Intense Chill: Seditio Hardcore Ep3

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20 yeah so a lot of radio guys like radio people use um the Electro Voice re320 that’s like a one version of it is like a $500 mic yeah there is this one it’s an r320 but use it’s only 300 that’s like a one version of it that’s interesting

Is it another one that needs a lot of game though it might be there is here Josh quiet down for one second I need to hear if the audio is working well that’s interesting is it another one that needs a lot of game though it might

Be here Josh quiet down for I need to hear if the audio is working well okay the audio is fine yes that’s what I’ve been telling you it’s just a little quiet on my on my side okay hello hello hello um let me try and do that

And that all right does this sound okay yeah I’m getting a little bit of background noise but that’s just like normal yeah oh that’s probably like my PC and stuff yeah not really something you can fix yeah I wish I could but yeah you know how it is yeah well kind of my

Computer’s not all that loud actually I don’t I want mine will be a lot quieter once I get my aoi water cooler cooler yes I can wait I was a little concerned with mine just because the tubes didn’t seem littley they’re like pressing up against

The glass A little bit but it’s not bad yeah they’re supposed to be heavy duty so they don’t break and you know your entire PC gets flooded and destroyed yeah that would suck no but something hello AJ girl welcome Madera oh started um something nice that they did

Is on the actual like water block um the fittings are on like a I don’t know what’s the word like a movable swing thing I don’t know oh that’s nice yeah so they can move her in a little bit I want to I I’m going to

Upgrade to an AIO I’m good how are you um I want to upgrade to an AIO but like like I want to make sure I do it right I don’t want to mess with my CPU cuz you know I’m going to be taking I’m going to have to reapply thermal paste and crap

Cuz you know yeah um I’m taking off the fan that’s on it yeah but it’s definitely going to be worth it cuz like my PC can run pretty much anything I just get a little worried at the temps sometimes yeah I keep getting worried

About my temps and then I go look at it and they’re just fine yeah it’s like for me it’s just like you know it’s such a big investment that it’s like I want to make sure I get everything out of it and I don’t hurt it

How much are you looking to spend just out of um I’m either going to go for like a$ 70ish dollar Corsair one or just go for the Kraken with the LCD display yeah cuz that one’s fun I can put little anime girls on it I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m just

Kidding dude oh interesting okay uh buy again no I will probably put like Kirby or something on it if I had the display that’s funny uh that’s interesting hey do you have flint and steel by any chance uh I do yeah hold on I borrow that yeah oh interesting

Cool uh the aiio I got I got it for 85 bucks apparently it was on sale cuz now it’s like 100 oh yeah yeah it’s a miss high one okay yeah that’s good it’s a good deal here here uh uh wait no that’s cap lock I don’t want cap lock wait

That’s a different skin what oh wait is it no it’s not I just have the 3D skins on I have this on ler client to burn something down I don’t I don’t use that one I think it missed up a few of the just how they look it just made it look

Funny I guess I got pretty lucky with my a it’s a big old bonfire outside your land why take a look I said why not what cuz it’s about time I got rid of it all right I got to use your mom again real quick yo I got really luck with my CPU

What I got it I got it for few hundred bucks it’s now it’s now listed at 262 I’m probably going to upgrade to a 99 eventually too really you have a i7 right yeah yeah I 12 I’m dead half a heart half a freaking heart half a freaking heart where are you die

What are you doing oh good you took it down yeah I was at half heart he really hurt me like bad dude where are you I’m at your house have my house I don’t have a house well I kind of have a house I kind of stole one of the

Villagers yeah cuz so locked in your chamber of love oh I’m going to do that hey oh the whole thing burned too great I’m glad there’s no floating blocks yeah that’s perfect that’d be annoying to get rid of mhm I hate when that happens yeah I’m going to mess with my mini map

Settings real quick options ad Dar said you scared her the other day oh yeah my bad yeah oh yeah that was kind of me too we were both trying to get Lamb’s attention no CL was you it’s just Li’s lover though I’m going to get my stre done you better I

Will get my thing though dude I need to get me a phone stand I’m just using this um coaster thing right now uh she said it’s okay oh wait before I do that I’m going to send you a picture of my setup I’ve already seen your setup you already did it’s different though

Cuz I got the mouse pad all right hold on oh this game is beautiful what shaders set is Josh make sure you’re in the picture nope oh man yeah I’m not in the picture all right you should ask that lamb guy to get on you should ask

Sarx yes wake him up wake him up he’s not allowed to sleep he needs to get back he’s sleeping at 12:15 he dude he never shows up to school he will show up at like fourth period and be like I was sleeping BR it’s so funny

It’s not funny all right I sent you kind of it’s a little funny of a goofy guy he’s a little silly goose that’s what you guys have in comment all right you are some silly geese I’m going to go onde real quick just to see if my audio stuff is fine

Well actually you can talk here check one two check check your your mic your audio is good you might want to well I’m checking my OBS audio okay yeah well I I heard you on like on my stream at least through your stream what’s up flare dud

Welcome back welcome to the stream oh actually I was watching back my um my stream just a little bit of my stream yesterday I was a little loud mhm I’m going to lower that just a little bit though I like that my mic isn’t on my

Desk anymore it freed up so much space y okay late as always no you’re not very late I’ve only been streaming for 9 minutes yeah you haven’t missed anything really all right let’s try this again check one two check check how’s it going good good good good good good good good

Good your journey to the dark side is almost complet all hold on I am go on real quick the dark s of the force welcome s my voice is a little Bassy welcome welcome wel hello everybody Welcome to the stream yo what’s up guys welcome to sedici stream better better get the translator

Open and English to are we actually planning on doing the Ender Dragon today uh I don’t know if we get around to it if saf harx gets on yeah saf ARX TD zarx Tower Defense so what I think every time I hear TD a far Tower Defense cuz like balloons

TD welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome consider liking everybody who’s in the Stream right now consider Hardcore Minecraft with CIA plays maybe can once you uh get your YouTube streaming going up I’m going to start linking your channel in my description whenever we play in stream so people can

Just navigate right to your channel and uh sub and everything y appreciate it okay that should be fine my title should be fine have a new subscriber nice man good work I’m glad glad that you’re getting some more subs you’re we’re on the road started my stream by the way

Okay so everyone in chat right now I got a um I got a question cuz I don’t really know we’re we’re really close to 200 subs and I want to do something for 200 Subs but I don’t really know what so I want to get your guys’ ideas and opinions on that and

See what you think don’t worry I just almost let out our mending villager I would have slapped you so hard it’s fine hold up what’s Up I’m looking fancy chat I’m looking fancy come here I’ve got my armor on copyright that’s nice it should be killing the Wither um you go and find that out I probably will be killing the weer today that’s probably something that will be likely if I can find a fortress

And get enough skulls I don’t think if you have but you could do a face real I think um I don’t I don’t know I’m probably going to save that for a little longer I don’t think 200 is where I’ll do that um it’s a l thing I think I

Might wait until like at least a thousand Subs all right um I’m good how are you how are you sat I’m doing good I’m just debating on harvesting not doing quite well doing decent better that I have coffee and you know I’m getting the stream dude I forgot about my coffee I haven’t

Finished it yet yo I don’t know how to say your name but thank you for the follow I appreciate it yes I Charlie thank you as well JFK something thank you as well I I really appreciate it guys you’re doing a good work friend this man here he’s a fine and dandy

Fell all right I need to make a lot of golden carrots yeah so I have some food yeah this looks good Cool Joe what should I do I’m kind of had a lost stuff to do I think we should um should we go look for another Fortress yes that’s actually

Sound that that sounds fun all right where are my gold boots if I have any ooh gold boots that’s actually a good idea do I have enough gold here I’ll make you a pair I’ll make you a pair all right oh wait I have your blast protection three gold boots yeah well

Those are damaged quite a bit true I was going to put some base level enchants on this but I’m not going to waste levels holy that went up to 39 Geer is online good okay my dad’s got to 441 so I need to try and beat him in Subs

That’s cool his channel called I want to sub to uh J man what is your what is your Twitch called I’m going to link it in the chat uh it’s all lowercase j man uh 30612 what’s up Joseph uh I’m doing pretty good 3 Z or 30 just 30

612 so it’s like almost my Minecraft name kind of yeah you guys go go follow him on Twitch he’s going to start streaming on YouTube too also yeah I might I might start it today I don’t know depending on how this one goes well you can stream

Both twitch and OBS at the same time or twitch and YouTube on obs can you well like yep I have a friend like at the same time yes oh I might do that actually here come here come here our church used to do um YouTube Facebook and our own website okay switch

Yeah sorry I was just reading chat go on yeah oh God here do you need any food or no I have 48 carats I’m good like gold here take a little bit more I got there’s 21 more okay I’ve got a stack in 21 so uh yes please thank

