Killer Video: You Won’t Believe What Happens in KillIt – KillIt

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How do y’all from my Discord as well kind of waiting for people to trickle in I’ve literally never done a stream like this before that’s all kind of summarize so basically honestly this is all super recent this is all like within like the last week but uh I had texted a girl

That I went to high school with and like we instantly like became best friends right away um just very fun easy to talk to and [ __ ] and uh set up a date for us it was supposed to be uh Saturday yesterday but the day before they

Of uh and like today she hasn’t like responded to any like calls or texts so she kind of just like basically ghosted me sort of no warning no nothing like that um it’s still still a short enough amount of time that it could be nothing but it’s like I feel like she’s

Had enough time to like respond you know one of the the problems I had was I would get like anxiety when I like text someone and they don’t respond cuz obviously my brain instantly goes to like worst case scenario they hate me or whatever but every time you know after a

Few hours I would get a text and it would be like OMG I’m so sorry I was out you know whatever right and so after a few times of this happening I kind of got like used to it like I understood that like just cuz someone doesn’t instant respond that

Doesn’t mean anything wrong happen it just means they’re just not on their phone like that’s it no no no big deal and so I’m like getting over that fear like I’m I’m you know trying to like get over that that worry and like right as I’m kind of finally

Starting to like get over it is when like she stops you know texting and whatnot and so you know it’s it’s the best analogy I can give it’s like having a fear of cliffs you know like having a fear of falling having a fear of heights and so you

Spend a bunch of time you know getting used to it you know getting over your fear of you know Heights or whatever and then boom you fall you know standing on the ledge you’re like okay I trust it this thing could hold my weight boom you

Fall over the ledge you know and so you’re sitting there like in your hospital bed being like man I just spent so much time getting over my fear of heights you know I I was just just almost there I was almost over my fear of heights and then boom it falls and

You just sit there being like wow I I was justified everything IID said was right you know um it sucks cuz like I don’t want things to be this way this is the life I dodged you know this this is you know that was me trying to avoid the

Things I don’t want and here I am I never thought this would affect me this much cuz I’d been single for like the past two years maybe um and so you know I’ve I’ve been kind of getting used to the single life but as soon as I started talking to her again I

Mean you know that uh kind of became my life I mean we we texted so like freely or whatever you know like you know we were we were besties we were open you know whatever we didn’t have to like worry about hurting each other’s feelings or taking anything too

Seriously you know it was very very chill so I feel like I didn’t just like lose a girlfriend I lost a friend like I lost my closest friend you know my best friend the friend you know um like this morning when I woke up I I had slept for 177 hours which is

Like that’s a long time 17 hours is a long time to be asleep and so I wanted to like tell someone like yo bro like I just slept for 17 hours and so like I open my phone and I click on like my text and like she’s basically the only

One there all the rest of the text are like like Banks you know asking for like a password or whatever you know what I’m saying like just a bunch of generic [ __ ] you know your my my ISP asking to confirm a log in you know just random

[ __ ] and so it’s like that girl was like the only person I could tell my story to and now she’s gone and like the closest I got is just telling chat logging on to the stream and telling y’all about that um so you know losing her meant

That I kind of lost all my friends you know kind of eggs in one basket sort of thing um that’s kind of always been the kind of person I am um you know I’ve I’ve always been like a real really really loyal person you know I’m not really interested in having a 100

Friends listen man we all go through ups and downs that’s just the way life Works understand it was uh I was in the military during Afghanistan also my friends yeah I you probably went through worse than me man yeah you know I’ve I’ve never been a depressed person I’ve never had

Depression in fact I I I kind of think my own view of it helps a lot like obviously this applies to like just me don’t don’t think too much about it but like for me I feel like I don’t I don’t believe in depression like that’s my

View is that if you just don’t accept it and just you know have fun and move on it’ll go away um and that’s kept me out of it it’s it’s worked so far you know up until recently but uh I’ve just never had depression I’ve always you know you

Know cuz to me if I if I’m ever sad it’s cuz of something something caused it right give it a week you move on or usually it’s just on board if I’m just sitting there staring at the ceiling and I feel depressed in reality I’m just

Bored if I go watch YouTube videos I’ll forget about it but you know it it’s hard to to have fun right now cuz I’m just like I need to I need to move on I just need to be happy so I start up my stream to play Sky Block cuz

Obviously right like Master mode I love Sky Block right like this is this is is what I do for fun play Sky Block and like I I can’t get my mind off her like no no matter what I do you know even what I like when I was downstairs making

[ __ ] chicken nuggets all I could think about was her it it really sucks how it’s funny cuz like again I I had only reached out to her like a week ago so like I had been H perfectly happy being single for the last two years but

As soon as I like reached out and text her we started talking she’s all I could think about every second of the day you know I’m like uh what do you call like Love Struck or whatever right where like you meet a new girl kind of Honey moose phase infactuation phase whatever you

Want to call it right I’m just in that mood to like love love love right which which makes this harder cuz this is not like a you know this is the the peak of the love you know right right when I’m wanting to give it all

You know give her the most you know really get things going you know so U Get getting left on red you know and like I said like it’s oh my God there’s so much I want to say again like the closure that’s the big one the whole like the problem is

That she hasn’t replied you know it’s that she hasn’t texted me back you know that makes me wonder like is it over like is her phone just dead for 3 days like that just sounds like the less likely option you know it did like she

Thought about it like like if I had to I don’t like I haven’t even thought about what is she thinking you know friend from high school texts you yall start flirting things go really good I offer to like take her on a date she accepts but then

Like right before it happens just goes dark you know I I mean I think she’s scared I think you know maybe meeting me in person is really intimidating like that’s all I can really think of is that it’s a scary experience going like on a

Date with a guy for the first time ever I mean I’m her first boyfriend you know first and only boyfriend never been on a date um I imagine that that’s really scary to her um and so like if that’s the case like I want to be there for her I want to like

Tell her like yo you can trust me I’m not you know what I’m saying like like you know it’s okay like we can we can have fun don’t worry about it um but that’s kind of the problem is like it’s me she’s scared of you know if

That’s the case like uh if I were to say like what’s the most likely scenario of what’s going on I would say the most likely thing is just that she’s scared of like going on a date the idea of like being alone with someone is scary I don’t really have any other

Alternate theories um and it’s like I want to like help her I want to like get her to trust more but I mean she’s not reaching out you know communication’s key but what if the problem is the lack of communication you know the the problem is that she isn’t

Responding to calls or texts and so that’s causing this feeling of you know losing it you know the breakup or whatever cuz there there has not been no breakup call or text it’s very possible that she calls me in like an hour with some sort of explanation apology but

It’s also possible that she never does her reach out and I have like no closure so and and again a lot of this is like me second guessing myself because like I said anytime I text someone and they don’t respond I go full panic mode and she’s been kind of almost

Unintentionally helping me like solve that you know cuz we had a conversation about it and she’s like don’t worry I would tell you you know if I ever like you know if I was ever going to leave you or whatever I would tell you I wouldn’t just like stop texting all the

Blue so like I have this confidence that she won’t and like every time she does not text me she always text me later that day to like let me know like hey Sor was out so like here I am like growing and developing you know getting

Used to the whole like just cuz she doesn’t reply doesn’t mean you have to have a panic attack you know and then all of that just just comes crashing down and then she actually actually actually is ignoring me but like for real this time you know

My my worst fear came true that the irrational fear cuz I knew it I I talked to an expert on the topic and they’re like yeah man you shouldn’t worry if someone doesn’t reply to a text you know they’ll get back to you when they can

You know and like I’m like you right you right you know she you know when she didn’t text me that first time it’s cuz her phone was dead when she didn’t text me that second time it’s cuz she was out with family you know it’s it’s never

It’s cuz they hate you it’s you know what I’m saying so I’m just like getting used to that like I was was just starting to get used to like not panicking over text not being replied to and then this happens like I said that’s what the analogy of like getting

Used to being on like an A or Cliff like getting used to Heights and your fear of falling and then falling it’s like damn this is the very thing I thought was in IR rational fear is now happening the the very thing that I’m like trying to

