JeromeASF – 6-Player TMNT Lucky Block Walls In Minecraft

Video Information

Hello hello everybody and welcome to an awesome start of the weekend live stream coming at you with the Buddies today we have some really cool lineups for you we got Minecraft Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lucky block walls then we have after that some good oldfashioned Pixelmon Bingo uh and then if there’s

Any time left we’re just playing around on the Poke playay server hanging out with you guys but uh otherwise it’s Pixelmon Bingo we’re going to have fun so that’s pretty much it two longer segments probably today uh the lucky block walls sometimes lasts even up to

Like close to two hours long which is pretty hilarious um that’s it for those of you that don’t know how we play lucky block walls let me explain it we have 20 minutes on the clock to break all these blocks you could die as many times as

You want in that time it doesn’t matter after the time is up though your lives count you only get 15 of them so use them unwisely uh why is there a pressure plate over here what is it Luke did he just get bamboozled just break oh speaking of which Luke we got

Busness to talk about we got busness after this segment at the end of this segment before Pixelmon Bingo we’re having your impeachment trial you win inter of the month and you disappear for 3 days I had to go Grandpa the inter needed help saving the world for three

Days yeah for three days uh two days two days than one day task yeah I was going to say I don’t know if you know this or not but saving the world is not a quick thing Jerome yeah I don’t know I’m usually the one that hoists it in app

Peril so I don’t know I don’t play that other end of the coin that’s fair so either way we’re having your trial buddy and the viewers will decide if you’re impeached or not and no I seen a chat already I didn’t get to watch Cars last night I’m

Very upset about it why not like which one any of them I have never seen cars and I wanted to watch it bro come but it’s Lightning McQueen kiga Peach J you don’t have that Authority here all right well without further Ado Mr intern man if you don’t

Mind letting a rip I’m not talking about pants let’s go yeah let’s go all right 20 minutes on the clock I’m in on bed okay there we go ooh the first block I got a katana dude oh I got two pieces of armor on the first block that’s pretty

Good considering I have not been having luck with getting the weapons in these blocks recently huh I get the armor every time but I’ve been having bad luck with uh weapons specifically oh yo I already got an arena ticket oh that’s big um I don’t know

What happened but like 90% of my wall exploded here I your wall exploded J look for items then I guess no but I blew up so many times all the items are gone now too oh you can have some of mine I’m right next to you bro oh oh

Jeez oh jeez Luke get rid Luke get rid of those platforms all the mobs keep walking the god behold with a $66 stream said Jerome I’m making Willie suffer on the map I made and that means the intern gets one life for the battle the countdown begins made it and also thank

You uh behold for testing out your map uh on Willie and not us behold is making a map that’s going to B basically ruin our lives is what I’ve been told I I do have views of it Dr how bad is it on a scale of one to

Bad wow that’s not good that’s uh yeah that’s not good that’s how bad is it on scale of 1 to 10 we just hear laughter I’m terrified this is going to be bad he did remove something that uh I will put in nice and private when I get the chance

For you to see oh God he removed it he removed it he was nice about it what better the S probably the S hey what’s up Ste sigh how’s it going here you can have some wither sket is the best weapon yeah the S is the best one that was

Rude Ste only has technically see two wait so that reaction that stead had was based on him seeing two screenshots according to behold yep oh my God stead dead again this is why I’m scared behold have mer I’m a little scared as well oh my God reason for my fear well

Founded my knowledge of stead and behold also I’m glad that the intern’s back blade kept forgetting little things like he didn’t have mob drops on so we couldn’t get uh totems from the evokers yeah that was annoying and yet you want to impeach him from being the the the intern of the

Month hey Joy’s in the chat Joy I feel like it’s been minute how have you been there you go she said she’s doing good good that is good glad you’re stopping by like I said it’s been a minute hi Joy it has been a minute I got to yell at

Her later drum he removed the left one the left one what’s the left one that looks like fun oh my God behold Who removed the left what look nice and private private behold remove the left one oh oh there I God wrong with you behold uh this is the image everyone of

What he removed why would you ever make that oh god what have I done what have I done rainbow sweet with $100 stream dip let’s go cuddles on monkey hey monkey you like cuddles the warden buddy yeah you left aana on the floor thank you bud oh dang

Why are you on my side go go somewhere else suck I want to annoy you with items that drop dead Bob get out of there sir yes you can you can be nice and helpful instead I mean I could but like you know this is more fun hey monk how you doing

With cuddles uh I’m we’re doing okay actually we we’ve reached an arrangement you know oh jeez okay he’s not killing me all right I stand correct Joyce said cud Warden I’ve missed a lot you haven’t been around since cuddles why you haven’t been around the last

Couple months yeah that’s why I got to yell at her lightning struck and blew up my armor oh can we get a 400 in the chat by the way we got 400 people watching already that’s amazing let’s see that number rise though I want to hit 1,000

Today cuz it is Friday the 13th the scariest day in all the land follow the $25 said drum there is a totem by the exploded wall steak bomb onstead well thank you I’m going to go check out the exploded wall here quick this totem enjoy your steak bomb instead oh no I

Will actually and I’ll put it all over on your side I don’t see this there it is thank you you found it I accid dropped it let me pick back up no no come back in my there we go there we go got it I got it take it for the heads up

On that totem dude is the pizza a totem Pizza yeah yeah okay is mayonnaise a totem yeah is totems an instrument oh God oh God I can’t see the sigh I lost it well that’s Mighty unfortunate the size actually really good that is my third Coliseum ticket nice

Lucky wow I haven’t gotten a single one yet I might TR my God I’ll be willing to trade later possibly for armor depending on how these next 15 minutes go uh-oh wait what did I do is this causing me gra totem go oh my God I’m a genius I must be

Losing my mind I had a totem and I don’t have the totem anymore the totem did you put in a chest that’s crazy no the totem just un totem totem oh try just shifting around your inventory where it was sometimes like it’ll just lose track of it

Uh have you tried getting good Jerome a random Coliseum ticket on the floor yeah dang it he found it what I was looking for I I died trying to pick it up oh just don’t do that next time just survive that’s hard to that’s easy to

Say you doing you know you’re SW by likeing the illusioner the you know the zombies slimes ah my Evil Genius my Evil Genius is about to burn to death Bobby boy go go harass Steve no I don’t know where Steve is zombies over here get some let’s get some targets

Going peaceful they can’t Target me yet no we can yes I can yeah they’re just reserved for later Steve yeah but like the reserve for later Steve it’s a little yeah that that I don’t think so I think it’s oh my God you blew it up me

Into a pitfall trap from that if there’s anything you died and then I was the closest player there’s anything known for it’s being reasonable ow oh my God what happened to the wall over here I don’t know but there’s too many mobs and my game’s lagging what you my game’s lagging so

Bad I’ve been trying to pick up the same pair of pants where did he the same pair of pants that’s four Coliseum tickets get a upid cuddles I mean like yeah give me something good and I’ll do it oh I don’t know where those pants went gaming with a $75 stream CHP said

Check the footage your totem turned into two arrows okay yeah so I’m not crazy then I guess it’s probably not honestly the intern trolling it’s probably just straight up lag I think these are just getting a little crazy out here uh but that is a hot saing that is hot sauce

Number one sry to go ahead and get to it yeah I got a I got a pizza I haven’t said about these pants pants I don’t know if a totem equals a uh equals like a Coliseum ticket but you get me some Jerome’s noses and we’re talking hot

Sauce number one though dude that makes me feel so much better forros makes me feel like I’m not crazy guys because I genuinely thought I dropped the totem and just knowing that it magically turned into two arrows okay that’s like all right it’s not my fault that’s a little

Better so slightly better cuz you’re not insane but uh let’s try to find you still what do you mean I’m by Jerome in the corner I think you’re all the way at the other side of the map for me dude these chips are real stale are they the same I came up

Genuine question when did you get these chips I don’t know probably like two three weeks I’ve been using them at least if you’re sealing the bag properly they should not go steal it ah yes oh I don’t seal it I just keep it open not sealing the bag at

All yeah I don’t why would I here you go Jerome’s nose please think I seal the bag No but that explains a lot listen I’ve seen how this man ax with food and a pretty I expect better from normal people community advocate let me go and check that

Out we punched a pizza dough into submission once we did isn’t that what you’re supposed to do they got what was we could have used a roller but oh you cannot make they wanted to punch it dropsy I got back and within three Lucky Blocks got an arena ticket oh my God

Draco with a $66 stream I guess they’re happier back in turn from war because they have now given you a second life sir this is my first Super Chat ever and in ordinance with nature and the Channel’s history I choose chaos well the intern’s finally back from war so

Now he’s got two lives it’s not like a think this hey 500 in the chat 500 500 500 500 thank you than okay I just yed your uh knowledge book there monkey bro come on it’s only mob spawners don’t feel too bad no it still feels bad that’s another boots

That still feels bad ah the bow staff’s not that good the bow staff is not that good I’ve got a katana but not like anything else bad actually my wish came true then why are a bunch of TNTs falling from the sky that’s your wish I don’t think that was my wish that

Was was meant to fly oh I’m dead does the bow staff have uh I don’t think so I don’t think it comes with reach I’m pretty sure there’s three weapons in it and they all vary by the smallest amount in speed and damage no nunchaku so I got one of those

Things that gives you the permanent extra Health if you put KN Ender in it yeah except it didn’t fully spawn in oh yeah it falls on the top and it breaks o that’s a Jerry’s nose put that back where you found it or what the Buddies the only place where

You can pick your friends and your friends nose okay I’m not picking those what why not isn’t good enough insulted yeah this is ridiculous dead his up your mind like you want the nose or not I mean I want the nose because it gives the extra Hearts you know didn’t deal okay prop

One God can’t believe you wouldn’t pick Jerome’s nose dude that’s like the biggest insult anyone’s ever me dead really that’s the biggest one I bet you I bet you no way not in the good state of New Jersey people are so nice here never get insulted like that never yeah not to your

Face they would do something tame your mother or something nice God I hate those Pitfall blocks they’re pretty funny yeah like in the main mode I’m far more likely to just scoot her ankle to get out uh o okay I like those are funny that’s garbage that’s funny oh all right let’s

See time to head in hey who is that Steve D I literally just said hey I’m in the arena like did you I didn’t hear it oh hey I got another Coliseum ticket that’s five so far literally commented on it stream did you hear that I didn’t

Hear it did you hear it stream I think he’s lying uh it’s really hard to fight in the arena right now I’m not gonna lie yeah I yeah yeah Community Advocate with a $50 stream said Cappy’s choice for this one I think we know where this has

To go targeting yes sir is that tget well it’s got to be Steve it’s it’s almost traditional I was going to say C it has to be you got to do it but don’t worry eventually we Steve will get targeted so much he’ll just grow to be so strong it doesn’t

Matter eventually he’ll get good at the game oh well you put it that way not me yeah what happen pudles n Minor Details what do you mean Minor Details what did you do the cuddles I didn’t do anything this time I promise trying to avoid the blame

I’m serious I just walked up and there’s a skull Catalyst which means someone took out cuddles I didn’t do it there is video ience of me not doing it this time uhhuh uh oh well that happened oh I need that Luke can see what I’ve done

Though God God oh CH I’m going to be honest I’m surprised that the targeting wasn’t on the intern cuz he always gives himself the super OP armor no now now that we’ve had to deal with blade that what what Luke does is tame yeah worse by a lot Draco with $100 stream

Tip also to my favorite buddy an extra life for dropsy is that wait that’s not even that’s not $100 wait what really what the heck yeah that’s that’s that’s a warden can that not go to his favorite can he that wait Draco yeah you’re throwing wardens out here

Instead we’ll let Draco clarify we’ll give him we’ll give him a chance let him cook let him cook can anyone take a guess what item I got oh that’s buffing yep the buffing horn oh great I feel like it’s programmed you always get that it is it is like seriously that’s

All I ever blown up two my walls already you have any ex of those you willing to trade for them potentially I have another Arena ticket so I’m more than likely going to get a second one I have four on me four buffing horns yeah four buffing horns

God okay actually Four buffing horns wouldn’t really be as good do it sound same cool down yeah exactly cool down is the same for all of them so it’s not that devastating it’s still annoying don’t get me wrong it’s not as as oh God the re something Bor Steve I know what

You’re talking about dude the lag in the arena is hilarious there’s just I think there’s many luk can we clear mob drop or like item drops uh it’s it’s fine I have another ticket I’ll go ahead and I’ll I’ll give horn and in pick number one no no he

Stuck with the horn what that’s that’s what I said I said I’m I’m good I’ll stick with the horn Luke can we get a clear of items on the ground please please Luke it’s breaking my Discord well that’s sorry I think that’s a Discord problem how is that like

Related yeah I don’t think that’s uh I think your Discord is just breaking that feeling when Luke runs to kill all mobs and it kills all the arena mobs oh my goodness you’re kidding bro but now it has me in like the know I’m in like I