You all right nether fortress let’s do this thing all right all right um so South e or Southwest was where we found that Bastion so I say we head east we go east yeah we head east to the layer of PL Lord of the Rings no that’s not Lord Rings wait what

I thought that was Lord of the Rings what no that’s Moana oh wait yeah you’re right going oh wait TOA is that big old crab guy yeah remember hi oh God I keep I heard something I heard something completely different I did not hear uh Tom TOA yeah

No going south would be towards uh icing yes there we go I got those two things mixed up I think it’s only SE like one time yeah that’s fine well we’re going south now but it doesn’t matter we’re heading towards I and God well the thing is East doesn’t seem

Like a very easy way to go yeah here let’s trade with some Pig hoglins real quick okay or piglins whatever they’re called uh I have a crafting table on you have one too all right there’s nine gold for you okay we getting pearls or something I’m just going to see what we can

Get sorry about that Y what is this guy going to give us what what did he throw I got obsidian I got fire charge all right and Soul Sand uh spectral arrows ooh leather I forgot this is a good way to it’s okay don’t worry about why are they like losing their

Mines oh that happens sometimes it’s just like a thing they do dude I went from 25 followers to 39 guys I really appreciate that who’s cutting onions what am I new on streaming um kind of I did a little streaming in February of last year but more recently since I’ve gotten my new

Computer I’ve been doing it for a couple months all right we’re about to have a fun littleit for you guys holy shut up dude they’re going bananas shut up please okay it’s kind of funny though it is all right don’t worry about it sto uh

I have it’s okay if you WR in some I probably should have just all right I I didn’t get really anything too special so let’s just get on with our our adventure here I got some good building blocks though I got like 40 Blackstone which is good yeah that’s pretty good that

Helps cuz we have a more stronger build uh Bridge material yeah I’m going to mine quartz just cuz I’m going to get I need levels for enchants just to everyone in chat right now please consider liking it helps me out a lot as you know something that’s much much appreciated yeah thisy worked

Pretty hard on this stream so is that are you being sarcastic or uh slightly I know you were this stuff’s it’s kind of low quality right now but it’s going to get better who is that me oh it’s Liam Liam welcome um so I I have a dentist appointment oh

Fun Josh I’m bridging across right now okay we won’t do anything crazy without you li oh yeah watch out oh oh Sho I’ll try to get on ler after I get back it’s just a cleaning so none of them are connecting there we go what are youall doing right now we are gas

Foress oh nice good shot yeah I was done with that oh we got a gas here oh bone blocks let’s freaking go I love bone blocks dude those are good for um bone meal yeah but they’re good for building too I guess I normally only use them for bone

Meal you nor me shut up I don’t build yeah I know you don’t yeah no I just normally pay other people to do that other people ask an Annabelle okay no Annabelle and fright yeah but fright doesn’t do a great job cuz he’s never online dude when fright

Buil me that little house I thought it was going to be like a bit bigger cuz I had this whole area circled if it was me you would had a mansion you wouldn’t know how to pay me either yeah I just got a big building is the only

Thing I really get a lot of enjoyment from in this game on a quick uh Joseph I’m not really interested in doing stuff like that I’m just doing this for fun all right uh I can’t I really can’t see anything so you’re like my eyes if you see anything that looks like it

Might be a fortress you’re going to have to tell me yeah okay I don’t really it’s just a bunch of stuff I have no idea I’m get back watch out we’re on the edge of lava right now yeah I see that don’t break the block under him insert

Gas I have to go I’ll be there soon okay no problem s I’ll be here waiting Josh I know you’re thinking about it don’t I’m not I don’t even have my pickaxe in hand yeah and it takes a second to get it in your hand yeah but I only have

Efficiency one it wouldn’t go very fast debatable okay I have a marker on the portal by the way so we’re not going to get lost oh right yeah I kind of forgot about that that wouldn’t have been good uhoh watch out not fun too hello hold

Up okay you you that food I don’t really care I got golden carrots yeah on I’m going to grab some of the Warped wood for some building blocks cuz I don’t want to use spruce okay I should cuz it stands out more I don’t need spectral arrows here wait I

Have I think I have one of your arrows if you want it back I don’t really care I’ve got like two stacks you have it anyway uh I’m good Joseph I don’t I don’t need any of that where’d you go Joe uh I’m still going uh like

East oh there you are you went around yep yep I’m going east hold on I need to sip my coffee I just took a sip of my coffee you have coffee mhm aesome unfortunately it’s not Texas ban but it’s coffee it is coffee but it’s just not as good

Coffee are you guy that like likes this coffee sweet uh well I don’t like black coffee but I don’t like overly sweet coffee I like Mak just with cream or black like like nothing like occasionally I’ll get like a kind of like fun drink but like

Like if I want if I want like a sweeter drink then I like a sweeter a hot drink then I’ll just drink tea well well I don’t drink I don’t ever drink sugar in my tea I drink like Chinese and Taiwanese tea hey careful Joe I should probably look at where I’m

Walking in the nether yeah that that’ be helpful and make a good clip YouTube though almost falls off all right well I’ll be watching the stream Noob falls off into lava NE no that’s just a Bastian over there oh well let’s go to Sebastian Sebastian no where’s Sebastian it’s this

Way these well uh put like a marker here so we know okay use Lun and put like a little marker okay I kind of want to get down lower to like ground level yeah I don’t like being like M like leagues up in the sky

Oh we have our mini map too so we can also kind of see if there’s one in our area that we can’t see with our eyes yeah I guess what yeah hold up not fun not fun die this one there we go okay um hold up I got to

Deal with my dogs real quick okay I’ll just be second yep I’ll just chill around here won’t go too far so how’s everyone doing today here in chat you said it about yeah I might do it at a thousand Subs I don’t really know kind of just maybe when I feel like

It never know there’s a big Monumental moment um in my YouTube career I might do it then h that scared me can’t remember is there anything this way I don’t think oh all right where are you at killing a hoglin oh that’s see you hello yep all right we this is just like

A oh my God stop stop stop stop stop stop I see it I see it this is why we shouldn’t run around in the nether that was just like a little cave up there there’s nothing special so I don’t think I don’t think that’s a play

Necessarily um I’m going to try and like oh crap that’s the freaking NE I’m going to get some blocks real quick cuz I kind of need those oh crap did you mind gold possibly it’s okay it’s dead Okay wor back I’m just going to get like

A stack I think yeah had the worst back to school day I’m sorry let fun that’s good enough uh are you done this way yeah I’m kind of making a little tunnel trying to get out of this Sky fair enough just be careful oh yeah I’m definitely taking my time don’t want

To accidentally yeah okay we’re safe okay we should be good to just kind of crawl down this little Palisade since you said you have a way point to the I’ll go on his account play have ex so so I’m getting confused okay what you you said you have a wayo

To the portals yep I W to my portal not yours yeah well mine’s like right next to it so well at least a portal I don’t know if it’s mine or yours I don’t know which one I said it that but I’m it’s at a portal nonetheless so we have a way

Out in any case yeah anything no I don’t see see anything wait yes I do found one let’s go it’s across the lava though it’s okay we’ll just we can Bridge here if we want where’d you go I’m going up a little bit more where okay uh which way is it

Across the lava like what direction uh South it’s like uh east Southeast like more towards East oh h where like come down here straight that way do you not see it I see nothing of the sort well I see it it’s over there I promise what’s your uh reder distance

At like 12 or 16 you might want to turn off your shaders you can see it easier then but it looks so good here look I’ll just let you lead me blindly to where we’re going okay whatever oh crap I hear a gas yeah oh

Man oh yeah it’s over that way I don’t see it though yeah well it’s the worst oh wait wait we don’t have to bridge we don’t have to bridge There’s an actual Bridge we’re going to take the route across the lava so we’re safe okay what oh don’t do that don’t do

What I’m always a little grum man shut up I’m not old I’m not that old I’m only 17 y’all ever wonder what shut up y ever wonder what it’s like to play with elderly well this is it right here what what God I think the elderly seeing

Things again too I’m not just look over here hello ugland how the freak did you see that cuz I don’t have sh oh there’s two crap there’s three actually okay that’s one got it okay I don’t have shaders on good dude good yeah good good all right uh yeah we can probably go

Up trying to go the safest route we can yeah okay here we go they should connect over here it’s pretty good oh look there’s a spawner right there where looks like straight ahead oh that’s reminding me Cube I was like what am I looking at oh D these little ones can waa this

Biome is cool it’s like purple and hazy that’s the war for like yeah warp Forest one right there I have looting for you so let me do the kill all right well if they’re killing me I’m going to kill it well yeah dude you missed one where I just

Picked it up three BL a blaze I was like no I didn’t no Blaze welcome back yes welcome back I agree with that statement all right that was not a spawner so we need to find one yeah well there was one like oh it looks like

