Jeffy and Marvin Join Forces in Minecraft!

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Today I’m going to be starting a family in Minecraft guys check it out I have a little baby a Jeffy what’s his name his name is Baby Jeffy Junior one that’s a horrible name oh my gosh he’s so cute can I be his mommy what no Daisy I’m his

Mommy and his daddy Jeffy you can’t be both let me Reas him with you uh-uh Daisy go get your own baby this is my baby he’s my favorite oh my God what’s that smell is it you no Daddy I didn’t poop myself hold on a second oh my God

From baby Jeffy Jor look get out of here he no daddy why did you punch my baby because Jeffy he smell really bad but Daddy now he’s dead well now you don’t have to raise a kid anymore morvin that was so mean that was going to be my kid

Too well no more babies for Jeffy well Daddy it doesn’t really matter because I have a 100 more babies over there what oh my gosh there’s there so many Jeffy I have so many kids Jeffy how did you get this many kids well Daddy I pooped them

Out one by one e Jeffy that’s not even how it works daddy look here’s Jeffy Jr 2 Jeffy Jr 3 Jeffy Jr uh uh Chevy wait wa who whoa what Jeffy what is that in there is that a baby Marvin what the heck oh my gosh I see a baby Daisy too

This is so cool guys we have so many babies how you even going to take care of all of these babies I can see you may be taking care of like one or two but this is way too much well Daddy I’m the best father in the world unlike you

Jeffy you’ve never even had a kid well now I have a hundred of them well Jeffy are they just going to live out here in the cold um I don’t know maybe if they want to guys you can’t keep babies outside we have to build them a house

Ooh that’s a really good idea we should all build houses for our babies well you’re going to have to build a big big house cuz you got a lot of kids I only got one fine dad Dad I’ll make mine the biggest house ever and I’m going to

Build it right here all right well good luck with that I’m going to build the coolest house out of all you no my house is going to be better well guys we’ll just have to see which house is the best all right which material do I want to

Build my house out of all right I’m going to start by using this wood oh yeah and I’m going to make my house yellow what colors are you making your guys’ houses pink duh Jeffy it’s the best color ever it’s the worst color ever Danny what about you Jeffy you

Already know I’m making it red what oh my goodness Well mine’s going to be so much better because it’s yellow oh my God that’s the worst color ever no it’s not Daddy don’t say that take that back I will not he is using the same wood as

Me he’s cheating no I’m not this is pink wood not red well I wanted to use that color wood guys stop fighting we have like hundreds of babies to take care of Jeffy you have hundreds of babies to take care of I got one little baby cute

Marvin in there well Daddy at least my babies are cute your Marvin baby is ugly hey he is not ugly yes he is he has no hair on his head how does that even make sense he’s a he’s a baby that’s why all right guys I just finished the roof of

My house how is your builds coming along my house looks so sick what daddy this looks terrible what do you mean I don’t like it well I like it let me see daisies e this is even worse I don’t like it why do you not like it Jeffy

I’ve been working really hard on this why are the blocks gray they’re not gray it’s like pink that is not pink look you’re wearing pink and this is gray this is not gray Jeffy well it looks gray boring and old and stupid so my house is better at least my house

Doesn’t look like a school bus well Daisy I don’t know if you have eyes or not but I have a lot of kids so I was actually trying to build a school bus so huh whatever Jeffy all right well I think it’s time for me to move some of

My kids into my house hello Jeffy Juniors I’m just going to unset a couple of you everyone follow me daddy look at all my kids what are you doing get them away from my house why Daddy they want to come say hi to your grandpa I am not your grandpa everyone

Get away close my doors hey Daddy that’s me let us inside Jeffy are not welcome only Marvin’s oh whatever Daddy all right come here Jeffy everyone come inside Daddy I think they’re really liking my house well do you have anything for them to do in your house um

No it’s just a big box you need to put beds down you need to make like a toy room you need to make bedrooms Jeff need to do stuff that’s so much work though you’re just going to be staring at a dumb yellow wool all day all right fine

Daddy I’ll add some yellow beds how about that and if you don’t Jeffy if you do not make a room I will take all these kids away from you why because you’re not taking care of them daddy look I’m going to make bunk beds make sure you

Have toys too I’ll be back to check on your little house and done boom now I added a bunch of beds for all my little baby Jeffy to sleep in all right baby jeffy’s move go over there so I could build something real really cool and fun

Over here for you guys oh my God Jeffy I just placed furniture down what furniture I want to come see oh my God my baby Barber has the coolest room Daddy what are you talking about wao you eded like these shelf things and you eded a couch this is so awesome yeah

It’s a cool red couch I made a cool little bed set with this little furniture and these lanterns it looks so cool in here well Daddy I want to add Furniture to my house Jeff let’s go to your house and see what you added all right Daddy I’ll Follow You Jeffy it

Smells so bad oh my goodness Jeffy what happened I don’t know Daddy these poop piles weren’t here when I left oh my God Jeffy do have toilets bad jeffy’s bad Jeffy stop hitting your kids you’re all bad well Daddy they pooped in my house who does that Jeffy it’s your fault you

Didn’t build a bathroom for them well Daddy it’s because the house is new I didn’t get to yet well Jeffy you need to keep building why are you coming over to my house looking at what I’m doing when you can’t even figure out what you’re doing on this side because Daddy I

Thought my babies could hold in their poop but they clearly can’t whichever they have diapers on this doesn’t even make any sense ew what’s that smell guys Daisy my babies made a present for you and they want you to come over here wait really yeah check it out it’s a big pile

Of poop it smells so bad in here no it doesn’t it smells good it smells too bad I’m going back to my house wait what no Daisy come back Daisy can I come insidey and see what you’ve been working on yeah Jeffy look at it

Wo you added a pink couch a little bit of carpet it’s really dark in here yeah you need to add some light I haven’t got to it yet but wait guys you’re forgetting something in your house what what am I forgetting Jeffy the most important part your babies they’re

Literally sitting in a cage with jeffy’s right now oh my goodness you’re right I have to go see my baby me too all right I’m going to come as well and I’m going to collect some more of my Jeffy babies get out of my way you dumb Jeffy hey

Guys stop stepping on my babies come here baby Marvin you’re super super cute compared to all these other smelly Jeffy all right baby Jeffy I’m going to take like another 20 of you come here baby Marvin welcome to your new home oh yeah all right I think it’s time to start

Decorating the inside of my house but first things first I need to add a huge toilet all right let me just put this here and boom toilet all right little baby Jeffy this is the toilet so no more pooping on the floor and you know what

I’m going to add a couple more toilets around my house just in case it slips and they can’t hold it in ooh I think next I’m going to add this trampoline inside the house all right baby jeffy’s if you want me to add this trampoline

Then don’t move yay they want me to add it all right you just back up a little bit baby junior Jeffy number 58 you too number 74 all right here we go and boom now we have a trampoline wao I could jump so high baby jeffy’s you have to

Try this everyone go on top of the trampoline yay we’re having so much fun let’s go but I’m not going high enough I want to go higher ooh I just thought of a really good idea all right stay here baby jeffy’s all right let me just start

Making a staircase like this Jeffy what are you making nothing Daddy just mind your own business why would you just okay that makes no sense all right now we have a staircase going onto the roof all right time to go even higher so I could bounce super high on this

Trampoline all right now let’s just put a ladder going all the way up Jeffy why are you so high up that’s because I’m making a diving board into a trampoline Jeffy that’s not safe you can’t let kids do that well Daisy I’m not a kid so I’m

Going to jump Jeffy that’s so unsafe you can’t do that start counting me down Daisy I’m going to do it no Jeffy don’t do it 3 2 1 we yay I’m alive see Daisy I told you I would survive Jeffy that was so unsafe what if something happened to you who’s

Supposed to take care of your kids um uh I don’t know you could take care of them Jeffy you want to raise our kids together Wait no that’s not what I meant only if I die oh my gosh I’m going to bring over Daisy Junior and we can have

A play play dat wait what no no play dates I’m going to go get her hey did I hear a play dat wait what no daddy we’re not having a play date this is perfect Marvin Jr’s been he’s been getting bullied lately he needs to hang out with

Some friends his own age so I’m going to go get him no daddy no play dates oh my goodness oh well I guess I got to get the rest of these Jeffy so we can have one big play date this is so annoying come on baby Jeffy everyone come inside

There’s one 2 3 4 there’s so many Jeffy Daddy I need help what what do you need help with Jeffy I’m on my way I can’t control these Jeffy there’s too many of them come on baby Marvin let’s go over to jeffy’s house what are you talking

About I only see two Daddy come inside oh my God I can’t even get through the front door Jeffy this is too many kids what Daddy why’ you bring your baby Marvin over you said we were having a play date oh no Daisy’s here with her

Kid too all right baby Marvin be nice to The Jeffy and they’ll be nice to you okay what’s going on here Jeffy they’re they’re beating my kid in the corner yeah beat up Marvin oh yeah oh yeah baby leave my baby Alone um daddy where did baby Marvin go Jeffy your kids just

Killed my baby wait what hiy Daddy stop oh god oh no daddy that’s what you get for hitting the baby jeffy’s your kids just killed me you have murderers Jeffy this is so not safe for Daisy junr I’m taking her home wait no Daisy don’t

Leave me why Jeffy because I need you to help babysit all all of my baby Jeffy if you want me to babysit all of these kids I’m going to need some help you better go ask your daddy if he’ll help me all right fine Daisy St right here

Daddy daddy where are you I’m crying leave me alone get out of here um daddy why did you bring them here well Daddy they follow me everywhere they go they are my babies Jeffy if they don’t leave right now I’m going to start hitting all

Of them Daddy I would not do that Jeffy this this is too much why are you here well Daddy I need you to help babysit my kids oh heck no but Daddy don’t worry cuz you’re not going to be alone Daisy already said that she’ll help oh great I

Have another psychopath trying to help me no I’m not doing it Daddy you better do it or I’ll have all my jeffy’s attack you again no Jeffy no please I’ll do it I’ll do it no Jeffy Jeffy go go attack them well Daddy are you going to help

