Join CoolBry Bry’s 1600 Subs Minecraft Grind Time LIVE!

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Yo BR you streaming you streaming yeah I’m it’s it’s it’s no way bro no way no way what what what happened Jacob what happened I’m just I’m just asked BR I was the first one to like your stream donate me 10K right now W yo what up Joseph what up

Bruce BR you need to donate me K I liked your stream first what up Superman what up SOA welcome to the stream what the flip BR why aren’t you listening chill B chill do you love me you little bro who do you think you

Are oh my gosh I am going to you with my hand if you don’t quit doing that don’t make me explode you with my said make me explode you okay no no all right wait no no no cuz you misheard I said don’t make me explode you oh my God okay yeah I

Did yeah what you what you thought I said bro what do you think nothing nothing nothing no no it’s okay it’s okay let YouTube know let YouTube know what you’re thinking no no no no how much money you make today what huh how much money did you make today BR um I’m

Don’t no like actual actual money uh money probably a little less than probably a little less than $3 or $4 what up she bro you can get like Jolly Ranchers with that money you’re bowling w like bro can actually go to Dollar Tree and get like a Jolly Rancher matter

Of fact Jolly Rancher if you like if the owner of Jolly ranch is watching this video can you sponsor a BRI bro like he would love to eat candy yo what up Ambush welcome to the stream and then Chad yo BR why are you chewing so

Loud and they like I’m just eating Jolly Ranchers I recently sponsored with them use cold cool Bri 3 412 to get 50% off your next order Ambush did you notice I’m vti now all right welcome to the stream Joseph Louis Superman soapa entry welcome to the stream

Everybody uh just going to be a quick late night stream yes sir we at a 3 mil now what a wolf did anybody find a uh Islands oh my gosh I forgot to hide my C again wait no no I’m watching your stream right now you’re kidding no you’re lying you stupid

Liar I I hate you bro oh my God BR I’m going to troll you forever I’m going to troll you forever say people eventually we your team is going to get old and then we’re all going to jump you when you’re sleeping no bro this W base Chad this base is looking

Good Anon I mean wolf take all the credit for the W Base by the way chat can I get a silk touch shovel from you Anthony if I come to your base wait can I TP you um I’m in the team B why you yeah but I accidentally deleted that as

My home so I’m I thought you in the team invite me to the team then okay wait so we need more Co all right can you invite can you s my TPA BR like a good person here you go oh you disable team invites n what turn [ __ ] on I

Did I did and no one joined it ask for you so anybody in my base right now have a sh I could use oh sorry my bad Louise my bad Louise hi rer oh yeah CH that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me chill anybody have uh oh you got uh

VIP yeah W W’s hey helmet from Louise anybody here got I’m a PVP Legend PVP Legend Master pvper hey Master P master pvper I’m a master all right stop all right you’re going to kill me br br I promise you if you kill me I’m going to blow you’re killing my

Teammates you must die oh oh my ears oh my gosh you died you died wow wow wow Jacob look who how did you kill him Louis boy Louise why did you kill him and steal his clothes l l killed you and stole your clothes get back in there get

Back get back in there get back right did you change the IP from yesterday no it’s the same can you just ask King too I meant Jacob you’re going to kill me and my spawn is glitched stop no wait what the heck you saw I was

Glitching right I kind of need a silk touch shovel if anybody has one anybody anybody R pleas Jacob where you at where you at Jacob oh hey buddy please please please please thank you for tuning in late night stream man thanks for 11 likes on stream let’s try and hit 20 all

Right what does wolf have to say right give me a pick bro I me Jacob you thought that was funny right I literally have everything that was valuable on me TP to me I put it all in this chest I mean your Sher who else can turn it on besides can

That’s a lot of emerald blocks let me get D awesome can can I get half a stack ofal you what I’ll just I’ll just turn it on bro all ch ch all take him take him take him take him take okay I’ll give you everything back what do you mean everything I had

Nothing of course my turnos is not loading it’s not loading now no no no no you lost me my base please drop your username I have to watch a 30 second advertisement for it to turn on bro W all right I’m done I’m done what I can’t think what happened what the wolf

Do just ask BR K he can literally go to a v right my base yo Anthony okay I come right here bit all right can I get half a stack of M blocks Jacob all right it’s turning on might take like easy kill bro easy kill

Easy kill easy kill easy jle jle jle jle why you stealing ancient debris stop give me the armor I don’t have armor bro I just have the all right um have drop your username bro drop your Usern h All right give me a second yo you guys got to chill if you guys are going to be making be making all this noise you’re going have to no you should do days where play games besides MC there you go yeah but then nobody watches it don’t have all right what’s your name

Now you take one bro please do not kill me BR I I hate you I just like just started stream I don’t want to die tww if you if you show me a w base I’ll give you 10K all right yay oh no all right bro is this how it’s going

To have to be you going to kill me bro guys I’m d TW bro all right let’s go 3 two one go GG’s gamer and just burn all my stuff look at that you wasted your own emeralds your own iron blocks oh never mind wait infinite money glitch

Ow ow okay I’m dead now wait how did you die this man is trying to kill me who’s trying to kill you br who’s trying to kill you this guy tww sui bro he’s going to get a free set of trash how what what what what oh no this game

Is bugged I I’m pleas block oh that’s why for me there was a block there all chill chill chill I don’t want to all right chill chill I’m one I’m one I’m one I’m one I’m one I’m one yo what up Mr Mac welcome to the

Stream you can’t catch me boy you can’t catch me boy you can’t catch me wait Bri who’s trying to kill you someone who want me to rap their base won’t hit me even once what do you say what do you say Jacob entire base is gone oh

Oh all right chill chill Jacob if you blow up my base over there that’s stupid W all right super liing let me go to you let’s do huh just wait easy easy easy full NE easy full NE easy full Nether super liming 265 all right let’s come right your base my guy I’m dead to that one hit watch I’m about to die oh never man stay away wait Jacob you’re rated bases oh you’re dead Jacob I’m not jaob super what the hell are you doing why you’re dead bro yeah I

Di okay how many horse were you at like three stop killing all right triing you got like one more minute you get that I get this I’m not ready no you have a strength pot spam spam okay no way no way no way no way no wait all

Right I almost died too that’s the crazy part strength is op holy heck why couldn’t you just accept the ones I sent you bro thank you for the pickaxe and now doesn’t work bro just accept the ones I sent you bro no it doesn’t let me accept you

Either bro all right forget it then Jacob I can barely hear you all right so oh well turn me up then I did you’re Max orange you got to get like a pfp bro I think missing a few sh oh I have them you want them

Back yo can someone drop me a totem real quick you feel me oh you had two more for me thank you feel me chat drop me a totem quick you feel me Jacob you want your sh drop me a totem real quick you feel me it’s in there it’s in the

Sher thank you get some netherite all right I’ll get some neite boom I got some netherite now free Sher oh look at this look at this I pick up priorities oh netherite helmet netherite legging Prime boot it’s another chest plate it’s probably just because my it’s on my main account I

Don’t know what you mean by that can I get um can I get a uh to of undy all right chill chill I’m trying to go on BR stream so hold up all right never mind got bro I lost a full set in netherite cuz of uh I don’t even know

It’s kind of my fault but you hear me that’s what I’m saying right check donut team chat you kind want to see this all right I’ll check it out bro bro I’m out of food now chat speak of food Jacob give me my food back you me your never

Mind okay I will I will I will it’s a about TNT boy how did you get those don’t mind my Sher box for um Welly get my netherite shovel bro I’m big time streamer that’s the first reason and then I’m also like uhoh Rich shovel flight I’m just kidding oh

Hey I was doing my base then I went to the team base and everyone is there so I’m like he’s live He’s live and I was right W all right let me check this out can I kill you now thanks please please just accept accept accept it accept it accept stop stop

Stop stop stop Jacob stop oh shoot yo we better not have people in the team chat who are weak and actually accept that offer you know what I’m saying all right CH we to get a silk touch oh are we getting fully maxed out why I I don’t have maxed down netherite

Anymore I did like I literally 40K box clip all right chill chill chill I’m I’m gonna die wait why did I waste all my strength pots I have to go more strength pot I don’t know why did you do that nor do I just you just blast them all at

Once well cuz I got straight quadrillion and one tapped you right I saw the best person on donut was live so I joined fast and I am in their live now how much do I sell Three G apples for on Au is it oh I see orange W was it Dr donut or

Was it evi or something team boy is trying to buy his way in here with 10K I can’t hear you do not accept do not accept oh W Mr MC thank you my guy all right chat we got to find a mushroom Island I see you on Minecraft I am on

Mcraft yo BR yo what up BR hello yo what up I don’t think Bri likes us y did Bri mute us I didn’t mute you guys can you hear me all right now I can hear you this pfp was made by a I was going to ask um what are you doing

The stream I’m going to grind some more you have a Mr MC you have a uh BR what are we doing I mean not br jcob what we’re gonna protect Bri we’re the body guards can I come to that Island MRC that if I to him give me 10K and

Netherite set Louise you would accept if he gave you a netherite set Lise I can give you netherite set look at this look at the Shocker right here look at this here I’m in it’s 6 a.m. for me sadly ah so I got to continue Superman

Didn’t you say you found one didn’t you say you found a mushroom is the only thing I have left all I need is pants and CH te does is anybody in here have a mushroom Island Superman said he does that was he said oh okay trying to buy he wait

What I am you W bro you’re on YouTu Superman TNT yeah TNT is not on our team anymore he’s like a Traer I guess yo what up guinea pig yo welcome back what up Red Devil welcome back to the stream my friend I I was playing but finish the

Floor oh chat we finished the floor W yeah but we need wool and stuff wa I talk about the base yeah I’m talking about the base well I need to what’s it called get more stuff so me and wolf can I can finish the base by myself if you

Wanto wild card always has such cool armor bro I wish I had all this cool armor and stuff yo Bri do you have any extra netherite cuz I lost all of mine uh so how much are you going to pay me huh you have to join our team if

You’re going to if you want another inot right now you have to join our team that’s my you me yeah cuz you aren’t officially on our team yet all right I’ll join SL please first what did you say J I’ll give you netherite Ingot if you join our

Team all right I’ll join the team hold up I’m just trying to save my team home as my normal home now uh guy I am a girl ooo oh I’m so sorry bro I am so sorry I can’t call you br I don’t know I’m so sorry um I need

Food yo BR since I have you added in PS and I am team with gbr can I join your team oh you got to get a little bit more trusted for that all right Brian invite me to the team it says you disabled receiving team invites huh it says you disabled receiving team

Invites your mic is cutting out like crazy br can we just go on a Discord call let me see Y what what is up everybody welcome back to the donut smpp stream getting a quick late night streaming team Invites do you like me team inv I don’t know oh I turned it on here you can invite me to the team now there we go do you have media no and I don’t really care if I have Media or not I’m fine with having only two homes or whatever

All right um I join the team come to the base I’ll give you your netherite come to the base OMG I have 85 common crates W I’m coming do you have a new Mushroom Island anybody in the team have a new Mushroom Island I’m trying to find

One I did not say no not say yes come here boy oh for me entry what is this entry you give I can get the netherite set here if you want this netherite Ingot come over here guys stay over there and what only I have 850 yo

Everybody’s taking I swear to God entry that wasn’t me I promise you entry I promise you I didn’t take anything screenshot of my inventory right right now entry hold up no no I promise you entry it wasn’t me I promise you I promise you entry I promise you somebody

Stole all of entry’s netherite look Lou I’m screenshotting my inventory look look at my hot bar I just rejoined cuz I died look entry entry look at me look look look bang bang bang nothing golden carrot I don’t have anything he’s going in his eest right

