Join Us: Adopted by Caine Family! Minecraft Fun!

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Oh wait a second where am I right now oh look he’s awake oh finally I thought you were never going to wake up where am I right now I’m a in a cage and I’m just a baby and what am I doing get me out of

Here please please no no no no no it’s okay calm down calm down calm down it’s fine it’s fine Kane will explain everything yes yes just come with me come with me where am I what is this place where’s my family oh gosh and who

Are you who are you who are you you are currently in the household of Kane all of the Kane family is here we don’t know why but you were abandoned out in the middle of the forest so we brought you back here yeah yeah I’m the one who

Saved your life kid without me you would have died in that tornado out there tornado I have no idea what you’re talking about dude but anyway thanks for saving my life I guess oh let’s just start off with introductions go ahead and meet the rest of the family the Kane

Family hey who’s this guy get him out of I don’t I don’t he looks stupid hey yeah who is this loser let’s just ditch him I I don’t this’s just can’t kick him out okay guys come on let let’s be a little nicer to our guest but he looks like

Such a loser okay okay calm down he he’s going to be living with us for at least a little bit to try to get along oh yes that reminds me they’re not the only two here here’s my brother he who are you you’re a loser hey uh that’s really mean

Well listen here son the reason we saved you is cuz we need your help we’re going to be attacked by a group of monster canes and you need to help us build up our defenses wait monster cane group are they going to attack us and kill us what

Are you talking about yes these monster canes have been destroying cane settlements all across the globe and we’re next we I think we only have like 3 hours and if we don’t stop them here this is going to kill everyone else so we have to do this wait we have 3 hours

Until they attack there’s no way right now I’m really scared wait are they going to attack my family too yeah most probably so you better get to work kid oh gosh I’m really scared it’s okay it’s okay okay you don’t have to be scared don’t worry we have a bunch of building

Blocks like these fourwood planks uh fourwood planks what am I going to do with this I’ve never even built in my life I’m just a baby it was a really bad idea having this guy here okay Uncle Kane you can you can shut it you it’s

Okay okay TV man it’s okay we’ll help you just take a deep breath and there’s always room for improvement uh okay you’re you’re right yeah me and my little brother going to go play fortnite you guys go build the base yeah later losers hey you guys need a help we need

Your assistance if we don’t stop these guys you might die as well but come on yeah I’m good well if that’s the case I’m going to be taking away your video games for as long as we’re under threat okay fine whatever we’ll help I don’t

Want to work with this stupid TV guy he looks so stupid and weak hey well as you can see there’s not really very many things we can do to make you stronger but we can try to climb up that mountain over there oh the whole Mountain it’s

Raining and it’s scary how do I do this but there AR bro come on yeah don’t be such a loser it’s easy how is this easy oh my gosh okay I’ll try my best you guys got this this make sure you don’t fall because there’s really no safety

Hazards oh no this is really scary oh gosh okay um ow ow I just fell oh no how am I going to do this I’m going to get up there first hey hey wait up for me guys this isn’t fair if you snooze you lose loser hurry up hey oh my gosh I’m

On my way come on this is really hard though oh no I’m already halfway there oh oh no oh no how are you halfway there there we go oh there we go come on come on I’m getting up there right now this is really hard though oh look how slow

You are you’re look at you all the way down there hey you’re terrible at this that’s not nice a wasn’t trying to be nice I just fell going to cry yeah my word te are you okay I saw you fall uh I’m fine I just hurt a lot seems like the other two

Made it were you unsuccessful yeah oh I I guess we’ll just switch to something more your speed like how about you can try to punch down this tree over here okay okay I’ll try that come on dude I can’t oh just try a little harder

Come on you got this come on oh my gash he can’t he obviously can’t break it he’s a complete loser watch this oh my goodness are you serious right now how are you doing that what do you mean it’s easy don’t worry you’ll learn eventually no he won’t he’s trash could have kill

You just to be kind he’s trying to learn I guess it doesn’t matter we have entire evil Kane mutant Army coming to kill us we need to get a Creator switcher now that’s the only way we’re going to be able to survive everybody what’s a creative switcher it’s a thing that give

You creative Powers it will help us build a defense and now everybody split up look for it first one to find the creative switcher gets a present wait creative switcher oh my gosh right now where is it wait a second it might be in this cave so scary down there you know

What uh Kane watch this dude W wa that was risky are you actually no I I’m Brave I’m going down there I’m about to do it I’m about to jump down it’s really dark scary oh okay okay I’m not I’m not it’s too scary oh my good

Goodness you guys are scared how I just jumped out here by myself but wait how am I going to get up uh well I guess you’re just stuck down there get riddance what are you serious right now all right well I guess I’m going to have

To explore this place all on my own but I’m just a baby and this is really scary all right anyway uh my goodness I need to do this parkour oh no this is really terrifying come on let’s keep going this way and oh no I’m really scared what if

There’s monsters that spawn or something like that that would be really terrifying but let’s just keep going this way and oh my gosh there’s all this lava okay let’s just keep going come on and oh no I got to do this parkour oh my

Gosh Come on ow ow I just got burped by that lava are you serious right now come on I’m almost at the end and there’s a chest and there’s a creative switcher wait what happens if I right click on this creative Swit switcher let’s see what happens all righty and

Let’s go and oh my gosh I am in creative mode I need to tell them I’m literally in creative mode no way right now hey guys how you doing us that loser again oh hey TV man where did you come from I’m still looking for that creative s

Have you seen it I have it in my hand oh oh oh I guess that makes sense you are floating great job I’m so proud of you we only have an hour and a half before they come and kill us so we need to get

To building now oh I have my very own creative switcher so I’m going to be helping helping you build throughout all this I don’t know about the other two though uh you two just try to get stronger just go like punch a tree or something me and T man going to save our

Butts nah don’t want to these guys all right anyway I guess we should start making this house way cooler right Kade that’s true I was thinking that maybe we could build an entirely separate building one made of like really strong materials or why don’t we just replace

The materials with this one and make it really strong isn’t that a better idea because if the monsters come like they won’t destroy our base that’s true that’s true I guess we can try it let’s do it uh what’s a good material for replacing this house like maybe iron I

Was thinking stone bricks uh I’m pretty sure iron is better well I’m pretty sure stone bricks were meant for fortification you do know that they use stone bricks for castles uh are you serious right now exactly all right anyway here we go I got some of this real reinforced red wool reinforced

Blocks what are those uh you don’t know about reinforced blocks are you serious right now what’s the point of how strong are these one sec I’m going to test something H dude they’re literally insane what are you talking about I’m going to see if a block of TNT can blow

It up H dude it literally doesn’t look you can watch it dude and booah there we go I told you wa peculiar I guess we can use more of these in the build let’s do this let’s go now we need to make this base super good because those canes

Apparently are really strong right but wait can’t we just think creative for when they come I’m pretty sure they have like a signal Jam or something that stops creative switchers cuz the other villagers Had Creative switches yet they still lost are you serious right now we

Can’t even do that that’s so annoying I don’t I still don’t know how we’re going to survive this I’m going to be relying on you TV man no we are going to survive this wait relying on me why why would you be relying on me dude I’m just a

Baby well I heard that TV people are very smart and very strong too nah that is total cap yeah he’s definitely the weakest one here wait where are the others anyways uh this guy’s right here oh there you are where have you been oh uh I was uh watching the evil Kane Army

To see how close they were are they close oh yeah pretty close what do can you please help us with the house we’re trying to make it more fortified to defend against them well I don’t have any blocks oh here I’ll give you some right now dude all right here you go I’m

Going to give you some of this reinforc red wo wait a second how are you flying uh I’m in creative mode dude I found the creative switcher what are you talking about you managed to find found the creative switcher my God wait you found the creative switcher I can’t believe

This no one’s ever found it yeah I found it I don’t know how I found it but Kane has one too so technically people have found it right well that was a gift to Kane from his great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather yes yes you are

So right my great great great great great great great great great grandfather was an amazing man he found all the cretive that even exist in this world he was a man of culture oh my goody goodness that is so cool dude but anyway now I’m going to be able to use

This creative switcher to make the best base ever right you are we were really going to need it also TV man I thought of an idea we should make a second floor a floor where we could shoot our shoot like bows off so that we can defend oh

My gosh that is such an awesome idea dude hey what are you doing to my base dude this is M weird uh what are you talking about dude we are literally building this base because we need to get out of here and actually be able to survive these monsters that are coming

The Kane Army is very powerful I heard yeah bro you aren’t even doing anything to help us so you can’t complain what happens cuz I don’t care Bro you’ve always been so useless oh my gosh he’s actually so useless are you serious right now all right here we go I got the

Second floor right here wait should we have some like bedrooms in here too so we can actually like rest and stuff or not do we not have enough time for that probably not if we have extra time maybe but we should focus on defense first I think we should also focus on getting

Supplies that way we don’t have to go out when the cane Army is here oh yeah you’re right we probably should do that how about the kids do that that’s true Junior what do you want can you get us some like golden apples or something Enchanted would be nice I mean I could

I’m not going to but yeah I could I’ll give you some uh really good toothpaste e who brushes their teeth anyway what if I told you you could teach your brother I’ll let I’ll let him go with you all right deal okay you guys go and do that

All right well they’re getting supplies I guess we could just keep building up this base because those monsters are coming soon they’re not exactly monsters they’re like they used to be normal canes but they got like infected by some kind of virus they became evil and started killing it once so they’re not

Exactly mon like an apocalypse that’s so scary I guess you could call it that and wait it’s turning night time does that mean they come out at night that’s so terrifying that may be the case I I haven’t had any contact from the other Villages that get destroyed so I don’t

Know much about them I was going to I’m going to put some reinforced doors so that they can’t break through I also dude that is a goated idea I’m not going to cap only I’m going to be able to open them so then we’re completely safe my

Gosh I love that idea dude here we go all right here we go let’s keep on this and wait this is really good because we could basically hide behind this stuff for bows and stuff oh my God finally a house who are you help help me help me there’s there’s there’s like these

Monster canes that are attack oh my God there’s a cane right here are you okay dude hey hey hey you can come back get away from me you psycho canes they’re coming for me uh what hey come back here bro who is that that that was Jack’s I

Thought he was living in the village next to us wait a minute uh way are the canes coming to destroy us soon okay oh my goodness I can’t believe they’re this close wait where’s my father he he hey you said that you went and checked on

Them I thought they weren’t close what I said they were close not that close they’re in the village next to us that means we only have like 30 minutes well they must have moved while I was building what do you want from me oh mysh we have no time oh gosh come on

Just keep building we got to use some reinforced glass too we are way lower on time than we thought we need to hurry up maybe we should make a third floor like if they take over the first and second we can fall back to the third floor uh

Maybe that’s a good idea I’m not going to lie yeah can you guys move a little quicker I’m getting bored hey we can’t do anything we’re trying our best at least you could put in some help Uncle Kane you’ve just been sitting there doing nothing but I broke my back a few

Weeks ago I can’t do anything okay well then tell your back to get better Easy H let’s see I’m trying to think of other ideas maybe we should make ourselves some armor Some Enchanted armor oh that is a good idea bro no K TV m I want you

To continue on the third floor this part’s good right now I’m going to start making some armor oh my goody goodness that is such a good idea bro so this will be the bow area right and then we’re going to have a third floor as well this place is starting to look so

Amazing um I just want to say TV man thank you so much for helping us you don’t know how much this means to all of us in fact we might be able to survive because of you also are you a little taller you seem a bit bigger than when I

Saw you last what you’re right Kane mom you’re so right I’m so much bigger now it seems like you’ve gotten stronger oh my goody goodness that’s so cool all right here we go so this is where the all the bows will be in Kane are you

Building the armor yes I am it’s it’s in the room where you woke up hey guys we’re back oh oh did you guys find anything good oh it’s the kids uh no we didn’t find any food and we we saw some zombies and like threw snowballs at them

Though it was pretty funny zombies you you what oh did you hear that that’s so dangerous why would you do that you could have let him right to us well we just said that it was funny that is not funny is it funny when you’re going to

Get killed no get back inside right now uh quick quick thing I did realize that there was with the like in the center of all the zombies there was a chest there made B chant and golden apples in there uh a chest does that mean we have to go

Over there and get the enchanted golden apples because enchanted golden apples are super rare maybe oh yeah I guess while I was there I did grab apples golden apples from those chests so uh wait you got the golden apples from the zombie chest there’s no way right now wo

Du it was easy okay this is actually really good I’m proud of you but don’t you ever put yourself in danger like that again don’t tell me what to do but Kane told us to go get a chance to Apples and they’re right there so I’m

Going to have a talk with your father Kane where are you well I was trying to get them to help we really needed those apples and I didn’t know there’s going to be zombies over there okay but that’s super dangerous what if our kids got

Hurt what if we all died for the giant mut canes oh my goody goodness guys I feel like we should not be arguing right now the zombies are coming in like 15 minutes and if we don’t figure this out we’re all going to die okay you’re right

But for future reference Kate I’m always right okay whatever T TV man just keep building up our defenses I’m going to get some things settled all right let me think what else I could do and huh let me see what else I can do with this base

All right here we go let’s add some fences and wait what kind of fences can I do wait can I do barb wire uh wa I don’t know where that is all right and there is the wired fence I got it let’s go wait a minute are you placing Bobs

Why that’s that’s cheating you are so I told I knew you were smart yes sir I am so smart for this one so let’s keep placing this Barb Wire everywhere because this has to look great so when the zombies come we actually can survive I’m starting on the third floor there’s

Going to be like our final set back if we get overrun no way right now anyway here we go let’s have this wrap around all the way and wait should I make this like two layers high they are mutant canes they are very tall M M M mutant

What what what does that mean it means very scary and we don’t want to die to them so yes double lit please wait so how powerful are they are they’re like they’re going to kill me or what just imagine this imagine people in creative mode except they can be killed That’s

How Strong they are what that’s actually so scary I’ve seen one even pull out TNT and blow up a house before I don’t know how he did it what are you talking about there’s no way listen here son you don’t know the things I’ve seen them do are

Things no man should ever see what are you talking about I swear I saw the met a man like a half eaten sandwich it was disgusting all right guys it doesn’t matter about that we just need to focus on keeping this place safe so none of us

Will be eaten like a half eaten sandwich you’re right okay here we go and I have another good idea so for this idea I’m going to be making lasers lasers you say I didn’t even know those were available what are you talking about dude lasers are literally

So goated watch this bro I’m wao now that seems very dangerous isn’t that amazing and when when you’re in survival mode you actually hit one of these you are actually done zode it hurts a lot how do that’s really impressive I man if only we knew about this before we could

We could have told the other Villages oh we’ll tell them later we just need to survive this all right here we go we’re going to place that wait I just realized wait I just realiz it started raining like a few minutes ago that that’s true you do have a point what’s causing this

Are they are they getting close uh they might be getting Co close that’s really scary all righty here we go and now for the last set of lasers we’ll do something like this and we’ll put the laser right here and then it’ll connect like that and booya there we go wait

Though that doesn’t that does not add up right let me do that one more time all right here we go and booya wow that looks Fab that looks that just like fantastic they’re never going to be able to get through this dude they are never

Going to be able to get through this bro if they get through this I will literally give them a million dollars but there’s no way they are going going to do you even have a million dollar wait why is no one helping in here why are you guys just sitting around doing

Nothing I’m just really stressed about this okay I I I know I should be pulling in my work putting in my waist and work but I am horrified I’m terrified the kids aren’t helping it’s only you and Kane helping so I don’t really know what to do and there’s they’re probably

Coming any minute now so okay I just got to calm down calm down would you shut up woman how am I supposed to help I can’t fly and you haven’t given me any more blocks are you serious right now are you here take a block what am I supposed to

Do with one block all right here take all this dude okay here I’m going to give you everything these aren’t even reinforced oh my goodness why are you so picky bro this is our life on the line all right here we go and wait we completely forgot to make the third area

Here the third Roof oh no it doesn’t really matter at this point just we’re running out of time just build whatever you can whatever you think will help oh no what are we going to do let me thinking uh I have such a goed idea watch this kid I need your help break

This with me oh I have an idea are you building a moat of course I’m building a mo okay I shall all right here we go so we’ll place this right here we’ll just keep breaking this and here we go we’re going to put some lava wait is there any

Blocks that are better than lava cane lava does a lot of damage really quickly so I do believe lava is the best but there is poison that’s an option oh poison that might be better I think Kane will maybe uh react to that differently or like the mutant canes they might

React to that differently why don’t we do poison if you want if you think it would be best I trust your judgment all right there we go and let’s break this and booah there we go we have now completed the mo of breaking it now we

Have to grab the poison buckets here we go let’s grab these poison buckets and oh my gosh this is goed yes yes it’s all coming together they’ll never be able to get past us never never and if they do that’ll be very terrifying though to be honest with you it would be very

Terrifying it would be if it happened at all yeah they won’t even be able to get through right they’re not that good well I still don’t know they’re very strong well we’re all going to die anyway so who even cares why even try oh EXC use

You yeah I don’t I don’t think we should really try we just need to let’s just have fun in our final moments what do you mean TR are you serious right now kids come on guys it’s okay I’ll talk to them where are you guys we’re playing

Fortnite get your sorry butts out here and help if we all die you’re going with us okay and I will make sure it’s not a fun quick death it’s going to be slow agonizing and painful if you don’t get out here and hell is that understood me

Woman uh-uh oh oh okay fine fine okay you want to you want to play that game that’s it I’m unplugging the Wi-Fi no stop we were just about to win um and I don’t want to die so how about you get out here and help h fine fine yeah

Whatever we’ll help awesome that’s just what I wanted to hear I’m sorry about this TV man they’re just I don’t know what’s up with them they just only talk about fortnite you’re really the only help I have all righty here we go and wait what should we put on the top I’m

Trying to think all right and wait I have such a good idea for to this top layer why don’t we add a ton of lasers just in case they come up here and try to kill us so here we go we’ll do something like that and there we go and

Then we’ll do something like this right here with the shield pad laser and here we go and are Series right now it’s not even working what is going on oh there we go this is actually a very smart idea it’s added a lot to protection we just

Need to make sure we don’t run into these lasers uh yeah you’re right but wait it’s literally snowing right now how is it snowing does that mean they’re coming soon maybe it may it’s either that or this house is just really high in the sky oh yeah it’s probably that

Right probably I don’t think they can it’s definitely the altitude yeah they I don’t think they have the ability to control the weather if that was true I I doubt it just be raining it probably be storming that is terrifying bro I’m not sure about this those monster canes are

Brutal one time I saw they dragged a man into the river oh what into the river no way right now and then they ate him what that’s so scary yeah wait anyway we’re going to survive this okay don’t worry I’m building the best defenses ever we

All know that that did not happen the canes don’t drag people into rivers you haven’t seen what I seen boy and you’re starting to lose your eyesight come on okay Grandpa let’s get you to bed I’m not that old you’re pretty old all right anyway here we go we’re just adding

These little pillars for more stability and weight’s actually starting to look so good all right this base is actually so secure what else can we add to make it even more secure oh wait I have an idea let’s add even more lasers to every C that would be perfect wait I wait a

Minute uh TV man yeah I’m in survival mode what no you’re not come on it’s stop blinding to me you’re not in survival mode if if you were in survival mode I would be in survival mode right like that doesn’t even make sense and what I just cleared my inventory and

I’m in s survival mode right now oh no get inside get inside oh no it’s pitch black outside no oh no this means they’re coming owow ow oh no be careful you don’t hit that come on okay door’s closed behind us come on let’s grab the armor I know I haven’t been super

Helpful but I added like the windows just so that we could have a little more protection oh yeah this is good this is reinforced Windows perfect so uh guys everyone just stay alive uh do not worry and panic uh wait where are the kids I’ll go get them all right I’m going to

Look for them too where are they where are they the monsters are coming soon oh no this is really bad hey get away from us we’re trying to win a fortnite game d we’re so close to winning you guys weren’t even here just like a second ago

Where were you guys uh doesn’t matter stop winning yeah yeah I was just grabbing a pizza I ordered let me enjoy before I die loser are you serious right now yeah and I used to rest for our parents might to buy a separate internet plan so now we can play without well

Losing inter you guys are dead ah we’re already dead have J you everybody dies sometime what in the heck is wrong with you two mom you need to punish these kids on it okay that is it I am putting my foot down well good thing we have

Backup setups loser oh and good thing you guys are grounded for a whole year oh my godness I got to go grab all the gear right now come on in oh it’s all in here oh no I’m really scared right now I really hope I don’t die uh everyone what

Are you talking about oh Kane are they here there’s the it’s the mutant Kane scouting party they outside or door oh no you’ve got to be kidding me oh my God they’re coming they’re coming oh my goody goodness there’s no way right now they’re attacking and preparing to

Attack look our defenses are working they’re working no way right now this is so awesome okay I’m going to use my long bow and Booyah oh he just died let’s go this is too easy yes we might have a chance don’t jinx us you two uh we might

Not have a chance that better oh my goodness there’s way more of them uh dude back up dead oh my goody goodness come on fight them H they’re literally up in the sky too now what’s going on but good thing they’re not in our base it’s pretty easy so far well that’s the

Bad news they’ve kind of surrounded us uh surrounded us what are you talking about surrounded us and oh my gu they’re everywhere come on use your bows take them out what are we going to do there’s so many of we don’t panic that’s what we do we stick together and shoot them all

On once oh oh gosh no he’s in the house he’s in the house guys help me help me help me he’s in the house wait what oh no there was one in the house oh you didn’t even see him how there’s no way how did he get here probably just seeing

Things much like a hle guy over here no I know what he’s talking about they sometimes fly they fly now are you serious right now there’s no way these King can fly do you see how big they are how else could they have gotten in you

Fool that’s the thing say they didn’t wa they didn’t you were saying oh no there’s a lot of them here oh gash take them out take out don’t fight these guys oh that’s really scary come on take out the guys around the walls there’s more

Oh no no way there’s more I’m not sure what he has to worry about I don’t think he’s able to get infected do have a point he is very big excuse you well am I wrong oh no no I was talking about TV man oh I was talking about really well

