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Are we live yes we should be live hello everybody my name is driver welcome to Minecraft we’re starting a new one today um a new series so Minecraft I have countless hours in Minecraft very familiar with Minecraft I have played modded Minecraft this is modded Minecraft if I didn’t

Mention that this is mod Minecraft um I will leave a link in the description below for the mod pack that we’re going to be using I’m not using the entire mod pack we’re using like 95% of the mod pack I left off one one

Mod um there was a mod where if you fell into the void it would teleport you it’d be like a portal to the top of the world and like Drop you like just it’ be like yeah just drop you from the sky and I

Don’t want to don’t want to do that so I left that one off other than that though using every other mod from the mod pack to my knowledge I can’t remember if I left any others out um but yeah so that link will be in the description below um we’re going to be

Messing with magic right we’re going to become like the goal for this series is to become like basically sorcerer Supreme so Doctor Strange we’re gonna be try to be doctor strange in a way um I’ve uh we should be good with this I’ve tried a number of times to stream

This and it’s crashed uh the first time I tried to stream is because I had an Al ated enough RAM but that’s not a problem anymore uh the second time I tried to stream I think some mods were out of date so I downloaded each and every mod

That we’re going to be using to make sure that it’s like the most up to date one as opposed to just downloading the mod pack itself um and I think that I think that fixed it so I did some testing and I think we should be good um so man hm I’m nervous

Uh yeah I I don’t the goal for this episode is to survive right like yes I want to get into magic and stuff like that but like I just want this to survive this world to survive one episode at least one episode so um we’re going to be we’re going to be getting

Into this the name of our world right the name of our magic world is eban fall isn’t that a dope name if I do say so myself okay here we go please don’t put me like over uh a huge Ravine or like hanging off a

Cliff oh my word or like you know over lava or just please give me a nice place to spawn a nice place to set up shop what I heard I heard a skeleton right off the rip what the heck is this am I on a blimp are you kidding me what is this

Really I get I get I get put up that’s on me that’s on me I need to I I don’t want to I don’t I don’t want to go in there bro what I’m doing what am I doing I hear skeletons okay we should be able to make

This okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine why are you serious bro spawn me in like an Airship okay everything’s fine uh do I want to mess with the fire temple I’m thinking probably not let’s uh where to begin where to begin where to begin Let’s uh just kind of

Tentatively that’s a lovely place over there is that a whole biome okay that’s where we’re Going yo that’s home that’s home or starter home at least I still can’t believe it put me up on an Airship to spawn me in as and I’m like please don’t put me in the dude that’s a cool that’s a cool thing I’m like please

Don’t put me like over like a cliff it’s like I will do you one better Airship baby okay so we’re just getting over here we’re we’re so setting up shop here so setting up shop so I want to oh my gosh this is great okay so I’ll be honest I’m not

Sure a little kid um I’m not sure what what uh I feel like I should be a contributing citizen I’m going to kill I’m going to kill sheep that could be a problem I’m telling you I hardcore man where were those sheep dude what a cool what a cool

Biome where were those sheep that we just saw not those we saw like wild ones didn’t we I thought we did no okay and we could die of hunger too so if I’m not mistaken if I had mentioned it uh not very experienced with the whole hardcore

Thing I was telling I was telling my siblings what I’m going to be doing and and my sister was like people people make mistakes like dying is just like a part of the game or something like that it was really funny okay um don’t know what those dudes do oh here we

Go sheap Numero Uno it’s good all right so we’re going to make a bed and we’re going to set up shop with these villagers I don’t want to yoink their sheep I’ll be like see I even brought my own bed oh yeah and uh we’ll go out we’ll go

Out I don’t like mess up the town just yet if I can kind of preserve the Integrity of the village look at these blue Trees all right day one hardcore baby oh dude bro do you see that do you see that dude I can’t Sprint I shouldn’t Sprint I don’t know how much I really need to stress about that but the fact that I everything could just end in like a moment is Bonkers to

Me I don’t do this you know all right so let’s just real quick I got Jui it’s Jui right I think it’s Jui that’s one of the ones from the pack all right and let’s set up shop in a place where we can oh my oh my

Um um um um um um um um um um that could have wrecked my day that guy could have wrecked my day dude leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone that a problem that would that dude chilling oh my gosh okay let’s uh what about up here freak man

Oh oh somewhere in here potion of healing instant healing okay is anybody up here if nobody’s up here oh I think this is going to be our place respawn Point set all right so we have a bed right cool let’s uh this is this has to do we’re doing irons

