IT’S POPPERS – I Survived 100 Days In An OCEAN ONLY World In Minecraft Hardcore!!

Video Information

I survived 100 days in an ocean-only world now this time around things were pretty challenging because even the simplest of resources are very very limited and not to mention the Unseen things that await me in the murky depth of this never-ending ocean so join me as

We try to survive 100 days stranded deep inside of an infinite ocean also if you do go on to enjoy this video any point and you would be so kind then please consider dropping a like and subscribing it would be greatly greatly appreciated and it really does go a long way but

Anyways without any further Ado let’s get into the video so day one I spawned into this vast expanse of watering nothingness and immediately set out to find either food or wood because I was gonna need both pretty soon when I ended up spotting this little ship off in the

Distance so I began making my way over there finding a crab leg and some random floating string in the process Once I arrived I spent about half my lifetime breaking this singular piece of wood to reveal a pirate villager spawner that I did try breaking as well but managed to

Get about halfway before one spawned and blocked me so instead I decided to use my time in a better way and gathered a bunch of wood whilst also taking a massive hit from one of these guys then I made my way up to the top deck grabbed

A bunch more logs and crafted a sword and pickaxe before breaking the spawner and then dealing with these scally Wags in the most respectable Way by cowering far away from them up top then the place where I can hit them but they can’t hit me back but yeah Yar that’s just how

It’d be out here in the salty depths God I love it in that again anyways after dispatching them I went to grab their loot that was actually pretty decent these guys were heavily stacked for our first fight then I also went and grabbed the loot out the chest that had some

Stinky meat bones rum and some illeger silver bars once I grabbed all the loot I began tearing the ship apart grabbing more wood and noting under the chest up in the top of the sails that contained two golden apples and some bones that I ended up throwing in the ocean as well

As a bunch of stinky meat that I almost died for but definitely not bad for our first plunder so I dove off the ship to grab the bones but really couldn’t see them and then a whole bunch of drowns started making their way over to me

However I did spot them just in time went down and grabbed them and then made my way back to the surface just before starting to drown all that subnautica I’ve been playing recently really came into clutch here so I returned to the ship and devoured my crab leg along with

Some stinky me and then grabbed some wool from the sail to make a bed after grabbing all of the strip logs that the ship had to offer me night had fallen so I headed to bed and on the morning of day two I woke up ate some stinky meat

And spotted a strange structure in the water right next to my ship so I began heading down there to investigate but started getting chased by this here’s seagull guy thing I don’t know what or who he is but he creeped me the hell out and was really

Tanky and after dealing with him I headed back to the ship to regen and make some new tools and then tried making my way down to the structure again but realized just how deep it actually was so one more trip back to the ship to make some doors and now I

Can finally be one with the fishies oh also while I was down here I also managed to grab a smoker and a furnace from these lovely scaly fellows and on my way back to the ship spot some iron that I shall grab later whilst we arrived back at the ship I began setting

Up a little mini base of operations when I realized that my inventory was full and I didn’t pick up the furnace from earlier so I went and grabbed that and finally set up the crappy base on this lonely little ship cooking up a few potatoes and crafting a boat because

Tomorrow we go out venturing in search of more plunder because I really don’t think this area has too much to offer me anymore so I grabbed a little bit more wood from the ship and headed to bed on the morning of day three I placed down

The boat and set out in search of another ship or basically anything that contains loo now I immediately ended up finding some more random floating items this time it’s a stick and two strings so that’s nice I guess after a while of sailing through the vast nothingness of

The sea I ended up spotting what looked to be like a tiny island off in the distance that had a small ship behind it and then a really big ship behind that one so we’re headed over to it and began grabbing the wood however for some reason I can’t do that apparently so

That that kind of sucks so I ended up grabbing a bunch of dirt and some seeds instead then made my way over to the ship that ended up being full of very angry shooty boys so my Giga massive brain told me to go through the bottom

Of the ship so I did and then broke one block too far and almost met my very very Swift demise that was only stopped by my boat this this this this boat came in so clutch okay he’s I love this boat okay I’ll give him a title his name is

Monsha boyant okay my Noble Steed boat save your side I did pop a gapple and then deal with a bunch of these awful boys moving further along the outside of the ship looking for any sort of loot lurking within and dealing with more of these guys as well as breaking the

Spawner of them now I did end up finding a chest and it had some absolutely amazing amazingly crappy loot inside of it this is what I almost died for this is my reward needless to say I left the ship and headed over to the bigger scarier one in hopes of better loot but

Once I got closer to it and actually assessed the situation I quickly left because that place is way too stacked for a lowly Salty Sea boy such as me at the minute so instead I took a trip to this other smaller one but apparently it

Had a massive hole in it so I decided to leave that one and ended up at this tiny raft with a spawner and a chest that did actually have some okay loot in it and then I grabbed a bunch of wood from the raft and started making my way home

Spotting a swampy looking Hut on my way back once I got back to the wreckage that I call home I start all my little way and headed to bed then on the following couple days I made myself an iron pickaxe and headed down into the salty depths once more to grab that iron

From earlier after successfully grabbing the iron I decided to place down a door and start a water mine well technically it’s a water-free mine but you get the idea so I mined down for a while finding a little bit more Ryan and making it all

The way down to Y-12 when I heard some running water and began looking around of her potential cave when I stumbled across this vein of coal right here that was absolutely massive and eventually finding this very small unsuspecting cave so before going any deeper I decided to stop off make a bucket and

Make a furnace to start smelting down my iron then began heading deeper into the cave that ended up opening up into a full-blown Ravine that was a very nice surprise considering that my look recently hasn’t been too great so we’re headed back to my hidey hole to craft an

Iron sword and a shield and then began making my way through the Ravine boofing a creeper and grabbing any and all ores that I could find Once the Ravine was well and truly cleared out of all the oars I did a little bit of strip mining

And found our first set of diamonds it was a five vein so we’re definitely nothing to scoff at oh and also I heard some lava so I mined around and found it however it didn’t have anything interesting around it so I went and grabbed all the oils that I’d left

Behind in the strip behind then made a diamond pickaxe and returned back to the lava pool to grab some obsidian and I’m not gonna lie we’re not doing too bad for day five all right I mean we did almost die like twice but uh hey you

Know shiny gem pickaxe makes it all go away before leaving the lava pool that cleared out some of my inventory picked up my phone eye and headed back to the ship to store myself away and head to bed day six started out with me making a

Dirt platform just off the side of the ship to use as a farm because I may have diamonds but I really don’t have much food and that’s a problem so I added a wall around it and began tilling the land and planting down my all of one

Seed as well as a few carrots and potatoes and then used my bones to break down into bone meal to grow mainly a bunch of potatoes because let’s be honest they are the far superior food at least in this point in the game okay I I can’t get golden carrots right now okay

I’m a poor boy okay I’m a poor boy anyways after dealing with the farm I spent most of the day day just clearing up the absolute mess that was previously a ship so that that way things can start feeling a little bit more homely now by cleaning up what I really mean is

Completely destroying and replacing everything with a floating slab that doesn’t really look anything like a home yet but hey at least Monster by Aunt has a place to stay now and he’s earned it then that evening I watched the sun set over the salty seas and crafted myself a

Full set of iron armor and a designated chest for important items before heading to bed day 7 our first week survived not bad but we’ve still got a very long way to go now I end up doing a little bit of research on the underwater scaly boys to

See what they actually do and it turns out that they’re basically underwater villagers but the trades didn’t look too enticing so I’m sure we’ll do some training with those guys later but for now I built up a portal and headed into The Nether to see what have waited me

