KMB & Moon Take on Minecraft 1.21- Java Edition 1.20.4 LIVE

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Hello hello hello everyone welcome all to the stream it is stream time we’ll be starting very soon um So the plan for today is just continuing with villagers um yeah we love villagers only we’ve been doing stuff with them for like so many streams now but all we

Need to do today is find the snowy tiger Village and that’ll be the last or well we’ve already found snowy tiger Village we want to find like a closer one so once we’ve done that then we pretty much have all the villages that we want um

And then um yeah we can actually start like doing enchanting um with the different villagers with their updated trades and stuff so soon we’ll have actual Enchanted Gear Well I already do with my chest plate but you know that was already Enchanted when I got it um

Anyways shall for the rest yes I am going to get into the game now yeah I just got in yes all right Minecraft rounds here we go all right oh bit of lag here loading in loading in all right hi oh that was lag sorry oh yeah yeah oh oh that was

Lag too sorry oh lag so much lag so much lag all right so I guess we immediately start with getting a phographer um I’m trying to get a map to a snowy tiger right yep is there another a coger I’m to plant sugarcane I why can’t you plant

Sugarcane on gravel come on oh my gosh I know oh the butcher is stuck okay well sck he stuck himself in his house what is the Cartographer house oh yeah do we have a cartographer cartographer house I thought it was like one of those I know

This I I know this Village thought the Cartographer house was like one of the twostory houses but um I guess not is it I thought I always thought so but I I don’t remember it’s one of the two hous I don’t remember oh no let’s see let’s

Look around all the houses and check Village we are breaking into these guys houses they deserve no privacy Village structure here oh you’re cheating you’re looking it up you’re looking oh I know which fun it is okay that’s one that’s not true that’s one wow that’s no

Fun cheater oh yeah I see the butcher stuck in his house I’m letting him out I’m letting him out oh he doesn’t still want to get out so um there’s that yeah no it was well here leave alone oh I found a librarian chilling librarian yeah I don’t where’s the entrance to this

House I’m so confused what where you what campfire oh wait did I I think I just found it oh no never mind what is this what is this house what the hell is this wait what wait wa wait wait let me try to find you what where are you

Um where are you in the village okay no I’m back at home okay come oh yeah here there come here I’m here oh I got I’m getting some lag sorry all right come this way and then come this way I think okay yeah what is this

House oh wait wait no not this house um no this is oh I think I went the wrong way oh this one this one one this one this what is this the one that that goes yeah I know what is this yeah I know hello gameplay welcome to the stream

Hope you’re doing good hi what is this house why is it like this this is not a savan village look this is the basement this is oh this is supposed to be a basement no but I mean this is the this is what what’s in they just put a torch

Mobs B spawn oh oh that oh you you didn’t place that torch they put oh my God yeah hey come on where’s the cob put by the cob thank you why why is this house like this why didn’t they just put it on the ground

Why does it have to be what is it this is not a savannah Village I know Al how is this how is this house even supported like oh my God this is so weird by the basement obviously and why is it backwards so why is the door on

The other side it’s called it’s a medium H oh no this is not this one what is this house this is the the wor I don’t even know this house this yeah what is this house I don’t understand I don’t even see why is two stories for no why is it one

Story elevated and I think is it is there a purple bed no it’s a blue bed which what is it what is there’s not even a workstation I don’t know this house it’s not even it’s not even on the there not even a workstation what is this house this is

The most cursed house I’ve ever seen because I thought it was one that you know has the basement here oh yeah oh oh it does oh it’s the one that has no it’s not wait what it have generated something oh it is oh my okay okay I

Know what it is this is this house a weir house that has the basement it’s in the ground yeah you don’t know this house that is just a weird basement house yeah yeah okay that’s what I thought that’s why there’s the stairs here but still why is the why is it like

This is a weird house why is the house like above and okay you know what whatever this is the house it’s a chimney house that’s what it is it’s a chimney house this is the house this is strange I have not seen the house before that must be rare oh

I’ve seen it so many times on Bedrock it spawns all the time really I guess I don’t pay attention much to it okay um yeah we need a cartographer but I planted all these sugar cane um kind of need more so oh look look look come back come back come back come on

There’s even a chest here wait chest in the basement yeah the this house is weird look the purple bed is here oh you found the rest of it oh I see yeah this is the house so there’s a why it in the ground like this it’s the basement yeah but a basement

Doesn’t have just dirt like covered in dirt this is a village not a ruin Village there’s a basement um oh what did you don’t burn oh the V are going to burn on that them there’s so many be sweet berry bushes around too oh yeah so um which

One’s the Cartographer house by the way is that one supposed to be oh I found the I don’t think there’s one I found the cleric house mushroom the mushroom yeah I know this is the church uh it has two pillars in the front Okay of like

Spruce like this like very close to each other next to the door that there two pillars and it’s a tall house oh it’s so okay I see so do we have one of those this I don’t think we do hey salmon YT welcome to the stream my

Hard drive is nearly dead that’s you should get a new one wait I think I might have found it oh no it’s just a regular house the spruce sign in it oh yeah it’s a tall house I forgot about that too so right now we’re trying to find a

Cartographer house here else we have to make a cartography table um is this it’s very tall very slim with with two have two stories two fours okay well it looks like it does I don’t think it does inside though oh okay so is it like similar to the blacksmith house but um

No no it’s taller I sent it to you oh you sent it okay let me check I’m getting new pc but it’s still a couple weeks so I don’t know if I have enough to get my file keep crashing o that sucks okay let me see what you sent me

Oh yes that house I see both are the Cartographer houses yes the first one I know the first one oh no the first one’s the basement house right the second one is the Cartographer house okay I oh I don’t think we have a cartographer house here no cartographer

No we don’t in the middle either so um so yeah I guess we wait for this my my cem is gone oh sorry should be back now um yep so I guess we wait for the sugarcane to grow that’s it uh yeah I don’t have any man we

Really keep running I have I have sugar cane you have like a stack oh perfect okay perfect perfect then you can make the cartography table don’t trade it I think we should keep it for planting you can plant more of it here yeah but take three for the craphy table yeah

Sure all right cryptography table made guess I’ll just put it next to the Shane why not yeah I love this Village they have like a little beach here this this is a big Village this is a like a really big the old growth tiger it’s a they have the

Lake it’s a super nice Village yeah yeah this is like a very like like expanded Village like it’s it’s most of the village that you’re going to get right like it’s pretty big it goes stretches across pretty well and also it doesn’t have too many terrain problems either there other than that

Basement house cool I I like it yep Oh I think we got a cartographer why are you going on the roof of the house dude just why okay so we need paper oh I have Emerald I can I can trade the emerald with him okay wait first actually let’s get a Fletching

Table down as well we’ll probably need more actually I might be able to trade all my emeralds with them let’s see hi Agro hey Agro welcome to the stream are you guys said that you won’t get armor till 2024 I don’t mind the trails and tales added a lot anyways I

Am I still have to do so much with that update I know though some people don’t care really so much for the feature and tals so so um I get people wanting the new feature straight away but um you technically can if you just take the risk of having experiments applied on

The world you could always start just a new world and just play with the features like we are doing right um but um yeah I don’t mind too much I’m a little bit sad that we won’t get the crafter until 2024 cuz that feature I really love but it’s fine yes I I

Already know everywhere that I’m going to put it in my worm I know same hey and you could use it with the armadillo to make a brushing like station too you know like you know cuz the brushes um take a lot of durability by the way I

Saw um so someone reported it as a bug the AR the brush using a lot of durability and it was marked as working as intended so it isn’t uses um oh yeah but is in a snapshot yeah but in the blog post they said that

In it was going to be in Oh you mean you mean it’s not we’re not going to AR for CH okay okay I I have I have a theory that it’s just coming next week because next week in Europe we people are still working and also in the in the in the

Post they say that it’s coming to preview and snapchot over the like that you can work you can play with it over preview and snapshot over the holidays so for me it’s still planned to come in snapshot before the holidays which is which mean that we would get it next week um

Chras break are they I I don’t think they are well we don’t know we don’t know for sure they they haven’t said so we can’t really assume no um anyways even if we have to wait till 24 2024 that’s just like a couple weeks away or

Like I guess a month away since they also have break in January um but like that’s not that long way I thought you meant for the full update to come out like that’s obviously a long way but waiting till January it’s not that long to wait to be honest someone is working

Over the time then what do you mean it’s not holidays here we we don’t know how they exactly exactly and um said we on holiday companies don’t usually give out just to vacation days just like that you know devs have to actually or employees have to actually save them up and stuff

Like that on on Bedrock you can see they’ve been putting out um previews like they put out a preview uh this uh yeah this week right so um they’re still working and also we checked and it has happened a couple times last time was in

117 that it w that in week 51 we got us snapshots yep for 117 we’re going to snapshot the Cartographer has disappeared I put down the table and I saw the Cartographer now he’s gone I’ve been just running around the village trying to look for this is massive right

God he’s probably linked to a bed that’s like super far away y he might have yeah there lot of um wait I might have found them yeah there have so many places they can fall and stuff nope not him where is this dude you just have to wait for him

At the yeah I know but he I feel like he should have come come back there by now so want to look for him far away I don’t know I guess the build are just still talking with each other come on guys get back to work goodness me yeah it’s not

Time yet all right I guess we wait oh he’s working right now of course he is now that I went to look for him see you’re just to impatience all right I’m going to just use up all my emeralds I guess to buy the maps this the last map we need

And of course I need 14 more emeralds or maybe even 21 okay so we’ll need a je I have I have hay bars to sell is there a farmer if I don’t know there’s a farmer I haven’t seen a farm which isting with a village this size also I’m going to

Remove all the sweet berries that you see oh yeah sure um so how do you make a composter again slabs right so just slabs slabs yeah yeah okay got it can um Can the farmer um buy pumpkins early on as well or no no okay second

Trade I see well hopefully the hay bills can get him to Second trade we can get the pumpkins to them too right yeah so make sure he he buys did you see about the aspects update can I have not been following it too much much but i’ I I’ve

Been seeing you know some new features and stuff I I still am using like an out old version of aspects um cuz I I don’t really mind too much um I I personally just use it for the HUD stuff that’s about it I I I don’t actually use it for

Much else I I only really care about the HUD because I think the HUD is much better on Java than this on Bedrock there’s new chat coming soon yeah yeah I saw they uh Bove the chat which I’m not sure I kind of like because uh I’m used to it

Better Ro chat now you know I’m used to that but you know I might play around with it I’ll see may maybe like when the next like I don’t know like that rock update drops I’ll do it okay we have a farmer buying wheat perfect how many H bels you have 16

Okay I’m full though come here dude hey okay um new level jav Hut is in the next update 12060 nice here get eight emeralds oh I think I need I’m going to get them pumpkins here oh is he buying pumpkins sweet yeah yeah that’s not everyone so yeah yeah that’s

Pretty good um I just need one I just need two more emeralds that’s it well yeah but you know yeah in case we need another choreographer then I’d say we set how many is it per level of how many pumpkin is it six so you need uh okay

You just yeah 12 I guess you need 12 12 I got that’s good perfect um yeah you know if if this cartographer doesn’t give a snowy Target then we set up a flashing table and just trade sticks yeah hopefully though we get it it’s going to be in base

Game um yeah I’m confused they didn’t add anything from java HUD they just uh they added the HUD command but um okay and level up let’s see please please dude please make our life easy swamp and snowy Village both perfect oh we need a compass [ __ ] we there’s a librar on here oh yeah but do in the compass like at the oh no I have compasses I have still two I have still two let’s go okay okay give me give me oh wait I need a few moreal need I need um three more I need three more

Emeralds to buy the snowy Village map three okay I’m okay I’m going to sell some more hay BS not going to be much but can you not get more pumpkins here here no I got them around the village already I see okay perfect snowy Village map acquired okay I’m going to duplicate

This duplicate are you duping stuff I am I am so duping stuff I I really like on on um Java the cartography table actually shows the map in the table when you D like you know when you put it in I’m better I could just play why do I have three stacks of

Bones why do you have three stacks of Bones I know right also there’s a map on the ground thank you getting it full grab the we should grab the sugarcane too yeah yeah yeah yeah obviously do you have uh do you have iron on you how much do you

Need no I I want to give it to you oh yeah um I I can take three more iron inot okay perfect I have three perfect do you have gold yes me can you take one yeah yeah perfect if you have emeralds too I can take them

No though I can take that how much oh like seven I think it should be enough I’ll just get up to a stack from here okay all right I guess one sugar left for them oh you you leave one okay we leave one I’m leaving one don’t

Worry I’m going to litter littering oh I love it’s like a igloo yes yes it’s very cool oh I have that oh you have slabs not the planks oh the SL I have planks okay okay um all right shall we head off for the snowy village now yes they made it more

Opaque like Java that’s in the current version I think 12050 the hot bar right being opaque I I’m pretty sure the full he isn’t on Bedrock but um like the updated hot bar opacity that’s that’s already in Bedrock I think okay so we have to go Southeast this

Way all right hopefully this isn’t too far that was 6 yeah I thought they made the change to 50 I thought I noticed it already with 50 I don’t know you can check the um the change logs again or you can open up Bedrock right now and see for

Yourself anyways it’s a pretty nice change plus Bedrock still has the setting where you can change the um bar you can change the Hut opacity which Java doesn’t have Java can’t let you change the Hut opacity that rock lets you do it though it’s pretty nice of Bedrock um it’s the

