Join Jelix’s Insane Minecraft SMP Now!

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Why you run why you running I’m Audy I’m going to go have some fun this beat is sick I want to take a ride on your disco stick you can’t survive on my disco stick sir thank you I Found Jesus all right something’s not right with this server zombies

Aren’t coming after us they’re floating in midair yet somehow I managed to get down to 18% health zie over there yeah the zombies in this game oh my God they’re they’re actually moving this time cam cam the game is real now the game’s working now oh God

White save me do the unboxing for me I’m going to go get the battering yeah you make it all Fan hey what’s up guys filthy Frank here with Minecraft episode and night night and fix are here too God you look crazy looking you I I fixed I I was able to bring that’s not your your stuff is the little amount of stuff that you had even

I was wearing armor yeah check it out check it out check it out you should br oh yeah check this out check this out oh now everyone knows about it though and then oh yeah but still and then this is the prison I mean the breeding room

Not the prison gotcha got got I took out the door gotcha oh yeah check out my room I I upgraded it I have the best room in this Mansion it doesn’t even look like it’s in part of the Mansion so you you might have notic there’s no more door there for that other

Room we’ll walk in here go back here you got TV yeah couch um where’s the uh Main Kitchen at kitchen uh I think all of those are on the third floor or on the other side I think it’s on the you got to figure

Out if there’s a left or or east or west wing I need a compass is it no not there I think it’s right here this is one of this is like a mess hall but there’s like a big kitchen area I don’t remember which one it is this

Yeah this one here this master kitchen here or dining hall this is where we hold meetings yep so my plan is to eventually you want to see what I did yeah yeah yeah eventually I want to put like all like the Iron Golem farm and stuff like that

I think I’m going to put it on the roof and then then box box it in later because there’s ample room on the roof for things I i’ to download some uh sketchy software to be able to use my PlayStation controller on a Microsoft thing for some reason but like it’s

Working now so I’m playing even hit start stream okay I did did you yeah I did okay so for the main project that took literal hours and still it well PL the placing is done but we got to wait for it to all turn into uh

Grass this was all Stone I don’t know if you remember that but this was like all Stone I built like two little ponds there’s a little snowy area over there too I didn’t realize yeah there is ice over there or just just put like random paths uh I

Believe no there was not so I went over over there bro I’m tired of these drowns I’m trying to build in peace if you come over here you can see where we took all of the uh where we found all of the dirt that the Earth was giving us for free yeah we

Yeah can we get mobs off so I can build in peace please cuz I’m trying to build in the water and I keep getting smacked by them get good yeah just learn how to kill them keep been complaining about it almost this whole time yes they keep spawning

After I kill them I’m not complaining about it should make another other too did the yeah uh I added a little bit of uh he added Fenix added sugar cane but I added like some slabs going around it just to make it look better have we actually we need

We have oh boats are on the inside so you if you want a boat you got swim all the way through if you didn’t hear me uh the other one is for carrots I just haven’t gotten carrots I thought I had oh I already planted wheat

On that side yeah we have carrots we have a bunch of carrots I tried telling him that but he still hasn’t done it well you already planted wheat there you know you can PR sh and move faster in the water right I’m out of food oh here

Whoa come back thank you had I’ve had almost 12 hours to get food yeah so like I’m pretty good on food we’re pretty good on so yeah it go it basically same as it was except you know actually usable it just kind of oh yeah you also get plenty of tropical fish

Like yeah because they just like spawn in come here and then they drown in the air so I will actually need the water to come up all way here uh so I can get the boat up here yeah that’s the I do much with this yeah it’s fine I will probably do more

With it when uh I get my pick and stuff back and then we can start moving people but yeah I got a chest that’s filled with bamboo rafts and boats and stuff now I haven’t done too much else like I said I did this carpet I mean you

Got a lot done I mean considering we’re from scratch do we have any pickaxes or anything or iron uh I got yeah we we spent a lot of materials on shovels yeah I can believe it uh got some sticks in here I think there’s cobblestone in the back I’ll just make I

Might have some iron yeah we got this oh this painting doesn’t go anywhere gotcha at least yet uh mining room did not do anything in the mine I’m going to be honest that’s fair he I just went down there for he let me go down there went down there for some Di right

But other than that mine has not been touched hold on one second I’m going mute myself all right voo he’s talking badly about us so I had take a chance I was staying right behind him I’m just expanding my land out a little bit because I I kind of want it

To be symmetrical I want those walls be pushed back for too Welcome Friends sorry about that I had a phone call uh so it’s important uh toggle Janie on all right and let me turn on people in chat all right I’m back yeah he’s back who called the the tax place it you

Didn’t pay why you should have told him that he should get on because like it’s a new world and he lost all his stuff yeah he has to rebuild the Amigo desert hey what’s the difference between Jal F locking key and land games skin standard that’s me I don’t

There’s a glitch right now where doesn’t show my name it shows what the name of my skin is your skin doesn’t show either yeah but I have both of them on here so for me or Steve join um it doesn’t matter you can join either you have them as friend same

Wi-Fi is it daytime how was your dinner that was good where’d you guys go where it that one place you guys were talking about yeah did you guys get what you wanted yeah yeah we did kind of made my stomach upset though yeah I J you want to see where I

Live it will in a second it’s a work in progress all right God they for me oh wait yeah Jenny’s not here I forgot about that I can’t do nothing until it’s sunny outside because I’m surrounded I put myself in a hole last night and I woke

Up today I tried to get out of the hole and I’m surrounded by the arrow shooter guys arrow shooter guys I think uh that you should move here it’s a lot safer I got a whole mansion for you to walk around and we’re going to have cherry

Blossoms yeah yeah bring as many chair block EX for my bedroom other than that cuz I I built I spent literal hours well me and Fenix Fenix started helping at the end but I spent literal hours building something just for you that way you would live here

Am I still not as jel he was AFK on this game all day just so I could build this and then he died while he was AFK yeah I heard yeah she does like to me I think that’s just I think that’s a skill issue just saying all right

Sir just disregard the one who was asking areg listen listen if we’re going to remodel Target um can I Target is just put some sense into it you can if you want but Target is just literally underground in my mansion that’s fine that’s fine I want it to not be Cobblestone okay what

Do you want it to be cuz I just like wood something that like dark wood oak is that fine cuz I got a lot of that anything that’s not Cobblestone and then can you put a sign show her my bedroom show her my bedroom okay night I haven’t seen the cast show

Her in my bedroom I also think I want to change the carpet to like fuse this is his room wow this really he’s got a flat screen TV plasma double Wide um I’m trying to yeah work hard on it I’m trying to show her the cat go what this is the third story I’m going up to you take me from yeah yeah yeah it’s fine hold on I’ll start from the top this is cat room look cat right here right here massive

There’s not enough room for the cats though yeah they can climb all over it hello sir whoa whoa whoa whoa there’s a bunch of bedrooms he’s upset what’s in here uh I I unlit this and oh is it a mob room now that’s exactly where I

Wanted it to be any it’s only spawning normal yeah it’s only spawning normal mobs so I think we need to do it’s not spawning this is still work for like a normal like mob Killing Room for like creeper and spider and everything does but the other room I think the room that

We need to turn into a mob room uh for specifically vindicators and stuff like that is the library that was downstairs cuz that’s where we killed them originally to get the um totems um am I on the third floor this isn’t the third floor is it can you the front

Door I’m trying to oh is it snowing outside yeah we Haven snow out to the left of us and we get a little bit of of each biome around rain to the front yeah do you have that uh Trident still night but we will get yes I do so

I’ll have to build that trident killer here I need some pistons and I need some observers it is that’s going to be a big for me to change carpet but I think I yeah it is I wouldn’t go fuchsia I would go with pink because then it would match

With the pink trees we’re going to be putting out out front so this is the front a pretty nice house path well not the front front I think we’re going keep I built this and except the the side path this is the area I added on to it

We deforested everything and all this brown area here is going to be put for your pink trees um this takes us all the way to the ocean this was not deforested this was just naturally Stone yeah it was all stone stone we should the bamboo we will eventually it’s just that’s where they

Had it for now just for building purposes okay I want I want it covered in flowers and bees okay we can get to that point is it daytime yet uh but it’s raining so the mobs aren’t going to die want want want want so down here is this the Trading

Post area so you saying you want to turn this all into wood yeah yeah like Cobblestone is too it’s it’s just to hold our prisoners though well I know but that’s what I didn’t like about the other Target is that it’s all this different material and it just looks

Ratchet well I can just do all Cobblestone I don’t like the Cobblestone what is blowing up lightning strun thunder um then if you want to turn it into something else you can just have a lot of stone you could do deep slate okay just don’t let it be like

Cobblestone and then the other gray one don’t like just you’re fine with all Cobblestone then I don’t know not really but it’s just a lot easy this is the Deep slate Cobble deep slate I do like deep slate better okay but it’s just a lot of work to is it raining still

Probably who let my sheep out it always rains here the amount of times that it has started raining and just like never stops where is the uh library is it the second floor I I think it’s the second floor the library I think it is yeah I’m pretty sure it is because

That’s I came I broke into the building on the second floor originally oh yeah I also put this room check this one out we can do we can use this for literally what what was in here before it was a big statue of the face and then something else and the guy

Holding a torch okay uh we could turn this so now it’s just a big empty room into some of the Farms do anything with it yeah the auto Farms we can try I got to put small ones in there oh who whoa this yeah this room just has how did I

Miss this one how did I not light that it’s like a little garden I don’t know I have torches so I got it can make a little church in here put some pews between all right yeah I believe it’s on the second floor not on my side of the second floor

But on the other side yeah what are with these doors here oh I just kind of put the there cuz they were extra it’s this is the one sapling room so I think what I want to do is eventually make an offshoot of here that’s both like a stable you know

For horses uhhuh make a side room off of that I’m not sure yet though yeah oh it’s it’s daytime Jamie and it’s not raining anymore I’m outside so you need to head towards 2,000 and then 1600 do you need do you know how how to do that Janie I

Think it’s positive so yeah both are positive I mean Janie did you want this to be grass or did you want it to be like the Moss blocks like before I don’t know if we could do you know the Moss that grows the flowers yeah this Moss blocks yeah do the

Moss or you could even make the path Moss yeah that’s what I did in my backyard and it looked really nice I only have an axe too so like we got to take oh we got it got yeah that’s all right I know you have a lot of

Cobblestone but I think it would look really good if it was with the path that’s fine I I I didn’t make that night made that the Cobblestone path but you can change it well you made I me keep the M yeah I keep the main path here that leads down to the

Road but the side path I was about say you made the M you made the main path talking about we got a little bit of cobblestone in here you want to turn all of this into something else it was just easier to find a straight line to the ocean with

This but you can change it out that’s fine it’s just a lot to change out uh then F Fenix has his house over to the left here on his own Island I’m make I’m making renovation so don’t mind the big Cobblestone everywhere I won’t

He didn’t go over to it I just told him where it was well I’m just saying him now don’t mind it carrots over Here ah that totem that was yours is also in this chest that cuz I we need to go to the the nether here soon so I can get yeah materials for auto farms uh while you’re there can you try and give me some glowstone dust Al yeah uh thank

You oh yeah and then I finished I’m pretty sure that you already seen But I put more campire and yes I think it’s in this chest yeah there’s a stack and 11 okay I’m going to turn some of that into bone meal I got two in my inventory but

I was going to go down oh here I got I got hang I’m playing on controller so like it’s fine that should be Oh I thought I turned it all if you need more I I have another stack in my inventory I don’t know if I’ll need more or not I’m just

Putting the and seeing what’s going to happen so I figured that’s still like a lot if I do this like that Jamie well hold on I can’t see as a start wow that spreads a lot real fast does she want this hang on before you do another one let me get this

Dirt F get that all right how many cherry BL I’ll take that from do I have we I I don’t have any I died 15 times so I lost almost everything so if you want to bring stuff you can yeah if you want cherry blossoms you

Got to bring them or I’ll have to go on a search a journey you can journey together or she could just bring them bring some and then we can get more later if we have to yeah don’t mind the uh couple logs that are everywhere once in a

While all that time of waiting the grass is just going to be also like um well it needs to be like a path I thought there was one where you put it in the ground well yeah you can take the tree dig it up maybe I’m thinking of the pink cherry

Blossoms on the ground you can do this oh yeah you can put the pink cherry blossoms on the ground too so you could do something like this Janie where you put well I don’t have any dirt right there like this is that what you’re talking about I think that’s what I’m

Talking about that like a combination of like that and the pink flowers yeah I do like the Moss though can I put the flowers on the Moss think so yeah cuz grass can be put on it so that’s just a lot like only hit the

Bone meal like once I am and that’s what it does well we can clean it up too hi weenie he’s ready for bed he giving us the business he is giving us the business R also we found um uh what’s it called the the the underground um Lush cave Lush cave yeah

Lush caves have those hanging pink flowers that make the oh yeah so I have to go to the mine it’s uh in the chest room yeah it’s on the right wing I need to figure out which’s north and what’s West I I’m almost done with what I’m doing

Okay just basically all the way down oh my God we should we should like take these stairs down one and put uh other stairs I add a cob I got to go oh there’s a double chest that’s almost full with it where like uh back in the other it’s the

One next to where your armor was gotcha I don’t know how many stairs we’re going to need but probably a lot bro how did okay I’m getting tired of this I’m tired of this they didn’t even hit me didn’t even hit me bro well obiously they did hit you because you died he’s

Got you there man they were even near me it’s called having a trident I think I’m going to take one of these with no it was they’re hacking J can I report someone for hacking to you these drowns are hacking we get them banned I can try drowns are

Hacking bro you I swear to God you already start digging them down night no you didn’t no my brain is just broken sorry these drowns I’m uh mining iron I need to get a new helmet and a sword this is why I’m not wearing any of my armor because I keep

Dying then stop dying simple it’s hard to whenever I’m in the middle of building underwater or you kill the mobs before you build J actually bans them gosh it has been daytime for that long all right I have 11 saplings it’s not a lot but it’ll surrounded by Arrow oh my God

Skeletons arrow shooty guys skelet well stray is a type of one of those so not wrong I’m not not that far I don’t think what’s your coordinates no it’s it’s like a 20 minute walk uh n almost 2,000 and then 700 so yeah you got another

