KidKinobi’s Moon Base Crash

Video Information

Okay Um I’m trying something a little new this time if you cannot tell uh I am currently trying to start the live stream via YouTube instead of via PlayStation I do not think it has Activated no I no wait a minute YouTube hold up I’m getting nope utob has not activate oh [ __ ] this is a whole ah God damn it YouTu hello saali hello everybody hold on why you recording this at the dead of night it is 6 o’ actually you know what

I do need to put out a new 20in 24 poll of what is a good Minecraft Sunday time is 6:00 too late in the day have we all gotten older that is possible so it is very possible all right hold on hold on God damn it it’s not working hello

Everybody hello hello time zones do be going crazy uh okay Minecraft Studio no my YouTube Studio Jesus Christ oh okay so uh where am I where am I where am I where am I where am I where am I oh there I am okay this year is starting off horribly

Oh I’m I’m sorry to hear that hopefully the year gets better for everyone uh so far I don’t think anything I mean granted Matt Pat retired but you know he’s got like a family so that makes sense and also if I had to look at FNAF

Lor for the past 10 years I would probably need to go into the retirement home as well so I I really can’t I can’t fault the man he he lasted longer than most I think if we were in the exact same position all right YouTube link stream active yes okay everyone hello welcome

To L ninja linja I have not heard about leninja I’ve heard about that dude who did the uh verbal Ace who does the cartoon beatbox challenge that whole story is hilarious but we’ll get into that in a second but oh Prince of Persia I did hear about that okay so we are

Here Moonbase Kenobi the map crashed Moon by bidel 9995 a part of pathway Studios this is going on the realm server o that was a big bubble uh Community rail okay we are going to since I already downloaded uh I’m going to cycle through and I’m going to replace the

Moon I’m going to replace realm 2 which was that desert place with the moon and I’m going to do it before anyone can complain Haya confirm all right we the the people have voted the world has been exported and while this is loading uh it was confirmed that uh through the poll this

Entire week the community has overwhelmingly said uh Texas speech girl I’m I’m also uh I had to fire the Texas speech woman uh cuz I I realized it didn’t really add anything it just made it the streams a audible mess so for now uh she’s out of work we had to let uh

Audio girl go I’m I’m very sorry for anyone that was attached she has gotten her Severance um but we had to make a few cutbacks uh but yes the community has voted that we are going to the moon and the options were Babylon Fallout Washington or Chernobyl I’m actually

Surprised the moon one out but I guess the Moon is pretty visual listen she was here listen she may come back it’s just I realize it it it kind of it leads to people being like haha toad toad toad toad like people just keep spamming the same word or trying to say something

Racist or you know it’s listen she’s out of a job but she’s on the call back sheet if we find a position for her we’ll get her back yeah dude okay can I talk can I please talk about verbal a spinning his life savings please can I talk about

That can I please okay you know what [ __ ] it yeah I I’m I’m in control here okay I’m going to do it um so veral a if you don’t know who that is the guy who did the cartoon beatbox animated shorts AKA beatbox and Thanos the I am Vegeta

You want to be Vegeta but I’m Vegeta kind of guy uh then uh so apparently he had a whole thing for the uh uh who who was is it um the the the demon lady has been Hotel the main character who I think her name is Charley or something so what he

Basically did uh he had like a patreon and some something and he ultimately had like $50,000 uh and instead of putting that toward his animated show which you know brought him a lot of attention and stuff ooh this is the moon oh yes and I have a new Kenobi fit

Ooh wow this is a chunky map holy [ __ ] ow oh oh oh oh wow God damn oh woo okay we’re on the moon okay here let me speed through the verbal a story so we can get back to the Moon okay uh so he had a crush on the character from hasb

Been Hotel mind you he’s like 49 he’s almost 50 uh and he went to an animator which is rumor to be online 15 years old a 15-year-old animator and said hey can you animate My OC character getting chased by the girl from Haspin hotel when she sh she straps me down and

Sexually assaults me but then I’m also into it but I’m not into it ride that uh amalgamous line of okayness and draw all of that and he’s dropped a solid 50k on it and then he ended up bankrupt Charlie is 15 I don’t know she’s in hell so I I I

Mean that sucks if she is but I I I don’t watch has been Hotel you know I just keep up with the lore of the people who get in trouble for it let me correct that so yeah um it was a whole two-minute thing and it was a music

Video he made he spent 50k on a music video of his OC getting assaulted by a teenage demon in hell and then the the real [ __ ] of it is is that in the music video nothing happens I mean not that I wanted to see anything happens but if you’re putting

Down a whole life savings something better happened and nothing happened and what ended up actually happening in real life is now he’s bankrupt so he was so tremendously down bad he paid actual like a down payment on a house for a 2-minute animated a short and now he’s broke and everybody

Made fun of him also the news broke on his 49th birthday so if I was verbal Ace I would just go into the Ice start over in 2025 because that’s a hell of a way to start off a year speaking of which let’s start off our year we are on the

Moon and that was yeah that was I can’t believe that that was like the first story of 2024 that and Matt Pat retiring those are the two main internet things so so far uh so this is our spaceship and we are here in well

The moon I have my o I have my specialty space suit I used to craft mines but I always get overwhelmed well I’m also a little overwhelmed cuz we are on the moon and we have no trees uh no animals and this is survival so we’re going to need

Food of course a spider how did you make it how did you get on the moon what the f hey hey wait wait wait I don’t have I’m I’m I’m I’m oh oh are you serious okay I I have white concrete powder stay away oh oh [ __ ] ow

Okay Power Player hello welcome to the Moon I’m I’m getting a costed by a giant spider maybe we brought him on board why is jumping the same on Earth uh it’s the specialty uh gravity pack I have on it provides air and gravity that’s all it

Does yeah we have well the water comes from the ship so are are you cool I don’t think you’re cool I think you’re aggressive ow yep you are very aggressive hi please stop please stop okay I need to break into Mar Shadow real quick Keith David yeah I saw the cast of

Hasbin Hotel it’s pretty huge cuz I think it’s on HBO Max right oh [ __ ] oh no oh uh I cut off the water supply [ __ ] um okay we need to beat up oh I’m I’m not doing good Amazon okay dud I I don’t keep up with hasman Hotel I don’t know

Why I have to keep saying that like I have to defend myself but I I don’t keep up with h hasbin Hotel God damn this spider’s so strong where’s your suit loser this is my suit okay listen this just cuz everyone doesn’t have a protective like branded suit like your

Nike like atmosphere thing since I had to Cobble this together in my garage okay look at lapis ain’t even bro is just no suiting the entire void of space he watches as I don’t the I know I we’re on the moon and you guys are talking about hasb been Hotel

Unbelievable um God damn all the spiders okay we need supplies like we need to actually like survive uh are there any actual equipment in here is there anything to salvage uh oh [ __ ] uh we don’t have wood on the moon like I I’m realizing this is

Actually this is not good we don’t have wood we don’t have uh [ __ ] anything yeah the hain’s the one with the demon uh people and that one it’s the show that has the people who like uh drop the f word every like 3 seconds oh I I see a

Crate can I stay regardless yes you it might be a little hard to breathe okay uh buttons okay that’s a light what does this do uh all right uh this seems to be the basic control panel uh wait did Power Player take all the loot uh Power do we have to check your

Pockets yeah no trees no animals copper Golem all right this seems to be a lower part of the station oh yeah I see a door oh oh okay this might be a kitchen or something okay we might be able to find food yeah oh oh there we go okay this is

What we can use to simulate an environment we got glass we got bones okay wait hell of a boss in hasbin hotel are two different properties I thought there was a guy in hasbin hotel who was called the hell of a boss is that not wait there’s a spin-off what is this oh

Moon population preparation protocol find the base resource chest in the space shuttle find water find a reliable food source explore the area find the four Hidden Treasures find and conquer the two dungeons find the end portal make your own epic lunar base there we go oh that was that was a very