Hut opacity when you change it if you lower it then um like it’s that opacity but when you like interact with anything on the HUD it like puts it back to full opacity for a little while and then goes back when it’s idle so like it only goes

Down to low opacity when it’s idle yeah is pretty cool so you don’t have to notice it if you’re not using it but you know once you like switch it slot in the hot bar then it um goes back to like the full up I think at least 80% or something I don’t

Know uh oh there’s water flowing down oh no you’re going to break everything well I I I I destroyed the water but I thought you were still on the tree so I left the water down there for you well yeah sure I you never leave

The water for me and the only time I’m not here you’re leaving the water y this is great you never oh my gosh I cannot believe this I wish you had off hand slot UI I wish too that would that would be nice to you know uh it’s not super useful on Bedrock

But uh for seeing your Shields durability it’s very useful we on the map uh no we’re big big big dot let’s go not yet on the map but King B dot king B dot oh no we’re going to ples there’s a PLS Village oh of course oh my God death Strider with

Swimming on jav Java without death Strider is so hard yep it is on Bedrock really it’s fine on Java it’s especially since you can’t Sprint at the surface of the water yeah that’s the thing right it’s just H oh I think you’re stuck I did I

Think yeah trying to path find and not seeing that he can go around whatever his problem yep all right shall I continue uh yeah I wanted to check the chest there’s no well there’s no there’s no what is up with this middle part oh my God the cave right underneath the the well

Yep H yes let’s build our well floating yep because why not man a lot of these villagers don’t have chops get jobs guys get a job the cave yep okay ready yep all right behind you R portal uh I think there is an enchanted golden apple oh there’s pretty there’s a

Cave as well oh freak need to go around big Ravine wow I really like in these big caves you can get these pillars of just random terrain there yes I love it not sure how like why why they did that but it it looks pretty cool I

Think I think it’s more of an EP maybe it’s like like simulate stalagmites or something I don’t know like big giant stag MIT I don’t know golden apple plus golden carrots Ah that’s close oh my God okay one day you have to test my my pack of like the

Sound and walk on like Netherrack so your yours makes it Lou yours makes it louder right yeah it just makes louder but you hear sound that you don’t usually like hear that intens Netherrack is so intense oh wow I like it it’s like it’s weird it’s squishy but hard at the

Same time it’s like yeah yeah try it sometime yeah oh we got some interesting terrain over there yep okay this calls for boat well unless I’m lagging there we go oh jeez the lag okay I got sent back yeah we were not going to just walk in this water that would have been

Painful yep what is this monolith oh that’s floating I thought thatv as well I thought that was attached to the think what it’s a layer of stone with gravel on top yeah when swep the gral Hills here yeah teeny tiny biome and and this looks like a mon that is pretty cool yeah

Interesting but we’re definitely going to be getting into snowy ter is that what is oh is that more cursed terrain over there what the hell please tell me to attach the ground okay that looks like like alien terrain right there like it it’s like a from a different planet or something yeah

Uh where did you go I kind of lost you I don’t know how since we’re in I’m behind I’m behind you I stopped oh yeah I see I see no I have to travor St a wait I’m slow I’m going to get a screenshot of this terrain pretty crazy Realms are bugged

At a cursed Village oh that’s inter I think that’s just bug Rock maybe yeah I mean V well there’s also a BG right now where villagers can link to the same block that’s not just round thing sorry for the I’m still I’m still saying that my my worst Village was the

The one that I found that was just empty that was a big Plains village with no villager in oh yeah yeah they just forgot to they just failed to generate I guess they fail they they forgot to exist they just forgot to exist yeah it was a big Plains Village and like

Nothing was they didn’t die nothing cats weren’t spawning because you know it was not counting as a village the Golem didn’t spawn the animals didn’t you remember when I found the a village in my 117 snapshell world where it’s just paths not even houses yeah I mean that’s

When that’s the same thing as when you find only like the one like three by six block of like a m Shaft or something yeah right oh look at this this is pretty yes also s white is talking about Java RS for cursed Village oh interesting so

Java I mean I guess that’s just Minecraft then does Java do anything oh we’re getting Snowy yep what is the what is the term for buggy Java you know there’s bug Rock and then there’s you just jumps oh my go I did what is the term for buggy Java is

It like you know there’s bug Rock for Bedrock Java ja Java just Java just Java at this point it’s just Minecraft Minecraft bug craft back craft ice the same thing on um play into was fine interesting wait do you want ice poat since we have to go East behind you oh yeah yeah

Yeah juny Java janky Java janky Java there we go nice woo e ice Spight and we’re getting on the map oh we on the map let’s go Oh by it would be really cool if a snowy villagers could go generate ice spikes imagine seeing like look at the

Mess imagine the mess it would be like imagine houses around each of the spikes or houses being impaled by the spikes oh my God like around the spikes like between them but like yeah also Imagine like just houses getting destroyed by the spikes like as if the spikes

Impal the houses y oh on that same seed that I was talking about about the the empty Village I found the ice Spike village with literally a Pillager Tower in the middle of the village oh wow I was like yep I’m not going there to like oh I see the village I’m not

Going there because if I go there I’m going to like generate the the Viller you know so they’re going to all die because literally pag in the village and and yep but literally inside janky Java yes say I said that nice of course oh this Igloo is

Floating wait is this an iglo or a villager house well it’s a igloo house okay okay yeah this one’s floating as well what is with the cursed terrain huh jeez man not even villagers in here nope oh cat in the water no oh my gosh oh floating snow too oh my

Goodness oh oh no it’s come here come behind wait wait turn around come here there there’s like floating snow look the house yeah I saw I saw the snow layers snow layers because it’s in the the generation like in the yeah yeah but like it doesn’t have block it didn’t

Like the structure doesn’t have blocks under the snow layers you just put Snow layers as the base yep I’m useful once once every once in a while oh you areful all the time I grow there’s a farm here Fletching table here Fletcher all right so here we are the last Village we needed

So okay so the plan was kind of enchant our armor as we go right um now we can’t do that because because we need to have all the books to combine in the right way because and are annoying well but but we can still like enchant along the way right like

Um where if we need to get no because it would be one book in it would be one book at a time no but for like books like Unbreaking to we’d combine them and then put them on our armor right or put them with another book yeah but that’s

The thing you’re going to you need to combine books with books yeah yeah yeah I’m not saying I know I know we do it still in the efficient way but um we’d follow the say we buy everything we buy everything but we don’t have the space

To like keep all the books separate we have to do some com it’s Dragon time we’d have to no we can’t we have I we we can just we can combine along the way can we not combine along the way no there’s no way we got to hit the we’re

Going to hit the the C but we follow the the the guy to oh no no no put there with kid with the cup and a bed yeah yeah um but if you follow like the guide like you know like an enchant yeah but you need to combine

Book with books and stuff we’re going to have to go back and forth and everything well we can keep we can go go in the order of the books we need to combine like yeah we have to go back and for B the order of the books we need to

Combine is not the same as the village yeah I know we’d have to go back and forth but um that’s what I’m saying but we don’t have the inventory space otherwise it’s for our inventory that’s why we need sh boxes I don’t want to you need to link

Everything by the nether I don’t want to go to the end just yet only at the end you know at the very end the actual end in like six month yeah that that’s how we do things here how would we end this how would we end otherwise I’m sorry I’m sorry but uh

On top of the villages mm um I I want sweet snake I’m sorry but I I I I I miss that would be pretty nice too we can we we have an ancient city yeah we can definitely find yeah we have one yeah we have one yep yeah so I’m not making my

Pants before I have my Swift can we not just add Swift snake on top oh yeah I guess we’d have to combine it with books oh wait my dad is calling Dad I’m busy yeah yeah if you need to go it’s fine just uh no no it’s fine I’m yeah okay um

I I I mean it’s not that bad to cop around all the villages like we can do that I mean well like agroing would be at least good to Blink them I I I think so too but it I don’t know I think it would just be

Faster to do all the you know because we’re only going to enchant once really right like it’s not like we’re going to come back to these VES afterwards especially once we put mending on our yeah but we’re going to have to go back and forth because of of yeah but he’s

Going to take so long to set up the nether links and then in that time we could have just been going around the Villages anyways right it’s not long to set up the the villagers because it’s it’s eight times faster to just dig and it’s Netherrack I guess but it’s just going

To be so I mean I I prefer if we just go around all the villes it shouldn’t be that bad I think you should be okay okay so you know your order you’ve done everything if we wanted to do this we could just use the enchanting table we

Would not go through these villagers at all yeah but your homework right what you know everything you’ve done your homeworks you know everything that you want to put on your thing the order and everything right you’re ready okay okay well we still have to do that s yeah exactly

Well that’s not going to take that long we can just pull it up right now and and do it first we need to get back home though so we know where to go first but well first of all we need to set up the villagers I I’m those do that we did

Today we don’t have the Lian yeah that’s true we need to do that too um you know what I hope for you that there’s a there’s a library here oh we didn’t grab any of the book shells from back there we could I mean okay we could go back

Home and then set up the villagers no no no no no there there booksh in the last Village in the tiger okay I do have the tiger map still with me so I do yeah so we can go back there there’s no there’s really no Lian

Here I don’t think so oh my gosh I mean we could also go back home and then like um as we go around the Villages set them up as you know as we come come across them oh my God but you don’t have your stuff ready what stuff you oh my gosh

The order and everything well yeah but like what I’m saying we get the we get the order we we set that up before we go and then as we go through it we set up the villagers that we need and get the enchantments that we need

Like on the way like as we go through Moon cam is gone sorry I don’t know why oh it’s cuz I open the tab in Chrome every time I open Chrome it does that sorry guys you guys have to let me know each time the moon C disappears I I

Don’t notice it on the stream right away I thought about doing a seed search for the perfect SE where every village SL biome as close together as possible uh you don’t even need to technically find every village as close as possible you could set up your own um

Village too right using SEC you need have a biome close right yeah you could at least have the biome close although you could also just transport the villagers once you find all the biomes even if they’re far away but yeah I guess to minimize effort and like that

You need to put in is find all the villagers closest to each other right y Pro probably someone will find a seed like that unfortunately though it’ll be different on bedrock and Java the biomes will be the same but the villagers will not unfortunately so we have to find

Bedrock specific seats for that moving my world my flash drive now well good luck good luck um okay so what do you think about my idea we go back home we uh get the enchant like plan out the enchantments we want on our stuff get the order and then we

Um and then we as we we go through the order and you know we go through the villages that we need and if we need to set up Librarians we we do that as we come across the villages and buy the books as we need or would you prefer we set up nether

Links what do you think I don’t know well I I I prefer if we uh just you know go go through the villages but I’m not super opposed to the nether links if you want to do the nether links we can do that it’s just this going to be a digging stream

Then what are you doing I mean I can since we’re going to have the same yeah the benefit with the nether links is if we ever need to get more of the books then you know we can go back right um very quickly it’s just setting it up

Is going to take quite a while so I’m not opposed to that but it is going to make it for a digging stream today and probably next stream too since the swamp and the jungle are pretty far away my PC arrives on December 24th going to go now all right

Simon YT thanks for stopping by see um do you want to do nether links time no you can’t go back home it’s fine okay let’s yeah we’ll have to go back home anyways to if we want to set up the ne nether links so well I guess we don’t

Have to but we can set up another portal here but I don’t have any obsidian so I can go it’s fine no we should go back home together what we can go back home together yeah yeah yeah yeah what are you doing oh okay just pumpkin there okay okay it back home yeah

Okay I made a copy of the snowy Village map and gave it to you right I don’t remember yes okay all right back oh my God po Bears I don’t even look at you leave me alone yep all right so back home at is then so just toward 0 I

Guess all right uh I’m by the village uh like Bell area you want to meet there so we can start I’m behind you are you ah there you are I don’t think that’s the way we have to go right oh no it is it is it

Is I know where I’m going I I I I thought I never mind oh my God cat you’re going to die here you’re going to get stuck underneath the block I know you you cat yeah yeah leave thank you you do the Cat perfectly thanks

All right back to home so it’s this way but more this way yeah yeah I could pull up exact coordinates but I think we should just be able to find our home once we get closer right so oh yeah right you know how to what

Find your yeah wait what I know you very well you’re going to definitely be able to find a way oh there’s more ice bike on the other side yeah it’s just a tiny bit there’s a microbiome of Ice Bike there yeah it’s probably left over from this ice spikes over here yep pretty

Cool careful Ravine not really it’s fine I cannot wait for the next update because that means that I can explore a new ring 121 or this going to bit bigger yep I see yeah yeah I’m surprised you’re uh exploring your world in rings cuz it’s just going

To keep getting bigger and bigger yep you may like split up the ring so it’s like half the ring or something well you’ll definitely find at some point I do like got just just bottom just side just each side and stuffff yeah yeah but yeah you’ll

Definitely find all the um new stuff you do the full ring oh yeah I know if you don’t that’d be like wow moonl gone right there I know right hello polar bear polar bears have a big butt don’t they jeez they have humongous butts literally they have like the biggest of

Course you see that I always know they have such fat thoughts it’s so fat oh my God can we stop the the the ass man is back Forest you know how I told you already like I don’t really like the color of the PLS like the ground and stuff you in

The forest I tried wait is it the in the pl oh okay okay yeah and I tried to change the color of the PLS to Forest yeah didn’t you tell me you using a resource pack right or yeah yeah and I don’t like it yeah it’s too green I

