taken is reduced by 13 when attacked inflict blindness so we blind enemies that had lock on as well and some life and some armor toughness this one here here I had

The elra flight and on top of that I guess I had uh nothing else really too much I guess I really just went for the elra flight on that one or it gives me resistance too when I get attacked which is massive actually and reduced physical damage taken this one here had fire

Damage taken is reduced which doesn’t matter but it has when attacking insta Health then more armor toughness more lock more speed it’s all that good stuff there the cool down reduction means nothing cuz I don’t really use magic this one here I guess uh when attack gain speed fall damage doesn’t matter

Because we don’t take it more armor though more armor toughness and knockback resistance which is always nice and then we have a whole bunch of sockets that we could fill out too then on these ones here we have some weird ones so this tool can place a torch so

The both of these actually can place torches now and they don’t take durability damage so we just kind of do it instantly so whenever I want to place a torch I just right click which is kind of funny and when I break things with this one I get a speed buff so that’s

Cool then it has block reach experience gain more lock mining speed which is nice this thing again has the torch this one when I break a block it gains haste which is nice because it’s on the silk touch one and three block reach more experience gained more luck and Mining

Speed as well and finally I guess our sword here this one was pretty good actually on hit inflect weakness slain enemies have 3% chance to loot Pata your attacks deal four damage to nearby enemies and then I guess on top of that 26% life steal some protection Pierce

And some CR damage so that’s a pretty good one there axe was actually really nice this axe is super nice on hit inflict bleeding attacks have 45% chance to also hit up to five at be so almost like a double sweeping Edge and enemies below 9% Max health will be executed so

Really good in that regards too only two sockets but 40% armor shred which is Giant and then the current HP damage that’s a giant one too it makes it so you can like totally just wreck like uh Pig glitches and things like that the things that have like five 5,000 hit

Points right just totally just mess them up no problem at all whatsoever so yeah that’s some really good en chants here we did really well although we have no more dust we used it all so pretty much everything we did today was used to just

Get this stuff up to these stats here in time I’ll be able to I guess roll them more in fact if I want to roll say this axe I do have like enough dust to kind of do one of the lower roll rolls there so like the first level roll takes five

Dust the next one is 10 and then the top level one is 15 right so gets used up really quickly if you’re actually doing the top ones right so anyway that is that that’s going to be pretty much it for today we’ll come back in the next video and uh figure out what

We’re going to do next but as always guys like this video please uh go ahead and hit that like button really liked it hit that subscribe button it is always appreciated hope you guys all have a good one see you guys in the next video later

This video, titled ‘All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Insanely OP Easy Apotheosis Gear + Gem Farms EP14’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2024-01-03 16:38:57. It has garnered 11184 views and 537 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:59 or 1919 seconds.

All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is not just another 1.20.1 modpack – it is a testament to the evolution and diversity of Minecraft modding. With nearly 400 mods, this modpack offers an extensive selection that caters to every type of player. Whether you are interested in enhancing the visuals, exploring new gameplay mechanics, or customizing your world, ATM9 has something for you.

ATM9 covers a wide range of gameplay categories, including exploration, magic, technology, and multiplayer. This diversity ensures that players with different interests can find something to enjoy. Whether you are captivated by mystical elements, fascinated by advanced technology, or seeking cooperative adventures with friends, ATM9 has you covered.

All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Insanely OP Easy Apotheosis Gear + Gem Farms EP14

► Seed: 1237100171439781943

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  • Survive the Apocalypse on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Survive the Apocalypse on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an intense battle between the RED POISON GAS and a Doomsday Bunker in Minecraft. The stakes are high as we witness whether the bunker can withstand the toxic fumes or if disaster will strike. Inside the video, you’ll get a showcase of the meticulously designed Doomsday Bunker, complete with all the necessary survival features. Watch as the RED POISON GAS is unleashed and see how it affects the bunker. Can the players survive amidst the chaos? If you’re looking… Read More

  • Tiny Zombie vs Golem | Epic Minecraft Battle

    Tiny Zombie vs Golem | Epic Minecraft Battle Little Zombie vs Golem | Epic Battle in Minecraft😱 Have you ever seen a little zombie riding a sheep decide to become a knight and challenge a golem? In this epic clash, he showed all his bravery, but the question remains: can he defeat these huge opponents? 🤔 The Battle Unfolds Witness the thrilling moments and amazing twists in this unusual battle. What awaits the little villain in the end? Will he manage to overcome the might of the golems, or will everything go awry? 🐑💥 Stay Tuned for More Adventures Subscribe, like, and stay connected to not miss… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “A batalha final – Minecraft” that left us on the edge of our seats. The protagonist is facing off against Herobrine, who has recruited zombies and villagers as his servants. Can our hero emerge victorious from this epic battle? While watching this intense showdown, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities for epic battles and adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features and vibrant community, Minewind offers a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to! Today we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft and why you should join the Minewind server. But first, let’s take a look at this awesome YouTube video titled “Minecraft Skyblock Race to the Middle! 💨 #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft” where players embark on a thrilling skyblock race inspired by popular YouTubers like CheapPickle, Walibear, and tinymacdude. Watching videos like this can really get your Minecraft adrenaline pumping and make you want to jump into the game yourself. And what better place to do that than on the Minewind server? With its unique gameplay features… Read More

  • Nether Shulker Hunt! Minecraft Hindi Gameplay

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  • Rizz_app’s Fall Damage Fiasco: A Minecraft Texting Tale

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  • Shirley-XML: Minecraft Easy Difficulty Shenanigans

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  • Roblox vs. Minecraft Obby Showdown!

