jahg1977 – jahg Plays Minecraft – 248 – The Darkness Below, Part 1

Video Information

Hello my name is jarg and welcome to another exciting installment of jog plays Minecraft and at the end of the previous I suppose this was full of awe now being awe of the lack of ore indeed because I have hacked it all apart with my fortune 3 amazing pickaxe of

Amazement and you can see the result right here endless and endless stacks of coal uh the Redstone was from the previous time so I’ve got these levels on the go right now I’ve got some spuds cooking oh there’s 30 levels amazing lots of Spuds cooking because I like

Potatoes but what I wanted to do was I wanted to try one more pickaxe why not why not I say so oh I’m going to need sticks in order to do that um a bit of that one of those and boink that’s what I want

And let’s go see what we get this time I’m hoping for a spare silk to get through there a spare silk touch pickaxe Boop and I got one Unbreaking three silk touch one not bad not bad at all now the question is oh down we go

Um what is my previous one the previous one is silk touch one and breaking three efficiency four so I assume I could combine those two in order to fix that interesting so I’ve got hmm okay well that’s good that’s good I’m going to keep this one on me I guess because of

That that’s fourteen two those are exclusive of each other this is that one so now I’ve got crazy numbers of of pickaxes as is pickaxe I I don’t know let’s put that aside let’s put that hmm well that’s got 14 3 on it well so was oh gosh decisions decisions

Let’s just keep those on me why not why not all right that’s a reasonable set of inventory uh I’ve got my many more spuds in here yep let’s grab them oops there we are lovely all right oh that’s right keys there we go 63 of them okay right now

Oh I don’t know where I think I’m going uh I want to do a bit of Mining and that means I want to make use or try and make use of this Ender Chest business now I should probably first of all I need to build another one and that

Requires uh one of these things it requires some of this a bit of obsidian there we are and aha bit of blaze powder all right first thing combine this with that to get one of those and then surround it with all of this business and we get

Excellent a spare and a chest which I can use my silk touch pickaxe to pick up each time without losing the Eye of Ender now in here I want to store things very useful things like wood for instance um because that’s a really useful resource

To have on me so I’m going to grab a stack of that and just plop that in there one stack should be fine got plenty of torches got plenty of wood now for the sticks and such um and to make chests and so on to drop off

As I’m mining with a cobble and such that I’m not going to need this I need to keep on my person I can keep um silk touched stuff there so of course it’s getting nighttime again all right so first of all let’s go see what there is to do in the mines

I think that’s probably the best starting point so oh gosh as I was digging down earlier I mean like episode five six seven eight whatever uh digging this mine we came across oh I hear slimes where where is that slime see in here hello it doesn’t sound like he’s in here

Um oh he is hello boof be gone stop your announcements there lovely all right anyway uh we found this spawner oh I see the Slime everywhere um oh well he’s a medium size and then we get some little ones big on big on what happens if I hit them with a

Fortune pick oh gosh well nothing because I can’t actually hit them oh oh good grief good grief there we are I suppose I get more for my trouble I got six I have no idea how many I would normally have got that’s a particularly useless experiment there oh wow there’s upness

Oh upness that goes nowhere it seems looks like this wooden part here is totally pointless is that right uh I am a little surprised that I have no torch up there though oh yes it’s empty anyway so no real harm done I suppose let’s get rid of this wood

Because that’s apparently what I do um okay this is one of the areas people said that I needed to clear stuff up the other was back behind penguinia oh there’s some coal up there and if I need more coal um behind well not behind penguini but

Uh well that’s the front of penguinia so it’s kind of over that way where the castle is um which is still not finished of course that’s the way this game works nothing’s ever finished um let’s just pick up all this tat and then up at the up

And maybe I will get this coal why not uh in fact oh now we’ve got trouble uh let’s do that why not uh because I want the silk touch so that I can be a bit more efficient with it which is the whole point of the ender chest and such there we go

Nom of course give me double drops that’s mcmo not uh feature of the pickaxe or the vanilla game nom nom no point using salt touch on things like iron ore because this is going to give it me anyway oh did not mean to do that oh well there’s more coal up there we