Spell spell spell books and spells um not super irons something definitely take those I’m going to have to pull up the wiki here because I can’t Arcane Essence I think that’s pretty important that’s pretty important I forget how to start with the um the mod the magic mod can I I do want

To do this cuz oh my gosh I don’t want to die just right in front of the door would you okay dude I can’t believe that mob was like Waltzing up on me okay okay so are these priests are they you good I feel like that’s

Not all right I’m just kind of getting a bit of a lay of the land here and honestly seeing if there’s other chests I can maybe peek into oh stone cutter so we’re need to going to need to go into the mines and by mines I mean we’ll

Need to we’ll need to actually like make a mine oh this is nice yo can we just hold on a second like is that parkour I don’t know if they intend for that to me parkour or not oh here we go oh my gosh cool okay okay okay hold

On okay I’m sorry I got to take this wait is it just that’s not going away what’s this oh I can like hide stuff right very cool oh is this just Everlasting I can just like take that you know is like forever I’m right clicking on this it doesn’t do anything huh okay

Is this so swing bro all right what’s good why do you have Reds what hey man okay Sunset hold on I thought I could get into here I thought that was like a mailbox or something just let me survive the night oh we’ve been here my

Be all right we’re in the tall tower is it this one no I don’t think it is is it I think it might be that one we’ll try this one though oh maybe it is this one oh I think it is shoot hold on this means it’s a new chest then a wisp

Scroll yo going to have to look into this mess this nice little balcony all right so we’re we’re up here then that’s where we live although I may want to move if like homie mob down below keeps mad dogging me hello can I not wait am I I don’t think I’m in that

One either what I just unlock I over there okay I think I’m in I’m in that one yes no yes this one cuz I put the dirt block good night everybody here we are I’ll just sleep here why not sweet dreams I know I brought my own bed but that’s

Fine all right so let’s really start to do some some stuff here I’m sorry um what on Earth uh fellas anybody got eyes on this homie out here I can’t I can’t there’s no way I’m not close to prepar do you guys need a hand all right let’s set up a

Mine far from that stone Golem or whatever the heck that was oh we got we got wheat a crud a crud ton of wheat am I like really small I felt like barley can I make like barley bread is that a thing hold on I got to see

This what what do you do with barley bar oh that nothing hold on let me look this up here I don’t want to do this I’m scared I want to get destroyed we have armor though so that’s good let’s uh hold on I will look this

Up what the heck was that bro chill go back to your mom um regions unexplored barley um what can you do with Bary okay I okay I don’t know um I don’t know what I’m looking at here why can’t I see did you drop a pearl

I’m just going to fall my death through these flowers did you drop something oops ah wait oh infer inferium Essence can I do anything with barley um okay hold on region unexplored oh come on um none of this is like helpful okay I need to I want to feel safe okay

Is that too much to ask we’ll go out into the barleyfield we’ll make like a little like hole in the ground oh we’ll just dig into this hill Oh brilliant we’ll do this this is where we might actually set up shop I might go get my

Bed just kind of do this I need wood I do have decent amount of wood yet left okay so let’s uh um I don’t want to make a stone uh about wood axe or shovel excuse me this will be our humble beginnings place cuz I don’t want to get into that

Ravine you know what I’m saying I want to go get my bed if I hit what is it F2 H is here we go does it tell us it should tell us what day we’re on right it should no barleyfield oh day one wait but I slept that’s weird I don’t

Know does it not count the time that you sleep should I like free these dudes are they just going to be can they like help me kill things for the village what is that what is that what are you doing over here dude get out of there it’s not

Safe and I do can I take everything in this chest mhm matter of fact can I just take the chest yep once I get set up I will um oh I forgot something here start recording replay mod wait what there’s St what is a cell with emeralds blood vile missed that part

Okay yeah I totally missed that all right oh my gosh yeah get me away from that away from that dude I hope he just stays there man don’t come into town don’t come into town Iron Golem handle that if he comes in okay so far so good not to jinx

Myself but uh so far so good where’s my where’s my little dirt Hut down Here oh yeah so really rudimentary right just something to start off with and uh cuz I just I want space and I want it to be easily accessible and it’s not that easy to get up into that Tower what kind of dirt is this silt silt dirt okay hold on let me

Uh I’ll do that for safety leave that there for now uh um okay let’s kind of respawn set and we just kind of keep hollowing this out oh no okay not not the end of the world I will block it up we we need to come up with a