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  • From Mafia to Minecraft: EfeKan’s Rich Poor Life

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  • New Minecart Tricks!

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  • 100 Sneaky Overworld Minecraft Facts

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  • Deadly player shows secret dark oak house build!

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  • Animal Mobs Conquer ONE BLOCK Minecraft

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  • Stuck in F5 FOREVER?! Minecraft madness! 😱🎮

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  • Unbelievable Achievements in Minecraft S5 Ep 24

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  • Unbelievable Transformation of Abandoned Minecraft Village!

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  • Minecraft Monday Insanity – Multiverse mayhem! #83

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  • Biboo Reveals Dark Secret to Mizu (Yandere Calli)

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  • Shizo coaching secrets revealed!

    Shizo coaching secrets revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC Rising Coaching | Minecraft (04 Sept 2024)’, was uploaded by SeapeekayLIVE on 2024-09-05 13:22:02. It has garnered 169 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:01 or 18541 seconds. MCC Rising Coaching | Minecraft (04 Sept 2024) 🚨 Socials 🚨 TWITCH ► TWITTER ► DISCORD ► YOUTUBE ► @SeaPeeKay CLIPS CHANNEL ► @seapeekayclips All Things MCC ► @AllThingsMCC All Things Discord ► #mcc #minecraft #gaming #practice #seapeekay #twitch #vod Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Bellydance to Arabic Minecraft Song

    Mind-Blowing Bellydance to Arabic Minecraft SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘#bellydance #music #bellydancer #song #arabic #minecraft #songlyrics #cover #art #musiclyrics kali’, was uploaded by anin dan amar on 2024-04-08 09:37:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Server26 – SMP, Small, No Teleport, Java, 1.20.6+, 18+, Older Players, Discord, LGBTQ+ Friendly, GriefPrevention, Player Shops, No Resets, est. 2015

    Attention 18+ Attention 18+ means 18+ Please be 18 or older! It should go without saying, but apparently these disclaimers are never enough. Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins known from other servers are absent by design and won’t be added. Visit Map: Discord: Gameplay This server is meant to feel like a vanilla server. The default… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft oopsie daisies!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft oopsie daisies!Wow, this meme got more points than my high school math test! Read More

  • Crafty Customer: Mine for Fun in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Skeleton Shenanigans 🔥😂

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Skeleton Shenanigans 🔥😂 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • 100 Days in One Block Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft!

    Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft! The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Experience in Minecraft Imagine a world where Minecraft transforms into a thrilling zombie apocalypse adventure. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast showcased an incredible modpack and resource pack combination that brings the undead to life in the blocky realm. Let’s dive into the details of this spine-chilling experience! 35 Mods and Resource Packs for the Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse The creator of this immersive Minecraft experience curated a collection of 35 mods and resource packs that completely overhaul the game into a post-apocalyptic nightmare. From terrifying zombie hordes to eerie atmospheric changes, every aspect of… Read More

  • EPIC SMALL MODS!! Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock

    EPIC SMALL MODS!! Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft StoneblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘GREAT SMALLER MODS | Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock Modpack | EP 6’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-08-30 17:08:58. It has garnered 854 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:40 or 3400 seconds. Today we’re diving into a brand new Stoneblock style modpack! That’s right it’s Haven Caveblock Reborn. With custom recipes, progressions, and a new way to use create and a whole slew of other mods, this adventure is sure to be a crazy one! So join in and enjoy the minecraft modded masterpiece that is another Stoneblock… Read More

  • Minecraft Custom Pack: Farming Wardens at 3:33am

    Minecraft Custom Pack: Farming Wardens at 3:33amVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE- MineCraft Custom Pack-FARMING WARDENS AT 3:33 AM’, was uploaded by Youtube Chanel on 2024-08-06 21:33:36. It has garnered 204 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:43 or 6523 seconds. Hey yall WELCOME to ANOTHER VIDEO OF MINECRAFT if ya like the content feel free to join the discord i post when i go live there i try to stream daily i usually start late afternoon but if ya have any recomendations or ever want to play together feel free to ask in the discord Read More

  • EPIC Bluey Play: Queen Bingo vs Skeleton Muffin!

