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Guys Welcome to our new log cabin for Camp uh Marvin why is there dirt on the cabin yeah Daddy I do not want to live in this thing for summer camp well guys this is the best I could do on the budget I got oh my goodness this thing

Looks so bad well Jeffy the inside looks a lot nicer okay let’s go see what it looks like okay what the heck daddy the floor is made out of mud yeah it’s very rustic daddy you couldn’t find anything a little bit nicer no cuz my money

Wouldn’t allow it Jeffy I’m kind of poor right now the only good thing about this cabin is I got the top bunk oh God I got the middle bunk that’s the worst one well guys don’t be mad but we don’t have a toilet what you guys are going to have

To go outside and take a poop oh no well Daddy what else don’t we have uh we don’t have any heat so it’s going to be really cold at night we got no food what no food daddy we’re going to die out here we’re going to have to go in the

Woods kill something daddy how about I start by killing you wo Jeffy stop no yeah we can eat his arms yeah daddyy I’m going to eat e your eyeballs like meatballs wait what no don’t do that well Daddy why can’t we go to the rich summer camp like them across the street

Wait what I didn’t even know that was in front of us I bet they have toilets food electricity Jeffy I didn’t have enough money to even go over there I barely had enough money to afford this lock cabin well guys why don’t we just go over

There and knock on the door and see if we can stay there no Daisy that’s going to be too embarrassing they’re not even going to allow us in we’re the we’re the poor people well guys I just thought of a really good idea all right let me just

Get some of these what are you doing Jeffy what’s that in your hand all right everyone get nice and close okay why what are you going to do ha wa we’re invisible uh where are you guys I literally don’t see you guys at all someone just touched my leg Oh Daddy

That was me I can’t see my fingers I think I’m lost are you guys gone no I’m still right here in front of the poopy house wait are we dead no daddy we’re not dead we’re just invisible we’re going to go over over to the rich summer

Camp and see if they have any food for us and we can just go inside and they’ll have no clue we’re there okay I I think I could get behind this idea Jeffy but you have to lead the way all right guys everyone follow me watch my every move

Well I don’t even know where you are but I’m going to walk over there wait hold on I’m not over there yet guys just hear the footsteps all right are you by the door yet yeah wait there’s a sign here the populars what the heck does that

Mean probably their club name oh I guess that makes sense wow guys look at this house it’s so modern and they have a swimming pool I’m in the swimming pool there’s a diving board this is so awesome guys they have no clue that we’re using their

Stuffe guys we better go inside and see if they have anything cool before this potion wears off all right daddy you’re right but everyone be careful they might be inside hey Queens it’s me Sky back with another video I’m with my family at summer camp wait guys do you see that

Sky’s inside side and it looks like she has a brand new family uh-oh this is going to be more difficult than I thought oh gosh it makes sense that she’s at the rich summer camp cuz she’s super popular all right guys we’re running out of time everyone follow me do not make a

Sound oh gosh there’s someone right in front of me oh gosh guys be quiet I’m sorry I’m sorry all right let me just check the fridge oh my goodness guys they have so much food in here I’m stealing it all I’m going to leave one in there so it doesn’t look that

Suspicious okay do that Jeffy looking at sky right now she looks so stupid hold on Tik Tok I’m hearing something in my kitchen I need to go check it out uhoh guys I think Sky hurt us I think we need to get out of here um wait a minute guys

Why is all of our food gone oh no I think Sky knows that someone stole her food but guys don’t worry because we’re still invisible wait a minute um what are you losers doing in my house Sky nothing um is that my steak in your

Hand um no um it looks like it well Sky we just wanted to come over here and say hi to you because we’re the camp across the street well you guys are interrupting my family time so I’m going to need you to leave but Skye can we

Please stay in this camp this is way cooler than ours and you actually have toilets and electric absolutely not you guys are losers and you were so not allowed here with Sky I could be in your next Tik Tok look just give me a chance

Let me just get in the right position oh there is no way that you just broke my camera sky was an accident I’ll pay for it I mean my daddy will pay for it right Daddy not pay for it you did it your daddy is poor and cannot afford that

Camera it’s more than he makes in a year all right everyone take a chill pill let’s just all relax and just watch some nice TV oh oh my gosh no way no no way no way get out of my house right now or me and my family are going to destroy