There might be one over here from where we yes I found one oh God ow ow ow ow ow yeah I like the this biome and this Shader pack it’s like purple instead of blue it’s really nice looking oh oh this is one of the guys here hell there’s a little guy

Here oh I thought I just got a Wither Skull first try I was about to be like no way no this just a piece of coal yeah the way it looked it looked like one but it wasn’t makes sense all right I need to get rid of some of this junk in my

Inventory oh there’s a chest over here I’m going to get it yeah you go get it I’m going to go farm some y two diamonds and a little bit of gold good actually should go I’m killing some blazes right now you know as you do can you be sure to get me

Some Blaze roads I like a lot of them uh I can try yeah I don’t know how long we plan to be here but I’ll get you some oh we got two of these guys I just got another no skull yet I have five blaze rods by the way I have

10 dude where’d you go kind of lost you a little bit I’m looking around for a Wither skulls The Blaze spawner for some reason is not spawning Blaze right now so maybe too many mobs nearby that is an end I thought that was oh I

Say that and the one SP right behind me on the edge welcome to the stream everybody I found you uh if we lower our render simulation distance it should spawn less mobs around watch out behind you 15 all right uh do I have wood on me

Wood yeah I’ve got some and then there’s warped wood too yeah we need to find nether wart also Diamond horse armor W shouldn’t be too hard to find yeah in any case we’ll get it eventually I hear some I’m going to look around the Fortress for a bit you can some

Dies do what you want to do I hear some guys of the variety that I need to kill all right I just got four more diamonds you can have uh three cuz I found two earlier no it’s okay I don’t need diamonds whoa whoa broy you cannot sneak up from behind me like

That oh dude this is weird so the nether fortress is like the same color as the rest of the nether like this Nether biome nether waste oh the same color the mini manap no wther SKS yet no William wers I don’t need that don’t need

Dir I just need them for Ru yep of course here’s some blazes I haven’t found any Nether wart yet yeah I’m looking at as well can I turn on Dynamic lighting is that a thing I don’t know why there’s not Dynamic Lighting on oh I see you’re down there okay I’m wandering

Around y well you should have both changed your render distance to two chunks and it will increase the mob spawning like crazy all right let’s do it render distance or simulation distance both he said two chunks yep am my simulation only goes down to five mine goes down to two okay mine doesn’t

So all right well these mob spawns are actually going to go crazy so I need to watch out have you seen any of the men uh yeah I just killed one cuz he was coming at me oh my God there’s a lot of mobs SP now holy crap yeah watch out I am

Trying and we’ll continue to try oh I can’t see crap yeah oh hi that’s that’s not the kind of black man I’m looking for I’m looking for the other kind yeah I’m going to stick with you just so we don’t like mess up the spawn r yeah well let’s go back this

Way I want weren’t we trying to go to the end well we can just I mean we can kill Enderman but since I wasn’t here did you say story uh sure I’ve already been this way um I need to find the the spawner what spawner the the the guys blaz spawner

Yeah there was one I just saw one Le I thought I did I found the the spawner for our fellows that we were looking for it’s not I’m not necessarily looking for the spawner I’m looking for this area of the Fortress why cuz there’s Parts like down

Below that we haven’t been to yet and there’s also a whole bunch more of these men over here that I need to kill careful where you’re swinging cuz this guy is kind of looking at funny yep I know 300 only here yep well there’s another man

Here oh crap watch out watch out watch out I’m quite low uh Joseph I’m not going to share you my Discord I don’t need any like art stuff Sor right don’t you push me on not trying to I love wandering aimlessly through never ending tunnels isn’t it

Great Nether wart let’s go oh wait what it was just in a chest cool come up here and uh let’s walk on top of the Fortress cuz maybe uh more guys up here gests we want gests guys guest black guys black men oh black man just do That [Applause] where’d you go see we haven’t been down here down oh I see some black men found another Blaze spaw yeah oh where do you come from uh I might need a a hand here where are you at what’s your cour down below I’m like

Oh oh god oh I thought they just aggroed to me dude dude what are your Pigman aggro but they aggro to a skeleton okay uh I’m like right below the blaze spawner to the side I’m like on a lower I need your cords cuz I don’t know where you are 57 73 546

736 oh this is a dangerous game there are a lot of fellas trying to kill me right now that’s all I will say all right I’m I think I’m safe I think I cleared everything out just got to be careful in here down there aren’t you y I just got level

30 oh yeah nice oh oh wowow oh my God there’s a whole Battalion of blazes shooting at me right now these blades are not very nice to me yeah there he’s dead finally okay I can chill for a second here all right I need to go back down to where I

Was mine in because we haven’t explored down there yet oh there you are I have no clue if we’ve been in this part of the Fortress yet cuz it’s a lot lower than the rest of the fort yeah well it just goes up right here oh I think we we have

I think we’ve explored this thing yeah we just need to keep loading chunks and unloading chunks to try and get some more stuff to spawn Luffy back I changed my profile the crawfie I was flare dude though um I was back for 18 days back I

Changed up my friend stream and he just turned Max off nice nice really nice man the the monsters of the blaze Rider trying to kill me watch a lot right now I need to get those go oh my gosh I almost just got snip grieved dude I went

So far that was a lot of not gu here snipe that guy for me oh wait you don’t have a bow freak oh oh my God there’s four yep I’m really low too watch out One chasing me I’m going to die I’m did he drop anything no just some

Coal and Bones I need a regen all right I’m getting there sword dude even with looting three this is still pretty hard to do I haven’t even gotten one yet I’ve killed like 20 I don’t have L three but you do so all right I’m actually curious hold on I’m going to go

Statistics how many mobs how many wither skeletons have I killed I killed six and I haven’t gotten any with looting three yeah it’s really sad and unfortunate in a lot of ways yeah the thing is they only spawn where the game considers it to be a Nether

Fortress Yeah we need to get uh oh well I have a good bit of Blaze rug oh crap crap oh crap dig dig dig I don’t know if he’s aggate at me or you he’s aggate at me he was looking straight okay two pearls though we need

Pearls I was just really scared cuz I was literally on the edge of the Fortress when that guy aggroed yeah I know um I I’m going to get some ender pearls just because they’re useful oh oh my God did that no that was I thought I just got a skull and it

Wasn’t that sus just need SP come on I have my spot Ready blazes around blazes what in the do I don’t know if you ever did that where you say rise up lights really fast and it sounds like you’re saying razor blades and you’re Australian rise lights rise lights okay you’re an interesting fellow but okay hey buddy it was a hey I

Didn’t was a thing just saying not trying to be rude just you’re an interesting fell that was like a thing when the cup song was a thing tell me you know what that is yeah I know got my ticket for the long way round dude sisters would play that on

Repeat oh we missed a part of this Fortress oh we did yep I just found our Nether wart area crap he teleported away okay come on where is he oh we missed a big part of this Fortress whoa another Nether wart area he’s mad at me where is he Jos we miss a

Lot I mean like a whole like this is the majority of the Fortress here sorry I’m kind of being haunted by a end oh that’s fine who doesn’t really want to come out of hiding yeah no problem if you need to go don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I appreciate the

Time that you were here with us hello okay is there a fella coming after you yeah he kind of stopped by a little bit of a of a tall guy oh nice pe oh this one of the tall fellas yeah them three blockers all right guys we can talk about this

Okay just walk around the corner to like three blazes just chilling there I heard that violence is not always the answer okay guys it’s the question the answer is yes that’s a good one you should Bridge what oh hey what I didn’t say anything no I I just said said

Hi ow darn it they saw me I see oh bye J yeah they’re little lasers is what they are oh spectral arrows are nice nice look I’m not the only one who has laser vision Now suck it no why did you think I was asking you to dude I don’t want

Rabies okay watch out oh hey what no I just angered a tall guy what is Brody doing go dude they never come down here you really should cuz that’s where I am oh my God bro my mom made some broccoli cheddar soup busing did you turn up your render distance

No I think I’m about ready to go though yeah I’ll just kill these guys where are they they’re up there dumb butts I’m down here here I have looting too I have looting to let me do it hey come down or not cuz he’s just going to jump off the edge

There he’s know what he knows what’s fixing to happen to him I hear him oh hello yep right there why are you angry at him I already already hit you no idea Big Bird Big Bird my baby girl I’m going to tell you right now we’re both

Live so if you say something messed up try not to um also John I had I pretty much finished that building I was working on I uh finished tilling all the soil in the garden and I planted some wood where are these head the rest I’m waiting to do with

You I’m on we’re on our we’re on the hardcore server we’re doing a all bit of stuff I think I’m ready to go I’m going to oh no there they are oh my God you you didn’t have to bring the whole Army now come back down there’s one here I can’t say

That don’t say it all right all right we’re ready baiting me like I’m the police we need to go that way right kind portal is this way 700 26 M I’m going to turn back my rendance up oh ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow lava hurts you good