Way need to come up with a way to survive like have a second chance IE uh a totem of undying which I’ll be honest with you um with having not really ever played hardcore never worried about it I’ve never even had one so that’ll be a learning

Experience oh my gosh is it get to be that time no I’ll leave yeah um trying to think let’s sit down our chest we’ll uh put this stuff in what can I do with barley what can I do barley in regions unexplored wow this doesn’t really tell me no nothing oh my gosh

Um well uh we’ll see oh oh oh shoot sleep on that hello all right uh well let’s just all directionless cuz I I want to like sinking maybe I should focus on Magic okay hold on all right Let’s uh the inscription okay the scroll so we have a scroll right the Wisp thing

Um you will quickly notice as you explore your world that you will be finding Scrolls each scroll contains a spell similar to an enchanted book The Scroll can be consumed to cast that spell without consuming Mana or triggering a cool down or brought to the First new workstation added the

Inscription table at the inscription table you were allowed to place a spell book one either found or crafted and Slot the scroll into it okay so let’s get kind of set up here cuz we need to go out and find these books right I know my goal is to

Survive I want to feel somewhat like competent I’m not I mean not maybe not competent I don’t want to be confident um but uh just feel good with where we’re at have a decent setup you know I think we’re getting there humble beginnings don’t get me wrong

Okay uh let’s go ahead what I do putting this over here actually oh I’m I’m All frazzled we’ll do that double chest is make a furnace keep my feet warm at night we’ll do this uh I should I know what I need to do we’re Mak it an X we going

Out oh here we go you good buddy you want to you want to way out I can help you at some point I will whack this pig cuz uh hash meets you know what I’m saying I feel good so so food’s a big deal right once I have a decent handle on the

Food situation like hopefully a renewable source of food Um then I’ll feel a little better about like venturing forth cuz we have armor that I feel pretty good about and we can make a sword before too long I know we don’t we haven’t like found any iron yet M for any iron yet but um okay all right let’s try and maybe

Does this give weak Seas perhaps could your boy find some weak SE there we go just one we’re going to start a wheat farm along the edges of this Bank oh don’t don’t Sprint on them I’ll eventually go I’ll I’ll try and maybe Scout dude I love those pink trees hey the blue

Ones I’ll eventually try and get more into the village like look through the village and see what it may have to offer um nice yes uh I need AO what oh cuz I made a hoe I’ll be honest with you I uh usually have played Minecraft when I’m like listening

To something else I I don’t know that I’ve ever heard the hose sound I promise I’ve played this game I love this game I’ve played so much of this game I don’t know I’ve ever heard the hose out all right love this what’s going on right

Here I could even fish I don’t really fish ever but I’m like we’re here for longevity you know and if we need food we need food which we do need food I want like an overwhelming amount of wheat that’ll be good for starters wait what is this over here I could

Just yo hey everybody what are these oh my be D dude I love this game I love this game there any other Farms I could maybe partake in is is uh what’s his face still chilling the Iron Golem or C or I don’t even know what the heck that thing

Is that thing that thing that thing that thing dude that thing would smack me like the that that could end the series before it even began I bet I don’t know I don’t know what he’s capable of but I really think that dude could mess me up

So we’re going to steer the heck clear I can’t Sprint anymore we going to have to eat soon oh cake hold on let me come on over I see that coal down there don’t think I didn’t see it so there’s crud right right below me

Is this where the dude was oh my gosh I think it might be leave me alone oh my gosh yo can I just take the bread dude yeah we’re taking it I’ll plant your wheat though oh my guy dude thanks dude I’ll plant your wheat what’s up here

Oh my gosh a potion of enchanting wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yes dog grass oh my Gosh I’ll plant this too dude don’t worry okay awesome awesome awesome what’s left over here have we been we’ve been here I think so see this what is this is there is there like a spawner right below or no it’s just they’re all just spawning down

There can you imagine if there was a spawner down there looking for other chests I thought that was just floating there I don’t want to do that don’t want to mess with that just yet take everything I don’t want to like you know desecrate The Village don’t Fall all right before the sun sets I’m going to plant you know do my uh end of the quote unquote bargain uphold my end of the quote unquote bargain but we got meat now in here and let’s make some torches just so we can kind of here we

Go lovely lovely and we’ll do a little work in the nighttime so what does it say now oops oops day two okay we’re on day two we are on day two coal dude yes I wonder if there’s a spell that will let me mine is that a