You’re not able to be infected you’re not a Kane so you’re saying I should go down there and fight them all by myself no sounds good idea to me you got them son you could just take more risks than most of us uh okay yeah I’ll try that I

Guess and wait they got way bigger all right son I believe in you hey hey you just pushed me off oh no oh no no this is really bad we’ll help from up here you can handle it I Believe In You H oh no these guys are really big and strong

No way right now I have to fight them ow ow ow save TV man save him oh no oh no ow ow ow he’s really powerful oh my gosh oh I just killed him the door is open come on oh no why would he do this to me

And kill BL go in the lasers and die oh he’s inside everybody back inside back inside get back inside oh my God are you guys really just sitting there still I don’t know I didn’t want to get up and find my other setup so I was just

Pretending to play fortnite in my head I was doing the exact same thing a that’s so funny when to play some CS that sounds fun yeah oh my God are you serious right now they’re literally not helping but there’s nothing I can do about that I have a I hate to interrupt

But I have a problem I fell uh you fell you’re right here you’re good oh no it’s the biggest ones they’re here to kill us uh what in the okay no I’m going inside I’m going inside this is crazy the massive come on come on they’re almost

As big as you Uncle shut up oh no I got stuck in the poison water oh gosh I’m dying I’m dying someone save me please ow ow ow ow get out of there get out of there I’ll save you with words of encouragement oh my goodness I finally

Just got out that was so scary but these guys are really big and terrifying there’s no way I’m going to be able to kill them there’s no way maybe we can just I don’t know run away or something they have to have a weakness I don’t

Know this is really bad though come on they’re almost dead I don’t think so good this might be the final wave right it has to be there was just so big if they got any bigger than this don’t jinx it yeah yeah they’re definitely not the

Last W oh my goodness come on fight them oh my goodness come on fight them hey hey I’ll kill them behind you behind me what are you talking about oh oh my goody goodness come on just fight them I’m going to push them all to the lasers

Wait this might work oh my gosh it’s working it’s working come on come on I’m pushing them all to the lasers and the barb wire it’s working they’re just tanking this laser H I don’t know how they’re doing it but don’t worry I’m going to try to kill them come on ow ow

Ow why won’t these things die oh my goodness come on fight them I’m killing him I’ve got you oh my gosh there’s one over here let me kill this guy he might be the last one oh no oh no oh no I got a trapped I got him trapped he’s suffocating he’s

Suffocating come on ah come on you’re almost dead and oh wait we just did it no way that was insane bro oh that was I was 100% certain we were going to die thank you so much Ste man you had my utmost thanks oh my goodness gracious I can’t believe

We did it we did it we’re alive I definitely thought we were goners but you saved us all TV man well I got n spad does that help me why would I tell you we’re playing against each other are you serious right now you guys were playing cards the whole time really all

Right anyway we did it guys let’s go oh finally finally we’re survived finally anyways welcome to the family we’re glad to have you yay my son Kane are you having a good time on the swing set what do you mean dad of course I’m having the

Best time of my life right here a he looks so cute oh wait we should get the camera to capture this moment oh you’re right wife we definitely should well this is kind of boring I’m just going to head back home all right well we got to

Find that camera where is it wife I don’t know uh let’s see um is it in here nope uh I’m not sure it would be in the oven or the refrigerator it definitely is not in the kitchen okay um maybe is it upstairs possibly let’s go check

Where is that baby Kane did you hear that oh yeah what what was that I I actually did hear that and um what in the what who is that this is the best swing set ever I can’t wait to show my dad um are you seeing this wife what’s

Going on we need to save Kane what who is this guy okay okay let’s let’s go hey who are you I’m the the one that’s going to be taking you away get over here uh what in the what hey hey hey you can’t take my son what do you think you’re

Doing get back here Dad help he’s draging me away oh my gosh son I’m going to save you I’m going to save you back off oh what in the whatnot you can’t do this right now bro come on this is my son well too bad is there anything we

Can do to get him back of course not you’re going to have to kill me and I’m going to be taking them to a secret location so you can’t no you guys can’t leave like this baby kid are you okay buddy help me please he’s dragging me I

Don’t know how oh gosh I got stuck in this mud oh I can’t move are you serious right now come back here where are you did we lose them oh my goody goodness where is he oh gosh I think we actually just lost our son this can’t be happening my son my

Baby what’s going on what are you to crying about they he I can’t it’s just too much I can’t believe this just happened where’s our son oh no this is really bad what are you talking about what happened uh there was this super scary creature

Who kind of looks like you he’s a little bit skinnier than you because you’re really fat and he was really scary excuse you he was really scary and big and he literally almost killed us and he took our son away he’s gone we can’t find him he what are we going to

Do that’s a bummer anyways I’m going back home hey you need to help brother you’re lit be my brother bro and you’re you’re his uncle he’s our only child oh whatever fine well how are we going to find him there I have no idea but this is really really really bad because he

Took my only son and he’s literally like my best friend and my favorite excuse me uh sorry we just got to get him back I don’t know what to do without him he’s my baby well first things first woman you need to stop your crying what we

Should do I can’t shut up what we should do is look around for Clues to see if we can find where he went yeah we need to look for Clues right now before it’s too late come on everyone let’s look around and see if we can find anything okay

Okay okay uh there’s water and I’m not sure he went this way cuz I remember him taking this cuz I remember him taking my son all the way over here so he should be over here well this looks like something right here I’ve never seen tracks like this before is is this what

Could have taken our child I have no idea have you guys ever seen anything like this I think I’ve never seen anything like this before maybe we should follow these tracks because it looks like they’re every that’s a good idea I we need to find our son as soon

As possible yeah we definitely do because we just had the best day ever and it turned into the worst but we’ll find him I promise but I’m going to be honest y’all should probably just give up your kid’s probably already dead if it’s that the guy the mutant guy who took him

What what are you talking about no way he’s dead he can’t be dead I didn’t say he was for sure I just said probably well we should probably have a little bit of Hope right should we I don’t know man it’s your kid he’s your nephew okay

And what do you want me to do help all right you know what anyway we’re just going to follow these and we’ll see where he is because we need to find him ASAP all righty here what if we don’t find him what will we do then oh gosh

I’m not sure we should probably just have a little bit of Hope okay there’s no hope our baby is gone and we’ll never see him again why that’s the spirit oh my goodness this mountain is so high up oh this is so so tiring where

Are we supposed to go from here oh this is so tiring guys come on let’s just keep walking it should be right around here I kept saw the footprints over there but let’s just keep walking where do you guys think you’re going you’re going the wrong way there’s danger over

Here what danger is our like this crazy monster what are you talking about crazy monster wait who even are you dude I’ve never met you before well I don’t know who are you does it matter I’m just trying to run dude this guy captured me before but I managed to escape oh wait

Did you manage to see like a little kid that like is like maybe half the size of you and like uh he he’s red you know he looks just like me and he’s you know he’s a baby Oh you mean that like corpse he was dragging with him yeah I think I

Did see that I I’m I think I’m going to pass out wait so you’re saying that he killed the kid yeah probably later hey hey don’t leave like that bro what are you doing I can’t do this anymore okay don’t worry don’t worry wife we need to figure

This out right now because you know he could be alive we have to stay positive okay what’s the point they said he died he got killed off we’re never going to see him again we might as well just give up this might be a bad time but I told

You so no we can’t give up yet we can’t give up all right let’s just keep going this way and whoa this is crazy is this his little Hideout because we followed his Footprints and it took us right here I mean these do look like the same

Tracks and yeah this place is pretty neat actually I wonder if there’s any good loot or something hey someone give me a get out of there uh was I the only one that heard that or yeah I heard that too was that coming from this place no

Probably oh I don’t know I I don’t want to go in there it looks a little too um scary well we’re going to have to cuz I think this is where The Hideout is and we got to save our kid he’s not dead yet we don’t know that but the other guy

Told us he was dead I mean he probably is you’re not helping our casade all right anyway let’s go up here and oh my goody goodness this place is so scary oh no we got to do parkour are you serious right now well I think I’ll let you two

Handle this parkour it’s not really my thing what do you mean you need to help us save our kid come on you’re related to him too yeah so go on okay you’re going to leave you’re going to leave a childless mother to do this no we’ll go

Together okay well we will go together come on we got to go right now though before it’s too late oh no and this parkour is really scary what are the chances he’s alive we we can’t think like that okay we just got to get him and figure this out okay but what if

He’s not there what if what if this was all in vain we need to have some hope okay and uh what in the what is this we got a helmet and then we got some armor right here a chest plate what even is that oh oh great we might have to fight

This is this is this is just great okay it’s fine it’s fine wait there’s a lever right here what in the what okay let me just flick that real quick and oh it just lit up all right wife let’s keep going this way come on we got to be very

Quiet though to make sure there’s no scary monsters anywhere okay all righty here we go just be very quiet okay okay in oh my gosh who is that oh no no no no no hey come back come back come back did did you see that uh yes oh he’s

Right there oh we got to go we got to go we got to go hide right here Hide right here okay oh no he’s right there that guy’s really scary but I don’t think that’s the real scary mutant that sto our son but it looks like he’s guarding

This area so we got to get out of here as soon as possible and it looks like one of the lights flicked so we need two more to get out of here okay um oh no he’s right there come on just run run we got to go and oh there’s a lever right

Here come on let’s flick it okay that’s two down here wife grab some of this armor right here we got some leggings some chest plates some helmets all righty let’s go come on we got to go this way cuz this was the area we weren’t able to go to because the guard

Was patrolling okay let’s hurry up I don’t know when he’s going to come back here yeah we got to go quick to save our son come on he should be in here and brother what are you doing here that is that is not our son what do you mean I

Have my ways I just kind of got in here hey can you move your fat buddy move hey watch it hey hey hey ow ow okay I’m sorry D didn’t wait there’s a second lever or third lever actually so I think we got him all three okay wait how’ you

Even get in here in the first place like I said I have my ways anyways who cares let’s get out of here yeah but be very careful okay I would not um who is this esteemed gentleman how are you doing sir oh never mind never mind oh we got to go

We got to go run run run run run saw us Oh no I got to flick this lever right here oh that one just opened come on it should open something up oh no this just opened up we got to run come on oh he’s

Right there okay look what you did F no oh no grab this sword grab this sword oh GHA here guys grab all these swords I’m literally grabbing everything right now wait there’s another lever right there are you serious right now okay um do you

Know where he is is he behind us uh I’m sure that scary prison guard’s literally following us so we got to go as soon as possible and save our son oh no and wait this one is one of three so there’s two more we need to find oh not again all

Right we got to find the second one come on it should be somewhere oh no this is so difficult scary way to go fat so you made him notice us what do you mean I was just trying to be polite how was I supposed to know he was an enemy cuz

We’re literally in the scariest place in the whole entire world what do you mean bro all right and wait I just found the second lever let’s go and now we need one more did anyone find it come on we have no time to waste um no I have no

Clue where it is H I wonder what’s up here wait what in the what what are you talking about what’s up here there’s nothing here dude what do you mean I mean like up here oh what in the what wow I didn’t know he could do that yeah

I didn’t even know you could go up here and oh no this is crazy bro what in the world all right uh is there another lever down there yeah okay flick it dude what are you doing why do I have to do it are are you stuck are you serious

Right now fine I’ll do it okay I’ll flick the lever all right there we go now we have three of the three levers so we should be able to get out of here now come on uh um uh guys um we have a problem oh no guys just stay here for

One second till he gets away okay wait you know what I have a really good idea hey fso why don’t you go uh distract him and yell and run and then we’ll be able to get out of here I’ll have a better idea how about you just sneak behind it

Uh maybe that’s a good idea actually let’s try that all right everyone be super duper quiet oh my gosh okay everyone stand right here where are you guys uh where oh wait where are you oh my goodness come on be really really quiet guys come on we got to go oh my

Goash he’s going this way oh come on come on it should be right around here and oh no I’m really scared and oh gosh he’s right there sh all right uh guys come over here okay and wait I literally just flicked this lever so I guess I can

Open it now and let’s see what happens and oh no this just opened up are you serious right now and wait there’s a chest right here with all these golden apples that is goed oo uh we might not want to let Uncle Kane have any he’s

Already been a little too um guys guys I’m sorry I don’t mean to cut you off we got to go oh what the what is this uh are are we just supposed to jump oh what are we going to do but wait it looks like this just closed on him no way

Right now but he’s definitely calling his friends to tell us that we’re here he has friends oh this is just great probably I mean he’s not the super scary one who stole her son but we need to go okay uh are we supposed to jump no way

Right now uh what does this do anything does anyone want to pull it or I don’t know oh what even is that okay oh I didn’t even realize there was something here all right let’s flick that and see what happens and oh my goody goodness we

Got to jump okay here fat so you go first have to go yeah you’ll be our Landing Pad uh because uh you will make good cushion if um we both jump down so you know what this is a waste of time I got to save my son come on that’s lava

Oh question uh what the what where are we right now are you still alive down there okay uh yeah I’m fine and oh no who wait wow I was not expecting you guys to make it this far maybe it was a good thing I let that twerp go welcome

To my Lair uh thank you Mom Dad look up oh oh he’s alive our alive oh baby I’m so happy this guy is really scar I told you he was alive I knew it uh no you didn’t you had no hope but anyway I’m just happy you’re alive dude I’m so

Thankful we didn’t give up what do you mean alive he’s not going to be alive for much longer see all the lava surrounding us oh no what are you talking about the Lava soon this place is going to cave in and you’re all going to burn with it oh doesn’t that include

You as well I have fire resistance potions I’m what in the what what are we going to do brother well it’s like I always used to say when in doubt give up no we’re not giving up bro what are you talking about you got that right we finally found our son yes that’s

Exactly what you need to do give up cuz all you’re going to do is die now you’re going to fight some of my minions what are you talking about oh no that’s crazy uh be that bad oh no ow ow ow he’s really powerful are you serious right now good luck wait didn’t

We grab weapons oh no this guy is really powerful it’s scary guys come on we got to fight these monsters are you serious right now what if we knock him into the lava in the middle uh yeah that’s a good idea but I’m pretty sure this is fake

Lava cuz it wasn’t even killing me look at this it’s literally fake lava br well there goes my plan hey get out of that lava oh come on we got to fight these guys and save our son save your son that’s pathetic you can probably barely

Beat the zombie let alone me uh what in the what are you talking about why do you even take our son how about to yeah why did you take our son you loser what’s wrong with you you’re ruining our family you’re big you’re fat you’re ugly because I need him for my experiments

What experiments you are going to experiment on a child you’re a psycho wow this guy’s actually kind of nice he’s not attacking you your himself he I bet he could one shot you no he’s not he’s not nice what are you talking about shut up child know your place don’t talk

To my son like that you you weirdo don’t make me kill you right now yeah you guys keep this up I’ll U make sure uh your son is safe you guys should really have told him to watch us die he’s looking a little fluffy we’ll say fluffy oh yeah

We know we made sure he didn’t get to eat any golden apples oh okay I guess that was smart oh don’t worry I already had a stash of golden apples at home uhoh that’s not a good idea you pig wow it seems like you guys could defeat a

Few measy zombies but let’s see if you could deal with some Elite skeletons oh no uh we got to run oh no oh go we can’t just run there’s really nowhere to run oh no this is really scary what do we going to do oh go hey you let our son go

Why don’t you take um fat Kane instead he he’s much more experimental but he’s so fat excuse you excuse you that’s my brother bro no we’re not taking him away what are you doing and I’m not fat fat I’m big bone I would take him I if I

Could I would but I can’t pick him up he’s that fat Okay that was uncalled for ooh that’s that was cold man all right let’s just fight these Monsters come on we got to beat this so we can get our son back oh watch out the coming and

Droves you’re going to die soon come on can you please kill them I’m so hungry I haven’t eaten ever since he traged me here oh it’s it’s okay I I got a little golden apples for you on the way can you break the glass please I’m sorry I I

Can’t breath the glass right now but I promise when we free you uh we’ll get all of your favorite deserts all of your favorite Entre everything you love okay please please I’m getting really hungry don’t worry son I’ll eat some for you what okay you need to cut off the eating

Fatty M some I see a skeletons would cut it I see let’s test out something that you’ve probably already encountered already wow seems like you defeated my skeletons it seems like you guys have gotten stronger trying to get here okay well yeah that’s good but can you let

Our son go please I I I was planning on making a really nice family dinner no no of course not I’m going to be killing you right now with my some of my Elite friends one of them who you might have probably already met why would how about

You just like come over for dinner and we can all forget about this yeah come on please just let us go this is really annoying and we just want to go home with our kid you know I’ll come over for dinner I’ll make mac and cheese maybe I

Will and I’ll blow up your village with it oh oh gosh who is that oh no this guy’s really powerful I know this guy they’re so ugly oh no oh no we have no time to waste wife come on come up here we got to get up here with my brother and Baby

K ow ow I got pushed off are you serious right now no are you okay maybe I should attack your village t What in the what he’s going to our village now oh gosh uh we got to fight the mon this is really bad oh by the way if you don’t beat

These monsters in time this place is going to cave in uh what in the what what do you mean cave in in bro I don’t get that I think he means we’re going to get killed by the lava what oh gosh okay we got to fight these monsters right now

Like seriously right now oh no okay working on it working on it yeah these guys are really powerful hey brother why don’t you help out a little bit what do you mean I am helping I’m protecting your son no you’re just standing around being fat that’s what you’re doing oh no

Come on we got to go and check oh no this is really scary they’re everywhere but wait a second um where is our son why are you asking me you do a horrible job of guarding him you were the one guarding him yeah from the outside not

The inside oh my gosh I’m going to can I can I like kill your brother or something uh what in the what n you can’t kill him bro but our son isn’t even there I was just kidding around I thought you guys were joking you’re you’re joking right uh no he’s he’s gone

Our son is gone but don’t worry he’s probably still I feel laded oh no come on come on we got to fight the rest of these guys but these guys are way too powerful I’m not going to lie we haven’t been a been able to kill any of them I

Don’t think we have much time in until this place starts caving in I don’t are we going to make it I I I really don’t know oh gosh I’m really scared oh no this is really scary and um what in the what guys I think this place is starting

To cave in we got to get out of here right now guys guys but exactly how are we going to do that um uh uh there’s a lever right here let me just flick that what is that going to do oh no I hope that didn’t make our situation worse uh

I I don’t think it did oh there’s water okay uh the lava’s C we got to go like now we got to go like now trust me everyone oh why are they floating in here too no they’re pushing me off the water get me out of here oh my goody

Goodness guys it’s caving in like crazy we’re actually going to die if we don’t get out of here oh guys I got pushed off oh no this is really bad oh no oh gosh oh gosh I’m getting so close to the top ow ow ow oh no oh no where’s our son too

Maybe he took him when he went out oh no oh no oh no it’s caving in like crazy oh my gosh get out of here ah there’s too many monsters right here oh gosh Come on get out of here and oh my gosh this was really scary come on okay well there’s

One thing done but now we need to get our son and and he said he was going after the village oh no what are we going to do and um what in the N that’s crazy I’m going to get to your village first so I can destroy it with my bare

Hands and your son’s going to watch it all what in the what wait so our son’s actually still alive let’s go okay that’s a good news well oh yeah that that’s good but our village is going to be destroyed so I think we should hurry

Up uh I don’t care about that our son is alive okay well I think we should probably just leave the village to be honest uh no our son is there are you serious AR we got to go and other people live there we can’t just let everyone

Die sure we can uh well we can let you die I mean maybe we can sacrifice fat Kane I mean he’s like the size of like 10 people who is Fat Kane that is not my name all righty here we go we got to go back to the town hopefully nothing

Happened come on can’t you move any faster fatty I’m literally in front of you no you’re not that’s just your stomach well anyway since it’s probably going to be my last meal might as well enjoy it what in the white hey hey stop eating our golden apples

Oh no he we have work to do guys guys let the destruction our town no what in the what happened to the K Town you guys seem to be too late and your son got to watch it all and now I can kill you right in front of him no no

Where’s my son where’s my son wow Our Town looks a little different than what I remember but I guess it’s fine we can rebuild right honey are you okay and you’re not hurt did did that mean fatty hurt you no but I’m really really hungry okay uh here’s just a little something

For now oh thank you thank you but Mom terrible news uhoh uh life look behind you he’s right there oh no you’re not going to kill my wife and get away no I was away I Wasing powerful oh my goody goodness I’m actually going to die for

This guy I was going to say that he blew up my swing set Mom oh no come on come on come on it’s okay if we survive this we can make you a new swing set yes oh boy each golden apple is better than the last uh what in the what what brother

What why and the why do you look like that look like what he’s wait what’s going on uh uh what is what is that holy cow how is this Earth even supporting him well I guess it doesn’t matter how big you are you’re all going to die the

Same then I can leave this place the ruin and take her son with me oh you’re not taking our son we have to fight you come on oh my goodness come on fight him ow ow ow ow he’s really powerful oh my goody goodness oh this is painful W you

Are way weaker than I was expecting was your wife doing all the work before excuse me hey come back here you’re done so now buddy ow ow ow he’s really powerful oh don’t hurt yourself honey uh fat Kane can’t you just like Sumo wrestle him or something uh who is Fat

Kane I do not know who you’re speaking to oh what in the what is going on with you brother you’re so big stop eating those golden apples but wait you might be able to use this to our advantage how will he just eat the mutant is that what

You’re saying uh I have no idea but his force is literally damaging him what’s going on well I feel like I’m getting crushed from the inside what’s happening I can’t let this continue take this how dare you interrupt my meal what in the way where’d he go where is he did he

Just one shot him can y’all shut up I am trying to enjoy my meal uh what in the what I think you just saved the day dude but can you stop eating bro oh my goody goodness you got to stop before you get EX well you’ve already passed morbidly

Obese so but now you’re so big you’re on both sides of the family Fatso I’m not faat it’s muscle anyway uh wife we should probably thank him cuz he literally just saved her life I’m not going to lie okay oh oh son Let’s Go son you’re