Like cou thousand yeah I got a thousand and and then another thousand and then what CU you got to get to positive, 1600 top 100 I know but I’ve where this is now take me too long probably should have got a new sword before I went deeper into the cave but I’m

Good did you just go through the Lush cave to and you just are exploring the cave C systems or what are you doing yeah it’s kind of what I was going to do that’s what I’m doing just I’m just going for I I don’t

Even care if I see diamond oh I mean I would care but we need one more diamond right to diamond pick yes we have two diamonds didn’t even realize that there was iron right here I yearn for it yearn that’s something okay I’m at I placed a torch down for you I’m at

2,000 so that part how do you make the top number stop moving you just have to go in One Direction like perpendicular you know so you either go left or right but okay okay I got it you just don’t go diagonal I got it you just have to make

The last number go up well if you’re in the negatives you want to make it you know how numbers work I I hope should I make one side you know how numbers work yeah should I make one side um one side stairs and one steps a

Yeah thank you God my brain could not you say what I was trying to say I had the same I had the same idea as you wa a minute why did I go negative again cuz you went the wrong direction if you go One Direction it’s negative if

You go the other direction it’s positive I need another pick I’m going to be honest you deserve more viewers that’s not how you spell honest it really threw me off for a second but I really appreciate that thank you did they spell it oh n honest so my brain had a stroke reading

It yeah but I really appreciate the sentiment behind it so uh yeah by the way since you’re new um you can uh customize your little lock that walks across the screen they’re already subscribe that’s how they’re in here but since you’re new you can customize your little lock that walks

Across the screen if you type exclamation mark uh shop and click on the YouTube link um it’ll open up the little lock dashboard where you can use your lock dollars to customize your little lock you are rushing it’d be that way I can’t spell so free of

Charge yeah make sure you have for free of charge oh my God chy wake Up no Chrissy will stay asleep forever I don’t care what you say J they sleep forever all right it’s a little rude but rules are rules I guess my fault my finger slipped oh my go I’m getting freaking surrounded oh I’ve tried get a hole just get in a

Hole holy crap climb this there’s a zombie CL stupid Mountain protect the clown for lock and K I forgot I had all that iron cooking in the blast furnace down oh my God I have two hearts I get shot by a stupid Arrow I’m probably be done

For getting the ground for now do you need retrieved yeah or like dig yourself under ground like like block it off until morning probably will I probably should I only have an iron axe left to defend myself that’s an awful sound uhoh that’s not good oh worked out

For me though you okay the creeper blew up but we’re good we Gucci I’ll go get a water bottle I’m a bit thirsty me just dig myself a little bit like your L lock it’s gotten it’s crazy looking you got a little uh green uh kit key walking with you got a

Chef hat and a beard and keyblade you’re going sicko mode over there legs yeah can you come me uh KN can night would probably be better protecting you AFK I didn’t get a water I got something way less healthy can you retrieve lady Janie yes I

Guess wait you got to pay me what you need he said so wait if you press if you if you if you press the Escape key you see how you have a crown and I have a star all right all right I see where this is going all right you have been

Kned you are now I don’t know I am now Crown you are not Crown yep all right Jamie if if you can figure it out what are your coordinates I get the first one is 2,000 no hold on I got to avoid this blow actually I know what direction to

Walk yeah as long as you stick get 2,000 and head towards decreasing values and head back well I thought I was going the right way and then I ended up going the wrong way by a lot don’t worry it only took fin are you at least at 2,000 for the first one

Huh sure are you still on 2,000 for the first coordinate yeah okay yeah you’ll be easy to find I I’ll just walk in a straight line until I find you if I don’t freeze to death do I have enough food for this adventure I do all right I I I shall return

Eventually hopefully with a different with another person if they wow to walk better than fenex shut up oh should made really really going to be like that huh burn hell wow say that that’s rude to he talking was zombie racist snuck attack on me it’s cuz it’s green it’s definitely

Because it’s green yeah I hate green boys canell canell cancelled I don’t I don’t know what color lock is mine your should be the green one whenever it pops up oh actually no you didn’t upgrade my fruit punch it’s still default right now you might not have a lot of lock

Dollars because you just join but the longer you watch the more oh my God that you collect how many more you earn yeah all only got like a thousand blocks to go until I should be close to Janie at least I’m like Sprint jumping and stuff too so I’m moving I’m covering

Some decent ground moving a lot faster than what I was when I was on my way here you could have taken a horse we have a saddle I think oh too too late plus I haven’t seen any horses except for like Clos horse we need a camel yes camel camel you can

Ride I need her toide side saddle dude they’re slow but you can still and they’re also too tall to be attacked by two tall mobs so like zombies can’t get you on them but obviously uh you can still be shot by skeletons okay I’m getting getting close to the first number

2,000 well I’m at like 2,39 that’s close enough it doesn’t have to be exactly 2,000 and then I’m trying to get that bottom number right now I believe I literally don’t know how to yeah if you if you try towards me I’m already on my way towards you it’ll be a lot okay

Like I I’m getting it just need to go this direction so you just walk I’m at 2011 519 2011 all right make fun of who I’m at 2 cuz Fenix has been here for a while we make fun of Fenix because he has seniority to be made fun of

Fex guy yes he’s been here long enough that he’s changed his name three different times and night had his name used to be stinky stinky yeah no I’m I’m never going back to that I’m G be honest is it too true for you can’t handle the truth

Truth yeah yep y y defin most definitely we need to find a you know I had to like close and reopen my game so many times earlier cuz I kept accidentally minimizing in it and because like we’re playing bug Rock Edition uh fix’s thing wouldn’t say that I’m

Online so I had like we had to keep messing with stuff yeah so it would say that I’m online for me to get back in are you still at 2,000 and 11 Janie uh or at least in the area yeah all right I’m at200 now what’s up I’m like 600 blocks away

From you I’m getting close climbing up a mountain right now there goes all my pork chops I got more food though just not pork chops all right I’m like 400 about do we need probably 200 blocks away from you we have some mushrooms but you can grab

Some if you really want to yeah we got mushrooms you could put mushrooms in the fairy garden I should be coming up on you really close here Jamie are you in the spruce uh this like dark tall trees yeah well I’m going around the big mountain

Yeah oh you are I was on top of it in the okay what’s your uh first one what’s your first um go around the mountain it’s two uh it’s 2114 and then all right yeah I’m coming down to you I’m I’m like very close to you like don’t move whatsoever oh okay

I’m in like a little teeny swamp like oh I know where you are I can like I can see that from where I am I’m coming 2114 yeah I see your name see yeah go ahead and uh head this way do you need food or I’m good for right now all

Right you want some armor you know so you don’t die or um I have some pants and some boobs we are not making it back before the sunset here I have a helmet on I have boots I can put on let me get you a chest plate real

Quick oh there’s axotal here too there take that all right G cover you up a little bit more so not going to die over here that sheep with a yamaka scared you want a wolf where’s a zombie coming I have bones for you if you want a wolf don’t let it kill

You all right I was I was claiming a wolf you know since you didn’t want it she likes CS I didn’t want it it was just that there was a zombie coming in bro okay I was inside this time but he’s didn’t want it one of my blocks which

Is crap a pretty neat area it’s SC yeah but our spot is a lot better I got like a waterfall here mini one we’re only a few thousand blocks away no like not less than a, like 1300 blocks away hang on there’s another wolf all right enough to make children and we do

Not yeah we do not have to stop moving at night because I have a sword so don’t worry about getting killed just tell me if you see any mobs and I’ll kill them for you creepers are sprinting really fast nowadays yeah they be sprinting real fast these days D creepers I don’t know

What happened to my bird yeah I finally finished that one big wall night nice did you like actually do the thing or did you you like not did you dig it out or did you leave it I dug the whole thing out now I just got to go through and see what

Cobblestone I don’t need to keep I got to keep all of this around I’m going to change all into stone J you want to see my little plot eventually I’m about to head out and get some uh all right villagers anyway so oh man I mean that’s the same

We are not on 2000 but we are fine you said what Jalex it’s kind of the same direction anyway so can I build like a boat shop cuz people are going to need it more often sure we’re good cuz I know I built one in one of

The other worlds but nobody used it wow are you using a water highway I well this is an underground uh tunnel system the underground sewer tunnel that leads directly under the castle and into the shop so be so I didn’t have to climb a bunch of Hills to get the villagers I

Just we just connected it to the ocean and then you can see house from the ocean see and luckily all the villages are right next to the ocean yeah Villages are next to the ocean is that you it’s like perfect phix no we are not oh that’s not F might be F

Someone built a boat I was about say we are not near are you on the island off to the left with all the birch trees no I’m the I’m the one that has all the Cobble it’s just a big of land if you go uh down the main path like over closer

To where Janie where I built any her thing so it’s off the right of the dock then it’s like on the left when you go down to Rockets to the left oh you are getting shot at my dog’s uh oh you see just look for I parked a raft outside we almost

Here like 600 blocks away now do you have any blocks to uh scale up this mountain or do I need to help you watch out oh uh Phantoms yeah haven’t slept in a while I only have 13 do you want to go around it uh okay let’s we can

Just no we got to kind of go up the mount here I I’ll build I have blocks I’ll make it to where uh you can go up to uh your doggies can go up dogs teleport relatively yeah wa F go go up too I got 45 la

Nice we’ll need that when we start start to enchant we’ll stay under the trees and so that I was going to bring us on top of the trees but we’ll stay under them since Phantoms are out let me know whenever uh we do that way I can just I

So I can enchant some of my stuff and whatever I don’t use I’ll let you use I’m just working on my little house uh go up over here just trying to make it back to the surface do not want to have to dig out all that well all these monsters just

Deciding to spawn in right now I don’t cuz it’s I got yeah but they weren’t there but all of a sudden I showed up like oh I guess I should be here cuz you’re here uh oh Jo X spawn is here I’m going going to be here is he sitting

Down whatever I don’t think he is all right we’re good whenever you get here bring Janie down to my little area well hang on we’ll have to sleep or something first J you got a bed uh I I have I have stacks of wool like literal stacks of wool we’re

Good well jel needs to sleep too he has a bed yeah I’m at the Island right now though but I can sleep in one of the beds here all right we are 500 blocks out watch out I accidentally just whacked my dog like three times hang on do I have any

Rotten flesh my dog is how I can’t trade with this guy we heal this one up too uhoh did they change how you trade well I have a puppy now let’s keep going KN did you breed him yeah I was just trying to heal him

But you forgot if you do it it will breed him he probably just went too hard no I didn’t forget yeah I just kind of spam clicked them with the rotten flesh so yeah you got a puppy now that’s good here hang on hang on before you do

This let me like build it out for you that way you don’t fall to your death how come I can’t with this villager am I dumb I think he just get over here down on the ground before murdered right click right that’s all you have to do je he heard what you did

To his sibling he hates you oh there’s a blower up do they not trade at night anymore what the heck’s going on yes but the doggies we’re good we’re good I killed the spider but yeah they were helping at least trying to I’m putting my food back in my

Hand oh my god oh hey move move move move I am I am I got it I got it oh my God I don’t have my own audio I only have I was E I turned around and it was like right next to you so I don’t hear my own stuff yikes

Sorry I only hear J audio even hold on if I turn on Console capture I seen it I play this game deaf I can so many mountains are we going down this mountain what yes we just go try to go down the trees and then once you get low enough

Uh jump you can jump into the water like once you get to this bottom tree here or you could just go on to the ground I have a way to make it so you can hear your audio too Jamie I just got to re configure your uh there’s a blower up

Guy behind me HDMI yeah I noticed it’s it’s all the way over there though so we’re fine hang on I got to get my other blocks over here this wall pattern I’m going to keep keep it where it looks not kind of the same but not really it’s going to be a little

Different I’m to playing on my controller cuz I’m a lot better on controller let not go into a cave right now okay we will because of the type of force we will still kind of have to worry about mobs but not as much whoa he’s hiding behind a tree oh

God I fell in a hole over here over here yeah right here oh I can even get out dude got to head in this direction in a little bit we are about 200 blocks out there’s our house I can see it from here I have to turn up my render

Distance to see it but I know that we’re getting close Joe so if you see a bamboo raft you’re at my place it’s like right outside we’re not coming from that direction I said jell yeah he was talking to me I thought that oh don’t know I

Thought that he said Janie for a second we’re almost there about 100 blocks away that’s a big Ice Mountain over there you did bring saplings right for your cherry trees yeah okay after this snow we got to go over this little thing of snow we are good

Look you can literally see the house mansion good job man careful walking in the snow you might sink look at this sheep okay follow me we’re just going to go around to the front yeah you’re right J you’re heading right towards that turn a little bit oh on I

Got a passenger I got oh you have to crouch yeah oh I guess it’s fine you’re making it through oh it really is a we are at the man Mansion welcome to Castle Fawn here are you going to greet your lady I will greet my

Lady all right if you want to see him come around here check out the design I did with the carpet pretty good yeah here is the jelix of the fwn ah my lady welcome to castle look like that do I just look like Steve yeah you’re Steve

You reect your character no wait let me show you a picture stand up hold on I can do watch this hold on oh you’re not you’re not plugged in I got to fix that but otherwise like this is what you look like to me whoa no signal that’s crazy let me

Show that to people this is what I this I look look this what I look like you like like Steve or no I look like crazy like inverted color is like I look like a demon purple and black like my no it’s of green and like my shirt instead

Of being purple and teal it’s like yellow and like orange it’s weird for me are just Steve what is that I don’t know that wasn’t me sounds like uh somebody’s I want J to give me The Grand Tour all right uh Knight can you do want

Your cherry area charia yeah I just need you to make like a a couple of uh fence skates so I can plug this boy in here your name is even Angelic uh it’s called SK standard C you’re do you have a do you have a lead cuz your dog’s in the

Boat and I can’t get them out kind I kind of noticed I I have six leads so all right well I’ll have you take care of that thank you good sir shanie come on I’ll give you the I can’t really get them out yet it’s fine they hope should

Be what would you like to see first the first floor yeah all right I don’t know if this is east or west or north or south Wing but once we get a compass I’ll be able to tell more I wish it was or look at the sun um this is a