Think it’s cuz you’re us it would be nice if I plant trees I think yeah it’s you’re used to it seeing it with trees so it looks weird right yes yeah yeah it’s like like an empty Forest so yeah just do that and then plant trees in the

Plants and then it’s fine yeah but I to do that to all the planes that I see right it’s not just one is there any other biome that that’s like flat not many trees that you like the grass color of or I mean I guess you can set it to

Whatever grass color you want it doesn’t even have to be an existing biome yeah yeah yeah but no I I mean I could try to find a tiny bit more also because my main monitor on which I play Minecraft yeah I always have the the NightLight on so my my PC is

Always like like more warm and yellow I see I have that on my phone as well and I would put on my phone but it lags my phone which is annoying it didn’t used to what I would put that on my phone too but it lags my

Phone lag yeah it didn’t used to but now it does yeah unfortunately what you how is this how is that okay whatever I don’t know where are you um you disappeared into the forest for me I’m at like 1100 1200 well I’m I’m here as

Well I don’t see you 1100 1200 is where you are pretty much so I pretty much oh I see I see you’re like above me no stop moving oh there you are all right po time good boat time I am very excited to see what the next 1.21 feature we’re going to get

Yeah look at this there’s a tiny bit of tiger on the B of the for there’s one tree oh yeah like Blends into the forest there yep I’m very excited to see what the next 1.21 feature really same I have a feeling they have big stuff planned like very like useful

Stuff I guess maybe not big stuff like I don’t think it’s going to be a brand new dimension or anything you know that’s probably what people are wanting but I think some really useful stuff like more like in line with the crafter stuff like that the stuff they can you know not to

Be cynical but like you know stuff they can easily implement but still being very useful for people yeah yeah like the crafter I mean the crafter probably wasn’t easy to implement but it’s like just a block rather than like whole like biome or something like that right

Although I do you now like wow I do I do think though they have a biome plan I like every update they’ve added a biome pretty much like like the only update recently I guess that they didn’t add a biome was um 117 right or no 117 they

Technically did but it they were unused the L Cas said dripstone caves they were unused but um 11 17 didn’t really also it’s it’s a special update because it was cut in half this is if you count caves and if I then the last update that

Didn’t added by him was bubs I think um yeah that’s what I about to say 15 and then before that it was World of Color I think that didn’t add new biome because uh pill and pillage added the bamboo jungle so yep um yeah so I think they’re they have

A new biome plant um but uh I kind of hope it I don’t know the my I I I prefer if they updated the existing biomes rather than adding new ones like the new ones are are nice and all but I like new biomes it’s fun but I

Would much rather have like the the Oram get updated for sure yeah just not a big update right I I don’t mind you m getting but I don’t think every update should oh that’s the massive portal yeah massive portal I’m still looking for one in my world

Massive portal I think I found a few in my world um I a few in other world but not in my world yeah me because I have a project plan for it oh like it or something yeah yeah and I want to like expand the Netherrack and everything

Like I want to do something you know like more like corruption stuff I I want to use it you can make it like the Minecraft Legends to you could try to make it like the Minecraft Legends NE portal build a piglin base around that I don’t although you’d have zombified piglins there

But you could do it on the nether side too I don’t know yeah yeah yeah so yeah I would definitely be doing on the ne side but I don’t want to build the overw side as you be cool like you know finding a Bastion in the nether making

That like you know restoring that to be like piglin base right and then doing a ruin portal not big Legend style portal in the Overworld yeah yeah also I lost you again oh no there you are yeah here here I was taking care of a forest fire yeah

There’s a lot of things you portals as well a lot of things you can do yeah yeah yeah but yeah anyway I absolutely love R portals and I’m pretty sure mhm that all except no all my portals that link to something are R portals are R portals oh nice nice the

Only one that wasn’t was the was the the Gan Farm but I had to remove it because you know it’s a portal farm so I don’t count the the portal the farm portals right like the portal that I use travel or in the other I prefer the portals to

Be like kind of where I want to put them but uh I do still like activate Ru portals lucky to find some clothes I have one at spawn literally have one at spawn anyways I I activate the my all the Run portals find in my world um so

That whenever I create a portal on another side then it’ll find a own portal on the other side and I like I like what they that you do that it’s cool yes yeah I have like and I think I have over a 100 drone portals in my world that I’ve activated yeah

It’s pretty cool so in 160 I explored so much in my world well actually I did like half those chunks after 118 drop but some a bunch of room portals are probably lost now but whatever isn’t our base like 400 minus 600 or something yeah we’re kind of

Going towards like z z i can go up the exact Court in a minute here yeah we should go 600 minus 400 you said other way I I know that the the the Y is in the the Z is in the negative okay so we should go positive X so we

Should know go north now okay I’m pretty sure it’s it’s either 400 – 600 or 600 – 400 I think 600 no I think it’s 600 – 400 oh yeah I think the other way we’re going to see yeah I guess race race you to whichever coordin

Think it’s good and then neither of us find the the face like ah [ __ ] It’s actually like Bill billion minus 5 million or something yeah oh my gosh we just are so forgetful we just completely forgot that our village is actually in the farlands or our base is in the farlands I

Wish all right so you’re going to 400 – 600 I’m going to 600 – 400 yep okay yep let’s see I think I know where I am I see I know where I am I see well I guess you’ll find the base then uh but yeah uh back to what we were

Saying about new biomes I I I I like when they add new biomes like every now and then but I don’t think they should do every update I I think kind of like also anyways like with the updates they’re doing they’re kind of adding brand new stuff every update I I feel

Like they should go less frequent on that I mean Archaeology is cool enough but you know I guess it was a promised feature from uh caves and close but like you know some like this like the I know the trial are cool but it is kind of

Adding a whole new structure when like some other structures could be improved as well right yeah but I think they don’t want to touch too much the old structures I I know but like I think that’s what they will change they will update but I think structure that they prefer M

Yeah but the nether update didn’t change the structure the nether fortress right so and I I’ve seen like Ura and everything like told said that like they don’t want to change the all structures pretty much I guess to kind of you know cuz it’s kind of part of the game like you know

Part the history of the of the game and also yeah the history um also it might not even be worth like updating them CU like you update them but like people are just going to notice at one time and then it’s like okay that’s it it’s not even that useful it’s

Just kind of like an aesthetic change unless you had more rooms I guess but like even if you had more rooms it’s like you have to refine those structures again and you have to yeah go through them and then you might not even be that

Work oh hey I see you I’m right behind you hello to- 600 where are you going um honestly I don’t know I was just kind of talking so I kind of lost track come with me then whatever I’m going towards positive X actually 600 come here yeah I recognize this ocean

Actually so I think this the way you’re going is is the right way we just have to go across this ocean and then we’re back home yeah so yeah I guess it is for 400- 600 I I told you I’m not sure that it is though is

That not that way no that’s not no it’s not is it 600- 400 maybe maybe it is oh is it wait is no no that’s not wait is that our no that’s not wait I think this I I think our base is uh East yep it is it is uh

Yeah we didn’t need to go on this ocean we just needed to go East okay so the way I was going was was right okay y I see perfect justtin have you noticed every time we come back home the Sun is setting and it becomes night like we

Like arrive right when ites oh my gosh I’m stuck yeah I don’t why J boats I’ve not even seen a book report for that oh your Bo is at the bottom of the water of course yeah I don’t have this bug in single player yeah it’s a multiplayer issue I

Think actually no I’ve had it in single player too I know you said you told me that but I use BS of the time and I never had it on on yeah I don’t know it’s weird then so maybe it comes from you that’s why my issue all right cool we’re back

Home hi doggie also we kind of need to expand our storage a bit it’s uh getting a bit uh tight with all that stuff we have but you know the house is kind of small so I don’t know maybe you’d have to dig down further I guess for now I can um put

Store for the sugarcane I could just make it Barrel next to the sugarcane why is my wolf crawling at me probably me he punched me earlier than you where is he is he in the tree oh my God you’re on top of the bamboo oh my god dog what

What he tped on top of the bamboo oh go oh my God you you stupid dog dog okay you got to get how am I going to do that no you have to get down so it teleports down oh you’re just breaking the bamboo oh

Gosh this is too funny to watch this is so funny I can land on the Beehive this is so funny oh he just okay he didn’t take fall damage from there that’s good by what um what do you think about the wolf armer being enchantable I think what wool farmer being enchantable I

Know a lot of people been ask about that yeah it would be nice but with what like uh protection you know the the regular armor enchantments no I want slow falling you like feather falling just see them Glide oh well you could just splash po yeah potion FEA slow falling

On them but yeah yeah okay so tiger snowing and you can put your maps in the the chest as well so okay so the I I separated them by the way the the top maps are the actual ones the bottom maps are just kind of there so the top yeah okay so I

Say so we need maps for the planes and the desert we can just make our own Maps there right so we have empty Maps we have a bunch of empty Maps so all right so first we should plan out what the enchantments we want to get are so we can get the

Order of course it’s raining of course where’s my hoe get your hoe where’s my hoe ho wait yeah where is your ho ho wa do you remember where you put it oh you got it got it okay cool I was worried you lost it that was not losing my hoe that’s

What I thought but you know start to get a little worried I was like no how did you lose the hoe can’t lose the hoe okay so let let me see enchantments so okay I think s sent me that um enchantment calculator right or it was on your server I think

The one where you can select the custom books as well right I have to find it oh gosh how do I I don’t remember it is you can maybe check Z sent link has link okay yeah yep ah found it I think this is it or

Wait this might be the one that doesn’t let you put specific stuff they go under the tree oh no no this is the one I think I think this is the one there you go sent it over to you actually I’ll put it in the

Um I’m going to put it in the Stream chat as well I’ll put it in the um that you probably heard me just talk then sorry about that what I opened the stream on my to put in the Stream chat the link oh I did not and it probably you probably heard

The uh my the stream from there no I did not really it might be delayed a bit oh also the your cam is gone again but uh I think while the um while I have Chrome open your cam will be gone for a little bit okay so there I just put the link

To the um enchantment calculator if anybody else wants to see it okay so I think your cam should be back now yeah uh can you send it to me in DMS because somehow my YouTube doesn’t show links okay okay okay oh really is it not showing in the chat it doesn’t show

Links or uh people’s name when they get tagged it’s been six months I don’t understand what’s the issue oh maybe it’s a 7 TV issue I don’t know yeah okay so yeah the moon Cam’s going to have to disappear for a little bit because um yeah for some reason while I

Have Chrome open that the cam doesn’t show um so I but I guess I can start um like planning out the enchantments that we want on the thing so let’s say helmet okay let’s save for my chest plate cuz I already have enchantments in my chest plate

So it already has protection three and it has what is it Unbreaking three and then yeah you can do your own stuff as well prior penalty so I think mine has zero right I don’t think I put anything on it okay so um if I want protection four

So with it uh protection three is the max enchant you can get from the villagers right for mending and then Unbreaking three then and we get Unbreaking two from the jungle villagers right yes item on left don’t have enough enchantment levels what do I have to include a mending book too

See mending where’s vending vending okay here we go costs 17 levels jeez already with a chest plate enchanted with protection Unbreaking gosh oh right I already have Unbreaking I’m dumb so I don’t need to include the Unbreaking books what how do on how to use that so do the advanced combination search do

You see that yes uh and then you put the input items so all the items that you have so like you put in each enchanted book you’re going to use and each of the armor pieces you’re going to use and then you want to put the output condition what the max Enchanted item

You have and then it’ll show the combination of stuff you want to do so say for example you want enchant a chest plate um you put the chest plate unenchanted on the left side and then you include the enchanted books for each of the enchantments but for like enchantment

Like Unbreaking and protection you put multiple books of um protection 3 and two and then you put on the right side what the max enchant you want is which is protection four mending one yeah yeah I see it okay seven that’s more like seven levels to get protection for mending and

Unbreaking three so I put for my chest plate okay so I should um I guess bookmark this in a separate folder can wait can you save it oh you can save it oh it save saves it um as a PNG awesome oh why is it like this

Though it it saves it as a PNG so it’s transparent like with the but the text is black why does it sa as a PNG oh okay you can save the result search results on image then reload it by dragging the image onto the page okay I see how do

You how do you go about the the item on the left don’t have enough entrance um did you include The Mending book you have to include The Mending book too oh yeah missing mending um I see see sh by the way it’s really annoying that I can’t have your cam open while um

I’m on yeah why are they also why are they not in alphabetical order oh the enchantments yeah that’s annoying too okay so for my chest plate I need to put protection three and then just bending so just simple adding enchantments to it okay be a cost of Seven Levels

Total okay next up is I guess leggings leggings I don’t have any enchantments right no how much how much do this cost for you seven levels for my chest plate cuz I already have protection three on breaking three on my chest plate how much is it for you and

Before that you tried right do you remember what they was saying before what oh before putting that before I had 17 because I put Unbreaking three twice on there like I I I already had Unbreaking three on my chest plate it tells me 22 well you don’t have anything on your chest plate

Right that might make sense oh you were doing with that okay yeah my my chest Plate’s already Enchanted so well we have a chest plate with Unbreaking two already oh definitely use that then yeah uh so how do I remove an item um so you have to just remove the one of the

Unbreaking two books and put Unbreaking two on the chest plate on the left side yeah no but nothing make sure to on the chest plate you put that it has Unbreaking to already yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m doing that I’m doing that okay right I’m

