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Is it all right I’m going I have one liquid Emerald so far it’s taking me like half an hour to get one liquid Emerald shall I assist you in how much liquid emeralds do you need 20 oh sweet baby Jesus I know I just started doing this like right before you Uh one of these days I’ll fix my blocky blur iness on my stream I think it’s just my lap I think it’s a laptop issue perhaps mayhaps Mayhaps something I will say that’s really nice about YouTube is the higher bit rate it’s not take much that’s what it’s one of the reasons why it’s like sucks to play EXO Primal and be like somebody who likes EXO Primal is people don’t want to stream it

Because the bit rate gets destroyed by it which is completely fair I completely get that I nearly [ __ ] myself I thought one of the one of the tier four horses was [ __ ] for 1,500 like no no no no I thought one of the cheapest one of the a tier four

Horse was the cheapest of this filter for a second I nearly lost my mind oh when did the [ __ ] economy get [ __ ] oh no no it’s still fine I was like these these I was like these goddamn horses are getting expensive this just oh for [ __ ] sakes

Can you guys stop talking about Taco Bell it’s been oh it’s waffle apparently he’s just known for shouting Taco Bell is that it it he’s just the community [ __ ] crackhead he bought like a thousand shouts and he just uses them to say Taco Bell how much is a th000 shouts now

Probably $100 if I had to guess oh it’s more than that is it has to be like $200 let’s see let’s see how much Canadian oh you’re poor uh bombs love that where are they are they shout bombs to get a thousand and 1,100 shout bombs yeah Canadian Canadian would be 8

Thou not 8,000 820 bucks Canadian that’s probably like 500 600 American dollars what is this dude mentally well he says Taco Bell every day are you like it’s it’s not a joke because I like I I’ll tune into streams from months ago he’s there he’s there saying Taco Bell

He’s a phenomen on he’s an SCP Taco Bel I wonder if you can see what I just said I cannot cuz this game uses local chat damn it each other oh so no one just saw my message God damn it there’s a comat people yeah I got a combat dummy for us

Because I got bullied into it no I didn’t get bullied I got paid to buy a combat dummy they gave me like a liquid emerald and they’re like buy a combat dummy I’m like okay so I bought a combat dummy and then we just had like Christ

We had four people just fighting the combat dummy for like 6,000 damage so the right number is your highest damage the left number is your uh like cons like what is it I just did 6,200 damage in one hit nice that’s a lot more than I can do

Yeah but it’s expensive for me to do such a thing jeez I don’t even know I need to do oh I know I thought you just talking about your basic attack how much is do you do left number basic attack left number basic attack what do mean

Hit it a few times and then tell me what your average oh that was 2,000 oh jeez like hit it a few times and tell me whatver it was it was it was capping at 200 before it started going down or 2,000 before it started going down oh goodness that’s not

Good we need to get you a better weapon yeah how fast do you attack though is it really fast or very fast oh okay that’s not okay that’s not bad I was like that’s that’s pretty bad thinking you’re using like a slow weapon but no that’s pretty good probably could be better still

But I mean I’m still using a like a rarity 60 or I’m still using a combat level 60 weapon When I’m 64 oh also I I uh I got my morph steel because I I’m level 75 so I can wear it now mhm uh so it’s an okay increase it’s

Kind of falling off the amount it’s increasing my stats by it’s not going up as crazy as it was before but I decided to pre by the rest of the morph set so I already have morph amethyst and morph Stardust ready and it’s a great morph Stardust it’s

Insane I need to figure out how to I need to figure out how to do this goddamn Bigfoot Quest you need to have Gathering that was gathering like you need to like have multiple things leveled up to 20 and Gathering ing I saw that Quest oh like my all of my gathering

Stats oh all of them my fishing only thing’s not 20 is my wood cutting and my mining that should be fine I should be going good with that boy what you want about Willis if that even is your real name I’m surprised that mining wood cutting her to the least of my

Worries you would think cutting 20 fishing 20 mining 20 is what you need so everything that I don’t already have wood cutting fishing Mining and then those all have to be 20 for you to do the shadow of the Beast Quest what a scam that I mean that weapon that they

Have is insane looking the lumber mill I don’t want none of that please tell me these are not willow trees oh for [ __ ] sakes they’re willow trees willow trees make me sad why what’s wrong with them oh there’s SW there’s Swamp People you can’t buy you can’t buy any housing with

Them there’s no housing blocks but the description says you can buy housing blocks with them so they probably it’s probably just leftover description also you might slightly understand what I meant slightly understand what you meant my um jeez Louise I think this only does so much damage it’s because my

Weapon does like every element oh I misunderstood what you meant yeah because it was doing I was kept attacking Norm and it was doing 2,000 before it was going like down yes uh I might be misunderstanding you okay we’re at the I’m at the house where’s the Dum be there he is where’s

The Dum Dum be oh God my animations ain’t working that looks funny though man sometimes I get too upset when I stream mainly because of outside factors this weapon deals basic attack yeah 5,000 by the way one of the V I completely forgot about that the

Reason why wulu is like in this server is because in the data of the game wulu there’s an illusioner mob that says wulu or no the evoker does wulu whenever there’s a um red sheep or blue sheep around and turns it red that’s where that’s from that’s something well you need to

Get a Blue Sheep next to an evoker how how often are you going to do that oh they spawned in mansions w w uhoh there’s a malevolent M with claws trying to bully me into submission oh my gosh my damage is so high I’m upset I found dark oak and it’s level

60 mhm okay uh minions stop stop hurting him he’s already stop stop did I find Frogman let me see your face oh my God I found frog people that aren’t trying to kill me I’m happy your boy found Frogman men back to grinding out emeralds are you streaming now I’ve been

Streaming youve been streaming D have you not been watching me have you not been watching me freaking notification it never gives me your notification anymore I’m actually getting upset about that you’re you’re one of the only subscriptions I have on YouTube what on oh [ __ ] I’ve been getting paper when I

Need to get wood [ __ ] is that is that is that a plasma weird sup a persons how you doing I just killed a plasma weird he was pretty strange I must say [Applause] strange so this entire time you haven’t been watching my stream friend your friendship subscription just ended

Dang hold on are you at the um Goblin pick pocket more like get [ __ ] on loser who’s throwing blocks at me don’t don’t don’t don’t bite Me what kind of tree trees can I even like break what level 15 trees exist uh I don’t think there is 15 it just twin yeah Willow’s 20 and then God this is going to take a while what is it oh I need to get my wood cutting

Up so oh to 20 yeah so it’s going to it takes like four 4% every single goddamn click click clack I’m also getting you some wood I’m getting you oak wood be happy don’t worry be happy Now have you ever heard of that song Don’t Worry Be Happy yeah yes love that song it’s the one good thing I learned in my psychology class or not my psychology my um damn I don’t even remember what that class was [ __ ] called it goes to show you how worthless it

Was but um the one of our teachers played it and it was like yeah the song makes me happy hopefully makes you happy and it made me happy did its job it’s going to take forever that [ __ ] freaked me out when I saw the music video and it like [ __ ] someone said

Something about Robin Williams and I think he was in in the video too oh God there’s a white child trying to kill me okay I blew his head off no there’s a brown child trying to kill me okay I blew his head off there’s a gray child there’s a black child got

Els I even have enough for two liquid Emerald I’m very close though that scares me how much liquid emeralds you need 20 yeah what is it to make a guild yeah to make a guild you need 20 liquid emeralds do these pickpockets take gold from me I don’t know maybe

I swear he hit me and then all of a sudden he had a piece of gold in his hand or an emerald I mean no no don’t get any ideas I’m going said gay child gray child I’m about to go rainbow child level 19 level 19 let’s

Go tried doing some of the quests that I got suggested to do for money I forgot to sell the painting Hold on I got this painting that I can sell for a lot of money but I think it only sells for one Emerald liquid Emerald but still one is better than