Get over has now happened to me it really sucks I I I also don’t really know what to do um like I’m streaming this to like get it out of my head I mean maybe that’ll help I don’t know maybe it’ll make it worse it’s hard to say

This is definitely pretty out of character for the channel though I’m a Hypixel Sky Block streamer I’ve never had my face cam on a on full screen that’s a that’s a new first oh yeah yeah something else um she’s been a big motivator in my life like I’m unemployed and I haven’t

Really been looking for a job but like ever since I reconnected with her I’ve been like looking for a job because she she works and I don’t and you know I want to be a provider right like you know I want to get married and have kids

Right I know she wants kids because we talked about it years ago in high school um so you know you know I’m over here like looking for a job I’m going to go buy a suit you know I’ve been setting up a sleep schedule so that way I’m awake at

The day asleep at night you know I’ve been showering shaving you know trying to be as presentable as I can you know kind of getting my life back together and it’s like it’s all for her it’s all because of her you know so so to lose her is to lose all

Motivation in life why B wake up you know in the morning right why why bother set a schedule you know why bother showering it’s not like I’m going to go out today why why why bother you know counting my calories I’ve been watching my weight just in the past week just cuz

I want to look good for why bother what’s it matter you know I my my my motivation in life just it went away I have no reason to do anything you know all the things that put pushed me to better myself like I was going to set up

For the gym in a few like that’s the thing I like I had said I was going to buy a suit and sign up for the gym like in the next few days and now I’m wondering like should I even like continue I like I was going to do it

Like I was bettering myself for her right like I was going to lose weight by dieting exercising so I could look good for her but if there’s no her anymore why father it would be a lot of work for like no reward you know cuz I’m not

Doing this cuz I’m disciplined I’m doing it cuz I’m motivated you know uh I’m a like you know for the past few years I’ve definitely been a very undisciplined person and so the only reason you know why do I do all the things I’m doing it’s like well I’ve got

A motivation I have got a girl to keep happy you know so if I lose that I lose my reason to do things you know why do all of these things if you know cuz it’s not like I oh you lost a girl or whatever it’s like no dude I lost my

Life I lost everything I lost my girlfriend I lost my future wife I lost the potential of having children you know I lost my reason for waking up I lost my gym motivation you know I lost my motivation to to eat ride I lost my motivation to even shower there’s no

Reason to right I I lost all motivation to do anything you know I I didn’t just lose a girlfriend I lost my life I lost my future I lost my motivation I lost my happiness I lost everything I don’t know what to do like I’m so lost I don’t know what to

Do do I like continue cuz like one one alternative I could just try to find someone else you know I had a girl I thought I’d be with forever and we broke up I thought the same then got so much better in I love my life announ

Before I freaking get over it takes time so yeah so that was you this as a motivation to get better that’s kind of what I was thinking of like as something I could do next is keep getting better and I could maybe find a better girl you

Know like I don’t know though all I want is her bro like I feel like we all have that same feeling is like bro I don’t want some [ __ ] I want her her specifically in particular her right so it’s like oh I should keep you know lose

Weight and and and exercise and you know get a job and get some money for a hypothetical future girl it’s like bro I just want her you know I just want her bro I don’t want some [ __ ] hussy bro I don’t want some [ __ ] Floy right I don’t want a

[ __ ] Floy bro I want [ __ ] her dude I thought it was her bro like you have to understand it’s it it feels even more true for me because she was wife material I’ve had like like six exes bro i’ I’ve been in relationships but they were all like long distance or like it

Was just a high school you know make it out in the hallway sort of thing like we lowkey kind of knew we weren’t going to get married right but like I’m an adult now I’m I’m not dating you know for fun I’m dating to get married this girl was

Perfect bro like she was very traditional she liked to cook you know she she you know was like a best friend she was like everything I look like everything I wanted bro like we would have made that we would have been so good together you know that’s also what makes it so much

More on that like last ten you said that’s what makes this so much harder is that like we technically haven’t had any breakups she just like ghosted me so there there is no breakup text she could text me tomorrow morning and be like OMG

I’m so sorry right you know my bad I was busy whatever right so like I don’t have closure like like you know you you could say like we are still together like right now like if I were to [ __ ] some other [ __ ] right that would be cheating you know what I’m

Saying like like I’m not officially single you know what I’m saying the so it’s like I don’t like you know I want to move on but it’s like I don’t even know if moving on is if that even happened what all happen yeah so so basically I’ll I’ll

Resmar uh like a week ago I texted a girl that I shared a class with um we started texting we instantly became like best friends then I asked her on a date um you know we got flirty she said yes the date was supposed to happen

Yesterday but the the day before the day of um and today she hasn’t texted me at all just completely like hasn’t responded to anything I even called her a few times she hasn’t answered and so like she missed the date like she she bailed or skipped out or whatever the

[ __ ] you call it and like it’s it’s the end of the next day and she still hasn’t responded so she hasn’t replied to anything in three days you know um which I think normally that wouldn’t be that big of a deal missing 3 days worth of

Text but it’s the fact that she missed a date she missed like our date like our first time meeting in 3 years that this was uh we’ve been together for like like like a few days this is really short this is all everything I’m talking about happens over like the last seven days

Like this this is really short this is all really fast um yeah that’s another thing is it’s like this is like lowkey kind of complicated kind of weird you know my my situation is sort of unusual and how like Fast everything has happened but like I said it’s more of

The fact that like uh she missed out on a day you know she hasn’t texted me in 3 days which it’s like oh just wait you know she’ll text you on the fourth day it’s like it’s more so that she missed a date like our first date together she

Missed out on it like she bailed she skipped right so it’s like like that is making me question like so like in her mind like this is kind of like a breakup sort of thing like if you don’t show up to a date and don’t answer your calls or

Texts you know that’s you know don’t show up to the date don’t answer calls or texts for the day before the day of the date and the day after which is today it you know three days of not talking and the middle day being a date you

Know it it sounds kind of like she’s leaving me right it sounds like she’s bailing breaking up but also like I said there’s no confirmation there’s no like closure you know want to call on Discord yeah I’m sitting in my general um I I’ll make like a invite link or whatever

Yeah I’m sitting in general right now yeah what’s up brother you already know that’s [ __ ] up dude it’s it’s crazy because I’ve just been single for two years up until like a week ago so it’s like I was already I already learned to be happy alone you

Know and now I have to relearn how to be happy single all over again you know yeah you just got with her and then you know that’s [ __ ] crazy I three days is [ __ ] up I mean like that’s crazy kill it it’s funny being called my username

And dude I’ve been called my first legal name for days in a row it’s kind of weird to be called my Ig I’m you’re like who’s that oh yeah that’s me I forgot yeah [ __ ] cuz she calls me by my first name so like that’s the mindset I am that person howdy Shing

Dynasty Shing Dynasty Friend Chicken but um I don’t know I feel like it’s time I mean you know I broke up this girl I was dating for like years this isol was D for a long time first serious relationship broke up well she broke out me but who

But then um anyway she broke up me because me and her weren it was it kind of got into toxic period she broke up me and then I kind of like just like got really depressed and then didn’t leave my room for six months it was really bad like I gained

Like 100 pounds in six months and you know like a normal weight more you know I was like fine and then I broke up with her and I like I you know got really depressed and for six months straight I was just like felt terrible

And I never left her and I feel like that happens to a lot of people is they get really sad when these things happen but over the over like a little bit of time time you’ll be able to overcome that pain but you can also use it for

His motivation to improve yourself I mean like I said one of the hugest problems is my lack of closure it’s like oh bro like like do I move on you know like should I try to find someone else it’s like I kind of don’t want to cuz I

Want to like cuz I feel like if I like [ __ ] some other Floy like tomorrow and then she texts me the next day I I’d be like oh by the way like I cheated like to me it would be cheating right you know well you can usually get closure

And be a winner if you message her [ __ ] you [ __ ] this for not texting me and you send her a picture of you banging her mom no but for real the closure you should have closure because the woman doesn’t text you in three days that’s crazy like they’re the ones who are

Texting they’re not half the time I swear to God my fiance will text me I mean I text her too but like if she didn’t text me well I live with her but if I didn’t live with her and she didn’t text me in three days I would assume

