JustCallMeDon – Penumbra smp a war is ongoing…

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Okay nothing’s going on new Subs to me I’m just up to you anyway it’s bugged for now so it should be should be showing off show up it’s not showing the goddamn okay shut up it showed up where your back chat chat is now closed versus 10 eyes okay let me pin this

WWE like the Stream then are you shooting at me gentlemen what’s goody you shouldn’t shoot at your friends in America they do this all the time but you shouldn’t shoot at your friends You’ve Lost That Exchange oh I’m still at full health by the way watch My Stream watch My Stream I am

Healed but he thanks Fox that’s bullocks or whatever you put oh my hack hacks got manipulate the damage you’re doing no I can no it can’t I can’t look out look out no I can’t look up it can’t it’s impossible wait you just want me trapped yeah Shadow’s fun but

Most people are quick drops to him but most people are quick drops to him but you know you know what’s funny about me I survived against him on 10 minutes without gothams and eventually I had no golden carrots left and I didn’t have a helmet on boots and I survived 10 minutes again

I hate you 10 minutes against the most powerful uh the strongest person or the best Aaron this Minecraft s p exactly but the the best pvpr on the server with no and I ended with no carrots no gaps uh helmets and Boots broken oh right all that [ __ ] broken and then people say Oh you know that’s what he said and I was like what the frigidators like I can curse again [ __ ] not cursing oh what was my aim that was literally like precise three three point three block Ranger that was crazy you’re really do you wonder how I did that no you know okay uh let’s see let’s do your mom that was childish I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t try to steal your

Group and no nothing don’t worry about it come on 360 with low DPI because that’s better for me yeah DG on a bubble boost it didn’t work now I can hate you too right no you’re you’re not actually gonna do this you wouldn’t dare no I’m gonna stay away

Gonna do a long range bro that went right through your legs that let me just I can’t even see you all right save around the kid I have the hike I have high ground yeah I know that was cool that was very hard yeah does it hit no no over foreign saturation working

First hit second hit no no come here hey Do do I walk by the stick I walk with a good I shoot grand plan for fun hey that’s racism cancel grand plan yeah yeah it’s like me off story yo 2b1 we can do two V ones we can do two V one two V ones someone wants to join

Oh that’s your idea and so if he wants that’s four people watching yeah it’s hot you could just you know spell it out loud yo how do I fight you with my kid go first to stand my guy versus ten versus ten what’s hello bro um

Bro do I literally have to tell them yo I’m the streamer come on it’s not that hard just Dawn Dawn yeah I guess it’s very hard my bad guys it’s very hard no that’s what she said too look at the QB ones because I suck at the game we

Couldn’t even do three view ones yo mine is Warrior rebs all right Warrior Reds so my first stream on this channel invite you to the party my guy join the party everything we do with skept us at all it doesn’t matter it’s cool but remember us a bit okay okay he’s here

Rune Center Rune 10 Pro what’s your IGN down times all right we’ll invite you next game after you stay at your IGM match of course it’s my phone number kit what what do you think it wasn’t working You know I’m netherlandish no I’m not in Dutch it’s not in a little landish all right he looks decent oh yeah it might be you because you just know yeah no you’re not you’re good just he attacks differently than you my character need yeah yeah did you just say got him

Let’s get him did you just say giat oh yo okay why are you bum wreaking foreign I assume I assume no no I was chasing hello you’re not you’re not allowed to watch three more fighting by the way you’re not allowed to stream stuff no history is living I’m gonna buy you

Yeah but bro once I like was 300 blocks away from Charlotte at one time said no log bucket or banned forever he was like the most desperate person ever don’t cry about it bro you have the stream open regardless it doesn’t matter but doing 2v1’s while not warmed up ah

It’s kind of hard yeah but you’re doing you’re you’re doing the 2b1 why do you have the carrots equipment wait is that is that even you oh no it’s not you little well how did I close up oh wait hey how the [ __ ] I need that team can pick up the stuff

I gotta totem all right I’ve got this I’ve got 30 gappers yeah so you don’t accidentally drop your sword yeah but that’s not realistic doesn’t matter oh yeah no by the way no I remember that’s because that’s how Fallen wouldn’t give to me always cobwebs same as a cobweb somewhere Oh that’s the wrong reasons not with a running come on Warrior rebs is waiting come on we can let the G wait I can’t let them wait Grand and down oh my God come on stop running GG yeah yeah I said I said GG what do you

Want to do about it oh grandpa no you’re just refusing my GG you’re not accepting it you’re just not accepting my GG I find that incredibly rude of you good good oh that was almost a quick drop Shield spammers get ax spammers bro no almost I’m just focusing that person I think

It’s you not that guy bro oh wait that’s not you okay I’ll [ __ ] with you then he’s doing well he’s well he’s yo let me just put him out is he doing Bop Style yo yo you’re how you pop from a pro I wasn’t even fighting you anymore I was

Focusing on me by the way that’s not me oh oh I’m sorry I froze Warrior Ebbs let’s go yeah that’s pretty bad pretty like number is is there King really Kingsman kingsman’s really bad like really bad [ __ ] I’m talking like I click drop him without poison no I I don’t is that Kingsman

Well Kingsman body received some training from sharpness or something uh really good I’m not low I’m full HP hello he’s low get his ass foreign did you get the gaps again good posts um GG how are you not dead did I miss that oh I missed that last shot by an inch

Oh come on how did I crit you out while I was in the cobweb okay GG wait wait uh what’s your name yeah I know but bro um the the other guy the Rune pro send guy you want he wants me to tell him what my name is so he can

One who won but I need to know his name too you know say that in stream I don’t see the point of typing in chat my name is team red okay I’m team red I’m Donner Schleich VR it’s it’s a very harsh pronounce it’s not a language you’re familiar with I

Can basically guarantee that could be something what people are learning Dutch in school no I mean from your school well it’s not something I’m pretty sure literally nobody in my school even has the Dutchland even okay okay Grandpa okay what what did I do was I targeting you there

By the way what’s talking yeah don’t call it Dutchland I swear I thought no it’s called The Netherlands it’s literally got literally named after Minecraft yeah just strange yeah why are you act spamming oh that’s not you you out but I want to do all the warrior guy

I I’ll do the roon Pro 10 guy in the meantime I guess oh okay now I can see you know axes aren’t really helpful in two new ones if you’re two of you wanting right bro that Arrow took like forever I got the totem it was separated

It doesn’t matter I want to chase you give me the stuff literally just doing this because he’s on my Hotmail my armor is still in green how the frick mine was also helpful but I I was getting 2V1 the grand plan oh his his in-game name is just runes

And bro we can play Crystal uh I’m I’m down for a game of Crystal I guess come on PG what part those dude runes and pro that’s not me though I invited you to the server uh to the server yo runes and pro except the invite you have in room okay

You didn’t even accept Authority invite okay he wants to do crystal I haven’t played this in like forever but right not not seriously invite by the way oh no not crossbow come on don’t belong to me yo let’s go I don’t know how it how it works unfortunately oh my God for me

Brad you’re not even watching the most entertaining battle ever the most at the most epic fight in the history of Epic fights currently doing the most epic part of the history of Afrikaans oh damn so it’s a contest are you making this a contest Grandpa oh my gosh this leg didn’t let me

Designate the anchor hey stop purling away stop purling away and now he’s bringing towards me okay it’s not gonna play her again or this poisonous bro yeah you have good speed man no you’re digging no no I’m doing that I’m gonna kill you you do realize I’m not there all right I’m out

Out there still still out there yeah that’s annoying in it you oh you popped is he beating you bro can you stop throwing away and gappling it’s it really isn’t progressing this Crystal fight okay I see I see your strategy let’s go then why are you spamming slow falling that much man

Really isn’t necessary you know why are you Catholic again I should I’m I already had slow falling if you pull away how many gaffles do you want to eat I still have slow falling I’m gonna fight you in normal in a sec then we’re gonna see

Don’t shoot me again I still have it for 26 seconds quick question can you just normal fight me crystal normally not about this I’m PVP have I will dominate still closing in I hate the fact that it’s not hmm what am I what in my place

And keep it into my anchor that’s a racism I still had it what do you mean I hate why are we why are you using slow falling just just why yay no more snowfall I’m not playing Crystal again shoot ever again I hope you know except the party invites

Accept the party invites I’ll do you in the party except party invites that’s genuinely scary before I feel so sorry can we play okay can we play Crystal PVP no slow falling there’s no way he said that I already send it has already been invited just just scroll up in chat

Yeah yeah nice I like really similar skill level my parents give me food this is amazing let’s go but my monster just kill yourself okay guys by the way after this after this we’re gonna do three view ones are just unplugged you know Gran that that really sounds

Like a skill shoes for me hey what’s up hey that’s that’s incredibly rude you know you shouldn’t be saying that to people people might get hurt suicide I almost freaking died yeah I know but you shouldn’t do that stuff because it kills you GG hey I have my shield up hey

Hand Cobra’s place stop bugging out on me game yo yo from spectating bro I mean I want to but I can’t really do that if he keeps running you know is that necessary well done this is what we’re trading for let’s go let’s go you mean this is what I trained you for Bro stop Run Stop collecting arrows to shoot me on the ax fan and gallbud way you’re not winning an ax bombing you run out of saturation I mean I could do that but every everyone said nobody liked Don the Ripper so you know wouldn’t people then just just call me just

Call you down are you sure call me just call me just call me where are you yeah exactly I’m here little tree I remember back in the like when I when I uh joined the number back right uh right after the band I we you and I had

Some beef at the beginning I remember that I don’t know oh no oh dripstones hurt no no no no are you just okay there’s a border there’s a good luck oh he’s doing that okay no I’m out there’s a good luck I’m in the middle I’m in the center all right let’s go

Let’s go shoot shoot border no quicker I don’t know Bob’s just like messaging me like you know man I’m very sorry but like you have 4B wanted me and I was like I was told to and then we left wait wait Bob’s online wait yeah you want me to check he might be

What if your shadows alone no no Shadow’s not online yet is he shot online so I don’t think he is I told you I master X member usually I leave axes behind but GG I guys uh we’ll be back in one second I’ma just check my enemies on the server if he is

I’ll kill him oh and then give me all the leg please yo where’s Bobby where are you Bobby Brown Jr bro wait I’m so confused yeah you do have a strong no that’s mine still good you can check that all right okay he’s not here he’s not here guys

I’ll go back to Legacy okay I’m back runes and pro and warriors Party play I will be streaming later all right let’s go 2V1 what do you think of Smurf got well what do you think of the Smurf cat Smurf cat no not Smurf yeah no yeah why are you like this yeah

I genuinely had Smurfs yeah you lit bro that you’re fighting me you’re not fighting him with axes by the way on Legacy we are nons too because we don’t have ranks on Hypixel Skyblock or just on Hypixel in general I’m not um that’s that’s a quick drop okay that’s unfortunate

Another way called drop why is Bob like this like what it’s bomb he’s just going like have you caught your kid back yet friendo w friendo so what you doing right now friend though is this going freno yeah I mean I know it’s gay but like yeah but he doesn’t say friend though

Like T Reese’s friend though Siri says [ __ ] yo Bob X Theory both like purple both say both say friend though both light love cats easy ship love uh see how yeah they do love that what bro I looted everything useful from that file positive because I have a stack of gappers for a reason hmm

Which shouldn’t be possible but it is because I have it so no no no no hey step Vlogs Bartholomew no they’re in Dunstan no you know y’all didn’t you all did of course they did I know them I just know these things foreign you grant chill the [ __ ] down everyone

Gets canceled for your racism plantist your leftist s might have been planted because you’re literally a plant sorry I made me antifluences you want me how is that gonna make you answer your plans are you against plants no you are up this guy’s good in comboing though I gotta give him that

Yo what are they saying in chat bro that’s fine how many Pros do you have some generals nobody’s ever in general I know it sucks they’re an empowerment oh yeah yeah but I still want to know that project Shadow was talking about man which wasn’t too secretive to share with me uh

Move of course he says moving on actually make a better video I am horrible at it can you not bow me okay I am why do I always mess up my cobweb and water hot I don’t get that come on stop running how’s your armor doing you know

Why are you a new account making I think that is very good English yeah let’s go Warrior rebs don’t tell me you’re low how Grand watch My Stream that was one of the nastiest quick drops I’ve ever caught views lost this exchange I’m sorry oh my God I’m sorry Warrior rebs

I hit it with 10 crits how are you actually still alive okay I have seven current viewers I no one’s about my record was like 11 or something but that was act that was actually on crack though now you’re pre-equipping your totem smart play by Warrior spare ribs I’ll write some Nintendo emcee

Do you want to play a lot okay random you’re gonna play random kids really yeah I’ve never played This Server I I literally I played before like a long time ago though why is everyone in this server so bad I don’t know but Veronica is just a lot of opportunity killing

That car sucks I’m not talking about where your spare ribs are you no okay good why would I talk about persparagus like that and bro what what the [ __ ] did I just open shot bro read my chats what just just no no scroll up well we will always be watching the

Amazing content body blue whatever it takes could be I agree with that guy all right all right okay okay okay I know something versus stand on Legacy versus then versus Legacy PVP reverses then Legacy PVP I okay let’s go what what your IGN oh if I find out that y’all aren’t

Subscribed to just call me Don I will murder Yep I stole that from you I hate you iOS um number five search of shadow right now my school friends the guys in my chat who are bugging me on my school friend well no I wouldn’t call them friends actually it’s cool I know them from school I yells IGN all right

All right again what your origin tiny car that’s what I thought cringe my bad penis were challenged which means I can’t really stream your bad thing has returned well I got no swords anyway I don’t know if I’ll put them real quick My Stream is frozen yeah sure

That’s a lot of strangers logo yeah oh no that’s not that’s good way Grand Goods but do we have it if you’re bringing Egypt I’m gonna give you like a stack of diamonds or like for you I have more than enough Diamonds oh wait wait um how geared are you right now

