“Intense Minecraft Building with Wife!” #MinecraftMadness

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Checking checking okay bu me oh I’m a little bit tired okay I’m yomi today I’m going to play a little bit Minecraft so I can stress a little bit from drawing maybe like a you know a way to get away from the drawing mindset bit I can relax and rest

My eyes and then continue drawing oh my nose okay let me open Minecraft right now been drawing all day is so tiring my back I need to stret Str man I woke up and my B was like it’s so it’s so tired feel so tired little bit

Hey I’m waiting for Minecraft to open wait let me increase my volume a little bit more cuz I’m not yelling so stupid hello e going to it one here hello okay okay I think it’s okay now actually know what’s I don’t know the difference let’s refresh m i

I think this is too loud now let me must hello eh 107 seven hello Amir sorry I’m just in okay I don’t know I can good morning good afternoon and good evening to you is my volume okay too loud is it too loud no night well I don’t say good night cuz you’re not sleeping yet so I say good evening instead well is okay

Nice uh I’m okay just a little bit tired cuz I be I was drying all day yesterday so my eyes need need a little bit of rest I’m going to play a little bit a little bit of Minecraft and then make maybe you know go back to

Drawing cuz I need to finish some I need to finish drawing Before Christmas hello how is your day though how’s your instead house it’s it’s going to be like the holiday soon well I’m not sure in your area but like it’s going to be holiday soon here so everyone’s is a little bit

Festive you know you also a little bit tired wow everyone’s tired as I don’t know I feel like everyone is tired I don’t know well hopefully I didn’t like you know um oh nice cus you know spread the tire I don’t know I just woke up today well I don’t feel

Sleepy it’s just more like my body my back is like so like you know a little bit like oh I feel oh damn it my back if if I feels sore maybe because I was just drawing all night all day all night yesterday I don’t know these people

They’re new but I was just pretend I don’t know them I’m too I’m too lazy to talk to socialize to you know like talk to new people 07 uh yeah nothing new well on okay I know I have like a like a stream on I was streaming on on Friday I was

Playing game with friend I was it was fun at the horror game was the horror game thing was amazing yeah I was playing horror game with friends I have fun it was very fun uh you know I I wanted to play Fast mod for a while with friends it’s not you it’s me

Hello hello checking checking okay it’s better and oh I was wrong oh so I don’t know if you no this oh cuz you don’t have uh cuz you don’t have Twitter o x it makes sense but I was hold I was doing like a raffle like a raffle um like a

Raffle thing art ra art raffle it’s basically like a art Lottery thing where people if people if people follow me or like my thing and also repost they they get to um they get to get uh they get to have a free art from me basically you know so like a you know

Basically it’s like oh hey guys join this thing and then I will just draw you something for free like that you know like I would draw the character for free cuz I was I wanted to increase my cuz I wanted to increase my um my my Twitter and or you know my

Twitter uh call it my Twitter follow something like that cuz you know I’m trying to get more stuff from there just make it going something oh my god oh okay this thing this thing is the worst thing I ever make it’s so annoying it’s the worst

Thing I ever make I need to kill that thing now no maybe I should leave it for now a no I don’t have my oh I do have my arrow a I knew it I knew it I no oh no a [ __ ] I need to kill those thing

I have to kill like this because I don’t want like to you know to go for me ah [ __ ] I missed is they see me I’m dead and they’re very strong by the way um maybe I should just leave it alone for now maybe I should just leave

It alone for now and then no I need I need to finish my house immediately cuz like look at the look at the the look at the problems causing you know hi cuz they are supposed to like you know um hello oh okay um is this my Wi-Fi I don’t think so

Uh the game just i l connection okay cool e W open what um I just I don’t know what’s going on okay refresh my game Crash for some reason I think something I don’t know just us a game Crash so I need to like play again um but yeah uh I’m doing what we call like a art raffle on

Twitter uh I already picked the winner so now I’m like trying to like finish all the artwork do for christma so I’m trying to like speed up the process yeah I’m trying to speed up the process and that’s why I’ve been drawing all day yesterday well on Saturday I wasn’t

Drawing all day I was drawing like half day because um um my friend birthday is like my friend birth one of my friend like good friend birthday is almost like um it’s it’s going to be like uh let say it’s going to be soon so I need to like

Um I need to start I Bic I need to draw something for them cuz like they’re being a they having a very good friend of mine and I want I’m like oh I appreciate you know I want to appreciate then so that’s why I’m like I need to

Finish another work you know another like art thinging basically a lot of art a lot of drawing for me H love drawing yeah yeah my Game just crashed don’t worry about it it’s just the [ __ ] server the stupid server you know but yeah that’s that’s me that that’s me

Um I was doing I was trying to do wait it’s not how you do it E I don’t get I need to look tutorial sorry oh lime lime you need white I believe yeah my friend birthday is almost here so I need to draw in

Something and then the two the two art I need to do to give it to the winners of the of the art raffle you know the art L thinging I basically that is is it’s kind of like a very harsh deadline because I need to do everything

Before uh before December 25 I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself I I I’m questioning that I don’t know what I’m doing this to myself um maybe I should put something here my thing is full I’m hungry no I’m not hungry [ __ ] okay let’s give lime

Okay oh hold on maybe I don’t need that much lime huh uh just going to leave it here birthday burst wait oh I see it is oh no I don’t remember I to make this H okay let me see let me see I thought it was like that I don’t remember

Anymore yeah I don’t know okay I’m checking this recipe hold on oh I see the one of then yeah I’m doing for a friend the other two is for a rest strangers basically like Str yours I don’t know those people yeah yeah it is e I’m confused now very confused I’m so

Confused um Wait what Okay I want to I want this thing yellow um okay let me check I’m checking the the object lime St a Neil I’m checking I’m trying to I’m watching a tutorial and I’m like try to follow it that’s what I’m trying to do right now

So I’m trying to make like a uh you see this thing right you see this thing this is like a grass glass so I need to make it green so I’m trying to figure out a way also they added so many you know all this stuff here like it’s not necessary so it’s

Like uh it’s pain ass ah I see I see I see glass panel so this thing okay I know to make it ah perfect perfect and then I need yellow how do you make yellow again yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow d yellow D I don’t remember how to make jellow D I need

Flower I’m trying to remember yellow dive oh I know there flowers right can I make more no I need a lot of do okay I don’t I no let me cook this is yellow but it’s not it should be fun huh it I don’t want I want to like uh I want

To make sure that they they still like going to keep growing so wait can I make yellow D with this thing though oh yeah you can so I’m going to place one here wait you cannot you’re too you’re too close to PO to do that oh I see I cannot

Do it here cuz this not my area how would this one no oh yeah there is oh that’s not what I want the [ __ ] hello yeah whatever oh I see that’s how you do it gotcha um let me eat some potatoes and then I don’t need this hello Shea

How are you how are you how is your day how’s your Co or you’re I don’t know I know you were very sick lately what you going do the flower so the flower I’m going to make a jellow me too I’m going to turn it into

A Dye I know I know I’m too much of a Minecraft nerd I don’t care about like uh the Adventure stuff I care more about like oh different I I care more about the building a you know I like I’m more like a builder I’m not like Adventure I don’t

Go for adventure I don’t go for killing stuff I’m more like yeah I want to build this stuff so I’m going to make this you know yeah I’m more of that type I guess this kind of help with with my it help with um you know when I want to be like do

Something simple I just come go to Minecraft and then relax a little bit change my perspective in how I see stuff and then go back to drawing you still coughing oh oh I know that you I know that you were you wanted to stream today hopefully you going to get better it’s

Okay I also need to I saw your Twitter no s your Twitter post about how you need to catch up with work I also need to catch up man I also need to catch up uh it listen guy it looks ugly like this but it’s just because of my mop

Pack okay it’s it’s it’s just give it just give it I might change it who knows it’s ugly this H it’s okay it’s wle it’s walk Co it’s Tracy looking like this and then this thing right like this look at that Beauty look at that beauty okay I might