None and then the other Quest I got suggested just gets insane with how hard it gets what was that say understand I sorry I completely blinked what what are you saying uh I was doing trying to do quests that I got suggested to do for money yeah the first one I did no

Problem it’s just it’s pretty easy you are uh you just just have to sell a painting to a specific person in in sinr sinr so you just stole a man’s hard working Mona Lisa and you just no he made two he he gave it to me he gave me

The second one he’s like yeah you can have just one so you’re a thief of a two of aind painting anyway um I understand what why debie was saying Tower of Ascension is a pain why I re I realized the level 40 Quest started throwing level 90s at

Me did you even hear what I said there what started throwing like 90s at me yeah the level 40 Quest started throwing level 90s at me that I have to kill sounds about reasonable nope okay children you’re going to eat [ __ ] and die for me okay

It’s one of those quests it’s like well yeah you can started at level 40 you’re going to want to come back to this did deie actually do the Tower or I doubt it because I didn’t even get to the highest floors and I was fighting level

90s I did a bit of grinding and now I’m level 32 very nice you’re going to pass me at this point man um watching a Ludy uh he did a stream today I tuned in towards the end of the stream not even the end like halfway through

Yeah he’s he said the stream title was starting a new level one assassin he was level 105 by the time I tuned in on an assassin is he just insane yes he prepars like he has prepared gear last time I checked I didn’t watch that

Long so he’s a so he’s a cheater he’s a scam artist okay I’m going to make an exposed video call himself a try hard no I’m going to expose him it’s over for Looney then I will be the number one he responded to one of my comments by the way or I threatened

Him in a joking manner I assume you assume wrong Dang no I just basically oh I said I just basically aha I’ve heard a lot about you I challenge you to be the number one wincraft streamer and he’s L he was like bet and then he forgot about me I don’t know man he I tuned in and he

Was actually talking about it not about you specific oh you talking about I thought you were saying he was talking about me I was like what the [ __ ] is he doing talking about me what did I do no no no he was what he didn’t mention you by name or anything but he

Was saying like hey uh there top windcraft streamer spots open right now maybe uh all you get it see I’m winning I’m winning the war of uh attrition I’m confusing his minding he’s scared of me he’s scared of me clearly he’s fearful just appears in my

Stream Bo I wouldn’t be 100 I wouldn’t be completely surprised if he did he’d seem like he seems like the kind of guy that would like tune into other people’s streams of this game game I have no idea I don’t watch a ton of him I just occasionally tun his

Discord server is called his only fans he’s a crackhead I can kind I can definitely see him doing anything he’s unpredictable he’s like jerma oh sure my my friend has made me scared of germa everyone’s scared of germa good good to know I’m not Alone I remember seeing a meme where it’s like jerma has escaped containment and it’s like a guy dancing aggressively down a hallway of like him snapping his fingers and dusting the people as he goes down like some sort of [ __ ] psychopath and then the frame of the

Dude just straight up looks like jerma and it’s like huh hold on I need to I need to set a record straight real quick give me one minute b b all right I’m back I’m back and how do you get that thing where you see how much xp you need for the

Next level um I just look at my um XP bar that’s all I do wind Hills oh yeah wind Hills wind Hills you mean you mean this thing not this thing yeah wind Hills it’s a Minecraft mod that’s compatible with the server in fact it’s like recommended well designed for This

Server no you disc continuing support for some of the older versions a which means they might be trying to update to a newer version use more blocks they can already do all this [ __ ] on 1.12 they’re missing out on such an insane amount of imagine what they would

Be able to [ __ ] do with coral Coral fans all that [ __ ] these people would these people as I am in the coral reef right now it would be nice to see actual Coral oh how do I get it um do you know how to use Cur Forge do curse Forge you

Can do modin I believe it’s on there if you don’t know how to if you don’t know how to use cursed Forge I have no idea how to help you I would have to explain you step by step to do it it’s not that hard C Forge it’s just like you install

The app you download the Minecraft section and uh make a mod pack have you never helped me do anything ever well I’ve helped you do things you need but you haven’t been on computers as long as most people you know yeah but you say that yourself well

Yeah but you don’t know how much time other other people have been on some people might be yeah I use curse Forge yeah you just use curse Forge then and you should be good yeah also I need to craft um five items for my um thing I got to craft four what

The heck is this unfairness how dare it be so unfair giving the non crafter more crafting like green lady green lady yeah there’s just a chick like in a flower kind of weird I must say myid cave I love [ __ ] gavl this place has everything it’s got frog it’s got a frog

Cave it’s got a mikid cave I hope they don’t try and murder me but seeing as it’s an XP spot they’re probably going to shove their [ __ ] fungus up my ass speaking of funguses my um roommate SL landlord has a fungal in infection in his spine that’s awful yeah I’m completely shocked that

He’s currently able to walk around you have seem to have an actual nice landlord yeah I’ve never well besides my very very first one how do you spell wiels um you spell it sir I don’t remember I have an idea of how to spell it but I might be very wrong okay yeah

That’s how I would have spelled it I wasn’t I didn’t want to be wrong though come my pretties who the [ __ ] no they don’t like me they don’t like me no no sh SHP the mikids don’t like me they hurt really [ __ ] badly too oh that’s because this is a level 70 area

Uh-oh is there no sell all button I wish there was that be awesome there’s literally a wood over here called Lightwood it’s at 70 curious foliage where am I [ __ ] going oh I’m should go to sinr I suppose have you been there before mm- no mm-m you boys your boys going to the

Biggest city on the server yeah I got two liquid emeralds pain I’m going to go in properly to journey to peace God oh my God it’s got like whole city blocks Jesus Kings Merchant oh there’s a mod it’s not for this version of the game it’s for 1.16 called voices of

Win the voices are getting louder which uh it’s just a community project to add voice acting to the quest pretty cool all right boys we have a quest I need to become one of the most popular streamers so they recognize me and they will ask me to voice act for something I

Will want it to be a mushroom character or a frog character I wish to speak like this in some sort of way apply can I actually apply but no a community project yeah but I want special privileges gain trust but people don’t trust me do you

Hear what I’m sounding like right now I sound delusional I sound like an e complete egotist I mean they’re not wrong but okay they’re not wrong but it would hurt my it hurts my feelings nonetheless also I just realized I’m going to have some difficulties oh hello

There armor Merchant man man oh you are this shit’s expensive Jesus yeah I can kind of see how my armor is like severely lacking jeez I should be having like 5,000 I should be having like 5 6,000 HP right now it’s the guild system in this is very

Interesting is it oh yeah because you need a lot of you have to be level 75 to even join a guild oh so I can’t even like no we can make it we just can’t [ __ ] do [ __ ] I’ll be able to frogs like frogs are definitely my spirit

Animal pure aggression they eat too much they explode what’s wrong with you hm what’s wrong with you I heard you say that I heard you say and they explode listen they Angy they explode and Oh you mean croaking you a daffodil I have 10,000 Emerald it’s all going to disappear it’s only worth Two I am so happy I have that attack now jeez Louise ises it like make me an actual threat to [ __ ] what is that oh it’s attacking me kill it kill it kill the plant kill the Kinder Plant weed kill it kill it beat it Loser what is this wood Dark I hate this I hate it when [ __ ] just [ __ ] chck [ __ ] at you at like the speed of sound give me Breathing Room you [ __ ] hippocampus I’m so glad my I’m so glad my War scream launches things at me okay I need to I need to get out of

Here they’re respawning and they’re killing me real real good doing it they’re doing it they’re doing it well I’m not doing it I’m not doing it I’m doing it now no are still killing me no please I’m an innocent boy I know I just murdered like 30 of your friends but