Uh I have nothing but you know all right all right little preview a little preview okay little preview of the um a polier troll right here where’s my thing one thing the quran’s plan oh wait Bob was here wait no he wasn’t online this is a wall remove the apolia

No no no we gotta practice more oh that he removed my signs no no no no no no where’s Bob at go spawn get your ass to spawn and grab get your ass to spawn I’m fighting by we’re finding Bob we’re finding Bob we’re finding Bob saving replay fall you

Get your ass there mobs Quick Draw Bob’s a quick drop man no he’s not also he’s not at a adequate amount of Hearts to fight me but the main Theory I mean that’s true but UNT aren’t really that good compared to me and Shadow no offense

I’m not going to spawn go spawn he’s not here by the way I check Ed hey Who removed got signs nah This Is War This Is War ground you know what ground you know life how to do I bought a cover in obsidian oh City I have uh

I have four Stacks in a bit I don’t think that’s enough though yeah now don’t cover it up City because you’re being piss tattoo it doesn’t matter if you remove my signs that create that’s briefing you also removed the small dick sign so that was dude

That was no chat wait no didn’t Shadow say he did it oh no it was overshadow too I don’t know a shadow uncomfortable obsidian no way no that’s Ministry never mind that’s not me don’t you worry about that that’s not me removing that is a good thing by the way exactly

What is Big Man Shadow Again Luke ah nah bro Shadows are gonna take a long ass time for him to get on it is um well so it’s six now and we’re not going into like eight or eight but just like that’s nine premium hours you know so if he was nine

As [ __ ] I know like especially if they’re on stream but I don’t have any pearls okay when you bring some up because you bring some rules too I have nobody’s Club if Bob comes it’s a quick drops he’ll lose gear and I’ll give his green heart to you and it’s not

Even all cost me lucky as well what huh I’m only coming to spawn when shadow box on I’m sorry but like man that’s fine I used to say the adword again it really hurts my feelings who said that uh Bartholomew where do I get one of these applications you go to Shadows

No no Shadows is recorded Shadow Sanctuary but there’s there is very cool place very cool place full of demented idiots very cool place where if you’re if you’re accepted you play with a bunch of uh [ __ ] uh mental uh mentally ill people an admin abuser some hackers and

X-rayers season five will be sick we got all right we’ll have armor trains yeah you know like in season 2.1 right that’s two seasons ago now uh I once I accidentally hit a iron golem and then I got sponsored by an iron golem I died 19 times

If natural causes was on and said that like two hours prior I would have been banned not not even remotely joking by the way isn’t that crazy mm-hmm if you’re just saying um I’m eating yeah but if a polyure logs on how much Hearts is um oh wait I think he’s actually a

Pretty decently high amount because I think Logan gave him a few foreign oh God okay but then he’s a lot a lot like less quick droppable oh my yeah but it can’t be that hard you know Logan like 18 spares oh Logan’s crafting almost graphic like [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m waiting for like

For a lot of you shadow I’m gonna make it so you’re not even able to see the outline one Shadow gives me gear then after recording and start recording all right yo yo are allowed to say hello YouTube because this is going to be in YouTube video screen what huh

That doesn’t wait how do you do this Challenge free because I don’t know anyway hi YouTube hi that’s what they would have said if they could talk but they can’t because I took their rights to talk away and they’re right to vote oh yeah if you’re watching this This Means War

It always means you are wrong end of my signs and my signs yeah while I spend hours because I spent like an hour building it because I couldn’t get it right but you know I spent time on that Disney’s War it Means War I just found Simon design suit that took

Like one and a half hours but we still haven’t hit 20 Subs so I uh like I can literally only showcase it when we hit 27 so getting the 20 it’s only if it’s only four more sun that will be like literally insane growth 15 subs from

Like one like one short and one YouTube video so I sub to Grandpa nah no no okay tell people in your YouTube channel to subscribe to me too yeah wait are you streaming right now go stream I will I’ve eaten and then one challenge like eight miles on maybe nine

Like a two maybe three hours from it’s crazy boom boom um do you know that song do you know the song that goes like boo boo boom gotta get that boom boom boom no um let’s go with you it’s pretty [ __ ] song honestly please don’t say the end well I could

Get it really was comes queso no I mean it’s it’s actually Thomas Castle what does it mean it’s Spanish yeah what does it mean I don’t I don’t know my Spanish work coming in clutch I speak Latin and Greek I don’t speak [ __ ] Spanish ain’t yeah this is crazy [ __ ]

It just means eat cheese by the way okay you know what that means Dodge that’s latter okay but looks like Latin and it’s pretty offensive to say um right there in chat bozo fine yeah so you can’t be saying that I’m on Caleb yo the racism’s real on this server man what about

Damn no one here is a racist okay fun facts I live like 15 kilometers from the biggest cheese factory in the world or the biggest cheese City it’s the same Goda well this is insane this toolsmith is offering an efficiency 3 silk touch a breaking three iron pickaxe poor I’m

Sorry that’s not diamonds but that’s mine is selling a Max bigger with mending it’s an iron no it’s not that’s not even possible it’s pointing one percent you know you literally can’t explain one percent just call me Don it’s point one percent I did that just call me Don

Stopping little trees stop insulting me hey I’m gonna read the roller coaster [ __ ] hi corner right now what are you right okay you might you might think I will I hope Shadow doesn’t watch My Stream where am I allowed to do this I mean like what are you doing

Writing the roller coaster as you just dared me to no you know let’s do it don’t do it okay you just you just dare me to do it no no I was already at the pyramid man get out of Shadow’s Sanctuary photos his Discord server nope that thing that it’s called Shadow

Sanctuary is Discord service called Shadow Sanctuary too but I made that there was a guy in that called C20 T4 I’m like I I I was like at everyone yo new video reached over 100 views by the way easy it was just a test video too um

1.6 K Impressions I know I’m just good like that and then the thread T20 number oh when before underscore underscore is his idea he joined the number when a couple months ago maybe there’s no a couple wait a couple I will still I was still I was unbanned a couple months ago

But he was there um he also said yeah the only probably the only reason you’re in this is because of Shadow yeah literally the only reason anyone is in this is because of Shadow like he’s the only one who decides that like it’s the only reason subscribers

Yeah yeah but he answered the things oh 900 subscribers I’m better but that’s interesting it’s just yo kid you can’t be doing this I’m gonna Shadow and I’m gonna come back when you finish your goddamn server I’m so mad respect your elders I asked how old he

Was he was 12. why you Butters I asked how he was genuinely [ __ ] 12. turned into Butters you can’t be doing that that wasn’t literally it was still at 60s still at 16. come on subscribe to just cool me down yes I was 17 now yo weren’t you were you subscribed yes or

No yeah yo fog I like cheese yes what’s the shirt about you little tree what is it shorts about you little tree I’m joking like you because that’s mean I gave you that hard remember calling me a little tree well at least you’ll grow into a big tree later that’s all I have

Did you just say Shadow’s my daddy did you just say that no did you just say that no oh no someone’s gonna clip that [ __ ] I saw like Shadow’s little tree I heard I I thought you said I’m Shadow Shadows my dad Shadow you’re shady that is why Sadie got it yo clips

Easy clips I just did well you’re probably doing that I just did well there’s a God this is literally gonna take so much obsidian that’s annoying oh yeah I know what I can do wait no wait maybe wait no Grant please I need the obsidian for shadowlarks on Shadow’s

Gonna be like done why did you do this you want to be like bro you remove my signs and and the small dick side but you got me doing this yeah so so I’m gonna ban you if you don’t remove it the [ __ ] I’m just I just edited his build

No that’s not editing you know like give me all right what are you doing right now ground so what’s the short about you don’t you don’t know you’re editing a short that’s the moment you can just edit this short review kitten Logan between that is short did I record that I did

I hope I did and I really wanted that kill grandpan you literally saw it from your last second which I think is very rude of you young man no I just want to tabbed out it like stopped my reporting for some reason so I didn’t record it that’s crazy I have a report

Ing I have asked just chilling or bobcat on Bob’s oh yeah that was a vibe oh I don’t I don’t get waste let me watch this clip back real quick now of course Shadow says no back off I got him why didn’t you want us to fight with so dumb

All right one second no God damn it alone I’m all alone anyway you gotta continue with the griefing no it’s not great editing a follier because he edited me so I’m editing him back if he logs on that that’s going to be a nice skill

Oh my oh this is oh oh oh no you’re gonna take such a large amount of Bobby oh no oh it’s still it’s still edit no edit it I don’t want it to be called Legacy with the viewers it needs to be edited uh war is ongoing all right I’m practically done

Nice I quit the entire show it’s actually just a small clip you know until he goes this is a dangerous panel and then Shadows goes as well come on well I think I gotta upload it it’s like video coming soon I’m just farming the YouTube short with

20 subs and I’ll reveal the truth is it damn that’s crazy this is what this is this is this is this is what dangerous Panda like here what the [ __ ] is a panda yeah that was funny but like literally no no person with the brain would think of a panda and a handle

Um what’s a sandal well like like a slipper like a slipper wait you need I don’t know I know what the Samos never mind wait how do I make this into a shore that you scrapping new scaffolding he’s bought Kaplan it’s and then use the

Nine to 16. it makes it so that’s it uh it’s in the the the right format you’re capping I’m not look at all my shorts on it it doesn’t matter you want a shorts don’t you I’ll put my own shorts on paint How do I upload what if I should create it just says upload videos how do I upload a [ __ ] no Grand it needs to be a uh rectangular you need to make a rectangular you need to make the format rectangle you’re not done that you then you just up select the file and

It will automatically recognize if it’s assured look come on Grant I I actually did all these huh I need that Obby oh my God my forwarding when no one will fall down Como queso yes me like cheese yes 18 Subs let’s go sorry that’s right 16 that’s very cool

Of y’all I’m gonna look at my social blade stats it still says 16 come on that’s cringe update socialblade socialblade’s gotta update but yes you should definitely suck a few people’s energy yeah but you see there aren’t really any inner chests placed right now let’s spawn right

And the people that have them are offline currently and Grandpa’s my teammates so I don’t know she still was energized but he has four Stack’s Folly which he could give me but he doesn’t want to anyway Grant what what’s this review right now uh nothing you you haven’t grinded this entire period uh

What what have you been doing um you know just doing nothing apart from editing the video can you help me with what this stupid stupid bro did you choose the 9 to 16 format oh all right okay click on click on upload video video select a file and somewhere it should

Say sorry you can’t select a thumbnail for this short talk what you just click on it right I’ve done it I’ve done it does it does YouTube recognize it’s short there’s exports I guess why did they make this m so massive like they didn’t even make me make it a d

They made it a m INE like that’s that’s kind of cringe he can’t be bleached yeah you know what I’m gonna do about the obsidian obsidian thingy I’m gonna say 30 subs for this one you know Mr Grandpa press X4 and it did nothing wait who wait oh stop Grand

Yeah you know for for the next one I’m gonna ask for 30 Subs right right huh I don’t know if it’s a shirt or not it doesn’t sound like it’s sure just just look around at the the first one right because usually it doesn’t tell you

It’s a video link no no look around does it say you can’t upload the shorts thumbnail yeah for now you can’t change the thumbnail of your short see it’s a short they recognize this short well also I have three stacks of cobwebs oh they came after me with Master for the seat

Broke down my loots and lay kicks in my teeth I can’t sing I know I can whistle though yo I landed on it that was perfect we that that we’ve already used all we’ve already used a stack again this is not even funny I don’t even

Think I’m gonna if I might not uh the whole thing up I’m even gonna be able to cover it all nice nice Grant you gotta help me man this is already taking like four stacks of obsidian and I need to do this like three more times wait why is there no audio

Come on get out of here I need to delete the shot wait Grand can you just take your phone put it on mute and just play my live stream because that gets me actually that helps with the YouTube algorithm I have your live stream button in a different time no sir me too

There’s only two watching them still hasn’t updated to 16 subscribers I’m into 18. what okay hey What the frick is a panda you’re a bundle grandpa just come and help me man grand plan what ‘d you make a spoon so badly because I need obsidian or else I’m gonna do this for another five hours which honestly like I think the more work I put into his shorts the more

People are actually gonna like you know think oh wow that’s pretty that’s pretty cool still damn long time I’m sentencing a polyure to prison oh that was all during the first place I just accidentally muted it still says I only have 147 video views

And this month I only had 51 is what it says which is the most cap I’ve ever heard are you like okay wait let me know how much views has the one video gotten I’ve gone over 160 view bro you know you know what it says with the analytics 160

Views 999 percent more than the previous 28 days uh 5.1 hours watch right 999 more than previous days plus 11 subscribers or 50 more of the previous days 100 yo yo that’s actually crazy bro we almost got two uh 200 views in the last 20 uh 48 hours 200. yo that’s actually crazy though damn you be racking up the views we’ll be on the grind let’s go yo Grand UK can you talk I’ve already mined over a hundred and say like over 160 obsidian come on whales definitely what the [ __ ] yeah anyway watch my show

I’m streaming right now too I I hope you realize this I don’t care what’s my short bozo alive yeah I’m I’m a monkey all right you got a problem with that hmm yeah this oh we got canceled what I didn’t say nothing all right I’m going for two stacks this time okay so

Yo bro why did I get two notifications for why is he playing MCI again yeah Bob the panel the most dangerous panel ever guys so a video on the recent recent War activities will be coming not soon definitely not soon obsidian montage I’m joking I don’t even know how to do those The most boring stream [ __ ] ever no man Grant’s my man why are you calling him cringe not that cringe oh he’s actually very good I like them well y’all if any new viewers are here right so there there are like two videos right one is called a regular recipe