Okay I’m so glad get out of here yeah I did it Dad are you proud of me of course I am and I’m so glad we’re all okay yeah but I have a question what happened to Uncle uh he just um saved the day basically he he’s the best he’s the best

He saved the day but uh we should probably tell him to chill out now okay he’s kind of scary uh maybe we should thank him I swear if he eats my next swing sag I’ll be really mad oh that was a decent snack I finally

Finished all my apples hey TV man I I found a really cool looking cave down this way we should go check it out uh I don’t know about that it looks kind of scary yeah I’d have to agree I don’t think we should go there I mean it seems

Like a pretty cool idea guys come on I mean this place is a little spooky but there’s nothing wrong with it it looks pretty fun guys come on don’t be babies we got to go I’m not a baby no I yeah I think I’d rather stay back with pomy oh

Come on we never go on adventures anymore you guys are B too scared lately girls come on don’t be babies is it really going to be a boys only adventure oh please not again we only have boy Adventures I want to I want to show them

The world I I don’t know I just come on come with us okay all right pomy if you’re okay with it then I’m okay with that I mean I mean they’re Pro they’re going to be here I guess so like nothing bad might happen I guess maybe hopefully

Okay me and pomy are going to go you guys better catch up hey hey hey slow down bro what are you doing I don’t like this come on come on I don’t know about this one this place is a a little scary maybe maybe we should turn back I I

Don’t know we can we could do something fun like solve puzzles at someone’s house instead of going through a dark scary foras uh all right you know what ragi I have a I have a question do do you think this is a good idea I mean

This place is really dark and spooky and there’s like a cave apparently yeah no in my opinion I don’t think it’s a goodidea idea like at all I think it’s really dangerous dangerous oh come on it’s probably not that scary and oh oh I guess they ran really fast hey guys

Where are you pomy Kane uh guys come on where are you uh this is not funny I think they’re playing a prank on us no I’m starting to get a little bit worried pomy hello Kane pomy oh this is really funny and what uh is is that blood am I

Am I joking right now is is this real no I think that I think that’s blood oh no we’re done Zone but anyway they’re definitely ping a prank on us ready they’re going to be behind this tree and and pomy no I think something’s happened

To them oh no we’re done Z all right no no no no no you can’t think like that Raga come on they’ve got to be somewhere around here okay PNE and uh Kane this is really unfunny if you guys are playing a prank on us tell us now guys please I

Doubt this is a prank but if it is just come out oh no come on this has got to be a prank but uh it looks like there’s a pathway and it goes over into that cave should we just go down there and find them I think at this point we don’t

Have a choice I I’m pretty sure they’re just playing a prank on us there’s no way this is serious like there’s no way somebody help me please oh not kmo is that you why do you look like that kmo I barely escaped that evil place

Don’t go in there it’s evil what are you talking about wait have you seen pomy and Kane do you know who those people are they did bring in two new test subjects so maybe but I’m getting out of here what in the what R did you hear

That yeah I heard test subjects this is a good this is awful bro all right anyway we should probably go in this cave but this place looks really scary oh no I don’t want to go to out here yeah but we got to save both of them so

I don’t think we have a choice uh you’re right we do have to save pomy and Kane because if we don’t save them they’re literally going to be dunzo but this place is really spooky oh no we’re actually cooked this is a really dark and scary cave oh no we just need to

Walk down there it looks like there’s a sign down there can you read that from here I can’t read that from here it’s too far away but let’s see what it says and oh my goody goodness this place looks really freaky and scary pom’s fun house and Kane’s fun house what is this

This has got to be some set up or like a prank they’re pranking us right I would hope they’re not uh I I I don’t know what this is this is literally the weirdest thing ever I mean it says to go to pomy side or Kane’s side I I’m so

Confused cuz this is literally their colors I know which side do you think we should go in um I have no IDE I I guess pomy side right ladies first I guess so pomy are you in here I I I’m pretty sure she’s trolling us she’s got to be hiding

Somewhere around here come on PNE hello I doubt that she would what is this I have no idea oh not this place is crazy H I guess we got to jump on those platforms and make it across oh no no no no be careful Raga all right Raga we got

To go but this parkour is really scary and you got to be careful so you don’t fall I know uh jump uh what is that wait what are you talking about Raga and oh no wait is that Kane I think so but that doesn’t look like Kane uh yeah that’s

Not Kane that guy looks really scary and weird oh no I’m really scared right now what do we do Raga uh there’s a room behind us with stuff oh yeah you’re right there is a room with a ton of stuff in here I guess we should grab

This armor I mean why not yeah I agree but we need to save our friends because I have no idea if they’re actually alive or not let me grab a bunch of armor and Rea we are trapped inside of here what what happened I have no idea bro we

Literally just got trapped in here this is so weird uhoh uh-oh there’s a zombie oh there’s there’s multiple zombies ret the run it’s okay I’ve got a sword look in the chest oh oh my gosh I have a sword too it’s fine ret the come on just

Kill these guys I got oh my goody goodness I can’t even see right now I’m getting so dizzy ow I know where do think keep coming from I have no idea all right come on kill these zombies oh no are you serious right now I just got

Dizzy again okay I I I think that’s all of them oh no uh I think that is all of them and wait there’s a lever right here let’s flick this lever and come on it better open up it did it opened oh thank goodness okay now we can finally finish

This parkour but now we just got a ton of good stuff yeah we we did um I guess we should continue you can go first wait a minute uh it looks like that mutant guys is gone ratha wait what the heck was that just to lure Us in here and get

Attacked by zombies I have no idea but anyway that’s not even important we need to figure out how to save pomy and Kane because there’s no way they got captured in here like they probably did because it’s like Kane and pomy it’s like a prison for them I don’t even know what

It is it’s just weird I know hang on give me a second making my way across Kane uh where are you I don’t know where I am I don’t know I can’t see it’s so dark did you hear that open your eyes I I can hear them I think we need to go

Help them oh my goody goodness so that means they’re actually in here and I hopefully they’re on the pomy side but oh my gosh is there actually more armor and more zombies are you serious right now all righty well I guess we should grab all this armor right ragi yeah uh

Let me grab it this is so terrifying I just want to get out of here this place sucks and uh-oh it just closed again are you serious right now we’re locked in again oh my good goodness wait these are the same guys we saw in the beginning of

The cave Raga look well I guess we got to kill them oh no this is really scary I just miss po the and Kade they’re lit like my best friends I do too help me what What I Hear You Kane I’m promised I’m going to come save you soon oh my

Goodness come on fight these guys oh no these guys are so scary and they’re really powerful they’re literally more powerful than the zombies we were fighting before yeah I’m trying to hit them but it’s not working don’t worry Raa we’ll save the day and we’ll save

Kane and pomy yeah just hang tight guys we’re coming yeah we’re coming even though they probably can’t even hear us because we’re really far away but anyway they should be on the py side right cuz ladies first yeah I hope so all right and there we go we just beat the final

Zombie let’s go and this thing should open up let’s go and now we can press this lever and it should open up yep it’s open oh my goodness thank gosh all right at R we got to make the jump over all the way over there are you serious

Righto yeah but there’s some there’s like a there’s some slime box down there uh yeah well I’m going to jump into do it let’s go oh that was awesome yep got it wait rag do you think pomy and Kane are dead of course not don’t think like

That oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I I just I didn’t know they’re definitely not dead yeah I’d hope not they’re not dead but uh what in the what is this place this place is pretty cool yeah this is kind of odd yeah this is kind of odd and oh

No there’s more armor and it looks like it’s way more powerful armor are we going to have to fight super scary monsters here I hope not I’ve had enough of fighting monsters already facts I am actually so sick and tired of this this is so annoying all right Raga get geared

Up because we’re going to need it and oh my gosh wait uh it’s the guy it’s the guy wait why why is he back hello uhoh Raga I would hide I would hide uh hi where are our friends do you know of course I know why would they not be here

Oh no where are they can we get them back we’re cooked rag were cooked of course I wouldn’t give them back they’re my new test subjects you’ve already came into contact with a couple of them like that kfo fella test subjects no give them back hey raaga Raga back up back up

He is very powerful he has a diamond sword Raga please back up all right all right I don’t even need to bother with you you guys will just die on your own I need to test some of my test subjects anyways good luck oh no uhoh ratha uh

Get out of the water ASAP get out okay I’m climbing out this doesn’t look good for us but at least pomy and can live right yeah but not for much longer if we don’t get out of here um are you seeing this Kane I see like a timer and it says

Like 5 hours is that the amount of time we have to live no no you might be correct cuz there’s TNT everywhere wait let me look for my timer what does mine have 4 hours why do you get more time than me uhoh did you hear that too ragi

Haha ladies first yeah I heard that I think we need to get going yeah we need to go right now okay good thing there’s an exit right here and we can finally get out of here hey hey hey why is this why is this poison ow poison uh oh ow ow

Oh oh W what the heck oh no we’re done Zone who is that oh no wait Jax Jax is literally a mutant oh hey Jax hey buddy wait we’re best friends in the amazing digital circus but hey ow ow okay I’m sorry man okay I’ve got most of them oh

No these guys are really powerful and are these guys who are eating pom and Cane for dinner these guys are really scary I hope not well they literally have a TNT timer and we have no time to waste I think yeah so we need to beat

These guys as quick as we can yeah we literally do because apparently they have like 30 minutes or like 5 hours I don’t know but we need to get there as quick as possible come on should be the last one oh there we go okay we finally

Beat them and uh hopefully that’s it oh ragi there is an opening right there let’s go wait where oh right here okay good yeah you’re literally standing on it are you serious right now what what is this place uh Raga this is a cage but no one’s in it

Wait Did We go on the wrong path uh Raga are you hearing that yeah uh this isn’t good get out of here get out of here I hear sirens oh no we’re cooked get out just get out oh no this is really bad okay oh oh we got to hide from the

Security there’s probably security everywhere yeah we need to get out and go down the other path cuz they’re clearly not here uh we got to get out of here oh hey it’s my twin sister what are you doing over here okay okay I’m going I’m going I’m

Going where are we going to go where are we supposed to go just jump on here oh gosh ow oh that was really painful okay uh all right are you trying to run uh ragi who is that oh no we’re actually done Z go go go I don’t know who that is

That looks like me but that’s not me wait RI I didn’t know you had a twin sister I don’t oh no go Raga go this place is so haunted are you serious right now she does have a twin sister she just hasn’t introduced you to me uh

R we got to go to theide come on just get out of here I don’t know who you are okay uh do I have any blocks to cover up uh-oh no I don’t uh the armor sand that’s not going to work well it’ll buy us some time uh here have some glass I

Have some oh yeah just put that glass there oh my goody goodness oh she can’t get up oh no no no no oh yeah there we go okay any way to treat your sister you’re not my sister I don’t know who you are let’s keep going Raga what is

Wrong with this place oh no I really hope Kaden pom are okay me too this looks like we’re in a maze now yeah this is really terrifying oh my goody goodness come on and this is literally Kane’s colors too I know this is this is so weird yeah this is really weird I’m

Not going to lie and oh my goody goodness what in the what is going on I don’t even know where we’re going well over here is like a light switch oh there’s a light switch oh wait let me check if there’s more light switches oh

It looks like we’re going to have to get all the different light switches throughout this maze well I see one over there I see you guys where are you going ragi we got to go we got to go I don’t know how she got through that um

Uh-oh we’re actually done zo all right let’s just go this way come on we got to get around all right oh gosh and oh no is this a dead end it might be a dead end oh it just takes us right back to the start are you serious are you

Serious right now you’re not very good at mazes excuse me would you you just stand in one place so I can kill catch you I think we need to get going uh yeah you’re right ragath we need to go but we literally just made a full circle we

Weren’t even able to figure out where it was it uh-oh it looks like she’s right there wait is she on the other side of that oh no she’s not ra the run ra the Run ow ow ow ow ow run uhoh uh did we just get another dead end oh no oh no

Juk girl out ow ow ow ow ow she’s really powerful too are you serious right now I don’t know what to do right the uh-oh we just got another dead end okay go this way oh gosh oh this is a dead end this is a dead end oh no I think she might

Infect us if she hits us too many times ra get the Run she’s right behind you I’m running I’m running get back here uhoh all right let’s go this way let’s go this way and oh my goody goodness we just made another dead end oh no we’re

Actually so bad at this speak for yourself I’ve been trying to find the exit you really are oh wait there’s one right there but we can’t even reach it because she’s right there so I guess we should go to the other one first yeah probably come back here uhoh and oh no

She’s right there she’s right there okay I’m going to Juke her out ready she’s going to walk that way and I’m going to run right around her all righty and here we go oh my gosh it just worked all right here’s another one Raa don’t worry

I’m getting this one right here and it just lit up all right great oh no what are we going to do um I’m going to get this one right here wait there’s another one ra grab it oh you got it oh my I think I saw one more oh my gosh we got

The second the third one actually where where where is she at oh it’s right there it’s right there you see that one right there how are we even going to get to that one though I don’t know okay there’s got to be a way in oh Raga I

Just figured out a way to get over there let’s go wa how did you well you have to go around basically but it doesn’t matter anyway we got to save our friends yeah hit that one and let’s go through the door all righty and boom there we go

We got it all right it should have lit up and now we could probably leave this place yeah the door’s open I see it oh my good you goodness come on let’s go I did not go the right way uh ratha oh no oh no ragi come on before that scary

Ragi comes back and tries to kill us come on we got to go all right I’m going I’m going all right so TV man I have a plan how we’re going to tackle that so you’re going to have to go in and you’re going to have to fight and be the

Distraction I’m going to break out P me and Kane and we’re just going to run for it wait what are you talking about I didn’t even see this place yet and um uhoh poy and Kane are literally in there right now hey who’s that handsome looking cane fellow below us oh he’s so

Ugly I don’t want to die there’s so much I haven’t done yet I didn’t get to tell the guy I like that I liked him and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me and and I won’t get a wedding and then and then we won’t have our five kids in a hamster

And that’s probably Jack hey get a grip pomy don’t worry about that I can see TV man rag the way over there they’re going to save us what did you say TV man you mean that weird Intruder from earlier there’s no way he’s probably already

Dead oh Raga they think we’re dead oh no all right so this plan’s probably going to work then so you need to cooperate and fight uh that mutant Kane but he’s really big and scary I’m literally going to go over to him he’s just going to

Kill me one shot like I can’t do this this is too scary all right all right here take take my ax I I have a good ax I’m scared I’m just going to go walk away this is too scary no come on come on come back we need to save our our

Friends oh you know maybe you’re right where did Evil Raga go I could have sworn I sent them to go kill him where’d she go uhoh uh did he really send her to kill us oh no probably okay listen get a grip we need to go save them so I feel

Like this is the only plan that could work cuz I don’t know I don’t think you could probably get up there and save him you probably be better at distracting no offense uh excuse me you know what maybe you’re right okay uh I guess I’ll just distract him uh SC toilet’s better than

Amazing digital circus guys everyone everyone knows that uh hey uh uhoh that wasn’t that was probably wasn’t good to say excuse me though how wrong you are you’re dead for that oh gosh I got to go oh no this is really scary uh hey buddy

Oh no oh no R get him out get back here I can’t get them out I can’t get up uhoh uh what what’s their next plan I don’t know what to do Raga this guy’s really big and scared he’s trying to chase me and he’s probably going to kill me wait

I got I I got one I got one all right let me get to the other side okay uh I might have to jump but uh okay oh no you got there you got it jump down on the throne jump down on the throne you mean

My Throne get off my Throne right now back guys ra R relax relax relax he’s really powerful I will kill you where you stand all right uh guys we can’t leave Kane here we can’t guys just go without me you already saved pomy that’s good enough run no we can’t leave you

Okay yeah let’s run we can’t we can’t leave you wow pomy fine we’re going to go we’re going to go oh no got go we got to just go come on come on guys everyone run uh welloh that’s it we’re dead we’re done we’re we’re goners a good thing

Evil Raga set off the alarm system now you guys can’t get out there’s got to be a way out right no we’re just going to die we’re done for it we’re dead no we’re not we’re going to survive I at least got an Axe and hold him off for a

Little while well I guess scary big is no longer an option you guys are going to have to fight him I believe in you sorry TV man pull out your weapon uh okay um I I don’t have anything I think I’m just going to sit back and observe

All right stay stay safe here take a bone or take some rotten flesh that’s what I have and a bucket and some spider eyes that’s not helpful what am I supposed to do with this DIY uh wait wait here here oh I actually have some stuff here take some iron wait I have

Diamond stuff here take all this wait what wait you expect me to fight that at least somebody has a good head of their shoulders none of you should be fighting you should all just give up your lives uhoh no he’s right all trying to be the

Hero are we ratha well maybe you’ll be the first to die oh no everyone go oh gosh oh no we got to figure out what to everyone fight him I am you’re so small you guys are just too weak for me this is it wouldn’t even be satisfying I’ll

Just let my minions handle it what oh no everyone run oh my good goodness e there they’re so fat it’s okay it’s okay guys just defend yourselves knock them in the lav we got to save Kane because wait wasn’t there a timer for when this place

Was going to explode too I know guys please my timer says 30 minutes uhoh we’re done Z but anyway we probably got this okay just knock them in the lava that should be the easiest thing you know what I’m shortening your time to 5 minutes what why would you do that what

Happens after 5 minutes oh who knows uh the place goes boom probably maybe all I know is there going to be a lot of ugly F you’re really weak aren’t you I know back off it’s okay pom he’s mean he’s so mean maybe I could use you guys all of

My experiments I’ve been running out of test subjects you can’t do that I won’t allow it uh I think I’ll pass you barely hurt me you really think you can beat me back off Raga back up Raga back up okay that that’s not a good idea I will cut

You down I don’t want to kill you let’s see maybe I can lock you up break your spirit uh-uh I’d like to see you try I’m at my Breaking Point with you loser hey come here you’re done ow what you guys didn’t have bows before there’s no way

Whoa ow ow hey hey buddy buddy this is what you get I’m really angry get in the lava oh wow he’s going H come back here come back here I’m using all my Force now hey Hey ow I’m in the lava oh no get

Out of the lava oh ow oh why I’m in the lava no die die you’re done dude you’re a loser oh W oh my gosh I I I think I just killed him yeah I think you did oh wow you don’t see that every day yeah you

You really don’t Kane let’s get you out of there uh should we get Kane yeah let’s get Kane well thank goodness the timer says 30 seconds run oh no we got to get out of here 30 seconds come on the Way’s open the Way’s open the Way’s

Open the Way’s open all right let’s go no come on go go go everyone get out of here wait this whole place going to explode oh my gosh it just exploded but this place going to explode too oh great Ma I fell in the pit uhoh we got to go I

Dodged Kan okay have a question though how did you guys even disappear in the first place like me and ragi were literally just walking around and you guys just disappeared technically it’s ratha and I but um he just kind of yed us that’s it that’s basically what

Happened yeah for a guy that’s that size he’s actually very sneaky come on we got to get out of here ow ow this TNT is really powerful come on is that come blood oh no come on we got to go oh gash and oh oh my goody goodness it’s

Literally daytime and wait where’s everyone oh py ra where’s Kane Kan come on Kan I’m trying this is scary can you okay apparently so I picked up some blocks dude look at these uh can we never do that again guys that was literally the most stupid idea I’ve ever had in my

Whole life like I don’t know why you guys chose to do that did I tell all of you it was your idea exactly I didn’t know there was a scary mon down there well the girls were white we shouldn’t have gone period yeah I I I think the

Lesson learned is if there’s a spooky cap don’t go in it yeah T man I think I think they Lon is just listen to the females no uh yeah they were definitely right yep sorry girls I will just listen to what you guys said let’s just go home

Just make sure he’s just stays god let’s just let’s just leave actually let’s go right now wait a second where am I right now Kane is this one of your friends hi there it’s nice to meet you I’m his sister wait a minute TV man you’re not

Supposed to be here while you here hey chill he’s kind of cute you should let him stay no no no no this can’t do he cannot be here hey why did you push me off are you serious right now guys why did you push me off that was so mean

Kane I thought we were friends bro we are friends but this one chunk is just for me and my sister Kane relax he can stay look at him he’s so adorable this is exactly the reason why I don’t want him here he’s flirting with you he needs

To get off here now hey I’m not flirting with her are you serious right now she’s flirting with me anyway I don’t even want her like that anyway we are literally on one chunk so we need to start building down because this place is going to explode probably so we need

To get to the bottom before that happens yeah and you will not be joining us for that me and my sister are going to be doing this alone how we planned you are just going to stay right here to explode with the chunk yeah TV man get out of

Here I’m the only guest that’s supposed to be here you seem to be mistaken get out or not are you serious right now what is happening anyway I’m just going to build my own base and huh there’s got to be a one block somewhere around here

Let’s find that one block and it should be right there and oh my goody goodness I just found the one block hey hey hey hey that’s all one block I said we are not doing this with you go into the house and just I don’t know just beat

You Kane it’s fine he can work with us we could use the extra help fine fine but he doesn’t get to travel with us downward the only thing he can do is break this one block and maybe build us a house or something M some lucky

Potions maybe you can win my trust by getting us some good items from them just look at him I bet he’s going to get the best potions you probably have Insane luck TV man uh I definitely do have Insane luck Lu and here we go are you serious right now okay that wasn’t

That bad oh that wasn’t that bad throw another one down let’s see what we get all righty and oh no oh no oh no uh not that bad huh look what you did TV man you ruined everything get rid of these Bobs oh no I fell this is why we can’t

Trust TV man let’s get him out of here but no he’s kind of cute I like him can we keep him no we he cannot stay and we need to kick off this rabbit as well okay that part I can agree on Jax is a bit annoying huh I haven’t even done

Anything exactly all right anyway we should probably break this tree so we could get some resources so we can actually build you know a pickaxe and you know dig down and stuff hey uh TV man I want to tell you something uh what’s up Kane sister I don’t know if

You should be that close to me though because uh Kane was really mad at me that we were hanging out just just ignore him he he just gets over protective of me I’m his sister after all but you know I really like you okay so we can be friends and whatnot we can

