Jeffy’s Crazy Dad Builds INSANE Minecraft House!

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All right guys I have a big surprise for both of you oh gosh daddy this better be good all right I want you guys to turn around on the count three 1 2 3 is a surprise Daddy yeah I got a new house for us but there’s not even flowers

Outside and Daddy it’s so small how are we going to all live in this okay you guys need to relax okay let’s go inside and look there’s flowers in here oh gosh what the heck this house is so weird why is the roof made out of glass it’s like

Your helmet like a little Dome uh Marvin why do me and Jeffy get bunk beds and you have a big bed daddy that’s unfair because bunk beds are fun I’m also way bigger than both of you so I get a bigger bed yeah that is true you are

Pretty fat hey I’m not fat I just need more room daddy this sucks I don’t even have my own room I’m a big boy and I need my own room plus I need to sleep next to Daisy and I hate Daisy Jeffy I heard that that’s

Mean all right both you guys is calm down all right this is what we got to deal with all right this house I built by my bare hands and you guys are going to live in here and you’re going to like it you know what Daddy fine you and

Daisy could live here I’m going to go live at the neighbor’s house wait the neighbors Jeffy we don’t have any neighbors I moved so we didn’t have to deal with any neighbors daddy look across what in the who is that neighbors Daddy I told you we have neighbors Jeff

Jeffy this is so weird I don’t know why there’s neighbors here when I was building this house they weren’t here before that house is so nice I know I think we should go live in it I think so do come on you guys can’t just go and

Live in the neighbor’s house like what if someone’s living in the house well Daddy there’s only one way to find out come on no Jeffy come back here come on Marvin wow this house is so much bigger than yours Daddy this house stinks and look daddy they have a car in here wo

They’re like Rich they got so much more money than you Daddy okay relax I built that for free maybe we could knock on the door and get free candy it’s not Halloween d it doesn’t have to be Halloween to get free candy from someone who’s just going to give you free candy

Daddy the neighbors duh come on let’s just knock je don’t do it hello is anybody in there why isn’t anyone responding because no one’s home Daddy they could just be like sleeping or listening to music come on Jeff you can’t just walk into some random person’s house wao look how spacious

This house is Jeffy we need to go right now daddy we’re not going anywhere okay wao look at this couch daddy you didn’t have a couch in your door house Jeffy it doesn’t matter we need to leave they even have a TV no way Jeffy you need to

Get off that sofa right now that is not your sofa what if someone comes down ah Jeffy you know what I’m going to punish you if you don’t get off that sofa fine Daddy I’ll get off the sofa but I’m not leaving this house is so much better

Than yours look guys what’s that thing on the wall oh no they’re cameras they know what we look like we need to leave daddy how do you know those are even recording you don’t know anything because they’re moving look I’m stay right to the camera they can see me

Right now oo daddy look at this there’s a basement stop Jeffy don’t go down there no oh God they don’t you dare follow him hey guys wao this basement is so cool Marvin we have to go down there why guys look I found something it’s a bunch of

Signs oh God don’t read them Welcome to My Secret basement I found a secret basement wow Jeffy you hit a button and went down a basement so secretive I have a weird strict face face you will never find my treasure soon you will be trapped Forever Wait what Jeffy I told

You someone knows were here hold on Daddy Let me just keep reading in 30 minutes I’ll leave my home I’ll destroy your little Dome Daddy see they called your house a little Dome Jeffy someone’s been spying on us this is not good you will regret robbing me I will come and

Take a fee what we didn’t take anything Jeffy you definitely stole something from this house no I didn’t daddy Daisy stole something I didn’t steal anything thing it was morvin what it was that me guys we don’t even know what we’re arguing about but what I do know is that

There’s some secret treasure down here so everyone start looking around no there’s no treasure in here Jeffy yes there is Daddy it says it on the sign I found a secret room I found some cobwebs and dead people’s heads well that’s not good did you guys find anything I found

An axe well you found an axe pickax give it to me wao this could be useful daddy maybe we got to break through some of these walls no Jeffy oh God it’s really hard to break room wait guys what’s this behind these rocks oh my goodness it

Looks like a secret door Daisy you’re a genius all right let me just break these blocks wa daddy check it out we found a secret door don’t go through it Jeffy what if there’s like booby traps Everybody Run Run oh my goodness oh my goodness I’m running God open the

Door press the oh my God Daisy run take this someone help me what what the heck is that thing 911 guys what the heck was that I don’t know but it had a really scary face and tried to attack us oh Jeffy it looks like he’s

Still looking at us oh my goodness guys he looks so terrifying I don’t like this I think he wants to eat us wait what eat us I don’t know I’m just scared Daddy this is your fault you’re the one that wanted to go inside the neighbor’s house

You couldn’t be any more wrong I was the one saying we should just live in this house right here you’re like no this is a small house we need to go in the neighbor’s house it’s all your fault well what are we going to do now because

He’s going to come attack Us in 30 minutes that’s not enough time maybe we just move yeah I agree Daddy come on let’s move I am not moving I am living in my Dome what what daddy you are not living in this Dome this is a safe house

Daddy it’s probably one of the most unsafe houses I’ve ever seen the roof is literally made out of glass and did you see how big those arms were on that weird guy he’ll just destroy it but what do you think we do then Jeffy what do

You think we do daddy we got to make some poop snowballs wait what yep Daddy I got to poop in your hand you got to make it into a snowball and we got to throw it at that guy’s face you are not pooping in my hand come on Daddy get no

Get out of here coming up my butt daddy catch it catch it w d do you have any other ideas guys stop we just need to build a better house oh see daddy that’s what I was just trying to say Oh Daddy that was going to be my next idea no it

Was not you want you were set on these poop snowballs no Daddy Let’s just destroy this house and then make a huge mansion that’s super secure and safe oh fine fine okay I’ll I’ll do it okay guys let’s start destroying the walls you’re right ah this stupid house I hope I