Don’t even know where I am I’m Sho I even know who I am that was was so weird yes the Sigh huge time out gains soon as I time it out I could hear Discord again oh yeah it might be a ram issue in that case honestly dude monkey

Left the game monkey joined the game monkey burned to death yeah when I got back the lag had put me at half a I was on fire so oh that’s TNT Draco we’re still waiting to hear back from you buddy he hasn’t typed it what he wanted

Yet watch me Ki that skill issue too Draco with a $50 stream tip set that’s the okay oh fair enough dropsy you get an extra life you’re getting 16 to start thank you you got to watch out though Luke’s catching up he’s already got two he’s collecting them oh man

Steve isn’t the lag and the Rita so bad for real though drao I want to thank you so much for being our captain of the live stream much better now that the thing went without people like you Draco we couldn’t do what we do so thank you

For the bottom of my heart people don’t realize that it gets very hard to do what we do in late August September and October so without fans like yourself helping out it’s impossible to do this so thank you genuinely thank you for the bottom of my heart buddy Luke oh that’s

A lot of TNT no mimses oh I oh my goodness Luke stop that do hit me with the jump scare while I’m fighting in the arena nice he gave up trying to get me with that one cuz I barely even Flinch when he does it now that I know he’s doing it I’m

Prepar yeah it’s like the first time it worked and then then from now from on it’s like I was expected hey 600 in the chat 600 600 600 let’s go we need 700 then n that’s a lot of TNT 10,000 see prepared yeah uh I so Drew up about that

I spawned about three things one scre no that’s a dub bro laging it’s okay my frames die every day bananas that’s another TNT bananas smashing bananas first if you cool and then I’m staying alive staying alive banana banana banana banana yeah I’ll take a kill

All what do you want on the side get my side it’s the entire wall is gone cap what do you want on the side uh what for bananas no for the kill oh uh probably a side of chili cheese fries yeah that’s fair like oh my God like beening like

Like a good chili cheese dog oh dude Sonic has the best trash dogs you’ll ever had no I know when I was a kid that was the thing I would I would order every time is that foot long chili cheese dog with tater tots oh yeah like

Listen like don’t get me wrong I’m trying to eat healthy but there is something to be said for something garbage food just just like some pure diesel poured into my go and it’s just like there is afterburn and jet lag but for like five glorious minutes I’m a [Laughter]

King listen you know Alexander the Great if he could have had a foot long chili cheese Cony he would have he would have he just would have all right now what do I want my side B by any by any chance tell you what if you can get me a

Bow and some arrows to go with that I’ll give you an arena ticket bud I think I oh I was hoping for Jerome’s nose but I I I can give you let me see it doesn’t work you have no power here jome well need’s not that kind of power

Don’t you no no no no no all right I got a bow a stack and a half of arrows and Cappy’s bomb with your name on chance stop it I do have a drum just haven’t got but I’m totally down to give you it like let’s go oh dude what are

You doing oh youing home what are you doing what are you doing Dr just what just happened walk like normal like a normal person you cheater no if I do a trade I just go in the dip oh okay you’re good oh my God I’m getting it’s a waste of my

Time okay wait you came here second how you here first what you like what are you doing uh here I’m going to throw these individually in case you want to try an the ground yeah you don’t want it to end up on yeah are you seeing this uh I’ll

Just take a in case you wanted you know oh that’s fair thanks man wait how did you oh no ended up on a St wait wait wait wait wa you’re joking you’re that was the only one I had you bugged the game so badly by am I

Like I’m not you I’m not losing it right that’s real right the mobs are in a lava pit trap okay so when you T I made it easier uh why they’re all dead but have to do thing dude yeah you’re That’s crazy dude I also I also broke in the arena I figured

Out how to do it finally oh you broke in yeah I was hanging out with monk inside the arena there for a second drum are they still in there for uh let me see no they haven’t spawned yet I think it’s still lagging too much wait they spawned yeah

They’re in the pit thanks just handing out three wins over here in the arena oh cool I’ve got oh because there’s a hole above it Monk Is Burning to death Mon’s going to die he fell in the pit I Hate Everything You Done dropsy sorry hold up is he actually

Going to fail yeah I’m actually burning to death this is my God I don’t know the last time fail at the arena it’s not even I’m not even in the arena yet I still have all my gear this is Jerome’s Arena and monk has died I don’t think

You get to play in the arena now mon I think actually he has to get teleported out oh wait no it just teleported me back in oh that’s funny dude this is the most bugged what did you do dropsy it’ll fix once you’re done no there’s still a giant hole that

Spawns you just get free Dums okay why you complain complaining you’re welcome I mean I got three more tickets so like this is hug gam for me yeah she’s a homie what you doing burning to death good well don’t do that like yeah don’t you just say good hm no

I don’t know I’m I’m really I’m really channeling that telling the teacher they forgot to collect the homework energy swear to God you’re worst person I’m channeling that energy why you channeling that energy now you forgot to collect the homework a everyone in the class just like what are

You doing yeah okay this those kids were the worst oh God I I have like an opinion about homework it’s like homework shouldn’t be a thing but that’s just me cap I’m sorry as much as I don’t want to be a narc that is the worst take

In the world dude kids need homework I I don’t think homework just shouldn’t be a thing but the teachers that assigned homework just cuz they couldn’t do it in class I think is kind of lame maybe it’s just because of the experience I had in like my public school but uh like

Homework was really heavy-handed the teachers didn’t communicate with each other like at all it ended up being like a way overloaded course load and like dude having AP classes and they didn’t talk it was a nightmare yeah so I just maybe the better take is that teachers should really communicate with each

Other more that’s fair but like I yeah like I I hate to be the guy like don’t me wrong everyone hates homework but at the same time dude if there wasn’t homework I don’t think I would have learned a thing like the did you learn anything anyway I I learn I learned a

Lot in high school it’s good it reinforces the skill set I ain’t going to lie the obviously like elementary middle school is like the basics but most of the stuff that I’m like yeah my brain retained this was in high school if you ask me specific facts about like

Middle School it’s like no that’s not that’s not there anymore in my brain I don’t know man I I yeah I I think homework but I do agree with that there were times when it was just a lot like the teachers like cuz there’s no whatever and then it was like dude like

There’s no way anyone can finish this in a reasonable amount of time like yeah yeah and that’s unfortunate you don’t want that but like in general I don’t know I think it’s a good idea to enforce you know like just learning really like it’s learning is just repetition for the

Most part oh certainly but I I always just learned better through taking notes and lecture I hated homework because it made it so that I couldn’t go outside as much all I wanted to do was skateboard and play sports I wanted to sport ball so are we

Like broken uh Arena yeah oh you can go in you’ll win you just you just win so yeah go go yeah you just win it’s just guess I’m just waiting for monkey to be done col game with a $75 that’s hot number two fun fact homework was originally created purely

As a punishment for kids and it still is I can see that yeah that that I can believe yeah oh somebody the value but that doesn’t mean I have to like doing it when I’m assigned it you know oh yep there they are burning even though I value it keep on

Burning all I’m saying is teachers get a lot of flack but the thing is and like there’s someone in the chat saying like um I didn’t do things because homework didn’t teach me uh much but here’s the thing I feel like it’s one of those things that a teacher is danged if they

Do danged if they don’t because then on the other side of the corner is the kids that are going to be like well I’m not really a test taker I you know I’m better at like practical application like homework and essays and then you have people and so like I what do you

Want these teachers to do you know what I’m saying like they’re doing the best they can it’s an underappreciated job I just had bad experiences that’s fair I mean and I I was lucky growing up my my worst of homework was was just too much

At once like I had like an AP essay I had to do an entire lab for chemistry and then like in my calculus course I had like three units I had to do like that’s when I was like why why MH in like a week H roll Champion

With stream said homework yes busy work no that’s a fair distinction I agree that’s a fair distinction like sending kids home with a review sheet is entirely different from like a weekly essay you know oh uh drops they also want you to choose someone for a steak bomb yeah

Oh Steve cool I’ll take it monk if it makes you feel better I also uh destroyed a arena ticket that was on your side by accident what why would that help you just came over to my side stole my totem and then told me oh hey I

Just destroyed an arena to wow this could be a history lesson right here like I feel like like this has happened before what is the emerald Apple do again strength strength The View but you have to actually hunger right yeah yeah yeah okay oh man I won again guys jeez I

Still got one more ticket yeah I tried to pick up your Arena ticket monkey but then there were does anyone want a second I got a second fire cutless does anybody want to give me something good for it I got nothing good to get I was

Going to say I don’t got anything good to offer you what me were talking at school what was everyone’s favorite subject math I the went out in that but I love math we talking subject I figured between like math English Science and History right those are typically like the four hey Jerry I

Got you something cuz some people be like my favorite subject is lunch and it’s like everybody loves eating dude yeah you forgot a book over here I picked it up for you also probably mob spawners okay so my main gripe with English I loved English I loved reading

The books I hated that I could never sign up for a creative writing class it was always just essay Format there was no like write a novel class and like get it graded and stuff like that I liked Life Sciences so biology genetics that was a cool course in high school I remember biology in ninth grade was very fun one of my most fun classes disected a pig and good oh

Ours was a frog oh we did the frog too before one of those sharks mhm I really enjoyed uh as well in high school I had a paramedical biology class and that was pretty fun that’s very specific but that’s cool yeah it was super fun yeah history was

Awesome I loved history I got to take Anatomy my junior year an anatomy and physiology course and that was actually pretty cool yeah I took anatomy and physiology too it was was pretty good no but uh my favorite subject is math because uh there’s there’s one answer

There’s there’s no other way around it for for a problem there’s there’s one answer for the most part until you get to like Advanced calculus stuff I was actually about to specifically say it like sometimes though until Advanced calculus but that’s but that’s getting into theoretical and that’s and then

There’s imaginary answers right I was about to say and then they went still but then there’s imaginary numbers and that’s where they lost me like just give us real numbers to work with all right it’s fighting time time is up on Steve oh my god oh right yeah you guys

Got to Target me for the first like yeah yeah hun him down I also used to love uh economics classes like I did macroeconomics we’re targeting Steve bro but like it was like split in half it was like half of the year was a government and the other half was econ

So we didn’t get to do that much that’s actually I had the same thing go and Eon yeah down oh it could be better all right this is Jerome no I could be better because Steve just decided to Fireball me into a that’s cap oh did I you’re right next to

Me and I justad has exploded oh F dead F dead he’s on my side surpr oh I was just there dang it did you drop your sword there bro no don’t make fun of me you saw nothing I hear someone throwing a trident that’s that’s inter turn

Man oh steud is he not over here anymore no anyone got a chest plate yeah like a spare chest plate hey we’re targeting Steve hey hey hey oh forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot okay like seriously do you have a chest plate I

Need a spare one yeah I did have one do you want to trade would you trade one for a totem no or oh where is that Stan hey a look where wow I made the sh thanks for your spare elytra monk yep did you know I didn’t realize

When you combine elytras you net gain more so if like let’s say like the first one I the the durability is 47 when you pick them up from like this thing so if you put a 47 and a 47 together it for some reason gives you a 118 out of it it

Gives you more you get like you get more out of it combining durabilities cuz it it does weird Minecraft rounding math it’s it’s not exact because of how durability works it’s awesome if you can combine stuff like do it you get more out of the uh tool or whatever it

Is where is oh here he is what up Steve yeah where is he where are you he’s in one of the corner orange his side actually where he supposed to be Corner orange oh okay on the way hiding in his house yeah he has a house what a nerd no I didn’t

Have a house you know oh oh jeez hold on I’m behold with a $25 stream of drone would you call me crazy that I willing decided Take 5 years of sence quest in school be careful I don’t have water buddy I’m sorry where did where he go huh I like

Blew up a bunch of stuff he’s gone he’s probably under the map he probably Ely oh so he wants a s bom on cap cap I’m sorry Budd you getting steak bombed answer your question if you took five years I mean to be fair I I kind of

Did the same thing my senior year I took forensic science genetics and AP biology all in one year so I did three years worth the Sciences in one year I love science oh goodness and Jerome I was on a bat above you guys oh that’s really funny actually yeah so somebody blew up

The wall which made me like I was the closest person so it put me on the back there’s cap there’s oh Stevie I don’t even know where Steve’s side was supposed to be but I don’t he was next to me he probably scurried off in the middle

Maybe oh there goes the S I’m in the middle so he he was on my uh left side I feel like facing the center want to see a magic trick sure Oh I think someone’s what is he here oh my God I don’t know but uh that got blown up and I got stop oh my God whatever that was I’m going to die oh my God what was that I’m going to die it’s probably Steve where is he I didn’t do

That Steve is that you what are you doing yeah I didn’t do that Luke that’s me I didn’t get aing the wall we all get cutes uh maybe I’m just like a majority did at least I’m sorry my extra death went to waste oh where

Ah no um Steve Steve might be in trouble well you deserve it Steve I fell in a pit of lava oh good good I got out I got out we’re good I can’t believe that worked so well for you blow up here on his side literally been running around the entire map