Chill as long as like Kane doesn’t find out oh what in the knob we can’t hang out that’s really weird Kane’s going to be so mad if he figured this figures this out so what Kane can’t hurt you well he can’t hurt me but no yes he can

He could definitely hurt me he could literally fly and he has like superpowers he’s super scary well don’t you have superpowers or something uh no not like Kane there we go hey hey what are you doing get away from my sister right now hey hey whoa whoa I’m not

Doing anything dude she was talking to me oh yes sure sure come on let’s get away from that I already sealed up the one block come on hey J what are you doing in here just hanging wi get out uh I don’t know it’s pretty comfortable it

Sorry Kane it was it was my fault I was just talking to TV man about like stuff and whatnot nothing weird why were you talking to him in the first place I told you we need to get away from this guy he’s not doing anything and plus he

Seems really nice well I’m your brother and I’m trying to protect you he can be a dangerous fellow we should kick him off while we have the chance no we are not going to kick him off he’s good company and I kind of like him okay like

No get I’m killing him right now hey Hey ow ow ow stop it stop stop okay okay I’ll give him one chance I did say earlier that he’s only allowed with the one block and possibly build a house so I’ll give you one chance build us a

Decent house and I might let you live uh what in the N you want me to build you a whole house exactly while me and my sister are out completing this one chunk you’re going to be building us a house to live in afterwards uh but doesn’t

This chunk explode yeah it will and you’re going to be in the house that you build so you can die with it all right let’s turn into creative and Booyah there we go now I’m in creative mode all right so since you got this pretty

Handled TV man I just get to chill right Kane and go down with you guys no no no I know how much you love just chilling so I’m going to force you to help them or you’re going to explode with them dang well yeah about that I don’t think

I’m going to whatever wait what what the heck is this well if you’re not going to help then you get to stay right in there being able to do nothing and everything fine I’ll help well just let me out well I don’t know we can keep Jax in the cage

I mean he’s an animal after all he’s a little rabbit we can feed him carres and whatnot and plus TV man will probably do a way better job just working by himself look at him go wait a minute hold on a second TV man this is not the design we

Would want we would have wanted at all wait who’s we what are you talking about what do you what do you want that there’s not a single shred of red or pink in here don’t you see our main colors uh are you serious right now so

Am I doing a bad job no no no you’re doing a great job Kane is just being a bit um Moody today why are you trying to protect him he’s being useless like usual well I kind of like him okay he’s really cute what n that’s crazy I must

Mard you like cute like a puppy right it’s like a little dog right all I mean there’s more than one definition of cute but yeah he could probably fit all of them that’s it okay TV man if you don’t do a good job at this house if it’s not

A hundred perc of what I wanted to be your dead on the spot oh what n that’s crazy I’ll give you 10 minutes all right anyway here we go we got the initial part of the house but what else can we add to this base to make it better for

Kane and his sister all right well for this part we’re going to add some reinforced glass and wait this looks way better well not really looks better but Kane’s going to think it’s way better to be honest okay sister let’s start doing this one chunk like we like we were

Meant to do come on yeah of course all right it looks like they’re starting to dig down but oh my goodness we got to keep doing this this with the windows uh TV man since you’re in creative and all can you just let me out of this cage

Please uh let you out of that cage I don’t know if I’m going to do that little bro I don’t want KY get mad at me don’t be such a scaredy cat what’s wrong with you what’s the worst Kane can do there’s nothing Kane could do but like I

Don’t want him thinking I’m flirting with his sister either cuz that was really annoying too and uh how would letting me out of the cage be flirting with his sister uh hey hey what are you doing why are you staring at me sister you’re supposed to be uh digging down I

I I was going to feed the bunny a carrot here Jack oh dop so uh I have a um okay the the reason I really wanted to well okay let me start over um so the real reason I came up here was I um I had to

Say something um I really sister where are you wait what what’s going on uh uh no IBL English what you know I can’t speak Spanish come on we’re supposed to be digging down right now come join me yeah yeah coming I’ll talk to you later hey TV man there’s not enough pink on

This house yet it’s not just my house you know yes I know but this is really difficult to build I don’t know what you like Kane oh yes by the way TV man I would greatly appreciate if you just stop talking to my sister entirely I’m

Not talking to her oh my gosh it’s literally her dude sure sure she’s never shown affection for anyone it’s definitely you what n you can even tell Jax hey Jax have I been fling with Kane’s sister oh 100% you have man are you serious right now J really see okay

Now that J is said that J You’ll Be My Watch Dog keep an eye on TV man okay is that a promotion oh sure if you want to think of it that way are you serious R really really dude really that is so unfunny uh Ken can I be the Watch Dog

Instead no no of course not I would never subject you to be looking at this TV guy all day we’re going to be doing this one chunk let’s just leave them to their own devices well speaking of digging down why don’t we continue we only have I believe 40 minutes until

This chunk explodes so let’s continue h what okay but uh me and TV man were maybe going on like a date later like oh why did you say a date uh I don’t I don’t think I can allow that not even Club my I can’t T man oh hey hey I I

Didn’t say anything I don’t know what’s going on man stay right there I have a couple of words for you sir what did I just say l like a couple of seconds ago what who I didn’t do anything dude she’s she’s lying to your face I’m not going

To lie she would never lie to me she’s an honest fellow sister why in the why are you doing this to me Kane sister really you’re ruining my rep right now like this is so bad you’re making me you’re making Kane hate me dude I’m I’m

Sorry I don’t want him to hate you but I kind of want him to you know I guess give us his Blessing H what that means we’re getting married N I don’t even know you like that oh no no no no no no not not married maybe in like a couple

Years of course but like I don’t know just like one date I promise you it be nice I mean I mean I would if Kane was allowing it but I I I’m good like that’s really weird I don’t even know you either we can get to know each other get

To know each other push I would never let that happen not even in a hundred years wh why did you have to go out and brainwash my sister you you ple it I’ll kill you what I did not brainwash her dude it anyway I’m building your base

Right now doesn’t it look good I like it it’s really nice oh I’m so close to getting Victory Royale oh let’s go I did it uh what’s what’s up guys how’s it uh going so much for the watch dog promotion I was watching him uh through the cameras on this laptop obviously be

Quite surprising that Jack is making me less angry than TV man is that even possible uh what exactly it’s TV man’s fault blame him hey hey what I didn’t do anything it’s still your fault TV man was talking to my sister and I hired you just so you that wouldn’t happen no you

Didn’t you told me to be a watchdog I was watching I just wasn’t doing anything that’s extra Kane chill out okay I’m going to date TV man whether you like it or not and he and I are gonna get out of here together and then

We’re gonna go on a date deal with it what no okay okay I see what I need to do right now I just need to take out the parum entirely give me your creative switcher I’m killing you now oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what if I don’t give you

My creative switcher huh I will clear your inventory I’m Kane I can do that uh okay fine I’m sorry I’m sorry here take my creative switcher I’m sorry okay let me just turn this off wait what are you going to do what are you going to do

There we go wait don’t kill him hey hey hey hey hey stop what did this sister I’m about to take care of guy oh my goodness I got to hide behind this computer oh I broke his computer whoops T man what the heck are you doing what

Do you mean I had to hide somewhere I had to use you as a bulletproof vest I guess I could take you both out with one bullet perfect ow ow I’ll get out of the way shoot him shoot him he broke my computer ow ow ow ow stop get back here

TV man run hey hey stop okay I’m sorry please please this is what what what is it I’m trying to kill him stop interfering I like him okay you can’t kill someone I like I’ve killed plenty of people you like and they all happen to be potential boyfriends don’t worry

About this he’s going to he’s going to be next what is wrong with you he’s been nothing but nice to me he bought me flowers he’s given me a ring and he’s going to take me on a date what I did not get you any of that no cap just play

Along with it when did when did this happen I I didn’t see any of this and I see everything he’s been nothing but nice to me ever since we’ve been on this one block can’t you just chill out he’s not going to be nice for he he not a

Good I’m killing you D get here ow ow ow ow okay I’m sorry stop stop ow hey get in this cage Right Now TV man you will be okay I’m sorry I’m sorry okay oh wait what why are we in This Together get out get out of the cage I’m not leaving you

Have to trap both of us in here fine fine I can just shoot TV man while you’re both inside oh no ah stop stop stop stop stop stop moving around oh come on we only have 20 minutes left until this place explodes just I’m wasting so much time just let me kill

Him no if he’s going to die I’m going to die with him what why are you being so difficult it was never this hard with any of the others he’s the only one who actually loves me back okay what what now that’s cap that’s cap she’s crazy oh

My goodness get me out of here B loves you back all the other guys are just crazy for you and I that’s why I took care of them hey by the way I don’t think I didn’t hear that you call my sister crazy I’m beating you with my own

Hands ow ow I’m sorry oh my goodness oh gosh I got to go down and wao my goodness wait I’m hiding down here oh no oh no where did it go are we just going to ignore the fact that we just left Jax behind cuz I don’t really care no I

Don’t care either I think he’s still on the top though we could just leave him there he’ll be fine maybe he can blow up oh there you are T man you’re hiding aren’t you a little too old for games I mean that’s kind of cute though who where’d he go there you

Are no I got to go all the way back up to the servers are you serious right now Kane I will slap you across the face I’m never talking to you again I don’t have a face I’m only a mouth all right well anyway I got to use these lucky potions

Because I got to get lucky come on oh and I got a ton of armor that’s pretty good I’ll use a lot of that come on can I get anything else and oh I got a ton of potions as well and oh wait oh I thought that was going to make me

Invisible come on I got to get some more potions oh my goodness I need something good I’m getting a ton of XP but I got nothing good wait this horse might be goated all right I just got a ton of XP and I got a ton of food as well

That’s pretty goated but I’m going to put on all this armor oh yeah and I just realized I can’t leave Jax behind hey Jax where are you buddy H what where are you oh Jax come on we got to go we got to go you’re the one who was up here I

Was just following them oh my goodness let’s go hey guys hi TV man oh where in the where did K go uh he went back at the top he’s trying to look for you he’s totally trying to kill you so how about we do this one chunk together I mean I

Guess we could so let’s just grab all this armor here we go we got a ton of chain meal armor oh this stuff’s actually pretty gooded as well wo this stuff’s way better than my iron armor and what’s in these chests we got an iron sword which I already have and we

Have a really good bow arrows and some golden apples that’s pretty goated what is this blue purple fuzzy rodent doing here what do you mean am I not supposed to be here don’t be ridiculous they’re ruining our dat uh you’re not on a date sweetheart yeah we are not on a date to

Be honest I don’t really know you that well why are you saying to Kan that we’re literally dating and stuff sister we are do you not see it yet we totally have a connection no that’s crazy oh wait this is really scary but good thing Kane’s

Not even here ah what in the N there’s a ton of zombies fight these zombies anything for you oh no oh no oh no there’s a lot of zombies what if we just knock them off the edge uh yeah that’s actually pretty smart why don’t we just

Do that oh my this is too easy could it least be a bit of a challenge yeah this is pretty easy but well maybe not that much of a challenge get away from me oh no ah there’s so many of them I’ll save you J hey what about me aren’t you going

To save me uh who cares about you what uh yeah who cares about you Jax if you open your mouth one more time I’m going to snap you out of reality Kane isn’t the only one who Powers you oh no Kane’s back oh wait those are NPCs though wait

Those are not real kid great now I can get my real life rage out on him so am I really good at fighting Oh no you’re trash it’s kind of cute shut up Jax no one was asking you what I said the same thing we got to fight these monsters it

Doesn’t matter right now and anyway kan’s after me he’s trying to kill me because uh apparently I’m forting with his sister even though I don’t even like her you like me you’re just playing really hard to get and that’s kind of cute you know uh what n that’s cap Jack

Tell her that’s c yeah come on Kan sister this guy is not cute he is the opposite of cute in fact I’d say he’s ugly but that’s just my opinion no offense man besides I’m way cuter than him I’m surprised you don’t want me not that I want you you’re kind of crazy

Okay shut up no one who talking to you rabbit first of all you’re ugly you’re stupid and why don’t you go step on a Lego for all I care hey I’m not ugly yeah you are but it’s okay T man I like you you want like you want like a you

Want to like have our first kiss right now no no no that’s crazy oh hey K hey what are you guys doing down here I heard that you are so dead oh no oh no oh no I don’t know what’s going on I got

To get out of here oh no she wanted to kiss me that’s so weird come on come on I got to go I got to go hey get back here where are you going you trying to kiss my sister I will not let that slide

You a death meat what no that’s not what happened K sister tell me what happened n that’s definitely what happened man you guys are all Psychopaths I hate you all check well you go kill them you’re right next to them I’ll I’ll give you a

Sword I’ll give you a gun Kan Kan Kane my man you know if you want my services you got to pay in golden carrots not about whatever those were I don’t have any golden carrots can guns are cool you like guns you like hurting actually you don’t really like doing anything fine

Just don’t interfere oh my goodness you guys are so weird anyway here we go we have all this super good armor and I’m going to start using all this oh my gosh this stuff is so good so they can’t kill me here we go and wait there’s a chest

With a really good sword and oh my goody goodness there’s a mutant zombie it’s okay you can take care of him you’re really strong after all oh my gosh there’s so many of them yeah there are a lot of these guys but good thing that they aren’t that good to be honest the

Mutant skeletons aren’t that good oh no there’s more wither skeletons are you serious right now you just had to jinx it didn’t you man oh no shut up Jack and there’s a mutant skeleton too wait where mutant skeleton oh there was already one and oh no there’s a mutant Skelly oh

Push him off he’s about to fall off oh no he didn’t oh my goodness fight this guy I love that you’re protecting me to you man you’re really shiver us oh what that is not is what is happening that is not what is happening well I’m not dead

Am I uh no but it’s that’s C so you’re protecting me and wait there’s a ton of big canes are you serious right now more like big jerks my brother’s so stupid he doesn’t want us to go on a date and I don’t see why you’re so handsome and you

Know you’re totally my type what no that’s crazy I don’t know if if I like you though you’re really creepy well you will like me I promise I have my ways you know you could warm up to me or I could just force you to love me you know

Who oh finally why are you guys so fast okay you’re so dead ow ow ow Kane stop stop sister I told you to just stay away from him you have so many chance to get away why you just chilling with him cuz I like him and I said I wasn’t going to

Talk to you stupid so get out of my way why don’t you get out of my way I need to take care of this guy he’s he’s a bad influence Oh no I got to get out of here right now come on where you going oh no no it’s just you and

Me and me e jackon l third whe L third whe you are trying to date her huh so you admit he’s third Wheeling no no it was joke oh my goodness it was a joke cuz you have L RZ so I was just making fun of you yeah sure buddy sure I’ll go

And tell Kane if you want uh what what are you going to tell him hey ja it’s funny dude cuz I can pull way more girls than you little bro and I don’t even like this girl of course you like me you’re just playing you’re so cute hey

Kane TV man says he’s madly in love with your sister and he’s pulling her what I see you H what that is not is what’s happening that is not what’s happening that’s what you just said oh my goodness come on we got to keep going down oh no

Well then dig faster man oh what do you mean I’m digg digging as fast as I can are you serious right now yeah I said faster shut up Robert he’s way better at digging and he’s more Handsome when he does it do you see his biceps oh my

Goodness come on I got to get out of here oh no I’m really scared and uh oh no TV man what’s oh no oh great move it loser I don’t want you here man your mind control is very powerful I see that’s the only explanation why any of

This could be happening yeah the only one yeah sure shut up robit you’re not even supposed to be here neither was TV man this is H gone to shame I don’t know maybe both of these guys are just cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs maybe it runs in the

Family excuse me did he just call us both crazy do you know I can kill you by the flip of a switch uh Kane you know I have the exact same Powers as you if I wanted to I would just end you with a snap of my fingers do not test me then

Why didn’t you clearly you didn’t do it because you know I am smart in this kinds of situations you know I know what’s good for you so that means we need to take out this TV man and then dispose to the rabbit don’t you understand all right Kane that’s it just

Get out of here dude whoa okay Buster you want to try that again what I forgot to could fly that was bad that was awkward hey hey Kane you want to you want to hear a really funny joke you want to hear a funny funny joke oh yeah

Yeah this joke is like how you broke the Mind Control right what are you yapping about I just really like him okay and can you just like get out of our way bye hey get back here why can’t I break this obsidian is this reinforced or something

You forget we are the same we have the same power you idiot okay I will be killing that TV man later right now I need to get you to your senses get back here wait what was the joke Jax you’ve never been funny and you’re ruining our

Dat why can’t you just like go hop somewhere off and deliver Easter eggs or something this is not a date what what are you talking about it is okay hey get away from me oh gosh no come on I know you like me uh no no I don’t and oh no

It’s a dead end wait no it’s not okay just get me away from this creepy person creepy in fact how would you you like to go on a date with me and we could I don’t know watch a movie watch YouTube maybe watch Block Buddies if you’re into

That uh what are you talking about okay good thing they we’re at the end here oh my gosh and oh no okay oh great finally you guys took long enough okay this is what’s going to go down TV man so I’m going to put my sister in that cage and

Temporarily take away her powers so we can have a tool wait what no you aren’t not on my watch oh you want a you want a bet yeah try me and there we go you have no permissions for 2 hours uhhuh very funny wait I hate you I never want to

Talk to you or see your ugly face again well it’s good thing you’ll be in the cas so you won’t have to look at me for a little bit while I’ll deal with this TV guy and there we go now let me deal with this guy hey let me out you

Rat what wait what happened help if you were to take a look around I I made sure neither of them will be able to interfere with our duel oh it’s a good thing I’m in Creative I’m going to get my friends out come on and oh my goody

Goodness I can’t get her out out of this one okay let me get your mouth come on oh my gosh and I’m been survival now too you suck man come on TV man save me please be the best boyfriend ever and I’ll love you forever and ever and ever

And ever oh what we are not dating what are you talking about you want to be loving anyone after he dies you’re going to be wiping the memories of him from your memory get over here oh no oh gosh why are you trying to fight me right now

Are you serious right now oh you’re so small maybe I shouldn’t have made myself twice as big get over here you’re so dead out oh my goodness oh Jack you’re you’re actually coming in clutch right now good job darn it why didn’t I take away his bow stop that yeah that was no

Don’t tell me what to do oh no oh my goodness he just fell off are you serious right now you think you could kill me that easily huh uh yeah okay let me put a pause on this little game of us so I can put some windows on these cells

There we go oh hey I said pause I said pause kill him ja kill him kill him kill him come on come on come on he’s getting weak dare don’t you dare no I’m almost dead no no no oh my my goody goodness no way right now and uh wait where’s the

Sister at well who cares anyway good riddance now get me out of here man okay yeah yeah I’ll get you out wait what are you doing right here ow uh what was that wait a second what’s going on and what in the no this is all part of my

Plan Kane’s just so stupid and didn’t see it coming you know I really like what you did with the place a thank you hey hey what are you doing was purple what G what Gage what are you talking about get back in a not again hey let me out of

Here K sister you’re being so weird oh my goodness you ruined my relationship with Kane and now you want to date me Kane was always weird and a loser and we can be much better friends in fact I think we should add a girlfriend and

Boyfriend uh what okay if I say we could date then will you let me out no cuz I can read your mind I know you’re going to lie and ditch me you know I wouldn’t ditch you if you let me out I definitely wouldn’t leave shut up rabbit he was

Kidding jokes jokes all right I got to figure out a way to get out of here cuz this place is literally insane right now and I want to leave why would you want to leave what is this about leaving I know you don’t want to leave me right no

There’s nothing about leaving I promise you there’s literally nothing about leaving uh why don’t you go check up on Jax it looks like he’s trying to break out Jax why are you trying to break out no I’m not shut up what are you talking about what’s that uh what what nothing

Nothing I saw that you’re not slick give me that pickaxe now or your friend is dead oh my goodness do I have another one oh thank goodness I have another one okay here you go take it but actually just in case maybe I should clear your whole inventory just so you don’t get

Any ideas I’m going to clear it but first let me talk to Jax and get him straighten out oh my goodness if she’s going to clear my inventory I need to put that diamond pickaxe right there okay what are you doing I I’m just stretching my arm definitely not trying

To break out or anything crazy like that I think your weak little arms could break this rein4 steel cage hopefully you make me laugh you’re even stupider than I I imagined oh my goodness good thing this diamond pickaxe still stay with me cuz I dropped it so I

Still have it all right well now I can actually leave this place because they’re distracted I’ll give you an offer I’ll let you out of the cage and then you can make a great Flower Boy at our wedding how what does that sound how’s that sound deal yeah sure I’ll be

I’ll be the best flower boy let me out please now I’m going to go check on TV man to make sure he wants to be married and if he doesn’t I’m just going to force him you know I have my ways yeah you go do that huh I got to go do this

Parkour to go all the way to the bottom oh no and we only have like 5 minutes left until this place explodes what the heck is going on where is he oh my goodness I got to save Jax too but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to

I’m breaking you out but you have to find TV man now for me okay oh my goodness yeah yeah sure I will you bet come on where’s that key at where is it and oh my goody goodness I found the key and now I should be able to open this oh

No they’re coming down she’s coming down right now oh no open the gate already TV man what are you doing open it up I’m opening it come on come on come on open oh no oh no there you are you’re going to love me get back here I’m now in the Overworld I

Got to get away from this creepy girl back here you can’t escape my love oh no there’s these zombies and they’re chasing me oh gosh I’m going to die oh I got to go right now oh no I got to go there’s a zombie apocalypse a what is

This place get in the house over there go Oh no I got to go everyone run I have no idea where I am right now this place is really weird who are you I haven’t seen you around the village before uh I’m TV man there’s literally a zombie

Apocalypse outside how aren’t you guys freaking out hey guys how’s it going up what’s going on why you guys so sad because there’s zombies everywhere of course we’re going to be sad we’re all going to die and who even are you Baby Kane what isn’t obvious but the real

Question is who are you I haven’t seen you before you rated our base and tried to kill us and murder us all what in the what what are you talking about yeah he was attacking us uh that’s not shut up that’s not what happened well I don’t