Going to it’s 19 yep yeah it’s going to be like that um make sure to save it so it’ll download as an image you can just save it and you can reload it on the page later okay so now I’m going to do my leggings so leggings I want

Protection and four mending one Unbreaking 3 and Swift snake 3 I guess we include Swift snake in this so leggings no no enchantments so if I take out the enchanted books does it like still search yeah you need to have three items on left okay yeah so you have to yeah

This is the advanced combination search where you need to have each of the items on the left side as well M so what do I want second I think I’d like a good pick oh yeah that would be nice I guess I’m just doing all of them so we we want

To do all these at I’m TR your thing okay so I don’t even know if we’ll have if we go through the builders I don’t even know if we we’ll have the inventory to do all of the he the gear at oh we don’t that’s that’s my nether tunnels

Would be nice that is true yeah do we need to okay let let hear me out do you want me to do the tools and do the the the armor because we we doing it the work twice right now um because we want the same thing on

Our stuff yeah so but what are you saying then would you want me to do the tools and you you do the armor oh I see yeah we could do that although I don’t would we still have enough inv I guess yeah we should be able to yeah okay no I

Mean on the site oh because you’re literally doing the work twice oh yeah sure it’s just for the chest plate if you’re doing chest plate oh but no it doesn’t work because your chest has something yeah yeah but I mean okay for the tools like you don’t have tools

Enchanted at all right so if I do the tools I know that you okay and you have only the chest plate Enchanted yeah okay wait so are you saying that and I just did the chest plate so you can do the rest of the armor and do the TS just for the

Calculations right but for the actual enchants we still have to do them all okay we’re still going to set up like NE tunnels and stuff like that to get to the okay all right I’ll keep doing armor then or wait are you doing armor or am I

Doing no you’re doing armor okay I’m starting with uh tools and stuff okay all right I guess then yeah I’ll do my armor then I’ll do your armor and I’ll send over the the files for your armor okay you want you want you want sharpness

Right uh get do you want B party oh no please no no fire aspect okay just do what you like for me and that’s good perfect perfect no knock back you I’m going to see if I can share my um I your screen yeah my thing

Here give me one second guys sword with nothing I am too mending what that’s this is interesting it doesn’t include the tabs in the um the Chrome it’s just what is inside interesting yeah uh it’s a little bit annoying because it’s not full screen so how do I do

This uh I see guys will have some borders um on the Stream oh the chat looks weird uh I think I’m just going to stick with the I don’t know okay sharpness is three this is good The Sword and the pickaxe is going to be very annoying to

Do we might hit the thing I’m going to see if we hit the thing okay so um I’m going to disable the moon Cam and the um the chat’s going to be kind of hard to read but here is my screen for the enchantment calculator so right now I’m doing lings

Um I think hopefully you can see my cursor not sure if you can just check the stream you can decide if you want to show your C or not in OBS man my stream is super delayed why is it oh what it doesn’t show the the

Drop down in the wind in the thing oh interesting in the cap in the window capture okay so I have to do this the screen the display capture then that is strange well I guess it doesn’t matter too much is someone giving looting loading

We have okay yeah let me make it so it captures the cursor okay so you can see my screen here uh okay so leggings so we want protection mending Swift sneak Unbreaking so I’m going to have breaking two book and then another enchanted book with Unbreaking

Two I think it’s going to be interesting because you know how items with mending for example like your sword doesn’t need Unbreaking that is true because right because because of mending you kill stuff and you like get it back the only thing you need onbre

For picka yeah yeah so I guess yeah we can sacrifice some enchantments that way right yeah for example like I would sacrifice some I’m going to see with both what it does right interesting even with bows like you have to make a new one because of infinity

Right yeah so we could sacrifice Unbreak on that you know just make a new bow with infinity again ooh it goes fast I use my well you use your boat on the sword I think on the that would sacrifice andak wol year they changed Minecraft to Old School txt base game

Yes this is Minecraft now this is Minecraft now but yeah welcome to the stream wolf hi wolf so we’re just kind of doing the enchantment calculations here to make sure we don’t hit the Anvil cap I I really hope they remov the Anvil cap reor it because this is just such a pain

Do we shouldn’t need to do this right we should just be able to just go through the villagers and just add books to our stuff right like Yep this this is such a pain this is this is not right in my opinion items on left don’t have enough enchantment levels did I forget

Something oh protection forgot protection turn bit late no worries they should have started this way before the villager change I think I mean the villager change is experimental still so it’s it doesn’t really matter but I do hope before they release the Villager Changers if they will um they make they

Make changes to the end B well okay search 39 ouch 39 for leggings that is the max right what did you put on legging uh protection four mending Swift sneak and Unbreaking ooh because we have to do protect we have to combine two protection books and combine two

Unbreaking books the cost us 30 there’s okay then there’s no way we can do Boots the boots are not going to work no this for leggings the boots are the the boots are the most intense there’s no way you can do boots then if the pants that have three enchants are already

39 there’s no way so this website does make does try to go for the most cost effective the envil limit see I was right Z was didn’t want to the the limit for the en is 39 let me just check on the wiki here I’m on the wiki on the enval page it

Says 39 39 so 39 is when it’s too expensive or above 39 it’s too expensive it is the the max okay so um the the calculator it it goes for the most cost effective solution right or is it just adds books oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it does it does

Okay this is bad yeah [ __ ] another reason too why I don’t get why they put less than max level enchantments for the villagers yeah this this sucks because at this point you can even do possible to do just Villers I mean I guess they want you to use the

Enchanting table okay so the leggings are at least possible but yeah the boots probably are not um so I’m going to download this helmet as well like five enchant there’s no way oh that’s true too the leggings are actually the leggings are like the chest pad there’s almost nothing just with

Swift snake added but helmet and boots have more than just one extra enchantments yeah okay I guess here we go with the boots this is going to be rough is it I wonder does it say if it’s too expensive or it tells you the actual cost it should be I mean it’s

Going to tell you 39 probably okay so we want depth Strider three protection four mending one feather falling four Unbreaking three oh my God and you can’t even if you wanted Soul speed on that too jeez okay um so boots so I’d say we have to use the

Enchanting table in some way we can’t not use the enchanting table then we we enchant stuff with enchanting table and then we take we finish with the books then yeah I think that’s that’s the best way really okay then it’s time we um but what hello what are you doing what what

Is going on watering Trader freaking skeleton oh so so okay but which enchantments do we go for with the enchant table just whatever I mean you take what you get yeah okay except for the ones we don’t want right we if we get something we obviously I would say um the one that

Are going to be annoying are going to be the sword because it gives you it gives you knockback all the time um yeah I try to take looting for example and it gives me knockback all the time okay let me let me see I want to

Calculate the boots cost though I I want to see what it’s yeah I’m trying to calculate the store but it says searching and it just doesn’t work really that’s I think it’s like too many books and it’s maybe if it’s too expensive it just can’t do it I don’t

Know it says searching one of nine and in Brackets two trees oh okay interesting oh it’s doing the same for oh cost 41 for boots to expensive okay that’s actually surprising to me that it’s not more than that much more than the leggings it’s only two levels extra

In the leggings but because of the Anvil C it’s like nope and I remember because when they put s speed uh um yeah it’s just above the C that could not y 41 for the boots wow okay but that’s kind of good too because that means we can at least

Enchant and have a good chance of having it below the cap it’ll be still close to the cap I think we do some yeah oh we don’t have oh we have blocks we have blocks of lapis we have blocks of lapis yeah we don’t have bookshelves around the

Table uh yeah we need to do that oh where’s the clo okay we have books as well here right yeah okay I was hoping it was the Villager you were killing so I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to save the the boots I guess uh

I’m going I’m going to see what the helmet is now okay so we enchant our stuff and then do the re redo the calculator with the enchantments that we get on our stuff I guess yeah yeah yeah I because there’s no way this otherwise uh where is the closest librarian that we

Have um tigga village I’d say oh or the Savannah I don’t remember if you have Li’s closest yeah then I’m running to the Village are you’re going just there right now oh to get books and we need bookshelves yeah yeah are you going to buy bookshelf I

Guess you have to buy some too you won’t get all of them yeah that I know that there are six of them in the this sucks because we left we left some in other Villages that we bought we had like 30 yeah I know and in other Villages too

Yeah all right I’m doing the helmet calculator right now let’s see and stupid things that so bad everything okay so helmet uh aqua affinity and uh respiration I think it might be the same cost or slightly less than the boots they need to do something with the

Envil cost is 39 for the helmet as well only boots are too expensive the hmer is possible yeah okay so yeah I agree with the strategy of uh doing enchanting table first and then the rest with the V oh yeah let me do um that’s really what I do in my

World do your chest plate as well I have I have it I have it okay I’m going to send over the other armor pieces just in case you want them yeah yeah yeah oh gosh they actually previous images you’re going to have to like download these you do not want to look

At the images I it’s fine yeah yeah okay I’m going to switch back to the game now give me one moment hope you’re doing good well by the way I didn’t yes all right back to the game you put the Moon back Moon cam is

Back let’s go sorry you you guys had to have no moon for quite a while that must have been distressing no mode no okay so my chest plate since it’s already has enchantments on it I should be able to just put villager stuff like the books on it I just need to add

Protection three plus um uh mending on it that’s fine but the other stuff we definitely want to enchant okay uh well we’re going to need okay helmet’s almost destroyed straty strategy strategy should we okay okay wait wait I have a question to ask should we make brand new armor pieces or

Use the ones we already have no we putting mending we don’t care if it’s almost dead and you think it’s going to die like maybe my helmet’s at eight durability yeah go for it I’m I’m at like 220 so I’m good okay yeah my my other stuff is fine my my other stuff

It’s just a helmet I think I something that you can do if you want is keep it and when you enchant stuff you can maybe like both and combine um cost less than putting everything on books we can buy the remember we can buy um the armor stuff

Too right that is true I forgot about the armor completely should we get should we go for the armor then oh oh but the thing is we can’t um trade our already our okay well we okay so we can’t trade our diamond armor pieces cuz they don’t take you know they don’t take

Damage pieces but but we do the planes on yeah but they can get the one from the Savannah that has binding on them yes there’s that but also uh from the plains Village it cost two diamonds just to get the um the boots uh and we get four of those and we

Exchange them for the other um pieces right we can do that too although for my I I wouldn’t do it for my chest plat since there armor trim and stuff on it um should we go for the armor trades first then to get the armor

From who the we go to the plains Village we get the boots trade so we bring 16 diamonds I guess to get um four pair or four pairs of boots each for us and then we go to the Tiga Village get an armor there and exchange the boots for the um

We need two armors there to exchange the boots for the other armor pieces sorry say again so we go to the planes uh sorry we go to the plains Village we get an armor that will sell us diamond boots for a price of two diamonds right we get four pairs of

Diamond boots each for us so that’s 16 diamonds total for both of us and then we go to the tiger Village to get new um diamond armor pieces ah yeah um but I guess we don’t need to why why why why the plains Village instead of the Savannah what does the Savannah

Village give you for armor the Savannah is of the the thing but they are cursed but the the how much how many diamonds is it though oh no it’s not that it’s cheap because it’s curs wait wait let me see how what is the price

Though it is let me check um I it’s cheap because it’s curved but if you or not I’m not sure let me check okay here H where is it oh desert jungle plain Savannah it’s two diamonds for the helmet and three for the chest plate two diamonds

For the helmet you said yeah ah interesting so we could go for the Savannah Village too is wait yeah Enchanted or no binding oh with binding and it will remove the enchantments right once we exchange them yes Yeah Yeah from what which from what I’ve seen they it

Removes The Binding we don’t have we cannot trade like you said we cannot trade used thing but we can trade Enchanted thing okay and I don’t think they’re going to patch that because it’s it’s a lot of work to just go to Savannah get the trade from

There go to the I think this is going to stay and this makes that n CD loot is useful okay so do we want to do that or should we we just keep our the diamond armor we have and enchant that I mean I’m good with keeping what I have I’m

Fine I have enough I guess for me I’d rather not use five diamonds to make a new helmet but I don’t know it would take a lot of work we can go on the Savannah we have to go to the Savannah anyway probably to get I think sweeping Edge what is in the

Savannah because sweeping Edge you very rarely get it from the it’s very rare that I got it oh sharpness yeah I think they have both yeah yeah right yeah yeah they have both yeah it’s it you can get okay from the table first of all from the table you

Cannot get sharpness five you get sharpness four so we have to go to the S to get the books and also go to since I play on Java I’ve gotten swipping Edge three on the sword like yeah also we’ll have to go to the tiger to get the bookshelves

Right um and we can just get exchange the armor pieces uh at the same time too right yeah so okay so should I bring 16 diamonds then and then yeah bring what you have it’s fine so 16 diamonds it’s the emeralds I’m going to bring some of the sugar

Cane we set up like Fletching tables there and do that stuff um uh and then okay so So the plan is the what is a creeper uh oh no paper oh paper I thought you said creeper so much oh no paper is for cater we don’t need

I’m bring so where are we going did you get the okay okay so first since since we want to enchant with a table right so we’re not going to do enchanting yet um first we’re getting we setting up we we getting the piec but you need you need a helmet I need a

Helmet so is that all I need and then we just use the rest of our armor pieces I do yeah okay I’m bringing 16 diamonds still just in case hopefully I don’t die with them but um we’ll probably realistically only need to use it for my helmet uh