Where I made a sign where it said small dick under the apolly or name right there and then it got removed so then I feel no I can’t even say that actually 20 subs for that review but then they removed that and now I’m familiar with filling it with Avi a special chance

Right because if you watch because um this actually be released 30 Subs exactly High gold right so this will actually only become a video after so well it sure technically at 30 Subs so y’all better get to work it’s gonna be this dirty I’m not even not joining yet

I’m not even not talking yet so I guess it’s yeah a new video coming up once two weeks I still gotta get one more footage yo Grant you back for pasta catch just DMS me in the end yeah I’m saying watch my short bro bass is alive

I thought he died a long time ago I think that’s my school he said what’s my show but he doesn’t have a YouTube channel don’t real don’t we literally just all go to school it literally everything yeah well doesn’t isn’t for no it’s lit literally every one of us goes to school

I really don’t get your point anyway I’m gonna see what two stacks of sitting gets me oh that that was oh that was one oh okay well I’m currently getting from this is that obsidian Gathering sucks okay we finished one row of three you gotta do that once more and another

Time and then another roof that’s pretty annoying oh yeah it’s raining I can’t see because my shield [ __ ] grand plan please help me I’ve almost completely removed the m Ood I still don’t see no 20. still having me saying add me to the cool that you’re in with Dawn yo faster

VC yo you know what I’ll do it yeah all right let’s do it let’s do it all right do you have another friend oh yeah wait I forgot uh I forgot y’all were teamed right at the start wait I miss a friend of disco’s I don’t have you as a friend

Yeah that’s like completely bullying no I just respecting you like that that’s crazy faster cat from do no I’m just popping yo you you talking about creating a dupe I’m the expert in dupes fast the cats we hired a necromancer to bring you back from the dead it costed all of Bob’s hearts

I’m in a rank a rank try to push down oh wait they don’t have points anymore it’s really sad isn’t it okay what’s the highest rank what unreal how good are you at fortnite controller to keyboard or Mouse like a week ago okay okay I used to be pretty good

I sold my account for a PS4 my account’s overload worth over like two 2K oh gee season one chapter one of course why are we talking about fortnite stop yeah let’s talk about Minecraft oh wait what are what up plastic ads baskets what are all the rank names what are they called oh

It’s like it’s like a bronze it’s like you guys are normal and rank I mean shot right now this isn’t very nice keywords come on Grandpa log back in CL that’s CL I’m gonna blame you of Cl while we’re while you’re not even close to my render distance I killed another kid okay

Your kids well at least she’s just coming from nowhere isn’t there only one place you can come from hard yeah wait baskets are you subscribed now uh subscribe at 20 at 20 Subs we’ll be revealing a massive thing yeah you’ll see you’ll see it well when we’re at 20 you’ll see is massive

I just gotta talk about all the accounts to subscribe yeah well that wouldn’t really benefit me would it it’ll just be subscribers they wouldn’t watch but I suppose you you definitely could yeah well I probably could watch it yeah probably watch him play fortnite you’re gonna watch my streams like that

Do you like mangoes sure always sick yeah pandals very dangerous it’s just teary thing this is a very dangerous patio again what the frick is a panda I’m gonna release them too I think I have my own um now my recording as well all right Legacy but why are you on Legacy

For a number come on get it get a prenumbra yo why why you do that in the Eagles is he railing you from behind yeah he is actually yeah I’m not even joking he actually was yo YouTube this is this is fortnite that was foreign anymore

I’m trying to do my challenges leave me alone I shouldn’t crying okay I’ve already left 134 and I’ve been playing this season for like two weeks no get your ass on penumbra boy yes oh my God I think I think gum’s my favorite here y’all you still haven’t subscribed Mr pasta cats

I I I I I would dare I I would say that’s very rude of you wow where is this guy oh guys allegedly I make two dollars a year same that’s crazy yeah but bro shadow makes a story he makes a thousand times more than me oh

He only has like a hundred times as much subscribers yeah oh really okay really you got he got 43k views yeah yeah four thousand hours that’s a lot of hours I have three hours no no but think about it right 40 000 views right if if they watched for if every

Single one of those views what for six minutes you would have that yeah but they didn’t start talking yes I stopped talking um yeah also my name is wait wait what’s on omegas do you all use because I don’t really have Donald micro who me I’ll look at music

Oh sick oh okay okay okay I see uh yo Gran you mind hopping on and helping me with the raid oh wait no you have no gear I’ll help you all right hop on I’m on my phone again you’re you’re actively doing quests I gotta get these levels up that’s like

Two kids here that proves you’re an NPC if you’re doing quests come on tonight imagine getting lost okay faster remember the time where I was chasing you I’m good signs oh that was you wasn’t it yeah yeah you did chase me yeah that was very fantastic and then you thought you got

In a way but I was just in uh F5 just watching you buying that tree man and we you were actively just looking at me buying a train um objects with oh my God I got an extra destroy 300 objects bro this was two stacks of obsidian Grand where’s her base

Okay where where is someone else’s base bro this has already been like 700 this has already been 700 obsidian what the [ __ ] it wasn’t me anyway uh you told me you were good I’ll be back in a sec guys I’ll be back in a second okay I’ll be

Back in a sec I’m Kingsman my game literally just crash I’ll be back in a sec guys I’m gonna go me yeah to create written and be you up personally I need you I’ll die to the void I because he’s Bob he’s gay this guy’s just a shield holder sorry a shield holder VP is more annoying achieve what is little bro doing a little bow um what’s it called commoditized we are watching the funny songs uh the funny copyright songs that’s the screen

It is Well easy to find random Minecraft osts but um game because why not wrong so that’s fine again it’s they’re really bad it’s really funny then you’re gonna be they’re not gonna be on my weekly uh log on you know yeah oh no I changed it from DMV because you

Know I’ve got to be more active now increasing it by like it’s a nice faces yeah imagine like I might grind out here I’m just gonna give him like a shocker box for the bike the worst movie in the game shadow do you think he’s ever given me is uh

He’s gonna be two hearts before and if he said that and he also gave me some food ones I think he’s gonna give me just like like yes sir there’s a kid now he just finished his face and kill him get away from me oh sorry boy okay so bad

I’m dead by the way put the shield down this guy uses a shield too much I died the game not here yet that’s a bit violent isn’t it [ __ ] annoying Euclid eucalyptus uh you clip something a couple days ago oh my God what the hell is that I can say it

Reply oh is it is no place are you ready okay let me look on Minecraft I know you’re out of house I’ve actually got quite a lot how much is a lot like three well maybe two I hear the rich he’s like my phone number SMP I know the rich British died Bridget

Popped their fire damage what’s the fire damage oh yeah yeah fire damage I thought it was over excited I decided to start like getting yourself oh this first post I was really pissing me knowing trousers yeah oh my God I will buy those costumes no you won’t I will no you won’t

No one’s on I’ll be honest though where’s your base what happened to the apology oh yeah that’s what Don’s doing right now so they caught up there and break you know funny though I imagine you’d be Barry and then you can just boil dibs video

Why is it still here why is the one broken it oh no we will see that as like a holy thing it’s holy why logons Is this swimming pool with no water in it sick I want to jump off this um I love eating egg potatoes as my food source oh I was so close to hitting there it’s not a literally oh there’s there’s the sugarcane over there can I take the sugar cane

By law can I actually Harvest this sugar cane dude it’s out of jobs how’d you do that you should play fortnite and 1v1 Networks what I’m gonna ask um uh can I break can I help him with his statue and he says yes pretty funny epic strong foreign uh-huh

Oh the Train’s right well bro whatever you want that no don’t go on that dog on that side will literally kill you why because it’s you can’t go on VIP pass as I do I’ll write that one by shot 2W can you give me yours no it’s not something you can physically

Just it says here hold W for best right I’m gonna do it my word on this guy and I don’t have a helmet this is great who’s gonna know if I go on that note Shadow you can just wipe out the Stream I just didn’t go on it so so we’ll just see

Maybe he’s not armed so can I just like say I’m not doing it and go on it I just said he’s got really annoying chat and then locked up later hey what’s this thing box please don’t let him out okay I’m not gonna go now I was a [ __ ]

I don’t really know how it’d be attracted still riddles window Tower who just messaged me never like War TG to everyone okay Apollo that’s a nice sign sign wow uh it’s like a big miniature Tower let’s keep going I don’t like Minecraft can you tell me what’s that shadow where is that

Okay Grand bush nah classic has is alive crazy box stream is very entertaining right now hear us yeah sounds so much fun I’m released for now yep how does my show already have 40 views it’s more than my illegal war video why who puts on purple some purple blocks over here

Where’s your base I’ll make over there what brick is a panda um Grandpa you like send it to me no I’m not allowed to tell you who who else does that I don’t know how to tell you that either uh wait in your entire time playing Minecraft you’ve only used one skin

I used to have an upper right hand foreign no I don’t know like I’m looking pretty far away and do a bit of Base I guess your base with you don’t kill me why would I tell you no this wait this sword wait this weaponsmith sells the sharpness three on

Breaking Three diamond sword oh where in my base oh okay I’ll just come over like I’ll just come over like take taken foreign I would honestly I would tell you what my base is for I don’t know if insert owner’s name here would agree who’s inside owners here is it is it

Looser no I don’t know is it is it dumb oh my name is I might tell you okay okay nice that’s how fast you get it okay tell me no I mean like if you just the name of who it is is this one give me a clue um no yes please

What is that oh I can’t think of a clue for a different person now it’s like making example The Shadow thank you yeah I’ve seen so many people Yo out of my stream go yeah that’s like obviously watching your thing wait did that just say no no it said 18. [ __ ] the grand plan uh it would be a really it would be really funny if I rent a store and I broke really obsidian what if I’m not cool

I’m on streaming right now no no I’ll protect you guys no I’m not gonna animate you I still need to get 20. funny hearts no yeah what dude it’s just like a stack in the hospital give me Tom wait wait faster the faster you want to do right a raid raid

What I got a legacy no don’ts wow he wants you to go to school today I’m not gonna draw I’m not gonna jump you I like having gear though because then I can fight non-real mobs I like to kill Enderman for no reason no reason is it because they’re black yes um yes Would Grant answer the question I asked him at the end I’m just following a tunnel I found a tunnel in the knife he’s actually just DM to me I need to know because if Shadow wants me to kill him I gotta kill him I I joined the team recently we want to be on both sides and not die the bad side okay no no that puts him on our bad side yeah yeah I’m coming for you no I mean like I want that you know my favorite block he’s trying to scam us

Out of our dirt stock no no there’s the most valuable resource on this Minecraft server yeah on the deadliest Minecraft oh yo bro you said you were full iron armor you want me to save you Pizza wait do you do you have a spawn do we have a spawn

Faster guys do you have you do you have a set do you have a set spawn wait pass because you have a set spawn You can sleep in another now yeah there you can yeah okay I’ll try that oh I don’t have a bed that’s bad Again crap you’re gonna dox him damn okay I like giving him threatens because it’s like like threatening uh a tree but a tree is a big plant s uh rantry yeah actually you know once I I was at this girl’s house right we were there I was there with no no children

And I was there with four other guys right and we and the girl was very a very good friend of ours and we were playing and we were we were playing Smash Bros um and and we play the game with like a fishing pool and it was whoever got the

Biggest fish as the biggest dick all right and they all and before they all said I had the the smallest dick and I got the biggest fish and the girl got the second biggest fish Pendleton fish yeah that makes sense you know you know what I’ve seen it maybe it happened I have

Man you showed that to me way way way past baskets it was fine I brought the bad Omen couldn’t go away in like in like 50 minutes are you at spawn oh me no I’m in the nether where in the Nanda I’m trying to try to go I’m trying to go

Somewhere to build a base bro I’ll I’ll literally do rage with you right now go spawn will you just messaged him saying should I kill him yeah but he told me no because you’re on our good side yeah Ally yeah something from the IRL I’m gonna jump

I broke Tom’s kneecaps what’s he gonna do limp at me he can sue you um walking him walking in my way do you two know each other IRL yeah bro Ryan flat are you a t re P2 where’s her name did you just call me dumb dumb um It’s The End from it yeah stand from from a n word ninja yeah that one from fortnite ninja ninja I just realized all this decent I’ve just gonna have to go back to your

Director school when I eventually want to go back to spawn it’s almost like a big flight or something where is wait is there gonna be a big fight baskets yeah are you excited no bro Grandpa’s my homie yeah I would say don’t say yes please do not say this and yes wait bro

I hate this is Yo Y’all Gonna Cancel me man but I don’t wanna I don’t wanna play because it’s possibly boring I’m not gonna lie I’m quite there she’s just flying around help me I’m not how many more times do I have to say that I’m not gonna kill you last time

You told me you weren’t gonna kill me and then you proceeded to crit remember that that was the last time I’ve changed my name’s Diner I’m a ripper I’ll rip your arms from your body I [ __ ] your daughter You’re laughing about me [ __ ] your daughter okay I’m gonna do it yeah her name is her name is bonsai tree Grand your daughter’s name is bonsai tree no no no no but your wife your wife’s six and you’re a tree and the bonsai tree is the smallest of trees

And since your wife was so small your daughter small too so she’s the smallest with trees AKA a bonsai tree Grand plant violation that’s my base you tell me the chords I forgot where I forgot where I put it no that’s actually my base yeah and you also never yeah yeah

What you do second me did you just say I’m sucking baskets I do yeah he’s mine what no no I’m joking balls I have the balls no you don’t understand Logan yesterday is he good at PVP yes no Logan’s ass at least not he’s not even top five yes he is no problem

Shadow sharpness me sad and astral no crisis ass so horrible price is literally this guy’s just like saying what did you say um I’m getting canceled that’s it no I didn’t see this where have you been a good boy I haven’t been a good boy this Christmas

Santa but I’ll be good next Christmas I swear you don’t get Don’s big present s damn I want God’s load yo stop yo exquisition yes 37 bells in this chest oh there’s a white Bells bellums did you just say those are my balls this is balance balls you’re so funny

I’ll show you how to squeeze them yo okay guys guys guys advertise my stream in the in all Discord servers you know user hey you’re gay kid that was really funny because you told us to do to do something this is actually an ego and you can get arrested for it yeah yeah

And attempting yeah oh what what oh oh oh [ __ ] guys I I’m under arrest a best so what’s that means [ __ ] you’re right now mine bro I’m just promoting the Stream I’m not watching this stream and I’m also not subscribed come on you you got a subscribe oh really yeah probably mine

There’s like tons of iron on the floor I’m just gonna go take wait is this like public or does it not work let me get wives am I allowed just to take all the iron wait where is it I don’t know vacation vacation Grandpa message me she apparently his friend who made a

YouTube channel two weeks ago and I had seven minutes or we just uploaded the five of Shores or something subscribers ah that spot’s cozy yeah why don’t you guys do that no no well I started like actively uploading and grinding this YouTube channel two days ago I’m already at 18.