Really care too much if he tried to kill you we’re all going to die anyway so it doesn’t really matter oh that’s not oh help man anyways you’re not even allowed here get out of our base hey Y what in the heck okay I guess I’ll just go

Somewhere else you’re really mean oh hey there little one what are you doing here it’s dangerous here you need to get out of here I have nowhere to go and I have no home well we can’t handle any more people we already have so many injured

People we don’t have enough food for all the mouths we need the feed yeah we already have so many injured people we can’t take on anymore oh man what am I going to do oh gosh I’m going to die cuz there’s literally a zombie apocalypse outside all right you know I’m going to

Go talk to those kids again and maybe we could rebuild this place and make it really secure because right now it’s not like we don’t even have doors we don’t have anything secure hey guys U I know we just met but we should probably make this place like really secure so we can

Survive uh what do you mean we’re just kids we can’t really do much yeah I don’t think that’s a really good idea we don’t even have the funds to do that we don’t need funds bro we just need to find resources in this zombie apocalypse

Right Kane is that your name yes that is my name my baby Kane but I don’t even I don’t even see why you even see any hope in this situation we’re all going to die so let’s just just sit here and wait quick question are you from the invasian

Digital circus cuz I don’t think I’ve ever seen you no I’m from SK toilet you guys know what that is so SK to it’s like speaker man you know TV man you know I got I got cameraman TV man is my day are you an NPC what does that mean

He’s probably an NPC let’s just ignore him hey guys you what’s an NPC you let’s just ignore him maybe he’ll go away if we like don’t pay attention to him y a good idea mean you guys are so mean to me what what’s going on here this is really mean

Are you crying no I’m not crying I’m just upset okay well I’m sorry for how I treated you but there’s really nothing we can do we’re all going to die and we kind of have to accept that what are you talking about you know what that’s it

I’m going to figure out a way to save this town because everyone thinks we’re going to die in here wait we should probably go check up on Jack I haven’t seen him in a while uh who’s Jack he’s in here wait what’s wrong with Jack

Uh ja hello uh hello I don’t even know who this is oh that well um like you might want to cover your ears um unless okay I’ll just tell you he he’s not dead necessarily but he’s not really awake either he’s in a coma he he’s he was

Really injured so well he’s probably going to die but let’s let’s not think about that for now oh no see what this Sky kit did he put jack in a Coba what in the what bro what’s going on are you in he was in a coma beforehand stupid

Wait did he get hit by one of the zombies or something yeah it was like a plague zombie it’s weird there’s so many different kinds of zombies nowaday that’s why I believe we’re all going to definitely die no we’re not going to die bro y’all just need to have some

Confidence you know maybe believe in yourself a little bit what’s that oh okay I believe we’re all going to die and live a horrible death I’m very confident we’re going to die that’s that’s true that’s pretty true what in the what you guys are actually tripping

Maybe if Jack was ask awake I’ll had I’ve had some hope but he’s been completely useless he probably would just play video games anyway anyways I’m out of here wait does Jax have a dad wait cuz you know you know Kane’s your dad and pom’s your dad pom’s your mom

You know where’s Jax’s dad well uh he he went over the rainbow and Beyond into the great Skies wait so he’s gone oh no did the zombies eat him or is he on a vacation no I think he’s just at his normal house playing video games or

Something yeah yeah he’s on a vacation he says don’t call him or anything he’ll come back when he wants to but we’re probably all going to be dead before he comes back he ran away because this game kid came through oh my gosh you see you’re ruining everything man I have not

I I’m just not noticing how crazy you are what I think I think he’s the the insanity is corrupting him uh-oh there’s zombies guys oh my gosh okay we’re going to die oh the street will Le your death oh man uh-oh I got stuck in the cobwebs

Oh no this is really weird how do I get out punch them away destroy the cobweb oh gosh oh gosh save me I’m in the C and there’s zombies oh no this is what I’m talking about oh the zombies are stuck as well oh my goash

Guys everyone run oh no there’s so many I’m stuck oh man I told you we were going to die I’ll just hang here I guess oh no what are we going to do everyone run no where did everyone go where’s my kid oh I’m going to die all right guys

Everyone hide in this tree okay oh no those zombies are really scary I’m on my way there where did you guys go I’m so lost oh there you are I was hoping we he didn’t find us hey hey where did you guys go bro my new friends

Bro oh there you guys are hey are you serious right now you just fell dude oh my gu uh let’s try to go find some water to get him back up cuz he’s probably going to die down there or we could just leave him uh yeah we should probably

Just leave him he’s being really annoying anyway hey yeah all right you know you know what all right how about this you know what uh baby pomy kid dude whatever your stupid name is I’ll give you a little proposition okay okay that’s a really big word uh so here’s

What I want you to do if we save you you need to help me figure out a way to save this town and not be a lazy bom fine I guess I can help you all right well we should probably get a water bucket

That’s what we need I see I I have a bucket with me and I see some water over there we just need to get past this Ravine oh my go so are you guys down to all help me like so we can figure out a

Way to get out of here and like actually save the town I don’t know about saving the town yeah we’re probably all going to die but uh I we don’t have anything better to do with our time so I guess so that’s true all here Kane give me the

Water bucket so I can go get some water so I can save him sure here you go we just how you planning on getting across uh getting across bro watch this dude I’m better at this than anyone watch this ready booah oh that was crazy oh I

Guess that works all right let’s go over to this water source over here and with that I will be able to place it in the Ravine all right right click right there and here we go now we’ll go over to this Ravine and here we go are you ready I’m

Ready well what’s happening down there all right I placed the water bucket now you can just jump down a uh what are you building dude SOS what does that mean good question I don’t know wait like sauce like imposters you’re spelling sauce oh no that’s yeah no no so cring

No not no not sace sauce like like pasta sauce no it means it’s SOS it means help all right can you climb up we have time to was it obviously says sauce I’m going as fast as I possibly can yeah but guys I think I just thought of another

Problem just do any of you guys know the way back home no but who cares we’ll find we’ll find a good way to get home and then we’ll be able to find the best best best materials ever so we can build the best Bas ever oh yeah like we can

Use diamonds you have diamonds all right there we go we just emptied out this water but wait why didn’t I get this water back that’s pretty weird I don’t know but uh we should build a house out of diamonds look my dad gave me this

Diamond look at it what no oh you just threw that away I’m not getting that wait where’s my diamond all right it doesn’t matter let’s just get out of here so we can start building bro we have to find a way home though oh my goodness we’ve been taking so long we’ve

Been walking everywhere and we still haven’t found anything I can’t believe I don’t remember where home was I maybe it’s over this mountain come on we got evicted cuz of this skimy kid hey what are you talking about bro you guys evicted now we don’t have anywhere to

Live uh it’s because you guys were idiots and you didn’t know the right way to go we could have like followed like the stars or something like that you know like follow the North Star that’s boring that’s boring bro you mean astrology no one likes that are you not

In all right anyway guys we just need to keep building up okay because or not building up but walking up but we got to go and this is so tiring I don’t want to walk anymore neither do we but game yeah we found something weird uh what are you

Talking about you guys found something where are you man you’re slow we not slow you just are you just walk too fast oh whatever just go take a look at where I found all right here we go let’s go up here okay this is not no no there’s

Going to be zombies down here and I’m not dealing with any zombies right now I’m going to go back to the Village what happened guys um what in the what bro you are literally in a trap dude what is this dude you got to be kidding I don’t

Know I just stepped on this weird plate that said step on me and now I’m in a trap all right get out dude get out okay I’m out oh my good goodness guys we need to go down here because there could be something really powerful in here that

We could use to power The Village to make it even better you never know we go down okay or there could be something there to kill us what Lou said no you idiot come back here we are not I already said this we’re not going down here he already tripped one trap who

Knows what else can be down there fine I guess oh finally get back up here I’m trying well I’m the smart one of course so I’m not going anywhere near down there so I’m just going to stay out and it’s probably best if you guys stay out

As well uh what are you guys talking about bro we need to go down there this seems really good like what if we get a really good resource and what if we die try to get it yeah or what if we get killed well I’m not smart so can I go

Yeah let’s go dude come on boys only then I guess it doesn’t matter if we die now or later no we need to save Jack too we’re going to get the best resources and materials ever so we can save your friend Jax okay how do you count minutes

Okay uh what does this even say minutes you have 10 minutes to find the secret door what in the what are y’all talking about oh guys the door closed behind us no it didn’t stop capping bro you got to be kidding me I knew we should have come

Down here see I told you this was a bad idea but no never listen to the girl you know that’s not what this is about it’s clearly dangerous we weren’t supposed to come down here let’s just look for this what do the sign say a secret door look

For a secret door where’s the secret door I don’t know we’re trying to look for it bro so we can get the best resources and materials ever dude well what are we looking for a door so stupid but where’s the door okay be nice to him we don’t know idiot that’s why it’s

Secret yeah we’re trying to find it bro it’s not that difficult to figure out dude but anyway we’re going to find this place okay you guys all just need to believe in yourselves yeah I’m not really one for believing in yourself because that requires faith I rather go

By statistics what do you mean statistics what that even mean yeah I don’t have a single shred of belief in myself not even close I believe in myself that I’m going to fail guys wait I just literally just fell on here what is this and um what in the what I just

Literally like where am I where’d you go oh what what are you doing down there yeah I don’t know I just got trapped in here I’m going put this water bucket right there that was really weird wao where am I is this was right wait this was the right way I just accidentally

Fell down here wait what is this is this a platform oh my go What’s happen W wa okay we’re good wa it’s like like a grocery store what are you talking about do not touch those fences they’re really po ow ow but why’ you touch them you

Just oh my gosh you guys are dumb wait wao guys take a look at this armor oh my good goodness this armor is so amazing guys guys just don’t touch anything what if it’s like booby trapped or something why this is so awesome yeah we set off a

Trap we didn’t set off anything took my we don’t know who owns this s sorry sorry we can’t take stuff that isn’t ours yeah I can I just did this I can’t you’re you’re stupid he’s going to set off another trap I swear I swear none of

You are listening to me it’s fine we’re just kids we can do whatever we want this is so funny no it’s not funny yes it is you are loser oh yep yep watch out watch out watch out I’m not okay what are y’all talking about oh my Instant

Karma Instant Karma there’s zombies get up I noce don’t let him hit you they’ll infect you just like Jax oh wait Jax is infected oh my good goodness is that why he’s not talking or anything that’s why he’s in a coma no he’s not stupid he’s

In a coma no he’s just in a coma oh my goody goodness wait I thought wait Jax who’s Jax is that the purple guy yes oh no that’s Jax something I thought you guys said he was on like a vacation somewhere no okay whatever no that’s the

Purple guy a let me talk sorry sorry Jax is in a coma and jaxon’s father is on a vacation also T Manny might want to turn around what you talking about turn around turn around oh no there’s more zombies are you serious R me out this is

So scary stop you’re crying but wait guys I just realized uh we just left the town so is there going to be more zombies that spawn at the town and maybe kill the parents they’re probably oh no ja they’re probably already dead not going to lie no dare you didn’t think

About that before genius oh it’s my mother my goody goodness oh that is not your mother we’re literally siblings oh it’s your mother wow wow okay man that would mean it’s your mother n it’s our mother let’s just kill it Whatever It Is oh man it

Keeps waking up we’re so dead wait guys I think this thing hit me a little bit ow ow ow that hurt a lot that’s not good no don’t let to hit you he he’s going to be infected the dude’s going to eat us guys we got to kill him off

Now zombie I’m just joking guys I’m just joking I’m joking I’m joking oh my gosh relax not funny not funny not funny yes finally w we got it oh that was actually easier than I was expecting scared us half to death oh wait wait a minute is

That a oh a pressure plate spawned let’s go wa that was not funny TV men you scared us half to death you idiot all right well anyway this just opened up so let’s go through here pomy and pomy brother what what is your name where are

You uh my name is uh Sigma what the what Sigma are you serious right now what does that even mean it means I’m the sigma let’s go is that true pomy uh I can neither confirm nor deny is it true K not even close he’s so dumb no but

This place is pretty cool what is this place oh my gosh no way that’s a creative switcher hey P no give that to me what does this thing why you’re the one who’s scared me no that that is very very very powerful please please please

Do not mess that up please please I need that I can save the town if you give it to me why should I trust you you literally pretended to be a zombie that’s unforgivable oh my goodness plus I’m the smart one here I should just hold on to it until we actually reach

The town who knows you might drop it or something no no I know what that does do not take it wait guys what are you going to do about it what what is it quote unquote Sigma there’s a red pool down there let’s go swimming no oh my gosh

Ouch are you going to get how are you guys going to get me out of here uh are you serious right now there’s no way dude unless pomy gives me that creative switcher you’re probably going to drop it in the lava plus he’s just my brother

We can just like let him go or something he’s not going to be any use you’re just a baby and I you know I’m I’m a lot older than you you don’t know what that does seriously you need to give it to me now I could save your brother yeah he’s

Older than you give it to him P they just give it to him fine but if you lose it I’ll say I told you so are you serious right now no I’ll save the town with this watch this just give up T man there’s no hope why are you even trying

At this point watch this ready I’m going to go in Creative in three two one let’s go and oh my gosh I can fly along that is pretty cool I want to fly all right let me go save you now buddy here we go so I’m going to have to build something

Like this right here he can’t fly it’s that’s not going to work you know would be funny if I made him do parkour all the way up wow dude that’s mean he’s too stupid to do parkour why would you do that to him that’s just cruel well it

Can make him stronger yeah it can have massive legs it won’t make him smarter all right guys now I’m in creative and we can make the best town ever and you guys are still in survival but it’s fine because now we can use this teleport and

We should be able to just leave this place we shouldn’t touch things we don’t know what they are well it’s going to be very difficult to get out of here without using this thing so should we just press it but what if it blows us up wait a minute where’s my creative

Switcher oh my gosh guys oh we need to go oh no it’s B’s mother did are you stupid we’re we’re literally siblings if it’s my mother it’s your mother I’m going to eat you alive oh no guys click it oh no oh my gosh oh no are we back

Home guys I’m still in creative mode so looks like that zombies trying to grab that creative switcher I don’t know how we even got that in the first place but now we have to keep rebuilding you know I’m going to make a safe house right

Here I none of us have creative what are we supposed to do uh can you just help build the base maybe I’ll give you guys blocks here I’m going to give you guys some of these okay this is really good dirt dirt oh oh thank goodness you gave

Me grass instead of dirt oh wow so much useful let’s go I can build a tower this is why I should have been in charge wait is this not a good thing to build out of what do I build out not even close no you say you’re older than me but you’re

Just stupider than me wait you’re so right BR we need to build out a diamonds look guys I built a lighthouse oh my gosh that’s not that’s not a lighthouse that’s a dirt Tower oh oh it’s a shooting star guys we can make a wish oh

You’re right I make a wish to everyone we are going to survive this zombie attack because the zombie should be coming soon and uh once we build this diamond mansion we’re going to be able to survive it I wish for good food before I die I wish that oh that oh

There’s two um I wish that uh that uh the guy I like would like me back if we survived and I wish that my sister turns into a zombie what excuse me oh my bad I didn’t say that wait a minute wait wait you kids are back welcome back wait what are you

Building out of what you building out of diamonds that’s not that strong wait how did you even get all those diamonds that doesn’t matter we need to build out of something stronger like I don’t know conrete or maybe some like I don’t know obsidian oh wait you’re right we

Probably shouldn’t be building out of diamonds hey hey hey stop using all the diamond blocks I’m giving you guys why why is he trying to spell sauce again all right guys can we all just get along and you know I’m going to build this right here maybe we shouldn’t use

Diamonds though that I don’t think that’s too smart what was that sound you destroyed my house what in the what what’s going on hey yo what the what hey yo wait why is everything the zombies set explosives I think now we’re really evicted guys I think zombies set some charges they

Definitely just set it some traps no this is all TV man’s fault hey yo you know what I kind of like the way it looks man you did leave them here I kind of like the way this looks it’s like a whole open floor

This is all your fault TV man if I was the leader and I had the creative switcher none of this would have happened if you just listen to me all right you know what I’m done with you guys I’m going to build my own house you guys suck you’re terrible hey hey hey

Where are you going you’re just children you can’t save us from this predicament hey I will I will me TV man Baby TV man I’ll shve everyone I don’t even know who you are yeah were you the one who was crying earlier what in the what what are

Y’all talking about anyway I’m going to build a base you know I’m going to prove to you guys that I can build the best base and save everyone here yeah sure you can buddy all right you know I’m going to be smart about this what blocks

Do I need to use to make this place super duper powerful oh and obsidian of course TV man uh yeah smart that’s a joke right I am smart uhhuh really okay oh my gosh you are so annoying trust me once I build the best base ever you’re literally all going to

Want to move in okay e move in next to you no than it’s not like that oh my goash all right anyway here we go we’re going to have some of this reinfor for stuff right here so we could see outside wait it probably shouldn’t be on the

Floor we should probably have obsidian as the floor we got to be really smart about this we can’t just use blocks that look good so actually I’m in Creative so I can use SL SL wand with SL SL wand I can literally get rid of all of this all

Right there we go SL set air and there we go we just got rid of that and you know what diamonds don’t matter we just got to make this place protected so we don’t die wait quick question TV man how are you flying like that what are you

Talking about Kane I’m flying from the creative s bro I have an infinite creative switcher that’s if that’s a creative switcher that means you have how long have you been using that give me like a time uh like 5 minutes okay that means you got like 15 minutes left

With that so good luck what are you talking about bro have you ever had even a creative switcher dude you don’t even know what it feels like I have many times actually and they don’t last very long I’ve only I only had one I believe two times once as a child once recently

And just super hard to come by so good for you but we’re still all going to die we’re not going to die bro I’m building a a super good base dude just watch I mean he might be able to save us I mean we we never know like maybe we should

Give him a chance at least there a there’s no way that’s going to be happening cuz I know for a fact there’s only one Creator switcher nearby and that was in the uh possession of the zombie boss so he probably uh upset the zombie boss by taking it so he’s going

To be coming personally so we’re definitely dead all right here we go so let’s build this right here we’ll have some glass windows right there and we’ll make this place pretty big it’s the car but we should probably just keep it one floor I think that’s pretty smart all

Righty here we go so we’ll do something like this all right let’s Place some of this obsidian right here and there we go we’re doing the roof right now my base is so good it could be it could it could stand like a million hurricanes look at

This oh yeah I’m sure all righty here we go let’s start placing this wall right here we could probably just keep it solid like this but we should probably make this place look a little bit cooler all righty there we go and we’ll place like a little staircase right there so

We can get on top of the roof and that’s going to be so much fun all right now we have that and oh my gosh this place is actually so amazing so far all right then it’s going to go up like that and then we should probably have some like

Electric fences or something at the top oh yeah electric fences with water so smart let’s just fry ourselves to death instead dude there’s no water up here bro you’re so stupid it’s literally raining and I’m stupid baby pom you’re not doing anything oh maybe you’re right

About that one let me just get rid of this of course I’m right plus my brother’s face probably looks better even though he’s an idiot so I’ll just go watch him now you’re kind of boring your house doesn’t look as cool as my brother’s so I’m going to go over there

Your house sucks actually hey yo what is your problem what’s my problem oh I don’t know someone’s leading us to our ultimate Doom what are you talking about bro I’m literally going to save the day dude you’re actually tripping uh we we might have a problem I I think they’re

Coming yeah they are definitely getting closer oh no the zombies are coming soon but don’t worry this base is going to be so protected we have reinforced everything in here so we should be able to survive but we still need to make it even better because we need more

Defenses so we’ll do something like this and wait we could even have like an underground bunker too so I have a really good idea for this underground bunker we’re just going to have like a ton of glass right here so we can just like see out through the through the

Distance but it’s all going to be reinforced glass so we’re all going to survive isn’t this base actually pretty good no I bet it’s terrible I bet it’s terrible I need to focus on panicking okay just leave me alone what is this guy talking about anyway I’m just going

To keep focusing on making this base really good and then here we go we’ll have the hidden bunker right here here but we’re going to probably need some ladders to go down my base is so awesome it’s so tall they could probably withstand like the strongest of

Earthquakes bro what is this guy doing all already anyway I don’t have time for that once he realizes when these zombies literally crush his base open he’s going to come over to my base and then apologize for everything I bet uh um guys has anyone seen Jax I I don’t know

Where he is he’s gone did something take him uh what in the what what are you talking about Jax oh yeah Jax the purple guy right and his dad’s like on a vacation somewhere yeah yeah him do you know where he he is uh no I have no idea

What is he doing in my house hello uh he in your house uh yeah I guess so what you kidnapped him didn’t you what are you talking about bro he literally just spawned here oh sure I’ll believe that he was in a coma there’s no way he could

Have gotten here well it doesn’t matter as long as he’s okay in my base it doesn’t really matter and oh my gosh this place is actually so trash what is this what do you mean it’s trash it’s the best place ever it’s like the most

Secure place in the world and I bet the president could stay here if he wanted dude this place is not secure bro you’re literally going to die dude I’m telling you right now this is stupid you need to come over to my base it’s actually protected no mine’s protected too it has

All state I’m serious though his base actually looks really good it might actually be able to protect us I tell that I don’t I don’t want to Bear to look it’s probably so bad it’s going to make me faint what are you talking about bro this is the best base in the whole

Entire world bro and I’m a blink oh whatever oh right here we go so I have a really good idea so we’re going to place down some chests and we’re going to have a ton of super good armors and stuff in there and I think I have some presets in

My creative menu so I’m going to do that real quick all righty there we go we got all this armor in here wo this is actually so goated now we need to make even more of it so we’ll be able to survive all righty there we go we got

All this armor in here wo this is so goated so we’re going to be prepared for the zombie attack wait uh Kane come in here it actually looks really safe uh what is it I bet it’s terrible H this actually looks somewhat decent I guess

But there’s no way it’s going to save us what are you talking about of course it’s going to save us bro just stay in here and I promise we’ll be saved okay H I guess trying something is better than sitting there and watching us die by the

