Intense Speed Run Chase

Video Information

Your chicken my got so many sh over here La morning how’s it Going all right oh I thought that was a cave wer it’s a [ __ ] Enderman oh you want to check out my stream see what’s going on here oh I guess you’re in the game dude this is creepy just the caves in general are way creepier oh I almost just [ __ ] died from a

Fall why can’t I eat my [ __ ] steak Oh oh hello come over here and look at the lighting of this furnace I’m going to kill this [ __ ] yeah wait you said you’re going to check on my stream yeah maybe it has something to do with my shaders oh do I have to un go like take my shaders off

Which ones are they are you still watching my stream in my game I mean yeah it’s not like a big big deal but the block thing might get a little Annoying was that happening to you too not when I’m digging around anywhere yeah I’ve been live for 25 minutes so I’m all for

It is Minecraft secrets from the stream huh said you’re keeping secrets from your stream I am I’m hiding the the backend Dev elopment the true Secret of Minecraft yeah what go into our playthroughs welcome to the stream everybody today we’re going to be speedr running Minecraft with a horror mod uh

We’re going to do some troubleshooting first make sure we’re all set up correctly feel free to watch share me your greatest um desires and try to bring them in you know please do games that please do 20 FPS again um so I still don’t have the issue

Uh I don’t know what’s going on to be honest do you have that little thing on the bottom left of your stream plug in yeah that’s our proximity chat mod we’ll be using oh okay all right well how about the block thing are we going to you telling

Me you don’t like the these little like these like that no I don’t actually at all like look at that like what happens when you’re digging straight this way oh oops look it adds so much realism to the game too much realism bro like look at

That bro like you can’t even see where you’re going right now oh I love that it’s amazing it’s like if you’re on actually mining with a pickaxe okay uh go to options go to physics setting right W says this is going to be so scary that’s right okay so click um blocks

Done block physics fractured just turn it off okay and then okay okay stay in there stay in there I go to weather uh okay that’s actually good go to weather’s actually good um we want liquids actually never mind it’s already good uh ocean any never mind I can’t C

On that one either pro version required oh that’s right you got to pay for it cringe blocks mobs animation yeah know I think we’re actually I think we’re chilling I think everything else still applies Maybe hopefully oh oh my God wait we have a started yet I think it’s your

Game okay that’s it uh you have another problem no oh yeah ciding I have no idea what’s causing that to be honest you could try going to you press R to reload your shaders that’s what R does maybe like in options or just on your keyboard oh I just did that it didn’t

Really do anything okay you can go to options video settings and go to shaders and then you can like turn them off and then turn them back on oh I’m not even using my complimentary sharers it says Dr Destin’s Minecraft shaders ah that might be the problem

Here let me switch to my how do I switch to complimentary oh never mind uh let see now I am there we go and then one more thing go to options resource packs and make sure you have cave dweller or sound over a hall um at the top and you can even move

Over cave dwellers sound overhaul on the very top above black icons and classic icons yeah oh oh I’m I’m getting shat on there you go um and then also move over your icon resource pack move over the black icons for the voice chat move move it over yeah also add it in

There what do you mean oh it’s in there it’s in like the right side not the left side oh in in selected okay yeah yeah yeah well it says incompatible for cave deller sound overhaul that’s fine so what do I do with it I like you want it to be in

Selected okay yeah yeah and then black icons you say uh it’s actually personal preference just have one of them whatever I don’t know what they are it’s for the voice chat what they look like yeah oh classic probably be able to see it better so also John Smith Legacy what

The hell is that and why is it in my turn that off get get that out of there how about mod resources and default that’s fine okay should be good so let’s um make sure we have this set up those uh shaders I were using kind of

Added to the whole like creepy it did didn’t it I think I’m gonna go turn turn those back on actually I don’t know this is kind of cozy all right I’m I’m ready okay I’m setting up um voice chat not connected oh there’s a massive cave over

Here okay let’s go to the service real quick the what what hold on who there’s diamond right here okay let’s uh let’s set a proximity chat all right okay so I actually don’t know how proximity chat works if it takes too long to figure out let’s just not worry about it all right

Um but proximity chat mod for Minecraft you can choose between push to talk or voice activation the default push to talk pun is cap locks but it can be changed in the key binding settings you can access the V uh there are a variety of add-ons that offer additional features and

Functionalities note this mod requires special setup on the server in order to work oh okay let’s just use the regular voice chat I guess that sounds I well hold on me I think I actually did add it to the server okay all righty um join my stream hear me hear me from the

Outside um you want to join my stream uh join my stream join my stream okay oh I don’t know what that that slash icon is down there testing testing okay uh oh I get suck my microphone okay whoa G yeah oh then I select my speaker my

Headset I mean headphones oh no okay Cas still hear me yeah I can hear you okay um okay voice chat not connected press to disable all voice chat sounds adjust volumes settings 3D Audio Level adjust volumes okay yeah we’re not using this uh I think it is missing something okay

All right let’s get this started then yep I’m GNA get ready to face the cave y server start new new world someone go grab me a snack please somebody go grab me a snack lowy hungry a little hungry I’m a little hungry I want to grab a snack you brought it

Up all right grab me one too please yep sweet oh man all right guys we’re getting started here finally GNA do some speed running while being chased by a cave dweller hopefully we end up seeing him h yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo okay let’s get a couple people in here

Man got zero people in here right now hopefully not for long okay sweet new world server starting up I think all right oh man okay okay okay huh uh Let me refresh so oh now it’s ready okay ready yep all right here we go three two one go speedrun time speedrun

Time not bad whoa okay look at my feet look at my little feet hold on I’m going to kill this stupid sheep oh no oh no die [ __ ] oh no sorry where are your feet there’s mushrooms around us I just there a particle there was a cute little

Particle effect when I ran in the snow oh oh oh yeah get look at the physics mod when I run look look at my feet oh that’s cool the dirt Pi up I really like this physics mod kind of surprised we weren’t using this earlier yeah it’s really cool there’s some

Features we got to set up to add more even more things but we’ll do it next time I really like when the block breaks it’s so satisfying yeah little block goes flying it’s adorable all right so what’s the plan here I’ll follow you um I think and then

We’ll try and go find iron and I’ll try and go get a bunch of uh we can actually stick together this time if you want so let’s go get food together or iron together and stuff and then I think we should probably stick together the Cav while we’re running around yeah all right

Ah all right ready here actually there’s a sheep up here I might want to kill it all let’s go see if we can find some iron first there’s a sheep like right here let’s get some iron first so we can Sher it oh before we kill it yeah we want to cheer it

First okay just go find a cave uh there’s a mountain up there there might be a cave in there yeah oh here’s one oh nope that’s not a cave crevice um oh God mon streams everywhere where we at I don’t know this is a what is this place what’s this biome even

Called oh oh oh okay I found a cave oh it’s dark bro yeah it is all right there’s a bunch of ore down here coal bro The Sounds oh there’s water I know the sounds are so creepy make a quick pickaxe I need myself uh I want to go

Look a little bit deeper in yeah I’ll be right there let me get a little bit of coal for some ease easy burning I don’t know if that was a screech I heard oh really I do see Iron though and I want to go after it right bet do you hear