Nonstop I’m fine it I’m going to find you again now Steve Mark my I can’t God’s sake dude you’re going to make it out dry huh you can make it out why why Ste oh my God he did it again he Fireball the wall take cover Jesus dude

It’s so good so annoying Steve stop it I just wish I knew where he was uh he coming towards DRS yeah he’s going towards you let me see if I can find my way back horrible Direction chest plate but it’s a chest plate guys we’re close it

Cing will we get to 1,000 people or will we explode oh we will Luke behind you there he is I hit him with a poison Scythe guys oh I’ve got some good hits on him I got him oh I was giving where is he’s on um your side how yeah I’m here

Yeah there we go also it is so weird whenever you guys ask where he is the it seems like it’s always on your sides I don’t know why so I’ll start asking where people are and then just running to my side and I’ll F I was just trying to find them using

Elra you tell me that wasn’t oh my God who keeps blowing up the wall Steve Steve he know decency I don’t know decency intern man we clear you chose this fight stop it you Fiend The Intern must be vanquished he’s only got two lives I plan on expending

Both of them oh my God that blaz is so ow oh jeez oh jeez where Luke you oh he he proed the totem ah no you named your SW SW Baka Slayer oh Luke Luke Luke my bad I’m bringing this up at the impeachment trial There It Is Well I

Mean it is your fault but you know it is my fault but like minimal almost fell back into lava oh hey Jerome hello Sten it was me alone oh why are you drinking ooze ew excuse me wor ow fight me Jerome I don’t want to SC Steve you’re scary ow very scary

Dude this is the fighting is so difficult because of the frames little bit yes Luke was just watching for from the distance that does sound like an intern move hey colum thank you for the 10 EUR shrim tip you said big rugby match tomorrow Ireland versus New Zealand W of

The Rugby World Cups quarterfinals Ireland are 17 games unbeaten oh man there’s no way well dude that sounds awesome is it in Ireland are you going to are you going to watch it or I haven’t seen anybody since we stopped hunting steam dude I’ve been in constant comat right now I’m looking for

People but I haven’t seen anybody J and I were having a pretty big uh battle cap was cap was aw mhm oh my God finish him off I’m going to die J oh I got he’s got lucky BLS Willie has arrived and is now B that

Is so much TNT Jesus God so much lag please get a clear of everything clear please yeah including Steve’s inventory so he stops blowing up the wall and causing lag that my God it just went a little bit crazy sometimes it does just go crazy

You know yeah do be doing this is the most obnoxious thing dude this may be the three-hour lucky block wall oh thank you thank you very well could be the Savior we needed that worked immediately dude what happened to my Ender Pearl Jam did you like your end

Pearl cleared with everything can I call for a ceasefire for a second no no why would I why would I let you ceas fire I got you on the RO I blow up monkeyy stuff what I blew up your chest well oh okay that’s fine I didn’t have anything in

There you’re just a block I break oh said go the uh is that oh it’s New Zealand’s team okay steak bomb on the non intern Luke it’s still going so Community Advocate wants New Zealand to win colum wants Ireland win obviously I give up want I’m about to a

Jelly donut burn to death yeah I don’t like I actually don’t like donuts oh really really like yeah yeah I’m more of a cream F donut guy okay Boston and my spawn is on fire wonderful I mean that’s like the choice you know yeah bosson cream is

Pretty great I don’t really seek out cream fill Donuts if one’s put in my hands I’ll eat it but laaz Donuts is where it’s at yeah I just like classic glaze col in France play yeah cream yeah that’s what one of the viewers was saying it’s in France for some reason

That’s weird it’s New Zealand versus Ireland in France France are they hosting it like a tournament thing I guess so yeah still would be a bit odd but makes more sense I suppose Justice SS with a $50 stream dip good to see you justice I feel like

It’s been a hot second he said hey Cappy glad to see you’re back yeah dude everyone’s happy that Cappy is back from war that makes me feel good um Cappy’s Choice Target or two steak bombs on whoever he picks CPP you know what to do let Target Steve

Yeah down well I’m already chasing him he’s uh whose side is this on mine in the middle running towards Green in the middle get his toes let me go ahead and take my totem off Kronos 50 gaming with a $75 glazed apple fritters of the superior breakfast pastry honestly my

Fiance would agree that’s her favorite is apple fritters get him cap apple turnover turn said what are you a grandpa anyway hot sauce number three Kronos all right I’m on your side drop so where did you where did you guys go stop doing that no why would

I this number three ter barely any hot sauce left in this bottle Steve be like this one’s going to be long and then be why it’s long y I did before the thing start say are you guys ready for 2 hours uh luy block walls I hit him with a Wither

Sword there we go dispers dispers yeah Luke I’m with you buddy I’m with you he deserves it fair enough it is what it is I mean you know hey hey hey hey I was looking at my inventory so I just literally hit and ran just there’s someone I can fight monkey

It’s Jeremy you must die yeah you must die a horrible death sir no you it is you J man you should have like you should go more a gapple I did just eat a gapple watch I can do that too oh all right you’re you’re GG I didn’t get nearly a

Stacked even though I got like did you huge like I’m not run I was getting out of a fire pit monk what totally good reason to use a blink dagger I’ll let you go aink dagger it’s not a c look if I did it and ran that’s

A coward’s way I used it to teleport out of a fire pit how is that a cowardly thing to do you could have just climbed out like a normal person why would I do that when I could just stop the fire damage monk you’re that’s just like why would I not use the

Fireball no it’s not not using the fireball but when everything is lagging and you blow up the wall that causes more lag and then go this is taking a while did I say it was taking a while I did not say that guys I don’t know I think J’s right

Someone please give him a Target someone but I can’t fight anyone someone please give this man a targe in that’s a paddling oh dude you knocked me into that knock but I had a re a time going so hello that fall is going to hurt cap your side is just straight fire

And not in the good way you’ve been kidnapped how have you been kidnapped a bat a bat has taken the intern no that’s fine how did you get here all running mag stop it you’re not allowed to do that you’re not allowed to have legs why not like let her have

This it’s all I God man sure I’ll go with joy said the intern is Batman yes you found out his identity the bat another Coliseum ticket I also got taken away by a bat oh you you doing inter hey guys I’m doing a Coliseum ticket okay have fun buddy oh

Okay it said Victory immediately what’s happening bro whoa is it still broken yeah it’s still broken but it didn’t take any time at all get look bro can’t even make this up I got another fire cutless what wait wow that’s three fire cutes but Luke were

You I’m uh I’m digging out of the victory hole in the no ambushed me and now you’re running this might be a hot take but I absolutely I think they’re the worst thing ever put in this game oh thanks for reminding me let me put my shield on

Yeah a if if they didn’t have a way to deter them I’d also agree that Shield suck but you can literally break them with a just suck because if you don’t have an axe you just sit there with the shield a how many diamonds to know what sucks

Is what Luke just did to me you know how sometimes when he’s doing this by himself and he doesn’t have anyone to help cover his intern things so we just let him do them if he’s standing there motionless he just used that as a lie to make me stop hitting

Him I was like Hey do you do you need a second and he just nods and I go don’t say well no oh my just said well about that it was a lie and then killed water nice guys I’m breaking the arena I’m nice nice nice how you breaking it with bombs

With bombs you say yeah it glitched so I’m I’m breaking it Pizza against an Italian I guess I’m going to have to take a scooter ankle real quick so that I can get back to home base oh yeah cuz it’s not teleporting you back yeah it didn’t teleport me back but there’s a

Nice little uh tunnel out of the victory hole nice that’s always fun yeah super fun who John Ager good to see you again dude with a $10 stream tip it is his 21st birthday happy birthday dude happy birthday what a birthday dude October Friday the 13th turning 21 that’s got to

Be insane yeah I have a great day today dude he said as a birthday wish that you all Focus Monk and demote to to Mr blast what dude what dude oh he’s saying demote me to Mr blastam instead of Captain blastam and also Target monkey as separate things we’re not demoting

Cappy I me I would care being stabbed in the back you have no authority over sweet I’m dead good fight sir were you even low uh half health I’m not going to tell you how many hearts I have so did you die or okay yeah you did die yeah I

Can D answer me this how many drumes noses did you get four oh oh no make clue into some things and run away and then turn around again oh come on seriously oh no what happened she’s got stupid Lucky Blocks on sword and I turned around to fight her and she just

One tapped me into a cobweb yeah that happens from time to time based on how long this is going to take I don’t know if my bladder can hold all that time oh no that wither sword is op isn’t it yeah it’s it’s doing work for me but uh can

We have a night vision Uh internet huh internet why do you need night vision be right back going pee well I found cap and then I lost cap and now he’s gone forever I’m squirly he is indeed a squirrel yeah we know Captain squirrel yes yes who side is this I’m on traps he

Side I’m going break her Beacon I don’t want to fight you again get well come back I fought you like five times you’re the main source of twice you’re the main come to your side no chasing Steve oh Fair reasonable he’s a light drink man all right I’m back on my side who

Is what is happening what do you mean in his cave with someone poor My Poor Side dude better work this better work okay okay okay you’re good I have Lucky Blocks not doing anything oh my God you so much Dam trying to fight some people do you have a strength potion or

Something not currently not right now but I did oh well all right oh that’s TNT that was effective damage is absurd okay well um I think lucky blocks can give you strength and absorption and stuff like that yeah I don’t know just like randomly I’ve wondered how good a pure

Lucky Block uh enchantment build would be probably it’s not the greatest for enchants because you can’t guarantee it how’d you get out dropsy friends Raw Talent no one killed me I’m alive bye Steve up apparently Luke said he left you a gift a gift I would trust that there’s a command block [Applause]

Surprise you’re a bad person and now I’m taking your last life bro the lightning during that was way too perfect ah yes that’s a lot of TNT feeling trapped are you Luke could it be because I Enchanted my scythe and my blink dagger with ice so you cannot

Escape come on wait can I not die to Lava what is happening you’re not dying to Lava currently I imagine what’s where oh I’m my drum side where are my guys trying to hurt the P the ptle guys help Luke’s trying to hurt my feelings where Jerome help he’s on my

Side what does this do I have him surprise he’s Frozen Jerome doesn’t do anything he’s right behind you still he’s Frozen though I love fighting you to fight someone else you’re not getting away with this point he’s eating a Notch Apple I think oh he’s got a notch app oh well he also

Pro the totem so he’s weak oh that’s a lot of slimes actually you guys can have fun with that I don’t want all these slimes they’re here for you you over on you drum he really wants you it’s probably because I called him basic the other day I mean don’t you do

That all the time though and aren’t you trying to impeach him B like had that one locked and loaded ready to go like it’s like no hesitation like you’re always all the time what do you mean just like ready to go is like dude you’re just like that why are you you

Always call people basic I I there’s nothing wrong calling someone basic yeah but you’re trying to impeach Luke as well so you know I’m not trying to impeach Luke I’m just trying to let the people have their moment of Justice okay that’s is it a moment of Justice we’ll find out right exactly Rhyme why am I still poisoned Jes jum because why wouldn’t you be it said zero seconds left and I’ll still I was fighting him and then he got away from me as well he’s right there you got so few lives dude I don’t want to like

Be the one who takes it down if that happens you may kill me though $10 syndrome how does life work without pumpkin spice lattes I love those here in New Zealand I don’t think we have those what what wait so you love them but you don’t have them there I

Guess you’ve had them when you’re like out of the country they’re all right I’m not a big fan of pumpkin spice stuff woo I don’t get the obsession with it I’m like it’s okay I guess am I the weird one their own I really like pumpkin so I like pumpkin

Spice lattes bro if you oh my God you dep who was that come back here you oh my god bye bye you your shenanigans Cy just saying it’s just not worth it to go after me it’s definitely worth it it’s the God I’m not a big fan of

Overly complicated coffees I I have a strict every morning I use chalk full of nuts brand and then I add nothing and that’s what I have every day and and then you leave it don’t worry that’s pretty much what I have I use a Tex black coffee and that’s it but

Occasionally it is nice to spice it up and have like a latte or something but chock full of nuts the best I’ll say 95% of my time it’s just a normal average coffee there nothing in it oh how am I I take so much damage and deal so little I wonder

Nope that didn’t work it is time for a combat arctic wolf for the $66 stream tip they won’t let the intern drop below two lives intern gets another life that’s his third one where is he we could easily make it so he is Dro below

Two you say that dead but it was not easily dude I fought him for solid probably two consecutive minutes well yeah because he just runs away well yeah but that doesn’t mean it’s easy then is it I’ve tried dud yeah but we could just you know where are you

We did that you and I double teamed him for two minutes and he still got away wasn’t he yeah dude it was you oh Ste doesn’t even remember if he fought Luke I’m just definitely here guys sometimes I worry about stead oh I know I’ve been fighting him I