Wait telling me right now what happened yesterday today oh you’re gonna keep that streak darling you’ve got two so far that’s the biggest streak I think I’ve ever seen I have three right now I don’t even have Duolingo ‘s amazing okay isn’t the aisle owl gonna kill me yeah

Because I’m I like on God I’m not I’m not gonna do any [ __ ] language [ __ ] they they want me to do knock knock here’s the butt but wait what are what are what are things that owl says that the owl says it’s a bug it’s an owl is a bird that’s the name

But what are things that what are the things what does it say to threaten uh does it actually say that yeah definitely that’s funny because because you’ve got a pressure one vanish or vanish yo after this layer I only got to do the roof Bark for Me

Anyway guys I think I’ma stop the stream right now you’re shattering subscribe it does yeah I’m pretty sure anyone would popping gang anyway what is a broken gang who is [ __ ] guess anyway guys this has been a uh a w stream why are you ending this thing now

I I’ve been streaming practice building yeah but I guess that’s fair still I don’t have 30 uh gigabytes of recording space left I think bozo okay fine but let me let me fix it though everything where do you log off I want to go spawn trap you really shouldn’t call people monkeys

You know what all of it means that’s nice I know you just fell off while I’m stood on that’s that’s racism calling people monkeys on do you have the best Charlie though no I got the funny ones you know the ones you told me to put my YouTube yeah

It’s a lie you know what if I’ll trade you my juice out for your G set I don’t have a teacher you do not own either brought you on breaking two chestplate oh hell no no I’ve never they removed mine I also have a pot too

West um I’m on top of his funny Statue I might I might just blow up I still haven’t I still haven’t broken any of them I’m not going to get mad at me wait wait are you at spawn no I mean no I’m not no that’s what’s your genuine opinion on my way I know what like this video I haven’t watched it no the the um

I haven’t watched it I couldn’t hear anything pass the cats baskets baskets go subscribe to me now now you watch you should watch me all right shut up I’m at obsidian [ __ ] yo where it’s obsidian no yeah right you see the obsidian thing all right look at me you see me

To your left looks here look to your left uh yeah let’s more to your left I’m here don’t you see me I’ve been mining obsidian here go help come and help me was it for streams that is it’s not being monkey and then so I can see dust guys on the Stream

Bro I can’t see him oh really in the direction you can you see the fountain the fountain yeah a little Fountain well fountain right a fountain in the middle of Spawn anyway yeah fly there because I’m right behind it basically it’s not a fast [ __ ] Crouch uh

But I’m not in combat that’s allowed turn off the health mod disabled fly towards me I actually but pass the cats you gotta help me with the opposition okay I placed like two blocks I’ll leave now you’re actually not allowed to use elytra when you’re in someone’s render distance and you’re environmental

Distance you’re allowed to use launcher when you’re not in combat no no if you’re if you’re in a non if you’re in a player’s right the distance and you’re not in combat but you’re right no no not after you remember this survey well non-team member you’re not hostile towards him right this second

I’m not even in spawn anymore yes you I just laughed God damn it I want to held your asses sorry what’s up come on you really hate me that much I hate you uh I actually hate you I love you I’m not gonna lie I actually have to

Go you know you’re not allowed because I have to go for the weekends because I gotta go camping um oh wait no no wait wait the past you gave out my help me out with one thing subscribe subscribe just subscribe 30 minutes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I’ll

Do your trade I’ll give you two XP bottles and I’ll subscribe to two XP models two of them all right fine the whole XP bottle I got a mirror okay you you dropped him at the Statue yeah that doesn’t where are you right now so I don’t

Really want to go in like a 10 block lady is doing he’s in another is he oh okay he’s going behind you extremely okay I’ll drop I’ll drop a mirror okay I’ll drop him here you drop him right there you drop him right there all right now come here subscribe right now

Oh my gosh Electra English come back ah bad you have to subscribe though subscribe right now let me repair my pickaxe there we go now subscribe now wait wait you you tried until in combat so technically he had all of the reasons ah we were both wrong I was hostile it

Was allowed this song is this is like a banger though so horrible no come on I’m come on I’m streaming isn’t there a subscriber yeah yeah I’m doing that now uh self promo where’s this tribal one of my nine anthem you have nine angles don’t ask

I thought I was gonna land on the slide so am I subscribing one subscriber time subscribe now we’re at 19 we’ll always be at 20. come on I gotta hit the Bell that’s funny I’ll I’ll reveal the first truth of that thing we’re gonna say I’ll

Reveal my face like I want to see that subscribe subscribe epic gamer you play Crystal people link yeah there was a kid who wanted to play Chris BP no slow Pony and then he started spamming slow falling versus 10 PVP time what’s your IGN of course I am subscribe

What’s your number your friend your school friends no it’s online you can make an application such as reading my chats I like cheese this was cake diesel what was that voice crack Okay so I’m pretty sick information is The sky subscribe you happy yeah I’m happy I’m very happy yo 17 19 you’re 19. you’re 19. so I just subscribe on a single old account you definitely can I’ll have to release the short okay now a massive celebration for twins uh you will be the 20th if you subscribe

Right now but no you know what I just subscribed I’m gonna unsubscribe so I could be the twins here oh okay but uh right well what I’ll do is I’ll have a giant celebration for 100 Subs because we reached 20 in two days of active yeah I like cake so right technically in

Um like eight days we should have a hundred oh what’s this video what what video are you watching I’m watching one of the pieces of music I used in my last video was copyright all right I’m not monetized anyway so it doesn’t matter I’m gonna send it I’m gonna send

It to Grand I’m just gonna send it to this I was recommended this well um you’re sending a gym I’ll know that I’m just digging my own grave here yo wait it’s back to 18 Grand subscribe why are we back at 18 huh thingy yeah wait I’m at 30 now let’s go yo

No I swear are you streaming right now yeah bro we can let you just show each other out in the Stream we just have a link to each other double the radius of coverage easy I was my how was my sure already got 68 views what the [ __ ]

My short has already got 68 views bro wait wait how did you get your short to 68 views did you add like special captions or something no grandpa no that’s for me that’s from my school wait wait what was your description on that short what was your description on that shirt

Uh I I I I want to go live when I actually have gear though you know no Alabama dudes yeah you’re the rated yo God I’m just mining I’ve been mining like the whole stream bro but for real imagine if Minecraft was released in 1945 wait the internet wasn’t even a thing

Then never mind sad am I a 10 out of 10 I’ll walk by the way thanks it’s imposter cars wait don’t show everyone don’t stream using obs obvious bye bye bye but wait wait I can’t you need to subscribe again man it says I’m back at 18.

Oh I never actually subscribed to myself because you you just made me go back to 18. you don’t appreciate it at all I didn’t make you go back to 18 key when you go back to 18. oh you’re all right then didn’t you literally just unsubscribe on your grand plan Channel

Because you want to be no 20th that was that was past the cats That file foul piece of faster on a cat that foul pasta yeah bass is always fun okay best Italian food what’s your best Italian food what do you like most I don’t know come on the ass is obvious no no no come on be for real pasta pizza Austin no grand plan

Wait wait question does pineapple belong on pizza yes Chad do we kill grand plan oh no but for real though what the [ __ ] why are you saying pineapple belongs on pizza like that that’s racism has a racism on steroids what pineapple bombs like pizza it just does it’s this this is the most

Common condiment to go on a pizza no I’m pretty sure that’s mozzarella dough and um tomato sauce I use them over there for real nah well I still gotta do that raid boy get your ass here you open with the raid or bro raids are hard as [ __ ] wait I’m like a slideshow

It’s for like starting soon oh you’re sick can you make one for me too plus you need to subscribe again do it now I will have you raped by the FBI I will record no bro I need to chill out man yo you’re kind of sussing out the stream man it’s perfect

How do I oh when you bro I I really hope while you’re gonna have such a fun time to removing this I mean you might get shouted why am I to get shouted at because like we basically grieved it but like I don’t know I’ve mined over a thousand obsidian s

You know we’ll shout each other out in each other’s streams you know easy views easy sums right Chad you all subscribed no that’s [ __ ] I need that y’all subscribe to Grand blind yes to work I don’t know okay almost done oh my local discs see has 4.11 gigabytes free mine is like 38.

We’re almost there though they’re kind of breathing in your mic by the way round five footage oh Grand plans you will be turned into a little tree if you don’t subscribe when you’re old and your main level subscribe um you don’t know how to start a stream racing all righty

I I really hope I want that has started it I accidentally started um okay shout me out shout me out grand plan wait hold on I just accidentally started a stream I don’t really want to paint the um I’m so confused what’s going on um

Yeah no it takes a while for it it takes a bit for it to register I I I don’t know I I just accidentally started a live stream is there a problem with that well oh wait no I’m not streaming oh [ __ ] good wouldn’t you mean good title uh

I really do think Apollo is gonna have such a great time removing all of this very clear like no no wait breaking rules is sometimes allowed for content right okay so and this is this is definitely for content so it’s fine so Shadow can be [ __ ] because he literally used a harming arrows

Which es chat is illegal well that was yeah but literally he thought oh yeah everybody else is going to use illegals too nobody else used the legals literally only then um I’m gonna have Spotify adverts right I could just put it on YouTube where you use do you use Opera GX

Yes yo POG understand the Minecraft LST means like Minecraft music that was slightly added to the other day and I actually started crying you started crying why did you start crying it was just so like nostalgic um wait since when do you play Minecraft I can play until like uh it’s 12 years

Oh I’ve been playing since 2012. I’m just kind of like all right I think I’m gonna start showing bruh who is X smart uh underscore x912 I don’t know okay look is that you guys caterpart good side or bad side okay so does it go oh by the way Chad

Oh wait wait did I literally okay look bro was that his outer layer I just saw what’s the Sounder like yeah that’s his outer layer is this kid alive yo I’m live no he’s in creative I don’t think God account is online hold on yo why it’s gone online bro mod online bro

Caleb hmm I’m alive you give me your hearts bro I literally took screened into that man yeah it’s just self-advertise that’s good no advertise me to advertise me too I’m gonna try killing them oh yeah uh subscribe to Don uh just call me down on YouTube yes uh w shroomer

Try to grand plan chat I can’t kill him friends that’s good not everyone I am honest why no I hit him I hit him with my Riptide Riptide yeah I hit him again no he’s running what you even doing uh hi chat um I’m on Panama right now and if I’m

Like severely on the Gated still I’ve died yesterday there’s a video coming soon don’t worry but um yeah always is that a kill is that a kill is that a kill do I see a killer I don’t know do a sequel um no don’t actually shut up man

This string delay is on guard yeah was it x912’s Caleb’s old underscore x912 as God isn’t shot isn’t uh penumbra s p God like God on steroids now technically Caleb is the the exact technically Caleb is Jesus yeah no but technically could band Shadow whenever he wants by the way you can literally

Just change the password to console and ban shadow unknown maybe what does that mean this is the prime number SMP um very wrestling it’s actually getting very big not left well left bro also I had 30 subscribers like 20 minutes ago subscribe yo Chad goes subscribe to grand plan

Go subscribe to Don just call me Don just call me Don I’m streaming right now and so am I so yeah yeah amazing wait actually I got it it is AWS yeah 205 views in the last 48 hours that’s actually [ __ ] crazy I don’t know how

Many I haven’t lost whatever else I can check out my friend right now analytics overview last 48 hours how do I check that all right please forever I’m just deleting the some old videos okay b-man I am not pressing F3 chill out buddy yo be man you should you

Should subscribe to uh me and him of course if you want to subscribe to me as well for retro you’re gonna unbutt that’s not one that was like oh yeah well I basically mined the whole M outs I’m basically done with that so there are just a few more pieces of obsidian

Also got to stop my music yo what’s that like my game will be out of my music but we can see yeah most important thing is making your voice making sure that your voice yeah it’s like background dish I don’t know but backgroundish is good all right wait can you tap into my

Stream let’s see if it’s good oh yeah Bob Dynamite chat and stop pressing F it’s sucks everyone who’s watching subscribe right now yo I was actually not subscribed no I wasn’t subscribed why I’m subscribed wait how long is the music it’s so loud bro like can I just am I allowed to just

Paste my link in in your chat subscribe no no wait wait grand grand you know how to make it worth it it’s with the subbell the sub ballot spawn yeah yo I need to go with them I’ll protect you either way this music I have to kind of fire I can’t run

No that’s that’s nice yo grind guess what what guess what what guess what guess what okay I’m tired now what the m is gone yo let’s try to find mending twice oh and by the way the obsidian gather for the end was done by a team of six

People I removed it on my own we’re removing all all the m now it’s just it’s just NM it’s not Eminem friends it’s I didn’t make it okay I didn’t make it all right wait who actually made this album that’s born not just the idea a mystery