Now it’s vior then then kill him kicking him Team bro bro we can’t kick him off the team he knows where the team base is bro oh my God bro all of his stuff is gone bro some a full box yes it was it had two sets of hey wolf you took it

Wolf took it it’s wolf bro it’s wolf I know it’s wol he never had another right armor before it’s you wolf it’s you it was Wolf come on Wolf I know you’re playing games right now I know you’re trolling give it back bro that’s crazy turn off turn on team who’s

Beluga trust Beluga is fine don’t worry about I need to call my master oh who’s your master bro sorry I didn’t mean to call me n that’s crazy wolf took the netherite and now he’s dipping Wolf come on you got you you help help me build

This base we can’t be the people that destroy it w will give it back I know wolf will give it back all right chat’s sign anybody in chat find a mushroom island or has anybody um on my team found take this empty Sher box I guess thank you for the free Sher

Oh he’s giving it back hey everybody stay back hey hey hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait right here that’s my showcase so don’t take it wait somebody’s in the Discord call what hello oh it’s King hold up let me let me put the volume up what happened I’m looking for one

W did you get everything back yeah that’s a good idea all right I need a Mushroom Island like right now you know what I hated about Mania what do you hate or being to my base thanks for the netherite angot BR yeah yes can I be on your team no I said you

Could be on my team boy br br all right I’m going to when you change the shop okay bro the shop was so messed up I it was so hard to fix it bro it was so hard to make it like actually Fair one other guy took stuff I took

Most of it well it’s actually a good thing that you took most of it because I don’t know who else took it I bet it was R put it in the chest someone took the chest plate cuz I flew back up my yeah I don’t know how trustworthy raker is but I know

Wolf is trustworthy I know he was just trolling for fun right there Bri am I trustworthy wolf has been watching my channel for 3 years now can trust Monkey King was here oh yeah I think oh yeah Monkey King came to the base BR why

Would it be me I don’t know I banned you at one point so I’m just like saying Like live where the guy completely up a chunk on uh M that was literally yesterday bro wasn’t actually yesterday no was today it was yesterday yes sir wait I don’t think bro remembers the day no bro I was just flying wait what the heck check Lis yeah it could have

Been Louise it could have been Louise too Louise come on give the chest plate back if you have it B I don’t know why you gave me a totem when I have about one two three bro you’re forgetting we both have Sher boxes full of

Totems I just gave it to you cuz I my inventory was full me let me TPA uh maybe I’m not even at a island my guy the only nether I got is a helmet well why didn’t you give that back still gatekeeping it hey GL make sure to have uh ender pearls too

Yep thank you Jacob anden app indeed Mushroom Island are so hard to find bro why are five Crimson Keys $71 yo chill why is your mic echoing that’s not somebody’s mic is ech wait hold up yeah I heard that too it was mad loud but yeah why is five Crimson Keys like $71

$71 yeah it’s supposed to save five each but for some reason for me saying my total is going to be $71 I think it’s a glitch cuz it’s what happened I just found a brand new fresh Mushroom Island you found a what and it’s huge bro and it’s hug you found a

Mushroom Island yes nice should I come I feel like I’m going to die if I go on Max down nether eight no I’m only inviting teammates you’re only what I’m only inviting teammates I’m not going to invite any randoms to this he keeps cutting out right at that yeah I think

He’s only inviting what’s the best biome on donut SMP this biome is the best biome or Lush caves or Lush biomes bro he didn’t mean MoneyWise he meant like the best looking one BR uh I like Lush bi actually wait my TP please only only if

You have only if you bring me a shovel I only accept your TP if you bring me a shovel cuz right now I have no shovel where oh no I bought 15 on accident I bought 15 Crimson keys on accident 15K no you didn’t $70

$70 on 15 Crimson Keys oh my gosh did you actually oh yes bro oh my bro TP to me right now and show me the keys TP to me right now show me the keys no I’ll just share my screen wait send a screenshot the Discord okay bro oh my gosh there’s no

Way I just did that well at least I have infinite netherite yeah for real I’ll pay to use it um okay send me 20K right now I’m sending a screenshot y can someone I have a shovel can someone who’s on my team bring me a shovel KBC I just sent

It to chat to the public chat look let me go look at this bro bro you can tell TNT that we’re really ready for war now i p oopsie you see oh my gosh I can’t believe you I did at least I got full NE right now Jacob can you bring me a

Shovel wait bro I don’t have another shovel yo Jacob guess what what I have free MAX um the guy the guy who sent me 20K I’ll let you in in a bit but first I want to shovel before I even let you in my master come and get you my master

Come and get you on Minecraft what the heck you mean by that I have a shovel but you that you gave me in the morning do you have media rank no I don’t really care about medor rank bro I did uh whatever bro wait you should give me a silk touch

Shovel now that you have 15 Crimson Keys the Crimson doesn’t have a shovel in it who’s I have a shovel oh thank you bro all right bro that’s a doooo shovel that’s the second best shovel I have bro before I play in like a week tell me

About donut and what to expect all right who’s the guy who paid me 20K hey mine it properly don’t leave all holes and stuff two things I never seen Louise you better have a shovel bro I need the shovel back but you have to pay me

50% no I’m not do bro I just bought a full set in netherite on AC you haven’t paid me in a while so I’m I’m letting you on this island for free right now you don’t have to pay me 50% if you give that shovel to me

Deal I paid you 20K yesterday bro you haven’t paid me oh did you pay me like that bro I’m so annoyed I just sold a Sher box on accident I’m going to cry I’m back yo Happy Birthday zebra is it fine if I pay 5K that’s all I have I’ll pay

15K n i don’t he’s back no 5K oh my God I’m scared of this here okay Red Devil send a request I’m not letting any random on only my teates red Devil’s the only random I’m letting on and Red Devil bro I swear other players in here be huh what

Happened here and he’s like I’m so scared of wild card why I thought we’re teaming wild wild chill BR I’m scared of him he could yes sir happy birthday I don’t even have a teamate bro are you going to send a request to the island or not

Bro why I don’t ever have to pay you you don’t have to pay me 50% now that you gave me the shovel but I’m going to need another shovel soon bro I can’t get you any more unless I you give me so touchs and efficiency five bcks I can do

That okay I can get you some shovels then if you bring me a e chest right here I can load you up with books if you give me a kiss I’ll put your head on the dish Beast Ty that was so riskful you should give me

VIP bro I like have slime chunk I forgot our base was in a slime I should say that oops oopsy daisies oopsy Daisies chat saying you got Riz chat saying you got RZ oh wait they are hold on let me see GL is glacial the new king of on you game what you mean lag yeah you’re just like standing there oh yeah they say a w Jacob bring me a uh end

Chest I’ll load you up with books right now bro I’m the rard the rard of wws shut up for a second what you say if you bring me eest right now I’ll load you up on books to make us a ton of sh I okay just give me a second I’m right

Here behind you by the way wild oh Wild Card bro one did you just sell the rizer to be quiet yes I did thank you zebra not going to lie make zebra mod right now mod take enough for four shovels hey what you doing bro why you

Taking them all I thought you wanted me to take them off br just take four bending books and then from here take four silk touch books from this one that I’m currently in and then this one that’s SHP this this one oh that’s protection okay those

Are the I only have mending and so touch you want to do me a favor BR I mean yo BR are you the son because I don’t know how you got so hot Dam I know I’m so rzy I just read that from chat by the way he’s stealing your guys Riz comments

Yeah no no I got you I got you yo BR are you an elephant cuz you weigh my heart down he trying to call me fat bro you’re trying to call me fat yeah I’m so are your Isaac right BR are you a caterpillar cuz after

A while when I’m with you I get better all you guys got to send me 50% except Jacob cuz I found this I’m so rzy so glacial you got to send me 50% have to send you what 50% wait how much do I have to send you

50% of your earnings Oh I thought you about to say 50k I’m like what zebra said I got W Riz make him a mod right now bro your name just never saves M MC this island is huge do I send 50% to after you make your 20K back yeah all right what’s your

Usern zoie mama this island is so big oh did I do it wrong how you’re sending one to me bro I’ve never seen a full Mushroom Island on donut because every time I TPT there’s always War happening cuz of Bri hey BR are you lizo cuz I want to

Put you in a cage and ship you back to the zoo are you French because because I F oh my because I because I fell for you oh good we I’ll give you I got one I got one 50 what you mean you give me 50 like he

Said he’ll give you 50% cuz he wants to come on the island probably n if you want to come to this island it’s 50k cuz right now it’s only my teammates no rabits wait I want to rehat so I can be helpful all right oh there’s no new chat guys

Now I know right I’m so helpful I’ll give you Riz baby are you black because I can’t see you you should have said are you black because at night I can’t see you 20 more oh bro this man actually just sent me 20K fine fine floral I’ll

Let you on the island please stop bro remember what happened last time you did that I know this is the last guy guys from now on it’s only 50k no 30ks no 20ks only 50k nah bro you got to give me like 5K if somebody just gave you 20K

Bro come on spare me please no I think he didn’t give me 20K he gave me 30k even better let me get 5K I gave you neot bro oh wait you did you right appreciate you br oh thank you bro he was being for real about that

Shovel W mans W mans what happened it gave me a maxed out shovel full durability not going to lie you should give me a maxed out shovel too come on stop right here oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit you I didn’t mean to hit you my

Bad come on spare spare one he a change I mean not because not black bro are you my dad because I can’t see you dang Dam I’m really sad for your lost thing man well technically he still alive Y what upah this is a little bit of an extra

We’re doing kind of a special thing I usually don’t do late night stream but today we are he says are you a hard because I’ll never start beat okay hey so um to teleport you I don’t have any efficiency 5 to teleport it’s 50k now because this island is completely

Private for my team so price is higher and it’s brand new it’s brand new mean you want something in chat what somebody just said are you a hard because I’ll would never start beating I would never stop beating to you do GH ghost’s base does he have proficiency five books there yeah can

You TP me there so I can get some later that’s Superman Superman Superman has a villager base what about Superman he has a villager base we got to make sure the mycelium can reproduce yeah for Real uh King make sure you’re paying me 50% yeah guys don’t put holes in the

Ground and all this then the melium cannot grow back yeah you have to leave it all even you have to take it layer by layer yo BR are you an angel because you fell for heaven oh my go out of 10 could we make the biggest leather

Farm ever if we just breed all these since I paid you 10K last time no 50k only and 10K last time was for that Island this is for a completely different Island it’s brand new too which means it has way more mycelium than the last one yo Bri I think I I

Fall for you I wanted to read it BR be quiet yo bro I think I fall for you but what do you want bro what do you want King slasher how do I add you on the PS app can someone uh give him a tutorial all right I’ll do it woohoo I’m

Such a good mod W mod W mod and wait what is it what’s the command uh exclamation mark gamertag will give you my gamertag King slasher I’m such a good mod bro chat did see this you see this chat you see how you guys have mined it all one by one

Layer it’s going to grow back so quickly now that’s not iral trading what what do you mean that’s not he said he paid you Mr MC said he did it he paid me what he paid me 50 I don’t know he just said he just said he did it

I don’t know what he said he just said he did it so I don’t know what he did or when he did it or why he didn’t all I know is bise Nai died Christmas is over bo be quiet it’s not it’s going to happen next year the Nai Di

Di bro not g liist wasn’t that hype this year like I wasn’t even that excited for Christmas I’m going be honest bro this Christmas was a w Christmas bro no like I know it’s a w but like it didn’t seem that hype like you know when you’re