Just don’t think I can kill him that’s what I’m saying that’s all I’m getting at is by dropsy she’s got so many more lives than I do why would I do that when I could just you know you know third party man both is I’m waiting for you to lose oh I’m

Stuck oh my goshow and he lives to tell the T he lives to tell the tale another day I I had seen you in the intern cap but I lost you guys games dad’s in a pit oh is that you guys over there that’s just rude what that

Was just rude I kind of nothing personnell uh Luke there a bit wow okay okay dropy not even going after monk the person that was right there so so all right what do you mean I don’t got to explain that John thank you and have a great 21st birthday again he said

Last stream tip before he goes away for the night uh my luck is in your favor also I think being basic is brilliant cuz you won’t be critiqued as much as Mo is that true I critique basic people all the time me every day you’re a different

Flavor you use basic as an insult I don’t think that necessarily means it applies you just say it basic yeah like that’s just I say when people being basic so all the time well don’t be basic all the time well I mean I’m not one of them I don’t think you’ve called

Me basic I haven’t cuz you’re you’re not exactly you’re St you’re complex dude the intern is so that’s one way that’s one way to put it that’s one way conflex conflex oop he’s a conflex man conflex a lot more sense everything the intern is absurdly strong like

I I he can’t kill me because I’m too squirly but uh col is that who’s that don’t Wily say that we’re going to time Willie out just in case there we go who’s running up the wall the person who just spawned and saw you inside their base this is my spawn

Steve oh endite this is a green Beacon right here your we can change that I know did you change the color of it what nope you are still the same Corner Steve I am at your spot get the beacon you’re right L let’s do it let’s not yeah Luke

Let’s go for the beacon you and me bud how many people are up high right now everyone but me and Luke I think I’m going for a beacon leave me alone please okay yeah all you to do is ask thank you thank you see I part of me wants to just you

Wanted to be left alone four lives part of me wants to just like go into these fights but also it sucks to not use the time Gauntlet as squirly as I can but squ do it dude do it don’t don’t be bullied out of doing something just

Because I’d call Basic for it no if I legitimately do this I’ve got 12 more two stacks of ender pearls on a Time Gauntlet you’ll never kill me bro get out of here how are you still alive challenge accepted cap also uh because you’re bad at the game monk oh no he’s

Coming back for me he’s angry Spa wait wait wait get away get away all right now that I’m at a safe distance you’re bad what happened what did oh bro that’s his Spa I was spting Luke and I think he was trying to right click to get behind me but he blink he

Blinked through the Bedrock so he just fell Luke you get away from R Luke wait kronos’s been gaming with a 75 if you didn’t do that that’s ghost pepper sauce coros you’re on my come back here stead nope here you go konos this is for you he said basic to

Me is average don’t be average when you know you can be the best version of you that you could be there we go look at see Kronos out you know guys I didn’t think Kronos would be an inspirational person but he’s a very inspirational person I thought he’d be more of like a

Perspiration person you know but you’re lucky I’m so mad oh my gosh I just time gaun we need to get dropy I’m fighting ch right that is hot Kronos thank you so much Mr Kronos you are the captain of the live stream I appreciate you buddy thank you for supporting the

Channel also I saw someone oh my mouth’s on fire I saw someone asking about what that means in the description Peanut’s best day ever that is the idea for a vlog that I have for the Vlog Channel if you want it that’s what it is Peanut’s

Best day ever oh my God that on fire only from number four I feel weak fight anybody but every time I tried to fight cun away with the time Gauntlet listen I’m very slippery right now you are like jeez he’s a slippery what’s that character from F guy can’t catch

Me dude the intern want dead so bad I mean but he’s not going to be able to kill oh hello did you just fall off a cliff there did I who was that no not you that was me with my elytra oh okay so someone did I was like no in the

Background drop him like someone definitely did wait who’s under the map with me uh is that where the intern’s been hiding he still got one life left I I don’t know I just saw someone underneath the like I was swimming up the waterfall and someone else was

Swimming up the waterfall it was the inter where’ you go you know places ha bet you weren’t expecting this or some of this ha I got three of those things so I do not feel bad about oh hey Luke I just spawned if you want

To you know give me a sec whatever you do don’t look to your right we were running from each other right here okay all right you have fun up there make sure I’m not found how many more totems do you have left Dr uh three more enough I was going

To use all of them if I had to nice H you know guys it’s a nice peaceful way to celebrate October 13th Friday the 13th oh um so cap yeah oh I see oh never mind look at that skeleton we just going to be good cap

Like we both fell down the hole so I fig like all I found him you get over here all right cap uh I’m up I’m careful there’s wither skeletons up there he time gauntleted he’s got a Time gaun guys the intern is when doesn’t he oh bye Steve what happened I fell

Down the same hole that you instead did because I was the one who who created it I think I I shot the fire cutless above you guys was B fell down okay so beat me up I don’t care if it takes all three of my totems I’m killing you Mr intern is

The boomerang just out by the way is it just gone yeah Boomerang probably oh the boomerang yeah I think we had that removed a long time ago I guess that was just better than fixing it down there I had a Coliseum ticket I didn’t want to be stuck in fire

And now I can’t give myself night vision cuz Luke deed me why do you do that I don’t know why Luke oh bye ke yeah ke the exact instructions were please get rid of this until it gets fixed um and then I guess they just never fixed it hey me a

Firefighter relax it’s just like the I liked the boomerang because it was totem is crazy you’re hitting from like seven blocks away the problem is it was too I mean it was immediate oh my God yeah all right back to my firefighting duties so what combo is monkey using

That has so much reach huh oh assassin totem Luke oh I’ve got the lightning blade it’s just I’m using he just hitting me from like seven blocks it’s kind of nuts I hope you guys know I’m doing a service to us I just used a totem and a strength

Potion uh all the intern for us is it yeah I’m just trying to fight fires over here oh my God but I’m starting the fires yeah stop I don’t want oh my God bro relax I got I got the to proc another totem guys that wasn’t even me

I’m swimming up a waterfall right now okay I I was just saying relax was exploding I just naturally assume it’s you at this point which isely three other people with fire fire cut one of them around in the middle of a Chase to shoot at the wall to cause us

To lag well I can tell you it wasn’t me right there right there but every other time it was me I did it I oh hello oh it’s stead I’m not going to fight you stead you guys in this cave down here like what you doing all right well oh my

God no me G I’ve been fighting this man to the ends of the Earth I’ve used strength potions I’m on my third tot you know what you’re ridiculous I wasted a strength potion in three things on him and I didn’t even get the kill that man didn’t want to fight you

Thank you Cappy fun remember you guys said oh we had I just put all this out oh about that what what do you know it was you again go all I did was sh set it on fire again these walls are the most messed up I’ve

Ever seen I’m flying this is the most destroyed I’ve ever seen this map so far hi hello most destroyed you’ve seen this map so far I I know just in total this is like get worse from here and the r you know 800 800 800 800 800 Oh come on me hey CW’s here get me out of here stuck in a pit Luke said I try harded for you chat but it wasn’t enough luk you might get me this time bro I think you got me oh man oh f c will F yeah I don’t know how

Many hearts you had but like that was like two hearts left okay wither sword does work is on it’s like my favorite item I only have the normal base 10 Hearts though I’m like that’s huge struggling here you’re doing great like don’t worry about it man this is the

Game of luck it’s literally in the name and mine is terrible I mean you no come on what happened to us come here come here and fight me coward you coward what what I miss that just took out all 10 of my extra lives where did you go you just disappeared I can

Simultaneously use my time Gauntlet that’s really funny so I can just explode and disappear turle Escape oh my God monk you’ll never find you put the tur so stupidly well you put the turd in Turtle you know that get over here really does oh he blew himself up I

Don’t want to hear that from you Steve my God it’s really god dude please just fight I don’t have anything Steve almost crashed me did crash me twice during this so I’m f up come on one more i’ I’ve got extra no it’s just n you just got to play the

Game oh my God you got to play the game of get off the stupid wall I am not on the wall oh chat I’m going to look around for blaze rods cuz if I can get Eyes of Ender all these are extra Hearts I mean stra up I can get

Like five to 10 extra Hearts probably from all these walls oh I was talking over there who’s shooting at me oh God oh God oh God oh my God Jesus you’ll never find don’t worry I’ll help you out monk oh my God is he still up there no Fireball now I

Got teleported back up there oh I got teleported up too oh my God oh my goodness who set the skeleton anyways ninja vanish oh did you like that fairy tale reference bro yeah was good mon you have met your match sir I’ve met my match a lot of times in this where did

You what yeah you got D what was that I’ve been playing Minecraft since you went diapers kid that was like entirely too smooth is the problem true though that’s probably true though man just no it’s not true that’s most definitely not true are you sure about that monkey yeah

Well Jerry I don’t know I started playing 13 years ago so you were seven at the time yeah so you’re seven I can see you still wearing diapers at seven I hate you this why I can’t have nice things no AB say don’t do it don’t

Do it this is the last life don’t do it you started the fight with me I did start the fight oh God do it anyways that was your D you get a double kill with that oh no C there’s hoglins falling in the pit there wait that was you Steve I was

Wondering hyper persistent back to his old tricks again I see oh yeah I got a nice trick up my sleeve oh my God that went okay I’m blending in my surroundings you’ll never find me did you change your skin to one of those like Stone camouflage

Skins dude I remember that was like the funniest thing to do like join a SkyWars Lobby get a skin that looks like Minecraft like cap hide what am I in with the 180 real quick what what am I looking for where am I to your left that’s a thing that

Happens nice welcome to the Buddy Purgatory come here jsy come on no you can’t do that after that whatever that was that was just the lucky block I’ve never done that to someone dude yeah cuz you only put lucky Lo on swords I hope I

Destroyed it no I got it right here oh you got it wow thanks campy I’m going to yes I’m fighting drop with every possible way I can and I’m still not killing her I’m put her in two walls have you tried getting good yes and oh my

Goodbye did I get him cap you made you are so annoying Steve H dude I’m I’m All Mobility right now I’m all Mobility right now I still got Mobility I to get all way this stupid oh my God I didn’t know that you were I didn’t know that you were in there I

Literally just shot a fireball over there I didn’t know you were in there Ste BL dagger is a pretty good counter to some of my stuff took how stebob Luke that’s messed up Luke came over to me and and started punching towards what was like a little Cobblestone like house

And I thought that made it and wanted me to blow it up so I shot at it and instead was in bro just I had no clue bad person you’re going to get me Jerry I think you got me’s dying of falling out of the

World was that genely put a dent in that apple or you put a dent in it but I mean I still had the resistance so I can technically use it to re like you know get some health back oh yeah certainly I was just wondering if like this tactic works at

All it definitely if I didn’t have the Notch Apple cap I was dead to rights like a 100 times over your blink dagger is a good Gap closer though you’re doing you’re using it real good well well well dropsy oh where’d you go run Now give me another Coliseum ticket that would be

Hilarious no I got that pitfall trap and then I just looked down and I was like I’m lagging no no no there we go I cannot believe I survived that I had half a heart John I I don’t think I’ve never thought about inviting him to

It but maybe for a video or something I’d invite Mitch to um not live stream’s a little harder though he’s a pretty busy guy but if it’s a video I could probably get him to join in for one oh yeah it’s like live streams are like a multi-hour affair these doing this again

Dropsy I can’t believe I’m saying this but I could really use a steak bomb and dude I will give you steak see I cheated and duplicated that stack at the beginning I to be fair though you also got a Ste bomb so you’re allowed to I feel like yeah

Oh my God I what do you mean oh my God this I just called Steve ridiculous I we haven’t heard from Steve in a second is a thing it’s cuz he sits in the middle of plots and aims at walls okay look Luke I know that Ste

Died and he out of the game but how are you going to take his color out of his name that’s kind of like disrespectful dude like I know he’s out but you can’t rip my chests gone Steve prob there might have been an explosion oh my god dude is he a light

Train jeez yep arctic wolf for the $25 stream said have some food thank you my wishes for steak I’m blame what is your protection level by the way I did not see you there C thank you arctic wolf thank you ouch I can now rejoin the fight with endless steak

I seem to be in a predicament cap was that yes you do but what is and what is true why am I getting jump scared yes pay no mind to the meat Fountain what nothing he’s just running up on you wait that is a great idea Clips let

Me try this out just want to see if this works and does but it’s not like as awesome as it was the Rapier I tried using the blink dagger with the elytra it works like you’d think but it’s not like as op as like uh like the Puss and

Boots Rapier yesterday was ridiculous with the elytra that was so much fun yeah that’s fair I tried to use the uh what the fire cutless with I’ve done it to you J with the elytra it did not work out what have you done died to me behind happened let’s about

In oh monkey monkey monkey you picked the fight that you cannot win we’s see oh how many totems you got in there bud quite a few oh my God that’s your third one yeah he actually does have quite a few bro how do I do so little damage to

You guys oh my God monk you have four I’ve got you to proc four you have a fifth one monk this is not the fight you want to use this on this is literally I have one life this is the last this might be the last fight man all right GG