Never see this house again hey it served its purpose daddy this house is terrible take that stup house wow we did it this looks so much better already without my daddy’s dumb house I disagree oh guys I think I forgot to tell you something what is it

Daisy well when we decided we were moving I told my daddy that we were moving and he said he wanted to live near us so I think that’s my daddy and I think something weird happened to him what you knew who that guy was this whole time well I wasn’t sure and I

Didn’t want to say anything so you’re saying that your daddy got possessed and turned into that monster yeah he’s turned into some weird strict daddy weird strick dad Daisy this is all your fault you are the reason I destroy my beautiful house it’s not my fault that

He got possessed but now we have to protect ourselves everything will be okay we just have to build our new house yeah I think you’re right guys we need to think of a good house idea I think we just need to build a mansion a mansion

Yeah we just need to build a mansion that looks better than strict dads and then he gets scared and moves away daddy you’re a genius that’s exactly what we’re going to do um how do we build a mansion all right guys I think what’s going to happen is you guys are going to

Follow my lead because I’m the best builder of Minecraft no Daddy everyone follows my lead cuz I’m the best builder in Minecraft okay fine let me at least outline the house and then you can build on top of it how about that all right fine Daddy but I’ll be watching so don’t

Mess it up okay did I mess it up yet uh-oh Daddy what are you doing why are you shoveling the floor I’m making the outline this is not how you build a mansion at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this is looking like a pretty small house daddy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this is only the front this is not even the house yet oh okay Jeffy I don’t think we should listen to your daddy this doesn’t even look like a house yeah maybe we should just build our own house because obviously he

Doesn’t know how to make a mansion yeah this is just a path I am outlining right now daddy your outline is garbage your face is garbage too Daddy excuse me I am trying to make something Exquisite all right daddy I’m going to help you okay what are you doing Jeffy stop it I’m

Outlining just like you Daddy no you’re you’re outlining nothing it looks like a big pile of poop hey don’t call my outlining poop all right Jeffy so what I’m going to do is I’m going to outline this all in Oak and what you need to do

Is fill the inside up with Spruce Wood wait Spruce Wood yeah going to make it look nice like this daddy yes good job all right Daddy come on Daisy help me do the spruce okay wait are we making the floor right now you are making the floor

Good job good observation Daddy see I told you I’m the best builder in the world all right Daddy what about on this side good job Jeffy you’re doing it right let’s go fill all this in with this wood it’s going to be the best floor you’ve ever seen in Minecraft it

Better be all right let me just build this out like this da how high are we going with this Oak log I think we should take it up five all right let me count 1 2 3 4 5 six it’s six right now what it needs to be five I think you

Guys have it right DA’s messing with me Daddy she’s trying to mess it all up no she’s doing fine she’s doing fine all right let’s just fill all this in with Oak now all right just do this fill all of this in oh yeah this is looking

Amazing all right now we got to do the back wall and the last side wall wow this is starting to come together guys all right now that we finished this side we need to do this side all right let me just start filling all this in with more

Oak wo this house is going to be huge I think weird strick dad is going to be so scared when he sees all this being built I know I hope he just runs away daddy I’m going to make this front look so much better all right just do this what

Are you doing this I’m just making it look better boom what does that mean Daddy it means I’m doing something more to what you already did I just made the coolest window ever all right we’ll just do this add a slab right there oh dang it now we just need some stairs all

Right this looking pretty good and then we’ll just go upside down and then forward and then upside down again and now we just need to make this roof nice and big so let’s just go all the way back like that and then we just got to

Fill in the rest guys I’m already making a roof what yep Daddy I’m making the front roof all right almost at the top boom now we just got to do the same thing to this side all right almost almost done all right the front is looking a lot better wait what’s this

Over here what what over where there’s some extra blocks here yeah I know it’s probably like a little stable or something I wanted to build wait a stable we going to put hores back here Daddy maybe all right daddy I’m going to make it Marvin there’s no windows in

Here I’m going to add some windows okay yeah add them on that back wall I think it’s going to look so good we need more windows okay more windows more windows uh window over here too we have to make the outside look good too there’s a lot

That we still need to build all right I’m going to add some coarse dirt onto the floor just like that Daddy what are those things called that you put water in trough no Daddy it’s something else oh I got it all right we’ll put one in

That corner and one in that corner now let’s just get some water and fill it up oh God I made a mess no no no no no no no there we go and now the hores could live in there this is going to be so awesome when it’s completed I think what

I’m going to do Jeffy is start doing the second floor no way yeah I think the first floor floor is mapped out pretty good already so I think we got to start doing this floor now all right daddy I’m going to help you build this floor there

We go just fill all of this with Spruce just like this um Daddy what about this room in here we need to leave a little gap for that staircase all right Daddy I could do that let’s see if I can walk down without hit my head up I hit my

Head dang it I was one off H you did make a little Barn yeah Daddy it’s not done yet but I’m working on it looks like poop hey I’m joking it just smells like horse poop well obviously it’s going to smell like horse poop 1 2 3 4 5

6 six seven dadd I think we’re going to go seven High here seven that’s pretty high Jeffy well Daddy the second floor needs to be huge you know what you’re right we need to make it bigger that we’re strict that over there’s house exactly Daddy all right we’ll go out

This way and then we’ll do the last one right here one all right now the hardest part to fill all of this in with Oak oh God that’s not hard at all well if all three of us are working on it it will go super fast look how much I just did already

All right just fill all of this in yes our teamwork is crazy and guys once this house is completed then we need to add a bunch of booby traps booby traps yes Daddy because what if the weird strict dad comes over to our house and tries to

Knock it all down he’s not strong enough how do you know Daddy you had big muscles I have bigger muscles Daddy no you don’t yes I do Jeffy do I need to fill these ones in too um yes we need to fill all of this in all right I’ll do