You scy it was an accident it was Jeffy just destroy him you losers get out of my house right now or I’m going to destroy your loser Camp across the street a all right guys come on let’s get out of here all right guys let’s

Just go over there and eat the mud at our campsite wait guys she never said that we couldn’t use her pool yeah Daddy she just kicking us out of our actual house D that’s so stupid you think she wants us to go in her pool that’s the

Dumbest I’ve ever heard in my life come on guys she’ll never know I’m about to do the craziest cannibal ever Daddy get ready for it a that was so cool let’s go don’t you dare follow Jeffy wa daddy I’m going to do a dance move midair that’s

Impossible you can’t do that oh oh yeah let see what else we got the running jump guys are making too much noise when sky comes back outside come on Marvin it’ll be fun Daddy just do one jump you want me to do one jump Daddy come on

You’re not going to going to get in trouble just do one jump and then we’ll leave one jump and then we leave yep daddy one jump okay I’m scared of diving boards I hate this okay Jim I’m going to try and doing it there we go daddy this

Kind of fun see I told you I’m like a bird what is going on out here uh-oh busted why is there an old dirty man playing in my swimming pool it was on my Daddy’s fault it was his idea no it was not ob’s idea daddy you want to stop

Bouncing okay fine Skye we’re really really sorry my daddy’s just like really old and he’s forgetting where he is hey no I’m not Daddy yes you are you need to just go with it oh okay yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I don’t know where I am right

Now oh I think I’m lost well your memory is not in my swimming pool this is totally not going to fly with me Skye we’re sorry we’re just going to go back to our camp now okay we’ll leave you alone no uh-uh this is not happening I’m

Destroying you losers I’m going to get my family and my tools and then you guys are done D O N E Done uhoh yeah you heard me what guys come on we need to go back to our camp right now oh no look what you did Jeffy you got to go to the

Stupid pool daddy we need a camp meeting right now Jeffy what do you want to talk about I want to talk about how bad of an actor you are Daddy I said to go along with it and you just acted stupid what do you mean I went along with it you

Said oh my Daddy doesn’t know where he is right now so I played the part well guys now she’s going to come over and destroy our cabin well you know what I don’t even care about this cabin anyways it’s poo Jeffy no we have to live in

This cabin I spent good money on this like what 2 cents okay it was 20 20 cents daddy that’s like less than a dollar well Jeffy I’m getting my money out of it I’m going to stay right here Daddy did you not see how angry Sky got

She’s going to get her whole family and destroy us well guys what if we just had a whole bunch of defenses so sky can never make it to the cabin M that sounds like a good idea not bad not bad idea at all come on guys we better get started

We don’t know when she’s coming all right come on everyone outside all right guys what type of Defense should we add well we need to think of defenses that Sky would never want to go through ooh what if we make a big poop wall I’ll just rub my butt all over it Daddy

She’ll hate to go through that I mean that’s just like really disgusting I don’t even think I want to be here after that well what if we just make it out of mud then okay we could do like a mud wooden wall that’s kind of cool all

Right so let’s do it I’m just going to get some wood get some mud all right this wall is going to be a thick wall three wide wait why that thick cuz Daddy needs to be a thick one there we go this is looking really good well Jeffy what

If we had a Towers right here ooh okay that might look insane we just got to make sure we use brown colors we need to tricker yeah Daddy since she’s so rich and fancy she’s never going to want to come over to our camp wait but

Guys we don’t even have a name for our camp what should we name it well since they’re the populars we should be the losers hey I’m not calling myself a loser well Jeffy that’s basically what we are at this point what if we call ourselves Camp poop camp poop I don’t

Like Camp poop I like poop let’s just do Camp poopy yes something wrong with you Oh Daddy what about Camp poo poo Kaka no Daddy what about pooo Kaka pee pee no definitely not a okay well at least I tried well now we got to make the walls

Higher Jeffy oh dang I can do that o Daisy’s making a really cool Tower wa that’s looking insane it has to have the best defenses that will be perfect because I’ll go up there and throw my poop at her if she comes near us okay that’s disgusting all right this is

Starting to look pretty insane daddy where do we add the mud we’re not up to that part yet I I want to get disgusting and add the mud definely not yet all right anding fences I’ll add the fences daddy you put down the regular pieces of