So we then buy the helmet from the Savannah villager and then go to the tiger to exchange it like into a chest plate and back into a helmet I guess to remove the binding ch right yes okay and then we take the and then we take the bookshelves from the tiger Village

To do one to um do put book sh for on our enchanting table and to also have bookshelves for elects for the Savannah vill librarian and I guess all the other Librarians that we need okay so first we go to Savannah what do we need for the

Armor um Iron what is the thing no Blast Furnace oh blast furnace yes I can just take one of them maybe get the stuff for blast F because we need the the the or take one of the two here if you want because we need to make the stone right

So yeah uh same for Tiger armor rfle tiger we need I think we might need okay wait let me see the tig what do you have the tiger trades armor trades yes I just need to know what uh which trades will exchange okay we just need the two trade one trade that’ll

Exchange the helmet for another piece and then that same and then another trade for that same piece back to a helmet right so we only need one armor in that case then right yeah well if he gives us the right one we we saw in the other tiger that we yeah we can

Okay so multiple blast furnaces are probably needed so get the two blast furn that are here and we need a furnace at least or Cobblestone so we can make like Stone and stuff I have Cobble I’m good okay good uh there’s charcoal here I’ll grab that um and I’ll grab some

Yeah because we’re going to have to trade with them and trading is going to be annoying because it’s coal or iron yeah and I’m bring some extra iron to I guess trade with them too we don’t have any coal I don’t think unfortunately well we have 18 oh

Great I am thanks no worries we have a stack of block of iron here should I bring them all I guess why not right I mean we don’t really need the iron otherwise yeah don’t die with that no I’ll leave four I I take the stack of

Blocks iron leave 40 iron in there CU just a safe inventory uh uh this is not going to be enough a St a block stack of blocks of iron oh oh you left the rest that I thought what rest of the iron ingots I had 48 left over but I have a stack

Yeah okay then I think it’s still not going to be enough but you know really a stack of blocks of iron we have to do at least two that’s nine stacks of iron ingots you’re telling me nine stacks of ironing it isn’t going to be

Enough we have to do at least two armor to to how many how how much does how much iron does it take to level them up I don’t know like I it has to be like I don’t know not too bad but you know we

Going to have this is going to be enough let’s let us not think about the fact that it won’t be enough because otherwise I will cry okay okay so anything else anything else I made a pickaxe I was I’m tired of a stone pickaxe nice anything else we

Need oh yeah make sure to stock up on food I have two stacks me too I have two stacks and a half of sugarcane oh perfect that’s good do you have saplings did you get uh saplings oh we need Spruce saplings yes do we have Spruce saplings I have

Six six okay yeah keep those with you anything else we need I think we’re good right Moon cam is gone by the way WF is mad Sor sorry sorry I was on the wiki that’s why uh oh we need the maps to The Villages Savannah and tiger right there they

Are all right I need to live my fortune oh yes don’t bring that I forgot okay yep Savannah let’s go oh are we going to do the nether tunnels or I guess not for now oh I thought you did I want to well we can but if you want we

Can wait until like we start doing the enchanting for now we just go straight to the villes since we’re getting armor and we need the bookshelves you have a boat yes I have boat I have the cam boat okay so Southwest this oh so this way okay I’m at the

Dock yeah I’m behind you all right here we go here we begin our villager Journey we that we did already yeah we’re doing this so many times just oh my gosh I’m going to do my Naes okay well sorry the boat rides over oh no it’s

Kind of a short River there kind of it’s kind of a short River there wow now we have to walk great okay so we don’t really need to stay close to each other we just we’ll meet at the Savannah Bel together anyways right excuse me you wait for me

Okay fine make the ne turn you wait for me okay fine fine fine I’m St at home otherwise you know what it’ll just be F can do this no I was just saying cuz it’ll be faster yeah you don’t want to wait for me tell me I’m slow jeez you’ll be able

To find your way you’re going at navigation anyway you’ll probably reach the village faster than I would you’ll reach the village faster than I would anyways I’d Be why do I have two chest plates on me why do you have two chest plates was it the wasn’t it one of them have them breaking two right yeah yeah still wasn’t worth bringing two with me you can throw just throw one away I don’t know no to Diamond chest blade

Wait you’re joking oh wait is one of them damaged wa is one of them damaged both are oh dang I thought we could trade it for the helmet oh well dang I mean we can spend one diamond and it’s Dawn H true eh whatever yeah oh freak hello M

Shaft here we can go through the middle here this is interesting oh my God this is interesting you don’t see these kinds of pwns anymore it’s not a p and aquifer H yeah that’s why it’s here let us hope this won’t take so long I

Know what I forgot I don’t have music oh okay you forgot something back at the house got worried I was like oh no we have to go back come on it’s not too far I know but we have to go back and forth and then it’s

Just we’ve already been doing so much of that I mean yeah that’s Minecraft for getting something here going something there for getting something here doing that doing getting distracted going back going oh my gosh yep yep yeah ah I fell down a cave they TR the trees wow water Time water Time for and this man just not as close as I thought it was yep oh my God this is cursed what your your name is reflected in the water but not at the right place name tag my name tag is reflected that’s interesting yeah huh interesting

Sorry it might be a bug with the Shader yeah but it’s also like not that it’s not reflected at the right spot this is interesting like it’s not above my head like in the reflection yeah no it’s not it’s weird oh oh boat time again have we seen that shipwreck not sure

You can check it out it’s we need both first too far away trap doors haven’t been open so I’m not sure if we’ve been here yeah oh the chest is taking white sto got stop got some paper too still uh if you want paper there’s some in the chest here I

Cannot take it and P okay some more iron as well the map is North no it’s oh it’s the same where are we going right now okay cool cool I’m going to boat inside the map okay all right any guesses for St okay wolf say saturation what do you

Guess night vision no jump boost jump boost okay I’m going to guess blindness here we go night vision then he wait no you you changed your guest to jump boost didn’t you I Chang you changed it I should not have changed how far away is the very

Treasure I’m big oh I’m getting on the map okay cool I don’t have a shovel okay I can dig for it okay oh it’s going to be in the middle of the ocean oh no yep oh another shipwreck here am I going to be under over another shipwreck to the left uh

Yep well it’s definitely going to lead to the same treasure yeah yeah oh I’m under the map I’m under the the the thing oh I see it you can Ste a long gravel yep there it is check the yep yep going to get some water breathing it’s always the long gravel

Yep okay I’m going to put the map in should I bother taking the hard to see no okay if we want one we’re going to find one at some point it’s okay it’s interesting on Java when you use water breathing your bubbles don’t go back up it just

Stays yeah on Bedrock though even when you get uh it’s interesting oh I think I have a screenshot to send you oh um there even when you get like the conduit effect I I got the conduit effect as one of my bubble was you know bursting I see

And it stayed like that for like the whole time I was in the the thing I should have a screenshot of that I know I I saw it check oh didn’t I take a screenshot I’m pretty sure I took one apparently not huh oh well diamond in here whatever then diamond in here

Oh wait where did I get an empty map from weird maybe the chest if you didn’t find the ship which is weird because it’s next to it but we don’t need the empty map okay oh we’re just need to go south more now yeah little bit westly South oh my cats are getting

Up oh is it feeding time well in an hour but no they they working uh when are you going to be going for dinner by the way I don’t know all right just let me know when you want to go yeah I’ll probably be going for lunch the same time too another

Shipwreck Al I have a feeling we found this one already I’m not sure oh this is the dark oak before yeah we’ve been here I think before right yes anyways we just need to go directly south now to the S Village let’s just go straight there

I fell in the cave again God damn it oh my gosh all right should be we’re getting in the hot biome yeah I think right after this jungle jungle yeah after this jungle it should be the Savannah yep oh the other cat is waking up oh like because they they they slept all

Afternoon so they wake up and it’s dark and like H we time to eat now right yep oh we’re going to have to boat across this ocean as well oh we’re getting big we’re getting big just now yep oh surprised we’re not on the map yet s Village is pretty far huh

Y oh yeah I remember the lava pool on on the beach ah yeah yeah we should definitely be getting close now yep oh come on really ah just just not what is up with this terrain so weird yep oh my gosh why is that freaking Savannah

Oh my God finally s Village hey finally right here it is right here hi guys all right let’s get to work so uh got to put a blast furnace down get the armor and then we just want the the hopefully he’ll give us a helmet so it’s

Wait is it I think he’s guaranteed to give us helmet right or I think yeah it’s helmet and chest plate cool oh yeah the craer is there are there any other villagers hello guys come on I mean I heard kids oh yeah should have I mean there should be there’s another cograph

Did not go oh yeah there’s the the the fisherman there’s a second cartographer here too what yeah because there was one in the village that we didn’t see no but we used that guy wait no it’s here okay can you get rid of one of the the other table if you see

It you got it okay which tap wait what not okay dude you need to go to the blast furnace now come on uh I’m going to be right back with you do that yep no wores oh he is going to the blast furnace awesome no no don’t talk to the child

This is going to be painful h all right so I need to get a Fletching table because uh the dude will only level up from level up the most from buying uh armor pieces and need a lot of emeralds for that so going to get a fling table then

When moon comes back we can plant the spruce saplings that that’s a sign oh you’re back okay yeah we’re going to need a flashing table since the armor level up only my buy armor pieces so seven emeralds seven emeralds per leggings it’s going to be okay I have

Some potatoes as well that I can keep for the tig to sell to a farmer uh and have some sticks what are you doing oh you’re looking for gra yeah I’m going to get two fling tables okay got four Flint oh you have a lot of sticks already

Perfect yeah I brought the six we had at home hold on I’m not sure if there’s more villagers to take these jobs just yet there are a couple kids yeah yeah I know but any other like any adult ones I don’t like there’s anymore do you can remove the all the

Barrels from the fisherman oh that’s true right I forgot that yeah perfect there’s like two barrels three barrels here the fishermen are linked to so going need to link together some paths h heads up out put purposefully being annoying because they know I’m busy and they want attention and food of

Course um can you plant these spr saplings I used up old sticks sure if only you brought some of those bones with you could have bone meal the saplings still we have so much B me home yep what what did you prove this saplings I didn’t put the saplings

Anyway I thought you had some oh here cool all right then um stop I guess we wait for saplings to grow or I guess I can chop down trees in the forest no it’s going to look messy the forest you rep plant saplings yeah but it’s going to look

Like a MX because the trees are not going to the leaves are going to Decay and it’s going to yeah because the new trees are going to because of the tree T okay fine fine I won’t replant them then for now I’ll replant them after we need

Wood um I guess we can also set up a weapon Smith to give us iron axes I I have a diamond what I have a diamond axe I’m good oh yeah I I am still using iron axes though okay uh how do you make a grindstone gun it’s just a stone slab

Plus sticks right yes okay oh I need planks too so for the weapon Smith I have to give him iron too right to level up oh no he can get the is it the weapon that has the iron axe at the first trade or this hold Smith no but

You can I think you can get it you can get some stone tools from him is wasn’t there a dude wasn’t there a dude that gave iron axess at the first trade isn’t iron ax at the first trade let me check yeah we did it at the Plaines Village remember was it the

First trade uh yeah I think it was the weapon SP let me check I’m on it um nice oh here yes yeah it is it is got it’s the tool Smith that has the stone sh the weapon SM gives you the iron ax yep okay um well it doesn’t seem like we

Have need more adult villagers so I guess we wait for the kids to grow up to take the weapons M upop if the kids are still here where are the kids ah jumping on a bed I tripped the villagers log hello good thing we have some vation locks here though

Stop shpping villager also I’m I’m dumb we had a freaking blast furnace in the house already but I guess I can take it for the tiger well take it yeah hold up do we have two armors no we don’t okay how we did oh we do we do have two armors oh my

Gosh what obviously if there’s a blast I know but I thought like no other villager claimed it already also by the way the the armor the other armor had still like even after I broke the blast furnace still had his job but once I right clicked on him then he switched to

Unemployed I was like wait what that was weird okay well now we have a weapon Smith so that’s good and yep three emeralds for an iron axe sweet oh I’m getting huge lag oh God that was big lag right there yeah you lagged on this come as home yeah yeah my internet OU

Cheese h [Applause] h oh just two more traits with the uh armor to level them up nice I left some emerald in the chest yeah yeah I used them H h so by the way do you want to end when you go for dinner or do you want to keep streaming after I mean it’s been three out if it when did we start yeah like a couple hours ago yeah we could go like until like 8 and then

Stop there yeah I’ll probably be going for lunch then too so you can probably stop there then yeah hopefully by that point we can at least get myself a new helmet yes [Applause] h yeah I think I might be able to level up the armor now nice all right leveling him up Shields

Okay four emeralds per Shield do you have a a shovel one uh yeah could you repath around thank you I’ll repath around yeah sure yeah I I I I I was too annoyed by the thing oh for oh you guys are stuck oh you guys are stuck oh

No oh no he fell in the water your armor is gone what dead no he’s in the water in the cave okay okay can you rescue him or should I come yeah I’ll come in a bit oh there magma block next to him oh gosh he’s why I’m going to remove them

Because he’s so going to die yeah okay dude come on come on dude come on dude yep get on the path get on the path no don’t oh my go what is he doing okay I’m gonna push you then okay all right so you’re resing

Him push push push push push come on we go up we go up we go come on dud come on no come on oh my gosh you’re such a oh my gosh you dude suck not here there is a cliff you cannot jump you do this dude up behind