That she’s either dead or the world’s over or my phone’s not working I’d be pissed I feel like three days is crazy like you should just you should be done at that point be like you should text her and be like you know this is my last text I haven’t

Heard from you in three days you know it’s kind of ridiculous but yeah like seriously bro just just dip three days is crazy like that’s disrespect to you like you you deserve to like you’re in a relationship especially in the beginning that’s when like the honeymoon phase is there’s no

Reason there’s no reason to not get a text like a girl not texting you in three days is a sign to something like if it is didn’t text you in six hours you know I’d be like yo yo yo you know you haven’t texted me in a while are you

All right are you dead did you get kid kidnapped what’s going on you know maybe she you kidnpped you never know only excus de I almost want to do like a wellness check on her you know like knock on her door be like you know like did she die you know what I’m

Saying like text her say hey I’m coming over cheing on text me in days that actually does kind of sound like a good idea like text her and then like 10 minutes later show up at her door like I’m call like saying like I’m showing up you’re

Already outside her door and then you text her hey I’m coming over like yeah text her just to be like hey I’m just making sure you’re okay you know haven’t heard from you from three days out of character just making sure you didn’t die you know yeah and then if she’s

Alive be like all right well you’re going to be dead now dude imagine dude imagine if she really genuinely was like in an accident and here I am being like saying all this [ __ ] over like oh man like my defense would be I am acting this way based off the

Information I had if I got like like like if I got like a text from a family member being like hey she had been in a car accident y y like I would obviously be different but because I don’t have that I have to like assume worst case

Scenario um actually even if she did get into a car accident at least like do some like Paranormal [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no notification three days crazy I’m just kid three days is [ __ ] up bro she better she better have a reason she’s like yeah I’m sorry my phone

Died I mean I’m not you might want to charge it just dipping for days my my thing is like I if she does text me with like an explanation or apology I want to accept it I I don’t want to be like no you didn’t text me for 3 days it’s over

I still like love her like at the end of the day it’s like 3 days out of like a year or something you know like we’ll be joking about that like oh remember the time you know my phone died or blah blah blah so I don’t want I don’t want to end

It over this I mean you know what I’m saying remember my phone died and I you know I didn’t really like want to text you enough to charge my phone and so I didn’t talk to you for three days and finally when I got around to it I texted

You saying hi that’s [ __ ] up you you’re making it attemp to text you three days is crazy you know how much can happen in three days you can like graduate master’s degree in college and be like a professor in like physics or some [ __ ] three

Days I I just don’t want to like leave her you know because yeah I just want things to go back to normal get back together probably should text like do wellness check then you have closure because if she’s there she ain’t dead that’s [ __ ] up yeah go over there she’s

Like waiting for you she’s like you know thought you’d be here sooner is all a test she just wanted you to come over what you drinking is that like Coca-Cola I can’t drink soda anymore every time I drink soda I get heartburn I’m I’m trying to think of an

Alternate reason for this because my my n like my my hypotheses are she died she’s in an accident which I think is hella unlikely um the other option which I think is kind of the most likely is that she dipped because she was scared cuz she’s always been intimidated by me like I’m

I’m a scary person IRL um I get that you you you guys are going to disagree but I’m I’m I’m saying this cuz it’s true I’m very intimidating in person um so it could be that she’s like scary to like have a oneon-one you know cuz like she

Ain’t going to have friends or family there it’s just me and her so she might be like scared to like show up and now she’s like scared that she didn’t go to the date and doesn’t know what to do like she doesn’t want to text me because

She’s worried I might be mad at her and which is making her not text me even more um cuz I’ve had had a semi- similar situation happened before where this is years ago but basically my girlfriend at the time got took to a menal Institute where they took away her phone in

Contact and so she was involuntarily in a prison SL psyart [ __ ] for three months and I didn’t know until after she got out and told me cuz I had been texting her like where are you are you okay where you been where you at what’s on

Your mind um and and just for three months no kind of text and then out of the blue she says hey I had just been locked up in a psych ward I tried to reach out to you but like I couldn’t you know cuz I didn’t have like your phone

Number memorized or anything and my parents didn’t like you it just for like she just couldn’t reach out to me you know how to pick them God damn oh yeah she she was yeah she’s crazy as [ __ ] she tried to kill herself um this is crazy bro you need to you

Need start dating men or some [ __ ] Bro ever bro you can attract them your cat level sign up you can get them get the dud I want a wife and kids bro I’m not looking for love I’m looking for marriage understand but um three days is

Crazy bro come on that’s [ __ ] up but like the so basically after she had ghosted me for three months and came back she told me that she had actually got out 2 weeks before she had texted me and the reason she waited is because she was hella scared to text text me after

All this time cuz she was worried I’d be mad at her like she didn’t want to text me the day she got out and she was just sitting there with her phone being like do I text him do I text him do I text him cuz she she was worried that as soon

As she texted me I would like blow up in her face and she didn’t want that she was scared I feel like that could be having a plane now it could be that the girl I’m dating is scared that if she texts me I’m G like blow up in her face

You blown up in her face before no I that’s the that’s the worst part is like even though I’m intimidating I would like never hurt anybody bro like you know like it it’s my job to protect her so for her to be scared of me like I

Don’t like like I’m supposed to be the person to keep you safe and maybe she like this is all speculation it’s you know I can’t even ask her right cuz she’s not responding I so I’m just going off of the thing she said to me in the past like you know previous conversations

Um that that’s also the thing is like if if it’s not that she died and it’s not that she’s scared that means it would be what trick said that she just doesn’t like me which that also feels unlikely because like if you look at like the

Things we said like 24 hours prior to the stop texting if you read like our last conversation things were going really well like I almost kind of want to like look at it just to like confirm here’s thing either because this crazy right if she liked you she would have

Texted you right it’s been three days she she either doesn’t like you or she’s [ __ ] dead she’s there’s no between this is [ __ ] up this is a horrible situation we need to we need to go you need to go to her house knock on the door and break in and then find her

She’s she’s probably she’s probably not dead hopefully she could just be busy like I’m looking at the text now three days is crazy three even if I’m busy getting [ __ ] at work I can at least text someone on break or like when I get home like hey sorry I didn’t text you

All day you know I worked for 12 hours I’m going to bed it’s crazy she sent me the [ __ ] like one of the last things she ever said was she sent like this Emoji she sent like the hand heart and her her last ever texted me was you two heart emoji heart emoji

Like the hand heart let me see if I can like cover this can I like cover this while show on you all I don’t even think I can but the last thing she ever said was like too hard Emoji hard Emoji so I feel like she doesn’t hate me like if she stopped

Loving me I feel like she would have said that she wouldn’t have ended her last ever text with YouTube hard Emoji hard Emoji have you tried to contact him I’ve sent her four texts and two calls those are rookie numbers it has to be in the hundreds you have to get to

The hundreds see that’s the thing I don’t want to keep sending more text because no no girl like I’m going to just say this is like some advice I know from earlier like girls don’t like it when you send 10 texts in a row so the

Ball is in her court if she wants to talk to me she’ll text me right sending another text isn’t going to add if anything it be weird because like how do you respond to 10 text in a row it’s kind of unrep so I just need to wait for her to

Respond she’s never going to respond if they break into her house legally like hey you know you didn’t respond to my text so you know I’m sorry about your door yeah dude when she first sent me that emoji I wasn’t sure what’s up with that because who sends handh heart emoji I’ve

Like yeah it’s you know who sends that as a text why is it echoing is it what i is in your band like a week though um probably said your cat level and your Sky level and she was like [ __ ] he’s about a catacomb I need to grind up real

Quick she’s been she’s been grinding up that’s what funny is she she really doesn’t she doesn’t know like my YouTube channel she doesn’t know my H High pixel account the the most she knows is that I I’ve said I stream Sky Block No I said I stream Minecraft but that’s it so all

She knows is I stream Minecraft prob got scared yeah so she she has no more context like she doesn’t know about this live stream she doesn’t know about my kill it account on Hypixel so the ball’s in her Court I’ve sent her four Texs in a row without a