Babysit them or not fine Jeffy I’ll help babysit your kids yay all right everyone at my house yeah everyone get out everyone get out my house all right are you guys ready to start baby bitting all of my babies I’m not helping babysit unless we get rid of all of this poop

Cuz it smells horrible in here what but I like the poop smell my favorite Jeffy she’s right it smells oh God it smells so bad in here all right fine everyone just start getting rid of the poop all right sorry baby Jeffy I know you guys

Worked really hard on this oh God this is so mushy all right well now that all the poop’s gone what should we do next okay Jeffy you’re not going to be happy with this but I think we need to get rid of this trampoline wait what no Jeffy

This is very very dangerous for the kids if they jump and they hit their head then they’re goners well Daddy why do you think they’re all wearing helmets duh oh my God Jeffy you’re so dumb we need to get rid of them right now oh I’m sorry baby Jeffy no more trampoline our

New baby sitters are really mean Daddy all the baby Jeffy are really bored now what are they going to have to play with well Jeffy I’d rather them be bored playing on an unsaved trampoline a well Jeffy maybe we should get them some toys what are you normally play with h let me

See I know exactly what they’ll play with a here you go baby jeffy’s Jeffy no you can’t give kids TNT why Jeffy stop throwing TNT all there you go they explode and start placing it then everything’s going to get blown up daddy they’re loving it they’re having so much

Fun with it oh no time to place it oh gosh oh this is not good well at least they don’t have a lighter yeah that is true oh wait I think I gave them a lighter earlier on wait you gave them a lighter Jeffy well Daddy it was baby

Junior’s 73 birthday so I gave him a lighter to light up a birthday candle Jeffy that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life uhoh they’re lighting off the TNT Everybody Run oh go No Oh Daddy this isn’t fair all of my baby Jeffy just died well Jeffy it’s all your fault no Daddy it’s your fault you gave the TNT Jeffy you legit just threw it all over the place and they place it sit down and blew it up it was Daisy’s

Fault was not my fault and your kids killed my only daughter a now I only have baby junior number 72 number 12 and number seven at least all of them didn’t die Daddy I’m Miss wait what dang it Daddy there goes number seven he just

Died in front of me well Jeffy now you only have two kids that’s more manageable right no D I don’t want these kids Jeffy you can’t do that don’t wa for me Jeffy why did you just kill your only kids left because I don’t want any

Kids anymore I just want to be left alone well Daddy now that my house is blown up I’m just going to go live in yours Noy come back here bye daddy bye Daisy you’re not allowed of my house yes I am Daddy no I’m locking these doors let’s go now I’m in the

Marvin house take a poop in your bed if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye guys why am I a bunny rabbit in Minecraft Jeffy that’s because we’re the amazing digital circus characters oh my God guys

What even is the digital amazing circus Daddy it’s a circus that’s digital and there’s a bunch of amazing characters in it what character am I you have to look at yourself oh God what is this daddy his name is Kane he’s the game maker why does he have eyes in his mouth because

That’s how he wanted to look yeah Daddy and guess what Daisy is pomy yeah pomy is the coolest character hey I think Jax is the coolest character no pomy is the coolest character no I’m way cooler I’m a big bunny rabbit oh yeah I think I look the coolest even though I’m weird

Daddy you’re literally a mouth with floating teeth you’re definitely not the coolest one here Jiffy I got magic wait what really no I don’t but I’m assuming this character does in the actual digital circus yeah Daddy I think you’re right wait a minute guys what is that

Over there what is that check it out it’s a baby Jack oh my gosh he’s so cute I wish there was a baby pomy well uh pomy SL Daisy there’s one over there oh my gosh look at her wo guys it looks like we all have

Babies well I don’t have a baby yes you do daddy look all the way down there oh no I don’t want another kid yay daddy does that mean I have a brother I guess let’s go well guys how are we supposed to take care of these kids we have to

Build them a house and keep them company ooh I could build an amazing house for my baby Jack I bet I could build a better house than all of you Jeffy you cannot build a better house than us daddy I’m going to be the best daddy in

The world definitely a better daddy than you do you even know what kind of house a baby Jack would like H let me think well we’re both bunny rabbits so obviously a carrot house oh my God that’s a crazy house that’s going to be too easy for you to build well Daddy

What house are you going to build for your baby Kane I don’t know know I think I’m going to build one big mouth wait what a big mouth with eyes in it oh god well what about you Daisy what house are you going to build I’m going to build a

Giant circus tent wo that sounds awesome yeah it’s going to be so cool but I have to get building so you guys go take care of your babies yeah you’re right my carrot house is going to take forever I don’t even know I’m going to build my

Big mouth come on guys let’s start building all right baby Jack you just sit right here and watch your daddy go to work I’m going to make us the best house ever all right I’m going to start by picking out the blocks that I want let’s see ooh we definitely need some

Orange so we can make it look like a carrot all right let’s just start by making the front do a little bit of this all right I’m just going to put the doors right there oh yeah this is already looking like a big carrot maybe

Right here we’ll put a window now I just got to get some glass all right stick some glass right there oh yeah this is really looking like a carrot and I want to make it so it’s halfway into the floor ooh it would be cool to make a

Basement that’s the rested the carrot I’m a genius wa daddy your mouth is starting to actually look like a mouth I know Jeffy but I have to figure out how to put eyeballs floating in the middle yeah that’s going to be super difficult how’s your car coming out Daddy it’s

Obviously coming out amazing cuz I’m the best builder in Minecraft let me see your carrot oh yeah what even is this Daddy it’s a carrot that’s going into the floor but it’s not done yet it doesn’t look like a carrot well it’s because it’s not done Daddy Why does it

Have like a cyclops eye wait what no that’s just supposed to be a cool window weird window where do you even go Daddy I’m not done I’m still doing the back see look oh okay then you got to put like the little green lettuce part on

Top exactly Daddy I have it all planned out don’t worry okay okay I’m going to go back and finish my house all right daddy sounds good come on I’m almost done with these walls just a little a little bit more boom there we go I think all the walls on the carrot are

Completed I think it’s time to go check in on Daisy’s house oh Daisy what’s up Jeffy waa this is actually looking like a circus I told you I was going to build the best house H I think this baby pomy might actually like to live in this

Circus but wait there’s no inside I haven’t got there yet I’m still working on the roof yeah you have a big hole in your circus wait Daisy I a question is there going to be any elephants in the circus no but there might be some giraffes gffs I love gffs Yeah Jeffy I

Love Jeter raaps too really wait Daisy have you ever seen a Jeter raap in real life yeah like three times at the zoo no way I have never seen a Jeter RA in my entire life so can you please put a Jeter in here so I could pet it of

Course Jeffy I’ll get one as soon as I can yay you’re the best Daisy all right I’m going to go continue working on my carrot house I’ll see you later bye all right time to continue working on this carrot house I think I’m going to give

It some more detail and put some of these blocks in it oh yeah I need to make sure my house has the most detail we’re going to put some more sand over here ooh maybe in that back put a bunch of this orange sand this is coming out

Amazing now I think it’s time to add the green stem on top all right let’s just start by placing that a bunch of this we’re just going to go all the way up and then maybe out to the right all right there’s one stem maybe we’ll put

One in the front right here ooh we should definitely put one coming out this way this is going to look so good when it’s done I think this looks amazing but maybe at the top we put the lighter Green Oh yeah this is going to make it look sick Boom the stem is

Completed hey Daddy come over here check out this stem I just added to my carrot house wa Jeffy it’s actually starting to look like a carrot I know I told you you just need to trust in me I think what you need to do now is ADD baby carrots

All the way around wait what baby carrots yeah make like you’re actually in like a carrot patch but Daddy I don’t even know how to do that well don’t we have carrots in the game wait daddy like this I mean you could do that too yeah

Does that look like a carrot yeah it does now you got to add like the little green thing on top all right Daddy I could do that I’m going to add a bunch of these then yeah that looks so good all right daddy you’re going to see the

Best carrot patch when you come back better all right we just need to make a couple more carrots let’s just do another one over here make the stem real quick maybe we’ll go this way with the stem oh yeah now this is looking like a carrot patch oh wait maybe I should add

A different layer of grass so it kind of makes it like the carrots in the ground all right just going to place some more grass maybe we’ll do some of this oh yeah this carrot is looking good ooh and maybe we should actually place Place some real carrots let me just get this

Hoe real quick wait before I place down all these carrots I need to place down these water buckets we need them everywhere this will help fertilize all the carrots all right time to go crazy I’m hoing the floor oh yeah wo Jeffy what are you doing over there oh I’m

Just hoing the floor so I could place down some more carrots you know carrots are like green beans right wait what how is a carrot like a green bean they’re both vegetables wait what I didn’t know that I thought this was a fruit no Jeffy carrots aren’t

Fruit but you can put them in cake oh you’re right I love carrot cake all right I’m just going to pretend that I’m placing down a bunch of cakes then all right Jeffy you have fun doing that but I got to go find a Jeter Raff yeah you

Better find that Jeter Raff cuz I want to pet it all right let’s just put down a bunch of these carrots oh yeah we need a lot of carrots I mean I am making a carrot house so this only makes sense oh god what happened to all this land up

Here I need to add more water in here so it doesn’t go back to regular dirt all right just place this everywhere we need more carrots all right I think that’s enough dang it they look terrible though wait that’s because they’re still growing but guess what I have a hack

Time to use some bone meal oh yeah wait what why are they pooping out more carrots all right I just need to do it enough so you can see that it’s an actual carrot oh God this going to take for forever Daddy what I need help growing these carrots why because I

Don’t want to sit here with the bone meal that’s not my problem can you come help me oh my God I was just about to place a TV down wait a TV yeah are you adding a TV inside your house for your baby of course I am I’m making the

Bedroom oh my goodness you actually want my help no Daddy I don’t want your help all fine then don’t ask me again I’ll just do the front and then by the time I’m done with the inside of the house all of these carrots should be fully

Grown I’ll just do a little bit more just to give him some help come on baby carot you can do it all right I think that’s enough for the bone meal for right now it’s time to get working on the inside of my carrot house oh God

It’s really dark in here all right first off let’s just do the floor with a bunch of orange concrete all right a little bit more and we’ll add some sand in here I need to make sure there’s a lot of detail in this house but I need a torch