Younger like your mom you like you always like mad excited for Christmas bro someone doesn’t believe in Santa anymore chat can we get some L’s in chat for i felici n dad I wish you Merry Christmas I got a cool drum set oh that’s cool zebra oh you’re into

Drumming do you want to do it professionally or do you just do it for fun D question is are you going to start hey very are you asthma because it’s hard to breathe when I’m around you bro oh God he actually you should have said are you asthma all right K send your

Request he should have been like are you asthma because when I’m around you trying to catch my breath one no you should have been like are you asthma because when I’m with you you take my breath away or you should have said cuz you take my breath away that would have been

Better that’s true that would have been better Charlie said he got roller skate and hockey gloves yeah chat what did you guys all get for Christmas they’re already putting it in chat BR okay buddy you can’t ask a question you see one second one second I got to accept King slasher on PlayStation and then add up to 200 shots bang all right right bang choer shot Pang wait is a guy mess it up are you my cousin because you look like you are

From Heaven whoa whoa whoa are you my cousin because it’s a legal chill wild cart chill everyone who’s getting on this island is Trusted guys there will not be War I promise you there will not be war on This Island that’s what you always say by King slasher 44 is gay hey that’s not nice what is chat saying he’s saying zebra is promoting War mods time am out for 20 hours y zebra

Yo yo mods time zra we cannot be promoting War we just had like a 30 minute War today oh BR you always say more than you invite you’re not about to get timed out for that no what who actually timed him out somebody actually timed zebra out

Chill Chad chill yeah no cuz I was kidding and I said saiding bro we were joking it was orange it was orange no it was wolf yes no he said orange orange was like Z your B for Life kid sorry zebra hey make sure you guys don’t

Accept any invites onto this island like I said we’re all trying to get rich you guys is mushroom block the best thing toell um clay blocks are also really good to sell wow wow I like how you immediately blame orange you see that chat he immediately

Blamed Orange He has hate for you beef no I love oranges they’re really good and they’re healthy my bad orange I just know the price might be high right now might be 50k to come to the island but man who’s is who’s this who’s Beluga who’s Beluga

Beluga on our team bro yeah I just remembered no you tried hitting him and you couldn’t that’s why yeah and then I forgot and again cuz I short team memory oh my God this this bro this is the perfect Island it’s completely untouched make sure you guys aren’t putting holes

And it’s huge chat if you don’t pay the 50k right now to come to this island you’re actually missing out you money so bad he’s asking for it well I mean no no I don’t even know that but Lua I keep forgetting you’re on our team I don’t

Know why it’s just I don’t know something about Jacob’s mic is like super low now yeah I know and your mic is just super cutting cuty out I don’t right when I when you were running I saw that Gat jiggle up and yo CH should I time him out okay buddy hop

Off my tip buddy off my ti when you were running I saw that gach go up and down that’s a compliment bro why you saying hop off he wants that too y buddy he just complimented you say thank you instead of saying hop off okay thank you say that you guys should keep

Putting stuff like that in chat think you like KX what you’re doing right now is leaving holes you’re leaving this whole part right here don’t do that take the whole layer out oh Mr MC yo wolf stop stop timing out random people only time them out head is shiny

Yo don’t don’t leave holes take out the whole layer you got to get it all the way up to the sides and stuff yo BR what’s up tell wolf to stop timing out people because of a joke yo wolf okay for real for real bro you got

To chill bro why you timing out for 10 seconds people are going to unsubscribe because of that I understand it’s only 10 seconds but bro chill chill your beans admin abuser admin abuser oh no can I be mod no you cannot be mod unless you earn it but you know

What you can be you can press that join link down in my description and become a member you no actually no you know what you can do you can press that like And subscribe button before we hit 160k we actually already there it was a joke bro how many Subs do you

Have I think we almost have 1.6k W chat yeah he has one he has 1, 159k 1,590 he’s almost at 1,600 1.6k sub imagine hold up let me wait I’m already subbed I was about to say hold up let me sub right now if you weren’t subed you mod was

Gone that’s what I know imagine not being subbed and having mod that would be crazy obviously I’m subbed don’t kill Red Devil why you killing Red Devil who’s killing who he paid 30k bro wait is he already dead all right Louise thank you yo raid yo chat we got a raid someone’s

Me someone’s you thank you King Tre W thanks for the raid my best thank about to get so much myum yo W King tras in the chat everybody let’s get W yes sir Brody I’m live again because uh felt like I had to push out some more content for you guys

Yo W thank you King imagine that’s what somebody’s mother says when they have a baby yeah I felt like because I had to P out another for you guys I’m going just be quiet before he gets demonetized this is the bigest raid I’ve had in a very long

Time how many viewers did you have cuz when I checked you only had like 23 oh you have 27 now no look how many n people from King TR join W King TR chat can we get some W King TR in the comment in the chat oh my gosh I’m a moderator

I’m I’m and I’m going to say it follow me guys I don’t even know how to spell his name this is like the only time I will ever allow spam because someone is raing chat mods do not time them out for spamming out everybody oh my gosh I’m such a good mod

Everybody yeah it’s next person in the chat is getting timed out for six hours wait Dr floor SP is that someone that’s someone you see yeah they paid get timed out they paid stream Henry you’re getting timed out for 6 hours chill I’m not wearing armor cuz I’m

Second I’m scared of all the nether rights and Diamond uh you don’t need to be scared cuz all these guys are pretty much on my team except three of them and the three who aren’t on my team paid 50k to come here so I think they’re going to be

Legit yeah I don’t know why right when I saw you I got hard yo W should I time him out for that one I think that might need a time out yo okay Y what wait where did he say that I don’t see it what oh my God

Bro just scroll up the chat a little bit now that’s too far yeah for real oh my God yo do I need to remove your mod Jacob have you tried getting donut sap media rank one of the requirements is having 25 average stream viewers and you definitely out other

Moderators well um Broad tech you got banned last season two right I also got temporarily banned and I just don’t want to get banned again just because I want a media rank you know so I honestly I’m not going to I just like I feel like people will be

Like oh it’s this kid he got banned last season I just don’t want to take the chance bro no cuz Dr donut and like the first day of it he was like BR we are unband people that did minor things still yeah I think you’re good bro when I saw King

Slasher that’s a compliment showing your handsome Mr MC says that’s a compliment what’s a compliment what the past comment he said he bro time him out Chad what kind of is need all right fine I’ll time him out Mr MC how for how long uh like a couple minutes all right for

Five Mr MC we do not accept that language yeah it’s inappropriate and this is supposed to be kidfriendly miners are L to family friendly family friendly Nick a30 type video yo every time somebody sends a donation it’s the baby song is going to go on it it but then you’re going to get

Copyrighted not if it’s only for like one second right no cuz if it happens multiple times in the Stream you’re going to get copyrighted you got to change oh man you should just make it like PL I really just want bro that would be cool

Too wait send me send me that send me that Sound I’ll just search up plus sound on YouTube or Tik Tok by the way guys TNT says we’re still at War TNT he just put that in chat yeah cool BR how do you make so much money

You get copyrighted if it’s 5 seconds or more so if it’s 3 seconds you’re fine right bro but it’s going to happen like every time you get donated so like after a while it’s going to be more than 5 Seconds okay fine maybe I won’t do that

Then yeah you should change it now I was going to I was going to do it so that it’s like the baby let’s go that one that’s the one I was yeah but that’s a part of one of his song by the next time TNT sees us we’re stacked for real

Because bro we’re getting rich off the island chat we haven’t even Min the whole iron the whole island look at how vast and how far this island goes we’re going to be so rich yeah there’s a whole there’s a big island connected to it over there that we haven’t gone to yet I

Know there’s like a separate Island I’m telling you guys you got to spend you got to spend the 50k and come here cuz bro it’s going to be so worth it don’t promote it cuz then randoms are about to come and then come with like um that’s

True yeah like if they don’t want to just Asher Asher your name is weird you’re getting timed out bro I’m I’m timing you out no stop wait what is timing me out I’m going to do I’ll just time you after dude this island is so big the part that I’m on

Right now there’s no one here chat that’s how big this is I’m high YouTube you can’t time out any mods I can time out any mods unless they’re the same level as me or that’s not fair don’t T me out yeah you’re you’re only a again how much to TPA to you

Uh but I’m not imagine you make every syllable or every vowel a word to TPA to me that would be the price is really high right now usually we would do like 10 like 15K to 20K but since this Island’s so big you can get easily super rich off of

It uh 1.6k W’s in chat W’s in chat did we actually hit it what I think we hit 1.6k Subs did you yes W’s in chat and 23 likes 23 likes two days why two days it only took you two days that’s a yeah guys so the the guy who’s like

Man 50k that’s crazy this is a full inventory almost a full inv inventory look how much it sells for 15 cat you make your 50 pay back so easily why no do not have people come here cuz I’m going to grind this all night yeah and then you won’t give me

We’re going to have nothing tomorrow yeah you won’t give me any money you take you take mushroom islands to yourself and hide them from me wow wow wow look at what we have here turn your mic down I just want a multiplier yeah multipliers change the game bro my multiplier right now is

1.6 bro imagine if you had a two times multiplayer chat right now I’d be making 30k every single time I do a full inventory the watch time coming in just doesn’t work for some reason on my channel I think I have to set up with stream labs and not stream

Elements how long is this stream it’s going to be like way less time than the last stream it’s only going to be like 3 hours pry P yo yo orange orange who did uh wait so uh wolf is putting a PP in chat should I time

Him out wait I can’t time him out nothing I can do about that what is happening on my stream today that’s all I have to say my new laughing totem Emoji I don’t know has a high enough rank can uh raaker asks if he could

TPA yeah he’s on a whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait do you guys suspect he might be with TNT right right okay is CX h x NS is he yeah he paid me 50K all right all all hey come here buddy buddy what is your biggest donation so

Far the $5 that you sent my biggest donation through PayPal though was like $15 but my biggest like real YouTube donation is the $5 that so you’re in the lead that’s good for you bro W but plus you sent all those other $2 donations so you’re also W for that BR

Tech appreciate it man I almost sold my netherite maxed out shovel I would can I pay 40K since last stream no you have to pay 50k because this is a completely different Island last stream you may have paid 10K but that 10K was for that exact Island this island is way bigger

Which means you can make a ton more money look how big this is so it has to be 50k can I go my IGN oh this kid named TNT boy said he’ll pay 100K to come to the island should I let him on no bro he’s his name is TNT boy guess I

Know I know bro he’s trying to troll me he’s trying to trick me into letting him come well I mean I don’t imagine if tnt Boy made a ult and then paid you with his main and then just joined with red bird I know I have to be careful now

Don’t you should have said that on stream well I mean he could have done it I I mean he’s not that dumb if he’s able to find bases and then raid them like just like that and you should be smart enough to do that so but oh wait is T you shouldn’t listen

To me a little bit you know feel like TMT is a little bit you know I’m zebra I’m back welcome back that’s it guys I got to tell you my real identity I’m a zebra canz somebody untime zebra out because wolf timed him out for like that

Like 5 days well yeah it was wolf oh that’s a BRI thing oh yeah I know that’s why I asked Bri you can well language do I have to pay you again to teleport uh yeah 50k bro why is there no breaking boots on ah I don’t know I

Didn’t time out zebra oh chat something messed up with my chat display here it’s showing past comments right now so I don’t know I have to look at my phone I don’t know how to do chat this way I don’t know it’s messed up right

Now but right now so I can’t even do anything yo anybody got another shovel um Jacob I thought you’re working on some yeah I need the efficiency five books W stream thank you or efficiency 4 I just need efficiency um all right let me TP you to uh