Just a room for a flower I don’t know yep and then another room any of these rooms into other rooms uh over here is the storage and Mining area so you come here we have a bunch of empty chests and if you go down that way

That leads to the the mine and the Lush cave system oh what’s the Lush cave it’s got the glowberries the hanging pink flowers the MTH and the aelia trees and all that uh this is some else room over here kind of got like a church thing going on over here quiet I

Think uh this is a a prison cell wow Janie go in there real quick it’s really cool you’re all right let’s leave U we had La locked away in here so we have some alls U this is just like mushroom Garden for some reason yeah a big we can do but I think

We’re going to put some Auto farms in here I think the second floor Janie is all yours to decorate the first floor I’m going to put like farms and stuff I think I like the tree in there that’s the we get to my room I’ll have my dog

Sit down we should have like in the center of the house we should have like a tree and like stained glass and if we can find the center of the house you got to show her the magic painting oh yeah this magic painting back here and the little uh you can

Just obviously hold on I got to eat like Mario wait what you know the like in the Mario game you can I had a whole bunch of those so this is where we have the alleys right now we’re going to breed them and make more are they all just blue right yeah

They’re allue switches he Fenix let us out fix there’s a c let us staging a what’s in there oh the painting uh have we done the other Wing here the left wing no no not yet this arbory just this is where we we a bunch of saplings stored here well we need

Different all the different kinds yeah eventually we I took carpets from this random area that has like nothing so he’s an he’s Another Empty room yeah empty room actually know Janie do you want the we’ll decide I’ll let you decide if you want the first floor or second floor to

Decorate but the third floor is our floor that we live on so um I live on this I mean I if you want me to I can move up to the third floor yeah so this is the second floor I want chandelier I want a grand chandelier built right here in the

Middle at some point make it out stain glass we move you can’t put small square like you can make the thin panes and make a square out of it right a bedroom here got gas bedroom that doesn’t work and I like this little tree idea that’s funny we

Didn’t make any of this it’s all just spawns here yeah I think I made this everything this is his room I made this stuff in here I like your this is my room so maybe it should be the second floor for check out my

TV yeah pretty cool if you use TV it has if use black concrete it looks really good conrete cuz it looks like static yeah I I just didn’t have that and we’ll get there well yeah we don’t have antennas on the on the roof there’s another there’s the right wing the

Second floor take your fence gates oh Jesus but do you want to go the third floor or do you want to do the other half hang on have my I have my I want to stuff my dogs into my room real quick come on dogs get in here sit down you

Could run around this Castle all day and you’d have to eat constantly Little Flower room here I don’t know why some fake beds yeah it’s another uh room bedroom I made a whole oh this room this is we’re going to turn into a spawning room because this is where we

Can spawn vindicators get po totems of undying in here so we’ll take out so this one’s off limits because it’s going to be a farm area yeah uh this is a one of the mess Halls over here that’s Hall one and then we have two grand dining

Halls SHO she was still in there this is the War Room the war we’re put map we’re going to put the map in the middle have a big map in the middle um up ahead over here to the left here is one of the grand dining Halls oh

This is cool I don’t know what the stone is doing here you could put some pot like a cheese looks lot you put like a a and a chicken on a plate yeah frames yeah and then another bedroom here look at this excellent view that you get in

This bedroom this is the servant quarters oh wow we need to put a painting behind the window another grand uh dining hall why don’t we just why we yeah well out the mountain yeah the window is broken in here because that’s where I originally came into the

Building at third floor time got to walk all the way to the other side just to go up the stairs I think we should make a a make a loop around yeah make it there should be area in one of the walls that will make this big secr like a servants servants corner

Corner Corridor cor over here stairs um right here yeah through here we can do it oh yeah you you got like this little area that we might be able to do something with maybe beond the stairs so this leads into here yeah oh Janie’s going upstairs careful we do have a room that

Has a bunch of yeah that’s the cat room there’s really no room for my cat so maybe if we make a cat Hollow you could be hard but you could try dry then that you don’t go in there you will die if you go in there yeah I see

So this is the third floor we can pick one of these rooms to be our master bedroom or you want to do maybe the whole thing is ours well Knight is also a Duke so well he can have a room yes but then the rest could be ours okay hold on I’ll be

Back if you guys want the second floor for something else I can move I got to find out uh I got to make a way that get to the roof easier uh probably this direction I’ll make make the entrance to the roof and this is look all the mobs up there I’ll

Have my workshop here with all of my different like the bone meal farm and all that kind of stuff I think I’ll put on the roof over here and uh the uh what’s it called the gold Farm nether portal farm this is the last face in this uh building I believe

Believe the last one of those change cuz I remove yeah I removed all of the other ones that’s why you haven’t seen them you want to go to the it’s just that one’s like kind of out of the way do you have a lead I have six you need a couple

Um I’m curious hold on oh my axe oh your axe bro here take this one it’s like three4 of the way so should last you a little bit I’m just going to make this whole second floor Loop uh with this area over here just have it all Loop all right I am going

To take my dog out real quick yeah my real life dog real life dog yeah I have multiple in game I think one of them is sitting down somewhere far away no the other the other one’s in the boat still all right I will be right back well well well

J so okay I’m trying to make oh there’s Echo can I get your help in my little area real quick I can try need your opinion on something you put it oh wait what is that oh that’s the that’s a staircase yeah it’s on the the other side

Is I thought you were doing something to one of the faces no I’m just trying to Loop this area over here oh to where you can get to the staircase yes so now you can get to the east and west wings here just one big loop now all the way

Around whatever Wing cuz you don’t know what Wing is what uh yeah it’s true you dark oak I do yeah how much you need never mind I was going to need some for stairs but I just noticed I had stairs cuz we I am doing require

Stairs uh we could try but there’s lot of people AFK right now otherwise I’d say yeah okay you want to come look at my thing real quick um one second have to push this back all right see the reason why people pick on me is because cuz I I’m the one that

Always tends to get picked on in here jeel never does it he rarely does it it’s mostly night isn’t that true Jal I don’t know that’s kind of equal I only pick on you jie just when I’m annoyed Janie Janie defends me nobody else does Who’s Back Jan’s back um okay the

Stream’s a little bit delayed Janie you want to see my house welcome to my pey pey I’m baby which one was your Eye J you want me to come get her or do you want to bring her uh I’ll bring her right why do everyone pick on him because he’s a little brother basically yeah cold here’s the thing Janie never picks on me Janie defends me I do mostly and Knight that do

It what we need to work on is a staircase needs to be finished which staircase from the third floor to the second oop sorry why did you hit me you’re so rude I’m lost where you getting his way we need like a grand staircase first

Stair the well the one that I just went on I couldn’t get to the next floor like the third floor the bottom what do you mean oh you want one that goes to all three floors yeah you could just extend that one that you that was

Was there and spiral it down so what floor are you you guys taking do you want me like off the second floor what’s what’s going on um Janie where do you want Knight to live since he’s a Duke here well I don’t know yet I would have

To go back up and look um and I would want to decide together all right on what we’re going to make the rooms we’ll hold off for now I guess oh are you not going to come up we’re going to go visit fix oh I guess we are come on you’re

Called standard wait for JS to that’s annoying you’re missing a a door or something why three doors I I don’t have a choice un the other idea was to do this but thing yeah I was going to say put something in the middle put glass right there you got like a little window

Well glass doesn’t fit on the edge of a block it goes in the middle put a glass block look I I I can control her you see that look I can control her oh no I can’t I was able to oops where so two fixes I will show you guys the way hang

On no he’s on an island but it’s not far eventually Jamie I will turn this into a mechanical door all right everyone follow me I am leading them to your house fex on your own personal Island that you have man I was GNA yes I forgot to get the

Stoves Village it’s all right there’s uh villages that we can raid nearby so here is his Island as you can see it is an island because it is look look look it’s it’s an island Peninsula with a canal going through it okay so go jamb oh

No all right so if you come down in here we’re breaking in we broke in not too bad you got that stacked diarrhea he’s going put glow St KN I might need you to fix this area you’re you might want to fix this you raiding my base I just wanted to see

What you have all right let are we going to figure out the room his work let him cook jie yep all right so jump back over the lake the that’s separating his Island from we should make a massive that’d be kind of cool that’d be pretty sick around the Mansion yeah although there

Actually fill up with laa crocodil we can’t do lava cuz it’ll burn down the Mansion crocodiles we could put some of these but if you make the moat deep if you make the moat deep enough and you make it out of like Stone and stuff it

Won’t burn down the Mansion we need to get rid of some of these trees it’s overwhelming that’s we will eventually yeah all right so rooms room situation standard just follow J and oh now you’re Ste again this is weird you’re changing skin that’s we play Sorry staircase is over here see

It’s confusing I know we need to just make it one and have secret you guys have to choose what room you want me in you know how’s how there’s a staircase you know in the in the middle and then on the sides of buildings we should just do

That there’s a lot of rooms up here Jamie um what we could do is cut off right here and claim these three rooms no if anything I would claim a whole Wing I’m a princess you’re a lady that’s not enough space really that’s not enough space no

It’s not did you just want to do the first floor then so that way you can expand underground like you like to do that might be an idea or these walls are so tall we could make a whole other like Loft yeah I guess you can make a loft

But it ruins the whole vaulted ceiling of a mansion well I don’t know show me the first floor again the third one has the cat it does I mean if you want we could claim the whole third floor and give Knight the second floor or just the One Wing of the second

Floor cuz that’s all I need you said One Wing of the second floor cuz it has M since he has this room over here anyways yeah cuz it yeah it’s basically the size of a house all right let’s do that at the end take the third floor for living and then you can

Take this whole I don’t know if this is the west or the East but the left wing we’ll need signs okay take me back upstairs like third floor yeah here never mind I fixed my whole the whole problem I was having now I need cats and I want to

Change the windows that on the top to be pink Windows it’ll take a while but we don’t have silk touch so well you better get it I’m working on it we’re starting from we’re going to need some do we have a dinner table up here the the dining

Halls are on the second floor oh we should have our own like private thing and then I need to pick which well you could always just transform one of the rooms want in one you have a bunch of them I like this little tree the third floor

Still I mean this one yeah yeah yeah this one won’t oh hang on this one won’t work as a thing so you could just like make this something else once we light it back up on the third floor yeah but that’s only cuz it’s dark oh rough

Nice yeah there’s another one in the cage maybe we could put them underground maybe well it just they just spawn cuz it’s dark in here it’s all so we don’t have to keep okay okay well we could put some lights in here we had lights in

Here before but it just um we just took them out yeah I took cuz they spawn see look at the Loft up here CU it’s dark they spawn I like I like that up there that’s fine we don’t have to have that here you can make a mob spawner anywhere and then

You can get rid of the wrestling cage too yeah yeah yeah but I like the wrestling cage no no I’ll get rid of the wrestling cage but I just I need some candlesticks or something and torches to go up there yeah and like maybe some stairs the ladder watch out getting

Jumped so they stop spawning in here hold on I don’t have any torches but I can at least fix the ladder um I have torches so we’ll put mobs downstairs I mean I they just spawn because it’s dark I don’t have a choice well I know I’m just saying if you

Wanted a room like that we could put it downstairs in the basement yeah it’s fine and we might actually find a real mob spawner at some point so there’s one right at the top of the ladder did you make uh ladders or yeah I put them there they’re on the wall now

Oh my gosh and then I want a door so we can walk out on the roof well I’m going to use the roof for some of the I was going to put the bone meal farm and all that on the roof so you have all that stuff within access and we were just

Going to um close it off and make it another section of the house I don’t have to your uh loft is good and safe thank you sir I don’t know to look at oh hang on there’s a Wandering Trader more leads for me grats this is a this is huge you

Could put some of the farms on the actual roof that’s what I was going to do like but like up there oh on the top top section the roof roof I guess I could do that there I can’t remember a St way or something yeah make a ladder

To up there and we could just go even higher up and but while I’m up on the roof here I’m going to dig into the wall and take care of that thing while I’m up here I will place it I will place the wood back

But just fig while I have good access to it I’m a break it the third floor is technically smaller than the other room other correct correct but you do have access to the roof and you can make like patio and stuff like that wizard hello bro I’m Latin American I’m

Using translator can I join I mean yeah I guess so you just got to give me your Gamertag and I add you as a friend did you ever get your dog knight from the basement oh the one from the boat no not yet I will it’s not on my list it’s not like

Super high up on my list of things to do right now it’s fine can you give me something I mean it’s up there but it’s not like priority can you give me something to do uh I mean there’s anything first you need to plant your trees yeah decorate the garden out

There I think we have somewhere uned food get out of here you’re have I need arrows you’re going to have to learn learn the flooring we need more torches getting chased by spider Co and stuff we need to go to the mines it’s just there’s a lot of stuff the spider is chasing

Me we need do we just need to do a lot of stuff in general still exactly I’m from the all right that that face is gone what was here just playing so bad where’s my garden is there a back no there’s a mountain in the back so you

Could dig into the mountain and make secret layers and stuff like that that would be something standard crust there you are standard crust what your name so you’re I mean it’s getting dark so you probably want not want to do this right now I

Want to get rid of a lot of these trees fair just make sure you keep the wood because a lot of this wood can be used to repair the Mansion your Garden’s over here to the right yeah there’s a zombie right there can someone give me

Something to kill stuff with we are very low on materials but as soon as we can so I’m not here I I have a sword that you can have what’s that red thing out there someone building a house out there thank you there’s a sword for you you might be

You you’ll probably only be able to hit some yeah you’ll probably only be able to hit something one time before it breaks but like you never know it might help I have uh 16 iron in my inventory so nice uh we do need a coup I’d say I’m pretty

Rich before we I can always replant trees where want need a yeah I need a sword because we’re going to go to the nether here and try get needs a sword I need a sword three sword one two three okay can you put I have some axes for

You Jan come yeah I’ll make it an ax no I got two don’t wor oh I was going to give her another but okay where did jie go lost J oh I found her I found Janie found Janie yeah you can join are you doing the right now careful it’s night time

Jamie here take no she’s trying to chop down the big tree with her fist I just gave you the axe it’s in your inventory and I just dropped you a good sword yeah a good one thank you that you can probably you might be able to kill

Something with all right Knight go take care of dog so I can put that villager away and then we can go to the place I also need to dump my load bro there’s a bunch of different chests throughout the place and you can ALS I also have somewhere I think that’s a funny