Wood okay coming out pretty cool you lay the wood I’ll lay the fence and like that that is done all right almost done with the fences come on uh-oh what’s uh-oh oh wait I did it now Jeffy it’s time to add some mud yes I knew it Daddy

All right we’re going to do this wo oh my gosh this looks so nasty all the way around all right what if we add this in between what are you adding trapo I like it I like it oh my gosh we’re going to be adding so much mud to this build and

Then I think we do a little line of mud in front of the wall ew it looks like poop wao daddy this is coming out really good yeah it looks really muddy wait daddy should I put these mud brick slabs going all the way around oh yeah we

Could do that oh gosh all right let me just do this going all the way into the back and then I’ll do the right side as well Daisy what are you working on I’m trying to copy a tower on the other side wow the tower’s coming out really good

We can stand on them and shoot her with poop arrows yes ew daddy why are you saying ew cuz it’s poop arrows the more poop we add the better I guess all right just going to place some more of these slabs down on the floor and then I’m

Going to help add some mud oh my goodness Daddy this is disgusting I know Daddy we need to add more mud though I’m trying to to figure out places to put it we just got to make it thicker thicker yep daddy thicker we might need to add

Some mud traps in the front mud traps yeah I think there’s like quicksand in the game oh my goodness there’s no way oh my God this bucket to poop no way this is so cool ew Daddy I got a bucket of poop too trying to figure out

Where we should put it um I don’t know what if we just make a mod of poop yeah I think we should oh my God it looks so stinky Daddy I could smell it it smells just like my poop that’s really bad how did the game get my poop everyone’s poop

Looks the same it’s not just yours no Daisy this one smells and tastes just like mine e you tasted it Daddy I’m literally bathing in it Jeffy that’s so gross yay this is so much fun no girl’s ever going to like you well Daisy likes me I don’t think she likes you after

That poop joke daddy how do you not know that girls do not poop so they don’t get offended by jokes like that Jeffy Everyone Poops no they don’t all right I’m going to start working on the inside of our base we need to make a little L

Here so we can actually walk around the walls that’s a good idea all right there we go that’s looking like something now let me just fill all this up oh yeah this is looking really good daddy check out my little ledge that I made doesn’t

It look so good it does look good but how do we get up here um daddy I didn’t think about that well you want me to add stairs yeah we should add stairs that would look amazing okay wait right here too we should extend it out more so we

Have more of a walkway okay yeah that’s a good idea there we go that looks pretty good Jeffy how’s this look um wo oh that’s looking really good daddy I’m just going to work over here and extend this out and now I got to add a bunch

More Oak fence there we go guys this base is looking insane and it’s looking disgusting all at the same time Jeffy why’ you stop making the walls what Daddy I didn’t know we were going all the way around I mean obviously okay okay okay you’re right they can come

From all different angles so we need to make sure every side of our house is secured all right I’m going to place these little mud blocks on top of your pillars you’re making all right Daddy bet now I’ll just outline it with some more Spruce oh god daddy we do the

Corners differently though what do you mean we do them differently we got to add more Towers wait you want more Towers um yeah if we’re adding the wall around there we go now I’ll do the same thing in this corner uh-oh this looks

Off cuz it is off daddy why is it off I don’t know you’re the one that built the wall going around h no I didn’t now we got to freaking fix it looks really muddy and scary all right there we go I fixed it now let’s add some more of

These in here this is coming out So Good Guys check this out look at these spikes oh my God they’re so sharp yeah Daddy this is going to do a lot of damage okay where we put them I think we should go around in here look we have some extra

Grass in here oh it’s a good idea I’m going to go on the other side let’s just fill everything up with these spikes just in case they get past the liquid poop they can’t get past the spike exactly Daisy we need multiple different pieces of Defense there we go now all

That’s filled up I think I’m finally starting to feel a little bit secured no Daddy I’m not we need more what what else do you want to add um Lava Lava yep Daddy I want to add lava that doesn’t go with the poop te I don’t care daddy we

Need more and more defenses okay they are not going to touch this loog cabin if it’s the last thing that I do all right so let’s just break another moat going all the way around there we go and now we just got to fill it in with lava

Oh yeah this is so awesome I’m already halfway done same here Dy I’m placing lava down so fast this is looking good good and now I have another idea uhoh now we need to add fire fire we need to add fire how we going to do that