G Bas I’m sure he won’t care hey BR also by the way you can just with uh just get XP Bott no I can’t I can’t do that it doesn’t let you do that on Bedrock yeah it doesn’t let me put stuff in my off hand Yeah oh yeah you I could do that that’s what I do oh yeah does do that BR all Righty speaking of that yo I have an idea br br I have an idea what’s up we get a lot of V we get a lot of those what’s it called villagers we get a lot of those um you know the villagers with the brewing

Stand we get a lot of those right and then after that we buy like mad XP bottles and mad um ender pearls and then like we could sell them on auction for cheaper than they are on slob TP to me bro I’m in shot all right okay give me wouldn’t

That be like infinite money glitch maybe if we sell cheap enchant bottles actually I don’t usually see people sell XP so maybe exactly so if they only see one person selling it who are they going to buy from oh my gosh new money glitch guys

We’re about to be rich wait we got to no no no guys wait our BAS is going to be a villager trading hall right our team base is going to be a trading Hall I’m losing more money than I’m gaining because of my durability that’s the only downfall to

This method you have to have so many pickaxes or just the enchant bottle thing wild wait what did you say Jacob it’s cracked it has every single villager you do not anyone else there don’t T I’m put you out wait Jacob you’re at his you’re at his villager base yes Dam huh what

Happened what I don’t see anything wild card no I I can’t see is that a sign can’t see it do not set home there Jacob yep I’m yo Jacob do you have your phone on you yes no do you have your go can yeah yeah I could see it now I could see

It oh my God Jacob I’m going to send you a picture look at our DMS I’m about to say you said y orange that’s a little bit little bit like maybe racist right right he doesn’t even have a frey5 villager yes he does he does I might have to come back to the

Base and help you for it cuz there’s three levels to that villager Hall yeah I’m just going to look through every single maybe it’s on he’s a RI 3 five BL BL my guy what you typing bro yo BR is a w streamer like and sub or I will you

Damn yes sir do what he said Chad do what he said I got efficiency 4 yo what up Cody yeah we’re live again did you get it who open it who opened it oh you do not feel like I’m the most trusted random you are for real

What up Raiden that’s why you live in a trailer who are you talking to Orange hey bro King oh bro wolf I told you not to set a home here bro I’m not supposed to let you guys in this base he told me not to let anyone in here the only

Reason I’m doing it is cuz he’s making another trading Hall oh my gosh you don’t listen do you uhoh might be getting in trouble no I’m the most trusted right for real though no if y’all don’t sub if yall don’t sub right now I Will yo chat we’re at 24 likes let’s try and hit 30 right is it okay if I just put efficiency 4 on the level yeah it doesn’t matter just give me a shovel all right all right bro does not care he just wants a shovel to do I just want to go mine

BR bro needs money I need dollar a dollar is what I need W red if they don’t sub team TNT will join ncbb will join forces to kill them right is there a way I can work up to being a mod um yeah you just got to like help people out in

Chat uh when I say to put the Discord in chat do the command when I say to put the gamertag do the command stuff like that bro chat is going so fast wait never mind orange said’s tired of drinking almond milk what does that have to do with

Anything yo Bri I don’t think orange likes drinking almond milk I’ll be back with your stuff in a sec what the heck man what happened he just left and you owe me you have to give me my shocker boxes too oh wait no I have those never mind

Yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m just going to I’m getting my uh I’ll be in the team base okay okay I’m going to uh gla’s base to get Unbreaking three there’s Unbreaking three here though yeah oh well it’s four emeralds it’s eight emeralds for Unbreaking three

Place BAS so I will for feed you Joy bars how much is it there I’m in team base that’s cat I just got disconnected uhoh how oh my God he got banned he got banned finally Jacob can I go to your e chest even though that’s impossible jaky wakey it’s time for

Dinner oh that’s C bro it’s impossible I did not these cords oh yeah wait bro I got a question how many levels do you have zero four more likes and then we’ll hit 30 likes chat if you haven’t make sure I have zero levels freck bro okay if I give you uh

Three stacks of XP bottles uh four shovels all the books could you enchant it yeah okay I’m just going to do that and I’m probably going to get off for the night wait um Jacob how much money do you have uh 200k if you go back to

The mushroom I have to pay you again yeah you have to pay me 50K to go to that one uh I’ll play you I’ll give you some money glit I just got to go start start the server up again and get my come to the um all right team base to give me

The stuff what did you say bro I’m talking to Jacob come to the Team Jacob said he has to go AFK he’s not herea he AFK right now oh my godes any said I got to go anybody in chat yeah 50k cuz we found a brand new island and you can get rich

Off of it cuz it’s so big does anybody in chat have a shovel they can get me bro yo King are you in the VC King why aren’t you talking bro bro’s muted yeah King’s been on mute like this whole time yo k X and I’m going to go to you I mean

CX to keep or to borrow to keep I can try to make one I just don’t have efficiency so you don’t have one on you though I only have 10K I’m sorry I don’t need that I can’t let you on the island then cohens so you don’t have an extra one

Though right can I come to the thing I give you a lot of loot please you have to pay 50k cuz we found new Island this part guys this part that Cohan on is look there’s 10 other people on this island you can’t even see them that’s

How big this is and this part he’s on he has all to himself that’s why I’m saying you have to pay 50k cuz this small portion right here can already make him 100K bro I leave M Jacob owner the new name is bro what was that noise what was what noise you didn’t

Hear that no I can make one but I don’t have a home there I have like 20 chunks all to myself I know the part that I was at I had all to myself but I have no shle right now I can’t mine it I’m wasting

Time how big is the island BR I let’s see what CH is saying how big is the island it’s more than like 1,000 blocks wide probably that’s just an estimate cuz of how far you better have a freaking shovel for me dang I think he’s a little

Angry and you owe me 50% I have not gotten 50% from the my team members in a bit so everyone who’s here owe me 50% BR do you want my shovel n cuz you still got to make your 50k back bro this man bro King if you don’t give me 50% I

Going to be mad bro I’ll pay you 5K I don’t remember the last time King gave me 50% that’s the problem I P you 6K BR W bro someone made a skull here using pth path using pth BL W uh glacial when you getting the village villagers

Down do you want it no I don’t want bro this part is untouched oh bro I’m like losing money right now I feel like cuz I can’t mine bro and there’s parts of the whole island that are untouched that I could just be mining right

Now like look at this chat this is why I say you have to pay 50k this part right here has been mine but if you just go a little bit further this way look this whole area untouched are you getting this part’s all growing back right here yo

V yo BR hello yeah go get villagers this part all we I said could we bring villagers to the base on stream so well actually no not on stre never mind look how big this island is BR but yeah we’re going to get villagers down there this island is huge oh my

God this island is actually huge bro it’s actually huge bro this is the first time I’m like going through the whole thing I’m going make a sh thank you bro uh braxon me and you can do it today and maybe we’ll bro it’s so big the

Chunks have to load bro if I ever have have to pay you 50% it’s 50% of my child support bro what do you mean begging on see how far I just walked bro I’m hungry because of that that’s how big the island is it still goes further it still goes further Jacob

Chat it still goes further hey BR Jacob what are you doing here oh my God bro am literally about to cry no he’s right here I’m broke how much money do you have bro this this is huge if you don’t pay 50k for this you’re crazy what you

Want me to do Jacob you could get rich right now so you can what all right someone said they have a shovel right for me uh later rakers I don’t know if we can wait Jacob why why’ you do that this island is worth 100K it probably honestly

Is but I’m being nice right now just by giving it 50k it’s hot in my room and the air conditioner oh yeah you’re right thank you is on in the lounge room so I’m going go there so I can’t play but I will bro tomorrow when I’m going to be

In computer can you TPA to the island because another Island got griefed so I need to TP to this island yeah but this island might be done by tomorrow we might have mine actually that’s that is complete cap cuz this Island’s way too huge to mine completely guys don’t do

Holes like this doing holes like this is bad that’s not me I’ve it allows it not to spread from here to there don’t through holes I’m repairing all my shels holy [ __ ] glit I got scared for a second that I lost my diamond my good uh soer box pickax yo when’s those shovels

Going to be doneo bro I’m I I I am he’s doing it right now he’s at my base my God bro bro there’s a whole like separate area here too that someone’s already mined all right see you tomorrow see you tomorrow bro bro BR sounds so

Sad but mad at the same time how am I mad bro this is like extremely exciting to me right now bro there’s a whole money could be mine bro all I see right here is money bro I’m getting so much xp my shovels about to be fully repaired let’s

Go I have a Max shovel for you what’s IGN in it’s pinned here I’ll put it in chat boys getting excited for the first time yo it’s username or user tag can you pay me some money please fatal sweep give me a good reason I should uh all

Right I put it in what is put should I scare someone on the island and hopefully not die n don’t do that I have a third of the island all to myself I know there the moment you go away from someone you you just don’t ever see them again again

Bro oh my God where how many levels do you have the island just I only have three bro chat I think we found the biggest mushroom island in the entire server ever on the entire server it just keeps going bro no I wouldn’t go that far bro

No this is definitely the biggest one on entire server bro no I’m actually we cannot invite any other people here we cannot invite randoms because bro yeah BR yeah BR yeah and try not to leak the cords while you’re at it BR I try not to

Leak the chords cuz this thing is huge it’s just it just keeps going hey uh when those shovels going to be done though bro was so impatient for them shovels I know because been waiting 10 minutes 10 minutes ain’t even that long though bro hey cool br br I

Have TPA if I give you a Camo will you give me money why do you want a camo don’t invite anymore please bro wants to continue to get rich without anyone else here wait I’ll TPT you in a bit bro I have 49.91 K if you send me 49. 91k then

Fine I’ll let you on the island I have any other still touches and he was Che he was on the last Island and he was helping our team so don’t worry he’s not going to kill us personally I don’t give a PL where you at PL

Style oh my gosh someone just yeah sent me 50K bro this island is huge bro all right no more randoms bro no more randoms I’m not I think I just got disconnected again yep well BR I’ll give you the shovels another time I got to here

Bro what’s his name Co cool donkey cool dony 31 all right here you go my thing just disconnected okay internet’s bugging out right now see these guys who just paid me 50K bro they are look another 50k right there they are making good choices no someone well yeah yeah I appreciate That there you go dony there you go wait bra is this you in the party braxon wait King Sasha what’s your Microsoft user cuz aren’t you what so you’re welcome hey these guys make w choices because you know how fast they’re going to make their money back extremely fast

Chat okay and those are the last people last people I’m letting on the island for the rest of the night unless someone pays 100K the new price is now 100K cuz we we’re getting think somebody’s about to pay 100K to get like akk per 20 minutes not 20 minutes per like this is

The fastest way to make money BR yeah I guess so it’s the fastest way to make money on the whole donor S&P of course they would pay 100 okay all right you I wouldn’t say all of that BR cuz if you just auction sell a lot of stuff then n

This is the best way BR all right I’m going to go to my portion that I was last at you guys I’ll have fun at your portions because I just want to be alone man it’s not that good nah bro this is the best way to make stuff to make money

My portion L bro bro I got off my portion low bro it’s about to end up messy my I’m not going to lie bro this is the easiest way to bro I can’t even hit you I’m leaving this team I want to hit you oh you were talking about the shovel oh it’s

Fine chill bro this is my portion bro look look at where I’ve been mining look look look I set a home here I set a home right before I came here because I was going to do this portion but I guess you moved over here buddy yep yep yep yep