Cuz I can’t see anything ah torch all right where should I add a second floor oh I know maybe by the window all right we’ll just do this H how should I go up and down maybe I could add a staircase let’s just search upstairs ooh there’s

An orange wood staircase this is perfect yes this is going to work and now we have a staircase going up and down I think this top room should be the room for all baby Jacks so let’s start by getting a bed H which color bed should I

Get them ooh maybe a purple one since you know I’m kind of purple oh yeah that looks amazing wo look at all of this furniture I could add let’s see what else ooh I should add some of these bedside cabinets all right that looks good what about this thing ooh that

Looks really good too it’s got a little plant in it I think baby Jack is really going to like that maybe we should get a TV oh yeah that TV looks amazing right there what do we put on the wall right here though H let’s search for something

Really good that baby Jax is going to love o I have an idea all right let me just get this golden carrot check it out I’m going to put a bunch of item frames here with golden carrots boom check it out it’s a wall of golden carrots that

Is super awesome all right let’s see what else we could add let’s just go back to the furniture area oh my goodness there’s so much ooh what if we add a purple couch this is a perfect area for a couch let’s see what lights we could add it’s a little too dark in

This room still wo look at all these different colored lamps all right of course we need to add purple colored lamps turn those bad boys on this room is coming out amazing o we should add this ceiling fan put it right there let’s put the light switch to it right

Here wait how do you connect it yes I did it the ceiling fan is turning on that was nice and cool in here all right is there anything else I could add oo I should add these blinds over the window so if my baby doesn’t want to look at

The other poopy houses next to me he could just shut the blinds like that je me I heard that you didn’t hear anything Daddy not being mean anyways I think for One Last Detail I should add a little bit of carpet on the floor oh yeah I

Think this room is completed wait I still have this wall though H maybe I can put a painting on it all right let’s see what paintings we got what that’s so big what the heck all right wait hold on all right these are a better size I want

A cool one though ooh the creeper I like that one all right now I think this room is officially completed so let’s move downstairs what should this area be ooh maybe I should add a kitchen right here all right let’s get a bunch of kitchen stuff obviously we’re going to need a

Fridge ooh I should get an oven wo there’s a toaster oh my goodness there’s so many things I could add wait I need to get a sink there’s so many different color sinks all right where’s the purple one all right how am I going to lay this

Out now we’ll put the fridge right there maybe we’ll put the oven there and then the sink right there wait a minute this doesn’t look good sink there the counter and then the oven oh yeah now I can add the toaster let’s go ooh and I can put a

Blender there too and I also have this trash can maybe we’ll put it in this corner I think this kitchen is looking really good but I think we should add a couple more windows like maybe right there yes that looks amazing maybe we’ll do another one on this side oh God I’m

Breaking the house and let’s also add these blinds onto the windows H maybe we should put a carpet here as well and I have this purple door mat oh I can enter a message what should I have in the message hop on in oh my goodness this looked amazing all right let’s add

Another one here Perfect all right now maybe we should add a mailbox here just in case we get some mail o we need to add a doorbell as well let’s just make sure it works all right what else can I add outside ooh maybe I can make a

Little Stone pathway oh yeah this is perfect now you can walk to my daddy’s house and then we’ll make one going this way so then we can say hi to Daisy I think it’s time to go check in on my daddy’s build and Daisy’s builds Oh

Daddy what have you been working on over here waa Jeffy you just called me at a good time I just finished wait what you’re done yeah I’m just putting a door in oh my goodness daddy this kitchen is huge JY I had so much space to build

With so I just had to I just had to go crazy but Daddy it’s a little dark over here don’t you think no we’re outside yeah I guess and wao daddy these eyeballs look exactly like yours wait a minute you can go inside the rooms are

In the eyeballs oh my goodness this is awesome I got to move my baby in here wait you can keep going higher oh my goodness go on top of the mouth wait what is this oh some storage in the Hat it’s like a little secret space wow

Daddy I want to go into the other room all right let me go up here wao this is a toilet this is the pooper uh-oh Daddy what I forgot to add a toilet to my house oh my God Jeffy where’s your kid going to go poopy I don’t know there’s

No bathroom all right I need to steal this uh I’ll steal that mirror maybe the shower Jeffy stop it I got to add it to my house Daddy I’m sorry how’ you not think about making a bath H is there any space to add a shower and a toilet oh

Gosh there’s no space in my house what am I going to do o I have a perfect idea I’ll just make a little house right in the corner where my baby Jack can take a little poop in I don’t want them pooping inside anyways that’s disgusting all

Right we’ll just build it all the way up boom maybe I should use actual oak wood as well yes this is going to look amazing all right let me just add this roof we’ll go all the way over over here and then we’ll do the same thing on this

Side let me just take this out make that as the floor put a stone path going all the way there connect it to this Stone path oh yeah this is coming out really good all right now to actually put something inside it is super dark in

Here so we need some light all right we’ll put the shower there and then we’ll put the toilet right there and there’s no room for a sink so this is all we’re going to be able to do and I think the toilet room is done it came

Out so amazing Jeffy what Daddy what do you want I want you to give me a tour of your house oh fine Daddy but hold on I need to move my baby inside okay I can help you hello baby Jack are you ready to see your new house all right follow

Me all right daddy you can follow me check it out this is the kitchen area oo you got a toaster a blender wait wait what what happened why are you running hi Dy did he not like my house I think we had to close the door oh yeah Daddy

You’re right we got to trap him inside come here baby Jack okay he’s going oh no he’s lost where is he he’s out here is he eating carrots oh yeah he is come on ja come inside all right like I was saying this is your kitchen you have a

Toaster a blender even an oven this is really really nice and now time for the best part come upstairs wo oh yeah this is Jax’s new room oh Jax what Daddy does he not want to see his new room what is wrong with him I think he says it’s trash and

That’s why he’s standing on top of a trash can bad Jack’s bad stop it Jeffy but daddy he’s in timeout because he’s not listening to his father okay fine you do what you got to do but I want to look at this room again this room is so

Cool I know it is Daddy and check it out this actually makes the fan go on and off I should have added a fan this is so cool I know Daddy I like the golden carrots too yeah Jax will love those those are his favorite man I want to

Stay here I think I’m going to sleep here this might be the best best room ever in Minecraft okay I think mine is pretty cool cuz it’s in an eyeball Daddy I don’t think so yours was terrible what do you mean it was terrible guys stop

Arguing we all know that my house is the best house here wait what Daisy no it’s not come on Daddy Let’s go see Daisy’s house let’s go wait tell Jack to stay here Jack you stay right here all right Daisy let’s check out what you’ve been

Working on uh baby Jack is following you wait what all right fine Jax will come with us everyone come inside so you can see what a real house looks like all right all right let’s see what a real house looks like wo this is pretty spacious and there’s

More rooms and then the bathroom is back here wow you actually have a bathroom inside your house yeah and a bathtub wow you have a bathtub and it’s filled up oh yeah there’s a lot of fun oh yeah wow I think this might be the best bathroom

Yet where does this go I don’t know at least there our bedroom oh W it’s baby pomy oh my goodness she has lights on this is so cool this is like a real circus but wait a minute Daisy did you get a GFF I’m sorry Jeffy but when I got

A GFF it attacked baby pomy so I couldn’t keep it inside wait what so you lied to me and you didn’t get a g I didn’t lie I got one but it was way too dangerous oh yeah Daisy well this is what I think about your house that no

Jeffy stop take that no G why you going out of control there no gor and no circus this is not even the circus it’s your house Jeffy stop come on baby ja let’s go back to our carrot house Jeff I can’t believe you just did that come on

Baby Jack hurry up oh my goodness I can’t believe Daisy lied to me she said she was going to get a GFF and then she didn’t wait Jax do you think what I did was wrong wait you thought it was right yeah if there’s no Jeter ra then there’s

No circus that’s exactly what I’m saying see this is why you’re the best son ever because you just agree with everything I say wait what’s that Jack you think I’m the best daddy in the whole entire world yeah me too I’m so good at this job hey

Who’s at my doorbell Jeffy it’s me oh God it’s Daisy I can’t get to the door right now I’m taking a poop you don’t even have a bathroom inside dang it how’d she know that um Daisy what do you want from us um I want to show you a magic trick a

Magic trick but Daisy I don’t want to see a magic trick how about you just walk over back to your circus and go do it for your fake giraff fine Jeffy I’ll just do this magic trick without you all right sounds good see you later Daisy W

That was a close one thank God we got rid of Daisy wait what oh my goodness what happened hey Daisy why’ you explode my carrot house that wasn’t me that was your dad wait what daddy why would you do this it wasn’t me well it was one of you because

Me and baby Jax were in his room and then all of a sudden my carrot house exploded well Jeffy look where I am look where pomy is Daisy she’s a psychopath she blew it up I saw her do it yeah it was definitely you Daisy Jeffy I would

Never put your baby in danger yeah I guess you’re right Daisy does anyone have TNT around here because I got to take care of business hey go Jeffy I have some oh thanks so much Daisy all right Daddy are you ready for my revenge wait why because you blew up my house

Hey Jeffy no no no Jeffy stop it ooh look at this nice dark kitchen going to blow this up hey your kid’s following you put that there daddy I don’t care he’s helped me place down TNT I’m breaking it I’m breaking it all right let’s blow up this eyeball no time for

The next eyeball oh gosh you blew my kid up this is so much fun where’s your kid come here Daddy it’s like 4th of July it’s a bunch of fireworks well your kid’s gone he died wait what you just killed my kid you blew my kid up well Daddy it’s not

My fault he was next to the TNT you placed it on his head did I I saw you do it well Daddy this is what you get for blowing up my carrot cake huh I didn’t blow up your carrot cake oh my gosh Jeffy you’re so silly I was the one who

Blew up your carrot Kake but only because you destroyed my house wait what you lied to me this is the second time you lied to me I didn’t lie to you I was just playing a prank was the prank to blow up up my whole entire house I

Didn’t blew up all of it well you blew up most of it and I don’t want to rebuild it well your daddy killed your kid yeah that is true that’s only because you blew up my kid well Daddy it was an accident the TNT slipped Jeffy you know whose house is still standing