Thing that’d be sick kind of like ARS Maga okay I say ARS Maga I never used ARS Maga but I think there was a mining one with that mod but I don’t think that Mod’s very up to date oh this is brilliant this coal yes please if I hit

M oh okay that’s not really I was hoping to like bring up a map or something I think there’s a map mod that I have is it o no all right doing good I love this coal Come to Papa the more the merrier I just I want to be well equipped to

Handle bad guys and I don’t know with I I don’t know what to expect that’s the thing I don’t know how hard they hit maybe it’s not as bad as I’m like afraid of you know what I’m saying excuse me this is lovely some nice oops nice peaceful

Mining I wonder if I really need to do much of this we’ll uh we’ll go until we get um Iron to make a shield and a sword and then I think we’ll kind of we’ll kind of look around some what is this something cool I’m looking forward to oh please don’t be a

Pain I don’t know how much of a pain this is going to be am I sinking no more coal okay now that should be doable what am I hearing a waterfall dude my breath uh something I was I’m looking forward to there is a whole another dimension other than the nether other

Than the end that we can mess with um it’s called the under Garden if I’m not mistaken and we need to find the some like Celestial thing and uh it’s going to be cool it’s going to be cool it won’t be for a while don’t get

Me wrong don’t get it twisted but uh it’s going to be fun when we do and we do do it how are we doing okay uh we don’t really need to do that with the Wood anymore do we beautiful beautiful cook them I had to crack my arm

Sorry I’m an idiot oh no I’m not I mean yes I am kind of I was like I use my sticks and I need another pickaxe I can just make more I’m Rusty with the Minecraft okay forgive me we’re just going to do this huh single file I really

Appreciate not being spit out over shoot over some Ravine what is that icy iron okay tentatively hold on spit it SP out that torch okay okay okay sh dude we saw that big dude is it Clos off no it’s not I’m not hearing anything which is encouraging

My gosh is this like the back cave bro is this like our Batcave are we safe here genuinely okay I hear stuff down there but they can’t get up here bro oh yes oh this is great what’s this that’s more in The Inferno inferium sorry inferium

Essence dude give me all this iron this is what we need I mean we might have like an everlasting source of iron for that for armor Everlasting source of iron armor I should say specifically what can I do with this what is this click INF prudenti Essence that makes a block seed

Reprocessing crafting upgrade what how to make a gemstone Prosperity gemstone something else we need something else I want to do wandering magician robes that’s not a lot of that’s that’s not bad but it takes away is it like it’s five armor 25 Max span I

Mean I feel like we got to do it right we’ll be able to get leather we might even have enough to do it now did I get all I can From Here let get this inferium infernum no inferium is it is it like yeah is it supposed to be like inferior okay

Great I love this honestly we should like make this a basement we’re absolutely going to like take advantage of this place the Mage bunker uhhuh how much iron do we have five so we have enough for a shield we have enough for a sword okay so we we do

Have what we what we wanted okay I just want to go a little more let’s just use that pig why not INF ferium it gives XP I didn’t even notice that yeah we got that whole place just like hollowed out already for us that cave put it to use before we

Go before we venture forth um there’s some things I want to do like first of all I just simply want to take down the coordinates of our home base all right time to go back up what level do we get to thereabouts 23 really that didn’t take very long we’re already pretty

Low well maybe not like 60 uh okay okay it’s daytime awesome okay let’s uh stash away we’ll cook this uh right now um we’ll this away what is it that we we need this For our plans yes much do we have leather oh we haven’t actually killed yeah bet we haven’t actually killed anything with leather yet um so we need to go on one of these towers and we’re going to hold on can I how bad is it to table description

Table not bad let’s make it ourselves but first hey Tradesman we are going to take down right hold on I’m making a note okay oh we got – 196 64 2 or 279 Brant now we can wander around I took another screenshot let’s find a a cow Don’t Mind If I Do

A wild cow preferbly you know what let’s bring Let’s uh let’s try and get a chicken cuz I know that’s like forever Foods you know what I mean come here boy boy you’re coming with me cuz they lay come here come here come here all right you’re going to be out

Here be out under the stars that’s for now I’ll give him that just to because uh now quick quick detour right um need another chest actually we need another chest for the hopper probably going to need more iron AR we yeah first of all hold how do you make a dang

There we go oh this makes me feel so much more safe bro whoops not what I wanted to do so we’ll we’ll hold off on the hopper situation right now till a later date back to finding a cow hello kind of follow the coast a little