And look at me m it all getting out of here I don’t want to be by you anymore you’re a meanie I’m so evil bro I’m literally I’ll be on this hill I’ll be on this hill so you still have to look at me the new price is 100k to get on the

Island chat because this island as you just saw is huge and make your back your money back dude how did I even find this I don’t know how I mean it makes sense it’s huge oh yeah we have not found an island this big though before chat this is the biggest one for

Sure found a island with another smaller Island right next to it but not as b as this but this island has a big island next to it so no this is all one Island n there’s another one over there not too far you hear that chat there is another

Island I shouldn’t have said that but oh that’s good more people want to pay price is 400k 400k to come to the island now I’m just kidding don’t actually do that nobody better to come oh shoot I think I missed some chats guys you should invest in it just

Made my 40K back you see you see it’s been like 20 minutes I found no one W whoa I swear someone mined on my portion when I was gone but he isn’t here WTF yeah you’re crazy bro says 100 have the people of donut S&P don’t even have

100K bro if you wanted it to be 50k you should have paid earlier bro I’m not going to lie like the price is just is going to keep going up you see how big this island back people already made their money back that guy just made 40K

Back he’s only been on this island for like 30 minutes bro and you’re telling me whoa that pressure is too big bro in 30 minutes that guy just made 40K and you’re telling me I no cuz just get a full inventory that’s eight or nine practically 9k for me so just it’s not

Even that hard to make 40 it takes like 10 7 minutes to make 40 bro you’re trolling me if you’re like 100k is overpriced bro in 10 minutes you can make 10K or in 10 minutes you can make 40K whatever GL just said yeah after you stream I’m streaming this no no no

Cohens do not stream this bro you do not want people to figure out the strategy otherwise inflation will rise weird like we’re trying to buy everything while it’s mad cheap so if you do that you’re spreading the word to get mad spread this method too much yeah I I joined someone’s stream

Today a complete random never even seen them in my streams and they were talking about the strategy so I was like yo what to be fair oh yeah you know star you know Star right the guy’s base you raiding and he quit or whatever you’re

Good uh J he got his base he got his base raided by Dr donut and what’s it called he said his old base got raided bro so did he quit again no he didn’t quit again but on Christmas Dr donut raided his base cuz he made a

New one cuz remember when he quit apparently like quote quote quit yeah he told Dr donut that his old base got raided because of that so he lied yeah that’s why I didn’t want to give the sword back because I knew he was Capper oh yeah but still I mean it

Was his sword bro no way you’re still on that it was his sword he got it GG’s bro I got it fairly though hey it’s not my fault that he died bro he died he was an innocent man who died on I picked it up fairly chat I picked it up fairly but

I beat a nice man and I even everybody in chat said you were mean if you didn’t give it back you know that right that’s why I gave it back cuz I didn’t want CH to think I was but I definitely got that sword very fairly all

Right Red Dead says I just joined your stream today already next to you and the best Money Maker in the server lol l I found one myself W bro just made 6.7k in four minutes W Miguel is probably not that big and long yo yeah Miguel we literally found

The biggest island in the server no way you make as much money on the island that you make here I’ve already made who was arguing over Islands bro bro he’s like he’s saying L bro like he’s the L bro he’s calling me said be W stream yo what up k for

Sureo oh I need another with the Headless Chicken all he going to do is keep moving bar yo I need another shovel uhoh King slasher guess he needs another sh my friend I don’t have can you pay me 100k so I can reach my goal at 300K today bro

You aren’t even online you won’t get to react can I TP my teammate he is very trustworth no you cannot you you have to pay another 50k for him to join bro you see what I mean BR this is why this is why we made the

Price High cuz we didn’t want people to be uh we don’t want people if you’re inv people that AR willing to pay a high amount of bro let me speak bro let me speak I’m we’re going to speak at the same time like let me speak let me speak

Okay we made the price High chat for this very reason to stop there from being millions of randoms on the island and if you just invite your teammates then what was the point of making it high somebody got a little angry LOL Bro I can put wolf in time out

Let read I want to see bro bro demon well let me see what they say they said that makes sense I’m sorry little Bri I can put the whole world a Time y I need another shovel please I need shovel ghost somebody found this separate Island before me no way Jose easy

Bro I can’t believe Jacob was just log off of all the stuff I gave him bro wait what did he log off raid Farm in this island I know bro sub BR can I have what you log off with can someone give me a shovel he logged off with all

My Enchantment books and all my shovels thanks for 29 likes chat trying hit 30 he logged off with all my stuff and now I can’t I don’t have anything I can give anyone else to make shovels for me unless I let people into a base and I’m not even supposed

To Bro those are Superman have base bro like why not allow I don’t he’s not allowed to give people like to let people go to that vase so I don’t think you should keep asking he’s probably just going to say no ignore you like he has been

Cuz remember he was like bro I’m about to get in like some like I’m not supposed to be tping people here all right I’ll do you have your own villager base oh rip gamer King slasher pay me 50% now you haven’t paid me 50% bro’s demanding money from his fellas

50% right now oops oops bro said immediately immediately otherwise I’m going ban you from our team I am broke can you give me some money um I’ll be raiding bases later if your base is really good then yeah all right Isaac TP Who’s Isaac oopsy daisies

All right what the actual tell me when you s it house kid bro I know the Island’s so big I saw two ruined portals on it while I was just exploring it earlier all right here yo I almost have 400k W I have 5 minutes of play time please

Bro bro really needs money he he’s only been playing for 5 minutes no 5 minutes a lot bro he’s only like 3 minutes away from getting his first free key you got it bro oops I entered gal portion what did he say uh nothing I yeah it’s okay red ey I don’t

Really care I’m just about to finish mining this and then find another area yeah go up soon and get myself a uh wait you have to what I might have to get a charger for my phone cuz it’s on 21% 21 it just hit 20%

21 21 can you do something for me can you hit a little fridge FX for me not going to lie I’m trying to see 21 can some whoever donates GL wait actually bro put my name in chat well actually I can do that I’ll do it later I don’t

Care Oh Suk tou is down here I believe it’s one of these two right you need me it’s the one it’s this one it’s this one in this corner no I don’t need any help I just need you some me your 50% okay G oh oh wait is it down

Here that’s that’s for no it’s not down here almost have this St no way he doesn’t have efficiency right um right let’s make a bet if I can answer something that happened in a stream in the past six months can you pay me 10K n yo what up Pro asan can I

Team no bro my team’s pretty big and important to me and I don’t want someone to grief our B B wait did you find efficiency there go I will trade you buy gave Jacob all my S touch bro what happened what happened King sashy oh shoot you’re giving me

Levels wait did you put something in chat yo BR Pro Asian asks can he team if he can team with us answer that question um guys he doesn’t want a team with random people so you’re going to have to view stream like daily and yeah send me 1 million donut SMP dollars and

Then I’ll let you that’s a nice Crystal you have there um I wish I could just give you my level cuz I have five yo Bri I feel a little threatened why yeah hiking fireworks woohoo wait eager are you ghost Trista check Bounty bro TNT put bounty on me who for

How much I don’t know how do you check Bounty do you slap Bounty oh no bro yo Bri King slasher is following me with obsidian Dr donut only has 1.6 oh my gosh my bounty is 5K why do these guys have big bounties though what yo br

Y than somebody’s following me I need help King slasher King slasher 44 is following me with crystals and obsidian in his hand BR help King slasher I’m warning you stop I’m telling you I’m going to die to him he’s like following me around a little bit

Bro do you want to make the he just messaged me high I’m not no I don’t want to doal hi King you can kill yourself to receive a bounty I don’t think so he said he’s not going to kill me wait no one of my teammates Could Just Kill

Me yeah just let us just let me kill you I have no levels Kohan no that’s not playing the game fairly though I feel like Che it’s free money it’s just outsmarting the game keep eating me I’ll kill you bro someone’s going to kill me tomorrow

While I’m mining my celum yeah but then do you want to give somebody you don’t like money or somebody you like money I need XP n Sasha I don’t have any F can viewers join yeah this is this is the donut SMP it’s public join H barl says he doesn’t really care I

Mean you did outsmart me bro you should have even told me bro I didn’t even think of it until you told me think of what just killing myself to get the money I kind of think it’s cool that I have a bounty it means I’m a big man now big man streamer

Chat nobody wants he dead yo SL going to be here why you bringing sler trying to kill me all right King slasher we’re Bing you off the team now I gave you no he’s not trying to kill me but like he’s like he just placed a c you

Know what he did he thought I didn’t see him so he crouched he made a one block hole and then you know like how you’re about to Crystal somebody so you did like two blocks one so first you’re trying to accuse him of killing now you

Don’t want him to get P well I mean like he’s he’s like giving hits of trying to kill me he said he’s not going to kill me but it’s obvious so obvious that he is if you’re where I initially tpd everybody in the beginning then yeah

There’s probably going to be a lot of people by he said he’s just kidding but little does he know I don’t like that type of joke okay well then stop complaining about it well I mean I’m not trying to die with my netherite bro it’s not going to

Kill you he’s on your team bro he can still kill me with crystals oh my God he just said he will never kill me apparently so bro you’re driving me crazy glci I’m getting drived crazy I don’t know if I’m about to be murdered or I’m just I can’t believe we’ve gained like

600k in one day it’s been one stream chat and I’ve gained 600k uh glacial somebody say to look at your dmss I don’t know if they mean Discord somebody wants to what look at your DMs on Discord I found L yo Louise you owe me 50% by now oh King what’s

Your username again it’s glitch you found a new island yeah we found a new one but uh this one I’m not going to go t it because everyone in the Stream knows it’s huge so the new price to join it is 100k it used to be 50k but now we

Have to many people on it so wait who told me to who told me to look at my DMs uh I don’t know someone in chat eager well yeah Jacob just asked me if I can get him the lowest rank but I’m too poor to yeah Lou 50% I just spent $71 on

Accident thank you Lou oh n bro it’s not worth it I’m all right Jacob 100K is crazy I can’t give you 100K for two pieces NE there’s like 10 to 15 other players on this island and I have this whole chunk right here all to myself all this mining

Here was mostly done by me I mean I I did all that right there thanks for subing Tyler um and there’s no one you can’t see anyone in that direction you can’t see anyone in that direction that’s why it’s 100K cuz if you pay 100K you’re going to make your 100K back in

The first hour to hour and a half 30 minutes and then after that you’re going to get Rich do I have fine 75k okay I have to admit 100K is a bit absurd 75k you were just saying how it wasn’t abur and now you’re saying it’s absurd

Make up your mind L bro okay 100K is a bit absurd I have to admit you heard it you heard it from him guys I don’t know yeah but the other one’s only fully mine so it doesn’t really matter cuz it was really small no

I think 75k is more sh though than it will take it will take a good hour to make 100K what’s up BR hey you coming to my chunk now yeah guys we should chill on the mining do 80k all right uh well 75k is what it’s going to be

Now pretty sure if you go further that way Cohen uh there’s tons of unmined like fresh stuff so just so you guys don’t think I’m capping all the new people who just joined just so you don’t think I’m capping that the Island’s actually as big as it

Is to show you guys how big it is king or GL you have a huge problem with just talking over my bad I learn that from you potato potato bro like father like sun what can I say all right check this out chat so I’m going to go in this

Direction br oh man there’s like fresh myum right in front of me I just can’t resist anyways BR I can put someone in timeout with Mod because I am Pro fortnite Gamer W I’m going to go in this Direction look at this look at all this