You oh my god dude this is this is claw here you cannot go oh no he fell down here you want to go there dude you’re stupid here I’m going to I’m going to remove the blast furnace get him doesn’t he not going to do anything shouldn’t he go towards the blast

Furnace no because he needs to go there to see that it’s not there so it’s not going to do anything if I put it like here it’ll PL here right yeah oh my gosh leave now can you go that way okay now now yes come come

On all right now it should be good MO is amazing should this try to have but them but my God they yeah we don’t have a choice we need the the dude anyway all right finally he’s back yep oh here M thank you all right uh I think I might be able to

Level the level up the armor again let’s see all right yep here we go iron helmet with curs of binding and iron leggings curs of binding so the next so at Master he trades the diamond stuff I think so wa okay yes okay at Master too bad you can’t smell the

Shields I wish yep but you rep them with planks right yeah yes I guess it doesn’t count the iron I mean there’s more wood than than than iron I would like to what you already locked out your iron helmet Trad jeez dude you only trade

Three at a time goodness me I think it’s three four time jeez dude I guess there’s still lagging straight for four yeah I don’t know if it’s just me but I swear the RNG I have you know how when blocks you mine a block and it drops like

There’s some RNG involved and how the item drops right I swear I’ve been having like the worst RNG with it like almost every time the item just goes flying out and it’s just like so oh that sucks it’s the worst yep damn it the flers have bra prices oh I

Need three emeralds to a new axe no I don’t have the emeralds oh there’s another oh one of the baby villagers grew up cool nice oh yeah if I trade the um oh I don’t even have a single Emerald to do the bow trade to bring the Fletchers back normal

Prices oh if you if you can get like a single Emerald like with crops like don’t buy expensive I’m not I’m not I’m not I just want to I’m telling you I know I know you thought about it I didn’t I thought I I didn’t I didn’t I

Want to either do the okay so I want the emerald for the axe trade but I I need three for that but the you know the Fletchers have raised prices so I need to do the bow tra but you don’t have a single Emerald to do it so I’m saying

I’m saying where’s the farmer so we can trade with them we don’t have farmer we don’t weren’t you trading like oops no okay no it’s already in chest okay I’ll make a composter then I guess D is not screwing around never thought we H had a farmer guess

Not well good thing I one of the babies grew up and we should have a farmer what wait why are you not becoming a farmer hello dude the combo oh I guess it’s not time for you to take a job yet no they talking yep all right potato

Dude finally I can buy myself an iron axe although should should I get the axe or should I do it make the flat go down in price I me they’ll go down in price to buy tomorrow right no get the axe yeah yeah right it’s going to become night now so they

Should be stuck tomorrow how did he get a single AIP plank where did that come from uh from one of the farm like one of the path thing oh I’m going to just throw it out I don’t like having that in the chest just the sing BL can’t do anything with

That oh but the five slabs are fine well if you want want to make another composter I guess it’s not enough for another composter it’s not enough It’s never enough I hate it yeah oh you destroyed the farm didn’t you have a farm or yeah okay so much work just to get freaking

Armor max flers are still at high prices yeah I guess it’s the morning yeah it’s not working hours yet sh h hey there we go Fletcher’s back to normal one fler back normal prices [Applause] Nice okay let’s see if I can level up the armor now and a damn it stupid oh it’s back sweet okay armor leveled up to master here we go oh Diamond chest plate trade why oh my god really dude Diamond chest plate trade plus the cuz they can sell

They can buy the iron blocks yep oh you’re kidding me oh I don’t we don’t want to spend extra diamonds do we we have so many Diamond chest plates I mean you can but what is it on it car a binding CH yeah it’s binding every time

So oh my goodness all this work just for him to freaking scam us out of the helmet trade okay what what is our game plan then another armor or let me check one extra Diamond to get a helmet we’re already getting a discount on the diamond for

Helmet but it wouldn’t be nice to just pay less diamonds right yeah should we try to get another armor to spend more iron spend more iron sound 32 no is there even another villager here I don’t even know if there’s another villager here I don’t think there’s another

Villager here even there’s only one baby I think they grew up we might have to just take that diamond chest plate trade Ian we there probably are sheep around we could sheer but it’ll take so long just to wait for the damn spr and grow up for the baby to grow up

Yeah I mean we could do it like off stream since we’re going to be ending not too long anyways M if we really want the best of the best tra armor why did you have to be like this why yep oh okay so here’s here’s the two choices

We have we go for another armor which would require villager breeding and waiting for the baby to grow up and we might not even still get a a villager that gives us the helmet trade or we just bite bullet and we pay three diamonds for a chest plate in exchange

It for a helmet at the tiger Village yeah but you also have should pay one Diamond at the tiger no we don’t to exchange the pieces you don’t have to no you don’t you don’t have yes nope oh it’s one oh no it’s the chest plate instead of the thing what

Yeah you can tiger armor you can one Diamond come on it’s one Diamond you really want to trade all the way again no I don’t and I don’t want to breathe and I don’t want to wait so okay three diamonds it is here we go I can buy it right

Now oh this is going to suck to pay extra Diamond it’s just an extra diam we have plenty of diamonds it’s fine you know we have like four four chest plate at home you could just have I CH play on myself Dam they were damaged weren’t

They yeah that’s what I that’s why we didn’t yeah but I told you you can pay one diamond and then it’s back up oh my gosh we didn’t even bring the Anvil wait do we even have an envil back home no to make one right now we have the want

Anv if we want to just like repair our chest plate a grind Stone repair the chest plate can you not it’s it’s it’s not Enchanted you can only combine two chest plates together oh yeah well we can combine two chest plates together right in the well in just the crafting table

You don’t even need the grindstone just lose the enchantments on it yeah I guess that would be zero diamonds yeah but that’s a that’s a lot to pay because chest plates is expensive oh yeah we’d lose eight diamonds in that process right we have enough for for envil we have a stack of

Iron block yeah yeah okay wait so what okay what should we do I have two chest plate on me I give you one you put a diamond on it and then you pay only one diamond and you trade that for an helmet okay so we should do that instead oh why

Did we go through all this effort to to did I told you you like I didn’t say that I I suggested it okay you suggested it I told you that I got to just PL on myself and I told you hey you could also just trade this and you’re like oh but

It’s Dam I’m like yeah but we have diamond on ourself to and they like yeah no I didn’t say that I just I I I just didn’t comment I just I didn’t say no I just didn’t say anything no I didn’t say no I didn’t say no I just said I I just

Didn’t say anything to that okay I did not say no we could have done that but okay now now now it’s happened we we’ve done all the work to get this armor who can give us a chest plate whatever but okay I’ll make say that you

Did say that no W lies wolf lies don’t trust wolf wow wolf always lies wow I don’t remember saying no to that I wouldn’t say no to that what you did but well you didn’t say yes I know I know I didn’t say I didn’t say yes I just didn’t decide at

That moment I just thought we’d go for the armor whatever and we’d get the helmet trade whatever now we don’t okay I’m making the envil because since we need the envil anyways put it down okay and then rep repare the repair the chest plate with a

Diamond and then we go to the tiger Village and get the um the helmet from that dude also you didn’t say anything while we went while we repair while we got the armor I oh my God I told you you told me once and then well we did all the work

For the armor you you didn’t say anything how many times do I need to tell you hello you said it only once you did not say anything while we were leling enough you didn’t say anything while we were leveling up the armor I had forgotten about this I told you at

The start I’m not going to tell like 20 times okay but then okay so do you want me to buy the the the trade you you want it for you I have it oh my goodness fine fine oh my gosh I gave you my chest plate already what do you want

More me we need two diamonds to repair the chest plate why why do we need two di we need two diamonds but all that the the little that is missing no but that’s said that oh my gosh um how much is this buy what about the other chest plate oh

But that’ll require more levels I mean I guess levels is one thing but yeah because it’s Enchanted wait how much durability does the other one have 420 give me that one let me see I my chest plate I don’t know let me just see let me just see yeah one Diamond Will

Repair that one fully yeah but this one is mine I know I know I’m just whatever take it take it give me the other one whatever I don’t care okay I’m going to disenchant it anyway oh you know what hey hey hey hey hey don’t lose your levels disenchanted

First uh it’s more level if it’s Enchanted no it’s one level only to repair okay God let me sleep villagers um okay you know what it’s fine whatever um so we we lost like 30 minutes coming here yes we did 20 more minutes 30 more minutes chopping trees

And doing armor and you still might enchanted chest in the end just to get hand F do you want it back no don’t say I stole it I didn’t steal it you are also willingly giving it to me you’re a part of this too you can’t just say

You’re not part of this the the chest plate not this one this one sucks it’s enchant it’s Enchanted then don’t say I’m stealing your chest plate I’m not stealing you’re literally giving it to me if you’re going to say I’m stealing it then fine have it back I don’t want

It if you’re you’re I’m Ste oh my god let’s go to the tig go k gez don’t say I’m stealing it though that’s literally just like so mean is cheating no okay fine take it back I don’t want it then don’t say I’m stealing it I don’t want

It anymore you’re saying I’m stealing it I don’t want I’m buying I’m going to do buy I don’t want this give me the diamond give me the diamond I’m taking all the diamonds I’m buying this going to the tiger I’m buying this chest plate then take it back you not

I’m your chest plate say I’m not that freaking chest plate you’re not seeing it go okay that’s what I thought oh my gosh I that’s what I thought hey freak off give me my chest plate back do fine take it back I’m I’m buying the chest

Plate three diamonds there we go this is what I thought forever oh my go I am not a stealer yeah yeah do your thing okay here we go I’m I’m buying the chest plate you’re you’re okay with this right do whatever you want okay you said that I’m just

Saying I don’t care V oh my God wolf just want to see the Villager dead I mean we can do that too what villager is giving you the thing oh my gosh I bought it it’s done good for you all right taking back my potatoes my thing now we

Leave okay fine I need to grab the Anil okay wait wait um need the furnace here uh what else do we need but you know what I might as well trade these sticks or emeralds right now if you want there’s more wood in the chest oh okay I will take

That yeah just to so we don’t you know uh so we can get some more emeralds on the way also since you have Emerald get one don’t forget your uh Maps yes yes the maps oh more wood wolf definitely wants to always see a dead villager of course

Okay so let’s see the Fletcher okay you did restart cool you think I can get some more emeralds with these Cal Hogs there we go all right 46 emeralds I’ll leave the rest of the wood in here um I’m gonna take this grindstone Blass furnace as well wait okay

Um tiger Village map and Savannah Village map okay I think everything else we can leave yeah it’s fine yep okay to the tiger we got oh the slings yep oh yeah grab those for sure God God God oh they all grew um I guess we I got the

Sapling this time oh you did okay okay okay uh Northeast yeah back towards home yeah wait you grab the diamonds yes okay Okay so we hopefully okay it’s B uh so we hopefully can exchange the chest plate for a helmet straightway or is that is that a trade or is it another thing uh what you haven’t checked for that oh my go I don’t have the Page open

I assume you my God I’m checking it’s fine I’m doing it why well you do have the Page open most of the time so yeah I have it open because you don’t fine do you want me to have it open I can have it open no I have it it’s fine

Okay okay it’s no it’s chest plate for helmet okay so straight yeah that’s what I thought okay cool but it’s one of a four chance to get the trade at expert level yeah it is that’s the only trade that takes the chest plate right each of the trades

Takes a different armor piece right so yeah boots for leggings leggings for chest plate helmet for boots diamond for chest plate for helmet that is going to suck quite a bit but the Tigo Village we have is pretty big right so um we should be able to you know it might be

Worth like setting up beds and stuff just like get the villagers breeding like like right when we start just so we don’t have to worry about that afterwards so that’s kind of the mistake we made the Savannah Village um m is we didn’t set up the breeding

Yeah but the village is full of bed yeah yeah yeah it is but just in case s Village were like three or four just in case anyways just because you know it’s a one in four chance at the trade so I think we should set up um I think

It’s I think it’s have already or just give them food and stuff oh okay yeah we can can although hm do we want to do that this stream or do we want to leave it for next stream it’s kind of getting uh around when we said we would

End well let’s go to the tiger village already I think it’s probably going to take like yeah it’s going to take a while should we end when we get to the tiger Village then yeah we can I mean you know what maybe we can try to like

Trade one and and see the luck we get okay sure sure sure we have quite a bunch of emeralds so should be able to them up quickly and there I I have a lot of potatoes to like throw them so they breed I have like four Stacks yeah good want do you have

Shears already by the way or do we need to craft them I don’t okay um there are enough beds okay yeah that’s yeah probably makes sense so yeah we do we set up the breeding and then we level up an armor okay yes Big Dot oh yeah I forgot the tiger

Village supp actually pretty close that saan so that’s good so yeah we can we definitely have time to level up the armor then yeah here I’m going on the side of the mountain here so we can don’t have to go all the way up oh thank you for waiting for

Me oh I left the water again for you oh oh my God can we look at this oh waa what is that cave oh my God seeing the sunset through the cave that is incredible oh my God I have the shaders on this is very yeah I can imagine with

The shaders on that’s uh looks you can look at oh look at my screen look at my screen H yeah okay second yeah oh yeah wow oh you have the free cam nice oh wow that looks pretty a it’s so cool that looks pretty I’m going

To have to sleep and ruin it though yeah yeah it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay but still wow even without shaders like it’s looks as well oh yeah wow even just yeah just cuz you can see the sky through it or the fog I guess but it’s the sky