Bit see what we can find I hope we just don’t get ambushed and just smoked by something you know what I’m saying I feel more confident though I feel like we’ve got our feet under us and uh we’re not entirely Hess what okay there we go come here boy

Boy oh look at all you guys that’s two books we actually need quite a bit cuz we need that tunic as well does that have any stuff I’m scared well we’ll hold off on exploring for the moment I don’t want to get in over my head I mean yes we’re exploring now but

Uh let’s kind to head into the woods hello sheepy my gosh dude foot like footprint sounds no bueno I don’t want to come up on the back side of that like iron troll stone troll whatever he is bees how do you make honey again there’s

A cow I see him in the distance dude so pretty oh my gosh wow oh my word I know my so I got my draw distance to 12 but it’s like it’s just seeing them off from the distance is so cool there he is okay don’t don’t go towards him don’t don’t do

It give me your leather dude he comes for me I’m I’m high tailing let’s go on the other actually we’ll kill this guy first oh yeah that should be good actually that we might need a little more oh we also need we need we need um sugar canane I forgot about

That do we see any around here got like water everywhere there has to be some spawned right somewhere what is this thing fire weed I just want to make this inscription table cuz if we can start like just with simple spells and build our way up okay

It’s getting dark we got to go we got to go we got to go not about to take on the N the the N the dark the nighttime not yet we’re going to be doing something with that though I’m sure shoot I’m not seeing any sugar cane oh

Excellent I feel like we should plant some I feel like that would be responsible oh my gosh we got to go dude to get the sunset so quick save me leave me be leave me be there’s our phone almost some let me just plant the sugarcane I know be kind of annoying I

Have to wait for it actually we’ll have it all be condensed it’ll be an KN to have to wait for it but it’ll pay dividends Oh I thought that was a skeleton how you doing uh excuse me dude sleeping in my bed I mean you could lay this I I kept

It warm you could just you know all right actually let’s do what we can wow that’s everything bro actually what do we need for the for the robes wandering Mage wandering magician robes arcan Essence which we have some do it yes let’s put it on can I hide my

Hat oh my gosh hold on I have a sword in my back dude it looks like I’m actually carrying the stuff look at us dude it looks like I have mutton chops I have like a full beard you just can’t see much [ __ ] that’s awesome though okay now promptly put everything else back

On I love that you can see it on okay well we’re committing to the the Mage way of life so okay we have paper here I’m so like torn excuse me I want to like oh no I fell in okay um uh I wouldn’t like

Not uh use I don’t want to just rans sack The Village you know what just is give me anything like useful can I do anything with this I just want to know I don’t know forget it what are we looking for we have Mage stuff now we just need the inscription table

Um I want to I want to cast a spell tonight look at all that oh beautiful Papa all right okay when I was testing the world earlier not like earlier today but like watch I want to right click it not gold so what I do feed it gold it’s like a little

Helicopter is that a gun I don’t know I don’t know if I could just happen upon some iron that would be Splendid I need to go exploring though because there’s so many like new things to be found what is this flax seed can I eat flax seed

Can I eat flax seed no well I’m not hungry so what wait is it that’s different than what is that different than what we saw before the fire temple I think it might be oh there’s some stuff yeah okay we’ll whip these cows go make a book for our inscription Table okay uh we’ll leave him be we’ll leave him be oh man I just I love these biomes they’re the best deist I’m curious about this flax seed oh I’m going to hit M so we can get a cinematic shot of that um Whatchamacallit Temple thing if we want if I

Want okay so food’s not turning out to be as B big of a problem as I was worried about earlier which is good it’s not ready yet is it oh it is oh yeah did that give me it did dude dividends It’s Beginning okay so let’s leave three behind to

Grow and we’ll we’ll work on getting iron for chicken chicken homie but okay then we need planks and how did we do it inscription table so slabs fence book oops what is it slabs what is this hold on item shelf that’s cool oh yeah let’s put this here where’s that

Scroll oh I didn’t take it got to go back okay we are okay we’re going to scavenge the wizard towers okay so if I go in here yeah blaze rods oh my gosh we could hit hit some potions already that’s a oh hold on hold on I’m

Sorry that’s a part of being a wizard there it is more Essence fortify scroll and what are you I’ll leave that I don’t want to like like I said I want to I want to like just take everything and I said we’re going to loot the wizard towers let’s let’s if we

