JJ and Mikey Wanted by Police in Minecraft Maizen

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Yay JJ we’re finally going to the magic store yeah Mikey I didn’t know you were into it although I could have guessed look there’s lots of cool think in there okay here’s the salesman good afternoon we need a magic wand take your pick we have a very large selection Mikey do you

Need anything else yeah I want a cool hat do you have any hats of course let’s sell I’ll show you what else we have there are great books with a lot of knowledge there are notebooks textbooks so you can study at home choose what you want and ask if you need anything else

Wait what is this book and why is it guarded like that well this is a very old book it also contains a lot of knowledge but it will only go to the most experienced wizard how much experience do you have in Magic Mikey how long have you been doing magic well

Maybe 1 week are you serious one week excuse me JJ can I talk to you for 1 minute sure what’s up I would highly discourage you from buying this book wow what is does it say is that some kind of magic spell wow that’s a cool book oh JJ

Yeah I’m on my way to you I was just looking thank you for coming to our magic shop Mikey look what I got you everything you wanted yay thank you so much JJ when you’re experienced you can come and get this most ancient of Magic books well Mikey let’s go home huh all

Right we’re outside the house JJ there’s something I want to tell you I read a page from that book but it’s dangerous isn’t it it’s going to be okay I was just wondering now let’s test how the wand works by using the spell from that

Book why are you sure you’re going to be all right Mikey wow that’s really nice all right it’s really good why don’t you try something else with your magic wand okay let me remember what it said carrot rock water portal appear what is this portal Mikey I don’t know we’ll find out Wow who’s that good afternoon who are you hey what did you do why did you beam us down here we were really busy my friend was sitting on the toilet yeah why did you do that we didn’t do it on purpose wait where’s the portal gone

Give it back come on hurry up I can’t sit here this long uh Mikey please return the portal they don’t seem very friendly but I don’t know how to teleport you back there was only one spell on the page in the book what who gave you permission to summon us you

Won’t get away from us we’ll catch you and you’ll figure out how to teleport us back home Mikey run oops folks we may have accidentally summoned two strange characters please write in the comments who they are and where they’re from it’s very important please Mikey jump to the

Roof of the house stop you can’t run away from us what did you say we’re already here Mikey let’s go faster stop good afternoon can you please help us JJ he’s not talking hi hi hey Mikey and JJ can you please help us there are two weird characters chasing us and they’re

Trying to catch us can you help us of course I can help your power is inside of you it will help you deal with them what I don’t get it JJ he can’t help us just defeat them you can see they’re not dangerous JJ he’s really right let’s

Just beat them well let’s try stop chasing us what did you say JJ come here we’re going to catch you now and you’re going to sit there until you figure out a way to send us back home you can’t do anything to us like this you don’t have

Any options we’re sitting no I’m a wizard now sit down quickly did you hear what Mikey said sit down quickly we’re going to figure out how to teleport you home all right all right take it easy so any ideas Mikey come on what are we going to do with them let’s ask that

Minion again hey help us out please we need to teleport them home there’s no one here they’re here wait really they’ve gone somewhere oh no Mikey what are we going to do how did they get away from us so fast I don’t know help us please wait but where’s the minion gone

Too and what happened to our town Mikey we got to do something fast let’s go find find them and the minion I think he can help us come on stop look there’s a cop maybe he can help us good afternoon sir can you tell me what’s going on here

Please hey JJ someone summoned some strange characters that destroyed our entire town yeah we saw them do you happen to know who summoned them we need to find them I think whoever summoned them can bring them back from our world and teleport them out oh hi help us

Please yes we’ve been looking for you okay hold on a second it’s me again Mikey JJ I warned you that this is a very dangerous book and only experienced Wizards can control spells from it Mikey I told you but I just read a page but what do we do now wait okay

JJ you and I are really smart we can catch them you’re right Mikey it’s hard to mistake them for someone else so let’s go find them let’s go before they destroy the whole town Mikey look people are running I see it it’s the whole town that’s it