Joke I could just commit there’s another no you burn the house here’s another Tak care of oh my I mean I I fixed I fixed what happened to my Qui okay why do I have proud of me I took care of the dog just don’t press T you have obsidian Jam yeah crying

Regular regular put it in the uh chest for now it doesn’t matter what chest just put in a chest did you hear Knight he said press t no I said don’t press T you should this of the way that I took care of my dog inside

Too that are like completely empty so if you got a lot of stuff oh what you think of my house jel whoa whoa whoa you have a sword kill it now I’m trying without killing me preferably there you go you killed it eventually we’ll have organization organization like

Organ yep yep so many tropical fish down here I know I don’t know how to take care of that I mean like it’s we can eat them you don’t even have to cook them you can kind of use them as they’re not they’re like I think they’re worse than

Berries but you can still eat them a Berry Farm like as a last resort like if you’re really hung if you really need to eat you can e can you sell them though too can’t you sell them the fisherman I would have to invite you and you give me your friend code oh

No I go I go it Jal yeah I finally fixed the wall all right Trump I can barely see my own screen it’s so bright in here thanks thanks ah ah ah ha you getting rid of the trees are all the way away from the path or are you

Just doing it for wood I think I’m kind of open I’m opening it up a little bit yeah too sick let me Place some torches around that way you’re not getting Imagine The Gardens that you can add to the front of the castle so you can see it from the shoreline where you

Can see what said imagine The Gardens and like like you know in the show we’re watching like the gardens in France you could add leading up to the castle so you can see it you’re clearing out the thick of it I am clearing out the thick of it too many

Trees and if anything I’ll line the path with the cherry blossoms mhm we don’t need these trees if I want to PL look good yeah just make sure we can keep the saplings in the arbery over here if I need trees I’ll I’ll uh plant more I’ll replant trees it’s

Not a big deal mhm but I’m going to clear it out so we have a blank space I got I still have like 60 bones so we can always bone meal too if we like need the wood yeah uh no I’m saying I have 60 bones whoa yeah dang that’s not enough

Bones you ready to go to the end real quick or NE sorry I wish we’re going to the end you mean nether yeah not there yet let’s see let me uh I’ll make a shield because like crazy I bet we are going to get jumped by skeleton do you want a shield

No I’m going to I’m going to just get the cob proba going get jumped by skeletons yeah okay I’m going to get some Cobblestone I don’t normally use Shields but like that’s bad in there so I should probably non I need some is there a bed

Yeah you should oh yeah that’s a good point we have AED if you go into the door to the right if you go into the door to the castle Jamie there’s a bed downstairs to the right that’s my bed don’t there bed right here don’t take that I will it’ll

Save both of you it’ll save it will save both of yours no it won’t it only has one person per bed Janie come downstairs no doesn’t are you sure it does yes it does it’s only one person pered never heard that rule I know that me and Fenix had

To do it me and fenx did it when we were at the castle before well not at the castle when we were at the village that first time cuz we were both we we saved our spawn in same bed and we killed each other and we did it yes back in my day

It didn’t work that way yeah but it works now it says respawn Point set I don’t think it matter then sleep again hit sleep again after that why just try it what does it say when you do it respawn Point set says that every time yeah okay I guess so in

The past it saves both of your guys it didn’t used to do that time no it used to be it used to be like that now it works I’m from the old like it was up aesome if it does work that way I yeah I it does work that way way it used

To not but it does now cool I’m going to go to the the nether that’s when I learned to play the game when it used to do that and stuff yeah yeah I’m coming I’m right behind you uh people are still in chat yes you can join just gave you want you want

Like an iron chest plate actually I don’t have enough IR to make you a chest plate so how do I make more axes again access you just either need stone wood or iron somebody just left a three floating come get the tree that you just

Broke fix it man oh God I hear a bunch of arrows and I’m still building terrain me too come on load did you guys dump your inventory yeah more or less oh there’s an oh is that an Aly yeah here I can try to do they you said

They don’t come in different colors no they don’t why not that’ be cool though they do not I think that should be the next update of rainbow Val you just like diee them or something oh that’ be kind clutch oh there’s another one I don’t know what jel what broke on

Me uh your helmet oh that’s fine that’s it’s just a leather helmet I kind of expected it to break I did not bring enough pickaxe for this oh but I I do have some sticks and I do I did I what are we doing here again we’re going to dig out this

Direction and make like a tunnel and see if it yeah I want quarts but oh oh yeah yeah yeah I found a bunch of quarts well not a bunch but I found quarts yeah let me just like let me just like me just like do one of these and

Then do one of these get the skeletons to fight each other and then mine out the this guy with potions and he’s green it’s a oh that’s a zombie villager he got me you dead dead no almost Almost is she wait did she go to the nether with you guys or is she still just in the garden he’s still there I’m in the house now trying to immediately dump my inventory because I’m afraid I’m coming jelix all right let me mine out

Some of this gold I was level 18 earlier and I went AFK for like less than a minute and I died cool quartz can start building sucks do you kill the guy I got you can yeah you can you can heal the zombie villagers but but we don’t have the

Stuff to do it I mean not yet though yeah well I don’t even know where he went actually I don’t all my blocks are flam flammable so I don’t I can’t really Place anything I got this delay is annoying except I don’t can’t kill him it’s like it’s an LA yeah right it’s

Like killing an LA it’s like killing like exotic bird it’s just illegal and you shouldn’t don’t you breed them with lapis or something you got to breed them with amethyst shards and while they’re dancing to music it’s very specific oh that’s weird they also reproduce as we have music

Disc yeah you put a music disc yeah you put a music disc in they dance and then you feed them A Shard of amethyst and they split into two cuz they magic or something hey hey hey hey I really wish we had a diamond pickaxe right now I

Like really wish we had a diamond pickaxe right I really wish we had a that’s awesome netherite scrap uh well my pickaxe broke so I’m out of yeah mine mine like just do you have any wood do you have a crafting table I have a crafting table and I have

Wood crafting table is all the way back here if I have oh okay I have stuff to make me another pickaxe I just don’t have any wood I have I have sticks I just don’t have wood or I have Cobblestone or in the Nether and is epic we can continue Going all right you’re going to be a butt hopefully without any of us ding this guy is asking to be destroyed I’m just going dig completely straight yeah more or less that’s what I was going to do see if it takes us to something or at least we can mine some stuff you

Know what you do we’re in the nether I’m talking to talking to Janie we didn’t trees we have encountered more Soul Sand you got it love it oh it leads us to a big open area you found I mean if you guys still soulan but big open oh that is a lot of

Gas I would not recommend going over there it’s big open but also big dangerous someone farted wasn’t me it was I don’t have access to the thing for some reason so it definitely was not me uh hang on there’s some lava and I just placed wool to try to block it off cuz

That’s I all my blocks are except for my Netherrack are flamable I have Cobblestone I have Netherrack now uh I I got it I think I actually block blocked it I did not but it is oh I missed hold up okay it is now it is now

Okay Jan you want me to fix it so you can have sound I mean you can is it going to so I can’t hear you no you’ll be able to hear my sound and your Soundset might be a little confusing well it’s better than me being uh deatha I don’t know if

Anything is ever coming by me my eyeballs are so dry you just be double aware oh yeah there’s also like 80 skeletons so oh and they’re they’re about to come down in here he said there’s about 80 skel said they’re about to come down so why are you guys going to the

Nether uh to try to find stuff why are you doing this Janie you don’t have to do it I’m chopping trees why because I want the front of the house to be a whole bunch of moss and grass and flowers and bumblebees oh my God my computer no I I touched the

HDMI now I have to look at my little teeny tiny screen oh to play your game yeah J is breaking stuff he is I can’t really see on screen oh I bur there’s a spider somewhere we’re waiting on jel SP whoops is it back huh you didn’t tell me it came oh

Sorry I’m busy I can hear jell I still can’t hear my stuff on it oh so why do I only have two yes I can hear myself oh but now we can hear it on your side too yeah we can we can hear whoever’s mining or I can hear

J’s yeah I can hear all their audio on Discord yeah that’s I forgot yeah it’s just going to how it’s going to have to be oh I mean like it’s not too annoying it’s just like you’ll get used to it all right J come on which way are we

Going well this is the who yeah I said there was like 80 skeletons why are there so many I cuz uh that’s kind of what biome this is oh my God I’m getting absolutely wrecked I got to go down here I know and you have less armor than

Me wait does that mean Jenny can hear you fighting the skeleton I I’ve been able to hear his audio all the time she’s been able to hear cuz we Shar so I’m used to she hearing everything that he does our stuff so now you guys just live life like me now yeah cuz

Janie in order to hear Discord shares the audio of my computer so I’ve been playing death every time we play Minecraft I never actually realized that oh well she’s always been with you jell so that’s why you haven’t noticed that she’s always kind of been with you

You don’t want to Shield G this man he’s staring me down oh God hi thr the bomb now behind you what oh I’m almost out of oh my God oh my God I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I got keyboard and mouse real quick all

Right I I pet my cat for one second God oh God oh sorry I I think I accidentally shot you KN you know what I think we should do I think we should close up this hole go back and keep going yeah you should let me into the hole real quick yeah I

Agree um oh God jie I’m very low cover it C all right we’re good we’re good we’re good I would get inside I agree we we should just like this yeah I should probably pick up my what I drop Jane you need to point your mic towards you again oh weenies moved

In I heard the kitty cat we we uh my last iron pickaxe broke I have some Stone pickaxes if you want to use those all right yeah just dropped me one here’s two all right he press F1 are you having a flipping dipping super day it’s night now had a

Pretty good pretty pretty good day cat yes that’s my cat weenies his sister beans is never on stream cuz she’s shy she’s she’s antisocial this is weenie beans and weenies I can see in the back look at the oh wait no it goes this way oh for like two more blocks actually

No it’s actually going oh yeah no it’s oh I’m going to die I’m I’m going to die I oh my God he is ring over that okay I am not going to die at least as of right now God jeez I’m getting War flashbacks from Nom helicopter helicopter I am out of

Pickaxes so I will build another crafting table because I’m too lazy to walk all the way back hey can can you like scoot over a little bit yeah all right there I was just placing the floor make some more pickies goodness gracious oh we can make a bunch of

Golden carrots bunch of golden carrots how do you get the gold from those food you just mine them it drops nuggets yeah and then you make golden carrots with carrots oh God you know why I never knew that because I’m so used to having silk touch all the time yeah yeah

You just so oh my God why are we here what is this hell oh I accident went outside not mean to go outside and I am officially out of food except for a couple pieces of tropical fish here come back in and let me let me

Just like cut this off for now yeah I want to take a I Survey of the land he need brushed yeah you need a brush let me turn my render distance Up I heard a guas yeah he right in front all right hang on let me turn my render distance up all the way oh I forgot NE fog doesn’t really matter you have to turn off nether fog that on Bedrock Edition I swear not on Bedrock

Edition uhoh it’s not a setting on bed oh I got you um settings General no video it’s only a setting on Java fancy Graphics turn that off I feel like I had a an addon I had an add-on before that got rid of nether fog you probably did my restaurant is not open

Mutt it’s like McDonald but with mutton that’s amazing I love that I’m eating my tropical fish my last resort I can just hear eting normal carrots why you get rejected oh yeah I guess that is hers I thought that was mine yeah I have my music all the way down that is

Hers it’s fine I’m going out to kill myself hey don’t do that that’s I’m following you too proba not a very good idea some doic music right now oh my God this this music look at that big thick boy I know there’s nothing for us here I’m going

Back going I’m going to die we oh my God on fire make it back I’m it there’s no way I make it back you’re almost dead jealous you’re going to die my totem I forgot about that what does that mean it saved my life oh come on come on oh my

Gosh oh who turned off the music it was just getting epic oh it’s cuz someone died made it sad whoever’s on the controls right now pretty Epic thank you I think when you added him to it you like mess mine up or something I’ll have

To see if I can because I I tried refreshing it a bunch I I just straight up don’t have access to it we have to mess around with it after stream yeah something like that je so many hair yeah I’m GNA go to I’m coming back right now daytime was your

Stuff in a chest real quick but well I’m still coming back why does jie have the Minecraft music Janie has the Minecraft music what do you mean yeah the music that you can have for game my face is covered in what do you mean why does she have

It I’m just asking why does she have it this is not going to end well for me I am good but say goodbye you die hey I got here I got here I got here don’t worry t Team back and forth hey baby I’m going back I’m blocking I’m

Using your Cobblestone block it off oh go I got everything that you had hopefully hopefully we are good when are we going to get out of this biome I’m just shoving everything in this chest we can sort it out when you get here I do know that the tropical fish were

Mine and I’m going to eat those because I was doing the jump Sprint thing when you’re on a two block tall to get that extra speed but it uses a lot of hunger eventually I’m going to build a nether highway but again yeah I’m a long way off from doing

That full iron armor except for a helmet was mine I had a helmet and a chain mail and yeah that was it I had a sword my CH I had a bow helmet bones my pants probably exploded pickax I didn’t see them I know right it makes me upset that you can’t make

Copper tools if they’re going to add all this copper to the game at least make because you can make gold tools yeah I mean you use copper to make like a brush that helps you find like archaeological stuff well that’s not no I know they just need

To and a spot glass just let us make copper tools it’s not that hard just change the texture a little bit and a copper rod and copper blocks and copper doors and copper stairs where do you get the material there are no copper doors I don’t know

Where you are get we have no iron right now I just need I need more I need a different kind of Axe you can do stone or was that what you’re already doing yeah I need a you could do iron but you have to find iron you know my iron I

Think my iron got blown up I did it probably got tossed into the fire I did have like two pieces of iron which over to different direction I get everything that I think I had I have some Stone pick I got you grabbing the wood and stuff car oh I forgot about the

Wood shovel I’ll carry it I need more where grab some bamboo and turn into sticks I don’t even remember how to play this game I need is that your bread my bread survival yeah yeah there’s another pickaxe in there night if you want it I jie guess what I got that’s three I

Guess take that back I got I got you iron I’ll leave the rest for now I guess because do you want to try digging in a different direction oh no wait oh all of my quartz was there nothing out there I have 60 okay that’s fine as long as it didn’t