I proed four of them at least oh my God got me on that one I didn’t have any more totems Steve stuck in a hole so unbelievably weak in this game compared to my friends anyone want to help me out doing this again I didn’t start this one we want to get you

Michelangelo Raphael he’s the leader of the group transform from the norm by the nuclear goop the critically acclaimed teenage mut Ninja Turtles seam song Done by I believe IC te really might have been oh my god dude I made it out of the pit I’m safe to fight another guy this

Is literally my only wind con right now this is it this is my only shot let’s see I’m going to find you Mr Monk are you hunting down monkey on his last I’ll stop I was just angry cuz I got him to prop the totem four or five

Time how did you you got five totems I like seven on me how did I what stop following me dropy backward I don’t know that was weird why a Time Gauntlet in my offhand drum so whenever I right click sometimes it does both oh that’s so sick okay that is pretty

Nice yeah it’s how it’s been so slippery I’ll like uh just run away from someone turn and I’ll Attack like that hey oh my God stop it stop following me around friends don’t worry mon I’ll play defense for you I don’t thank you I’m going just take him

At his word and run it’s not for you Monk it’s because if anyone’s killing you it’s me I you know that doesn’t really matter at this point it’s like as long as I’m not dying right this minute I’m good I’m hot on his tail Jerome I’m no longer hot on his Trail yeah

Ninja monk yep where did he go you might be wondering that is exactly what I’m wondering the world may never know stepen you’re all right it’s just firing shots bye oh God dude he does that sup yeah what happened to St I fell into a lava pit you know the

US oh I think did you get a cap is he dead he’s down there I don’t think that means he’s [Laughter] dead John thank you again and happy birthday buddy he said I am now a part of the Baka slurping Army you what do you mean I feel like you’ve been you’ve been

Around forever dude what are you talking about you always been a part of the Baka sber army they said his birthday wish is for Jerry to win dropsy you’re not helping with his birthday wish wow dropsy every party poor you’re really going to Ru his 20 oh my god wow

No love for John whatsoever from dropsy dude party pooper this is shaping up to be our longest lucky block walls ever I feel like thank you yeah my friend don’t jump off that ledge I’m jumping off the ledge oh my god dude thank you I’ll Stand and fight you this time thanks

Man I’ve been dodging you a lot so I feel bad like dude you got some Jukes today dropy and all those Jerome noses certainly helped yeah they certainly do like you got it girl um stead stead you confuse me sometimes buddy oh oh that’s you SU yeah I know I don’t

Have enough inventory room forget about oh god I’ve warped in time where am I I can’t do it I appreciate it it’s the problem with offhand time Gauntlet is sometimes you eat some steak and you end up in the past oh my God Steve like ratat

Style caps had some real weird steak in his time you don’t know me you don’t know my story you don’t know the steaks I’ve eaten steaks they were brazed why did you leave this block here I just stopped chasing you I’m not I’m not dealing with that when you want

To fight or real let me know it’s not going to happen dang dude wow drop so was that like a you’re a coward insult or what it is cuz every time I turn to like look at him he runs and elytra is off the edge it is oh hey

Dropsy oh are you here to fight for real no not at all okay you can have fun over there okay so what would you call what I’m doing am I just aggressively evasive or what uh you still turn around to fight he just jumps off an edge aggressively evasive is what

I describe a rabid squirrel as yeah yeah yeah I love that let’s go yeah yeah like that’s the vibe let’s go Jerry I love it I love it Luke dude you know what I always found funny is on college campuses especially but in cities a lot

As well where like um people like the squirrels of college campuses are notorious because they’ll get used to people feeding them all throughout like prior to the winter and people just like feed them feed them feed them and then people go home for winter break and then

They come back after like a month and the squirrels CU they’ve forgotten how to like eat naturally start getting all like angry because they’re not they haven’t eaten much in the last like month and they started attacking the students it happened all the time at Ruckers and it was hilarious oh my God

Yeah that’s awesome that buffing horn coming in clutch for you I knew someone who got bit by a squirrel had to go to the uh the on campus like a Medical Center emergency yeah squirrs around my house are just nuts they’ll just run in no all pun intended I imagine they

Just they they like use our cars as Shields from birds or something so when we’re driving down the road they’ll run under the car have you ever left a car for like the winter in like a garage or something and like check back in a month there’s a chipmunk living under the

Hood say I have I drive my do that daily I don’t know if you know this or not dropsy but that time was actually an accident I promise I literally I fell into you watched me fall into the hole while I was fighting you I’m also watching you use a fire cutless against

The lag walls okay are you serious who just constantly throwing the Harpoon that’s dead no it’s not just me I want to make that clear so it it is you but you just want to add in that it’s not just you yeah hsta is shoting part of the problem

But I’m not the complete problem because I was taking care of a ravager in I am like so comedically outmatched in this fight right now guys ever wonder where you went wrong in life yeah but I can I can pretty much pinpoint it to signing one particular

Contract oh you’re when when you sold me your soul see he souls he does I don’t know what you’re talking about I would never do that cap you don’t have to do this I don’t know about all the times I’ve been a nice gentleman you know what Drome honestly you typically are very

Nice to me no he’s he’s not too bad to me I mean he’s very bad to my dogs uh but that’s like a bit I think sure hope it’s a bit imagine if yeah yeah it’s a bit don’t let him ever meet Max making Max would destroy him oh my

God that’s probably true max has the max is has the highest bite strength for like dog breed in the world oh jeez I just ran like through the entirety of the map where’s everybody at a mission there’s someone on top of the walls living in a house I’m GNA assume that’s monk what

Happened oh he he combat logged oh oh smart smart can’t be out of the game now I’m I’m going to be in mid hey stead can I be blessed with flint and steel uh yeah actually guys I’m uh I’m getting a call hello there’s it from hey so I’m

Trying to hear you guys but uh Discord right before it crashed kind of made you guys all sound like birds from Portal and then crashed and so now I’m trying to reconnect uh thank you good luck monkeys hav Luke got it he sure did yep I don’t have that command

Ready so I went above the top of the wall I was excited because I finally got Eyes of Ender and I thought all those Portal frames were going to just give me straight Hearts yeah I tried that already too yeah they have to land properly the first time a I so sad I

Thought I was going to get four extra Hearts I was like oh these guys are done yeah you wish buddy I do I do wish oh okay well this is awkward I wish I wish with all my light to fly with Dragons does anyone remember Dragon Tales Dron tal I remember hearing about

I don’t think I ever watched it though I never watched it either well you also never had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so like oh wow just saying man like yeah they were garbage no no they’re good sandwiches you just didn’t have them garbage this

Man over here I bet 100% he got some like nonprocessed healthy garbage everybody knows that if you want a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich you get that you get that good good you get that smooth not chunky and you get some grade a jet fuel like Smuckers jelly or something like

That you strike me as the type of person peanut butter what’s wrong with pasta in elementary school for lunch hold on a second here is that what you got what what what are you up to bro what’s wrong with pasta uh stopping nothing it’s just not an elementary

School lunch like yeah maybe not for you I had I had almost the same thing every day for lunch and it’s what I made it was a baloney sandwich yeah a sandwich with like some chips or something sandwich chips maybe a cosmic brownie if I’m lucky sorry that your mom didn’t

Give you leftover ziti from the night before that’s not my fault you’re insane so you you were the pasta in elementary school lunch kid no offense but like again again I’m not going to pursue this but ski no oh no we’re not getting back into

This I know I know I know we’re not getting back into this also those two have nothing to do with each other ziti is like 25 cents per meal zti is the cheapest meal you can make oh yeah definitely I was just saying same Vibe conversation

Wise Grey Hawk with a $70 stream dip dropy has too many lives Target her and take one yeah yeah oh for their head well that’s a bit extreme let’s do it can you give me one a drop these heads in my inventory please I think that’s asking for a

Lot oh I found her oh she ate a Notch Apple run this is your problem Steve I don’t even know where you guys are help with from her she’s on Monk’s Corner which one’s Monk’s Corner the one that’s Monk’s Corner I wish you guys would stop destroying the

Beacons what do you mean it makes it impossible to navigate who’s you guys hey I don’t know what you’re talking I def won Mo’s in the chat and saying how dare she what I didn’t get rid of the beacon if that’s what I’m being accused of thank you though greyhawk appreciate

You and thank you everyone as well who’s come out and stream tips so far it uh it really does make a huge difference in the channel like we say it’s very difficult to do what we do in August September and October as people go back to school so thank you for helping us

Out through these crazy times and making sure that we can keep on bringing this crazy content to you thanks everybody here could tell but someone took the beacon and the glass uh Savage I have a new helmet hey my Beacon’s still here well now yeah I just got to your side cap is

Monk across from you usually no that’s uh Jerry on the other side no it’s a corner piece ohy is that mon hello yes hello hello I can hear you I think I think it’s over there man and dropsy I know you didn’t break the beak instead did it and I watched him do

It I’m checking uh Twitter right now make me any less disappoint anime really likes going have season 3 so that’s cool whiche which one so you’re just hanging out of the elite where are you even she’s hanging out just in a corner she’s hanging out I don’t know I thought it

Was pretty are you still exposed yeah oh okay how know it’s my corner because you have a giant green bacon that broke that though on your side Yeah I broke that bro he he took a death trying to get to me said broke my beacon a while ago dude yeah by the way

Monkey poop popped back in my had to restart my whole computer dude you got likeo to I’m trying to do an impersonation dropsy hot tea hot Tre it needs to be a little lighter a little a little okay a deeper voice sorry hot hot Tre well a

Steve all right there she goes wa cap there you are here cap turn around what do you think of my hot te pretty good pretty good good Superman so we almost had her but she elected off the Ed a resort can I Luke

You got a pool yeah we have a we got a pool up here what the heck dude after this after this one I’m going to have to get up and like like stretch my legs I think like wow I’m I’m going to need to like my butt hurts John thanks for the

$10 stream tip what I mean about being a part of the Box Army is that I’m now a member oh you’re member of the channel hey let’s go dude and I forgot today also marks 10 years of being a sub oh my gosh dude jeez how do you remember that

This I think it tells I think you can go look and see like in your like in your side of like server settings or your like channel settings from them I guess okay all right we got a finder well John thank you for being a decade long fan dude it’s

Amazing that was so rude whoever just did that try to the left cap to the left trying to join the resort up there she’s right over oh you trying to join the resort up here yeah someone shot me off with a fireball here we can uh crazy we

Got a luxury VIP treatment here drop we got a Target dropy didn’t she die no she she elect off the edge luk oh yeah she’s still alive we’re still targeting dropsy oh thanks hi St oh this is Budd this is oh oops actually this is kind of nice I’ll stay down here bro

Okay cap you know what to do you do look we’re facing dropsy we’re targeting dropsy I against oh thank God I missed that part in the I had to restart my I was like who’s fireballing me and knocking me down we’re supposed to be yeah no I had to restart the whole

Computer the whole thing can I cause enough of a I was try to you in there it would have been would T this is awesome dude thank you Ted thanks bud yeah probably not going to get an extra life you’re right you’re right oh my God

So yeah let me just rip these yeah yeah yeah you just keep keep it up dang Ste all the Ooze too dude I’m just looting I’m just looting ste’s inventory here thanks dead yeah no problem all right now we got to go hop down to dropsy oh this is

A nice I died you don’t got to Target me anymore yeah she died didn’t work oh she died all right see you Monk hold on hold on I got this clutched didn’t even nothing all right well now I control this go for it yeah you control

It I think stead controls it more than the the command center sprung a l by the way taking your button command center Luke you just broke one of them yeah the party at the command center I think it was there was a leak at the command center there’s a

Leak in the bo I’ll show you a leak I can’t see anything yeah I know keep getting hit with the stupid you’re a bad person that was I saw you on that someone’s causing problems someone’s causing problems yeah it was dropsy if server is over oh my God oh my

God dropsy set off TNT oh my God Josh Burley with steak bomb Jerry and Will’s calling me basic again we got to time this man out again he’s never going to learn is he Luke I don’t know what happened up here I think you might have legitimately

Killed me with those dropsy like good job thanks oh the steak bomb Luke I think we should ban all Hooligans from the resort okay when are you stay there yeah when you leave instead it’s not my fault the resort sprung a leak I mean kind of was okay I just ender pearl glitched

Back through a floor and I managed to survive oh no something really bad has happening into this server what do you mean what do you mean what yes I found it I got the best piece a Coliseum ticket oh thanks all right and that hole that

Drops he put here with the lava pit is still around so sit back relax get a free item it’s not entirely free Cappy made a tunnel out so the mobs some of the mobs will climb out wait what yeah I made a tunnel out of the winning area

Dude some of the mobs are going to climb out I don’t know what to tell you oh my God you’re right they’re climbing out of the tunnel that is horrifying yeah right like I saw that the last time oh my God they’re raising from the dead they just keep coming