Good note that they left us there I’m evicting everyone off the moon we just got here hell OFA is actually completely free I am not a part of that Society of YouTube I’m completely alien to it okay uh we need to pick a spot for environment we

Need to start making places where dirt can exist speaking of uh I believe Power Player so I have the instructions oh there he is nope that’s lapis you you can’t buy the moon uh oh this is going to be very dig this is going to be very difficult I don’t

Know I’m I’m not the greatest Minecraft Survival player so I’m kind of like what what the [ __ ] do I do without a tree like trees are like I I need to punch a a piece of wood like I I don’t know what to do I’m I’m freaking out this is against like programming

Is this wood what is this it’s wool okay uh I still need wood so what I miss we’re on the moon also we talked about hasbin hotel a lot uh ow and I broke my leg okay careful the moon is full of holes ooh and caverns too okay well we

Got the basic elements so we got coal we got a m shaft maybe the moon was see I don’t know why everyone we could have been in the Golden Palace of Babylon do you people understand make an American flag we need to make an American flag that

Needs to be a priority after food and water American flag uh we also need yeah food actually is a big priority because I am the hungry Uh okay Power Player okay Power Player is a charge of the resources we should be okay um actually you know what I I think we need to get back to the surface because I’m realizing being underground in the Moon is probably not the greatest idea I’ve had uh [ __ ] which way was

It I need to get back to the surface uh was it this way oh [ __ ] I’m going to die in a cavern in the moon wait is this sunlight no it’s Darkness it’s the abyss [ __ ] oh I’m panicking I’m panicking oh oh I would not pass the Astronaut

Training program it’ll be like okay sit in this tube for 5 minutes get me out let me out where’s text to speech I I’m I’m I’m I’m it’s off we’re not doing text speech part of the 2024 we’re uh oh air okay we’re good we’re good what the

Hell why did I just hear a chimpanzee just laugh at me all right this seems to be part of an engine block there are zombies on the Moon the Moon is haunted space witches yeah uh the moon might be haunted I see little rocks and caverns up there I I

Might want to go check that out yeah I think the only thing is the um does anyone okay wait does anyone remember that goddamn movie Space Chimps and how oh God space skeletons um yeah anybody remember that movie uh Space Chimps well there that’s the problem uh apparently whatever Moon we’re on

Doesn’t have Earth or the Sun anywhere near us so I think it’s Eternal Darkness like I I think it’s dark okay people do remember Space Chimps remember how like awful that was what the hell is that what is that what is that is that a thing who is that what

Oh oh it’s another oh oh okay okay Power player has the sap okay oh [ __ ] this whole place is haunted um I’m I’m defenseless ow [ __ ] yeah Power Players over there creating Society I’m scouting out the environment yeah everybody be space friend this is a sus Rock oh oh space baby

Zombie no no no oh um um um oh [ __ ] uh I mean I I I don’t know guys it’s just the moon I don’t know if there’s any I don’t think there’s anything I think we’re literally on the moon and that’s it like I don’t see any noticeable outlier places or it’s just

The moon there’s I don’t think there’s wait I see a cave yeah okay so it’s craters and caves I see actually a fair number of caves like I see one like right here where my Crosshair is like right above it I see like a square cave and that looks

Man-made yeah a wanding traitor on the moon on the moon in fact not even our moon this is somebody else’s Moon whose moon is this what whoever’s moon this is it’s haunted and it’s already owned by somebody all right I see a square looking cave in front of me so I’m just

Going to run over there actually wait I should probably be responsible and I should put the instructions isn’t me glasses ruin your self-image uh I don’t know I don’t think so I think it it depends on your your face like do you have a face that that

Looks good with or without glasses but and and even then if you grow into glasses you you you kind of actually do grow into it so what is this contraption how does oh there we go why did we CH I don’t know ask like the 56 people actually how many votes

Did it even get hold on let me be accurate with this okay out of 4 40 votes 58% of them went to the moon second up was Chernobyl then Fallout Washington and 6% Babylon I don’t know how 6% of people see the concept of we could live in the ancient city of

Babylon and be like yeah sucks I don’t know that that’s that’s crazy to me Keno der toen that was would be oh my God what happened he just blew up like half the ship yeah uh people did I thought listen Fallout had NPCs it had Quest it had uh

New environments Chernobyl was well Chernobyl and I think it had um M it had a motorcycles and helicopters Babylon had this giant City in the desert whatever is 58% of 440 they all voted for the moon so we’re on the moon what the hell I will invite you to Morocco thank

You uh okay I got to say I this does not oh I forgot hunger yeah uh we need food oh find a golden apple Sali find a golden apple where in this vast Cosmos of indifference where I find a golden apple I don’t think I found a golden apple on

Earth like the actual Earth we were on like this is God damn it why did we invest in the PHP space program and why did I take a trip like there’s no sun like we’re stuck in Everlasting Darkness like I I don’t even know like okay all right let let’s brainstorm how

Can I contribute cuz I don’t have anything to make an axe with I don’t have wood there’s no substitute like what yeah where this is basically Ric but you have my short dumbass YouTuber as the main protagonist so yeah travel back in time wait is that the sun wait is the sun

Rising wait wait wait wait wait is the sun rising or is the moon catching on fire why is it red uh is that good what’s happening why uh is that the sunrise is is the um um I I I is is that the sun are we safe

Like why is it R oh oh okay so okay okay so we there is sunlight it’s just invisible sunlight yet there’s no ozone layer to protect us so huh okay okay so it’s not all bad okay so the sun is either invisible or it’s so far away that it’s not actually

Appearing in our eyesight uh oh I have bones and arrows see now I wonder does that mean we have other weather or all right well at least we have moments of Peace where we’re not going to be absolutely hounded by oh that was a decision uh we’re not

Going to be hounded by mobs 24/7 uh okay I feel like wood is essential here right well I I think the uh H H experience in meat okay uh zombie meat is still meat this is we might have to resort to cannibalism yeah I should have turned on

Starter gr well see I I didn’t want to be like oh you know in case you well we did have a starter chest in fact power player is working on it I don’t know where we need to oh I see a tree wait a minute I see I see

Green all right so this is going to be like survival and cooperation is the most critical it’s ever been in a Minecraft realm of like a Kenobi realm cuz like we can’t [ __ ] around like we get like the one or two trees and we need to make oh my god of course they

Have arm how did a creeper get on the moon all right we need to prepare we need to expedite we need to make where do PE uh people voted on the community tab of my YouTube page hello Power Player I see you uh are hard at work okay uh we need more

Trees and we need dirt we need trees and dirt okay uh yeah we need to get the saplings so I’m just going to let that’s good that’s good okay can I make anything with this okay I can make planks and that’s it o okay I can make even more planks

Perfect okay uh crafting table stick is this Bedrock uh this is whatever the PlayStation is on wait actually in if you check the description you should be able to see that this is a Bedrock edition of Minecraft yeah actually this is moon rock thank you very much okay uh so we

Need a base right I’m thinking the best kind of base is at the ship or overlooking the ship so maybe that Hill like maybe if we claim you’ll need to pay me for the DLC okay uh Power Player is the wood guy I I can live with

Power player being the wood dude uh lapis how about we bunk with each other okay he’s got a sapling okay do you have Dirt no okay well this is a good start what’s the server code I need okay if you would like to join go into my Discord Channel and I will add you after the stream no dirt but we can bunk awesome okay uh let’s start I’m going to just go up on this

Hill where it overlooks the space shuttle and it overlooks the tree farm cuz we need to start farming trees when you leave put all the things back uh am i s oh well in a survival situation like this every is a main character granted I’m the camera guy so

I have a little bit of priority seven times per chunk and blobs the size of 0 in all biomes it can replace Stone Granite IND destine polish IND destine be only well what uh how does that math ratio convert to moon rocks in a moon environment how does

Dirt does that affect the dirt spawn the lack of gravity all right this seems to be the highest peak for now I can see the tree over the excuse oh Jesus Christ ow oh wait a minute wait wait wait there’s something look at that look at that that’s like a