Die like this uh where’s my uh there’s some people waiting for you Paul who’s Waiting For Me Oh you mean are you talking to are you talking to see uh shat sorry I mean I mean there are people yeah people waiting for you and but they’re patient you

Know one cuz when you’re so sick you cannot work you know it’s not how can you work of your best of your ability if feel so sick you know you’re just going to be like you know like you’re going to leave it like half half Focus you know what I mean

Like half not half Focus but half ass you know the half ass what the [ __ ] I knew it I heard something [ __ ] a skeleton oh if it oh should I ignore it where are they ah what the [ __ ] I did ouch ow I was trying to ouch I was planning to so stupid

Oh man I keep making that mistake I don’t think oh they cannot die oh they don’t that makes sense we having a battle oh who broke this area it’s kind of ugly right now whatever your mop is only for the sky uh no my mopa is for everything that I have

You know it look no I have like a mop pack and also a what call it a Shader I have like a Shader as well one two three yeah I have two things that’s why that’s why um how to say it that’s why um hold on need to look at the M

The yeah that’s why um that’s why I cannot play normal Minecraft anymore if I play normal Minecraft I I just can’t I know I cannot I cannot really I’m so used to this you know like you know Shader plus the the M part I’m using that’s why the window look

Different see see the windows here look different because I’m using a mop pad I hear something but I’m not sure what it is ouch I have this I’m not using it the M don’t worry I have something very powerful to protect me that’s why I’m not dying yet well I might die

Um I might die technically oh I hear that is that zombie oh okay as long not creeper I’m fine if a creeper is I’m [ __ ] so stupid you’re so stupid oh you’re so stupid oh I’m dying let me you’re so stupid so sure anywh U fight yeah I’m fighting whoa why

Are they wearing clothes oh is it is it a m pie have nice uh it looks really bad like this let me do let me fix Something what song is that I don’t remember okay I don’t remember this song anymore okay okay I can this what [ __ ] wrong ouch that hurts hurts it hurts and then are you seen GTA oh yeah I’ve been watching um no um I did watch but um it’s

Like I watch it but I also saw people playing it you get it yeah I’ve been watching some people playing it it looks fun but I’m not going to play it for sure too many game for me also it’s like it’s also single player game I don’t like single player

Game but saw is very cool oh it’s not all yet he so what oh oh I see okay I guess the one I watch the people that I watch playing they’re not playing the game yet then I don’t know they look the similar but I saw the trailer it’s kind of

Cool well I’ve been watching like other streamer play the I don’t know I feel like um ETA is like coming back again like the with the non pixel stuff and the BCR I believe like f like other streamer play the game yeah but yeah mostly watch RP DTA that’s

Funny it’s not ooh 2,000 oh that’s long yeah for some reason I W I’ve been watching some of my favorite content creator and then and they they having like they having playing the uh I guess the trailer make it like oh guys we should go back play the you know GTA again

Together I don’t how you know RP GTA yeah it’s funny no well I only watch certain people play it I don’t watch everyone I don’t like the serious type I just like the ones like for fun like it’s like funny yeah so I watch it when they are like

Like for example I watch like I don’t know if you know this but I watch like I don’t know if I talk about but I watch Like Kuno like he played the game right now he’s playing the game right now and so and so I’m been watching him play the

Game instead that what I’m trying to say I’ve been watching him a lot you know when I cuz he say uh cuz he say is impossible to like it’s it’s impossible for it’s impossible for me to play to play game and also like draw so cuz I cannot play game right now

I’ve been watching people play game instead yeah you know it’s hard when you want to play game but you cannot it’s hard I have to like be you know I have to pick something I cannot be like oh oh like like okay I need to maybe like this is bad

Oh I need to take this out yeah so I’ve been I’ve been drawing a lot so I don’t have the time to play game anymore um so I just watch other people play game and because that I went I went back to watching Kuno playing uh GTA and it’s funny it’s

Funny I enjoy it I like watch people using superhero mod oh that’s interesting superhero mod that’s interesting can you like talk about a little bit more like what they do there like they use they use use superow there and RP or something or just no RP hello

Hello welcome to the stream a lot thing oh cool see that what I need look at that mirror this is that is perfect that is perfect there the Garland is not supposed to be here that is perfect there look so beautiful it’s dying and I get and then I get iron um okay

Hello what the heck oh right right right right damn It I have not been to one of these stre for a long time eh you you just you wash me thank you for stopping by though I mean I guess I don’t I don’t stream uh I don’t stream that much this day compared to before you know who you

Are hey hey hey want me who you are it’s your it’s your friend it’s your Paul you forgot you forgot Amir is your best friend I’m kidding I don’t know but well no you know welcome back welcome back to the stream I mean like I said I have not been streaming a

Lot so it’s kind of my fault also we been all busy right we all busy people I get it we all busy people ah uh talking about that you made me I want to do like a talking stream where I need to talk about my next Year resolution for my

Channel you know I mean yeah so like hey so like I need to I want to talk about what what is something I want to do for next year for my you know my for my channel I need to think about and I mean it’s good to set some um goal

Because that way you can know what you want to do and what what you can focus on I can talk about a little bit here for sure for next year oh Dam it I don’t have enough W potato potato ouch damn it it hurts it hurts me a lot

Potato are you playing modifi Minecraft yeah uh well yeah I’m playing mod Minecraft you’re right uh uh I’m thinking hard but my brain is not Working and then throw this out and then I’m playing Maya yeah I’m playing mod Minecraft it have lot stuff in it see see all this stuff here I don’t even need it I’m just making my own house right now cuz you see my dogs you see my this

Animal here look at them they’re sleeping outside I need to make a house fast that what I’m trying to do uh I need to make a house immediately um look at those poor animals there’s wet the wet from the rain look at them exactly poor dogle poor doggle

Hello don’t ask how long I would feel sad I’m kidding imagine you say how long and it said um one second uh for one second and I left I’m like oh oh this is all or I see imagine him saying that imagine saying that ouch it

Hurts cuz you’re not giv the house what the heck that’s why I’m making the house right now look at me look at this look at this I’m making it I’m making it I’m trying to be fast I’m being busy I don’t you know wait when was the last time I play

Minecraft I don’t remember anymore I don’t remember when was the last time play Minecraft H you know some time ago basically I don’t remember anymore I’m going to eat fish it’s faster yeah I know we playing Minecraft for I don’t remember like a week ago is this a week

Ago yeah yeah I mean I’m making a beautiful house just watch me I’m trying to be as fast as POS this is why I’m streaming right now I’m logging I’m logging in I’m playing Minecraft for today so I can make the house ouch it hurts it hurts a lot see I’m so nice

E uh hold on a second I’m watching tutorial okay okay I need a lot of this thing a lot of them I don’t think that’s enough oh my God my hands so clumsy yeah okay I need to go to get more wounds cuz I need more of this I

Need a lot of this thing you see the object I’m holding I need a lot of this for now cuz my house will be white so I I need a lot a lot a lot of that what no wood I don’t know I’m fancy I Guess okay uh maybe we going to put some stuff here cuz I don’t need I don’t need half of this stuff to be honest I don’t need this I don’t need it okay I think this is over okay enough I’m thinking yep it’s perfect it’s perfect so I’m going to

Go I used to travel a lot but look at me I lost my you know elytra so I cannot fly anymore so that’s why I’m muing stuff right now I’m making stuff cuz I lost my elyra I cannot fly anymore I’m just talking to myself don’t worry man I’m just answering before someone

Ask me uh yeah go to here no here here no oh here my brain is cucko cuck Cocko I don’t mind huh why you asking oh I’m okay it’s okay to ask it’s okay to ask question I will say no to those that I’m not comfortable Answering I guess we’re the same in what sense this look like Sky Block um uh no not really it’s not Sky Block they it doesn’t it doesn’t have the Sky Block function I know what I’m talking it’s not it’s not Sky Block a Sky Block would be fun to play I