Who Daisy you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go over there and blow it up yeah me too no come on no no no no no this is what you get daisies say goodbye to your circus I had to protect my baby I’m going where is she where’s the baby

At light it up down ready oh yeah take that oh gosh wow what a finale to the circus I love this sharkish yeah I want to see it again well at least my baby survived oh yeah well not for long let me just get a diamond sword no Jeffy no

Yeah Jeffy yeah baby PNE no now we all don’t have babies see look what you did Daisy this is not my fault if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now subscribe waa guys check it out we’re superheroes oh my God Jeffy I think

You’re the Green Lantern I’m a Green Lantern Daddy I think you’re Iron Man no way this is so cool wait Daisy what are you supposed to be I’m Shazam wa Shazam looks super awesome wait do you have any superpowers Daisy I can run really fast

And I can jump high oh and I can fly oh my goodness wait can I fly daddy check it out I’m flying wait I don’t think I can do anything daddy oh I can run fast okay oh my God I can fly wa I also have some

Like cool weapons wait what is that I don’t know but I don’t want to use it I’m afraid it’s going to explode daddy use it you’re a superhero okay wow daddy you just destroyed the map I told you it would destroy stuff oh oh my goodness now we

Got to build this back in I was of a flamethrower what Daddy put that thing away oh no I did it again all right Daddy no more fun weapons okay fine well Jeffy do you have anything cool oh yeah I have the coolest weapons ever check it

Out I got an awesome Shield you hear that I can’t get through I know Daddy it’s the most overpowered shield in the whole entire world and also I have this big hammer wa watch we swinging that oh yeah this thing’s awesome wao guys what is that over there what is what it looks

Like us but if we were babies that is so weird what is our baby s doing here we should go talk to them no JY no come on guys follow me who are you guys how did you get here please help us we need a

Family and a house to live in we need a lot of mommies and daddies to wipe our butts and I’m Iron Man wait guys they’re exactly like us they’re adorable especially GRE Green Lantern he wants someone else to wipe his butt that sounds exactly like me my guy says he’s

Iron Man so he must be mine yay this is so awesome I can’t believe I’m going to be a daddy are you guys just going to stare at us or are you going to take us home yeah we’re super hungry and need somewhere to sleep I’m Iron Man but guys

We don’t even have a home yet yeah you’re right I think we should start building superhero houses so that way all of our babies can live inside of them well I’m taking my baby Iron Man I’m going over here I’m starting well I’m taking my baby Green Lantern

Starting over here come on baby Shazam all right baby Green Lantern what color house would you like me to build for you I want you to make me a green house that would be super awesome all right baby Green Lantern I’ll start making the house out of green blocks hey guys what

Are you building your houses out of I keep asking my baby Iron Man but all he says is I’m Iron Man I’m Iron Man well Daddy he probably proba just wants a house made out of iron obviously and what about you Daisy what does your baby

Want she wants a house in the air just like our flying ability wo that’s going to be super awesome well guys everyone get the building I bet I’m going to make the best superhero house ever I’m Iron Man Daddy can you tell your baby to stop screaming I’m Iron Man it’s getting

Annoying I don’t know what to tell you that’s all he screams that’s all he says well shut up over there because I’m getting super annoyed daddy you’re making my baby get super angry your baby’s sassy you tell them to stop cursing guys stop arguing it’s not good

For our kids yeah Daisy’s right let’s just get to building our superhero houses all right time to find some green blocks wo there’s so many different blocks I could build out of all right time to make a greenhous but I think I’m going to outline it using this quartz so

We’re just going to start over here maybe come over here oh yeah this is already looking amazing oh yeah this house is coming out awesome it’s super green and super modern let me ask baby Green Lantern if he’s liking it oh baby Green Lantern what do you think of the

House so far it’s looking okay but it’s kind of boring maybe you should add some roller coasters maybe some water slides and an indoor pool W wo wo I am not building all that stuff for you I’m just making a house good enough for you to

Live in well then I don’t want to live with you all right fine little baby Green Lantern I see how it is how about you get up and walk yourself over to live with Iron Man a Iron Man okay never mind I want to live with you that’s what

I thought baby Green Lantern now sit here and let me finish this house these babies are so annoying whoa Daisy what are you building well baby Shazam wanted a floating house so I elevated the ground and I’m just building a house for us to live in this

Is crazy it’s looking so awesome yeah it’s looking so cool but no Green Lanterns allowed what Daisy why is your baby not want me by your house she’s probably just a little cranky and needs a snack well she better change that attitude before I send her to timeout

Hey you can’t send me a timeout you’re not my daddy well Jeffy you could be your daddy if you wanted to get married oh Daisy what’s that sound I think my baby Green Lantern is pooping in the house I’ll see you later Daisy bye bye I can’t believe Daisy wanted to marry me

That’s so disgusting oh whatever I got to keep working on this house all right time to make this section over here and then inside we’re going to add more windows this house is coming out awesome but it needs more green there’s not enough Green in the entire house what I

Need to add more green well how about this what if I make the whole floor Green ooh that’s looking really cool but when are you going to make my bed I want to go night night I’m working as fast as I can just give me like five more

Minutes well you better hurry up before I start crying really loud okay okay I will check it out baby Green Lantern I’m adding a pool to our backyard hard but I don’t even know how to swim why would you add a pool what you literally asked

Me to make a pool so look I made a pool why can’t you just be happy for once because I’m a baby and I’m supposed to complain well if you don’t stop complaining then I’m going to put you in time out okay okay I’ll stop but can you

Start working on my bedroom fine I’ll work on your bedroom right now all right I think I want to make the baby’s room a up here so I’m just going to put a staircase like this and it’s going to go all the way up to the top boom and now

This staircase looks perfect all right time to add a bed and maybe I’ll put a chair in the corner and of course it all needs to be green and look my baby even has a balcony to look out of he’s going to love this oh baby Green Lantern your

Bedroom is done yay finally it only took you 10 years all right follow me upstairs oh he’s definitely going to love it check out your room baby Green Lantern ew what is this wait what do you mean it’s super small well you’re super small so it’s perfect for you well I don’t

Want to live here in this small house I want to live in shazam’s house look how big it looks what shazam’s house is not even that much bigger than mine well you know what baby Green Lantern you’re starting to make me really mad so I’m bringing you to my daddy’s house while

While I finish building our house follow me you’re in timeout Oh Daddy oh no Jeffy what are you doing here wao this is coming out so awesome why did you bring your baby here because daddy he’s being really annoying and I don’t want to live with him anymore well that’s not

My problem look baby Iron Man over here he’s seeping he’s in his bed oh Iron Man well Daddy why can my baby not just sleep and do nothing he just makes fun of how bad I am at building in Minecraft yay you suck at building I want to live

Here with Iron Man see Daddy he keeps making fun of me well Jeffy he can’t stay here why because I already have enough to take care of with little baby Iron Man I can’t have another kid look daddy he’ll just sit right on that Lantern well Jeffy you only have 10

Minutes 10 minutes you can stay here all right perfect I’ll finish my build in 10 minutes and then I’ll take them right back all right daddy you better come back all right Daddy I got to hurry up I don’t have much time whoa Daisy your house is really coming together what is

This that’s a trampoline in case someone can’t fly they can get onto the house this is awesome can I go inside yeah you can take a look wo this is cool you added so much Furniture yeah baby Shazam is really enjoying the house yeah this house is awesome it’s way better than

Yours Green Lantern hey why is everyone making fun of my house it’s awesome well you know what baby Shazam I hope that my baby bullies you a take that the only person your baby’s bullying is you because he hates you hey don’t say that

He hates me he loves me no he doesn’t he told me wait what he told you yeah he said my daddy sucks because he’s smelly and doesn’t know how to build what he called me smelly maybe it’s because I pooped in my diaper e Jeffy you pooped

Your diaper you’re going to sink out my whole house you have to go oh fine I’ll leave I’m going to go back to my house and continue working on it now now that I don’t have baby Green Lantern I could actually continue building he’s going to

Be so excited when he sees the whole house completed all right what should I add inside my house I think I’m going to add a kitchen area all right let’s just place a sink here we’ll do a little drawer and then the counter right here I

Should put a fridge yes this is looking amazing ooh maybe I should put a little counter in the middle that looks perfect ooh and I think right here should hang a chandelier all right just do this put trap doors all around it boom that is perfect all right what else can I add

Ooh I should add a couple paintings maybe a double one here and I think my house is now completed this is definitely the most fanciest superhero house ever in Minecraft oh daddy my house is done is my baby still in here finally yeah he been causing problems wait what what did

He do now he’s been yelling at my baby Iron Man Iron Man green is way better of a color I hate the color red I am Iron Man see Jeffy you see what I’ve been dealing with well Daddy don’t worry cuz I’m going to take my baby home right now

Good hey don’t touch me what but baby Gren Lantern we’re going back home come on follow me I’m not going anywhere wait what Jeffy you better get this kid out of here right now or I’m going to lose it come on baby Green Lantern turn you better follow me home right now or

You’re never coming to visit Iron Man again I guess bye Ironman I’ll see you later come on Green Lantern follow me all right baby Green Lantern check out our house it’s fully completed we got the kitchen area here obviously we have your amazing bedroom that you loved up

Here and in the backyard we have a fullblown swimming pool none of the other superhero houses have a super pool so we’re special you know what Daddy I think I really love this house and I want to invite all my friends over to go swimming all right baby Green Lantern

I’ll invite him over right now Oh Daddy Daisy what what’s up Jeffy my baby wants to have a play date with the rest of your babies that sounds like so much fun I’ll go get baby Shazam right now all right Daisy and daddy you bring baby

Iron Man all right I’ll go get him right now this is going to be so much fun all right guys come over and check out my house you can go through the front door right here wo really green yeah baby Green Lantern wanted it to be super

Green but where’s the door um there is no door okay so anything can just walk inside yeah we invite anyone inside our house weird and guys check it out this is the best part of the house it’s a swimming pool woo yes everyone jump inside this is awesome woohoo