Um now now that I’ve got a second silk touch with Unbreaking I guess I could use silk to oh hello hello I guess I could use silk touch for grabbing things such as Stone um saves cooking it I guess is this lighting up in here there’s a lot of coal up there um

Possibly it’s light enough who knows who knows um this lot’s all lit up isn’t it ah this is the larger that’s right so this leads back around to know where I recognize or is it down here yes this is where I started out that’s right aha hmm

Um okay so I kind of know where I was now that I’m completely lost of course oh dear um even with the abandoned mine all lit up I’m still completely Bamboozled what’s up here do I even remember going up here no did I go up here I honestly don’t

Remember oh this coal I’m gonna get it nom nom um oh because I’m much too high for diamonds and such but coal is useful coal is very useful especially if I’m going to cook any more Stone and such for things for buildings um I do have a few additional buildings

In mind that I want to construct don’t give me that there we are so I guess there’s no harm collecting a bit of smooth Stone uh oh I hear I hear cave sound which is in a sense that’s good because I’m down here because partially because I want to light up unlit area

Because I think that might make that zombie spawner a little bit more efficient for that zombie trap I should say a little bit more whoops there comes some gravel um make it a bit more efficient and that’s going to be useful oh especially now that I’m getting into this enchantment malarkey

Give me the things thank you uh oh another one um give nom s anymore back there no oh there’s plenty here though give um okay I guess already I must have about a stack of coal or at least coal or um I’m gonna get up there though to get it

That’s the problem oh there we go Nom Nom and Nom okay that should do me it’s block torch why not uh in fact I’m up to 64 and a bit oh gosh actually two lots of 64 and a bit wow or maybe that was already no I don’t

Think I had any on me already wow insane amounts of coal already okay let’s get rid of this wood because I find these to be a little bit in the way in fact there are a lot of it in the way um looks like it might be still dark over there which is

Oh that Flint scared me then um okay see what’s down here oh I think that might be dark over there all right that’s not going to work come on come on there we are this go to that hello oh it is dark wow so so close to penguinia and still there’s

Like little areas like this of Darkness which is not good because any area of Darkness down here and things can be spawning all the time oh gosh all the time and I just fell in a random Hole uh do I know where I am yes no yes maybe uh

Oh my goodness so oh here we go all right right right right so I’m back out again okay um although I am one level down one level up from where I went in interesting um this oh yes this is the uh yes that’s right zombie spawners in

There oh I hear you guys I hear you splashing around in there um so I need to light up a bit more of this business I’m just gonna go down here again oh ow that was the wrong floor let’s try that again but this time the right floor I need to eat first

Uh this one here we go all right let’s see let’s do this in a bit more of a structured manner if we can so okay this is all sealed and lit so I think I’m going to fence It Off something like that just so I know that I’ve been there and

That that bit is done that might be sensible maybe possibly perhaps not uh but we’ll give it a go all right so there’s that that’s all oh it’s kind of weird um oh it seems to go on that way oh no that’s just a dead end all right so I

Can section that off as well we’ve got a torch right there since I’m doing a little whisk to make it dark there we are that gives two areas so over here this side just leads down to a nothingness so that I can section off as well where’s the dirt there we are

Lovely and this one links up to a whole set of additional business doesn’t it um now I was going was it this way I was going I have no idea I think I fell down from somewhere into this I have no idea where uh what’s this it looks kind of weird oh

Somebody’s obviously grabbed a ton of coal or something from there um oh gosh wow unexpected unexpected gravel in my face all right well that’s all sealed so uh I should probably seal this area off or this this one and move on to the next one now this

I don’t know what is down oh what’s down here ah a spawner a piece of rail interesting random bit of that okay um spawner hmm well I’m not going to do anything with that so I’m going to call this one a dead end uh in fact all of that bit there

Does this go anywhere yes all right um Okay so I don’t know how I’m gonna do this across there that’ll do and heartless all right so we’ll mark this bit as a get in there you know that bit is a dead end now I’m out of dirt so it’s going to be