Play Sky Block once man that thing was crazy I was struggling at first cuz I didn’t know what to do I was like lava how do I make how do I make oxidian I remember that part oh or like I remember where I was like oh man hold

That mix Stone then I found then I learn how I’m like oh man this is fun I lasted for three month I believe and I after that stopped playing the game My I don’t have my Minecraft cze anymore Minecraft craze is crazy Minecraft can be addicting once a

While it’s okay to play once a while but not every day um he I should get more right more more more more yes for now yes for now throw it away for a second a oh no answer people before they asking yeah I guess cuz I’m um I don’t know I’m kind

Of efficient in a sense I like to be efficient so I just answer I don’t know I’m just gonna like answer before anyone asked me it annoys me when they I don’t know it doesn’t annoy me it’s just like oh I might as well answer

It don’t know why don’t know why I do that don’t ask me why I I don’t really know myself oh I remember remember last I remember like in the last stream when I was like at you know at the star like on Friday I don’t you watch I don’t know

You watch the stream or watch your bought but I was talk basic I was talking to myself and then and then I remember like one of you know one of chat was like oh oh Yom me what you talking to yourself I’m like I don’t

Know do you want me to be quiet like no talk on the stream I’m like h i find us I find it that very silly you know it’s like I mean I I you don’t want me to talk like like I could just not talk I guess I could just make this

Stream very awkward and don’t talk no no no it’s not that it’s not it’s not s it’s was three minut star I didn’t want to suppos then but it was funny I find that I find that kind of funny because you know um cuz I don’t know this something

With is there something with streamers with streamers or content creator that they just encourse you know basically just to us you know is you watch other streamer blah blah blah or like or like if you watch streamer that say no like how to stream blah blah blah

How do do you do talking stream blah blah blah those kind of videos they would say like oh practice with talking to yourself like just talk to yourself I’m like oh I mean I mean I I do talk to myself sometime I mean I guess it make

Me look crazy but yeah I do talk to myself yeah yeah you know mean it’s like it’s like it’s complicated you know some people some people thinks that you’re crazy because you know I’m a small I’m I’m kind of like a small streamer um I’m kind of like a small

Streamer so of course there are time that there are time that I have to understand that there are people that are not watching me so okay this no know so I had to be like okay I need to like just talk to myself the entire

Time and then you have to also like make you know like you also try also try to like keep yourself entertain it something like that there time like that this all you know especially when I first started streaming I wasn’t I was very uncomfortable at first but now I’m I’m

So used to it I’m like huh I guess I’m just an you know a bird a bird talking on stream to no one and then and then you will get used to it you will get used to it it might sound crazy but you get used to it

Um I think we have enough for now we don’t want to steal everything at let small stream I see I you know what I find I find it like surprise you know like kind of like a interesting thing cuz like I start watching stream because of the big

Content creator there like said Kuno like stuff like that like said Kuno stream stuff like that so I’m so used to like watching bigger you know bigger content creator in a sense um so because you know um because I’m so used to watching like bigger content

Creator or weer streamer I I don’t I’m used to not talk like just don’t you know because there’s so many people talking for me so I’m like okay I’m just not going to talk I’m just going to like watch the person and need drawing something like

That but now that I’m like a smaller streamer myself I’m like I start to do more like talking you know like it’s just like more like oh yeah I I just going to comment you know why not you know why not especially to my other content creator friends like the also

Like you know other cont other YouTuber like me kind of they like oh they like also have a smaller audience so I’m like oh yeah I’m going to like you know be there for you and then talk a little bit oh [ __ ] did that mean mistake no ah [ __ ] I def make Mistake what is this Are You artist yes I’m an artist I draw I stream for fun but I draw for I’m serious you know what I mean I stream for fun but I’m actually like you know if we talking about content wise I’m more of a I think I’m more popular as a

Artist I don’t know the way how I see it oh yeah it’s right right right this one made my mistake so I need to cut it down ouch I draw I draw some um this day I have not you know like I’m not being drawing on stream because I like drawing

On stream but sometimes too kind of like um it’s kind of made me not focus too much so so that’s why I’m not streaming like I’m not streaming art for a while just for now cuz I have so many things I need to do I need to like

Finish my artwork first before streaming something new and money too not do you play undertale M no don’t play h no it’s said I don’t play I have I’m planning to play it but not now not now I’m saving it for the best I did I couldn’t um I don’t know

Well to be honest I know more on the taale than the tun to be honest I’ll do maybe cuz like maybe because I’ve spoiled myself with watching other people like the game play so I’m not that interested did I think watch I watch a lot of people play the

Game so I know I kind of know what’s going on so I’m trying to hold back and may maybe like after you know few months later I’m kind of like oh I don’t remember the the story line so I might go just go back to play it you know something like that

H what do you ask to n what do you say h n who’s Nera you know that’s not n that’s Ronnie that’s different it’s not the same Amir Amir what the heck you doing two ow one two three it is ouch but yeah I don’t know I spoiled

Myself with the game play so I’m just going to wait on jum like for kind of forget so I kind of like forget the storyline and then maybe just play I know I know I’m very particular and also it’s a single player game so I’m not very good with single player

Game I I I I still haven’t finished all the single player game you know I I have so many games that have not finished yet cuz uh I don’t know why don’t ask me why I don’t I don’t even know myself also I’m dying so let me eat this for a second

Okay I don’t remember uh one two one and two again but yeah if we talk about marun though undertale though I love the ye I just I love one thing that the reason why I’m attracted to undertale in the first place though is mostly cuz it’s sound soundrack very good

Soundtrack very very good it helped me with drawing a lot I don’t know I use the use the Bier sweetness of the game it’s hard to explain maybe when I when maybe when I’m like start playing the game I might I might be like oh my God I love this game

I love the game for now I’m like oh it’s okay I like the I like the soundtrack it’s amazing hello Robo do you watch VR chat no I watched I just W um I don’t watch VR chat but I watch uh GTA role play a lot hello Robo hello Robo how’s your

Day happy holiday uh yeah happy holiday as well oh yeah guys s s start saying happy holidays cuz so it’s going to be holidays soon right so I should be saying hello happy holiday guys happy holiday to you Everyone I think I make a mistake here I did I did make a mistake I did made a mistake I make a mistake um um hold on can I do H and then one one like this doesn’t make sense to me ouch let me see o yeah man me stick there so

Two wait what man my eyes so I need to remove one there I need to remove wait oh it’s getting dark of course I have to get dark this one this one here this one here I need to get rid of it true it’s almost it’s almost I mean

All the h ah man I’m going to die I’m going to die oh I need to eat are you doing the kill run or not the kill good question I think good question I don’t know I don’t know wol are I might play everything you know but I’m not sure for

Counterwise that’s a good idea I might not do the Q one cuz who knows we know what’s happened right who knows what happens I don’t know myself too I saw both game play and so I know what’s going on with those two I think I might try my best to get

The true ending kind of like that the true ending I get it this oh my God think so think so and then ch ch I don’t get this far need to gool down for a second I’m sorry I’m trying to align it cuz kind of pain if I mess up yes perfect it’s perfect Perfect oh oh oh hold on let me fix something I’m trying to concentrate right now and fix my mess I created here looks one two three and then two okay it’s perfect oh ow oh yummy yummy yummy yummy and and Then um I do the same thing this side I believe let me see I don’t have enough material again man every time every time okay I’m going to put some stuff here I’m going to put this here cuz I don’t need it for now I don’t need

This um I don’t need this this this CU I need a love of B news no this I need this um take this with me take this with me I don’t need this um this this this we’re good maybe go this way What are you guys going to do for the holiday ooh nice more ah we careful and then I could just put for now wait is that sand no that’s not sand why there so many you know glass Grass Grass you’re the dragon is the Y’s Dragon oh yeah

It no oh yeah it is it is the Y dragon soon holy [ __ ] sound like a good year not really no really I don’t know I don’t know [ __ ] about this kind of stuff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oh [ __ ] right right right I