This time and was pretty presently surprised to have a pretty nice spawn in a warped Forest right next to me so I grabbed a bunch of warped wood and then ended up spending a little while Gathering quartz for some reason I don’t really know why I grabbed it but while

Scrubbing it I did notice the Fortress off in the distance but we’re not going over there yet okay I need to do a little bit more prep before we go there so instead I headed home and stole my nether loot away and set out in the direction of that Hut thingy I saw

Earlier because I really wanted to see what it was all about once I got close to the island I noticed that there was a massive ship nearby so we shall investigate that later once I made landfall on the island I headed straight up into this Hut thing breaking a

Spawner and looting the chest that had a bunch of cooked fish and another gapple inside and then also took some of this here Palm wood and palm planks even though they’re not called Palm planks instead for some reason they’re called Palm desks because that just makes more sense surely after ruining and tearing

Up yet another Island I headed over to the Giga ship nearby to see if I could get any loot from this one or die trying who the hell is that no I’m not dealing with that right now yeah no bye bye-bye after getting chased by a bunch of Bones

On the back of a dolphin I ended up stumbling across another what is essentially a sea village so I looted it up but I found out that this one had a library that had a fortune 2 and smite book as well as a bunch of food and a

Fishing rod and to top everything off we ended this pillage by finding an enchanted golden apple and a couple of music discs now this was not bad at all so we’re headed back home to store my loot away and sorted out my storage a little before heading to bed after a

Very very successful day once I woke up on day a I headed back down the mine and did some more strip mining because I really need some more iron to make an anvil to actually put the fortune book on my pickaxe however shortly after starting mining I heard some zombies so

Uh I had a little look around for them and ended up falling into a cave and then straight into some lava trying to escape them the absolutely genius Escape Plan there poppers absolutely genius contrary to what should actually happen when you fall into lava or essentially in my case jump into it yourself

Willingly I didn’t die yet instead ended up carrying in a corner and dealing with most of the mobs that I gathered in the cave that way because I just deep fried myself okay I need a little little minute to recover once all the mobs got dealt with I headed back out and began

Looking for whatever I could find in these caves grabbing any oars I came across as well as three creepers back to back to back but other than that I can’t just explore the caves grabbing ores and dealing with any mobs that stood in the way as well as finding this really cool

Glow squid hang out but after chilling with them for a little while I heard some zombies that led me to this absolutely hellish cave where I almost died a couple of times and also had to traumatically put down a slime I’m so sorry but I don’t want to do this but

Hey I found six shiny blue gems so I was happy and the trauma was was gone now but let me tell you I cannot stress you enough how awful this cave was okay the mobs just kept spawning and I just kept getting beat up over and over and over

Again and I eventually slowly managed to make my way through lighting things up to try and prevent this literal Army of mobs from respawning also a creeper went sicko mode and absolutely decimated a group of mobs I guess he was having a bad day or something now after getting

More than enough iron I returned back to base and smelted it down made our Anvil and added Fortune to my pick before heading back down the mine and Mining out any oars that I walked by or left until I had Fortune once I grabbed enough I headed home started think

Smelting and headed to bed and on the morning of day 11 I crafted myself an enchantment table along with a bunch of bookshelves however I started away for an hour until we expand out the island some more after that I did a little bit of farming while cooking up some more

Potatoes and crafting a diamond shovel before heading back over to the island from earlier and grabbing a bunch more dirt from it when a summer across this chest to the center of the island they had an enchanted sword and some pork chops in it as well as another gapple

These things are just insanely common in this apparently but I’m not going to complain so I grabbed the rest of the dirt and headed back home and began work on outlining our first couple of parts that would soon become our base now I was gonna go for a smaller base this

Time and uh well I do start out with a smaller one but it doesn’t last that long okay I wanted to see what I could do with less space but it didn’t last very long okay it got bigger it got bigger now after successfully finishing

Off our first outline I load up the area around it and tried to go to bed but uh couldn’t because there was a whole bunch of drowns and Enderman so I had to go and deal with them and almost threw everything away walking into this very

Angry boy but luckily I got out there alive dealt with the last round and headed to bed on day 12 I organized and sorted out some of my storage as well as crafting a diamond sword because if I’ve learned one thing from this world so far

Is that nothing wants to give me a break and everything just wants to attack me and then I made my way over to yet another small ship over by the hood Island and Once I arrived I began the attack in the same way as usual however these rap scallions had something else

In mind Daylights out of me but I kind of guess they saved me a job so I’m not gonna complain also the loot in the chest was was okay you know there’s just a totem of undying in there yeah oh these land-loving Scallywags don’t stand a chance against me now that’s it I’m

Literally never gonna die I’m never gonna die and I guess the remaining Loot on the ship was pretty good but nowhere near as good as the totem so after successfully conquering yet another tiny little ship I headed back home and sorted through my Loot and also made a

Small little temporary Island thingy off the side of the base and built up a little crappy enchantment area there because we’re really really gonna need to gear up a lot more to start conquering everything that lurks Within These Seas however I do need better than level 22 enchant so maybe leave the sea

Conquering for later and for now let’s just head to bed K13 I headed out straight in one direction to see if I could find another sea village that had a library because obviously I need more books and that seemed like the most logical way to get them because I mean

Where else am I supposed to where am I gonna find a cow where am I going to find sugarcane okay well it’s gonna be floating is it it’s gonna be floating no so sea village makes most sense now I literally didn’t really have to move at all because there was another one right

Next to the base that I completely missed so I headed down and grab the bookshelves as well as finding some glowberries and an absolutely huge find of a silk touch book now the next Island we find we can actually go and grab some grass from and bring it back home and

There was also this house ruined thing filled with a ton of barrels with some pretty okay stuff in them uh but after finding them I made the very small Journey back home and made the final bookshelves necessary to get level 30 in chance now also something really weird

I’ve almost died multiple times already in this video but I seem to be progressing much faster than any other time I don’t know it it’s very hard but very easy at the same time it’s a fun challenge you should definitely try it anyways after dealing with the bookshelf

Problem I removed the inner circle of the outline because it was just too small then instead I was going to use the Outer Circle as the new Inner Circle and by the time I was finished with that the sum was setting so I quickly dispatched some drowns and headed to bed

Then on day 14 I spent the day fishing because I mean I have all this ocean to myself I may as well do some fishing in this video now I was actually looking for a mending book so I just fished all day finding a lock box with some

Glowstone inside as well as a lure 2 fishing rod that was actually going to combine with my Unbreaking 3-1 but it was way too expensive so after fishing for most of the day I ended up finding this message in a bottle that once opened told me some actually insanely

Useful information so be sure to remember this for later it’s really gonna come in handy and tie everything together it’s very very important anyways I spent the rest of the evening just fishing away but not really finding much so here’s the day’s plunder I don’t think it’s too bad but it would have

Been way more efficient with a better fishing rod so I’ll probably end up doing later but for now it’s bedtime but the following morning I crafted myself a gold helmet before heading into The Nether and Gathering a bunch of ports for XP because it’s enchanting time soon now after spending a while grabbing

Quartz I returned home smelted down all my gold then returned back into the nether do some piglet trading mainly in search of Ender Pearls but after trading literally all night with this guy I ended up getting absolutely nothing however that fire rest potion will help

Me with the Fortress so at least we got something out of this now by the time I returned home the sun was Rising on day 16. so I stuffed everything in the chest and Enchanted our first item at the table it was my sword and I got some

Pretty awful enchants so I retried it and got absolutely trash again after doing a little bit of smelting to regain some XP I was ready for the third attempt and well it didn’t come out great but hey at least we got looting three and that’s not too bad and because