This side and you work on that side be so easy look at this only one wall left we’re getting close to doing the roof and then we could fill in the inside and put our own rooms ooh that’ll be fun all right I think I’m going to make a window

Right in the front so let me just break all that all right that’s looking pretty good now we’ll just fill it in with some glass all right we’ll use these trap doors and these Spruce Wood slabs ooh I just came up with a good idea check that out that looks so good

Now we’ll just get some grass blocks so we can put some flowers down and then we’ll just just use these trap doors to get rid of the dirt all right let’s get some roses and let’s get some grass wait Tiffy you’re adding flowers oh maybe

Just to make it look nice I love flowers wo you guys added some more down here as well yeah I thought it would make it look cute well if the house looks too cute then we need to get rid of the flowers sorry Daisy no we cannot get rid

Of the flowers well we can’t have too cute of a house because then the strict dad won’t take us seriously well he has flowers so why can’t we yeah I guess you’re right Daisy whatever all right I think I’m going to add another window over here all right that

Looks pretty good let me just fill this in with glass and then we’ll do the same thing so let’s do this let’s get our trap doors and we can’t forget to add some grass all right that looks pretty good wait Daddy what are you putting

This door in here for I just think we need a door Dy what if we make it like a balcony like this oh my God you are a genius yep Daddy I know all right we’ll just build this out this looking pretty good guys we messed up the house wait

What do you mean we messed it up wait what how so this wall needs to be put out one more to the left oh my goodness daddy you suck we didn’t even it out daddy you suck you messed it up you built that wall no I did not you built

This wall actually Daisy built this wall I did not Build That Wall Marvin you did yeah Daddy you started it no yes you did daddy you started the wall so you messed it up f it was my fault I also think you messed up this doorway because it’s way

Tooo close over here oh my God all right I just got to fix this wall now let’s just add some more Spruce all right now time to add some railing so let’s just go over here and grab some fence and then on top of this fence I’m going to

Put some trap doors just like this and then put some slabs there slab there and done that’s awesome now we’ll just add a fence going down to the floor to make it more realistic and boom that looks perfect we can even add some more gates going across like this Jeffy did you add

Any detail to the front yet no okay I’m going to do that right now all right daddy do it I am doing it I feel like you’ve been doing the least amount of work me and Daisy been carrying wait what it’s a joke it’s not a joke Daddy I

Think the house is starting to come together yeah it’s looking like a mansion we just need to keep on building well Daddy that’s what I’m trying to do I think I’m going to start working on the Roof oh that’s a good idea I don’t know how to make a roof well just kind

Of copy what you did before I think it look good all right let’s start by just doing slabs and stairs all right we’ll just go down like this that’s looking like a roof all right now let’s work on doing the inside we’ll just go like this

Do the same thing on this side oh God I just fell daddy check out the outline of this roof why does it look like a hat because Daddy it’s supposed to be taller in the middle and then longer on the sides is that like a defense mechanism

To scare the guy away what no it’s just supposed to be a roof daddy whatever it’s going to look good when it’s all done all right well you’re the one building the roof now it’s all you all right now I got to fill in behind the

Roof but I think I’m going to use Sandstone oh that actually looks pretty good I know Daddy it’s because I built it obviously oh yeah this is looking awesome all right now let’s just add in our window and then put our roof all right now I just got to do this exact

Same thing on the other side oh God this is going to be really difficult all right let’s just start by doing these again I need to remember exactly how I did this now we have some upside down staircases wo daddy you’re making that roof over there yeah I thought since

You’re doing the main roof I’ll just do like a little side one all right daddy sounds good now we need a full block and then another spruce wood stairs and then we do it again like this all right now this is the easy part and then all we

Need to do is connect it boom I just did it again all right let’s fill all this in with sandstone and then we just need to make our window all right the two sides are completed but guess what I have a crazy idea idea what’s your crazy

Idea Jeffy hold on Daddy I can’t tell you yet why not Daddy we’re going to use Cherrywood to fill all of this in wao is it supposed to like emulate blood like there’s blood all over our house exactly Daddy and it’s going to scare strict dad

Away this is a good idea all right so we’ll go this way but I need help doing it all right I’m going to go on this side it’s going to take forever going help you relax stop crying oh gosh this is literally going to take 15 years to

Fill all this in no it won’t stop your complaining you’re right daddy it might take 20 years 20 I don’t have 20 years Daisy what are you working on I made another balcony what another one yeah I thought we needed it well yeah I guess you could never have too many balconies

Plus if we get some bow and arrows then we could shoot strict dad ooh that’s a good idea all right we’ll just go this way and then we got to do some of these slabs and I’m not going to fill in this area because then this roof will connect

To this roof it’s going to look amazing all right daddy my side is completed I’m almost done I’m done all right now we just got to work on your roof all right I’ll do this side and you work on the other side Daddy all right got to fill

All this with slabs hold on a second hold on wait what what the heck are you doing making it look good all right we’ll go back to Cherry oh gosh connecting these are going to be super difficult this is super scary I don’t even know what I’m doing over here Daddy

Just keep going what I been doing my side is done wa how did you connect it like this oh God Jeffy just just back away hold on Daddy I want to do it what are you I’m doing it you causing issues no Daddy you’re causing issues I think

My side looks better than yours not at all oh my gosh Jeffy this roof looks so good and the red was such a nice touch it’s almost pink so it’s my favorite yeah the red looks awesome this house is looking amazing but we’re not done yet wait what why

Don’t we just start working on the inside we need to do a little roof on the stables for a little hores Oh Daddy I forgot we need a roof for the hores just in case it rains or snows on them exactly we can’t have him cold cuz what

If we use them for a fight what we have to fight strict at daddy that’s a good idea all right Daddy I’m just going to do the same roof on this little horse table all right cool I got to add some cool stuff to this house now all right