Way my son’s been building his own base it’s weird oh really maybe I should go check and see what he’s doing and uh what in the what dude what is in your base they are iron golems I had to do a summoning ritual for my past life to

Bring them here all right dude hey hey I’m going to come over there in a second so I can go see you okay cuz I I need to go see you and oh no the creative switchers GL I told you mine’s better and that de wouldn’t be good oh hey Iron Golem what’s

Up ow what in the what that’s fine I can go back in my base oh my goash oh no what is this guy going to do I knew I should have got insurance oh no I guess I got to get all these kids over here because I guess they are kind of my

Friends and we got to save them but what is Kane doing over there where have you guys been I’ve been building my own grave this entire time what’s taking you guys so long grave what in the what bro you’re not going to die here due to you

Serious right now this is pretty cool though but you’re not going to die yeah if if I’m going to die die on my terms by playing video games oh can I come here can I join you yes I can’t see over the desk hey T man want to play some

Games I got fortnite on here uh yeah sure dude I’m down all right so wait wait do you have Battle Royale do you have like multiplayer what do you have on here I have everything there zombies okay about uh what in the what hey yo no there’s zombies are you serious right

Now run I can’t I Chang my mind I don’t want to die I don’t want to die get inside the get inside my base I guess uh yeah you guys can all go inside my base I not really they’re blocking the entrance uh blocking the what get inside

The base okay they moved okay do I have to though I could I could fight them myself where’s the other guy where’s the other kid is is he still out there I’m not afraid of these zombies I’ll defeat them oh uh that’s uhoh dude there’s zombies There’s zombies they’re all coming just come

Inside my base bro I’m telling you it’s really protective okay w swarming out of my base why did they spawn there okay um I don’t know what’s worse dying or admitting TV man is right uh okay I’ll I’ll I’ll choose um dying uh what in the

What pomy are you serious right now you have to come inside the base bro trust me I have everything I have all the good armors I have everything pomy just look look around stupid I’m literally in the base what are you talking about they’re

Not in the base oh my never mind you are stupid thank you so much is that for me of course all this armor is for everyone so we can all survive here I’m about to become the the strongest warrior ever BR this is this stuff is actually pretty

Good we might actually have a chance I mean I guess it’s not that bad all right guys we got to fight these monsters let’s go come on we got to survive does this base come with a Nintendo switch probably later on come on kill him oh no

There’s a lot of zombies you serious right now I’ll fight these guys but this is really easy since we have a really protected base we probably would have died if we were in any other base I’m surprised oh no I just fell are you serious right now oh gosh no oh I just

Fell oh look they’re fighting each other wait what oh looks like no look it’s the iron golems that stupid guy did wow they’re actually helping oh hey well you are pretty stupid no don’t talk about the Golems like that oh he has a name you know oh oh my gosh there’s so many

Zombies guys this might be the final wave uh-oh they’re all attacking our house but don’t worry we’ll be able to survive this because we’re literally the best yes this is the final wave okay that’s un Gorge who said that what who is that I’ve come I’m back for my creative

Switcher oh my gosh are you serious right now what are we going to do guys I don’t know but my arrows do nothing uh my brother oh no he’s coming everyone shoot him come on everyone try to kill him your arrows can’t affect me oh no

What are we going to do what are we going to do so I don’t have any po I think I put some really good potions in there what if we all fart on him at the count of three I don’t think that’s going to work what that’s disgusting oh

Man you guys are done for you guys are done oh gosh if this is the end man I kind of like you not going to lie oh I didn’t say that wait what uh I this base is so strong I can’t I can’t get past it oh

This is so skiy RIS of you guys or not it’s cuz you’re too fat and ugly you did not just say that oh you’re so dead I still can’t get through oh my gosh text your thing yeah fatty I’ll jump over what no I ate too many donuts oh you’re

Too fat too fat too fat too fat too fat whatever we totally just Phantom text your creative switcher whatever I’m going I’m going to attack another base you guys they’re so annoying what no way that just worked oh my goodness no way guys what’s happening up here we wow you actually proved this

Wrong we we’re alive I think so and it’s turned daytime too W um okay um I’m I’m sorry how I act to TV man I was I was kind of scared you’re you’re not that bad in fact you’re kind of cute I I didn’t say that that was a glitch that

Was a glitch ew what wait I had not ew wait that was kind of fun we should go steal something else wait we we actually uh no that’s that’s a crime we actually lived yeah I did we did because of our base because of this base is amazing

That I built this is this is a miracle I can’t believe we’re alive T man it’s all because of you we get to live of course of course this is amazing we can we can rebuild our town and we can finally live a peaceful life let’s go and we’re all

Friends right yep I built you this smiley face we’re going to be friends a that’s pretty nice did you steal that from me I I don’t know maybe we could be more than friends like like e no no no you’re getting the wrong idea I mean

Like best friend thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe Please Subscribe sub Please Subscribe everybody I guess today we’re doing a build challenge boys versus girls yeah it’s

Going to be so much fun man we are going to have to build the best house uh you know you guys will have to impress us with your build you know wait we’re going to impress you oh yeah ja we got to impress them because we got to Riz

Them up this video you are so right man we have to make our house perfect we don’t want to Fumble this dude we cannot fumble the bag anyway I’m going to start building right here and Jax how about you build your side of the house over here it’ll be separate houses but we’re

Eventually going to connect them and we’ll literally have the best w r evere that’s a great idea all right I’ll get started you know you guys better do well cuz you’re going to try to impress us and it would be a shame if you don’t messed up the whole thing okay relax

Ratha nobody cares about impressing you I mean pomy on the other hand now that’s a different story uh what wait ja I thought pomy was mine bro I thought I was going to RIS her up uh I call it first hey no hey I do are you serious

Right now pomy likes me more than you anyway little bro that is so cat man we’ll see we’ll see then we’ll see yeah well I’m going to impress her with my build so you’re going to have to watch this Jack yeah yeah whatever man uh

First of all pomy is a person you don’t own her or anything she can decide who she likes this is why nobody likes you Raga shut up hey don’t be rude Jack yeah you’re definitely going to win comy over Jack if you keep talking to women like

That oh I know trust me I’m the rizzler all right here we go we’re going to start adding some walls right here and we’re going to make it all wood and strong yeah like I’m a guy I’m so strong and manly yeah oh uh TV man is H that

Your house oh yeah doesn’t it look so good already I’m already starting the interior you know I got to start building my exterior well I mean oh this might be a little mean to say but it’s a kind of basic h what it is not basic are you serious right now

This is goated no nah it’s pretty lame man no offense hey Jack stop signing with her are you serious right now you’re actually such a loser I’m not siding with her I’m just being honest man look at it dude it’s not that bad pomy what’s wrong with it I mean if

You’re trying to impress me or anything maybe like add my favorite colors or something I I don’t know oh of course wait I completely forgot about that okay oh no I didn’t forget you know I will do that right now though oh my goodness how

Can I forget that so let’s add red we’ll do a blue as well and we’ll add some yellow as well too and Jax is going to do that cuz Jax is a loser he’s going to build his stupid looking head and oh my gosh it looks so bad whose head are you

Calling stupid you’re just literally a TV bro yours loser yours loser shut up man this is why no girl likes you in the first place just follow my lead Jack can we have a serious conversation while we’re building dude uh yeah sure about what we’re supposed to work together as

Boys okay because the boys are better than girls but we’re not going to tell the girls that our goal is to RIS up the girls to go on a double dat okay yeah obviously I’m going to RIS up p me and you can have the leftovers I guess no no

No no no no no you you RIS up ragi okay because ragi likes you and pomy doesn’t really like you to be honest are you serious man I don’t think anyone likes ja actually everybody likes me the person nobody likes is you ratha yeah haha very funny I’m so offended I wasn’t

Joking all right anyway I’m just going to keep working on my house I don’t know why Jax isn’t trying to work together with me but he knows that pomy does not like him what are you talking about TV man of course PNE likes me I’m like the

Character here dude no one knows you like that little bro I’m going to be honest with you dude anyway I’m just going to keep building my base here we go let’s do something like that because pom’s favorite colors are blue and red so we’ll do something like that right

Here and we’ll just keep adding this pattern and oh my gosh this is going to look so good um if you guys want to earn my love you better impress me you know good first impression impress you how am I going to impress you you’re joking

Right TV man I thought you liked me oh I I mean I kind of do but yeah yeah yeah I know what to do to impress let me show you how it’s done TV man take a lesson from the rizzler hey pomy uh yeah uh what’s up are you tennessy cuz you’re

The only 10 I see wink wink nudge nudge okay yeah I’m I’m I’m done with the conversation now Jack El bro bro she loved that what are you talking about dude just go for Raga your Chan already gone with pomy to be honest what are you even talking about dude you’re the one

With no chance chill out you should go for Raga uh what I think Raga likes you more than she likes me you want me to try right now watch this ratha literally hates me well yeah of course but she likes you more than bom me c all right

You know what I’ll try my best Jack you know ri’s pretty cool I guess but okay uh hey ragi how you doing no just just no pleas please get away from me okay fine whatever see jackon told you what do you mean see She’s So Into You man that’s why she’s

Playing hard to get so yeah keep going after her let me handle pomy all right all right you know what J why don’t you go try with uh ragi real quick okay you know what fine man if it’ll get you to shut up excuse me hey uh ratha oh U hi

Ja what’s going on I don’t know I just you know wanted to say hi I guess you know was in the neighborhood you come here often um well I yeah I guess so I I live here but it’s always nice view to say hi really yeah it was nice uh

Talking to you yeah bye uh okay bye then oh she literally likes you dude did you see that dude are you serious I you couldn’t you weren’t looking at her she was staring daggers at me man she was wants to kill me or something uh dude that’s literally cap she likes you bro

How can’t you tell that she literally has a crush on you dude dude no she doesn’t you’re so crazy man uh no I’m not it’s just true dude you can go ask pomy even oh my gosh too man you’re so annoying fine okay hey pque can I ask

You something uh yeah uh Sarah what do you need uh it’s about a ratha do you think she has like a crush on me or something uh wouldn’t it be better to ask ratha that yourself I’m not doing that if she says no she’s going to kill

Me uh I don’t think she’s going to kill you but it’s always worth a shot all right this isn’t worth it okay TV man see all right here Jack Jack I’ll ask ragi for you all right uh hey ragath I have a question don’t do it TV man what

Are you doing uh why are you scared dude ragi the Jack has a question I’m not scared oh uh okay what’s your question and why couldn’t he just ask me that himself well um uh you know is there like uh do you like uh a thing anything

Uh yeah I’d say like a couple of things H how about like Jack you’re fumbling you’re fumbling TV man I’m this is W RZ how about um like uh any one any person you know uh actually I’m not really sure I’ll get back to you on that one TV man

Look what you’ve done she’s planing to kill me now I mean they so mad asking that stupid question see this is why I want pomy cuz at least she won’t murder me if I mess up uh what are you talking about R this is not that mean dude I

Think she’s mean but I don’t know if she’s that mean all right anyway we just got to start building up our bases and Jax how’s your base looking bro what do you mean how’s it looking it’s looking like me so perfect basically see let me

Uh ask pomy how it looks hey pomy she doesn’t want you little bro wasn’t asking you TV man uh pomy can you uh give me some pointers on my house I know it’s like basically already perfect but do you have anything I can improve oh uh

Sure uh do you want me to be um fully honest yeah of course I want to hear how much you like it oh uh well uh first of all your f is kind of handsome I know no no no it’s kind of fat and uh maybe you

Could add more of my colors if you’re trying to impress me your colors yuck red and blue are so Gody purple is so much better uh Jack that was always is bro you fumbled you fumbled see she’s never going to want you now what do you

Mean l RZ honesty is important man you expect me to lie to get a girl okay whatever TV man just shut up about it it’s fine uh ja you’re acting kind of weird it’s everything all right what do you mean acting weird I’m acting how I

Always do okay uh Wow TV man is this your house uh yeah it is you like it pomy I’ve been working on it for you I love it it’s so colorful and you remembered my favorite colors of course I did that’s so thoughtful of you what are you even talking about pomy this

House sucks it looks like a clown that was not something you should have said to pomy why what are you talking about I’m not really a clown cuz these colors are based off of me I’m I’m a Jester okay now the this doesn’t look like you

At all this looks like kmo or something ja I would just give up bro just just give up on py just go out with ragi okay you go out with ratha she’s obviously likes you oh wow is this your house Jack is this all what you do right here not

Bad I ain’t got no roaches or nothing pretty good actually of course it’s good I mean I built it after all but uh what what do you want uh oh I was just admiring your house that’s so there there aren’t any structural weaknesses you can’t like burn it or blow it up or

Anything you know I’m just saying oh oh okay um are you okay ja you’re looking a little tense tense me no I’m fine I’m cool is a cucumber uh well uh okay if you say so um now I’m going to check out T man’s house yeah you uh do that have a

Have a nice time so this is your house T man uh yeah I’ve been working on it I still have to add the kitchen and the bathroom and stuff like that isn’t it amazing though and it’s for pomy cuz I’m rising her up but don’t tell her okay

Well that’s nice and thoughtful but you really want to give the best for pomy and this wood with like the the color is kind of flashing I would probably do something else what do you mean this is fire I don’t know about that one I would

Just fix it up just a little you know I mean I absolutely hate to agree with ratha but I mean she’s kind of got a point man that is ugly oh see you guys agree on something that means you guys should go out now I don’t think that’s

How it works what uh nothing nothing nothing Jax can talk to you more about that no I can’t why don’t you just go over back to your side uh reatha have a nice day yeah yeah I was heading there already yeah go do that yeah yeah you

Know it’s kind of cute when Jax gets nervous his his ears twitch a little and shakes a bit cute what does that mean uh she likes you jack oh yeah let’s go tby R now we can go to double date well I got to pull poy first what are you

Talking about she that’s obviously not what she meant she didn’t mean cute as in like cute cute she meant like cute as in I’m weak she hates my guts uh no she likes you bro You Don’t Know Her Like I know her you don’t know what you’re

Talking about are you serious right now anyway I’m just going to keep working on my base and what can I do to improve this place oh wait I completely forgot we need to add a kitchen and we need to add a bathroom over here so we’ll add

The bathroom right here and let’s place these blocks right there 1 2 3 1 2 3 there we go and here’s where the bathroom will be and then on this side we’ll have the kitchen and let’s grab all the kitchen stuff all right let’s grab this kitchen cabinet we’ll grab a

Sink as well a dishwasher We’ll add a blender as well a toaster what else can we grab oh a microwave of course and of course let’s add a fridge but I got to go type it in here we we go fridge and we’ll also add an oven let’s go this is

Going to be awesome all right we’ll add the oven right there and we’ll get the dishwasher right there in the fridge and then we’ll add a cabinet right there and where should we put the microwave okay we’ll put the microwave right there and uh where are we going to put this

Toaster are you serious right now huh let me think where could I put this toaster you know what we’ll make this bathroom a little bit smaller so we have more room to work with on this kitchen and we will add the toaster right here and there we go we got a toaster and

Then we’ll add a blender of course cuz we need a blend so we can make smoothies cuz pne’s favorite thing to do is make smoothies all right and also let’s add some tables right here we’ll have like a little bar right here oh my gosh this looks amazing and wait I completely

Forgot we need to add some chairs as well so we have some places to sit down when we’re eating we add a chair right here I don’t like that chair color ew we got to add a chair color that pomy would like you know what we’ll do a stone

Chair I think that’ll look pretty good we’ll do like that and then like that and oh my gosh this is actually Riz let’s go all right let’s add some concrete right here and here will be the bathroom but it’s going to be kind of small because we don’t have a lot of

Room to work with all right let’s do SL clear so we can add all the bathroom things yo TV man I like what you’ve done with this place this kitchen looks nice thanks bro you like it dude I’ve been working really hard yeah the kitchen and everything is good but I mean these

Colors are just like so ugly man how are you going to win ratha with these ratha ew dude that’s your girl bro I don’t want her dude pomy pomy likes me dude what do you mean no She’s So Into You Man pom’s the one that likes me you got

It mixed up all right how about you go ask p yourself what do you mean ask her myself man what is wrong with you you have like lrz or something why would I do that all right fine I’ll go ask her then okay if you really want to end this

Right now and finalize it to make sure she really doesn’t like you or likes you then we can figure this out right now well I don’t know why you’re phrasing it like that when she does like me but yeah go ahead then see what happens have your

Dreams crashed uh all right you know I’m going to go ask pomy right now okay Jax I’ll let you know what she says hey pomy I have a really important question oh uh yeah what is it do you like Jax keep saying like she you really like him uh

Well well uh can we uh go over here um and talk in quiet no absolutely not I hate his guts I don’t want to be anywhere near him he disgust me well uh ratha kind of likes him so I’m saying we we can set them up you know what I mean

I mean I’m pretty sure ratha does actually like Jack but I I don’t know if JX likes ragat that uh yeah yeah well I’m going to figure this out wait pomy I have a really good idea so I’m going to use my invisibility potions right here and let’s put some love letters all

Around Jax’s house okay I have a really good idea here follow me okay pomy okay okay pomy here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to go sneak into Jax’s house I’m going to put a sign in his house and it’s going to say you’re the best

Builder ever you’re the best in the world all right here we go we’re going to place that sign right there ja you are the best builder in the world wait pomy are you seeing this right now I am this this is such a good idea dude this

Has to literally make Jax love ratha let me think what else we could do oh here we go up from ratha my favorite color is is purple dude that is R bro oh my gosh he’s going to love this o uh what if we give him like some golden carrots and

Say it’s a gift from rocket that oh that’s such a good idea oh my gosh pomy you’re actually so smart thank you uh you’re actually really SM too TV man really thank you I guess all right here we go we’ll put all these golden carrots

In here and oh my gosh this is actually such a Riz Jaxon is literally going to fall in love with ragath after this from ratha I Love You A that’s so cute even though it wasn’t rag but she will never figure out that we did this all right

The troll is over now all we have to do is turn our invisibility off using a milk potion here we go and pomy are you ready to drink the milk here drink that so we can go back to normal okay wait so pomy is this Riz like do you think uh

Jax is going to love ragath after this of course I mean there’s a lot of things he loves he loves himself he loves golden carrots and then hopefully soon he’ll love ratha okay wait what the heck are these signs down here Jax you the best builder in the world true Mr son

You are so right from ragath my favorite color is purple how did she get in here how did she sneak in what is this from ratha I love you what’s in this chest golden carrots wait I know what this is these are poisoned aren’t they she’s

Trying to kill me but I mean I do really like golden carrots there’s no way these are these things will like blow up when I bite into them I can’t I can’t oh I need to upgrade my defenses so you can’t get in again she’s psycho uh what’s

Going on with him that’s not at all how I thought it was going to go uh I have no idea but wait ja what are you doing what do you mean what am I doing I need to protect my wife Barbed fences uh your wife what are you talking about I didn’t

Say wife I said life uh life what do you mean dude this is a build challenge why are you protecting yourself dude because ratha is trying to kill me that’s why uh what makes you think she’s trying to kill you jack oh I guess you guys didn’t

See but she left these super weird signs in my house and like left these poison and explosive carrots I can’t of course she’s trying to kill me what else could it be uh hey I heard some loud noises so I brought a gun just in case I needed to

You know take care of anything is something going on something wrong oh my God she has a gun Jack is he okay he’s acting a little more um uh I have no idea what’s going on he’s insane what do you mean what’s wrong with me ratha

You’re the one trying to kill me trying to give me those like poison explosive carrots don’t put that thing at me explosive carrots what JX what are you yapping about I didn’t give you any carrots what yeah you did you left those signs in my house and whatever okay I

Don’t remember setting put inside your house but uh let me check these signs out I guess what are you doing get out I already got rid of them get out wait I didn’t even know you liked carrots I thought you hated vegetables what why would I carrots are like the second

Thing I love the most besides myself what do you mean you didn’t know everybody knows that but anyway let’s all just uh calm down and get out of my house before I have to like call you know the authorities so please don’t point that thing in me and walk out

Please don’t don’t yeah okay good job bye bye bye okay yep Jax has lost it okay well I’m going back to my house uh do you have any idea what happened to make him no not be this way you know me and pomy have no idea yeah we were just

Uh uh and making a smoothie oh wait anyway pomy wait come to my house I have to show you something I literally have a smoothie maker just for you look at this really that’s so kind I know I know I literally remembered I know I know you

Like smoothies a lot all right py well sadly I’m going to keep building my base because I got to make this the best base ever for someone special oh I wonder who that could be uh you have no idea who it is oh uh well I guess I’ll see you later

Okay who cares about a stupid blender pomy I have something for you too uh okay um here you go oh my gosh what is that uh what what is this let me see what do you mean it’s just food uh this is rabbit stew ew rabbit stew oh my gosh

What’s wrong with rabbit stew I eat it all the time o something smells good someone cook something is that rabbit stew I smell I love rabbit stew that’s so good can I can I have some maybe whoa what do you mean you love eating rabbit stew you know that’s made from Rabbits

Right I’m a rabbit are you trying to kill me what are you even saying ratha you’re a psycho uh oh there’s nothing to be scared of Jax you’re just a little there is you get away from me I need an adult oh my gosh is anyone going to tell

Him that he is an adult uh yeah someone should uh I think he’s terrified of me so I’ll just like not bother him I guess no but he likes you that he likes you I wouldn’t call running away from me and threatening to call the authorities on

Me liking me I don’t know I I could be just blind to the signals I don’t know uh it’s okay I’ll uh ask Jax myself uh ja uh are you in your house oh tomney how’s it going what do you want do I Hear jazz music playing in here oh yeah

I lit some candles too nice aren’t l r bro uh yeah uh so I came over over here to ask you a question so uh yes I will marry you don’t worry what um was that your question no this is getting a little weird okay what were you going to

Ask me then what was it do you do I want to be your boyfriend do going to go on a date is that what were you going to ask you something like that right no I was just going to ask if you maybe like raka like ratha no why she’s cool where