A rock but it’s black is there Stone Underground yes there’s a l oh I get where you’re going saali I I I I I I get what you’re I get what you’re I get what you’re doing yeah cuz if there’s underground caves and tunnels there could be dirt underground ow the

Pikman yeah we could get obsidian okay hold on let’s see what this is Neil Armstrong didn’t die on the moon what is this oh it is obsidian oh it is Obsidian okay yeah it’s uh it’s like a meteor itself okay huh nice okay uh well that’s good

To know wait how are you breathing I’m breathing because I have this lovely lovely backpack and my oxygen mask uh Power player has his own uh company branded suit and Sali is just kind of uh roughing it yeah the nether is a possibility we could go into The Nether and that would

Be good that would be useful all right I’m going to go back up top and then I’m going to actually I think I need the chest I’m going to go back actually is that dirt dirt dirt dirt oh we got dirt we got dirt I’ve never been happier to find dirt

Holy [ __ ] this is gold dirt is gold oh yes holy [ __ ] we got dirt we got dirt oh okay holy [ __ ] this is [Applause] huge dirt G dude when you feel the weight of the universe is our economy run on dirt I mean it might like you

Need dirt for trees and you need trees for wood and every other resource so yeah dirt is kind of like dirt is a precious resource at least all right that’s all the dirt so far in that little corner okay so dirt can randomly spawn that is so good that’s really good

Information if you have a shovel dirt and gravel okay I do know cuz like it’s part of that whole Sky Block thing right where it’s like people start on one by one and then they somehow make a mansion yeah like the the Minecraft pros know how to do it

Okay I got 14 blocks I got one sapling and I got assorted wood this is pretty good okay I see the tree is over there the spaceship is over there okay so back at the spaceship okay I think the spaceship should almost serve as like our meeting place as our Hub like

Our community center should be the spaceship it’s pretty big it’s pretty obvious it it it if you’re you’re kind of just drawn to the spaceship so I’ll meet you up there and then use the shovel to revert it into normal dirt okay well I have some assorted wood I think we need like

A safer path into this place how the [ __ ] is he in oh oh right cuz the the skeletons I was like how the [ __ ] did he get gold armor I’ll Salvage it for parts okay okay like there needs to be like yeah okay I guess that is more

Responsible see I’m here thinking like oh we could make this uh we could turn this into a shop now power player’s like I’m going to turn it into fuel okay uh all right crafting table here the tree okay dirt Oak this wood crafting table uh oh that’s a lot okay that’s perfect

Okay so I’m going to I think like we should have like a tree Basin like we need to manufacture a forest right over here you know yeah I figured yeah cuz like if you were I should have only been sus or like a god my nose was

ACH I should only have been like sus if you were like in Diamond gear or something then I would have called BS your new nickname is Father no okay ooh wait a minute this is kind of a weird place uh I don’t know maybe Power Player had

The right idea of like picking a hill or something this is a I don’t know we got to pick a place that is spread out enough that we could deposit a bunch of trees and let them do their own thing you know you’re the main character take my

Plot AR no no no no no no no no it’s okay I’m I’m okay I’m okay I’m I have my own space suit I’m good oh it’s getting dark uh wait we have wool if we have wool we can make uh beds because we have wood yeah cuz some

Of the stuff is wool right okay it’s concrete yeah our goal is to survive his goal is to make profit somehow yeah I think there is I think actually some of the black stuff over there is wool can we make a McDonald’s on the Moon Yes all right actually I think I’m going to pick this area this area is going to be where I make well we can sleep we just have to work around around the situation back listen to my obedient stick aliens yeah these are aliens guys I I mean we could have Moroccan

Culture on the moon that that’s absolutely Fair okay we have a tree uh how far apart should trees be for them to properly grow like what’s the the ratio oh thank you this looks a little big on me this looks like a kid trying to wear like a giant like winter

Coat so like if I put this like one two 3 4 three blocks okay one 2 3 I’m going to just be safe and add like four and five so I’ll put you right right here all right 1 2 3 4 5 just make the substitute now here’s

The thing if we can somehow terraform this Barren Wasteland into like an actual decent place then that would be a big that would be a huge win you know that’s a huge win I mean like so far we’re starting from the ground a Waffle House might cause too much conflict I don’t

Know like by the very nature of the Waffle House existing I feel like that’s inviting public brawls and I don’t know if as a society we can survive that yet like I don’t know if we have enough culture to survive a Waffle House Rumble he’s going to Frack

It yeah we need iron well I did see iron in the cave so that should be uh no problemo all right we’re starting off like with a forest is looking pretty good free chicken nuggets I mean listen I know this is dire situation but like we can’t immediately jump to free

Food especially chicken McNuggets like those are those are a delicacy in every culture in any economy a baby zombie in the storage area okay yeah we well we yeah we do need gold but I feel like the caves everything below the surface Sur seems to be normal you know like so once we

Get underground everything should operate that was just a big spider like I saw like a shadow moving and I was like what the hell was that somehow I have not suffered from starving I don’t know why uh corn Studios you can by going into the Discord Channel putting in your

Information in the realm ad Channel and I’ll be sure to add you after stream I never add people on stream that’s just the basics of how it is no favoritism enter the dungeon and wait for Minecraft oh oh [ __ ] I did break my mic I did break it okay ow oh

No wait can you hear me talk now ow well Minecraft oh well it’s listed in there it’s listed in there of what to put like just your YouTube Discord and Minecraft name so I can associate the person with the wait you can’t oh God damn it [ __ ] okay this skeleton is kicking my

Ass [ __ ] I’ve never been so humbled okay thank you thank you [ __ ] now I’m hungry now I’m that’s that’s just perfect okay all right we got to flank this dude oh [ __ ] ah you missed ow ow God damn dude I’ve never been assaulted this diff This Much by a skeleton holy

[ __ ] dude what the hell is that leather made out of I don’t have real you don’t need realm like I add you like I’m the only one footing the bill like I I’m the one that pays $7.99 a month don’t worry it it it’s all on

Me oh the the boots okay let’s see what kind of protection was this [ __ ] rocking all right I got bones arrows perfect thank you lapis Lucas I appreciate you you literally saved my life I’m on half health and I think I’m dying actually yeah depending on the food

Oh we have wool wait a minute uh um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh okay hold on crafting table bada boom now I can make a I can make two beds perfect okay lapis uh this will be your bed Haya uh I’m going to make I’m going to

Put my bed inside the spaceship hit a clip I I I’m I’m on a clip of he thank you very much yeah zombies can drop food so the mobs might actually not be that bad of a problem hey can y’all keep it oh my god did you kill me in my [Laughter]

Bed oh God we have a spider problem [ __ ] oh this is a uh difficult this is not the safest sleeping condition at the moment and the moon ownership I sent to the general wait a minute okay let me see what’s going on General chat did he just oh God he he showed

Ownership of the Moon okay um can I make that the thumbnail of this stream can can I have your permission to do that I think that would be very funny yes aw I thank you so much lasagna dude I just had some lasagna it was pretty good it was the

Last of the lasagna I’m kind of sad it’s over but it was still good when it lasted well yeah actually if he’s the owner does he have a way off or is it just he owns it but he can’t get off it the true owner wait what the [ __ ]

It’s raining wait wait a minute uh uh okay I I’m I it it’s raining on the moon wait does that mean it can snow on the moon like who again I have to ask whose [ __ ] moon is this it’s acid rain oh [ __ ] ah well this should be good for our moon

Trees at least this is not the most accurate Moon surprisingly uh you know the abundance of alien life and the lack of a Sun and the Earth and any other Celestial body within eyesight uh yeah we this is like this is a weird this is a weird moon it’s a weird

Moon all right I have planted lots of saplings this is making up to be a small and decent pretty Forest have you been there huh how do you know I’ve seen the pictures I’ve seen the documentaries I’ve Saw Transformers Dark of the Moon I know what’s up there