A bit difficult to Mark as a dead end but there we go uh what’s down here oh I don’t know oh do I remember this no I do not remember this uh oh gosh and I can’t get out of it either whatever it is uh crafting bench hmm what is this

Where does this go random oh random room nothing up there and a completely dark tunnel it’s not like I was moving over gravel there but I wasn’t that was weird let’s get this out I feel a bit unsafe ah all right okay so I’m the other side of a very dark place

Right okay I don’t know at all where this is but oh um I was just looking at this was nice saying uh some things although I can’t remember those helpful um let’s see what we’ve got through here hello oh we have spiders there’s like a lot of spiders they sound like they’re above

Oh gosh I’m going to seal that up I don’t like spiders spiders are very mean to me okay I’m gonna go this way um oh did I see them then oh gosh they sound like they’re literally just above okay well I’m gonna get this coal first because that is something I recognize

And I can deal with uh Boop so I’m gonna grab the coal see you in a minute good morning now let’s go out here now I’ve cut out quite a significant egg uh amount of footage here because it was boring so um I have lit up all of the business

Under the mine or at least a significant amount of it um I was also out here lagging it would seem uh obviously it’s because of these chickens and the crazy number of cows which I should probably thin out a little bit um in here now if you come no okay it doesn’t

Um but when I was out here a minute ago chicken there was groans there were groans groans were to be had underneath the floor now let’s see if I can locate them again were they around here um well of course the Sheep are not helping now but uh

I think it was around here oh there they are groans I tell you sounds like it’s just below us so I think I’m going to dig down it’s a new day let’s see what we’re dealing with um oh I’ve got an inventory full of eggs so I should probably move those whoa hey

There um um I’m not sure that I want you down here sheep because the whoa ah there we go right so I found something what is this a ravine hello wow this looks like a deep cave if not a ravine um see if we can work our way oh iron uh

Work our way down here Norm oh I hear skellingtons I think um let’s pop down some torches and I guess surface the sound like they’re up here somewhere they can’t be it’s got to be in this whole whoa let’s not uh dive in there oh well okay that’s apparently put iron all

There whatever oh I hear zombie grounds zombie groans and that’s never good oh hello hello down there all right I don’t want to get shot off here I do have 17 levels from the uh such um I didn’t get many oars and so on from the underneath the lines I just lit

Everything up down there so that I can return at a later date and hopefully make a better job of oh I have cleared um I have lit up some of it what’s that lighting glitch over there well there is a green evil down there whoa and a

Skelling well this is going to be fun no hey down there I have a cow he’s not down this I should probably seal this up a little bit uh put account down there I don’t think so they need two spaces let’s try that wait did I

Head chicken and oh gosh oh gosh I’m trying to get rid of the uh the loose chickens as it were oh which is why I have some in my inventory let’s go down here again right so uh that one moo indeed uh the reason I’m trying to get rid of some of the

Loose chickens is because there were so many of them in the mines found found many many many chickens just loose down there uh which of course craziness craziness I say Hello whoa put all those pillows down there um not entirely sure how I’m going to do

This wait how far down am I can they get up here no um now they probably can see if they can Pathfinder oh no they can’t cause this uh two blocks there yes all right whoa hey there’s hey there oh this is dangerous ow um hey there

Oh I didn’t get a bow and arrow into it aha I’m amazing give me this iron whoa let me fall into a Hole uh let’s do that and that okay let’s get back out here and do that right bow and arrow this I can do I believe I have a bow

In the house so let’s go and deal with that first oh loose chickens you’re gone thank you oh eggs more eggs um okay right now uh I need have I got a bow in here I don’t think I have I think I put it in the um oh

Maps are still working good so those ones out there it’s marvelous now let’s see what have I got um I don’t have a bow in there and I don’t have a bow in there either well you know let’s just wait I don’t have any arrows either oh but I can make

Them aha I’m a genius oh gosh although I’m having trouble clicking good good now uh let’s do a bow I think this bit of that but the other yes of course it’s unenchanted oh I could put my levels of enchantment on it hmm what’s the benefit of that I’m not