Probably all right there’s a possibility and I’m not good but there’s a possibility that I am oh there’s more Fortress this way too what are we doing doing we’re sck we suck at this game it’s fine where did you go keep losing you I’m bre are you I’m

Breaking that spawner we only need one and I’m not dealing with blazes knocking me off the edge right now yeah not good watch it I’m going to make like a little nether Highway type thing all right as long as you can remember your way yeah I I have my my marker so

Yeah bless you I hate a so much there we go ow you shot me well maybe don’t go through the the thing that I’m killing actively I was behind it oh not near not next to the edge broy got it which where we going that hoglin

Thought we were TR time oh we really need to go like that direction completely yeah oh what are you doing in my room no psychopath what are you doing dog we should just get Striders at this point dude I don’t have a fishing rod I know try with some hoglins and get some

String I’m good I missed you I missed you too you little cutie no okay this is not happening kidding hey yo I was having a good time last night wait what shut up you were just mining together oh was that all you were doing Joe where did you go what your

Shut up shut up John can’t say that dude oh is he streaming oh my God we’re both we already told you this oh oh I didn’t know Joe was streaming oh are you sure you chill with me getting banned yeah yeah basically yeah cuz there’s not really in a repercussion but

Him dude I just got almost 40 followers today I’m kind of happy with that it’s good you went up a lot dude yeah thanks to you guys I got like follow that’s chill I think you need a celebratory kiss no yeah I think I think you do I think

You do Josh are you not following my path right I kind of lost you dude what are your qut where are you I don’t know if you want to come to me right now I’m kind of over lava well I don’t often dude why is he in my

House I’m almost to the portal I might just teleport you to me what I should be close I mean I just started digging into W I found I found blocks hold up that’s a I mean I’m pretty much heading straight Northwest that’s weird my shaders registered the

Light of the lava before the block broke so I know where it was that’s fun well I found your path yeah if you follow that you’ll get out in the open and just head Northwest there’s like a little Cliff I climbed up and then started digging again okay uh I need

Blocks stop placing where I don’t want you to place all right I see the portal all right hold up by out in the open do you mean like a Soul Sand Valley no it was like a little Crimson Forest Area and there’s like a little Cliff like right to your left

When you walk out of the tunnel and I climbed up that well I found like other path probably cuz it leads towards uh kind of towards a Soul Sand Valley oh God that’s not good okay hold up oh I had a marker at your portal I spawned in I’m like where the

Freak am I I fell a good distance down I lost most of my he don’t do that there’s a hog right here dude how many blaze rods did you get uh seven we got five more in the chest okay just need to get over there there’s a freaking hoglin on the

Bridge ah there’s two you kidding me oh to the dentist I’ll be back two or something maybe even 2:30 okay okie dokie okie dokie okie doie all right there’s a ruined portal over here I might just go through that I have a piece of obsidian with me and there’s probably obsidian on the

Ground over there plus there’s gold over here so all right I’m GNA hop on to Haven Josh all right for a little bit all right Big Bird why did you break so much wheat maybe you felt like I’m breaking it right now so I can plant

The rest dude why did you get rid of the path I had in the middle here I had a path leading in the middle no no no put it back cuz yes yes I’m going to remake it cuz it look kind of stupid well I was

Going to make it better I just had the outline for it bro oh you should have said that next time that thing horrendous yes I do okay we’re good it’s all good like like my face whenever I woke up today like it really wasn’t that bad and

Why did you have the path coming from my base too you idiot leave this stuff in the middle here I’ll get rid of it and fix it later but what do you think of the place I like it what are you going to put in the middle of it though like a

The roof oh the roof is going to go up and have like a that’s kind of hard to explain you’ll just have to see fine dude what I mean like I’m like a thousand blocks away what the heck that will happen to you in the nether I’ll be right back

Okay I’m in a cave so it’s like kind of chill I’m just going to dig up I just want to go home now your a little bit bit I’ll be back actually I need to go bathroom what kind of leaves do we want to use like what would look good right

There Joe or did he say I’ll be right back for life sh knock you win all right ladies what’s good I’m back ladies and gentlemen hello everybody what do you mean ladies I was talking to you in come back dude yeah I’m considered I’m [ __ ] well you know at least he’s not

This place is starting to look good though John it is I think once we I really want to build the windmill but it’s so damn big but like I can build it if you don’t want to no like I like making myself suffer when know I don’t know if it’s going to

Look good in this crop because it is Big well I can make a smaller one I have a smaller wind style dude I’m in the middle of the ocean are you kidding me you make this welc back welcome back flare dude sorry go on go this

Way bro this sucks I’m in the middle of the ocean so John what I was thinking is is this first field over here should just be wheat and then on the other side of this building that I built have a carrot field since there’s more flat ground

There we go oh I was going to do it on the other side of this one that we’re connecting this one too okay that’s fine I’m singy Joe did you ever look at that uh setup picture that you it’s going to take some time proba no I didn’t let me

Take a look right now got Sidetrack yes Jo ooh o I like the boom arm it’s nice yeah I had that one previously the mouse pad’s nice yeah oh is that the hyperx alloy yeah it is I I had that that was my keyboard before this one I loved that

Keyboard what uh do you have the Canan switches or the red uh Aqua oh the aqua ones yeah those are the ones I have love those ones yeah they sound so good D I got a what M do you have um you know that’s a funny story I

Don’t actually know it’s just like this random mic that my friend just had he didn’t think it would work so he just kind of gave it to me and I went home once I build my PC I need a mic and a headset and or no I’m

Doing earbuds okay um yeah you don’t want to get the freaking gamer head I already have it that’s why I’m doing it I I already have it too but I I wear my headphones really loose now and they don’t really like touch my head anymore yeah um oh yo wait that’s actually kind

Of good dude I found a but uh jungle I’m going to get the from there really good budget microphone is either the hyperx solo cast or quadcast they’re both really good uh there’s actually also a really good like if you’re going for this style handheld mic kind of you don’t have to

Hold it obviously um it’s like 20 bucks but it’s really good if you want an XLR setup that is hyperx quad Caster yeah or solo cast the solo cast is smaller and has less like options but it’s still really good that’s what I have and then um the quadcast is more of

Like a allaround good well-rounded one for more of a price but um I think it’s worth it yeah it’s it’s 129 but I’d probably do it just for a nice mic I don’t really care about the headset because I’m going to have earbuds probably just going to get

Like wired earbuds to plug instead the mic ibly like JBL I know JBL has really good GS yeah J I normally only use JBL for like speakers I have their like earbuds but yeah that was just because I needed earbuds you um John are you planning on doing like a USB

Mic hold on I I I can’t hear you at all you’re like so quiet hello I’m about to turn can you hear me all right go and say something can you hear me check one two hello yeah it’s better yeah so were you trying to do like just a USB mic or yeah

Yeah just USB all right all right never mind I have an XLR mic but yeah it’s just kind of personal preference um by the way Joe I got some bamboo from that jungle that I just found we can get more sticks easier all righty um flare dude it says this is on 6,336

Days because of this uh crazy British girl I know that used to no life this game this is an old I helped as well I did also a good bit of AFK I’ve probably afked for a th days on this server not last server though last server probably 2,000 days AFK dude the

Hardcore server on day 161 somehow dude we need we should restart the server at day 10,000 that’s just going to be forever cuz unless people AFK a crap ton I mean I could I can turn off all of my RGB and just leave my computer on overnight speaking of like RGB and

Stuff don’t worry about A I’m just gonna grow all the weat until I can fill it up Joe what are you going to say all right speaking of like rgbs and stuff my LED lights I realized like 2 days ago they’ve been consistently on for like 3 months dang and so I started

I it’s one of the ones that you can control with an app so I started putting it on a timer so it goes like and turns off at like uh midnight and then uh turns back on at 6:00 a.m. so get some downtime because I like having them on

But like I was like these things are going to die and I’m going to have to buy new ones and like such a short amount of time if I don’t turn it off yeah fair enough it’s kind of funny I didn’t think about the fact that it says three or 6,300 days on

Here dang it’s a long time for server to be up actually there’s this one server I played on called cookie back in the day that was on like day 60,000 yeah In fairness it’s like the longest server that I’ve that I’ve been in personally well last season was

Longer was it yes a l how long did that one go well that one had like 10,000 Days on record oh that’s probably just mostly AFK oh yeah or or and or waffle waffles is crazy on there not necessarily on last server he kind

Of I mean he had a lot of farms on last season and stuff but like he wasn’t there a lot yeah but when he was there well after a bit he just didn’t need to be there he got all his farms and all of his upgrades and all

That it’s just like you got bored I guess and that quote unquote war that never happened yeah that didn’t help either I wasn’t really I was bound for it but he never did anything so I just kind of like oh I was like yeah I don’t care also being honest was kind of