Like you’re not you know you know you know livestream Medusa that was what that was what mystery was doing basically yeah and it is still doing by the way yo yo it’s covered it we’re done yo yo you should come see it make sure you don’t have to follow you

In your chat though oh yeah oh no it’s fine you can see you can’t see Bob bobness in my chats but I mean I’ll sub if you if you press F3 yeah just just just just go just go spawn press F3 there yo 31 subscribers that is so much better

Oh wait oh how much obsidian was that that was 1200 obsidian yo how’s that w ISE Sabel I Finn goes to the sub bill or Bob chill out man I’m not pressing F3 subscribe yes he missed it yo subscribe subscribe subscribe to Grandpa and subscribe to Don just call me Don subscribe to

Growler and subscribe to me let’s go w ow wait wait I’m grounded did you re-subscribe on your alt okay oh I didn’t I started the red how did all God was doing I I started a raid I don’t even know where the villagers were at I don’t know circus come and help me

No this is the sub raid this is the sub raid wait we should draw some race race nah bro you’re ahead of me I’m like 10 ahead of you buddy exactly yes when when you’re in when you’re in the early stages it kinda is no no let’s race to a thousand oh okay

The deal is on the deal is on guys subscribe wait that gets ten dollars I I don’t I’m not allowed to do that trip well my my parents relation was strict people ever on that on that kind of [ __ ] same but like me oh I mean what like it will earn a

Minimum of like a hundred um so it’s fine I guess where are these gosh this one in the cave here but they did not I’m gonna be probably streaming for like the next uh three maybe four hours but yo I’m just streaming like probably until maybe about myself and grand grand

Come on come on come on I can you can exactly I will when I finish my G set Bro they’re not even attacking me what I’m just creating them all in there and all attacking me watch my screen because I’m streaming them I just I need to ever see waypoints I’ll

Just hide my screen I just have them all non-visible this music’s actually right I actually just find a random Minecraft music OST just played it and I was like confuse them that’s very rare let’s see oh no this is this is the apolly or something covered in obsidian

Raid this is the Apollo ball yeah it’s basically just a prank war between no it’s it I I am attacking him with pranks and he’s just constantly removing them it’s both of us actually well we’re yeah but no the leaf thing was actually pretty good like that didn’t that wasn’t

Like really a troll that was that that actually looked good I literally just removed it I I just uh put small dick under it and covered it in a bunch of signs yo what does the fire music come from Minecraft doubles this this I’m gonna make a video of the stream highlights of

This that’s probably gonna have to be my Sunday video the uh your Sunday video you upload every week uh I’m gonna try to upload every Sunday and like oddly throughout the week considering I literally uploaded wait Grand or you come to spawn right now I’m not going to just want to write this

Second oh you’re not going to spawn have you got my stream opening out of the tab by the way because it’s like three or five I do that’s it what if you just open your own stream on like 80 tabs you know that wood but like in dozens

Right is it not no I’m pretty sure it doesn’t really small inside the inside a house oh yeah they’re literally spawn inside a house uh hi Pastor cards pass the cat subscribe faster guys if you subscribe right now your 20th I’ll have to release the first troll video

Fast we’ve already released one yeah yeah I know I’m in the second right the one with the the things I can’t heal yet because I’m like hey it still says amazing did you subscribe on your old yet come on subscribe I will do it now because otherwise Fast Gas Man subscribe

Oh okay there’s an evoker there’s an evil I’m switching from destroying well I guess there’s just gonna be a bunch of fixes walking around this phone oh yeah they literally just died after a while the poker being dead or after a while just disappear I I hate evokers purely for a reasonable fixes

Bob just put in my chat let’s go just on sub front bomb done no a bad person oh I even reveal the Spy to you four people what we’re done it’s because you covered up his teammates build so apparently he’s just like oh okay oh yeah um that’s

Very kind of you Bob I’m just trying too many content we’re always trying to get views chill out Bravo and we’re from the from the short I get from that I’m probably gonna get way more subscribers guys it it’s pretty crazy Bob you don’t need to survive it buddy let’s see I’m not

Still it still says in my 18. where did it come from bro why don’t why when I open my phone the first thing in my recommended is my own stream I don’t know oh wait wait wait did did you subscribe it’s 116 views Jesus that’s more than my video

That’s more than my last um video is back hey Mr pandas I posted a video about you how do you feel oh one of the most funniest ones okay no the Red’s still going and there’s a little it’s a bunch of small mini creatures chasing me

I feel like Bob might be going to spawn to try and hurt you he’s gonna what is he about to do you bout to roll up be like yo I’m at like 10 or something you’re you’re at 18 and you’re the better Minecraft player I’m gonna kill you I’ll put you

I’ve been at 18 the whole time I didn’t even know that’s why you want Hearts when kills so bad if you want to get to 20. Ronald Grant actually helped me though actually help me actually help me Grand levels or something I’m getting my friends to create a Minecraft plugin for a seven

I’m gonna DM my mind right now Leo you can’t read oh come here Mr evoker your ass is dead give me that totem being chased by like five more people wait what was I about to do I completely gone I don’t know call mode Quran come and help me

I will I just need to like finish my G set it won’t take long I swear but I’m also scared to go to spawn right now because Bob’s gone oh wait there’s not on what was easy man bubble die yeah but if he does I’ll just give you his keys

If he comes I’ll kill him and give you his I don’t know wait is Kingsman killed or not is he kill or not no he’s not sorry I didn’t kill I don’t know I don’t think he is I think Shadow doesn’t want us to kill him why not I mean yeah he’s cool

He’s cool isn’t like he doesn’t want to hurt anymore his last video was actually kind of calling against you know I get that but like that isn’t she like Chad doesn’t care if people don’t want to run when he just once he got rid of the hearts imbalance because

There’s too much Hearts he’s actually quite good at editing as well yay victory yo we get into five thousands from this yo what what if I just just what if someone is actually enough all this story about me okay dude what the [ __ ] what what did I do wow for real though

You know what I’m about to do I’m about to use a strap big strap giant strap about a strap about a strap yeah straight for 21 minutes how it’s already been that long yeah it’s crazy oh it’s that’s crazy I’ll just go like this don’t go to spawn right now because why

Because I’m no I’m not there oh long leave leave quick right now okay Into my dream was Bob for this kid well we are aren’t we are off the blood because Bob’s blood yeah look if you’re watching right now which you probably are you’re not on our good list I’m pretty sad we didn’t get to kill him he’s not gonna innocent players how is

He getting innocent players He’s killing victim no players that hunt down let me just this country that times when I was at 18 like I oh yeah because Bob you didn’t realize no one on our team actually wants you on the server 17 what’s that that’s 880 that’s it it’s nine okay that’s completely 963 okay

Oh 9 36. no what phone no no An innocent player dies deathband it’s Bob’s fault that’s Bob’s fault it’s all drugs boats wait is Kingsman a mushroom I don’t know he’s not in mine I know that for sure because I I only got one viewer Walmart Lucius Um also how am I racist Also let’s say Bob the Neko answer how are my races because we don’t like necromancers we’re not racist I said we don’t like necromancers what’s racism not racist we’re not racist towards the next the necrons it’s the necron well it’s just necromancers not necrons

Well yeah it’s Bob’s fault look at my job because I want to see that little child scream that word you have five people what dessert oh wait oh damn these are dead Adams sir I’m just gonna gloss it over and move on BC why there’s no way you just asked for DC there’s no way he just has to go in this astrologers got to say the n-word and leave even though he’s like literally right it’s not loud what’s eight times two okay so that’s 1600 uh okay wait wait all right here

And then eight times I would like to see a seven up top into VC and they’re never actually called me um it’s another 56 blocks in this direction plus 80 50 years yeah 21 36 okay I basically Juiced that I just checked my fast version have you like it’s initially a problem yeah

Oh I would have just come out took a little too long for that my friend a little too long um okay I’m coming that was correct seven people watching me seven bro watching mine than yours and I’ve been streaming for what 30 minutes tell them to watch My Stream as well

That wasn’t me this is more entertaining huh all right I just I just want a quick summer you can leave again to 20. I watched the man on 18 hearts we’ll be doing a quick little strategy right now wait everyone’s who’s watching right now who isn’t subscribed subscribe right now

Thanks for not subscribing you’re actually kind of crazy and subscribe to Dom let’s try some grand plan chat I think it’s only you in my check around plan um right here okay as soon as I say there’s eight people watching three leaves of course they do of course

42 of you are not subscribed I am incredibly disappointed I had better bro it said this was the right course to the end portal do you mean no well I think it was a massive idiot why is he being a mess video because I’m just like neglecting an

Entire row of pumpkins and then two no two towers or pumpkins I’m just like the farming half of the thing so these are just fully grown why I don’t know I’m being an idiot six people watching yo I didn’t even expect anyone to watch I thought I’d just be streaming alone for

Like four hours no but I know like the second I get into school and Monday I’m gonna get screamed out about this room yeah where people people are just going to school know your channel like my mind it’s is that the candles you used to you it’s amazing it also has like 200

Views or something probably some crazy ass mom that’s on 126. yeah I posted it like two hours ago that’s already more than my normal video has in two days that’s probably my most watched video on my channel you’re hacking I’m happy I just have good I just know what to post

Exactly so you’re hacking I don’t know what this song is but it sucks I’m just gonna skip it go to the fishing way chat out of this efficient way um levels are you gonna put levels SMP I need 21 like this yeah I’m gonna joining levels I said before

What even is that recipe what’s the twist I think it’s like levels equal hearts or something I don’t know I really don’t research this or just make a guardian Farm yeah I know well you you get level 40 with one hit you can literally just AFK picking one I

Mean you get you’re gonna have okay I think XP phones are banned but I don’t know just might just make a skeleton spawnery reform also no just trade with like a one stick one Emerald villagers yeah honestly that’s that’s crazy characters does I have like 200 of them easy cash I’ll do

The Cartographer thing uh how does that work how do you cure a cartographer villager um and then you get and then you finish a level two raid and then you can do one glass plane for one emerald and then you go to a librarian oh yeah and then he

Just trade with him with the glass trade so yeah but you just need to keep doing raids and you can do it without raids as well it’s just a lot more I guess that’s where one’s Shadow than the other line bro Shadow is just free phones no he just

Disappeared he said I’m a ghost with his GP anyway had what I’m just not even good wait no wait wait he’s streamlining before he’s streaming sniping you isn’t he is on penumbra he’s stream sniping yeah that guy and Bob is freaking house mom is freaking house that was the judge

Blow up his house mods otherwise I’m gonna blow up yours and blow up his [ __ ] house that’s not my stream is not for kids so I mean like sure yeah bro that’s the only way that you can enable comments which is very stream yes this is my second one I streamed the

Whole legal one I lost I streamed the legal War I feel different are you showing the legal oh yeah you did I sold a lot of that the fun there wasn’t a VAR there was just a stream well the the stream but not being live right oh yeah just the aftermath okay yeah

His friends I can’t like yeah I know wait no I don’t know I’m just going through but I don’t know that’s probably someone from my school but like they came back to me with Master for the seats no singing They kicked in my teeth when the devil spawned they came right

After me you’re getting us how am I getting you copyright that’s not even the actual text I think it’s still chill Turtles do you like turtles yes sorry I just was not guys it’s like I think he likes from Turtles guys there’s something on the Ripper right now

Why does someone in my chat who’s literally just called anger anger yeah just anger damn dude yeah I’m on anger shout out to anger it’s just shadow in a nutshell yeah there’s Shadows um abuse her it’s just Shadow’s names where did I put the chests with the totems in it you mean

No I I but I put it I put it handle online but you locked off yeah yeah because I’m tracking my Roofing oh wait yeah Kings was still alive negative 908 25 16. oh where how old are you Grand Blanc I’m not just gonna say that out loud on my stream

It’s just a stream huh stop using anything I will quick drop you if you don’t watch My Stream your Christmas video was actually good though and I’ve said that but like still okay uh love the candles left again I’ll be you I mean what whoa whoa what do you have against Thanos man

I mean Shadow against I know just watching my newest shows oh man that [ __ ] is gonna explode uh when someone like when the right people watch it actually gonna fall are you lonely but can we fight Fanta BBC yeah I didn’t even recognize you you wouldn’t what Wecker wise we

What’s his name what’s his name I shave Kev fake fake fake that that’s that’s the biggest [ __ ] I’ve ever had another man that’s why it’s true come on wait what am I doing right now anyway it’s subbed to me because yes sub to me too and sub two um bro I gotta get

20. Grant how many Subs are you on are you still at 30. I’m still at 31 oh yeah yeah that’s me I’m 31st bro I just randomly found ancient debris I now have decent stuff 130 probably a few donors from Shadow though because I need a bow and cobwebs

Running a singular another right anger my ex all right I actually need to put Champs till my next why why don’t why don’t we just have sharpness three on actually why sharpness three on sword and sharpness two on Ax so into the same damage I guess I don’t know but like why

Because Netherland no no look at your tracks it does way more damage than short it’s two and a half more uh attack round um that’s pretty useless though when the Devils fall they run back after me yo also also look at my string right now yeah I’m looking

Uh just wait for it to stream delay look at that chest well you’re still training with librarians Southern just think about chest you’re still trading with my librarians press the live button you’re probably not in line oh no no oh whoa whoa that’s a lot of bread um

I’m so confused what am I doing right now uh going to spawn forever imagine not being a spallmo come out spawn I am you’re not everybody doesn’t take that much gardening schedule do you say no not if you’re a good base but if you don’t have a good base it definitely

Does take a lot of finding especially with prop 3. wow message retracted I read that fast should I should I help King to leave what okay okay that’s who is he just like at spawn yeah just help him give him some stuff okay all right I hope you

I’ll suffer only because you need it thank you man only because you need it are you pitying him are you pitying him or something no unsubscribe he needs to earn it look it’s all good I don’t care I’ll take a Pity side good I don’t I mean I don’t think I’ve seen