Now you’re definitely busted why did you destroy our whole town we just wanted to play with everyone but no one in town wanted to play with us haa why did you destroy our town yeah why did you destroy the city cuz we had fun yeah

It’s a lot of fun if we can’t teleport you out of our world then we’ll kick you out of our town hey what are you doing no need well done Mikey get out of here haha look there’s a challenge you can’t pass it to catch us we’re pros at

Challen es especially the parkour ones what we’ll get through this thing in a one second wait JJ we have to catch them before they get away from us otherwise they’ll destroy our whole town you’re right Mikey get them we’re pros at it you can’t catch us I’m already far away

Stop there’s no way through oh no we’re down JJ look I got them wow Mikey how did you do that I don’t know but I got them what is this liquid how do we get out of here Mikey look they can’t get out of there no we

Can but wait what’s happening to us I don’t understand anything my friend what’s going on really Mikey you see that too what’s happening we’ll still catch you you’re not getting away from us but we’re standing still you can’t run away from us JJ they can run get away from

Them whoops friends have you already written in the comments where these characters are from they’re from another game like Minecraft wow this is interesting what are you talking about I didn’t hear anything but I think they want us to catch them ha where did they go I don’t know but

Let’s try to the left that’s where their house is good idea they’ve run Mikey look I’ve never seen this house before let’s go see who lives there maybe he can help us let’s go JJ there’s nobody here well I hope we can’t get caught by those two characters look what I got

Wait but from where when you were looking at them and something weird was happening to them I went over and got a bucket of this liquid I thought we might need it wo you’re a genius try pouring it out here done wait what is this sound

Where what are you doing in my house oh is that a pool great I’ve been wanting a pool for ages no stop no that’s not the pool what happened why am I purple who are you what are you doing in my house be cool minion it’s okay Mikey I’ve got

An idea what what an idea really JJ tell me what’s the idea let’s find a lot of these minions and they’ll help us catch those two characters it’s a great idea looks like we won’t have to wait long look here come the minions hey buddies

Want to go in the pool JJ you’re a genius make us normal let’s you help us and then we’ll make you regular okay what do we we do we’ve got to catch someone follow us viewers did you like our minion idea give us a like and

Comment if you did we read all your comments this is very interesting I love reading the comments Mikey’s right JJ there they are all right minions are you ready of course we’re ready what do we do wait look they’re not on their own

Yeah I see it but who is it I don’t know but they won’t help you minions start okay stop what’s going on who are you wait don’t please why are those minions stop please friends look we did it the minions helped us JJ look they’re stronger than these Characters done that was very easy well Mikey and JJ Now show us how to become ordinary all right follow us JJ we don’t know how to do this do we we’ll figure something out look there’s some kind of liquid in here too I see it maybe it’ll help us I think

So hey minions come here jump over here where into this liquid Okay look JJ it seems to be working wow that really worked thank you so much Mikey and JJ and thank you for your help friends yay friends have you liked the video for our efforts thank you so much let’s go home shall we Mikey promise me

You won’t read the book again if we’re told it might be dangerous okay I’m so sorry okay let’s go home Mikey yay let’s go hey buddies hey everybody Mikey let’s go play with them JJ let’s go look how cool my balloons are let’s play a game whoever gets touched by this balloon

Loses and has to pass it to the next player JJ your turn all right I’m going to catch everybody come on you can’t catch me Jay I’m over here I’m coming I’m coming to get you no you can do it haha stay where you are I didn’t get it

All right I’m going to get someone else stop the balloon’s gone all right friends did you like our game like video it if you did Mikey and me really appreciate it thank you so much yes thank you so much JJ shall we go home thanks for playing with us see you later

Bye banana Mikey let’s go on the way home yay whoa what’s going on Mikey are you seeing this I see it let’s get closer let’s hear what they’re saying come on I can’t hear anything anyway all right well let’s just wait and see what happens I wonder what they’re Doing Mikey look some kind of portal has appeared they’re summoning someone I see it really but who look someone ‘s here I see it Mikey they’re characters from some game but I don’t know which one we need our subscribers to write in the comments why did you call us in you must