It’s basic all nearly all of this is bro all untouched all untouched right here chat time me out then guys it’s massive for the 30 minutes of mining I made 50k in 30 minutes chat it’s actually a w I don’t know how I found this bro we’re so Lucky bro quit with that um to join you have to pay me how do you how do we join the server is that what you’re asking or the Discord cuz I can handle it if it’s a Discord all right check this out chat and this is how much you can make with a

Multiplier off of full inventory without a multiplier a full inventory is 10K but what a multiplier 15K right there the MC server I’m 1K away from 400k let’s go the um IP import to the server is the IP is donut the port is it says it on the leaderboard

Guys actually BR you should put that in the pin comment the IP of the server if someone writes my IGN in a pin comment and then puts the IP import then yeah I just okay I’ll do it now bra and Joe uh Jacob just raised my bounty by

10K guys I have a 15K bounty on me why do people hate me I’m the chillest YouTuber aren’t I yeah you just went demon time like a couple minutes ago that’s true don’t realize he was wrong all right put it in chat

W yeah you did wait a y you did I too I don’t even care somebody another mod do it was close I’m going to pin that One the IGN’s going to be wrong but potato potato yo chat if you become a member check out these custom emojis you can have bro sponsoring his membership thing for real EXA I know I just I just I just said it out loud there’s nothing wrong with

It the join link is in the description I think he needs money guys you should fulfill his need course I don’t know damn let’s try to translate that donut S&P money to real life pin mine bro pin mine uh where’s yours Cody it has to have the IP of Port

Too I don’t care if your teammate kills you you dead anyways damn my dad’s the creator of donut SMP imagine donut Dr donut has a son one day imagine kids in 2027 my daddy’s the owner of Don S&P he made a million bucks from it I’m going to get you banned from

What wait what happened clb what no TNT boy is on the base huh what go to the home base go to the team base right now my inventory is full hold up I’m selling stuff for no no way he found our base wait he actually found

It did he find it you being for real impossible impossible he found it I’m checking right now I’m seeing if I can check bro did 1,000 sub yo W I don’t have my home set there oh yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right I forgot you might have a

Traiter yeah what the heck wait the team base got raided did it no no it didn’t who somebody lieder time him out it was Clash Rex I’m timing guys we need to have people guard the base we need three uh people three team members

To be I found him out for 10 seconds cuz he was being a liar three 10 teammates need to gear up right now and go back to the base just in case he wasn’t lying he was lying I just went in there me and Braxton and Beluga are here nothing

Happened in your base oh somebody’s somebody put a side I’m in your base TNT boy n it’s probably not you forget about it so there might be a traitor no there it could just be a sign bro like it’s l bro why would our teammates why would our own teammates

Troll us I don’t know why not they’re I’m just kidding could have been wolf but I don’t think Wolf’s even playing right now yeah my brother it’s just a sign oh he said that was his brother it’s good whose brother R Gucci guys don’t worry about it whose

Brother uh Braxton’s brother did that Braxton’s brother is on our team I never knew this no Bron’s brother probably just played on his like console or something he that was his brother so maybe when he had a go e or something his brother just why was why would Braxton’s brother know

About the T don’t Asko bro maybe at dinner he’s like what are you doing Timmy like yeah I’m just playing Don SMP and this guy named TNT boy and then I don’t know TNT I would never TP to you I will not fall through your tricks Beluga took my Anvil no bton says

It’s someone else Bro wait what did he say oh bro who’s trolling is no I’m saying it not my brother someone else oh that’s not good it’s probably somebody at least I almost have 3.4 mil bro do not give a crap about the base bro I need to get up there so I can

Bring the villagers down braxon can you make make a staircase for me to get up there Braton let’s make a staircase okay we got to get up to we got to get to the top so come on let’s go what what what that’s not going to work they covered it up oh you’re

Bum can you add me or something we have to up see I can’t really add you on this server braxon you know what I need you to do make a like a make a little area for the villagers to go in I don’t want to see

Your Mushroom Island you’re no I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it just make an area for the villagers to go in too yeah just be ready Louis just in

Case oh you’re a bum Braxton you’re not getting it back yo Isaac I’m going to be needing more shovel soon keeps trying to do the Anvil thing on me cuz I did it to him but it’s not going to happen buddy why don’t you just go quartz

Mining right what I said in Discord chat is not true by the way bro apparently our base got raided our TNT boy founded at the well if you oh no I know what TNT always trying to do he wants me to rap bases so that

He can trick me using one of his alts and then I die okay there’s obviously there’s other full netherite people on the island yeah it’s probably Cen yeah it was me I have full netherite and I was flying around in I know look at it all right let me go

Look it was my armor trim what bro there’s mad people on the island it’s probably somebody that paid oh there’s a big key we’re chill bro don’t worry about it don’t make us all stress for no reason what happened I don’t know how much money do you have um 3.4 M

Nearly yo Braxton well actually who found who why isn’t um yo do you play on playstation like message me on Discord no he has P Bro he plays on PC that’s why there’s no period in front of his name oh wait yeah well does he have a PS4 account cuz they

Still join the VC I need to talk to them with the PS4 Party this thing is going to be so annoying to I love how there’s just people flying with their like airplan I don’t want the Bounty TNT boy TMT boy just messaged me

He said I you should kill um Bri for the bounty he wants me to kill you bro bro he trying so hard to get my teammates to become tra I have 407k and he thinks I’m going to kill him for 5K like what potato potato I don’t want 15K I

Can just do that from the Mushroom Island that Bri has kindly provided me T to you boy we will have a duel we will have war against you you’re going to dual TNT boy no we’ll have war against them to say I won’t even take a word if he says

Um if he says if he messages me I’m trying to M to this Village so I can W man’s right there red what happened please can you pay icon 30k give me a good reason I should right think I trust the people on the island enough I’m a wear neite

W right can we rate bases um no TNT boy is going to make a off account then we’ll TP to him and then we’ll die we’ll just TP to like just go with nothing like you usually do yeah but then he’ll win the war bro if he kills you once while

You’re raiding bases he’s just catching you out guard so he’s being a wuss instead of just confronting you when you’re maxed out so it won’t be I need another I need another shovel uh word bro okay I need another shovel Isaac bro how far up is this

Village what biome are we in bro well I’m not about to say it out loud when I get to the top but dang oh I’m almost there oh okay but I don’t have my mine carts on me crap all F sticks oh quick and easy 6.5k right there

Chat home but home is I already have the team home so I don’t really need let me TP to my base all right I’m getting L these late night streams are lit chat how many Minecart how many reals I got they I got a lot all right this hopefully is enough

Real TNT says the war will be won if we surrender and then it will be over well it will be one for them obviously but yeah we are Sur you think we’re that we it fresh trunk Dr Flores found it at the same time how do you join on

PS4 um so here is a video go watch this it’s a tutorial on how to join from PlayStation All right I’m here braxon this is me don’t worry I put just put up mending on my shovel then bought XP bottles from shop BR tell B boy I’m at braaton have you been

Making the Villager area bro Glo why aren’t you monitoring the chat someone just called Isaac the b word I’ll timed them out but my bad I thought you had it how feel about this I just deleted him and I’m about to time him out I Ed them out for 30

Minutes why are you guys so mean to Isaac all the sudden oh my you place torches braon oh which one oh he wants a VC okay uh I need a shovel I can’t believe someone was just that mad they said tell that b word Isaac to make you a shovel oh my God

Bro bro everyone’s exploring my house now XD um BR tell glacial to say something in chat glacial say something in chat Can I be your teammate I have no teammates yo Bri Jacob’s been timing out random people well that no no what’s his name um braaton said that Jacob timed him out for no reason Jacob you’re getting on people’s bad side well why did you do you know why he

Timed you or no probably is a joke glacial said yo glacial can you hear me can I what can you hear me yeah I can hear you why can you say something in my YouTube chat no Jacob’s trying to time me up oh shoot yeah braxon told me as cuz he’s a

W wow bro you wanted me to get timed out no I didn’t know what he was trying to do bro I thought you were better than bro you’re such a w to the donut Community yo what up mgl you rich now BR can you hearl and

Donut why am I such a w to the donut SMP Community chat I can look at Pin messages everyone can what’s the port it’s 1 191 one 1 19132 why am I such a w to the community guys girl wants to be noticed so bad bro what do you mean someone said

I’m a w to the community what do you mean I don’t I’m not asking for it I’m receiving good compliments no somebody put two in in the chat [Laughter] Jacob I don’t I don’t get the joke I’m not going to lie no because cuz Brax was

Like type of one in chat if you can hear me so Jacob F too can I get 100K 100K is kind of a lot of money don’t think that was funny bro yo what up Dr Flores nice NE armor can you pin the server I’m not Jacob

You’re funny for that glacial can you put the server IP and port in chat to his Slaves wait no no no no I can’t I can’t Jacob’s going to time me out uh can Breon it wait Jacob already Ed me out no yeah Jacob bro BR can you get Jacob out of here he just just timed me out yeah sure thank you timed them out

For how long one minute bro for more than S time me out for 300 seconds bro why you doing this time him out and he also timed out what’s his name he yeah braon BR time him out for longer okay next time he gets untimed out plug what’s your name young man Parry

The plug cool BR what’s the price to be tped the price of be tped is 50k I know 75k 75k that’s even worse sorry chat I tried to put the price lower but he caught me oh Jacob’s in the plate oh well wow wow look at what we have

Here Jacob I hate you this is why I’m not giving you what’s the 75k guys to be TP now did I what almost yeah it’s going yo what up Magic The Rock welcome to the stream you should give 1K to J Dog you can chat can

We um should we pick a random from chat to give 10K right now you should give me 10K bro BR I’ve been such a big hope well if you get picked I’ll give you 10K you’ll give me 10K if you get picked wait so what do I have to

Do just say yes in chat if we should pick a random to give them 10K right now I can’t because of stupid to be you don’t have to be liked or subscribed to enter you just have to be in my chat so I can pick someone somebody play yes in

For me please cuz Jacob was being a bub and he and he and and he kicked me bro braon just hat these stupid villagers are too smart oh not villager all right they say we should do the giveaway so after I mine some more of this melium brexton just pick the winner

Now noide that’s a glitch this there don’t worry oh no it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right don’t worry about a sweetheart how did he get out all right that’s what I thought oh no put your hand in the air Red Devil you just won 10K drop your gam what the

Flip oh yeah I just sent two down well I sent one down all right I’m they’re coming down right now they’re coming down yo what up Chris all right guys here’s proof I’m not a scammer I’m actually going to give it to him what what happened just push it just push him a

Little bit you s 10K right there boom can you rap bases later just push him just give him a little push of Love W Men all right I’m making it less obvious that that there’s our base underneath here because somebody didn’t want to cover it up this big old hole but it’s okay oh you guys are working on the base now yeah I just popped my totem that was I young

Man all right hold up I got to let’s start bridging up real quick to block this up can we please team now um no you have to be very trusted to get on my team bro it’s going to take forever to mind this whole island chat I hate you

You’re lucky we’re on the same team or give me something I let you crazy I’ll give you something what do you want to give me I got a little money for fun and the pop uper for fun I’m ye all right is this hole is almost fully covered up I’m such a good

Teammate give me 10K or I’m going to kill I’ll give you a Prime sword why do I feel like you’re TNT boy come on oh wow did you hear what I said in the call what Jacob’s asking if you heard what he said in the call how can I be

Trusted to be in your team we can what the call you have to be uh paying us money here and there to help the team out okay I’m breaking the mine carts I me rails are all the villagers down or the only two only two well yeah there is only two

Yeah true maybe I should get the free sword I mean is the guy still there who wants to give me Prime sword yeah yeah all right can somebody buy beds off of auction or something well we need like five because we need to breed them um all right yeah