I ended up getting a pretty nice Roll On My Sword I decided to grab some Cobble and head back into the nether to begin making my way over to the Fortress because I’ll probably only have to boost like three Blazers to get all of the run

Odds Once I arrived at The Fortress I tailed my way up broke my way in and was greeted by wither Skelly who I dealt with and then popped my fire rest potion and went on a blaze hunting spree only having to kill three actually I was precisely correct I only had to kill

Three to get the rods so as quickly as I made my way there I was straight back out and back home and I’m not gonna lie that it’s probably the fastest time it’s taken me to get blaze rods I’ve never been that lucky so I just dropped the

Rods in the chest and headed to bed alrighty day 17 I headed out in search of some sponge and now you may say hey poppers don’t you hate OSHA monuments aren’t they the literal bane of your existence why would you take them on without any equipment any milk any like

Invis potions or anything like that well my dear friend you are incorrect I am not taking on an ocean Monument instead I shall invade a bunch of ships slash Island slash villagers in search of sponge because I’m sure somewhere someone will have it it seems like a

Very piratey material so I sailed and sailed until I found a ship using my trusty Palm desk to board it and clearing out the inhabitants finding a zombie villager but he went bye-bye because I really don’t have time for that right now wow that’s a lot of

Pearls and some pistol ammo with a pistol I’m sure this will go completely fine yeah did that scare you because that sure as hell scared me that literally blew my ears out I understand that it’s supposed to be a little bit loud but I mean I could do with my eardrums not

Being ruptured every time I shoot this bloody thing oh look it’s under the ship but Jesus Christ calm down my God please stop it so loud oh look at that some pirate bombs I’ll uh pocket them for later after leaving the very loud ship I stumbled across another tiny raft

Getting a gapple and some normal apples for my trouble then immediately found another Island and a ship so I went and looted the hidden chest and the island and headed over to the ship to test out my new toys but uh almost blew myself up

To a million pieces so uh I’m not really gonna be using them anytime soon no no thank you no thank you now needless to say this ship Heist didn’t go off as planned and was pretty much a failure considering I released all of these angry cold wet Pirates into the ocean

And now they’re really really angry so I tried entering the other way but quickly got blasted off so I just decided to leave and headed towards another smaller ship when this guy spawned and just point blank shot so that was nice but I dealt with him looted up the ship and

Crafted some more ammo before heading to bed and continuing out on our crusade in the morning looting another ship and finding a bunch more ammo and I know I get it I’m only targeting the smaller ships at the minute but don’t worry okay I will run these salty Seas by the end

Of this 100 days okay you just need to know your place and out here in the cursed waves there will always be a bigger fish God I don’t know how many pirate things I’ve really said in this video and it’s not even halfway done now

We did end up moving up and tackling a slightly bigger ship and this time actually clearing out everyone and well it was pretty easy considering that the shooty guys don’t move and well the loot was pretty good I got three pieces of Enchanted iron armor so it was

Definitely worth my time coming onto the ship one more time to ship later and I found a diamond so that wasn’t too bad but then I remembered when I actually came out here to find and decided to stop decimating every reasonably sized vessel that I came across and instead

Sailed around under the cover of Darkness to see if there were any more villager things under the water in hopes of one of them having some Sponge now I found two almost immediately but neither of them had any sponge so the search continued into the night where I spotted

Some smoke off in the distance that ended up being a little island with some pretty mid loot so I just hopped back on my boat and left now I ended up looting an absolute bunch of these sea village things throughout the night because they were super super easy to find in

Darkness because they literally glow and I also came across this guy who was pretty annoying to deal with but once I dealt with him I went into his home and he had absolutely no loot but finally after having no luck for almost three days I opened a chest to find three

Sponge thank God so I began making my way back home arriving by Nightfall storing all my items away and heading to bed alrighty day 21 now you might be wondering hey poppers why do you need sponge and well I wanted to clear out the entire center of my base of all

Water and then have like flowers and grass and stuff in there instead because I think it’ll look really cool but I thought it’d make the entire process so much easier with sponge so I headed into The Nether to quickly dry it off and then made my way back down the mine to

Grab a bunch more Cobble broke it down to slabs and began work on more outlines for the base mainly just to make them a little bit bigger now by the time the new outlines were done it was dark so I headed to the bed and on the morning of

Day 22 I began moving all my items out from the center of the circle to an outer part because I’m gonna need the middle completely clear to actually clear out of water now after sorting everything out I spent the rest of the day fishing it was it was a pretty

Boring pretty uneventful day day 23 started out as a pretty miserable rainy day so I Enchanted my shovel and headed over to a nearby coral reef to grab as much sand as possible because it was going to help me clear out the water just a little bit faster after digging

Up sand for most of the day I began placing it all down all the way around the center circle to cut it off from the rest of the ocean then I just rinse and repeated this process of grabbing sand and placing it down all the way around

The circle until it was done but I did also realize that the the sand is multi-purpose okay because whatever sand I use here I can then pick up and smelt down into the glass will eventually line this full place but now eventually after days of tedious work of placing down

Sand the circle was done so I headed to bed and on Day 26 I made my way back down into the caves in search of some more diamonds because I wanted to take a break from anything to do with building and of course as soon as I got back down

Into the caves it was still as hellish as ever I mean just look at this it’s literally insane this place is basically a mob farm for Skelly zombies and don’t even get me started on how many creepers spawn down here it is ridiculous but after a while of running through mob

Infested caves and not finding really anything I decided to focus my efforts onto strip mining for diamonds instead because I’m sick of stopping every two seconds to fend off a literal Army of mobs and this ended up being a very very lucrative decision because I found a few

Veins of diamonds pretty quickly getting a decent amount from them so I returned to the surface crafted a full set of diamond armor and headed to bed on day 27 I awoke grabbing my golden helmet and hopped back into the nether to grab a bunch of Black Stone because I think I

Want to use that to outline the top of the base so after almost two iron picks later I think we had enough for now so I returned home and spent the rest of the day replacing some of the Cobble with Blackstone bricks and also made a floor

Under the water at the level that I want the center to actually go down to on the morning of day 28 I headed back over to the Hutt Island and grabbed all of the grass blocks from it to use in the center of the base once I returned back

Home I got to work on draining the center of the circle now initially I did use sponges but I realized very very quickly that they were extremely inefficient and taking way way too long so instead I opted for not using them and instead going the sand route because

It is much much faster but oh my God was this extremely tedious and boring now after three days straight of placing and breaking sand the center was finally empty and ready to be built in but oh my days do I hate hate draining water it is

So tedious so on day 32 I got to work on placing down all the grass and dirt in the middle but we didn’t have enough to fill it out but that’ll do for now so I made a bunch of furnaces and began smelting down as much sand as possible

To make into glass then whilst they were doing their thing I headed down to the sea village and traded some lappers with these scaly boys getting some prismarine loot boxes in return and decided to just trade half a stack with them getting a bunch of loot boxes and open them all to

Get some pretty cool sea stuff as well as some bottles of enchanting so that was definitely not bad after finishing up the trading with the oversized fish I went to the Nether and gathered a bunch of warped stems because wood was running low when I really want to make a mob

Farm so that we can actually max out our gear pretty quickly and for that I was going to need quite a lot of trap doors oh and also whilst I was in here I boofed an Enderman and got four pearls to drop from him that was actually

Insane and I didn’t know that you could get that many anyways after deforestating the deforestizing chopping down things in the nether I headed home and spent the night down the mine grabbing as much Cobble as I could get my hands on to build the mob farm tomorrow okay day 33 it’s mob farming