Response at this point sending any more text would just be more scary you know it it would be harder to reply to Forex um I’m thinking of like what my game plan should be I’m thinking maybe in another couple days if she still doesn’t said anything maybe I’ll text her something something

Easy to respond to like are you okay like you okay what’s up shotty and then if she doesn’t then like show up to her house in the most like non-threatening way possible like I probably wouldn’t even bring my knife even though I always carry it with me

I’d probably like leave it just as a no because I always carry a knife on me it’s it’s right here yeah it’s a clip so I always keep this knife clip to my pants but I’d probably not bring it just in case the reason is she’s scared cuz if she’s

Scared of me you know I want to be unarmed to prove my point take her what you can take her in her fight oh yeah of course I she she would be easy to pin down but um said hell yeah i’ beat that [ __ ] up if I wanted to but I don’t want

To right well I’m saying I I you know physically I can but I’m not the kind of person to do it that’s how everyone that’s that’s most men though any man could [ __ ] beat up his wife he just doesn’t cuz he’s a good person you know like I could but I’m not

Gonna that’s that’s everyone Bro [ __ ] You me that’s not I didn’t say something uniquely special bro you act like it says something unusual like bro everyone’s like that I got 20 knes I bet you do she gets out of place smack yeah man yeah someone called one wolves a

[ __ ] that’s funny you probably cheated one whoever you are y anyone here want to carry me an M7 bro come on come on 15 minute per is actually C didn’t you sell your DJ to me I just noticed there’s an Among Us dancing on screen actually let me change it yeah

There you go let’s put it on the join list one wolves gaming is one of the greatest in seven players bro how can how can you dis yeah bro he’s a top player how can you be like he sucks bro he’s literally like a top like 100 player

Like you should let me yourm corre it’s like bro he’s a top player how can you be like you suck it’s like he obviously [ __ ] doesn’t five girlfriends it was on accident too the [ __ ] is this guy talking about is he saying it the runs are 15 minutes long is that what he’s

Saying into [ __ ] M6 or some I to do M7 ien play I mean I’ll be doing I’ll be doing more m4s this week like hurt yourself or something like you’re depressed and this is the only like punishment you can think of person Mario 64 Pro it practice your on me hell

No it has to be genuine my dad called I’m I’m a walk out to answer you see the Discord you the link I can’t believe kill’s girlfriend of two days ghost guys we need a montage of of we need killet right to go killet needs to start

Working out in grinding Sky Block and Montage of him getting to Max Sky Block Level and like a 12pack right and then he gets the he secures the the the perfect girl all right and has all the Riz and then this girl that he talked to

For two days is g to come flying back to him oh my God I didn’t know you were Sky Block Block Level 420 with a 12pack ABS you know and then it’s GNA end the video with him not even looking at the explosion that right whoever left the call though you’re a

[ __ ] for real for not even saying [ __ ] and not even saying goodbye you just left the call like a [ __ ] whoever you are if you’re listening to the stream you’re a son of a [ __ ] you should have said something least say goodbye what the [ __ ] you smell bad you

Have cockroaches dancing underneath your greasy ball Sack the [ __ ] you going on about bro Somebody left the call without saying anything I was upset I had to answer a phone call not you not you the other guy left the call he didn’t say goodbye I mean he wasn’t even really talking I don’t think I know he wasn’t fishing right now damn

Sucks yo wolves let’s do some M7 right now Co my dog I mean I’m sorry that this happened to you bro thanks I mean I I met her in high school we shared a class together that’s like why I know her I was the smartest [ __ ] in that

Class it was giography bro I literally got a 100 I don’t mean like a 99 I got a 100 for that entire semester I I got a 100 on every geography class bro yeah geography 100% I got 100% geography yeah dude people in that class were [ __ ] stupid

Bro because it was like it was like a geography 101 [ __ ] it was like islands and peninsulas and [ __ ] really really basic [ __ ] and people Peninsula it’s like it’s like when like the land juts out into the ocean bro it’s like the most basic [ __ ] ever and like bro people

In that class are stupid oh my God I was in special class yeah what the [ __ ] it made me stronger but yeah I got 100 in that class like dude that class was like free bro it was easy bro it you didn’t have to study and you’d get a 100

Bro didn’t have to look at anything or listen you know I was in the special classes uh for Behavioral not because I was like not intelligent or anything but it was like these [ __ ] would be fighting for markers bro the teacher would make us fight each other and it it

Was like a like like a you know like thei fights but for like disabled kids and I would always win because I wasn’t actually disabled but I just acted like I was disabled so that I can like look cool or whatever and then I got like ranked diamond in the class because they

Had like a rank system and then I almost beat the the grand champion of the the like Sumo like the Sumo division anyway basically the the feds came to the school and realized the operation that was going down killed us all hold up um the [ __ ] is this guy

Asking you why you talking to yourself bro you’re typing a lot of [ __ ] in that chat [ __ ] is this thing going on about Bro [ __ ] just kidding um look you’re actually a really cool dude I’m sure that I’m sure that I don’t know you’re not you’re not

Losing anything right I lost my life bro come on come on I lost everything bro I lost everything dude I got my Riz complimented don’t worry I I I I I I showed someone all of my text I got hella is I did I I kind of knew but

Getting confirmation was kind of nice I showed two people like our text like like an example was she had mentioned that she brought food for the people at her work um and so I’m like you know bringing people food is always a great way to get on their good side

How about I take you on a date and like I knew that was hell is and everyone like I showed people that line and I’m like damn yeah I I have so many I bought you probably me up if no it’s because I was genuine that moment I

Can’t see a lot of y’all like pre- prep your RIS lines I make that [ __ ] up on the spot like if you have to Google how to risk someone and like you memorize [ __ ] don’t work that way to this girl I met on mine uh tell

Her that you want to keep Angels away from her because you don’t want them to question their own Perfection that’s that’s one of those like pre-written lines Sky Block profile but you get the girl or keep your SK profile that’s actually such a good question hold up let me think about

It so personally I don’t give a [ __ ] I did so I earned this [ __ ] on that’s a great that’s a great question I um lose Sky Block or lose Mar I assume that also means that if I lose a Sky Block I guaranteed get her

Um okay you get this girl but you’d have to give all you have to basically delete your profile yeah yeah I I’ll take the girl yeah I would delete my Sky Block profile if it means I get to marry her yeah I’d do it you delete your Skywalk profile where

You grind thousand probably thousands of hours on that [ __ ] and this girl hasn’t texted you in three days well that that’s assuming that’s assuming this is like a genie and can like make her like me and like make her never leave sort of thing if it’s like Genie levels of power i’

Say cuz like dude that’s like we’re talking like not just a girlfriend but like having a wife and kids and [ __ ] you know what I’m saying like that that [ __ ] would come with it you know what I’m saying so it’s like would you rather have a life or play Sky Block dog I’m

Taking my exit bro I’d rather get married than play Sky Block you know how big is your dick and what’s the circumference of your that could factor in maybe maybe you’re you’re packing too much heat it’s like she is worried actually funny enough um one of her biggest concerns is she

Thought it would hurt she’s really [ __ ] tiny and tight yeah so that was like a concern of hers czy crazy well how wait so how how like how How tall they what the [ __ ] is that question how tall is the girl I don’t know short I I don’t know

Like in feet and inches but she’s short all girls are short in my opinion how are you seven foot 510 510 hug I’m big dude like I’m big next to her if we stand together she you know what I’m saying so um I got nudes out of it the chats are like

What the [ __ ] going Ono I’m sorry I’m just [ __ ] hyper right now I still got her nudes though I still got her nudes so on the Sky Block for now she’s 19 but uh okay I got scared for a second how was that even a question

Bro how is that even a question bro you’re crazy how old are you 22 I just turned 21 the other day yeah pretty old or I’m getting old bro can you believe that J’s ear are like turning 20 hopefully I’m not JY but I probably G kill myself [ __ ] you want about we’re

Talking about we’re talking about would I delete my Sky Block profile if I got to marry my girl [Laughter] would you take it yeah [ __ ] it I wish bro if I if I had that [ __ ] Genie bottle bro I would I yeah I’d take that that’d probably be