All right these skeletons are starting to become a real problem uh okay so I deposited everything all right we got the trees cooking um oh well we’re not going to investigate your YouTube it’s just more so I know who is who is who is who cuz I

Know all you young Boomers I mean you you gen zers all make a different profile and names for every single uh social media platform instead of making a consistent brand it’s just for me cuz you know I’m I’m one that old [ __ ] you know okay the trees are cooking all right

Uh I’m going to make more chest yeah I’m going to make two chest three CH yeah two chest one two okay so this could be a place technically your gen Z I think I am yeah freelow is freelow is Freo yeah some of you are not some of you are consistent

With your branding some of you aren’t all right uh Spider Eye Arrow gravel light gray concrete and the leather tunic I think it’s good to have a lot of storage everywhere you know in consistent uh location so this is going to be the tree farm power player has

Something cooking up over there uh that’s the spaceship and that is uh our where our beds are by the way I hope you can find Neil Armstrong’s Frozen corpse somewhere on the moon what Shey [ __ ] God that tree scared me I I didn’t expect something so big and green behind

Me I think I’m like the first person in human history to be scared by a tree oh there it is all right that’s good that’s pretty good all right um all right so now that we’re starting now that we have a decent starting point

Um okay uh I think I need yeah okay I’m going to make a wooden pickaxe so I can start making a stone pickaxe yeah and I’m going to start going into the cave system I saw uh where do I want to start actually I think I’ll start at the cave I saw all

The way over there that was Square you should do a wizard one one are those sites even still online is Wizard is Wizard 101 even still there’s a phobia of trees I feel like that’s antihuman like how can a human being evolve into having a phobia of trees

Wizard 101 still exists God damn that’s some dedication but isn’t that like they’re based off of monthly uh monthly subscription so it’s like if it’s active it’s because it’s uh like people are paying every month instead of it being completely free SE dude it was I’m on the moon and

Something big and green spawned by behind you I have no who [ __ ] see that is a that is my green phobia coming in clutch ah played a little too close to the Sun are those emeralds oh [ __ ] yeah we got emeralds I mean we don’t have

Villagers at least I don’t think I I I’m not seizing up at the side of a tree it was a rational oh [ __ ] y’all okay wait gold oh [ __ ] okay um actually I probably should just get basic Stone uh dendrophobia the fear of trees that sounds crazy what do you think a Wandering

Trader would appear I mean I guess it’s possible I mean Minecraft mechanics have activated in this world so I anything is possible I guess I mean granted if a Wandering Trader shows up I’m going to be I’m going to have a lot of questions I’m going to not be a pleasant

Guest no I didn’t find a no I didn’t I didn’t see a Wandering Trader did I I mean I I don’t think I did I saw a villager zombie I didn’t see like the I didn’t see like the wandering Traer wait is this gravel

Yeah yeah I I don’t know like I what the [ __ ] ow chicka ow maybe some Mandela effect I don’t know why I just did that I don’t know my brain’s on autopilot okay let’s clear the gravel so this is a clear Viewpoint were you deaf I I was talking so

Yeah these are very good insular headphones I have on like I can’t hear anything apparently in and out of game so so actually I guess they’re bad meanwhile I’m air juggling the spider like I’m in Smash Bros all right so I am decreeing this is the main

M shaft entrance right here right across the street from the space shuttle seems pretty good yeah I I just I literally like nothing register oh my wait gold iron who do you me Smash Brothers uh piranha plant and somebody else who was it oh Kirby I I used Kirby a lot during

The whole uh world of light chapter Kirby was my clutch character because I kept falling off stages and Kirby’s cheating float Powers got me to safety so many times and I did see the Tekken a intro uh God that story is so crazy um just the fact that a World War

Happened to summon a demon Wild Wild video game series uh I’m excited for Tekken a I’m not buying it because you know I’m kind of I’m not exactly strapped for cash but I also am not going to start spending money on the first game that comes out

Especially if I’m not doing a carp series on it in like half a year actually probably a full year at minimum the granted oh right right hold on this is a official kid Kenobi announcement uh this Wednesday the first content of C Ro person survive Mortal Kombat

1 is premiering this Wednesday it’s not an episode but it’s a you’ll see what it is it’s happening this Wednesday so my vacation is kind of over and I’m getting back to work actually my vacation never started because this entire time I’ve been recording and brainstorming and figuring

Out how the hell I’m supposed to do a Kuro Pur survive series with cameos and main characters uh Guilty Gear strive I here’s the thing I want to do every video game fighting video game imaginable in existence I’ll just leave it at that my main

Problem is time if I can work on getting these things out quicker in than N9 or 6 months oh I’ll be unstoppable it’s just I need to you know get faster I need to get I need to get good so hopefully here’s the thing I’m planning when I

Start Mortal Kombat 1 episode to compilation should happen I’m planning like best case scenario in four months which you know considering there’s like 50 so characters uh yeah it’s it’s a it’s a hope you could play a great game like Mortal Kombat and but then you can also get games like Simpsons wrestling

Yes wow Spire did a sick ass Lune okay oh [ __ ] no no how will you do I don’t know how I would do it I would I guess I would have to do something where I mean here’s the thing I figured out how to make MK9 work

Even though that was on a PlayStation 3 and I had to do it on Playstation who who asked you sorry the the TV was talking to me um what was I saying I figured it out once so I can figure it out again all I need to do is just get the content

Downloaded in some safe format and then it’s just basic editing from there it’s just actually getting to the content okay what do I have uh I think I can make an actual sword and everything so let me go and do that cuz I need a sword a pick cuz these skeletons are

Pissing me off and we should check out the tree farm to see how that’s doing does your PC run 2007 games um my uh my PC AKA my laptop my Lenovo laptop with a dead fan um it can run Minecraft for a few minutes uh it can run YouTube oh it can

Run YouTube like the best of them uh besides that no oh it can edit videos pretty well but then I need to put it up next to the air conditioning so slight slight drawbacks but it’s still fully functional uh okay yeah let’s make all right one sword and two

Picks ooh should I make a furnace what would I need a furnace for smelting uh I should probably just do that just being can Havoc survive MK1 fatalities I don’t know here’s the thing I think I think Havoc works on conscious Wolverine logic of I think he has to

Choose heal now I don’t think it’s automatic so I think if you knock Havoc unconscious and then shoot him in the head I think he’s dead but I think if you shoot him in the head while he’s fully conscious he’ll just come back at least that’s how I think it is because

You can fatality him unless it is just like nuh-uh I mean I don’t know he could just be like nuh-uh I’m fine OverWatch ultimate ah well aren’t all most ultimates if you get directly hit by them aren’t they all wait a minute I need to think before

I make a statement hold on I think I need to think before I make a statement cuz on one hand I’m thinking they’re all actually yeah then who would be the human it would have to be Tracer cuz Tracer is like the most fragile humany human in the game

Right huh how would I do that actually I could I could almost see it if I I could do like the victory pose wait a minute why am I brainstorming this I don’t have I my this is not on the Kenobi schedule to do OverWatch but I wait a minute I I don’t

Know it’s possible May May’s human yeah she’s human no no yeah yeah yeah wait a minute yeah May is human uh McCree is wait McCree is like part robot what the [ __ ] oh God damn no oh flash games where there’s a lot of Fighters uh I think I would stick to

Mainline cannon that oh you son of a [ __ ] not you the the skeleton yeah um I don’t know Soldier is a cyborg yeah that’s true I can’t see is this iron all right let’s bring the first light onto the moon and I’m going to put it right out

Here at the cave entrance so we can all see oh that looks perfect and then let’s put one one right here there we go you see we couldn’t even tell we were on the moon this looks like normal Minecraft yeah see I don’t know the flash player games that might be like

The era in time is over cuz flash is dead for some reason I I I still never got over why they killed like flash media player and I also don’t understand why almost every image on Google is a goddamn web. MP like goddamn I don’t