Now we just got to fill it in with all this red all right almost done yes this looks awesome wait Daddy what was supposed to be in this little circle in front of the house what do you mean the circle in front of oh the tower wait a

Tower you need to make a tower daddy where are we fitting a tower right here right where I was supposed to put it um all right I guess I’ll try to make a tower then all right we’ll just fill all this with some stone bricks and we’ll go

All the way up to the top now we’ll do this wall and we’ll do all the walls and now we’ll just go around like this to make the tower on the bottom bigger all right this starting to look good wait a minute I just had an even better idea

Let me destroy the middle one and then we’ll put the staircases on it yes this looks even better and then maybe right here we’ll make a little entrance so we’ll just put the door in like that now you can go in and out of the tower all

Right now we got to start doing the top of the tower we’ll do something like this maybe put some trap doors on these blocks here now we’re going to use this Tower to go up uh-oh oh gosh now I got to break some of this roof Daddy I’m

Breaking some of your roof oh come on Jeffy well you wanted this dumb Tower here so it’s what needs to happen always breaking my stuff all right uhoh we’re going to have to break this roof too all right now in the middle all those let’s just put some regular stone bricks and

We’ll go all the way up to the top just like that and then we’re going to go back to Oak Wood just like this God I’m so good at building towers and now we need to make the floor so we’ll do something like this and then right here

We’ll just put a trapo and of course inside I need to add a ladder let’s just have this ladder going all the way up oh God this trapo is going to mess me up and perfect now that looks amazing all right now now we got to make the Tower

Actually look good so we’ll just use some staircases and go around like this and now we got to start making the walls and roof we’re just going to go up by five here oh yeah just go like that Daddy what do you think of my tower so

Far it looks pretty old it looks great let’s go I know my Tower’s looking amazing you actually did a good job I’m surprised what do you mean you’re surprised cuz everything you build is usually like poop hey like actual poop daddy no it’s not poop ever I don’t even

Know why you would say something like that that’s what you usually make is poop daddy I think you make poop okay this Tower is going to be perfect to kill strict dad in wherever he is I’ll be able to see him and shoot him with a

Bow and arrow from all the way up here all right let’s just add these staircases going all the way around and then we’ll add more staircases on top like this we need to make a giant roof now let’s fill it in with some Spruce

Wood all right now we need to do the top ooh where are these Cobblestone walls at I’ll do one Cobblestone wall and then I need a fence and boom dang it boom look at that that looks amazing now we’ll just put trap doors going around like this and then I

Think the tower is going to be completed wao Jeffy you built a princess tower for me um no uh that was not meant for you at all it’s actually meant for me to go up there and shoot strict dad with no this is a princess Tower this is so nice

Daisy no get out you’re banned from going on top of my tower this is my tower now um no it’s not who says me well I was the one that built it so get out well you built it for me now no I did not build it for you at all look see

That go down there no I could be like Rapunzel up here what the heck Rapunzel uh- uh uh that is not happening go down fine see you later Daisy H and never come up onto my tower again it’s a princess Tower no it’s not it’s actually

A King’s Tower and I’m the king you don’t even have long hair I don’t need long long hair to be a king but you need long hair to be in a princess Tower Daisy how many times do I need to tell you this is not a princess Tower it

Looks like one well it’s not so wohoo all right the tower is completed wo Daddy I like this little thing you put here yeah to get into your little Tower wo this house is really coming along wo and we added a chimney yeah I had to edit in and there’s little windows and

Some leaves for extra detail guys I think the outside of our house is pretty much completed does that mean I can go pick my room now I think so Daisy but I get first picks no I do take that no Daisy where are you going I’m running up

The stairs no I want the upstairs I want this room hey no fair I want this room go upstairs there’s a bigger room up there but I wanted this room well you have the tower so I get this room but I want this room Daisy and the tower well

I’ll switch this room for for the tower um never mind I’ll go upstairs and find a different room ooh look at this wow this attic room is enormous H I don’t know do I like this room though let’s see what other rooms we have no this

One’s super small oh what’s up here wo I like this one with the fireplace all right this is definitely going to be my room first things first is to make these walls look way better all right now we’re just going to make this room look better by adding all of these oak logs

It’s already looking amazing maybe we’ll just put some slabs on top as well just do this and then we’ll just go across one more time with some more slabs all right time to make my room look amazing and I need to make sure my room looks way better than my daddy’s and daisies

So let’s start by adding a yellow bed all right we’ll put the bed right in the middle oh yeah this is looking amazing already maybe we’ll put some cabinets on the side of my bed H which ones would would fit really well o these Spruce ones all right that’s looking pretty

Good maybe we’ll put a lamp on the left one and then we’ll put a clock on the right one all right now maybe we add some carpet around like that that’s looking pretty good ooh I need to get some paintings I’ll put a big painting

Right above my bed no no no I need to find one that I like dang it there’s only two of them all right that’ll have to do then o we should add some more around like this that looks awesome all right now let’s just find a shelf to put

Over here ooh maybe we’ll do this one that looks really good now we need something for this corner um oh God I’m running out of space really quickly freaking Daisy taking the big room she’s so annoying o what if we put a TV up here so then I could sleep over here and

Then watch TV that works perfect oh God but this window is going to cause a lot of glares on my TV all right I have the perfect solution let me just get some of these blinds and then we could just cover up this whole window just like

That maybe in this corner we just put some chairs just in case I have any guest or some girlfriends I want to put in my room ooh maybe I’ll put a plant right there that looks really good and just like that I think my room is basically completed maybe I could put

Another painting over here though there we go we’ll put another one on that section what is this what I thought this was like a balcony or something a this is poop instead it just goes onto a roof and just like that my room is completed

Let me go see what Daisy and my daddy have been working on oh Daisy what the heck is this this is my room l l e what it looks so nice why is there flowers all over and everything’s pink well you know this I love flowers