Well isn’t that the thing though you can’t ask for true love isn’t that like a genie thing you can’t ask for more wishes you can’t bring someone back from the dead and you can’t ask for love [ __ ] it bro I’m screwed oh man you just gota just got to

Wake up in the morning early like maybe like 1 or two in the morning when it’s really dark out right break into the house everyone’s going to be scared like what the [ __ ] going on you’re just be like yeah I’m just making sure you’re all right why don’t you text me though

And just you know you’re holding a knife in your hand but it’s not it’s just because you know you’re hungry and you’re cook some f like and then no I need give you I need to make sure she isn’t scared of me because she totally is I need to lower

That I like bro we just need to build trust but like I kind of can’t with her not replying agree with what ask for number one n worth what do you what yeah I don’t what rather micro meals for the rest of your life like those like things you buy

From like the dollar store kind of already only be able to eat grass I already do that first thing I pretty much only eat like [ __ ] from the microwave La micro Stu just so you could ask a genie for anything asked for like a trillion Sky Block [Laughter]

Coins if I had a genie I would ask if I had three wishes right I would ask for like a billion dollars and then I would ask to be in perfect health then I would ask for a 14 foot dick right that I can retract and make

Any size I want and then I could like if I ever need to climb a building or whatever you know I can do what I need to do long rope I could throw up And bro at that point just ask for a rope better yet bro just ask for a ladder ask for [Laughter] a you know 14a right is one foot soft 14 foot hard it like a [ __ ] like retracts yo look on my scre is [ __ ] up what did you get a

Handle he’s oh he got a scroll oh my God GG’s I just need 15 mil you can’t afford it you broke as hell this [ __ ] can’t open his chess yes no I’ll give you 50 mil in return oh give me my money back yes this [ __ ] dropped a scoll and he

Doesn’t have the money I don’t have let you have your juu short bro I I don’t have that’s a that’s a what the [ __ ] Halo thing this just made your profile that’s like your whole net worth and that no hold on you’re [ __ ] broke what’s your

Username s i s m s I’m not getting scammed you have to have collap oh prob hold on oh yeah I do remember you because I remember youring voice you watch The Voice and what not Bas we’re basically best friends now now that you’re rich I like you more and

I’ll be really nice to you just because you got this and I’ll hope that you’ll give me something maybe in a few days few days is crazy she’s dying right now I don’t I don’t want to like come off his desperate I mean I probably will I just

Don’t want to do it like immediately you know give us give her some time to like reply just make it only you think you were G to marry her oh yeah she’s literally wife material she’s like the greatest girl I’ve ever met you have any like proof of what that she’s wife material

What’s why is she wife material she likes to cook she wants kids she she talks she talks to me like a best friend like when we were talking it was always like fun and happy and chill and you know we just like have fun talks to you like a best friend yeah we

Like share everything sort of what’s up best for time to I mean it’s weird because like like I I was just looking at the text right to like look at like what our last conversation was one of the last things she ever sent to me like was her address so it seems it’s

Kind of weird to think that she sent me her address and then like 12 hours later like stop texting me it seems kind of weird did you ever show her your dick and balls no I’ve seen uh she sent me nudes but I haven’t sent

Her any back show you her di but you didn’t know what she’s rocking with [Laughter] no dick she’s pretty though I didn’t know at first you know she was pretty I didn’t know she is I just couldn’t see it took a while for like is she pretty

Well it’s cuz I I I you know it was on Snapchat I sent her like send nudes question mark with like an evil emoji and so she replied like with nudes back right so it’s not like we were exchanging this was me saying send nudes [ __ ] you know what I’m saying like it

Was it was it was one directional so like obviously you know I ain’t sending your [ __ ] bro I love that let me see if I can recreate the very text I sent her sent her the [ __ ] evil Emoji yeah that’s what I said is it going to appear on can I see

Your dick just to make sure it’s healthy no is it not is it not sending in chat what if I pin it can I pin this message oh it’s not letting me I don’t know why I didn’t get sense I said send nudes with the [ __ ] the devil Emoji right

After yeah said nudes and then I sent that emoji if it works it’s doesn’t work what I do whenever I first meet a girl even if I even if it’s like relative you just said send nudes and it worked oh yeah I send nudes and then that emoji

After the question mark and then she sent me a nude what’ she send you tipic that that specific one yeah titties she said she wants kids like she was really horny and said she wanted kitties that’s what she said she said kitties I’ve never used that word in my life

She wants go after her go to her house and her what she she was hella horny she was hella horny at the moment though hey hey you know not her fault it’s not your fault break into her house hey girl I’m coming to deliver but wear like a mailman like

Outfit with the bottom off time or what are you talking about so attractive thank you I’m pissed at this girl mistreated well I mean she obviously thought it was attractive so yeah there has to be something like like I sent her pick of love me like selfies

And [ __ ] and she saved it to her phone so you know when she saves those pictures to her Gallery it’s like obviously she looks at pictures of me so that’s a good sign I don’t know probably like done I don’t know I started every day I got like a

Lot and people do like 50 and I’m like you’re crazy way more yeah I’ve seen people do a lot of push-ups some people can do what feels like infinite push-ups they just keep going and don’t get tired they hit like 50 push-ups and then keep going and it’s

Like God D I wonder what their balls like after all that this CH is crazy bro you’re [ __ ] with them bro you’re you’re saying wor [ __ ] actually bro you’re the worst person here bro you can’t speak that’s crazy you like those sniff sweaty dudes balls bro you’re the worst

Person K me you [ __ ] killed me you’re the worst person Year bro you’re like everything that’s came out of your mouth [ __ ] up I’m in a Discord that does have pretty [ __ ] up [ __ ] I almost kind of want to look at it girl Ashley’s descriptor big tits mommy milkers fertile

Homicidal this Discord is like the most atrocious Discord I’m he could fix more my God that video of the little girl bowling and then she slips and the bowling ball hits her in the [ __ ] head that is crazy like [ __ ] four months old she probably not not

Surviving that it’s [ __ ] up I’m being texted [Laughter] that’s atrocious bro what are these [ __ ] what’s in this Discord yeah go to to escape we we’re going to show this conversation on stream yeah because of her that [ __ ] was so short who’s ChatOn are you ChatOn kill

It you know who ChatOn is what a video of a guy named chatter on he’s like talking about his donations on Sky Block and then he like falls out of his chair is that you yeah okay that’s you okay so [ __ ] good because I remember I used to make videos or whatever I

Remember I was streaming and I was playing like SkyWars or some [ __ ] and I was telling people I think guys I think the Strat to this is that you have to get the ender pearl as soon as possible and I just fall off my [ __ ] chair and

You just hear everything in the world glass [ __ ] table fell on me and the chair [ __ ] smashed into my glass and broke my table [ __ ] upo my God kill it you’re [ __ ] awesome that’s say little thing did you get that scroll I mean you have 48 hours to like open the

Chest are people talking about it or something I can’t believe your broke ass don’t have no 50 mil mother doesn’t have 50 mil to pay for a scroll oh my [Laughter] God I’m not reading all that never mind wall of text I ain’t reading all that no [ __ ] [ __ ]

Who who’s reading all that bro I full whole [ __ ] time I’ve been saying like the meanest [ __ ] ever the funniest [ __ ] ever weirdest [ __ ] ever every how often do you brush your teeth kill it [ __ ] you no I’m serious because I’m about to reveal something to you not often

Enough me either I haven’t brushed my teeth in like six months six months is crazy it has not been that what were you going to reveal to me nothing I haven’t brushed my teeth in six months I haven’t taken a shower in like a year and a half I haven’t wiped

My ass in about 12 years I got crushed butt all the way up to my [ __ ] top of my back I’m just kid got a crusted butt all right I clean my butt you know I wipe every once in a while you know I try to

Conserve toilet paper I use the same I use the same toilet paper for about five [ __ ] you know I’m then I go and I use a pie we ain’t talking about a whole like handful of to we use one ply one piece of one ply to WIP my ass whatever happens

Happens that’s crazy y’all think of some weird [ __ ] to say y’all are weird bro yeah bro you po calling the kettle black okay you just call me black you I called you a kettle wait no I called you a pot oh yeah you rather this is crazy would you