So sure there is I guess I could get something good well let’s grab some arrows if I get an Infinity bow I won’t need any arrows ever again would be amazing I’m going to need more torches though give me more of this and whoopsie give me more of that there we

Are that’s ready for more torch making string away don’t need the feathers on me I guess I don’t really need these raw chickens either space for them yes Boop and the eggs marvelous all right so I’m ready to make more what are my columns what do you call those

Um pumpkin pie that’s what you call them pink right here we go now let’s get back out there what sort of time is it we’re doing okay I’ve got my bed yes not that I’m going to sleep in a cave but uh oh wait wait let’s put these 17 levels into

An enchantment on the bow I have no idea what levels give what with I don’t even really know what um the enchantments are for Bose but see if I can get one with 17 boink power two no idea what that means but let’s go with it hopefully it gives me more power

I know there’s power and punch and infinity um but I don’t know what the difference is between power and punch like a knockback I don’t know anyway uh where is it here it is right let’s get back to it maybe they’ve despawned and if I’m lucky I guess they

Could get up there now oh gosh I see green uh oh well here we go let’s see give me the boat oh wait I need to know him now oh wow there’s spiders oh good good oh and everyone goes undercover it’s just great oh can I get him boom archery scale

Um oh I see a skeleton down there as well uh can I get this guy no oh useless nonsense and boom you’re dead sir um whoa where’s that creep I want to get the creeper it’s a creeper that I’m afraid of uh Boop how about you I say I see more spiders

And such there’s spawners and whatnot down there wait that creeper just hid from me come back here creeper I know you’re there oh so it’s a zombie apparently oh wow pointless oh look at all the eyes I see eyes down there I think it’s your dead sir

And I can’t really see I should have taken the um night vision potion ah an idea I think I’m missing this guy I’m pretty rubbish with a bow I guess that’s why I’m doing this am I even shooting at anything I don’t know anymore oh yes I got something um

Uh what is the status of arrows fine whoa that’s rude you there stop um okay uh oh you’re stuck that’s good and now you’re not which is not so good um this this is good but of course I’m not getting any light down there and there’s a creeper

Can I get no I can’t shoot them to the right can you uh can I get him yes have at you hey there creepy um I don’t think I can get him oh wow zombies making it inappropriate oh I’m out of arrows out arrows oh dear um

Well okay I need to get a better way down and I need more arrows uh so I’ll seal that up and I will see you next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘jahg Plays Minecraft – 248 – The Darkness Below, Part 1’, was uploaded by jahg1977 on 2012-12-18 22:27:46. It has garnered 50 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:20 or 1640 seconds.

Hello! There’s fortune a-plenty in our hero’s inventory today, and then he heads off in search of darkness. Goal: Light up the darkness in the abandoned mine under Penguinia.

Links of Interest: Bukkit: http://www.bukkit.org/ mcMMO Pluign: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mcmmo/ RecipeManager Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/recipemanager/ Lockette Plugin: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-lockette-v1-4-9-beta-simple-chest-and-door-lock-no-databases-588-1597.4336/ FalseBook Plugin: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-falsebook-0-93-1alpha-craftbook-for-bukkit-85-ics-gates-minecarts-mc1-2-3-2066.7227/ Multiverse: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/edit-misc-tp-fun-multiverse-2-3-world-management-bukkitdev.3707/ SkylandsPlus: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/skylandsplus/files/22-v0-11-1/

Minecraft is an amazing game created by Mojang AB. jahg is an amazing person created by his parents.

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    24 HOURS IN VR MINECRAFT?! CRAZIEST SG SHORTS YET!Video Information This video, titled ‘PASE 24 HORAS EN MINECRAFT EN VR’, was uploaded by SG shorts on 2024-10-07 20:26:37. It has garnered 32105 views and 6732 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. BECOME PART OF MY COMMUNITY JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER TO TALK WITH THE REST OF USERS 🐁 https://discord.gg/esege MY TWITTER (HERE I POST INTERESTING THINGS) 🐦 https://x.com/AngelHDP_ #shorts #minecraft #humor #comedy #minecraft #friends #sad #sad Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft PVP Combat! Anime fans will LOVE this” 🎮 #gaming