[ __ ] oh God cursed Adventurer Jesus where am I oh I’m I’m in [ __ ] gilboard I am far jeez I didn’t realize how like like close Ox was to um elar no wonder no wonder I can’t find anything doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it well going to lose my mind doing

This that clip I got of the rang versus that s Savage devil Joe and then the Diablo just coming out of the sand was too good that was yours no I just tagged you in it cuz I thought it was awesome it was yes especially since the Diablos

Immediately Roars after like doing that [ __ ] mhm oh I’m at of orc Castle tomorrow I’m going to be uh hopefully finishing my channel trailer video nice I need to make me one of those I just wish I wasn’t so freaking sick like I’m better is now but man did it suck

Yesterday all I wanted to do was sleep but all I also wanted like my my body wanted to but I didn’t I wanted to bring and work on the video soing myself to get footage was really bad only got two out of the four segments I wanted to get footage of as

Well which is not great and you know when you’re sick you don’t you’re just a little more lazy yeah the willow a man how much Emerald do you have 11,000 why oh that’s 2 Le hey no remember Reuben has a [ __ ] ton of like gold on him

Remember okay you don’t have to do whatever you’re doing Reuben has a bunch of it I do Reuben has like 40,000 he said he had 12,000 I thought he said he got like another donation maybe he did uh-oh flaming skull you friendly hello red rot wolf oh no you guys are

Fine I don’t know why your name’s red you’re chilling you’re chilling like a super villain oh I got like legendary wood hello Lori oh God I thought she said the accursed daddy for a second daddy oh no oh no I’m so glad you didn’t clip it cuz now you won’t even remember

Which stream it is by now that moment when I accidentally called Pyramid Head Daddy I remember remember it’s archived somewhere it’s archived good luck finding it no what I mean archived that means I know where it is you fool you never made a clip of it so oh

I’m saving it for a special occasion throw the potion fool what this elf lady doing what why is she running around FR of you she just spin yeah she do that hey debie man you [ __ ] suck at healing the Earth you know that this [ __ ] chick deie I’m currently in the process

Of collecting funds so we can make a guild cuz I hit 75 can’t really handle it ah a that sucks that really does suck windels is awesome oh God it’s killing Me being killed by Beetle piss off is it a Blue Beetle it’s something called a Devour perish all of you L’s just doing a span every single time she like does anything jeez wait is there supposed to be music here just realized there’s like nothing music where in the coral reef cuz there’s like no music playing maybe I don’t know I

Was like why is it so silent and then I thought about it what is this is this Lor’s old house Larry is her name Larry Lori I would assume all right pointy ears what the hell is this oh it’s cake you talking about me you talking to me no you locked in the

Bathroom ah se of all his Tactics never I’m in the process of getting funds for a guild it’s painful hey you stupid what mhm if you do download Warframe I have a clan that is that basically has everything forever die actually I don’t know if it has everything anymore they release a lot of new stuff

I’m not sure if I got it all you got the dth room I do not that that reminds me I need to get on there and um cuz I I was building it and it takes time to build so I need to get on there cuz I needed another power room I ran

Out of power so I couldn’t build a d goth room I don’t remember power rooms you need to build power rooms in order to build other rooms it’s kind of stup oh wait never mind I do remember now it’s kind of stupid but yeah I remember not really liking it

Cuz they take up like a physical space right yeah it’s just like don’t think they should have done that I think they should have just been like their own thing yeah B ker is here and I get people to play Warframe what’s what’s going On I didn’t want to do that but had to Now the gate opens do I have this how do I find out if I have something oh that’s a check mark oh so I don’t have that hyrogen bomb versus coughing baby I feel bad for her but at the same time she really sucks at her

Job who oh this one elf lady that keeps like [ __ ] with [ __ ] he’s like we got protected nature proceeds to um [ __ ] it up in every single way she she’s sad like I feel slightly bad for her but at the same time Keep Your Hands to Yourself

Lady this shit’s so [ __ ] cool what is this hello tapped Roots uh-oh oh there’s de there’s Revy oh [ __ ] oh dick and balls woo baby is you is or is you ain’t my baby man this 20% extra speed is like really nice I must say makes parkour a lot

Easier me for a guy made out of light you don’t sound very light you sound quite fat how dare you yoy spinky eeky boinky let’s go Sounds like a bear where am I supposed to go is this the light Forest what did I do wrong did I do something wrong here sometimes you just have to go into the content book and untrack and retrack the quest okay it says explore the light

Forest but I don’t know where it is and it just [ __ ] me out onto the other end and my map’s not working right oh I am not in the same spot I was before what the hell I see oh because I’m in the light realm

Okay I’m not doing the right oh hi oh wait never mind you guys are weak what a bunch of Losers imbeciles I see so go along the path and see it through oh God the fungus is trying to [ __ ] murk me run for it run I’m just Among Us oh God yeah BR doesn’t have anything too good though he does have a weapon that you can only get from

Him come we must go along the path and run run for it damn it go further Watchmen what is happening there’s a bunch of [ __ ] a foot good time to start chopping wood there’s a spot blasting itself right here H oh God the door has begun opening let’s

Go we must ride until the end of time oh the Smoky owl okay now they’re not trying to kill me interesting interesting interesting key bold what’s up I seee you just woke up again yeah and this time I’m just playing no stream just playing debie wake

Up yeah I’m still sleep um cake I’m still sleep wake up you got to slap me awake wake up you’ve been asleep for 15 years wake up yeah I’m not supposed to kill them I’m try I could be dreaming why don’t you fool he is you fool no no no you’re the

Fool I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here here oh you’re doing that Quest yeah the realm of light I don’t know why they’re not letting me in you had to um find the pieces to the Cog wheel pieces to the Cog wheel huh oh open the

Door did you beat the Tower of Ascension um no I’m still uh the game already beat I haven’t beaten it I only beat I’m like at level or floor number four or five probably I think it’s the fifth floor that’s what I’m on yeah I got stuck on the boss on the fifth

Floor they start throwing level 90s at you it’s very very difficult like I said recommended level 55 and 60 but you’re being toss something that’s either 10 or 20 levels higher mhm that’s why I said it’s just like Mob Arena but I think dren did in fact say

That you can play with um as a party if you want to do Ascension Towers yeah probably would make it easier but still I got one shot by that boss really do I need to find multiple pieces to the Cog wheel I think it’s just one piece you

Just need one piece and you had to put it to that machine then it operates the other one so I think you just need one piece I put the one piece in and took it and then it’s like didn’t unless then the C turn then turn the

Other one have you tried turning it off and on the mechanism has been fixed oh okay okay that was weird I know right I had the I was scratching my head on that part don’t start killing me you fools fool you fools so I’m just doing this

Quest called The Haven Antiquity I don’t even know how to say it but that’s what quest I’m doing oh God what is happening oh God watch it’s going to turn into a corrupted pit ain’t it oh I can see my little horsey already went through the Lazarus Pit and the Temple of

Legends I think the Temple of Legends will really make me upset you start fighting a boss that’s like a level 100 that’s easy if you’re in a party then of course just have a party yeah I just sold it with myself my what the hell is that thing

H God damn it I I forgot why I got on Warframe and then I got off it and then I remembered all right I have three liquid emeralds three liquefied emal out of 20 out of 20 I need 20 liquefied emeralds to make get killed oh my you got to grind the money

Ser that’s what I’m doing the extension Towers is the way I started with 700 emeralds and now I’m at 12,000 I have 20,000 emeralds nice yeah oh they have they’re having like a whole fight scene I know it looks pretty good but the cam was kind of janky yeah that’s

What force camera angle does to you right speaking of for camera angles um has anyone seen my trailer she got Wings on Discord no yes yeah it’s not the best either but I’m trying to learn some techniques not bad yeah usually I just go one way and I