Stupid yeah I don’t really understand why you guys really like conflict all that much I I didn’t he he said said he wanted a war and I was the only person that was semi like open to the idea everyone else was like I don’t want to War I don’t want

War war and then John and Josiah came to my side why does no one chat anymore except the main people did you check out the vids are the vids on your channel I checked out some of the new vids on your channel yes I don’t know about all of them

Crap I forgot about That go go go okay so this track has gotten a little precarious now it’s night time and I don’t have a bed so yeah that River all righty the main like frame of the build is finished now which is very relieving nice it is indeed

Nice Josh like I I want you to see this cuz this is all just like one night’s worth of work well I’m going to be a minute cuz I still got to get a few 100 blocks like none of this was here last night when I got

On the of what I’m building the other stuff was cuz John had treed this place but yeah where I’m at right now a bit was here Phantom God darn it I guess I did spend a good while in the nether now I know what I’m going to do when I get

Home that’s okay I guess okay kind of went past it a little bit but it’s ch yes I did check out the boots as I said all right I guess I sleep in the barn today awesome okay I just made it home Um okay just a minute I’m going to relaunch game what version is the server on same same yep same version Oh I’m a dummy then just give me tired was you that’s not me I know okay all right where’s your where’s your thing joke here I’ll TP you in here in a

Second what T TP me quick me one second there’s something I found with this um thing and I didn’t know it existed all right explore around what nice dude just fly around and take a look at it Josh I’m going to be holy y’all did this in one night not all of

It this main Dome was here but that whole area with the secondary Dome none of that was there where are you at dude this is sick actually I just I don’t even know what this is it’s not in vanilla it’s the it’s what the add but I’ve never

Seen oh is it a sky island yes yeah it’s the thing I don’t want to build something here but dude why did you take out dirt from this area in here no hold on I wanted to see some I told you well Tech I didn’t I was but

Don’t touch that I need it I’m planning something for that oh I was going to put see if uh what’s what’s the stuff called what the stuff that grows the the plant that grows inside of the name or the nether warp yeah warp the the Fung no not we could

See the Warped trees and stuff no NE oh these are slabs you kidding me Nether wart yeah Nether wart no I don’t want that in here I I I have a plan for this cuz it’s going to be like a greenhouse I have a plan for

It but I can make a place for that just not there so what do you think of this thing this is all by my hand yeah this is sick dude yeah I think it’s pretty nice uh hold hold up my brother’s calling me okay okayyyy

Goblin I be SCH slobin Fu [ __ ] I gobble so many GES they call me Goblin did you hear that bar no unfortunately no one heard it I Goble so many glizzies they call me Goblin get it cuz like you want a cookie yeah I like cookies yeah I like

Cookies oh God what is that oh what I say every time I see you okay just kidding that’s little what you’re joking I just spent 10es minutes at the ending the video nice damn the roof is finished w w LS W bro can you not just let me enjoy my victory in peace

No stop agroing the creeper you [ __ ] this skeleton is so dumb it just kept AG gring the creeper and almost blowing it up edging the creeper oh okay dog that’s crazy I can’t believe you just said that I honestly can’t believe on stream what did you just say you not

Fing in this part of the house also High Eclipse are you putting trees right here a minute yo Eclipse thank you for the follow I’m putting grass and trees and flowers and stuff up there yeah ow I’m about to die bro oh I here okay here we go come here Z boming

Bam where that my Wier um John please watch what you say Joe I’m going back to the hardcore server okay where should we put this storage here for wheat dude there’s a skeleton in my like Farm water it must really love that farm water apparently is there two no you just got

Is there an addon where you can’t break soil what do you mean like you won’t stomp it yeah I don’t think so baby zombie ah oh my god there get clap absolutely destroyed [ __ ] on okay crap just like crap um I’m going to look at my YouTube

Stream stuff see if I can actually do that me when I play sports with the kindergarteners exactly what you just said what you you said what you said John that that whole stre of words no no no no the you’re trash you know get okay buddy are yall being weird on

My stream no no no no no sounds like you are no I’m I’m talking about beating kindergarteners in sports and then trash talking them it’s nothing too bad y’all are being weird on my stream I don’t appreciate it’s not weird that’s normal no that’s weird no it’s not kind

Of it’s normal no it’s kind of oh I finally have a purpose for this birch wood dude Oh I thought you were going to save for yourself and I was like stop lying I gra okay welcome to the new YouTube live control can I can I can I can I can I

Put my balls your yeah don’t much Josiah you’re the type of guy to make it on YouTube Josiah yeah cuz he’s not here M he’s a monkey no should I say my stream is made for kids no no no people people won’t be able to comment and stuff oh that sucks

Okay yeah don’t and and with drawn here it’s definitely not Mar kids some mom Tunes in trying to find you streamer the [ __ ] you say me little [ __ ] uh where’s the walls I need the walls trying to build a wall my wall is going to be hugge it’s

Going to be be H all right be H it’s going to be huge going to be a good wall I’m going to go on for it’s going to be a a huge wall a good a good wall it’s going to be hug going to be going be

Huge it’s going to be better than any other wall what’s the Great Wall of China m h huge it’s huge it’s going to be beautiful it’s going to be great it’s going to be huge it’s going to be the best wall the best W on me Jo nothing on

Me where’s Joe Biden’s wall okay I’m back um I think it’s funny it’s not even Trump who built the wall it was freaking Obama oh I was going to say something else it was actually it was Trump no it was made it better but the wall was already it wasn’t really a wall

It was more of like a a little kitty fence yes so and with still there was still um what’s the people called border control he just put a put a bigger wall and more border patrol you funded border patol more the wall is already there so is border patrol he’s

A Joe how do you recommend me setting up my YouTube stuff go on to is that what you mean or you asking for something else like I’ve just connected my account to OBS I think okay yo why are you on my walls bro you

On my ceiling I said no so I need like more specific what you’re asking like what what like settings do I need or something well I would run it on at least 720p 60 FPS at least yeah I can do 1080p um and you know uh your stream pretty

Much do it the same way you do a twitch broadcast okay there’s not a lot of a difference realistically what’s the best way to get okay stream software connected awesome so my OBS is connected now if you think about it Grandma’s give the best head cuz they

Don’t have any teeth bro shut up hey that’s crazy even I bro okay wait John’s agreeing with me I didn’t I didn’t come up with that somebody at my school just said that at lunch one time and it was I’m dead serious no bro don’t make me kiss

You blah blah blah okay okay okay buddy okay buddy you d made a okay I think stag two sa you’re such a cutie Josh or John not bro I mean John sorry you’re going to take offense to that Josh the [ __ ] I am taking offense to that I wouldn’t I don’t okay you

Remember that one time that we played moamba in the bathroom and just just like started like twerking and crap I just close this into here like all making out like profusely okay buddy it was much worse okay much worse and then that guy walked in as seven of us were walking out of

The only stall on the bathroom and like some old ass like he doesn’t even know what’s going on you’re just like oh fing what were you doing in there yion kissing kissing each other kids these days how do I make the trees look nicer and settings on winter your mom that’s right

Mama Mama all right didn’t mean to make you cry is time tomorrow something something something something something know the words to that I haven’t listened to it ited to be my jam yeah so was allar allar and that like things listen to that’s what that’s what my parents

Listen to and then I moved on turn into Middle School yeah you be rat yeah basically Ty here unlike Jo need more than that all right the exterior of this building is complete fun you’re for what I’m about to build is imaculate beautiful and something you’ve never seen you’re building a statue of

You shut up that’s only for the inside inside of me yes sir he he said hey yo sorry uh wasn’t supposed to be um heard by any other people um uh um what is it oh lamp posts little cutie how the hell am I wait no stop doing I fell in your

Hole yay I’m in side of your hole yay John this is such a big hole thank you I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hole this big before what hole bro I’m confused your hole You Got Joe what are you doing in there BR can I not you’re my little desert flower

Drone um thanks I guess I don’t know really I’m going to make you bloom like really big like all over the place blo no shut up you idiot okay smash dude I’m so stupid why would I do that I completely agree where where am I going I’m lost go

Hell just TV back [ __ ] Mony I found my way can you finish texturing the the build please uh no you you ape oh let’s go it works W [Applause] let see how that looks I don’t want to build all of them and then realize it looks stupid at night so I’m I’m going to wait for that I’ll t which wall by the way like the main [Applause] building Joe what like the main building yeah that’s what I just said

[ __ ] I know I was agreeing with it I’m saying yes that is one I went textured yes that’s right I am your dead call me what you call me when you need I’ll be in the morning I’ll be on the way go go how are you going to connect them

Though cuz this thing how how you connect connect you know the two buildings together which two buildings you know right here oh I’m not near you I know what you’re talking about though now um I don’t know yet um I mean I’m going to make like a tunnel of some sort hallway