Burn and a stack of nuggets nuggets Jenny look for there you go you got I’m gra these nuggets too because I want to make a bunch of golden carrots I got to turn down Knight cuz he’s of my ears weenies has not been this c as me time

Sorry I I got scared of some lava Jox yeah what’s the Jox music oh that’s my outro music where did you go J I went back to the portal I’m digging a different direction this time hopefully to get out of this godforsaken skeleton hell oh skeleton skon oh my God

Where do you even come from I don’t know if you still have your sword I don’t think I do from over here yeah I don’t have a sword anymore I all right let’s try this way maybe it will be better we can only hope I would like to find a spawner like

A normal like either skeleton or zombie so I can turn on make a so we can make a trident killer Trident so we can get some AFK uh experience and some possible stuff to trade what’s your actually be able to AFK without dying what’s your favorite uh spawner

Knight me uh for are you saying like just in general or like for XP and stuff uh in general between like items XP um drops accessibility probably uh skeleton spawners cuz like you get all those all the bone and bone meal yeah and and us I like zombie for the fact that you

Get like a random like item every once in a while or you’ll get IR yeah get iron and gold I think my least favorite are spiders specifically cave spiders what’s the difference cave spiders are poisonous so when they bite you they slowly drain your health oh my yeah so

If you build the spawner wrong yeah you get screw and then they all come out and attack you I wish milk was stackable you know I wish potions were stackable yeah there’s milk yeah you can milk a cow into a bucket and it gets rid of poison

Effects oh I kind of forgot that there was just any effects oh any any status effects status sand V 12 night um we have a skeleton in our tunnel and I can’t go back to the you want to put down another uh do you need do you need help I need your help

Son we got an intruder in the tunnels let me eat my Apple okay I had I had to keep the doctor away he actually he despawned we we I walked so far away and I came back and he’s gone again so we’re good I don’t know if it was because of

The gunshot but that might have scared him away yeah oh yeah because like the game’s definitely listening oh there’s two of them in the tunnel now uhhuh I got to say uh you’re doing a really good job uh phix with the soundboard wait did we run over another

I just ate no never mind I am no I went I am completely out of food you can go back so like I’m returning yeah I’m returning for a bit cuz I am completely plant any of these carrots no no I had a farm but yeah I there’s one next to the secondary

Farm golden and stuff the potatoes are ready campire here you know that you can cook potatoes on the campfire yeah ow that hurt I’m just Harting Joe you like this barrier though that way the food doesn’t go into the water it’s nice but eventually I’m going

To move this farm this is just because I needed easy access to water that’s what I was telling him this was just a temporary Farm yeah this is this wall is temp too and then you can reincorporate these knuckles I think sugar get um silk

Touch so I can go get some bees H you can get bees with shears I think so long as it’s night time and they’re in their hive I think you can use shears on them like you can use shears on like um the leaves and the plants and stuff and you

Can pick them up you know what I’m talking about I think we can almost make an enchant table right now we need one we have the stuff to make an enchant table we have everything we need yeah and then we can try we would have to

Spend our two diamonds that we have but we have everything else the other option would to be making a uh Anvil and then we breed a bunch of librarians well we can also just get an enchant table to start witho that’s true we can never get even enough experience

You want me to do that it’ll I don’t care I do I mean well I don’t anymore I did but we can do like lowle enchants to start with like if we can get silk touch on something that would be nice like anything we need

Foods I need to make yeah I have a bunch of potatoes I’m about to cook them I need like some easier Farm I can build some sort of temporary Auto Farm arm put a bunch of those in there some more in the smoker all right I’m going

To stand here right next to the potato farm and wait for all those potatoes to stop to finish cooking I don’t know where we are going to put the enchant table but I have it in my inventory now yeah I say almost put it on the first floor uhhuh but I don’t know

Where cuz I feel like it’d be best to have like all of the stuff the easy access stuff like tools tool job blocks and all that on the first floor I wish uh you could you know how like Hoppers I wish there was Hoppers that went vertically up you can use droppers that

Drop into each other and I guess you could use a bubble vator but then you risk things despawning so oh oh my god oh because they get caught they could get caught on something or they don’t go where you need to go everything inside the hopper stays in the hopper because just it’s

Like inventory basically um I made a bubble elev guess right now we can just like place it right here something place on top of the crafting table inside yeah rid of the what I was going to say this little coffee table area here here oh yeah make this like the enchant

Table room yeah cuz it’s right next to all these jaw blocks over here to the right so or or what if we so what if we go upstairs to the second floor we put it in here cuz this already has some books in it that we could like Rearrange it’s fine I just thought it’d be easier if it was like right next to all the other stuff like in storage on this floor yeah oh J I mean we could always move bookshelves uh I learned something this main staircase leads to the other staircase almost it’s a little bit

Off so you could just like make it keep going up in the middle yeah I don’t know what’s behind this wood here though I don’t want to make it look I don’t have an axe on me that’s fine okay that’s fine um it’s like a floor between a floor here what yeah who

Someone said that they spent all day making me something with they made the flat area for you to make your uh your garden the big grassy area yeah the big like grassy area that you’re working in because it was all tree and stone there before oh no it was there

Weren’t any trees it was just all Stone it’s okay I’m taking yeah like over here on the in like this corner over here this whole thing was all Stone spent all day mining uh a bun hey the grass is turning green at Le like most of it but um spent almost all day

Mining dirt and placing it down over here if you want to use the heist command you got to go Heist space the points you want to use oh thanks bud you didn’t get it there you go I’m coming back oh my God I already have pickaxes but thank you

Yeah now that we’re not really fighting anything I’m going swap back to use my controller nice room you got here thought that you already seen it I haven’t seen it with the carpet nice place you got here nice static I think about just adding cuz

It’s tall enough I was just going to add a second story inside my room so it’s like its own house basically this you guys would have a total of four floors then or around how many ever you guys have we have three floors right there

Might be a basement at one yeah we have three is that including the basement well the basement right now is where all the trading stuff is but there could be a yeah you want an axxe I don’t know I I’m going to take that as a yes let me get you something something Something yeah you guys got an enchantment table yet we do we do oh like literally just got one here take that thanks bud might be a bit a little faster all right time to sleep get anything sleepy time do I get Smite knock back or Unbreaking on my iron

Sword I think I’m gonna get knocked back I have to go to bed why do you have to go to bed I’m falling asleep I’m so tired oh jeez I got up at 6:30 this morning and had to go to work until 12:30 no you didn’t yes I did it’s a

Myth she’s lying I think she’s an imposter this looks ugly I hate this yeah it does but it works splits between the two rooms why don’t you make it turn and then go yeah that’s that’s what’s bad about it mean okay bye bye baby don’t spend she going to bed all night yeah

Jeal what if we did something like come over here what if we did it like you go up to the left and then go and then just go up there that’s probably way doing it because we could it’s basically like right there you can just continue it on J

Yeah you want me to get Janie’s camer for you Jan’s what oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’d be great do what he has control over the uh stream oh did you press sorry wrong one what did you do you removed the everything on my screen

And not just J’s not just Janie’s camera but no I thought I clicked display toggle by accident cuz my brain didn’t register it before you go to bed could you refill my water okay and put squeeze in it doesn’t matter what kind whatever you think with yeah that’ll look a lot

Better than what you were doing I agree it sucks that it’s not perfectly lined up but it’s a lot better than that off but like it’s fine it probably would have been worse if I clicked outro than anything what you say Janie turn my camera back on turn your camera back on uh

No there we go I can just hear her Minecraft music is she just on the menu probably I can turn off well Janie can you leave your game after I’m done holding or just closed the game yeah after she’s done holding weenies is what she told me he smells like beeswax done with

Gathering actually done with my restaurant restant restaurant I don’t think English is their first language perhaps so maybe they’ve misspelled a few things my ears it’s not that loud my headset boost is everything you a figle your audio then oh you said what so wait so what we

GNA do here because that’s only going to make this like one wide too that’s fine need more stairs right there yeah I need to make some oh wait I have them I have them I have exactly enough okay Jimbo is she leaving yeah ni Danny love you so I toggle camera yep

Thank you sir yep so it takes a minute for it to register right yeah because there’s a delay from when you push it versus when you see it for me it’s instantaneously oh cuz it sometimes of stream delay and stuff yeah because of the stream delay on your end it’s not

Instantaneous um but for me because it’s just you hit the button it’s in it’s like nearly instantaneous CU you can tell instantly yes you can’t because you’re not my chair so does it turn the camera off or does it just cut it it toggles it um on

OBS so that way it’s not a visible source so that’s basically what it does it doesn’t turn off the camera per se it just on OBS I thought that you uh use something else no I use OBS to stream oh did they like add multi streaming or something it’s an it’s a

Plugin so I downloaded a plugin oh okay so I remember like when you first started do streaming on Twitch and YouTube at the exact same time yeah that was a plugin that I downloaded for yeah okay I thought you downloaded like a whole different streaming software no so it’s just a plugin yes

Noise what was I doing again oh yeah I was crafting stairs still got to work on my floor you had the same idea as me keep it the theme of the uh the archway yeah I was literally just doing that same Thing you missed oh I missed oh I think I used the wrong block you really did I did indeed loser thanks I got it we could make stairs on this side too and have them go up to the roof Damn that guy has thorns that hurt all right I got an iron pickaxe now how you have it set it up with the campfires if you like fill them all up you just stand here in the middle when they’re done they would just automatically like go into your

Inventory nice and you just like sit here free fuel oh J I found some lapis I can get you nice I just got to use that door trick if I place the door under water that way I don’t suffocate does that it doesn’t work anymore it doesn’t work in Bedrock that

Way it doesn’t yeah no it doesn’t work on in Bedrock Java it does but not bed rock so I was going to say hi use that trick all the time but I know it doesn’t work on Bedrock so I’m only able to do it when I’m playing Java it used to work on

Xbox yeah still does Xbox as long as you don’t update your game yeah yeah what’s another F fuel food source I could do it’s lava bucket no I mean like um what food is easy to grow oh um sem automatic well obviously potatoes yeah I could oh we could do

Wheat trying to think of farms I could do pretty EAS pot well obviously all the crops yeah but that reques me getting apples Apple’s just like something that you will get just trees that’s not something that you would actually Farm trees for that was Ian’s suggestion in the Stream yeah I know

That I got some not a super good suggestion oh we should make the rest of this backing area also like furnaces and smokers yeah I didn’t do that I I was focusing on getting the other two campfires and then I went and did all the dirt stuff use dark oak what for

What to eat I guess the second easiest one is I could do an automatic chicken farm good but that would also kill fenix’s thing because he can already barely Run the game oh that’s a good point yeah well you can barely Run the game as it is you keep complaining about lagging

Like all the time if editing my even in kopia my game could barely run it but I just could near the chicken farm it didn’t even make it worse I think the biggest part about kopia was the villagers to be honest yeah I cuz now that I got a computer

That could run it at over 120 FPS constantly it died I’m not even go I can’t even yeah so I never got to experience ketopia at constant 60 FPS yeah cuz I was playing on my PlayStation I haven’t actually seen any chickens here in a while I have not either I’ve seen like

Sheep and cows I’ve not I’ve seen a chicken like a few iname days ago like a chicken I didn’t kill it I just seen it yeah KFC KFC um I could make an automatic Berry Farm but that would require me to get foxes uh the easiest thing is chicken

Suck yeah chicken’s probably your best beted berries are like the worst Food Source I would say potatoes honestly yeah I can’t make an automatic potato Farm very easily cuz I need uh villagers for that I’m trying to minmax this situation right here we don’t have to make

It we don’t need villagers yeah but they automatically you get a dispenser in a water bucket yeah yeah yeah but then we’d still have to replant it though oh yeah but I mean if we don’t make it like that big of a thing it’s not that bad uh

Where’d you put all the quartz do I have it where’s theart at yeah I have it I have it it’s just still my hang on I’m running back to the mansion right now oh we don’t have any iron either though yeah that’s iron indeed dispenser I need a piece of

Redstone and I need I have red stone bow there’s quartz thank you a bow oh you picked the quartz back up and the bow and there’s the bow then you need what else oh does it have to be a I need a piece of redstone that’s probably in the uh mining area

Red I got no I think I put in my chest in my room oh I might have died with it or it’s some somewhere else cuz I only have two chests in my room it’s not it might be in one of those chests right by the front

Door maybe let me go check them out glass would be nice too so we can at least see the chickens but it’s not necessary yeah it’s in here I found it it is some uh need Cobblestone too but we got plenty of that plenty of cobblestone uh I’ll need a bucket of

Lava but I got that somewhere there’s lava oh it is here I’ll get it no I got I got I got two buckets on me so I think I might have already taken the lava and put it somewhere else yeah I think you did because it was in one of these I put

I put it in the cauldron we have a piece of drip Stone I wonder oh yeah in the in the painting room actually I don’t think I can do a drip a lava drip Stone in in this cuz I feel like it’s going to catch

The house on fire not in here yeah not I mean we could put it outside somewhere but definitely not inside like in the basement oh yeah downstairs cuz that’s like all made out of cobblestone yeah uh I need these two chests I’ll take that

Um I’d like a few pieces of glass but it doesn’t have to uh oh you want me to go get you some I need iron and like enough to make a couple of Hoppers literally two Hoppers so that’s like 10 iron only need like three pieces of

Glass technically I don’t even need it it’s just it’s just helpful to see what’s going on well with the chickens yeah I should just put a hopper down here with all this all the freaking tropical fish that die I mean I wouldn’t recommend it as

Like a main food source but no but you could use it to trade the tropical fish and you also get bones too can still collect them yeah at some point I’ll do that I came down here for a reason I don’t remember what that reason is we

Would have to make like a containment unit for them too because they kind of flop around inside once they hit the end yeah I have three pieces of sand for you to make a glass we got a librarian villager now down here we could try and

See what books he would do we need to sell 24 paper all right so we need we need a lot of paper I mean that we got we have a bunch of we have sugar can M growing and we have a and I have 48 sugar canane right now all hold up let

Me let me put the sand in the furnace here how much here let me get you a bunch of paper real quick there is dropping you 48 paper is it enough to trade twice I think uh I’m getting glass right now did you already fill the bucket with