Just say it’s done but I’m trying to make it you know how those guys be doing High qu of stuff but I still got to refine it and the thumbnail looks pretty good too but you can still give me some feedback on it if I need to like change

Anything I thought the thumbnail was awesome yeah all I just did is just use um Adobe Premiere or adobe uh Photoshop mhm got for free fre nice yeah because yeah because a collaborator gave it to me for free sounds like stealing to me yeah it does sound like stealing but I’m

Definitely borrowing it wink wink from uh trusted Source definitely a trusted Source no that’s his name his trusted Source why don’t you back it up with a source yeah yeah from my good friend uh Pirate Bay but yeah all I just did was just blur the background and I just make it

Look like it’s um death of view or something or death of field to make it look cool man this lady [ __ ] sucks she let a demon Escape into the world because she’s too much of a [ __ ] to kill it I’d say a little more depth of field would be

Nice make it almost mysterious on what’s back there but what do so you’re saying add more blur and pick a spot to where the audience would want to see what’s in that blur there’s really nothing in that blur I know I know in that picture there

Isn’t but maybe like pick a spot to take a screenshot in I assume that’s what you did right there right yeah uh where it it would it it’s like colorful almost maybe like the Great Bridge I think it’s they call it and then have that kind of be blurry

No I think that’s too gray you need something that would like kind of stand out in the blur to make it like o I wonder what that is I kind of want to click on this video and see like what is that blur oh I get what you mean is one of

Those types another technique you could do is like take something then black out its outline put a like question mark over it put a red circle and an arrow pointing to the red circle I mean it wouldn’t exactly like I mean it’s not like as cringe as it is it’s not exactly

A bad idea have have Mr BEAST’s face on it yes oh no no but like no have put Debbie’s face on it but he’s doing a Mr Beast like style like pose and all that [ __ ] n no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you coward no no use the [ __ ]

Okay what what’s the one meme called that has the guy like pointing back the one meme that has the guy Point guy like there’s like a guy on the left and the guy on the right and are both like pointing back oh the W Jack yeah

That’s yeah I don’t know the name of that but I know what you’re talking about the like little like black and white drawing of like two like guys that are like pogging yeah yeah you should add that to the thumbnail and a red circle and an arrow just make the

Thumbnail just as [ __ ] atrocious as you possibly could every single uh every single clickbait strategy just do the all at once this title the video this video is in fact clickbait and then like you would not believe no no no the title of the video is this is clickbait this is

Clickbait oh no not those type of channels they just they just go rly into comment sections and say oh don’t click on my profile oh don’t click on my video oh don’t click on my subscribe button you won’t believe what happens next you I don’t want to know believe yeah you’ll just stop

Believing there we go I can accept that uh don’t stop your belief cycle no stop it 100% just get rid of it you don’t need it it’s for chumps you know what I wish was better Ser in Warframe what the um what do they call it the ships the uh the ship combat ship combat now it’s not very good but yeah I kind of like it but it’s not very good it’s called a rail [Laughter] Jack oh good wait you se you seen the

Ship when I showed you my my doo your Doo my doo the [ __ ] are you saying to me Doo are you stupid ever since I keep playing windcraft I’m start getting um suggestions about this server on YouTube yeah I’m trying to bully this one dude they said oh the best class you

Should choose is the Archer class I heard Warrior someone else said Archer but I mean that could be an opinion yeah God you have 8,000 XP jeez Louise what is yep windcraft is start hitting on my feed very nice yeah I’ve gotten windcraft on my feed too I’m quite

Hungry all the salmon to myself I just nearly killed the item identifier I just realized that might be a problem at like higher levels imagine like nearly just [ __ ] on the [ __ ] item identifier that would been awful what I do Temple of Legends Chase versus the

Temple of Legends let’s see how far he can go against a level 100 my God I do not give a [ __ ] shut up and everybody clapped guys you can start speaking now I was clapping I don’t think it was getting picked up what what Chas you’re not getting it onion

They’re not clapping for you no they’re clapping I can hear them through the screens they’re proud of proud of what to be exactly I’m going to have to give you some [ __ ] manners you think you can just walk you think you can just walk into my establishment and talk [ __ ] to me can

You well back here and well [ __ ] we’re going to have to [ __ ] do something about you and I got a frog with a flintlock pistol with your name on it dang he doesn’t take too coly the [ __ ] like you he’s going to have to [ __ ] you up now isn’t

He what say you and your defense against this [ __ ] with a gun I unloaded it unfortunately for you you can’t do that with a flint L get there ain’t no bullet unfortunately for you it’s not true I’ll have it right oh [ __ ] you did yeah unfortunately for you I’m a

Minority about to call you race about to say you committed a hate crime get [ __ ] I’ve left the establishment cors get his [ __ ] ass he’s doing already in Ohio get him he’s in [ __ ] Ohio he’s in I may have lied about my location corops you just [ __ ] lied to

Me we can’t let this goober get away with it do you like string beans do you like shutting the [ __ ] up I’m sorry no I’m just reading the chat do you like string beans oh do you like string beans um yes yes I do sorry I was paying

Attention to the chat for beans green beans green beans string beans going to destroy the world going to destroy the world and this [ __ ] gets expensive I’m going post that therecome you’re going to post that where you’re going to post that in my hair what’s leg is he boy

Doing what’s he been up to he um he has been doing his usual stuffs I mean he’s doing all right but he’s just been busy he’s got a monkey yeah that’s what he’s doing do you think maybe he’d like when Craft um he did come by and he said it does look cool

But I’m not sure it might um make his laptop up C with like C what to play D he has to wear glasses because some wrong with his eyes or something imagine having to wear glasses what a nerd F don’t you [ __ ] insult me in my

Own chat you downt I’m going to shoot you in the head with a f Lo man you got insulted by persons and Persons I’ll tell you what you stupid little [ __ ] I’m going to have to shoot you dead that’s El Bozo moment right there you’re an El Bozo you don’t even know how to spell l it’s the letter L no it’s e l l it’s time to spend $30 and get a Minecraft account H

Anyways I’m going to play it used to be just 26 flat what it used to be 16 how much is it now 25 35 something like that oh my God they up the anti on the prices because of inflation hold on I’m going to go back I need to go stir my

Pudding he’s making pudding what type of pudding chocolate pudding rice pudding what you don’t want to know add some of his pudding does it taste edable I don’t know it’s chocolate pudding probably didn’t put too much of something hope it’s good what if I told

You well too bad Kuno uh I uh I drop kick you’re dead Hey sir what up if I if I told you something about the game would you that I would how how do I word this what are words the school eum he I’m going to tell you this and after

Telling you this you’re going to have to play it you can shoot Kuno oh I don’t think I would he’s it’s a game over but you can oh speedrun Kuno shooting is that a thing what kill Kuno percent speed no no no you can kill Kuno

S Kuno s that’s that’s the girl behind the fence when you’re talking to Kuno um do you even remember her yes oh no whoo doesn’t [ __ ] care how’s the chocolate pudding I have I I’m worried it he almost burnt it it’s got an hour and a half left in the slow cooker it

Was already on fire and it doesn’t it doesn’t look doesn’t look too good it’s cooking too fast it it looked burn it’s [ __ ] pudding you can’t burn [ __ ] in a slow cooker sure you can oh you meant overcook it like it’s hardening is it hardening or is it I think it’s

Hardening it’s only halfway through through so I’m not too sure if it’s hardening that means you might have to lower down the temperature or something no I can’t lower down the temperature there’s only high and low it’s on low already yeah Debbie’s an expert on pudding apparently he doesn’t even know

What a slow cooker is fair enough I cook on the stove what do you expect you to not be so stupid okay I’m tempted to save up some money for a Pizza Oven Pizza Oven conventional oven no a pizza oven oh I don’t believe in it’s like it’s a trans like