Forgot one two 3 4 five okay maybe that’s enough e that’s not enough that is not enough wait one 2 3 4 5 6 okay that’s not enough okay hey damn it that okay I’m trying to get a lot of material okay cuz I don’t want to comat

Every time here it’s it’s annoying okay I should be enough uh I lost everything to Lava so I have to travel like this every time H let me see what you guys broke oh explain the Lunar New Year well the Lunar New Year is basically the Asian New Year because a calendar

Issue I don’t know it’s kind of I don’t get it’s kind of like calendar you know the following the calend the own calendar it’s kind of like the Maga the mag calendar stuff like that you know remember remember there used to be a year where uh when

When the C when the Maga MAA calendar was like I don’t know no more and people thought it was the end of the war or something yeah it was funny those day um D would be the your oh I see uh okay okay trouble stop explaining I get it I get

It hello F oh I didn’t see that that scared me for a second yeez that scared me for a second oh wall I didn’t notice that oh God Son zombie you know last time I was FK like this and the zombie kill me I like what

The heck I was a used there cuz I went to oh this is so cute look at this oh my God I I I will ask I will ask them how they do this this so cute look at that look at that smile it’s so goofy this is okay but this is the

Best this is me I want to this is me a smiling all day you woman gave me a heart well I gave myself heart attack listen it’s not just you I also gave myself heart attack I was so surprised cuz you know this place has so

Many it has so many like you see what you see around torch torches so I didn’t SP a zombie there who huh what the f stuff technically I’m I also count like somewhat like a furry you know and you guys are basically watching furry right

Now look at me you you guys are pretty much watching a bird technically it’s a furry technically it is a furry so e hold on checking something here interesting I feel like it made it wrong no it’s correct okay I’m going to do the same thing that’s

Way my house very simple it’s very simple it’s just outside look interesting and I didn’t make it complicated cuz I don’t need complicated I’m a simple bird I’ll need something as complicated as that oh I need to do this so I don’t have to like do fall damage ah

For next year though I do want to like um you know like every time my stream game do collab I don’t do short I don’t like edit short have you guys watch this recent short video I’m trying to improve my editing skill man it’s hard short is

Annoying I still haven’t figure out how to post how to post short from PC I don’t know I just don’t get how I got lazy to fix it so so I just left it like that yeah guys don’t trust my friend I don’t trust my friend anymore my friend gave me

Trauma playing horror game with is a bad idea I said um one one one one two one one three one two three and then and wait what one one two three and then four and then four and then five and then I don’t remember so five five then six right and then

This I think I think it’s correct y w okay let me check I’m trying to align everything oh oh no it’s okay actually let me see this side I think it’s okay oh it’s hard it looks Al line yeah yeah looks perfect to me well we will see

Later what senpai mean Senpai means um it’s kind of like it’s basically like a way to say senior you know like in school especially naal school they um in Asia like scho in nation in school or something like that hierarchy is just stronger you know like the hierarchy you

Know where you see you older a person older than you you call in you know you call in they you know you call Mr Miss uncle and then you see someone like young you saw it you know you call it this way yeah it’s usually like under yeah upper

Classmate or someone like you you senior at C certain place or basically your workplace sometime so cuz Senpai is Japanese that’s why I’m sure like I don’t know I’m sure you you’re um I’m sure like I’m I’m sure like uh for you you have like a your own like

You know your own word for you know for that like for example for me uh I we don’t really have the culture [ __ ] Goen come on come on please why are you here oh damn it I going to destroy this thing I’m going to make a new new Golem a new Golem thing

Okay excuse me I need to kill you here I’m not going to kill you here cuz I I’m going to die so might as Well hello Robo don’t say that Robo don’t say that Don’t don’t where is it oh don’t Robo looks looks Robo is this your kid yes then I’m like I’m sorry Robo we have to let it go we have to let it go bye-bye bye-bye Robo Jor that’s okay damn Robo Robo Union Robo Jor yeah Senpai usually is meant for

That uh I’ll think of example for you what how do do you have something like that like that I’m here in your I don’t know country system or school system I might need to replace this thing soon I’m rich right okay hold on I my in best something

Here I’m going to get I’m going to get a stronger stronger bow with all my money here let me what this is not enough what the [ __ ] [ __ ] is this this is not enough I need to make something new this is not reliable this how How I’m thinking I place okay to be honest this thing is not supposed to be here but I made it cuz it looks nice but it’s kind of becoming a problem a big problem because of this thing cuz I didn’t know Goen can span here you know a fence could Be off fence no fence no a I will put a trap door but I’m not sure I can do that he I w think later right now I need to focus on building my house I was going to do something I forgot ra oh damn that’s weird hello Raiders my first raid let’s go guys welcome welcome give me your house my house I don’t really have a house well technically this is my house

Now unless you know this is my house now I’m homeless basically there’s no roof there’s no roof look at this thing but yeah welcome Raiders damn YouTube Works sorry I’m it’s my first raid so I’m not used to the raid system you on YouTube well welcome welcome guys I’m Yom me by the

Way who R me by the way Kon KY is that how you say it K Kon Kyon sorry I’m not the best at pronouncing names me too I didn’t know you to have a have a race system well I knew about it but it usually don’t works you know what

I mean it usually don’t work as well as the twitch race system so I usually ignore it how do you Ray you know what I will ask you later but thank you for the Ray thank you thank you guys um yo me and listen I usually don’t play

Minecraft so I’m not Minecrafter so it’s just for today um I’m trying to remember what to do here see my oh yeah if you want to say this is our my dogos I’m building this house well you know if you know how someone said they’re going to take away my house

Listen if you take away my house my my dogos my dogs going to sleep here all night and my dog will be so pitiful do you want to do that you want to do that to my dogs animal anal cruelties come on guys don’t abuse animals abuse human but

Not this animals not this these are cutie look at this look at the cuties I’m going to eat going to eat some huh what cute dogos I know they are so cute well to be honest I have them cuz I’m lazy to fight back you know to monster to mob so

That’s why I got them but now they’re just here chilling they were supposed to be my my you know my shield like when when someone attack me they are they meant to die first but then I got attached to it so I cannot let them die now Minecraft have a

Magic anyway I’m going to go to community what ding one no pasta what’s ding what what ding thing is that some kind of noodles a type of noodles it means some second dinner oh so like second dinner no to stay long it’s okay thank you for raing though

Oh only R in the chat yeah only mean sarcastic no [ __ ] thank you for telling me that see because you have forgot what to take um more bones I I I’m not allowed to take a lot so after stream I had need to be FK here

Cuz they’re going to you know it’s a community chest I cannot take all those things damn it I took a lot yeah I need to after you know streaming I need to be here my person I need to grind that’s why I don’t like Minecraft anymore it’s too much

Grinding oh let’s check what they have Here yeah don’t don’t have bones I need bones I cannot take all this see the reason why I make my iron farm because this thing I’m not allowed to take a lot but I need a lot because I need to trade um yo yo

Sir I need four of this what the I need I need all this hey someone’s what the did someone okay cool I need to get I need to upgrade this thing here you see this thing here I need to upgrade it it’s dying um need to talk this time this

Side cool I’m rich now let’s take what I have here oh I’m rich I’m rich filty rich I’m trying to remember why I have I think I have no I don’t think no I do I have I need to upgrade my roll cuz it’s dying I don’t like to fight close I need

To kill from from AAR let me go back to my to my house to check what I have first and then to buy the fun and cool to be honest the poor human no no no no no no no there are no human human sucks this this okay this okay human

E this dogos so cute so cute okay also I like to talk [ __ ] about humans so oh God I have a problem um so I have this I need power and Unbreaking um Unbreaking two is not good this is a new wow so I’m going to take that no Unbreaking to is not

Good I need books I need books right I need books I need books I need papers as well I need leather leather leather letter this thing I need as well I’m trying to remember what I need so I don’t have to combat later technically here I can make this here [ __ ]