Everyone break this grass block in here and put Netherrack oh my goodness this is going to take forever no it’s not Daddy just do and stop complaining do you want to die or no uh no well then do it Daddy I’m moving I’m moving I’m grooving I’ll start doing the back you

Guys do the left and the right okay the right’s almost done this is looking amazing all right there we go now get flint and Steels and put everything on fire wao oh my goodness this actually looks crazy they’re never going to get past this uh-uh never but guys I have an

Idea uh-oh Daisy what’s your idea it better be really good what if we put a mo of liquid poop in front of Sky’s house what oh my goodness that’s evil that way she won’t even be able to get past that and she’ll be trapped in her

House all right let’s do it let’s start putting some booby traps on her house let me get my liquid poop out I think what Daisy has is perfect two yes Daddy what if they try to jump over it and boom liquid poop what else can we add

That could slow him down cobwebs oh ddy good idea we put on this side just in case they get out of the liquid poop should we make them too tall we should definitely make them too tall what if they try to jump over it ooh you’re right now I’ll just Place some extra

Spikes in the front uh-huh uh-huh this is coming out so good boom guys look how good our base is looking right now it kind of looks insane it looks more than insane guys I have an idea if they get through I think we should make a bunker

Wait what a bunker yeah just in case they actually do manage to get through our defenses you know they’re rich they can just get a helicopter and fly over Oh Daddy I didn’t even think about that so I say we go inside and we make a hidden bunker all right Daddy what area

You want to put the bunker in I say we throw it underneath here wao okay we have a ladder going down and then boom we have a big bunker room ddy make sure it’s deep enough so we don’t run into lava okay okay I’m going to go all the

Way down like this think this is deep enough yeah Daddy this is deep enough okay now we got to make it look pretty this is going to be actually where we spend our time in the summer camp DD we should make down here super modern and

Super fancy so on the outside our house looks like poop but on the inside it’s amazing yeah we should make a bunch of bedrooms maybe a big kitchen a big toilet wow this ladder is looking so good daddy there’s no way someone would know that there’s a hidden bunker inside

Our house well I hope so daddy why didd you put one over here so it doesn’t look suspicious that there’s only one trap door oh oh you’re right it’s even now yeah you’re like oh it looks really really nice in here well dadd let’s go work on making our bunker now all right

What blocks do we want to use pink ones no we’re not using pink wo daddy look at this color what is that it’s blue it’s very fancy looking exactly daddy we should use this and quartz okay I like it I like it so I think when you come

Into the bunker it expands this way we got to keep making this pretty deep yeah yeah yeah okay guys we got to make this the coolest looking bunker ever yeah Dad we’re going to make it a man cave you want a man cave yeah Dad we got to make

A man cave all right man caves look cool so we got to make this look cool but I want a girl cave what no if you want a girl cave then go somewhere else but this is going to be a manly cave well I’ll just build my own bunker then well

How about this Daisy in the man cave we can make a special room for you that only girls are allowed in okay that’s fine let’s do it so we can contain all your cooties in one room I don’t have goodies yes you do no I don’t okay fine

If you want the girl room you can go this way you could dig in this little Direction you can make your little coties room over there well you guys can’t see what’s going on so bye what okay she’s actually making a girls cave right now well we’re going to make this

The coolest man cave ever so I think on your side Jeffy this is you okay I’m going to be on this side but to make it cool we got to make the floor go down a little bit wao give some fanciness do something like that I’ll just copy

Whatever you do on that side to this side you copying no I messed it up why you messing it up I didn’t even do anything crazy let me just start breaking into the wall just like my daddy did it are you copying me right

Yes I am you messed it up no I didn’t yes you did well Daddy I had one mistake oh no dad didn’t break this block either oh my goodness all right now what Daddy I want to use these blue blocks okay we could use that maybe for the floor yes

Let’s make the floor all blue okay uh start replacing the dirt wait no Daddy I have a cooler idea hold on what do you mean you have a cooler idea that is a cool idea no Daddy I got a way cooler idea what if we make the floor glass

Wait Daddy this is not even uh yeah I I just figured that out now but it doesn’t matter yes it does matter Daddy it’s off by by one you’re off by one it’s actually off by two all right Daddy I just fixed it now it’s all even are you

Ready to hear my amazing idea let’s hear the stupid idea I mean the the really good idea all right let me just get some lava or we could use hot spring water which one do you like better H hot spring water could be cool it’s different now we’re just going to break