Wait Jeffy where did your baby Green Lantern go wait what he was right here yes now that I distracted them I’m going to blow up Iron Man’s and shazam’s house time to place TNT everywhere this is going to be so funny all right now let me start placing TNT on shazam’s house

Ooh maybe I should Place some lava too lava’s everywhere I think that’s enough TNT time to blow this place up ah yes it’s all going to blow up woohoo this is so cool oh my goodness it sounds like it was a giant explosion oh no guys what happened to your

Houses oh no my house is destroyed I can’t live in it anymore how did this even happen oh no guys I think when we didn’t see my baby Green Lantern he blew up both of your houses I didn’t do anything stop pointing your fingers at

The green guy I know you did it I saw you explode the whole entire house baby Iron Man’s actually said a full sentence Oh my God this is amazing guys we have to celebrate her babies are growing up I have the perfect idea let’s have a pool

Party yeah come on guys woohoo this is so much fun if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe subscribe today we’re playing build to save our family in Minecraft oh my gosh Jeffy we have babies waa check it out it’s a baby

Jeffy he’s so adorable my kid is so ugly what that’s because it looks like you Daddy and you’re ugly why is he bold at like 2 years old because that’s you Daddy well Jeffy I don’t want him you know what I want your kid wait what no

You need to protect your kid because he’s a part of your family Jeffy what are we protecting him from well guys in 5 minutes a bunch of scary monsters are going to come out of these portals oh no I have to protect Baby Daisy I can’t let

Anything happen to her you’re right and I need to protect baby Jeffy I’m going to be the best father ever well guys we need to start building as fast as we can daddy you’re right all right let’s see what blocks I should use I think I’m

Going to make a big giant yellow Castle Daddy what are you going to build I’m making a log cabin because my baby likes the woods what a log cabin oh yeah that sounds boring no it’s not it’s going to be super strong well I bet that my castle will be stronger than yours

Nuh-uh hey Daisy why are you copying everything I’m doing Jeffy how am I copying you it looks exactly like my build no it doesn’t you’re using yellow and I’m using pink well you’re still making a big rectangle shaped house well how else am I supposed to build build

Walls how about you build circles or what about triangles you know what maybe I will all right you know what I’m just going to make sure that my castle is way better than whatever you’re building hey Daddy check out my castle it’s coming out so good wo Jeff you got little

Towers you got like little sharp things on the side that’s pretty cool exactly daddy wait what oh my goodness your house is actually coming out awesome I told you I was making a cool Log Cabin thing the roof is so high exactly my kid needs a out of room to jump hello baby

Marvin you smack my kid oh no yeah he got mad now he’s crying on me oh my God Jeffy I’m going to go smack your kid hey no Daddy back up you can’t even get in how do you even get in this place there’s no door yet Daddy I’m making a

Door hey Daddy stop it that was me why would you hit baby Jeffy like that you smacked my kid no I didn’t yes you did didn’t doing uhoh my kid’s going after your kid wait what hey get away baby Marvin hey Jeffy stop it all right daddy

Split him up split him up I can’t he’s oh my God your kid just killed my kid well Daddy that’s what you get for coming in here and spanking Jeffy hey Daddy stop now our kids are gone why would you doing you just smacked my kid and then your kid smacked my kid

Everything just went wrong guys did you already lose your kids oh my daddy killed my kid no I didn’t well at least mine’s still alive hey that’s not fair if both of our kids are not alive then yours is not going to be alive either you can’t even get inside Jeffy no what

Are you doing leave her alone take that Jeffy You Killed My Daughter sorry Daisy I guess you didn’t build a good enough base I did but you broke in oh yeah all right Daisy have fun building the rest of this house all right time to start building the rest of this Castle wait

Look baby jeffy’s back Daddy I got my kid back I did too wait how did they spawn back in I don’t know Jeffy but maybe we can’t kill our own kids yeah that would make a lot of sense the inside of this Castle is already coming

Together but now I think it’s time to start building a really awesome door all right let’s see what blocks I should get wait what guys we’re in survival mode this is not good I hope my baby survived everyone go inside your house oh God oh God where are the monsters I don’t see

Anything yet oh God what is that thing who’s what ow hey B baby Jeffy go inside baby bar just saved me why is our babies trying to fight with us oh god what the heck is this thing die hey baby Jeffy what are you

Doing out here oh no oh no no no no what are these things I’ll save you Daisy someone just jumped over my head Daddy come by me I have a diamond sword what you got yourself a diamond sword yeah that’s so smart I should have done that

Ow ow they’re starting to do a lot of damage come on baby Jeffy follow me we need to go back inside come on come on where is he Jeffy your kid should not be outside it’s not my fault he’s trying to protect me I’m on top of my house I’m

Going to die I’m going to die come inside baby Jeffy well I need help ow I died orer inside your house your baby’s going to die ew a zombie just exploded inside my house what Daisy what are you doing in here I spawned in here after I

Died but it’s safe in here what I just killed my own baby Jeffy why did your baby turn into that thing I don’t know ow I just died what they all just died ew there’s still more on the floor ew they look like Jeffy dang it guys did your baby

Survive no no he’s dead oh my goodness that round was so hard we obviously need to build way better bases so we could keep our baby safe you’re right Jeffy I need to make this the best base ever all right baby Jeffy now that you’re back alive I need to really secure this

Castle the first thing I need to do is add a door so I’m going to add this iron door right here and maybe I’ll put a button on this side my castle is coming out so awesome now I added these ladders so you can go up and down we actually

Have really secure iron doors now H what else should I add wo daddy your house is looking awesome I’m coming inside no stay away why no jeffy’s allowed you’re daddy I think you should add some yellow blocks here Jeffy stop it what are you why why would you do this baby morvin

Loves the yellow blocks daddy look oh nice let me go to your house hey where are you going I’m not going anywhere what are you doing hey Daddy stop it make it red no oh yeah this is looking good I hate the color red why because

You’re red well I think baby Jeffy likes the red look at him he’s smiling Daddy stop it you’re ruining my house get away you just came over to my house and put yellow everywhere no I didn’t I’ll go to my house right now and look at it look

At all this yellow the stupid cake D why would you add yellow inside here you’re weird what you did it let’s see what Daisy’s been working on W this is looking sick oh Daisy what’s up Jeffy Daisy this house is coming out so awesome but wait a minute why is it kind

Of looked like a rocket ship because it is a rocket ship wait what yeah here stand on this block no way are you ready I’m ready for what bye Jeffy wao oh my goodness I’m flying somebody help me Daisy catch me ow Daisy what was that thing it’s a

Block that has rocket ship fuel in it so you’re saying that your entire base could literally shoot up into this sky like a rocket well just in case it’s too dangerous then me and Baby Daisy can get out of here that’s a genius idea H maybe

I’ll make my whole castle a rocket ship you can’t steal my idea hey but you stole my idea at the beginning you made walls that looked exactly like mine yeah and that’s why I changed it well I’m going to change mine too to a bigger rocket ship how that whatever Jeffy all

Right see you later Daisy all right what else should I add inside of my castle well last time baby Jeffy left the castle to try to protect me so maybe I just need to add things inside the castle that baby Jeffy likes so here we

Go just going to place a bed there ooh maybe I should add a bunch of cakes around the whole castle maybe Jeffy loves cakes so he’s definitely never going to want to leave all right I think that’s enough cakes maybe I should add some more security inside the castle so

I can see if any monsters come inside there we go adding a bunch of cameras and what if I just put an electric fence going around my whole entire Castle this is going to look so cool oh and one last thing oh baby Jeffy I got a present for

You it’s a chainsaw so just in case any monsters come inside you could use this chainsaw and kill them uh-oh we’re in survival mode oh my God everybody stay inside protect your kids oh my gosh there’s another baby outside we have to protect it before the monsters come wait

What wait it killed me don’t let him in Daisy that is not a normal baby what is that thing oh God there’s like hundreds of them where they’re getting electrocuted I’m killing them Daddy what are you wearing I’m a wizard what a wizard oh there’s women after me what the heck are these

Things these look so evil what the heck oh no the ladies are attracted to my handsomeness oh God this thing looks so terrifying no it’s like an evil haunted family oh gosh there’s a haunted family after us guys I think they’re all horror movie villains a horror movie villain

Yeah like these little kids I think they’re little baby Chuckies oh God wait baby Chuckies oh that makes sense oh God they’re after me oh my God that’s Freddy Krueger oh no he’s after me baby Jeffy whatever you do do not go outside they’re so powerful I know Jeffy help me

They’re super fast as well this Chucky in your base wait my base oh God no baby Jeffy you got to come up here they’re inside my house they’re going through this one gap of window that I put get away ow oh my God you’re right oh God I

Just died and spawned outside someone help jff just go in your house dy I can’t oh yep I just brought them to your door what yep they want to come in no do not let them in daddy who wants to come in Daisy I’m going inside your house oh

Never mind no don’t go in my house dang it I just died Jeffy stay in here Daddy how is baby Jeffy doing is he alive oh yeah he’s having fun um there’s a Chucky in your house Jeffy oh no I just bought like five Chuckies into Daddy’s house

Wait what sorry Daddy no I’m going inside my house let me in no die Chucky die get away from my baby Jeffy you killed your own kid wait what no I didn’t I watched you hit him with a sword well it was an accident I was

Trying to kill Chucky not my baby you’re a horrible father a I didn’t mean to do that die you Chuckies this is what you get okay I died guys I think the round is over oh my God I got to check my baby baby Marvin where are you oh no I think

He died wait what baby Marvin’s dead yeah wait Jeffy you went in my house well Daddy it was only for like 2 seconds you opened my doors well you were in my house doesn’t mean you go in my house and open every door so the baby

Chuck is going to come and kill my baby well Daddy it doesn’t matter cuz baby jeffy’s dead too well you killed your own kid no there was an accident wait Daisy is your kid alive yeah baby Daisy still alive where how this isn’t fair I built the safest house ever oh she is

Alive well it looks like you’re the winner of this round Daisy I’m the best mommy ever oh what whatever I’m going back to my house this next round there’s not going to be a single Monster that’s going to be able to touch us yeah I’m going to win all right baby Jeffy this