What is it even called it’s like a webp file I hate that [ __ ] like as an artist or like as a mid-range artist the ship did have the F Well in the explosion it did have a pretty bright light um yeah I hate that images on Google aren’t just goddamn jpegs

Anymore oh I hate that is this all iron holy [ __ ] the motherload oh oh whoa okay the moon resource Rich God damn it’s still going all right well I guess I can just graduate into Iron Equipment already I’m taxing you oh you I will put everything into the community chest that is my

Taxes communism tried to reset the whole script of the Bee Movie what does that mean go go into more detail about that wait does this cave go to the surface oh it does no no I mean like here’s the thing like actually you know what Sali it it

Might be possible it might be possible if I keep doing this like if I’m like the Angry Video Game Nerd and I well actually no cuz Angry Video Game Nerd can get like an episode out a month h i I listen I’m committed to doing this up

Until I can’t let me just say that cuz I think every new series could easily provide something that’s interesting for me to try so I I’ll be perfect ly fine doing carp episodes as long as people want them or I guess until I get like you

Know until I’m like burden with like a ton of kids and then it’s was like ah [ __ ] I can’t I can’t do this and then like who knows like 20 years from now oh God do I wait do I want to date that far no uh let actually

You know what I’m not even going to put any time schedule on this in fact I’m going to just drop it cuz I don’t want to be like oh you know random on the 2024 I said oh yeah in 30 years when I’m married and I’m currently 20 so I have

Like 50 no I’m not I’m not doing that I take that back I’m I’m I’m I’m taking that back I’m taking that back to every entity that’s out there that could affect my fate I’m taking that back all right I I don’t even know what what were we talking

About oh the surface okay oh okay if I think if I get iron here you know I might need to just make like a new cache of stuff you wouldn’t cut off your main 10 viewers would I no no I mean that would be like a I I I I I have no

Eight days eight days for what that that that that’s scary what do you mean eight days but I watch your stream it looks like the world is going to end well we’re not on the World to be fair we’re Welcome To The Moon uh population 3 actually no the population is

Ginormous cuz there’s all kinds of bugs and aliens and skeletons and ghosts and now trees and trees count as life so how would you do a survive as level three so this is what I was thinking and I think this is also kind of why I haven’t touched uh Marvel versus Capcom

Yet uh is that I was thinking I was going to do each level in one characters episode or like in Street Fighter 6 where there’s like two versions or something I would pick the most cinematic one I don’t know cuz I do feel like like seeing three

Versions of a character do a cartwheel kicking somebody in the dick would get a little tiring in after a bit but I don’t know I would have to like get the footage in front of me and see how an episode turns out but in my heart of hearts I

Think it would be a struggle to figure it out it would be a struggle but it’s a struggle I’m not working on at this moment like currently is trying to figure out how the hell to do the MK1 wait what am I doing oh right I need

To make a chest and a crafting table oh well I mean can anyone do a constellation check I I I the fact that we haven’t seen a Sun or the earth I mean granted I guess it could all be on the other no that’s not how planets rotate no no yeah we’re

Obviously not in the solar system not in the Milky Way hell probably not on [ __ ] anything we’re just in a void all alone God I I keep getting distracted from making the the the stuff I need okay I need you I already had one [ __ ] that was stupid oh my God we have

Limited wood I can’t be doing stupid moves like that all right all right crafting table table right there and then with the crafting table I’m going to make one furnace perfect 7 days what yeah this is a moon that was catapulted out of the solar system uh okay so that that I can

Smelt this iron with this coal perfect okay uh Yeah we are either alone in the universe or we are not both are scary actually I mean not really I mean what it’s probably is is that the nearest creature that can pick up a rock is probably a couple billion light years away from us and is either already

Extinct or we are already extinct to them so there’s actually a third option of there is full of life in in the universe it’s just super far away which at that point that’s just the most boring answer cuz it’s either we are the most advanced civilization that will ever exist or

There are other Advanced civilizations that just haven’t found us yet and when they do they’re just going to activate the kilometer the kilama and just everybody gets turned into dust instantly so you know it’s either going to be a a complete Squad wipe or nothing happen happens or the third option of

Nothing happens for a little bit but then a couple billion years from now then stuff pops off but you know or I don’t know cuz then they said like they found aliens in Mexico so I don’t know yeah like if we’re like depending on like Juke Saia says because of light

And time and space and all that relative [ __ ] which honestly I I hate that part I hate that that’s real you know like that ruins so much of Science Fiction of like wait a minute it’s just because you’re far away time is different oh [ __ ] that sucks well yeah it’s either

It well yeah the government said they found aliens but then it’s also like well then what the [ __ ] are these just like the alien hippies that showed up to earth like cuz obviously now here’s the thing I’ve always been of the opinion of if there are aliens of a higher

Civilization guess what they’re probably some stupid aliens too you know like humans are very smart but this you you also have very stupid humans so Urgo like how you have very smart dogs and very stupid dogs you probably also have very smart aliens and very stupid aliens

So it’s possible that the aliens that crash on Earth are just the ones that are like local Florida man tries to brush the teeth of alligator goes exactly how you think so I think there are Florida versions of aliens out there that we may have had contact with but

Then I also think the other smarter aliens would be like we should get him or that was my cousin zingle florp to goror and you know we need his corpse back so I that’s where I start having some discrepancies or or what it could be is that we are

The equivalent of those like tribal people that are like hey this place is zoned off because they will kill and eat you if you walk in there doesn’t matter how nice you are they will kill you we could be the planetary size of that of we have like

Intergalactic uh police tape around us a couple light years out and all the Smart Ones know don’t go in there and all the stupid Punk alien kids are the ones that you know go to Earth to smoke a joint and then they end up crashing so yeah we

Could just be the deposit of all the aliens with DUI that’s that’s my Kenobi conspiracy of how the universe works because we’re e like if any alien can get to us they’re automatically more technologically advanced than us because every physicist on Earth will be like

Yeah we can’t do it we you we can’t go to another solar system and still be the same age and or not have our descendants be the one if you can get to point A to point B like getting on a plane ship or like a plane that means you’re you’re

Super Advanced so it’s obviously you take over I can’t organize I can rant I can I can just talk [ __ ] I can’t do like a whole map Pat video of this somebody else can edit my thoughts I I I I got enough goofy [ __ ] in my head

To you know I I just stared up at the stars contemplating existence while playing Minecraft so you know I’m I got my own problems well here’s the thing I mean like it’s either it is or it isn’t and if it is this is how it’s been like if

There were aliens and then guess what there were aliens when Galileo was around but guess what he never got inconvenienced by him so odds are we aren’t going to be either like if ET is out there taxes are still due on February like that that’s just how it is so don’t don’t overthink

It like you people still need to eat people still need to pay taxes it it it doesn’t really matter if there are aliens up until the aliens say hey we’re doing Independence Day and uh guess who you guys play like so you know I forgot what I was doing hold on

It’s been about an hour I’m going to get a I have water next to me so this is your uh hourly water break reminder actually you should all drink water because you are mostly human favorite YouTuber that is not you uh actually I have like the classics of like Markiplier Matt Pat

Um you know one channel I’ve been watching well actually a lot is uh Double Toasted I like their uh movie reviews and movie Rose those are like really good hours of polarity I can just watch um I also like uh just knives he’s a Call of Duty YouTuber moist critical

Oh yeah he he’s pretty good to watch too actually let me go through my subscriptions cuz I could probably just list it off better than how I can off a memory uh who am I subscribed to that I like their stuff uh okay uh Maximillian dude obviously

He’s great uh Woolly Pat from the Two Best Friends Play Universe uh I also watch oh uh struggle Nation they have pretty good reaction videos what’s your opinion on Doug Doug oh I watched his dude his whenever I need to just laugh I watch chat versus Napoleon in um on

Chess and that is the funniest goddamn thing like I’m usually against like AI Tech in general just cuz you know but Doug Doug is like the only person who can do AI content and I’m like you know what this is ethical and fine so go ahead um Merc music Call of Duty