All this mean we’re breaking all this we’re going to make a big pathway Daddy okay is this only going in the middle yeah all right dadd now help me break all the way down you need to go down like four blocks four block why four blocks cuz the fishies need to swim in

It uh I don’t think fishies will live in this why it’s too hot the water that you’re about to use is extremely hot f d we’ll use regular water and be boring now let’s get our sand out and just fill the whole bottom with sand so the fishes

Could swim in it we’re basically making a fish tank that we could walk on oh that’s so cool that’s so manly all right now we’re just going to do this with the sides what color do we make the top do we do use the blue I don’t know maybe we

Just use regular glass so we can actually see Oh you mean that block there we go and then let’s just break this daddy now we got the whole fish tank filled with water now we just got to make the top of it glass don’t we need some like decoration underneath

Decoration Daddy no we don’t need decoration like corals some plants all right fine we can add a little bit of coral I’m just going to add plants all right daddy I’m going to add a bunch of cool coral ooh oh yeah check that out now for the best part all right daddy

Time to Ed the fish those things are dead D they’re not once you put them in the water they start swimming around trust me okay that’s so stupid come on Daddy close them up we don’t want them jumping out they’re not going to jump out the dead

They’re we go daddy this came out so good I mean yeah this is pretty cool but we need to figure out our little sections our little quarters well Daddy we got to make the walls look better what do we make the walls Jeffy um more blue you want more blue all right fine

More white more white well Daddy I don’t know you pick what color JY how you like this wall how you like this block um it’s pretty terrible you don’t like it no I like it we could use use it yes Jeffy you made everything off Daddy no I

Didn’t oh my God you’re a block off over here no I’m not yes you are but you know what I got to fix it daddy I’m the best builder in the world no you’re not you’re actually really bad hey now it’s on now it looks good all right well

Leave me alone so I can start making my section look amazing wait what how’s this all off probably because you built it no I think you tried copying me but then oh I got to do an extension over here oh yes this is looking amazing what

What block is this um it’s the same block d no no it’s not you just you used the wrong block well it looks good I think I like the reinforced one a lot less all right fine I’ll just keep it regular then all I’m going to add that

On this side well Daddy we don’t need to have the exact same sides anymore well they should look pretty close oh no Jeff you know what I just realized Sky ends up fighting this bunker she’s going to like it cuz it’s made out of blue oh my

Goodness daddy how do we not think about that well I guess when we make our rooms we just got to really put a lot of yellow and a lot of red all right Daddy I’m already going to get on it right now this is going to be the line once you

Cross this line everything turns yellow okay I got to do the same thing with red all right just going to break a bunch more of these blocks oh Daisy how’s your room coming along pretty good I’m finishing up my walls wow all right time to make the whole floor out of yellow oh

My goodness this looks amazing time to fill up the walls with yellow oh yeah Daddy I bet my side’s going to look way better than yours no it’s not um yes it is M nope mine’s looking pretty red and pretty cool oh mine’s looking pretty yellow and pretty cool ooh I think it’s

Here is where I’m going to put my bedroom ooh this looks really good and really modern oh my gosh that looks so red kind of don’t like it what it’s too much well Daddy it cannot be blue because Sky will like that H I got to

Figure out another color to use now let me get my bed stick that right there wait J I have a question what do we have our separate toilets or do we have a toilet to both of us poop on Dad we can do whatever you want H I don’t know I’ll

Make my own toilet all right fine I’ll do the same I don’t need your poops on my toilet that’ll be disgusting now I’m just going to fill all this in with yellow oh yeah this is looking awesome wait I got to do the roof too dang it I

Forgot about the roof Daddy what color you making your roof I don’t know I feel like it should not be red well I’m making mine white yeah I think I’ll do white too I’ll match wow it’s really yellow in here yeah it’s coming out really good on like your room coming out

Really bad hey I mean really good all right what else do I want to add I think I’m going to put a wall right here there we go now we got a wall ooh I think I’m going to make another room on this side too cuz this is could be where to toilet

Goes the toilet room is arguably the most important room in any house are you putting a bathtub or a shower in it um both oh I only a do bathtub all right this bathroom has a bunch of space in it so now let’s decorate it let me get a