Next round we are not going to be touched by monsters the first thing I need to change is obviously these windows so I’m going to put these fences that are electrified inside all these windows I should also put a roof on top of our Castle so maybe I’ll make a giant

Glass roof all right just need to fill all this in with glass and done oh yeah this roof is looking awesome now maybe I should start getting some overpowered armor let’s see what armor is here wao check out this armor it looks like Minecraft blocks ooh I want to put this

Glass armor on I think it makes me invisible that means the monsters won’t be able to see me now let’s just find a really cool sword a glass sword that’s perfect this matches my armor perfectly Oh Daddy check out my new armor uh Jeffy where are you daddy I’m right in front

Of you what are you talking about hold on hi Jeffy what the heck get out of my house no Daddy I just have invisible armor on check it out Jeffy I don’t know where you went what do you mean Jeffy you outside no hey my door just closed

All right Daddy I’ll see you later this is so weird now to add the Ultimate Security to this Castle turret oh yeah I’m going to add turrets going all the way around my base these will shoot any monsters that get close to my base let’s test it out with one of these

Spiders oh yeah wo it’s destroying this spider wo Jeffy what was that sound Daisy come over here and check out these turrets do they actually work though they just look like iron blocks check it out Daisy H oh yeah wo that’s so cool yeah yeah I’m just the best father ever

Well do you have a rocket chip that goes into space to protect your kid wait what no do you I do come on oh my goodness I can’t wait to check this out it’s all the way at the top all right I’m coming up wait this is the rocket chip yeah

Just stand right here all right and go wo oh my goodness we’re going so fast Daisy wao I’m in your sky base right now this is where me and my baby are going to live just in case it gets too dangerous down there well can me and my

Baby live up here yeah but I think we might need to make it a little bit bigger but wait Daisy one question how are we supposed to get all the way down there there’s no way back down well I don’t know about you but I have feather

Falling boots so bye wait what oh my goodness I don’t have feather falling boots but I am invisible so maybe the ground won’t see me coming all right here I come floor 3 2 1 oh gosh oh gosh ow well I guess that’s one way to make it back down oh my God

Guys we’re back at survival oh gosh and scarying monsters are coming Daddy go inside your house okay I’m going in I’m going in all right baby Jeffy I going to stand right here and protect you from all the monsters you probably can’t see me right now but I promise that I’m here

Oh god what the heck is that ow hey why am I on fire I thought these were ice monsters daddy did you just hit me with some wizard spell uh maybe oh my goodness well you almost just killed my baby no way I’m so sorry thaty just stay

In your house they won’t be able to kill you okay okay I’m staying oh gosh there’s one on top of my roof someone help I’m on my way no he’s breaking in hey yeah you better run Daddy can you stop throwing flames on top of my house

It’s the only way to get rid of these ice monsters guys this is getting so unsafe me and Baby Daisy are getting out of here we’re going to our space base wait what no d crazy wait for me a I want to go to space base a well Jeffy

Now we’re stuck down here I don’t want to die oh gosh there’s a big hole in my roof your turrets are shooting them yes go turrets go this is what I trained you for you’re shoot me oh god daddy I need help oh no one of the Golems are inside

My base Oh no I got hit by something help me oh God I’m going to die ow I died baby Jeffy stop fighting down there no ow the Golem just killed baby Jeffy ow I got killed by an ice Golem a come here ice Golem this is what

You get okay they do so much damage Jeffy is your kid still alive no he already died mine’s still alive wait what Daddy can I help protect your kid now since you know my kid’s dead yeah come over to my house IO baby Marvin I’m

Going to be your new daddy now no why ow Daddy stop why am I floating I have levitation arrows oh no they’re breaking through oh god daddy I’m shooting them I’m making them levitate so they can’t get in ooh Daddy good idea wait let me hit with this glass sword it does 40

Damage okay I’m going to shoot them and then you kill them a take that wait Jeffy do you think you can get up there um yeah I’ll make you levitate all right daddy make me levitate right here no ow you killed me no way I killed you one

Shot oh god daddy I need help out here oh no my doors are opening they’re getting through hey guys how’s it going down there what Daisy come down here and help us fight no way it is not safe a well it’s no fair that you get to stay

Up there how about this Daisy take an arrow haha you can’t even hit me what how ow whatever Daisy je we need to get Daisy well Daddy there’s no way up there we need her rocket ship I mean I have some spells daddy you’re right what if

We use your levitation potion I don’t think that’ll work wait daddy her whole base is made out of those levitation blocks what if we just take this lever let’s just go over here have some blocks and I’ll see you later Daddy oh no wait what Jeffy oh no I made the

Wrong blocks go up hi Daisy hi morvin Daddy I’m coming here I come oh gosh ow hey everybody hi Jeffy we made it let’s go we’re safe up here wait my kid’s still down there daddy you’re such a bad father why didn’t you bring him oh no I

Have to go back down he’s probably being attacked by all those ice monsters well it looks like I have to go back down there bye daddy a well it looks like this is going to be my new home and Daisy I can help you take care of baby

Daisy we can get married and we can be her mommy and daddy um on second thought if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now subscribe waa look over there there’s a bunch of baby Jeffy I want to go say hi

To them oh no no no Jeffy you’re not allowed to go over there what Dad look I want to go play with all the other baby Jeffy no Jeffy you’re not a big baby Jeffy Jeffy stop acting dumb well Daddy I’m going over there if you like it or

Not no Jeffy come back here oh baby jeffy’s whoa they look exactly like me Jeffy why is this baby Jeffy looking at me funny I am the leader of the baby jeffy’s can we live with you Daddy they want to live with us well they’re not

Live with you wait why you can’t take care of a kid yes I can and Daddy I’m literally Jeffy so I know exactly how to take care of all you baby Jeffy Jeffy you pooping a diaper and you’re 18 but daddy that’s exactly why I should be the

One to take care of them look how cute they are oh good y baby Jeffy well Jeffy do you know how to feed babies yeah how do you do it you just put chocolate cake in front of them they’re not stupid like you Daddy they actually know how to eat

What happens when they choke daddy you punch their stomach or something I don’t know Jeffy I think I should be the one to take care of that what no Daddy I want to take care again please guys stop fighting how about you guys both go build a house and whoever builds the

Most peepi house ever that’s who we live with I could build a peee house pick Jeffy and build a peee house Jeffy I’m the best builder ever I’m going to win but Daddy since I know exactly what all these Jeffy love I’m going to build the most awesomest house for this Jeffy

Family well your time starts now so go get building go go go all right time to to build a big chocolate cake my house is going to be so yummy that all the Jeffy are going to want to live in it hey Daddy what are you building your

House out of I’m not telling you what why cuz you’re going to cheat and copy me Daddy I’m not going to copy you I’m already building my house yeah then what’s it going to be what are you making your house then uh uh obviously a big steamy pile of poop ew oh you

Actually are that’s disgusting well Daddy that’s what jeffy’s love no they like a nice warm house a warm house yeah nice and cozy you know the huge well Daddy guess what I lied to you I’m not making a big poop house wait what I’m actually making a big cake house a

Chocolate cake oh no I’m going to lose exactly daddy my house is going to be so delicious all these baby Jeffy are going to want to eat the house well Jeffy what’s your favorite color um yellow guess what color house I’m making oh no changing it up I’m making it a yellow

House and Bo boom my roof is now completed this is actually looking exactly like a chocolate cake um baby Jeffy I have a question for you what would you like inside of your house let me have a Jeffy meeting really quick wait what we decided that we want tons

Of chocolate cake a trampoline to play on and a few toilets to go poop in oo I could easily add that thanks baby Jeffy wao wo wo Jeffy what do you think you’re doing right now I’m talking to my future family Jeffy are you asking them for

Ideas U maybe je that’s cheating you can’t do that I could have came over here and asked them exactly what they want in the house then I could have won well Daddy I’m just smart enough and I did it first ha but what do they say

What do they want um they said that they want the house to all be made out of red um uh they want a lot of lava inside their house and a lot of TNT that doesn’t make any sense you’re lying to me Daddy I’m not lying youte the color

Red well I’m going to come check on your houses in 2 minutes so you better start building oh God any time is running out I keep moving I got to add more icing on top of my cake there’s not enough all right time to add some sprinkles on top

Of my cake oh yeah this is looking so good Jeffy sprinkles really that’s so immature you’re not even making a house you’re making a dumb cake Daddy this is a house it’s a perfect house for jeffy’s to live in yeah they’re going to go there they’re going to die that’s what’s

Going to happen how are they going to die Jeff they’re just going to get they’re going to get super fat over there you think that’s the right way to raise a child I don’t think so um yes at least they’re having fun while they’re eating the cake daddy Jeffy you just

Know you’re going to lose baby jeffy’s definitely going to choose my house okay guys I’m coming to check on your houses wait what my house is not done yet I’m not ready where are all the trampolines where’s all the cake where’s the toilets baby Jeffy I’m not done yet I was just

Going to add the trampoline and all the toilets well you better get to work I’m going to go look at your daddy’s house getting baby Jeffy oh gosh I got to hurry up now what’s going on over here what do you mean what’s going on over here I’m building a nice yellow Jeffy

House how are we all supposed to fit in here this is so tiny relax what do you think I’m doing I’m building an extension right now there’s not even a roof you’re just going to let it rain on our heads I’m not done yet I was going

To build bunk beds for all you guys so you guys could jump on the beds I was going to put cake everywhere just I need more time well you better get to work you don’t have much time left okay okay gosh Daddy from the sounds of it it

Sounds like my house is better and baby Jeffy really doesn’t like yours no baby Jeffy loves my house that’s what he said he said it himself I don’t think so Daddy well we’ll see Jeffy all right time to add the trampolines inside this house I think I’m going to make a

Trampoline corner right here just going to fill all this in and boom Oh yeah this is so much fun maybe Jeffy is going to love this now I got to add maybe a bunch of beds some toilets ooh and a lot more cake let me just make a big cake

Corner right here oh yeah put a bunch of cake here they’re going to love all this food I just got them all right now where can I add a bunch of toilets right here just going to do this add a bunch of these toilets and now there’ll be a