Small specifically designed for pizzas oh p p pza is real say again do you really think Pizza is real come on grow no that’s why I need the oven cuz it’s not real I have to make it you’re going to make it real yeah I’m going to make it can I kill the

Child you can we were just disusing how you can I would rather buy pizza from Pizza Hut Papa John’s do whatever just discussing how you can kill a child I think the only thing I should cook is seafood or steak steak house what type of seafood

Do you like debie all of them all of the Seafoods yep he’s on a seafood diet he sees remember I said I eat octopus calamari whatever there is I was trying to try out frogs but don’t you dare you [ __ ] dare we’re going to have some

Goddamn issues what the [ __ ] is this you they’re but they’re labeled as a seafood you Seafood they’re not the FRS don’t live in the sea see yeah Debbie what the [ __ ] they’re water food you getting where you getting these [ __ ] frogs debie I don’t know from the um Chinese market down the

Street makes me very sad but yeah I mostly stick around like crabs fish calamari you eat luxury and I cook it too lucky yep it might take me hours but eh at least it was deserving let me [ __ ] talk to the [ __ ] I remember when I was baking some

Brownies I think Turtles is a seafood too oh yeah oh have you guys ever heard of turtle chips no no never heard about that what what are those they’re chips that resemble a turtle shell uh they’re five chips in one so like Gahan they look I’ve not had

Them before I just they’re at my work and one of the people that comes in is like you should really try these oh ah they just they look interesting Turtle chips yeah I’m tempted to just only thing I know is pork rinds pig skin kind of yeah pig skin that is

Dried delicious cake skin that’s tried yeah that’s what pork runs are n yeah if you read the labels you read reading for suckers they’re good but they make your mouth dry those are that’s like one of the few things I can just eat without like any

Problems I guess I have to cope it then with the dry mouth one of these days I’m going to sit you down and like teach you what words mean deie you don’t have to because I already knew I might have to teach him to you he knew he’

Teach like how do you spell color Chase c o l o r no it’s C ool so you couldn’t even say your own joke without laughing shut up cooler to spell color is c o l o u r no you’re an American spell it right that’s

How you spell it that’s not how you spell it that’s how you spell it in like every other country but America but that’s the proper way of spelling it it’s c u l e r yeah see he’s right I’d rather [ __ ] spell it like that than whatever bum [ __ ] way you just

Spelled it debie spell the way favorite f u right f a v o r i i t e sorry you were making me think of the letter U too much o see that’s the problem because there is a u in there too no there [ __ ] isn’t there’s no reason for

There to be a you yes there is it’s like color favorite honor for it’s not on hour you [ __ ] dilled yeah yeah yeah I’m at least I’m hour sure it is shut up don’t you encourage him I think it would be funny if you try to correct uh Happy on those

Terms I’ll fight happy I swear to God Flappy I don’t know Flappy hey I found an engraved ring let’s see what it do I’m spared in Chase worth accomplishment increases Dodge weight threshold by five reduces encumbrance by five stupid oh this one might actually be really good this is driving me actually

Insane insane what ISE in the H brain getting money for the guild yeah it’s going to feel like a long hike for you Ser that’s our Guild leader that’s our Guild Hall leader oh he needs 20 liquefied emeralds sheesh time to use the trade market Buy Low sell

High by low so high I totally good I I I if I bought all items that of the lower price and you just sell them back for the higher price yeah I mean I know what you’re thinking of there sir that’s called that’s illegal you know that

Right not in Minecraft it’s called a loophole that’s what it Is listen in Minecraft if I buy out all of the items at the low price and sell them back at the high price longer low that’s pry brain that’s big brain right there remember the dude that tried to do that during Co and had to just give it

Away what happened no I don’t he bought a bunch of like hand sanitizer and stuff and then had to give it all away yeah I remember that because uh if he didn’t he it would be like really illegal yeah that’s like uh no I was doing it for uh to give it

Away to give it away to give it away he had to give it all away so he didn’t get in legal trouble getting a rest selling hand sanitizer I mean I think I was messing up how I was gathering yeah you were gathering sucks stupid yeah I was gathering like the

Stupid I need a million XP just to get to level 71 yep and then it adds a point one additional point million every other level cuz oh wait no it adds like five or S wait what am I saying oh gosh you’re getting confused STP yeah I

Meant uh so if one is a million and then like it adds 57 that’s what I’m trying to say oh here acting like you know what A math is what are you some kind of intelligent are you some kind of math magician yeah I do the magic tricks that

Equate to uh money in my pocket and not in yours I used a superc computer just to solve the complex math and it’s called the calculator I called one Carl Carl Carl the calculator car is very smart I almost died yeah he can do quick math quick math without using his

Fingers he can just do it right behind his uh he’s actually yeah I actually don’t have any arms legs no fingers he has no no face he’s just a torso torso at that yeah his he has this a rare condition where his brain is where uh his liver would be oh she bloody

Same Y is that a dollahan I see but why do they have a head it’s a dulahan say it right No you should watch the raah ra raw I was watching it when I was younger and I was very confused didn’t watch it anymore but I love me my dollahan the ra is pretty weird I don’t remember it I know there’s a a a well a dollahan she ride motorbike she go zooms

She go bur she go bur chase that Quest you’re doing is very long I’m ready hey Chase what that Quest you’re doing God damn it shut the [ __ ] upake oh God damn it hey hey Ace I’m about to end my stream what are you going to tell him

Sir no no no I won’t do it you won’t do what ke must be hidden somewhere in this room how about you are you hiding something from him yes what are you hiding from what am I hiding money yeah oh can I have it no it’s my money I thought you’re I want

Now him did you get those commercials over there in your ww worth 877 cash now see I I didn’t have cable for like a long time and then when we did commcial in a while water JG I just saw the [ __ ] key where the hell did it

Go uh Banana Split JG what’s worth 877 okay I’m about to [ __ ] this puzzle okay did it fall down here or something you got a tell a knowledge knowledge roll for intelligence if you fail your ass will be in a m trap one one roll for intelligence I don’t have a dice on me hold on intelligence should I just keep like

Dice on me for now probably honestly imagine like someone imagine someone tries to like fist fight you and you’re like hold on and you need to roll [ __ ] Athletics for that [ __ ] or else you fall in your face and like but it like it happens all right all

Right here we go listen I’ll fist fight you that would be like a cool superhero the gamble man I was going to say like if someone ever challenges me to a fist fight I’ll be like okay we roll and then it if you get a

20 uh you’re going to have to kill me I’m sorry I want you I’m going to give you a knife and you’re going to [ __ ] gut me in front of all these chitlins why is all these chitlins e no that’s my word pig intestines I hate that you say

It s I don’t think you realized but this entire time I [ __ ] have known that why do you think I call them chitlins chitterlings those things are disgusting no chitlings not chitterlings chitlings same thing they’re the same thing they’re disgusting and they’re smelly you’re disgusting and you’re smelly B I’m not complaining well

Because you are the sniffer of course you’re the sniffer Debbie all right who am I making into the sniffer chase you were supposed to make like a texture pack for the sniffer when it came out like a year ago we never played on that version so there was no point well

That’s the only that was the only reason why I was going to play on that version was because of that we weren ches Idol the sniffer how is that he worships him and go after them feet sniff sniff massage massage I’m a bit lost here got a map stupid continue through the castle

Meaning you just explore Chase that’s all you’re doing you’re exploring but like I’m supposed to like get a key I had you got to jump through picture frames or anything you got to jump through picture frames going through doors you just explore there I’m I’m stuck in this room I can’t

Go anywhere else but this room do you see a painting on a wall not yet I think that was a painting right in front of you no this one right here yeah did you jump through it can’t jump through it you can’t so that means you already went through it

Yes I’m looking for a key it say it said the sword has been lowered but I go to the swords and it’s like I don’t even see what the hell changed oh it opens a a doorway opens a little basement so you got to you got to do