That no where’d you go yeah I hear water now like deep okay yeah I see you oh my god what is this like there’s leaves over here and gr like grass do you see this uh no hold on I’m grabbing this iron there’s lava no no no that’s not lava damn

It not that we we kind of need to go back up and get food to be honest yeah you know what’s crazy to me is some people do speedruns like this and they like probably barely need food yeah I know they don’t worry about it yeah but

They give up probably like nine times out of 10 just because of their yeah they don’t you know they just they don’t [ __ ] around and just play have fun like you they’re focus on one thing I think we have all the iron we need though yep too so perfect start smelting

It go back up get food and wool and I think we’re good actually you don’t even need to go into the cave all right I’m going to get some more Cobble while I’m at it put the rest of iron in there oh yeah we’re chilling cool need

Shears no Lava down here just a bunch of glowberries okay I like the grassy caves that’s cool oh dude they’re my favorite yeah like that’s really neat Need a glow Berry game sure thank you all right let’s go do this up there okay last one out so we can multitask um there we

Go am I going there’s no cave deller down here we’re big chilling yeah God I was that water right what I think I think the slight sound of the flow of water is I’m getting confused with like a screech sound oh yeah yeah know I think I think you’re

Tripping all right bad thing here is I really don’t know where to find food let’s Shar the sheep and kill him I don’t even know where the Sheep is bro follow me they up on the hill follow you oh this hill are you sure it’s this so

Uh I’m I’m going to I’m going to hope I get the feeling may not be but there’s I think I spawned up here yeah here’s this oh yeah I hear him oh nice [ __ ] where is he at he’s right here oh let’s go um actually G something what

We can do is we can go on top of this mountain and get a better advantage point yeah I was thinking the same thing out for the snow though it’s a little dangerous oh my God yeah Jesus it’s not they’re they’re not real real snow blocks help me oh no oh I can’t

Sprint eat the glow Berry I have I have lamb I can make lamb okay what what the hell here let’s go over here what’s that floating orange thing uh where I think I’m tripping I think it was a floating orange thing kind of want to be in a different

Biome is that a plains biome over there I see oh yeah it looks like maybe let’s go over there uh it’s a birch biome that’s better than the one we’re in cook this food really quick get more wood yeah this is my favorite one of my favorite building blocks G this one

Here the dark oak planks or dark oak in general sorry I freaking chopped your foot off with my my axe okay like freaking W Salam Mona did to the engineer guy yo right money bag boy keep it up bro you will be famous soon oh appreciate you man thanks money

Bro thank you for the support I’m not going to be a here will here you take this glow you eat it I need this I’m a vegan I’m all vegan Minecraft diet so far you’re vegan in this place have glowberries yeah bro appreciate that man how you doing tonight how you

Doing we’ve yet to come across a cave dweller but yeah we just started we just started it actually took us a minute to set up the stream and I I want to I want there a creeper behind you G I want to sneeze too oh no we need I only have two

Wool I I killed oh God the ragd doll effect of the pig oh I know right Gib I lost you let’s go to the Birch Forest just I’m in the Birch Forest oh yeah okay oh okay more sheep I see sheep oh nice I see it too it’s a brown one though

Cringe need all the same color oh good there’s a there’s a two two white and a black one here perfect there two black ones it’s night time G perfect I don’t have food here where you at in the Birch Forest me too there’s a naked sheep right next to

Me oh no we got I see you gab I see you I see you I see you oh okay cool cool can you place a furnace yeah where’ my coal go oh you got it yeah sheep all around us wait did you get my coal or did I

Lose it somewhere along the way I got it I got yours I never mind any coal I’m want to hide in the tree up here because it’s night time all right William come here I got enough for oh man I need I need a little bit more for

Bed more bed more what I need one more wool or one more black wool one more white or one more black W um well if the Sheep we just eat some grass you know right eat there’s one down here too eat eat the grass we needed to meat it

Okay there’s one over here too he I saw one up here too where the black one go bro vanished here’s your food thank you um I just heard I thought I just heard a cow eat sheep eat eat hairess ammo naked animal naked Animal are there no more animals around there all right I think we should we should move we should get moving yeah there’s a big cave down here skeleton right there too okay oh wait what where was that from I don’t know oh he’s right there I got a sword Nice food all right we’re chilling let’s go no you [ __ ] what is that [ __ ] said found workbench and furnace oh sorry I have brown wool and black wool and white wool I don’t have but there’s like a wall over here with a couple ore in it okay there’s another skeleton bro no

Not the skeletons easy work oh it’s dark we don’t actually need anything in here no we don’t I thought this was a cave God we need some beds and like some more food and then we can dip out yeah let’s just explore the Birch Forest oh don’t tell me that’s gray wool I

Think it is gry wool start gray that’s rip cringe I he a cow uh I see a chicken over there Emerald Emerald can you mine it with stone no you need an iron pickaxe I’m making one holy [ __ ] really no I’m not I well yeah actually

It’s I’m going to need we’re going to need one anyway so I’ll just make it we see villagers we can we get something valuable from them we should probably run through the Burch Forest I agree let’s go this biome has animals and stuff wa this chicken there’s more Emerald up there

Bro he evaded us yeah spawn in Mountain biomes like it see bro people always are hopping in and telling us how we’re going to be famous one day yep me we got to keep going did he dip though did he just come in and say that and dipped yeah he hung

Out for a second but then he dipped uh do you want to put the coal in there all right here’s your bed thank you yeah let’s go to sleep yeah way it just [ __ ] FES out of my hand there we go we could find a village now that would be pretty awesome

Right holy okay oh my God hi there Scar the [ __ ] hope he’s gone a brought a glass uh grass block in sand he’s like hey guys look what I found all right go you got to get going man yeah let’s run this way get out of this these

Terrible Force biomes are like never any good for speeds isn’t that where we just came from yeah this one’s better though there is a better Force I thought we just came from up on so no we came from that way I think so oh gab there’s actually another

There’s a it turns into a different Birch forest or it turns into a [ __ ] Force biome over here I’m not sure where you went bro Oh I thought there’s a big ass cave right here this is where we want to be bro like yeah where your cords oh I’m

Right next to you oh okay we should probably have more food though yeah could just run in and oh can you make a um a bucket for me yeah you can go in and make nether portal there you go sweet that’s just not Sprint yeah sounds good sprin is what

Eats up all this stamina should we go down there should we try oh yeah I don’t know where it is where’s the cave oh it’s right back here oh oh my goodness oh there’s water right there which is what I need I’ll go be grabbing that D this is Sus

Oops perfect there has to be Lava down here oh yeah sweet pickaxe oh bro I caught a tropical fish there’s an axle lot in here oh no way my boy make another bucket H we taking him yeah I need two buckets you can you can have them

Actually I need another bucket though a he’s so cute here just take take half that iron you got to melt it that’s all I got okay I’m going to jump down here start looking for lava going to compromise a few seconds of speedrun for the axle lle yeah down thank

You I need this emeraldo on a side quest collect emeralds I never see em for some reason don’t think I didn’t see you over there creeper goofball goofball just dropped by the water no I actually need toh craft this put three right hey how you doing welcome to

Chat Gabe he he says wsg now I don’t know what that means I’m not familiar with that those letters either I need to be educated my friend oh no that’s what’s good he said what’s good what’s good okay doing good man doing good doing some modded speedrun