Bunch of toilets for all the baby Jeffy to use now the only thing I’m missing is these yellow beds but there’s like 10 baby Jeffy that need to sleep where am I going to put all these beds I have a perfect idea I’m just going to make this

Ladder going all the way to the the roof and up here I could put a bunch of beds Place one there one here oh yeah we’re just going to go crazy and place them everywhere now let’s just put a bunch more icing around all of these beds

Maybe Jeffy better love this idea all right guys I’m going to bring a couple of my brothers and we’re going to come look at these houses oh gosh baby jeffy’s going to bring some of the babies where should we go first I’m thinking the Cake House let’s go ooh

This is starting to look really nice in here we have a trampoline oh yeah baby Jeffy are you liking the house so far oh yeah you have everything we’ve asked for some toilets some cakes and a nice trampoline but wait where are we supposed to sleep don’t worry baby Jeffy

Come up to the roof check it out I put a bunch of yellow beds up here oh this is looking great but where’s the roof uh I wasn’t going to add a roof but what happens if a rains and then it thunders and it Lightnings I hate Thunder well I

Didn’t think about that dang it now I’m going to have to add a roof this house was almost perfect but it’s not even close to pee pee anymore what oh I thought I had a pee pee house this isn’t fair okay guys now we have to go look at

Morin’s house what’s going on in here uhoh you bought some friends I I see this is bad I had to bring my brothers with me to do this inspection I’m seeing the beds this is looking nice we have a place to sleep o and there’s chocolate cake ooh and a trampoline but where’s

The toilets where are we supposed to go poop and why are there books I don’t even know how to read it’s for aesthetic purposes you don’t have to read the books it just looks good well you replace that with a TV and we might be interested oo I got a good review you

Hear that Jeffy dang it Daddy I got a bad review why what they say they didn’t like that they were going to sleep under the stars every night apparently baby Jeffy is a baby and scared of thunder well I’m going to come over and look at

Your house I want to see what you did all right daddy where’s the entrance it’s right here daddy oo check it out okay well what is this it’s a toilet obviously what’s this thing daddy that’s where you poop ew I just stepped on it and I got a trampoline over here A bunch

Of cake and up here I had a bunch of beds oh so you put the beds on the roof and that’s why they’re complaining yeah they don’t want to sleep in the rain but why don’t you just put the beds down here there’s not enough room they’ll

Make an extension make like a cake extension daddy that’s a good idea all right I’m going to do that instead wait a second why am I helping you keep the beds up there no daddy I’m going to make an extension thanks so much no don’t do

That all right I think this second cake is looking really good this is where all the little baby Jeffy are going to be able to sleep every night Jeffy you’re getting too close to me with that cake well Daddy I’m way inside my line so I don’t care I don’t know Jeffy you’re

Pushing it guys what is taking so long the baby jeffy’s are getting tired we need to go to sleep soon but I’m almost done with my house look what I did I added a second cake as an extension so that’s where all the baby jeffy’s could

Sleep why would you build a second cake why would you just add to the top one big cake is better than two small ones oh I didn’t think about that my dumb daddy gave me the idea to make an extension don’t worry baby Jeffy I’m

Going to make you look so peee oh hurry up cuz we’re getting tired and I have to poop oh God I’ll start hurrying up don’t worry and you what why are these windows yellow they look like pee I thought you like the color yellow yellow is my

Favorite color yeah but I like poop way more than I like the pee so do you want the windows Brown yeah maybe that’ll make it look nice well then I’ll change it you better get to work cuz I’m getting tired okay hold on before you

Leave do you like it no I don’t like it it looks like poop then what do you want from me make the house better that’s what I want from you okay there’s been too much sassing around over here on your end you know what baby Jeffy I’m

Not going to take this anymore how about this you go over there with all your other baby Jeffy and you sit there and time out why did you yell at baby Jeffy hey Daddy what’s going on out here why are you making all the jeffy’s cry I

Am not making the jeffy’s cry okay they just feel bad about what they said to me that’s why maybe it’s because your house looks like poop it does not look like poop it looks like a house Daddy they just don’t want to live in your house so

Stop screaming at them I am not screaming dadd yes you are give you get in your house I’m putting you a time out oh fine Daddy all right what else should I add to my house I think the inside is complete but I have so much space in the

Front maybe I should add some really fun things that the baby Jeffy would love to play with what if I add a big bouncy castle oh yeah this is going to be awesome all right just do a little bit of this Jeffy what are you building over

There I’m building a huge bouncy castle so all the baby jeffy’s could bounce and have fun in here what happens when they bounce off and breaking arm daddy they’re not going to do that well until it happens I’m going to be sitting here waiting oh yeah this thing is so awesome

I’m bouncing so high in here duck duck what duck duck goose what is baby Jeffy playing duck duck goose what he’s not even chasing other baby Jeffy they’re so bad at playing duck duck goose duck duck duck duck duck duck duck goose it seems like they’re so bored over there well

They’re not going to be bored after they join my family and come into my house JY that’s what you think my house is so much more fun daddy how is your house more fun let me see what’s on the inside of your house all right come inside what

The heck oh yeah you added a bunch of beds that you made like bunk beds I know I’m trying to get all them to fit in this one room wait what’s upstairs T what is this little trampolines a single trampoline daddy you literally stole the inside of my house what do you mean

There’s nothing even fun in here my house is so much better no it’s not oh yeah well guess what I’m about to add what a water slide oh no Jeffy no water slides allow I’m adding a big pool and then I’m putting a water slide going

Inside of it well Jeffy I want to check out what your house looks like now you did a whole extension I know I did it’s because it’s amazing oh you added a big bedroom yep man looks like poop I’m going to surround my base with a bunch

Of these leaves to make it look super pretty D what are you doing I’m making a leaf wall so you can’t see what I’m building I can still see you can’t daddy I’m going to make it higher so you can I can see through the leaves get away from

Me look I am staring at your house I can see it all well Daddy it’s called privacy the baby Jeffy are going to love it wow privacy I’m surprised you learned such a big word all right time to add the last thing I’m going to make a huge

Water slide all right we’re just going to go this way and then we’re going to go up here are you guys almost done we’re getting bored over here we started playing in our own poop ew baby Jeffy don’t worry I’m almost done I’m just adding the super mega water slide ooh

That sounds like so much fun oh it definitely is going to be a lot of fun and done the mega water slide is completed Daddy I think my house is done same here oh baby Jeffy wait what why is there poop everywhere I told you we got

Bored what did you spell poop out of your poop ew yeah we wanted to play in the poop that’s pretty impressive I can’t even do that it smells so bad here oh god well baby Jeffy are you ready to look at both of our houses and decide

Which one you’re going to live in yes you guys took forever well it’s going to be worth the wait because my house is so peee no my house is pee daddy don’t ever say that word again my house is peee guys stop arguing I will be the one to

Decide which house is pee pee let me go get all of my brothers and then we will take a look oh my goodness I hope all these Jeffy love my my house they’re all going to hate it no they’re not Daddy they’re going to hate your house well I

Want them to look at my house first well let’s see which one baby Jeffy wants to see first okay Brothers where are we going first that one or that one okay they want to go to the cake house because we’re starving let’s go they want to go to my

House first daddy that’s a good sign no they’re just going to eat the house down wait what no they’re not I mean yeah they said they’re hungry wait no Daddy I didn’t think about that come on brothers let’s go eat this cake oh no wait hold

On no you’re not supposed to eat the actual house no no no stop it oh my goodness they’re eating everything oh this is not good for you Jeffy oh no hey put that cake out of your mouth stupid Jeffy keep e in the house keep going stop it Jeffy stop hitting the other

Jeffy’s stop it Jeffy oh no Daddy they’re destroying my house they even making the noise a well at least this one’s enjoying the trampoline well yeah at least he’s having fun bouncy castle oh no wait what they’re in the bouncy castle now oh they’re having fun yay Daddy I think

They boun daddy I think they really like the bouncy castle Yeah I think so too let’s go water slide Daddy they want to ride the water slide well they can’t get up cuz they ate the cake a PL water slide we can’t even ride it wait hold on

Hold on let me just build this back and then you guys can ride it everyone come up here go baby jeffy’s epic water slide go baby Jeffy we go I’m right behind you this is so much fun that was so cool now they’re all in the pool Let’s Go

Daddy they’re having so much fun they’re definitely not going to have this much fun in your house yeah but Jeffy they actually destroyed your house like they don’t have anywhere to live well they can live in the bouncy castle Jeffy there’s no roof well I can make a roof

Jeffy that that doesn’t work like that check this out daddy boom roof well now they’re going to jump H their heads yay no yay all right baby jeffy’s now it’s time to go into my house everyone follow me oh gosh they better hate this house

Okay Jeffy before we go in the house I have a surprise we have a pen and Zoo do you have any gffs yeah we have a lot of giraffes in there there’s no Jeter raffes look that’s a Jeter Raff there’s a giraffe in the back that’s not a Jeter

Raff that’s a hippo no it’s not it’s a horse that’s not a Jeter Raff do you have any Gars that’s a giraffe right there it’s get the spots baby Jeffy this is not a Jeter gir Raff it’s like a knockoff version it looks like a GFF to

Me yay oh it’s not oh my goodness baby Jeffy you ready to see the inside of the house oh yeah all right here we go lots of beds lot of beds yeah some cake what is up here tiny champ oh God it’s really cramped in here Daddy you made this

House so small the baby jeffy’s can’t even walk and then we got your little Poopers but there’s only two toilets and there’s 10 of us oh are you all going to poop at the same time what if we have to you have to go in your diapers I I don’t

Know what to tell you these trampolines are so small we can’t jump together yeah they’re kind of lame daddy my brother’s already at all the cake there’s none left for me this house stinks daddy you didn’t make enough cakes it’s not my fault that that baby Jeffrey didn’t get

Enough the cake now the cheeter raff is loose well at least my house is made of cake so there’s unlimited cake they’re definitely going to choose my house well Jeffy at least my house has a roof hey my house had a roof before they ate it

Well who fault is that um yours you know what both of your houses stink yours has no roof and yours has no cake the baby Jeffy have decided that we’re just going to live right here wait what they’re going to live inside their own poop oh

My goodness you can’t even fit in there I can’t watch this I can’t look anymore dang it should we just built both of these houses for nothing Jeffy it wasn’t all for nothing look I have a brand new house and you know what I I just came up

With a new rule no jeffy’s allowed wait what oh I can’t even live with you bye-bye whatever I guess I’ll just go live in my chocolate cake house a it’s all broken and eaten well I guess since I’m a Jeffy I’m just going to go live in

The poop with all the other Jeffy everyone make room for me I’m coming in this ain’t so bad after all if everyone enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now subscribe

This video, titled ‘Having a JEFFY and MARVIN FAMILY In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Jeffy on 2023-11-14 23:20:15. It has garnered 227902 views and 2427 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:18 or 5358 seconds.