Lava not yet I will grab it from the co right here take the money for yourself I have a bunch of emeralds in my my chest in my room like a bunch that we can use for trading it’s glass glass um so I could make the chicken farm

Automatically cook the chicken with the lava but I couldn’t probably do that in the house cuz the lava would catch the house on fire yeah I mean I think a chicken farm you would I I would honestly just do it outside anyways well could I do it instead I have 27 emeralds with

A no that wouldn’t work I was going to say a fireplace if you make it all out of cobblestone and you like isolate it yeah you can do it inside the house it’s scary though you know uh I need you could do it in the basement what is this called um yeah I

Guess then you could sell cooked chicken but then I don’t think you’d want to sell cooked chicken I don’t think you sell cooked chicken anything with like the anything that involves fire and stuff we can just do in the basement yeah um what is this thing called what am I

What am I it’s like basically anything that could potentially ruin our home we do in the basement I need more Redstone I will grab some more build an observer I have a few bookshelves for the I just spent some emeralds to level them a couple bookshelves yeah and for the bookshelves

In general I’m moving yeah I’m let’s build the enchant table in this room that has right right here that you were talking about in the middle you or not the middle but the left um yeah I guess build the uh thing down Here but where we still need like iron I guess we should just probably go Min check the tropical fish farm right yeah yeah you can’t cook tropical fish and that’s up setting except if we like you said if we get a fishermen can sell them yeah get emeralds basically free emeralds

Mhm I’ll put this away for now put that in there for now um need to make some pickaxes and go mining changed me mind Ian you you crazy man you crack before I do any mining I gotta empty out my inventory bit I would like to know if the axotal died down

Here I don’t see them probably despawned to sad deep dark down dare deep night explored he said there he said that there’s nothing really down there no ancient cities nope Bo sadly but also luckily yeah wait could you imagine if they ever decided to do something with that Warden

Portal be right there I think they are I I mean I I believe that they are going to I mean what else would it be you think it’s going to be finally the portal to the Aether finally accepted it they got the uh cuz they got all the Redstone stuff

Under the portal like if it looks like they were trying to figure out how to light it or something yeah so many berries down what it would be really funny if I just took this fire charge and used it inside the house hilarious be really funny prank yeah definitely wouldn’t destroy dreams would

And jeel would end the world and delete his whole YouTube channel I totally hate all this copper I just want some iron because I need some iron so why is there so much copper look the look in the Deep look in the diorite because that’s where I found like a big

Patch of iron Pat oh my God all down in this cave now we yes all of us we are all in the cave except yeah everyone that’s online is in the cave yeah this is where I was searching earlier over where you are how do I get

Backbody over here yeah you just go through here I mean there’s berries everywhere around here so you you can try and grab the berries literally glowberries and I only got a couple baked potatoes I’m just going to go down to bedrock and mine oh there’s some iron there precariously perched over this

Ledge you should stand on the iron while you mine it perfect perfect J What if I just came up and smacked you that’d be sad I got me some iron I got I was just mining this uh coal there’s iron right next to it four vein so I can get me a pickaxe

So there’s a glitch I don’t know if they’ve ever fixed with like uh gravity blocks where if you oh by the way I I made us a way to get down there where if you uh put uh gravity blocks on top of dripstone in the Nether and you leave

And come B at dup leave and come back at duplicates it I don’t know if they ever fixed that bug is that an amethyst GE under uh under this no it’s just deep slate I think no like I see Amethyst below this H all I don’t even know where you’re at

So couldn’t tell you oh there was iron in the blast furnace oh wow it’s like up here that was already cooked I don’t know whose it was but I’ll bring you down an iron pickaxe um I got some iron myself too do uh Moss turn deep slate into more Moss

What is moss all effect I don’t think it does I think it’s just grass no it it turns it into it turn it spreads it does yeah I don’t know what it spread to but it spread to something what it was it already confused yo is this I’m bringing you down an iron

Pickaxe does it I can’t tell what’s turning into moss and what’s not turning into Moss is it turning the bedrock in Moss oh are you down at Bedrock yeah is it is it turning Bedrock into Moss are you at this are you did you go down the stairs or somewhere else yeah I

Went all the way down the stairs or it’s turning is it turning tough into Moss it might be turning I don’t think it would be turning bedro Rock in the M it just it went pretty deep no way wait I’m out a I’m out of bone meal uh oh I put I

Just put my bones in my chest hang on I’ll be right backest is it okay if what is it okay if I would get some the Amethyst from the Geo yeah just don’t break the uh the cluster forer you just yeah we need them to grow back so

I’m full sprinting up these stairs was I found I’m cool all right I’m back up let me run up to my room I have a bucket if you want to come and get it get if you want to come and get it hold on uh there’s an end currently trying to kill me

Okay that’s Co I think the end killed you was he really trying to kill you he probably shouldn’t have just looked at him I was even staring at him yeah but you staring on him then he shouldn’t have killed you you shouldn’t have attacked him you instigated it

Actually it’s like you reached for the policeman’s gun yeah yeah it’s whatever what were you expecting to happen I only had a couple Diamond gear all right I’m coming back down with 51 bones not even bone me just 51 bones I’m calling you bone Daddy I think it

Was breaking I’m pretty can it break uh can’t those Break um the Moss can convert like Stone into uh more Moss that’s how my no can’t that break bedrock it used to a long time ago there was a glitch where bone meal could eat through a Bedrock I mean

Where Moss ate through it’s down there let me make it into some bone meal CFT a couple torches too that’s toughed there yeah so get rid of that me put my all right I think try this now this one was it I think that was Bedrock did

That just I can’t tell right like it’s making I like I said okay hang on I I got to craft some more let me just craft a bunch of bone meal all right I got like a stack of bone meal now okay I can’t tell what did that just do

That or did it I think it just like grew it cuz look oh but right at the same time unnown now it’s doing grass it did something else if you want to join all you have to do is uh give me your friend code I’m don’t think it I’m so confused

Is it taking away any deep slate though because that’s what my question was because if we could use no it’s not it is not then is it just doing toughed and randomly every once in a while a piece of Bedrock that doesn’t matter I guess like wait a minute what happened

To my what happened to the Axel probably despawned I don’t know I thought maybe we can mine with moss over here I mean technically could if we went to like the stone section we could just put Moss down and mine with moss yeah but it’s I does it leave ORS alone

Yeah oh so we could I think it works in the nether no I don’t think probably not yeah let’s go up here I’m be right back okay I’ll be like 30 seconds nice oh I didn’t even see this geod right here in the wall is he back I heard his

Mic is this the geod you talking yeah I did not see that that’s nice to have right there and this is where there’s a yeah your Gamertag or your mine is jel fwn but it’s being so yeah whatever your gamer tag is or your account name send

That to me I’ll copy and paste add you as a friend you can join I was just going to see if I could get some of that can I get some of that I’m on my way you need some for your LA right yeah to breed

The where did you go went just up to the stone level yeah I’m at I’m at the the uh uh what is this called the Lush cave I see so pick a direction which one did you guys think I was wait did you guys think I was talking about another one

Yeah let’s not I too far up yeah let’s let’s go over here yeah I thought you I didn’t know where it was to be honest I just never saw it um here let’s uh try we don’t even really need to place any yeah just place like one in here or

Something right there well many take some I’m taking an amethyst oh okay oh I did not mean to break that boom all right I mean like kind of oh it only it only does things to the side it doesn’t do things forward so we can’t just like mine with it

Lame well it was worth the scientific uh uh try what is it called scientific method I don’t know I got shards yeah buddy um this how much iron ore do you have or how much iron do you have this is bedrock oh yeah I forgot I have a

Pickaxe for you okay here I completely forgot about that I’ve just had two iron pickaxes in my inventory I’ll give you some amethyst shards actually there is a way to mine with this stuff instead of mining laterally we can mine horizontally cuz but it eats the

Stone surrounding it so then you get rid of the stone there plant another piece and then again another one yeah let’s try it that way yeah like over here or something uh oops wow yeah I was trying I was trying to wait to get the water here let’s do it where we were

Actually all right hold I’m adding someone like place it in I’m adding someone sorry there you go okay so if I do this place that yeah now we just m we could probably do a bigger surface area like do a 9 by9 just open it up a little

Bit but it doesn’t really help that much cuz does doesn’t eat the Deep slate right uh well we can test that right now just to be double sure let me yeah put it here it does was that toughed or was that deep slate though hey that was deep

Slate that was deep slate I think it was tough is like a brighter color yeah all right tough is it almost looks like clay but it’s not clay I don’t think this eats clay yeah so it looks like we could just like mine down with it too yeah so

Like if we were on top somewhere like in a Stony area like an entire Stone Mountain that you had like were trying to replace with dirt you could have just used this yeah crazy stuff so like it’s semi functional yeah it’s in interesting uh I don’t know if it’s actually like

Worth mining with it I mean it’ be worth it if you’re trying to make a big hole because it spreads out like in like a 9 by9 so if you’re like in a Big Stone area and you want to just do like a big strip mine down you could just put one

Piece in the middle and keep bone mealing then you’d save in a lot of your pickaxe because you wouldn’t break out so much of the area ohop sorry no you’re good I guess we try this on a mountain somewhere do you want to go to like a mountain

Is there oh yeah there’s one right near the uh Mansion okay Snowy Mountain I get here how are you faster than me are you spam the space bar oh that would make sense let me put some stuff down it uses a lot of your uh like

Hunger but you can you can go Zoom you can go you can just do that on any stair it’s been in the it’s been part of the game I don’t even know if it’s like supposed to be part of the game or if or

If it’s just a bug but mhm yeah if you just like spam jump when you’re going upstairs you get like a massive speed boost I need more food I’m out is there any food anywhere oh here I have here thank you I don’t know how I don’t

Know however many I gave you but I still have enough all right let’s go down to the basement and take the take a boat right wouldn’t that be faster yeah plus it’ll be cooler cuz we get to actually use it I put the boats over

Here here I throw one out for you oh you yeah I got it oh all right service Tunnel right behind you want to make the turn a little bit wider cuz you know you just kind of smack into the walls a little bit all right uh where’s I think over there to

The left that’s a lot of stone over there uhuh how much bone we have a lot yeah I mean I had a decent amount are you breaking all of the geod or are you just breaking the shards just getting the amethyst thingies the crystals the okay good good

Oops I don’t know how I felt about that hey I can fix it if you want you know I’ll replace it block by block on got some Bogies over here don’t break the one yeah hold up creeper on your six watch it oh just knock it away got knocked back

Not very very good at fighting when I’m on my uh controller I’ll turn you to member it’s fine all right let’s let’s test this out well that actually did quite a big area yeah and it breaks fairly easily so we just m one yeah wait break the rest of

Them I may or may not have did oopsie dels stop oopsy Bo no you said that as I was halfway into taking all of it why would you so do you want me to put it all back do you know yeah I mean put all the ones

Because you can’t break the ones that grow the crystal bud or else it never grows crystals again yeah and if did you break the ones that the crystals were on no I don’t know mying I mean the ones that have like the little X on them grow the crystals out of

Them yeah did you break those oh I was getting the crystals for y’all I’m not going to ever use them well regardless they regrow if you effed it up if you effed it up did you break listen it’s either you tell us the truth now or we find out later

So did you break the whole thing I didn’t know that’s oh my God you suck hey I want to try this like on the coal just to like no it does not break Wars we are it was really cool having a geod under our house until you screwed it

Up you know what I’m going to give you all of it I’m not I’m new to this it doesn’t matter we’re not yeah that’s all that’s there now because we’d have to we have to find a new geode now I’m giving you the thingies the super crystals still not going to do anything

For us you already broke my plasma TV you know what the it is getting kind on a little bit more that way it has more room to uh spread and break I didn’t know it worked that way Jo why would you break the whole geod then before asking that’s not

Under your house is it you know what I mean I’m I’m sending you out go find a new geod search the ocean and bring it us okay no don’t don’t break so miffed so mythed nice I’ll bring it to you guys yeah instead of breaking it all

Right off the bat maybe you should like bone meal again so it gets the edge pieces you know what I mean probably could yeah you know what if I just throw it all into a fire I mean that’s it it’s just kind yeah we still it’s not really helping that

Much it climb is really helping that much and you’re getting mad I thought I was being helpful Jal well I mean it’s a good way to make a hole at the same time as Gathering up Moss yeah half and you want to dig a hole Yeah it’s I’d say this is so it

It’s basically pain for it it’s kind of it’s like pain for itself yeah it does climb quite a bit too like if you hit these pieces here to climb even more uh yeah could just like make a whole M pit but then you have to keep

Climbing up there to break it open up this pit I don’t know we can call it quits on this this uh scientific study yeah I think I honestly think it’s a bit slow yeah I mean we’ve proven it works well the thing is actually it’s it

Was really fast if you want to just make a random hole in the ground we did this like oh yeah less than like three minutes probably do yeah so I mean if you wanted to destroy someone’s house like really fast you probably could do this too yeah honestly if you had something against

Them this is really efficient G roof but it only works like if you want to make a hole in stone so yeah I mean definely work for what we were doing making a hole helped it and it left the cple OR at there were yeah down here we scienced

Today yeah it’s not my fault that I’m stupid no it’s not we weren’t even talking about you at that no but feels bad it’s all right all right you didn’t know I was really psyched to have a amethyst geode but it’s whatever now what’s done is

Done he isn’t even looking for one he’s just sitting there why would you kill the chicken a dang we need we need chickens that was the first one I’ve seen in a while I need food I know that’s why you kill a chicken for a day to you kill a

Chicken for the day you eat for a day you save the chicken and make a chicken farm you eat for life right I hear another chicken collected eggs you best get it I found found two I found no I found two of them though breed them no I have nothing I got your

Friend I have Leeds hang on like stay near them get in the hole get my surprised after all this time you didn’t know that you could just spam the space bar I feel like I I mean I knew how to do that when it was like a tunnel you know that was

Like I knew that but for some reason I never thought about using it on the stairs where where’s chickens or chicken oh in the theid yeah yeah and trying to head out to see I have acquired a chicken no I Jo lock I fixed it see I found you

Chickens how do you make a hopper why am I can’t remember can you attach leads to Bamboo or do or does it have to be a fence I think it’s has to be a fence I feel like you should be able to attack you in an Xbox party chat the fan Discord