Minecraft um yeah I think I lost you yeah I think you did too I’m really far down here does it go deeper wait I see wood blocks is that you oh yeah there you are that was a dead end right yep we might have to go

Up this way or back where you are going right now let me know um I’ll go look over here looks like there’s a lot of [ __ ] over here there’s lava okay we’re going to go to you then you found lava perfect yep but yeah man we’re just speed

Running some Minecraft need to get to Nether right now we got a cool cave mod in here me oh I’m up I’m up here let me come over yeah I get MLG not the best out it though ready ready ready MLG MLG watch this MLG oh block clutch

MLG wa MLG is so [ __ ] cool it’s very sad F that’s for sure right was it even St for that’s a wonderful question oh not another one go [ __ ] go go go go got me lacking there’s a third one over here okay I should be [ __ ] I got to heal

Up okay that oh oh my goodness this body is rag all is that really the lava that I saw was it this deeper gab goes deeper over here there’s one two blocks that’s not we need to find enough need to find out three blocks not enough deeper deeper got my MLG

Again please tell me it doesn’t dead end down here I’m want to cry if it dead ends down here okay oh ow should we just Dig Down yeah I think it’s all our only choice at this point huh yeah start digging straight down we don’t have any food

Bro should we go to the surface actually yeah I don’t think we’re that far all right see you bro bye thanks for hopping in man oh here we go here we go looks actually another Direction over there but yeah we need to go find more food we don’t want to get in that

Situation let’s just run through the forest oh get bunny oh no do they even drop me they do oh that’s horrible no I can not be do this that’s horrible all over here oh come on all right planes yes let’s go where are animal friends up here Gabe oh those are horses sheep

Sheep I Shear all of them and then you can kill all of them yep oh there’s a lot of them bro all right we have all the food we need let’s go we have all the beds we need too that guy ate immediately after you

Shared him and you grew back as I saw that I’m already low on food I’m going to set my furnace down sorry making food K have chickens too here put that Lamb Chop in there do you want to share the Sheep too yeah uh Minecraft is although there is a

Third person mod I mean I can do this but this isn’t this isn’t real third person yeah it’s kind of clunky and weird it’s like just a POV change here go um place down under the furnace start cooking this other food good call and then let’s actually go to bed I guess

Right yeah okay man ah my bed slap me for his bed oh there’s a big hole over here gab let’s go dude saved by the by the RNG Gods oh dude the pigs cow over here too oh skeleton all right I think we have a good enough amount of food now probably

I’m going make some beds too just smelt all the food and we should be good a zombie under us I didn’t hear that Dragon saber what’s up man how you doing I want to eat the cooked rabbit one of my one of my one of my boys finally joined the stream there you

Go a thank you how many do you have three now yeah okay cool I’m gonna drop this other color wool w black wo hey there zombie how you doing okay um want to craft something oh yeah another ax have half of this mutton thank you did you get the

Chicken I did let me give you half of it and I’m also want to put oh okay uh here go have a challenge all right we’ll see we may we may be able to do it may not we we may we may have to wait for

Fortnite but feel free H can’t talk feel free to drop a challenge man we’re always always down yeah side quest or something kind of already in the middle of a challenge yeah as you can see from the stream title yeah if you know what the cave dweller is we’re running from

Him right now he he’s it’s a mod so hopefully we get some cave while action tonight yeah I did check the spawning of it we can always like modify to spawning next time if it doesn’t spawn yeah one Dragon saver was the guy that I made my last video about giving us that

Challenge oh that was Dragon okay yeah oh I did you hear that yeah that was a zombie I got a bow I got a bow really yeah SK mind me stream and put my over bands back in real quick Ah one diamond in five minutes I’ll give you $20 oh [ __ ] damn okay I like this I well we have we’re going to the caves anyway so all right five minutes let’s see stream’s been going for one okay let’s just do by time so by 108 10:08 well we have everything you want

To give me give me half the um Pig yep cool all right let’s get outle all right go um the giant cave is over here yep right I got I oh whoa Gabe look at that what the cave where you at what right here yeah that’s

Crazy yeah you’re GNA have to water MLG clutch this thing [ __ ] how am I going to get down there find a diamond holy [ __ ] that was [Laughter] scary jump in the water game thank you bro yep let’s go find a [ __ ] Diamond four minutes left 3 minutes ignore the creeper [ __ ]

Deeper this way Gabe skeletons are fighting each other it’s perfect run past them lava it’s only one all right let’s go down here there cags everywhere you serious no back up back up no no no wait hold on there was more ways to go over

Here I got four minutes left this I’m on fire no will help me holy [ __ ] you’re insane if I get hit I’m dead all right I’m good I’m good I’m out run run bro shot you into the into the freaking lava that was crazy all right I think

I’m [ __ ] on the diamond challenge no no okay the cave goes deeper over here 30 seconds go go it’s been 5 minutes already shees no no I don’t think so you’re cheating bro I’m just kidding said 103 so it should be three more minutes but okay um let’s go the other way all

Right that bounced off of me somehow I’m not going to complain need more Cobblestone okay now it’s kind of a dead end now we should probably start down all right let’s go ready yeah we’re digging down going down that’s not enough lava right there is it yeah come on come on iron

Oh okay okay okay phase two it should be a cave right come on come on the chances are usually holy [ __ ] no there’s no way bro that’s dude I saw a diamond too that’s funny yo that’s so [ __ ] up perfect beautiful cave that’s actually crazy like the

Chances are pretty high and then just fall that’s crazy all righty all right round two restarting the server start that all over again oh moneybag bro just moneybag Bri uh subscribed to me appreciate you man I know he’s not here anymore but he joined in earlier oh that’s

Crazy that’s actually wild did that happened that is oh man okay you ready Dragon we’re going for round two freaking way too low let’s increase that eight save there we go restart the server real quick and then while restarts I’m actually going to look at the cave toer mod again real

Quick I might be able to he said you broke the rule of not digging down yeah I know I was it was funny Gabe I watched you going back and forth the entire time like the last three you decided to go straight down is Win dude I know I got

Unpatient I got impatient I was doing it all good and then I was just like sure it’s fine I’m sure no RNG Gods killed me right there okay Dragon saver thank you for joining in man do you enjoy the Minecraft streams nope okay hold on um All right you you ready at William I’m want to sneeze for hold I actually need to go blose my nose quick no worries I’m going to give you all my money if you get the nether right in one minute that’s crazy that would be amazing but odds of

That happening are probably one in a billion um unless we just randomly stumble ACR across like a portal or something but that would be crazy bro can’t lie we’ll try we will try that’s for sure yeah I’m still waiting to see the cave while I row it’s going to be crazy when

We finally see him yeah we haven’t gotten a lot of time in the uh in the caves I know right we haven’t even made it we didn’t even make it to the nether he said are you going to sleep bro be a man I’m not going to sleep right

Now BR be a man you said all let’s do this still a man but you never know these days do this all right let’s do it all right okay three two one go if this is [ __ ] are you okay actually this might not be bad because I see a m

Shaft right here where oh back over there and my dumbass just fell down a hole oh yeah there’s M I think there there’s two pieces of wood right here I’m not sure there’s a m shaft over here oh yeah okay perfect there’s chests which could be big