Both of them you got to lower both of the statues oh I got to lower both of them I swear to God I went to the second statue and I was clicking around God damn it you got lower you got to lower both of them and it’s going to show you

The basement to the key there’s there’s another dude trapped in here like figuring [ __ ] out oh for [ __ ] sakes do you so have any of you had Taco Time no shut [ __ ] up is that like bullet time but with Tacos yeah you have to dodge them really quick or

Else uh you’re going to get splat by a taco it’s Taco Time come get your raining tacos from out of the guy I followed the instruction today it was really good I had a veggie burrito and it was awesome we don’t we don’t know what you’re talking about I just eat red

Meat I don’t even know what a taco is with the silad of course Taco Time is like Taco Bell but like good Taco Bell but good like it feels good to eat and been not killing the [ __ ] thing for two centuries I [ __ ] hate this lady she’s being a pacifist what do you

Expect her to not be [ __ ] stupid that’s what happens when you do pacifism for a whole two centuries yeah [ __ ] pass F my foot up her ass Jesus Christ wow I’m talking to a big frog big frog name him chomping ton the second I’m doing a quest called shattered mines chatter mines shattered mines like mind shatter chartered mindes man I don’t like that sound sound like someone’s burping listen when someone says burp it

Does not give you the inv into the mic sir it just happened they just did it just to do It imagine all his viewers just left that sounded gross I charged that one perfectly you charg that one your guts I mean I could do that if I wanted but that’s just dis it’s just gross vouching into the cam into the uh microphone good way to get people to

Leave your stream no they must suffer as I have suffered as you have suffered yeah but why do I have to suffer but you making everyone else suffer chaos I cannot be restrained May chaos take the world may chaos take the [Applause] world this is taking Forever the only reason I made as much as I did that first time was because I had like gotten lucky and got some diamond in the Rock oh now we’re playing dropper right level 73 mobs trying to to get out of Here go go go go this place is godamn dangerous jeez Louise it’s kind of funny doing something as a joke and it being like an actual secret what do you mean I attacked the painting on a wall just as like like I don’t know for no

Reason but it broke and there was a secret passage behind it Oh I want wings too bad maybe you should get a job maybe you should get better jokes the bathroom you talk jealous was CRA once no no no I’m not entertaining that one I’ll mute you they lock me in a room no okay you’re both muted a rubber room with

Rats wait what’s happening the rats drove me crazy crazy that was crazy ones they’re lock in a room I love not having to deal with crazy rat with rats what the rats what about the rats they’re stupid I muted them Debbie they’re awful evil people the rats they make me crazy the rats

Made them crazy apparently crazy I was crazy one they were crazy on Ste right right I had to deal with them too probably the mod pack it made me insane that’s cool as [ __ ] [Applause] awesome die here am I about to fight dollah [Applause] eternal what the [ __ ] is this this is a whole boss fight same I to am a whole boss fight Who is boss well there’s [ __ ] a million of these dudes here the for match up with one other player what are you talking About this it’s the green eyed one oh my [Applause] God I really need to freaking figure out a better way to make some money holy no no [ __ ] I was so goddamn close what happened I [ __ ] died when it had 3,000 HP cuz they started going ape [ __ ] and started [ __ ] oh they just started tell I hate

That attack oh God that’s irit damn it man yeah I had to fight that thing too I think the real one is the one with the green eyes I was I was I I knew which one was the real one the entire time that never was a difficulty

But the orange ones kept I think I need to kill the orange ones too because those ones hurt Chase have you ever tried getting a pet no I don’t have pets you know you can get one for free they don’t deal that much damage

Deie I know but they kind of help me a little bit with my missions you know just I don’t even know how the hell to get to that house like when the chicken be fighting he sometimes helps a little bit keep them distracted they distract that’s big I don’t think they

Do or they just do damage for me while I just heal up yeah they do a little bit of damage that’s for sure yeah never felt like it was like massive though man this is annoying this is like every single [ __ ] time I’m like nearly killed a

Boss it [ __ ] me up it’s annoying where the hell do I even go I don’t even remember where I go it’s so annoying that’s why I try very hard to avoid dying yeah I’m doing that too deie not hard enough clearly apparently not now I have to go all the way

Back I don’t understand why when you’re in a quest like this it doesn’t just send you back to the start or something like that I don’t know cuz I I legi I legitimately don’t even know how to get back to where I just was I don’t remember the way to go

I’ll probably make you use the Wei more often wey I’m a bit frustrated with that that’s really lame if they making use the weaky more often then there’s something about the Wii the Wii yep I’m just thinking it could be something about that wikii you thinking I hate how you say Wiki

The wiy the Wey the wey the wey do you want to look at the weaky let’s look at the weaky you guys are going to give me a [ __ ] stroke what are you trying to stroke stroke a nerve yeah that’s what you’re doing you’re [ __ ] to pop a blood vessel oh it wasn’t definitely wasn’t [ __ ]

Here cuz that just gave me 20,000 XP for being here I mean that’s some sort of um compensation H but it’s not enough compensate when I get my [ __ ] 30,000 XP that boss destroyed your egoism at that very moment wasn’t much of an ego to begin

With I’m I’m already like not very F don’t really have too much self-esteem to begin with my gosh fny maybe you should eat some more coal I legitimately don’t know where the how the [ __ ] I don’t know where I was I legitimately don’t know you don’t know

How to eat coal you got to pull up the wey this is what I’m going to do right now pull up the Wii’s my horse 14 sweet dark property owner I murdered him what’s that that’s look weon do I have to go through all of that

Again I just realized or can I skip some [ __ ] I believe you can skip some things I’m going be very very upset if I did all of that and I mean it should be the same thing like a session Towers where you can just skip through certain things oh

My God I’m looking through the wiki trying to like figure out the wi no I’m not calling wey the wey py I wasn’t even like halfway done with the quest that’s Crazy wow Jesus [ __ ] Christ I was not even wow it’s l I was looking at I oh my God my memor is like out of whack this is not the place that I like remember going to God damn it okay now I know where I need to go get a better

Memory no I’m literally going to develop dementia it runs in my family same good yum I’m glad yum you’re glad nice to meet you glad thanks to sh why am I doing this I’m just grooving I’m taking a break from this Emerald grind it’s driving me

Insane I really wanted to work on a project of oh my God what the [ __ ] just happened I really wanted to work on this project where I made a trailer for windcraft I feel like that would be pretty cool yeah know go for it is this the right [ __ ]

Castle oh the left castle princess is in another Castle dead ass though Lor’s in another goddamn castle but I’m not here to save her I’m here to shove a spear up her ass cuz godamn what who the [ __ ] said that is oh no this is the right Castle what am I

Doing who said hey that did not sound like any of you guys I didn’t say anything the [ __ ] oh yeah this is the right Castle let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in

I can skip cutscenes oh [ __ ] okay everything’s un everything’s open there’s no point in going through here anymore what do you Mean what the hell oh I need to go up that’s right yeah yeah yeah yeah I need to go up there we go no what the Hell what is happening am I supposed to be up here are you having a stroke are you stroking right now no I’m getting a bit frustrated cuz I don’t know where the hell to go are you getting flustrated For I legit don’t know what I’m doing wrong like I’m I’m going through I’m pretty sure I went through this door before the only other door that there is isn’t letting me go through it no more the key hole key must be hidden in the room while the doors open there’s no

Point to going in there anymore okay and then I’m just going to get tossed up by these [ __ ] [ __ ] is something did did did me dying completely glitch out the entire wasn’t there something to do if a quest glitches out on you wasn’t there like serp uh I don’t remember I thought you said there was like something that like that universally fixed glitched quests a job oh