[ __ ] ah [ __ ] I wasted my money all right I thought they can do it no [ __ ] humor funny humor’s funny yeah I like human sometime human are like the like the most hypoc spe I met so it’s so funny I don’t know I like the humor sometime

Oh okay I need to I need this thing I need power what I wonder have power H I’m sad I’m like sad I think piercing is for sword it’s not for this I’m not sure no no no no um I know power is okay power is okay efficiency no I need power power

Power power no I don’t need that um looting channeling I don’t need that Smite Smite is for is for the axe not for a bow guys I spend 26 this for this thing and I cannot even you know I’m sad oh that have power one power one is not

Good uh but if I had no choice I might have to do it I’m too lazy to l H they only have power one not good not good what’s this punch is punch good no punch is for oh [ __ ] okay let’s go to the other Village this

One I don’t think it’s finished but I’m just going to sorry cannot do that BL bro I couldn’t have access to it this sucks mending I couldn’t even trade with these people oh well I need to talk to the owner of this house should you buy something useful don’t waste it listen

I thought this is useful okay this thing I thought it was useful this thing here this thing I thought it was useful it’s useful actually okay okay watch me watch me watch this okay hold on hold on I need to go make this something that thing is useful it’s

Supposed to be useful you think I didn’t know but the thing is well my friend did say I shouldn’t combine I shouldn’t combine like Infinity with fire aspect but I tried once before it works so I didn’t care but now it doesn’t work so I’m like what the [ __ ]

Anyway gosh there’s new there’s new people I’m not going to get angry every time I don’t see it yeah hold on I need to make a new bow eh just going to waste it no it’s a new roll it’s kind of spineless okay hold on I need this this this

This this right is that how you make it no that’s not how you make it that’s not how you make it I’m going to make newable you for I can look uh e I’m confused now are they wait are they not allowing this thing here you should this should work I’m

Confused now so confused I’m a confused actually is fire as not allow here no it should work I’m confused now listen I’m not the owner of this server I don’t know [ __ ] it’s supposed to work is fire Aspen not allowed here I’m confused let me make something here I’m so

Confused let make a sore oh oh that’s notur it should work oh it’s only for oh it’s only for wait is it cuz okay look at this thing I’m not killing it uh which one where’s the chicken you know what hold on be right back I do have eggs

Right I do I do have eggs look at this Amir this is you look at you look at you Amir this is you this is you actually hold on let me eat let me eat I get hungry easily cuz I’m already um race something origin race so I need to eat a lot

Uh need to eat more where is the cute Look At You A Mir he oh there e supposed to work I’m so confused oh I canot name t it no keep it’s supposed to work he it’s too small there look at you air oh you know what no look at this

Airor look at you look at you man so powerless and useless look at this uh let me do something here here look at this oh where’s the stupid chicken look at this Amir look at you so stupid look look look at you man how dare you well you said example so I’m

Going to show you example look at this I’m going to show you you know what I’m going to keep you here it’s funny here come here chicken come here actually I did say I going to name all my you know all my you know like

People that watch me a lot I’m going to name you one of the animals I think I’m going to name you all like chicken or Pig cuz they’re funny so I’m going to name you guys cuz you guys look stupid yeah see this is you Amir you know that

Stupid no you look stupid look look at this see I holding a knife and still following me wait hey look at it look look look look I’m me I me look yeah see look at this okay got to leave you alone I mean I need to set a example so I’m going to

Make another chicken no I don’t have more eggs except oh yeah I don’t need to C something you say show your example I don’t know what to cill that’s not me okay then die air die die look at that look at that fire well technically was it worth it no I

Wasted like 20 Mr used to do that and then one HP so I’m I’m very bad I just did that cuz I I was petty you kill the baby well I guess I just want to end the entire human chicken I don’t know what col human chicken anyway I’m going to continue my

House oh it was funny we lost it it was funny to me my humor is broken ah okay what you call sprous Sprout Sprout Sprout sprous sprous sprous sprous sprous don’t have Sprouts they do have Sprouts I’m going to take this a yeah yeah I need to fix this part

There it’s kind of really annoying I need stair stair stair St stair stair one two three four five okay four is good enough and then this side right ah apparently has super power you know that oh it’s not o it’s n it’s not

N is it P it’s not P damn it I don’t remember about power uh it was oh let me see uh power power p p p p p p it was F1 right right S1 look at this my power it’s kind of useless cuz I die

Already I die yes I lost everything it was very bad I’ll die to Lava what power what happened huh what happened what happened when you were gone well what happened is I kill Amir yes I kill I have to end him I have to end his

Life he was a he was a danger to this war look at this peaceful look at this peaceful environment then I saw the chicken and I had to kill it with my sword yeah yeah so my power is just extra slot for inventory I believe so that’s it

That’s it it’s nothing that good a kill a baby well I didn’t kill a baby don’t say like don’t say like that it sound reallyy bad it does sound like that but you know it was just a chicken it was meant to be food no Oh man oh I’m looking at the tutorial tutorial it’s so dark here um okay one thing I’m afraid of is it’s nothing except the creepy cuz creeper here you know what happened is up here I’m [ __ ] because I don’t want to like review everything you know it’s painful oh no okay

I won’t fall right oh [ __ ] I need to make more hold on I need to make more oh you wasted my morning morning time I need to make stuff at night very dangerous for me very dangerous very dangerous very very dangerous what fall no interesting H I’ll pick a

Layer I’m too lazy for that oh okay I knew that I knew that going to happen I knew it was going to happen so that’s why okay okay I’m just going to do this here um not that way I Won’t I just going to go to the other side wait yeah no choice I mean safety you know Safety First I’m not going to like die like that that I mean I’m not going to die you know cuz I’m powerful like I have a lost thing my pajamas is protecting me you know

Um this thing right good oh this is so cool now my pajamas pajamas Banana p J bana it’s so dark it’s there’s going to be creeper and that’s going to be a bad new for me oh we meet again we did meet again and you scared

Me you gave me a heart attack you want me to die who I look your I like the smiley in your in the how do you do that the smiley um uh it was is an armatum oh you look like smiling I like it thank you thank you thank you you look

Aesthetic yeah I’m I’m pretty happy yeah your house looks nice so far it doesn’t look nice it looks homeless there’s no room but it’s a what what you trying to say that this is good enough is this good enough for me to live in is that what you’re trying to

Say no that that it it looks good so far okay okay I get you point out okay what you doing I like it um just uh relaxing with na right now we’re just talking the restur done so I can use the Villager why not because it doesn’t allow

Me oh really yeah it won’t let me okay I’ll fix that I I don’t know why it it won’t even it won’t even let me talk to them or you know it’s like it’s said it’s not allow I’m like okay cool I’m not going to touch you man yeah okay

I’ll fix it no worries I’m planning on um oh another question you know fire aspect mhm isn’t isn’t that larm bowl I thought you can is it what you know like I want my bow to be like oh no that’s flame flame uh man a oh your fire aspect is for swords and

Flam yeah yeah that makes sense then that makes sense okay I guess it got the I got the you know different thing I see I see it’s cool I see I see well I just wanted to check up on you was oh no not yeah I’m just trying to you know make

Some progress cuz I have not locked in to Minecraft for a while I guess I don’t remember was the last time yeah I’m trying to finish this cuz doesn’t look you know terrible you guys I stay cuz you I know you guys is making this place beautiful and then there’s

Like a homeless house here like home finish oh guys they hate me they hate me they hate I’m kidding I know what what happened the Minecraft the Minecraft server is not very stable so people tend to disconnect a lot that’s my cop there I’m sure they’ll like me

Anyway let’s use Harvest this for a second do I have sand I don’t have sand here I know I have it in that side but I don’t have it here H later problem is going to harbers a little bit I’m sure I it’s okay guys I know I’m