Toilet some toilet paper o a mirror so I could look at myself all right and here is where I’m going to put this oh my gosh I see myself now we’ll put the toilet in um this corner there we go I just got to keep adding some more

Bathroom things I’ll add the shower over here this is looking pretty good now let’s just make the whole floor white there we go the bathroom is completed my house is coming out amazing let me go check on Daddy’s wow daddy this is looking really good oh thank you

Wow oh my gosh I’m getting a lot of ideas hey no stop it I’ll just take that sofa no we’ll get a yellow couch all right this is going to be like the TV area oh yeah this going to look so good let’s just put these pillars in the

Corners there we go and now we need to just add the TV area all right place the TV stand and then TV boom oh my goodness that looks amazing let’s see what else we have um now we’re just going to place these pieces of woods in the corner and

Now we’re going to add the leaves but check out these leaves oh my gosh they’re moving that is freaking awesome there’s no way that my daddy makes a better house than this now I’m just going to put some carpets around just like this and just like that I think my

Man cave is completed for now Daisy can I come in there and see what you’ve been working on but it’s for girls only all right let me just edit my character real quick oh yeah that’s looking that’s looking really good right there look at

That hair do I think I got the hair good let’s see what else we got ooh I can put a skirt on myself that looks really girly ooh I can give myself cat ears too I think I’m ready I look so beautiful Daisy I look like a girl let me in

Welcome inside oh and I love your hair thanks I did it myself and a skirt and you even have cat ears yeah I’m really awesome well this is my girl cave oh my goodness this is actually crazy it’s so awesome and I have so much armor and swords

Wo this looks insane daddy check this out oh my goodness Jeff wait Jeffy what are you wearing I look like a pretty girl daddy take that stuff off right now I’m a princess oh my God you have a wig and you have what are those on your you

Have ears yeah they’re cat ears cuz they’re cute are you wearing a skirt um no Take that poop off okay fine give me a second there daddy is that better no more wigs and no more skirts you look a lot better but wao Daisy this is really

Cool I like girl caves yeah it looks really nice I have so much stuff that I’m prepared to fight wao you have awesome Swords I even see these well Daisy you want to come over and check out my room yeah let’s go see it all right let’s go over here to the right

Right and boom check it out it’s awesome wo this is actually really cool yeah and check this out I also have moving leaves wao all right now let’s go across and check out my daddy’s all right so what’s in here who you have a little bedroom I

Forgot to add myself a PC yeah you need to know what’s going on in the news this is really red now let’s check this room wow uh why is there cake in the bathroom uh it’s emergency cake at night when you you got to poop what daddy that makes no

Sense well guys I think my room was the best in the bunker Daddy no it wasn’t mine was clearly better I think mine is the best well guys it doesn’t matter as long as we have the bunker then we’ll be safe down here but what does matter is

If sky at our camp already come on we need to go upstairs and make sure she’s not up here oh no all right let’s see if she’s here no no sign of Sky yet oh no guys look Sky’s looking at our B hi losers I see you added some defenses

To your house yeah and there’s no way you’re ever going to get past them sky so just give up oh you wish those defenses did nothing a chance against me and my family oh gosh you know what let me just go grab my phone real quick so I

Can live stream this on Tik Tok wait what why do you want to live stream it you know what let me just go grab my phone really quick the whole world needs to see this wait why are you grabbing your phone obviously so I can stream on

Tik Tok wait what oh my my goodness guys she’s going to live stream herself coming over to our house well we need to grab armor and swords we have to protect ourselves you’re right Daisy everyone quick get some swords all right wao there’s a bunch of different weapons ooh

The living sword that one looks good um ooh this one looks good too wow it’s huge all right now we’s got to get some awesome armor wo there’s so much to choose from guys what armor are you getting the pink one pink I’m in an Arctic hoodie what let me see that okay

Boom like a boom boom D that’s so stupid then I have a sentinel great Axe Daddy I don’t know what armor to put on just put on something that’s yellow like the sponge helmet okay maybe not a sponge Jeffy maybe there’s mud armor ooh good

Idea I bet there is oh yeah Daddy check it out I’m looking super disgusting ew you even smell worse and I’m also going to get some golden apples ooh and maybe a bow and arrow let me just collect some arrows ooh we’ll get some some slowness