Today, Jeffy and Marvin finally starts a FAMILY In MINECRAFT! Daisy, Marvin And Jeffy will have to build houses to take care if their NEW BABIES! Will Jeffy be able to handle being a parent? Or will he fail as a dad? Watch to find out!

#jeffy #sml #minecraft

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    Server Under Attack! Copystrike Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Server Gets Copystriked – Minecraft SDMP #21’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-04-24 00:00:17. It has garnered 35765 views and 1493 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:21 or 7281 seconds. Hello and welcome to the Swimming Drake Multiplayer server featuring Multiple Sleep Deprived Players. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: SDMP Playlist: My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): ● My clothing line: ● Twitch: ● Tiktok: ● Twitter: ● Instagram: Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make secret base in minecraft; then i relize…..#minecraft’, was uploaded by TOxBE8999 on 2024-05-12 13:51:20. It has garnered 5102 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. keywords LisicGaming StandaryPie Aastra Smp AstraSmpVideo AstraSmpVideoS1 astrasmps1 lifesteal smp minecraft headsteal, lifesteal smp loyal smp, lifesteal smp with shop, lifesteal smp minecraft server, lifesteal private smp, lifesteal smp applications open, lifesteal smp in aternos, smp minecraft lifesteal ip, smp minecraft server ip lifesteal, minecraft smp to join lifesteal, server like lifesteal smp, lifesteal smp with commands, drk limited lifesteal smp,… Read More


    EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY 4Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MYTHICAL SMP MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY FOUR’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-03-01 08:01:20. It has garnered 2003 views and likes. The duration of the video is 07:46:59 or 28019 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMR

    Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aldeano Tímido Se ENAMORA [MINECRAFT] [M4F] [Strangers to Lovers] [Wholesome] #AsmrRp’, was uploaded by Stuey Asmr LATAM on 2024-05-31 20:30:06. It has garnered 1696 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:03 or 723 seconds. #ASMR #ASMRRoleplay #aldeano Script by STU 😉 #Anime #Animeroleplay #roleplay #roleplayenespañol #asmrenespañol #novioroleplay #minecraft Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 – Too much already?

    UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 - Too much already?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Connect – Livestream #16 – Schon so viel?’, was uploaded by Goldenes C on 2024-04-22 08:45:11. It has garnered 72 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:18 or 4338 seconds. – Golden C – My name is Cjay! I’m a YouTuber and I record videos about Minecraft! I experience strange adventures with my friends and travel to magical worlds! No matter what, it always stays crazy! Here is my Discord: Here is the ROBLOX GROUP of the magic team:!/about Socials: Instagram: Twitter: Here to my friends:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join Anytime

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join AnytimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING MINECRAFT LIVE ! l EVERYONE IS WELCOME’, was uploaded by Jux on 2024-03-29 17:22:40. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:27 or 3267 seconds. 🔔 Subscribe to the JUX GAMING channel for more content! ————————————————————– LOVE YOU GUYS! Tiktok l Discord l #roblox #memes #robloxmemes #minecraft #meme #dankmemes #robloxedits #edgymemes #dank #bloxburg #fortnite #robloxgfx #funny #robloxedit #adoptme #robloxart #robloxadoptme #robloxgamer #robloxgame #offensivememes #royalehigh #robloxmeme #robux #lol #gaming #robloxbloxburg #robloxian #anime #adoptmeroblox #youtube #memesdaily #edgy #art #robloxroyalehigh #explorepage #freerobux #tiktok #gfx #funnymemes #gamer #dankmeme #rblx… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 LGTBQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Fabric Java

    Apply here: (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an environment where interactions between members are highly valued – the primary goal is for the community to be inclusive of all people. Every member is welcome to join with open arms; no one is judged here. Why should you join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and other… Read More

  • Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING] – 1.20+

    Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING]  - 1.20+Modern Beta is a recreation of the infamous Minecraft version from 2011, beta 1.7.3, in modern day Minecraft (1.20+) utilizing resource pack and server side magic. Beta 1.7.3 is widley recognized as the “Golden Age” version of the game due to its simplicity, charm, and lack of “forced goals,” so the only goal is the ones you make with you and your friends.Our mission is to create a vanilla 2011 Minecraft server experience where you can trust who you play with. We pride ourselves on not using any land claims or locked chests in favor of manual moderation via discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He actually beat it… EP2 MADNESS!

    That one guy must have been really dedicated to his Minecraft lets play series if he actually made it to episode 2! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💎 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenges Minecraft: Exploring the World of OP Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with OP challenges that will test your skills and creativity to the limit. Dive into a realm where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are boundless. PC Specs for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Equip yourself with top-of-the-line PC specs to enhance your Minecraft gameplay: Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12Core, 24 Threads, Up to 4.8 GHz) Motherboard: ASUS CROSSHAIR-VIII-Formula RAM: 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo RGB DDR4 4000MHz Graphic Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim 24 GB SSD: 1TB Samsung… Read More

  • EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch Showdown

    EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy’, was uploaded by Ambi Boy on 2024-05-05 01:59:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy Your Queries:- minecraft maizen minecraft funny milo and chip cash gaming maizen challenge omz nico cash and nico chip jj maizen mikey maizen minecraft mod jj and mikey noob vs pro security house maizen raft supercell clash royale squad busters no cursing milo maizen volcano roblox chip and milo wudo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!

    Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!Video Information This video, titled ‘OPEN PACKS & DUEL BUT WITH A DUEL MONSTERS TWIST! Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-20 20:00:09. It has garnered 3250 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:28 or 1948 seconds. My Brother and I started playing the YuGiOh card game over 20 years ago at the same time. Today we go back to those starting times opening packs, building a deck and duelling in some old school YuGiOh! MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE -… Read More

  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

    Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Created New Minecraft Private Server|| Can You Join Our SMP? || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Syntax Gaming on 2024-03-07 21:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read All To Join Our SMP ❤️ Step No.1 Create Application Video With His #ApplicationForStrongSMP Step No.2 Request … Read More

  • Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!

    Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!!’, was uploaded by Mine Smashed on 2023-12-29 19:30:01. It has garnered 247 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! ICT support – COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!! Checking out the new tech support villager in the latest snapshot of Minecraft and I found them to be very helpful for all your computing and redstone needs. Thank you again, tech support. @MineSmashed Read More

  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

    Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uhhhhh what do you mean yet? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-29 21:45:01. It has garnered 449 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Having fun with Skunk and Jay on the AfterLife SMP when Skunk mentions his… dungeon :0 Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

    INSANE Pixelmon Server - BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!Video Information This video, titled ‘IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER?’, was uploaded by Impulse Pokemon Trainer on 2024-05-13 22:45:02. It has garnered 672 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds. #GRMPIXELMON #pixelmon #minecraft IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER OUT RIGHT NOW?? COME WITH ME AS WE EXPLORE THIS PIXELMON SERVER TOGETHER, ADN SEE IF THIS PIXELMON SERVER IS THE BEST SERVER OUT THERE! GRM PIXELMON IP: LET ME KNOW WIN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABHOUT THIS SERVER AND ABOUT THIS VIDEO. THE BEST AND WORST… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

    Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!Video Information This video, titled ‘COLLECTING EVERY MOB IN MINECRAFT…again – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-09 09:06:14. It has garnered 608 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:41 or 4241 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Don't Copy Me! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try Not To Say The Same Thing As Me! – Part 3 #shorts #grasstoucher27’, was uploaded by grasstoucher27 on 2024-03-22 18:07:42. It has garnered 13630 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. idk man minecraft @therealsubman Minecraft gameplay Minecraft tutorial Minecraft let’s play Minecraft survival mode Minecraft creative mode Minecraft mods Minecraft building Minecraft redstone Minecraft adventure map Minecraft resource pack Minecraft farm Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP (Player vs. Player) Minecraft mob farm Minecraft server Minecraft command block Minecraft speedrun Minecraft mansion Minecraft village Minecraft rollercoaster Minecraft underwater… Read More

  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

    EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘FTB Skies: EP29 | Conquering the Castle in the Sky! | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2024-05-02 11:00:32. It has garnered 242 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:57 or 2217 seconds. Today we conquer the Castle in the Sky, just like in the movie! ✱ MODPACK INFO ✱ FTB Skies is a modpack that offers a unique and immersive experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As soon as you enter this world, you’ll find yourself on a floating island, high up in the sky. With no land… Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Boss: A True Epic Gamer

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Boss: A True Epic Gamer“A True Gamer doesn’t need sunlight, they get all their vitamin D from their computer screen.” Read More

  • May 4th: Crafting Craze – Part 1 Build Fun

    May 4th: Crafting Craze - Part 1 Build Fun In a galaxy far, far away, Star builds her base, no delay. Following MrMattRanger’s guide, Her skills and creativity collide. With blocks and tools in hand, She crafts a world so grand. Star Wars theme, May the 4th be with you, In Minecraft, her dreams come true. Watch her build, part 1 in sight, A gamer girl with all her might. Join her journey, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, she’s first-rate. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay

    Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay Welcome to Stone Mason Building in Minecraft! Music Free Gaming is a family-friendly channel that primarily focuses on playing Minecraft. In this stream replay titled “Going Solo 3,” viewers were treated to an exciting session of building and exploration in the virtual world of Minecraft. Supporting the Channel If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, there are several ways you can show your support: Tips & Subs: Visit to provide tips and subscribe to the channel. Merchandise: Check out the channel’s merchandise at Wishlist: Fulfill items on the channel’s wishlist at Engage with… Read More