YouTuber I’m subscribed also to the vulgan who does SCP uh content which is really good um new rock stars I like listening to them Game Grumps I have subscribed to but I don’t actually watch their stuff uh Smitty Jason Brandt I think he does yeah he does like old timey uh bad

Movies failboat I should W okay okay uh oats Dara he’s uh dead by daylight content creator so it’s usually around games and stuff that I like I have like YouTubers that I watch for their stuff or just general reactions uh pooper MMOs before the huge change I’ve never heard of them uh I

Also have nerd explains he does like how to beat videos uh ink slasher for Call of Duty when I was getting into that oh the nerd cubed really good that that was actually like my uh Middle School when those classic GTA uh episodes uh penguin

Zeno oh more patterns he’s a he’s like a British uh reactor he’s pretty MK Fire and Ice oh he’s the is that the channel That does like the long plays of stuff or is that something else uh I’m also subscribed to the spiffing Brit a lot of British people actually

Uh I’m subscribed to Mr Beast but honestly I swear to God I don’t watch Mr Beast like I really don’t why am I subscribed to him I I I’m looking at the protect $500,000 and keep it and he’s surrounded by a bunch of tanks and he’s smiling his

Ass off I don’t know why I don’t know why I’m subscribed to him I really don’t know why I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever watched kid kid is not confirmed British God damn it I just happen to watch a lot of British people hello ow was that a drive

By punch I didn’t even drink my water yet hold on okay uh I also have a few uh Channel reactors so uh real rejects I like watching their reactions omn media he’s a cool guy uh I think that’s mostly it besides some other Niche stuff I’m subscribed to but

Those are the main ones I went over and those are like the main people I kind of I shall move our uh I think uh living inside the spaceship makes more sense this is a cave pongfinity uh I’ve not heard of him have not watched their stuff also I

Need food so we need to start ow this stream has well you know in the void of space it’s very easy to start talking about random stuff because you know there ain’t a lot here no I never said I don’t like pong I just said I’d never heard of him listen I’m

Out of touch for a lot of things like I don’t listen to contemporary music unless I accidentally come across it like or it’s on like yeah like if if I’m on a radio and it’s like oh this is anyway um yeah like I I only listen to music I accidentally come

Across just cuz I’m I’m weird air rack never heard of them we should probably light up this place yeah uh okay gravel light gray deodorant dude how is the first creature I saw on the moon was a spider like uh where’s our beds oh there it is oh not a creeper Jesus

Christ not a creeper no no no yeah we need to light our beds oh my God how many hits do you take okay all right that’s one and let’s go and put huzzah oh he’s an off brand Mr Beast okay okay but here’s the thing like to be

Honest I don’t watch Mr Beast like I I it’s one of those I I just hear oh he sold Argentina to the first person that was able to paint offence red and blue okay like I I I don’t I don’t know his content would probably be interesting if I watched

It I I don’t know I don’t know what I I you know what see I’m also very slow to unsubscribe to people Jesus I was assassinated in bed all right we need to uh invest in door technology we we need doors we because this this is not a this this is not good

Okay we we need doors I mean Mr Beast in travel the entire world in a straight line uploading a video every day just saying oh [ __ ] that sounds pretty cool but see that’s something where it’s like that’s like a story like I would read the Mr Beast newspaper I like cuz

That’s like oh he did something really cool all right well I don’t know if I would I don’t know if I watch a Mr Beast video while I’m eating breakfast I I and here’s the thing okay also please don’t misconstrue this as a Mr Beast hate

Video I’m just expressing the how I use YouTube of like kind of like a Netflix alternative I I I don’t hate Mr Beast not at all I just probably wouldn’t watch him while I’m eating my breakfast cereal that that’s all I’m saying okay uh where is okay where are

Our safety holes like where is all right this is a safety Hole uh that’s probably a safety Hole uh that seems safe oh that’s a dangerous hole o okay oh Windon yes yes he’s good yeah um I don’t know why I was so excited but

But yeah his stuff I want I here’s the thing he’s one YouTuber I wish was like please upload more godamn it cuz he would do these deep Dives on these uh on these series that are like uh like the monument Mythos or other stuff and it would be

Like oh that was really cool but God damn it they added more episodes and I don’t know what’s going on please upload faster H but I know he puts like a lot of work like when he did that whole breakdown of that random ass West book

That I’m never going to read in my life but it was so good it was so good yeah windigo is really good oh you know what you’re right we need to make a cauldron uh the Russian Badger yes subscribe to him as well also his videos are I would Marathon them because his

Humor gets stuck in my head like a brain parasite and it’s just it’s the funniest [ __ ] ever or it’s just like the the like the fact that he has like an uh a CGI suit he puts himself in lith opinions I don’t have any cuz I don’t know him and that

Does not mean anything bad it just means I’m out of touch in fact if I don’t know the YouTuber you’re talking about that’s probably a good sign because that means that they’re super mainstream and that I’m the out of ooh spider problem are you friendly

Ah all right I I gave him a chance you can’t say I did not give him a chance all right so what the hell is this do you like NEX po I like NEX po I do not know who NEX poo actually wait wait

A nexo uh I don’t know nexo hold on let me uh XPO nexo who is disturbing things pet scop oh he’s one of those uh creepy he’s a creepy he’s a he’s a creepy I need a better word okay he’s a creepy coverer yeah just like Windon

Okay actually I think I may have seen some of his stuff I think I actually knew who I was watching it yeah okay I’ve heard of him I don’t think I’ve extra clicked on the Subscribe button Yeah Eddie uses animation for faux death now oh yeah yeah

Yeah all right uh where’s another dark area I think the up here is safe oh no we got spiders up here too I should probably work on like maybe solidifying the ceiling or I don’t know I guess we could just leave it as it is actually living up here might be a

Better option so we don’t get jumped by zombies I don’t know all right I think this whole area is pretty well lit besides right here okay uh we got this corner over here and that’s all the light I got I watch hug bees a lot God damn

It all right let me search up hug bees to see who that is hug bees how it’s actually made life in the 1950s the comic that ruined Batman for no reason this seems like pretty diverse and interesting stuff the weird deaths some Modern how big oil bought gaming and it’s the

Fortnite banana holding a sign of recycling okay that that’s very interesting yeah I think we should just close out some areas that aren’t uh useful or or problem areas like this looks like a problem area you know like this underground section I think we should like I don’t see anything super

Useful he even has a gaming channel okay nice you know this I didn’t expect this to be a YouTube subscriber uh share uh section but I I like it I like hearing what else is out there like I I’m I’m very picky about what I add on to the stuff I

Consume but I I do like knowing that there are other options out there all right I got an Enderman why are the trees not growing so far only like one or two has like it hasn’t been pretty consistent are we doing something wrong oh I don’t know uh okay so bed here Captain

Sauce uh hold on Captain sauce Cap all these people are like top listing on the YouTube search uh Captain sauce what if Earth was turned into a super weapon I killed the mob boss and became Dawn rizzler huh very interesting okay so he’s a gamer just a YouTube replace a lot of

Dragon Ball Fighters and sometimes Marvel CS Capcom they don’t have oh photosynthesis I forgot but wait a minute one just spawned right there okay it seems to be all right they’re doing their own thing all right they’re working at their own pace it’s okay so how oh oh no uh how it’s going

To be is how I do this is that I just add you it’s one of those where I just send you an invite and it appears and then haa you’re invited oh yeah the it might be not high okay let’s actually go over there cuz I could restack on

Resources yeah so it’s a it’s a simple thing of cuz here’s the thing what happened before was that I shared out the code and then like a billion people got in and then became nonsense and ow oh we have an apple why has my Hunger not been a

Problem are we not on what what difficulty are we on like I feel like I I’ve not had to eat food and that is very odd like have I eaten anything all right we got mob spawning griefing weather respond that’s very odd food is not a problem here ow what the hm very