And my favorite color is pink I think you need some Renovations all right let me just get this carpet oh yep just do a little bit of this this is looking really good Daisy but this is yellow I know it’s the best color ever why are

You trying to make this your room I’m not trying to make it my room it’s still your room it’s just a better version of your room no this looks like it would be your room now hold on I’m not done all right just get rid of these sck some of

These type of flowers oh yeah these are definitely a lot better and we’ll just get rid of these and that one Jeffy what the heck what do you mean you should be thanking me right now because I improved your room no you took everything pink

Out of here oh wait I’m forgot one there we go oh Jeffy I’m going to get you back for this whatever you say daisy I’m going to go see what my daddy’s working on Daddy oh God leave me alone what are you doing up here I’m building my room

Wao I really like this yeah cool little area we can sit and watch TV together and then I got a big bed I can jump in woo wa Daddy I want to jump in the bed oh yeah this is so much fun I hope strick dad can see my butt in

The window right now you like that stri that neighbor wow daddy this room is coming out amazing thank you but it’s nowhere near as good as my room what what your room even look like well Daddy come over here I want to show you all right daddy follow me to the most

Amazing room ever let’s see this check it out what Daisy what are you doing in here well you came to my room and gave mine a makeover so I thought I’d do the same yours Jeffy why is everything pink I didn’t know you like you like pink

Daddy no everything was yellow it was a Jeffy room and de ruined it well you came into my room and made everything yellow so I made all of your stuff pink all right fine then we’re switching rooms then you can stay in this room and I’m now living in your room okay bye

Yeah this room is so much better no pink to be seen I actually like this room better yep Daddy I built it all myself was that a plan Jeffy did you plan to trick her into moving into that room exactly daddy this room is so much

Bigger than that one that was good that was a good plan 5 minutes remaining daddy do you see that on your screen why did something pop up on my screen I don’t know Daddy wait a minute maybe it was weird strict Dad where is he oh no

Daddy I don’t see him anymore the stone is broken and he’s missing wait he must have escaped daddy he’s on the loose that means he’s going to attack Us in 5 minutes well we need to protect this house Jeff we need to put up defenses you’re right daddy we didn’t add any

Defenses come on everyone outside Daisy quick we need you outside okay guys we have less than 5 minutes to secure our whole house so what do we add first for defenses oh Jeffy what about your poop snowball idea yes Daisy now you’re thinking all right catch my poop this is

Disgusting you two are so stupid we need a wall we need to protect ourselves with a strong wall Daddy I got it a poop wall oh my that’s my poop daddy no get away from me we need something better than that maybe like a lava wall what a lava

Wall I mean I guess I think poop is way more fun though well Jeffy we need to build a lava wall because it will kill weird strick dad when he gets in it it’s too hot but daddy my poop will kill strict Dad too because it smells so bad

And it’s so disgusting Jeffy just stop start putting lava Daddy I don’t even know what you want me to do with this lava all right I’m going to be digging around the whole entire house and you fill it up all right Daisy help my daddy break all this grass okay all right I’ll

Just place the lava oh God this is so much lava um daddy I thought we were making a lava wall though but we need to dig this so the lava doesn’t spread well Daddy I have a better idea what your better idea you guys keep digging that

And I’ll start making the wall okay fine all right we’ll just build this up like this and now we just go along the top and then we place lava underneath ooh see that Daddy I’m a genius what a horrible idea hey it’s an amazing idea oh God Daddy it’s going everywhere Daddy

This is why I wanted to build a little moat wait daddy is it not going to go anywhere no I think it’s good I think the moat is saving it all right perfect then everyone build this Stone going around our whole house maybe Daisy you start placing lava okay I can do that

You place lava and I’ll build the stone oh God this is taking forever Daisy slow down I’m not fast enough you got to go faster I’m trying it’s just really hard oh God this is taking forever come on hurry up I can’t place fast enough oh

Perfect Daddy all right we got to help replace lava all right daddy I’m going do the back side and you guys start with the front side all right I’m doing all this now let’s go back around and do this side oh God I’m on fire this wall

Is going to be amazing there’s no way someone will be able to get through it uh Jeffy how are we supposed to get through it um I didn’t think of that don’t worry maybe we can make some like invisible door through the lava well what if we just make a secret tunnel

Right here or we can do that all right I think the tunnel’s got to go right here all right Daddy this is a perfect spot for a tunnel what we got to do I don’t know why you would pick any other spot all right we just got to keep on dig it

Over here Daddy I’m going to make all the dirt into stuff Stone okay watch out for the lava oh my goodness there’s lava right above us I don’t like this be careful all right just replace everything with stone oh God the lava’s right above us oh my goodness I could

Have just died well you did guys we need to hurry up weird strick dad is on his way I’m trying oh my goodness this is taking forever all right this looks amazing now we have a way to go in and out of our base but guys this kind of

Defeats the purpose of the lava wall what if we just add iron doors and pressure plates yeah you’re right the weird stck Dad could just walk right in okay now let’s put some on this side just to be super safe ooh good idea now we have a double wall of iron doors and

Then we’ll just put some trap doors like this guys I think we need a way to get on top of this wall because then we’ll have a high enough angle to shoot strict Dad h what if we build a staircase ooh we can build a staircase okay hey this

Is looking pretty good nice then we just put stairs on top just like this oh that looks good and now we can go up and down but guys be careful if you fall off you will die in lava I don’t want to die in the lava well how about we put some

Railing so we actually don’t die I think that’s a good idea ooh maybe we’ll do some upside down staircases there we go ooh I like this Cobblestone wall good job Daisy thanks Jey I thought it matched really well guys I have such a good idea what is it Daisy what if we

Take dispensers and put arrows in them behind the lava wall and then we shoot them they’ll turn the fire arrows no way can that actually happen yes daddy that’s how it works Daisy you’re a genius all right guys get some dispensers okay dispenser daddy you’re on fire it’s okay I’m good all right