Arrows guys we have a bunch of awesome armor and weapons so we’re ready to fight bring it on Sky we’re ready wait what no a bunch of the babies already are spawning on the left and right of our defenses no it didn’t work DD what are you doing I’m shooting them all

Right daddy let me shoot them too they’re like little trolls oh my gosh Sky’s family is so big these are like 100 Kids guys one stuck in the liquid poop haha what a dummy take that oh gosh there’s so many of them kill him kill him kill him kill him yes they’re on

Fire the defenses are working oh my goodness there’s actually so many of them take that ah yes behind you wait where oh my gosh that was a close one oh they’re inside what how did they get inside already who put pressure plates on the door who place the buttons wasn’t

Me Daddy CU it definitely was you no it was me see Daddy it was Daisy’s fault not me well great now all them are coming in they have a bunch of iron armor on and freaking pickaxes they’re hitting us with and a about to die what

There’s like 900 on me please don’t die well I think I’m going to where are you I’ll save you oh God there’s actually so many don’t do a take that go into the poop yes yes yes leave us alone die die go back to your mommy why are you over

Here these kids are so crazy for doing this a take that Daddy we’re messing these things up I know but they’re hitting hard no popular fan girl is going to get me guys we have an issue what I fell off the ledge and now I’m trapped what were you trapped Daisy I

Don’t even see you it’s because I’m under the ledge um yeah you’re going to die I cannot die let me just help you hey stop shooting or stop oh it worked I jumped you’re welcome you didn’t do anything uh-oh guys there’s a bunch of baby popular

Fanboys Oh No this must be the fan girl Sons Daddy what are you doing out there kill them Dad they do a lot of damage I would be careful if how were you no they don’t I not going down there uh-uh like little babies hey he’s touching me in

The face they can’t be that strong Daisy be careful oh my gosh all right fine I guess we’re all dropping down now what was the point of making all these defense bases if we’re just going to sit out here and kill them oh cuz they’re weak yeah they’re little babies we just

Get rid of them ow ow he keeps punching me stop punching me ow there’ be in the lava no the the quick sand Daddy see this is what I was talking about now you’re going to die Daddy because you want to jump in front of our base no I

Won’t die come here ah gosh they do so much damage this isn’t fair Jeffy it’s cuz you’re wearing mud armor well I thought it would scare them oh my goodness I’m going to die come here I think they just want to kill me more because I have the mud armor on yeah I

Think so too get away daddy you want to help us I’m stuck in the stupid sand oh God there’s so many there’s so many inside guys guys what I need help there’s so many well I’m trying not to die right now the babies are overpowered why are they so strong I don’t no

They’re too strong ow there take a berry deffy there’s too many inside died for me to come help you you’s got to power through them uh-oh why did I hear lightning uh I threw my knife and it killed them all oh that’s good yeah but

I lost my knife I can’t hit them they’re so freaking small guys I seriously need help inside but there’s just so many so I think you got it Jeffy no I don’t got it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Daddy what are you doing Jeffy I’m

Killing them well kill them faster Dy well where are you I’m being destroyed get out of here popular Fanboy go play like PS5 or something your armor broke wait what oh God I’m naked you need to run downstairs and grab armor out of my room oh my gosh you’re right you’re

Right let me do that real quick eat more golden apples I think you need some too move quicker ow Daddy I will hit you that hurt a lot yep daddy you better back off all right let’s just go over here oh God I don’t want to wear pink

Armor though I’m not going to wear pink I’m getting this white pair yeah me too Daddy there we go now we got more armor let’s go back upstairs I think another round of fan girls are coming guys what there’s big popular Fanboys out here

Uhoh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh they’re coming in they’re coming inside ow he’s charging after me Oh Daddy I hit you on accident ow why do they have axes I don’t know they have gold axes and they’re trying to kill us they run so

Fast they’re prepped for this get away guys there’s so many of them oh God one’s inside the house oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh we’re going to keep these doors shut I’m trying to kill him from the entrance all right daddy let me

Help you yes this is good daddy we’re teaming up on him keep ping forward oh oh yeah so much for being popular when you’re dead oh that was Daisy sorry you guys almost killed me more over here more over here oh yeah we trapped them

Come here going to mess you up go back to where you belong oh yeah I’m putting them in the lava oh God there’s ones trapped above oh my gosh and inside the house they keep throwing me in the air oh gosh they’re trapped in the poop