Time so I spent the day on working on building up this absolutely eyesore of a farm and had it finished by 9 I fall and then proceeded to spend the night farming out mobs for XP then as the sun was Rising on day 34 I had amassed enough XP to enchant two

Pieces of armor so I rebuilt the enchantment area and Enchanted my chest plate and Boots getting depth Strider on them which was actually pretty good considering you know water after enchanting I began digging up all the sand around the center circle and replaced it with a glass that wasn’t

Tedious repetitive or annoying at all but that’s all right because on the morning of day 35 it was all replaced and looking pretty nice however my shovel had seen better days after finishing the center well somewhat we still need the dirt I decided to grind

Out the mob farm for the rest of the day to stack up on XP now I did find a zombie villager that I wanted to capture and cure and I set up a trap with monster by ant but accidentally hit it and well needless to say we didn’t get

The Villager you’ll have your moments soon my boti friend don’t you worry after farming out some more that evening I used the XB to enchant a fishing rod and combine the other that I had together bankrupted myself and then spent the rest of the day fishing yet

Again in search of a mending book and also I took a few swings at the mob farm occasionally to stack up on a little bit more XP after fishing for a while I found a Neptune’s Bounty with a neptunium hoe in it to add some pretty cool abilities so that’s nice but didn’t

End up finding a mending book even after fishing all the way through the night well you win some you lose some so on Day 36 I headed out in search of another Island to grab the last bit of dirt from however pretty shortly after setting off

Out I spotted an iceberg and a tiny little ship so I headed over to loot it and got some pretty crappy stuff so I just continued on searching finding an island pretty shortly after digging up all the dirt and losing another crappy chest after the island was uh no more I

Made my way to a nearby small ship looted that for some pretty mid Loot and then looted an island behind it for some absolutely terrible loot I don’t know what happened over this side of the ocean they’re just there’s just no loot everything’s poor over here I don’t like

It so I headed home and placed down the rest of the dirt and now we’re only waiting on the grass to spread and whilst waiting for that I spent the night doing my new favorite pastime XP farming day 37 I Enchanted the last two pieces of armor getting some pretty nice

Rolls and then took my remaining lapis down to the sea village and traded for some more loot boxes because small brain like Minecraft gambling after trading all my lapis I realized that I actually wanted to use the prismarine for the outline of the base instead of the Blackstone and thought that lapis

Trading could be a pretty decent way of getting it so I cleared out my inventory and headed out to sea to start a new mine but instead I ended up getting distracted by the structures that I found that had some pretty Decked Out drowns in them so I slowly started

Taking one on finding a buried treasure map and getting some really crappy loot from floor one and also Floor 2 and also floor three you know what I’m done with you okay get better loot I’m not interested now I eventually did start a new mine and went in search of lapis and

Did end up finding quite a nice amount however decided to uh leave pretty soon after because I realized that this probably isn’t the fastest way to get prismarine but on the following days I took all of my lapis down to the sea village and traded it all to see how

Much prismarine I could get from the loot boxes once it was all gone I opened up the loot boxes is and I do think this is a pretty quick safe way to get it plus you know I want another pick and I only have one Diamond so I may as well

Go mine for some lapis and that’s exactly what I did I headed back down the mine and stayed down there for around two days going back to the Mob infested caves and dealing with the ever increasingly annoying guys down there and Mining up any lappies I’ve found

Along the way as well assembling across an amethyst geode but after a while of being down here I took my lapis back to the surface and did some more trading that was pretty tedious because these guys trade very very slow however I did end up with a bunch more loot boxes and

Opened them all up to get a whole bunch of prismarine also if you’re wondering why it’s opening super fast it’s not an auto clicker I just rebound my right click key on my mouse turkey on the keyboard and it just makes them open so much faster and just speeds up this

Entire process so so much now we did end up getting a pretty nice amount of prismarine especially if we break it all down into slabs we get a pretty decent amount and it should be enough to make some pretty good progress on the outline

I think so on day 42 I put that to the test and began going around making another outline once again having to make it bigger because it was just too small I told you the small base wouldn’t last so much for that idea this time around also I think with the color

Scheme I’m gonna go for for the inner part of the Outer Circle and probably the entire build is going to be smooth quartz uh and quartz bricks because they mix really well with prismarine and they look really good together and now I’m gonna be completely honest with you we

Had nowhere near enough prismarine so I just decided to say screw it and Enchanted an iron pick with efficiency 4 and headed down into the ocean to grab it from wherever I could find it because I’ll be damned if I have to go back to

Their minds now I mined up all of the villagers that I could find taking whatever little prisoner in bricks that they had and also finding some lappers along the way in some of the buildings also I swear to God if someone comments that there’s a super fast and easy way

Of getting prismarine without a guardian Farm or whatever uh thank you I really appreciate it but it’s a little bit late but you’re awesome uh thank you keep telling me how to make my life easier I greatly greatly appreciate it now after spending the night out in the ocean

Grabbing as much prismarine as I could possibly get my hands on on the morning of day 43 between the stuff that we’d mind and the stuff that we got from loot boxes we were pretty stacked so I continued work on the outline and well I’m not gonna lie this this circle was

So annoying to build for some reason I don’t know why I kept messing up the corners and just putting things in the wrong places and it just didn’t line up it was really annoying to build and it ended up just taking longer than I expected because I just had to basically

Rebuild the entire thing so uh bye bye day 44 I guess however once finished I replaced all the Blackstone in the Middle with prismarine bricks removed the disgusting Cobble Circle because like I said earlier it was just too small but once that was done things were

Looking a lot better so I headed to bed and on day 45 I thought that it was time to start making our eyes for the Ender Dragon and head out in search of the stronghold so that’s exactly what I did throwing our first eye and having it break straight off the bat absolutely

Great now I’m not actually gonna go straight to the dragon fight but I may as well explore the stronghold to see what loot it has down there also on my journey I found a small ship that I cleared out and got another Toto them so that’s very nice it’s really rare to

Ever see me carrying one of these things never mind too shortly after leaving the ship we had arrived where the eye told us to go so I made my way down to the stronghold almost immediately firing the portal and just having enough ice to light it now it’s looting time finding two

Diamonds shred off the bat as well as a room filled with zombies there was literally like a whole family in there and well you can’t kill one without killing them all I also found a small library with one enchanted book and a big library with a whole bunch of them

But after finding the libraries the stronghold was pretty dead so I headed back home and spotted this fossilized skeleton of a giant fish and just had to check it out it’s a good thing I did as well because there was a chest that was I guess pretty cool the loot wasn’t

Great but there it looked cool Once I arrived back home I sorted through all my Loot and tried getting a good efficiency enchant on my new pick but ended up getting everything but so instead I just swung at the mob farm all night until the morning when I tried

Again and still no luck so I just decided to put the efficiency 3 book on there and call it a day after dealing with the pick I grabbed a bunch of Bones and some masks and then started sprucing up the center of the area to you know

Actually have it look somewhat nice also I actually grabbed my first wood from like a real tree considering I haven’t seen one of them yet now I really do like the idea of having like a natural Center surrounded by the ocean it looks really cool but there’s still a lot of

Work to do on that and for the entire base for that matter but that’s okay because now it’s time to spend an insane amount of time grabbing quartz and after two days of grabbing a bunch of this really annoying material the smell is a bunch down and crafted some

Into bricks and on day 49 began work on filling in the Outer Circle now I did make some progress but realized that this was gonna need quite a bit more quartz than what I had but hey it was pretty good progress and I really like how it’s coming out oh also a Wandering

Trader spawned but had nothing good now once I ran out of quartz I headed to bed and on day 50 grabbed the sea lanterns that we got from the loot boxes and went around placing them all the way around the exterior of the circle to really