Find and destroy Mikey and JJ they’re not supposed to be friends anymore Mikey what happened why are they trying to catch us I don’t know it’s not like we’ve done anything to anyone we have to hide somewhere before they find us why don’t we go home no this is the

First place they’ll go wait they’re running Mikey hide here here we go Mikey whoa banana hi hello again JJ do you need help yes we need to find a place to hide from these strange creatures they’re looking for us and they want to change us then come on over to my house

It’s safe thanks a lot banana you saved us look you can hide in my closet me first I’m second thank you very much if they come tell them you haven’t seen us of course I can okay now I’m off to the store wao I think that’s them good afternoon do you know Mikey

And JJ if so have you seen them we need to find them good afternoon no I don’t know them and I haven’t seen them you’re lying let’s go to his house you know them we’ve seen you together let’s go look for them at his house come on we need to see

Everything I think I found someone hi good afternoon come on out we found you follow us let’s get to them but what do you want from us banana thanks for agreeing to help they decided to come into the house and find you we heard look I want to show you something what’s

This hey what did you do where are they JJ let’s go great idea Mikey friends run I’ll try to stop them thanks a lot for your help banana we’re off you would do the same JJ don’t stop we need to find something to help us yeah but I don’t

Even know what it is look I think there’s something interesting here hm what is it let’s take a look it’s some kind of machinery and prices but but how do we get to it it’s [Applause] Locked wow [Applause] woo Mikey look there’s some really cool armor in here I think we need it but how does this mechanism work look there’s a lever it says start all right let’s try it look there’s iron gold diamonds flowing through the water wow [Applause]

Look the $100 lamp is on I can see that but we need 10,000 I think I’ve got it we have to wait for the signal to reach 10,000 let’s wait I hope it won’t be Long JJ look it’s real a little [Applause] More yes look the armor has opened finally we got to get her take it Mikey all right look how cool she Is I see it really Mikey yay wait I think I hear something there they are I can see them hey we see you you won’t get far I got new arm armor you can’t hurt me come on try to do something for us funny Mikey uh Mikey I

Don’t think you’re going to do anything to them but why I don’t understand I don’t know but I think we should get out of here and think of something better no you won’t get far we’ve already found you Mikey run faster you’re right JJ stop where are you going

JJ friends please comment in the comments what game these characters are from I’ve seen them somewhere but I don’t know where JJ you’re right viewers please write in the comments I think I see something interesting is this some kind of challenge I don’t know I’ve never seen anything like this here Before is there going to be a challenge but I don’t want to we see you you won’t get far there you are we got you okay Mikey you’re right I think we should take this test I’m already running stop don’t no don’t go through but we will

And we’ll get away from you you can’t catch Us JJ go faster don’t stop I’m almost through I’m trying Mikey they’re close too we almost got you you think you can get away from us friends have you commented on which game these characters are from Mikey and I are very

Curious and need to know that to stop them JJ hurry Up [Applause] Mikey I’m almost through JJ I got an idea what’s the idea look what I’ve come up with we’ll break the blocks behind us and they won’t be able to jump to us hey stop that’s not fair but you can’t do that it’s against the rules ha what

Rules you wanted to catch us where’re smarter than you you can’t catch us now no get down from there yes you didn’t win fair but we’ll be back see you later look Mikey they’re gone but what are we going to do next let’s stay here it’s safe that’s a great

Idea 2 hours later it’s a good thing you suggested we stay here I know I have the best ideas friends have you written underneath the video what game these characters are from I think you do we have the best subscribers and viewers you’re right Mikey wait what is [Applause]

This Mikey we got to jump out of Here there’s a portal of some kind just like we saw when these characters appeared Mikey are you okay yeah it’s all good but what do we do next we need to find whoever summoned them if we can’t do anything about them you’re right JJ let’s go find them let’s