Uh uh I would untrack and ret track see if that works We probably need to find the key again but I don’t even remember where the hell the key was man I might need to like figure this out off camera or something cuz I I genuinely don’t know what the hell’s going on it’s saying I can’t go through the door that

I’m pretty sure I need to go through for some reason so I think the quest literally glitched out do you have the wiki up the weaky Debbie please stop like make just look on the wiki just to make sure I ORD my game because I had randoms join it and

Then they ran ahead and a dialogue happened and then they were the one in the dialogue wait are you even playing he’s not no wait you’re not even okay he hasn’t been this whole time this is weird I’m not seeing like how to fix my issue anywhere I just Googled a

Couple things and I can’t see what would fix my issue it looks like no one else is having the same issue as me unless I’m like really dumb and did you look at the wiki yes I just looked at the wiki that’s what I just said I did man sorry

Leave the room and continue exploring the castle means Snoop around I think that Quest is telling you to Snoop around more yeah but there’s nowhere else for me to Snoop around too oh [ __ ] I’m stupid as [ __ ] you’re right oh my God I’m stupid as [ __ ] I didn’t go through

The like I said you have to Snoop around it’s not a speedrun contest Adventure man that’s what you missing Adventure it Y it spent all that time and I I was I literally realization just Yeah Oh jeez Fu what the [ __ ] I instantly got deleted by one attack I had 2,000 Health 2,000 I thought you had like 3,000 or 4,000 I had 2,000 Health remaining and he just did an attack and I just instantly died wow what the hell I don’t remember

Do that anything any attack like that before I got him down to 3,000 but at least the armor what armor are you wearing not very good armor I’ll tell you that much yeah I think that’s why I think yeah my armor is still like level 5 like still 10 levels below I’m

Having the same issue Ser did I would tell you my armor but there’s mobs just everywhere okay so I got a 52 piece a a 60 piece a 59 piece and a 51 piece got to start looting around the 60s yeah at least at least I now know what I need to

Do in order to get back to to the place cuz I on be right back Move fat [Applause] ass just keep strafing they’re faster than me they’re faster than me they’re faster than me oh they’re just they they literally do an instant yeah they’re way faster than me wait can I this is a bad idea are you using are you using your um abilities yes I am

Like all of them all of yeah I think the ones I I used to evade from his attacks were the um it’s like the vanish one where it just that’s de remember different classes right so I think that’s why I got it easier it made him confused and I just strike from behind

Come on come on don’t [ __ ] duck and weave duck and weave I know I am where where where where where kill it kill it so close so close so close what what just happened it just got back all of its Health it shouldn’t it just went from 30

Health it just went from 300 health remaining back to 45,000 I don’t I think the Clones might be healing him but it’s best to oh oh oh yes yes yes yes yes yes it’s third stage yeah yeah yeah yeah Focus him focus and I died again wow oh my god dude it literally did like 3,000 HPS worth of damage

I’m watching your stream too to see the uh replay I think I got I think I got double pinned by like it’s one it’s water oh my gosh I’m back did you miss me I think when it does that attack that’s when you should try to evade it

At all costs I tried I literally had no re I couldn’t react to it oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God what the [ __ ] is happening why why why why okay I need to go back now cuz I needed to do something and I don’t

Know why I thought I was in a safe spot H h I might just simply be too underleveled for this kind of kind of boss I’m starting to realize that I’m like I I’m probably like rushing a bit through some certain quests yeah yeah but also some of them are like you can start them or you

Really should and I don’t really agree with that yeah cuz it says the minimum combat yeah I think I should just give up because I have to get through like a whole third phase and that’s not even like the I actually you know what I’m

Going to give it oh God I’m going to give it one more go one more chance I’m going to give it one more chance before I give up oh you know what you should do what get some po buff potions like oh [ __ ] you’re right defense and strength

Are really good one yeah you’re right I completely forg about those might be time to whip it out cuz if you’re getting close to beating it I bet you can do definitely do it if whip it out whip it out Oh sh knows a lot about whipping it out if you catch my meaning are har har har are you referring to that video I sent you the the cat wh na ne oh no I’d forgotten about that thanks for reminding me scubb what’s that one about again

That moment when you jump with your horse thinking you’re going to get you’re going to jump over the river and then you don’t because you’re stupid and you’re fat I forgot vindicators are 1.12 I forget how like old a few features really are God when they when they’re able to

Like update it to at least like 1.16 they’re going to have so so many blocks to play with it’s going to be insanity if they level if they update it [Applause] too see okay Dr some potions and I’m ready to mingle God wait that they those cost way

More than I thought to [ __ ] buy damn yeah why’ you start leveling up like crazy start costing 2,560 Emeralds level 7 any chest plates well the health regeneration is pretty good but it weakens spell damage main attack damage and minus three intelligence come on I’m I am saving up my Mana to like charge at him and like Escape [ __ ] plus it has more Health too than my previous

One damn that one [ __ ] attack is irritating as [ __ ] to deal with I feel you damn it damn it damn it damn it what’s happening what’s happening they’ll like block my vision duck and weave duck and weave trying he’s One Tap don’t fumble this he’s not one tap that’s only third

Phase if you get the meme he’s only one tap don’t fumble this yeah yeah yeah yeah how is this a high pixel Sky Block knockoff oh this is so much better than never call this a knock off everything these days is a knock off this was before Sky Block by a

Lot this server is like about as old as Hypixel anyways probably as old as me debie no de you’re older than this trust me yeah I know might be you might have played Minecraft as long as this has been around yeah around 2011 2012 so should I play it

Absolutely this is a great game to play I did it I killed the boss just as all my potions started running out good game I’m not even [ __ ] like halfway through this Quest I I accidentally got spoiled a bit third times a charm wait is that it just says

Exit right there what the hell third times a charm it always don’t forget to watch the fourth painting before you go fourth painting what do you mean fourth painting means you got to jump into it means more dialogue more story more arcing and more that stuff Hollywood type Cinema Now they come out of the ground isn’t it bro she just actually just let him [ __ ] [ __ ] I am almost done with all my quests on this page a lot of check Marks cannot start got to be level 80 oh that looks [ __ ] badass Coan realm of light four finding the light oh boy how many times do I have to find this light starts to become a reoccurring Theme man she’s watching her friends die and she still refuses to try and kill this thing that’s unreasonable like come on that’s why she sucks at being whatever she’s doing she’s like an angel but she like sucks is the other guy talking streaming too yes he is this key deie No I’m no I’m mostly you I’m just a video maker of course stop eating I hate that you’re eating Chas just oh I muted cake Hello friends how are you man Yeah man I feel your auto correct does suck sometimes it just types whatever it Wants level 70 chest plate mostly a health chest plate Hey sir so what does it mean if um if if Health uh Health regeneration have percentages on a side is it like a chance are those like chances uh so you have the solid number and the percent the per like the percent

Modifies what you already have while the solid number just adds or subtracts from what you already have okay is so solid number flat rate it affects you percent percent based okay yeah main attack damage 0% 6% oh all right should I worko I’m Swedish so it’s

Going super wyberg I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means I would rather we the cloak of Luminosity since it has all the defense upgrades where where is it I swear to God I saw something here this dialogue history the [ __ ] I have been cleaning out my storage and selling it for some

Monies the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is that you got a lot of stuff in your um inventory Chase yeah and I also what the [ __ ] just happened okay so what was the point of me getting a blue cat mushroom what was the point of that I didn’t even give it

To him like like what’s the point consume the shroom consume the shroom who who who had shrooms before shrooms I mean Pizza well I said you know eating pizza with mushrooms on it yeah but I’m talking about like the ones that psychedelic mushrooms yeah those nah I’m too cool for

Those I wonder what it looks like or how it feels I wonder how it goes um okay so continue exploring the castle is it like a secondhand high or is it like stronger than weed I really don’t know and we should never know unless you grow some yourself then you know what it