Make it pop out at night but we ended up not having enough to finish the whole thing however we were pretty close so I just spent the rest of the day moving all the storage and work areas down into the center of the circle to clear up the

Outer ring now on day 51 everything was moved and all that was left to do to clear up the outer ring was to remove the mob farm and well we’ll do that later for now I headed back to the Fortress and went in search of some Nether wart so that we can actually

Start cooking up some potions soon to help with boofing the dragon in my search I found a couple of mediocre chests before actually 5 finding it after securing all the Nether wart that I was going to need I headed back home and made a brewing stand along with a

Bunch of awkward potions and then started cooking them up into a respected needed potions for the fight except slow falling because I don’t actually have the Phantom membranes just yet so whilst waking up at night I actually went and grabbed some more quartz and did this

Through day 52 as well just to kill time but on the night of day 52 there was still no Phantom so it was back to quartz Mining and eventually did run into Phantoms on the night of day 53. in the morning I placed down all the quartz

I got from the previous day spent mining making some pretty good progress All Things Considered it’s literally just because quartz is really like annoying to gather especially without villagers it’s super annoying but I’d say it’s definitely worth it after running out of quads I went around adding some

Prismarine path outlines on each side of the circle before gearing up and enchanting a bow and then making our way back to the stronghold because it’s time for the dragon to go bye-bye arriving at the stronghold by Sunrise heading down popping my potions and heading in now

This time around I managed to hit the trailers pretty easily and accurately however the problem was the Dragon and I couldn’t hit it for some reason without a bow I don’t know why but it’s really weird and I also tried reloading everything and nothing fixed it so I

Guess it was bugged or something I really don’t know what happened this fight so after a while of impaling the Beast with arrows I buffed it real good and then got messed up by an Enderman before grabbing the XP and the Egg and heading into the outer Islands In Search

Of the elytra when I immediately spotted these flying things that seemed pretty chill as well as our first city but obviously it didn’t have a ship though I headed in dealt with the shulkers and got myself a little bit of loop before continuing on and about two minutes

Later stumbled across another city but this time it had a ship so we’re headed up dealt with the shulkers grabbed the loot and finally grabbed the elytra also for some reason I didn’t actually loot the city I think I forgot to but either way I made my way back to the mainland

And finally back home in record time that was really quick for me it usually takes about nine year in there trying to find the elytra so I sorted through all my loot added silk touch on one of my pickaxes that I looted and headed to bed

Day 58 it’s more lapis search in time because I need some more sea lanterns so we’re headed out to see one more time in the complete opposite direction from last time but realized that Montreal bayant was left over at the stronghold can we get an F in the comments for the

Best companion for a lonely man in the middle of the ocean you will be missed buddy I’ll never forget you so I headed out in my search for lappers and decided to just go through and take it from the villagers because I think I think that this is probably the fastest way of

Grabbing it because the villagers are almost guaranteed to have a house with it now whilst I was out stealing lappers I also grabbed a bunch of coral because I do plan on making a coral reef around my Center Hub because I think it’ll look really cool hidden away behind the glass

Anyways after join King lapis all night on the morning of day 59 I pulled over to the nearest sea village and spent a while trading up all the stacks I got for those sweet sweet loot boxes once acquired I headed back home getting stung by a jellyfish on the way but

That’s okay because loot or the serotonin hit from opening these things God it’s just so exciting to try and get sea lanterns now I did end up with more than enough to finish off placing the lanterns and then it was time to begin work on the coral Reef before it gets a

Little bit too far in this video so I went and grabbed every single block that I could craft down into a slab and began work on putting a floor all the way down underneath to where the coral reef is going to sit and yeah it will look

Terrible for a little bit but it’s gonna be covered with sand anyway so you won’t even know it’s there okay you won’t know the part of its wooden part of its netherracken and part of it Cobblestone okay it’ll just look like sand now I really quickly realized that Netherrack

Was going to be a big big Savior for this part of the build just because of how readily available it is and how quick it is to mine it mixes so well with a very limited amount of time now eventually after tearing through Netherrack and replacing it for a while

We were finally done with the first layer and it actually didn’t take too long partly down to how fast it is to gather Netherrack and partly down to depth Strider and respiration letting me move faster and breathe longer down there also I did do a little bit of

Training to grab a couple more sea lanterns that I could place down around the middle but uh once that and another rack was done I grabbed a bunch more sand as well as destroyed almost an entire coral reef before placing the sand down all the way around the sides

And all the way across the bottom to block everything in then use the quartz that I found whilst Gathering Netherrack to finish off the outer ring and now it’s finally time to do the fun and interesting part that I’ve actually been looking forward to for quite a while now

It’s time to add the coral that was actually pretty fun it was quite satisfying just throwing it down and hoping for the best and just throwing some weird shapes down there and well after a quick shade of change later things were done and I’m very very happy

With the reef now I’ve never built one of these things before so I am actually quite impressed with how it came out now I’ve changed the shaders from complementary reimagine to just to complementary shaders because I’ve got more like graphical things I can do with the water and make it look clearer so

We’re sticking with these ones from now on anyways now that all that’s built all that’s left is to build a little house thingy for myself and add some Stone arches or something around the Outer Circle and maybe even a big circle above the center but I don’t think we’re gonna

Have time for that in this video now on day 69 I spent a little bit of time thinking about how I wanted my home to look as well as exactly what I wanted to build it out of but we’re not doing anything with that right now because

It’s time for us to drop some really good enchants on a bow and my sword and then hopefully take on a big ship now I did try re-enchanting my sword a few times until I settled for an okay set event chance and then headed out in

Search of a ship to ball and Conquer after stumbling across and looting a couple of smaller ones not getting much other than a couple more gapples and ended up stumbling across another mid-sized ship that I went through and looted as well as blowing part of it up

With some TNT and also these ships are like the easiest ones to loot because I mean the guys don’t even move and they don’t really do much damage so I really do think that we can take on the big ones now oh yeah and this ship has some

Pretty good loot uh mainly being diamonds but then off in the distance was a pretty big ship not the biggest but bigger than any I’d taken on before so I set up a way to boof these guys and their captains somewhat safely and after beating on this guy for like two minutes

Straight he finally went down and I began trying to take out all the spawners and almost ended up popping a totem to this ninja creeper that just dropped down right next to me so that was a yeah that was a very nice surprise but just as things were starting to ease

Out and get a little bit easier this guy’s right down and starts hailing you with bullets tearing through my health now I did manage not to die and instead dealt with him but then it happened again and I barely escaped with half a heart so maybe I’m not ready to deal with

These ships yet I I don’t know now the logical thing to do here would be to go home and call it a day but we’re not doing that because I’m not going to be defeated by another one of these ships so I went through dealing with every one

Of these rap scallion land living salty bottle Scallywags um and uh yeah that I took over the ship but in all seriousness the ship had absolutely terrible loot it was not worth it it was just a it was just a bad decision overall so I decided to make

The good decision then just headed back home once I got back I made a bunch of TNT from the leftover gunpowder from the mob farm and then headed into The Nether dug down to a lower y level and began blowing up everything in search of some netherite that I actually found whilst

Digging out an area to place the TNT then after blowing it all up I found two more veins and a little bit more but that’s where my look ended because I found absolutely nothing after that but hey I’ll take the 10 that I already got

So I returned home to smelt it all down crafting a netherite pick and a chest plate alrighty day 71 I set a bunch of cobblestone off smelton and there’s said bye-bye to the eyesore of a mob farm because I no longer need the XP so I