No why do I keep opening my e chest anyway wait there’s not a zero durability how do you resist anyway um things been working I got to give you some stuff foreign okay don’t worry I still love you oh should I subscribe button yeah I do

What do you mean people wait y’all you wanna you wanna PVP hold on well I’m just his father just say he wants PvP with me and yeah wait I want to do foreign well this can have a hundred hearts and he had that hasn’t applied one

So I don’t be so mad if it costs a hundred Hearts because it’s just too many hearts before yeah it literally are a whole point is to get all the [ __ ] crafted hearts out of the freaking economy at like like 15 people at swim I’m not sweating I’m at 10. oh it’s the

Same wait what I’ve been streaming for 45 minutes out of seven people I’ve been streaming uh for more than three hours just call me Don you can’t you just like uh copy a link to my stream and put it in your PIN comment I’ll do the same with you uh yeah

Because you’re a cool dude yeah Right all right all right I pinned you by the way yeah 52 w Anna do quick Legacy sesh um no you’re doing two ones with fallen’s pretty good all right oh oh no no no no no no no no no I feel that no no we’re gonna go with Fallen I just heard of Dolan it’ll be so funny no come on look okay let’s fall enjoying

Legacy let’s go let’s go inside all right versus bad no versus funny I’m in Boston oh versus 20. that’s dollar schlag Pearl right uh it’s the guy who got 100 views on the video while having six subscribers this is my shortcut actually oh I got four Watchers

It has 129 yo people subscribe there’s two news there’s two new people in my chat there’s two new people in my chat subscribe listen hello um do fortnite stream no oh wait no [ __ ] wrong thing what do you mean let me to the place losing Fallen Fallen prefer all right I

Just gonna just gonna oh oh [ __ ] my oh [ __ ] oh wait my obser feather you back up okay feathers back up feathers back up uh don’t kill us into a game we’re in a door oh come on okay wait on l yo grapple what are your opinions on l

E e l l e oh never heard of them I’m just missing all of my poisons what is wrong with me and why is this kid actually good yo is that this cell phone Caleb’s here it’s Caleb streaming too no streaming Bro he about to take our viewers streaming

No only wait Logan’s on Logan’s on Owen’s on Bob’s too not the panel they’ve Fallen okay don’t come here falling follow my friend sorry follow my friends all right long is pretty good yeah I like this based on it I spelled damn it wait wait okay okay

Um grandpa what’s your opinion on what’s your opinion on Ella e-l-l-a never heard of them in my life well okay never you you’ve never heard of them in your entire life nope I’m not scream just oh you have to help and use a couple that is um pop

Oh nice Bob oh fallen good job my students or student I mean okay okay but for right now um t e t e h t you gotta subscribe everyone’s up to me there’s something ground plants up to me we’re in a we’re on a race 21k subscribe take a while but you know

I won’t take a while okay Grant’s plans you’re using your rose story I’m using I don’t get it I’m using my rose toy I don’t get it oh he uses the strategy he used to he used the funny strats back off all right all right all right I did both your requests

All right what what what’s the rose store the rose store everybody Arrow just toasted bro Grandpa I’m using my team Rose toy somebody asked me to say that and they’ll subscribe I don’t get it I really don’t get it yo 19 Subs thanks bouncing me of arrows

Guys at 20 barrel at 20 I’ll have a giant reveal right 20 subscribers yes sir W I’m gonna get strong oh I I gotta upload I gotta upload the short now I’m just gonna drop right here by Falling yeah 20 subscribers wait grab do you know what a rose toy is Lobby uh

Just that roses I’ve never heard of it yo yo seven watching 20 Subs yeah Fallen wait get it to stop why did I stop it ask you a question yo I gotta release the short of the prank war now I gotta release the shorter oh okay okay

Gotta release the short of the prank war m w yeah yo okay okay yay yo you have 300 pound stops wait what yeah that’s the actually wait yeah oh wait dude pass the cats pasta’s back faster pasta Cuts pasta that’s like half the people from our school are just watching my stream right

Now there are six individual people watching me oh a rose toy is something for single women apparently oh so I think I might know what it is is it like a a thing that you that okay guys I don’t get it guys get it 22 subscribers

Holy no bro I’ll catching on ground go subscribe to my boyfriend oh for real go subscribe to my boyfriend and go subscribe to just call me God links are in the pin comment wait wait honestly bro well why are you crying is it really that funny

Yeah no I I kind of get what it is but I I really don’t understand I would say what it is but I would get to monetize this okay I’ll search it up no oh no no no it wasn’t on stream no not when your parents know your search

History no no they don’t know that’s a w username I feel sorry for this man foreign I gotta do it but you know you know what I’m gonna do in a cap good video too I’m gonna I’m gonna say all right like for for the thing I just did on stream I’m gonna say all right 30 subs and I’ll reveal this is

Oh my God it’s that guy it’s it’s Mr broken knicker no bro I’ll get them guys I’ll get canceled I will get canceled fireworks well they’re asking me to show all the road stores canceled no I I can’t say oh got canceled do you

Not do not saying do you want to play it do you want to play like some fortnite or something man I want to leave foreign okay party play guys Party play let’s go 2V1 don’t fight me we’re doing a 2V1 oh we left it’s normally Innovative Samosa

No I literally can’t show you even if you would sit on your alt uh it would be pointless because I will literally the account will get removed I’m currently on which I’m I’m not too fun though because right in the last few days I’ve made insane progress

Right like 15. yo Timmy is playing Legacy with Grandpa how much progress have you made because I I got like 27 two days I’ve gotten like 10 but you know yo it’s simi’s here man who’s that yo no he used to be a phenomenal member I know my role

Ah spam yeah for real though again of course it’s mine uh well ax bomb is just the best thing to use against Shield spammers um Sovereign yeah so I learned this this new um it’s selecting strategy what just overnight no like just just now we got this damn Fallen be practicing the sword PVP can you not okay [ __ ] [ __ ] no how did I get stuck in those cobwebs stop flexing falling you’re 2v1ning

Oh no who is ax who’s the person asked spamming there literally none of us I do I did not indeed let’s go yo messed up thumb no answer in my chat no I know I know you’re you’re you’ve actually become a GS Fallen uh uh I follow you’ve actually become a GF PVP

Hi David GG yeah I know I suck at the game don’t answer yo guys let’s let’s invite Timmy to and then let’s invite you to the subtub just call me Don he’s very cool he wants to do me in a op 1v1 okay okay let’s go Jack likes food

Let’s go Jack like so I I don’t have my music on so I’m probably ass these two subs dude yo all right right after you turn that instantly get another five hello oh um uh I’ll give it to you at some point I need to like actually sort out my card

Because I don’t have any money on my card right now I just have it all in cash oh my God my mouse is my mouse is so uncomfortably close to my arm what was that Fallen Blade the real Fallen blade oh my gosh if you won’t do one oh my God my aim

GG w wait why are you spamming me on this door please chill bro stop adding me wait I want to do something wrong he just message me and saying Wait no that’s the wrong song here oh all right oh my God LAX bike gee Graham why’d you leave

You left the party because I got invited to someone’s party I thought it was yours now you’re already in there yeah bro I’m I’m fighting Jack likes food here’s my favorite YouTuber um either Shadow or just call me Don yo fog wait is Shadow like bro

Okay wait no he’s Shadow is on his God account wait hold on he’s on his God account well if I didn’t have that likes uh lacks like I would have been alive let’s see what bro I wanna play smart are you gonna have some crazy aim or

Well you kind of have that crazy versus 20’s just changed you’ve kind of that crazy reach what bus is you in right now 20 I believe the verse I was in I’m in 20 and it’s it’s um different yeah that can happen actually let’s just be back

I’m just gonna play the smart I can’t lose now what’s your aim that’s crazy yumming me I’m just gonna I’m just gonna play smart yes oh wait where’s Fallen where are you eh if you don’t show us we’ll unsubscribe come on 24 Subs huh you’re 24 already Ah that’s enough oh

Catch it up oh catch it up yeah 65 minutes on games two no that’s good Jack uh okay uh I’m actually should I invite this what what suburbing what buses uh versus 20. uh Jack likes food I’m sorry but I got I gotta play with Grandpa and [ __ ] again

Man I’ll play with you soon though I’ll play with you after um after I’ve done a few deals with grand all right because unfortunately unfortunately my party is only limited to four people sure my short has 157 of these jeez it’s my best he’s talking about Mr Mr panels exactly the battles

That copyright forget the panda yo yo yo yo Shadow just got Bob hacking Shadows is gonna pop happy yo yo look yeah look Gamo Jen wait I understand look at this I he even said there are multiple people who have who have access to my accounts

Why would you ever give people access to your account oh yeah wait I did not mean to log into that oh fine yes I got gaps wait go um John no no bro bro oh oh wait I get I guess we can come on let me let me I got it wait wait

No he’s not no yo yo no wow yo Oh yeah one up exactly he’s not no sick I just watched the clip on the street hey hey Yo two people unsubscribed but but a G subscribe so we’re still at 23 okay let’s go I’m down for I’m I’m not I’m literally not gonna show a that that freaking thing on stream I’ll literally lose my entire accounts I’m not crazy Bob that is cringed damn

Well well does he have to fix like his password or something why am I lagging so much guys done up my stream give me free watch time for real yo but Grandpa Grandpa and the people who wanted me to show that The Rose thingy unsubscribe a g subscribes

A g subtract so we’re back at 23. it’s fine it’s literally perfect He just whispered to me is Bob is Bob is Bob Perma fan wait wait Shadow is Bob is Bob permanently banned now like even if he change password or [ __ ] get him out of the Discord yo out of the Discord yes let’s go yo that’s crazy another Arc wait what auction

You what auction oh we have an ultra modular office but wait wait wait wait what’s the auction what’s the auction what’s the auction guys yo yo wait so I’m actually gonna get out of lighter again let’s go yo oh wait um For him self yo Shadow you know what Fallen just asked me now that is Caleb is Caleb Still Alive he might be in the UK yo what he was hacking the whole time yo no that’s crazy come on come here to me yeah I I’m sorry yeah bro

Shadow shadow I I I’m at 20 plus subscribers crazy crazy games yo shadow shadow Fallen just asked me can I get back in penumbra because there’s one person left two people just Subs yo yo we’re all getting crazy Subs bro we’re literally all getting crazy

Subs this is gains I feel this is like going to the gym I’m live I’ve been live I’ve been live for like four hours let’s go to me I know you low GG yo nice but you’re you’re 300 watch hours down okay we can just play your videos and everything

A shot of you what’s on my stream and how are you yeah look at my gear I’ve like actually got gear bike cap that’s cap no they figured it out ah they figured it out yeah they figured it out no they figured it out they figured I was using star five

I wasn’t gonna go live today but then dogs like don’t start shooting something no more can we BC at some point for string content all right bro Caleb was on uh underscore x912 what what is that like like five minutes he said he said

Yokun log on I saw him at Swan I saw him he was just like kind of flying around the Theo said he couldn’t log on so okay that kid was trying to fix it for him he said I love how I’ve actually gained like four subscription

I mean Don’s gained about 10 but yeah I’ve been going crazy I’ve been advertising you I’m not getting stuff on her it’s actually individual people constantly ugly people decide other people watching my videos so I posted a short early and it has like just under 200 views

Yeah man and for me I got over 200 views in the last 48 hours I’m going crazy no I would never have fallen I would never Don that shot is at 182 views damn uh yeah I saw it I have a shadow you’re at 1.2k where if

He’s after he’s at 30 and I’m at 20. well it’s it’s a bit different it’s a bit it’s a bit different okay fair fair I found all right I’ll I’ll change it oh yeah I’ll I’ll have to invite that guy still there should be um except hello again fortnite Pro okay bro

Watch that so much so what hmm i i r k y why does my thing keep freezing all right wait wait let me let me let me check my discs first okay my discourse is still fine oh all right oh RK why is Yo TV is here everybody’s here

I don’t know a legacy not in my chat that’s not Tyrie promised a game with Elsa Theory yo Kasha Kev you a viewer a 20 as always 20. let’s go as you see as you see I I have Fair amounts I don’t have short five anymore Fallen sharp two sharp three

Full prod three movie Fair I’m leaving no no you’re not you’re not oh yo yo yo I was I was reading chat oh wait uh uh wait no no let me get rid of the gas level uh I’ll only use 24. I know it I I have to stop at 40. I know

Why did Bob literally just turn on Hacks I’ll stop after I use 24 guys please I won’t I literally won’t eat them all oh GG I just quick dropped him what did you quick drop cash down bro I’m I’m getting 3v1 this reminds me of that one song it’s called gangbang

Well it’s true ones are so much harder than 2B ones like two of the ones are hard on their own but then you have three view ones and they’re so much harder like it’s literally just being Ragdoll around the whole time yo chill fall and chill I’m sure David’s good though David’s actually

Good but it’s my thumbnail oh no I I fought him in game no come on no my mouth is on my wires oh no I could have killed him oh no he Health spotted no [ __ ] ready for a house haunted bro Tim stop Timmy stop cop I’m spamming no get it Heals yeah Fallen asked me to do it Fallen asked me to do it yeah yo live on stream Shadow is a guy oh wait no oh [ __ ] I know I said it too yo why is this that was a music playing I can’t change the music oh my God give me

Or is that coming to me with the Royal story stuff now They unsubscribe for me because I don’t didn’t want to show it on screen on stream I mean not on yeah bro I was gonna show it on screen never give up never backed up I’m running clapped up no I needed that oh that’s my last Pearl I can’t use that oh no

They didn’t know me son they didn’t know me was getting it was gonna get rid of the boats and the logs I’ve got it grilled by three guys watch your ice cream I don’t understand I know it’s a it’s it’s a it’s a fortnight’s room it’s fine they don’t know me son

Fallen’s telling me to do it E4 ID whatever thank you bro Timmy responded to you saying that’s crazy he said crazy I was crazy once I’m trying yo lies gang something just call me Dawn never give up let’s just advertise each other like let’s just all advertise each other

Oh yeah wait by the way Caleb I’m racing grandpa in the race to 1K Subs he’s like uh 10 Subs ahead of me who’s gonna win 100 no 1K I’m okay I’m resting until okay in two days I went from basically zero I went to three with 25.