Go friends like this video while we run to find them Mikey I see them look yeah I can see that too what do we do with them we need to find out how they summon them and get them out of our world let’s ask them hey why did you summon two

Strange creatures it’s you we told them to catch you and replace you but why would you do that we won’t tell you well you’re the last one left tell me how to kick these two creatures out all right here’s the book it says it all thank you

Now get out of here it’s done Jedi J they’re all gone that’s great now we need to find in this book how to teleport back to their world where they came from now all we have to do is find them hey Mikey JJ we’re here we finally

Found you stop what are you doing here come here quick you decided to come to us on your own what’s going on what did you do Mikey JJ you’re not playing by the rules again what rules this is our world and you’re not from here we’ll be back yay JJ we

Did it we got them out of our world let’s break this place down so no one else can summon them you’re right that’s a great Idea so now can we finally go home and get some rest we should get banana a new door right then let’s go It’s so cool to go fishing hey guys how’s it going have you ever gone fishing let me know in the comments I’m very interested so what do I have in my basket potions oh I think someone’s coming JJ hi Mikey good morning how are you doing hi I’m fishing Mikey would you

Like to play the new video game console with me what about fishing fishing can wait come with me soon it’s really cool all right JJ show me where to go wait where’s my picnic basket Mikey are you sure you brought it with you yeah I’m sure somebody stole it or maybe I forgot

It all right Mikey let’s go home now you’ll find your basket later we’re almost home do you have a lot of games on your console yeah wao who’s that hey she’s got my console it’s pomni give it back what do you need it for you try and

Take her away from me JJ what are we going to do she’s got your console we’ll take it back Mikey let’s go get it you can’t catch me ha hey stop stop you made me quit fishing Mikey come on we’re almost there no you can’t stop me

Haahaha wait Mikey look it says 200% non-suspicious room what’s that supposed to mean I don’t think it’s some kind of trap let’s go get pomy she’s got my game console Hey pomy give me back my game console there you go JJ thanks for the new game console all right Mikey let’s

Go find her wait the door’s closed how do we get out of here I don’t know maybe we walked into a trap but it said on the front door that this wasn’t a suspicious room maybe she’s not suspicious but it’s a trap Mikey the walls are getting

Closer we’ve got to think of something do you have any ideas I don’t know JJ I can’t think of anything look in your inventory maybe you have something that can help us okay let me see oh I think I found something interesting wa Mikey

Come on hurry up we got to get this door open yeah hurry up let’s get out of here woo Mikey you saved us I know JJ thank you so much but what do we do now pomy left with our game console and we won’t be able to play now all right JJ let’s

Go into town see if we can find something interesting let’s go Mikey look what’s that I don’t know I think there’s a scientist doing something let’s ask him hey good afternoon what’s so interesting hey JJ I’ve built a new mechanism that can teleport you to anyone wow really how

Does it work JJ I don’t think he’s working well let’s check it out hey you want to see how it works yes of course give me something of yours well I’ve got a dollar all right look it works what’s next I don’t think your Portal’s working

JJ is it me or did he just take your dollar I don’t know Mikey but his portal probably isn’t working W oh my God bye have a great time oh hey JJ hi what how it does work of course it works wow Mikey this might be our chance

To find pomy and get our game console back from her but we need some of her items let’s go find something shh okay I think I heard her around here somewhere she went to the store here it is Mikey look we found it hey pomy give us back

Our game console bye you again but how well I’m not giving it to you anyway it’s mine now what no then we’ll take it away from you hi can you tell me if you’ve seen her game console no I didn’t stop what are you doing delicious golden

Apples thank you bye hey put it down you didn’t pay for it hey pomy stop it stop stealing everything JJ there’s too many bushes I can’t see her she’s gone Mikey I think we lost her whoo JJ I think she dropped something it’s her thing whoo Mikey all right let’s get to the portal the scientist built let’s go okay here we are no scientist I don’t see it then take what

You picked up and put it where the scientist showed us put it down Mikey it’s working now we’re going to find her for sure and we’re going we’re going to get our game console back finally JJ come on let’s go I’ll go first wow is this where she lives apparently