    EPIC Bluey Play: Queen Bingo vs Skeleton Muffin!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Skeleton Muffin In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-23 09:00:50. It has garnered 3706 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:31 or 3691 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Skeleton Muffin In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon SMP with Quicxil – LIVE NOW!

    INSANE Pixelmon SMP with Quicxil - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] New Pixel Destiney’s Pixelmon SMP Minecraft’, was uploaded by Quicxil on 2024-07-11 09:23:01. It has garnered 8679 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:56 or 13076 seconds. Pixelmon is a Popular mod for minecraft java edition that mixes the pokemon world within what we all know and love about minecraft! mixing the creative building and exploring function of minecraft with the cool pokemon battle mechanics makes for a fun and unique time! Server IP ➤ Heres The Quick Start Guide to Joining my server! ➤ ➤Join the Pixel… Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Reveals Epic Minecraft Domain! Exclusive Home Tour” #minecraft #minecraftpe

    "Insane Gamer Reveals Epic Minecraft Domain! Exclusive Home Tour" #minecraft #minecraftpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discovering My Minecraft Domain! Episode 1, Part 1: Exclusive Home Tour|#minecraft #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by MAD×GAMERZzz on 2024-05-27 17:25:55. It has garnered 529 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Discovering My Minecraft Domain! Episode 1, Part 1: Exclusive Home Tour|#minecraft #minecraftpe . .. .. . .. . … .. . . … . . Welcome to the first episode of my Minecraft adventure series! In this video, we take an exclusive tour of my meticulously crafted home. Join me as we explore every nook and cranny, from… Read More

  • Minecraft Mastery: Use WHISTLING to Beat Game LIVE 🔴

    Minecraft Mastery: Use WHISTLING to Beat Game LIVE 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | Beating Minecraft Using WHISTLING’, was uploaded by Bloomscorch on 2024-08-17 17:02:52. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. The preparations for the journey to the stronghold start now We got a Discord Community server! Go join it! – Big thanks to @LearnCodeByGaming for creating the pydirectinput python library which allowed me to control the keyboard and mouse inputs of the game Github link: Here’s the github link to the code: I haven’t made any releases yet so if you… Read More

  • Shocking!! Axolotls are NOT Pink?! #mysteryrevealed

    Shocking!! Axolotls are NOT Pink?! #mysteryrevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Axolotls arn’t pink #vtuber #envtubermemes #minecraft #anime #animeedit #twitch #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Faye Hue on 2024-01-09 07:31:44. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Technically… im teal !!!!! :U Read More

  • Mikey steals DIAMOND, Golem stops him!

    Mikey steals DIAMOND, Golem stops him!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Steals a DIAMOND From Villager, BUT Iron Golem Stops Him ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-07 07:44:48. It has garnered 5244 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Mikey Steals a DIAMOND From Villager, BUT Iron Golem Stops Him ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More

  • Minecraft Cover with Hilarious Duo – A4 Song History Memes

    Minecraft Cover with Hilarious Duo - A4 Song History MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘#song #майнкрафт #cover #дуэт #history #юмор #юмор #мем #a4 #a4 #minecraft #singer’, was uploaded by Тирьяка on 2024-04-23 04:22:10. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • SteamBreaker

    SteamBreakerSteamBreaker é um servidor de sobrevivência multiplataforma que oferece uma experiência desafiadora e imersiva. Explore um mundo aberto com ciclos de dia e noite, colete recursos, construa abrigos e enfrente criaturas hostis. Jogue solo ou em cooperação, participe de eventos regulares e complete missões para ganhar recompensas. Respeite as regras de fair play e junte-se à nossa comunidade no Discord. Prepare-se para sobreviver e prosperar em SteamBreaker! Read More

  • Ordinary SMP – Vanilla Java 1.21 Fabric Hermitcraft-like Whitelist

    [Ordinary SMP] Join Our Friendly Minecraft Community! Vanilla | Java 1.21 | Whitelisted Hey Crafters! Are you looking for a new place to build, explore, and make new friends? Look no further! Ordinary SMP might be just what you’re searching for. We boast a diverse player base from across the globe and you’re invited to join us! Our Server: Version: 1.21 – Always up to date with the latest features and updates! Community-Focused: We’re a small, friendly group of players who love building, adventuring and working together on community projects. Grief Protection: Although it’s vanilla, we’ve got measures in place… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Literally Lava Hot!

    Wow, it’s got a higher score than my math test! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Herobrine Meets Jesus

    Herobrine Meets Jesus The Hypothetical Encounter: Herobrine meets Jesus Christ In the vast and blocky world of Minecraft, where players embark on adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various creatures, there exists a mysterious figure known as Herobrine. Herobrine is a legendary character, shrouded in mystery and fear, often appearing unexpectedly and causing chaos in the game. The Meeting of Legends Now, imagine a scenario where Herobrine, with his dark and enigmatic presence, comes face to face with the serene and divine figure of Jesus Christ. In the video “What if Herobrine met Jesus Christ,” we delve into the intriguing possibility of… Read More