Did you come from and what do you mean why she’s trying to kill me man that’s why anyway TV man why are you ruining my date with pomy elris bro stop being so jealous it’s cringe wait uh this wasn’t a date I literally just came to ask you

A question that sounds like a date to me uh please get away from me you’re weirding me out a little all right anyway ja we got to start building our double date room because we’re going to go on a double date what do you mean I

Mean I still got to finish my house man you can work on it all right I’ll start working on it okay wait uh what are you guys working on oh nothing don’t worry about it py seriously do not worry all right well we’re going to start working

On the double date wait we should have it like really high up in the sky that would be amazing so let me think what colors we should make it it should be a neutral color because uh I don’t know what favorite color everyone’s color is so we’ll have it start right here let’s

Add some support beams like that all right we’ll start with this right here we’ll add some glazed terra cotta this stuff looks so good but maybe we won’t use that one all right there we go we’ll do a little pattern like this for the dinner area and wait this is actually

Going to look so good I’m so excited for this you know honestly we can do a good different pattern we can make this look really cool here we go we’ll do something like this all right we’re going to add a little pattern right here and hopefully this is going to look good

Hey ja it would be nice if you can help me out bro dude I’m still working on my house chill are you serious righty out oh uh what are you working on TV man oh py what in the what are you doing here uh I was just checking up on you is that

Bad uh no I guess not so uh what are you working on oh nothing nothing this is totally not anything that has to do with you guys uh okay well do you need any help no no absolutely not uh please please go away please please go away oh

Okay not in a mean way not in a mean way pomy just uh I can’t explain it right now it’s fine Wow TV man that was some crazy l no offense are you serious right now it was not my fault dude really you say so so right here we go here’s going

To be the little area where we walk into the dinner and oh my gosh this is going to look amazing and let me think what we could do huh we could add some tables right here and de side tables we’ll put them right over here and oh my gosh this

Is going to look amazing we got to add some more of this carpet over here as well so uh Jack what other kind of vegetables do you like or do you just like carrots why why are you talking to me I thought that’s how a conversation works

You talk to someone then they talk back to you what what are you trying to do why are you in my house I cuz you you were there and I decided to go where you are to have a proper conversation are are you trying to kill me do you have

Any weapons what no JX are you okay do you need to go to like the doctor or something then then what do you want I was just staring a friendly conversation with you you expect me to believe that that you’re trying to be friendly with me don’t be ridiculous I’m not an idiot

Well it is kind of cute when you played on but you’re kind of worrying me are you sure everything is all right you you feel a bit warm you know what just get out of my house and I’ll be fine I promise you don’t need to worry

About me well are you sure cuz I’m worried about my friend are you are you sick or something we’re we’re not friends we’re not friends oh okay um then I guess I’ll just go back yeah yeah yeah you do that all right here we go we’re going to keep working on this base

Right here and oh my gosh it’s got to overlap with my base a little bit but you know it’s fine all right here we go and wait it looks like it’s like almost night time now oh my gosh this is going to be a great time to do the dinner

Let’s go so here we go we’re going to add some ladders right here this is going to be such a w Riz bro all right here we go we’re going to add some of these ladders going all the way up and oh my gosh I’m so excited and here we go

And booah there we go oh my gosh we got to add more though and wait we got to totally add a kitchen here as well all right jack you know what I really need your help right now you got to add a kitchen for me okay huh I already built

A kitchen man what are you talking about too bad too bad you got to help out you’re you’re you’re a part of the boys you got to help out I already built a kitchen that’s what I just said you built a kitchen too why do you need

Another one all right that’s it I’m going to explode your house bro don’t you dare I’ll blow up your house first then all right just build the kitchen and nothing will happen okay buddy build what kitchen we already have a kitchen what are you talking about no we need

One up here because we’re having a double date soon so why do we need a kitchen up here can’t we just use the kitchen down there Jack do you want rag palm needle like you I I guess but how is a kitchen going to help just build it

Fine whatever oh my goodness he’s actually so annoying but anyway it’s going to be a big help because we only have a little bit of time left until this double date happens anyway in the meantime while Jax is building this I’m going to work on my Riz inside of the

House let me see some things I could add or wait maybe I could add some things into their house all right you know what that’s I’m going to add some signs and I’m going to get an invisibility potion all right there we go now I’m invisible

In h let me see what other things I can do so I know pomy really likes food she really likes desserts like this one right here she loves cake and she also really likes cookies so I’m going to give her a ton of cookies and I’m going

To surprise her with them but she’s going to have no me all right let’s go inside their house and wo their house is actually pretty cool you know uh I really like Jack’s but he’s acting really weird around me I wonder if I did something wrong I I hope not I don’t

Want to like hurt his feelings they’re talking about him oh my gosh I I’m sure it’s nothing uh maybe Jax is just uh going through a rough time in his life or something I mean I I guess I guess that could be it maybe I should just

Give him a space I mean I like him but it’s probably going to be really hard to like like you know date someone who’s basically afraid of you yeah I guess that’s true but at least TV M isn’t afraid of me I really hope he brings me flowers she wants flowers that’d be

Really romantic um I don’t know how to get flowers let me ask Jack hey Jack uh dude how do I get a girl flowers uh are you stupid or something man just get flowers what do you mean uh what do you mean just get flowers dude we’re in the

Middle of the Void how do I get flowers I don’t even know what they look like you’re in creative mode uh oh yeah let me just look up flowers and there’s no flowers wait this a sunflower is that Riz sure dude give him a sunflower I don’t care man I’m building your stupid

Kitchen remember okay okay I’m going to do that right now oh my goody goodness wait I completely forgot I should get her a red flower cuz red is her favorite color okay I’m going to go invisible again and drop the flower there oh my gosh here we go I’m going to go back

Inside of there and figure out how to give this to py you know what we’ll tie this over here we’ll put the flower right behind here and okay we’ll also put a few cookies here as well and I’m pretty sure P’s favorite food cookies and uh she really likes flowers

Apparently uh well I’m going to stay here and uh look at more books about uh romance cuz you know uh maybe I get chising TV man up one day oh my gosh this is working but uh could you like work on the other stuff if that’s not a

Problem oh yeah for sure for sure wait pomy look at this huh oh what’s going on look there’s like cake and cookies all over the ground that’s kind of sanitary not going to lie but oh there’s a flower and it’s red that’s really romantic you

Know red is the color of romance I bet Jax did this I think he likes me no no no no no no oh my gou are you serious right now yeah must have been Jack everyone knows I hate cake and cookies they’re so unhealthy for you oh my gosh

Are you serious right now no way they think it’s Jack well I think I’m going to go over and thank Jack he probably was just doing the little scared act as like a little skit to make me unsuspected and it totally worked that’s so cute actually you know I think I’ll

Thank him later I’ll keep it a secret for now maybe I’ll bring it up if um you know we ever go on a double date or something oh my goodness my plans literally just faed that’s so annoying dude are you serious right now anyway I’m going to keep working on the double

Date over here because we’re going to have it soon here we go we’ll do something like that so we have some more protection just in case we don’t fall off all right TV man I’m just about finished with your stupid kitchen happy although I’ll say it’s pretty nice up

Here yeah it is nice dude look how awesome this place is well not what you buil like look at this kitchen man this is sick what are you talking about what I build is literally awesome dude you’re ring bro bro you just built a platform

And put a fence around it what are you talking about uh Team man uh where are you uh I’m at my base I’m at my base oh okay uh do you mind if I come over uh yeah what do you want uh well uh I was

Just uh wanting to see you you know uh um here it goes uh okay what’s up what’s up what do you want are you um a a parking ticket because you have fine written all over you uh what that that was that was cool I guess thanks oh uh

Hey py what’s up you want to visit me uh no not really ja I was actually visiting TV man uh do you need something uh yeah let me I actually had something I wanted to tell you uhoh oh okay are you an angel that fell from heaven because your

Face is all messed up what why would you say that all you made my girlfriend upset I my friend yeah what do you mean girlfriend what do you mean upset those were tears of joy idot dude oh my gosh you’re actually the L Wizler bro anyway let’s just finish up this dinner because

We’re going to have it soon because the sun is literally setting and it looks amazing but dude I had to build this dumb kitchen for you and you want me to go to this stupid dinner I’m good no thanks dude we’re literally having a private Chef in here take some golden

Carrots you have to come you think you can bribe me with golden carrots uh yeah yeah you’re right all right J get in your positions over here ja you’re going to sit in this chair right here okay okay whatever and I’m going to be sitting right here so it’s just me and

You why are there four chairs then uh just stand right here I’ll be right back all right man if you say so all right girls I have a awesome surprise for you all especially you P oh uh what is it okay let me get Raga first wait let me

See this house too this house is pretty awesome oh and here’s the kitchen and everything wow this place is amazing wait how do you know your way around here you seem like very familiar what are you talking about I’m not familiar with this place uh what are you talking

About well uh well Rec this right there if you wanted to tell her what you wanted to yeah rag the jack is waiting for you to raise you up oh okay uh well Le the way all right girls follow me now we’re going to go up

This ladder right here and I have a very big S suprise for you all right girls how about you sit right here ratha and my lady pomy sit right here okay oh oh my oh well not in my seat hey no no in this seat no it’s okay Pony that was

That was cute all right right here’s our Chef hey Mr Chef cook us up the best food ever wait pomy what’s your favorite food well I really like apples let’s get some apples going as an Advertiser Raga what do you like what man what’s going

On I was fell as what is ratha doing here Jack ja Jax you can’t leave what you mean I can’t leave she’s trying to kill me are you a part of her plan is this a trap sir please get back in your seat you’re lacking in manners get back

In my seat or what what are you going to do oh I’ll be forced to kick you out and you won’t be getting any of these golden carrots did you say colon carrots oh my mistake Monsour let me just sit down real quick anything else besides apples

Uh let’s get some uh let’s get some soda and uh carrots please carrots uh ask what Raga wants Jack cuz you know why do I care what she wants she can ask for herself excuse me Jax we’re on a date right now and it’s proper etiquette to

Ask the lady excuse you a date what are you talking about woman wait uh JX I thought you liked ratha like ratha what are you talking about she wants to kill me haven’t you seen what she’s been doing I haven’t gotten the last order so

I guess I’ll just give you guys a couple of appetizers while I wait oh carrots nice oh these are pretty cool golden apples I mean I don’t really like golden apples but you know what I like it cuz po likes it I’ll get those sodas ready

For you so uh Jack you’re um your ears look extra fluffy today did you like brush them uh yeah I’m surprised you noticed but that’s probably just cuz you’re trying to kill me right been watching me all day right come on Jack chill out I mean I have like a couple

Things up my sleeve you know so py how do you like this isn’t this awesome yeah it’s everything I could have dreamed of and more you’re so thoughtful I know P this is all for you uh does that mean this is a a date uh of course it is so

Does that mean I I don’t know we’re boyfriend and girlfriend um what are you talking about there’s only room in your life for one boyfriend fony and that’s me have I come at a bad time shall I wait to give you guys your food no we

Want the food please give us food please this is getting really awkward okay I’ve got you a delectable tree today we are currently in stock of whale Ste uh ew whale E I guarantee you with the delicacy uh aren’t whales going extinct do you have like no concern for the

Endangerment of wildlife well that makes it taste better what do you mean sure don’t worry about the everything’s fine also and those drinks you ordered o this is pretty good let me drink some of this uh what is that I also did promise you some golden carrots so here you go sir

Oh dope okay enjoy your food all right this food is a cut pretty good I guess that drink I don’t know what was in that drink it kind of tasted a little weird wait a second this steak tastes so weird ratha you put something in it didn’t you

I’m going to die AR aren uh I mean we’re all going to die eventually but no I didn’t even know we were having whale St okay you know what I meant so um you know TV man and pomy are a thing now so when are we going to you know eventually

You know become boyfriend and girlfriend uh who are you talking to I know what’s going on oh uh ja I’m what was that Reg you did Poison me I’m out of here oh my gosh mission success I guess B likes me now we’re dating let’s go but

R you should probably go get Jack yeah where’s the shot uh let me go look for him he’s probably around here somewhere Jack where are you I’m just a baby in the forest and I can’t find my family I’ve been looking for them for years now

And oh my gosh I can’t find them this is the worst day ever oh and wait what is over there let me jump over there and ah W what is this place what all this wck oh it’s my son who are you wait you look really identical to me are you my dad

Son it’s been so long where have you been um I I’ve been walking alone I’ve literally been uh homeless for like a few years now and I’m still just a baby we have so much to catch up on but first come on we we need to get you inside

Okay and wait who are those guys over there they’re my friends wait who the heck is this loser he’s like a little baby yeah he’s a baby so you got to be nice Jax have you ever been around children that doesn’t matter he is my son I’ve been looking for him for years

So uh anyways how the heck is this loser going to help us what is he emergency food or something he’s going to be very useful and the zombie apocalypse coming up soon wait uh zombie apocalypse what are you talking about Dad I’m so happy that you’re here we’re really going to

Need you we’re going to get attacked by zombies soon wait a zombie apocalypse wait Dad why didn’t you tell me about this earlier well I didn’t know where you were but we’re going to need your help and I’m going to train you so we can survive this zombie apocalypse wait

Really oh my goody goodness okay dude but I’m just really happy I’m here with my dad now uh you really think this guy is going to get stronger look at him he’s so tiny he’s half the size of pomy hey he’s just a kid he has room for

Improvement and growth I’m sure he’ll grow strong one day don’t worry you’re my son I bet you have some kind of special ability that will save us all are you serious man him look at him hey anyway okay Dad what do I have to do to become stronger well uh the first thing

We do need to do is pretty obvious our house kind of got destroyed recently we need to build a new one so here take this creative switcher you’re going to help us whoa wait Dad what is it creative switcher what does it do well all you have to do is activate and

You’ll go in creative mode wait what okay I’m going to activate it in three two 1 Boo and oh my goody goodness I’m in Creative you really gave the creative switcher to this guy he’s probably not even going to help out with the house and that’s my job well it really doesn’t

Matter what we’re all going to be working on this new house once this rain stops oh well look at that it’s becoming clear I guess you called it Kane okay son you building this house that’s going to serve as your challenge to get stronger wait so you’re saying if I

Build this house I’m going to get stronger really dude of course you’re going to be moving heavy blocks using your brain as well it’s going to be it’s going to be perfect don’t worry about it the adults won’t be able to do too much for you guys but you kids should be able

To do it handle it on your own wait kids there’s another kid really yeah oh yeah you mean my kid I almost forgot about him let me call him real quick son JX junor I don’t know what that kid is doing probably being lazy I’m so proud

All right I’ll go look for him I’ll be right back okay oh hey what’s up guys and what’s up loser who are you uh what I’m I’m just baby Kan what’s your name wait are you baby Jax Jax just ran that way to go look for you oh whatever at

Least I’ll get off my back and you’re Baby Kane ew you have a kid hey don’t talk to my kid that way hey it’s really nice to meet you dude we can get strong together cuz I’m pretty sure there’s a zombie apocalypse in 100 days dude well

It’s not nice to meet you and I don’t need to get any stronger I’m already plenty strong it doesn’t matter if you’re already strong we all need to become stronger to face this zombie apocalypse you’re going to be helping my son here build us a safe house oh fine

Uh yeah yeah we’re going to we’re going to do it together dude so we can get stronger together so uh I’m pretty sure you have a creative switcher he gave you one so now we can start building all right and wo I’ve never flew before my

Whole life this is so cool okay Kane I was thinking we can focus on like really using really strong blocks to make sure the zombies can’t get it to us wait like wood and dirt dude right so should I start using dirt I wish they get more like stone at

Least um are you an idiot why are you using dirt wait what are you talking about this is a really strong material right um that’s literally one of the weakest you could use are you stupid or something hey baby ja you’re just like your dad you lack any manners be nice to

Him he’s actually helping us and he’s trying his best okay well maybe he should stop helping if this is what he’s doing okay but little Kane just a word of advice I wouldn’t use dirt they’re much stronger things like you know Iron Stone you know just a little tip uh iron

And stone uh I guess I’ll start using Stone and iron I’ve never used that before cuz I’m just a baby but I guess I’ll try it the stronger blocks you use the stronger you will get I believe in you son wait really Dad yes of course

How do you think I got so big all right well I’ve never built a house before but I guess I’ll try but wait why is he making it purple that’s not even good for defenses Jax has a major ego um what are you talking about stupid this is

Purple concrete who cares about the color it’s Stronger Than Dirt wait purple concrete what in the what is that dude is that actually good dang it stop building out of purple concrete you always do this it’s not good for build defense I see you’re playing favorites

With your kid he was building out of dirt and wood this is way stronger than that I didn’t know I’m sorry I didn’t know okay you know I’m going to build my own house and show you how strong I am I don’t think you can do that just yet

You’re still too young to be building your own house just try learning with baby Jack he’ll come around eventually what might start learning with him but he’s really mean to me and he’s he’s really strong he’s way stronger and better than me that means you have a

Worthy rival you had to get stronger to defeat jck and the zombies do you think I can get stronger Kade of course you can you got this little Kane okay I know you can I believe in you it will just take a lot of hard work but you can make

It happen you just got to believe in yourself um okay you know what I’m just going to build my own house though okay oh come on little Jack don’t be like that why don’t you just try working with him one more time okay okay I’ll try one

Time all right uh you know what since my dad wants me to help uh hey why don’t we just become friends and we can build together dude e get away from me I don’t want to catch your lame loser hey that’s really mean why would you say that I was

Trying to be mean oh my goodness this isn’t fair at all Kane’s being mean to me still going to cry I’m just going to build my own house and not tell them I am better than him because you know what I am going to geter by doing this I’m

Going to work as hard as I can to get stronger all righty here we go now I guess we should do an iron thingy right here because uh Kade said that ir’s really good and I’m not going to use whatever that weird purple material is

That JX is using but anyway here we go we’re going to start building it right here and here we go oh you seem to be doing a fantastic job K see I told you you could do it but I still don’t think I’m as strong as Jack he’s already like

Got way farther than me but wait why is he drawing his face on there what is he doing oh not again it’s um it’s a Jack’s family thing they have a very massive ego Jax Junior stop doing that we’re all living in this house not just you yeah

And you should be lucky to live in a house that looks like me don’t talk to me woman uh excuse me do you talk to your dad like that wow that’s crazy this guy went off to build his house on his own and it’s still terrible who could

Have seen that hey it’s not terrible I’m working as hard as I can okay I’m not as good as you why do you have to be so mean to me anyway we should be working together cuz there’s going to be a zombie apocalypse in like 99 days I

Would work with you if you weren’t so terrible at everything I’m not look look I just built a base Bro Look well yes your house stilles look kind of defensive but it’s really really boring oh what Dad it’s all one colored it’s nothing it’s not any candy to the eyes

Or anything I’m not trying to be mean but I think you should work a little bit harder on the design what the heck my own dad doesn’t even believe in me okay you know what I’m done trying oh don’t be like that pomy did

You like talk to him send to him I’m not good at this uh but you’re the father okay um little Kane yeah what’s up everyone hates me no no no no no no one hates you okay I think your base is really good in fact I think we should

Work on defense more than Aesthetics yeah she does have a point I guess the design doesn’t really matter too much don’t worry about the design just be make the best space you can it will make you so much stronger in the end I I swear well at the end of the day the

Zombie apocalypse might just wipe us out so it’s best to work on defenses don’t worry I believe in you also I’m going to have a talk with your father about parenting get back fine you work on the house we’ll be right back all right well they want

Design but I think it’s more important to make myself stronger so I can actually fight these guys so maybe I should start doing tasks around here wait let me think what I can do and wait maybe I could swim across this River but I’ve never done that before that’s

Really scary but it might just make me stronger so I think I should do it but it might just make me stronger so I can build the house faster all righty and here we go oh my gosh I can’t get on top come on

It oh I did it all right I’m going to walk this way let’s see what’s going on I’ve never actually explored like this before this is really cool hey where you going oh I’m getting stronger dude what are you talking about uh anyway I can

Still fly oh wait no I can’t fly anymore what in the ew I’m in survival mode the creative switcher doesn’t work if you’re too far away from me get back here it’s very dangerous if you go out on your own you may get stronger but you could die

Wait really okay if it makes me stronger I think I need to risk it for the biscuit whatever you do do not go any of the caves those are challenges metant for other people not you no come back wait there’s caves I’ve never been in a

Cave before but if it makes me stronger I want to do it come on there’s got to be a cave somewhere around here whatever you do do not go into the woodland forest it’s too dangerous wait wait what’s Woodland I don’t even know what that means but anyway let’s just see if

We can find a cave because it’ll make me stronger and I’ll be able to help out my family more but here we go let’s see if we find anything I lost my shot again no Kane you are a terrible father how could you just let him go like that

He he’s really quick okay I’m really big and I can’t Dodge all those trees I wonder where I am let me find a deep dark cave that I can become stronger and it is night time no no no okay maybe I want to go back home now um yep that was

A little bit too scary for me let me go back home um where in the where am I I am in the middle of the forest now oh no okay I guess I have no other choice but to become stronger than Jacks and to be

Able to save my family um where the heck is that loser my son wins the force to get stronger I might not ever see him again that’s rough buddy oh shut up this is all your fault Jax you know what you go out there and look for him huh he’s

Your kid guys quit it where am I gosh I want to find my family I can hear their voices but it’s very quiet all right and oh my gosh I can’t find anything but wait is this cave I put down a beacon let’s see if he comes back to us wao I

See a beac Beacon I have to go over there but wait there’s a cave right here and maybe it’ll make me stronger you know what should I just should I just go down and see what’s going on you know I’ll just do that and I’ll come right

Back up to the surface and uh use that Beacon and go back home so I can find my way back home all righty and here we go let’s walk in here o this place is actually pretty cool but uh it seems a little weird like it’s just a normal

Looking cave I used to go down here a lot and wait what is that is that a friendly Critter ow ow ow ow no no no ow ow way oh no what am I going to do there’s more zombies oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s a zombie right there wait

There’s a way to get out thank goodness and what in the what where am I what it just closed oh no I’m all here alone this is really scary but maybe it’ll make me stronger but no this is really scary I want to go back home no no no no