    "Insane Minecraft PVP Combat! Anime fans will LOVE this" 🎮 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new combat 👍 #minecraft #gaming #pvp #anime #onepiece #mc #mcspeedrun’, was uploaded by ITsKalvin on 2024-09-22 07:10:21. It has garnered 2264 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft modpack minecraft modpacks better minecraft modpack minecraft modpack 2024 minecraft modpack launcher medieval minecraft modpack minecraft modpacks with quests hardest minecraft modpack best minecraft modpack minecraft modpack search minecraft modpacks reddit minecraft modpack server hosting how to make a minecraft modpack better minecraft modpack download minecraft modpack aged minecraft modpack all the mods 9 minecraft modpack automation minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Trailer Is a Disaster? John Campea Reacts!

    Minecraft Movie Trailer Is a Disaster? John Campea Reacts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie Drops First Trailer – It’s Terrible – The John Campea Show’, was uploaded by John Campea on 2024-09-04 19:32:41. It has garnered 33970 views and 1181 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:58 or 4978 seconds. Subscribe to The John Campea Show Podcast: Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4tNxvKxIIY8nKD9kU7nSiK Apple podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-john-campea-show-podcast/id1090600339 Please support the sponsors of today’s show by using the links below and using our promo code where applicable for bonus deals! Miracle Made | Miracle Made Sheets Go to https://www.TryMiracle.com/CAMPEA and use code CAMPEA to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and… Read More

  • ☀️Shaded SMP Survival – HUGE Update & World Expansion- NEW! Custom Fish & Gear- Weekly Challenges- Skills- Events- Optional PvP- NO Whitelist/Resets- 1.21- Java+Bedrock

    ☀️Shaded SMP Survival - HUGE Update & World Expansion- NEW! Custom Fish & Gear- Weekly Challenges- Skills- Events- Optional PvP- NO Whitelist/Resets- 1.21- Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: Join our Discord TikTok: Follow us on TikTok Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Welcome to Shaded! Join the ultimate SMP survival server that’s making waves in the Minecraft world in 2024! 🌍💥 Discover Exciting Features: 🐟 New Fishing Log: Explore our innovative Fishing Log feature with custom fish textures and rarity levels. 🦞 New Lobster Pots: Step into lobster fishing with your own lobster pots at /pond. ⚔️ New PvP Arena: Test your skills against other players in our PvP arena. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention: Build securely without interference. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, Shops, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Honesty time: Minecraft edition!

    Well, at least this meme is getting a solid 32 out of 10 in my book! Read More

  • Grind Time Galore: Tinker World SMP Fun!

    Grind Time Galore: Tinker World SMP Fun! In Tinker World SMP, the grind never stops, Building, crafting, exploring nonstop. Join the fun, watch the stream replay, Catch all the action, don’t delay. With Music Free Gaming, the vibes are chill, No drama, just good times, that’s the deal. Support the channel, show some love, Join the Discord, rise above. Follow the rules, keep it clean, Respect each other, be a team. No swearing, no politics, just fun, In Tinker World SMP, the adventure’s just begun. So much grinding, so much to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re all free. Join the journey, let your… Read More

  • “Blaze it with Laser Barrier! 🔥” #Minecraft #Meme

    "Blaze it with Laser Barrier! 🔥" #Minecraft #Meme I guess the laser barrier is no match for a determined chicken with a death wish! #MinecraftLogic Read More

  • Server Shenanigans: Part 2

    Server Shenanigans: Part 2 The Exciting World of Minecraft Server Games Exploring the vast universe of Minecraft server games can be an exhilarating experience for players of all ages. With endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered, it’s no wonder that Minecraft continues to captivate millions of gamers worldwide. Immersive Gameplay One of the key attractions of Minecraft server games is the immersive gameplay that allows players to unleash their creativity and build unique worlds from scratch. Whether constructing elaborate structures, embarking on thrilling quests, or engaging in epic battles, the possibilities are truly endless. Community Interaction Another highlight of Minecraft server… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Go Crazy! #MinecraftServer