Really it is a cool cave oh my God if I had a NRA I would although I mean it’s kind of cool only because the realm render distance is kind of low otherwise it would just like noral that’s good the power of fog fog is actually can make things look better in some

Cases oh yeah 100% looks amazing the way it looks through the moon cam yeah yeah Moon cam lets you see it through the shaders I could put shaders on too but uh I just don’t I’m to lazy to put on to do the mod stuff and everything anyways

I also like just playing vanilla so oh no look behind no what is that why that’s a rip that is a big it SS at the top it’s a lava form yeah wow but it goes like on the side so it has an even bigger area of damage

Because it goes on the side instead of just through the front yep oh my gosh I just see I just look in third person I see just burning like Mountain there that’s a big O that is what oh my gosh that was deliberate that was sabotage someone in this world y That’s

Wolf just coming in and that is wolf that was placed by wolf yep with it’s love of lava yep come on Wolf why would you do this the beautiful trees all right the trees Wolf the trees I need 7 back it worked it worked though you did good you did get you did

Demot correctly but yes I think 7 is just broken for YouTube I don’t think it works anymore I mean it works for me oh it does well I get the emotes but like they full 7 TB doesn’t work right or is it like do you have 1V theater mode still

Or no yeah I think like in general it’s broken there’s there’s plenty of tree we can get rid of a couple oh okay I see yeah I mean good there are plenty of humans I can’t get rid of you jeez doesn’t work like that damn

Come on we’re so close give us the tiger village already yep damn I mean you started it I mean you make a solid point I do all right I won’t say no I need Nap anyway no you don’t get you don’t get that no no no

No right you know what you don’t get a nap are we on the map yes apparently we came from the north to the tiger Village before it’s interesting yeah because it’s what from the from the house oh right right we went back damn it I just lost you again

No come on I just went I yeah I just saw you I hate the name tags on Java why did it disappear I’m on the map oh okay I be able to find you then if I just get on the map too here H right yep why did the name tags disappear in

The leaves it sucks no yeah it’s just even though the leaves are not like full blocks like your name tag just turns like black completely stupid at least keep the text white or something don’t need to turn it flag all right all right here we are all right cool

Cool yeah and we have a weapon Smith here by default cool okay where do we want to set up base guess here is pretty nice actually flat area yeah what I can do is uh break the workstation if you want some I mean you can put in the blast furnace here it’s cute

Yeah right let me make a couple chests hey dude come back oh my God now you already found another workstation no someone coming all right time to trade the iron that Mouse Twigs thing you have is crazy it is so good the hell is going on

Oh all right going to go with the boots trade here I think I should be able to level them up to um journey man oh maybe not just oh maybe come on one more yes okay I can all right four for a shield okay we’re going to need some more

Emeralds so I guess I’ll get some Flint in a little bit get a flinching [Applause] table [Applause] nice it’s like a Melody yes why is there a trap door in front too the V I want to close the door but the Villager wants to open it um oh my goodness no oh my God here we go again but why is there a trap door in the front here so he doesn’t get out wait

Why but I can’t get out either you can oh I can okay we Haven was closed the trap door was closed before yeah that’s what it’s to kind confuse you oh okay to confuse me okay no love no it’s not I think it’s this I think it’s lower case uper uh yeah yeah

Yes all right I’m going to plant this gr saplings actually don’t we have old growth tiger around yeah we do but uh El sir it’s better I guess so what what is happening with this villager so leveling up right that’s it we hope we get the chest plate

To helmet trade if not then why don’t you trade the iron the what the iron I did oh it’s super low more what I did trade iron with them more but buying the um the shield gives more XP oh for the for the weapons Miss for the the other ones it’s still super

Good to trade iron yeah the armor they might have changed that with the rebalance then maybe because it used to be that iron would stay super high XP oh yeah May been a bug I don’t know or I don’t know but might be the rebalance because you can trade iron blocks now

Yeah cuz I check I I was I like at the savann I was going to I I thought the same thing too but then I saw the iron trade was giving less XP than the armor piece trade so interesting okay uh armor that’s why I I didn’t I mean anyway it’s good for

Me I guess right I don’t want to used to give it used to give 10 XP and knights to oh in the TR uh experiment yeah oh interesting but yeah anyways yeah I mean good for us I guess right like I don’t want to trade that more iron because it

Used to be an apprentice trade and nights a novice oh that makes a lot of sense because on Apprentice it would give more XP right so yeah it would stay giving more XP as well yeah that makes a lot of sense yeah for the on the novice what

Would what were the trades before then novice tra was it co is it not in novice no no no the oh what was in the novice before yeah was it just Co for the armorer it was call or buying iron leggings or iron that’s right that

Then you want to give him coal and then the second thing you’d want to give him iron but now they changed it so the first one is coal or iron and so you go for the iron and then the second one you just so now iron is the same as coal as

XP yeah interesting okay so I’m never trading my iron ever again yeah so I guess coal is better yeah obviously although we don’t really have that much coal so gu the IR I mean the iron’s not too much anyways but yeah oh T hi uh bookshelf yes oh yes yes I completely

That’s why we were here yeah that’s I completely forgot that yeah get those and um I’m sing your six book Chef dude get the librarian to give us a bookshelf trade too yeah he does he does already that’s why I thought about that perfect for nine and we have uh

Six so we need nine nine emeralds for bookshelf is that what it is yes okay all right I’m going to get uh some Flint just get a we have sugar cane so I can set some sugar cane to uh some paper to dude yes do that or do I plant it oh

It’s fine oh plant like half plant like a half a stack i’ say or plant like 20 I don’t know just so it grows while we’re here oh we have some sugar can growing here already since we came here you left it we have some here oh there’s a bath taker oh

What uh oh a bath T I see yes they love they love their okay so I I I I trade the whole all paper right uh yeah do it yeah we have okay it’s been a while since we’ve been streaming because I cannot talk anymore yeah yeah yeah I’m going to get some

Flint hopefully we can get this armor leveled up pretty soon then we can end I’m going get some Flint can get Fletching tables can’t talk oh no I not getting paper I need to change your trade dude oh so paper and bookshelf trade blast protection for 40

Are you going for paper and book bookshelf trade so you going yeah I’m going for paper and bookshelf gotcha good luck it’s going to probably take a little while no it’s not I don’t know I I haven’t seen a librarian but a paper and book s TR in a little

While come on from all the villages we went to I don’t remember seeing a single one of course we did we just didn’t want it I guess I don’t know I don’t remember seeing it at all oh my gosh guys you cannot keep changing job and and oh my gosh

Everyone wants the freaking librarian job y dude oh my God it’s again another one hey bookshelf and paper what did I say it’s your luck obviously no it’s the normal trade come on or my my luck is really bad yes oh he’s selling blast protection three for for for

15 well which is really bad if you wanted blast protection three I don’t though okay um so that’s set up nice you can just buy that whenever you want Mo does have best luck that is that is a fact yes just need one more ah there we go

Four Flint two fling tables on the way oh this whe just so big I’m definitely going to get lost in here trying to find our house every time or I guess their house but we’ve colonized it um okay okay Fletching tables setup and we got some villagers coming over

Sweet okay we have five bookshelves so we need 10 more y oh yeah have for the enchanting table oh no more I have I have more I have more I have more books okay we have seven bookshelves so we need eight where’s the Fletcher hi not you h

Oh goodness I just saw Gran uploaded his secret life finale episode yep although he titled it the finale so it might be the finale of the series like either he wins or like you know just won of the last few who left oh interesting Cleo also says

Fin who Cleo oh goodness oh this is going to be interesting although we’re very behind on their series although I think a scar might be to the end right like scar was still alive the last yeah scar ised as well oh he did what did he

Yeah I think so oh yeah finale can the villain scar win wow yeah interesting it’s been quite a while since scar made it to fin now right or wait no I think I’m probably misremembering I think every series he makes it to the end no which Series has

He not made it to the end third life he did right what yeah last life actually last life I’m not sure limited life no limited life he did not limited life he did not double life he did I honestly I don’t remember I don’t remember I know that the second

One Ren one I think yeah I okay so the ones I definitely remember is third life and now this one Secret Life yeah I feel like double life too but I could be misremembering I’m still shocked he made this long scar after a start scar is under like you a lot of people

Underestimate scar like let me just say that like scar is actually really good he’s actually pretty good A lot of people underestimate when he wants to be because of how how he acts on hermitcraft a lot of people underestimate him which may or may not be on

Purpose yeah exactly he he uh he he’s good when he wants to be good he be a hustler IRL oh yeah have you seen him in MCC like scar is also pretty good there and like you know yeah on the live series scar shows his true colors

Oh villagers why are you jumping oh my God there’s so many villagers way so many guys oh wait here take some 25 more and some of thanks and I lagged again of course oh you want to go see your friend I’m sorry you can go she’s taunting the

Guy no you let him out are you let you let him out nice yes I thought you were taunting him I think I think you’re stuck no not like that well you put a trap door in his face earlier yes so you could trade normally with him without

Him going away all the time okay okay but still I thought you were going to like taunt him even more I thought you were going to taunt no that’s you’re mean okay okay I’m sorry for assuming but I don’t know that is kind of what we do through these guys

I mean wolf would definitely be approve approving of that that’s for sure um wow oh villager is taking a bath with the Golem of course okay I think I can level up the armor again now so is it only on Master he gets the trades that exchange the

Armor yes okay where is the armor oh God they all look the same where’s the armor ah is he back in his working thing no he’s not no they go to sleep oh it’s sleepy time okay his bed is like probably A Million Miles Away yep that’s

Why I to put him in the the trap door but you were like oh me no poor dude out yeah because you said it was I didn’t say to let him out though you let him out and I thought you were going to keep taunting it okay so but yeah but okay whatever

Whatever I’m fine with it I’m just saying like you did let him out so we could have kept him is cursed oh it’s back okay wait what happened Viller sleeping was that cursed that yeah yeah that’s always cursed isn’t it there was just the Hat of the librarian coming out of the oh

Yeah the book on the floor right it’s just a book those builds by the way are are kind of dark you know you if you want a book on the floor you just have to have a librarian villager trapped under the ground oh my gosh that is great but you

Know who cares the [ __ ] about the Builder as long as you get your build your build hack oh my gosh oh it’s raining now it’s like the hack of you know when you make a tent and you want to have like the cable on the tent oh yeah you can just

Attach a lead to like um a sheep under a dog oh dog and then you put it on ground and then you like tie it to fence it’s like no someone should make a compilation of the darkest build hacks like for m so bad at least on Bedrock

You can do that with like a boat or something not with dogs can you not use an armor stand can you not use an armor stand you can Le an armor stand oh there’s there’s no non-living mob that you can lead on Java okay no thanks so

Know yeah but yeah someone should make a compilation of the darkest like build so bad let me check if does a video on that probably not but like you can probably like find easily like a list somewhere or like I don’t know maybe some people would purposfully make dark build

Hacks uh if I tpe if I type that I get deep dark build hack deep darkx oh scary builds oh this is disgusting well okay that’s that’s like purpose makes me scared but I’m saying like you know build hacks that seem Innocent but like actually have dark dungeon oh my God

Dungeon build hacks oh gosh oh goodness why are the is it morning still I guess it’s kind of hard to tell with the rain just waiting for your arm to come back let’s see if I can level him up guess I wait for him in the

House oh we need to end the there’s one with a dinner born villager attached by a that looks like he attached attached by um a chain by his feet oh my gosh yeah I did see a video on like Instagram where it’s like you know um you know it’s that boys

Versus girls thing and it’s like girls playing Minecraft peacefully and boys torturing villagers although the comments were then like you know as a girl I I love to actually torture V yeah I think it’s it’s it’s a yeah what kind of dungeon okay what okay we we’ve gone very off topic here

Haven’t we okay wol how did we get into this is a Minecraft stream um it all started with a villager’s book on his head oh gosh okay chest plate for the oh one Emerald chest plate for helmet here we go Sweet let’s just do it right now oh oh there you

Are what okay oh I got scared I like clicked on the trade I got scared I clicked on the trade and it wouldn’t put the chest plate in there but once I think you have manually the chest plate yourself yeah okay here we go one Emerald turn a chest plate into a helmet

Which seems bad but I already have a chest plate so all right I have a new helmet for three diamonds I am so happy that we can turn the binding thing yes that is that’s very nice wolf asking the wheel question when I wake up okay

Agro okay guys well uh this is a familyfriendly stream well not really but hope you had a nice nap yeah hope you had a nice can you smelt diamond armor for diamonds what can you smelt diamond armor for diamonds yes you wait Can you I try I don’t know actually does

That work no you can’t a I would so love to smelt my almost destroyed helmet into imagine because if you cure villager you get everything to one Emerald right uh yeah so those prices go down to an emerald yeah and currently you know you can buy diamond armor for free

So you just get in already the nap you’ve been playing on the TV the whole time just woke up well I I I’m glad we were your nap companions yes and you walk you wake up to wol asking about weird dungeon yep can so tiger armors can only exchange

The armor pieces right they can’t actually sell you any diamond armor pieces right or can they the tiger yeah no I think they just buy okay no they just buy okay so yeah so it’s made so that you want you need another villager from another biome

Right oh no no no they buy you uh they they sell sell you uh di um chest plate or leggings oh really okay per that’s oh that’s nice okay yeah so yeah that’s what we set up at the thing but if you want cheaper diamonds then you Diamond