Just spent the day tearing it down then on Day 72 I connected the Outer Circle to the inner circle with Bridges and then went around adding a bunch of sea lanterns I had left over all the way around the center of the bridges before then heading back into The Nether and to

The Fortress to start farming out with a skeleton because I think four beacons will really make this build pop also this Fortress was spawning these guys hella quick and with Luton 3 I managed to get the skulls pretty efficiently before heading back home grabbing some

Soul Sand and heading to the end to kill my two Withers and oh God was it was this Earth this is a very hard fight you know they really made me work for these uh these Stars once they were dealt with I returned home and made the beacons and

On day 73 started going back around the ocean Gathering up all the iron that I could find in villages and ships because this is a really quick way of stacking up on it now I did end up finding a pretty op ship with some iron blocks two

Gapples and one op gapple but realized I didn’t actually need an insane amount of iron just to build a few beacons so I headed back placed down my two beacons and then spotted some seagulls just chilling at my house and then spent the rest of the day marking out the area in

Which I actually want to build my house in and then over the coming days I spent a ton of time Gathering resources and building blocks that I was going to need to actually build the thing after Gathering everything I was gonna need I began work on building up the house now

I’ve never really done a house out of prismarine before or built really many things out of it so there were quite a few failed trial and error tests in a test build World until I eventually decided on the design that I’ve got right now now you can’t really see it

Too well because you know it’s a little bit of a close fit down there but after a while of building the house I think it came out looking pretty nice so I added some leaves walls and flowers around the outside and boom here it is the ocean

Hub and I think it came out looking really nice especially for like my first true prismarine build I hope you guys like this one it’s very clean and I am very very happy with it okay day 80. after finally finishing off the build of our house I grabbed some buckets and

Decided to go out in search of a pet or two to actually name after you guys because this has been quite a lonely time out here in the middle of the ocean because I haven’t really had any friends along the way and well there was

Montreal by ant but he got lost in the salty depths and was also inanimate anyways I went in search of probably the only type of friend I can get in this world a fish now I found a blobfish straight off the bat but I’m not gonna

Put someone’s name on a blobfish it just seems insulting so I’ve grabbed a couple of jellyfish and some tropical fish before getting stung by a jellyfish while trying to steal it as well as grabbing a nautilus and then headed out in search of some more kind of Exquisite

Fish like this here flying fish he’s pretty cool but not as cool as these two lobsters that I managed to stumble across and pick up once I took everything back home that night I made all the name tags and named all the fish on screen now and here are all the

People who got fishies named after you and what fish they got now I do plan on doing these sooner in the video so that you guys can be around a lot more but it’s just kind of hard in this one considering you know everything’s ocean but either way if you

Guys want to be a dog a frog or any other animal or mob then be sure to let me know by dropping a comment down below and uh hey who knows maybe you’ll be in the next video on day 81 I actually made my way back down the mine in search of

Some more diamonds because I needed to repair my armor and actually make myself some new boots considering that I’m wearing Iron right now and have been for the past few days so I began looking around caves and strip mining in search of something as well as picking up a

Bunch of iron along the way because I do still need it to make a load of blocks for the amount of beacons that I actually want after mining for about a day or so down here I actually ended up finding a pretty hefty amount of diamonds as well as a pretty nice amount

Of iron and Lapis too so I made my way back up top began smelting down my iron and headed to bed now day 83 I crafted a fresh set of diamond armor excluding a chest plate and then Enchanted them combining my old armor with the new to

Make even more OP armor after that I traded with this lovely fellow right here to get myself some Spruce and saplings why you may ask well I don’t really know I was just happy to see them I guess but anyways once again I headed out to sea to finally take on the big

Ship that’s been eluding me this entire time after sailing around for a little while the ship was finally in sight and this time it was going down so I made my way in dispatching all the land lovers inside before looting a chest with some diamonds that I didn’t really need but

I’ll take them now I’m not gonna lie this ship was extremely easy and the loot was really really not good it was a real disappointment so instead I decided to go and take on the drowned dungeon that I found earlier and Jesus this drown Lord guy was insanely tanky you

Just would not die I was literally here hitting him again and again and again for five minutes straight and got absolutely nowhere so I pulled the big brain Strat and basically emptied out the water around him made of flint and steel and had that do the work for me

That way I didn’t take any more damage from hitting him because I think he actually had Bones on his armor but clearly I didn’t think this through enough because I burnt all the wood around him allowing him to escape but did manage to trap him back in there and

Set him back on fire however when he actually died all of his loot went straight into the fire right underneath him yep I know I’m an absolute idiot and this was a complete waste of time however I did begin making my way further and further through the dungeon

Finding these very drippy boys and carefully making my way through picking up the chests and taking some pretty nasty hits in the process now eventually I did get to the chests and looted them but there was there was nothing down here there was literally not a single

Item in these chests I was stunned I was absolutely stunned so I just returned home and headed to bed and at 85 I I did some more lapis trading for some more loot boxes because indeed my gambling addiction has progressed then after grabbing the sacred loot boxes I

Returned to the nether grabbing a bunch more quartz and then digging out the connectors from around the Outer Circle to instead replace them with stairs because getting up and down from the center base is really not good and it’s way too slow and I can make it look so

Much better so I did and it surprisingly didn’t take too long and it was pretty easy to do especially with how good it came out looking now I’m really happy with it and also during the build I spotted this crab just chilling on the roof of my house so I thought I’d share

That with you but yeah the stairs came out good very nice much easier to get up and down now alrighty day 90 hits another time again to grab the last of the Wither Skully skulls for the last three beacons that ended up going even smoother than last time because for some

Reason this Fortress literally just throws these guys into you and especially with this sword they didn’t even stand a chance and the skulls did drop somewhat frequently so after Gathering the remaining skulls I headed back to the end and had to more brutally hard fights with these Withers before

Making and placing down on my beacons around the base and this is how far things have come I think it looks pretty nice on the morning of Day 94 I made some changes inside of the house to actually tidy things up a bit and give the enchantment table its own area and

Not just thrown down in the middle of the floor now I didn’t really have an idea of how I wanted this to come out and look but uh this will this will definitely do after I finished the enchanting area I made some fireworks other than Breaking onto my elytra and

Finally got a good view of the base before setting out in search of anything interesting because I still haven’t used these damn things and I got them a very long time ago now the ability to fly and just stop off and loot ships was a very

Welcome change I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner it just makes everything so much faster just dropping down losing up the island and flying away just as fast it’s so so much better now other than islands and the odd coral reef we didn’t really find much initially so I

Began heading home when I spotted this massive ship that I just had to take on so I stopped off at this little raft right here to gear up and headed over taking out the Skelly dolphin spawners and making my way inside dealing with these silverfish infested skellies but

To be fair went down pretty easily even if there were a whole bunch of them after dealing with the close range boys it was time to deal with the archers and oh boy these guys were tanky this time around all right they took Seven Arrows to boof they were they were pretty tanky

After spending the night taking pot shots at them and eventually deciding to go and clear them out with my sword that ended up being so much faster however I did almost pop a totem but gapple just too op after finishing off The Archers I had to deal with the captain who I’m not

Gonna lie he was pretty quick to deal with okay he just went down real quick and now it’s time to reap the rewards of this Behemoth of a ship that consisted of like six diamonds it was okay but for this stage of the game it wasn’t too

Insane but hey at least we have now taken on the biggest ship in the oceans I think I think I’ve not seen any bigger than this one and so with that Victory under my belt I headed home with my booty and started away and then lured some sea villagers over into my aquarium