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Go Crazy! #MinecraftServer Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like fleetbhai pagl ho gaye 🥺#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts, then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe on Minewind without any hassle. Explore unique gameplay features, engage in thrilling adventures, and unleash your creativity in a sandbox environment like no other. Experience the thrill of survival mode, conquer challenges in PvP battles, or simply relax and build your dream world. The possibilities are endless on Minewind server. Ready to dive into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Island Building Shenanigans

    Minecraft Island Building Shenanigans Ideias Simples de Construção na Ilha Cogumelos… 😂 Pt1 Pronto para explorar e construir na Ilha Cogumelos do Minecraft? Aqui estão algumas ideias simples para melhorar o seu mundo, ou pelo menos era essa a intenção! No entanto, as coisas saíram um pouco do controle no meio do caminho, resultando em algo surpreendente e divertido. Vamos conferir o resultado final! Construções Fáceis (com Surpresas!) As construções apresentadas neste vídeo são simples, mas com um toque de criatividade e surpresas. Desde casas pequenas até estruturas inusitadas, cada construção traz algo único e inesperado. A combinação de simplicidade e originalidade torna… Read More

  • 💰 EPIC Minecraft Survival #4! MUST WATCH 🔥

    💰 EPIC Minecraft Survival #4! MUST WATCH 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💵 Minecraft Survival #4 | mokix2dev 🔥💵’, was uploaded by mokix2dev on 2024-09-18 07:36:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:27 or 207 seconds. Siema! Dzis Nagrywamy Odcinek Minecraft Survival #4! wiec zachecam do Like Suba oraz Komentarza : ) ====TAGI==== minecraft skins minecraft movie minecraft za darmo minecraft launcher minecraft net minecraft film minecraft story mode minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft classic minecraft mods minecraft wiki minecraft premium minecraft skin editor minecraft download minecraft 1.20 download apk minecraft education minecraft java minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Endless Adventures with Tomoe Carmine in Minecraft

    Endless Adventures with Tomoe Carmine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT VSMP】Let’s explore the end!! :D’, was uploaded by Tomoe Carmine Ch. トモエ・カーマイン【kawaii】 on 2024-07-31 00:28:23. It has garnered 1319 views and 279 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:32 or 16652 seconds. i am hungy #vsmp Tip the ghostie!!! 👻🔥 https://streamlabs.com/tc_kawaii-ho4fo ‼️ Only if you can afford to ‼️ BECOME a CARGEIST! https://www.youtube.com/@TomoeCarmine?sub_confirmation=1 Check out my covers! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcx4GSETK77tYa7LtSl9vcLiA0wc06xz- ⚜•———-✦———-•⚜ 🚂【LINKS】☠️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tomoec_kawaii Marshmallow: https://marshmallow-qa.com/lyj9ua6soni9o3q Tomoe Carmine Acrylic Standee: https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5627943 Debut Merch: https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5541616 Debut Voice pack: https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5518828 ⚜•———-✦———-•⚜ 🚂【DA RULES】☠️ – Be kind! To each other and to me! Let’s keep the space cozy… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BATTLE: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in killing mobs #shorts #Minecraft #ytshorts’, was uploaded by RAFEDO YT on 2024-07-08 18:42:25. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Video made by:@rafedoyt8087 Minecraft gamerz Shorts proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon minecraft hardcore ytshorts SHORTSFEED Read More

  • Top secret bases revealed: Gronkh’s epic reaction!

    Top secret bases revealed: Gronkh's epic reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Die geheimsten Bases – Gronkh Reaction’, was uploaded by GronkhReacts on 2024-06-15 14:00:29. It has garnered 302565 views and 10168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:29 or 2609 seconds. 🎥 Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl6s6SttN0s Gronkh reacts to “I Built Minecraft’s Most Hidden Bases” by https://www.youtube.com/@TheRealCarvs ···························································· ·································· 📺 REACTION STREAMS every Sunday from 6 p.m.: https://www.twitch.tv/gronkh 🗄️ Watch the whole stream: https://gronkh.tv/streams/ ➡️ CHANNEL: @gronkh @GronkhTV @BestofGronkh @GronkhRPGs 🔗 SOCIAL & CO: http://gronkh.chat (Discord) https://gronkh.shop https://twitter.com/gronkh https://instagram.com/gronkh https://www.tiktok.com/@gronkh #gronkh #gronkhreaction #gronkhtv Read More