[ __ ] or I could suffocate myself yeah I’m going in get I’m going into the M shaft Eddie the man what’s up bro all right I’m going to grab some wood damn bro just call me take too long what what did he say he said you want me to say woman that’s

Okay woman that’s okay woman okay um yeah I don’t know man I don’t oh my God Gib what’s up okay where’ you find we got a plan we’re going to come back here we’re going to come back to this this spot right here but first we need to go get

Wood and food I just found a massive massive cave let’s go okay perfect but but first we need food food and uh yeah we need we need more wood and wood there’s like not enough wood here and iron oh there’s a tree right here oh

And there’s fish over here wh a bunch of fish okay perfect perfect I’m yeah kill the fish and I’m going to get this wood I lost the spot where did he go what what do you mean are you on me I hold on I’m making sure I Mark Mark the

Cave that I saw so I don’t was it okay that was it was right here okay okay okay uh we definitely don’t want to deal with the spiders so just close this off then go up okay all right got a couple materials okay cool oh here’s a chest

Golden Apple diamond oh my goodness what lapis lazuli and a bunch of rails which I don’t need right we don’t need uh no he said is your zombie friend okay yeah he’s okay he’s just he’s just doing some work tonight school work your zombie friend oh my God these fish just dipped

They just went to hypers speed and left [Laughter] me uh you cannot craft wo wait can you I think you can actually craft W spider webs think you can what there spider web and I think we can craft a wool with spider webs oh what okay well that’s big

If you make a sword you can Harvest it at least I think but yeah we’ll try it out a good call good call ah I’m going to go grab some food real quick or some wood over here all right William I have 11 fish okay I’m just going to continue to get

More I see a bunny okay I’ll put that there put that there put that there put that there put that 14 fish here there’s so many fish I’m just destroying all of them I’m sorry guys what’s what what must be done must be done for the speedrun for the speedrun 16 fish they’re

Too they’re too fast I can’t too tiny rabbits they flee missing some of these I just destroyed my Axe by getting old okay all right let’s get out of here oh I can’t even make a furnace right now yeah I got some wood should be plenty see the jungle

Biome over here right yeah I’m actually over there okay cool I’m going to go do some things over here as well okay really quickly do need um got to make another axe stone pickaxe okay let’s um oh do do you have a furnace or enough to make a

Furnace uh I do not I don’t have any Cobble I’m going to grab something though okay all righty got myself Stone uh pick now me too grab some Cobblestone then we can go back over to that m M shaft and I think I think a world is right we can get

Um I think you can use the string from cobwebs to craft uh wool perfect I also have some bone meal by the way oh oh man we could definitely use some wool right about now oh he said what do you want to do in this world I don’t understand Dragon

Slaver what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to beat M as fast as possible basically that’s the that’s what a speedrun is it’s like you just beat the game as fast as possible yeah so we got to go to the nether we got to get some blaze rods and

Some ender pearls to craft ender eyes I have Enders and then we got to find the end and then we got to go beat the dragon so that’s kind of what we’re doing right now and usually people are way faster than us but uh

Lot a lot of it’s RNG lot of RNG exactly which is luck you’re not familiar nice I GNA do yeah a bunch of wood over a stack of wood now oh okay okay then okay weird that’s right take that OHP he’s gone I’m sorry bunny rabbit actually you take all the salmon

And then you can split itly sounds good and you’ll you could do the same with the other one with the bunny rabbit yeah rabbit hide need one more diamond and I can create a diamond sword I imagine the Charlie voice Matthew came and said Woo Minecraft imagine Charlie going or whatever the

Meme that’s a lot of zombies yeah yeah what the hell are they is it not Dragon saber am I missing something let’s get out of here all right let’s get thatle you [ __ ] oh my God bro I lost half my health run G NOP take it right take it right all

Right into the water how much is the PC 20 bucks man 20 I got for great great steel am I right way yep there’s a gray Ste what what’s the doing on my I have noly idea turn that off yeah turn off what are what what is all this these

Mobs are crazy right now okay uh oh uh uh uh uh I made a pillar it’s right here okay so there’s actually a lot of spider webs around here we can Harvest them with the the sword sword then I think you can use the string oh [ __ ] [ __ ] off careful it’s

Kind of dangerous down here I saw some poisonous spiders all right how much do you need hoping it’s four I have seven right now it is four it it takes four to make a block nice okay cool here’s more there’s uh string everywhere perfect damn right oh watch out oh

God did you check this chest yeah all right Gabe I have five oh there’s another one over here five wool yep okay sh hold on sque okay I have seven now sweet we can craft two beds at least skip the there you go oh [ __ ]

Okay kind of weak just want to go to bed I just want to go to bed same there we go hi whoa hi buddy how you doing finish your finals not quite I have three finals in music theory I have have one final in uh or three finals in English three finals

Jesus yeah two of them are tests and one of them’s an essay oh I don’t know why I almost got the whole essay done and then the tests are both uh on Thursday where are we going uh wherever the M shafts are and lost oh it’s right here how you guys

Doing doing good we’re speed running right now yeah right I’m G to sneeze again okay I’m good okay so do we have everything we need before we go down yeah yeah we’re good good don’t fall it’s quite to drop more string okay can I have some food oh my

God that’s it yeah here um here I’ll have half the rabbit too okay thank you salmon isn’t that good Yep this is it holy [ __ ] did you drop off the rabbit yet I ate all the rabbit because I didn’t have the the salmon oh oh oh my God no

Way I might get shot off of this killer I’m on right now you good I’m hiding okay we need to get some iron make a bucket I think you should just get out of here for all these skeletons are no I got him I killed them all right there’s still one down

There okay let’s get um let’s get some Iron Dragon saber maybe not that much but it was $3,900 that’s that’s super expensive God creepers run let’s just go down here okay God what is what is this [ __ ] okay uh iron right here oh God ah oh my God got

Him okay um I got five iron where you again I’m over here y you behind you I’m going to stay over here there seems to be less mobs over here okay let’s smelt uh let’s SM the iron I got eight eight pieces perfect yeah that was close Dragon

Sa there jaes elevator music playing again what Japanese elevator music huh yeah what is that these elev music listen to My Stream you’ll see um all right got the bucket got some water perfect Sweet William yeah do you know if I can like edit my entire stream on eclipse and not just

The highlights that they show me no I think it’s just the highlights okay kind of sucks you can ask it to like redo it if you don’t like the highlights they gave you but I don’t think I just need it to go 20 seconds back

Oh on one of the highlights oh yeah no you’re going to have to throw it into an editor do that software do you guys use for shorts um yeah rush rush oh thank you Adobe Rush although I might start using Da Vinci oh do they have a or you can edit

Shorts in there too I’m probably going to yeah I don’t don’t want to pay for anything in doe at this point any Premier if you die if you die you he said if you die you if you die you die man if you die you die hardore Minecraft straightforward man if you die

I will give you $1 okay get $1 tonight $1 baby Aaron H I don’t know you have to go to their website don’t you what are you trying to do you have to download the Adobe launcher you do which I’ll have to give you my login information oh do you not

Have R streaming I I don’t have it downloaded on my PC uh yeah you have to go to the website you have a bucket I do yeah what I want to do is get the short out of I can make armor and like get get the uh get like automated