Where is my SC oh here I have a stack right here in my inventory don’t worry I got what is happening sorry sorry sorry I was just excited to see John Luffy okay who you even talking to my chat chat we got him that look good

Um I can’t tell if it looks queer or not does this look queer does this look queer to you don’t know at the moment holy crap look at that viewform chat look at that view holy crap sounds like you’re about a bust it’s a beautiful view I know you’re looking at me just

Shut up be way more excited oh what there’s like a whole like crack in the Earth right here called your mother no I’ve got your mother in my hand right now it’s a netherite h Hey Joe what can you look at this real quick just to see if I have things set up

Right your YouTube are you streaming not yet just streaming on Discord on Discord let me check it out in just a second cuz I honestly don’t know I do have you added in my title so we we can click that okay uh let me see these and cuz I don’t know what I’m

Doing on YouTube Just twitch okay so you have it on Minecraft yep I got that I can close that go back on there Uh I have OBS connected to my YouTube so should be fine do you have everything on YouTube like your title and everything right yeah well I don’t have I don’t have a description because I don’t well yeah yeah it looks good to me okay I mean

There’s any problems let me know and I can try and help yeah but it looks all right well it looks all right to me okay uh let’s see how this goes couldn’t access the specified Channel or stream G okay oh okay I guess I do need That okay okay I can make moss carpets that’s really neat have y all ever tried eating cow balls no yeah they’re very chwy i z out of 10 do not suggest not even going to ask so basically where I went was no you know where Big Tex

Is John I don’t think we need to know right big text all right there you go you monkey I textured the wall okay it says it’s going Ed okay okay live here does it show game yes it does okay cool that’s on okay all right let me go ahead and start

Building or taking down this part Okay how do I see my Thing your stream yes yeah um I’m trying to find I’m trying to look at my chat through my phone just because I can’t do that otherwise I’m not entirely sure how to do that 20 minutes forward buddy why are you so far pack I missed a spot in the roof

Crap yeah I haven’t really missed much it’s just been me building Joe you think you could replicate that one on this side that this building yeah I don’t know I think I might do a round one on the other side keep up like kind of a different look to

It so it doesn’t look all like the same or maybe make like a different style build I might make like a here you know what you’ll just see It’ll be surprised okay I’m going to try to spice up this middle one so it doesn’t look so stupid

Shoot all right I’m G have to find where the freak did I this works I guess I’m not entirely sure how it sounds I can pop my headphon is this your Emerald Beacon over there joh like North from the Dome let me check it’s not okay yeah it sounds

Fine how how far north like oh yeah yeah this is mine this is where I was going this is the squid Mar oh yeah all right doesn’t work ouch that hurt back actually maybe it does work Che uh dude I need to figure out how to go live on both YouTube and

Twitch it doesn’t work never mind I’d suggest looking up a video or something yeah I’ll do that later not now yeah eventually I’m going to start doing that but not like immediately yeah yeah just because I have actual well I have a few followers over already I have like 27 followers on

Twitch or 30 I don’t remember yeah I used to stream on there a lot but what happened here okay going to go sleep and oh Joe you know what’s funny this is actually your be oh it is yes the emerald one is yours I uh I took it a while

Ago from where I was going to give it back oh the the stone where the stone and stuff was that you were mining oh yeah no I remember you asked about that you asked me if you could take it oh I need to empty out my inventory

Actually I’ll give the bread to the V hello villagers are y’all hungry pretty fine yeah that wall is kind of flat now I need to do something with it me finish the riming around I just te myself there we go all right what do I oh I want my diamond boots back on

Okay um oh God I’ll just go back over here do that dude get out of here you stupid little drown nobody likes you I need to get some wood I want to make a wood Farm oh CP why are you in the mine I I accidentally dropped my pck good job

So I had like a whole deal a whole tree farm and I can’t find where I had it not fun obviously like I planted like 23 uh freaking spruce trees and I can’t find where I did it oh I know on um okay oh I found it I found it I found

It I found it I found it yeah I was going to say I I saw a bunch of them and I don’t know where I saw but it wasn’t there we go I just m the rest of it I I just had like reserve cuz it didn’t mine all of

It did I really pick up all it’s like four stacks of wood that’s plenty need figure out a way to Spruce Spicer God I’m really happy with this build you should be that build looks sick appreciate it I’ve never done anything like this before I really pushed myself it it was definitely worth

It yeah cuz you know you you know my style you’ve seen my style it’s very medieval archaic nothing like this this is more of a Victorian style I’m I I’m considering studying into architecture not like as a career but like you know just to look at yeah just cuz it Peaks my interest

Um all right started this is going to suck mad carroy oh you know what oh I need to do something I’m going to go in just a minute over to my twitch and um put a link in my chat if people want to go find me there that might be a good

Clan all right hold up I’m actually going to do that right now dude these villagers are terrified for no reason cuz you’re there so scared whenever you have no clothes on okay uh uh I think he accepted his fake Jo yeah B over oh man I love all the natural light that

Comes in with the shaders it looks so good stream it on your stream on what’s it called oh wait no you have don’t wor what’s your you’re on YouTube right yeah I sent you a link to my channel in our DMS not long ago that helps look a little more together in

Here all right oh nice all right where is that all right go inside the house real quick I’m going need a link to my YouTube damn bro damn okay Channel and then look at this view it’ll take a second for it to get there but just hold on I’m doing stuff on my

Twitch social here I’m gonna stream on Discord so it’s real time because it’s kind of behind on the Stream I just heard you say look at this view all right watch on Discord let me show you what this place looks like are you watching on Discord

Hold there I am now damn I knew it would look good as [ __ ] the lanterns bro that’s kind of fire though I’m not going to lie mine it looks so basic that’s the view I was talking about looks so good that’s hot I’m you’re going to have to show me what

Kind of Shader you have bro can I is my character good bro no uh hello Mr sh aome how are you is I’m good how are you yo joe how do I get a like a URL for my channel a URL from your channel yeah like a link

So I can put it on my twitch so you go to the homepage of your channel and then uh you uh copy the link at the top or you can go to your about section and it has there if you go to about on your channel okay has it

There yeah but how are you doing Mr s awesome appreciate you stopping by for the stream I’m going to take a look at this place from the outside I’m so glad to be finished with the outside of it oh it looks so good look at that okay Now my Channel pause I just added a link okay okay all right I am back guys stre just had to go check something out all righty man that is I’m proud of that build it was a weird one John did not build a very nice outline but I worked with

It you you had like a mix of like even and uneven areas and it was really throwing me off John me John no John John okay but it worked out look how good it looks from up here too okay there’s like this area up here

Where we can have some stuff okay yeah I think it’s cool nice Lookout the fields do stuff I have no clue yet honestly no clue yet there we go I can finally empty my inventory a little bit and just chill for a second the inside is not near done but the

Outside is done it’s there I’m going to go ahead and get the crops here uh you here use your mom here this your I think I think I don’t nice just a four block jump that’s CH I already have back to my crops I was doing look right here look oh you don’t

Have your mom already yeah I got sorry you just said that Josiah Josh why do you keep calling me Josiah I can’t believe you just called me mean he called me Josiah too bro no I he’s got Josiah on the brain golly apparently go kiss already

Again it’s crazy I mean we know you like black guys but geez shut up St your chat you think I have people watching me it’s time for the boring part I have to repair my tools after this long Venture my ax is falling to bits in pieces fun can’t wait to get my

PC oh yeah Jo Joe told me about that heard it’s going to be real cool CU I’m about to get a job at I don’t know what I’m I’m waiting for them to text me back call me back yeah if that doesn’t work out then I’m just

Going to go work I know for they’re I want the experience from because I already know how to change I want the experience from I always have him to work at Splash station their pays terrible they they almost pay below dude I’m my job pays me sitting

Seems also Joe we should probably set up like a tra station I killed you why would you do that in real life yeah I know why would you do that cuz hello who there it it’s you want to join the streaming Club FR turn your mic oh wait no never mind like

Stream so loud right I good bit how much have you been streaming cuz I have not been streaming at all well I’ve been been streaming a good bit recently right unknown almost hours I don’t seriously how you guys doing I’m doing good Josh three more three more until 200

Nice what should I do for 200 uh maybe you should be like a really long maybe th wait for a th what are you wait what are you streaming right now just C bait and say 10,000 people will go in I mean I’m clickbait your [ __ ] and then start doing

Real stuff once you get like 10,000 cuz that’s that’s what most people hey uh I just don’t like that approach it till you make it where’s the enchant set exactly yeah it’s like it’s next to the m my okay I’m going to go use it cuz I

Got oh yo you’re doing hardcore I love hardcore yeah but this one actually Works what apparently on your hardcore server people could just leave andjoin yeah just ask John I’m trying to I’m yeah I I know I know I know yeah you want to join this one can I can I be a