Let’s just line a bunch of dispensers up just like this I’m going to fill them with arrows all right let’s see if they work we’ll just put some arrows into this one did it work oh it did hold on let me go on the opposite side I oh it didn’t go

Far uh uh I think it needs to be higher yeah I think you’re right daddy you messed it up hey I didn’t mess anything up all right let’s do another test Daisy stay on that side okay all right here it comes M higher higher what they don’t

Even go far all right it needs to be even one more block higher I think the Lava slows it down a little bit let me just put the arrows in and up perfect now we know the exact height it needs to be so now let’s just make a wall all

Right I’m just going to fill all this in with stone brick and then we just need to place dispensers on top just like this wao daddy you got Redstone I know this is the only way it’s going to work on one lever is it actually going to

Work though of course it will I’m building it so you’re saying when you hit one lever they’re all going to shoot exactly oh my goodness all right we need to fill it up with a bunch of arrows now so everyone get arrows in your inventory and then start putting them in Jeffy

Have already been working on that where do we want the button um I don’t know Daddy somewhere where everyone can see it and knows where it’s at okay oh God it’s so hard to put all these arrows in here we’re doing good just keep it going

Yes we did it Daisy they’re all filled all right are you guys ready no go into the front so you can see it I don’t want to get shot I’m ready three two one ah oh oh this side didn’t work I did it wrong hold on Daddy you messed it up all

Right wait daddy you press the lever I want to see it okay I fixed it do it Daddy oh oh oh my goodness that’s crazy this is so cool oh god look how many arrows we just used up though oh there’s a lot I have three stacks just in my

Inventory alone oh no guys this is the best defense we’ve ever added we’re not done yet Jeffy I got one more idea well what’s the idea I say we put Soul Sand in the front of the lava so it slows them down and we can actually hit them

With those arrows oh that makes a lot of sense all right well let’s fill this whole thing up with Soul Sand all right this is all we got to do all right I got the Soul Sand start filling it up I’m working on it daddy we’re just going to

Put Soul Sand everywhere I think we need to make this bigger really make it two more wide yes daddy the arrows were shooting pretty far okay all right this is a perfect size now we just need to fill it up with all the Soul Sand and

Done check that out our house is so secure this is the most secure house we’ve ever built in Minecraft wait Jeffy but we’re not secure we still need to get armor and swords you’re right all right guys everyone pick out some amazing armor H what type of armor we

Put on there’s so much to choose from ooh I want to wear this Armor All right guys check this out ow ah yeah you like that Jeffy you’re shooting us it shoots out arrows out of my armor why are you so weird says the one that looks like a

Yeti right now hey I feel cute daddy you look really weird at least my armor actually has a purpose all right now I need to look for a really awesome sword and a bow and arrow ooh check this out I got the pig Slayer wa Daisy you look like a piston

Right now I know and watch this ow hey what the heck I’m in the lava sorry Marvin that is so overpowered all right this is the plan when all the strict dads come we’re going to send you out there you’re going to go really far and

Then use your ability to push him inside the lava ooh that’s such a good idea and then when they’re in the lava I’ll just H right in their face perfect and then Marvin it kind of just look like a stuffy what is even a stuffy yeah Daddy

What’s your cool ability so I have ice so I can slow them down oh okay that’s a good ability guys what’s that sound wa there’s lightning on top of the house uhoh daddy is home what the heck does that mean Jeffy I think that means he’s coming oh no

Strict dad is on his way wait what the heck are those babies what are those it’s a baby weird strict dad um Daisy I thought you only had one Daddy what the heck is these I think these are his minions quick everyone use your bow

Shoot at them oh God here comes one why does it have minions oh God I just poured water with this lucky bow why do you have a lucky bow because lucky bows are the best obviously oh great now everything’s going to die check that out uh-oh I just made him into a mutant

Creeper ah take that ah oh I just lit him on fire oh no I just blew him up with TNT that was awesome come on there’s only one more left I can’t hit them yes we got him oh God never mind there’s so many does anyone have a spare

Block wait a spare block why because that water is getting into our tunnel oh no who you did Jeffy well Daddy I didn’t mean to do it I’ll fix it don’t worry all right let me just break one of these grass blocks behind you ow ow ow help me

Help me like little trolls guys help me I’m coming to help I got to get more blocks take that ow what the heck sorry Jeffy I was trying to protect you I just went flying Daddy stop shooting me sorry take that sorry okay Daddy you’re going

To kill me stop oh my goodness oh my goodness there’s so many things here I’m trying to save you you keep freezing me what my my abilities a take that oh no Jeffy you’re destroying everything Jeffy stop it oh God I spawned a bunch of mobs ow help

Me kill them all kill them all oh I died what the heck how’d you die oh I just killed myself oh gosh these trick dads are so annoying but it looks like we killed all the baby ones let’s go but Jeffy what if that was only round one oh

No what the heck is that I think it’s strick Dad you’re right daddy that’s the normal version of him ah everyone shoot him take that strict dad you’re not coming to our base hit him yeah I lit him on fire let’s go Jeffy come on oh we killed him yes we

Did it uh-oh there’s more everyone shoot at him yeah take that dumb strick dad oh God to the left guys there’s one up here oh no kill him Daisy kill them I’m fighting one oh God they’re spawning on top of our base oh god look how many are

Spawning oh no Jiffy this is the perfect time to use a trap daddy you’re right all right here I go I’m going to hit it ah is it working keep going no I’m spamming it they need to get closer oh no Daisy go out there and push him

Closer I’m going to try tell me when to use the Trap Daddy okay ow keep going Daisy oh she died they killed me what Daisy you suck I’m going to go out there no they’re strong use your piston ability ooh you’re right I forgot that’s the only reason why we sent you out

There go go go I’m out here Jeffy start doing it take that keep going dadd is it working it’s starting to all right stop stop stop stop stop why no one’s here oh my gosh Marvin behind you what are you talking talk about oh I didn’t see