No this is really bad dad save me oh gosh I got to go I got to go and wait there’s a chest right here let me grab what’s in it and wait there is so many golden apples and armor this is so awesome I got to grab all this I’ve

Actually never had diamond armor before this is pretty cool but wait let me see if this actually works I can get stronger from this hey oh oh oh it’s working oh my goodness here we go wo that was so cool oh my goodness let me grab all this golden

Apples maybe this is making me stronger too to be honest come on and oh my gosh this is awesome come on we got to go down here come on it better not get more scary though oh what in the ah there’s so many chasing me this is really scary

Too it’s a tight hallway oh gosh I already feel like I’m getting stronger though and wait what’s going on over here oh I got to go I got to go I got to go and wa where am I going now I’m going down even more wait it looks like this

Is a dead end oh no what am I going to do what am I going to do what in the one is that thing oh my gosh oh no ow ow it is really powerful but I think I just have to kill it oh wo that was so scary

Let me fight this guy though wa this is the only way I’m going to get stronger come on oh gosh this is so scary though come on kill him this mutant Zombie is not dying but he’s really powerful but good thing I have my golden apple in my

Armor but I already feel like I’m getting powerful by the second all righty here we go come on oh is he dead yet are you serious he serious he serious right now why and the why is this guy not dying come on oh my gosh

He’s only has a few more hits left oh he keeps respawning this guy’s really scary though but I’m actually doing a really good job at killing him come on come on use all my power I’m not going to let Jack’s be brother be be bigger than me

Come on come on he’s almost dead he’s almost dead oh my goodness he’s respawning again are you serious right now come on come on this guy’s getting so low oh I’m getting really low on health too are you serious right now this is really scary and oh my goodness

I just killed him and wait I just got a Hulk Cammer ah oh my gosh that is so powerful this Hammer is so awesome but I already feel like I’m getting bigger and wao I am literally like a teenager now this is so cool I feel so much stronger

This is craziness but I got to get back to my home because I can to show them that I got stronger oh my gosh there’s another one let use my whole camera ow ow I’m getting really weak oh my goodness I just got to eat my golden

Apples but this is really scary how am I going to get out of here oh my goodness how am I going to get out of here though but I already feel like I’m getting a lot stronger come on there’s got to be something and wait there’s another CH

Chest over there let’s see what’s inside these chests come on there’s got to be something oh my good this is a mom spawner come on kill the skeletons why aren’t these skeletons dying die I used to be really scared of monsters though but now I’m doing a good job all right

Here we go now I have some diamonds and I need some more sticks come on I just need another stick and there we go now I can make a diamond pickaxe my dad would be so proud of me cuz now I know how to

Craft one now we can dig up let me get away from this Skelly oh my goodness here we go now I’m just going to dig up to the surface and hopefully I’ll be able to get out of here and go back home but this was a mission success even though it was

Really scary oh come on I’ve been mining for so long now and oh my gosh I’m at the surface um you know Kane your dumb kid is never coming back he’s already dead there’s no way he didn’t I know my son he’s tougher than that he’ll come

Back to us I still have to Beacon up dude it’s been 60 days already are you serious get over it already there’s absolutely no way he isn’t already dead just stop thinking about him he was lame anyway good ridd hey don’t talk ill about my son that way he’ll be back I

Swear there’s no way he’s dead oh my goodness there’s no way I’ve been gone for 60 days that means the zombie apocalypse is going to be happening soon so I got to get back home and help them build their base up and hopefully my creative switcher will uh activate again

Once I get close to them somebody activated their creative switcher now only he gave at one son wo Dad look at me I’m a lot stronger now wow you look amazing see I told you you would grow up I’m just so happy that you’re alive you

God for too long what where did you even go we thought you were dead I went into the deep dark cave and I fought monsters and zombies but I got a lot stronger look at me why would you do that that was so dangerous I warned you to not do

That wait a minute did you get a whole Hammer per chance uh yeah look look at this ready boom that’s amazing we can use that against the zombies oh I’m so proud of you you didn’t know you could activate your mutant abilities with that whole camera wait I can activate my

Mutant abilities what does that even mean you just need to focus all your energy into the hammer and you’ll transform wait what are you talking about okay I’m going to try and oh wow you got a A lot bigger like what are you talking about like a lot I

Am muting Kane what in the what is happening to me oh my God I can’t believe this I’ve never seen such a thing before you’re going to be able to save us for the zombie apocal I’m so proud of you wait really oh my gosh this is crazy okay I should

Probably start building though and wait I feel like I can move a lot faster and stuff and build way quicker oh my gosh WAOW wait a second who the heck are you get off of that loser’s house uh what are you talking about I’m Baby Kane huh

There’s no way you’re that loser uh no I definitely am I just got the whole camera from immune zombie in a cave yep that’s right baby Jack that’s my son right there wait really well actually now that I look at you I can kind of see the resemblance you’re both really ugly

Maybe it is him but even so I mean he’s gotten so much bigger what the heck freakishly big ew what what are you talking about dude look look ow what’s your issue jerk wait how’ you manag to get that strong you probably cheated didn’t you uh what do you mean cheated

Dude CH keep your mouth shut buddy stop pitting me ugly don’t hit each other please we got to focus on Surviving yeah that’s more important we got to focus on Surviving because that zombie apocalypse is happening in like a little bit right Kade you are correct I believe we have

40 more days um you know we only have one day left right what are you talking about uh wait a minute let me check one one more time oh the yeah he’s right we only got one day hurry build what we have what a day are you serious right

Now no way no way oh yeah by the way I do need to tell you kind of sad news we lost Jack we have no idea where he went what wait is that why that baby’s acting so mean well I think he was always that

Way yeah he he definitely was uh but hey we don’t know if he’s like for sure dead dead maybe he’s getting stronger like you we can just hope for the best I actually well I severely doubt that cuz it’s Jack what’s wrong with Jack be quiet he’s very lazy he barely gets out

Of bed in the morning uh what in the what that is so goofy yeah he’s always been like that I’ve told him many times he needs to get actually like some motivation to do really anything but he just sits around stop talking smack about someone who isn’t here that’s

Gossiping none of that even matters it doesn’t matter if he’s here or not we have one more day or we’re all going to die we need to build the defenses to defeat the zombie apocalypse yeah that’s exactly what I’m doing right now but I have some smarter ideas than what Jack’s

Doing because I’m way stronger than him now so we’re going to clear this you got to be kidding me okay who cares if you’re stronger than me you know what whatever fine maybe you are better than me so what uh I don’t really care to be

Honest with you I’m just trying to win this zombie apocalypse dude well I think all of us are just trying to survive yeah uh that’ll be pretty bad wait I just realized we’re going to be in Creative when these zombies are here so we’re not even going to die this is easy

You realize whenever the zombie apocalypse comes here it’s going to remove all the creative solders what are you talking about yeah I don’t know how it works either but every time this has happened in the past all the creative SES just like stop working oh my

Goodness that is so scary so when the zombies come we could die we’ve lost so many people to this zombie apocalypse one by one we’re just being thinned out and I hear this one is the worst one yet if we don’t survive then that’s it we’re

Wiped out forever oh no we’re wiped out forever I don’t want to die like this I’ve gotten so strong already I need to prove myself but I’m going to clear my inventory and make a ton of super op weapons over here so we’re going to use

My chest and out the knowledge I know now from the cave I can make the best weapons ever especially if I’m in creative mode all righty here we go we’re going to place it like that and here we go we’ll place them around like that and we’ll put a ton of super op

Weapons in here all right so let’s check out these weapons we have and wo there’s so many options so we’ll grab a diamond Lance and a copper Lance these things are so cool we’ll grab a short sword another sword we’ll grab some of these as well and we’ll grab some of these

Hammers and we’ll put it in the chest here we go we’re going to place these right here and uh I’m going to need someone else to enchant these cuz I’m going to work on getting the items or maybe I can just enchant them we don’t

Have a lot more time I’m I I’ll enchant it you just keep working on the base okay yeah we don’t have a lot of time at wait turning night time does that mean the Zombies come out at night oh my gosh I don’t know if we’re going to make

It this time I’ve survived this long but you know there’s always a chance I’ll get wiped out and then then I’ll die and then I won’t be able to respawn anymore get yourself together I can’t I’m panicking oh my goodness it wait it’s raining again but good thing I’m strong

Now so I can handle the rain all right and I got to grab some of these shields as well and then I’ll go inside but here we go let’s put that in there and I’m going to grab some golden apples as well because those are super important here

We go and we’re going to place them inside of the chest and we’ll place them all in here and that is awesome it looks like we’re fully stacked now but before the zombies come we should probably build up my base some more let me think

What we can do oh and wait I have a really really good idea so what I’m going to do I’m going to grab some of this obsidian right here and I’m going to grab some of this lasers and these Shield pads and guys watch what I’m

About to do do do this is going to be crazy here we go let’s do something like that we’ll place that we’ll place it maybe over here so we guard Jack’s house as well what the heck do you think you’re doing loser get away from my

House dude watch this you got to trust the process okay ready so we’re going to put that laser right there and booya there we go wait why are you putting a laser like that over there that’s so dumb I mean I guess lasers are kind of

Cool that’s why I already have them in my house but you have to have them all around the property so we don’t die dude actually yeah Kane is right here lasers and whatnot are going to be perfect for this Invasion only the smartest people know about how to use these lasers well

It’s not that hard to be honest I’m really proud of you son you’ve been growing so much we’ve been trying to figure out lasers for a long time and yet you did it with these yeah I don’t know how I did it so quickly I guess I’m

Just talented at that but anyway let’s keep building this and wait this is starting to look so good and now we have a ton of defenses around our defenses so we are literally op wow this is actually looking amazing what else can we add before the zombies get here well I don’t

Know if you ever thought of this but elevation is probably really important so if we make our base like really hard to get on to uh they’re probably not going to be able to climb on top of it if we make it so it’s hard to climb on

Top of oh you’re right you’re so smart Jack help them about with that um I’m good I don’t want to help that loser I’ll keep working on my own house thank you uh why do you have to be so difficult it’s fine I’m figuring this

Out on my own okay I’ll leave it to you come on Jack it’s the at least you could do like don’t you want to survive don’t you not want to get eaten alive uh yeah I am going to survive and I don’t need anybody’s help especially from that

Cheating loser over there I’m not a cheater what are you talking about dude you’re just a hater he that’s kind of right you are just being pressed for no reason all right here we go so we need to make all of this two blocks high so

They can’t jump on top and actually eat us alive but it is starting to look really really good here we go and there’s actually no way for them to get on top of here unless they climb this big mountain here but there’s no way they’re going to be able to do that you

Know what we can make this a little bit deeper and here we go all right we’ll dig this down some more and wait this looks so amazing I can feel the zombies coming they’re almost here everybody get prepared okay everyone get prepared come on I got to add some stuff to my

Interior Okay C down C down all right let’s add some of this reinforced glass we’ll do red because that’s my favorite color and this is going to be super op we’ll just put this everywhere come on we got to do this quickly I finished enchanting all the armor just make sure

You make your guys’ house safe don’t let the zombies break in I’m not going to let them break in I’m going to use everything I have and make it super super secure come on all right let’s add some glass here just so we can see what

The zombies are so we can scope them out and wait I have a really good idea why don’t we add stairs right here this is a really good idea so we can see on top of the balcony and see what’s going on but we should probably add like an electric

Fence here so they don’t so they’re not able to like climb on top of here but we’ll add something like this right here so we can actually jump on top and here we go we’re going to add the electric fences just like that all righty here we

Go and we are finished with the electric fences let’s go oh I’m just so proud of you son you grew up so well oh I bring your tears to my eyes yeah I’m so happy I’m growing up but it is kind of sad but anyway we’re going to

Have to fight these zombies soon so everyone get ready and wait I am in s survival oh no sorry Jack I think I’m just going to go in uh oh there’s a zombie right there I’m just going to go to Kane’s house cuz I don’t want to die

Wait a second I forgot to grab all the armor let me grab that real quick come on I got to grab everything I can oh my gosh this is so bad oh my gosh I got to grab whatever I can come on come on come

On oh my gosh Come on all right I have everything I can I’m going to go back in the house and good thing there was no zombies there well there was one but I fought him off all right let’s put on all this armor and oh my goodness I’m

Getting so strong son son here you dropped this wait what what is it oh my whole camera I completely forgot about it but wait why am I still normal I’m still I’m still like a mutant I not sure I’m not sure how it really works but I

Think it that last longer than 3 days maybe wait it lasts longer than 3 days oh my goodness no way it seems like they’re com wait wait who’s coming who’s coming in oh wait there’s zombies right there there’s only one though this is not bad you guys said the zombie

Apocalypse was going to be way worse no it is take a look again oh what in the no there’s so many oh oh my gosh that’s really scary why are they going to my house oh no wait they’re going into Jax’s house they’re eating Jack’s house

Wait what the heck why aren’t they doing this the stupid TV man’s house this isn’t fair I’m scared I I don’t know if we’re going to make this one oh no what’s going on in oh what in the no this is crazy there’s so many of those

Zombies there do you see in this py uh-huh and I wish I didn’t I’m going to die oh no this is really scary no we’re fine P we’re fine but wait where’s baby Jack I think he’s still inside the house um what the heck is your guys’s problem

I was playing fortnite where did all these things come from good thing there’s another house here yeah you can use my house as protection everyone can and Kan you’re on the bottom floor right yes I’m making sure the zombies don’t eat through our walls oh my goodness

That could be really bad if they eat through our walls but good thing we’re doing a really good job I’m scared oh no what’s going on there’s too many of them guys this is really terrifying but we’re doing a good job and our our defenses are holding up pretty well look

At this the lasers are actually working right now oh I think we might have bigger problems wait what’s that oh it’s a mutant zombie like what I saw last time oh no it seems like the lasers are dealing with one of them look at that look over there oh it’s working it’s

Working guys our lasers are working oh my goodness wait there’s more mutant zombies up here but good thing they can’t reach us this is pretty funny ow ow are you okay guys yes we’re fine but take a look there’s muted skeletons wait muted SK SK SK SK skeleton oh no this is

Really bad really bad this is terrible we’re not going to survive this we’re all going to die no no we’re not going to die don’t worry just fell oh no this is really bad I’m stuck in here now oh no come on come on come on get me out of

Here come on let me get back in the M son get back inside hurry oh no go oh no this is really scary are you guys okay Jackson p no well yeah yeah but no there’s a zombie on top of the house wait oh my what let me destroy this guy my whole

Camera come on oh my goodness he’s on top of our house guys help me fight him nah I’m good you can handle it it’s your house after all Jack you have a gun just go up there and help him nah oh my goodness what do you want me to do I

Can’t fight this is really scary come on just kill this guy why is he dead oh he’s getting struck by lightning no way come on he should be dead soon oh my God just way I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die oh no oh I’m almost

Dead but good thing I just didn’t die there Jack go help him come on he’s got to die soon come on why is he dead yet oh my gosh wo he just got off theof but he literally just flew me up in the sky you saw that P guys look down below there’s

Spotting there’s a ton of mutants wait what there’s a mut oh my gosh what’s going on in wait Jax oh my gosh Jax baby Jack look it’s Jack oh hi Dad I thought you died son what are you talking about I’ve been looking for you this entire

Time and I finally just gave up wait Jack you’re alive what where have you been where were you uh don’t worry about it I’ll tell you guys later but uh I kind of figured out what we need to do uh you have the whole camera right yes I

Have the whole camera what do we need to do to get these monsters please well I was doing some research and you kind of missed the instructions that were right there when you got the hammer but all you need to do is release all your

Energy at once and we’ll be fine so uh do that like now please help help please I’m about to die hurry son we’re all going to die that was our only chance help oh come on and boom oh and did it work wait what in the

Way it is now daytime and wait I’m not mutant anymore but anyway way I’m still an adult which is pretty cool but did we do it it’s daytime now and it’s normal yeah you did do it good job man I knew you had it in you the entire time yeah

Thank you so much son you saved this all I’m so proud of you no you went back to your old self again uh yeah but I’m still not a kid anymore but anyway this was really fun and I’m really happy I have you guys now welcome back to the

Family kid you really saved us thank you so much Kane for helping I almost died out there if it wasn’t for you thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe subscribe everybody

Ow ow click a video up on screen guys please subscribe please guys please subscribe subscribe

This video, titled ‘Adopted by CAINE FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-01-08 07:25:14. It has garnered 10421 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:21 or 11541 seconds.

Adopted by CAINE FAMILY in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

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    Rocket Building in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ RAKIETE W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to build rockets and explore the vastness of space. Let’s delve into how you can construct a rocket in this virtual world! Materials Needed To build a rocket in Minecraft, you will need a variety of materials such as: Iron Ingots: For the rocket’s structure Gunpowder: To fuel the rocket Feathers: For the rocket’s fins Paper: To create the rocket’s nose cone Construction Process Once you have gathered all the… Read More

  • Crafty Flower Truck: Minecraft’s Blooming Tutorial

    Crafty Flower Truck: Minecraft's Blooming Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, a flower truck stands tall, With petals and blooms, it’s a sight for all. Crafted with care, in blocks of eight, A colorful addition to your town, just great. Materials needed are simple and clear, Listed in chapters, so have no fear. The size is precise, eight by five by four, Follow along, and you’ll want more. In Minecraft JAVA Edition, version 1.21.1, But fear not, it works in all editions, fun. Coordinates provided, for easy finding, No mods required, just your creative binding. Music by Campagna, sets the mood right, As you build… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Enderman on Minewind Server

    Unleash Your Inner Enderman on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by Rishi, also known as Glichcart, where he shares his experience of getting his soul trapped inside an Enderman in Minecraft. While this may sound like a bizarre and unique occurrence, it’s just one example of the endless adventures and surprises that await you in the world of Minecraft. If you’re looking for a server where you can unleash your creativity, explore new realms, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts, look no further than Minewind…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► 💬 Events Discord ► 🔴 Twitch ► 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : / discord Follow My Instagram : / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2 – Upgrading Tools! New Equipment and Armor!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-06 19:00:27. It has garnered 21682 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:55 or 2695 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building new stone tools and leather armor as we build up our base! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T ProsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Minecraft VS 2B2T Players’, was uploaded by NottaG on 2024-06-02 23:28:20. It has garnered 314 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. song creds BongEatBong – 2b On My Mind (YNW Melly Murder On My Mind Anarchy Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

    Insane mods dominate Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘How mods completely took over Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickNameHidden on 2024-05-10 12:52:51. It has garnered 1510 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. In this video, i explained how mods took over Minecraft, literally forcing the player to play with them, as well as how they are making Minecraft so special because of them. Shaders that i use in my videos: Complementary Reimagined, SEUS PTGI HRR 3. Texture Packs that i use: Unique Dark, Smaller Crosshair, Fresh Animations. Support my channel: Follow my social media: X… Read More

  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

    Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE - Battle Commands!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 24/7 INTERACTIVE MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM !COMMANDS !HELP !BATTLE’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-01-22 21:48:25. It has garnered 161 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. This is the video archive for Hoobs Live SMP of 1465 PM 👉 The LIVE STREAM can be found here: Hoobs Live SMP is a vanilla survival server that everyone can join! 💻 JAVA SERVER ADDRESS: 🪨 Bedrock IP: PORT: 19314 🎮 GET HELP ON DISCORD: Made In Portugal ♥ With Love #LIVEMINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSERVER #SURVIVALSERVER *Special… Read More

  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

    "Friend saves my life in Minecraft!" 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Friend Saved my But i Did This in Minecraft 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by RTERO on 2024-07-11 00:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello everyone Please Like, Share and Subscribe… Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft … Read More

  • “Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft” #CrazyAdventure

    "Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft" #CrazyAdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘『Let’s Play!✿ Minecraft』พาท่านเทพผจญภัยไปกับขนมปัง🐉🍞 ft.@lnw_neuatong #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Fumi Hausu on 2024-09-18 16:22:38. It has garnered 2435 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:12 or 8052 seconds. Support the softest bread at this link ✨ 🍞 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Fumi’s Tag ! #FumiHausu Live: #FumiLives Fanart: #Art4Fumi Meme: #Fumememe Sing: #Fumising Gaming: #Fumigaming Cooking: #fumicook Don’t forget to talk about Fumi’s live and tag us a lot. Fumi will see everyone’s messages❤ BGM sugar popcorn by 柊 羽音Hiiragi Hanon • *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Don’t forget❗️ press SUBSCRIBE and press the Fumi bell… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich BAUE BENX XXL OP GESCHENK in Minecraft HELDEN!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-09-21 10:00:09. It has garnered 17842 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds. I BUILD BENX OP GIFT in Minecraft HEROES! Included: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is a funny / funny Minecraft challenge… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)

    Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel LIVE (im trash)’, was uploaded by GoldenSomeThing on 2024-09-23 03:17:57. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:59 or 12299 seconds. hope you enjoy like and subscribe #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars Read More

  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

    Experience GoatZone Reborn Looking for a unique Minecraft Java experience? Join GoatZone Reborn for special superpowers that make every player stand out! Features: Exclusive superpowers for each player Collaborative building of a modern Chicago-inspired city Exploration with new biomes, dimensions, and mods Ready to Join? If you enjoy building, exploring, and mastering your superpowers, join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Today’s Minecraft Live: Thoughts on Upcoming Updates?

    I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into the hearts of 271 people! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! In this Minecraft tale, we journeyed far and wide, To the End we ventured, with courage by our side. The portal we found, with eyes of ender’s guide, Through the stronghold’s maze, we did stride. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and strong, But with strategy and skill, we battled along. Destroying the crystals, we fought with song, Victory was ours, the battle won. Into the End City, we ventured next, With loot aplenty, we were truly blessed. Elytra in hand, we soared and flexed, Rare items collected, our inventory impressed. Enchanted gear and shulker boxes galore, Our Minecraft journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #litaf

    Minecraft meme #litaf “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad of pigs starts chasing you like you just insulted their momma #foryou” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More