Just make yeah what’s your IGN can you pay me some money give me a good reason I should pay you money uh they don’t need to be that high we’re about to break them well it’s not oh my gosh chat it’s another oh Hi Louise this is just you know the fun epic roller coaster I made all right let’s check this guy’s stat what oopsies bro this guy is Rich he’s not as rich as me but bro he’s made dirty mill on slash C it was raker what the heck all right bro I’ll

TP well I don’t know got break it I got it I got it I’ll break the no not that talk about the rails I got to lose I I to know your IGN so I can pay you money um it’s in the pinned comment bro what a wonderful team effort

By Villers we have villagers CH we have I take all the credit y’all Bri you owe me 10K Bri you owe me 10K what i% of BR give me 10K bro I made the no no no cuz I deserve a lot I made this whole base practically the whole base and then

I transported villagers down here too that deserves a lot in my opinion all right bro I’m coming if you TP me to the island forget it forget it you should have said that earlier bro instead of wasting my time making me go back take all my armor off and do all

This forget it deals off almost there woohoo got to go I’ll see you Red Devil thanks for uh the second one look at this guys I know right no oops yo um pay me 200k if you want to come to the island FK two hard bro

That’s it’s absurd he has 1.29 mil he has 1.29 mil okay still that’s not fair to make him pay extra that’s not fair fine 150k pay me 150k to come to the island honk all right can somebody pleas also he bro he figured out a way on how to

Make 30 million on SL sou so I feel like it’s fair cuz somehow he knows how to make how much to come to the island to come to the island you have to make 75 or you have to pay 75k SOA the reason it’s 75k right now is cuz uh we already left

Everybody have five stop talking over me I’m trying to talk to my chat all right the reason it’s 75k is cuz this island is the biggest one we’ve ever found and it is actually massive I’m not going to tour the whole thing because it’ll take forever and we’ve already invited like

10 to 15 people to it so we don’t want any more people so now we’re upping the price I’ll just find my own you won’t find one this big you won’t find one this big Funk and everyone who’s come to this island in the first 30 minutes made

Their money back even though they paid like 50 to 75k can I get a discount I don’t have that much how much do you have I got to go break all the beds up there I’ll be back yeah toxic made all his money back uh red devil made his money back I can’t

Pit you because I can’t find the plane the pinned comment you have to answer the pull and then the Pinn comment will show up we were saying that we know I have stone so I can do it what are you talking about let me just make sure I have

Enough fine I’ll do a deal The Sword and 60k 60k and plus the sword chill Lou stop cuz that’s go for 15K maybe that sword probably goes for like 15K so the sword and 60k bro sword iner sensors if you don’t want to take that all right I don’t know like you’re

Honestly you’re making a mistake if you don’t take that deal cuz bro I’m telling you this thing is huge bro like there’s 10 to 15 other players here and I have this whole chunk to myself please bro please red gam 50k I so that’s IRL trading I can’t pay you just

Because uh you subscribe to me bro now do SL I don’t know how to I’m too lazy too cuz I’m trying to fix okay last offer 50k 55k and the sword that’s my last offer for what this guy wants to come to our Island and he wants to give me maxed

Out sword and 55k uh yeah I’m telling you liter bro if you don’t take that offer bro you’re crazy because everyone else has had to pay like 50 to 75k right can you tell glacial to look at glacial go look at your DMs you know

What I’ll just pay 7 I AAG but I’m too lazy to read it anyways that’s a deal BR King I’m telling you King is going to kill us bro he has like he’s pulling out crystals while we’re at the base randomly he’s not going to kill you

Bro King King stop pulling out crystals you’re trying to troll the teammates I know you are yeah it’s not funny bro it’s not I know it’s probably I know it’s funny but it’s not funny for me because then Glo annoys me about it oh wow BR okay

Bro bro please 50k I I subbed and I shared the stream bro oh and I have to I have to mention bro I have made I think just in this stream alone besides all the people who gave me payments like that I think I’ve made over 100k just from this island and

I’ve given I’ve done I’ve did a 10K giveaway like 1 minute ago no not 1 minute ago like 10 minutes ago all right you’re on the island everyone here is chill bro so please don’t create havoc in war cuz uh if you do I can get a 30 member team to come

And kill you we’ve already gone through that today guys this is Funk he’s made 30 mil on SL cell you should tell me how you made 30 mil on SL C join our Discord bro cuz I’m trying to get in the top 30 how much money does he have right now

Only one a little over 1 mil look at my recent comment let me see why has he been spending his moneyo can I pay 60k I go there and then I’ll pay okay okay fine 60k you got a deal but you have to pay me back I’m almost done blocking off the staircase Guys this said he wants to kill somebody cannot even be considered an island this is a continent chat this is a Contin a continent like that makes a difference yo you’re so like mad bro so mad this is a continent and you know it uhoh my is floating 60k then you got to

Deal 60k you got to doal bro I’m telling you I broke that block what the flip hey U make sure Funk make sure you mine it out eily see how we’re taking layer by layer here and not leaving any holes do not leave holes because it does then it doesn’t grow back as

Efficiently all right I have finished blocking the thingy so we’re safe now you’re welcome guys party he has what oh King put the crystals away bro like it’s not even funny bend your shovel bend your shovel can I pay 60k you TP me uh 75k my guy pay me 75k and you won’t

Have to do a 50% deal does anybody have bread actually I might have bread what ranking are you we can bre them my never mind um I’m in the top oh I just got box no way guys top I don’t know tell GL the glci read the chat bro

Can I team with you you have to be very trusted to team with us um tell glci to read it cuz it’s important okay stop hitting me if you I won’t hit you I won’t hit you horine if the if you only have uh 60k like that’s all your money then fine no

Way no way no way no way uh if you have more than that it’s 75k no same for you so for you let’s go it’s raining yeah the rain is actually a w cuz it makes it grow back faster you can keep it guys don’t leave blocks like

This oh no B I’m getting boxed guys I’m getting boxed guys I’m getting boxed no way no way I just got full pieced I full piece peace control goes crazy ow Louis is just Cas we taking the obsidian we need carrots actually I got kids do I I should

Yeah I got carrots we’re good it’s got it’s good I got a stack of carrots so we start bro this is going to be insane I’m so glad I took the time Tak forever ice spice somebody did somebody how do you feel about this so has ice spice on

Top uh over who I don’t know she so just says Ice by some I a’t even that good to be honest so no is there another way to be trusted without giving money because I’m p uh yeah there is another way you come to this island you M for us but not this

Exact Island cuz I can’t let randoms onto it so it would have to be another day another Island and we will supply you with a shovel and you will get to keep 50% of your earnings the V can to us our goal is to get into the top 30

Chat so that’s why we have people they want to see babies can I do it no like I just said not this island guys break all the somebody like I don’t know bro what is all this yapping what is all this yapping coming from bro he

Just yo he just popped the Str yo are no cuz King is actually about to kill us all bro all right have to ban you bro yes cuz he’s actually being weird he just dug one block down he popped his strength and then he’s doing the crystal thing all right King keep it

Up like bro no don’t kick him from the team cuz if he does he can easily just kill us no he won’t and also the just stop bro I’m going to pay you 75k yeah he just yo all right no cuz BR tell him to stop he’s actually being weird K if

You don’t King stop tell him to stop or bro going to ban him bro BR King if you stop br’s about to ban you we’re I’m telling you he’s going to kill us bro I’m telling [Applause] you is is my username hidden right now wait is

It oh I just scrambled my username let me unscramble it so for safety of my friends bro can y’all stop digging under the base yo Louise has anchors BR Louise stop can you please let me Island yes they’re babies look going to be oh yeah another Island but that will be another

Time King saw me do that and he just left the game yeah I don’t know why they did that here I’m going to make the transportation system now so then it’s mad easy so all we have to do is start putting when they breed we should just like don’t put them

In immediately like let’s get like I don’t have another Island four people [Applause] yeah bam all right woohoo we have a miniature family I’mma make this ho a little bigger oh wait yeah you’re right I just broke it I’m an idiot I’ll just do this looks cooler I guess chill out young

Bull the really cool thing is that there are no mobs on the biome yeah that’s true do you need me to mine no not right now BR I’m being so for real if King doesn’t stop holding out crystals we’re all like about to start he and he’s doing the crystal thing again

Bro oh my god king like literally now everybody say Okay tag him on Discord BR I said to stop or your game your admin taking away thanks Enzo for doing that I’ll finish the base I’m going to finish the base I’m not doing this what everywhere who took all the blocks

Somebody took all the blocks I need to finish the base Enzo drop the blocks got to go have a good rest of stream see you Jac all of them thank you yeah well yeah practically all of them yeah bro we need more Blackstone you want to go get Blackstone

With me actually no I don’t need help never mind this about be quick yeah all right what king he just dropped me his crystals like okay thanks I just got $1,000 for free I gu how should I pay you just do SL pay no I meant like move over so I can

Finish placing this yeah but but whoever placs in the first time did it the wrong way yeah I was thinking of that well me and wolfer thinking wait didn’t I say that was you I forgot I said that was somebody though let me RTP and then get some Blackstone what slasher

What oh what book did he drop oh mending things oh and I got the bomb I needed to Lucky me what happen yo bro should I work on my base if you want what can I get a shovel I know another everything’s going to be

Black so so it kind of makes sense but I don’t know let me go see what it looks like all right let me come and see what is going on yo BR come look at the base we’re about to be so let you on island bit let’s see what people are saying in

Chat um 21 viewers that’s not that’s not bad Mario I want to be trusted what’s the server proper name it’s Don SMP that’s the actual name of it and see should I got to go have a good rest of your stream A J that I’m about to time M

Kid um the really cool thing is that there is no mobs in the M Room box yeah all I think got enough black one I’m tping back uh can you R my base later what what up Freddy fazbar it’s going good place what no I didn’t Place

Those the guy yeah is the guy in VC sped I don’t know GL might be SP okay BR I heard that I’m like I don’t know if you are SP I’m just saying he might be uh send me 75k bro all right sta send a request all right time to finish the base

So they should be able to do it whenever they want youf send a request so if I want to get on the island I need to pay 60 you need to pay 70k who oh you playing yeah oh what happened they want some space bro need to do what they got to

Do and guys there’s no war on this island so I’m telling you it’s worth it to pay the money J streaming and I can get a like money demonetized I think cool wait is this the wrong way I’m pretty sure no it’s the right way I’m just what about this what is

This do you get your money from mining this dirt no I get it from mining clay blocks this dirt actually makes very little money compared to mining clay blocks the St only gives me like $2 bro did I run out of BL I should have got it more hold

Up no no give me like $2 per block where like go somewhere kid how much does clay give it gives you like $5 per block wait no no not that no don’t make a higher one two three four five six this give $6 per block four five delete that comment bro delete that

Comment which one There’s so many bro you’re joking this giv $2 bro you’re trolling I got you I got you I got you I’ll remove the comment bam yeah chat this this is the worst moneymaking method ever do not use it this is so you cannot get riched you cannot get rich at all using this

Method yeah that’s right yeah that’s that’s how much it gives me Cen that makes sense can you go get more black on I’m too lazy to go back Out we only need a little bit we just get like a stack maybe bro don’t L it to the Discord and I’ll tell you how to make 100k on slash C every time you make a full inventory of this one block these villagers that I think they

Can only breed once every day or something I thought that was only for like animals that’s debatable okay you guys want to know Enzo has Blackstone W you want to know don’t die you guys really want to know what can a full inventory of this block can make you