Is but they might be illegal oh I see how this goes okay I’m a genius I figured it out by the way is this hard to get into not really I got into it easily and I’m a dumbass here we go again I’m dealing with lii

Again no [ __ ] her all my homies hate lii I am trying to awaken the guardian of the forest to receive its guidance but it refuses to budge it’s because you suck at your job miss this is part four level 71 and she’s still doing bad Chase like I am very

Disappointed very disappointed I’m very disappointed in her power to save the world like who gave her these Powers um some God who is like oh yeah she’ll be fine she’s powerful with them she didn’t take into the into account that her dumb ass would literally try and reason with [ __ ] [ __ ]

Demons I beg you once more awaken us two us two seek your wisdom I don’t think you need wisdom I need the wisdom you don’t deserve it what’s going to happen is this tree is going to let me in somehow and she just starts coping she’s probably been coping for

Two centuries for once you used the word right debie yeah yeah yeah I just realized my fans have been going off this whole time and I they probably were getting caught of L saying how do you do that oh you see it’s called doing your job

Yeah got to find it on my own while you just sit there pondering with why you can’t do a simple Thing you only had one job is to defeat the demons I bet one wouldn’t even be like this [Applause] Broh the forgery they a grabed some random [ __ ] dude I think when is filled with corruption they would rather murder someone that is not responsible for it why not murder lri for not doing her job pacifism doesn’t take you very far sometimes things might have to be answered with

Violence huh why do I sound like some sort of freedom freedom of speech type guy about rights and stuff that’s not even my Context man this is [ __ ] metal for a Minecraft server it’s psychotic for [Applause] this Quest really is long I might end the stream after this Quest cuz jez oh my God that’s just a [ __ ] yeah it is one of those long longer quests oh jeez yeah I said it Already took me like 30 to 45 minutes and some setbacks dick [ __ ] okay we’re good no oh [ __ ] God damn it okay wait you’re panicking at parkour no cuz I used my charge ability by accident I didn’t mean to oh God damn it you don’t instantly die when you do the

Parkour you just get respawned back while everything else you just die I know I’m going to I’m going to head out see how am I supposed to get any footing in order to jump into the next one damn it Ser sounds tired Ser is very tired boy I’ve been sleeping because I’ve been

Exha Ed see it doesn’t even give me any time to [ __ ] it doesn’t give me any time to do any of that oh wait no I could have just flown across the entire time damn it okay now I just feel silly City Phoenix see you a persons good night persons hope you have

A nice rest I know many people want me to stream but I’ve been sleeping sleeping sleeping I did that one time before yeah it was it was it was quite uh interesting I was startled then went back to sleep people made memes yeah Chase still has that a screenshot of me sleeping on just

Playing a mod pack H right now I am just going on in an adventure of course I like Adventures keeps me busy parkour snake oh [Applause] no interesting yeah it’s becoming a little more quiet since everyone’s tired I’m on also just like paying attention the door is locked there must

Be another way how about you go [ __ ] yourself is that Gojo oh that is Gojo so we got four viewers watching hi Gojo how you doing who’s Gojo oh this it’s an anime character some dude in my uh in the world that I’m in has his skin Oh I just realized too that entire fight I had particles me minimal that probably would have helped me you got to start turning them on yeah I turned them all on because sometimes this this this server heavily depends on particles just to Snoop out anything or E just

Jumping through things that’s why oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I accidentally put my I somehow pushed myself back a couple levels I don’t even know I didn’t I thought this was the way to go I thought it was just repeating not repeating but um doing something new

Oh see time to time to go kitty go kitty go kitty go kitty ride Kitty ride kitty go kitty go kitty ride yoink on the floor kitty kitty go kitty go oh hell no don’t tell me I have to [ __ ] do all this [ __ ] all over again oh

Man yep that’s what happens when the server is old did I not just go through this door okay what’s happening what the hell is happening now you start to second guess if you even went to the door or not no I know I did I know I went

Through this door but the everything I just went back like two steps everything just sent me me back because I fell off the edge of something I’m so confused okay don’t go that way yeah it’s going to get a lot confusing as you start leveling and doing things like that it becomes more

Vague yes ky ky ky ky [Applause] go I imagine the quest is for level 80 probably even more vague than than yours well okay am I doing am I being stupid again am I doing this wrong again what am I missing come on man and right now I’m just doing a

Little snake type Quest but it’s real of light 4 I’m still in realm of light three but it seems that my quest is like it’s stuck in an infinite loop with itself yeah that does sound annoying like legitimately the quest is stuck in an infinite Loop oh my God this is so goddamn

Frustrating what is it telling you to do it just enter the last door in the dining hall the issue is is it keeps closing the door I need to go through and then it’s not letting me go through the other door I need to

Go wait I don’t need you do you see the um the cake and the bowl on the on the table yeah I did that I did that a 20 minutes ago and then I went through a little [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] this I’m going to like cheese my way up there

Again I have the I have the technology you have the technology okay it should be okay you should have walked to the left door that’s just open out of nowhere cuz I’m actually looking at this even though the replay is white quite slow but it opened the door on the

Left I don’t think I don’t think I have the [ __ ] no it I’m not I’ve been through that door three times already and what happened it takes me through another thing and then it shits me out and then this door over here opens but it won’t let me through

And then that door will close and the food will disappear man God damn this entire [ __ ] Quest honestly that’s Quest is like so I feel like every single day that it like that it that this that I play windcraft the less I’m kind of enjoying it feel

You like I want to keep praising it but I don’t want to also I also don’t want to sound like I’m whining every time I can’t do anything I feel you I do whine too oh what the hell what the [ __ ] now all the front door op

Okay is talking in chat now okay I was apparently just supposed to go through the door even though remember slash class fixes most bugs ah slcl class well apparently I’m just really [ __ ] stupid and I was supposed to go through like click on the door but I

Went up to the door even though usually you’re noted man your brain is just being fried right now h man they man windcraft just kind of kills my self-esteem this this server kind of just makes me feel stupid most of the time it really does same here makes me feel

Stupid but hey I still push through I mean I’m pushing through too but like I I I kind of feel like I’m just being a whiny [ __ ] most of the time also hello dren how are you man don’t interact with him he’s evil man he could be help he could be um

Helping you man oh he did and I appreciate it despite I’m not streaming but I’m still here to help you a little bit despite you probably keep saying devil no you’re incompetent yeah yeah okay got to shoot the LI Fairy of the library they going to keep closing doors on me so

Disrespectful whoa you do a lot of damage for a level 75 dodg and weave easy I know got time for you fools guardian of the forest information well more dialogue man I hate Lori yeah I feel you she can’t get nothing done nothing all she says oh I

We got this just give me just give me um just give me um 800 more years and we will be having this done and over with 800 Years Gone by she still hasn’t done it yep I think she’s the person that gives out billions of excuses I won’t even trust her to hold

My $20 bill Jerry do you also hate this woman cuz I definitely hate this woman I don’t even trust her withholding my penny she’s going to somehow find billions of excuses of why she lost the penny at this point I’m just insulting hey I got a I got a brand new chest

Plate that’s really [ __ ] good that’s good hey look on the bright side at least you’re getting somewhere somewhere yeah but yeah that’s where I’m going to end the stream because my pudding should be done about now and I’m really tired and pretty frustrated this this Quest took

Took a bit too long for me to do until next time guys have fun do you outro okay byebye peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft WynnCraft #10 Making a Guild’, was uploaded by Phoenix Ace on 2023-11-18 22:00:53. It has garnered 71 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:33 or 9093 seconds.

Playing some Minecraft WynnCraft rpg server with Serpington the 3rd #minecraft #gaming #livestream #live #server #rpg #classes #monk #warrior #dropkick #wynncraft #keydevy #hypnoticake #serpthejester #phoenixace

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    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge)… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More