So here comes pomy JJ that’s all the items she Stole Mikey here’s your basket wow I thought I’d never find her again okay oh I think I found it here it is JJ we need to return this items to its owners good idea Mikey we got got to tell everybody where this place is you’re right JJ

Let’s get out of here bye have a great time Mikey there’s a lot of traps be careful I see it JJ you go first okay I’m almost through oh there’s some kind of chest wow there’s a lot of blocks I’ll go first it’s done there’s another trap

In here look how do we get through it Huh what is this sound I don’t know let’s get out of here we got to hide JJ don’t stop there it is Mikey be quiet hey where are you I know you’re around you came to my house look she didn’t see us she just walked right past us yeah but

What are we going to do now I don’t know Mikey I got an idea let’s go to the scientist great let’s go catch up with me JJ hey scientist give us a hand please hey what’s wrong pomy knows we found her house now she wants to break

Your portal what no one’s allowed to break it it took me a long time to build it so help us stop her think of something please she’ll be here soon enough okay I have an idea what is this where does this portal lead to no one knows but during the

Experiments no one has ever come back from there great just what we need well now it’s your job to lure her into that portal all right we can do this Mikey look there she is there you are you can’t get away from me no one’s allowed

In my house come here look what I got we took it from you oh no that game console is mine alone what where did you throw it come on try to take it my game console Mikey I got it did you really get her yeah wow well done now she can’t

Get out of there thank you so much as always JJ and I are the coolest you’re right Mikey friends where do you think pomy went let us know in the comments what you think yeah we’re really curious where she teleported to Meanwhile what where am I where’s my

Game console whoa what is that sound hey who are you what am I doing here Mikey it’s a good thing pomy can’t take anything away from us now I wonder where she is now wait scientist what are you doing here I was just checking my portal

I’m sorry if I Disturbed you I was just leaving we already know your portal works next time give us a warning when you teleport like that sorry it was an accident he’s weird all right JJ let’s watch the cartoon come on meanwhile what does he want from me I’m not tasty

How am I supposed to get out of here now if I don’t even know where I am pomy why can’t you ever handle Mikey and JJ by yourself I don’t know they always turn out to be smarter and what are you doing here what is this place they’re the ones

Who teleported me here okay I’m going to have to take you out of Here Thanks for saving me Kane you couldn’t have gotten out of there on your own I know but they can’t stop me now come on let’s go there you go Mikey and JJ H what does that sound Mikey is that you hey what’s that Mikey wake up hey who did

This what’s going on hey Mikey and JJ why did you teleport my pumy to another dimension because she’s been stealing everything from us Mikey come on let’s go run JJ you could get away from her but you can’t get away from me ha JJ don’t stop he’s already

There I told you you can’t escape me Mikey I’ve got an idea come on follow me but where are we going Mikey get to the portal Mikey do you have something interesting to teleport Kane to let me see what I got in my inventory come on he’s getting closer I think I found

Something interesting it’s a star Mikey drop her now done there you are hey Kane come here we got something for you yeah come here we got something else for you what when did you take something from me come on fly to us yay we did it Mikey JJ break the

Portal so he doesn’t get out it’s done Mikey we beat him finally JJ we’ve beaten them all we can go home and rest now meanwhile what is this place where am I hello is anyone here but me somebody help Mikey JJ where am [Applause] I finally my mechanism is ready I’ve been

Building it for so long but now it’s ready oh wait what’s that oh no what happened who broke my mechanism oops sorry scientist it was an accident we were just playing and we accidentally broke it that’s okay you can build another one it took me a long

Time to build it it’s going to take me 5 years to build one just like it come here Mikey and JJ mik I think we got to get out of here yeah JJ let’s get away from him Mikey and JJ everywhere they go something happens to my machines either

They break it or they misuse it all right I’ll teach you some more hi do you have parts for the gears Mikey and JJ broke mine good afternoon okay let me see what I’ve got are you all right what happened wa JJ let’s do it again that was really

Cool oh what’s happening again Mikey and JJ again come to me now JJ JJ we got to get out of here again oops it was an accident sorry scientist stop I need to talk to you who’s going to pay for the scientist you the audience

This video, titled ‘Why Mikey Roblox Noob and JJ Roblox Noob is WANTED? JJ and MIKEY BECAME POLICE – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-01-08 18:00:16. It has garnered 9323 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:10 or 1810 seconds.