100K it won’t work thank you en how is it not working make sure everything’s on the same internet all right this single block can make you 100K on SL cell why are you mining it oh this is just uh I’m mining it for my base but um this single block can on SL

Cell give you tons of money if you have a full inventory of it no 100K bro and the block is called a diamond block one diamond block sells for $500 bro bro is capping that’s not cat they are diamond box CH Diamond box a full inventory of diamond block makes

You 100K I have di have like four Stacks you know how you can get diamond Buck super easily and quickly chat so that you can get a 100K in 10 minutes shards and then they buy your crates and then you get diamonds nobody’s getting that many bro I’ve done it before

Bro no you don’t have to cheat to do this method shards crates and then diamonds I hope this is enough Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam [Applause] Bam cuz shards can buy you crates yeah we kind of do need at least one chest at the base and you know how easy it is to

Um get charged if you have a bunch of AFK accounts yeah yo BR Y is our base going to be a villager trading hall or just yo you made the roof the wrong way Enzo and yeah Enzo did what you keep hitting me look look at this roof compared to this

Roof you see how it’s higher yeah I got it I’m pretty sure I have the axe in my chest I do thank God yo but actually don’t leak it to the Discord server cuz then the whole server will get inflated we don’t need that keep it a secret bro you’re going to go

Netherite mining I why don’t you just buy off auction it’s really see no don’t destroy that wait actually do you have to destroy that no don’t just well actually yeah you got to destroy that yeah you did it wrongo okay BR I’mma do it to my base

All right why does my celium selfer so much um because guess what this island is the only island of this is the only Island like this one yo what a plume this island is the only one of this kind in the entire cave BR is capping hard I’m not even

Capping no not you I talk about him he said that there’s only one mushroom biome on the there’s only one mushroom biome in the entire game because they didn’t want the uh they didn’t want the developers did not want a lot of people to find this block because it’s rare and

Make of money which is why this island is so big and I found it this island is so big look how it just goes forever because this is the only one of its kind in the whole game so that’ll make this one super big and yeah no he needs to shut the flip

Up like what the flip bro what are you yapping for did you just told me to shut the flip up Mods Bann him um can I TP to you how much to TP 75k to TP to the silence since it’s the only one in the game 75k right

Now and don’t be like oh that’s overpriced bro people have joined who have paid that price have come to the island and made 75k in the first 45 minutes they made back their money in the first 4 minutes so don’t even say that’s too much can I please mind there 75k to come

In 75k Li bro pay up li bro you’re not a vacuum that’s way that is way too much nah bro look toxic has made his money back BR not a lot of your viewers have 45k in general that’s the problem uh bro I’ve already had like 10 people

Pay that price to come to the island so that’s not that’s okay yeah but you have like 20 viewers what about the other 10 how is that a scam because after the 45 minutes bro after the 45 minutes you can mine for however long you want you can

Mine for 24 hours straight and you’ll have by the end of 24 hours probably 10 mil how is that a scam you are paying 75 mil for a chance to get 10 mil bro is that a scam to you look at thaton another thing finished see that

Guy just paid 75k because he knows what’s up he knows this is not a scam and he knows he could get rich cuz this island is huge he can have a whole chunk to himself look how big this island is chat look how big this island is I know

It’s Min right here it’s Min a ton right here but look it just keeps going y whoever move the barrels to the side or W bro you’re my enemy I can’t let you here it’s pretty much an investment yeah for real oh no don’t tell me you’re here to

Kill us bro who you don’t care about the island bro bro paid 20 bro paid 75k just to come here bro I’m going to build you real quick you have like crazy money if you just pay 75k just to come to an island and not even care about it bro I just

Want bro how do you have so much money bro he has 5.5 Mil are you auction house flipping look at my slash so let me see do you think this is better if we make it like half a block lower so then look ow never mind how did you how do you have 86.9 to mil bro can you please join my Discord

Bro can you please join my Discord and tell me bro uh bro if you have 89 mil sold on SL cell how are you not richer are you paying someone else bro I make 17 mil a day you paid 75k 10 minutes ago and already made 100K back bro that’s

Crazy that is crazy chat in 10 minutes he made 100K and you’re saying that’s a scam and 10 minutes he made 100K bro so funk you have to agree with me it was worth it to pay the 75k wasn’t it so plume can you like join my Discord

Bro like I need to know what you’re doing to make so much money obviously chat I don’t know the best strats even though I’m pretty rich Enzo you’re a w bro yo what up me welcome to the stream but when the child grows up is he’s going to be able to breed too

You’ll make a meal in hour I’m going to kill that other kid oh bro you really PID 25k to come here bro and kill all right guys leave the island bro leave the island what what happened bro someone paid 25k 75k just to come here and kill us oh somebody’s killing I don’t

Know wait you died bro I thought 75k was a high offer but I guess not cuz somebody’s killing you no he hasn’t killed yet but he says he’s going to kill people now oh yeah but if it’s cheap it’s going to be easy for somebody to just if you’re going to kill

Everybody on my Island bro can you at least pay me a mill since you’re rich and you make 17 mil a day cuz like obviously a mill n that looks a little weird Enzo obviously a mill is nothing for you bro so could you like slide a mill A Millie

Over if you slide A Millie hey bro if you slide A Millie over I’m quitting my stream I will I will actually just quit my stream I will just I will end stream right after you slide me a me I won’t even I won’t even say a word bro I won’t

Even say a word I’ll just quit I think that’s why he he said bro he has chat he has 90 M sold on SL cell I think he’s telling the truth that he makes 17 mil a day bro if you side me a Millie I’ll just quit my stream I’m done for today

SL this man A Millie for a piece of chili slide this man A Millie for a piece of chili oh the guy grew up look look give them food I have carrots I have Carrs oh so you pay a win bro but they patched that now you can’t

Buy Golem spawners from crates anymore right cuz people like you did that and that and now you have 640 Golem spawners you you then how did you get bro then tell me how did you get 640 you idiot n you did not grind bro 11

Days of play time is is not going to give you if you if you afked for 11 days bro then uh you still would not have enough shs to get 640 G spawners I have a DC server to buy G bro you realize bro Dr donut said in a stream like five

Days ago you’re not allowed to buy spawners that’s why you don’t see them sold on auction so what you’re doing is technically illegal which means you’re the second person I’ve ran into who’s doing illegal things to get rich the other person I ran into had 16 mil and

He was doing illegal stuff to get rich are you going to rap asist no not not right now well bro since you get 17 mil a day can you please slide A Millie cuz it’s like easy it’s easy money for you yeah I’m not even going to say what

The first person I ran into what he was doing what that was illegal cuz it was super illegal like I don’t know plume plume might be like on borderline but what the other guy was doing was IRL trading and everything it was like stupid this stream no I can’t do it this

Stream because the stream’s been going for way too long if Dr donut did say that then why does his helpers that I’m friend with sell me golems and the mods sell because bro obviously you haven’t figured it out but a lot of the uh mods and helpers are

Corrupt and they don’t care about the rules and they abuse even Pedro abuses bro but no one cares cuz donut S&P is just so fun even though people have to agree uh yeah I paid that kid I paid bro there’s 10 other people on the island like I

Said no don’t don’t kill him bro he paid to come here what are you now my personal bodyguard for real for real though if you SL me A Milli I hop off the game right now uh can I have a little money give me a good reason I should give you some money

Don’t worry Louis is my teammate don’t kill him or her or they so plume I know you did not just pay 75 car just to come to this island and watch me dig so what is your plan are you going to kill us eventually oh shoot do you want me to kill you

If that’s what you’re going to do then yeah just kill me bro if that’s your plan there’s no point in me being you you’re just going to kill me eventually I mean I’ve already made a Millie off this island so I’ll take it they me to TP bro bro entry I don’t

Know if it’s even wor bro he has F he has 5.5 mil and he is fully maxed out for sure and he makes 17 mil a day so he’s fully maxed out everything he’s going to be really hard to take down 70k to TP no I’m good

Bro bro’s trying to use my Strat on me bro he’s so rich entry he paid 75k just to come to the island now okay his main region is Europe so he has bad pain Pon just tell me what you want bro I know you did not pay 75k just to come

Here and watch me dig so come on are you going to kill us or what Louise do you have a shovel I could chat let me know if he kills any of you if anybody anybody on the island who’s mining right now just let me know if he kills any of you because

That will be our first red flag plume my dream is to reach the uh into the top 30 if you give me two mil right now and make my dream come true I love you my question is if you’ve made 90 mil on slash cell why haven’t you like kept all 90

Mil why do you only have five mil is it cuz you’re paying these other guys a ton of money for those Golems goem spawners is there a way to delete homes yeah there is Bros probably like Bros price for Golem spawners has to be like one mil per

Every spawner like 500k or something he’s paying a lot how do I delete homes you just go to slash home then the blue Dy underneath your each of your homes uh will give you option to delete bro plume talk to me bro what is your plan I’m going to get a

Soon so tell me now or don’t tell me at all the funny thing is this Island’s so big I haven’t found another player yet chat you think he left yo what up ghost do you know evi yeah I know evi I mean I don’t like know

Him know him but I know who he is is he live right now have you seen his base no I haven’t why yeah I saw that I’m at his base bro for real you’re at his base can I come no bro you kind of have a meanie for that I can’t TP

Anyone can you give me a Millie thanks for 25 likes chat I swear we had like 30 likes earlier though did people like unlike all right I need a team member to like stay on all night and mine the island out bro what do you what do you need bro get this

So TPA no might let me back on my Island plume I’m sorry bro cuz I think you’re going sh kills get this this guy who has made 90 m on the server TPS to us pay 75k he paid 75k just to come to our base

And then he didn’t not to come to our base how much is he paying to come to our base he paid 75k just to come to the Mushroom Island then he doesn’t even mine he said he just wanted to come and then he says he’s friends with evi and

He’s in ev’s base and he has 5.5 mil currently and I don’t know I don’t know just seems kind of so then why did he pay to come I don’t know so then what he’s saying that you scanned him or something no but I don’t know I don’t know what is going on

Bro he you know something he should definitely give me slide me a Millie don’t you think give him a Willie and he there’s a 99.9% chance to play with your Willie you remember him from last season give him a a mil and there’s a small chance to play with your

Willly that’s only if you’re lucky though so don’t get any High Hopes I know did you find any gray Dy away and go back to the island why let me see where my place is oh chat bro we’re almost in the top 50 again again

So R in top 50 I’m not in top 50 I’m in top 60 but we’re getting close I’m pretty sure all these guys PID you need more than one though don’t you how many do you have I have five oh all right I’m T in the base all right I’m T

In the base too I couldn’t find any giggles at least I got some free Leather So woohoo all right here drop the the glass I have the D not the glass yeah I meant drop the GL you know what I meant BR I meant braxon okay what the flip it’s not

Working wait or I’m blind yeah I’m just blind never mind she should we do it looks kind of weird wait how much black dye do you have it’s big man it’s big all TR I think I’m going to end the stream now I got end the Stream

A no please I want to Y thanks for subbing next I want to see I can’t bro I’m not going back to it now and I just also don’t feel like doing that all right thank you everybody who uh came to today’s stream and the one

Earlier I’ll see you guys all in the next one W Bas here all right hey everyone on the island make some money and all my teammates send me some 50% you know all right thanks for um watching Everybody I’ll see you all on the next one

This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft | Donut SMP | Grind Time | Viewers Join | 1600 subs?’, was uploaded by CoolBry Bry on 2023-12-29 05:15:39. It has garnered 363 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:35 or 11075 seconds.

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More