Up why would you do this my house who’s in my house I didn’t but I am in your house I was coming to hang out oh you’re coming to hang out the blazes shot the blazes shot uh yeah fire at it Cappy you ruined a good thing they’re all crawling

Out of listen man it didn’t teleport me out I had to get out oh jez oh je well that oh my god well that happened what happened some block under me exploded and then I almost died on the fall oh by the way guys I think we have

800 people watching that’s sick thank you guys for being here oh you should take like some Tylenol if that’s sick man oh why are you dropping Floppy Fish everywhere Luke also why are you doing it by hand I thought you had a command for that I think uh one of

You or something look at these walls hey drop’s here what’s up dropsy what’s going on man get from this thing no no she died oh yeah yeah yeah that’s right that’s right you can attack her yeah you guys killed her a while ago I can’t she’s on the outside of the

Arena bless you bless you thank you uh this is the only arena ticket I’ve got in all game I did stand hang out dead what’s up can I stay and hang out with you bud I guess I don’t know why is why are we all being so nice to each

Other this is why it’s so I’m dead oh that’s true that’s true that’s fair ste’s dead and I have one life left it’s just you guys come over here next fight I get in I’m just dead with pleasure I’ll I’ve been trying to fight people the whole time yeah I know

Where everyone is I’ve just been squirly about it but I’m kind of dumb with that really that’s don’t do it do it do that one don’t do it move F no the slimes dude there’s so many slimes MLG hot T all right Luke hold on

I’m on right now he still has a beacon you’re going to do it do it I’m dead I don’t know why why I need a beacon C just break it was ready for the mlg1 it’s absolutely I think I found two people over here fighting yeah that’s probably us

Probably me me and cap where are you hiding dropy I’m in the arena you saw me that’s right yeah cabby bring it oh I’m going down for this one that’s for sure third party man saw a fight and third party man will deliver oh okay I’m hitting mobs into the lava pit nice

Steven yes you must die sir oh there we go all right oh my God yes yes a it didn’t matter I barely pulled through on that one that was lucky you got lucky indeed I still have like five totems so I just had to had to reup on them you got me all

Right h the poison sighte yeah I Tred and switch between the poison scythe and the uh void dagger I try to do like an even split because they both have their merits the void dagger is just stronger than the poison scythe and allows me to teleport around which is great to reach

Though yeah but the poison Scythe is well you know it’s like one of the best weapons you can get in this I agree the point poison Scythe is so good I like the combination of the poison scythe and the Wither sword are is probably the best combo yeah I’ve had that happen before

With uh fire aspect on a Wither sword it was insane oh I remember that one that one was terrible tearing through Health like it was like the worst of every oh I stole everything good from stead yeah Dar I just went to steal everything good from Ste too

My God Luke you look so stylish Bud hey thank you zoom MC appreciate it dude it’s been a long time fan back in the day once there’s someone else near my level of you’re both poison now I’ll come back booly ow ow oh no no no no no no bro

Really now BR a I blink daggered and it went through the floor oh I hate it when that happens that’s so sad dude man I was doing that the the other morning ah ruined my bathroom break dude you understand ruined the whole bathroom break never want to end up in break the

Whole bathroom itself it’s all gone I think I was over here oh dry what happened Donovan Adams like five apples said steak for dropsy and don’t forget to put that lightning blade in your off hand for extra reach oh you can do that does that work Donovan if that works

Dude you are a genius sir that’s pretty genus I think it does actually work so I think I get so basically my void dagger doesn’t lose its reach then that’s why I like having the Assassin totem with the void dagger but it’s unfortunate cuz it costs you a lot of uh health and

Armor yeah and you can’t like enchant a lot of these Coliseum weapons so dude stead space has become the new Battleground I just keep coming right over there’s always an opponent yeah I know right oh my God that happened so many golden apples and totems yeah he’s been keeping

Them in his pocket I think yeah oh jeez oh you got yeah dude gg gg buddy the fire damage ended up proing my totem in the end a well I mean at least I got rid of one of your totems yeah I’m sad though I could have got away with SC free The

[Laughter] View three of us up here just watching the world burn all right now where is everybody just running around the edge why you come to st’s battle arena sorry sorry I’m I’m trying to get a good view you know if I feel like like if

Anyone does hit me off here I want the last thing I manage to do successfully even if I don’t win the fight is MLG water off the edge you know look oh my God I’m die for you what’s the opposite of MLG failing glm what that elaborate it’s back just set it

Backwards that was that’s not the opposite that’s just the reverse down there opposite flash we call him reverse flash well he has a reverse speed force though he’s kind of opposite it’s the negative speed force oh there you are all right let’s go oh my goodness ow I’ve been waiting for a

Challenger in the P the Ste I need I need one Pearl and I Canad how do you feel that we’ve militarized your side that’s fine if you can do it then do it Le I I’m surprised it’s taking this long honestly pick the back up how many potion happen oh my godo

Stop doing that he I just had a strength potion pear no that’s slowness one you threw I didn’t throw a slowness potion oh I have ice sless and weakness uh I don’t know where the weakness came from but I have ice on another life what the

Heck I didn’t need your vile oh my God I made it here oh my goodness Mony still has a life I forgot about yeah did you forget about that I’ve been saying that like the whole time it’s not like I was hiding the fact that I still alive you

Wasn’t hiding oh my God oh my God all right I keep blink daggering through the floor I got you with that non nonsensical jump boost bro I you got me with it and then I MLG watered it off I think it gives you feather falling anyway dude it does not no he definitely

Died it just kills you oh okay cool should we I will remember this I will take us all down no you really won’t you’ll just crash me again that’s I would really appreciate if you didn’t do that oh I proed one of Steves oh my God Steve you’re such a

Butt cuz it worked that’s the problem hey I got the finished kill there Baba there you go oh cap no oh hey up he what are you doing here I’m stuck in a cobweb what you get out of here you out here vibing by oh my God it just missed the

One cobweb that I needed to break there’s entirely too many mobs I know I don’t even know what’s going on half the time anymore here I’ll add more to I’m just seeing so much lava surpr oh hello I also had like one heart when I went into this fight so I don’t know

Know why I did this but it was a pretty poor decision to be completely honest hey oh there you are hey bud oh you got that wither oh I see I see where am I now ow ow ow oh no not the Ooze not the Ooze Steve you’re

Ridiculous there’s a guy in CN and you still go for me yeah that sounds about right because you’re the bigger threat right now you have seven lives to my two lives to Jerome’s five lives yeah the biggest problem that I always have with the Wither sword is that I can’t tell how

Many hearts I have take this I’ll kill both of you God oh my God I swear this blink dagger has just been destroying me and I live Angus with a $50 stream tip thank you buddy they didn’t say anything though so let me know who you want us to

Target or whatever or whatever you want really two stake bombs a targeting a paddlin maybe not a paddin yeah that might get you like a conversation with HR I hope you know I’ve snuck that into the description before where Steve gets a paddling for them they’ve never hit before it was

Recent actually I saw it in there Rec saw okay yeah bro I’m so sad I think it was it yesterday you did that no I would never St you never no no of course not it’s almost really bad oh my gosh yes I have eliminated monkey fear me good

Job did a good run yeah you did gray monkey no if he did great cap he’d still be in the game IIT with and Luke Ste and Luke were my boys oh Angus all right that was inant the back of the head there Angus with inant you need to stop

Causing problems I’m watching you stand far back and still shoot at the wall yeah I was shooting at the wall Angus wants everyone to Target was near me I was over on the bench get the Jerry attack me and then I just happen to go onto a bat what can I say

Yeah I’m here to help maybe oh I just realiz this is a dumb idea cuz people have the fireball I made a little we love dumb ideas around here true well come get it guys I don’t see any this is a good sign so far cap what are you laughing at

Buddy what’s going on here c one of me right now that’s something B on fire over there where is he I can’t are you on top of the wall like looking at me I’m scared no we just what are you guys doing it’s Target me oh oh

I didn’t know that I’m sorry I did not hear that he yelled it and then I yelled get the Jerry I thought tet Steve for some reason for a second sorry Ste steeve having the time that’s why I was get so scared when cap was laughing like that

I’m like what is he like see me or something they were just Jerry Jerry okay pull out all the stops bucko where is he right there where is he I’m on my side I’m fighting I’m fight everybody is I don’t care that you’re all targeting me I’ll

Take all of you well I’m going to die this with oh yeah especially cuz there’s a hole in the ground yeah I told you I’d take everyone GG oh you not entertained it depends said that doesn’t work oh no but I am starting to take some serious damage Now kill him what do

You have flame 74 that’s like never went out jeez it is a fire col I think the the fireball that it shoots Drome does last hit by it cuz it’s counted as like a fireball I think [Laughter] okay water Ball Polo watch my adversary we meet again ow ow okay okay you know what need your documenting yes dude he’s crushing here we see Jerry dude I got three kills during that that I feel proud of was good I feel proud of my dude I did the best I could wow your

Fight your side is really destroyed Drome yeah you want to take this fight Drome I know you just spawned yeah Steve I’m going to kill you get over here get over here jeez the explosion propels you back yeah cuz you time Gauntlet oh yeah isn’t it trippy whenever cap does

That dude you got the juice today I don’t have it what kind of juice are you talking about like I don’t know what kind of juice turtles drink oh no you predicted me well I watched it landed me had I not had a totem J you totally

Would have had me there you said toes he did say toes you said toes um did you just fall in a pit of despair gr you’ve got to do a pain of what this Arena looks like after this oh dude it it looks terrible I can already

Tell I think that’s Steve that’s awkward dude yeah it is isn’t it I think you just leave where did that fireball come oh you that you down in the pit Steve yeah that’s me down in the I was like where did that just come from I know you guys are talking about

Like specific uh Lucky Block things that have spawned but I just think of like at Raves they call like the the front area where people like MH the pit and I’m like what is happening why are people in the pit it’s because it’s filled with stinky sweaty [Laughter]

Ravers there we go all I sure am walking something fierce aren’t I doy do do do I’m hanging out the stead battle arena cap if you’re looking I don’t even know where that is bro is that like in the sky is that what that is no just his

Corner he’s the only one with AAC still which is surprising because usually you break M No Cap is Beacon guys I don’t need another Arena ticket I got everything I need right here hey hey I was about to shoot Jerry I’m busy here hey hey let me shoot Jerry that’s very

Rude very rude that’s impressive I need the cathartic release of shooting my boss okay someone need a third party NY ah yes I put out the fire yeah didn’t put out the fire I did put out the fire it was always burning were you just not listening Steve I just

Said I put out the fire since a World’s been turning he didn’t put out the fire I did put out the fire Steve he really is didn’t hear anything yeah that’s right oh yeah that’s right I can’t hit you with that like specific angle I told you that I lived through

That Jerome I know you did I saw your number hasn’t ticked down I’m going to die oh I don’t think the Wither lasts very long he still hunting you down sorry I had to make sure about that ouchie wow okay Jerry we have enemies in common

Ah do you I I propose we revert to caveman and form a mighty tribe yes into the instead the caves ofstead like our ancestors like our ancestors living in the caves of stead okay okay we must do the chat mck luck luck yeah mck luck luck yeah caribou

Boo ke you got any dirt or Cobblestone what drop just watch this this is the weirdest nature documentary I’ve ever seen they don’t know about Jimmy Neutron normal hey hey how dare youy I need some backup Steve you you destroy dirt wall you die you’re going down

Steve Ste liby wow hey dropsy I will kill you drop just blown up the roof of our cave you till you look like poo caps just blown up the roof of our cave cave now have sunroof sunroof cave cave now in sport [Laughter] mode I did just get a bunch more

Building blocks Lo now for the cave for the cave ow oh my god oh drop is clearly got some strength potions going down where we at lost track of where I am watch out be careful drop got the strength potions yes you do you always be packing you’re a bad person Steve you

Blew up the cave wall I did you disrespect cave culture only culture you know is bacteria caveman take word of day calendar very seriously oh no oh jeez oh hello it’s not where you want to be yes yes run run away with a little bit

Of life that I have you see that yeah I did took out st’s chest oh I already looted all the good stuff from that oh yeah I just blew him up no he doesn’t even mean the right one Jerome he means the ones that were at uh stead’s

Base he doesn’t know about the real no I those are the ones I looted both of them yeah you looted both so monk doesn’t even know Steve doesn’t know about the ones up top the ones I was talking about I knew he had one what do you mean I don’t

Know about the ones up top I I went up to the top monkey you don’t Hey cap come back to come back to our origin cap come to our origin see what I’ve done with the place capar in danger cap come come to Cave capar Retreat safety of [Laughter] cave kear got this

Feeling deep inside of me and die stabbing a oh my God Steve you’re no you’re dying the wall and there’s just Steve you’re Steve Steve you deserve this Steve come here come here Steve that was a low blow you ruin Real Estate Value we were having a good

Time get me out of here please give me bat give me bat oh my God God everything’s lagging so badly right now because he keeps firing the you’re going to crash me again dude you’re not even in it anymore that doesn’t mean I want my computer to crash again weat I see Texas