Like cheaper price because it’s three for the leggings and four for the chest plate yeah so that’s why you want the best one to buy is from the Savannah because it has binding so it’s cheaper well or from the planes for the boots you know the diamond price is too there too but

Um planes where is the planes the planes you can buy diamond boots for two diamonds yeah but it’s only leggings and boots what do you do for for the the okay the boots are for two well you need two tiger armors anyways for um all the exchange rates right so the boots are

For two then for two for three you get leggings okay yeah if you’re if you’re if you’re going to use the um Emerald prices to calculate cheapest as well then yeah maybe the Savannah is cheaper as well I’m just basing off of diamond price yeah yeah and also you can get the

Four thing in the savannah the the what you can get the four uh trade in the savannah no no wait what for trits can you not wh which for trits oh no it’s only need helmet and diamond yeah I don’t I think you can only get two

Right yeah yeah but okay so PL it’s leggings and boots and tiger it’s chest plate and leggings yeah and then Savannah’s hel helmet and chest plate I guess helmet chest plate yeah interesting so I guess you can have a Savannah and PLS armor together to buy

Uh armor for Just Two Diamond if you don’t want to deal with the tiger villagers exchanging or I guess no no no you want to have a tiger villager as well to get because the leggings and the or exchange the boots and the helmet for the chest PL leggings I guess right

Yeah okay interesting that’s pretty cool I I I I I’m fine with that we’ve heard there’s a lot of different strategies what we’ve heard ‘s Pony mouth oh my gosh wait what wow what is going on right now I already had the nap you’ve been

Playing on TV the whole time I just woke up oh yeah I was just asking how was your nap wow what what happened here okay anyways well I guess we can end the stream now right since we’ve leveled up the armor um now we have have full now we don’t

Need to worry about di honestly we don’t even need to worry about the armors anymore we just need to enchant oh we do want the should we get bother getting tools mths for the tools or do we just should I just make diamond tools using the diamonds

Ow oh bye wait why did you leave oh welcome back so um yeah we can also like do a tool Smith to get the the Diamond ax and shovel right for me or should I just make them for me not for me just for you well you already have Diamond TOS don’t

You I I just have I don’t have a shovel okay mean we can get a tool Smith to buy tools as well right the tool Smith gives you an axe or a shovel at expert and weapon smth give you an axe for sure yeah yeah so we want the tool Smith to

Get give us a shovel then okay and at the master LEL it’s pickaxes yes okay cool and the weapon smth a master L is sword also the tool Smith can give us already Enchanted tools too so that can help with the cost but I’d say we but it

Can also be trash yeah I also say we we just used the enchanting table probably be better yeah although no rebalance so it’s pretty expensive I have a feeling they’re going to touch that soon the toolsmith yeah I I think it’s the next one weaponsmith and Tool smth the next one for

Sure all right I guess I’m fine with and it’s probably going to be the same enchant that probably like around the same enchant that the it could be the same enchant that the librarian give you or they try to make it so you need less Village type it might it might be a

Combination of like you know the enchants are what the libran gives you and and the the system anything the prices are how the armor is like or like the the stuff the armor gives you for example for like shovel for the ax it’s between 17 and 31 Emerald it’s and it’s

Ancient from levels five to 19 yeah never treasure enchant mhm yeah but you can still it mending right or no no no treasure en chants but liberians also don’t have treasure en chants but they still include mending right Ming is a treasure enchant yeah but Librarians can villager can get

Treasure enchant since once can they so Librarians can no yeah but liberians can’t sell Soul speed or Swift snake and those are treasure en chants too right so that’s the only two that’s the only two because it’s structure special like it’s so Librarians can sell treasure enchantments but it’s just the

Soul speed and S Snak are just exceptions that’s it yeah because they can sell um Frost walker uh that’s true yes they can so okay system is so weird they can send the curses yeah why is it like s curses why is it like this why

Why do we have treasure that’s an issue the treasure enchants should have stayed treasure enchants why are the treasure enchantments sold by the villagers but then they can’t sell you know treasure enchantments but not really treasure enchantments don’t this would have this should have said stay no so the treasure en chant

Are Walker mending goodness s swini yeah this is why you always make sure you your the game balances and just completely change this this wouldn’t be too hard to get I mean Frost Walker would be nice to get like in PLS uh in like snowy Villages get to the IG too

Igos yeah in iglo perfect iglo chest yeah it’s not everywhere it’s just or even pill outposts and Pillager outposts and snowy biomes too yeah for example right or even villager villages with in um vill yeah that’s what I’m saying Villages was in snowy and black I think iglo the same

One because you don’t need a million Frost Walker right you need one maybe so I think Igloo have one of the have 50% chance you have a basement maybe in the chest of the igloo basement you get a frost Walker gu I a guaranteed as well

Why not yeah one or two guaranteed one or two yeah like the the the level one or two at least yeah that’s all I’m good with that uh binding and Vanishing no one wants it yeah the the problem though is just it’s been so long now that mending froster part part of the

Librarian trades that like frer I think Frost Walker no one cares if they change that the few people that use Frost Walker would be like yeah whatever it sucks but because the issue with frostwalker is Fun the issue is is that it’s incompatible with death rider that is yeah makes

Sense everyone’s going to take death death rider well anyways it makes sense because like how do if you’re going to have Frost water no I understand you cannot get into the water so obviously like you know I get it but I mean I would I would 100% keep death Shriner

Okay okay okay the thing is Frost Walker is useful one time mhm when you’re making a gold farm and you’re using magnet blocks because you don’t burn with frost Walker yeah this is great but that’s all honestly I think Frost think my nether boots have Frost Walker Frost Walker

Would be better used on horse armor um because you know being horses suck at trip like when you Travers over water so yeah yeah I I think my my nether boots have Frost Walker on them or or give another enchantment for horses that’s float floaty floating enchantment PL

Just floaty floaty Float On The Water pleases makees rewires the horse’s brain to not be dumb and actually float give them a mermaid enchance mermaid tail yes oh my gosh yes this is our best ideas that we can come up with yes all right I guess we can end the stream here

Now uh since we’ve done the armor here um so next stream I guess we start we I guess we go back home oh okay we get more bookshelves here I feel like for the past four stream we said okay next stream we go back home and then we

Enchant almost there almost there to actually is doing enchanting soing streaming next stream we will get more bookshelfs here we go back home we actually start enchanting but put you know putting bookshelves on the enchanting table we actually start enchanting and then from there we go

With the Villagers to get the rest oh yes mhm yes sure we’re that’s what’s going to happen guys I promise I promise oh yeah that’s how you have to promise to I have to promise I can’t you can’t oh okay sorry promise open put the screenshot we didn’t get a screenshot oh

My God the screenshot okay and you have to promise you promis right okay let’s take the screenshot now okay okay well let’s do with the Golem right here hi Golem you’re going to be part of our picture whether you like it or not looking at the tree but no the the

Sun is in the other way oh can we look on can we can here okay wait oh here where go no Golem yes okay here oh bye Golem Golem it’s like I’ve had enough of this [ __ ] Alo my shield is kind of going through uh your arm there okay there we

Go your your sword is in my arm your your shovel is in my arm uh great uh I need to open there we go wait there we go there we go now that’s better all right there we go now we got a screenshot jeez B it when I see it yeah I know

Right you you’ll have to see it then yep next time all right then well that was fun hope you guys had fun too we are going to end the stream now so thank you everyone for coming to the stream hope you all had a good time

We definitely did and yeah uh we’ll see you next time where which might be just tomorrow as well you know U I’m actually have just finished up School uh for the winter break so we can stream a lot more often so we might stream again tomorrow

We’ll see sticking out my tool in weird places on okay we don’t need to go there guys I think it’s time to leave guys yep yep yep Al right stop sticking your children weird places I I stopped okay I stopped it I I it was an accident oh my God

They’re prepping for Dungeon negro oh my gosh okay guys I think it’s go let’s end it here you guys are the worst uh hope to never sit I’m just kiding guys full circle okay full circle oh guys don’t give guys don’t give him ideas we have

Oh my goodness you guys wow exactly guys stop this is this is over this this is over here my gosh go to horny jail you guys uh anyways uh yes horny jail all right well anyways hope you guys had a good time during the stream and apparently it’s

The best stream ever so oh my gosh yeah these guys have definitely had a good time okay oh yeah igro woke up to dungeon stuff so that’s you know yeah obviously they me they just me Minecraft dungeons right obviously obviously we’re talking about Minecraft dungeons oh

Obviously not be for sh of red right now oh no I’m fine no no moon moon is just very comfortable with all this can be though I’m not turning red I I I don’t think I turned red anyways oh I know okay shut up wolf that’s enough anyways we will see you guys

Anyway bye we will see you guys next stream so yeah we might stream tomorrow so stay tuned so yeah bye everyone

This video, titled ‘[LIVE] kmb & Moon Play: Minecraft 1.21 – Java Edition 1.20.4 #3’, was uploaded by kmb600 on 2023-12-15 19:47:01. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:41 or 12641 seconds.

Enchanting with villagers in the Villager Trade Rebalance experiment! With the loveliest Moon 🙂

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    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Big TV Man’s Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown

    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun! Welcome to the world of Minecraft! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Imagine building your own simple wooden house, just like in the YouTube video you watched. At Minewind, you can take your building skills to the next level and create the ultimate survival shelter. With a focus on creativity and community, this server is the perfect place to showcase your Minecraft talents. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

    Minecraft's New Era Unveiled! Minecraft Enters a New Era with Distant Horizons The latest Early Access version of Distant Horizons is revolutionizing the Minecraft experience. Players can now load an impressive number of chunks while using shaders, resulting in breathtaking visuals that are simply mind-blowing. What’s even more impressive is that this mod has minimal impact on performance, surprising many. Mods Enhancing the Experience Several mods are contributing to this new era of Minecraft: Tectonic: This mod can be found on Modrinth and offers unique features to enhance gameplay. Indium: Another mod available on Modrinth, Indium adds even more depth to the game…. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 5 Trials, Trails, and Fails

    Crafting Chaos: Day 5 Trials, Trails, and Fails In Minecraft Day 5, trails we explore, Trials we face, and rage quitting we abhor. Kiwi takes on the challenge, with skill and might, In honor of Minecraft’s anniversary, shining bright. From the start at 00:00, the adventure begins, With gameplay at 00:37, the excitement never dims. Exploring new trails, facing challenges with glee, Kiwi’s determination, for all to see. But beware of rage quitting, a foe to fight, With perseverance and skill, Kiwi takes flight. In Minecraft Day 5, the journey unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. So join us in celebrating, this milestone grand, With… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and stories from the Minecraft community. Today, we have an exciting development to share with you all. In a recent video titled “Its Already Been A Week | Monster Marauder Part 8,” adventurers on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server uncovered a thrilling mystery in the town of Silentwood. As they followed clues and solved puzzles, they embarked on a quest to find hidden characters that would reveal a secret message with coordinates. The first to reach these coordinates received a small treasure, sparking a wave of excitement and… Read More

  • Dave Duo SMP: Update Oops, Chaos Unleashed!

    Dave Duo SMP: Update Oops, Chaos Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, Dave’s SMP was the place to be, But after the update, things went crazy, you see. Dave’s character glitched, his movements askew, The players all laughed, but Dave had no clue. With each new attempt, Dave’s character would glitch, Spinning in circles, a comical hitch. The players all cheered, enjoying the show, As Dave tried to play, with movements so slow. But Dave didn’t mind, he laughed along, Embracing the chaos, in the game he belonged. The viewers all watched, with smiles on their faces, As Dave’s glitched character moved in strange paces. So… Read More

  • Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥

    Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Guess I’ll just have to teleport in and out like a pro.” 😂🏰 #minecraftproblems #minecraftbuilderstruggles #gamerlife Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 5 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique story through animation. “The Magic Five” unfolds as a love story for Minecraft boys, showcasing a tale that captivates the audience. The Story Unfolds As the story progresses, viewers are drawn into a world where love knows no limits. Through Marty’s animation, characters come to life, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The Magic Five explores themes of friendship, love, and acceptance, creating a narrative… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft servers! If you’re looking for a new adventure filled with mystery and challenges, then Minewind is the place for you. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world, where every corner holds a new surprise and every decision you make shapes your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all who are brave enough to embark on this thrilling adventure. Join us at Minewind and discover a world where creativity knows no bounds… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide

    Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide Exploring the World of Minecraft: Beekeeping and Honey Collection Embark on a sweet adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the world of beekeeping and honey collection. Discover the intricate process of obtaining honey, crafting beehives, and acquiring honeycombs with the help of enchanted shears. Let’s dive into the buzzing world of Minecraft bees! Planting the Seeds of Success Before you can start collecting honey in Minecraft, you’ll need to create the perfect environment for your bees. Planting flowers around your bee nests or beehives will attract these busy pollinators, encouraging them to produce honey. Make sure to provide… Read More

  • Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 – Minecraft Roleplay)

    Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 - Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheStoryPainter on 2024-05-31 20:13:35. It has garnered 476 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay) Subscribe for 10 years of good luck! Jaxon and his friends team up with a new ally in Minecraft! What will happen? WATCH TO FIND OUT! ✰ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 📺 TWITCH ► 🎥 SECOND CHANNEL ► 📹 VODS ► 💬 DISCORD SERVER ► ⏰ TIKTOK ► 🐦TWITTER ►… Read More

  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • 🌍 • Map: 🐦• Follow me: 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → X→ [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → X→ [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → X→ [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More