Feel like you should be able to uh connect leads to Bamboo hey I found another Chicken in business baby yeah there was two there was three I had a fence placed down somewhere and I had a sheep attached to it I don’t know I know that I got rid of

The sheep I don’t know if I got rid of the fence I did need to get rid of the fence here I got I got it I got the other chicken lead no I got seeds here I’ll take it I have another lead F I got it all right you’re good

Take them from here now put your seeds away I want to feed them there we go well you made them break the thing because they were staying over towards you hang on don’t feed them yet because then we’re gonna have a wild chicken wild goose chase can I have that lead back

Thank you all right Jal I’m bringing them down to you cuz like thanks bud how do you redeem Discord uh it’s uh a th000 key coins sup Mr tropical fishes what up my fishes all right I got some KFC I know I need I need to do the thing oh you also

Need to place a fence down I will grab a fence I need that glass too wherever I put it I crafted a fence oh thank you I placed the fence down boom okay we’re good I have the I should probably block that off before they just hang

Themselves uh oh get away from the edge I’m G block it off with moss blocks all right they just almost both hung themselves but we’re good now okay chests chest lava that’s so annoying like actually I have my bike in my room and he keeps trying to sharpen

His claws on my bike tire let me move this crafting table out of your way I’ll just use I all right okay I need so that find that he’s already in there no we’ll move him eventually I’m just he got out so we’re good he’s out yeah so that goes like

That I need this to go actually down here I need to place the dispenser so it goes like Oh God chicken is in the way yeah he is you got some I got some seeds right here if you want to lure them I’ll take care of them I’ll take I got

Leads uh I guess yeah that’ll probably help let me break the fence I can just pull him out okay all right goes there hold them what they’re going right there in the corner for now okay that’s the dispenser I can’t remember exactly how observers work I don’t remember if it’s

When they see it go through a dispenser or when they see it go into a chest so I need to do some testing I think when they see it go through the hopper or something I don’t know that might be true I can’t remember CU I just need to send

Something along the lines of that if I put that like that I need the Redstone I forgot it God dang it you need the Redstone I’m going to get it oh you already went up okay that oh type redeem you can either redeem mod and become a mod on my

Channel or redeem uh Discord for and if you redeem mod you also get Discord privileges oh there you go so DM me and I’ll send you an invite this other guy this eror guy he has 29,000 gamer score yikes that’s quite a lot okay

Um so I learned that it it has to read it from entering a chest so I need one more Hopper I have three iron and a chest I need two more iron fenx how much iron do you have nine none you said you need two iron uh I’m

Going to search this entire house I I know there is a piece in here that I can smelt that gives me one one iron oh let me check chest in my room check the chest in your room lad Al I have I mean one two three four

I only have four old iron things are about to break that I could smell make four nuggets but that’s not enough yeah God we just need one have a iron door like a singular iron door there really like no piece of iron anywhere like I said it sucks cuz copper

Has become so easy to find yeah I have 36 copper I can just go back down into the mine real quick and try to find a singular piece yeah you might have to that’s what I’m doing right now I’ll join you just run down there what’s my username it’s jel

Spawn let me see if I can find some iron shouldn’t be too hard we should be at least search this cave found some cool just bring up one piece real quick yeah I just got to get to it cuz it’s above something I got to mine blocks to be able to get over

There so I don’t have any all right mind it I’m heading back up now what Glo ink squid I’ll take some Glo ink I guess it’s quite a bit of Glo ink go ahead and smelt it I’ll be right up so this may not make food really fast but it will do it

Passively because the chickens will lay the eggs and yeah so it’ll add up and the food should saturate better too because it’s meat and not vegetables yeah okay I need to build one hopper okay okay so then this break that and then I do like this like that then I can take the

Observer oh me go down one do this connect that to that and then if I put stuff in here there all right so it’s working so then we need to pre so there already an egg in the chest over here then the chickens just laid one so

I put another one in there so we got two eggs already to start with cool so this is all done in here color up the wiring so I shouldn’t have to go back in there other than to put the chickens in the thing if I put the

Lava here that like that so when the chickens grow up they’ll grow tall enough and then they’ll die and they’ll cook into here okay so we need to then let’s cover this up this up cover that that let’s just cover it all why not and then back

Here that’s where we need to put the chickens oh well that’s what I wanted but oh you son of a biscuit dang it here uh I need a trap door to make it a little easier uh should be one if not I can make one real quick I’ll just make one real quick

Trap door trap door trap door trap door no trap door trap door trap door trap door door but no trap door okay door a trap door okay so can’t remember can animals jump trap doors but chicken can uh yeah can go through I got really lucky with the

These throws with both the eggs I got a chicken I noticed yeah where’ the other baby chick go oh it’s it uh I don’t know I I put it on the lead it’s gone now also these guys laid an egg I don’t know if you can try don’t

Need this here anymore to yeah I don’t know if you can try to move them up into that spot I’m not very lucky with my throws cuz we just need to get one more oh he jumped out what a par my parrot it came to me my parot has

Teleported hello that means someone that means someone must have loaded the chunk wow he cuz it wouldn’t have like reregister that it even existed unless someone went over there so someone’s over near where you were that forced the other here too you have two parrots oh my God God yeah so

Someone’s definitely over by where you were at one point crazy so erors over by where you were CU Fenix is right here sent me the friend request okay uh friends pending unknown accept uh and then how do I invite I remember invite people oh my God parrots are driving me

Crazy let me know where you’re in the voice chat so I can um so I can unmute you all right how do I do I hit Crouch how do I get them off me oh you got to jump off of a two block like go up on the stair stairs like go

Up here and just jump off no I was mean like on the edge and then yeah there you go right sit just make them sit down now guarding my yep right okay right there guarding your stairs our stairs well I guess they joined there we go welcome unnown oh hold on you’re muted

Welcome here’s the plan no lucky there you go now you can see thanks Dude Yep they’re not going to talk I know what’s the plan jel I have we put the chickens there yeah can you guys now hear me yeah oh there we go okay here there we still on the yeah died crap I’m trying to get into

This and I had to change my mic settings where it actually puts my voice out and yes I do play on controller it’s fine if you’re wondering push him in okay got him so what I want to do put that there should be all we need now and then I’m going to

Put blocks back here brech well we can leave this open so we can breed them so we can get more eggs quicker yeah I get my torch back then no I’m playing I’m playing thank you can you go get a bunch of SE are you just watching the Villager who I wasn’t

I was crouching and I was clicking it um it’s hard to do when I need help I trapped myself open the door open the door you got that you might want to shut that okay I forgot that that you that should do that again yeah do we have a lot of seeds we

Can use or no eight seeds over here I had some oh there’s 64 here I had like a stack hang on I found them yeah I I also have 25 here I’m just trying to I’m just trying to make it back to the place I died here you

Go not not not working out very well know what control Q I’ll just reach over to my keyboard all those tropical fish just in here swimming think that they’re allowed to be here oh it’s 12 I didn’t realize it was midnight dang I wish I had some bones the te the wolfes the

Beasts the wolf have you guys been in a village we’ve been in several is it near is it near spawn um it’s that even Whitt it down if it has a burnt down house kind of then yes that is it there is now you burn down house and I’m going to kill

The iron though oh then that’s a new one is that fast enough to even shoot that out two three four so it has to Prime the is it even shooting out so yeah you have to load one in and then once the next one loads in then it it dispenses

It so I shouldn’t have th that eggs yeah you don’t got any baby chickens yet no I got some chickens in here so this is this is a long game but there are so many [ __ ] particles didn’t you make one that was faster in uh in the other one technically that

Shut it out like really fast yeah but that was just when a bunch of eggs had uh um what would happen is I would just have them crap a bunch of eggs to it and then then I would just let the eggs rip like a machine gun oh God did you do

That to me or did I do it what I trapped myself again night no that was you you want me to open it yes please otherwise I’m in do I have to yeah you have to like what what if I didn’t it would be a really funny prank go darn it

So eventually um this will start working once I grow up I put quite a decent amount of chickens in there hopefully just probably sit here for a bit yeah let a few chickens spawn in that way like it stays rendered you know I have a

IED you think it would put you into the yeah imagine that just put you into the lava dispense me I become the egg itself shove you up inside of a little chicken egg like just Crush you down I’m glad there’s not entity cramming in Bedrock because these chickens would be dead

I’ve been past a spruce an oak a crap and I forgot what this Wood’s called Birch Birch and also yes Birch Oak and Spruce plus a cherry blossom biome just trying to get back yeah it’s rough it’s rough out there it is I mean I have enough food to last me

A couple of days well it’s going to take a while but because the chickens are going to have to get shot in here and then they’ll grow up and then then they’ll die yeah so hope fin just sit here until there’s at least one baby chicken that way as

Long as they’re a baby they won’t die yeah they want because their babies are too short for that half slab and then they’ll grow up and on as soon as they grow up they get big full chicken and their particle or their hit box grows

Bigger and then they get hit by the lava and then they die and then the hopper picks it up and then automatic chicken farm I’m gonna go automatic cooked chicken yeah I’m gonna go and uh see if I can grab another villager we two if you want to grab another one you

Can then I’ll probably have to call it a night cuz it’s already midnight yeah I was about to say I’ll probably do this and then I’ll up off com through the tunnel right now took me a second to place my boat what is the show music D Jal did it just

Play a random show song yeah or is it like a certain one no most of the songs on the right column have like a playlist and it picks a random one from the playlist most of them let’s see which one we get then that’s ly it’s chill bro whenever you

Say so you made this playlist I got a bunch of like royalty free looping songs uh from voice voice mod um that I was able to put into This oh my God not the one I wanted to not the one I wanted to click but I think I think the place I turn my render distance back up it’s like negative 2500 negative sorry it’s positive 2500 2500 is the location of the village if that helps is this the same one

Yep excuse me and the way I do at night is um when I get back into that tunnel I ramp off that little waterfall that’s in the corners of the of the room and I land on top of the stone and I paddle my boat underneath the fence gates

And through the trap doors and then I get out and let them out yeah so 2500 2500 or 2700 2500 is more like it but 25 2500 you’ll be able to at least see oops where’ He Go sir librarian too s get in my boat oh come on get over

Here get over here you fool anyone else have beds on them yeah not I do oh God we got to go oh you got to be killing me they’re on a mission so they can’t really I live hate that the dirt the dirt path is literally like a pixel short so then the

Bat gets stuck in it it’s annoying your mic is kind of lagging out I think his internet’s dying I’m just fixing the floor in my base expanding it out I’m not skeleton this time run out okay that was if you’re trying to talk right now it it’s cutting

Out I think that’s his Wi-Fi saying it’s time to get off once I get it’s not it’s not my Wi-Fi my there is it fixed yeah or was it it’s because my uh computer doesn’t like me playing at over 100 render distance oh so it lags my

Voice whenever I do that I didn’t even think about that it’s like if I play at high render distance I’mma lag my voice I have really good Wi-Fi it’s I was just saying it’s my render distance I mean I have 500 Meg internet but sometimes spectrum’s like H not

Today oh mine’s faster than that you have G AIT I’m just watching a skeleton I I got gigabyte like it’s expensive internet Yep this villager wants to get out of his house you know would be they shouldn’t let us be able to lead villagers they should they should let

Us be so much easier like I just force him out of his house what I found another okay I got him out of his house I’m taking oh God that’s going to be annoying forgot I just went onto a grass path yeah I had to break the grass path

Out of the way and just go down to a lower level there I go well I got the closest house to the water so I did similar he and I’m in the water the jungle Bome I think I’m decently close you don’t have to come here if you don’t want to what

There’s a dolphin down here man damn yeah there’s a dolphin right next to me too yep save it life don’t kill it I have found another New Village and I can now steal the blast furnace you Thief how dare you you but it smells orse faster so what

Can I do I’d rather steal it I’m also going to set my respond point just in case I die to Golem I wish you could put a saddle on a dolphin and ride it in the water that’ll be funny dude this guy one oh he does

Yeah and we need to buy we need to get beds we need to go and steal all theed One Singular Emerald I I have over I have over oh man he’s lagging out again there go yeah I’m going to take the cauldron Justin in case I want infinite

Lava that’s probably one of the most clutch things they added to Minecraft was the the drip dripstone lava thing yeah I I turned I turned my uh render distance up again I was trying who yep okay how much iron is that so I can make my iron pickax

Night I did it again I trapped myself with the chickens hey I’m I’m almost back I’m I’m I’m going through the tunnel right now with my villager I keep jumping in here to try and breathe them and then like you’re going to have to sit and wait for

A second that’s fine I try to jump so many BS I jump in here to breathe them and then like I feel like their hearts aren’t getting close to each other so I try to jump in and mix them up so they can get close enough to spawn a

Baby and then you keep right clicking and I keep accidentally clipping the side of the uh all right hang on I next thing I’m going to do villager is still in the boat but it’s here oh did I immediately shut it again oh you closed it there we go here’s this for

You I got a farmer for you thanks so I just got to that I’m going go where you going I’ll I’ll watch you do that then I’m I’m a like yeah whoa yeah it’s past midnight yeah was not expecting me playing Minecraft for over 12 hours 13 hours

Today what a day to be alive this guy one world excuse me I’m going to try and get him and put him back in all right I’ll see you man thanks for all your help today I beo now bo boy you’re welcome good night I got loading

Resources had to close all this software that I had to download just be able to use my PlayStation controller xit xit Xbox app all right see you I’ll see you oh wait wa hold on hold hold on there there’s a chicken it it’s working the the Farm’s working now it’s working yeah

All right I’ll probably AFK overnight and then get a full thing of chickens hopefully get a bunch of food yeah letting you know if you do AFK all night I’m probably going to be on here till like 2: in the I mean I can’t well the thing is when I

Uh go AFK I have to save and quit and then put it into invite only if you want to stay on and put it yeah because that way just random people don’t join because I have a bunch of friends y not trying to gloat I’m

Just a lot of friends and I have too many friends want random people to join and grief the server that’s happened before where he’s invited people on the old one and they’ve packed like right in front of him I don’t blame him for doing that to be

Honest they gave all right sorry nice you can go now thanks so much all right you’re welcome byee see you tomorrow see you now that he’s gone it’s time for the real party to start oh yeah I I found two more Villages that are unlooted oops killed the DJ Miss