I’m sure they they they they left because of the computer problem right Wi-Fi you know nothing about me okay I’m crazy now I sound like I have I I’m Emotional is your me H the frame listen ah uh I got it was a mistake okay it looks similar to me I’m not sure is they have it either though anyway um checking my tutorial for now jungle jungle jungle jungle jungle I need a jungle I don’t think have

It cuz I don’t like the jungle wood oh [ __ ] I don’t really have it um I guess I’m going to I don’t think I have it jungle sampling let me see I don’t have it great okay I don’t like you either way I’m going to use this

Uh no no no no no no no no no no no time to cut I’m a Lumberjack look at me Lumberjack um Lumberjack oh why why this thing like this no no I’m a Lumberjack Lumberjack Lumberjack damn it oh [ __ ] I’m too short hello the other Amir the Roblox Amir how are you how are you how’s how’s your day I’m sure most of you guys have like holiday right now right are you guys in in a short holiday you know vacation Yahoo Yahoo yes finally rest no more

Homewor I feel like homewor is a way to train you to work over time you know what I mean it’s a lie guys Homer is not meant to like make you smarter Homer is meant to like help you know with practicing memorizing you know all the stuff again what you learn in

School no it’s just to teach you how to overtime I hate overtime every time especially on the holidays Oh look at this beauty I think I have enough so so I have enough of this so I’m going to go back look at my White House W so cool I’m going to waste my material okay anyway um this one no what I mean d I didn’t do

[ __ ] why you why you accusing me off man I don’t do [ __ ] you saw me man I was like just protecting them from the mod you know no I was trying to like sand in here in the water but you know they’re so nice to me

So I I’m nice to people who’s nice to me look at this beauty guys you know how I draw most of the time like boys so I’ve been drawing cuz I cuz of the art like the art like you know rawle I have to draw like female character

Oh my this what the why are you here oh Manan I’m so scared hold on I think I can do this gol is too strong for me so that’s why I’m trying to do this I’m sure it’s going to be fine oh is this my new wall no that’s

Not the one this one look at my powerful you know I’m killing them because if that there my Golem fan won’t work the [ __ ] how did how I need to make a new Golem fan this is not working oh the m so weak what the heck

Oh cuz it does have power okay I need to get power later I’m going to ask then not going to waste my iron I need the monument wait is Control [ __ ] I’m going to kill those thing Here ah I’m stuck stuck it’s pretty good okay I’m going to place those thing and end the stream later cuz I’ve been playing Minecraft for how long 2 hours that’s enough of Minecraft for today I need to go back to drawing I can’t show you what I drew you

Know what I’ve been drawing so far so so that you guys know I’m not slacking off listen I’m not slacking off I’m I’m drawing I’m drawing really let me place this thing here as well hey what the heck parkour and then go that side okay oh

I don’t know why I made my house here so stupid oh I mean they have more space I guess here perfect so I’m kind of like I’m think I’m like 50% on with it like I have everything like it just need to work on the roof the front part and then it’s

Like done and then my dogs have fining a place to not be wet under the rain or something okay noral Minecraft I’m going to show you what I’m being U what I’m working on so I’ve been drawing uh on Chan type you know Ona means in Japanese like big

Big sister type I’m not very good at drawing those uh female character cuz it’s just just the the style is different you know the style is very different um hold on let me open my let me open my uh my art thingy and then I’m going to end the

Stream I don’t know what you’re talking about you will understand soon don’t worry about it don’t worry about you will understand very fast what I’m talking about the the beauty the Ona you will understand soon don’t worry about it um hold on no worry because you’re asking so much

Question I have to show you what I’m what I need to do um oh let’s go To my thing is not not it’s not set okay um you know what you’re just going to stay here this is my gaming scene so I need to open my Pro uh where is procreate window capture create okay hold on it’s going to snow soon then it’s

Going to snow soon and you’re going to snow for like every day going to stay home look at this look at this beauty this is what I’m drawing right now sorry let me take this out um it was meant to be a you saw nothing here um

Yeah apologize no see a a big sister type you can see that um let me show you the original design I don’t think I capture her cuteness I try but it didn’t work you can see everything you don’t need to see it be blind um hold on I’m looking

For the winner the design the or the or the original design copy link is cute I guess yeah I’m not very good drawing uh you know I think my problem is cuz I’m so used to drawing male so I don’t I’m not good at drawing female I

Don’t I don’t really understand it how to make it even cuter or something so this is the oh it’s blocking so this is the realen design um you can see I drew the one on the left side I believe yeah so the art is much cuter

Huh but yeah I’m draw so my team is like for this Con set is like um what call it uh The Nightmare Before christma so that’s why I drew the skeleton you know I did my best to render like crazy yesterday and then I drew like oh come

Here I don’t know hey yo guys do you want to like do you want to like you know this is what I did so cute like yes sure on the CH I will do it let me lie down for a second he lucky skeleton yeah I’m still adding the you know the

Lighting you know like the lighting the you know like this thing here to make it like a little bit darker like more like um D you me listen don’t listen I okay when I drew this I didn’t think about it I was like and then when I finished

Render this thing wa wait a minute if I add this thing here if I add this thing here it might be like funny how’s it chibi you want to see you want to see oh um you see cuz I was working on something else last

Time I was working on this thing the one it’s like it’s like a TV for fast Mo but this thing I don’t know if you saw it with this thing oh I don’t see you see it but yeah I drew Chi for this it turned the micro no I I’m done

With micro I’m just showing a little bit of my R before I leave so yeah this I do this and then also I threw hold on like you know when I talk when I talk I’m like hey when I don’t talk I’m like hm when I talk hey I don’t talk hm

Anyway that’s just me and then there my friend it was for the thumbnail cuz I I don’t know why decid to make like put more effort in my thumbnail yeah I put a lot effort in my new thumbnail cuz I don’t know if you guys saw I’ll show you again I’m very

Proud of it it’s very cute style I like it cuz very cute uh let me show you this one I feel like the r is interesting is it I like it cuz like cartoonish look at this look at this doesn’t look nice I feel like put a lot effort in this

Thumbnail for YouTube that good you know listen listen you to fight you to fight now I’m going to beat you ass anyway yeah I make this thumbnail just for phasmophobia and I thought it’ be a good cool idea I pa that’s okay I just I’m also

Joking I’m also joking but no I’m not joking I want to beat your ass every day it’s so weird okay shut the [ __ ] I need to shut the [ __ ] up now um yeah this is the chibi for last I do for last week um but is you talking about this chibi

Here uh this one this one here this one here I’m not down I’m not finished it’s it’s not finished this thing is not finished for gaming it’s it’s kind of finished but not really uh listen I’ve been busy with other like project okay I need to finish

The onang one okay I need to finish the the the female character one and then I need to draw another thing you already new listen it’s like 70% on okay it’s 70% on I feel like the color this this bird is a little bit too dark

Maybe yeah it’s a little too dark so make it a little brighter yeah I think it’s video that you said last you know what I don’t know I don’t know I have some many projects so I this is low prority okay it’s not important it’s not important it’s not super important so

It’s fine I need to finish all stuff first because I promis then okay I like I promise my friends and the new people that I’m drawing for anyway guys thank you for stopping by um I guess I’ll see you guys next time okay take care okay have a nice nice day you

Should focus on one part yeah I’m trying to focus on the christma one first cuz christma one is very soon is what Chris this one is In it’s in a week okay it’s kind of in a week so I need to finish that and then chrisma but yeah thank you stoping for stopping by okay bye don’t forget to rest you yeah guys don’t forget to resue okay don’t get sick my family is sick and that’s

Bad so take care okay have a nice day so have a um I guess it’s not well it’s good morning yeah good morning good evening and good afternoon see you guys bye-bye thank you for stopping By

This video, titled ‘【Guerilla Minecraft】Continuing My House with wife, Minecraft-chan #minecraft #minecraftstream’, was uploaded by Yomi Kuraisu Ch.よみ on 2023-12-18 18:44:51. It has garnered 41 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:25 or 7585 seconds.