    <p>"🤑 FAST MONEY! <em>NEW</em> DUNGEON TYCOON TUTORIAL! 🤑"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE MONEY FAST on *NEW* DUNGEONS TYCOON SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC EP #2’, was uploaded by Julfish on 2024-09-26 23:50:29. It has garnered 1307 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:58 or 958 seconds. Minecraft Tycoon Dungeons Server IP: julfish.enchantedmc.net Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new OP Prison server! 🡆 julfish.enchantedmc.net 🌐My Discord Server 🡆 https://discord.io/julfish 🐦Julfish Twitter 🡆 twitter.com/julfishmc 💜Follow my Twitch for Guitar Hero streams! 🡆 twitch.tv/ julfish ​ EnchantedMC BEST OP Prison, Skyblock and Tycoon Server Information (Java… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Crushes Nintendo Games – Must See!

    Insane Gamer Crushes Nintendo Games - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘Multiple Nintendo games and brawlhalla Fortnite Minecraft and sonic playing w viewers join n sub pls’, was uploaded by Basically-ant on 2024-08-19 00:55:18. It has garnered 95 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:35 or 12215 seconds. we settled up multiple streams lol twitfh and youhoob Read More

  • Runtz Botnet vs FiveM Server | Best Prices & Quality 2024

    Runtz Botnet vs FiveM Server | Best Prices & Quality 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Runtz C2 VS FiveM Server | Runtz C2 | CHEAP PRICES | THE BEST BOTNET & C2 2024’, was uploaded by Runtz Botnet on 2024-09-10 03:01:38. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. telegram: t.me/runtzddos @tcpbossma ❌ TAGS, IGNORE! ❌ #ddos #fivem #botnet #minecraft #free booter #fivemhighlights #fivem #streamer #greekmafia #roleplay #slapped #booter #ipboot #ipstress #fivemdown #botnetdownfivem best botnet free booter meaning free booters 2022 free booter definition free booters that work free booter band freebooterz free booter download free booter test free booter… Read More

  • Unlock Mind-Blowing Minecraft Telepathy Now!

    Unlock Mind-Blowing Minecraft Telepathy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BLOCK TELEPATHY – 5’, was uploaded by DanielYT on 2024-08-02 19:00:36. It has garnered 460 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Trying to guess which block he’s guessing I’m guessing he’s guessing… EPIC MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f27kZ4Pe9ok by Jules Gaia Him: https://www.youtube.com/@coolboythenoble #minecraft #pvp #duels #training #coop #gaming #blocktelepathy #minigames #minecraftminigames #fun #comedy Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 1000 Days Minecraft Ep. 2 (Series)’, was uploaded by Mr. Anime on 2024-07-07 03:15:37. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:38 or 3158 seconds. i have 5 lives if i die 5 times before reaching day 1000 i delete the world and do whatever the most liked comment as punishment (each episode is 5 minecraft days) And im sry about the ending it ended early bc my phone died but literally right after my ohone die i slept in my bed and it reached day 10… Read More

  • Eggcraft SMP – Hermitcraft-like, whitelisted, simple voice chat

    Welcome to our Semi-Vanilla SMP Server! Join us for a mostly vanilla Minecraft experience with some fun tweaks to enhance gameplay. We support features like armor stand posing, mob heads, and optional voice chat. Feel free to join with a pure vanilla client. Why Join Us? Longevity & Fresh Seasons: With 5 years of history and currently in our 4th season, we offer a lasting and evolving experience. Seasons last 14-19 months, providing constantly fresh content. Friendly Community: Our diverse community of 40 members aged 16-25 creates a welcoming and lighthearted atmosphere. Community input shapes server decisions, ensuring everyone’s voice… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Ent Update Extravaganza!

    I guess you could say the Ent Update really branched out in Minecraft! Read More