Anyone daddy there’s like aund of them following you they’re shooting okay Daddy take that evil St dad get in there get in there wa guys look at all the arrows it definitely worked because we killed all the evil St dads I’m stuck in a pit of them what

Daddy get up I’m trying to kill him wait morvin I can help you oh my sword broke Daisy stop shooting at my daddy I’m trying to help him are you hitting me um daisy look behind mind you oh my gosh that’s my strict dad he’s huge what the

Heck he’s like half the size of his own house he likes to go to the gym oh my goodness I’m shooting at him oh God I just got him angry you’re dead take those spider webs oh I just built a sky Bridge hello Daisy’s dad I would get

Back inside the base right now no yes daddy you’re going to die out there I can take him oh I just set him on fire Dy behind you I’m going out to help you Daddy oh God I’m coming open these doors stop hitting me you little shrimps oh

Big Daddy’s here come here shrick daddiy oh god what the heck he’s flying in the sky oh you like that oh God they do so much damage no no no no no no time to use my abilities oh oh God I just died this is all your fault Jeffy

Daddy how is this my fault cuz you wanted to go in the neighbor’s house a take that oh God ow ow ow I got to use my abilities take that ah take that how where is he are you’re the one hitting me take that no Daddy it’s me get out of

My way hey stop freezing me so you get oh sorry Daisy oh I’m frozen they’re going to catch me guys everyone attack the big one I’m trying to do okay I’m dead Marvin keeps getting me killed what yeah Daddy it’s actually your fault how are you guys dying so much you’re

Freezing us I haven’t died yet a take that Daddy bring the big one closer I’ll use the arrow machine on him okay oh okay well now you’re making it harder for me well I just blew him up my arrows all right come here oh oh here he comes

Here he comes about to use it you are Jeffy keep doing it ah take that ah there you go okay Daddy yes yes it’s working let’s go keep shooting him all right Jeffy hold you killed him he’s gone what I killed him you got him let’s

Go guys it worked all right we got to shoot these ones over here now guys we did it we killed all the strict daddies They’re All Dead let’s go we did it we did it we survived daisy behind you oh my gosh Jeffy no oh no no no no

No no run run run we strict daddy daddy they’re inside with in the house you’re right everyone go inside right now wait princess Tower you’re right everyone in the tower but it’s not a princess Tower I’m not going in the princess Tower it’s a princess Tower no it is not Daisy oh

Whatever I’m on the balcon here break this ow oh yeah we’re on the roof you smacked me silly oh god what the heck there’s one up here with me no let me in let me in let me in oh I died holy moly there’s so many out here Marvin ow there’s one up

Here hit you in your dumb stupid face strick Dad yeah you’re stuck in a pit of poop now ow I’m running around the house there’s one chasing me ow I’m in the lava oh gosh oh no I got three of them this one will not die I got to go in the horse’s

Table yes I’m protected in here feel like horse poop in there guys oh God he wants to eat my butt ow I got hit outside me too guys I just keep dying these strict dads are way too hard to kill guys there’s zombies inside the house zombies inside the house yes I

Think these are some of the strict D minions or something no he’s probably trying to destroy our house oh my God there’s one inside died oh my god there a baby one get away Mr the baby zombie they threw me in a hole in a hole Yeah I

Died guys I need help inside oh I’m here Daddy he does so much damage he’s trying to break through hey stop breaking our house bro uhoh we have to go upstairs no way daddy hold on I’m stuck down here why is there webs up here Daddy that’s

My fault I need to jump I got to go on the Roof oh I just died oh my goodness where are you guys on the roof on the roof what ah want to go in the roof come on come on come on get me up get me up

To go through the window ooh Daddy good idea let me shut this oh my bow broke I got nothing left yes I’m on the roof with you guys I made it oh my god look how many spawned oh no they’re going to take over they’re going to start

Destroying our house until we come down this is my house now oh no guys he’s trying to take over our house I think he’s going to take over our house no we worked really hard on it well I don’t like this house anyway Daddy what do you

Mean you didn’t like this house anyway it wasn’t that good I liked my first house daddy your house was trash Oh God he’s on the roof take some more of this get him Jeffy oh yeah I’m getting those head shots oh I’m in the mob I’m in the mob

Pit you guys fell who pushed me off this big idiot behind us ow ow I think I can do it I I think I can survive guys I need help where are you Daisy I’m on the other roof but I can’t get back up well you don’t want to come up here because

It’s filled with a lot of spiders help me Jeffy Daddy I see you Daddy I’m behind you now we to run Daisy where are you we need to evacuate I’m on the wall quick over here do you see me I’m coming guys run I’m running guys look at our house no no they’re

Blowing it up with TNT that’s so not cool a I hate weird evil strict D no my King’s Tower got destroyed it’s a princess Tower Daisy now is not the time to argue about that I guess you’re right guys we need to run and get out of here you’re right everyone follow

Me you guys stay back there though je you’re hurting me you guys stay there and I’m going to get a new house all right you fight the evil strict ads no bye guys if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now subscri

This video, titled ‘WEIRD STRICT DAD vs Most Secure House In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2023-12-03 22:13:57. It has garnered 556694 views and 7623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:22 or 2902 seconds.

Today, Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy come across the WEIRD STRICT DAD in Minecraft! He wants to DESTROY Jeffy and his friends! Will the three of them be able to build a secure enough house to SAVE THEM from WEIRD STRICT DAD? Or will everything be destroyed? Watch to find out!

#Jeffy #cashandnico #cash #minecraft #minecraftmod #securehouse

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    Girlfriend's MOM Wants In?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girlfriends MOM Wanted To COLLAB?’, was uploaded by BabaStreams on 2024-05-25 15:41:32. It has garnered 9601 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:03 or 543 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story Girlfriends MOM wanted to COLLAB? Her Mom Wanted To DO IT! Her Mom had a OF! LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: Read More

  • SHOCKING: BabaStreams Trapped in Family Van!