Interesting oh that tree got vines on it okay ah God damn it oh I’m so ah for some reason whenever I wear headphones I get super congested like on my nose I get like completely backed up on my sinuses and then I have to like blow my nose cuz like everything

Like the plumbing gets full okay yeah I think I’m good Jesus Christ it it’s so weird all right I want to go and break these few branches up here a fox truck I really like uh he uploads slower than any YouTuber ever yeah it’s always the

Good ones that upload once in a blue moon Pacific Drive is coming out next month Pacific drive you know I’m going to Google that pacific drive it seems like a survival game uh on Steam it’s upcoming Survival game set in the Pacific Northwest Travis on on oh this one I remember seeing this

On some of those game thingies game events or like a um like a game awards or a Summer Games Fest I remember seeing that yeah I love chaos all right Havoc chill out hey guys have you heard of chaos it’s so cool Dark Viper Au H he does the GTA stuff oh

Um I I appreciate what he’s done I his videos don’t Vibe with me uh like him doing uh no hit GTA or like he he’s very in it with the GTA stuff so it’s pretty it’s pretty good so when we get a stream to play a game of chess against Napoleon oh I

Don’t have that technology I’m I my technology tree has been debunked no uh demoted I’ve lost Tech Tree points the past year when my computer ran out of fan so I’m not on AI Napoleon and if any AI was going to fight us it would be

AI morbius but even then I don’t know if there’s enough content to train an AI bot off of that when I have heard of that guy I think Wang a YouTuber all right was that the only piece of wood cuz I think all the other leaves

Should start breaking by now oh no there is a wood right there and I think that was it yep all right I think the leaves should be going Mr swipes just posted a vid never heard of him got to go okay all right yep that was

It all right that should all be breaking up what’s up kid can we play MK1 please um I do want to stream other games besides Minecraft eventually this week not today but um I don’t know when I was planning on doing I was thinking on doing like video game streams on

Saturday Minecraft on Sunday I don’t know I need to see how the schedule works when I put out episodes of carps because I’m planning on trying to put out three episodes a week so we’ll see how it goes well no no not right now not right now but when it when

It does happen I’ll let people know when it does happen I’ll let y’all [Applause] know that’s an Enderman okay I know how do you know who told you all right uh let’s do a deposit gun powder Flint coal eyes bones boots crafting table wood wood bow this this beep bop

Bop I have the other pck Cobblestone there this is not it okay listen I have not tortured myself for content in a while actually no I did that this Christmas okay well I haven’t gone I’ve accidentally tortured myself Christmas I haven’t intentionally tortured myself in a while do Texas speach again I

Will I don’t know cuz Tech ah all right look listen listen I need I need to invest in the tech tree I need to do research on the tech uh Street Fighter 6 will not be on there cuz that would require a full purchase um listen okay here’s the thing I’m

Going to be honest with y’all uh I want to buy Boulders Gate 3 because well I heard so much about it I keep looking at YouTube videos of it and every single video is completely different and it looks really cool I want to buy it but it’s also always 7 [ __ ]

Dollar it’s always $70 so I need to I am not okay listen listen there’s a difference between being broke and being economical okay I have money but I don’t have the kind of money where I can buy everything I want when I can no when I

Want you know it’s one of those my YouTube check is coming in other money is also there but I also I can’t just be like oh you know I’m Not In a Boogie 998 situation where I’m just going to start dropping bands on any and everything I’m a cheap skate but it’s

Tactical it’s tactical cheapness you got to understand the the the logic why you cover your eyes at that I have my reasons they’re good reasons damn it yeah I I do know it’s like a d and d game but here’s the thing that would be

Like so I have games that I play for the public like you know Mortal Kombat or Spider-Man but I also have games I play for myself like oh you know what game I am very sad to inform you I really enjoy Gotham Knights I’ve been playing

It as red hood and I swear to God I’ve been having so much fun with it like I lost track of time this weekend I me to do like other things and I just kept playing Gotham kns and it was so fun uh it feels good to play as

Red I don’t know if it feels good to play as anybody else cuz I’ve only played Red Hood but the multiplayer aspect is pretty cool the drop in Dropout uh the gear system it’s kind of I’m not a huge fan of it but the Gunplay feels so good um I don’t get what’s

Wrong with Gotham I think it was just how it was presented cuz here’s the thing what they did not tell you in the marketing was that it was it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] God help me Jesus no oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um um um um um get

The door got to close the door oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hi can we just pretend you did not murder me a few seconds ago can I take all my stuff back and just just just just just just as I was saying um

Uh yeah he got it out of his system um yeah I I really like uh playing as uh Red Hood because the it feel okay so here’s the thing playing uh the Batman Arkham games it was pretty much ingrained into you that yeah you can use the batarangs but you

Need to go and punch these people I kind of like the leveling system where if I’m overleveled I could just go up to a random dude pop him in the face and move on like I like the I like when I can grind in a game and it pays off games

Like the Batman Arkham games an average goon can still kick your ass you know um can we play together please uh I’m I’m still early in the game like I I haven’t progressed so much sleep old man I’m sleeping all right sleeping through the night uh no no no I kicked him out

The Enderman is out of the house all right here let me get the door for you I’ll help you no uh uh okay I don’t want help yet I don’t want help yet I want to still play through the story as is cuz I kind of like the power fantasy

I’m rolling with um but when I do get to CU I know there are raids right I know there are raids uh those raids I’ll invite you and play with there are no difficult puzzles in the game you’re cap I I played I’ve gotten to um the part where you talk to the

Penguin and then you bully him by beating up his crimes so yeah like I’m I’m I’m I’m not I’m I’m oh [ __ ] um there is trust okay well let me fail at the crimes first let me fail at the puzzles first before I get help ah

Power greetings how is it going on your end ah eating human meat I see yeah I have oh here’s the thing um to be honest I am also trying to edit through and make a compilation of the best parts of the MK1 story which I’m probably going to drop around the time I

Do the announcement h Hello a helmet for fire protection I’m so protected look at me oh my God your ey your eyes have exploded into Blackness it must have been the depressurization of the cabin that did did it do you know PlayStation players saved Fallout 76 really uh cuz of cuz it

Was for free or something I’m I’m honestly I’m surprised fall 76 is still a thing starts burning alive it’s a fire protection helmet it trains you to prepare to be on fire uh but yeah Gotham okay wait wait let me I I keep getting distracted let me go on a rant about

Uh oh dude I hate how PlayStation Plus is so expensive now the plan I’m currently on if I do if I reup it on the 12th of February or some [ __ ] like that it would be 130 bucks and that’s just to have the CL like the basic game catalog

I can’t do that like it’s so egregious that I’m paying for multiplayer and that’s it you know like I so I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m going to have to budg it and I hate that [ __ ] uh but anyway uh back to Gotham Knights super fun game uh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

What the [ __ ] yeah I’m I’m I’m probably just going to get essential cuz just so I can keep the games and stuff well doesn’t Game Pass have like the uh the you pay a dollar and you get all these games or like isn’t doesn’t Xbox have something like

That or does every service suck now cuz that’s also another thing I’ve noticed that over time things just all companies are starting to just suck ass like every company is just like oh let’s let just make things suck I don’t know why [ __ ] it it it seems like with All

Tech and just corporations everyone’s just decided let’s just make things bad let’s stop making things good let’s actively push to the bad I don’t know it’s granted I could just be getting old and I’m just yelling at the screen uh man I’m going to be such like I’m

Going to be like the grandpa that just yells about how things are and how it was I’m I’m I’m going to be I know exactly what kindon of Grandpa I’m going to be and I don’t know if that’s any comfort well PlayStation does have a lot of

Exclusive I mean uh I know Xbox is getting the Indiana Jones game as an exclusive but once again I don’t know if that’s going to be good that could be bad I don’t know why I hear another set of footprints H all right uh wow we have a lot of

Hello oh he just ped me to get access oh the Blade game is going to be an Xbox excusive that that [ __ ] hurts that hurts to know that the Blade game is going to be Xbox headphone like dude it sounded like it sounded next to me like it