Captions yeah you’re going to want to right now oh yeah um you’re going to have to download a video editor and do that you said Da Vinci is free it is yeah all right let’s get thatle let’s get thatle we got to go find lava now oops

Fell into the depths G get these sponsors out of here go go go go go water resolve 18 jump Gib yeah GB where you at oh my godon riding spiders on I’m running out I’m running away do I download D Vinci resolve Studio or resolve um we do this later the one that

Lets you um one of them cost money so whatever one that doesn’t cost the money spider skeleton Duo it’s really where are you where you at G I can’t I went down the other way I’ll come up this way it goes deeper over here what is going on oh you hit him

God damn it Fly gab let’s go this way it goes down over here did you hear that I only have three salmon left and yeah I’m pretty sure that was the cave cave oh my god oh [ __ ] you guys are trying the cave ding mod yeah yeah yeah oh my God right

There it’s right there go I really wanted to try that one out too that one looks fun uh so we don’t go down there I guess not maybe the water will Goof them up push him into the lava what that creepy noise careful careful don’t fall down there what is he doing

Confused let’s let’s block him in he’s tripping look at him what is he doing is he good bro okay forgot you think we could maybe kill it tell you what is that hitting him yeah that was my last Arrow I had two arrows let’s go down and kill him

Oh careful I heard it can climb blocks I don’t know what he’s doing right now can’t reach him oh my god he has got us he’s docile he’s stuck he’s stuck let’s break him out or maybe that’s a bad idea oh poor guy he was supposed to be all big and scary

Oh he’s trying to run away from something is it the lava maybe he’s scared of lava a a look at him he’s cute okay let’s let’s not hurt him let’s go somewhere else yeah yeah let’s go somewhere else this was not supposed to be our first experience with the

K chilling let’s go oh oh oh my God [ __ ] did he go where’d he go he’s gone he’s [ __ ] gone dude what bro was trolling us all right later Dragon saber thank you for joining up man I’m getting building blocks appreciate you yeah me too I’m I’m out of building BLX

Basically how much did he do damage to you no he just made a loud scary noise and then I looked behind me and he disappeared all right we need to go find lava now dude yep where you at I’m right next to you oh Aon we can hop on after this if you

Like if you’d like yeah okay perfect we’re chilling oh now this is see I wish we had more caves like this we came across look at this look at um unfortunately I don’t have any food there’s diamond right there uh I don’t need to what I was wondering if you guys wanted

To play fasm phobia Diamond I mean I know how to play the game now so I’m okay playing it but I know there’s kind of a learning curve I don’t think Gabe’s learn to play the game yet I was going to say I’ll play lethal company okay I’m just I’m want to play

FM phobia cuz it’s very similar to it is yeah and I watched Markiplier play it today and it looks like a lot of fun with you guys um I think I’m doing this not the most efficient way maybe I should go I’m going go like this oh you good yeah heard big

Explosion I only have two more fish yeah we’re not doing so hot on um on food but hey maybe we’ll spawn next to uh to a um Crimson Force you know exactly then we can just Harvest some food that way oh I’m going to get some

Gold so we can give ourselves gold boots so we don’t get [ __ ] up by some p on some piglin [ __ ] on some piglin [ __ ] oh oh he’s back you see him the Portal’s done by the way we need to get some gold and get out

Of here do you want a diamond sword I would love a diamond sword here you go right to my a little safer with this thing in my hand where is he at we need gold I guess we could just go get it in the nether get golden nether yeah all right let’s go

Um oh uh I don’t have flint and steel nor wood I don’t have gravel gravel’s oh you have wood okay uh how much 58 oh yeah give me like half of that okay here some gold ow uh what happens if you cook zombie flesh I don’t think you can cook zombie flesh can

You um you can’t go get yeah not normal Minecraft anyway do I hear him uh I think oh give [ __ ] no no I don’t even know if I’m hurting him bro he just [ __ ] busted all over me bro he dipped oh no G your body ragd all

On the ground dude he just he just busted on me bro what he was busting all over me dude that was crazy damn okay we should do this again that holy [ __ ] I didn’t stand a chance I in hindsight I probably should have just built up you know yeah thing you can

Do but hard with him busting all over you like that busting he dipped too he like disappeared into the ground after he killed e damn what is you need to do Matthew oh that’s funny that’s crazy what do I need to do I need to touch Matthew said I need touch grass

Eddie he busted all over you he did bro straight came out of the Woodworks that’s crazy bro that’s crazy all right what do you what are y all well um we didn’t even make it to the nether what the heck that was a pretty quick Speed Run um yeah you guys

Are speed running with the dweller yeah we literally were about to go into The Nether and William was like trying to light the portal in hindsight we should just make Clinton steel yeah to take a long time you want to try a run with us Aaron

Yeah do you want to do one with us if you guys would like to stream’s a little short we could do probably one more I’m down for I was going to stream lethal company you were when we played that as well I don’t know how you guys

Go ahead and do another one I have to take another quiz for anthropology anyways all right okay well all right I’m ready when you are then it’ll actually take only a couple minutes if you guys have the time oh really okay yeah a speedrun could last like another

30 40 minutes if we start it yeah it won’t take that long well the first like 40 minutes of my stream was just not even playing anyways so I really only even playing for an hour and we haven’t even made it to the nether yeah you want to just start one if Aaron

Finishes early we can just reset okay that works just kind play yeah okay made this good thumbnail I don’t want it to go to waste yeah same uh did you guys watch my video did haven’t had the time to what one I did what do you think uh it was funny cool

Um yeah I liked it and he said imagine still being in school must be tough you hear that you guess what did he say he said imagine being in school still must be tough I know right must be tough right man these lights man I’ve sent you guys

A picture of what I have now it’s freaking almost too much on my eyes it’s exhausting I got two new like streamer lights crazy hello you guys still there hello yeah I’m here I’m ready to go when you are I think the world’s fully reset now okay I’m ready

H all right I’m ready wi okay okay three two 1 Go oh perfect all righty this is one of the better biomes finally want to sneeze again sheep gab sheep sheep honestly I’m feeling some fortnite tomorrow guys I don’t know about you fortnite fortnite fortnite yes sir I want to finally get that Lego Lego uh world going be fun yeah it will

Be man I’ve been I’ve been really excited to play me too too okay there’s the Sheep um I got some wood go find some iron oh there’s a cave over there holy [ __ ] there’s a cave over here one big looks like a big cave big one okay um where

You uh I went kind of over where all the Sheep are oh okay okay all right here yeah I’m going to get some food while you go grab the iron really quick okay let me get some gravel too right we’re going to grab this get ourselves um this there we

Go iron time down to go a this is a dead in seriously I still have not gotten Flint yet I thought it was like a one in 10 chance to get flint I’ve broken like 29 I got one so stupid finally got one though so we’re

Good that C’s a dead end game oh are you serious yeah right let’s get out of here shears there’s no iron down there no I’m looking elsewhere though oh I found something oh my God I found another Oh this goes way down like Bedrock bro busted bro imagine busting like that you’re like oh I didn’t know it will where’s the busting cave hold I need to see this [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what over me no in the cave oh yeah yeah yeah that’s what I said bro in