Don’t have to let’s not but like the Scrolls I don’t know you can make these at least not right now F this Bell I need a I need I need a what is this a book hold on Um at the incription to you are allowed to place a spell on a book on a spell book how do you make a spell book oh my word ancient codex flimsy Journal does that have to be copper I feel like we should be able to handle that though look at all this

Grimore of evocation rotten I can’t craft that one can’t craft these either oh I can craft that one okay so these are craftable these are lower or these are these are down the down the line I could I could theoretically make this iron yeah we have some copper I

Think so let’s uh put our stuff away Scrolls away for sure those way for sure let’s see if we can’t plant our flax where’s our farm where is our farm over here oops look at us all right time to mine a little bit I hope a little bit do we have

Copper I saw some I know I did I didn’t make an iron pickaxe oh well I heard a door relax dude leave me alone um I might be over so I’m using up Health uh the hunger hopping up and down these stairs I need to make I need to make

Stairs so I can just avoid all that what is this oh clay what am I supposed to do with this iron a bunch of it oh man look at all this let me get down oh creeper what the freak is that what is that and what is

That I don’t know what this is moss block this Iron’s great though oh my word what happened he huged something at me I don’t think I got any effects did he miss okay so I’m kind of stuck right here um can I turn around just kind of go down this

Way let me block this off I do not want to just hurl myself I would never do this in normal Minecraft but like we’re in we’re in a whole new ball game this might be the way we have to go here oh man breathe oh my gosh bro no what I do

Um let’s do this we’re going to go to keep things kind of organized we’re going to keep it just in a line for now so I’m going to I’m going to bridge out across that way I can also get this uh iron hopefully get this iron I know I know I need a

Shovel I missed it what is this is crazy I’ve seen I’ve seen these before like normal Minecraft but they’re just it’s they’re still crazy I don’t want to what oh my word okay so I’m kind of running out of I’m running out of blocks here can I eat

Can i y it off the tree oh my word oh here we go something’s better than nothing that won’t get me there but oh my word I hate this so very much dude I don’t know if these things can knock me man oh I’m just so

Exposed what I thought I saw a little like fairy oh we’re getting into the crud now no no no no I hate all that we’re going to H hollow out some of the Batcave to get more Cobble oh my word all right here we are hello hand of sight works too

Dude it’s the stuff in the cave that’s going to be like the worst because it’s like I don’t know I can just get smacked I could I don’t know what these mobs are capable of even V vanilla mobs skeleton nail me off I could get more of this

Iron let’s actually hold on oh copper oh dude he can’t get up here right yeah we’re not going down there at all at all do you see the health bro he hit me twice leave me alone dude not about that not about that I need to read up on

My potioning as well cuz I uh I need wart right to like really do anything okay let’s try and see where we can get with what we have here I’m color that up man this stuff is nerve-wracking this stuff is nerve-wracking all right relax is he up here dude D what is

That I broke it I’m going leave it I didn’t collect any oh nice a glow squid okay I I don’t know are all these dudes hostile I want to be able to do some like dope SP before I like I mean I say that I don’t know we’ll see what ends up happening

Here that pink dude chucked something at me I don’t know if they’re all like if like is he still around I haven’t seen him oh shoot that’s a skeleton I I wasn’t even looking at I was looking at like the vines I thought they look are they chains another

VES okay leave me alone alone skeleton you’re actually the worst like my worst threat right now leave me be dude dude he could mess up my day oh my gosh is that a frog man I think it is okay come on just a little farther we’re not going to have enough but that’s

Fine okay okay that’s fine that’s fine I’m happy with where we got um man alive got to do so much to do anything or it’s like I’m out of this I need to do that and I in order to do that I need to do this so about those

Stairs see that oh my brain is just all over the place is like oh I want to do this and that the other thing uh we’ll cook our copper and we can make this do we have string we don’t have string oh my gosh we totally have enough to bridge

Across I’m not looking to kill a spider like we could but it’s like the less combat the better at this point I’m so scared of Hardcore I’ll be honest so scared I’m G to lose everything I’m sure that’ll wear off over time that that the feeling the scared feeling I see

You just get over the skeleton so he doesn’t see don’t look at me okay bro slight setback this like underground Ravine all right we made it Spore blossom um another pickaxe what did we need for the string that’s right du sorry I should make an iron pickaxe that’s what I should

Do working through the night wait no we need I’m sorry I’m all over the place we need Hopper we need a hopper for chicken man so we can collect eggs and uh basically never have to worry about food again thank you and we will have a great supply of P once all that’s