Part of it can he join yeah he can send him the IP but don’t do any stupid Shenanigans um and also I’m going to have to up the player count cuz has only got four player capacity and we have more than four players on the server now

But um not at this moment so you can just play with Josh I swear if you take any of my stuff I’m slaughtering you like a pig uh don’t worry I’ve learned learned my lesson you get like two you get like two lives oh it’s 1.20 just 1.20 flat I

Just sent you the I and you get like two lives so you know I thought it was three lives guys super controversial the Amber turd in the new aam movie kind of lot no cap what what did you just call her Amber turd you know what fair enough Johnny do

You’all have lapis in here okay good I’m going to do my you got Phantoms a I don’t want to play this game anymore grandpa I don’t want to play this game anymore Grandpa yo I’m breaking three Thorns to prop four on my why did you just dude that’s actually good I just

Open the door it’s dead dude I need level 30 by the way can you guys hear me chewing cuz I’m chewing on gum right now no no no can you hear me chewing I’m Che on Jimmy okay stop you’re not fright dude jimy Chas let’s go Jimmy Changas go hard I’m

Not Jimmy Chas no hablo Taco Bell yeah I was about to say the same thing Jo wait you don’t you don’t speak food what’s he saying what the hell is he saying I don’t speak Taco Bells right you need to speak amican that’s oh my goodness you keep you keep doing that I’m about to get you on the server and start building my house for you okay whoa dude shut up you can’t say that oh my God I went up from one to

Five likes in like a second there nice it’s cuz I said stuff like that you know what I’m saying I’m clip all think I’m good to talk I’m going to clip what’ he say I wasn’t here for that he said if you don’t stop he’s going to get you on

The server and have you build his house you you literally said something like that last night you said uh frights are little uh be or something like that no I didn’t what yes you did yes you did no no no yeah I said Ricky is you idiot

First no it wasn’t Ricky no I said Ricky we were talking about Ricky remember no it was definitely fright it was definitely fright you said he’s our little [ __ ] and sometimes he builds houses for us stop saying that you’re going to get us banned you

Idiot bro Joe you you got to make up your mind first it was me and Jina now you and big are you kidding me who joined me and John have always been a com speak of the no way I literally just said her name and then she just popped

Out of nowhere are you kidding me right now he said he he said he has a crush on you like a massive Crush yeah like are you kidding me again my God I was about to say something so much I’m tired of this welcome back welcome back

FR did did you miss it that wasn’t me I didn’t leave I know I’m saying welcome back to the server I’m saying did you miss it be kidding meab I’ve gone Live on YouTube now oh the server oh yeah me and Josh are both live okay thank you for telling me yeah

We’re not friends what’s your YouTube TT you can find it can’t be I’m just going to guess okay good luck don’t worry about jok don’t don’t she’s already subscribed to me she’s a moderator in my chat bro y she’s a mod in my chat too it’s crazy yo can I

Be a mod in your chat Joe no hell no not a chance not a chance buddy I’m going to beat both you on subscribers when already in my PC trust me yeah probably I don’t think I’m that you want to have a competition here cuz

I guarantee you I can get it’s crazy no no I guarantee you I can be you within dude hear me out I crank out seven Roblox shorts and I will get 30,000 little seveny olds to subscribe hey Roblox bro you but you think you freaking play like Roblox Phantom Forces

Freaking colge dude I used to be so good at that game d this is fun I don’t even have to talk like that much yall was doing that for me say that instantly go Sil awesome watch I’ll beat you I don’t care I’m gonna beat you do it beat my what my Minecraft

Character calm down there Joe going yeah the content’s walking to you you realize I have the same stuff as you dog why are you running okay level three you freaking oh my God you’re yeah we know dude look at the knockback why did you do that you’re you’re making me bounce

Everywhere idiot that was not knock back you monkey yeah you’re so cute when you’re I swear to God if you stop stop you’re making having fun sounds like hey dude oh my God joh come over here no come over here we got to we got to do something come over here now

Before I I will come anywhere I want he you can’t make come here okay hold up a relic though oh it’s this one he’s getting naked oh God he’s getting naked he please just keep PG yo what’s up Luffy how are you song W it’s such a good Song I need to make a stpp oh darn it it’s just strip club underneath here no make it under the big dome make like a staircase down that’s what I’m saying like underneath the Dome hello hello Hello chat this is a w song right chat do I have W Wiz chat yeah you R me up every want to kill myself can I join you yeah awesome oops see I I crushed another plant Dar it efficiency is hey an um I’m yeah yeah I’m good all right you’re a silly

Goose dude me bro I thought it was me something’s wrong with your mic bro I think the AI is taking over him dude dud it sounds like he’s going to the spiderverse without in my D like a that’s what it sounds like oh Liam’s on his way home nice

Nice subscribe let’s go to his home Jo let’s go I’m on my way nice welcome to the stream everybody welcome welcome I hope you enjoy your notc I have 3 minutes and prob some more time you are welcome dude oh my God if you you know

What I’m done okay no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry to right shut up a robot i L this is hurting my head hold on guys oh God I don’t know who’s lagging or not God there I disconnected him he’s back right stop oh man oh this is funny hi Annabelle Hi Sam fix your mic fix your Liam said right fix your mic he really does need to

Though oh man that’s funny bro it is it is naturate our differences racist no it’s not kind of sounds like it no no no we get to Cate our differences shut up dude bro you haven’t heard that song before it’s fired I have not and I’d

Like to keep it that way no let me put on it that was made by MTV back in the day let me get on inot so bot so you can listen to it no crap stop stop stop fright is your mic fixed I can’t hear him I can’t Hear the server do I’m going do a live quickly tomorrow okay I’ll check out the live dude I just realized I’m working at a Mexican place tomorrow or Mexicans trying to job oh good he’s back oh fright your mic is finally fixed holy took you long

Yeah dud this chick okay no okay so your mic was like absolutely horrible yeah it was horrendous stupid it was it was a dumpster fire basically that’s this way I put it yeah is he yes I wasn’t even okay I I haven’t no never mind mind it’s coming back it’s coming

Back I need it’s just cuz Annabelle’s here if I gets too nervous and his mic start to break no that’s his voice bro that’s his voice dude I don’t want respiration darn it it’s an surrounds girls I’m trying to rise up my sister bro cursing makes me anxious guys I want

That Hey Joe can I tell you something what please jump off a cliff guys um um um guys I don’t really know how to say just stop with the is like no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry

I’m sorry I’m going to ban you from your own chat Joe Hold on shut up you mean shut up you shut up you shut up monkey I don’t shut up I grow up and when I look at you I throw up shut up that’s such a second grader thing to say

Bro it really is is like the most who nerd pulled all over my base there’s just like Cobble deep slay all up the side of my old base uh probably again I just sent you a link to my channel oh I found it oh you did yeah congratulations how did you find

It I just no how did you find it don’t worry we need to know how did you find it no L just found it how though that doesn’t make sense your name Josh actually it was like my real name oh gosh Iron Golems are starting to go through the

Portal we get to celebrate our differences John please ch ch ch ch Ching ch ch ching I hear something about M dude I can hear that from all the way over I’m glad dude this is my favorite one other side dude other side is so much

Better this W song candles are like one of the best items Minecraft has added in a while what oh other side is so good dude dude other side this is my favorite it is like other side is the best I want to hear someone make a they kind of already did then they

Made this song I’m saying like B boosted face boosted other side so basically make it more dub step no yeah the dub step remix I need to make it I’m I’m going Joe good luck I don’t even look I’ve been doing this for a while bro get out of here

Creeper dude you’re not invited no one likes you you’re green fat and ugly your mom oh I missed my Shot happens to a lot of guys don’t worry about it right you would know wouldn’t you yes take one to No One you can’t you can’t believe I just said that really that’s surprising what Josh you’re like what 20 now or something like that he’s like 57 dude he’s such an oldy yeah he’s like old as [ __ ] fing oldie bro old wait wait wait wait what wait what hang on I never actually which

Month December you’re older than me for no one acknowledges that yeah I’m older than him I’m older than him I’m older than him I’m older than him and yet promise I promise guys older than me and nobody cares I’m strug I’m struggling not to talk very loud because my dad’s asleep so I’m

Trying not to talk go in his face and just for $100 I’ll V you $100 if you just get get some death metal Norwegian music on a a speaker and just blast in his face and I’ll pay you $100 dude other site goes so hard dude that’s what I’m staying it’s are you just now listening to other side I haven’t listened this far into it before yeah it go hard I should proba I thought about streaming but never mind no you should do

It no we’re about to we’re about to make a CRA a mini version go got it I just got returned to Sender dude I hate doing that one that one’s so stupid like sometimes it’s like the easiest thing ever CU he’s like 10t in front of you or sometimes it’s thrs hardest it