The cave not on William hold on I don’t know what you guys are talking about there y I’m coming back getting framed over here uh where you at G uh I’m in some random ass [ __ ] place oh I see I see where I see where

It is oh I see you right there wait no that’s a river yeah here here here oh what’s up is this the busting cave this is the busting cave bro you go in instant bus it’s like so fast you may have not even notice that was crazy dude no no but

It’s it it’s oh it’s down there come over here come stand on the Sledge look look over the Sledge and don’t fall oh [ __ ] you’re actually right I’m I’m busting all over the place right now oh my [ __ ] god that’s actually crazy yeah I was not lying I don’t even

Blame you for that busted anymore yeah you see [ __ ] all kinds of [ __ ] down there that’s like seven busts honestly that’s the energy for like at least at least a few busts a few in a row all right Gabe I want to go grab some iron real quick all right I just I

Have some too it’s this furnace over here I got I’m also done with my my thing y okay you just want to hop in and join us sure I will glad glad so Aon oh I actually have to set it to Quick oh yeah he has to do the whole

Mod thing takes a few minutes don’t listen to oh did I hear the thing from I heard a screech bro no you didn’t I did I heard a screech okay Aon see that mod pack you want need to download that yeah I don’t want to get [ __ ] up

By that thing again that was cringe was that’s the whole point of the challenge is having that thing in the game there’s just a random that just adds more RNG that guarantees our death I just build up that’s what I did okay well am I got it all right extract

It you’re going to first install the forge loader uh it this version’s 1.9.4 so you’ll pick you’ll install that and then yeah I actually need food before we go down here all right well you’ll have to come back to where we were really quick I’m going to harvest these sheep get their

W so first you install the the load pictures file I mean it’s not the uh it’s not where most people say their files but if that’s how you like to do it it’s fine I don’t know why it saved my [ __ ] pictures a while oh my God

There’s so many sheep over here William I can’t find it we’re gonna have food so much food I’m about to Massac all about to commit genocide to the Sheep Clan sheep genocide yep run that install client yep make sure it’s uh the right version 1.1 19.4

Yep that’s crazy to me the whole world of computer software is like this [ __ ] is so I just don’t understand I know you study computer science I was thinking about that day like I think I might as long as I understand Minecraft because there’s a whole like it’s a whole separate reality it’s

Really a whole separate world right kind of is yeah I mean it’s his own profession languages and it’s a forine it’s a whole different realm really it is wild it is a form of engineering yeah I’d like to be more dep at figuring stuff like that out and just

Having a installed client profile Forge for version 1.9.4 yep you’re good and then then you want to go to the dot Minecraft folder and drag the mods into the mods folder and then there’s also a resource pack in there drag that resource pack the zip

File you don’t need to unzip it into the uh resource pack file only in that cave okay I don’t have to unzip it only in that cave we got to save the bus for the cave over there Gabe I’m scared where you at I’m lost I’m at the Sheep where you

Shear them and you’re not here you’re not here no my do Minecraft folder is already full of better combat far sight lithium put them somewhere else or get rid of them put him somewhere else okay I’m literally following like this is like a trail of shaven sheep yeah will will

Find me on the end at the end of that trail and it’s getting dark so I need to give you your beds i’ got a [ __ ] ton of them but yeah Aon computer science is a fun class like I know they teach that like any high school or

College I think I might I might take a I took it in high school take a class [ __ ] way it’s a pretty uh easy class you’ll pick it up pretty quick right they L just teach you like the generals like the basics about computers where’s my

Downloads all right um do we want to cook some food oh yeah or we go down there I I’m one Cobblestone for for making a furnace oh here here’s that last Cobblestone oh thank you okay um yep awesome all right one two three four five six seven eight all right wantep pack I

Do I already have John Smith Legacy resource pack and fresh animations those can stay right yeah John Smith leg John smth all right let’s go kill some more animals okay all right if you could mine some you could Harvest some wood okay yeah I’ll Harvest some

Wood then once you open it up a I just want to make sure we have plenty of food plenty of wood yeah uh you can turn on your shaders like normal if they aren’t on already but you want that resource pack to be to be set on when you open the game yeah

It’s like wind sound effects oh yeah the physics mod is making like grass wiggle and stuff Co oh yeah here I’ll just collect all the food and then I’ll split it boy right multiplayer I hear that win too I like it the physics mod is amazing I need a

New I want to start like a SMP with this these mods yeah I’ll build one uh it’s the same same one as last time same IP and everything I’ll split the food you I put more in there too cool I got more wood as well I’m want to make a shovel more bed

And grab some dirt for building incompatible version oops yeah make sure you load up the the forge one you just installed [Applause] right and your resource pack is out of date it it doesn’t matter you can still use it [Applause] here come get your food yes daddy so I like it says zombie

Mod yeah yeah yeah just ignore that it’s the same mod that we use for the zombie thing I guess yeah I got a ton ieat a ton of wood [ __ ] yeah crash so I kind of want to grab a little bit more food to be

Honest a little what I want to a little what a little more food yeah no I I I totally agree I was about to say that crashed again no fix it bro come on fix it bro can you give me some food or not some food some wood oh yeah

Perfect oh my God okay I’m good I got plenty of wood let’s go should be F on the way over there on the hill yeah here I’m going to make a shovel really quick too so I can ah die whoa that’s that’s crazy dude I like

The wind on beon that’s crazy I know it’s so my game crashed again unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed we’re sorry did you remove all the mods yeah exit code one what here try doing the whole process again wait hold on are you having the

Issue when you open up Minecraft or when you try to join the server when I hit play on the Minecraft loader launcher so go to your mods folder make sure only the mods that I sent you are in there oh my God they are yeah I’m looking

Directly at it voice chat sound physics physics OptiFine gecko CL cloth cave well and borderless window me uh yeah that sounds about right um H uh try it try it again all right CR game crashed that’s cool you guys can just finish up and we’ll play lethal company all

Right probably die down here anyway no way I’m just I’m ready to play lethal company all right I think we got some enough [ __ ] I think uh yeah so we got enough food we can cook food on the way be honest okay all right here we go do we

Have iron by the way or holy [ __ ] be careful bro I almost just [ __ ] died make sure to stay this is insane also I have two iron okay I have one oh my god there a creep right there oh oh my God you good I went down to three

Hearts Aaron something you could try is uh installing the forge loader again I know I thought maybe it was that I just don’t want to deal with it right now what I did comp bro he’s about to kill me I need building blocks one sec okay um let’s make our bucket real

Quick yeah here here take my oh SM it too awesome oh yeah our uh our stream is going to be in the Ambiance okay there we go got that that grabbing this all right we got everything cool that way I’ll grab some water on our way down to the bottom cave is

Insane there’s so much lava down here too perfect oh wait this water I can grab should be um let all from Top there’s more down here I need iron I see Diamonds oh here’s something here’s something yeah that’s why I need iron need my diamonds bro fish for those

Diamonds I am I’m still 13 at heart bro we all are uh I like I like being caves [ __ ] cave while down here just know it’s around the corner somewhere can I eat my ass at any second damn he look out creeper again oh he’s dead he blew his top

Already blew his load already Ro blue is load they only get one load that’s it that’s right we go the water spawning too high finally got some though cook some food F time skeletons get away from me yeah also going to make another furnace coal there some coal when you need