Guys I think the poop is a big hit it’s working perfectly take that got to kill you with my bow and arrow you like that you stupid popular Fanboy a take an arrow to the face hole you’re stupid gold a do nothing to us guys I’m going

To die no you’re not no you’re not got him thank you oh right here right here got a wild one oh yeah I put him in the lava let’s go all right guys I think we defeated the round of the popular Fanboys let’s see what’s next oh God I’m

Waiting I’m waiting oh God it’s Sky oh I just one tapped him come here oh hey hey put me down ow guys they’re picking me up they’re picking me up I didn’t know sky was as strong me either you can’t get close to them run run run run run

Run run run run we need to shoot them from Far they’re going to use our own defenses against us she’s trying to throw me in the spikes guys avoid her come inside right now wait what the heck guys we never put any ladders inside the towers and I’m stuck in here great Daisy

This is your fault you built the towers you’re supposed to go up the stairs I’m trapped inside oh my gosh we need to defeat these guys right now guy threw me in the defenses and I’m stuck in the poop what I don’t even see you look at

Sky house oh gosh oh gosh oh wait I see you hey hey Daisy hi Daddy in the house in the house in the house don’t get close they’ll throw you good I hope they try to throw me it’s an easier Target when they’re holding me Daddy come here

Sky Haya oh gosh oh gosh no no no no no no no no ow guys Sky playing catch with me me too this is not fun I need to run guys this is super dangerous no no no don’t do it ah get me away from the poop this is like a joy

Ride there’s no Joy about this guys I haven’t touched the ground in a really long time oh my gosh I forgot what grass feels like I’m being thrown so much ow oh my gosh oh my gosh I almost went to the lava yes I killed them uhoh Daisy’s

Having a hard time over here Daisy I’ll help you don’t worry they won’t put me down yeah they’re super annoying how is Sky’s family so big she literally has like a 100 versions of herself she probably cloned herself for her Tik toks oh you’re right come on they’re almost

Dead did we kill them all there’s just a couple left oh God kill the crazy fanboy nope nor we’re over here yes we did it let’s go we killed the Fanboy kids and sky and the crazy fan boy well guys now that all of sky and our family’s dead

Why don’t we go over to our house and take it oh you’re right since someone’s living in it it would be a waste we’ll take it over and we’ll live the best life ever come on I want to go to the swimming pool well I want to have TV oh

Wait I broke the TV I don’t care we’ll get a new one uh-oh hey losers why don’t you take a look outside oh my goodness guys Skye is huge look how big I am Skye how did you get that big oh you know one of my followers is just a mad scientist

And I told him I needed to destroy you what oh my goodness guys what do we do we’re trapped inside Sky’s house and she’s outside as a giant what if we just go outside and make a run for her back to our base no Daddy she’s too fast well

Jeffy she can’t fit through the door so what if we just stayed inside I mean yeah I guess we can come on losers get out of my house right now um the thing is you’re really big and really scary so we don’t want to hey wo wo out of my

House oh my God oh my God what’s happening I think I’m frozen oh God sky is using her ice powers no Sky get away shoot her in the face try to shoot her try to shoot her there’s snow on the floor what the heck where did she go oh

God I see her I can’t shoot her why Daisy she stole you come on Daddy we got to attack her come here Skye ah yeah oh gosh ow ow she’s unsho back up back up back up she’s doing too much damage guys I killed her you did it let’s go I

Defeated Skye good job Daisy you did it look guys look at our base oh my goodness guys run run run this way run this way we got to break through the fence hurry break through these trees come on Daddy I’m sorry but we’re going to have to lose that camp house oh no

That was 20 s daddy behind us run Daddy I am never going camping again yeah Jeffy I agree we should just go home and make a big bowl of mac and cheese you know what daddy that sounds like a great idea come on guys follow me but if you guys enjoyed watching this

Video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

This video, titled ‘POPULAR FAN GIRL FAMILY vs The Most Secure House in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2024-01-08 23:37:34. It has garnered 434612 views and 6243 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:20 or 2300 seconds.

Today, Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy come across a POPULAR FAN GIRL FAMILY In Minecraft! Can they build the most secure house before the POPULAR FAN GIRL FAMILY comes to wreck them? Watch to the end to find out!

#Jeffy #cashandnico #cash #minecraft #minecraftmod #securehouse

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    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More