Twice I’ve only got it like three times what’s return to cender again uh where you shootball that’s so easy yeah no it’s not can be at times like that one easy at times like that getting the easy ones yeah I never get the easy ones but I always get like the most difficult

Freaking like they’re like 100 blocks away they’re the furthest call oh hello get out I call the server homies all right all right Joe the farm is complete it’s done I’m just going to let it grow oh I can’t wait to see Josiah out there

Shut up I need to pull a around wall I need to put a wall around y welcome to the server PR you thank you thank you um you need join our we’re civilization a civilization is like 600 300 it’s nonexistent look I’m adding some lights hanging down from the ceiling oh

Damn that’s fire is this your Minecraft fix for the month yeah but I going to play for like 20 minutes okay all right civilization is 39515 you got place it’s not too far I am currently in the nether though well I’m about to be back in the nether I’m trying to get

Levels Joe I have a question what should I so should I sell my Xbox and stuff whenever I get my I thought you were just going to say you’re Soul PC do you have a PlayStation I would keep your PlayStation but I would sell your Xbox I don’t have a

PlayStation I have an Xbox well I was saying if you have one I would keep that great I would sell your Xbox though cuz you can play all the same games on a PC with Windows it is Hardcore guys so be careful what is civilization 39515 or in other words up your button

Around the corner because nobody asked because okay buddy I’m just kidding kiding what do you mean nobody asked nobody asked is there spawn protection uh yeah don’t Know there’s fortune 3 in the enchanting setup right now so I’m trying to get that nice there we go yes please get our Tunes back on bro that’s what I’m saying I’m I’m about to keep doing it you know I might just get a Discord bot and just keep him on on other

Side yeah fored bot why would you do that I didn’t mean to I think I’m just to hang out up here in the tree while I wait for day dude this song is so fire do oh my God yes we heard you the last thousands of

Times dude but you you’re not heing it right now you’re not hearing the thing is we have it so we know here guys I’m coming to the over World sleep in just a I’m Already hey John could you make some more chains for me oh crap I need change my skin I don’t oh I do just a minute many Joe if you join back you need to put on your ax skin okay I will Yeah uh I mean you are kind of the guy who took it off in the first place but you know whatever yeah I Know can you put the coordinates civilization in the the thingy please did you make that chains here you go thanks baby it’s only that’s minus the slash that was it all right there there’s 39 more Anabelle why did you laugh like you never heard me me say that

Before you just said it so casually I really wasn’t expecting it that’s actually we been call what can I say I’m just a little silly Dut what did you call him I think I heard something very I said hey I said thanks baby oh what did you think I think he said thanks daddyy no that one in been out of the r possibilities yeah that that’s that’s in the B of s real of

Possibilities no the bo god dude this song goes so Harding what sorry in OV what did you say do you have any tools I can have uh no but in my base which is like 300 blocks uh East yeah I I’ve watched the streams I know this area yeah there’s IR

I’ve watched the streams I know this area yeah what’s up dude where’s my where’s my in TX you know what’s really funny you guys so I told John about you know the joke about if anabal came here staying at you know Abby and John’s house even John agreed

That he would have died that’s like the first thing he said what I either move in get my naturally spawn that here’s the thing I can’t breath the same because that’s messed out that’s how British people’s mouth is messed up because the air cuz the air yall brief that’s why

Y’s teeth are all jacked up you your your air pollution is way worse than ours have you seen no it’s not right how many times are youall going to start comparing things from to us it’s like every something how bad do you think a nuclear power plant is cu it burn it’s

The cleanest burning fuel system but the only problem with it is if y we keep building them they’re going to explode and start a chain reaction the entire Earth is going to be red after it and it’s not going to be good your computer yeah technically this isn’t your computer

But just slap her JH go oh my God slap who your sister or whoever’s bothering she’s not bothering me what the said just shut up God John John oh god dude my sister bothers me like that and so sometimes I just want to jump off a well you have issues

Then no no I don’t no in like done saying me and my brothers getting fights a lot just because yeah but like your brothers are your brothers that’s different bro are youall seriously sing for my sister right in front of me like God holy yes you are yes you are oh that’s

Right oh and about sing for happy y what nothing why why she said what no I genuinely did not hear what you said I said you’re oh they said you’re sipping for E what she’s like very illegal to me not with the Romeo and Juliet law I

Mean that wouldn’t stop you I don’t think it definitely would honestly you would be an update to what she’s on right now what you you would be an upgrade CU she’s got a weird boyfriend I don’t like so you would be an upgrade well it’s a boy this

Time I prefer to be a girl that’s not very annoying wait you’re you’re saying anal is not annoying no not as I think John might have a you you don’t understand you don’t understand this this this guy this guy is it’s okay you don’t have to hide

It I’m not going to judge you oh we are going to judge you I’m suffering I’m suffering from this guy every time he comes over he just is this is this is dead ass how he he laughs like the guy from and it’s so annoying like the guy from what

Goonies he laughs like the guy from Goonies and it’s it’s the dumbest thing ever Joe I har All the at your base and just like put them back in the chest I don’t really know what to do fair enough okay Joe do you have any ink sacks you

Can win me an ink sack but he’s asking for your sack no I join the BC I don’t know Liam that’s up to you Liam you should just join bro just get on we we got the John just wants to give you like a big old smooch is what

He said yes that’s that’s very sure yes he said he can’t resist when he sees your horse like hair okay that’s wild wor like oh that’s funny actually dude he doesn’t wash it like you never where did you get that from he doesn’t watch it bro question how do you know

Exactly see I told you his like I told you he liked Liam’s hair he studies it you slept I’m being serious I’m serious we slept on a beach together kept me warm completely in the nude right okay bro you need calm your kids bro calm your

Kids you’ll have to touch him to do that what wait what no okay but all right dude it was a misclick what he said yo Unbreaking he said let’s do it John what what Liam said let’s do it no Liam said let’s do it in my chat he said

Let’s do it joh he said I’m joking he said I’m joking maybe maybe what do you mean what do you mean by that I’m going to have to have you a h i almost I get on the VC H double hockey who what who’s watching H double hockey wait pretty

Good I’m in the middle of the Joe I’m going to do something you can’t stop me from doing John did I do a good job yes and I’m gonna make you look 10 times better John you said you wanted to do something no what are you doing John

Stop stop stop stop stop I already have something like that planned I already have something like that planned it’s okay just let me do it please I I’m already going to do something like that but I’m not doing with stairs okay I’m going to show you

I’m not doing it like that I’m already planning on doing something like that bro you’re so lame sometimes go work on your half built one over here and make it better I I don’t want to it’s ugly looking it it’s supposed to be gone okay I’m about to blow it up blow

You should make another wooden Tower no that one I burned it down cuz it wasn’t the morning anym hey guys tip don’t go on a plane and say I’m going to go blow up the bathroom cuz you know like I made that mistake one time and I uh I got in serious trouble

Um some guy tackled me for I don’t that’s crazy oh yeah why’ you leave I’m getting on the hard server welcome back Joe oh my God I’m dying I have just LED them to your base instead of mine I don’t even know where fright is I’m kind of just wandering cuz I got

Lost oh good job right did you get lost actually Unk kind of just gave up halfway who what is happening lip John John left John le he just moaned and then yeah sounds like him hi I don’t know what happed no he just left so I’m gonna hop

On Hardcore John not you not me okay good all right where are you I’m at your house now though okay fun AKA Village Yeah yeah congratulations and you my diamonds no it looks like put them back yeah wait Annabelle are you on the hardcore world yes yes is oh she said she would join at some point I’m GNA have to up the player um you’re once per month playing in Minecraft

It’s birth I cry if I want to shut up you shut up Liam all right children shut up I take seniority oh yeah you do you elderly you know it’s kind of weird that you’re playing this game with a bunch of kids technically I’m Josh really likes

Miners at some point I am actually going to get in trouble for you saying that in less than stop [ __ ] I’m lit die look I found Josh’s Mom look look look at my hand you did actually name it your mom no no no no no I’ll give it back

Thank you s I just want the achievement okay fair enough what what achievement is it serious dedication dude Josh’s mom J’s mom does really good work once you get her going she’s best hoe ever no she actually doesn’t she just sits on the couch the whole day dang

Josh just going to be honest here dude what have you been forcing these poor villagers to do there’s a fleet in there there’s a village there’s a there’s a tribe in there I told you we’re going to need to start making a trading Hall at some point the [ __ ] it’s the Joo

And look playing parkour what I can’t hear anything Liam shush fix it I am I am Dam I am I didn’t know you became a grumpy elderly person too I mean she is turning 16 hello of the youngest yeah know

This video, titled ‘Hardcore ep3 (chill stream/chill music)’, was uploaded by Seditio on 2024-01-04 09:55:21. It has garnered 48 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:21 or 10101 seconds.

#Hardcore #viral #chill #gaming #minecraft #cozy

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    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More