It all righty um I just got to go find a hit of lava like last time yep that last cave was absolutely perfect I wish more caves had lava laid out like that know right used to be way more common before the cave update I pulls a I love the cave

Sounds I know right so good now let me know or when you guys want to go move over okay probably going to depend if we if we don’t die here it might be a little bit longer um we do though then quick go ahead take take a time oh

Oh really should probably get going that’s our uh that’s our Q game mece let’s go deeper come on I heard him he’s here he heard us talking about him yeah exactly I want to go get these diamonds no no no we we don’t need them we got to go there’s diamonds there’s diamonds

Down here n these diamonds are up here okay if I die I die right oh no like just like hardcore just like Hardcore Minecraft bro if you know you know Adventure yeah you know you know where you at Adventure Adventure bro fan why do I have tough in my one Adventure

Bro fan it’s a wo Willi Yeah Yeah Eddie I mean Eddie not William what am I talking about Will’s the biggest William’s our fan I’m the biggest fan is there another one was there only one in there yeah you got Bamboozled no I’m Happ I got a diamond I’m

Good you wouldn’t like watching eth though why does he pass up diamonds all the time not only passes them up he throws him in lava bro I’m never watching I’ll throw him in lava lava I swear I saw another one maybe I didn’t okay let’s get the

[ __ ] out of here okay good let’s go uh this way this way oh shift oh my God we got to break that we got to break that watch out I got to go I got it gab I got it I got it okay there’s only

One there’s only one I want to go check the chest in here real quick in the zombie spawner room oh there’s no chest in here well that’s a joke fre joke there’s nothing back there don’t think really there’s diamonds back here I missed the diamonds I’m a fake

Diamond a fake diamond do you have only ever one do you have Flint I do okay I just dropped it for you one it’s right here I’m a fake diamond fan yeah watch this MLG stin lover clutch MLG stin lever clutch um is this bottom section

Kind of a dead end do we need to go back up and go a different way yeah I think so ow I’m like about to [ __ ] die down here ow we might have to go back up yeah let’s go back up how is there a villager down here what a zombie villager

Oh oh a do you hear that g build up build up we got to build up all right let’s get out of here Perfect uh maybe this way where are you there’s there’s a I think I see something over here yeah there’s a different thing oh oh um I don’t know oh it just Lo back around ah we might have to dig down somewhere not sure oh Gabe I see another

Path you do down there oh no I think so yeah this way you see that way over there I skeletons me too yeah this is a different area yeah Diamonds oh there’s lots of iron down that way there’s a skeleton guarding the diamonds of course course is a skeleton out of all the

Mobs oh the diamonds are blinding they’re going to cause me have eye issues High issues he said so we have there’s light over here there’s light over here okay I say you light the other way too I’m just going to double check bro said I’m a fake diamond fan and now

Saying I’m going to get high [Laughter] issues okay Gabe I saw more lava the other way this is MLG stupid this is MLG stupid yeah let’s go the other way MLG stupid yeah MLG lava clutch stupidness where did you get this new vocabulary bro oh okay okay oh okay come here come

Here come here get in the water get in the water bro just got pissed for no reason he didn’t like your vocabulary he’s like [ __ ] what did that mean shut the [ __ ] up he looked at you this time he’s like hold up how have I been

Through all my food almost yeah I know it’s pretty rough uh diamonds yeah this is a speed or Not diamond hunt that’s fair diamond yeah once youb have a diamond fan fan of anything you have to die yeah I saw this lava over here more of an emerald guy

Oh I was kind of hunting emeralds last game too just cuz I never see he was but no I’m a diamond guy through through all right this is [ __ ] we need to dig down we kind of hard down oh Gabe I found lava over here over here over here over

Here hello there baby zombie get out of here [ __ ] got an axe oh my God I don’t know why he’s not oh I want to die no no no I hit him like four times he’s still not dead I don’t know why got them zombies are incredibly powerful for no reason especially

Babies I don’t get it okay uh hold shift we’re going to have to probably break some shulker things yeah I see one over there I only see one so far so we can break that one I see two two yeah okay let’s go break them at the

Same time I see three dude where I only see one wait no no no I just see one I’m I’m getting those other blocks confused with it oh okay okay yeah let’s go break that one and we should be good oh be careful oh [ __ ] that was that the cave well or

No okay careful careful that was the cave well no no it’s it’s this no okay I want to break it though break it break it break it break it okay I think we’re good I’m breaking these two okay that’s that was a cave D that was that get to building

Bro well I’m breaking all these I don’t like these they’re annoying too many of them I’m waiting I I want to go to the other side I want to do it over here all right hey Henry welcome to chat how you doing welcome to chit bro bro turn into the laser

Beam don’t mind us just attempting to speedrun it’s going good with a mod we’re trying trying to trying to do a speedrun with uh what a horror mod it’s been pretty rough but we’re doing it all right I’m building the portal gab let’s go let’s go baby

Oops you’re going to make me p my soup’s impression what let’s go let’s go let’s go all right I don’t really want to lose out of lava but at the same time there’s enough not really worry about it there’s no reason bro should be that excited about anything that has to

Do wait what bro only should ever be that excited the guy with the gantu en hands oh yeah yeah yeah soups there’s diamonds over here G gab’s doing a different speedrun challenge right now two of them finally I have eight diamonds I could have made a chest plate but no silly ass

Made an iron chest plate how you doing Henry still here I think he he booked it started talking about soups and he was like no no no they hating on my favorite I love Zoo what about diamonds game you have iron iron not diamonds uh maybe what done by the

Way he is here you have IR uh I am from th America I live in Idaho no I have no neg Royal Lane idah let’s get out of here G oh Ste where’s the [ __ ] flint and steel are you good go I thought he was

Right behind me oh my God he was heart attack do you have flint and steel I only have Flint I don’t have the ey I only have iron bro over here all I have is iron quick we got to go I didn’t even see him did you see him

Here’s here’s a flint here did you see him Gib where is it no I didn’t I just heard him right behind me take that I didn’t get it okay there it is yeah you just play only this game um not really my main thing is Minecraft but I

I when we live stream we’ play a lot of other stuff like fortnite lethal company we play a lot of the big games known ones you know but yeah hope that’s uh your taste just get out of here finally we’re going to another yeah we’re kind of variety

Gamers or at least trying to be yeah no not this biome are you kidding me uh such a huge we must go back and fight the cave valer G Fortress Yeah I was about to say I was like wait hold on [ __ ] three skeletons right off the bat D do you

Have a Discord I do have a Discord he’s going to want to ask to add you as a friend or yeah I know all the streamers always want and I’m going to going to have to tell them no because I I don’t expose my private information on

Stream I’m sorry can’t sorry bro what’s wrong with you why why don’t you expose yourself I don’t expose myself tell them your tell them your social security number look look I I plan to make a Discord server in the future for um you know like like server Discord

Server but I don’t have that build yet well this is that’s why you tell him your Social Security right now I’m out of everything oh my God oh my God I thought you breaking that bro I almost killed myself what if the wood just caught on

Fire wait I I I have wood what am I talking about probably will well I’m sure it’s fine you got this game you got this wood clutch we don’t have gold boots n it’s fine we don’t who the hell speedrunners don’t use gold boots so neither do we okay okay