    SHOCKING: BabaStreams Trapped in Family Van!Video Information This video, titled ‘Caught In The Family MINI VAN’, was uploaded by BabaStreams on 2024-06-22 15:00:49. It has garnered 11299 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:58 or 478 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story Caught In The Family MINI VAN Doing It In The Family Mini VAN! We Did It In The FAMILY MINI VAN! LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hive antics with Luner G!

    Insane Minecraft Hive antics with Luner G!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive – With viewers’, was uploaded by Luner G on 2024-06-11 21:53:44. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:08 or 12668 seconds. Hey, today I’m gonna be playing minecraft cubecraft! If you want to join me let me know in chat. Please don’t be rude to everyone else in chat. Btw my username is LunerChip75. Please don’t spam unless it’s allowed for the moment. —————– Socials —————- Instagram – Discord – —————— Tags —————— #LunerG #Minecraft #TheHive #Bedrock #withviewers #live Read More

  • Unbelievable Woggy Man in Minecraft! Click Here for Aria Math C418 Cinematic!

    Unbelievable Woggy Man in Minecraft! Click Here for Aria Math C418 Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is Minecraft Aria Math C418 Cinematic CC in my bio’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:28:26. It has garnered 17 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • StealVille

    StealVilleWelcome to StealVille, the ultimate Minecraft lifesteal server where every adventure brings you closer to victory and riches! In StealVille, you’ll embark on an epic journey filled with excitement, challenges, and boundless opportunities for glory. As you delve into the heart of this vibrant world, you’ll discover a plethora of unique features designed to enhance your gameplay experience. One of the standout features of StealVille is its innovative lifesteal mechanic, where every battle won means not just victory, but also a chance to replenish your health and gain strength from your foes’ defeat. This thrilling twist adds a new layer… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla – semi-anarchy, Launching Soon, 1.21, Survival, Fabric

    Vanilla Anarchy Minecraft Server Launch Day: Thursday, July 18th at 5:00PM PCT. The world will be permanent so you can join anytime. About the Server: Authentic Vanilla gameplay with minimal restrictions. Running Fabric for a more vanilla experience. Always running the latest version, launching on 1.21. Rules: No hacked clients or unfair advantage mods. No use of glitches or exploits for unfair advantage. Respect the server’s integrity, no DDOS attacks. Keep in-game actions separate from real life. Join Us: IP: Join the Discord Server for more details. Read More

  • Nethria.Pro AND Factions

    Nethria.Pro AND FactionsThe Nethria server is located in Germany, making it more accessible for all of Europe. It operates as a Factions server, running on an older version, 1.8.8, to evoke a classic, old-school ambiance. Additional details about the server will soon be accessible through its website. In the meantime, you are welcome to join and explore the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Meme: Every Madame Web Line (Day 144)

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Meme: Every Madame Web Line (Day 144)It seems like Madame Web is getting more meme recognition than ever before – talk about a web of internet fame! Read More

  • Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight

    Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight In the world of Minecraft, where challenges abound, Our hero takes on hard mode, with infinite night around. Facing off against monsters, in a battle of might, Crafting, building, surviving, in the darkness of night. Epic fights against creatures, like Martha and Kuki, Sightings of the unknown, mysterious and spooky. Love arrows flying, food to sustain, A magical well, where dreams may reign. But beware the dangers, lurking in the dark, Our hero must be clever, to leave their mark. With humor and skill, they navigate the land, In Minecraft, they thrive, with a controller in hand. So join… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Troll Face Edition 🔥😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Hack: Troll Face Edition 🔥😂 #shorts When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Guess the real hack was on you! #fail #minecrafthacks #trolled Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Atok Dalang Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the Atok Dalang Portal? Join the adventure as we uncover the secrets of this unique portal and discover what awaits on the other side! Creating the Atok Dalang Portal Creating the Atok Dalang Portal in Minecraft is a thrilling experience. By following the steps provided, players can unlock a whole new world filled with exciting adventures and challenges. Don’t forget to gather all the necessary resources and prepare yourself for the journey ahead! Exploring the Atok Dalang World Once you step… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “My Application For {CHORSMP} Lifesteal SMP.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what makes a Minecraft server truly stand out and attract players from all over the world? One server that has been making waves in the Minecraft community is Minewind. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP action, and thriving community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft

    FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Adventure: The Quest for Grass Biome Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with our intrepid explorer as they attempt to find a grass biome to build their nether portal. However, just like in real life, the grass seems to repel them. Will they overcome this challenge and succeed in their mission? Let’s find out! Exploring the Minecraft World Our adventurer sets out on a quest to locate a grass biome, a crucial step in their Minecraft survival strategy. As they traverse the vast and diverse landscape of Minecraft, they encounter various biomes, each with its own… Read More

  • Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with Sasu

    Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with SasuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sasu on 2024-04-23 05:55:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft Battle

    HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch vs Herobrine – Minecraft Fight Animation #animation #minecraft #herobrine #shorts’, was uploaded by HexPeace on 2024-02-16 18:13:05. It has garnered 229 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,shorts minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft facts,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft update,minecraft 1.20,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tips,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,minecraft fun facts,minecraft survival minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft but,minecraft animation,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft short,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft facts,minecraft meme,youtube shorts,camman18 shorts,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft manhunt,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes – Epic Stash Raid!

    Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes - Epic Stash Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Update 1.20. Stash Hunting. Found Raided Dupe Stash’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-18 10:02:14. It has garnered 231 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:35 or 5375 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Guardian Battles!’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-03-15 01:24:38. It has garnered 215 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:29 or 16709 seconds. Come join me in my 5500+ Day Survival World Farmtopia. Bedrock version on PC. World Tour is on my page in a previous Live Stream. Split Stream with Tiktok! Support the stream: Read More