Because well they just look cool and they’re useful and I don’t know I think they’ll make good pets oh also I broke down the nether portal and on day 96 I rebuilt it in the center of the house with the remaining prismarine I had now this isn’t the best portal I’ve ever

Made but it’s way way better than just sitting sitting in the middle of the room with wood for Corners all right it looks way better and plus it even had a cool floor pattern so I’m really happy without this impromptu portal came out it’s quite basic but also quite nice on

Day 97 realize something I don’t have any Villages like at all excluding the sea boys and well they don’t really do much it seems that everybody else who’s done this had their own literal Village worth of them by this stage and I’m not gonna lie I feel kind of left out and

It’s way too late to get any now so instead I decided to spend the rest of the day luring some of these faking positive Villages into my aquarium they don’t give me great trades each year mending book at least they can give me the enjoyment of seeing them in

Captivity forever being unable to escape my circular prison oh things are a little bit dark there but uh I’m just sad okay I’m sad I don’t have any real villagers I’ve got these things hey but who knows all right who knows maybe we can get some in 200 days maybe if you

Guys enjoy this video enough and we can get like 10 likes uh then I think I’ll think about doing 200 days and you know we can have some more mods and go on bigger Adventures sound good I get likes to validate my insecurities you get a video over me committing war crimes at

Sea against villagers yeah good trade anyway he’s back on track after securing my completely real villagers I checked up on the lobsters before heading to bed and on day 98 grabbed my pirate scepter that I got a while ago and Enchanted it a couple of times to get a really nice

Set of entrance then grab whatever TNT I had and went back to the nether to do a little bit more netherite searching that actually ended up going pretty well we’d be finding three chunks from the TNT alone and a further three pieces from just mining around that I then took home

And started smudging down whilst repairing my armor with some diamonds before making the Ingot and upgrading them and now I know it’s not a full set of netherite but I’ll take it and now finally on day 100 I sort it through my storage because it was a real mess and

If I do decide to do 200 days then I don’t want to come back to this absolute mess of a storage okay after dealing with the storage I said goodbye to the lobsters because I mean just look at them look how cute they are look at their little eyes they’re so adorable

And also a bit farewell to the roof crap because he’s just way too cool to leave out but there we go we’ve just survived 100 days in an ocean-only world and in the process turned this Barren Wasteland of the Salty Sea into a thriving base with both plant and sea life as always

Thank you all so much for watching I do greatly appreciate appreciate it and if you did enjoy the video at any point then please consider dropping a like and subscribing or checking out the playlist in the top right of the screen right now with a whole bunch of other 100 Days

Videos that I’ve done but anyways that’s it for me today stay safe till next time and I’ll see you all in the next video adios peeps also I promise not to leave it two months without video again okay I promise

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In An OCEAN ONLY World In Minecraft Hardcore!!’, was uploaded by IT’S POPPERS on 2022-12-13 00:34:44. It has garnered 465855 views and 13403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:40 or 3100 seconds.


Skin by ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Check out my socials Twitter: 2nd Channel –… Instagram: Ya_Boi_poppers Twitch: Business enquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🖥McProHosting – Use Code Poppers for 15% off! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This series is influenced by other Minecraft creators such as Luke TheNoteable and Wadzee.

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In this series I try my best to challenge myself survive 100 days in diffrent situations not I Survived 100 Days in Upside Down Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened or 100 Days – [Minecraft BADLANDS] or any other I survived 100 days in minecraft video but me surviving 100 days in an Ocean Only world in Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #hardcore #100days :))

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  • Noobs Go Wild in Minecraft Bedwars!

    Noobs Go Wild in Minecraft Bedwars! The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedwars Introduction Minecraft Bedwars is a popular multiplayer minigame that combines elements of strategy, teamwork, and fast-paced action. In this game mode, players must protect their bed while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a thrilling race against time and opponents to be the last team standing. Gameplay Mechanics In Bedwars, players start on individual islands with a bed that serves as their respawn point. The goal is to gather resources, upgrade gear, and eliminate rival teams. Teamwork is essential, as players must coordinate their efforts to defend their bed and… Read More

  • Blindfolded in Minecraft: Water Woes Unfold

    Blindfolded in Minecraft: Water Woes Unfold In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a poetic stream. No water in sight, a challenge so bold, If it’s seen, the game’s story will unfold. Hasyblock’s the name, crafting tales with a twist, In every video, excitement can’t be missed. From Instagram to YouTube, the journey unfolds, With donations and buzz, the community holds. Join the discord, the link is right there, For Minecraft adventures beyond compare. Shorts and memes, builds and more, In the world of Minecraft, we always explore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing,… Read More

  • 🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament – INSANE VOD Edit 🎮

    🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament - INSANE VOD Edit 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Most Average Minecraft Tournament Player Experience (VOD Edit)’, was uploaded by PizzaBuff on 2024-05-12 14:00:18. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:14 or 4514 seconds. Woop woop, MCT, woop woop, gonna P-V-P, woop woop, gonna be on stream, woop woop, please sub please! Check out/support my teammates RGBWolf, Blinci, and JamesGames! -TIMESTAMPS- 00:00 Start 2:51 Clockwork 11:24 Spleef 23:50 Footrace 32:02 BREAK 37:48 Capture the Flag 44:20 MECHA 57:41 Parkour 1:10:37 Colossal Combat #minecraft #tournament #pvp #gaming #videogame #live #livestream #vod Read More

  • KingBoozle’s Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!

    KingBoozle's Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!Video Information This video, titled ‘From The Most Useless Minecraft Item To The Most OP…’, was uploaded by KingBoozle on 2024-04-08 16:23:03. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:47 or 1187 seconds. Today, I tried the April fools potato update. This included a new place, biomes, items, new structures and a boss. Will I defeat him watch till the end. Tags: Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18… Read More

  • LukeCraft

    LukeCraftLukeCraft är en svensk Minecraft-server som ägs och drivs av lucastheb0i. Servern är en survival server och har funnits uppe sedan 3 september 2023, och vårat community växer mer och mer med tiden. Det är ett trevligt och hjälpsamt community av spelare som finns på servern. Om du har någon fråga eller fundering så kan du alltid kontakta mig här: [email protected] Read More

  • Purgatory SMP – SMP Modded – Whitelist

    Welcome to Purgatory! Purgatory is an ever-growing Vanilla++ server where you can join or create a town/village to live in. We use fabric for mods like Origins and other fun mods on our 1.20.2 server. Join our Discord server to apply and become part of our community of happy sinners! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting be like 🥵

    Because even Minecraft blocks move faster than your WiFi connection! Read More

  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

    Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan creates, like a masterful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. No pirated copies, only originals here, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel, is crystal clear. With daily videos, filled with fun and delight, Subscribe now, and join in the light. From funny MC moments, to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s content, is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And explore Minecraft, in a whole new light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

    Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition Minecraft Redstone Build Idea: Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! Are you looking for a unique and creative way to enhance your Minecraft builds? Look no further than the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! This innovative build idea utilizes a lectern and a book to open a door, adding a touch of magic to your creations. Subscribe to @Retro-Revival for more inspiring Minecraft tutorials! Door Opened with Lectern! With the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial, you can impress your friends and fellow Minecraft players by showcasing a door that opens with the simple interaction of a book on a lectern. This interactive feature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & Chill

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lofi & ChitChat Let’s Play Minecraft | SMP Quest Day: Stronghold Hunt & Secure | Cozy Chaos Crew’, was uploaded by Lofi Explorer’s Channel on 2024-05-26 06:08:38. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:15 or 14115 seconds. Come join me as I follow a few of the Minecraft Chill and Build SMP Crew to Find, Clear and Secure a Stronghold. Cozy Chaos Warning is at hand. Read More

  • Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!

    Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER TNT MEME 🤣😂#short #youtube #herobrinesmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-01 09:30:00. It has garnered 533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. VILLAGER TNT MEME minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft project a minecraft mod… Read More

  • Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #short

    Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art #short #minecraft #minecraftpixelart #pixelart #anime #short #shortvideo #sasuke’, was uploaded by Sukardi Yanto on 2024-04-29 06:36:56. It has garnered 2754 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Tag: minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixelart, pixel art minecraft, minecraft pixel, minecraft stitch pixel art, minecraft pixel art pikachu, minecraft pixel art tutorial, pixel art minecraft tutorial, how to make minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixel battle, heart minecraft, how to make pixel art in minecraft, minecraft mapart, minecraft pixel art tutorial heart, minecraft pixel art tutorial luigi, minecraft,… Read More

  • Dominate Minecraft with Switch’s Ultimate Mod!

    Dominate Minecraft with Switch's Ultimate Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Oldest Mod…’, was uploaded by Switch on 2024-06-11 21:00:28. It has garnered 1416 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Me and my friends (tried) to beat The Aether Dimension twitter: Switchery_ ign: Switchery People in the video @nezoshoki @reuwick @T2K_Smirky This video was heavily inspired by Kunai’s The Story Of Minecraft’s ERROR 422 / Rekrap2’s Minecraft Aether Speedrun (former) World Record / WelcominTV’s I Spent 100 Days in the SCARIEST MOD in Minecraft. Unlike ParrotX2 and his Lifesteal SMP Series or School SMP Series, MumboJumbo… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!”🏠🔥 #Gaming

    "Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!"🏠🔥 #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-16 20:17:53. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:19 or 16519 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More


    EPIC GAMER DESTROYS BloxFruit with GUNS LIVE! ?Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #12 2200 – 2350 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-28 18:58:43. It has garnered 258 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:56:55 or 17815 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥” #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Challenge OHIO😂 – Circus Pomni🎪 vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob🧽 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by TEXTIDER SHORTS on 2024-01-04 14:30:00. It has garnered 1139697 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. In this video I have to choose: Circus Pomni vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob x Grimace Shake vs Titan SpeakerMan, who will you choose? I make minecraft videos every day and the best support for me is like and subscribe))) #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #mrbeast #challenge Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?

    Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?Video Information This video, titled ‘who am i’, was uploaded by standard on 2024-03-31 18:25:48. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. sedatives this mode was easy to improve in ngl IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster… Read More

  • Shad’s Crazy Minecraft Transformation: SUKUNA!

    Shad's Crazy Minecraft Transformation: SUKUNA!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shad Becomes SUKUNA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-30 20:27:18. It has garnered 41502 views and 1052 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:46 or 1306 seconds. Today, Shad Becomes SUKUNA in Minecraft! ! Will Shad become the ultimate king of curses? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Nothing mc

    Nothing mcA network built in just 4 weeks! And yes, the anarchy is without anti-cheat 😀 its crossplay able so you can join with any devise :DD pls vote ;( Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This is a 1.20.1 and updating server focused on fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find a place here. Have a suggestion? We’re all ears! Key Features: Great Performance: Minimal lag with optimized vanilla+ modpack and top-notch server specs. Safezone-Borderlands System: Enjoy peace or bloodshed within our unique gameplay area. The Origins Mod: Explore custom origins and balance for a truly unique experience. Join our server at Read More

  • A FreeBuild minecraft server…

    A FreeBuild minecraft server...just another minecraft serverjust another mc server that you can contact mr john doemann from. he will always expect you here even though he lives outside of your life, watchout and lookout. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Dungeon Update Hype! 🌟

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Dungeon Update Hype! 🌟Looks like someone is really missing their dungeon-crawling adventures in Minecraft! Maybe Mojang will hear your plea and give us that much-needed update soon. In the meantime, keep crafting and exploring in the original game! Read More

  • Tree Trouble: Minecraft’s Timber Taboo #shorts

    Tree Trouble: Minecraft's Timber Taboo #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where trees stand tall, I can’t cut them down, it’s a challenge for all. But fear not, my friends, for I’ll find a way, To survive and thrive, in this game I play. With tools and tactics, I’ll mine and craft, Building my world, with a creative draft. Exploring caves, and battling mobs, In this blocky world, where the adventure never stops. So join me on this journey, as we explore and create, In Minecraft, where the possibilities are great. No tree cutting for me, but I’ll find my path, In this game of… Read More

  • Iron Golem Logic: Absolute Unit in Minecraft #lit #minecraft #memes

    Iron Golem Logic: Absolute Unit in Minecraft #lit #minecraft #memes Iron Golem logic be like: “I see a tiny zombie trying to attack the village, better go full Hulk mode and smash everything in sight just to be safe.” Read More

  • Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft

    Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Missclick Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft with Martinouxx in the hilarious video “J’ai missclick sur un interrupteur.” Dive into the realm of blocks, crafting, and exploration as you follow Martinouxx’s misadventures in this popular sandbox game. Missclick Mishaps In the video, Martinouxx encounters a humorous mishap when he accidentally triggers a switch in the game. Watch as chaos ensues and Martinouxx navigates through the consequences of his missclick. This relatable moment adds a touch of comedy to the gameplay, showcasing the unpredictable nature of Minecraft. Exploration… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Create – 1.Rész (Kezdődjön a Ház & Városépítés) – Stark LIVE’, was uploaded by Stark Panzer on 2024-03-24 22:43:14. It has garnered 53216 views and 1885 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:00 or 15480 seconds. » In this section, we look at a mod package that looks promising, which could even be the start of a new series. » Discord Server: » Instagram: » Tiktok: » Twitch: » Strong products: » Channel membership (for 1 month on dino icon chat :D): » Live support: (Read… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Troll Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Troll StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘chill minecraft stream’, was uploaded by GGFLUIS on 2024-03-17 15:03:54. It has garnered 97 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:13 or 15613 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!

    EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft 24/7 sever app #anime #music #phonk #bassboosted #bass #naruto #animeedit #minecraft’, was uploaded by UG EDITZ on 2024-05-09 12:57:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. your question minecraft video 1 (1.7%) mrbeast 1 (1.7%) news 1 (1.7%) not your type 1 (1.7%) notgamerfleet 1 (1.7%) pizza 1 … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!

    Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Withers Fights Ur-ghast. 2 Withers Vs Ur Ghast – Twilight Forest #minecraft’, was uploaded by MATTHEU GAMING on 2024-01-14 01:25:45. It has garnered 185 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers 😱

    Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 4 In Minepur Minecraft SMP! with @rio_gamer @Xashrein @vasu008 #minecraftlive #minecraftindia’, was uploaded by Katsura on 2024-03-06 18:10:52. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:17 or 13937 seconds. ✨Minepur SMP: Day 4 Thumbnail by @vasu008 ♥ Hello everyone, and welcome to Katsura’s channel! I bring you the best in entertaining gaming content right here. I stream games such as Valorant and have a great time playing with my friends. You’ll find thrilling gameplay, epic plays, and hilarious moments on my channel, all accompanied by my friends’… Read More

  • INSANE mash-up! Don’t DISTURB me 🔥 #shorts #YTshorts

    INSANE mash-up! Don't DISTURB me 🔥 #shorts #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t disturb me 😵(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-22 02:47:42. It has garnered 10132 views and 280 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Don’t disturb me 😵(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft#minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #mashup #trending #viral #gaming#viral #memes #youtube #suscribe #views #viral @breakgamerzz8064 Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Break Gamerzz… Read More