I need wow that’s a pretty big uh nether fortress that’s not what I thought you were going to say uh Twitter yeah you can find me on Twitter it’s @ Willy does life I think it’s linked to link yeah you have it all on your YouTube channel

Too yeah it’s on my YouTube I don’t know if kick had a place to put that but it’s at will does life all all one word uh oh there’s some blazes looks like a blaze spawning right there thanks for thanks for uh wanting to reach out my

Man yeah bro we appreciate any sort of s of sort of anything really Dam why does this have to be in such a hard spot yeah this is like in the center of a pool of lava I’m going stop using wood now I have so many beds okay gib

Gib oh [ __ ] are you serious what was that One damn they see us that’s crazy here let’s go over here I’m not to go over here oh yeah yeah no you’re already well on your way oop sorry didn’t mean to freaking take my stone pickaxe basically my rock with a stick on it right hit it against

Your head smack it on my balls what uh insta is private okay not that way see that I just like straight up [ __ ] block that yeah okay you doing that wait I already not on fire right now oh I think we’re chilling did that so slow I’m lava us just pours out

Bro I think it was one block like away from me so I just MLG clutch it was too fast for your eye so it looked slow bro oh you standing still is actually just my eyes is not keeping up with how fast you were moving exactly where are you I hear this

They see me building where are you bro oh I’m in another Fortress go go go oh [ __ ] Oh I’m out of blocks yeah [ __ ] blocks good chilling though see that take notes take notes streamers this is just how you dodge bles this is how you do no armor stone pickaxe Blaze murdering run we’re chilling got one how about you I got zero he didn’t drop one for me

Unfortunately uh where was the spawner I think I saw a spawner somewhere right I think it was over here bro I’m going to not Sprint like a smart thing it’s probably smar I’m almost out of food I want to start grabbing these mushrooms yeah yeah is that a spawner to our

Left oh there’s a withered skeleton over there oh uh do we want to go over there n let’s go over here I think it looked like pretty promising over here okay God I don’t like not sprinting yeah me neither it’s just there there was a time when Minecraft didn’t have

Sprint H I know right same thing with fortnite yeah that’s crazy or like for a while Minecraft had Sprint but like it was only double tap w bro I was playing that way until [ __ ] 2 weeks ago I went this way this nether oh my God there’s so many look at

Those wither skeletons over there where oh they’ll just despawned or some [ __ ] no oh I see the another for I see a that’s a blaze spawner over there all right let go the only thing we got bro where are the noises I hear some oh my God

Holy you ready to run by him yeah but there’s a wither skeleton up there too here I’m going to you need an iron do you have any iron I only have three iron not really one think I’m rocking a stone pickaxe that’s about to break do you want an iron sword that’d

Be amazing actually I’d rather have iron pickaxe oh you don’t have an iron pickaxe yeah good call all right here you go thank you all right I’m ready to go let’s do it wait hold on let’s go oh there’s a blaze actually oh um run run this

Music oh no it ain’t looking good on fire okay you have armor you have armor run run run you’re right you’re right game say yeah here bro I don’t know what I’m doing thank you yeah run around with a stone pickaxe and no armor in the nether what of is

Diamond okay we got to we got to somehow get across to the other side I want to start sming more food actually oh you have food yeah I do I need wood though or something to smelt it yeah here here’s some wood oh oh oh I

Might be dead that might be it no you’re not give me food give me food give oh wait block yourself in feed me food through the hole here thank you thank you oops all right put your food in the thing I’ll put wood in there I hear Wither Skeleton need food

Too I think we should go for the blazes over there there’s no yeah there’s wither skeletons on each side now we’re surrounded bro they’re everywhere G you’re on fire I know I’m good though I got help behind you oh [ __ ] here do you have food no I don’t well I

Have three Port Chop now it’s all cooked okay take the chicken take the chicken chicken okay will be done my Lord oh my God Gabe look over the look over the corner holy [ __ ] we’re surrounded bro look at the other way too there’s like six wither skeletons on each side dude what

Is happening we need to dig down I think we got to do get knock I’m going across my well you got to get yourself a cat I know I want a cat I got this sweet little cat I know every time I got this cat on

Me you say something I’m like oh needs a cat I I want I want to B you companion I’m feeling better I just have a bad cough right now really I really get hit I had a cough for the last couple too and my voice is finally getting better

That’s I finally sound like a prepubescent again a preent yep no you don’t sound like PB you sound like a a pristine I’m a very a pristine man has gone through puberty don’t oh yeah oh no GB hit him with the hit him with the hit him that you good

Bro gab look at look at the wither skeletons to the right of me oh God I’m not reallying block actually what the hell gab what is this where’s you at scre this speed run this is this yeah [ __ ] this [ __ ] this is not fun this is run that way ready okay 3

Two one go go go go go this way they literally all went on you Gabe every single one of them’s they did not care about me man I knocked him down missed H freaking loser your mom’s freaking fell off a bed when she was two all right let’s go that that

Was to apologize for that one I’m going to kill this with the he’s annoying you know Matthew said something like an hour ago like I need to go get something and then never never came back never came back to tell me what the hell it was you

Got oh there’s one right there I didn’t even see him your mom gay Miss ow oh no oh no I take it back no I don’t freaking coward nice I like it I can’t get this guy I like it too I take it back no you’re a

Coward okay uh I think this is a bus game to be honest it is a bus do you want to just go hop on I I don’t want to stay up too late I’m okay going to lethal company so Aaron can play a little bit I’m alive bro look at me

Shees I have one heart shees well that makes me just want to go like woo just want block bro my only building blocks I have left are wool I got wool in the nether no K let’s go baby you see me again oh he left okay no

De out man all righty I haven’t had a lot of action in the Stream tonight NE I had six viewers on Rumble at one point but oh wow Rumble people don’t like to talk they’re a little little nervous it’s fine as long as I entertain it’s good you

Know Al righty guys I’m calling stream there thank you for watching if you like the content you know what to do subscri any final words me yes later guys appreciate you for joining I’m actually gonna probably call it here for my stream as well appreciate you guys i’ we may be back to

Play fortnite tomorrow Lego Regular I don’t know we’ll see but that’s basically it for me um I’ll see you new thanks for watching I’ll see you guys in

This video, titled ‘We Speed Run But Are Being Hunted’, was uploaded by willy on 2023-12-12 20:27:19. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:24 or 8784 seconds.

speed running minecraft with Cave Dweller.

Support the stream: Aon: Gabedee:

  • Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures

    Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures Exploring Cloudcraft in Minecraft Education In this episode, players are taken on a journey through the five scenarios of Cloudcraft, an adventure designed to provide a detailed look at data centers and everything that happens within them. Recycling The first scenario, Recycling, introduces players to the concept of sustainability within data centers. They learn about the importance of recycling electronic waste and reducing energy consumption to create a more environmentally friendly infrastructure. Security Next, players delve into the Security scenario, where they explore the various security measures implemented in data centers to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber attacks…. Read More

  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge

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  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

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  • Dandy Top 3 Plugins for Your Minecraft Server

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  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

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  • Sprintin’ Granny in Minecraft: Speedy Old Lady Galore!

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  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

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  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

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  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

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  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

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  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More