Sounded to my right like I swear to God it sounded honestly I hate that like that’s uh you know if bloodborne was not a PlayStation exclusive we would have had a bloodborne 2 by now and that just really grinds my nards that that I just

Don’t like that I I don’t like that I live in a world where I don’t have bloodborne 2 yet yeah see that’s the thing of like it’s it’s all a the fact that dude I could you know what really the real problem here isn’t Playstation or Xbox it’s capitalism God damn

It have you played Neo I did play Neo but it was weird of when I played it I for some reason I didn’t you know how when you pick up a game and you instantly are like oh I get this for some reason I didn’t get it or it just

Didn’t connect or for some reason it didn’t feel oh uh here here is the The Cauldron I did it finally um for some reason I just it it didn’t click with me I don’t know why also why am I am I Immortal or or if what’s the what’s the

Immortal version of never get hungry ever again like am I I don’t have hunger for some reason is anyone else hungry is any hey is anybody hungry like I is the need for food a real thing or is it just on injury yeah see I I sometimes try to get physical games

Partially because physical games go on sale much more often and much better than digital games like I was astonished that I could get like inter ow [ __ ] you’re an empty vessel oh [ __ ] you guys may me laugh really bad uh um yeah uh I don’t know what game was

It uh I think it was yeah I think it was when I was pricing out uh Modern Warfare 2 cuz I was going to get that for a while while and it was going to be like I was thinking like oh I can buy a digital but

Then it was like always like only 10% off then then I looked at Walmart and Jesus oh hi um it was like Walmart had like sometimes it was like 30 or 40% off but yeah definitely get every game possible oh wow uh every game possible physical because the sales are

Always better and it’s always good to just have it because oh like that Goosebumps game I can apparently never play it anymore because for some reason I don’t know if it either got taken off of PlayStation Plus or if it’s uh it went up or down a

Tier I don’t have but on that it it’s on it has a PlayStation Plus logo and it’s a lock symbol right next to it so I apparently lost access to that Goosebumps game not that I mind cuz I’m never playing that [ __ ] ever again willingly but it’s still

What am I thinking of ending the stream um actually uh I do want to make sure my Minecraft streams don’t go past like uh 2 and 1/2 hourss so I don’t know for a first day I might actually uh wrap up in like three or so minutes yeah it’s not on plus anymore

What the [ __ ] who is doing the government factchecking of the the signatures of the Goosebumps game on PlayStation to be like oh we need to take that off of PlayStation Plus who the [ __ ] and also I thought it was one of those retroactive of if I download it’s mine

So apparently because I deleted it cuz I’m sayane it just said like you can never own it again what the [ __ ] but once again I don’t really mind but here’s the thing if it happened to a game I actually cared about I’d be pissed why’d you remind him actually

Thank you for reminding me because part of uh doing this is that uh I want to keep the streams nice and simple two hours that’s a good healthy movie remember that Godzilla PlayStation 4 game yes and I’m still trying to get it because even though Angry Joe show said

It was a bad game I still want to play it because godamn it we do not have a modern Godzilla game yet in existence and it’s pissing me off every single time I think about it that’s the thing that really sucks that you okay here’s the God damn this

Has been the moon gripe stream just where like kid Kenobi just starts bitching about life anyway um yeah one thing I don’t like about existence right now is that what is the real code go into my Discord Channel put in your information in the realm ad Channel I keep saying Channel and I’ll

Will be sure to add you after stream in like maybe an hour or so don’t suffocate me um [ __ ] what was I saying oh yeah yeah uh we live in this world of uh extended universes and multiverses and franchises but then where are all our movie tie-in games where are all the

Does anyone remember the PlayStation 2 Spider-Man 2 video game where it just covered the movie that was awesome right it wasn’t anything super revolutionary okay the web swinging was revolutionary but so that was a bad example but still we had we were living in an age where if any movie property came out

Boom there was a video game that Cat in the Hat movie Boom video game Finding Nemo Boom video game every single thing had a video game now that we’re in an age where we have all these movies that interconnect we don’t get any more games

H oh yes I am doing an MK1 uh fatal blow thing and expect a video announcement Wednesday yeah like the transformer movie video games those were good you know what Transformer video game I really would have liked to played the Transformers rise of the Beast you the

Incredible Hulk game yeah yeah yeah yeah people know people were in that era yeah we are like could you like the thing is we all take we all like well all these video game companies are like we got to make a AAA 70 hour DLC plus Bonus Pack

No no no no no just give me some basic [ __ ] cover the plot add in a few characters we never were that were never in the movie and that’s it that’s all I want that’s all I need um yeah it it’s just like I would have loved to have um like a Black

Panther game a Spider-Man homecoming game like instead of oh I have to like cuz here’s the thing I like the Spider-Man Insomniac Games I do oh who oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] who are you zombie villagers where the hell are you guys where are you people coming

From don’t we need villagers to have zombie villagers isn’t that like the whole prerequisite huh okay that’s weird I’m going to stay in light yeah see that’s the thing of in instead of getting an Avengers in game game we got leg no we got Marvel’s Avengers where all the only thing we got

Was comic uh the movie costume tians that sucks like even though I don’t like Batman versus Superman the movie I would have loved to play a Batman vers Superman game the game would have done oh my god did he trip what what the what happened what what killed him are you okay what

Happened did it seriously looked like he jumped and tripped and died uh did I have anything of yours oh I appreciate it thank you yeah so that’s the thing of I really wish we had video game tie-in movies again and I wish they were smaller like waiting multiple

Years after chewing through the ship the only real safe area is the engine room well I mean it did survive an interplanetary crash so the fact anything is stable is a huge win here let me go check out the spaceship yeah so the console room is over there I

Think we had a kitchen under or over there this might be the engine room uh the pipes are still connected granted there’s a big ass hole in the back so I don’t think we’re finding a way out of here anytime soon uh the buttons seem to not butt yeah the buttons ain’t doing

Anything oh wait a minute I think this is the water shoot wait a second that is ow I broke my leg why did the spaceship uh actually fly um yeah actually I don’t know what you’re asking I was going to like half ass answer that but I don’t know

Wait where okay the water is one two so it should be here ah there we go we got the water flowing and he took the water he bucketed up the water and there he goes okay well ladies and gentlemen this is episode one of the Minecraft wait I absolutely [ __ ] that

Up this is the kid Kenobi Minecraft Community realm stream Moonbase K the first episode did the spaceship actually fly is what he’s asking um it it fell with style and that’s all that really matters we’re here now so uh we got to make the most of it so this is episode one uh

Last week was episode zero a Mooncraft or yeah we’ll come up with a better name for it so far I like Moonbase K but Moonbase K kind of gives it the idea of we plan to live here instead of we crashed here so yeah this is episode one

We got trees we got water power player stole the water we have a mine we have beds we have basic functions we have we’re surrounded by hostiles um and we have not seen any of the dungeons or made any portals but that’s where we’re at so far um I will

Be wrapping up stream now I will probably go eat myself cuz I’m hungry I’m going to eat comma myself period because I subject of the sentence am hungry adjective um yeah and next Sunday we will continue back thank you all for watching goodbye hey there’s also a

Stream that didn’t end with me uh oh [ __ ] I was saying this is a stream that didn’t end with the whole uh realm crashing that is a good thing okay goodbye

This video, titled ‘🔴 Crash Landing On Moon Base K! (Minecraft Community Realm Stream)’, was uploaded by KidKinobi on 2024-01-15 01:12:36. It has garnered 94 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:18 or 7218 seconds.

Let’s get this Moonrock Flavored Bread

Pop in and chat, say hello! Just follow the golden rule: Be Chill!

This version is Minecraft Bedrock edition, on PS4/PS5 *If you want to join the Realm, you first have to get into my Discord, then go over to the Realm Add Channel, Put in your Information, and I will add on the first stream of the month!* Discord Server :

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More


    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: Discord: Read More