Rather if you had to date your mom I’m not [ __ ] going through that bro I’m not even going to hear what the [ __ ] the second thing is is bro this one this one’s this one’s better because in this one you don’t really have to choose like between two

Other SK would you rather date your mom for a week or your dad for a week but let me change it would you rather have to eat other people’s [ __ ] I’m not bro not or you only have to have okay every day for a week every no every day for

Two days or one time you just have intercour with your m dead same time most of the time you’re just watching them dude what guar to get a please mute him what the [ __ ] okay fine okay fine stop yes oh my God hey T I’m sorry sir please mutee

He’s like bro stop that man from talking fuing speaking mother take away this man talking he’s burning the it’s so funny what the Steve head on no not now not now that would have for seced the bag if you were in [ __ ] with the head

On oh dude I need to I need to get dude I should get that with like my Minecraft skin I should yeah I should put another box up there hey I I wouldn’t mind getting railed by your Minecraft [Laughter] character oh my oh my God oh my hold up honey her

Cover give me a second to stop laughing oh my God bro was weet than Instagram real hear me out shut your ass up bro shut the [ __ ] up no I’m not GNA hear you out bro awful bro awful I’ll hear you out in prison man I’ll hear you in court yeah I’ll hear

You in court we’ll let the judge well let the judge be the judge oh my God oh my God trying toer you up trying to say random [ __ ] it’s working oh man yeah I got some R when it comes to men on accident though I D it

Worked on my uncles when I was little that’s [ __ ] up but that dude I could not r a dude like I could not practice on a man I just can’t you know I can’t practice on a dude either but uh you’re the one exception because of just your beautiful remind you that canu

Wait let me pull up canu I [ __ ] love that canu clip’s that uh the K to dream car dream where is it the Uber ride I need to find it Dam you got eight viewers yeah I’m famous Y where the [ __ ] is it least one of those eight viewers is a

Girl you can probably get a new girlfriend now these are all like it’s like two minutes long the [ __ ] is it down the street is this so what I do is I walk hold up hold up he you can’t hear hold up let me put this [ __ ]

Back type of person you’re going to have to bump your [ __ ] head for you to learn so when somebody who is he does this like he’s crazy bro Ed you’re [ __ ] Down syndrome I don’t give a [ __ ] you do not understand that your literacy level needs to be

Brought up from the [ __ ] marry trench and you have a [ __ ] issue with your intelligence the Bites come and the Ants Come at me it’ll take 10,000 100,000 of them to take me down so that’s how minuscule you are to my size right my stature of intelligence character body

And um reverence 1K is better for this [ __ ] who doesn’t want to give away his millions are you Jewish because I’m going to do movies standup comedy everything all this [ __ ] music whatever the [ __ ] e-commerce you don’t understand that you’re talking to like a Michelangelo my time right like I’m a

Genius Albert Einstein level history bookmaker you’re going to be forgotten like the Dust In The Sand when you’re in the [ __ ] Sahara and there’s 100 million thousand million [ __ ] sand particles you’re going to be one of those and I’m going to be a statue erected in Gold so understand I am like

This because ADHD autism no diversion I have ADHD as well right but because you said that’s what the bid I think you’re a [ __ ] all right so that’s why you’re really cool dream I still want to fight you and all of the [ __ ] that’s happened

Tonight it’s not g to make it a [ __ ] like brutal Marauder it’s I’m not gonna be a brutal Marauder I’m gonna like literally like either you’re GNA be paralyzed you’re GNA be dead like I’m serious okay man can you fight oh of course yeah I I apologize oh my I know

I’m sorry I met him tonight yeah you can end the video now thanks for watching um all socials your set they going to arrest dude I [ __ ] I like love that clip it’s just so [ __ ] funny he’s crazy dude [ __ ] can to is so [ __ ] funny I I I watch that clip

At least like once a day is that actually dream in the background yeah that’s that’s dream and the guy who voices Gumball guy who voices Gumball still or actively yeah what’s the show called Gumball Gumball Waton Adventures of Gumball yeah that’s that’s the guy who voices Gumball and

The guy in the back seat is dream like the YouTuber dream yeah but how can you get saying that [ __ ] that’s crazy y dude F the funny thing is dream posted that to like make kou look bad but everyone’s signing with him like you you watch the video like

Everyone like like in the Twitter comments are like bro dream was in the wrong like how the [ __ ] everyone sided with the crazy one I think it’s just cuz dream is like that unpopular like you know the people who look at this [ __ ] are dream haters to begin with so dream what happened

Dream what did he do just allegations I don’t really know like I haven’t even looked into it so I don’t know like how true they are or not I I assume they’re not cuz if they were you’d be in jail but like crazy [ __ ] though the clip is crazy yeah what the

[ __ ] yeah it’s so [ __ ] funny there’s like there’s so many like clippable moments like when he said are you Jewish and then the the he was on like meth like he was going from one thing the other thing bro he was not sto you could tell at some point someone had asked why

Are you like this because like it cuts for a second and then he goes I’m like this cuz I’m ADHD new AR virin whatever the [ __ ] right he like listed all the problems he had so it’s very clear someone asked him like yo why are you like this bro dude

Sounded like he was on something he must have been on a drug or something dude that [ __ ] crazy was crazy going on some crazy [ __ ] what’s your favorite food pasta pasta never had coke before is Coke good I’d have to ask her there’s supposedly evidence where he sent a team I don’t know I mean that’s like yeah I don’t know bro I mean I feel like I’d have to like see the evidence I

Mean that sounds like something that would be easy to fake what like he like he made a tribute or something the thing about tributes is that they’re basically anonymized you know it could be anyone a tribute I think that’s what he’s saying was it a tribute s what’s a tribute what

Are you talking about tribute is like when you put a like a picture of a girl’s face on your phone and then like jack off to it crazy yeah I don’t know if that’s what he’s saying that’s what like I think he’s saying my [ __ ] head is [ __ ] pounding I have a

Headache I was listening to this one song my friend sent me it’s like a uh really gay it’s called XXX Kirby just do it uh your invition it’s pretty pretty [ __ ] up I should look up that dream evidence I’ll look into it here in a little bit too see what’s going on actually

Can’t believe Mr Beast has 200 over 200 million subscribers oh deserves that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of people I was thinking okay got the 100 Mil was like okay it’s gonna plate it was like even like just more and more more I think I found it know your mem

Grooming allegations let’s see what this is the dream grooming allegation first a controversy following unconfirmed evidence yeah that’s what I’m saying is it’s like I feel like if if he literally is a groomer shouldn’t he be in jail like it like the fact that it calls it allegations and unconfirmed evidence you

Know it it just know I mean he’s famous like obviously yeah it’s just it’s hard to like nothing here is confirmed nothing’s concrete that’s what I’m saying like let me see the evidence because it all sounds like it’s just sounds like someone made it up like

Someone like like you know made a phone number put the name dream on it and started texting people and people screenshot it be like oh God stream it’s like I’m going to need like actual evidence like I’m not just going to like believe something just cuz someone allegedly said that there was unconfirmed

Evidence it’s like uh yeah there’s like no evidence I’m trying to look into what it is because like if you can prove it I’ll I’ll stand beside you and hate dream all day but like from what I know it just it’s allegations nothing more an unverified recording claiming to

Be dream sting his moans to a minor on Snapchat it’s kind of weird wait 17 okay come on I get that 17 is under 18 but it’s like early when she was a minor 17 over Twitter DMS oh that one looks worse provided Discord screenshots that reportedly show dream interacting with a

13-year-old in 2017 I don’t like that at all I don’t like that that’s ridiculous I don’t like that bro Is that real wait let me watch this Again a video of a video of someone scrolling through a Twitter dm with dream with the verified check mark at dream than how is the green he’s 24 but this would have been years ago right so I’m literally scratching my head at this like I mean it kind of looks really real

But I mean I’m I’m going end stream here

This video, titled ‘KillIt’, was uploaded by KillIt on 2023-11-27 14:17:53. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:02 or 5882 seconds.

Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock Live Livestream KillIt @KillIt1 @killit3 Dungeons Master Mode Floor 4 M4 Discord: Donate gems: Rules: No begging -no asking for coins -no asking for carries -no asking to borrow or have my items -no asking for favors Be respectful No ban evading Use common sense Do not ask for any specific content. I usually just instantly ban someone who breaks a rule or begs, so don’t. There isn’t any appeal system. If you want to donate, I do accept donations, my preferred method is simply to buy me gems. Just put my ign, KillIt, instead of yours when buying gems, and ill receive them on stream. Make sure to tell me so I can thank you personally! I accept donations in the form of bitcoin too! Here’s my wallet: bitcoin:1Ag1dAtEtYT3S2BmoKdwSon96ExPtLxaoB I also accept donation in the form of Skyblock coins or items, just tell me in chat you’d like to give me coins, my ign is KillIt I also also accept USD donations on cashapp. My cashapp is $killit11 All donations equal to or over 0.000059 bitcoin, 1,000,000 skyblock coins, or $1 USD will get you a sign on my island with your IGN and the amount you donated. Item donations will be appraised by me and the coin value will be put on the sign. Make sure to like and subscribe! YouTube Twitch stream Server: My texture pack is a modified version of Furfsky Reborn. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #live #minecraftskyblock #killit #hypixelskyblocklive

Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor, overflux, plasmaflux, the 50mMidas sword, the Aspect of the end, the Aspect of the dragons, the valkyrie, and many more. Some of the bad things on Skyblock are Duping, irl trading, and scamming. I hope you enjoyed these words which are all relevant to the video! Also, a new farming island was added which has the Golden Ball item, which no one owns and is one out of one (1/1). Rat pet is cool. Swavy, Timedeo, Fairy Soul Guide, Money Making Method, and other things are all part of the server, along with Refraction. There is this mode called dungeons where you fight with your team to defeat necron along with other floor 7 bosses. Master mode is a thing as well. They recently nerfed the strength stat, making a lot of dungeons classes a lot worse such as Berserker and Archer. Mage, Healer, and Tank should be fine. God I keep adding so many keywords, this will be an entire bible soon. The hypixel admins have completely removed sword swapping and killed the bonemerangs. The giants sword is also dead now. The Astrea is still trash. This is a Hypixel Skyblock Tutorial, or a Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Guide. please fix negative strength because of the Soul Eater enchant, and buff archer. nerfmage tho. I voided the Hyperion, so sad. I love Technoblade and Dream and Tommyinnit and 56ms (Swavy) and Thirtyvirus, not just because their names get views as metas. This video is a Dungeons Guide, Money Making Method Guide, Hypixel Skyblock Guide, or anything of the sort. Recently, Hypixel released the SMPS, similar to the Dream SMP with members like Skeppy and Sapnap. ! Also Hypixel Admins released an enderman slayer boss quest thing, and it is pretty difficult to kill which is why you would need an enderman slayer guide or tips and tricks on how to beat the new enderman slayer. The Juju bow is really good. I also like the warden helmet and Necron Armor. I recently got SCAMMED!!! They took my Strong Dragon Chestplate, I am in tears. At least they didn’t take storm armor or superior armor. The crown of greed is bad. I crashed the NEW GAME MASTER RANK and got BANNED ON HYPIXEL! The anticheat Watchdog is broken. RATS. Floor. Catacombs. Badlion is not very good. I played dungeons not using the new Terminator bow, which is very op. Thirtyvirus does not like the god potion, he says it is not a good item. Personally, I am impartial. Recombobulators are cool though! Rend VS Soul Eater ultimate enchantments, which is better! I think Legion and Chimera are cool as well! Hypixel is currently down! Large DDOS attacks forced the server to close to resolve the issues. This video is NOT an auction flipping tutorial or Bazaar Flipping tutorial. It is not a money making method video either. The mini wither can bother some people if used in a certain way. Scammers are desperate in Hypixel Skyblock. ypixel skyblock ep 1, hypixel skyblock money making method, hypixel skyblock guide, hypixel, skyblock dungeons, hypixel skyblock fairy souls, hypixel skyblock, hypixel, skyblock, texture pack, hypixel skyblock money making guide, hypixel hypiel hypickle Game:

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft with Aternos Are you looking to expand your Minecraft world with a flat landscape to build your dream creations? With Aternos, you can easily create a super flat world to unleash your creativity. Follow the steps below to get started! Step 1: Visit Aternos Official Website Begin by visiting the official Aternos website to access their server hosting services. Aternos provides a user-friendly platform for Minecraft players to set up and customize their servers. Step 2: Navigate to the World Section Once you are on the Aternos website, navigate to the World… Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

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  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight!

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  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

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  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

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  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Minecraft Memes – Portal, You said?

    “I guess you could say it was a real ‘block party’ without the obsidian!” Read More

  • Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy

    Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy In this video, we dive into the fake Minecraft scene, Exploring knock-offs that are far from serene. From Kogama war4 to Mine clone 4, Each one a copy, but we want more. Minecraft builder and Build and crush, World craft 2 and Noobic boom crusher, hush. These imitations may not be the real deal, But they still bring a sense of thrill. So join me on this journey, filled with laughter and fun, As we explore these fake Minecrafts, one by one. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, spread the word, For more gaming content, stay tuned and heard. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme I would pick iron ore because it’s a real “ore-some” choice! #punny #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

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  • Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!

    Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘👑 Princess VS Zombie 🧟 Minecraft Song 😸|| Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes🎵’, was uploaded by Purrfect Songs and Nursery Rhymes on 2024-03-03 13:00:27. It has garnered 77167 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:06 or 6606 seconds. 💖🎵😻 SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME 😻🎵💖 @PurrPurrKids Hey there, kids! 😻 Dance, sing and learn with Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes! Don’t forget to turn on the notification bell 🔔🔔🔔 00:00 Minecraft Song 02:30 I’m a Mummy Song 05:06 Police Officer Song 08:11 When Dad’s Away Song 10:52… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!

    Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15th Anniversary: Purple Heart And Tiktok Cape Unveiling! Day 3’, was uploaded by deepboye on 2024-05-18 04:58:48. It has garnered 285 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:31 or 19891 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA 🟢 Kick: 🟣 Twitch: 🐦 Twitter: 🎬 TikTok: 📺 Instagram: Facebook: How to get the Minecraft Twitch, Tiktok & 15th Anniversary Capes! #minecraft #minecraft15 #deepboye This stream is for solely fun purpose. RULES- BE NICE BE KIND ALWAYS BE HERE TO SUPPORT THE CONTENT AND STREAMS THAT WE DO… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don’t miss out!

    Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don't miss out!Video Information This video, titled ‘More Minecraft shenanigans with you guys’, was uploaded by CavemanFilms on 2024-05-23 06:24:12. It has garnered 2055 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:28 or 19888 seconds. Support me on kofi: if you’d like to help me by sending immediate donations that I’ll thank on stream! Want to play on the server? It’s 1.20.6 Java and the IP is over at Read More

  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

    "EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Server Surprises & Perfect Warden Mischief | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #minecraft #multiplayer #smp’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-06 14:00:13. It has garnered 152 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. 🎁 Server Surprises & Warden Mischief! | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #PrankRevenge #FroglightFarm 🚀✨#minecraft 🎉✨ Get ready for an action-packed rollercoaster in IgnitorSMP Season Three Episode Six! 🚀🔥 The episode kicks off with a trio of surprises from generous server members! Unwrap the mystery as I receive a fake diamond ore block, an unexpected gift of dazzling diamond… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecrafthumor #minecraftpe #mcpe #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Jakullaa gamerz on 2024-01-11 07:05:03. It has garnered 694 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. माइनक्राफ्ट फ्री shorts minecraft funny minecraft funny mods minecraft funny videos minecraft funny facts minecraft funny moments minecraft funny memes minecraft funny animation minecraft funny games minecraft story mode funny animation funny minecraft villager memes minecraft funny story minecraft funny videos cartoon minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny videos animation minecraft funny videos animated minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny moments shorts… Read More


    SHOODEX17 DESTROYS 4 OPPONENTS SINGLEHANDEDLY 💀 #freefirefeverVideo Information This video, titled ‘1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights’, was uploaded by SHOODEX17 on 2024-05-06 07:45:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!

    Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!Video Information This video, titled ‘shadow vs Steve & gigachad |#shorts | #whoisstrongest |#shadowfight2 |#minecraft |#memeverse |#edit’, was uploaded by Mark-[Classified] on 2024-04-20 15:10:34. It has garnered 1433 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. request@Scarledemon v#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#onepunchmanthestrongest#onepunchmanm1887gunskinreturn#opm#opmmanga#opmedit#anime#animeedit#animeshorts#shorts#short#edit#viral#viral_video#viralshorts#cosmicgarou#viralvideos#viralshort#garou#garouvssaitama#manga #one #saitama#cosmicgarouvsonepunchman#whoisstrongest #youtubeshorts#whoisstrongest#shorts#marvel#marvelcomics#nomarvelstudios#dc#dccomics#dceu#lucifer#beyonder#viralshorts#anime#edits#debate#marvelvsdc#preretconbeyonder#comics#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#opm#opmmanga #dc#dceu#dccomics#dceunews#dceuedits#dcuniverse#dcshorts#dcstudios#dcfandome#dccomic#dccomicsnews#viralshorts#viral#viralvideo#viralvideos#viral_video#viraledit#viraledit#viralstatus#viralpreset#saitama#saitamavsdc#saitamavslucifer#lucifer#comics #comiclucifer#lucifermorningstar#dclucifer#dedceu#dcstudios#dccinematicuniverse#dceuedits#dceushorts#dceuviral#viral_video#viral#viralshorts#viralvideo#viralpreset#viralstatus#viralvideos#viralreels#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#animeedits#shorts#short#shorts video#shortvideo #shortsfeed#shortsvidebate#anime#animeshorts#animedits#animeedit#animeamv#animes#whoisstrongest#marvel#marvelstudios#marvelcomics#marvelcinematicuniverse#marvellegends#marvellegends#marvelsavengers#marvelfuturefight#mcu#mcuedits#mcushorts#mcuvsdceu#mcuvsdc# marvelvsdc#marvelvsdceu#dc #dccomics#dcuniverse#os#video#videos#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#scp#scarletking#scpfoundation#scp001#scp3812#scp#scp682#scpedit#scpshorts#scpsecretlaboratory#whoisstrongest #shorts #short #saitama #saitamaedits #animeedits #animeedit #vs #debates #onepunchman #animeedits #vsbattle #whoisstronger #whoisstrongest #onepunchmanedit #animeshort #animeshorts #fyp #fypシ #foryourpage #youtubeshorts #opm #anime #vsdebates #edit #edits #shortvideo #scaling #powerscaling #powerscale #manga # animevideos #saitamaedits #youtube #recommended #mangaedit #animelover #saitamaedit #animevideos #animeshortedit #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortfeed #fiction #1v1 #1vs1 #collab… Read More

  • Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!

    Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation’, was uploaded by Foxy Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:22. It has garnered 5791 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation #minecraft #minecraftbattle #battleminecraft #minecraftmobbattle #minecraftbattlemobs #mobbattle #battlemobs 🔊 Music from video: All music taken from this playlist: Channel from which the music is taken: I am very grateful to this channel for providing copyright-free music. If you liked the video, then write about it in… Read More

  • Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraft

    Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-03-24 07:15:01. It has garnered 432 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts can baby zombie took her revenge for family? #shorts #minecraft,probability comparison,monster school animation,the builder,what happened on hermitcraft,monster school,builder is back,clash of clans town hall,clash of clans animation,this week on hermitcraft,clash of clans commercial,hermitcraft season 9 full recap,builder,clan wars,clash of clans,minecraft survival,hermitcraft season 9,minecraft let’s… Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update regularly to create a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts. Our world file is a massive 50 GB, offering plenty to see and explore. Datapacks We have a variety of datapacks installed for gameplay and crafting enhancements, including anti-grief measures, new crafting recipes, and more. Rules Don’t be a prick No Griefing or Theft No Exploiting Glitches No Use of Cheating Mods Respect the Shop System Join Us! If you’re interested in joining, join our Public Discord for the application process. Good luck! Read More

  • Nottorium Network

    Nottorium NetworkWelcome to Nottorium Network – Open Beta_0.0.1!Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft experience in version 1.20.4, with support from version 1.13+! At Nottorium Network, we are creating a world where creativity and adventure meet. Here, you will find a unique combination of features and systems designed to make your game exciting and challenging.Server Features:🔧 SlimeFun: Explore a new world of technological and magical possibilities with SlimeFun. Create advanced machines, magical items and more!🌍 SkyBlock: Build and expand your island in the sky. Challenge yourself with unique missions and goals, and show off your building and survival skills.💰 Hardcore Economy: Immerse… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Average Minecraft Server: A Dumpster Fire

    Looks like the creeper wasn’t the only thing exploding in that house! Read More

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme

    Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme “Trying to navigate through Ohio’s Nether portals in Minecraft is like trying to find your way out of a corn maze after dark – good luck and godspeed!” 😂🌽🔥 #OhioProblems #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More


    BECOME THE ALPHA WOLF'S LUCKY BLOCK FANGIRL NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA WOLF FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-10 17:00:03. It has garnered 12131 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!! Will Shad get away from his fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded Song

    Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Music Video)Kick the buddy Forever Alex Gets Grounded Song 2024’, was uploaded by TEFMVVM465 SpongebobDO NOT HAVE (Spongeomar) on 2024-03-22 17:43:21. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. You Want To Watch Minecraft Lore, Click On The Link:     • Minecraft Lore #TeamTEFMVVM465SpongeBobDONOTHAVE Credit To Anyone Who Owns This Content I Own Nothing. Credit to anyone who own their content in this video. Like,Subscribe,Hit The Bell And Comment! ————————————————————————————————————- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 2011, allowance is made for “fair… Read More

  • VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.

    VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.Video Information This video, titled ‘TÔI ĐÃ BỊ VENOM KIỂM SOÁT Tập 8 #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #venomvsspiderman’, was uploaded by Thích Xem Minecraft on 2024-05-26 04:45:01. It has garnered 6510 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Getting Started: The player starts the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man,… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-21 14:49:09. It has garnered 441 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java Edition

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴PUBLIC SMP | Java | Cracked | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7’, was uploaded by 1st Gaming on 2024-01-12 20:20:49. It has garnered 131 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:08 or 6188 seconds. #minecraftlive #minecraftnepal #minecraftshorts Discord- SERVER IP – ​java ip – pe ip – port- 25841 minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live,minecraft java edition,minecraft house,minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft video,minecraft techno gamerz,minecraft in hindi,minecraft hacks,chapati hindustani gamer minecraft,chapati and loggy minecraft,mythpat,live insaan,techno gamerz,beast boy shub,gaming,gameplay,livestream,gaming live stream,smp,live smp,minecraft hindi,gamerfleet,gokuldham,loggy,india,HEROBRINE,herobrine smp,SMP,UJJWAL,minecraft,minecraft stream ,minecraft smp live ,minecraft multiplayer ,smp for… Read More

  • MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon – Change Camera in One Click!

    MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon - Change Camera in One Click!Video Information This video, titled ‘F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click’, was uploaded by Not Ghost Playz on 2024-04-27 04:12:03. It has garnered 24 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click So in this video I gave F5 BUTTON MODfor Minecraft PE ◆ Download Link – • –»Also in Comment Section ✓ credits goes to their respective owners I’m not trying to steal any credits and add-ons developed by you… Ignore… Read More

  • Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can I Protect My Beacon In This DEADLY Event? #shorts’, was uploaded by Slord on 2024-03-03 07:47:00. It has garnered 10870 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. you can ask me about anything – packs, servers, my setup – i will respond join my discord! Minecraft, PvP, Funny, Memes, Combo, MMC, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh Jirz block hit I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or… Read More

  • INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!

    INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-02-13 04:36:30. It has garnered 336 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:17 or 4337 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody Story

    SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having A SCARY LIFE in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-24 15:57:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody … Read More