I know but you have you have a [ __ ] ton of subscribers I’m in the lead right now I have 40 I have like 40 subscribers but shout out Shadow I did it in two days so what like 30. the V the vid the the video got 120 something

All right I have two things pinned the shutters bro I’m ready I’m getting three view one right now on Legacy yeah on Legacy I sucked twice yo back to me that’s actually a crazy one follow said his video got 25k views what the [ __ ] you’re falling I want to shout Grant and

Me want a shout out yo L Zack come here come here Zac Efron I’m pulling it against an inside player [ __ ] well like actually shaking it’s probably just as fast as I pulled in a month yay uh grandfather’s gonna give us a shout out for you bro it’s going insane bro’s going insane

Yes Father you should probably bro my music is cutting out I’m dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I survived swim oh hey got out get out come on you got this bro wait Caleb are you even sub to me yeah I am I said yo the sub is giving me powers Sick Sammy’s Timmy you’re literally three even wanted don’t say a word don’t say a word wait bro why did Timmy like disappear for like 40 years I bro I don’t know well Timmy’s Timmy’s kick phone for number by the way inactivity not enough for uh spawning 104 Withers oh yeah

Bro Timmy stop complaining to me it’s practice okay I gotta practice well I can’t do that if I die due to it not having gaps we’ll decrease my Gap later hey you got this pow he’s on two he’s on 300 what am I meant to do yeah

Third Japan goes hard to come on no survive oh my God yeah he’s good I beat him though Me and Don versus uh the three of them no I my parties aren’t that big but my part’s only four player um the fire is popping off hand come on please come back get him get him right now get him get him yeah voice me now I gotta run I popped him

I did oh my God oh God I know I at least I got a pop you know give me a second oh I don’t know oh this is probably mad entertaining for my viewers man I should have kept sharp five no that’s not allowed tell me not allowed Timmy

Stop complaining to me stop complaining to me complaining’s not allowed anymore no no who me how to return why are they bad I did I’m dead yo it’s hit me stop complaining this is a hard okay please let me practice no Timmy come on yeah yeah get popped

I got two pops okay that’s good that’s good that’s good keep going Never Back Down never what never give up foreign damn that’s crazy are you like busy come on let me get to me Come here Timmy come on all right I’m [ __ ] up I done [ __ ] up oh my God eat that yo 35 Subs that far no come on of course bro the stream be hitting hard Mike’s remaining products I’ve gained fives up this stream and I’ve been streaming for like 100 minutes

How many have you been I have five two man but that that but two unsubscribed because they didn’t because I wasn’t uh I wasn’t going to show the The Rose yeah yeah I’m not crazy crazy I was shut up Timmy stop complaining please Timmy it’s practice it’s a literal 3v1

Wait that must mean that my son wanted to beat me in a duel and I was begging for double payment no yo Timmy’s finishing your sentence with they put me in a room a rubber room yesterday I got the kill I caught the cow yeah I got the kill yeah

All right 1.5 x all right 1.25x I can’t really mind the ends I’m mommy melons you’re farming melons were deadliest Minecraft gotta Escape oh yeah oh [ __ ] he just said all right 1.05 extra payment please bro I’ve got 10 cobwebs left what the frick Road chill I’ll I’ll pay you just like

No I know wait you’re you’re paying someone on this tree look at this trade I’ll go watch raid because I’m I’m kind of he doesn’t have water stopping too much yeah no but I’m kind of fighting like heavily like I I I wasn’t a three people now I’m

In a tsubi one you know one bad there’s five rounds in this by the way are you sure you want to do that I can’t really do you think bro stop okay I’m gonna remove Infinity if y’all keep doing this abstract that’s literally boasts by me it’s so strong

Yeah that’s that’s just in me right there for people watching everyone’s sober right now I don’t think that but none of them have cobwebs I think I’ve got a lot safer going to spawn considering I got I got Timmy oh he did he didn’t have gaps I got him no so close

Oh my gosh yo yo clutch clutch oh my gosh I’m clutching up with with a stack of gobbles by the way and my diet yes sir only one wait let me watch My Stream four people watching right now with the toy thing 24 Subs foreign oh my God so hard

You’re like in a duel right now I’m losing no bro I just took a 3v1 oh my God what did you win I won nice let’s [ __ ] against following Timmy and elzak we’re all all of them are good everyone’s uh sub to grad stuff to me

If everyone’s sub right now I’d be at 41. also by the way you having it on in a tab in the background unless you have that tab open uh it doesn’t actually counter its watch time oh yeah there you go something um just call me Don and solars for real for real

For their channels I pinned and bro that was the most sweaty fight I’ve ever had is it it’s 197. oh you’re so close I know I don’t know how did it pop off like that it’s a short it just does that oh my God I lied like that’s big numbers for this channel

For well for any channel like under like under 50s drivers or like like under 70 subscribers that’s big numbers for 70 it’s it’s I indicator that’s it it it’s good but it’s not like wow it’s not flabbergasted so I’m gonna just go about myself please just type in chat

Your thumbnail editor is actually good though he is he’s good and he’s also really good at building I want to see if he can get into the number damn it it’ll just be forces he’s just real four Summit you’ll just be forced to make dumbbells for everyone he’s pretty nice there yeah

Well really doesn’t that do that much damage elzak everyone liked the stream as well something yeah I was just you know how I was just complimenting myself you stabbed me on Discord like you know like I don’t know I don’t know what it’s called it’s like

The um the colon and then the three you know that face oh yeah yeah he just gave me that why move against your impact though oh yeah there are all e-girls I’m so close I used to be dungeon player but after literally what no like five minutes of

It I was like yeah now [ __ ] this you’re all you’re only meant you’re only meant to use 24 gaps and you’re only meant to use eight Pearls at 24 gaps I just need like gappers I don’t think people are gonna jump you in Shadows online

BBG I mean whoa whoa yo you cheating on me uh I uh someone unsolved I’m gonna kill him I was at 35 also it should be a 200. right right stop Shield spamming is what I would answer it’s still at 197 and that’s just not like updating but I know oh shoot

You don’t really get my bad side though bro because then uh uh uh just go into somebody oh sweaty wow wait it says that my on um YouTube Studio it says that my um my short is at 254. guys guys yo yo okay look it’s just a running joke I want those back

Yo wait wait wait restroom right now look at my stream right now Grand what’s this what is uh Kayla’s Channel okay you know how many left Pickers like just just just just keep looking it’s amazing frozen for the past five minutes I didn’t even notice keep looking just keep looking I am

I want my Brewing stands oh look you’re about to see here’s some okay no right now I taught there right now I’m on stream I can’t just like go to different bases no give me the chords right now I’m going to take them well no I can’t give you these chords

I I literally can’t why not because it’s not my base yes it is no I want my Brewing stamps back no yo bro how do we get that I need to get the ton of kill man yeah he hasn’t told his chat to subscribe to me

Anyway guys guys I I think I think we’re ending this stream at 25 uh 24 Subs no I might might not you’re gonna end it like three hours ago yo unfortunately yeah basically well well if like if like uh 980 people subscribe it’s paid nobody’s watching anymore never mind I’m leaving

What’s up it’s 966 people subscribing right now we will hit 1000 subscribers yeah I would be monetized that that’s enough fire though the obsidian I wonder who did that I wonder who did that I can only wonder who did that Don I honestly think it might have been shadow yeah no Shadow definitely

100 it’s been online the whole day yo wait wait wait wait if wait if you give loosen of course we’ll just kill one of your base oh is he some of his he’s watching this room anyway but like I cannot lived no no I get lying brick

Yo okay if anyone this whole time I I think I’ll if I hit 30 I’ll be ending this stream I think no no never mind if I had 100 I’ll be ending the Stream it’ll be going on for a long ass while continue streaming until I hit a hundred I would actually

I could probably do that over the weekend but if we had 25 right now I’m gonna be very happy also no if we hit 30 this stream bro what should I do for the goal to reveal the next the next prank should I just make it 40. uh

Do 30s I’m fully two talking sevens no no because if we hit 30 the Stream like I I there won’t be a goal anymore because we already hit 30. all right uh yo yo grand grand loose and all that loose layer loose loose the enemy right here enemy he enemy the

Enemy the enemy the enemy right he’s the enemy right he is a enemy right you see yeah you said he was fun don’t jump them just I kind of just talk to him oh oh down you’re mine I mean subscribers on this YouTube analytics is going to

Actually update and show me my shorts showing you my short I’ve I’m speed poor poor I’m speed yo no no no damn nice but come on come on 20 25 Subs 25 Subs opinion on meeting this man here what is your opinion is that mystery MC hi mystery I’m live right now um

Yeah bro I I’m at 24 subscribers I’m at 34. but no by the way grant them you’re a racing to 1K okay dude it’s gonna take a while we I said I said 100 yeah so because I’m racing someone to like five I forgot who it was uh I think it

Was like a mystery get your ass on loosen sir let’s kill him what get your ass on loose and serum let’s kill him is what God damn it hey God damn it keeps getting your streaming I mean you can say stuff but like not too far you can say like big daddy loosen

Let’s go let’s go are you actually dumping him yeah of course I’m jumping him so Shadows are shadows here yeah they’re on a VC I don’t think we should jump them yo why does Shadows say Don or slack BR why do they instantly go down to slap VR he’s already here

He’s already here are they are they real yeah okay they’re jumping me guys guys right now right now I can’t right no no backup right now right now no I can’t right Escape I’m trying yeah bro I’m on why am I on another roof that’s stupid that’s actually so stupid under

Bro I’m just I’m just no way they might be watching machine that might that might they might be stream sniping if Shadow instantly left Shadow literally instantly left bro CL damn do an insta leave attacking me well I’m gonna like Chad yesterday Shadow said loosens an enemy

So for all I know he’s an enemy you’re up you’re alive bro literally everyone everyone knows I’m in a team with him yes but like let me do not kill list okay uh grand plan the one who talked about roses said BBG is my word yeah

No no he said he’ll subscribe so I gotta I gotta do it are you yo bro you were trying to try to help me why why why [ __ ] Shadow insulin logs on and jumps my ass for all I know yesterday Shadow told me yeah you’re an enemy okay don’t destroy

Ed no I no I don’t I placed it oh oh okay I was asking if I could but no lose it you know what you know why I was killing you yesterday Shadow told me yeah Lucas and then we kill him one side so I killed I tried killing you outside

Shadow logs on against defensive kill him on site that’s what shadow said yesterday kill him on site is what shadow told me about you and then I do and then he’s not happy you literally said that yesterday oh boy okay okay Nacho no monkey I’m alive you know what do you know what I wanna oh you know what I’m gonna help donger win I’m gonna I’m gonna make it subscribe to Don Derby I don’t know your YouTube channel just call me down it’s just call me Don yeah

I actually am and then donder’s gonna get like 20 uh 20 subscribers from that yeah I don’t care no we’re racing through okay we’re racing through 1K oh no that’s it it’s done we’re racing through 1K no actually if I if I keep going like I am now it’ll take me 80 Days

100 subscribers it goes really slow speeding up no bro it goes slow he said that bro bro then I’m just very confused because he literally said to me yesterday you’re a kill on site you mean I’m still on site I feel like I I think you said I’m a killer show me

The message no it’s not a mess he said it in a VC Xander you sure this are you sure you didn’t say I’m a kill inside because I think I’m a killer no yeah yeah you’re a kill inside too I I wouldn’t suggest you go to spawn because I really don’t want

To murder you because you’re very nice I have not probably because your job mystery yeah I think he’s still pissy about that oh my God why why does the kid Instagram confused no you didn’t even take a break no guys why guys get me to the get me to 25 25 Subs

Right now 25. you guys get me to um right now so get to 25 . subscribe to just call me my video is 118 views pog mine has bro no the live stream has 95 views I’m still alive 95 years oh my gosh 100 impressions Dan that’s crazy

Uh my my show has 224 views most watched video on my channel director and on YouTube search uh Channel page external other YouTube features that’s quite small shorts man bro I got I got six hours from that bro yeah I gotta put short I gotta post my shorts uh my shirt too

Wait so I’m just going to spawn no why bro you saw what just happened to me but I’m not dumping loosened well at one point there were 10 concurrent viewers watching five people watching everyone if you’re not solved please sub I’m trying to get to beat donda no there’s only one one

Person watching no ah I dropped I’ll jump to 100 subscribe to spawn this is gonna be very scary okay time to do some editing time to do me sell some editing wait you no not so good anything on the Stream it’s not technically honestly please

Ah I wonder how 100 before the end of the year yeah and I’ve gained like centered me today I’m pretty sure so I’m on track yeah I was in my Spanish class today and everyone was going Grandpa I’m substical YouTube there were three people watching yo what’s up chat I’m I’m actually watching

Chat right now what y’all want to say what do y’all want to say come watch me I know chat don’t stay what you keep watching me see I thought leave me keep watching me I’m in the pinned comment I’m in true okay hold on all right according foreign foreign doing some

That’s my chat on Logan shot load I I lead chat I’m reading chat and work I’m reading chat I’m reading shot reading chat right now there was a bug Inside we did it you’re going down a ball here this is a prank war foreign thank you oh all right y’all are allowed to say hello YouTube because this is gonna be Discord services tell people in your job description hi all right if anyone’s watching my stream why

Why would you be watching me right now I’m doing [ __ ] sorry I’m editing I’m not one’s winning right now I’m editing a video for you you’ll see it’s short you’ll see that over there foreign um foreign views on the stream though that’s actually like insane Psych sorry it’s like Psych IC We did it we did it you’re going down a polyure this is a prank war this is a prank war yo and that’s it that’s it oh no no no no no 30 30 30 no 40. oh no nothing’s changed yeah We did it we did it you’re going down a polyure this is a Frank War yo that’s that’s saying that’s amazing okay that’s just wow export I’m copyright we should ask for open folder foreign subscribers that’s crazy all right uploading it right now oh for for real though that’s a 104 views

That’s crazy isn’t it that’s absolutely crazy oh okay he reached it all right how do I do the the thingy again it’s like sorry yeah we did it we did it you’re going down a polyure is it a prank war foreign reload extra projects let’s act actually insane export projects oh hell no

Hmm anyway guys and the streamer I had a blast I was out of blast thank you again like eight Subs of the stream CR insane your cracked uh for real thanks man I’ll go insane we gotta keep this up the

This video, titled ‘Penumbra smp a war is ongoing…’, was uploaded by JustCallMeDon on 2023-09-29 22:33:11. It has garnered 70 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:26 or 18506 seconds.