Weat what it’s a king of the hill joke you wouldn’t it’s very oh cap just look at what used to be arcade ke word used to be and so begin Great Migration we shall travel but first we need food please great people in Sky amounting to hundreds give us meat meat

Meat meat I shall now begin my traditional Sky meat chant meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat I like meat and like to eat meat meat meat meat meat meat

Meat I have meat now mini fish drop gar why I’m sorry drop gar why I’m sorry sorry I was just Brutal put him up $50 sh for behold the wizard for steak bombs on capping me thank you you’re a man of culture quick bom people Sky people where’s my Sak bomb I need the medl please I need the matlage what are you doing there we go put the meat

In my belly that’s what Cappy needs you’ll never find me dropsy but where where am iic where am I drop see where the metage but where am I dropy in this meage of goodness I shall never be discovered everybody knows that can camouflage in steak this is this been

You’ve been outplayed by the metage you are out I was hitting you for a long time dude yes but did you see me get away no obviously that’s the point old thank you behold the wizard you have saved my life with the matlage jurar we must reconvene Under full

Moon please run time at night Wu Skyman all right go where meat meat not a full moon is that why they call it meat oh did you find my meat pile yes no where where meat meat meat meat also drop I use the meage to Electro off a cliff I yeah I

Figured it was a well time meage behold save my life okay he’s going to need another metage in a minute you’re expecting me to lose this battle Steven jar we must find each other only together try what wait drop drop what was that Cy I’m C I’m taking

L’s out here need backup no jurar jurar follow sound of voice C I need help gab gab you hear me oh my God he just blew out his bik Cy sharp right I need help dude I need help car come with imminent boom boom cppy please ow cppy he’s arrived my hero show

Up now we must solve in great ritual how dare how dare I hit capar into a pit goodbye capar I’m at a dir block stand still for a second ow no you got oh my God my goodness wow you just got played your got outplayed oh my smartest there

Is capar smartest J garell all this tricking book cap guard do good today he think sleep Mini Moon oh my gosh you can uh you can meet me at the fell for bargain deal oh right wow uh I thought I thought you were out yeah let’s go no dropsy still in it

Dude that’s legitimately the only reason I betrayed Jerome is because I thought we and just like I thought we were done but then he like punched me then he punched me in I was like okay hey we’re tussling now yeah let’s go okay like I’m just in mid basically I come to the

Beacon that way Dead’s battle arena okay can we UAV guide Beacon sure want to fight on a rainbow platform I mean yeah I’ll F can be blown up underneath me and I don’t want to do that tap you’re headed in the right direction capar die like man or flee like girl Life’s greatest

Quandry big word for capar he really does take that word of the day serious capar is a learned caveman man oh come on man sorry I sneeze Ow like Fire come on man tapar fire up fire great friend 2K man dude this battle this has been the longest luy block walls

Ever that was terrible dude dude imagine though get memd oh my goodness that was so close please fight I’m begging he’s fighting this is his fight you know that this is ancient ritual now I die ancient Turtle fight oh no I don’t she’s got a totem and I don’t

I can’t win this sure you can’t cap you just need to do that Meme her did it work no go out with great of Plum that person too hard G and that was the lucky block one walls everyone the longest one ever GG’s I think I don’t know if we have

Enough time to do a whole bingo so we’ll just hop on the sponsored server uh play out poke playay and hang out with you guys uh so yeah what just going hang out and get a little bit of training done that was probably cap guard’s strongest

Showing dude that was that was fun that was genuinely a very fun time yeah it simplifies things in a way right there we go oh my gosh dude I gotta stand up dude yeah actually I’m think I’m just gonna stand up this entire next segment put my desk and standing I’m

Just gonna get some water like all losing all those IQ points really takes it out of a guy dude what a time what a Time ien impressed my recording uh what’s the word uh finished encoding that quick it’s going to take uh 30 minutes to upload

But oh my gosh yeah I was going to say my upload is going to take a while it’s over an hour geeez oh that’s right everyone huh Luke you thought you could slip by while we’re playing not for the impeachment trial Luke are you here pretending to

Not be here again typical he’s not here again guys God typical no someone call him what brought us to this to begin with no someone call him someone call him the whole reason we here we have that sayy the whole reason and wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no there’s the

Prosecution gets there 2 minutes and the defendant gets there 2 minutes you got to you got to wait oh my gosh you want to know how long the upload is going to take me one minute three minutes oh my gosh Steve what he’s got gigabit wait where am I hey Dr can we

Cheat on oh this is the board well this will be the Bingo board for next [Laughter] week uh what what is this gym I can’t remember what I was trying to do uh you beat the flying right yeah I’m on to the grass gy I might honestly be

Ready for the I need to take on the flying gym as well I can’t believe if there’s a grass gym I have ice flying I only have one fire I could do with another fire type I’m gonna try and get another fire type here I just can’t believe yeah plays the games that

Luke’s undoubtedly guilty dude considering the fact that he’s not even here for his own impeachment trial like bruh give him a chance you know everyone deserves this you know what how this guys as the prosecution exhibit a and that is my whole case there it is this

Is the evidence you need exhibit a and exhibit a that’s the whole case for the prosecution I don’t think we need anymore do we need anymore guys anyone anyone have any other ideas I don’t think we need anything else um so wait so are we allowed to

Fight gyms today I long enough to yeah let’s have fun okay I think we’re just kind of being Loosey Goosey I said like 20 episodes but I think honestly it’s just going to end up being whatever you know a lot R fight me that’s not a nice way to ask I’ll

It’s not a nice thing to do I’ll and I’ll go after them companion what if I had things to do I don’t even have the Haven myom yet this is what you wanted at the grass gym I was talking yeah we’re flying oh sorry no grass gym today you never what

No grass gy I’m I’m not I wasn’t planning on fighting the grass gym today I just wanted to like you know I need to something to work towards right so I need to I want to catch if by the end of today in this 30 minutes I catch a fire

Type Pokemon I’ll be very happy hey what’s up Veron thanks for that $5 stream pay buddies happy Friday just played beholds new GTA map oh my gosh whoever told him to make that as a monster oh God Ste what are you doing to us dude I didn’t tell him to make it I

Just asked if there was any other that he had that were GTA modee he’s the one that’s making these Dr I didn’t ask not a fan of U also thank you guys for being merciful with the hot sauces on number four today because I have like a three-hour Drive later tonight so you

Shouldn’t have said that no I think I think it’s there’s a c dude there’s a there’s a c you know you can tell uh by the way uh Pon spawn around the house I know I need I don’t know if yeah no I appreciate it I I don’t

Know if rapid Dash like is rapid Dash a good fire type or not really not great yeah yeah it’s it’s just there if you wanted it well I have it is my filler just until I I find something better well uh I’m GNA do warp Mesa because I

Do have access to the warp biomes after beating the second gym so you did good work I’m proud of my lad that was a that was a great segment dropsy uh congratulations that was sick thanks that’s probably favorite line to come out of the gym ah we meet again

Penguin I’m just glad it ended up catching up cuz I was like this is going to be a blowout drops is going to beat us like five lives I was running out of my good items oh no I didn’t remember you had fine that’s unfortunate man this thing only spawns

At night guess I’ll just wait here oh I think you ow uh Steve can you put the uh IP and stuff in the description I’m working on that now okay thank but I I got sidetracked by messaging you much unfor Mr storm e e all right oh of course you paralyzed

Me oh my God bro we love I would have had a we love this have been great I mean you got berserk so that’s nice but it would have been great would have been something bro look at that you guys have the live chat on dude

I do not not the live chat sorry the in-game Minecraft chat I I do have oh my god wow yeah oh wow jez GG R hey hey actually if you didn’t get that paralysis you might have what Legend you can give your own stuff o I

Know is just so fed up and do it yourself well with you you really can yeah I know yeah you can monk I know all drops are you ready huh oh yeah I guess so uh put me in coach what is the isn’t it SP okay it was just lagging I was like

What is the can we team preview uh no oh po am I supposed to get in impeach today yes okay you missed the entire prosecution’s argument oh my I did yeah so you still have your uh two-ish minutes for the defense and then it’s a

Yes or no on whether or not you get impeached would you like to know what the uh prosecution’s argument was I could I could give you the entire thing again it was exhibit a that you were not even here for your own impeachment trial that was it that was the entire

Thing all right response I I did have a whole speech oh here it is oh no it still went through all right guys that’s up to you I’m gonna make a poll chat we’re not going to open it up until is done it is all right L it that’s all I got wait

That’s your entire Spiel is it is what it is that’s what’s written down on my uh this piece of apartmentment yeah yeah not a very in inspirational speech all right well is that Zapdos again the poll is now open after that Luke that was the worst impeachment whoa whoa whoa what’s

This he’s cool I guess in a not cool way how can you be cool in oh my God they might not want to impeach You Luke also thank you whoever gave me one a 100 rare candies I’m going be throwing these all on to M yeah dude I’m throwing these

On my legenders Luke you actually might not get impeached here uh I don’t know are you sure it’s 5545 that’s ex actually pretty close my odds have been significantly better than they have been in past he has been training doing great man yeah although to not impeach mess did

What Hey listen if I can stay in of I get to just troll Jerome more I know can you look who gave me the uh the 100 rare candies I want to thank them I don’t have that capability oh how have you been doing it in the

Past I probably do it a BL multitasking spectral Thief that sounds sick uh Michael Gentry Michael Gentry let’s go Michael thank you dude yeah let luk have his title it’s the only thing he has so true oh that’s just me wow that’s just upset it’s not inacurate

Not inacurate what is the ruling again like if you impeach isn’t it like 6 you need like 60% in traditional I it’s I didn’t even know that but let’s go with that we don’t have that we don’t have enough yeah we don’t have nearly enough vote here and there’s only 3 minutes

Left glad that hit hey Luke you might end up staying dude might go good for you man listen we’re we’re going to have whenever someone gets taken out in a game mode they can hang with me now stead can can vouch the pool party was awesome do you endorse the tribe of cave

People I definitely endorse the tribe of cave people they had a really is good I call them the tribe of Vibes cuz you know they were singing and all that wow the game disagrees yeah apparently so what is hyperspace ho that’s a new leveling up Hoopa

Okay of the Hoopa whoa it hits a Target using protector to no way so even if they’re using protect staraptor dude why’ you do that cuz you turns the only move Articuno has that can hit you that’s really funny so in this version of Pixelmon are water stones still found around like

Underwater like normal or uh all right come on buddy you can hit one more I believe so you can hit one more yeah on the RAR end they aren AR that is a wonderful question let me yeah give me one second uh rain remind me what we do with this one

Because I forgot Garian bird you have access thank you for the $5 stream tip Buckeye dude he said hey Dr if you want to see something cool teleports me in game oh okay I always people do this I don’t know what it’s going to be but can I have the

Gan Articuno I don’t trust this hold On all right SL TP a you’re good you’re fine let me just Sho it what can you you send you there yeah I can send you there okay thank you check the form worked oh oh the form’s right it’s it’s it has the oh he’s making a Mewtwo yeah

He’s making Mew that’s cool is it just cool actually I haven’t seen someone that you get access to the biome Wars now let me know if you want to come back you can travel freely around the world I’m trying to break me out I’m trying to break me out

Yeah the move time I don’t know if I did or what did you do jum I gotta go bro I gotta go did you Dr CH I gotta go got BL over here take a man’s M I sincerely hoping you just visually glitched that because I’m going

To be real mad if I get a ticket that says I have to replace a Mewtwo because you broke it that’s the last time anyone invites I’m going be a real mad Jerome blade joint br or something yeah he he mined someone’s uh cloning machine with an iron pickaxe and then it said

All the M was in there and then it went from that is offert me Luke does infect it really 54% yes is not enough to impeach you let’s go dang thanks 45 of you guys he literally didn’t show up for three days two days two days two days

What is with every single one of you I’m paralyzing the flying gym stop it fny it works wait literally like you paralyzed Yourself by hitting me wow also did we go back to lowering the spawn rates in the server it feels like not near me I’m just getting

Unlucky then if you’re in a new spot it takes a minute for things to catch up D a minute you say that’s enough time to pee uh remind me what was the reward for the flying room by the way a Garian bird and you can use the

Things right well it was the bird part that I forgot dead don’t worry about it drops say okay no what are you doing what did he do I look in chat I’m selling some player heads DMD what are you doing what hey don’t wor about it

Where did you get them from do you need more stock no I’m good I’m good do not give him anything no I would never I would never Luke what I will know no what I’ll know if you give him stuff you know that right do you know

Why the chat is trying to scare me they keep saying boo it’s kind of weird I don’t understand boo are you scared yet yeah I’m scared spooky doogy oh here I’ll try harder taxes who whoa whoa who all right all right it’s getting serious we don’t talk

About it wait wait wait wait now I know you all are growing up yeah there’s a there’s a few Bridges we don’t cross here and that’s one of them speaking of I have to do my taxes tonight so really tonight I have to do mine quarterly because independent