Rolling so what level is homie at he’s at 62 so what needs to happen is boom that should be all we need uh we’re going to do this right here actually it’s going to be a little compact okay so he’s we’re on his level so the hopper is going to be right

Here at at 60 well that be one I guess technically oh we still need that stupid give me the pickaxe we’ll use this space off hold lot all right where is he I don’t want to he’s probably like right here is there a better way I should do

This I should probably do it on that hold on I should be doing this with dirt in my hand yep there he is okay okay so the chesta is going to go right here and the hopper beautiful I should suck in all the eggs let’s do we’ll do a

Test oh it doesn’t suck them all I thought it sucked like an area I’m I’m not like crazy mad cuz once we get multiple chickens in here so we get multiple chickens in they’ll just be spitting eggs everywhere so it’s a little little uh rudimentary right now we’ll let that be

Can we eat these do we have any effects okay pickaxe we’ll make two this time once I get down to like a good level um and by good level I mean I don’t know what I mean negative what’s the best level for diamonds these days I can’t remember it’s in the negatives though

Right uh hold on best level for diamonds 50 negative 59 so we got a little ways to go more inferium we’re going to have like a we already have a bunch I don’t know how much of that stuff we’ll really need what is this what are you oh Cobble deep

Slate I don’t like you you take longer to to on nope don’t like you at all once we get down to a decent level um 59 um actually you know what they said 53 would be advisable because 59 would involve uh lava potentially safe from lava and

We’re we’re all about trying to stay safe from lava stay safe from everything to be honest with you so 53 is where we’re going 59 is where I’d probably go in like vanilla oh beautiful or uh straight up Sur survival not like hardcore and just deal with the lava as it

Comes how much do we have nine yeah baby five we’re going to be here a little bit how you guys doing if you’re enjoying the video please like And subscribe I’d love to uh just you know well post the comments below as well if you guys have

A prayer request I usually mention that at the end but I’ll mention now I’d love to know I can be praying for you guys ah nice break from the Cobble deep sleep don’t like that sound don’t like the sound at all he’s right next to me leave me alone bro just passing

Through 21 okay we’re getting there so this provides five armor how much does like two armor wait so is it like iron armor am I not missing anything cuz I thought that I I just assumed that the wandering magician stuff would be less than iron armor like armor value you

Know what I’m saying cuz it’s like my brain jumped to Skyrim probably because it’s like Mage stuff isn’t as good armor value as like I don’t know Warrior stuff or something you know what I mean typically I mean like robes I mean magician’s robes aren’t as good as like you know some

Good iron armor you know in Skyrim if I’m speaking out of turn forgive me it’s been a while since I’ve played Skyrim I don’t want to end tonight without casting a spell but I also don’t know what I’m talking I don’t know how close or far we are how we doing 39

Okay this is going okay this is I was genuinely nervous about like what if I just like get destroyed immediately but I’m I’m feeling okay I still don’t want to like handle mobs just yet but it’s like we’re here we’re surviving 48 49 50 51 52 53 yes this is it all

Right so I’m just going to mine through here we’ll just kind of start going straight I like setting up like a proper mine system with like a a structure to it but for now because that that Ravine green place kind of threw off our you know trajectory down um I’m

Not going to worry about that right now I’m sorry what the freak was that was that just a cave noise I’m not used to or is that like one of those cities what is it like a an ancient city for forsaken City what are they call with the

Wardens all right well no chice but they’ll go back I don’t even know if this can do cob oh it can it can might be I’m going to leave this down here because I don’t want to take it with me oh my word we need stairs

Ponto okay oh my word we’re not even to the top I forgot love that though can I can just grow more of those over my stairs so I can just pick them on the way I think Stairs should be our number like pretty high I don’t know about number one but pretty high on the priority list is it daytime no and it is very much not safe I should sleep and save the villagers hey that’s NE you hear that oh my gosh hold on we

Can handle this we have a Shield come on up come on up come on up dude y on fire man die our first creeper I thought I heard another one okay how’s how’s our uh stuff doing oh look at all this beautiful beautiful trying to think about what to do we should start making like an

Organized to farm cuz like this is all this is good and all but it’s like not very organized everybody survived the night hope so okay the egg went in the hopp by the looks hey it is working our first animal farm of sorts okay what were we doing okay look

At this okay so it is less by one by one that’s not bad though look at this cryomancer coat is there like an like electrical Arc evoker cultist Hood Shadow Walker armor bro the blood staff the blood staff like there’s one of them what am I trying to do here