Why Mikey Roblox Noob and JJ Roblox Noob is WANTED? JJ and MIKEY BECAME POLICE – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

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    Sneaky Love Prank Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this article, we delve into the exciting realm of GamerFleet, a community that brings together gamers from all walks of life to share their love for this iconic game. Discovering GamerFleet GamerFleet is a hub of creativity and camaraderie, where players come together to build, explore, and conquer challenges in the vast Minecraft universe. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, and OcTogamerZz, GamerFleet has become a beacon of inspiration for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide…. Read More

  • Users Playground

    Users PlaygroundUsers Playground is an SMP experience provided by https://youaremachines.com Enjoy your time exploring the Dirt Palace. Make friends and create amazing things together. It is your playground. We believe in the vanilla experience. No crazy plugins, no ranks, no micro-transactions, no inflated virtual currency. The players of Users Playground create their own economy through barter. Major updates will be presented and voted on by the community. We are excited to meet you! Kiri, an important part of the You Are Machines crew, is planning to make an appearance soon… What kind of story will unfold when she shows up? usersplayground.com Read More

  • World of Elak – Semi-Vanilla

    World of Elak [java 1.20.1] Features: Survival Gameplay: Build, explore, and survive in a rich and dynamic world. Land System: Create and manage your own town with friends, or join one and become part of a thriving tribe. Custom Discord Map: Use our unique map to buy and conquer regions with our in-game economy! Economy: Trade, earn, and spend with a detailed market system that makes every decision count. Custom weapons: Equip yourself with unique weapons such as knives, katanas, cleavers and much more! Custom brewing: Brew ale, wine, whiskey and more, including custom recipes! Tribes: Form or join tribes… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why wasn’t this an option?! 🔥

    Maybe they were worried about players getting too distracted by trying to tame and ride the villagers around town. Read More

  • Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita

    Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita In the Kingdom of Bacon, Day 6 is here, Crafting a Casita, spreading cheer. Starting in Minecraft, with a fiery spark, Taking you on a journey, from dawn to dark. Follow me on FB, Insta, and TT, For more Minecraft fun, just wait and see. The music is playing, the vibes are right, Join me on this adventure, day and night. So come along, let’s build and play, In the Kingdom of Bacon, we’ll make our way. With rhymes and laughs, we’ll conquer it all, Minecraft madness, standing tall. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft Shenanigans

    Explosive Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Explosive World of More TNT🧨 Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the latest addition of More TNT🧨! Dive into a realm filled with explosive surprises and endless possibilities. Let’s delve into the exciting features and events that await players in this dynamic game. Unleashing the Power of TNT🧨 With More TNT🧨, players can take their Minecraft experience to new heights by harnessing the explosive power of TNT. Create massive explosions, clear out obstacles, and uncover hidden treasures with this exciting addition. The possibilities are endless as you navigate through the world,… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness

    Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 39: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays! Episode 39 promises heart-pounding challenges and adrenaline-pumping obstacles that will test your skills to the limit. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players will navigate through a specially designed biome filled with intricate parkour courses. Jump, run, and climb your way through a variety of obstacles, each more challenging than the last. The Parkour Biome offers a unique setting for players to showcase their agility and precision. Mastering Parkour Techniques To succeed in the Parkour… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Zombie Craft Tunnel Survival Trick!

    ULTIMATE Zombie Craft Tunnel Survival Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-05 13:00:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!

    Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP vs Most SECURE BASE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 875069 views and 6525 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:17 or 7817 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!

    Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client LiquidBounce | More Bypasses (Hypixel, CubeCraft, BlocksMc)’, was uploaded by colder on 2024-07-10 19:36:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Client : LiquidBounce NextGen Server : CubeCraft cfg : .cfg load cubecraft #minecraft #liquidbounce #client #best #free #hack … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Heart-Pounding Minecraft Hardcore: My Near-Death Escape!”‘, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-06-23 04:56:26. It has garnered 122 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. **Welcome to God Gaming 27! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Hardcore with me as your guide.** 🎮 **About the Channel:** At God Gaming 27, we’re all about pushing the limits and taking on the toughest challenges that gaming has to offer. If you’re a fan of high-stakes gameplay, strategic thinking, and creative building, you’ve come to the right place. Here,… Read More

  • Ultimate Dungeon Raid – Don’t Miss Out! 😈

    Ultimate Dungeon Raid - Don't Miss Out! 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons Raid😱 Join now !!’, was uploaded by Nexos Gaming YT on 2024-05-21 19:52:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Have you ever thought of playing Dungeon in minecraft? Dont just think Join now and Slayer the Dragon !!! Server is ready and … Read More

  • Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotes

    Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-13 15:39:12. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream

    Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Super Survival 3 | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #9 | HYPE 790 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-17 22:06:15. It has garnered 67 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:32 or 10352 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————– —————————… Read More

  • Crafting perfection in Minecraft – insane building tricks and adventures!

    Crafting perfection in Minecraft - insane building tricks and adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 27’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 23:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More


    UNREAL SCARES: MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER HORROR - POISONVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HORROR MAP MULTIPLAYER – POISON’, was uploaded by B4N OP on 2024-09-28 23:19:45. It has garnered 165 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:40 or 13960 seconds. BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL: https://livepix.gg/b4nop/membro livepix: https://livepix.gg/b4nop Read More

  • Pegasus

    PegasusPegasus Survival The best non p2w cracked Minecraft lifesteal server Welcome to Pegasus Network, a unique Minecraft server designed to offer a fair and lag free survival experience for all players. At Pegasus Network, we prioritize a vanilla like environment where your skills, creativity, and teamwork define your success, not your wallet. pegasus.fr.to Read More

  • Arcadian Lands Server 1.20 – PVP Survival

    Welcome to Arcadian Lands! A world of contrasts awaits you: build your shelter, forge alliances, and prepare for war. On our server, survival and domination go hand in hand. We are waiting for you! Join Us Server IP: us.arcadianlands.com Discord: https://discord.arcadianlands.com/ Read More

  • Speedy Sonic Outshines Minecraft’s Slowpoke

    Speedy Sonic Outshines Minecraft's Slowpoke In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a trailer that’s caused quite a scene. But Sonic, oh Sonic, he’s stealing the show, With his speed and his style, he’s ready to go. The Minecraft movie, it’s facing some woes, But Sonic’s here, with his highs and his lows. The music, the gameplay, it’s all in the mix, With Sonic around, there’s no need for tricks. So let’s give a cheer for our blue hedgehog friend, In the world of gaming, he’ll be there ’til the end. And as for Minecraft, well, it may have its flaws,… Read More

  • Ping 999 in Minecraft? More like Ping 911!

    Ping 999 in Minecraft? More like Ping 911! “When you ping 999 in Minecraft, you know it’s serious business. Either that or your WiFi is just as reliable as a creeper in a TNT shop.” Read More

  • MICE CRAZY! 🔥 Iron’s Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3 – Minecraft 1.20+ 😱