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on and there is revenge, griefing, stealing, scamming, and war!

Similar to Parrot / ParrotX2 / Leowook and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP / ajthebolds dog smp / tommyinnit hardcore smp / school smp parrot where he Started a War or Ended a War / LifeSteal SMP series,I joined, survived, and I trolled the Penumbra SMP. This is a lifesteal SMP copy. in Minecraft / Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2,

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    SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!Video Information geiles Geschäft ne oh fick mich doch in Arschloch oh mein Gott what the was ein Safe This video, titled ‘Save #minecraft #twitch #gaming #memes #streamer #funny #mc #deutsch’, was uploaded by SchmedGar on 2024-05-02 14:35:02. It has garnered 2257 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Feel free to subscribe to my channel, follow me on Twitch, write a comment and leave a like! Discord: https://discord.gg/HAMvMWKgRJ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schmedgar_yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schmedgar11/ Donation: https://streamlabs.com/schmedgar_yt/tip TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schmedgar_yt Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpe

    Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-06 06:11:36. It has garnered 10320 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rap Animation – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Rap Animation - Must Watch!Video Information [Music] f f f f f f f with the Cs f up with the fake love but the g b b I’m f up with the drama going to grieve my mama cuz I don’t think I’m do my f f f f f f f f f up with the drugs f up with the fake love with the gun of a go I’m f up with the drama going to create This video, titled ‘Minecraft Animation short #music#rap#art#song#hiphop#minecraft#shortfeed#short#trending#gaming#viral’, was uploaded by Ayan Ak gamings on 2024-03-28 11:03:10. It has garnered 2055 views and 85 likes…. Read More

  • Xaldin Edge Gaming

    Xaldin Edge GamingNow Updated to 1.20.4!! XeGaming is a community based friendly survival server with a newly generated world and our Egyptian themed pyramid spawn Xelantis! We use precious stones to claim a 40×40 sponge area so everything you build is protected. Check us out at https://www.xegaming.com. That works for Minecraft, Discord https://discord.com/invite/0px0in3BsujNz06z , Website, Forums, and Twitter! Join.XaldinEdge.com Read More

  • REBORN — ORIGINS SMP MODDED 1.20.1 15+ Whitelist Java Origins Fabric Semi-Roleplaying Empires After Life

    Reborn Origins Server Looking for a Fun Minecraft Server? Join Reborn Origins and experience a unique server with exciting mechanics! World Building Choose a random origin and immerse yourself in a semi roleplay experience. Create your own backstory and interact with other players to shape the world! Community Join our welcoming community and make lasting friendships. Build towns and explore new possibilities with your friends! Server Details Running on Fabric 1.20.1 with over 50 mods, including extra origins from After Life. Empires, Towns, and Industries Join or create empires, towns, and industries within our growing community. Important Datapacks Worldmaps Chipped… Read More

  • Minecraft server play.crypticcube.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.crypticcube.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Memes for the Elite”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Memes for the Elite"Looks like this meme really mined its way to the top with that score of 43! Read More

  • Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve!

    Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, making animations his home. With humor and fun, he crafts each tale, Bringing happiness to all, without fail. From the state of the day before the exam, To the chaos of classroom antics, he’s the jam. With rhymes and laughter, he paints a scene, Where Minecraft facts and fun reign supreme. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, For Fangkuaixuan’s world is where joy begins. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, He’s the favorite news reporter, shining bright. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY CREEPER! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days!

    Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days! Minecraft 1.20 Update: Exploring Achievements in 100 Days (Part 1) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Dreaky as he sets out to conquer all achievements in the latest 1.20 update within 100 days. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of Minecraft, facing challenges and triumphs along the way. Setting the Stage With only 100 subscribers away from a milestone, Dreaky invites viewers to join him on this epic adventure. The anticipation is high as he gears up to showcase his skills and determination in mastering every achievement the game has to offer. Exploring New Features… Read More

  • Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21

    Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21Video Information coucou les mu comment va 9e et dernier épisode de l’aventure hardcore 1.21 alors oui de base j’avais prévu tous épisodes mais je me suis dit autant repasser sur la grosse série avec la code Island parce que je vais clairement pas les faire ici ça sera un peu dommage parce que bah j’ai prévu d’arrêter après cet épisode mais on va quand même étudier une bonne Farme à faire avec un crafter aujourd’hui le programme est simple réaliser un maximum de défits possibles dans les commentaires et d’ailleurs là mon armée de chien commence vraiment à grandir… Read More

  • The Untold Story of Billie Goose

    The Untold Story of Billie GooseVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hi oh why am I like tilted beird look forward hold on I had everything set up oh Minecraft just like loaded into hi hi how’s it going how’s everyone doing hope everyone’s having a good night surprise um kind of decided last minute that I want to play some Minecraft and uh late night’s SCU yeah it’s um you know almost midnight where I’m at and Mr Goose just had to head into work so you know I’m going to be like home alone for a… Read More

  • Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network – INSANE Chaos!

    Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network - INSANE Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Anarchy SMP – Anicrad Network’, was uploaded by theautiscoder on 2024-06-19 05:25:45. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:19 or 10759 seconds. This is a Public Minecraft Anarchy SMP for Java & Bedrock players. Anyone is free to join! ___________ Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/2AhqVX5cHz Server IP: play.anicrad.xyz Bedrock Port: 2716 ___________ Hashtags: #minecraft #smp #anarchy ___________ Tags: anarchy,anarchy server,anarchy base hunting,minecraft anarchy 1.18,minecraft anarchy server,minecraft no hack anarchy,anarchy smp,minecraft anarchy server ip,minecraft anarchy server ep 1,anarchy spawn,1.18 minecraft anarchy episode 1,minecraft anarchy server no hacks,horizon anarchy,rizen anarchy smp,minecraft… Read More


    LOYAL GAMER BOY HITS 2K SUBS! JOIN SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍NO VOICE STREAM |ROAD TO 2K | JOIN MY💫SMP IP PORT IN DISCORD || #minecraft’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-05-02 02:06:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:11:01 or 33061 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button IP = Loyalarmy2k.aternos.me PORT = 27831 For support UPI = 8302842234 Discord link = https://discord.gg/5Gxbbr6BtZ Instagram link = https://www.instagram.com/satyaa_aayush?igsh=MWR5MXRzNGF1NzI1MQ== For business enquiry 📧 :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor ➤ Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Build the Best Castle ZOMESMP Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by RonaldPh Vlog & Stream Channel on 2024-04-19 13:12:36. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. Subscriber Goal 3699 / 5000 Welcome to My World If You want join Discord server https://discord.gg/tBwXNEE3 #discord I’d ronaldgamingph423 #minecraft #livestream Visit YouTube Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8jF-z4QMlnoY6UIhn09RNA Visit TikTok Channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@ronaldgamingpyt?_t=8kNLSedZYqF&_r=1 Visit Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085963225078&mibextid=ZbWKwL Visit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rjquillo?igsh=MWducWhjdjB1Mm9udA== Join to my fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/637249333720897/?ref=share Thank You For Watching My Precious Video Spam 💓💓💓 Thank You For Supporting My Channel Don’t… Read More

  • Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!

    Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!Video Information マイクラ豆知識2000ドキリつき最近 追加されたアイテムの豆知識を紹介実は 風力チャージにはいろんな使い方があるん だよまず適当に封印したモルモットを設置 モルモットなんそれあミスった木を 取り直していきましょうまず剣を着火して いきますそしたら風力チャージをけけに 向かって打ちましょうそうするとけが前に 押し出されて飛んでいきますこれで友達の 家を爆破してみましょうなあ自分が惨めだ とは思わんのかそれではやっていき ましょう友達に建築をしてといて建築して もらっています私に任ロ最強な家作ったる からな最強な 家 ええあ次の教える前にもう2だ見れないか もしれないから高評価で保存してあと今 心臓が動いていたらチャンネル登録 よろしくトラップドアに風力チャージを 当てると当たった分開くもっと他の豆知識 あるよって人はコメントで教えてたくさん くれば次回使います This video, titled ‘マイクラ豆知識!「ドッキリ付き!」 コメント採用するかもしれない! #マイクラ #shorts #minecraft #ゆっくり実況 #マインクラフト #youtubeshorts #まいくら’, was uploaded by ギニュー盗撮隊年内10万人目標 on 2024-06-16 06:02:16. It has garnered 10951 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Become a member of this channel to access perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgLtpVfC7vYtdT1ljfKtGQ/join Edited by ymm4 Sound source: Override Please subscribe to my channel! You can cut out without permission “But you can add #GinyuPeepingSquad” I appreciate the promotion from my partner “OchiteruOmochi”… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4k

    Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4kVideo Information а домик какой-то давай там поселился Я говорю у меня не лагает говор а у меня чу сейчас подлая когда Тото что ты хост б твою мать ты можешь литься А тыз меня [ __ ] ебаная он плавать не умеет но плавать не умеет This video, titled ‘Twitch/телега ник: Mels4k #майнкрафт #хорор #Minecraft #horror #твитчмоменты’, was uploaded by Нарезки Mels4k on 2024-01-07 12:48:56. It has garnered 2323 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Click follow on twitch and subscribe to the tg channel 😉 Stirmy- https://www.twitch.tv/mels4k Telegram- https://t.me/Mels4k The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!

    Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!Video Information this is the easiest base to build because you don’t really need to build a whole lot a dirt frame with a bucket of lava and water will give you this Temple it’s not the nicest looking Temple but it doesn’t take a lot of effort to turn it into something that’s half appealing expanding this base into a mini Fortress isn’t too difficult either just use the same technique to create some temples in the corners surrounding the base you can add some details to these ones too before connecting them with a wall on the inside… Read More

  • The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!

    The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARCE IN MINECRAFT (Minecraft Animation Parody Video)’, was uploaded by Futuristichub Archive on 2024-02-16 15:25:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • GoldenSMP

    GoldenSMPGoldenSMP Semi-Vanilla Survival 1.8 – 1.20.4 [PLUGINS] Featuring in-game **Shop, Auctions, Jobs, Quests, and Clans** adding flavour but without ruining the traditional SMP experience! [COMMUNITY] We have an old community, mostly veterans who’ve made a mark on our past server. Full of lore and epic clan battles ranging for years. We also have a very active staff team participating in the survival aspect themselves! [RULES] Our rules are designed to be fun, not authoritative. We have very tolerable rules lightweight to the point of semi-anarchy standards. Griefing & stealing is allowed (to a degree), and Cheating isn’t allowed. A more… Read More

  • Project:Creators SMP {whitelist} {semi-vanilla} {hermitcraft}

    Welcome to Season 7! 16+ seasonal, vanilla 1.21 Minecraft Java server Join a drama-free community dedicated to providing an authentic survival experience inspired by Hermitcraft. Features include a Shopping District, mini games, and a protected environment against griefing/stealing. Join our discord to get whitelisted TODAY!!! https://discord.gg/cknnjeq6gP Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Am I the Villager in this Scenario?

    Minecraft Memes - Am I the Villager in this Scenario?I guess you could say this meme was a real block-buster with a score of 48! Read More

  • 24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan’s Brotherly Joke

    24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan's Brotherly Joke In the world of Minecraft, a prank was played, Efekan and Ali, in a game they strayed. Jokes and laughter, hair cut to zero, A tale of mischief, in a world so narrow. Ali, the bald one, seeking revenge, Efekan, the joker, on the edge. A wedding dress, a funny sight, In a women’s store, what a delight. The teacher, unamused, in the school they roam, No holiday for them, no time to roam. Bald heads and laughter, in the classroom they sit, A lesson learned, in a prank-filled skit. So ends the tale of Efekan and Ali, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #memes #gaming Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

  • Outrageous Pranks in Apartment 167

    Outrageous Pranks in Apartment 167 “Aqui no hay quien viva 167” – Minecraft Bedrock Episode Adventure in the Village In this episode of Minecraft Bedrock, the team faces a kidnapping in the village. Join the thrilling adventures in “Aqui no hay quien viva 167”! The neighborhood is vast, with a large three-story house adorned with leaves and gold. As the team explores, they encounter a new neighbor and express their desire to settle in the area. However, things take a dark turn when one of the team members mysteriously disappears. A Mysterious Disappearance The team’s search for their missing member leads them to the… Read More

  • King of Minecraft Reveals Insane 2024 Plans – LIVE Chat

    King of Minecraft Reveals Insane 2024 Plans - LIVE ChatVideo Information I just forgot that I do not have my volume [Music] up all right we’re going to be doing a Minecraft live stream today so we’re going to be doing it a little different a little different um so I made two sets of the exact same armor so I can go exploring in the nether I’m looking for [Music] bastions um I guess I could put the spare set in here bam let me make this a little organized and I think we might be doing a build project today maybe all right put that there half… Read More