Contractor is it time for I I mean I was an independent contractor and I didn’t ever do mine quarterly I might have missed out on money because of it but you don’t you don’t have did I just oh my God you end up paying out less I think if you do it quarterly

BR I’m fine yeah I see it time for quarterly if you’re doing quarterly a month late which is what I’m doing a come on sandit spawn please currently like making a fishing rod cuz I need a water stone like that’s one of the only ways

To get it you have to try and get a super rod God I don’t even know how to do that panicked here what is this a hat someone’s got a like a hat oh you still have this one why have I been turned into a spectacle Willie why are you making

Willie Bops getting timed out what bir would you want I’ll take Mol I opened up spot on team trash I’m R oh ha ha basic oh what did I say don’t feed the animal wait bro they put a sign above me that said don’t feed the

Animals when I was in the cage didn’t it have to be Garian did the form not work no it’s it’s normal Moltres h you want me to give him the Garian one I got the command for it no it’s just the capital G Steve trash that it’s not that’s not

Capital I’m just kidding then I’ll take it from you trash it when you do the form it has to be oh sick I got it oh thanks yeah it’s in my third slot yes d uh do you mind send me a message on how I cancel a Minecraft real

Right here you could just delete it I think that’s in the play store or something drum oh okay like I think yeah the Microsoft Storey works yeah I think you like go through it through the game and it takes you through a couple links man yeah but it might not be

Consistent like you have to boot you should eventually end up on your mojing account I think I’ll take in consistent okay I’m good Ren you just scared me anyone seen that Minecraft D doing a month late d mcraft d and d oh yeah they did an official collaboration

Yeah there there’s like a new Minecraft D andd map and like that you actually get to choose classes and everything instead I heard you got play they also uh stat gave actual D and Stat blocks to certain creatures so like you can have the Ender Dragon in your D

Game hi r hi yeah it’s got voice acting and everything up to for nice I’m good all right I’m killing it why is there so much stuff in our lawn mower uh yes internet hold on who did that who did that monkey come here oh boy that’s a look in this chest

There’s something that shouldn’t be in this chest you don’t store your lawnmowers inside of a lawnmower talk about the chest plus NBT just gonna ignore it I can’t find any fire I ignore it it’s like it’s not here what hang out in the Mesa Dr the

Mesa you think okay that’s where I was earlier but I was any good right now it’s going to be a little harder cuz it’s night time but um you should be able to find what’s wrong with my lawnmower that hasent but it shouldn’t been Josh that would be a disaster he

Said imagine not you Josh why would I call you Josh why would I ever call you Josh He said imagine DND D with the buddies oh yeah I think the only way it’d be possible is if we did a one shot campaign and even then that would be

Rough that’d be rough going I have actively avoided playing D and D until now because there’s so many rules that I don’t want to follow that’s why you play the video game version it does all the rules for you stead has successfully convinced the merchant to give him the stuff for free

By using uh on a 10 roll I see it listen if he’s a barbarian that happens to roll a Nat 20 on like inspiration or not inspiration intimidation intimidation yeah it’s like well it’ll work can talk your year off about balers gate and stuff like that so

Like I’m just not oh wait Willie likes D and D we can’t play D and D guys oh yeah makes sense too bad Willie it’s trying to stay with you to help your spawns you keep running away hey dropsy what did you get uh I put him away looks really psychic would be

Really good yeah it does but I figured psychic would be a good gra in weird bird just a weird bird weird Dude Looks Like no salandit for me tonight uh oh I don’t need Cubone be terrible agression I’m what do you mean Cubone would be great ready to go against the

Grass be honest how are you I’m close to having all my Pokemon I just got to train I got most of my Pokemon are dragons oh Jerome you know what you should do with that have a few that are like what’s that uh alolan Marowak it’s

A fire T well not just that it’s also Ghost type how how do I make a len fire marow alolan Pokemon you needan Cubone and an alolan form Pokemon not just an alolan Monon like it was introducing that gen it needs to be in a len form like

Diglett and then you uh evolve it normally is it is it like alolan Cubone or is it just Cubone it’s just Cubone and then if you have an alolan form it turns into mirac yeah Drome you could also check your keys and see if you can

Maybe roll in a little form mod anyway how about this guy he’s got red on him is he fire it’s okay I’ll just he’s saying something real dumb it’s it’s normal cuone not a lowl cuone yeah you have to get a myself out Dr this guy has red on

Him he might put myself down is there keep inventory on this Ser fire he’s poison fire he would be great why would you do that just go home home don’t forget to get your kit for the day no it’s not that it’s just that I’m kid I’m

Just I’m just Dr that’s actually a good Pokemon right over there what is there it’s poison fire oh sandit is that good yeah make sure it’s female though otherwise it can’t evolve it’s poo oh wait is that really it can’t involve it’s male only fale a

12% it’s a 12.5% chance it’s a female yeah it’s insanely rare what about D Diglett is op dude I can’t do that that’d be so cheap you want you want a flaming ante eater no a heat Mo yeah y i fished up an actual heard that

One he said have you heard the theory that Cubone is just a Charmander whose mother has died and his tail went out I have heard that theory that would make don’t charm isn’t it the Pokedex entry though that charmanders like die if their tail goes out though yeah yep well

I mean the Charmander died and cuone was born I I could get like an alolan Marowak with that but not Cubo it just doesn’t work for Cubo I always thought it was really cool shame it doesn’t wear an explosion you know what I could do if it’s a grass gym

Actually wouldn’t Volcarona take care of two different types of yeah yeah for Squad resistant desert we go let’s try that then Larvesta they’re pretty pop the thing I like too is Larvesta aren’t that rare in the desert biomes which is a strange choice because it is technically a pseudo Legend

Hang out in dark no hydron hydron is genti pseudo yeah but you can have two case and point Metagross and salamance yeah but V and Diglett I feel like Metagross is more of a faux legendary than Salamon because of the location the the real thing is what are

Its stats cuz I don’t remember it’s space stat anything over 500 is a pseudo well it’s just I think it’s 600 no standing over 600 legary Volcan not a pseudo legendary I just looked it up Volcanion is just a reg what are we talking can also learn

Explosion Vol Corona there we go yeah not pseudo oh it is over 600 also an explosion it’s like a very has to be a stage Evolution line yeah vona is 550 so it’s it Falls barely short of being just a good Pokemon well it’s also in the game you

Can only get one oh hey here’s a Larvesta wait in the game you can only get one yep so rain were you saying did you need more time for the grass gy by the way yes which legendar are you talking about only being able to get one

Oh I was just talking about vona you can only one okay hey by the way cap yeah where did you go one with a shiny golet yes I do have a shiny golet would you be willing to trade something for that I don’t know what what do you want

To drink I I want to get cap shiny goet oh yeah okay so okay like it’s got wear an explosion it’s got to be good I already have a gargle GLE tell you what if you can give me a water stone that would be pretty

Lit for for me water stone I’m sure I could do water stone mhm sure I could scr one up somewhere and you can just trade me a garbage mod with the water stone on it fair enough uh I might just hand you the water stone and do we might do gift

Because a poke gift yeah yeah no worries man I understand I understand yeah the trading has been a bit unfortunate lately wait can toal explode yes do you have a toal I do not have a toal but if it’s not a drought toal it’s useless to

Me it is it is a what does so what does drought toal do its ability so it when you throw it into a battle automatic sunny day which Buffs uh fire type moves solar be ns are not turn one I just c a drought tol yeah uh I guess I’ll meet you at

Home do you guys ever change the names of your boxes or their backgrounds at all no nope I’ve been doing that to keep track of my different team types it’s actually been helping a lot is rename and W is the background in your PC yeah

It might still be oh my goodness I did not know that might also be it’s pretty dope wow that’s a uh C actually come try the trading machine with me real quick might be working okay no never mind it’s fine dude tell you what yeah uh the gift being buggy right

Now is a pixelon issue oh but it also worked so yeah yeah poke what is that poke SL poke gift uh I’m maybe it’s like got that weird ility on it but I can’t use the Poke gift command yeah uh just put the put the go it in your party hey you got

It okay yay I got him but now I need to level him a bunch 55 or 65 one who did you catch 62 I believe o does he have a good nature IVs uh I haven’t really been checking those things there you go dude say there are plenty of other FL Vestas

Around his nature is better speed but worse physical attacks so not great that’s fine that no that’s perfect that’s really good what why he’s a fasta vona is special attacker why is his physical attack better than special attack it won’t be for long I it’s Larvesta yeah Larvesta is just

Weird that’s rude o mandus well it’s true unfortunately okay now back to fishing so that I can get a water stone and maybe a leaf Stone oh yeah ow ow ow ow ow I made it what’s the level of the gym uh the grass gym 80 o okay I got some training to do it’s a question do you want this magar uh never mind Willie got it I’m going to home home I would say that I

Think Mag mortar and electivire two two of the coolest ones right like two of the newest coolest new Evolutions to come out of like the classic mons you know I like Tang growth Tang growth is cool it’s just like man Magmortar though Magmar was already a

Demon that was my first sh can I have some my first authentic shiny was during a Nuzlocke and it was a shiny Golem or graler trust anything you do with not that kind of male can I have one of the male things I want to write on it please here’s the

Male with that ever in a million years I don’t know why but it’s everything in tell a whale BL it won’t let me put the letter in there cuz it’s not that kind of that’s the mail system for if your inventory is full you get mail that you

Can check there uh Jerome someone found the nose pass and needs you to TP to them uh Dr some found you 100 more rare candies yeah thank you who was that yes thank you kind sir Steve check Discord Michael Gentry thank you Michael geez Michael Gentry is always getting me the rare

Candies at all these sheep hey drum I got your mail here you go thank you yeah I got you oh you got me two orange mil how’d you get two of these so quickly I just one fought a like random Pokemon that was angry at

Me yeah it wasn’t angry it was trying to deliver your mail no it was angry at me well one way another he got it Larvesta is evolving so one thing amusing about this mod is that uh for some reason water mounts aren’t working as completely as intended so stuff like

The dong that I’ve been that I have works on land but it doesn’t actually let you in on water which hopefully pick someone will fix and they’re let next update but quiv dance garbage right get rid of that fantastic mve what is wrong with you Brian thanks for the $50 stream

Or 50 stream tip he wants show up some cards this guy drum I I I wrote you a letter I can’t read it right now I’m opening cards and leveling up Pokemon at the same you could have ended the read that too I also can’t read I can only read backwards in

French so he has to go to France and look in a mirror yeah it’s a very weird condition here we go fighting energy uh dove timle cers come on Charizard num Lapras oh Lapras is cool I like that Lapras good masquerada or masquerain sorry masquerain uh gum shoes gumo reverse Holo Eevee that’s

Pretty sick reverse Holo sovit and the 94th clay doll that we’ve gotten that guy can learn explosion dude I’ve gotten so many holographic clay dolls dude it’s ridiculous you’ll get just some thr te no you would never use something so cool all right guys so G G

I think that’s going to do it everyone that is all we have time for today but I hope you guys had a bunch of fun if you did do me a big old favor everyone and hop on the server come hang out for a little bit and also be sure to check out

Our video that’s either going live later tonight or early tomorrow part of that take care everyone thanks for watching I’ll see you all Monday for some more live streaming

This video, titled ‘6-Player TMNT Lucky Block Walls In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-10-13 22:20:21. It has garnered 26649 views and 1101 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:51 or 10251 seconds.

6-Player TMNT Lucky Block Walls In Minecraft ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me on Twitter: 📷 Follow My Instagram: 👍 Like me on Facebook: 📱 Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends @sitemusic88 @Dropsy @CaptainBlastem @SteadfastGamesYT @Monkey1n2 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of

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    Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft The Red Lang Transfur in Minecraft 300 days after the last animation, a new chapter unfolds in the world of Minecraft. Mr. White, alongside his wife Pink Justice, ventures into the unforgiving environment of the ocular forest on planet Melosator. Their goal? To establish a company producing scarlet drugs and flake, pushing the boundaries of innovation. A New Frontier As they navigate the challenges of the forest, Mr. White realizes the harsh reality of their endeavor. To adapt, they downscale their operations and secure jobs as regional managers for White Walnut and Pink Justice, a local corporation. The Birth… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot! Minecraft Madness: INSANE Trial Chamber Drops in HARDCORE Mode Exploring the Trial Chambers In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our intrepid player delves into the mysterious trial chambers after weeks of preparation. Armed with a map and nerves of steel, they embark on a journey filled with excitement and trepidation. Discovering Hidden Treasures As they navigate through the chambers, our player encounters a variety of challenges, from spawners to keys, each offering a unique reward. With each new discovery, the anticipation builds, leading to heart-pounding moments and unexpected surprises. The Ominous Trials Amidst the chaos of the chambers, our player… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links (Community discord server) (Prototype community discord server) (Official SB737 Server) (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST:’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:- search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gaming

    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More