    MICE CRAZY! 🔥 Iron's Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3 - Minecraft 1.20+ 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Everything Iron’s Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3!! – Minecraft 1.20+ Bit-By-Bit’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2024-09-27 13:30:34. It has garnered 2327 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds. #MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #FreshAnimations Fresh Animations and Fresh Animations Extensions are resource packs that can be used to give new and interesting animations and looks to the entities in your world! See the list below for what you may need to get it to work! ~~ LINKS ~~ REQUIRED: Fresh Animations (Made by FreshLX): Modrinth – https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fresh-animations Curseforge… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bingo Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Bingo ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BINGO! [Minecraft: LOCKOUT] w/ Noobstar’, was uploaded by Vorend Vorteri on 2024-07-16 05:27:45. It has garnered 44 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:09 or 18609 seconds. It has been too long since I last played minecraft… surely skills don’t rust! ================================================ Subscribe!: http://bit.ly/vorteri Rate, Comment, Subscribe! I look at all comments and accept all feedback! Read More


    💰 POWER = MONEY 💰 | GRAND RP CHAOSVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWER IS MONEY & Money Is Power | GRAND RP’, was uploaded by Lawless Gamerzz on 2024-08-28 00:52:11. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:45 or 1485 seconds. Sabse Bada Sawal आखिर कब होगा खौफ से Meeting | TLRP Hey Guys My Name Is Abhishek I Play Gta v , Minecraft , Free Fire And Many More Games If You Want To Watch My Videos SUBSCRIBE 📷FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/lawless_gam… ☄️JOIN MY DISCORD –  / discor d Thank You ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Tags… Read More


    MINECRAFT LOGIC 😂 PART 22 - INSANE BUG! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LOGIC😅(part 22)#shorts #minecraft #music #bug #viralshort’, was uploaded by Ksaweriusz on 2024-05-29 07:25:43. It has garnered 3221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. SUBSCRIBE😉 -My dream is a silver button, help me get it. (thanks) Read More

  • EPIC TAVOR SESSION in Minecraft! #pan1x

    EPIC TAVOR SESSION in Minecraft! #pan1xVideo Information This video, titled ‘ТАВОР НА СЕССИИ #stalcraft #сталкрафт #minecraft #pan1x #stalcraftx’, was uploaded by pan1x on 2024-09-20 14:21:04. It has garnered 9122 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. My referral link ▸ https://stalcraft.net/s/Ng0xR4 My welcome promo code ▸ PAN1XTOP24 My Telegram channel ▸ https://t.me/pan1x_yt My Discord server ▸ https://discord.gg/pan1x My VK ▸ https://vk.com/pan1x_n My Twitch ▸ https://www.twitch.tv/pan1x_t0p Nick in the game ▸ Panchicks #stalcraft #minecraft #cutting streams Read More

  • Insane MODDED MINECRAFT on Console! 🤯

    Insane MODDED MINECRAFT on Console! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MINECRAFT ON CONSOLE! w/antils_gaming’, was uploaded by Work Lawyer432 on 2024-06-19 03:15:34. It has garnered 76 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:17 or 17177 seconds. ENJOY LINK TO DISCORD https://discord.gg/XX6VnczjmK Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Stream: Testing Our Marriage

    Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Stream: Testing Our MarriageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stream date that will Test our Marriage. Ultra Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by KungFuPenguin on 2024-02-17 05:06:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:05 or 13025 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io https://www.tiktok.com/@kungfupenguintv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kungfupenguin Gear I use to make videos & stream: https://www.amazon.com/shop/joelheslop Feel free to use code: kungfupenguin in the item shop. (epicpartner) Penguin Costume: https://amzn.to/2UL03Dy https://www.instagram.com/kungfupenguintv https://twitter.com/kungfupenguintv http://kungfupenguin.tv/ KungFuPenguin Merch: https://store.streamelements.com/kungfupenguin https://www.quitthebuild.com/kungfupenguin Read More

  • Shocking! Build an Easy Starter House in Minecraft

    Shocking! Build an Easy Starter House in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Starter House in Minecraft All Version | Beginner-Friendly Build’, was uploaded by Rutu Stark on 2024-08-25 02:30:04. It has garnered 516 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:30 or 390 seconds. Are you just starting your Minecraft adventure and need a simple yet stylish house to keep you safe from the dangers of the night? This easy starter house is perfect for beginners and works in all versions of Minecraft! In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a cozy and functional starter house using basic materials that… Read More