Whoa I can enchant oh so it’s just a different way of an enchant of enchanting imbued spell blood slash so it isn’t different way of enchanting Arcane Anvil can I a scroll Forge blood vial need an Arcane Anvil oh diamonds block of amethyst that’s in the nether right let’s see what to Do we we need a spider you know what I’m scared let’s go for on go out on an adventure oops we have a mine set up we’re doing like okay uh I don’t have any red stone otherwise I’d make a compass just to have a kind of a

Ballpark hold on I have uh Nature’s um Whatchamacallit this thing just a log in saplings oh but a regular compass all right let’s go let’s go looking around let’s see if we can find a new like a spell book or something careful where we hop though okay

I should kill some of these guys and take their wool so I can make a bed and sleep through the night cuz I’m not getting caught out after dark can I have another sheep please I’ll find one I’ll be fine hello hes I shall tame you at some point here we go

Okay what is that that’s another gold thing of it yeah it is okay should we go in there dude oh my gosh I’m so scared what if that thing trashes us what if that ruins everything well poker around we’ll poke around oh my word you can get like way up in

There first sign of trouble hold on to readjust here oh my gosh first sign of trouble uh we’re dipping how’ you get in curses why what what’s the curses do am I cursed hold on I’m all over the place I’m sorry why am I why why did I get

That do I like really not want to go in here right now should I not really go any oh these are the just stairs I’m going up wow this is gradual holy smokes okay so zombies at least what is this what is that effect I don’t know what that can I see what

A that’s on me the effect didn’t last very long what is that crippled like I sprained my ankle oh I did it again and I even saw it I like looked right at it third time sharp here we go I’m not winning any awards for parkour

Today oh my gosh bro I’m gonna have to work my way down this stupid thing huh okay here we go Moment of Truth what is all this what are you what is this a a player head take the item frame though cartography table let me take them candles that’s another player

Head eat that cake block can I take the books I would love to take the books wait is that another that was another PL beetroot soup I think they’re candles but they’re oh no and I don’t have wood I saw that I’m scared I’m sorry it’s getting night time not about it not

Today wait they can’t shoot me though can I jump into the water yes I can hold on a second oh my gosh this I’m not I’m not like happy right now come on I know I’m breaking leaves with a with a pickaxe all right so even though it’s daytime now I

Still don’t want to go up there I mean should I face my fears no let’s uh not yet because there might be easier things to like loot other easier things to find and loot what is this what what’s 400 BL is that for me is that can I actually like refer to that

Slime heard that all right new biome Time new structure time what are you what is this it’s got all kinds of hanging blue things okay okay okay relax maybe maybe maybe maybe it’s friendly it’s dark as crud there there no way it’s friendly what the heck what is that Over the

Garden Wall wait there’s chains can I take the chains these sound worse than the other things oh they’re like mushroom pigs or mushroom cow zombies oh no no my fears came through oh no I’m I’m speak I’m speechless a piglin brute they they jump me man um ow that would

Hurt uh that was a a wakeup call I can’t believe that I was getting a little comfy I’m never exploring those things again without I don’t know being like souped up on all kinds of magic R oh my gosh um well that is going to do it for today I can’t believe that

Happened oh my word well thank you guys so much for watching this world that has lasted in that under two hours uh uh please like And subscribe uh please comment down below if you have a prayer request like I said before I’d love to know how I can be praying for you guys

Um love God love people and I’ll see you guys soon

This video, titled ‘HARDCORE MODDED MINECRAFT – A WAKE UP CALL #minecraft #moddedminecraft’, was uploaded by Stryvver on 2023-11-27 23:13:17. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:48 or 6828 seconds.








• Instagram: @_stryvver_

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About me!

My name is Matt, but my gamer tag is Stryvver! I’m a guy who loves to entertain and tell stories and play video games! I’ve been a video editor for 10+ years! I’ve worked on everything from weddings, to promotional content for companies, to gameplay videos, to Magic Johnson’s birthday video!

I am a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ! I am saved by grace through faith. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, that I might have a chance to spend eternity with Him in Heaven!

And I believe you have that same opportunity!

Message me if you’d like to talk about accepting Jesus!

If you guys have a prayer request, please comment down below! I’d love to know how I can be praying for you guys!

Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

#minecraft #moddedminecraft #magic

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  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – Follow on Instagram – Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake😭 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

    💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More