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    Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Two addons to explore, like a vivid dream. First up, the TNT addon, with explosions so grand, Redstone and blocks, in your hand they’ll land. Launch the TNT, watch the world destroy, With lava and more, it’s a sight to enjoy. Ultimate TNT, rainbow TNT too, Beautiful and deadly, a colorful view. Next up, the Warrior Villagers, a brave new sight, Defending your village, ready to fight. Links in the comments, for you to download, Enjoy the game, let your adventures unfold. That’s all for today, in the world of… Read More

  • Uncover Ancient Artifacts on Minewind Server!

    Uncover Ancient Artifacts on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and all its hidden treasures? If so, you’ll love exploring the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players and embark on exciting adventures in a unique Minecraft world. While watching a fascinating YouTube video about deleted Minecraft items, you may have come across some ancient artifacts that sparked your curiosity. Just like those forgotten items, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Immerse yourself in a server where creativity knows no bounds, and the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new… Read More

  • Warden Beam Madness!

    Warden Beam Madness! Minecraft Snapshot 22w15a: Warden Beam! The latest snapshot for Minecraft, 22w15a, brings exciting updates to the game, particularly focusing on the powerful Warden mob. Previously known for its close-range attacks, the Warden now boasts a long-range attack, making it an even more formidable opponent. Long-Range Warden Attack In a thrilling demonstration, players can witness the Warden engaging in long-range combat against the Wither. The Warden’s new ability to target enemies from a distance adds a challenging dynamic to battles, showcasing its strength and agility. Impressive Damage Output The Warden’s long-range attack is visually stunning, emitting powerful shockwaves that deal… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft! Minecraft: ARMADURA DE DRAGÃO *incrível* ‹‹ S5João ›› Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the thrilling aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your ideal abode. Explore… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore In the world of Minecraft, we build our dreams, Crafting structures, mining seams. From underground houses to mountain retreats, Every block placed, every resource we meet. Agni Gamingz, our guide in this land, With updates and builds, always at hand. In Hindi he speaks, with passion and flair, Sharing his journey, with a playful air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let the story unfold, in the gaming light. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, Thanks to Agni Gamingz, every single time. Read More

  • INSANEGaming DESTROYS Silent Thrasher in Epic Skywars Battle! 😱

    INSANEGaming DESTROYS Silent Thrasher in Epic Skywars Battle! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I didn’t give him a chance 😔 | Minecraft hive skywars’, was uploaded by Silent Thrasher on 2024-03-22 07:19:35. It has garnered 50 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. subscribe to make me feel better. #hivemc #thehive #skywars #hivebedrock #duels #combo #pvp #mcpe #bedrock #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #challenge #viral #short #yt #hiveskywars #hiveTags #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack Minecraft hive skywars Minecraft hive asmr Minecraft hive skywars mobile Minecraft pe skywars Minecraft bedrock the… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! MOST OVERPOWERED ITEM EVER?!” #shorts #grasstoucher27

    "UNBELIEVABLE! MOST OVERPOWERED ITEM EVER?!" #shorts #grasstoucher27Video Information mining a block instantly is completely overpowered but compared to an iron pickax how good really is it today I’m mining out an entire chunk with a regular iron pickax and an efficien 5 netherite pickax with Hast for the iron pickax I didn’t mine an entire chunk as it would take too long so instead I mine one layer and multiply the time taken by the amount of layers meaning that if I were to actually mine the entire chunk it would take me 6 hours meanwhile with the netherite pickaxe I decided to mine the entire… Read More

  • Trapped by My Bully GF in a Hacker Bubble for 24hrs!

    Trapped by My Bully GF in a Hacker Bubble for 24hrs!Video Information [Music] today we’re trapped this out of a bubble except we have hacker Powers hacker Powers say less okay let’s be honest who’s holding my hand what you’re holding my hand let go I want to hold Cory’s what oh my we need to expand this as soon as possible so if you go ahead and press tab you can see your hacker menu pop up with a bunch of options ooh there’s a lot and let’s see why don’t we click on the kids button and click the beginner kit and check it out I just got… Read More

  • Kronii’s Insane Reaction to Missing Calli’s B’day Call-in!

    Kronii's Insane Reaction to Missing Calli's B'day Call-in!Video Information oh yeah people will never be sleeping ever again because I slept and I sat an alarm and I didn’t wake up for the calling and I’m so mad at myself see this is why I stay up all night whenever there’s something in the morning I just just stay up all night I don’t trust my alarm I just over sleep but oh boo that’s okay at least I get a day two to myself yeah exactly see it all worked out in the end there more than you can say for crony uh crony was like… Read More

  • Defeating Ender Dragon w/out Krishna?! 😱 | Minecraft Survival

    Defeating Ender Dragon w/out Krishna?! 😱 | Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information तो हेलो गाइस मेरा नाम है कृष्णा आप देख रहे हैं नट कृष्णा तो गा आज की इस वाली वीडियो में हम जाने वाले हैं एंड में और एंडर ड्रैगन को डिफीट करके आने वाले हैं जिससे हमारा वर्ल्ड बच जाएगा और सारे एंडरमैन को भी हम लोग बचा लेंगे तो चलिए जल्दी से हम सारा सामान कलेक्ट कर लेते हैं एंड में जाने के लिए तो पहले हम नेदर में चले आते हैं लेकिन उससे पहले हम अपने इन्वेंटरी खाली कर देते हैं तो गाइस अब हम जाने वाले हैं एंड में जल्दी से हम एंड में… Read More


    ULTIMATE AXE GAMER DOMINATES MINECRAFT #MLGVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by AXE GAMER on 2024-04-19 14:22:00. It has garnered 660 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft Minecraft is an amazing open-world sandbox where players build, create, and explore their very unique world. Whether it is in creative, survival, or adventure mode, each experience is sure to be a blast. #minecraft #shorts Tags: minecraft, magixmc, magixmc tiktok, magix tiktok,tic toc,ticktock,gaming, build, building,minecraft buildings, short, shorts, youtubeshorts, youtube short,… Read More

  • VerixPvP | Revamped

    VerixPvP | RevampedVerixPvP is an established competitive minecraft network! Some of our features include – Premium cannoning jar – Custom F Fork Shields, Rosters, Missions, Upgrades – Free Upgradable Autosell Harvester Hoes – Printable gen buckets and Patch Buckets AND MUCH MORE! play.verixpvp.com Read More

  • The Dominion PvE RPG Dungeons Custom Items 1.20.2

    Welcome to The Dominion IP: play.thedominion.us Alternate IP: thedominion.us Embark on an epic Minecraft RPG adventure at The Dominion (est. 2013)! DUNGEONS: Conquer hand-crafted challenges, unveiling your dungeoneering prowess for exclusive loot and glory! WORLDS: Dive into a hybrid realm – an SMP haven for builders or a bespoke RPG world of dungeons and dangers! CUSTOMIZATION: Elevate your gameplay with unique items, bosses, and a leveling system tailored for immersive experiences. COMMUNITY DRIVEN: Crafted by a passionate, small team; we welcome all to aid in improving our server. CONSTANT EVOLUTION: Your feedback shapes the server as we unveil fresh content…. Read More

  • Double Helix

    Double HelixLooking for a server that puts the players first? How about we throw in… custom items.. now that sounds interesting. PvP? you betcha, there’s heaps of Arenas that you can get even with your friends.. or enemies :)Yeah, Discord seems to be the thing here’s our channel : discord.gg/2KEKQeQVhxTowny, Mini Games, Jobs ….That’s just a snippet of what we can offer you here at Double Helix! ..Got 10 minutes? .. Then don’t be shy, come on over and take a look for yourself . the only thing you have to lose is a couple of minutes, who knows, you might… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Inventory overload: Minecraft’s ancient luggage struggles

    Looks like Minecraft’s inventory is still stuck in the Stone Age! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids!

    Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Earning money without YouTube, where the story arrives. A course to guide you, with assets and clients in sight, Editing and teachers, to make your content bright. Contact for business, at [email protected], Options for courses, to help you earn a gem. DarkCity and DarkHeroes, series to explore, Challenges and entities, to keep you wanting more. Top 5 powerful entities, to test your might, Entertainment and fun, in every Minecraft night. Like and subscribe, for more content to see, In the world of Minecraft, where you can be free. Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️

    🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️ I don’t know about you, but I think the real question is: which came first, the chicken or the creeper? 🤔 #minecraftlogic #shorts #meme #2023 Read More

  • Cheating My Way Through Minecraft’s Top Server

    Cheating My Way Through Minecraft's Top Server Minecraft Madness: Speedrunning Hypixel’s Biggest Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through Minecraft’s largest server, Hypixel, as our intrepid gamer takes on the ultimate challenge of conquering five different game modes in record time. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions! Skywars: The Battle Begins Our hero dives into the first challenge, Skywars, a fast-paced game of strategy and combat. With a unique approach of hiding and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, the unexpected unfolds, leading to a surprising victory on the first try! TNT Run: Explosive Escapades Next up is TNT Run, a heart-pounding… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “🥰JOJO BIZZAR ADVENTURE PIXEL ART #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine bringing your pixel art skills to life in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world where the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Pigs Turning into Creepers – Minecraft

    Pigs Turning into Creepers - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where pigs are turning into creepers in Minecraft! Dive into the captivating universe of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay possibilities, Minecraft offers a unique experience of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring. Building Your Dream World From humble cabins to grand castles, Minecraft allows you to construct your ideal home in a virtual realm. Let your creativity run wild as you design and build structures that reflect your imagination. Exploring the Unknown Embark on thrilling journeys… Read More

  • INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!

    INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel in today’s video we will be exploring some of the craziest Minecraft mods out there these mods will push the limits of Minecraft from enhancing The View distance to improving Graphics quality we will be covering everything from the most valuable mods to the most outstanding ones in their respective Fields I hope you will enjoy the video and support me by like And subscribe to the channel for more amazing content so without further Ado let’s dive into the video the video begins with the most highly rated realistic… Read More

  • Why I SWAPPED Mikey’s Body in Minecraft with a Girl’s – Maizen

    Why I SWAPPED Mikey's Body in Minecraft with a Girl's - MaizenVideo Information hey JJ are you ready for this meeting with the boss to hand over the cash absolutely Mikey handing over a pile of money always makes me anxious JJ did you see that the bridge is broken we almost went flying off I noticed Mikey what the heck happened to the bridge and why is there a police car tailing us Mikey JJ you’re under arrest you’ve been working for the mafia and you’re looking at 10 years behind bars officer you got it all wrong we’re just regular guys trying to make a living no Mafia business… Read More

  • Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱

    Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] tes [Musik] tes asamikumikumam kedua ni bang halo halo asalamaikum Waalaikumsalam rizan 2030 Kika Halo Bang 226 kilan yo Halo Bang Halo R R6 ketig ketig yang benar Siapa tuh Halo channel aku sat Bang Iya halo halo Kid 517 halo channel Halo Bang Halo semuanya Selamat malam ini adalah teraw terakhirh lah Ang I guys sekarang teraw terakhir guysa terakhir ya atau takbiran ya Halo Bang Halo channel7 Halo Mar 5000 juta Bang kamu kedua Bang ini bukan R yang kami kenal lihat rambutnya diakang Bang terakhir tanggal 9 kan lah tapi kan sekarang… Read More

  • Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft – INSANE POV! #minecraft

    Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft - INSANE POV! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HardShipYT on 2024-04-05 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE feat. BUTCHER OF BRIX & TUXEDO STEVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-04-30 11:23:21. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:42 or 2982 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft’s Creepiest Mod

    Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft's Creepiest ModVideo Information why is it doing thatai oh live yep ohie guys I’m live yay oh [ __ ] okay check check check okay check check check okay che check live hello hello hello hello hello yeah what’s up I’m back okay check if I’m live yeah you are live it’s fine live live live okay I’m I’m going to start my recording and we’ll do a proper intro oh [ __ ] wait wait wait hello everybody okay start it start it all right stand wait a wait stand here stand here and just do an FY you know yeah yeah yeah hello… Read More

  • EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #game

    EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #gameVideo Information вперёд к приключениям Ай не лагай не лагай А хотя Он скинет А как он это сделал тихо тихо Людвиг аристархович This video, titled ‘Чуть не закончились приключения #игры #стрим #bonny_craft #монтаж #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by BONNY_CRAFT on 2024-01-09 20:44:05. It has garnered 2121 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge – Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!

    HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge - Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!Video Information Alex vandaag moeten we een €1 versus 1 miljoen hotel bouwen en deze chesten gaan ons laten weten welke Wij moeten bouwen Kom op Ik wil de duurste hebben dan kan ik een mega zwembad bouwen en misschien ook een eigen butler nemen en die noem ik dan Frits wat Nee ik wil de duurste Ik kan niet wachten om een miljoen hotel gewoon te bouwen in plaats van een poep €1 hotel Maar zullen we kijken Dat is goed oké 3 2 1 Ja ik heb een miljoen Let’s Go Jee ik heb een eh Alex ik… Read More

  • Reedop’s Fortnite Anxiety Revealed – Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #Minecraft

    Reedop's Fortnite Anxiety Revealed - Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All High level anxiety’s 💀 But ( Wait for End😂 ) #Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-02-25 12:00:57. It has garnered 38775 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Share with your friends🙏 please Instagram link 👇 / https://instagram.com/reedop_yt?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= my sacond channel channel link 👇 https://youtube.com/channel/UC771DphIWx4etC2b1gmO5sg IGNORE ALL HASHTAG 🙏 !! VIDEO RELATED HASTAGS ! #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • CozyCraving – Vanilla, No Whitelist, No Grief, Survival

    Join Our Unwhitelisted Survival Server! Looking for a great community to play with? Join our server with rollback plugin for griefing and looting protection. The server will never reset and will expand over time. Server IP: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Macho Craft ATM9

    Macho Craft ATM9Brand new community, with a fresh world and more servers on the way!We offer playtime ranks and do our best to provide an optimal gaming experience.Diverse Mod Selection: ATM9 boasts over 400 mods, ranging from well-known favorites to newer, lesser-known additions. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, there’s something here for everyone.Balanced Gameplay: The modpack strikes a balance between accessibility and depth. It includes all the basics found in other popular packs, but with a twist. Expect surprises, unique mechanics, and fresh content as you delve into the world of ATM9.Endgame Challenges: Can you craft the elusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Salty Easy Choice”

    When it comes to choosing between studying and playing Minecraft, it’s a no-brainer…273 points to gaming! Read More

  • Crafting Dreams: Minecraft’s Sleepy Scheme

    Crafting Dreams: Minecraft's Sleepy Scheme In the world of Minecraft, we find peace, Building, exploring, our stress release. So what if it makes us a bit sleepy, It’s a game that’s truly worth keeping. Let’s embrace the calm, the joy it brings, And let our imaginations take wings. Read More

  • Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme When you’re lagging in Minecraft and your friend asks why, just blame it on the Enderman stealing all the WiFi signals in the End dimension. #minecraftproblems #blametheenderman Read More

  • City Full of Villains! 😱 – Minecraft

    City Full of Villains! 😱 - Minecraft Minecraft Parody: The City Under Siege The Dark Monster’s Takeover In this Minecraft video, a mysterious dark monster seizes control of the entire city, turning everyone in the city evil just like itself. The monster’s black aura spreads, engulfing the city in darkness. Struggle for Survival As the dark virus infects the citizens, panic ensues. The monster approaches slowly, leaving no escape for the trapped residents. The tension rises as they realize the imminent danger. A Brave Stand Amidst the chaos, a brave individual steps up to protect their family and secure a safe haven within the city. With… Read More