Click I cannot find any of these villages with crap I feel like my building has gotten better over time what would you say jel uh I think it’s pretty subar still wow call my building crap I didn’t say crap I said subpar I keep forgetting that one US

Village spawns next to another Village it’s usually abandoned and of course that’s what happened and I think you guys were here cuz there’s beds in the water nah we don’t do that I wouldn’t have done that spawn that way I think somebody just somebody just might be raiding bases

The other people that have been on the world probably someone of the other people cuz guess what none of these chests have anything in them dang I want to find a abanded Vage wait didn’t you isn’t that that has like mushroom and stuff yeah I want to make a mushroom thought you guys already thought you guys found one no and I want to revive the mushroom lunchroom there’s no doing that there’s no Reviving The News F oh my God that is so annoying I was one one Oak block off from being able to finish my floor dang uh whenever you’re back come look at my house cuz it’s finally the base the bottom part is finally done I went back to raid the village again I want to

Get enough villager so I can start my iron farm again that’ll really help speed things up where would uh where would the how would you get them to spun on the roof or something like that I would I will put them in a second location on the

Roof I I have the design it’s just I’ll probably have to do it uh in my own time yeah oh I tested out there’s a cat in the background that’s hilarious oh honey yeah to be honest I start a bee armarm that jany loves me yeah just don’t let jany get near him

On one of my old smps that I used to play on I had pretty much only bees it was I remember uh remember a were you a part of ARS SMP jel no I never had the privilege yeah it was fun at this point I think it’s just a dead

Server have my respa point I just found a Pillager Outpost right next to an active Village perfect oh raed that is there dictor Village to be raided me have no beer though I have only give Jal the cords that way he can whenever he wants to he can get uh our

Vill cuz J I know like jel likes to get raids it the prices Saddles Enchanted iron armor and all that those goods yeah is that enchantment table still up J it’s in the uh room to the left of the staircase okay I’m going to put Unbreaking oh I might as well grab my

Lapis if we ever do meet up I have a lot of potatoes and blast furnaces ever do meet up I have this big basement that I’m I’m not even lonely in but I mean I’m assuming you looked at the scen right you have my coordinates or are you

Just doing your own thing stairs I have your coordinates but I’m just chilling doing my own don’t ask why I just don’t ask don’t tell 48 lapis BL all right I got 48 W I’m going to be building my shop later whenever I have more materials by the way

Jel so that for right now just going to be a big Stone slate until I get my plans for where I want stuff to go it’s going to be a boat shop because people need boats to to get around places around here now why’ you guys put it okay I’m never going

To are you ever going to turn that farmer villager into a librarian or no oh never mind I’m imaginating things I think should I get Smite or should I get sharpness J uh Smite sharpness smite’s not really good smite’s for specific mobs where sharpness is just a general

Buff yeah just get sharpness Smite is for Undead mobs like uh skeletons zombies I’m just going to get sharpness uh let’s get sharpness on my Axe and then oh I I’m I need three One More Level to get efficiency efficiency one on my pickaxe how much is it for efficiency

Three probably around 10 I do not know why but I want to starting I want to start fishing like I’ve done on one of my on one my other smps I love fishing I have a fishing rod that has mending and look of the sea like top and lure top

Because then it’s the more you fish it just repairs the thing just I’m I’ve just been lucky with fishing to be honest cuz one of the fishing rods had l two mending one luck of the C3 and I’m gonna go down are and I break some uh get some XP from down

There whenever you guys are going to breed your uh ways let me know yeah that’s so many seeds you could have had infinite La if you didn’t break the geode I didn’t know that okay it’s my fault isn’t there a way you oh wait can’t you break those with silk touch

You keep it that way no the the Clusters they don’t you can’t pick them up they have to M at the geode I didn’t know that the budding amethyst I think is what it’s called well maybe we’ll find another geode we can only hope and if we do you guys we just move

There then your dream would become true sometimes you to be honest I might live at one of the villages where you’re at now you mean well on one of the ones that I found I’ll probably live there get Librarians with mending on them that’s the dream h

I need like night vision or something so I can see underwater and look for geodes CU sometimes they’ll just be in the ocean yeah I’m getting me some iron I’m on one and a half hearts and I need food but I have nothing so I’m not going anywhere it’s

Like food oh I found GE good for you man that’s it’s good for you maybe there’s some dead tropical fish down here maybe the chicken Farm’s working the chicken’s still a young boy when I a young boy my father took me oh wait I just

Heard another egg go in it may not have actually hatched anything though you know it’s like a one in four chance or something like that I can’t remember what the odds are I see so many fishes down here that I’m trying to kill so I can eat but

They’re just all tropical so you can’t even cook them can’t even cook them you know I’m at one and a half hearts so I’m pretty dire for food right now come here boy come here duck come here I I will make sure your friends and you are nice well

Seasoned I’m so glad that I got have a shield on me I’ve never used Shields because they didn’t exist when I first started playing Minecraft and I never really fell into them you know I only use them for blocking they’re not as useful on Bedrock as they are Java to so

Yeah don’t get me wrong I love the efficiency that Bedrock runs at but Java has so much more personality the dolphin followed you by the way got dolphin gr then even though it doesn’t show on the effects you have it what’s dolphin grace even do um increase your speed in Water and it goes up I think to the maximum of if there’s four Dolphins you swim fast look at that J this the workers are almost all there sorry what happens if I kill the dolphin will it give me anything have other dolphins that will attack you oh it does give you

XP oh lapis all right anybody want to trade like jel walk inside the Villager thing like the area where you trade with villagers why just look cored you didn’t I no you thought I was a villager no there was at no point that I thought you were a

Villager I will make you think that then let me just there okay I’m going to try I’m a villager not even not really F I got the one I forgot that I was wearing the skin I’m wearing I’m probably going to need to change that chicken

Why is there five six skeletons in this one area why not oh I forgot I forgot crap crap crap crap I forgot to put down crap and bed crap crap crapping bed yes I I use their own B against them I mean I do have a villager skin let me find it

Yep that’s why you always keep a bed on you here you go jelix h can you breed villagers with bread or does it have to be potatoes and yeah if you drop breads you can they will pick it up and eat it and then they’ll have the hearts around

Them don’t know if it works for any other food if he wants you can their food what do they need oh you look like a traveling traveling Tradesman do they any more beds what is the I can turn into baby Yoda yeah nice do they need to be a near or a

Bed to breed I can’t remember here you go joex I found it is anyone remember do you do anyone remember do they have to be near a bed to breed or they just have to be fed I don’t think they have to be near bed what’s the requirements they probably

Just need bed I gave them a bunch of food I remember in the olden days they used to have to have doors um with a block over to constitute a house oh as privacy so you just put a block on top of a door and then that meant there was

A house and that’s had like bread back in that day yo it’s cool fishies they change the rules so often is it just me or is the fastest way to cook food is a creping campfire yeah it doesn’t I like to cook things with lava buck gets and flint and steel

True and I keep forgetting that I can’t even cook food in the blast for us gosh darn it and I have go just eating tropical fish my inventory is almost full I wish I had the Bumble item is it in the game now finally no they still haven’t added it

Frick I wish it be so useful but they I mean it’s useful in some ways but not in others because you can only hold up to a stack of any item like it does the math so it’s like if you had like 32 of one

Thing and 32 of another that counts as a whole stack of things but it kind of helps like if you had like I want a bundle that can contains like a bunch of different job blocks because then I could have every single job Block in a bundle and it wouldn’t take up my

Inventory you know be like a toolbox yeah like an anvil uh a saw crafting table furnace all the different uh blocks you’re going to end this stream anytime soon it’s almost one I know I’m being a bad boy what happens if I just click the jel

Music are you just forced to end the stream no the jel music doesn’t Force end the stream but if you click the outro music you click the outro button that will force end the stream now this just this able display toggle now end the stream the outro just outros it the

Outro literally plays the music it it starts the countdown um then it plays my outro uh animation and then it ends the stream on OBS it does everything automatically I would never do that to you anyone need 59 bread yes yes joelly Janie going to be mad at you my

Wife I would like to find a geode to replace the one that I swear I saw another one I mean if there’s one over here but it pretty far away I’m not really in a good location what’s the cords cuz joex is really desperate not really desperate I’m just slightly

Desperate I need to refund the cave first of all is there still that glitch with piece of glass in your hand it you can see through the ocean cuz that was always pretty pretty cool isn’t it like at a right angle you can just see through the water like

There’s no water or is that yeah I I’ve seen I think I I got that’s a good question actually I know that used to be a thing and I feel like it’s pretty recent that I saw it but it’s been also a long time since I’ve played so I don’t

Know if I’m thinking that the like I’ve seen it a long time ago if I’ve actually seen it recently did that make any sense that was a really rambly sentence I did so wait what does the jel music do because you already said something about

It oh the jel music is just my outro music um so yo again food that I don’t not the one I wanted but whatever I love how Jenny had that whole spot made for her and she hasn’t even planted yet yeah Honey’s like it’s time to go to bed jel yeah she’s

Snoozing let’s see I unless have enough iron for full set let us see if the glitch still works are you testing it the ocean with a piece of glass think they fixed it I think they did cuz that was kind of like x-ray was isn’t it oh yeah they fix it dang

It wait why don’t you just go into a creative world and then you just do that copy this go make this into creative and then you just give yourself night vision guess I could do that if you’re really wanting a Gio it would just be very beneficial for breeding the

Alleys I remember that one time you said you heard horror build up and then laughter yeah I was goofing myself so I need to fix that one uh some of some of them I have set to intentionally cut off sound effects all my laughter ones shouldn’t be that way I need to go

In and find out which one that on that sound bite specifically and change it so it doesn’t it was the well yeah they all say laughter but like I got to go through all my different laugh tracks that I have loaded and find which one I set for

The wrong thing I got lucky with the witch I got the health pot I really wish they wouldn’t have changed it where potions you could do the drip stone with potions I feel like that should have just been a feature and not a bug oh because you could uh you could

Have infinite potions yeah oh it worked I just heard a chicken die awesome did you check the chest o m shaft one cooked chicken awesome it works so I just got to stand there AFK all night and hope that we get more chickens we’re going to lock it down

Here it’s about time I’m just checking something out real quick I’m going on adventure real quick just looking at the Islands nearby and then intro is just what you had preset it for your intro like that tiny little video thingy the 10c video of the jel fwn intro

Unlocking what do you usually do before the stream starts there’s a button say uh stream starting and it opens up that scene with the uh TV with the funny moment Clips oh I just saw that and the BRB is is the same it’s the same thing but with BRB

Instead of saying stream starting soon Janie other screen yeah that goes to jany’s screen or whoever’s like at the other computer to my left isn’t that what you’re trying to do but it wasn’t working yeah cuz I didn’t have Janie’s computer hooked up to my HDMI splitter

Did you connect it though that way you can actually do it now yeah that’s also how you were able to hear her audio because it’s connected through your to your PC I’m guessing it goes through my HDMI splitter which then goes into my capture card in my PC which then

I can use a virtual cable to listen to my uh capture card through my PC and then all right so you can hear yourself basically I can hear I use it so I can hear my consoles so when I have my consoles running through my capture card

I can listen through it through my headphones I am you’re playing so your conso like your switch and stuff yeah what’s that a run portal good block I just really want to find a way out of this cave cuz I forgot my way back isn’t the worst one more piece of

Obsidian when you’re close to a portal bane of arth FRS and efficiency and Unbreaking hoe mik mute so music SL sound mute that’s everything they is that like all the sound effects yeah so that turns it off so only I would hear but everyone else couldn’t I’m surprised nobody’s used the

Text to speech for the draw well half the people don’t even have draw we should get back into Among Us Jal oh yeah Among Us I I found another geode but and this is actually a pretty good some people drown while other people thirst although I haven’t been looking

Down as much as I should in the water some people drown but some people thirst hold up I’m going to take a picture of my cords and then send it DM me oh God that scared me you know would have made it better if J jumped right whenever I did it yeah

Silly sounds is just a random amalgamation of sounds I think you did jump whenever I did it I mean it made me jump like scared that’s so cool here’s the thing the good thing about the spot is that there’s lava right next to it so there’s no mobs spawning To the

Left To to the left dream robot Freddy there go that’s one of my voices thank geie I see it I see the DM how far is that let me look at it uh oh my God that’s so far away oh my God let’s watch I’m sitting here at the uh Farm

Crap crap crap crap found another Village I am a i in chaos right now found another Village yeah I need to turn around and go back home and then save and quit and then get back oh actually I need to go home now why the uh uh flying boys are out I haven’t

Slept in a couple of days oh Phantoms yeah I need to get home before they Peck my eyes out I’m going to die because there’s this oh man you put in the epic music I need to get home before it’s too late they’re going to pick my eyes

Out going do it I don’t know man I still pretty far away I don’t know a even the same Place I see an Ice Mountain that’ be good for making roads here found my way back into my cave All right that the bit’s over the bit’s dead I can still see the light and I’m still going towards it go to it sounds like somebody knocking on a door it’s a heartbeat bnk bunk bunk BK bkkk I see another name tag excuse me oh that didn’t stop heartbeat that’s

[ __ ] ni the farts don’t stop gosh darn I found more diamonds but I don’t have my iron pick farts don’t stop anything shouldn’t you you about to end the stream yeah I’m going to get back inside you want me to get it ready for

You uh when I say go yeah all right when I say start the outro see that’s why I’m here man I just help you out with stuff yeah man buddy I’m just on my own right now you might want me to move that boat whenever you’re done yeah go ahead and

Start the outro man it gives me some time to chat oh man what a day what a day to be in Minecraft world man I want to put all my St stuff away and then what I’ll do is I’ll save and quit and then I’ll invite you guys back In oh thank you everyone for watching I think the only people still here are the people playing so we’re going to lock it down here subscribe to become a key today to unlock your content leave a like and comment I’ll see you in whatever the future brings next bye friends

Boy first of all among us and then does it just stop on its own yeah eventually

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP| Subs Can Join’, was uploaded by Jelix Fon on 2024-02-11 06:09:56. It has garnered 45 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:33 or 15453 seconds.

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    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』 『 Saweria Mediashare 』 Discord :3 ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​] RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More